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2. A PIONEERING BOOK FOR POST-STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONS 25 HARDBACK 9781472900050 18 JULY 2013 Light Footprint Management is available from We hope you enjoy this preview. Our leadership and strategy blog: For further information on the book: 3. "Charles-Edouard Boue's argument that lightness is a primary virtue in a more volatile and uncertain business world is persuasive and well-made." John Quelch, Charles Edward Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, USA "Management is the next big thing for Chinese companies and entrepreneurs. Charles-Edouard Boues argument that the Chinese management style must find links to military strategy in the VUCA world and his conception of the 'light footprint' are fascinating. Entrepreneurs, both those in China now and others who intend to dive into Chinese business, will find his ideas enlightening." Gang He, Editor in Chief, Harvard Business Review China and Managing Editor, Caijing Magazine, China "From Chinese history, cyberwarfare and the use of drones and special forces, all the way to the lessons of Apple's resurgence, Boue takes the reader on a fascinating whirlwind tour of turning points in business and geopolitics. From his extensive international experience and unique ability to draw parallels and establish connections, Boue derives an innovative management philosophy adapted to a new world order of volatility and uncertainty." Bernard Liautaud, Founder, Business Objects and Partner, BaldertonBernard Liautaud, Founder, Business Objects and Partner, Balderton Capital, UK "The picture Charles-Edouard Boue paints of tomorrow's business world, and of the kinds of organizations most likely to thrive in it, is both original and plausible. Mass is becoming an encumbrance. We could be hearing a lot more about light footprint management." Sir Tom Hunter, CEO, West Coast Capital, UK "For those who still think it's business as usual, Charles-Edouard Boue has issued a timely wake-up call. He has put into well-chosen words a new business philosophy that we at Free/Iliad have been following without being aware of it. I predict that in the new, war-like competitive world in which anything is possible but nothing is predictable, Boues 'light footprint' organizations, of which I would like to think Free is a pioneer, will give a good account of themselves." Xavier Niel, Founder, Free and Chief Strategy Officer, Iliad, France 4. From War to Business The origins of strategy The Greek word is a combination of "stratos" (army) and "ago" (lead/guide/move). In Roman times a "Strategus" was a commander. The term "La Stratgique" was introduced in France in 1799, and defined in the 19th century as "the use of fighting for the purpose of war". In 1944, "strategy" made its first appearance in game theory. In the 1960s, Igor Ansoff applied the term to business. The military domain inspires business management. 5. A US MILITARY ACRONYM THAT TELLS US A LOT ABOUT TODAYS CONTEXT FOR BUSINESS: VUCA Today's organizations face a VUCA world THE CONCEPT OF THE VUCA WORLD EMERGED 15 YEARS AGO AT THE US ARMY WAR COLLEGE AND REFRESHED OUR UNDERSTANDING OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT US Army War College, Pennsylvania, 1990s Volatile AmbiguousUncertain Complex VUCA US Army War College, Pennsylvania, 1990s Students - future US Army Generals - were "told time and again that they are preparing for leadership roles in a world that is violent, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous" Students heard it so often they coined the acronym "VUCA" This understanding of the current environment laid the foundation for changes in: US military doctrine and also in business approach Source: Roland Berger Analysis 6. NEW ORGANIZATIONS SEEK THE "SWEET SPOT" BETWEEN: Size and agility Hope and fear Guiding vision world is uncertain The emergence of a VUCA world has generated numerous paradoxes that organizations will have to reconcile SELECTED EMERGING PARADOXES Hope and fear Change and continuity Vertical and horizontal The individual and the organization Need to create more impact less control of their impact uncertain Need to generate more trust reality is ambiguous More open to data already submerged See enterprises as "communities" also "machines" but "The test of a first-rate intelligence the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." Scott Fitzgerald 7. Light Footprint organizations will succeed in a VUCA world by relying on 7 strategic pillars in 3 key areas INNOVATIONORGANIZATION DISPOSITION Technophilia Cybernomics Agility Special forces / Commandos Collaborative Secretive Risk-mitigating 8. Critical insights can be derived from early adapters and "Light Footprint natives" OBAMA'S "LIGHT FOOTPRINT" MILITARY DOCTRINE: Obama facilitated the transition from Powell's "shock and awe" to Rumsfeld's "light footprint" approach, leveraging drones, cyber weapons and special forces to protect national security while avoiding protracted ground wars CHINA'S MANAGEMENT REVOLUTION: Born at the dawn of the VUCA age, modern China developed a unique management model: dynamic, flexible and consensual 9. Managing the Light Footprint (LFP) Organization Be the Strategus, not a strategist - Be the leader who, armed with the bigger picture, provides the guiding vision for the entire organization Unleash Gemba power1) - Empower the organization to promote operating dexterity and fast decision-making on the ground Master the data - Analyze Big Data in a timely manner to perceive and successfully adapt to the environment's weak signals Break the organization's boundaries - Seek collaboration and involve stakeholders in the operations as the center of a community fully integrated with the world Move with speed and stealth - Respond in a rapid, tactical and secretive way 1) Organizational power of a company created by its employees. Gemba (Japanese for "the real place") is where value is built through operational excellence 10. In Light Footprint Management, you can learn more about: Modular Organizations Commandos Cybernomics Ambiguity AZBB (Accelerated Zero-Based Budgeting) Gemba Power Big DataEnlightened Leadership Data AnalyticsAgility (De)-centralized organizations Lightness Robotics Commandos Little Data Complexity Uncertainty Ambiguity Volatility 11. Enlightened Leadership "When the best leaders work is done the people say,is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'" Lao Tzu 12. ABOUT THE AUTHOR CHARLES- EDOUARD BOUE IS CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF ROLAND BERGER STRATEGY CONSULTANTS, A MEMBER OF ITS GLOBAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND PRESIDENT OF ROLAND BERGER STRATEGY CONSULTANTS ASIA. BOUE HAS BEEN WORKING GLOBALLY ON STRATEGY, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS AND LARGE-SCALE For more information on the book, visit: STRATEGY, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS AND LARGE-SCALE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. HE IS THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK "CHINA'S MANAGEMENT REVOLUTION: SPIRIT, LAND, ENERGY" . 13. A PIONEERING BOOK FOR POST-STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONS JOHN QUELCH, HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL, USA "Charles-Edouard Boue's argument that lightness is a primary value in a more volatile and uncertain business world is pervasive and well made." SIR TOM HUNTER, CEO, WEST COAST CAPITAL "The picture Charles-Edouard Boue paints of tomorrow's business world, and of the kinds of organization most likely to thrive in it, is both original and plausible." Charles-Edouard Boue proposes the adoption of "Light Footprint" management comparable to President Barack Obama's military doctrine and similar to the recent emergence of vision and tactics over strategy in Chinese management. Boue argues that this shift in approach blazes a trail that Western companies will be obliged to follow, and explains how conventional management methodologies, techniques and tools can be adapted to the conditions of an increasingly ambiguous world. Publishes July 18, 2013 / ISBN: 9781472900050 / Also available as an ebook /

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