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Page 1: Little Mermaid Bway Script


Scene 1: Eric’s Ship

SAILORS Heave Ho! Heave Ho! Sails Away

PILOT I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue An' it's hey to the starboard


PILOT Brave sailor, beware, 'cause a big 'uns a-brewin' Mysterious fathoms below!

SAILORS Heave Ho! Heave Ho!

PILOT I'll sing you a song of the king of the sea An' it's hey to the starboard


PILOT The ruler of all of the oceans is he In mysterious fathoms below!

SAILORS Fathoms below, below! From whence wayward westerly’s blow! Where Triton is king And his merpeople sing In mysterious fathoms below!

ERIC Isn't this perfection, Grimsby? Out on the open sea, surrounded by nothing but water

GRIMBSY Oh, yes, it’s simply...delightful...

ERIC The salt on your skin And the wind in your hair And the waves as they ebb and they flow! We’re miles from the shore And guess what – I don’t care!

GRIMSBY As for me, I’m about to heave ho!

PILOT Back to work!

SAILORS I’ll sing you a song of the king of the sea An’ it’s hey to the starboard, heave ho!

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The ruler of all of the oceans is he In mysterious fathoms below! Fathoms below, below! From whence wayward westerly’s blow! Where Triton is king And his merpeople sing In mysterious fathoms below!

GRIMSBY King of the sea? Why, that’s nautical nonsense – nothing but a superstition!

PILOT The king of the ocean gets angry

ERIC An’ when he gets angry, beware!

PILOT I’m tellin’ ya, lad, when King Triton is mad How the waves’ll buck, rock to and fro!

PILOT & SAILORS Hold on, good luck, as down you go!

ARIEL Ahhh...

ERIC What is that? Do you hear something?

GRIMSBY Milord, please. Enough sea-faring! You’ve got to get back to court – to honor your father’s dying wish and take up the crown!

ARIEL Ahhh...

ERIC That’s not the life for me, Grimsby— there it is again!

PILOT We ought to head back to shore, your majesty.

GRIMSBY Indeed, we should!

ERIC Not while I’m captain. Now follow that voice! To the ends of the earth if we have to!

PILOT Aye-aye, Captain!

PILOT & There’s mermaids out there in the bottomless

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SOLDIERS blue An’ it’s hey to the starboard, heave ho! Watch out for ‘em, lad, or you’ll go to your ruin Mysterious fathoms below!

Scene 2: The Festival

FLOTSAM Welcome one and all to our victory celebration.

JETSAM And I welcome King Triton who defeated Ursula the Sea Witch and banished her forever.

TRITON Benevolent Merfolk, in honor of this auspicious occasion, my seven lovely daughters will entertain you with a song.

FLOTSAM Presenting the court composer...

JETSAM Curatio, Felonious, Ignatious, Crestatsious Sebastian

SEBASTIAN Oh sire, you’re gonna love this number. I wrote it for my star pupil.

TRITON Ah, who might that be?

SEBASTIAN Your youngest, Ariel; such a voice, that child. It’s clear as ice and pure as water. Why I haven’t heard such significant sounds since...

TRITON Since her royal highness, may she rest in peace.

SEBASTIAN You’re gonna be so proud...if only she’d have shone up for rehearsals once in a while.

TRITON Well, what are we waiting for? Let the festivities begin!

MERSISTERS Ah, we are the daughters of Triton

Great father who loves us And named us well

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MERSISTERS And Ariel In concert we hope to enlighten The heart of the merfolk With music's swell Aquata!












MERSISTERS And then there is the youngest In her musical debut Our seventh little sister We’re presenting her to you To sing a song Sebastian wrote

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Her voice is like a bell It’s our sister Ariel!

SEBSTIAN Oh, no. Where is she? Once more…

MERSISTERS Sister, Ariel!

SEBASTIAN Not again child! You promised you wouldn’t miss it this time.

TRITON Ariel! Where in Poseidon has that sister of your gone?

SEBASTIAN She’s gonna be the death of me; always swimming when she should be singing.

Scene 3: The Surface

ARIEL This is where I belong Beneath the clear wide blue here! I feel completely new here in the world above! It’s like my life was wrong And somehow, now, at last I’m in My own skin Up here in the world above! There’s so much light here Light and space! The sun’s so bright here Upon my face! It feels so right here Warm as love... Life seems to be Almost calling to me From this strange new world above!

FLOUNDER Hey Ariel! There you are.

ARIEL Just look Flounder! The sun! The sand! Isn’t the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?

FLOUNDER I don’t know Ariel. I’m not sure we ought to be up here on the surface.

ARIEL Don’t be such a guppy Flounder.

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FLOUNDER I’m as brave as you are! I’m not afraid of anything.

ARIEL Not even fisherman.


ARIEL Or nets?


ARIEL Or sharks?

FLOUNDER Where!?!?

ARIEL Oh Flounder, you really are a guppy.

FLOUNDER I am not!

ARIEL Aw, you’ll never guess what I found today. It was floating in the wake of a giant ship.

FLOUNDER Is it a treasure?

ARIEL I’ll say! Look! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your entire life?

FLOUNDER Wow, cool! What is it?

ARIEL I don’t know, but I bet Scuttle will! Come on! We’ll ask him!

FLOUNDER Wait for me!

Scene 4: Scuttle’s Landing

SCUTTLE Whoa! Mermaid off the port bow! Ariel, how you doin' kid? Whoa!

ARIEL Scuttle - look what we found.

SCUTTLE Human stuff, huh? Hey, lemme see.

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FLOUNDER Can you tell us what it’s for?

SCUTTLE Wow - this is special...this very very unusual.

ARIEL What? What is it?

SCUTTLE It's a dinglehopper!

ARIEL A dinglehopper?

SCUTTLE Oh these babies are fantabulous. Absolutely indispensiary. When it comes to dingle hoppers I'm a regular encyclopoodia! Say thatcha wanna have a hairdo Like the folks who live up there do That'll flap their wigs!

GULL 1 Flop their wigs!

GULL 1 Flap!

GULL 3 Awwwk!

SCUTTLE Well, you'll look absolutely dandy If you use one of these handy Little thingmajigs!

GULL 1 Thingmabobs.

GULL 2 Jigs!

GULL 1 Bobs!

GULL 3 Awwwk!

SCUTTLE Pick up the dinglehopper, just like so Twirl it the way I'm twirling now! Give it a little yank, and there ya go! You're what the call "the dog's meow"!

GULLS Wonderful stuff!

GULL 3 Awwwk!

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GULLS That human stuff! Can't get enough -

GULL 3 Awwwk!

GULLS Of human stuff! And we are the authority - No need for us to bluff! Because we're great and explanatin' Human stuff!

ARIEL What’s that?

SCUTTLE A snarfblatt!


SCUTTLE Back when the world was prehistorial People sat as still as coral Flat upon their bumps

GULL 1 On their runts!

GULL 2 Bunks!

GULL 3 Awwwk!

SCUTTLE There they would be, not even thinkin' Bored to death and barely blinkin' Way down at the dumps

GULL 1 On the dumps!

GULL 2 At!

GULL 1 On!

GULL 3 Awwwk!

SCUTTLE Then they invented snarfblatts, just by chance Suddenly life was la-di-da! Snarfblatts are what you use to make folks dance Give it a blow, and then - voila!

GULLS Wonderful stuff!

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GULL 3 Awwwk!

GULLS That human stuff! If you're a buff -

GULL 3 Awwwk!

GULLS Of human stuff!

GULL 1 It's marvable!

GULL 2 Stupendible!

SCUTTLE Completely A-OJ! Which sounds absurd, but take my word -

GULLS That's what the humans say!


Sensible stuff That human stuff! None of it fluff - Not human stuff! And heaven knows Since we're the pros From us, you'll get no guff

SCUTTLE And once you've got a who's-ma-gig -

GULL 1 A thing-ma-what -

GULL 2 A watch-ma-gig -

SCUTTLE That's all you need to bring you up to snuff!

GULLS Right up to snuff! With proper dinglehopper groomin' Rest'll look real human! We know, 'cause we know Human stuff!

FLOUNDER Does this really make music?

SCUTTLE Does that really make music? Sure thing kid. I ain’t just blowing smoke. This makes music to the likes you never have.

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ARIEL Music? Oh no, Oh no the concert! Oh my gosh, my father's gonna kill me!

FLOUNDER The concert was today?

ARIEL I completely forgot the victory party! Come on Flounder! Thank you Scuttle.

SCUTTLE Anytime sweetie, anytime.

Scene 5: Ursula’s Lair

FLOTSAM Psst...Jetsam

JETSAM Yes Flotsam

FLOTSAM The sight of all those merfolks celebrating all because they banished the sea witch

JETSAM They made music, I almost blew a fuse

FLOTSAM I shorted my circuits. Ursula, she’s bound to be the most furious of all

JETSAM Oh sorceress of the sea

FLOTSAM The beauty of the bride

FLOTSAM & JETSAM Hail to the sea witch. Hail to Ursula.

URSULA Flotsam my pet, Jetsam my little sea snake, come to me my darlings. Kiss. Kiss. Feeling woeful are we?


JETSAM Ever since your brother, King Triton, confiscated your crown...

FLOTSAM and banished us...

JETSAM here to the farthest nether regions of the sea.

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URSULA How do you think I feel? My own flesh and blood and what does he do?

FLOTSAM Tosses you out on your suction cups?

URSULA Like an oyster darling, mama knows when she’s been shocked. Patience my tasties. Vengeance is a dish best served cold. And when the time is right, we’ll have Triton on a platter, poached with a lemon wedge. When Daddy dear was floating on his deathbed He divvied up the kingdom into two I got his magic shell And half the sea as well His trident went to— You know who his trident went to – don’t you, babies! My reign – why, it was blissfully delicious! And glamour, glitz and style were au courante! Did I use some black magic? Well, oopsie— my bad! Did I mutilate, maim and destroy? Just a tad! And for that, I get banished! But me, I’m not mad There’s just one little thing that I want... Just one eensy teensy thing that I want: I...want...the...good times back! I want those grand ol’ days! I want the twisted nights The sick delights The wild soireés! I want those trembling crowds of shellfish Cracked and peeled for me to dine Not because I’m mean or selfish—


URSULA I only want what’s mine! I want disgusting wealth! I want exquisite sin! Want the entire sea To worship me On bended fin! I want to greet my loving subjects And then have them as a snack!

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Remember those good times? I want them back! Picture it, my sucklings. Pretty soon, we’ll be back on top! Sipping bubbly. Eating caviar before it hatches! King Triton is the only thing that stands in my way. If only I can find his Achilles heel… the soft quivering underbelly beneath all that armor...I’ll dethrone him! De-bone him! And then boys...oh, boys...we’re back in business! All together now...sing or I’ll turn you both into handbags:


You’ll bring the good times back! Resume your wacky fun! Restore the joyful charm Of causing harm To everyone!

URSULA I want to make the merfolk cower Like they did in days of yore Sure, it’s sheer abuse of power—


URSULA Ain’t that what power’s for? I want to taste their tears! I want to hear their screams! I want the special rush You get from crushing Hopes and dreams!

EELS It’s more than simply sentimental—

URSULA It’s an aphrodisiac!

EELS Remember those good times!

URSULA Oh god! Were they good times!

EELS It’s time for more good times

URSULA Let’s get them back! If only I had a way To make him pay I’d set ol’ Triton straight!


JETSAM Sure...

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FLOTSAM Blackmail?


FLOTSAM His daughters...

JETSAM Maybe —

URSULA Wait! Why didn’t we think of it before? His youngest!

FLOTSAM The one with the voice?

JETSAM Perfect pitch?

URSULA And gorgeous scales! She’s daddy’s favorite. It’s beyond cruel. It’s almost too easy. I...want...the...little girl!


URSULA And boys, I want her bad!


URSULA I want her sitting here To lure her dear Devoted dad!


URSULA I want my goody-goody brother To come rescue her – the sap! And then one way or another—


URSULA I’ll spring the trap! And get the good times back! I mean with all the perks! The trident, crown, the throne— All mine alone! The whole damn works! But most of all, I want ol’ Triton Pinned and wriggling on the rack Then, fellas, it’s my time!

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And frankly, it’s high time! Those fabulous good times...


URSULA They’re coming back!

Scene 6: Triton’s Throne

ARIEL I’m sorry! I promise I won’t do it again! Yeah right!

ARISTA I’ve heard that before

ARIEL Is daddy angry?

ALANNA You’ve got his tail in a twist!

ARIEL Daddy forgive me, I’m so sorry. I just forgot.

TRITON That’s enough young lady. As a result of your careless behavior -

SEBASTIAN You’re unreckless behavior

TRITON Sebastian! As a result of your careless behavior, the entire celebration was –

SEBASTIAN Ruined...Completely destroyed

TRITON Sebastian!

SEBASTION This concert was going to be the pinnacle of my distinguished career.

TRITON Sebastian!

SEBASTION Now thanks to you, I’m the laughing stock of the whole kingdom.


ARIEL I didn’t mean to.

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TRITON Ariel listen! You’ve been given a gift, your mother’s voice. It’s a wondrous talent. One that demands steward ship and care. So please...for the sake of her memory...

ARIEL I know daddy...I know

FLOUNDER It wasn’t even Ariel’s fault. We were gonna come back straight away. Then that know it all seagull started going on and on.

TRITON SEAGULL! You went up to the surface again?

ARIEL Nothing happened.

TRITON You could have been seen by one of the barbarians, one of those humans.

ARIEL Daddy, they’re not barbarians!

TRITON Nonsense Ariel, they’re dangerous. Nets, harpoons. I’m your father. I fear for your safety.

ARIEL I’m old enough to look out for myself.

TRITON As long as you live under my reef, you’ll obey my rules.

ARIEL Will you just listen to me...

TRITON Don’t you dare take that tone of voice with me. Now this is the last time you’re ever swimming to the surface. Understood? Never Again!

ARIEL You’re so unfair!

TRITON UGH! Heaven help me! She’s head strong, willful, stubborn as an oracle.

SEBASTIAN give ‘em an edge and they swim all over ya

TRITON I can govern a kingdom, Sebastian, but I

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can’t control my own daughter. I was too harsh. Wasn’t I? She’ll learn to fear me. I don’t want that. If only I could discipline her without breaking her spirits.

SEBASTIAN Nonsense, sire. If you ask me, you haven’t been tough enough.

TRITON I haven’t? Ariel needs constant supervision. Someone to look over her; to keep her out of trouble. That’s not a bad idea.

SEBASTIAN I’d say it’s a very good one.

TRITON Someone to safeguard her every move.

SEBASTIAN Her every dog paddle.

TRITON Her every side stroke.

SEBASTIAN Her every butterfly

TRITON And you are just the crab to do it.


TRITON You heard me. From now on, Ariel is your responsibility.

SEBASTIAN Mine? But your majesty, she’s a clever mermaid, and I’m just a crestation. Surely you should pick somebody higher on the evolutionary scale.

Scene 7: Ariel’s Grotto

ARIEL If only I could make him understand. I just don't see things the way he does. I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things - could be bad. Look at this stuff Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl? The girl who has everything? Look at this trove Treasures untold

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How many wonders can one cavern hold? Lookin' around here you'd think Sure, she's got everything I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty I've got whozits and whatzits galore You want thingamabobs? I got twenty But who cares? No big deal I want more I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see 'em dancin' Walkin' around on those Whad'ya call 'em? oh - feet Flippin' your fins you don't get too far Legs are required for jumpin', dancin' Strollin' along down a What's that word again? street Up where they walk Up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin' free Wish I could be Part of that world What would I give If I could live Outta these waters? What would I pay To spend a day Warm on the sand? Betcha on land They understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women Sick o' swimmin' Ready to stand And ready to know what the people know Ask 'em my questions And get some answers What's a fire and why does it What's the word? burn? When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love Love to explore that shore above? Out of the sea Wish I could be Part of that world

SEBASTIAN Dear child, have you gone crazy? What is all this?

ARIEL Just a bunch of knick-knacks I’ve collected. That all.

SEBASTIAN You ought to be ashamed of yourself. If your poor father knew about this –

ARIAL You’re not gonna tell him are you? Oh please Sebastian! He’d never understand.

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SEBASTIAN Listen to me Ariel, for my sake as well as your own. It’s time you focused on your music. You can’t get into trouble if you swim less and sing more. From now on, you’ll have voice lessons everyday. Perhaps you can take up an instrument. Something ladylike of course, the harp!

ARIEL A ship!

SEBASTIAN Why yes, a nice harp - Ariel! On no! Ariel!

Scene 8: Eric’s Ship

SAILORS Heave Ho. Heave Ho. Heave Ho. Heave Ho

SAILOR 1 Hoist the main sail.

SAILOR 2 Man the hatches.

ERIC But what if I don’t want to be king.

GRIMSBY I swore an oath to your dear father on his death bed that I would turn you from a sailor into a proper boy. He only wanted you to fill his shoes.

ERIC I’d rather go barefoot.

GRIMSBY I will have to change that too. I promised his Excellency I’d have you married by your next birthday.

ERIC Did you ever try to take a princess sailing? It’s a joke. Their dresses get caught in the rigging. And most of them can’t even swim.

GRIMSBY There is more to women than her flutter kick.

ERIC Where am I gonna find her Grimsby. A girl who’s as care free and alive as the sea itself. Where?

SCUTTLE Well, what do ya know?

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ARIEL Scuttle, be quiet. They’ll hear you.

SCUTTLE Oh, I gotcha, I gotcha. We’re being intrepidacious. We’re out to discover.

ERIC It’s too much to hope for isn’t it? Somewhere out there...a girl who’s a match for a guy like me.

GRIMSBY Perhaps you’re not looking hard enough.

ARIEL I’ve never seen a human this close before.

SCUTTLE Me neither.

ARIEL I though you were an expert.

SCUTTLE Yeah, on their stuff sure, but yikes, the sight of them. Hideous ain’t it. That square jaw, those big shoulders, and two eyeballs the self same color, hmm, no variety.

ARIEL I don’t know Scuttle...I think he’s really handsome.

ERIC Trust me Grimsby. When I come across the girl of my dreams, it’ll hit me like lightning.

SAILOR 1 Man overboard!

ERIC Grimsby!

Scene 9: The Shore

ARIEL Was I too late?

SCUTTLE It's hard to say… Oh, I— I can’t make out a heartbeat!

ARIEL No, look! He's breathing. Oh, Scuttle… just look at him. He’s so beautiful. What would I give To live where you are? What would I pay To stay here beside you?

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What would I do to see you Smiling at me? Where would we walk? Where would we run? If we could stay all day in the sun? Just you and me And I could be Part of your world

GRIMSBY Prince Eric! Ahoy! Somebody, anybody!

SCUTTLE Go on your way kid, before he’s discovered!

GRIMSBY Get away you filthy bird! Eric! Oh! You just adore making my pulse race, don’t you?

ERIC A girl rescued me; she pulled me right out of the sea. She was singing.

GRIMSBY There, there took a terrible tumble, dear boy.

ERIC That voice, I can’t get it out of my head.

GRIMSBY It’s an old memory, that’s all, Shaken loose from its moorings. Your mother perhaps, singing a lullaby over your cradle.

ERIC No. I’ll prove it to you. I’ll find her; I’ll thank her for saving my life.

GRIMSBY Oh, just come with me, get some sleep and you’ll be good as new.

ERIC Wait, you have to believe me.

GRIMSBY You’ve heard too many tall tails, my boy.

ERIC No, she’s real.

GRIMSBY Yes, of course she was, as real as a siren, as real as a mermaid on the rocks.

ARIEL I don’t know when I don’t how But I know something’s starting right now Watch and you’ll see Someday I’ll be Part of your world!

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Scene 10: The Tidal Pool

ALANA I’m talking about Ariel, that’s who!

ADELLA What about her?

ALANA She sure is acting fishy lately!

AQUATA I’ll say! Swimming in circles! Chasing her tail!

ALANA That girl is up to her gills in something! She’s dizzy and she’s dreamy

AQUATA Her head’s up in the foam

ATINA Her eyes have gone all gleamy It’s like there’s no one home


She floats away the days Mopin’ on the coastal shelf

ADRINA You ask her where she’s goin’ She giggles like a fool

ADELLA She barely sticks a toe in Down at the tidal pool

ARISTA It’s more than just a phase Face it, she’s just not herself

AQUATA Is she ill?

ATINA Or insane?

ALANA Is it water on the brain?

AQUATA, ATINA, & ALANA What has got her bothered so?

ANDRINA It’s the bends!

ADELLA It’s the flu!

ARISTA Gosh, I wish we had a clue!

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MERSISTERS Oh, wait! Oh, dear! Good grief! It’s clear... She’s in love! She’s in love! Pounding heart! Ringing bells!

ALANA Look, I think she’s even wearing brand new shells!

Andrina, Arista & Adella She’s in love!

Aquata, Atina & Alana In love and it’s divine!

Andrina, Arista & Adella She’s in love!

Aquata, Atina, & Alana That girl’s on sandbar nine!

Andrina, Arista & Adella Glory be!

Mersisters Lord above! Gotta be she’s in love!

ARISTA Hey, Flounder – d’ya notice anything weird about you-know-who?

FLOUNDER You mean Ariel? I’ll say! She acts like she don’t see me She doesn’t even speak She treats me like sashimi Left over from last week You see her late at night Tossin’ in her ocean bed

MERSISTERS Shoop, Shoop, Shoop, Shoop...

FLOUNDER She’s moody as a snapper Oblivious as rocks You swim right up and tap her—


She lays there like a lox!

FLOUNDER As sure as dogfish bite Somethin’s made her lose her head!

MERSISTERS She has lost her head!

FLOUNDER And she sighs, and she swoons

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And she’s hummin’ little tunes

MERSISTERS Even has a sorta glow

FLOUNDER What on earth could it be?

MERSISTERS Any hammerhead can see!

AQUATA & ADELLA That sigh!

ARISTA & ALANA That glow!

ADRINA & ATINA That swoon!

FLOUNDER Oh, no! She’s in love!

MERSISTERS She’s flipped, it never fails!

FLOUNDER She’s in love!

MERSISTERS All hot beneath her scales!

FLOUNDER See her hips How they swish!

MERSISTERS Well, well, well, Don’t you wonder who’s the lucky seafood dish?

FLOUNDER She’s in love!

MERSISTERS She found a deep-sea hunk!

FLOUNDER She’s in love!

MERSISTERS And now she’s as good as sunk!

FLOUNDER See her blush!


See her grin! Gotta be love she’s in!

FLOUNDER Ariel-and-someone swimmin’ in the sea! K-i-s-s-i-n-g!

MERSISTERS Her cheeks could not flush pinker!

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FLOUNDER It’s clear as H2O!

MERSISTERS She’s caught – hook, line and sinker!


Crushed out!



Worked up! Far gone!

FLOUNDER Knocked down!



MERSISTERS That’s it! She’s in love! She’s in love!

FLOUNDER She’s in love!


She’s in love! She’s in love!

FLOUNDER Plain to see!

MERSISTERS Plain to see!

FLOUNDER No mistake!

MERSISTERS No mistake!

FLOUNDER Look at those moonbeams in her wake!

MERSISTERS Look at those moonbeams


Obvious what they must be symptoms of— She’s in love! She’s in love! She’s in love! Shoop, Shoop, Da, Da, Da She’s in love! Yeah, yeah!

TRITON My little Ariel in love! So that explains it. Just a minute there Flounder.

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TRITON You know Ariel as well as anybody. Tell me, who is the lucky merman?

FLOUNDER Gee, I don’t know. I didn’t even know it was love until the second chorus.

TRITON And you Sebastian, any ideas?

SEBASTIAN I tried to stop her sire. But she wouldn’t listen. I told her Ariel, you’ve got to stay away from those humans; they’re nothing by trouble –

TRITON Humans? What about humans?

SEBASTIAN Who said anything about humans?

TRITON You better tell me know Sebastian!

Scene 11: The Shore

ERIC Where did she go? Where can she be? When will she come again Calling to me? Calling to me... Calling to me... Somewhere there's a girl Who's like the shimmer of the wind upon the water somewhere there's a girl Who's like the glimmer of the sunlight on the sea Somewhere there's a girl Who's like a swell of endless music Somewhere she is singing And her song is meant for me And her voice It's sweet as angels sighing And her voice It's warm as summer sky And that sound It haunts my dreams And spins me 'round Until it seems I'm flying... Her voice!

GRIMSBY With all do respect sire, you’ve been scouring the sea for weeks, and to what end?

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ERIC I’ve got to find her and I will.

GRIMSBY I have a better I idea. What’s say we host a marvelous ball. We’ll invite countless eligible young ladies from far and wide...

ERIC I knew it.

GRIMSBY ...To sing for you

ERIC What?

GRIMSBY A contest. What a perfect way to find your mysterious voice, the woman you are destined to marry.

ERIC Yes...yes...that’s how I’ll find her Grimsby. I know we will. I can sense her laughter In the ripple of the waves against the shoreline I can see her smiling In the moonlight as it settles on the sand I can feel her waiting Just beyond the pale horizon Singing out a melody too lovely to withstand And her voice It's there as dusk is falling And her voice It's there as dawn steals by Pure and bright, it's always near All day, all night And still I hear it calling... Her voice Strange as a dream... Real as the sea... If you can hear me now Come set me free... Come set me free!

Scene 12: Ariel’s Grotto

ARIEL Now let me see, what did Scuttle call this one? Is it a diinywalker? A thumbdootle? Whatever it is, he held it once! I’m sure he did. He held it once, in his own strong, beautiful human hands.

TRITON Ariel! I demand to know, did you save a

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human from drowning?

ARIEL I had to.

TRITON You had to?

ARIEL Without me he would have perished.

TRITON One less human to fear.

ARIEL He didn’t frighten me, not one bit. He made me feel wonderful.

TRITON Have you forgotten what happened to your mother?

ARIEL Daddy!

TRITON This is where you belong!

ARIEL You don’t understand!

TRITON For once, just listen, will you? That savage brute would kill you in the world above!

ARIEL He’s not a barbarian—

TRITON Don’t try that same old song! I’ll have you grounded ‘til next year! Am I clear? Don’t go near that world above!

ARIEL I’m not a child anymore!

TRITON No? Have you lost your senses? He’s a human; you’re a mermaid.

ARIEL It doesn’t matter!

TRITON I’m still the king here – my word is law! This filth you bring here is the final straw And push, my daughter, has come to shove! I’ll make you obey ‘Til you do as I say I don’t care, come what may, But I’ll keep you away From that cruel, harsh, cold, vile world above!

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Scene 13: Under The Sea


ARIEL No Sebastian, I hate him! He ruined all my things, my human stuff. If he truly loved me then he would never –

SEBASTIAN Oh child, perhaps its because he loves you that –

ARIEL He sure has a funny way of showing it. And some friend you turned out to be; spilling everything after you promised.

SEBASTIAN It was an accident -

ARIEL You know what I’ll do; I’ll go see the prince again tonight. Scuttle knows where he lives.

SEBASTIAN No but your father...

ARIEL What about him Sebastian? He can break every single treasure I own, but he can’t break me.

SEBASTIAN Yeah, but you might just break his heart.

ARIEL So what, I don’t care.

SEBASTIAN Ariel please, you’ve got to get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs.

ARIEL I’ll swim up to Eric’s castle. I’ll sing to him...

SEBASTIAN Down here is your home. The human world, it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there. The seaweed is always greener In somebody else’s lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you Right here on the ocean floor Such wonderful things surround you

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What more is you lookin’ for? Under the sea Under the sea Darlin’, it’s better down where it’s wetter Take it from me Up on the shore they work all day Out in the sun they slave away While we devotin’ full time to floatin’ Under the sea Down here all the fish is happy As off through the waves they roll


The fish on the land ain’t happy They sad ‘cause they in the bowl But fish in the bowl is lucky They in for a worser fate One day when the boss get hungry

SEBASTIAN Guess who gon’ be on the plate


SEBASTIAN Under the sea Under the sea


Under the sea Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee

SEA CREATURES Under the sea

SEBASTIAN We what the land folks love to cook Under the sea we off the hook We got no troubles Life is the bubbles Under the Sea

SEA CREATURES Zebabbos Under the Sea Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Under the sea Since life is sweet here We got the beat here naturally


Under the sea, Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Even the sturgeon an’ the ray They get the urge ‘n’ start to play

SEBASTIAN & We got the spirit, you got to hear it

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SEA CREATURES Under the sea

SEBASTIAN The newt play the flute The carp play the harp


The plaice play the bass And they soundin’ sharp The bass play the brass The chub play the tub The fluke is the duke of soul The ray, he can play The lings on the strings The trout rockin’ out The blackfish, she sings The smelt and the sprat They know where it’s at An’ oh, that blowfish blow!

SEBASTIAN Under the sea Under the sea


Under the sea Under the sea

SEBASTIAN When the sardine begin the beguine It’s music to me. What do they got?


A lot of sand We got a hot crustacean band

SEBASTIAN Each little clam here know how to jam here

SEA CREATURES Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Each little slug here cuttin’ a rug here

SEA CREATURES Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Each little snail here know how to wail here That’s why it’s hotter under the water Ya, we in luck here down in the muck here

SEA CREATURES Under the sea

SEBASTIAN Under the sea!

Scene 14: Under The Sea (Reprise)

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The newt play the flute The carp play the harp The plaice play the bass And they soundin’ sharp The bass play the brass The chub play the tub The fluke is the duke of soul

SEBASTIAN Yes he is.


The ray, he can play The lings on the strings The trout rockin’ out The blackfish, she sings The smelt and the sprat They know where it’s at An’ oh, that blowfish blow! Under the sea Under the sea When the sardine begin the beguine It’s music to me What do they got, a lot of sand? We got a hot crustacean band

SEBASTIAN Each little clam here know how to jam here, Each little slug here cutting a rug here, We got a hot crustacean band here, Each little snail here know how to wail here That’s why it’s hotter under the water Ya, we in luck here down in the muck here Under the… See, child, that’s what I’m talking about! You got to put your back into it. ariel! Hello? Uh oh.

SEA CREATURES Under the sea

Under the sea

Under the sea

Scene 15: Farthest Nether Regions of the Sea

ARIEL Flounder, are you there? Hello? It’s your last chance if you’re brave enough to join me. Ready

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or not, I’m running away. Poor Flounder, courage never was your strong point.

FLOTSAM Poor child

JETSAM Poor, sweet child.

FLOTSAM She has a very serious problem, hasn’t she?

JETSAM Hmm, if only...

FLOTSAM there were something...

JETSAM we could do.

ARIEL Who are you two?

FLOTSAM Sweet child

JETSAM Poor child.

FLOTSAM So tragic

JETSAM so misunderstood.

FLOTSAM Dear child

JETSAM sad child.

FLOTSAM Life’s looking

JETSAM shall we say

FLOTSAM not good.


FLOTSAM Who will ease her woe’s and worry’s?

JETSAM Who will help get her man?

FLOTSAM & JETSAM Sweet child. Perhaps the Sea Witch can!

ARIEL You can’t possibly mean Aunte Ursula?

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FLOTSAM She knows your dreams

ARIEL Father says her magic is evil

JETSAM She’ll grant your prayer

ARIEL Please I have to go!

FLOTSAM She’ll cast a charm

JETSAM A tiny spell.

FLOTSAM Why the alarm?

JETSAM No one will tell

FLOTSAM No one will care.

JETSAM It’s your affair.

FLOTSAM Sweet child

JETSAM Dear child

FLOTSAM Poor child.

JETSAM Sad child.

BOTH We’ll bring you to her lair right now. Bet in half a sec, your prince and you are reconciled.

FLOTSAM Together

JETSAM Forever

ARIEL Take me to her!

BOTH Sweet child.

FLOUNDER Hello? Ariel, it’s me. Where’d you go? Ariel!

Scene 16: Ursula’s Lair

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FLOTSAM Oh mistress of the deep, you have a visitor.

ARIEL I’m not so sure.

JETSAM Now now, mustn’t get cold feet.

URSULA Don’t be shy, Ariel darling, it’s me, your Auntie Ursula. I’ve known you since you were a mino.

ARIEL I shouldn’t be here.

URSULA Nonsense. We’re family.

ARIEL But father banished you. Why?

URSULA The ocean wasn’t big enough for the both of us. Now he’s driven you away too.

ARIEL He doesn’t understand me.

URSULA Oh but I do dumpling. We’re so very alike, you and I; Girls with ambition. They don’t like that, do they? Now tell dear old Auntie everything.

ARIEL I’m in love with someone...A human.

URSULA Hmmm yes, this prince fellow. He’s quite a catch. The answer is simple; you’ve got to become human yourself.

ARIEL Can you do that?

URSULA My dear, sweet child. It's what I live for! To help unfortunate merfolk, like yourself. Poor souls with nowhere else to turn to. I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways Repented, seen the light, And made a switch, True? Yes And I fortunately know a little magic

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It's a talent that I always have possessed And here lately, please don't laugh I use it on behalf Of the miserable lonely And depressed Pathetic! Poor Unfortunate Souls, In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes indeed! Those Poor Unfortunate Souls, So sad So true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them? Yes, I do Now it's happened once or twice Someone couldn't pay the price And I'm afraid I had To rake 'em 'Cross the coals Yes, I've had the odd complaint But on the whole I've been a saint To those Poor Unfortunate Souls Here's my best offer, babykins. I know a spell that will turn you into a human for three days. Now, it's got your procedural clause, sort of a squid pro quo. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear old Princey to kiss you. If you do, you'll stay human forever.

ARIEL And if I don't...

URSULA Oh, nothing drastic darling I’m sure. Oh, look! Small print... Your soul is mine forever and your doomed to spend eternity in my hell soaked layer. Lawyers, don't ya just love 'em! Of course, there is one more thing. My fee.

ARIEL But I don't have anything...

URSULA I'm not asking for much, only...your voice...

ARIEL My voice?

URSULA Don’t worry; I have the perfect place for it. When your grandpappy Poseidon was on his death

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bed, he gave his magic triton to your father. But This was his parting gift pour moi.

ARIEL Your magic shell.

URSULA You’ve heard about it?

ARIEL Father says it’s the source of all your witchcraft.

URSULA Nonsense darling.

ARIEL He says you’d die without it.

URSULA Die? Oh please, it’s a bobble, a vessel for your voice. Trust me darling. Your grotto, your legato, even your belt, they’ll all be safe inside.

ARIEL If I give away my voice than how could I ever...

URSULA You'll have your looks! Your pretty face! And don't underestimate the importance of body language! The men up there don't Like a lot of blabber They think a girl who Gossips is a bore. Yes, on land it's much preferred For ladies not to say a word And after all, dear What is idle prattle for? Come on They're not all that Impressed with conversation True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn It's she who holds her Tongue who gets her man Come on you poor unfortunate soul! Go ahead! Make your choice! I'm a very busy woman And I haven't got all day It won't cost much Just your voice You poor unfortunate soul Its sad, but true If you want to cross a bridge My sweet you've got to pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath

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Go ahead and sign the scroll Flotsam, Jetsam Now I’ve got her boys The boss is on a roll! You poor, unfortunate soul! Beluga, Saruga Come winds of the Caspian Sea Larenxes, Glacitus And max laryngitus La voce to me! Now sing! Sing your voice over to me!

ARIEL Ahhh...

URSULA Sing and keep singing!

ARIEL Ahhh...

URSULA Now swim...Swim...Swim...Swim for your life Human child!

Scene 1: The Surface

SCUTTLE Well...look who got beached. Wow, look at ya...there’s something different. No, don’t tell me. I got it; it’s your hairdo right? Yeah, you’ve been using the dinglehopper! No? Let’s see...Oh, I gotta admit I can’t really put my foot on it, but –

SEBASTIAN She got legs ya idiot. She traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs.

SCUTTLE No! It can’t be! Not your beautiful pipes.

SEBASTIAN You see, not a sound. What would her father say? I’d tell ya what her father’d say...He’d say he’s gonna kill himself a crab. That’s what he’d say.

FLOUNDER And now, she’s got three days to win the prince’s heart, and to prove it...he’s gotta

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kiss her.

SCUTTLE Whoa, a kiss...three days...the prince? Well, if you’re gonna snare yourself a prince, you’ve gotta learn the graceful way of hiramulating –


SCUTTLE Yes she will, come on...upsidasy...see her? Well now what’s this? You givin’ up so soon? That’s not like you kid. AWK You gotta have a little gumption, a can-do kinda attitude. Take it from a gull who knows. Now look at me You see this face In terms of beauty I'm a basket case And as for style and savoir faire Well I guess there ain’t A whole lot there Yup, although perhaps It makes no sense I strut my stuff With lots of confidence Cause though I lack And awful lot There is one thing I got! I got positoovity! I got positoovity! It gives me the zam And the zow And the yaddle laddle laddle That’s why I walk With a wiggle in my waddle Cause once you’ve heard that word There aint nothing you can do So let that positoovity Work for you

SEBASTIAN Positoovity? Why der's no such word.

SCUTTLE Course there is in the dictionary right between popsuckle and prehysterical. Believe you me I seen it work miracles! Now he's a shmoe


SCUTTLE And he's a shlep


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SCUTTLE And this one doesn’t got the sharpest rep

SEAGULL 3 Squawk?

SCUTTLE In fact all three without a doubt Missed the day that brains were handed out

SEAGULL 1 But if he's no sage

SEAGULL 2 And he's no wiz

SEAGULLS The whole world thinks That we are geniuses Cause all our screws May be unscrewed But dig our attitude We got positricity!

SCUTTLE How 'bout you, huh?

SEAGULLS We got poositivity!

SCUTTLE Just try it out, come on!

SEAGULL 1 It gives us the bing

SEAGULL 2 And the bang

SCUTTLE And the yippee-dip-doodle


That’s why we sound Like theres knowledge In our noodle And once you learned that word There ain’t nothing you can do So let that positricity

SCUTTLE N-N-No, Positroocity!

SEAGULLS Poositrocity Work for you!

SEBASTIAN Ariel, don't take advice from birdbrains.

SCUTTLE Birdbrains! Who you callin' birdbrains! We got natural talent, what I like to call Gull-ability!

SEAGULLS So with the vip and the vap And the ba-ba boo You can flip any flap

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Till your wish comes true The tip is the tap Into something that you believe

SCUTTLE Cause with the zig and the zug And the zig-zug-zing There aint nothing you can’t be You see its really your perogative

SEAGULLS You simply can’t think nogative

SCUTTLE Then there’s you just sitting there Smack down flat upon your derriere, Hey! If that’s the way you wanna be Well you might as well be shrubbery So stand right up, and dust your seat And walk real tall upon Your own two feet And sure you’ll trip And make mistakes But you’ve got what it takes! You go, gull!

SEAGULLS And now you know that word There ain’t nothing you cant do

SCUTTLE So go get some posilicity You can bet on positricity And just let that positrinity No, positroonity. Poositonity? What is it?

SEAGULLS Positoovity! Positively work for...


ERIC Get away from her! Leave her along! You seem very familiar. Have we met? Yes? Of course! I have been looking for you everywhere. Please, you must tell me, what’s you name. Excuse me. You don’t speak English? Oh, soar throat, eh? Oh sorry, you don’t speak at all do you? I’m sorry. I mistook you for somebody else. What is it? You’re hurt? You need help? You’re a bit dizzy aren’t you? I got just the remedy; a warm bath and a hot meal. Come on’ll be fine. The palace isn’t far.

SCUTTLE Way to go Ariel! Now that’s what I call reeling him in.

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SEBASTIAN This is gonna get me into red hot water.

SCUTTLE Oh don’t be so pessimistical. Would you believe that guy? What a crab!

SEAGULLS Once you know that word There ain’t nothing you can’t do And let some positoovity... Work for you

Scene 2: The Palace

CARLOTTA Imagine...washing up like that on the beach. Ugh, must have been a horrible shipwreck. Poor dear...AND I don’t suppose we’ll ever know the truth. The child can’t even speak; not a word. Never mind, a scrub in the tub and a new frock and she’ll soon be fresh as a daisy. Feeling better now deary? I can’t help but wonder what’s going on in that little head of yours.

ARIEL Oh! Just look! It's like I'm in a storybook! Oh! It's bliss! I dreamed that it would be Somewhat- But not Like this! Look over there! Oh my god! How very odd! And what might they be? Something splendid, maybe! Look over here! Could you bust? Isn't it just Bedazzling, dazing Utterly amazing! Gazing 'round, it's like, to die! Just seeing it feels so good I'd scream if I only could! I'd hoped and wished And wanted so to be here Wished and prayed And planned it to a "t" Prayed and wow! Just look- it's really me here! Walking around, strange as it seems Somewhere beyond my wildest dreams!

MAID 1 Look at her there Looking 'round Won't make a sound

MAID 2 Just keeps on gawking- Weird how she's not talking

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MAID 3 Look at her stare

MAID 4 Lucky miss!

MAID 3 Chosen like this To stay for dinner

MAID 4 What does he see in her?

CARLOTTA Hush now, girls- she's simply shy!

MAIDS Hmmph!

MAIDS 3 & 4 Just picture the table chat!

MAIDS 1 & 2 One sided, if even that!

CARLOTTA Now now, in just two nights, the prince will hold his contest. Young ladies will be singing themselves silly; all to win his heart. Tonight, he’ll be with this sweetheart.

ARIEL I'd hoped and wished And wondered what I'd do here Wished and prayed And pictured what I'd see Prayed and wow! My prayers are coming true here! Look at it all, look how it gleams! Lovely beyond my wildest dreams... Look- it's him! So handsome and refined and slim Sweet, sincere Magnificent from head to toe And oh... I'd hoped and wished My life would feel enchanted! Wished and prayed The fates would hear my plea Prayed and wow! My prayers are more than granted! Look at it all, hall after hall Perfect as you could please here! Marvels galore, and even more Gee, did I mention he's here? And if - who knows? - all of it goes Past even these extremes Just look at me and you will see Someone beyond her wildest dreams!

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ERIC Well, I’ll be... Now I’m the one who’s speechless. Hungry?

Scene 3: The Kitchen

LOUIE Attention! Attention! Les dames et monsieur, quand je cuisine, c'est bon ! Remember pendant!

SEBASTIAN Things I do for that girl...over the water, under the gutter, into the finally, someplace that’s safe. Uh oh!

LOUIE La la oo la Ha ha ha La di la la la la High C Les poisson, les poissons, How I love les poissons, Love to chop, and to serve, little fish. First I cut off their heads, Then I pull out their bones. Ah mais oui, ca c'est toujours delish. Les poissons, les poissons, Hee hee hee, hah hah hah. With the cleaver I hack them in two. I pull out what's inside. And I serve it up fried. God, I love little fishes, don't you? Here's something for tempting the palate. Prepared in the classic technique. First you pound the fish flat with a mallet. Then you slash through the skin, Give the belly a slice, Then you rub some salt in, 'cause that makes it taste nice. Zut alors! I have missed one. Shhh. Sacre bleu! What is this? How on earth could I miss Such a sweet little succulent crab. Quel dommage, what a loss. You belong in the sauce. Now some flour, I think, just a dab. Then I’ll stuff you with bread. It don't hurt, 'cause you're dead. And you're certainly lucky you are. 'Cause it's gonna be hot In my big copper pot. Toodle loo, mon poisson, au revoir!

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Scene 4: The Dining Room

GRIMSBY Well, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it Prince Eric, since we’ve dined with the company of such loveliness.

ERIC Usually it’s just me and Grim. I gotta look across the table at my ugly mutt.

GRIMSBY The bath certainly worked its wonders. She’s groomed for a groom you might say.

ERIC Easy old boy. Easy...

GRIMSBY Yeah well...

ERIC My! Isn’t that unusual. Thank you.

GRIMSBY Oh, don’t tell me she’s fond of tobacco. Oh, it’s the pipe. Can’t say I blame you. It’s and antique.

ERIC Sorry old boy, but it looks like your pipe smoked you.

GRIMSBY Very amusing. Well, she certainly knows how to make you smile. Shall we?

LOUIE And now something truly exquisite. The crème of the crème de la crème. Ha ha ha You may ask, but what is it? It’s a tinsy surprise A delectable treat One I’m sure you’ll just love Aller Bon appétit!

CHEFS Les poisson, Les poisson Oo la la Here they are Say bonjour to our friends from the sea

CHEF 1 Fish fillet

CHEF 2 Fish partît

CHEF 3 Fish flambe

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CHEF 4 Fish tartare

LOUIE It’s a fish, how you say, jamboree!

CHEF 1 Curry back

CHEF 2 Ciblai smoke

CHEF 3 Fish kabobs

CHEF 4 Tout le bel

LOUIE If it’s gilled it’s been killed from the sea

CHEFS Fish lightly roasted and toasted and steamed

CHEF 1, 2, 3 & 4 Toasted the bender and tenderly creamed.

CHEFS Fish after fish like you wished you have dreamed

LOUIE And now for the grand finale, la pièce de la resistance A delicacy, my colleagues, you won’t find in restaurants. A tidbit to tease your taste buds With a certain Je ne sais qua Voila!

Scene 5: The Palace Ballroom

ERIC You should see the Princesses Grim usually brings to proper, so boring. But you...practically swinging from the chandeliers. So, if you don’t mind my asking, what was is? An accident when you were small? Or a big goblin came and stole your voice away in the middle of the night. Sorry. Who needs words? A smile says just as much sometimes. You’re a little nimble on your feet, aren’t you? Dancing beats small talk any day. It's the way your feet smile, or laugh. It lets you say so many things. Dancing is a language That is felt instead of heard You can whisper, sing, or shout

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Without so much as a word Try it, go on. Like so! Just let your emotions Tell your body what to do See how much a single Gesture can reveal And every little step Every single step Is one step closer To saying what you feel Once the music hits you And ambitions fall away And you find that you're Expressing things your Voice daren't say Don't be afraid. Let go! Soon as you surrender What's inside will sweep on through As the boundaries raised Between us disappears And every little step Every single step Is one step closer To talking loud and clear A dance is like a conversation Except you never need to make a sound And once you've begun You speak as one, give and take Back and forth Round and round! A dance is like a conversation Except your lips don't Ever need to part And once you've begun You'll speak as one Cheek to cheek Toe to Toe Heart to Heart Dancing is a language That is felt instead of heard But it says much more Than language ever could And every little step Every single step Is one step closer One step closer One step closer To being understood

OFFSTAGE VOICE Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah

ERIC Do you hear that? Forgive me, I haven’t been myself lately. It’s after midnight. Good night.

Scene 6: Ursula’s Lair

URSULA That was too close for comfort boys. One day and their already dining together?

JETSAM They’re dancing cheek to cheek

URSULA I should have know...there is only one thing more powerful than my black magic...

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FLOTSAM The power of true love

URSULA ...Teenage hormones. She didn't waste much time The little shameless tease One sunset’s barely through And Princey-Poo is on his knees They'll be smooching by day two, boys If she keeps it up like this So there's just one thing to do, boys


URSULA Go up and block that kiss!


URUSLA Meanwhile I bet her Daddy's worried bad And wondering where she's been



Soon he'll guess And then, oh yes! The real fun can begin!

URSULA Onward and upwards my live wires! And stop that lip lock!

FLOTSAM & JETSAM Yes, your wretchedness!

URSULA So let the clock run out Their time is almost up And once they're trapped I'll have them wrapped Around my suction cup With my tentacles around them I'll at last be back on track And headed for good times Deliciously good times Two days! And the good times They're coming back!

Scene 7: The Lagoon

ERIC No girl’s ever dared to join me up here. To afraid they’d muddy their shoes. Not you. It’s peaceful isn’t it? Not another living soul for

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miles and miles.

SCUTTLE Nothing is happening

SEBASTIAN They spent all morning oh horseback. Then a picnic. Now this. And not so much as a peck on the cheek.

ERIC You could sit here all day and never hear any voice but your own.

FLOTSAM Remember, one lousy kiss from the prince and we’re sushi.

JETSAM Relax! Just look at ‘em. The guy’s a cold fish

ERIC So, how ‘bout this weather?

SEBASTIAN This is going nowhere fast.

SCUTTLE It’s our last chance. The kid’s only got twenty-four hours left.

SEBASTIAN We’ve got to do something and quick


SEBASTIAN You got to create the right kind of mood

SCUTTLE Oh, You mean like candle light and champagne?

SEBASTIAN Nonsense! It don't take all that. Everything we need we got right here. Percussion! Strings! Winds! And words... There you see her Sitting there across the way.


She don't got a lot to say

SEBASTIAN But there's something about her.


SEBASTIAN And you don't know why But you're dying to try.


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SEA CREATURES You wanna Kiss The Girl. Yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do.

SEBASTIAN Possible she want you, too There is one way to ask her

MEN Kiss the girl...

WOMEN Kiss the girl...

SEBASTIAN It don't take a word


Not a single word

SEBASTIAN Go on and Kiss The Girl Sing with me now! Sha la la la la la, my oh my Look like the boy too shy Ain't gonna Kiss The Girl Sha la la la la la ain't that sad Ain't it a shame, too bad He gonna miss the girl

ERIC You know, I really oughtta know your name. Maybe I could guess. Alexandra? Amanda? Beatrice?

SEBASTIAN Ariel, her name is Ariel

ERIC Ariel? Ariel! Hey, that's kinda pretty. Okay, Ariel...


Now's your moment Floating in a blue lagoon


Boy, you better do it soon No time will be better She don't say a word And she won't say a word Until you Kiss The Girl

SEBASTIAN Sha la la la la la don't be scared You got the mood prepared Go on and Kiss The Girl Sha la la la la la, don't stop now Don't try to hide it how You wanna Kiss The Girl Sha la la la la la, float along And listen to the song

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SCUTTLE Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!

SEBASTIAN The song say Kiss The Girl Sha la la la la la the music play Do what the music say Go on and kiss The girl Go on and kiss the girl You gotta kiss the girl Go on and kiss the girl Jeez man, go on and kiss the girl


Oh, go on and Kiss the girl!

FLOTSAM Quickly before it’s too late

ERIC Ariel, are you alright?

SCUTTLE Sebastian, what was that?


SCUTTLE What? From under water?

ERIC It must be some sort of big storm. I ought to head back. Grimsby’ll have his eye out for me. We’re hosting a contest tomorrow. We won’t rest. Not till I’ve got a crown on my head a queen at my side.

Scene 8: The Farthest Nether Regions of the Sea

FLOTSAM She may have legs, but her love affair doesn't!

JETSAM I didn't feel any sparks, did you?

FLOTSAM No electricity whatsoever!

JETSAM What's the poor sweet child to do?

FLOTSAM It's such a shame

JETSAM It's such a crime

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FLOTSAM To be so close

JETSAM and yet so far

FLOTSAM So overdue

JETSAM yet underpar

FLOTSAM So out of time

JETSAM It's too sublime

BOTH Sweet Child!

JETSAM Poor child

FLOTSAM And now her second sun has set!

JETSAM Dear child!

FLOTSAM Lost child!

JETSAM There's still some hope-

FLOTSAM Ya wanna bet?


FLOTSAM One more day to get her love peck

JETSAM One more day to snag her man

BOTH And then the squid will hit the fan

FLOTSAM She'll be disgraced

JETSAM Ugh Debased


BOTH Poor child...!

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Scene 9: A Bedroom in the Palace

SEBASTIAN You came so close. Like two kissing fish. And then see what happens when you go toggling with the likes of the sea witch? I know what I to do...I should march on right back home to your father so you can can be...miserable for the rest of your life. It’s true, I got no backbone. We got to make a plan for him to kiss you before the clock runs out. At that ball tomorrow, you’re gonna look your best. You got to bat your eyes like this. Then you gonna part your lips like this. That’s good. Put those two things together and you got that boy in the palm of your hand.

CARLOTTA Ariel. Oh my dearest. Best get some rest. It’s gonna be a big day tomorrow. Prince Eric is gonna choose his bride. Now don’t look so gloomed. The secret to happiness, dearest, one mustn’t push the impossible things.

ARIEL If only you could know The things I long to say If only I could tell you What I wish I could convey It's in my every glance My heart's an open book You'd see it all at once If only you would look If only you could glimpse The feeling that I feel If only you would notice What I'm dying to reveal The dreams I can't declare, The needs I can't deny You'd understand them all If only you would try All my secrets, You would learn them All my longings, You'd return them All my shackles, They'd be broken Not a word would need be spoken. . . .

ERIC What is it about her that's so wonderfully And possibly familiar? Why do I feel dizzy in a way

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I've only felt but once before? How come when she looks at me It seems like time stops moving? Almost like the way it did That day upon the shore But, that voice. . . .

ARIEL If only it were true, If only for a while

ERIC But, that voice

ARIEL If only you would notice How I ache behind my smile

ERIC Where's that voice?

ARIEL I guess you never will, I guess it doesn't show But if I never find a way to tell you so, Oh, what I would give If only you could know

SEBASTIAN Bless you child. Tomorrow, the prince will have his pick of every princess in the land. How can a little mermaid compete with all those eyeballing ladies? They got fancy titles. They got fine voices. And all you’ve got to offer him is your heart. If only I knew how I’d make him see the light. If only it were up to me this all would turn out right. And if I only could. I'd tell you what I’d do. I'd simply wave me claw, I’d make your dreams come true. And wouldn't that surprise you if you only knew.

TRITON How could she just suddenly completely disappear into thin water? It's been two whole days and I don’t know where she has gone.

ERIC Oh that voice.

TRITON If only you could know.

SEBASTIAN If only I could help.

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ERIC Where's that voice.

ARIEL If only there were time I know we'd kiss at last.

ERIC That voice.

TRITON If only you come back I'll change my ways.

SEBASTIAN Just one more day for that kiss to come.

ARIEL But time keeps racing and our moment's almost past.

TRITON I'll try to understand.

ARIEL It has to happen now.

SEBATIAN I'd give my life up to make it happen.

TRITON I should've started listening to you all along.

ERIC How I wish that girl could have been this one.

ARIEL There's only one more day until I have to go.

ERIC If only.


Oh what I would give if only you could know.

ERIC And after all, what will occur? Maybe I'll find that voice but I'll lose her.

ARIEL If only


TRITON If only

Scene 10: Triton’s Throne

SEBSATIAN Most merciful Triton, most forgive, most benevolent Triton...

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TRITON Where is she? Where is Ariel?

SEBASTIAN She’d be so angry if she knew I was here sire, so I pray that you keep calm.

TRITON I trust my youngest daughter to you and what happens? I ought to have you cracked. I ought to have you shelled -

FLOUNDER He almost was, your greatness, but all for Ariel.

TRITON And you ought to be ashamed of yourself too. What sort of tragedy will it take?

SEBASTIAN A tragedy involving the sea witch to be exact.

TRITON What did you say?

SEBASTIAN A tragedy...oh sire -


FLOUNDER These two eels came, all slippery, and took her straight to Ursula. Where she traded her voice for a pair of legs. And if the prince doesn’t kiss her -

TRITON Her voice! She bartered away her voice to become human.

FLOUNDER It’s true. I am a guppy. A total guppy.

TRITON Oh Ariel! What have you done?

Scene 11: The Palace

GRIMSBY Welcome dear friends to our contest The first that this Kingdom has ever seen We gather today For a vocal display So our Prince may At last choose a Queen These six princesses possess the most accomplished voices in all the land. Tonight, one of you will go home with the crown. May the best woman win!

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CONTESTANT 1 Listen to me, don't I sound rich! Loud, am I now? Plus, I've got perfect pitch! Wouldn't you think I'm the girl The girl who has everything

ERIC That's not her voice, I'll know it the moment I hear it.

CONTESTANT 2 Listen to this Clear as can be You'll know I'm it When I hit my high C Ahhh!

CONTESTANT 3 Wouldn't you think I'm the girl The girl who has everything Everything! Everything!

CONTESTANT 4 I'm a world famous Coloratura

CONTESTANT 5 My vibrato is Second to none

CONTESTANT 6 I'm a walking display of Gravora

CONTESTANTS It's so clear Can't you hear?

CONTESTANT 1 I'm the one!

CONTESTANT 2 I'm the one!

CONTESTANT 3 I'm the one!

CONTESTANT 4 I'm the one!

CONTESTANT 5 I'm the one!

CONTESTANT 6 I'm the one!

CONTESTANTS I'm the one!

GRIMSBY Surely one of these lovely voices matches the music in your heart.

ERIC I wish that I could say yes, but she’s not here Grimsby.

GRIMSBY Well be the death of me. What am I to do?

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There is no one left in all the land. Perhaps if we steal ourselves. Take another listen.

CONTESTANTS I’m the one.

ERIC Wait. Ariel

CARLOTTA Ariel know as well as I do you’ve no voice at all.

GRIMSBY For heaven sakes child, you must wait.

ERIC Grimsby, there’s nothing to loose –

GRIMSBY But Prince Eric –

ERIC Shhh, listen. Go ahead Ariel.

CARLOTTA Poor child, poor lost child.

GRIMSBY Dear Eric, I had so hoped you might find love somewhere in this room.

ERIC Perhaps I have. I’ve just been too blind to see it.

GRIMSBY But that’s impossible. She didn’t utter a sound.

ERIC No? ‘Cause that’s funny, I heard every single word. As clear as a bell. And that must mean something old boy. Perhaps it does.

URSULA OFFSTAGE Ah ah ah Ah ah ah

GRIMSBY Can it be another contestant?

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

ERIC That’s it...that’s the voice.

GRIMSBY This is most unexpected. The rules were quite clear...the contest ends at sundown.

ERIC Grimsby, tell her the competition is over. Tell her she’s too late.

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URSULA Ah ah AHHHH Too late indeed.

GRIMSBY What’s that monster?

CARLOTTA She’s brought the whole sea with her.

GRIMSBY She’s flooded the great hall.

ERIC Who are you and what do you want?

URSULA She knows exactly what I want. Don’t you princess. It’s the third day and the sun has set. Your voice belongs to me now.

ERIC Your voice? It’s been your voice all along?

URSULA Her most prized possession. And the idioctic little fish was so eager to trade it away. And for what? A lifetime of human heart brain.

ERIC Don’t you hurt her!

TRITON Ursula!

URSULA Brother, darling! You're right on cue!

TRITON What have you done to my daughter?

URSULA Look at her. Isn’t papa proud? At last, she’s standing on her own two feet.

TRITON Give her back to me!

URSULA Not on your life It so happens that your daughter Signed a little contract


URSULA Even drew a little Heart above the "I" Is it binding? Goodness, yes Unbreakable Unless -

TRITON Unless...

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URSULA There is a little something We could try...

TRITON Go on...

URSULA Yes... Perhaps we could arrange A sort of trade off Maybe swap your daughters Soul for, say Your own?


URSULA Sign the scroll And set her free! Or else she comes with me To suffer through eternity Alone... The mute little hatchling drowning in her own sorrow with no voice left to call out your name... Well, I'm waiting

TRITON It's not my soul you're after It's my power!

URSULA Which would you rather be? The King of the Sea? Or a father to his little girl... Finally! The oceans belong to me! And now you poor unfortunate soul! Times up! You're through! Now the power of Poseidon Has been once again made whole All the magic of the Trident And the Shell in my control And now dark shall reign forever Over ocean, sea, and shore! Now see for yourself how banishment feels! You Poor Unfortunate Soul!

PILOT Full speed ahead Captain!

ERIC Ariel! Up here. I won’t let her harm you!

URSULA Idiot prince! You can't possibly love her. She’s not even a human. She’s only a mermaid. Well well well...look who has my black magic now.

TRITON Be careful Ariel. It sucks lethal power out of your command.

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URSULA Power, I’ll show you power!


URSULA Now now dearest...your father says I’d die without that shell, but is papa telling the truth? Suppose if you break it the spell merely reverses. You turn back into a mermaid. After all that’s what he wants.

TRITON Don’t believe her!

URSULA Or still, you die yourself.

TRITON Ariel, you mustn’t listen.

URSULA It’s your choice pumpkin, who do you trust? The brute father who forced you to flee the only home you’ve ever know. Or the Aunte who gave you everything you hold most dear, your legs, your prince, your humanity. Angel, Auntie loves you so. Now give it back to me. Yes...gently...oh gently...Why you ratchet little ingrate! AHH

Scene 12: The Surface

SEBASTIAN Child, you’ve done it. You’ve destroyed the sea witch.

TRITON Ariel! Ariel! Are you alright? My dear little Ariel. No, my strong Ariel. My brave Ariel.

ERIC Ariel, you’re not hurt are you?

TRITON’re the human who came to her rescue. Well, I hoped you learned your lesson. Ariel is quite capable of rescuing herself.

ERIC No doubt about that sir.

TRITON Still, I thank you.

ERIC Pardon me, but you’re truly her father?

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ERIC Tall tales and superstitions, hey Grim?

GRIMSBY King of the sea? And she’s his daughter?

ERIC Does that upset you?

GRIMSBY Heavens no. I’m just relieved she’s royalty.

ERIC Your Majesty, you’re the very man I have to address. See, I found someone. Someone who makes me eager to seize the future; claim my birthright as king, and sometimes, if I slip out to sea, then perhaps she wont mind, she’ll be right there next to me; keeping us both on course. With your blessing sir, I’d like to make her my wife. How was that Grim?

GRIMSBY Worthy of a king, my boy. Your father, well, I betcha he’d be proud of us both.

ERIC Well sir?

TRITON To think I gave a whole kingdom its independence, but denied that gift to my own child. Well, no more Ariel. It’s your place to answer that vow.


GRIMSBY Did I hear correctly?

ARIEL Yes, voice. Well, it’s come back. And yes...oh yes! I've caused you so much trouble. Can you ever forgive me?

TRITON Just remember when you hear the surf roar against the dock at night...when you feel the tingle of salt in the’s only your father still a little too much in love to let you go... If only you could stay And never say goodbye If only if I could make time stop

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Believe me I would try But fathers have to learn That daughters have to grow And if you truly love them You must let them go

ARIEL I love you daddy.

TRITON And oh, I love you so If only you could know... You love him very much. Don't you?


TRITON You belong to his world now.

ARIEL Oh Sebastian

SEBASTIAN Up here is your home. Your majesty.

GRIMSBY You have done us a remarkable courtesy. Will we ever see you again?

TRITON That depends on you. After all, I’m nothing more than a superstition. Safe passage my friend it’s smooth sailing ahead. I guarantee it.

GRIMSBY In honor of the bride and groom, won’t you stay for just one night?

TRITON Very well my friend, tonight, our two worlds will celebrate as one.


ALL And now at last Love has surpassed Each tribulation Mermaid and Man Finally can Join and be one Now they can smile Walking the aisle Here at their Wedding Celebration

ERIC Sailing forward

ARIEL Standing steady

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ARIEL & ERIC Starting life Completely ready

ALL Now they can be who their meant to be Now they can gaze on a new horizon Here between ocean and sky Forever and on! Now they can walk Now they can run Now they can stay all day in the sun

ERIC Just you and me

ARIEL And I will be

ALL Part of your world!

Scene 13: Encore

ALL Now you can walk Now you can run Now you can spend all day in the sun

WOMEN Just you and me

MEN And I can be

ALL Part of your world

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