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Lesson 46: Jesus Christ Made it Possible for

us to Live Forever

“Lesson 13: The Baptismal Covenant,” Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),61

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To help the children understand that because of Jesus Christ’s love for us, he made it possible for

us to live forever.

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Our opening prayer will be given by

(Enter Name Here)

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Attention Activity

• Jesus Christ loves you.

• How pleased and happy he must be to know that you are at Primary on this Easter morning.

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Attention Activity

• I have printed each of your names on a piece of paper.

• I would like you to come up one at a time and tape your name close to the picture of Jesus.

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Scripture Story

• When Jesus Christ was living on the earth, some mothers brought their little children to him.

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Scripture Story

• They hoped that he would give each one a blessing.

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Scripture Story

• Jesus’ friends wanted him to rest, and they asked the mothers to take their children away and not to bother him.

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Scripture Story

• When Jesus heard what his friends were saying, he said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.”

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Scripture Story

• In other words, he said, “Let the little children come to me; don’t turn them away. I love children.”

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Scripture Story

• Then he took the children in his arms and blessed them.

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Scripture Story

• Here is a picture of Jesus Christ with some children.

• How do you think the children felt?

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Scripture Story

• Here is a picture of Jesus Christ with some children.

• If you had been there, what would you have wanted Jesus Christ to say to you?

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Scripture Story

• Here is a picture of Jesus Christ with some children.

• If you could have been with Jesus as these children were, what would you have said to him?

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Scripture Story

• Here is a picture of Jesus Christ with some children.

• How does it make you feel to know that Jesus loves you just as he loves these children?

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Scripture Story

• By reading the Bible and Book of Mormon we can learn what Jesus Christ did to help us.

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Scripture Story

• Jesus Christ lived a long time ago.

• Heavenly Father sent him to this earth to help fathers and mothers and boys and girls do the right things.

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Scripture Story • Jesus Christ

suffered and died. The people who loved him were very sad.

• They took his body off the cross and wrapped it in a beautiful white cloth.

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Scripture Story

• They carried his body inside a tomb.

• They gently laid him down.

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Scripture Story

• A tomb is like a cave where people are buried.

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Scripture Story

• Jesus Christ’s friends then closed the entrance to the tomb by rolling a large stone in front of the doorway.

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Scripture Story

• Some soldiers came and guarded the tomb where his body lay.

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Scripture Story

• On the third day after he died, before the sun came up, angels came and rolled back the stone from the door.

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Scripture Story

• His body was not there.

• The soldiers were so afraid that for a while they could not move.

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Scripture Story

• As soon as they could, they ran away.

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Scripture Story

• That same morning some women came to the tomb.

• They loved Jesus Christ and had come to put sweet spices on his body as people did in those days.

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Scripture Story

• They saw the stone rolled away from the door.

• They went into the tomb and saw an angel dressed in white, and they were afraid.

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Scripture Story

• The angel said, “Do not be afraid.

• He is not here, for he is risen.”

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Scripture Story

How do you think Jesus Christ’s friends felt when they found he was


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When Jesus was resurrected, he received his body again to join with his spirit, but

his body had changed.

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What does immortal mean?

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• When the Savior’s body became immortal, it changed so that it would never die again but would live forever.

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Scripture Story

• We know Jesus Christ was resurrected because the scriptures tell us that many of his disciples and followers saw him after he was resurrected.

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• When we think of Easter, we should think about the first Easter and remember the love that Jesus Christ has for us.

• He gave his life for us.

• He was resurrected.

• Now he lives in heaven with his Heavenly Father.

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• When Jesus was resurrected, he became immortal, and he also made it possible for all of us to be resurrected and become immortal.

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• This means that after we have been resurrected, we will never die again.

• We can live with our families forever.

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• My Hand represents our spirit, that lived with Heavenly father before we were born.

• We could move, like I can move my fingers, and think and learn.

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• When our spirits came to live on earth, we were given earthly bodies, Which I use this glove to symbolize.

• We could still move, like I can move my finger in this glove, and think and learn, but Heavenly Father gave us wonderful bodies to have and take care of.

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• When we die, the body must separate from the spirit, like when I take off the glove.

• The body cannot move by itself, (like this glove can’t move without the hand inside) but the spirit is still alive.

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• When we are resurrected, the body becomes perfect and is once again united with the spirit (put glove back on hand).

• After we are resurrected, we can never die again.

• That means that the spirit and the body can never be separated.

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• Because Jesus Christ loves each of us very much, he died for us.

• Jesus was the first person to be resurrected.

• Because of what he did for us, we will be resurrected and may live again with Heavenly Father.

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• Jesus Christ’s resurrection is so wonderful that each year we celebrate Easter to show him how grateful we are for what he did for us.

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• I’m going to toss this to you.

• When you catch it, please tell something you remember about the Easter story.

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• The prophets had told the Nephites for many years that Jesus Christ would visit them someday.

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• Samuel told the Nephites that Jesus Christ would be born in five years and that he would save all those who believed in him.

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• Samuel told them about the signs of Jesus’ birth.

• A new star would appear, and the night before Jesus would be born it would not get dark.

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• Then Samuel told them the signs of Jesus’ death.

• There would be three days of total darkness—the sun, moon, and stars would not shine.

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• There would also be thunder and lightning and earthquakes.

• Mountains would crumble, and many cities would be destroyed.

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• Lets read 3 Nephi 11:7

• 7 Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear ye him.

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• Many years later, many Nephites gathered at the temple in Bountiful.

• They were amazed at the great changes in the land.

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The people were talking about

Jesus Christ and the sign of his


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• While they were talking, they heard a quiet voice from heaven.

• It made their hearts burn.

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• At first they did not understand the voice, but when it spoke the third time, they understood it.

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• The voice was Heavenly Father’s.

• It introduced Jesus Christ and told the people to listen to him.

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• Jesus Christ came down from heaven and stood among the people.

• They were afraid to speak because they did not understand what was happening.

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• They thought Jesus was an angel.

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• He told them he was Jesus Christ, the one the prophets had said would come.

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• Jesus told the people to come and feel the marks in his side and in his hands and feet, where he had been nailed to the cross.

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• Jesus wanted the people to know that he was their God and that he had died for their sins.

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• One by one the people felt the marks in Jesus’ side, hands, and feet.

• One by one The people knew he was the Savior.

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• Then the people praised Jesus and fell at his feet and worshiped him.

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• Jesus loved the Nephites.

• He told them to bring the people who were sick or hurt to him so he could heal them.

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• Who was speaking?

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• Who was speaking?

–Heavenly Father

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• Who was speaking?

–Heavenly Father

• Who was really coming down from heaven?

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• Who was speaking?

–Heavenly Father

• Who was really coming down from heaven?


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• Who was speaking?

–Heavenly Father

• Who was really coming down from heaven?


• How do you think the people felt to be with Jesus Christ?

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• People were filled with so much gratitude and love for the Savior that they shouted, “Hosanna!

• Blessed be the name of the Most High God!” (3 Nephi 11:17).

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• They fell down on their knees and worshiped him.

• Jesus Christ felt so much love for these people that he stayed among them and healed their sick, blessed their children, and taught them.

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• The Book of Mormon tells us that never had there been a happier people on the earth than these people.

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Let’s sing the Song

“Jesus has Risen”

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Jesus is Risen Jesus has risen,

Jesus, our friend.

Joy fills our hearts;

He lives again.

Praises we sing to him,

This Easter-time.

Jesus has risen,

Savior divine.

Jesus has risen,

Savior divine! Words and music: Thelma Johnson Ryser, 1898-1984. (c) 1959 IRI.

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Testimony • I want to bear my testimony and express

my love and gratitude to Jesus Christ for loving us enough to make it possible for us to be resurrected and keep our bodies forever.

• I want to invite you to go home and tell your families what the Savior did to make it possible for you to keep your body forever.

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Our closing prayer will be given by

(Enter Name Here)

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Images and clipart are from, Microsoft office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. The Lesson and Scripture story are from Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

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3 Nephi 11:17

• 7 Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear ye him.
