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Page 1: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI


Java Programming – Software App Development Cristian Toma D.I.C.E/D.E.I.C – Department of Economic Informatics & Cybernetics

Lecture 7

Java SE – Multithreading 2 + GUI

Page 2: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Cristian Toma – Business Card

Page 3: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Agenda for Lecture 7 – JSE Multithreading

Advanced Java Multithreading Java GUI Intro

Exchange Ideas

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Advanced Multi-Threading java.util.concurrent - Executor & ExecutorService, Callable, Future

Page 5: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Summary of Multi-threading in C vs. Java

Multi-threading vs. Multi-process “quite good/imperfect” analogies & terms:


PARALLELISM (e.g. adding 2 matrixes in parallel) and/or;

CONCURENCY (e.g. handling GUI on one thread & business processing

on other thread / even on mono-processor PC, handling multiple HTTP

requests from the network / cooperation on the same data structure

between at least 2 threads – producer and consumer)

Mutexes are used to prevent data inconsistencies due to race conditions.

A race condition often occurs when two or more threads need to perform

operations on the same memory area, but the results of computations depends on

the order in which these operations are performed.

Mutexes are used for serializing shared resources. Anytime a global resource is

accessed by more than one thread the resource should have a Mutex associated

with it.

One can apply a mutex to protect a segment of memory ("critical region") from

other threads.

Mutexes can be applied only to threads in a single process and do not work between

processes as do semaphores in Linux IPC.

In Java Mutex is quite synchronized (also please see java.util.concurrent.*)

Page 6: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Issues

Advantages of Multithreading:

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

Reactive systems – constantly monitoring

More responsive to user input – GUI application can interrupt a time-consuming task

Server can handle multiple clients simultaneously

Can take advantage of parallel processing

When Multithreading?:

Concurrency and/or Parallelism

Page 7: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

The join() Method You can use the join() method to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.

The numbers after 50 are printed after thread printA is finished.


-char token








-char token







Wait for printA

to finish







-char token







printA finished

-char token

public void run() { //print100 - method

Thread thread4printA = new Thread(

new PrintChar('A', 40));


try {

for (int i = 1; i <= lastNum; i++) {

System.out.print(" " + i);

if (i == 50) thread4printA.join();



catch (InterruptedException ex) {



Page 8: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

Java Multi-threading Cooperation – The join() method

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1. Threads States - Recapitulation

CISCO Copyright

Page 10: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads States – Update

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

New Ready

Thread created



start() run()

Wait for

target to finish


run() returns

yield(), or

time out


Wait for time


Wait to be



wait() Target


notify() or


Time out



A thread can be in one of five states: New, Ready, Running, Blocked, or


Page 11: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Methods

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isAlive() • method used to find out the state of a thread. • returns true: thread is in the Ready, Blocked, or Running state • returns false: thread is new and has not started or if it is finished. interrupt() f a thread is currently in the Ready or Running state, its interrupted flag is set; if a thread is currently blocked, it is awakened and enters the Ready state, and an is thrown. The isInterrupt() method tests whether the thread is interrupted.

Page 12: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Methods

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The deprecated stop(), suspend(), and resume() Methods

NOTE: The Thread class also contains the stop(), suspend(), and resume() methods. As of Java 2, these methods are deprecated (or outdated) because they are known to be inherently unsafe. You should assign null to a Thread variable to indicate that it is stopped rather than use the stop() method.

Page 13: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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• Each thread is assigned a default priority of Thread.NORM_PRIORITY (constant of 5). You can reset the priority using setPriority(int priority).

• Some constants for priorities include Thread.MIN_PRIORITY Thread.MAX_PRIORITY Thread.NORM_PRIORITY

• By default, a thread has the priority level of the thread that created it.

Thread Priority

• An operating system’s thread scheduler determines which thread runs next.

• Most operating systems use timeslicing for threads of equal priority.

• Preemptive scheduling: when a thread of higher priority enters the running state, it preempts the current thread.

• Starvation: Higher-priority threads can postpone (possible forever) the execution of lower-priority threads.

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1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

Java Multithreading Cooperation - Thread Priority

Page 15: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

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Thread Pool • Starting a new thread for each task could limit throughput and cause poor performance. • A thread pool is ideal to manage the number of tasks executing concurrently. • Executor interface for executing Runnable objects in a thread pool • ExecutorService is a sub-interface of Executor.

Shuts down the executor, but allows the tasks in the executor to

complete. Once shutdown, it cannot accept new tasks.

Shuts down the executor immediately even though there are

unfinished threads in the pool. Returns a list of unfinished


Returns true if the executor has been shutdown.

Returns true if all tasks in the pool are terminated.

«interface» java.util.concurrent.Executor

+execute(Runnable object): void

Executes the runnable task.


«interface» java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService

+shutdown(): void

+shutdownNow(): List<Runnable>

+isShutdown(): boolean

+isTerminated(): boolean

Page 16: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

Thread Pool

To create an

Executor object, use

the static methods

in the Executors


Page 17: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

import java.util.concurrent.*;

class PrintChar implements Runnable


private char character;

private int noOfTimes;

PrintChar(char ch, int n) {

character = ch;

noOfTimes = n;


public void run() {

for(int i=0; i<noOfTimes; i++)

System.out.print(character+" ");

} //end run

} //end class

class PrintNum implements Runnable


private int num;

PrintNum(int num) {

this.num = num;


public void run() {

for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)

System.out.print(i + " ");

} //end run

} //end class

Thread Pool class ThreadPool_ExecutorDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create a fixed thread pool with maximum

three threads

ExecutorService executor =


// Submit runnable tasks to the executor

executor.execute(new PrintChar('a', 100));

executor.execute(new PrintChar('b', 100));

executor.execute(new PrintNum(100));

// Shut down the executor


//Optional if main methods needs the



System.out.println("\nMain Thread Ends");



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1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

Page 19: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

“Classic” Thread Pool, Executor Framework, Callable & Future

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable


private final long countUntil;

MyRunnable(long countUntil) {

this.countUntil = countUntil;



public void run() {

long sum = 0;

for (long i = 1; i < countUntil; i++) {

sum += i;





Page 20: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

“Classic” Thread Pool, Executor Framework, Callable & Future import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

public class ProgMain {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// We will store the threads so that we can check if they are done

List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>();

for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {

Runnable task = new MyRunnable(10000000L + i);

Thread worker = new Thread(task);


// Start the thread, never call method run() direct




int running = 0;

do {

running = 0;

for (Thread thread : threads) {

if (thread.isAlive()) { running++; }


System.out.println("We have " + running + " running threads. ");

} while (running > 0);

} //end main

} //end class

Page 21: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

“Classic” Thread Pool, Executor Framework, Callable & Future

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;

import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class Main {

private static final int NTHREDS = 10;

public static void main(String[] args) {

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHREDS);

for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {

Runnable worker = new MyRunnable(10000000L + i);



// This will make the executor accept no new threads

// and finish all existing threads in the queue


// Wait until all threads are finish


System.out.println("Finished all threads");



Page 22: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

“Classic” Thread Pool, Executor Framework, Callable & Future

//package de.vogella.concurrency.callables;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class MyCallable implements Callable<Long> {


public Long call() throws Exception {

long sum = 0;

for (long i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {

sum += i;


return sum;



Page 23: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency & Parallelism

import java.util.*;

import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class CallableFutures {

private static final int NTHREDS = 10;

public static void main(String[] args) {

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHREDS);

List<Future<Long>> list = new ArrayList<Future<Long>>();

for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {

Callable<Long> worker = new MyCallable();

Future<Long> submit = executor.submit(worker);



long sum = 0;

// now retrieve the result - System.out.println(list.size());

for (Future<Long> future : list) {

try {

sum += future.get();

} catch (InterruptedException e) {


} catch (ExecutionException e) {




System.out.println(sum); executor.shutdown();



“Classic” Thread Pool, Executor Framework,

Callable & Future

Page 24: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

Analogy with multi-threading synch is the synch in distributed systems

Liniile orizontale indică axe de timp, punctele indică momentele apariţiei unor evenimente la orele indicate sub ele. În ipostaza a), persoana în cauză are la momentul determinării 100$ în filiala A şi nimic în filiala B. Suma totală a clientului în cele două filiale este 100$. Tacit, aici s-au făcut două ipoteze: 1. Ceasurile calculatoarelor de la filiala A şi de la filiala B sunt perfect sincronizate. 2. Toate tranzacţiile între cele două filiale se desfăşoară complet fie înainte de ora 3.00, fie încep după ora 3.00. În ipostaza b) este ilustrată situaţia în care ceasurile sunt perfect sincronizate, dar o tranzacţie de transfer a 100$ de la filiala A la filiala B începe la 2.59 şi se termină la 3.01. Dacă s-ar însuma totalul existent în conturile clientului, ar rezulta 0$ în bancă! Ipostaza c) indică o situaţie şi mai ciudată, dar perfect posibilă: clientului i se dublează nejustificat suma! Motivul este simplu: ceasurile calculatoarelor celor două filiale nu sunt perfect sincronizate.

Page 25: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

A shared resource may be corrupted if it is

accessed simultaneously by multiple threads.

Example: two unsynchronized threads accessing

the same bank account may cause conflict.

Step balance thread[i] thread[j]

1 0 newBalance = bank.getBalance() + 1;

2 0 newBalance = bank.getBalance() + 1;

3 1 bank.setBalance(newBalance);

4 1 bank.setBalance(newBalance);

Page 26: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Example: Showing Resource Conflict –

• Objective: Write a program that demonstrates the problem of resource conflict. Suppose that you create and launch one hundred threads, each of which adds a penny to an account. Assume that the account is initially empty.


-balance: int

+getBalance(): int

+deposit(amount: int): void

100 AccountWithoutSync

-bank: Account

-thread: Thread[]

+main(args: String[]): void


+run(): void


-char token





1 1 1

Page 27: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Race Condition What, then, caused the error in the example? Here is a possible scenario:

• Effect: Task 1 did nothing (in Step 4 Task 2 overrides the result)

• Problem: Task 1 and Task 2 are accessing a common resource in a way that causes conflict.

• Known as a race condition in multithreaded programs.

•A thread-safe class does not cause a race condition in the presence of multiple threads.

•The Account class is not thread-safe.

Step balance Task 1 Task 2

1 0 newBalance = balance + 1;

2 0 newBalance = balance + 1;

3 1 balance = newBalance;

4 1 balance = newBalance;


Page 28: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI


•Problem: race conditions

•Solution: give exclusive access to one thread at a time to code that manipulates a shared object.

•Synchronization keeps other threads waiting until the object is available.

•The synchronized keyword synchronizes the method so that only one thread can access the method at a time.

•The critical region in the is the entire deposit method.

•One way to correct the problem in source code: make Account thread-safe by adding the synchronized keyword in deposit:

public synchronized void deposit(double amount)

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 29: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Synchronizing Instance Methods and Static Methods

•A synchronized method acquires a lock before it executes. •Instance method: the lock is on the object for which it was invoked. •Static method: the lock is on the class. •If one thread invokes a synchronized instance method (respectively, static method) on an object, the lock of that object (respectively, class) is acquired, then the method is executed, and finally the lock is released. •Another thread invoking the same method of that object (respectively, class) is blocked until the lock is released.

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 30: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Synchronizing Instance Methods and Static Methods

With the deposit method synchronized, the preceding scenario cannot happen. If Task 2 starts to enter the method, and Task 1 is already in the method, Task 2 is blocked until Task 1 finishes the method.

Acquire a lock on the object account

-char token





Execute the deposit method

-char token





Release the lock

-char token





Task 1

-char token





Acqurie a lock on the object account

-char token





Execute the deposit method

-char token




Release the lock

Task 2

-char token





Wait to acquire the lock

-char token





1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 31: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Synchronizing Statements • Invoking a synchronized instance method of an object acquires a lock on the object. • Invoking a synchronized static method of a class acquires a lock on the class. • A synchronized block can be used to acquire a lock on any object, not just this object, when executing a block of code.

synchronized (expr) { statements; }

• expr must evaluate to an object reference. • If the object is already locked by another thread, the thread is blocked until the lock is released. • When a lock is obtained on the object, the statements in the synchronized block are executed, and then the lock is released.

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 32: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Synchronizing Statements vs. Methods Any synchronized instance method can be converted into a synchronized statement. Suppose that the following is a synchronized instance method:

public synchronized void xMethod() {

// method body


This method is equivalent to

public void xMethod() {

synchronized (this) {

// method body



1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 33: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Multi-threading in Java

Java Multi-threading Synchronization for Concurrent Programming

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1. Multi-threading in Java

Java Multi-threading Synchronization for Producer-Consumer

Page 35: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

1. Multi-threading in Java

Java Multi-threading Cooperation

Java MUTEX synchronized * poate fi folosit la nivel de metoda daca si numai daca

metoda face parte dintr-o clasa care NU este derivata din Thread (implementeaza


Care e diferenta intre semafor si variabile mutex?

Ce obiecte/instante sunt thread-safe? – immutable, singleton, “normale”?

Page 36: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

• A synchronized instance method implicitly acquires a lock on the instance before it executes the method. • You can use locks explicitly to obtain more control for coordinating threads. • A lock is an instance of the Lock interface, which declares the methods for acquiring and releasing locks. • newCondition() method creates Condition objects, which can be used for thread communication.

Same as ReentrantLock(false).

Creates a lock with the given fairness policy. When the

fairness is true, the longest-waiting thread will get the

lock. Otherwise, there is no particular access order.

«interface» java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock

+lock(): void

+unlock(): void

+newCondition(): Condition

Acquires the lock.

Releases the lock.

Returns a new Condition instance that is bound to this

Lock instance.



+ReentrantLock(fair: boolean)

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization using Locks

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Page 37: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Fairness Policy

• ReentrantLock: concrete implementation of Lock for creating mutually exclusive locks. • Create a lock with the specified fairness policy. • True fairness policies guarantee the longest-wait thread to obtain the lock first. • False fairness policies grant a lock to a waiting thread without any access order. • Programs using fair locks accessed by many threads may have poor overall performance than those using the default setting, but have smaller variances in times to obtain locks and guarantee lack of starvation.

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 38: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Example: Using Locks

This example revises in to synchronize the account modification using explicit locks.

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 39: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Cooperation Among Threads

•Conditions can be used for communication among threads. •A thread can specify what to do under a certain condition. •newCondition() method of Lock object. •Condition methods:

•await() current thread waits until the condition is signaled •signal() wakes up a waiting thread •signalAll() wakes all waiting threads



+await(): void

+signal(): void

+signalAll(): Condition

Causes the current thread to wait until the condition is signaled.

Wakes up one waiting thread.

Wakes up all waiting threads.

1. Threads Concurrency – Synchronization

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Page 40: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Cooperation Among Threads

• Lock with a condition to synchronize operations: newDeposit • If the balance is less than the amount to be withdrawn, the withdraw task will wait for the newDeposit condition. • When the deposit task adds money to the account, the task signals the waiting withdraw task to try again. • Interaction between the two tasks:

while (balance < withdrawAmount)


Withdraw Task

-char token





balance -= withdrawAmount

-char token




Deposit Task

-char token






-char token






balance += depositAmount

-char token






-char token


-char token





Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

Page 41: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Example: Thread Cooperation Write a program that demonstrates thread cooperation ( Suppose that you create and launch two threads, one deposits to an account, and the other withdraws from the same account. The second thread has to wait if the amount to be withdrawn is more than the current balance in the account. Whenever new fund is deposited to the account, the first thread notifies the second thread to resume. If the amount is still not enough for a withdrawal, the second thread has to continue to wait for more fund in the account. Assume the initial balance is 0 and the amount to deposit and to withdraw is randomly generated.

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1. Threads Cooperation

Page 42: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Java’s Built-in Monitors (Optional)

• Locks and conditions are new starting with Java 5. • Prior to Java 5, thread communications were programmed using object’s built-in monitors. • Locks and conditions are more powerful and flexible than the built-in monitor. • A monitor is an object with mutual exclusion and synchronization capabilities. • Only one thread can execute a method at a time in the monitor. • A thread enters the monitor by acquiring a lock (synchronized keyword on method / block) on the monitor and exits by releasing the lock. • A thread can wait in a monitor if the condition is not right for it to continue executing in the monitor. • Any object can be a monitor. An object becomes a monitor once a thread locks it.

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1. Threads Synchronization - Monitors

Page 43: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

wait(), notify(), and notifyAll()

Use the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods to facilitate communication among threads. The wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods must be called in a synchronized method or a synchronized block on the calling object of these methods. Otherwise, an IllegalMonitorStateException would occur. The wait() method lets the thread wait until some condition occurs. When it occurs, you can use the notify() or notifyAll() methods to notify the waiting threads to resume normal execution. The notifyAll() method wakes up all waiting threads, while notify() picks up only one thread from a waiting queue.

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

1. Threads Synchronization - Monitors

Page 44: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Example: Using Monitor

• The wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods must be called in a synchronized method or a synchronized block on the receiving object of these methods. Otherwise, an IllegalMonitorStateException will occur.

• When wait() is invoked, it pauses the thread and simultaneously releases the lock on the object. When the thread is restarted after being notified, the lock is automatically reacquired.

• The wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods on an object are analogous to the await(), signal(), and signalAll() methods on a condition.

synchronized (anObject) {

try {

// Wait for the condition to become true

while (!condition)


// Do something when condition is true


catch (InterruptedException ex) {




Task 1

synchronized (anObject) {

// When condition becomes true

anObject.notify(); or anObject.notifyAll();



Task 2


1. Threads Synchronization - Monitors

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

Page 45: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Case Study: Producer/Consumer (Optional) Consider the classic Consumer/Producer example. Suppose you use a buffer to store integers. The buffer size is limited. The buffer provides the method write(int) to add an int value to the buffer and the method read() to read and delete an int value from the buffer. To synchronize the operations, use a lock with two conditions: notEmpty (i.e., buffer is not empty) and notFull (i.e., buffer is not full). When a task adds an int to the buffer, if the buffer is full, the task will wait for the notFull condition. When a task deletes an int from the buffer, if the buffer is empty, the task will wait for the notEmpty condition. The interaction between the two tasks is shown:

while (count == CAPACITY)


-char token





Task for adding an int

-char token





Add an int to the buffer

-char token





-char token

while (count == 0)


-char token





Task for deleting an int

-char token





Delete an int to the buffer

-char token





-char token

1. Threads Cooperation – Consumer / Producer

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

Page 46: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Case Study: Producer/Consumer (Optional) presents the complete program. The program contains the Buffer class (lines 43-89) and two tasks for repeatedly producing and consuming numbers to and from the buffer (lines 15-41). The write(int) method (line 58) adds an integer to the buffer. The read() method (line 75) deletes and returns an integer from the buffer. For simplicity, the buffer is implemented using a linked list (lines 48-49). Two conditions notEmpty and notFull on the lock are created in lines 55-56. The conditions are bound to a lock. A lock must be acquired before a condition can be applied. If you use the wait() and notify() methods to rewrite this example, you have to designate two objects as monitors.

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

1. Threads Cooperation – Consumer / Producer

Page 47: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Semaphores (Optional) Semaphores can be used to restrict the number of threads that access a shared resource. Before accessing the resource, a thread must acquire a permit from the semaphore. After finishing with the resource, the thread must return the permit back to the semaphore, as shown:

Acquire a permit from a semaphore.

Wait if the permit is not available.

-char token





A thread accessing a shared resource

-char token





Access the resource

-char token




Release the permit to the semaphore

-char token


A thread accessing a shared resource

-char token





Access the resource

-char token





-char token

Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Seventh Edition, (c) 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0136012671

1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 48: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Creating Semaphores To create a semaphore, you have to specify the number of permits with an optional fairness policy (see the figure). A task acquires a permit by invoking the semaphore’s acquire() method and releases the permit by invoking the semaphore’s release() method. Once a permit is acquired, the total number of available permits in a semaphore is reduced by 1. Once a permit is released, the total number of available permits in a semaphore is increased by 1.

Creates a semaphore with the specified number of permits. The fairness policy is false.

Creates a semaphore with the specified number of permits and

the fairness policy.

Acquires a permit from this semaphore. If no permit is

available, the thread is blocked until one is available.

Releases a permit back to the semaphore.


+Semaphore(numberOfPermits: int)

+Semaphore(numberOfPermits: int, fair:


+acquire(): void

+release(): void

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 49: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Deadlock • Sometimes two or more threads need to acquire the locks on several shared objects.

• This could cause deadlock, in which each thread has the lock on one of the objects and is waiting for the lock on the other object.

• In the figure below, the two threads wait for each other to release the in order to get a lock, and neither can continue to run.

synchronized (object1) {

// do something here

synchronized (object2) {

// do something here



Thread 1

synchronized (object2) {

// do something here

synchronized (object1) {

// do something here



Thread 2








Wait for Thread 2 to release the lock on object2

Wait for Thread 1 to release the lock on object1

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 50: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Preventing Deadlock

• Deadlock can be easily avoided by resource ordering.

• With this technique, assign an order on all the objects whose locks must be acquired and ensure that the locks are acquired in that order.

• How does this prevent deadlock in the previous example?

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 51: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Synchronized Collections • The classes in the Java Collections Framework are not thread-safe. • Their contents may be corrupted if they are accessed and updated concurrently by multiple threads. • You can protect the data in a collection by locking the collection or using synchronized collections. The Collections class provides six static methods for creating synchronization wrappers. java.util.Collections

+synchronizedCollection(c: Collection): Collection

+synchronizedList(list: List): List

+synchronizedMap(m: Map): Map

+synchronizedSet(s: Set): Set

+synchronizedSortedMap(s: SortedMap): SortedMap

+synchronizedSortedSet(s: SortedSet): SortedSet

Returns a synchronized collection.

Returns a synchronized list from the specified list.

Returns a synchronized map from the specified map.

Returns a synchronized set from the specified set.

Returns a synchronized sorted map from the specified

sorted map.

Returns a synchronized sorted set.

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 52: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Vector, Stack, and Hashtable

Invoking synchronizedCollection(Collection c) returns a new Collection object, in which all the methods that access and update the original collection c are synchronized. These methods are implemented using the synchronized keyword. For example, the add method is implemented like this:

public boolean add(E o) { synchronized (this) { return c.add(o); } }

The synchronized collections can be safely accessed and modified by multiple threads concurrently. The methods in java.util.Vector, java.util.Stack, and Hashtable are already synchronized. These are old classes introduced in JDK 1.0. In JDK 1.5, you should use java.util.ArrayList to replace Vector, java.util.LinkedList to replace Stack, and java.util.Map to replace Hashtable. If synchronization is needed, use a synchronization wrapper.

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 53: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Fail-Fast The synchronization wrapper classes are thread-safe, but the iterator is fail-fast. This means that if you are using an iterator to traverse a collection while the underlying collection is being modified by another thread, then the iterator will immediately fail by throwing java.util.ConcurrentModificationException, which is a subclass of RuntimeException. To avoid this error, you need to create a synchronized collection object and acquire a lock on the object when traversing it. For example, suppose you want to traverse a set, you have to write the code like this:

Set hashSet = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); synchronized (hashSet) { // Must synchronize it Iterator iterator = hashSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } }

Failure to do so may result in nondeterministic behavior, such as ConcurrentModificationException.

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1. Threads Concurrency on Shared Resource

Page 54: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

GUI Event Dispatcher Thread

GUI event handling and painting code executes in a single thread, called the event dispatcher thread. This ensures that each event handler finishes executing before the next one executes and the painting isn’t interrupted by events.

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Page 55: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

invokeLater and invokeAndWait

In certain situations, you need to run the code in the event dispatcher thread to avoid possible deadlock. You can use the static methods, invokeLater and invokeAndWait, in the javax.swing.SwingUtilities class to run the code in the event dispatcher thread. You must put this code in the run method of a Runnable object and specify the Runnable object as the argument to invokeLater and invokeAndWait. The invokeLater method returns immediately, without waiting for the event dispatcher thread to execute the code. The invokeAndWait method is just like invokeLater, except that invokeAndWait doesn't return until the event-dispatching thread has executed the specified code.

GUI Event Dispatcher Thread

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Page 56: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Launch Application from Main Method

So far, you have launched your GUI application from the main method by creating a frame and making it visible. This works fine for most applications. In certain situations, however, it could cause problems. To avoid possible thread deadlock, you should launch GUI creation from the event dispatcher thread as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

public void run() { // Place the code for creating a frame and setting it properties




GUI Event Dispatcher Thread

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Page 57: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Fact: Multi-threading vs. Multi-process In few samples it is easy to understand: Necessity: Parallelism vs. Concurrency Multi-Process vs. Multi-Threading Atomic operations (counter++) Multi-threading model mapping

Section Conclusion

Page 58: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

GUI Intro

Java Swing GUI, Inner Class, GUI Controls, Event

Page 59: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. GUI Intro

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Creating GUI Objects // Create a button with text OK

JButton jbtOK = new JButton("OK");

// Create a label with text "Enter your name: "

JLabel jlblName = new JLabel("Enter your name: ");

// Create a text field with text "Type Name Here"

JTextField jtfName = new JTextField("Type Name Here");

// Create a check box with text bold

JCheckBox jchkBold = new JCheckBox("Bold");

// Create a radio button with text red

JRadioButton jrbRed = new JRadioButton("Red");

// Create a combo box with choices red, green, and blue

JComboBox jcboColor = new JComboBox(new String[]{"Red",

"Green", "Blue"});


Label Text field

Check Box

Radio Button

Combo Box

Page 60: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Swing vs. AWT

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So why do the GUI component classes have a prefix J? Instead of JButton, why not name it simply Button? In fact, there is a class already named Button in the java.awt package. When Java was introduced, the GUI classes were bundled in a library known as the Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT). For every platform on which Java runs, the AWT components are automatically mapped to the platform-specific components through their respective agents, known as peers. AWT is fine for developing simple graphical user interfaces, but not for developing comprehensive GUI projects. Besides, AWT is prone to platform-specific bugs because its peer-based approach relies heavily on the underlying platform. With the release of Java 2, the AWT user-interface components were replaced by a more robust, versatile, and flexible library known as Swing components. Swing components are painted directly on canvases using Java code, except for components that are subclasses of java.awt.Window or java.awt.Panel, which must be drawn using native GUI on a specific platform. Swing components are less dependent on the target platform and use less of the native GUI resource. For this reason, Swing components that don’t rely on native GUI are referred to as lightweight components, and AWT components are referred to as heavyweight components.

Page 61: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Class Hierarchy Swing

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Object Color


Panel Applet








Swing Components

in the javax.swing package



Classes in the java.awt





Page 62: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Class Hierarchy Swing (Container Classes)

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Object Color


Panel Applet








Swing Components

in the javax.swing package



Classes in the java.awt






Page 63: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Class Hierarchy Swing (Helper Classes)

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Object Color


Panel Applet








Swing Components

in the javax.swing package



Classes in the java.awt






Page 64: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Class Hierarchy Swing (GUI Components)

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JToggleButton JCheckBox












JScrollPane JSeparator JSplitPane



JTable JTableHeader

JTextField JTextComponent


JToolBar JToolTip










Page 65: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Swing

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Frames • Frame is a window that is not contained inside

another window. Frame is the basis to contain other user interface components in Java GUI applications.

• The JFrame class can be used to create windows.

• For Swing GUI programs, use JFrame class to create widows.

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2. Java GUI – Swing

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Creating Frames

import javax.swing.*;

public class MyFrame {

public static void main(String[] args) {

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame");

frame.setSize(400, 300);






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2. Java GUI – Swing

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Adding Components in a Frame - Content Pane Delegation in JDK 5

// Add a button into the frame


new JButton("OK")); Title bar

Content pane

// Add a button into the frame


new JButton("OK"));

Page 68: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Swing JFrame class

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+JFrame(title: String)

+setSize(width: int, height: int): void

+setLocation(x: int, y: int): void

+setVisible(visible: boolean): void

+setDefaultCloseOperation(mode: int): void

+setLocationRelativeTo(c: Component): void

+pack(): void

Creates a default frame with no title.

Creates a frame with the specified title.

Specifies the size of the frame.

Specifies the upper-left corner location of the frame.

Sets true to display the frame.

Specifies the operation when the frame is closed.

Sets the location of the frame relative to the specified component.

If the component is null, the frame is centered on the screen.

Automatically sets the frame size to hold the components in the


Layout Managers

• Java’s layout managers provide a level of abstraction to automatically map your user interface on all window systems.

• The UI components are placed in containers. Each container has a layout manager to

arrange the UI components within the container.

• Layout managers are set in containers using the setLayout(LayoutManager) method in a container.

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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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FlowLayout Example

Write a program that adds three labels and text fields into the content pane of a frame with a FlowLayout manager.

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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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The FlowLayout Class


-alignment: int

-hgap: int

-vgap: int


+FlowLayout(alignment: int)

+FlowLayout(alignment: int, hgap:

int, vgap: int)

The alignment of this layout manager (default: CENTER).

The horizontal gap of this layout manager (default: 5 pixels).

The vertical gap of this layout manager (default: 5 pixels).

Creates a default FlowLayout manager.

Creates a FlowLayout manager with a specified alignment.

Creates a FlowLayout manager with a specified alignment,

horizontal gap, and vertical gap.

The get and set methods for these data fields are provided in

the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.

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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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GridLayout Example

Rewrite the program in the preceding example using a GridLayout manager instead of a FlowLayout manager to display the labels and text fields.

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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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The GridLayout Class


-rows: int

-columns: int

-hgap: int

-vgap: int


+GridLayout(rows: int, columns: int)

+GridLayout(rows: int, columns: int,

hgap: int, vgap: int)

The number of rows in this layout manager (default: 1).

The number of columns in this layout manager (default: 1).

The horizontal gap of this layout manager (default: 0).

The vertical gap of this layout manager (default: 0).

Creates a default GridLayout manager.

Creates a GridLayout with a specified number of rows and columns.

Creates a GridLayout manager with a specified number of rows and

columns, horizontal gap, and vertical gap.

The get and set methods for these data fields are provided in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.

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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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The BorderLayout Manager

The BorderLayout manager divides the container into five areas: East, South, West, North, and Center. Components are added to a BorderLayout by using the add method.

add(Component, constraint),

where constraint is




BorderLayout.NORTH, or


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2. Java GUI – Swing Layout Managers Samples

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The BorderLayout Class


-hgap: int

-vgap: int


+BorderLayout(hgap: int, vgap: int)

The horizontal gap of this layout manager (default: 0).

The vertical gap of this layout manager (default: 0).

Creates a default BorderLayout manager.

Creates a BorderLayout manager with a specified number of

horizontal gap, and vertical gap.

The get and set methods for these data fields are provided in

the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.

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2. Java GUI – Swing

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Using Panels as Sub-Containers

• Panels act as sub-containers for grouping user

interface components.

• It is recommended that you place the user interface

components in panels and place the panels in a frame.

You can also place panels in a panel.

• To add a component to JFrame, you actually add it to

the content pane of JFrame. To add a component to a

panel, you add it directly to the panel using the add


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2. Java GUI – Swing

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Creating a JPanel

You can use new JPanel() to create a panel with a default

FlowLayout manager or new JPanel(LayoutManager) to

create a panel with the specified layout manager. Use the

add(Component) method to add a component to the

panel. For example,

JPanel p = new JPanel();

p.add(new JButton("OK"));

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2. Java GUI – Swing

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Testing Panels Example This example uses panels to organize components. The program creates a user interface for a Microwave oven.

A button

A textfield






Google Windows Builder Pro for Eclipse:

Page 78: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Swing Common Features

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+add(comp: Component): Component

+add(comp: Component, index: int): Component

+remove(comp: Component): void

+getLayout(): LayoutManager

+setLayout(l: LayoutManager): void

+paintComponents(g: Graphics): void

Adds a component to the container.

Adds a component to the container with the specified index.

Removes the component from the container.

Returns the layout manager for this container.

Sets the layout manager for this container.

Paints each of the components in this container.


-font: java.awt.Font

-background: java.awt.Color

-foreground: java.awt.Color

-preferredSize: Dimension

-visible: boolean

+getWidth(): int

+getHeight(): int

+getX(): int

+getY(): int

The font of this component.

The background color of this component.

The foreground color of this component.

The preferred size of this component.

Indicates whether this component is visible.

Returns the width of this component.

Returns the height of this component.

getX() and getY() return the coordinate of the component’s

upper-left corner within its parent component.


-toolTipText: String

-border: javax.swing.border.Border

The tool tip text for this component. Tool tip text is displayed when

the mouse points on the component without clicking.

The border for this component.

The get and set methods for these data fields are provided in

the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.

The get and set methods for these data fields are provided in

the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.

Page 79: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Handling GUI Events

Source object (e.g., button)

Listener object contains a method for processing the event.

Page 80: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Event Handling – Trace Execution

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public class HandleEvent extends JFrame {

public HandleEvent() {

OKListenerClass listener1 = new OKListenerClass();



public static void main(String[] args) {



class OKListenerClass implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

System.out.println("OK button clicked");



1. Start from the

main method to

create a window and

display it

Page 81: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Event Handling – Trace Execution

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public class HandleEvent extends JFrame {

public HandleEvent() {

OKListenerClass listener1 = new OKListenerClass();



public static void main(String[] args) {



class OKListenerClass implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

System.out.println("OK button clicked");



2. Click OK

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling – Trace Execution

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public class HandleEvent extends JFrame {

public HandleEvent() {

OKListenerClass listener1 = new OKListenerClass();



public static void main(String[] args) {



class OKListenerClass implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

System.out.println("OK button clicked");



3. Click OK. The

JVM invokes the




Page 83: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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• An event can be defined as a type of signal to the program that something has happened.

• The event is generated by external user actions such as mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keystrokes, or by the operating system, such as a timer.

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Event Classes

AWTEvent EventObject















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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Event Information

An event object contains whatever properties are pertinent to the event. You can identify the source object of the event using the getSource() instance method in the EventObject class. The subclasses of EventObject deal with special types of events, such as button actions, window events, component events, mouse movements, and keystrokes. Table 15.1 lists external user actions, source objects, and event types generated.

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Selected User Actions

Source Event Type

User Action Object Generated

Click a button JButton ActionEvent

Click a check box JCheckBox ItemEvent, ActionEvent

Click a radio button JRadioButton ItemEvent, ActionEvent

Press return on a text field JTextField ActionEvent

Select a new item JComboBox ItemEvent, ActionEvent

Window opened, closed, etc. Window WindowEvent

Mouse pressed, released, etc. Component MouseEvent

Key released, pressed, etc. Component KeyEvent

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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The Delegation Model

source: SourceClass

+addXListener(listener: XListener)

listener: ListenerClass



Trigger an event

XListener +handler(event: XEvent)

Register by invoking

source.addXListener(listener); (a) A generic source component

with a generic listener

source: JButton

+addActionListener(listener: ActionListener)

listener: CustomListenerClass


+actionPerformed(event: ActionEvent)

Register by invoking

source.addActionListener(listener); (b) A JButton source component

with an ActionListener

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Internal Function of a Source Component

source: SourceClass

+addXListener(XListener listener)

(a) Internal function of a generic source object

event: XEvent listener1 listener2



Keep it a list



listener2.handler(event) …


An event is


source: JButton

+addActionListener(ActionListener listener)

(b) Internal function of a JButton object




listener2 …



Keep it a list



listener2.actionPerformed(event) …


An event is


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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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The Delegation Model: Example

JButton jbt = new JButton("OK");

ActionListener listener = new OKListener();


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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Selected Event Handlers Event Class Listener Interface Listener Methods (Handlers) ActionEvent ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent)

ItemEvent ItemListener itemStateChanged(ItemEvent)

WindowEvent WindowListener windowClosing(WindowEvent)







ContainerEvent ContainerListener componentAdded(ContainerEvent)


MouseEvent MouseListener mousePressed(MouseEvent)



mouseExited(MouseEvent) mouseEntered(MouseEvent) KeyEvent KeyListener keyPressed(KeyEvent)



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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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+getActionCommand(): String

+getModifiers(): int

+getWhen(): long

Returns the command string associated with this action. For a

button, its text is the command string.

Returns the modifier keys held down during this action event.

Returns the timestamp when this event occurred. The time is

the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.


+getSource(): Object

Returns the object on which the event initially occurred.


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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Inner Class Listeners

A listener class is designed specifically to create a listener object for a GUI component (e.g., a button). It will not be shared by other applications. So, it is appropriate to define the listener class inside the frame class as an inner class.

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2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Inner Classes

Inner class: A class is a member of another class.

Advantages: In some applications, you can use an inner class to make programs simple.

• An inner class can reference the data and methods defined in the outer class in which it nests, so you do not need to pass the reference of the outer class to the constructor of the inner class.

Page 94: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Inner Classes, cont. public class Test {



public class A {



public class Test {


// Inner class

public class A {






// inner class demo

public class OuterClass {

private int data;

/** A method in the outer class */

public void m() {

// Do something


// An inner class

class InnerClass {

/** A method in the inner class */

public void mi() {

// Directly reference data and method

// defined in its outer class







2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Page 95: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Inner Classes (cont.)

• Inner classes can make programs simple and concise.

• An inner class supports the work of its containing outer class and is compiled into a class named OuterClassName$InnerClassName.class. For example, the inner class InnerClass in OuterClass is compiled into OuterClass$InnerClass.class.

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Page 96: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Inner Classes (cont.)

• An inner class can be declared public, protected, or private subject to the same visibility rules applied to a member of the class.

• An inner class can be declared static. A static inner class can be accessed using the outer class name. A static inner class cannot access nonstatic members of the outer class

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Page 97: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Anonymous Inner Classes

• An anonymous inner class must always extend a superclass or implement an interface, but it cannot have an explicit extends or implements clause.

• An anonymous inner class must implement all the abstract methods in the superclass or in the interface.

• An anonymous inner class always uses the no-arg constructor from its superclass to create an instance. If an anonymous inner class implements an interface, the constructor is Object().

• An anonymous inner class is compiled into a class named OuterClassName$n.class. For example, if the outer class Test has two anonymous inner classes, these two classes are compiled into Test$1.class and Test$2.class.

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Page 98: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Anonymous Inner Classes (cont.)

Inner class listeners can be shortened using anonymous inner classes. An anonymous inner class is an inner class without a name. It combines declaring an inner class and creating an instance of the class in one step. An anonymous inner class is declared as follows (

new SuperClassName/InterfaceName() { // Implement or override methods in superclass or interface // Other methods if necessary }

2. Java GUI – Event Handling

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Page 99: Lecture 7 Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

Section Conclusions

Java Swing

for easy sharing

Java Swing as GUI development approach is going to be replaced by

Java FX and Java FX 2 Java swing is good for understanding call-back and event – delegate

mechanisms, as well as, anonymous inner classes Event-driven programming might be implemented with Java Swing

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Java Programming – Software App Development End of Lecture 7 – Java SE Multithreading 2 + GUI

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