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Page 1: Linhai Foreign Language School Jiang Meihong Unit 9 Do You Want to Go to A Movie?

Linhai Foreign Language School Jiang Meihong

Unit 9 Do You Want to Go to A Movie?

Page 2: Linhai Foreign Language School Jiang Meihong Unit 9 Do You Want to Go to A Movie?

Unit 9 Do You Want to Go to A Movie? 一、教学背景分析 ( Analysis of teaching background)



二、教学设计和实施( Design & Implement of teaching )

三、评价与反思 (Assessment and reflection)

{ 教学目标和要求


Page 3: Linhai Foreign Language School Jiang Meihong Unit 9 Do You Want to Go to A Movie?

一、教学背景分析 ( Analysis of teaching background)


初一学生处于感性认识到理性认识的转型期 , 学生主要存在以下几个问题:

(1) 语言知识难度 : 本单元的电影名词和与此相关的形容词相当难,学生难于用英语对不同类型电影进行判断。学生如何用英语向别人推荐一部电影,介绍电影的类型、影星、对电影的评价。

( 2 )电影知识难度:他们掌握中外电影的知识不多,这对我们教学又带来了一定的影响。

(3) 心理适应难度: 让学生学习那么多的电影名词和一些有关电影的描述词,学生从心理上可能一下子适应不过来。这对我们教学又带来了一定的难度。

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(二)、教材内容分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials)

本单元的中心话题是“ movies” ,具体涉及电影的类型,以及学生围绕电影谈论喜爱哪类电影,并能用相关形容词描述相关类型的电影以及就某一类型或某一部电影作出简单评论,而且能够比较简单地向别人介绍一部观看过的电影 , 说明电影的类型、影星 , 对电影的评价等 。语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“电影”这一中心话题设计的。 本单元由三部分组成: Section A 、 Section B 和 Shelf check 。

“Section A” 通过不同电影类型的图片学习不同种类的电影的词汇,要求能够准确地用英语来表达不同类型的电影,如 : comedy, thriller, documentary, action movies, Beijing opera 并能用英语谈论喜爱的电影类型。

“Section B” 学会和别人就某一类型或某一部电影作出简单评论,就某一部电影简单地总结出自己的直观感受,比较详细地向别人介绍一部观看过的电影 , 说明电影的类型、影星 , 对电影的评价等。

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(三)、教学目标和要求 (Teaching aims and demands)

movie, action, romance, thriller, comedy, documentary, opera, funny, great, scary, exciting, sad,boring, go to a movie, action movie, stay at home, for the reason, in a word, in fact



Words and expressions

语言知识 Knowledge




Do you want to go to a movie?

What kind of movie do you like?t

I can learn a lot about Chinese history.

Extended words Tragedy,sciencefiction,cartoon,actress,artist, director , famous , description


语言技能 skills

1. 学会如何辨别不同种类的电影 , 能够准确地用英语来表达不同类型的电影 .

2. 学会和别人就某一类型或某一部电影作出简单评论 .

3. 能够就某一部电影简单地总结出自己的直观感受 .

4. 能够比较详细地向别人介绍一部观看过的电影 , 说明电影的类型 , 影星 , 对电影的评价等 .

Do you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does he/she want to go to a movie?

Yes, he/she does. / No, he /she doesn’t.

What kind of movies do you like?


情感态度 Affect


文化意识 ( Cultural awareness)

1 通过学生自主学习,利用不同的媒体工具来了解国内和国外一些经典的电影 .

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( 四 ) 、背景参考资料( Background and knowledge )1. Action movies : Action movies usually involve a simple story of good pe

ople against bad people, where most disputes are settled using physical force. They tend to be expensive, requiring big budget special effects and stunt work.

2. Comedies: Comedies are a film genre intend to make people laugh and feel happy. They often follow the sub-genres of romantic comedy(two people end up falling in love after many difficulties), slapstick(simple visual jokes e.g. clumsy people having accidents).

3. Documentaries: The common feature to all documentary films is that they are non-fiction, They are often educational in nature.Examples of documentaries are reenactments of a famous historical events, studies of animals behavior, study of a famous people,etc.

4. Thrillers: Thrillers are a genre,which primarily uses exciting action and tension to engage the audience. They often involve stories about crime.


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Period 1~2 :

Listening, Talking and Practicing

Period 3~4:

Speaking, Integrating Skills and Writing

Period 5:

Language Practicing :

Wb, Listening Comprehension , Dictation


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二、教学设计和实施( Design & Implement of teaching )

Period 1-2: Listening ,Talking and Practicing( Section A)

action movie


documentaryBeijing Opera


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Look and match

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Pair work(1c)

A: What kind of movie do you like?

B: I like….

A: Do you want to go to …?

B: Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie.

No, I don’t . I want to ….

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  comedies action movies

documentaries thrillers



Listen and fill in the chart using and and “ ? ”. (2b)

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  comedies action movies

documentaries thrillers



Target Language Study(3a and 3b)

A: Ben likes comedies and he likes documentaries, too.

But he doesn’t like thrillers.

B: Sally likes documentaries but he doesn’t like action movies.

Talk about the movies you like and you don’t like using and or but.

S1: I like …and I like …, but I don’t like….

S2: I like… but I don’t like….

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Survey Do your friends like movies ?

What kinds of movies do they like?


Names A B C




action movies      

Beijing Opera      


Do you like…?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

In my group, ______likes_______and he /she likes_____but he/she

doesn’t like_________. ________likes ….

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Oral work: Read and recite new words and dialogue learned in this lesson.

Written work:

1.  Finish off the workbook.

2.   Collect some movie posters.

3. Collect some information about their favourite movie /actor( 男演员 ) / actress( 女演员 )

4.  Do a survey about the movies their family members like and don’t like . Write a report in the exercise book.

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Period 3~4 Speaking, Integrating Skills and Writing( Section B)

1.Enjoy the movie posters the ss collected to review the movies they have learned.

2. Enlarge some more movies: Tragedy,science fiction,romance , cartoon by showing these movies.

Revision and presentation



3. Present these description : interesting , scary, boring, exciting, funny, great. By asking Ss these questions : Do you like this movie ? Why / Why not ?

science fiction


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Look and write(1a)

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Kinds of movies Description

comedies funny (E)

thrillers great(E) (J)

documentaries boring(E)

action movies exciting (J)

Beijing Opera interesting (J)

Listen and fill

Write down the words Edward and June describe the movies.(2b)

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Reading and writing(2c)

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Talking about your favourite movies 


Name of the movie 


Movie style (类型) 


Actor and actress 


Director (导演) 



Comments (评论) 


Report: ——————————————————————————————


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Which actor /actress do you like best?

Which of his/her movies do you like best?

What do you think of it?

] ]



Sang Changrong

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The writer’s favourite actor

Rick Smith Paul Jackson

Mike’s favorite actor

Black September


My Father’s Birthday


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Group One Kind of movies she/he likes

Reasons she/he likes






A likes ______because it’s ________. She/He doesn’t like ______because she/he it’s _________. …

We all like ____________because it’s ___________. …

Plan for this weekend:

We will _______________because it’s _____________. The action movie is_______. We will go ___________this Sunday afternoon

Plan for this weekend

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A foreigner is staying in China for a week. He wants to see a movie with you.

Can you tell him something about the newest movie?

1)      What kind of movies do you like?

2)      Which actress or actor do you like best?

3)      Which editor do you like best?


Ge You is a great actor in China. His new movie is “ Bu Jian Bu San”. It’s a comedy. It’s really a good movie. Many of us like the movie. In this movie , there are many famous actors and actress. All of them can make us laugh. If you like it, we can go to see it tomorrow.

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Could you make a movie poster of your favourite movie and describe the movie?

It’s Crouching Tiger , Hidden Drogan, It’s an action movie. It’s very exciting. Zhang Zhiyi and Zhou Runfa are in the movie.

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Homework:1.Copy the new words .2.  Do a survey about the number of the ss who like d

ifferent kinds of movies. And the reasons you like.


Class: Boys Girls Comments




action movies



Beijing Opera

science fictions

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great fun

documentary, thriller, comedy tragedy , Beijing Opera romantic, action movie cartoonromance

sad scary funny exciting boring

directoractor actress movie

Blackboard Design

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三、评价与反思 (Assessment and Reflection)

Task 1. Collect information about “Movies” learnt in this unit and make notes if necessary.

Task 2. Reflection

教师反思 Teachers’ reflection:

a)        Have all the teaching aims been reached?

b)        Have all the Ss learnt a lot in the lessons?

c)        What can be improved? …

教师对学生谈论、写作电影及喜好的评价:Class Names Score     Items

Perfect 5 4 3 2 1Good 5 4 3 2 1Logical 5 4 3 2 1Grammatical 5 4 3 2 1Handwriting 5 4 3 2 1Others 5 4 3 2 1

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学生反馈 Students’ reflection:1) 自我测试 Self check ( Keyword check. Check(√) the words you know )

□action movie □comedy □documentary □thriller □great □boring □scary □funny □exciting □sad

 2) 自我评价 Self-assessment Class_______ Name_________ No.__________ Date__________In this unit, you learnt about movies. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills b

elow? 1 = Not comfortable 2 = Need more practice 3 = comfortable 4 = very comfortableskills comfortable levelTalk about movies and likes 1 2 3 4 Practice expressing and supporting an opinion 1 2 3 4 Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4 Write a passage 1 2 3 4 Use the present form of ‘want’ and conj words ‘and’ and ‘but’ 1 2 3 4 Report others like what kind of movies and why they like such kind of movies 1 2 3  3) 自我反思 Reflection 1. How many types of movies have been learnt in this unit?_____________________ 2. What impressed me most in this unit______________________________ 3. What points haven’t I understood yet______________________________ 4. In what aspect do I need improvement______________________________ 4) 学生互评 Per-assessment学生相互对课堂活动的评价: 

Class Names Score


Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Active 5 4 3 2 1

Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1

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 2) 自我评价 Self-assessment Class_______ Name_________ No.__________ Date__________

In this unit, you learnt about movies. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

1 = Not comfortable 2 = Need more practice 3 = comfortable 4 = very comfortableskills comfortable levelTalk about movies and likes 1 2 3 4 Practice expressing and supporting an opinion 1 2 3 4 Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4 Write a passage 1 2 3 4 Use the present form of ‘want’ and conj words ‘and’ and ‘but’ 1 2 3 4 Report others like what kind of movies and why they like such kind of movies 1

2 3 4

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3) 自我反思 Reflection 1. How many types of movies have been learnt in this nit?_______________ 2. What impressed me most in this unit____________________________ 3. What points haven’t I understood yet____________________________ 4. In what aspect do I need improvement___________________________ 4) 学生互评 Per-assessment学生相互对课堂活动的评价: 

  Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

They worked together well.


They speak clearly and loudly


They are creative and active


I understood what they said



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