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Page 1: LinkedIn Publishing - Cloud Object Storage · 2018-12-18 · LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform that ... drive some traffic to your website. ... Post your older content

LinkedIn Publishing

Linkedtify Program

Page 2: LinkedIn Publishing - Cloud Object Storage · 2018-12-18 · LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform that ... drive some traffic to your website. ... Post your older content


In this Guide you’ll learn about the benefits of LinkedIn Publishing

What is LinkedInPublishing?

LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform thatanyone can publish to.

The marketing potential of LinkedIn Publishing is almostuntapped at the moment.

If you’re looking for content to share, or if you’re looking to drive fresh new leads back to blog and landing page

Then the content published on LinkedIn publishing is great place to start…

LinkedIn has always been the industry standard when it comes to marketing yourself professionally,

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The past few years have seen the social network’s importance and reach increase especially in publishing

Having articles in LinkedIn’s Publishing can make you look like you’re published in a highly visible, highly credible publication.

By positioning yourself as the expert, you can reach the vast major-ity of the people that are viewing posts daily…

If you’re going to invest time and money in creating content, you want it to be consumed.

By publishing content on LinkedIn, you’re increasing the odds that more people will discover and read your content.

One compelling reason to try LinkedIn’s publishing platform is for you to Get exposure to LinkedIn’s

massive audience on LinkedIn,

you’ll be able to reach a lot of people that you won’t be able to reach through other social media channels.

According to recent figures, LinkedIn has more than 1 million pub-lishers; more than 150,000 posts are published every week; and the average post reaches LinkedIn members in 21 industries and nine countries.

So what type of curated content can you see on LinkedIn News feed?Well expect to see

• Stories that people in your network have shared.• Trending stories from your extended network, beyond your

connections.• Posts from LinkedIn’s publishing platform – including “Editor’s

Picks,” content written by influencers, publishers, and indi-viduals.

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However, finding success on LinkedIn Publisher, like any other channel, requires a strategy.

How To Publish A Post

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Where do you create the article?

First go the Home Page and Then click on ‘Write an article’

By clicking on that you are taken to this page …

Very simple right?

But this simple template can bring your business a lot of awareness and

targeted traffic

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Check out the Comments, Likes and Shares on this Article

This article received over 8815 likes and 706 comments and just look at the shares 3470

How would you like people to share your articles like this?

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This articles has 477 commensts and over 2000 sharesit goes to show people are engaged on linkedin

I hope your beginning to see why creating this article on LinkedIn gives you a competitive advantage

Let’s now go through the process of creating the article, so you clicked on

‘Write an article’On the homepage

You’re given several choices, you can enter text only

That will look very boring and your not going to see much sharing if you have a bland page

And so LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to present your article in a way most people can enjoy

On publisher you have the ability to add Images, Videos, Slides and Links AND don’t forget a good headline…

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This is the Publisher Header, With linkedtify software you can upload this header and change the text

This the sub image and the text underneath

How do you make your content go further and make sure lots of people read your stuff?

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This is an article that was chosen by the LinkedIn publisher team and decided to present the article to even more engaged users

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This article was features on Social Media Technology, VC and Private Equity which gave this article more exposure

A great way to get engagement is to ask questions, although this is not typical it received a lot of comments which got this gentlemen more views and more connections…

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Reasons to Post on LinkedInSo now lets look at the Reasons to Post on LinkedIn

1. Posting Regularly will help your profile come up higher in both LinkedIn searches and general internet searches.

So when someone does a search on google, or bing or yahoo you your profile comes up.

Now, if you have entered the right keywords, about your niche, on your profile, on your summary, your profile will come up and when it does , your profile should be ready to wow the audience or your target.

Publishing an article lets you grow your network while showing a level of authority.

Let’s face it most people are not publishing on LinkedIn if your among the first in your industry, it gives you an instant level of credibility and potential SEO benefits.

Another reason is you gonna get…More viewers and potential leads and clients

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Even first time writers are able to get featured on this app and this means getting like ten thousand views or more.

If you have articles that are really interesting and deliver real value to your audience then it’s possible to get more views

2. Your articles on LinkedIn become connected with your LinkedIn profile.

Look at Richards Activities ( All Activities), which are the articles he published as a Influencer and his Profile next to him…

You can the his followings and the artciles next to him…

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When people find you, they can start reading your blog posts to learn more about you and your areas of expertise.

Link To Your WebsiteYou can also link to your website after publishing on LinkedIn

Now when you click on the image this will take you from Linkedin TO Virgins website.

On the site the is a pop up where you can enter in your name and email, this this how virgin are building a targeted email list . They are leveraging Richard influencer status and getting people from this website into

Page 14: LinkedIn Publishing - Cloud Object Storage · 2018-12-18 · LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform that ... drive some traffic to your website. ... Post your older content


Consider ending your article with a special call-to-ac-tion to subscribe to your newsletter in order to get more in-depth advice and information on the specific topic of your post.

So… Publishing your articles on LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to drive some traffic to your website.

For many companies that use LinkedIn it’s generated a significant increase in website visitors.

As we said before LinkedIn converts better than Facebook and twit-ter when it comes to business conversion

So… it’s important that you link your articles to your website, either to your blog or to some specific landing pages that are related to the topic you’re writing about.

Just don’t do it in a “salesy” way, do it naturally

You can even link to your other social media sites if you wish to attract more followers on those sites.

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Page 15: LinkedIn Publishing - Cloud Object Storage · 2018-12-18 · LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform that ... drive some traffic to your website. ... Post your older content


3. All your connections are notified (via their flag icon) that you have published a post.

The message includes your name and the title of your post.

When something appears in the newsfeed, it is easy to miss, but peo-ple are less likely to a specific notification like that.

Give Old Content New Life Post your older content that is still relevant using the LinkedIn Publish-ing platform.

Do this and it will result in a ton of engagement, new exposure and a few great leads.

Position Yourself As The ExpertThe moment you hit “Publish”. Everyone in your LinkedIn network will start to become more and more familiar with you and the work you do because they’ll receive a notification every time you post to Linke-dIn Publisher.

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Over time your network will see you at the go-to expert in your field…as long as your content is high quality!

Anyone On LinkedIn Can Follow Your PostsThe great advantage of publishing on LinkedIn is that People don’t have to be connected to you on LinkedIn to stay updated on your posts, they can use the “Follow” button.

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Page 17: LinkedIn Publishing - Cloud Object Storage · 2018-12-18 · LinkedIn Publishing is an open publishing platform that ... drive some traffic to your website. ... Post your older content


With the LinkedIn Publishing platform, everyone can see how many people are following your posts so the rising thought leaders are no longer held in secret.

Increase Your Own ConnectionsDepending on how many connections you have, the posts you publish on LinkedIn can easily get anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand views, on average.

Therefore, one way to reach a lot of people is through your own connections on LinkedIn… which means its beneficial to have a lot of connections.

But make sure your connections are your target market, even though it my not be like that from the start…

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So How Do You Increase Your Connections?

Well the first thing is to get your LinkedIn profile up to scratch,

I’ve talked about improving your profile in previously, it’s important because I’ve mentioned it several times.

Again, whenever you searched on Google, Bing or Yahoo your profile will appear, your profile is going to represent you, your ac-complishments, your goals and what you want to achieve in the future.

It should have your story, it should mention you’ve been through some trials in life and it should detail how you overcame them…

It makes you human, gone are the days where your profile should only display your accomplishments. People do business with peo-ple… so you want to reveal your human side as well

Let’s go through an example….

If you have 5000 connections on LinkedIn, then it’s so much more likely that more of your connections will click “Like” OR ‘Comment

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on the articles that you just published and their connections will also click “like” or ‘comment’ on the articles especially if thearticles are shared

LinkedIn’s algorithm shows your updates to most of your connec-tions.

When more people see your updates, it increases the odds that more people will like that update.

More connections. More likes, more Comments and More Shares.

Quality Connections OnlyOnly connect with people you know and want to know, don’t just try to connect with anyone

Assuming you’ve increased your connections on LinkedIn, check out the other videos which shows strategies for increasing connec-tions.

But lets just assume Now that you have a lot of connections

how do you get the type views like 10,000 or 20,000?

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To do that… your published articles will need to be picked up by the Pulse channels

Your goal is to get your content featured on the Pulse channel. Pulse has several Channels that have millions of followers some of the most popular ones include …

Leadership & Management, Big Ideas & Innovation, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing & AdvertisingIf you only have 500 followers on LinkedIn, Publishing can expose you to a massive audience.

Create Content For Busy ProfessionalsLinkedIn is populated by busy professionals such as executives and entrepreneurs and they want to learn and get better and smarter every day.

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Keep your content focused on professional topics such as Business Advice, Self-Improvement And Career Advice.

LinkedIn also recommends you focus your content on:• Challenges that you have faced• Opportunities that you have seized• Important current trends and possible future trends in your in-dustry• Your most memorable work experiences• Lessons you have learned along the way• Advice you would give to someone hoping to enter your field• Advice you would give for career advancement in your func-tion• How you started in the field and what you would do if you had to start all over again• Challenges for the future of your function

Post Timely Content That Educates And DelightsPublishing content that is timely, relevant and that educates is the only way to get engagement, followers and to get the algorithm to take notice.

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Share your professional expertise, display your passion and insights by publishing quality posts that resonate with your audience. This cannot be stressed enough.

No Sales Pitches And PromotionsWhat you want to do is stay away from sales pitches andpromotions

Don’t publish sales pitches, job postings, event promotions and other overly promotional content as that will not result in any en-gagement and organic reach. ..

I’’ve observed so many groups and posts and they don’t make that much of a difference

Similar to what Google does with search engine results, LinkedIn uses Unified Content Filtering system to sort out spam and low qual-ity content.

This system makes sure that only high quality and relevant content gets seen and spread.

Write Attractive Post HeadlinesCreate attractive headlines.

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Your headline is one of the key features of your post that will de-cide if someone will click on it or not and then scroll through the rest of your page.

Use Linkedtify Headline Creator if you need help coming out with great headlines

People may stumble upon your post in their feeds, in their notifica-tions or emails and in the majority of cases they will only see your headline.

Make that headline so strong and attractive that it will make them so curious that they have to click on it.

Here are my formulas for writing irresistible post headlines.

Add Stunning Imagery To Your PostsAdd stunning imagery. LinkedIn post editor allows you to add a cover photo to the top of your post.

Make sure to add a cover photo to each and every one of your posts.

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According to LinkedIn users are 14 TIMES MORE LIKELY to click on a post with an image.

Don’t know where to get compelling photos? Check out Linkedtify and you’ll find a variety of stunning images for your posts…

Use LinkedIn to syndicate your existing content

Syndicate your existing content through LinkedIn. You don’t nec-essary have to publish brand new content on LinkedIn.

Instead you can use Linked publishing to syndicate your existing content that worked well on other platforms in the past and get your tiesless content in front of a new audience.

LinkedIn distributes Content beyond your immediate network from viral engagement such as views, likes, comments and link shares. This also leads to more people following you.

Engage with other long-form posts on the platform, they really work for better. Many studies have proven that as well

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Grow Your Followers

As you write more articles, you should get more followers over time. These followers can increase your article views and engagement, especially if you publish consistently.

Arianna is an influencer with over 5 million followers on LinkedIn. Even the worst performing articles get thousands of views:

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If you look at others that aren’t as well established, you’ll notice that their featured articles can get thousands of views, but the articles that don’t get featured will get noticeably less attention.

Spending time growing your following is a great way to increase your mileage with LinkedIn Publishing.

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Note that anyone you connect with on LinkedIn also becomes a follower by default.

People with more followers tend to get more article views.

So spend time networking and growing your connections and fol-lowers on LinkedIn, especially with people who are interested in the topics that you normally write about.

How Do You Get Your Articles Featured On A Channel?How do I get my articles featured on pulse?

Having your article featured on LinkedIn’s Pulse greatly enhances your distribution range.

It can be the difference between getting a few hundred views on your article to getting tens of thousands of views. I’ve studied someone that got featured 80 times, and what am about to reveal are my findings.

I will be doing exactly what am about to tell you… in the end it’s all about the doing.

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Here we go…1. First, choose a topic that is that’s in tune with your followers.

The more views, comments, likes, and shares you get on your arti-cle substantially increases your chances of getting featured.

2. If your goal is to get featured, the topic must also align with one of the Pulse channels.

If you are thinking about writing an article on an advanced tech-nique in pottery, it might not get featured in Pulse Channel.

There is no pottery channel on LinkedIn

But, if you were to write an article on

‘How you turned a pottery business from nothing into a thriving business now employing 20 people with little to no money into a profitable global organization’… you might have a smash hit on Pulse

The point is, when choosing a topic to write about ask yourself…

What Pulse channel can you see your article being featured on?

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If the topic does not fit into one or more of the Pulse channels, chances are it will not be featured.

3. Awesome Content

There is no substitute for awesome content.

To produce quality content write about the areas that you are pas-sionate about and have expertise.

It is not enough to just provide facts in your article. People come to LinkedIn largely because they want to connect with other profes-sionals.

If all you provide is hard data, your followers will go elsewhere.

People read content on LinkedIn because they want to be inspired.

To inspire people, you must show your human side and let your readers get to know you a bit through your writing.

4. Tell a story from your career or life experience that is relatable to the topic.

Engaging storytelling will help your readers relate to you and pro-vide an emotional connection that keeps them coming back…

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The stories you tell must be entertaining and provide value to your readers.

People read content on LinkedIn because they want to take away something that can immediately be added to their professional knowledge bank and used to grow their skills.

5. Use A Catchy Headline

Use a catchy headline to draw in readers. Yes, some people con-sider this click bait.

However, to me its only click bait if you mislead your readers by having a good headline and then a poorly written article that pro-vides little to no value.

Viral posts contain both a catchy headline and are backed up by engaging and value-based content.

Also, consider that a poorly written headline will cause your article to be invisible to readers.

6. Apply Some SEO On Your Post

You need to apply a bit of SEO on your post.

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LinkedIn ranks your content based on an analysis of the text of your article.

This is like SEO from ages ago

Just put keyword in the title and all throughout the article!

Keep it simple and natural, am not talking about stuffing your head-line and articles.

The reason you’re doing this is because if someone is doing a search say on google or Bing or Yahoo because of the keywords that you’ve placed through your site

You are more likely to turn up in the rankings….

7. Ask An Editor To Feature Your Story

You can tweet them @LinkedInPulse and ask them to feature your article in a specific channel.

Getting Featured On A Channel Is Awesome.

But It Isn’t Enough.

Just because you submit something doesn’t mean you’re automati-cally going to get tons of traffic.

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You need to be one of the top two or three featured stories to get the TOP

The same is true on LinkedIn. You’ll experience the biggest wins after you get to the top of a Pulse Channel.

8. Facebook, Twitter, And Linkedin Promoted Posts

How do you get to the top?

One tactic that can work brilliantly is using Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin promoted posts to quickly drive lots of traffic to your LinkedIn article. With promoted posts, You don’t have to drive traffic forever. You just need a BOOST IN TRAFFIC—

something that gives your article a little push to get it to the top.

Once your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter ads help your article get to the top, it will be self-sustaining for a while.

At the end of the article you can click on a link and it takes you to another page outside of Pulse.

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9. Follow the influences


While others are pumping out content and status updates to their entire network.

I would encourage you go one-to-one with 20 of your most valued connections, 20 minutes a week

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If you spend just 20 minutes a week engaging personally with 20 of your valued LinkedIn contacts, you will grow your influence.

The first step …identify your Most Valuable Connections on LinkedIn. Then study their profiles and learn more about who they are, what they do

Once you’re armed with knowledge about them, then take action on the one-to-one engagement with at least 10 of these individuals per week.

One-to-one engagement can be in the form of a personalized, pri-vate LinkedIn message, a public comment or conversation.

Take it from me… you’re going to be among a few taking the time to do this…

Although this consistent connection is hard to maintain, it will be well worth it in the long-run …

Linkedtify Program

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