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Introduction to

Computational Thinking

Module 2 :

Introduction to Python

Asst Prof Chi-Wing FU, Philip

Office: N4-02c-104

email: cwfu[at]

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• What is Python?

• Download and install Python

• Running a Python program

• Interpreter VS Compiler

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What is Python?

• A programming language

(a computer language designed to express computations

that can be performed by a computer)

• Developed by Guido van Rossum

• Released in 1991

• Current (popular) versions: 2.7 & 3.2

• Open Source - You can find the source code here:

• Python official website:

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Origin of its name

• Named after Monty Python’s Flying Circus,

which is a BBC TV sketch comedy series

broadcasted from 1969 to 1974

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Some Useful Websites

• Python - Official Website:

• Beginner’s Guide to Python

• Common Pitfall for Beginners:

ramming (you may visit it after you learn more Python)

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Use of Python

• Web Development

• Google app engine and search spiders

• Facebook (Tornado web server)

• Games

• AI Programming

• Team balancing

• Score keeping

• Scripting in Graphics/Rendering

• Scripting in Blender 3D


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Characteristics of Python

• Designed to be simple yet powerful

• Great emphasis on readability (indentation)

• Rapid prototyping

• Interpreted and interactive

(Python looks at program instructions one at a time, and

turns it into something that can be run on the computer)

• Object-oriented programming

(In Python, all data are objects; see next course on OOP)

Not understanding? See later in this module/course!

* Allows fast coding!!!

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Characteristics of Python


• High productivity in program development

• Lots of built-in resources to do this and that

• Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X

• FREE to use, even for commercial products

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Why Python?

There are so many programming languages!!!

• Fortran, C, C++, Java, Perl, Pascal, Logo, C#,

Visual Basic, Basic, Objective C, ……

Why Python in this course???

… Remember the focus of this course???

Computational Thinking! Problem solving!

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Why Python?Since

• Programming languages are ever changing,

but computational thinking is more persistent

Problem Algorithm Program

Run on




Data (Star Trek)

Talk to computer?

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Why Python?Since

• Once you master computational thinking in a

language like Python, you can apply the same

problem-solving skill with other languages

• In real world, your supervisor will likely ask you

to use a computer language that you haven’t

learnt before… and you will likely have to learn

and use it in a tight schedule

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Why Python?Since…

• Python is simple but yet powerful and is a good

tool for rapid-prototyping programming

Hence, we can focus less on the language but

more on problem solving!!!

Problem Algorithm Program

Run onComputational



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Same Algorithm: Python, C & Java



All of them ask user input for N,compute factorial of N, and then

print out the result


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Python 2 vs 3

• Python 3 is not backward compatible with 2

• Older libraries not compatible

• Python 2 was standard, Python 3 is 'shiny new'

• 2.7 is last Python version in v2 (July 2010)

• 3.2 released more recently (May 2011)

• 3.2 has a number of changes in the Python language compared to 2.7, e.g., print as a function, etc.

• Examples in our new textbook (2nd edition) now use Python 3 (other than this, contents are similar to 1st ed.)

In this course, we use version 3.2.3Check your own version for assignment!!!

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• What is Python?

• Download and install Python

• Running a Python program

• Interpreter VS Compiler

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#1: Visit and click DOWNLOAD

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#2: After that, scroll down and you will see: Select theplatform of

your computer

and click on it

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Download and Install

#3: Save the installer file on your computer and double-

click to run the installer

Note: here is inmy windows 32-bit

platform (win XP)

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#4: You will be prompted with a number of dialog boxes

1 2

Just a security check. No worryInstall for all? Up to you

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#5: Install directory and customize the installation


Install to where? Up to youJust click “Next” if you don’t care


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#6: Installation complete, and you will find:

5 6

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• What is Python?

• Download and install Python

• Running a Python program

• Interpreter VS Compiler

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What is a program?


• A program is an implementation of an algorithm in a particular language

In more detail…

• A program consists of a sequence of instructions to perform an algorithm

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Example Python Program #1

• Hello World Program in Python

You may use your favorite text editor (or just use the IDLEeditor) to create a text file, type in the python instructions line by line, and then save it as in a file with file extension .py



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• Start IDLE, which is a Python Graphical User Interface

(assume you’ve already installed it)

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Use IDLE to load & run program

• And you will see. Then, select open under the File menu

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Use IDLE to load & run program

• Then, open in the dialog box and you

will see a pop up window that open the python program

you created in the text editor.

So… You may actually open an existing python program

like this, or start a new python program here with IDLE

run it!!!

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Use IDLE to load & run program

• After you click on “Run Module,” go back to the initial Python Shell window you have; you will find the

program output (messages print out) here. In fact,

program print out normally will be displayed here.



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Use IDLE to run program directly

• In fact, you may actually type your program line by line into Python shell (or copy and paste), you will see:

The print out is displayed immediately after each

print instruction in the Python program… Why?



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Why? Interpreted

• This tells us two characteristics about Python:


First, Python is an interpreted language (like Java, etc.)

• When we run a Python program, the system translates

each line of Python instruction into machine code that

the CPU can understand and run on -> Interpreted!!!

• Hence, the printed message “Hello Class!” was printed

immediately after the corresponding print instruction

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Why? Interactive

Second, Python is an interactive language

• We can type in commands in the Shell and the commands

can be incrementally and interactively run in the Shell

• Let’s continue the program…

(see next slide)



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Why? Interactive


print out

Here we add one more instruction that combines the two strings

“str1” and “str1”; then, we print out the result!!! Here we can

actually read back the values of the strings!!!

One more


(Note: you will learn this + operator for string later in this course: module 8)

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Why? Interactive

Let’s trymore

Like aninteractive


Ok with Python 2but not Python 3

Need parenthesis

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• Using IDLE, if you save the file without a .py suffix, it will stop colorizing and formatting the file.

• Resave with the .py, everything is fine

• Shortcuts in IDLE:

<ctrl>+<space> Auto complete

<alt>+<p> Recall previous command

<alt>+<n> Back to next command

(for recalling history)

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Example Python Program #2

• Computing Factorial in Python:






Note: you will learn detail on if, else, print, for, etc. later

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Same Algorithm in C

• More initialization and formality are required in C compared to Python

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Same Algorithm in Java

• How about Java? Similar to C…

As mentioned earlier, Python can allow simple code

so that we can focus more on problem solving

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• What is Python?

• Download and install Python

• Running a Python program

• Interpreter VS Compiler

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Machine Language

• Different CPUs (Central Processing Unit)

have different instruction sets, defining

different languages, called the

machine language

• Machine languages are

• usually referred to as low level languages which are

not possible for human to directly program (because they are bits and bytes, not human readable)

• machine dependent, so we cannot take machine code executable on one platform and run it on

elsewhere, e.g., Mac -> Windows

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Machine Language

• To run a program on a computer, the program

instructions must be in the corresponding

machine language so that the instructions can

be understood and run by the CPU

• But… we write programs in Python, C, Java,

etc. So… how to???



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Two possible approaches

Approach #1: Compiler [translate first and run later]

• First translate the entire program code in a high level

language such as C into machine code (by compiler)

• Store the resulting translated machine code as a file

• When we need to run the program, just execute the machine code file



Store as a file

compileProgramCode in C

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Two possible approaches

Approach #2: Interpreter [translate and run together]

• Repeat the followings for each program instruction

• We can translate an instruction in the program code (such as Python) to machine code,

• and execute the translated instruction immediately

So… interpreter appears to run the high-level code directly






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Python – Interactive and Interpreted

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Compiler VS Interpreter

• Compiler

• Translation is done off-line (before execution)

• Execution is usually fast because no need to do

code translation (compiled already)

• Machine code can be optimized (takes more time)

• Interpreter

• Translation is done online (interlaced with execution)

• Can be interactive (better for experimenting)

• Execution is usually slower (need code translation)

• Program execution can be cross-platform (for C, the

machine code file cannot)

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Take Home Messages

• Python is a simple, interpreted, and interactive programming language that allows rapid prototyping and experiments

• Hence, it allows us to focus more on computational thinking and problem solving

• Make sure you use version 3.2.3

• Ask yourself the difference and pros & cons between:– program code VS machine code

– interpreter VS compiler

For your interest: how about Java? … more complicated

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Reading Assignment

• Textbook

Chapter 0: The Study of Computer Science

0.3, 0.5 to 0.9

Chapter 1: Beginnings


Note: Though some material in textbook is not

directly related to the lecture material, you can

learn more from them.

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