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2. Lucy Macdonald 3. cONTENTS Of ThE BOOk Understanding optimism Optimist attitudes Optimist and your physical health Optimist and your mental health Optimist in action 4. uNdERSTANdINg OPTIMISMKey components of optimism Emotional intelligence Self-esteem Resilience Happiness 5. PERSONAL An optimistic takes credit for good events For bad events an optimist blames outside circumstances 6. PERMANENT They believes that the positive effects will last. For bad events they maintains that the effects will not last .(Temporary) 7. PERVASIVE I still have trouble in one area but overall I am doing much better. 8. PERSONAL Its my fault. I am to blame. 9. PERMANENT I have always done this. I never seem to learn. 10. PERVASIVE I seem to make the same mistakes in all areas. Nothing ever goes right for me. 11. OPTIMISTIc PERSON I dont have all the skills required for the role I can take a course to improve my skills and then Ill have a a better chance next time. They werent looking for someone with my particular abilities, but my skills have value. 12. PESSIMISTS I didnt get the job promotion because Im not good enough. Ill never be good enough. no one will ever want the skills that I have and theres nothing that I can do about it . 13. cAN OPTIMISM bE LEARNEd ? Dogs were exposed to mild electric shocks from which They could not escape. When the same dogs were given the a means of escaping the electric shocks, they did not even begin to try . 14. What it is ?It goes with us everywhere we go. It is on display at work and at home. People make judgments about us on the basis of it. It has no colour, it has no size, yet its impact our life is profound. 15. Is the glass half full or half empty ? 16. optImIsts belIeve that every cloud has a sIlver lInIng, whIle pessImIsts just see the potentIal for raIn. 17. Dealing with setbacks 18. many of lIfes faIlures are people who dId not realIze how close they were to success when they gave up. I have not faIled . Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont worK . thomas edIson 19. optImIsm and your physIcal health The mind and-body connection Managing your health Stay healthy, stay happy Take a laughter cure 20. optImIsm and your mental helath Over coming depression Managing stress Relaxation response Living with hope Finding peace of mind Immersing yourself 21. Using Bach flower remedies GENTIAN If you feel discouraged by setbackDr. Edward Bach 22. WILD ROSE If you have given up and take whatever life hands over you 23. MUSTARD FLOWER If you suffer from depression Rediscover the joy and peace in your life . 24. OPTIMISM he healthiest people learn to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more helpful, optimist thoughts! 25. Conclusion The most important gift we can bring to the world is our Optimism. Everyone will benefit from our attitudes When we choose optimism, nothing can stop us from creating the life that we want. When we choose optimism, we give ourselves the key to good health, success, satisfying relationships and a meaningful career. 26. THINK POSITIVE ! Say to yourself every morning: Today is going to be a great day ! I can handle more than I think I can ! Things dont get better by worrying about them! I can be satisfied if I try to do my best ! There is always something to be happy about ! Im going to make someone happy today! Its not good to be down! Life is great, make the most of it !BE AN OPTIMIST !THANK YOU

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