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Page 1: Lec 9 Other Methods

Roots of Nonlinear Equations

Topic: Other Methods

Dr. Nasir M Mirza

Numerical Numerical MethodsMethods

Email: [email protected]

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Lecture’s Goals

• Let us introduce methods for Solving Equations of one Variable by MATLAB

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Example 1.Find the roots of the polynomial f(x) = x5 -10x4 + 35x2 - 50x + 24 Solution:

The roots are found with the following two statements. We have denoted the polynomial as p1, and the roots as roots_ p1.

p1=[1 −10 35 −50 24] % Specify the coefficients of p1(x)p1 = 1 -10 35 -50 24roots_ p1=roots(p1) % Find the roots of p1(x)

roots_p1 =4.00003.00002.00001.0000

We observe that MATLAB displays the polynomial coefficients as a row vector, and the roots as a column vector.

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Example 1.2Find the roots of the polynomial: p2(x)= x5 – 7x4 + 16x2 + 25x +52Solution:There is no cube term; therefore, we must enter zero as its

coefficient. The roots are found with the statements below where we have defined the polynomial as p2, and the roots of this polynomial as

p2=[1 −7 0 16 25 52];roots(p2)

% the result is following: 6.50142.7428-1.5711-0.3366 + 1.3202i-0.3366 - 1.3202i

The result indicates that this polynomial has three real roots, and two complex roots. Of course, complex roots always occur in complex conjugate pairs.

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Polynomial Construction from Known Roots

We can compute the coefficients of a polynomial from a given set of roots with the poly(r) function, where r is a row vector containing the roots.

Example 1.3It is known that the roots of a polynomial are 1, 2, 3, 4.

Compute the coefficients of this polynomial.Solution:We first define a row vector, say, with the given roots as

elements of this vector; then, we find the coefficients with the poly(r) function as shown below.

r3=[1 2 3 4] % Specify the roots of the polynomialr3 = 1 2 3 4poly(r3) % Find the polynomial coefficients1 -10 35 -50 24These are coefficients of the polynomial of Example 1.

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Example 4.It is known that the roots of a polynomial are -1, -2, -3, 4 + 5i, 4

– 5i . Find the coefficients of this polynomial.Solution:We form a row vector, say , with the given roots, and we find the

polynomial coefficients with the poly(r) function as shown below.

r4=[ −1 −2 −3 4+5j 4−5j ]r4 = Columns 1 through 4-1.0000 -2.0000 -3.0000 -4.0000 + 5.0000iColumn 5-4.0000 - 5.0000ipoly(r4)1 14 100 340 499 246

Therefore, the polynomial is: x5 + 14x4 + 100x3 + 340x2 + 499x +246

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Example 5The polyval(p,x) function evaluates a polynomial at some

specified value of the independent variable.

Evaluate the polynomial: x6 – 3x5 + 5x3 – 4x2 + 3x + 2 at x = -3.

Solution:p5=[1 −3 0 5 −4 3 2]; % These are the coefficients% The semicolon (;) after the right bracket suppresses the

display of % the row vector that contains the coefficients. polyval(p5, −3) % Evaluate p5 at x=−3. % No semicolon is used here% because we want the answer to be displayed


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Other polynomial functions

• Other MATLAB functions used with polynomials are the following:

• conv(a,b) − multiplies two polynomials a and b

• [q,r]=deconv(c,d) −divides polynomial c by polynomial d and displays the quotient q and remainder r.

• polyder(p) − produces the coefficients of the derivative of a polynomial p.

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Example 6Let p1 = x5 – 3x4 + 5x2 + 7x + 9

p2 = 2x6 – 8x4 + 4x2 + 10x + 12Compute the product with the conv(a,b) function.

Solution:p1 = [1 −3 0 5 7 9];p2 = [2 0 −8 0 4 10 12];conv(p1, p2) 2 -6 -8 34 18 -24 -74 -88 78 166 174 108 Therefore, Product = 2x11 – 6x10 – 8x9 + 34x8 + 18x7 – 24x6

– 74x5 – 88x4 + 78x3 + 166x2 + 174x + 108

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Example 7Let p3 = x7 – 3x5 – 5x3 + 7x + 9 p4 = 2x6 – 8x5 + 4x2 + 10x + 12Compute the quotient using the deconv(p,q)


Solution:p3=[1 0 −3 0 5 7 9]; p4=[2 −8 0 0 4 10 12]; [q, r]=deconv(p3, p4)q = 0.5000r = 0 4 -3 0 3 2 3Therefore, the quotient and remainder are

q(x)=0.5 r(x) = 4x5 – 3x4 + 3x2 +2x+3

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Example 8Let p5 = 2x6 – 8x4 + 4x2 +10x + 12 Compute the derivative using the polyder(p)


Solution:p5=[2 0 −8 0 4 10 12];der_p5=polyder(p5)

der_p5 =12 0 -32 0 8 10

Therefore,derivative = 12x5 – 32x3 + 4x2 + 8x + 10

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Rootsearch function• The function rootsearch looks for a zero of the function

f (x) in the interval (a, b);• The search starts at a and proceeds in steps dx

toward b. • Once a zero is detected, rootsearch returns its bounds

(x1, x2) to the calling program. • If a root was not detected, x1 = x2 = NaN is returned

(in MATLAB NaN stands for “not a number”).• After the first root (the root closest to a) has been

bracketed, rootsearch can be called again with a replaced by x2 in order to find the next root.

• This can be repeated as long as rootsearch detects a root.

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Rootsearch function in Matlabfunction [x1, x2] = rootsearch(func, a, b, dx)% Incremental search for a root of f(x).% USAGE: [x1, x2] = rootsearch(func, a, b, dx)% INPUT: func = handle of function that returns f(x).% a, b = limits of search.% dx = search increment.% OUTPUT: x1,x2 = bounds on the smallest root in (a,b);% set to NaN if no root was detected

x1 = a; f1 = feval(func,x1);x2 = a + dx; f2 = feval(func,x2);while f1*f2 > 0.0 if x1 >= b

x1 = NaN; x2 = NaN; returnend x1 = x2; f1 = f2; x2 = x1 + dx; f2 = feval(func,x2);


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Example 1• Use incremental search with x = 0.2 to bracket the smallest positive zero

of f (x) = x3 – 10x2 + 5.

• Solution: We evaluate f (x) at intervals x = 0.2, staring at x = 0, until the function changes its sign (value of the function is of no interest to us; only its sign is relevant).

• This procedure yields the following results:x f (x)0.0 5.0000.2 4.6080.4 3.4640.6 1.6160.8 -0.888

• From the sign change of the function we conclude that the smallest positive zero lies between x = 0.6 and x = 0.8. and

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% Example 1 (root finding with bisection)

a = 0.0; b = 0.80; dx = 0.02;[x1, x2] = rootsearch(@fex1,a,b,dx);

function y = fex1(x)% Function used in Example 1y = x.^3 - 10.0*x.^2 + 5.0;

x1 = 0.7200 x2 = 0.7400 >>

Output is here.

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bisect function: for bisection method• This uses the bisection to find the root of f (x) = 0

that is known to lie in the interval (x1, x2). • The number of bisections n required to reduce the

interval to tol. • The input argument filter controls the filtering of

suspected singularities. By setting filter = 1, we force the routine to check whether the magnitude of f (x) decreases with each interval halving.

• If it does not, the “root” may not be a root at all, but a singularity, in which case root = NaN is returned.

• Since this feature is not always desirable, the default value is filter = 0.

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bisect function in Matlabfunction root = bisect(func,x1,x2,filter,tol)% Finds a bracketed zero of f(x) by bisection.% USAGE: root = bisect(func,x1,x2,filter,tol)% INPUT:% func = handle of function that returns f(x).% x1,x2 = limits on interval containing the root.% filter = singularity filter: 0 = off (default),1 = on.% tol = error tolerance (default is 1.0e4*eps).% OUTPUT:% root = zero of f(x), or NaN if singularity suspected.if nargin < 5; tol = 1.0e4*eps; endif nargin < 4; filter = 0; endf1 = feval(func,x1);if f1 == 0.0; root = x1; return; endf2 = feval(func,x2); if f2 == 0.0; root = x2; return; endif f1*f2 > 0;error(’Root is not bracketed in (x1,x2)’)end

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bisect function in Matlab - continuedn = ceil(log(abs(x2 - x1)/tol)/log(2.0));for i = 1:nx3 = 0.5*(x1 + x2); f3 = feval(func,x3);if(filter == 1) & (abs(f3) > abs(f1))...& (abs(f3) > abs(f2))root = NaN; returnendif f3 == 0.0root = x3; returnendif f2*f3 < 0.0x1 = x3; f1 = f3;elsex2 = x3; f2 = f3;endendroot=(x1 + x2)/2;

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EXAMPLE 2 • Find all the zeroes of f(x) = x – tan(x) in the interval (0, 20) by

the method of bisection. Utilize the functions rootsearch and bisect.

Solution: Note that tan x is singular and changes sign at x = π/2, 3π /2, . . . .

• To prevent bisect function from mistaking these point for roots, we set filter = 1.

• The closeness of roots to the singularities is another potential problem that can be removed by using small x in rootsearch function.

• Choosing x = 0.01, we arrive at the following program:

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Example 2% all root finding with bisectiona = 0.0; b = 20.0; dx = 0.01;nroots = 0;while 1

[x1,x2] = rootsearch(@fex4,a,b,dx);if isnan(x1)


a = x2;x = bisect(@fex4,x1,x2,1);if ˜isnan(x)

nroots = nroots + 1;root(nroots) = x;



function y = fex4(x)% Function used in Example y = x - tan(x);

>> root =0 4.4934 7.7253 10.9041 14.0662 17.2208

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Newton Raphson method programfunction [root,numIter] = newton_simple(func,dfunc,x,tol)% Simple version of Newton-Raphson method used in

Example. if nargin < 5; tol = 1.0e6*eps; endfor i = 1:30dx = -feval(func,x)/feval(dfunc,x);x = x + dx;if abs(dx) < tolroot = x; numIter = i; returnendendroot = NaN

function y = fex4(x)% first Function used in Example y = xˆ4 - 6.4*xˆ3 + 6.45*xˆ2 + 20.538*x - 31.752;

function y = dfex4(x)% second Function used in Example y = 4.0*xˆ3 - 19.2*xˆ2 + 12.9*x + 20.538;

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Newton Raphson method program

>> [root, numIter] = newton_simple(@fex4, @dfex4, 2.0)root = 2.1000numIter = 27

Here are the results:

It can be shown that near a multiple root the convergence of the Newton Raphson method is linear, rather than quadratic, which explains the large number of iterations.Convergence to a multiple root can be speeded up by replacing the Newton Raphson formula as : x(i+1) = x(i) – m f(x(i))/f’(x(i))Here m is multiplicity (2 in this case). After the change the answer is obtained after 5 iterations.

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