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    by David Lau


    Online Leveled Books

    Level: LDRA: 24Genre:Narrative Nonfi ctionStrategy:Summarize Skill:Main Idea and DetailsWord Count: 416


    Lance Armstrong

  • by David Lau


    PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Cover © Doug Pensinger/Getty Images; 1 © Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images; 2 © Patrick Gardin; 3 © Getty Images; 4 © UpperCut Images/Alamy; 5 © Getty Images; 6 © Comstock Images; 7 © Joe Raedle/Getty Images; 8 © Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images; 9 © Doug Pensinger/Getty Images; 10 © Laurent Rebours

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    ISBN-13: 978-0-544-04743-3 ISBN-10: 0-544-04743-5

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  • 2

    When he was young,

    Lance Armstrong was a lot like

    other kids. He didn’t have any

    brothers or sisters. He liked to

    play, swim, and ride his bike.

    But Lance could also ride his

    bike for hours and swim for

    miles. Lance liked to race, and

    he never gave up.

  • 3

    Lance liked

    many sports, but

    he was happier

    in a race than on

    a football or

    soccer field. He

    loved to cross a

    finish line first!

    When Lance

    ran a race, he ran

    hard. If he fell

    behind, he didn’t

    give up. He just

    ran harder.

  • 4

    Lance also liked swimming

    races. He often beat swimmers

    who were older and stronger!

    Lance trained hard to win.

    Each morning, he rode his bike

    ten miles and swam three miles.

    After school, he did it again!

  • 5

    One day, Lance heard about a

    race called a triathlon. In this

    race, racers swim, run, and ride

    a bike. Lance thought he would

    be good at this race.

    He won the Iron Kids Triathlon

    when he was only thirteen!

    Lance runs in a triathlon at age 17.

  • 6

    To train for triathlons, Lance

    took long bike rides. Sometimes

    he rode all the way out of Texas!

    Then Lance had to call his mom.

    She would have to drive her

    car to pick him up!

    Lance was sorry to make her

    drive so far. But his mom was

    proud that he was one of the

    best triathlon racers in Texas.

  • 7

    As he got older,

    Lance decided that

    he liked bike

    racing the most.

    Then everything

    changed. Lance got

    very sick. He was

    weak and in pain.

    The doctors didn’t

    know if he would

    ever get well, or

    if he would ever

    race again.

    Fighting to get well was much

    harder than racing, but Lance

    still didn’t give up.

  • 8

    In time, Lance

    got stronger. He

    went to France

    for a big race.

    The first day

    went well, but

    the second day

    was too hard.

    He had to leave

    the race. People

    wondered if

    Lance had given

    up on becoming

    a champion.

  • 9

    Lance wanted to try again.

    He asked his coach for help.

    His coach told him to go slow

    at the beginning of the race.

    Then, when other riders were

    tired, Lance could ride his

    hardest to take the lead.

  • 10

    It worked! Lance was soon

    winning races all over the world.

    Lance had finally achieved

    his dream. He was a champion!

    Now everyone knows Lance

    Armstrong’s name. They also

    know that he never gives up!

  • 11

    RespondingTARGET SKILL Main Idea and

    Details What is the most important idea in the book? Find details that

    tell more about it. Make a web.

    Text to Text Think of the story you read about Mia Hamm. Do

    you admire Mia or Lance more?

    Write two sentences to tell what

    you think and why.

    Write About It

    Main Idea





  • 12










    champion coach trainLEARN MORE WORDS

    TARGET SKILL Main Idea and

    Details Tell the most important

    idea and details about a topic.


    Stop to tell important ideas as

    you read.

    GENRE Narrative nonfiction tells

    a true story about a topic.




    by David Lau


    Online Leveled Books

    Level: LDRA: 24Genre:Narrative Nonfi ctionStrategy:Summarize Skill:Main Idea and DetailsWord Count: 416


    Lance Armstrong

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