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  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final


     Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (established by Government of India) is exclusively

    implementing the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) across the country NAIS is a 'area

    yield guarantee' crop insurance scheme and the unit of insurance may be district, mandal, block,

    nyay panchayat, gram panchayat, village etc as notified by the State Government.

     All farmers including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified

    unit areas are eligible for coverage

    Scheme is available for all farmers; compulsory for loanee farmers and voluntary for non-loanee farmers

    Sum Insured for the loanee farmers to be at least equal to the amount of crop loan

    advanced. For the non-loanee farmers, the Sum Insured may extend to the value of

    guaranteed yield of the insured crop, at the option of the farmers

    The farmers (both loanee and non-loanee) may also insure their crops above the value of

    guaranteed yield up to 150% of value of the average yield of the notified area

    Salient features of the Scheme


     lR;es o t;

    National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

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    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Insurance coverage available for cereals & millets (Paddy, Wheat, Mize, Jowar, Bajra etc),

    Pulses (Green gram, Black gram, Red gram, Gram, Lentil etc), Oilseeds (Groundnut, Soya

    bean, Mustard etc) and Annual Commercial & Horticultural Crops (Sugarcane, Potato,

    Onion, Chilly, Ginger etc)

    The applicable premium rates for all the insured Food Crops & Oilseeds are highlysubsidized and fixed by the Government of India. The premium is further subsidized to the

    extent of 10% for Small and Marginal farmers

    If the season's average yield per hectare of the insured crops falls below the guaranteed yield

    for the insurance unit, all the insured farmers growing that crop in the defined areas are

    eligible for claims

    Settlement of claims based on yield data obtained through stipulated number of Crop

    Cutting Experiments, furnished by the State Government

    Claim to eligible insured farmers are routed through the banks. The insured farmers need not

    to lodge for any claim

    The loanee farmers availing loans for notified crops are automatically insured under the

    Scheme by the banks, while the non-loanee farmers are required to insure their crops

    through nearest service bank branch

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     Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS)

    Salient features

    Parametric insurance product designed to provide insurance protection against lossesin crop yield resulting from adverse weather incidences. Providing payouts against

    adverse rainfall incidence (both deficit & excess) during Kharif and adverse incidence

    in weather parameters like frost, heat, relative humidity, un-seasonal rainfall etc.

    during Rabi Seasons

     All cultivators including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing the notified crops in

    any notified reference unit area (RUA) in the pilot areas are eligible for coverage

    Compulsory for loanee farmers and voluntary for non-loanee farmers

    Sum Insured is pre-declared per unit area (broadly equelent to cost of cultivation of thecrops)

    Premium is subsidized by central and state Government up to 50%.

    The insured cultivators become eligible for payout if the ‘Actual Weather’ recorded at

    an RWS during the specified time period shows deviation as compared to the specified

    ‘Trigger Weather’ payouts normally within 45 days from the end of the insurance/

    risk period.

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    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku


    National Crop Insurance Programe

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    Main features

    In case Majority farmers of an area are prevented from sowing / planting due to deficit

    rainfall or adverse seasonal conditions, such insured farmers may be eligible for

    indemnity. The indemnity payable would be a maximum of 25% of the sum-insured.

    In case of localized risks, viz. hailstorm and landslide, the claims will be assessed on

    individual basis. For other calamities the assessment will be on the basis of ‘area


    In case of adverse seasonal conditions during crop season, an account payment ofclaim amount up to 25 percent of likely claims may be released in case losses are

    likely to be more than 50%.

     At the end of the season, claims shall be assessed on the basis of yield data submitted

    by the State Govt based on requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs).

    Post-harvest coverage is available for those crops, which are allowed to dry in the field

    up to 14 days after harvesting due to cyclone in coastal areas, resulting in damage to

    harvested crop.


    National Crop Insurance Programe

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    Crops covered :

    Farmers eligible : 

    Sum Insured :

    Claim payment :

    How to get insurance : 

     All food crops (cereals, millets, Pulses), oilseeds and annual commercial

    horticultural crops.

     All farmers including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing the

    notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. All farmers availing Seasonal Agricultural Operations (SAO) loans from Financial

    Institutions (i.e. loanee farmers) would be covered compulsorily. The Scheme is optional

    for non-loanee farmers.

    In case of Loanee farmers, the Sum Insured would be at least equal to the

    amount of crop loan sanctioned. For Non loanee farmers the sum insured would be the

    value of threshold yield.

    Farmers, at their option, can get their crops insured beyond value of threshold yield up to

    150% value of average yield; however, subsidy would not be available on this additional


     The farmers shall have to intimate losses to be assessed on individual

    basis, within specified time however the losses on area approach shall be automated and

    farmers need not to lodge any claim for claims on area approach basis.

      The loanee farmers shall be covered compulsorily by the

    concerned bank branch / PACS. The non loanee farmers can get insurance by filling in a

    simple proposal form and submitting the same in the bank branch / PACS where he has an

    account or through empaneled intermediary.

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     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final


     About 80% of the world’s energy requirements are met by fossil fuel which is depleting day

    by day due to increase in demand. This has led us to explore alternative energy sources,

    the most promising amongst which are bio-fuels. To promote this environment friendly

    fuel, the government is giving various incentives and subsidies to Bio-fuel tree/plant

    growers to attain the energy security.

    This insurance scheme is applicable to Bio-fuel tree / plant growers and producers, whose

    produce/ yields are likely to be affected by the specified perils. The trees / plants covered

    under the policy are: Jatropha curcas (Jatropha), Pongamia pinnata (Karanja),



    Unique named peril insurance covering as many as six different tree / plant species,

    including Jatropha

    Provides for optional cover against drought riskMaximum liability is linked to cost of cultivation & age of trees / plants and varies from

    species to species


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     Azadirachta indica (Neem), Bassia latifolia (Mahua), Callophyllum inophyllum (Polanga)

    & Simarouba glauca (Paradise Tree).

    The policy shall cover and indemnify the insured against pecuniary loss suffered by theinsured in respect of cost of inputs on account of the total loss or damage to the trees/

    plants occasioned by natural calamities like Flood, Cyclone, storm, Frost and Pest &

    diseases etc., either in isolation or concurrently. Total loss shall mean loss or damage to

    individual Bio-fuel plant or entire plantation or part thereof leading to death of the plant

    or making the plant economically unproductive.

    Sum insured is based on cost of inputs per unit area of insurance covered which willdepend on nature of tree / plant and age of tree / plant. Sum Insured is broadly equivalent

    to input cost, and can extend up to 125% / 150% of the input cost

    The Policy period is annual, with a provision to go for policy of 3 or 5 years duration.

    On occurrence of any insured perils leading to the total loss of damage to the plant/plants the insured has to submit the claim form to Agriculture Insurance Company of

    India Limited (AIC). AIC shall send a licensed surveyor along with an Agriculture Expert to

    the field for assessing the loss to facilitate claim processing. For the purpose of claims,

    death / totally damaged plants making the plant economically unproductive shall be

    considered as loss under the policy. Decline and / or retardation of growth shall not be

    deemed as loss.

    Scope of Cover 

    Sum Insured

    Period of insurance

    Loss Assessment Procedure

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     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final




    Insurance of Coconut Palm

    In collaboration with Coconut Development Board, a comprehensive coconut life

    insurance product.Insurance based on Named perils leading to death /permanent damage to coconut palm

    Maximum liability is based on age of coconut palm and discounted future value

    Coconut is the leading plantation crop of India grown mostly in the coastal areas. Every

    part of coconut has use – coconut water, coconut oil, copra, cake, raw kernel, toddy, shell

    based products, wood based products, and coconut leaves, etc. Coconut occupies

    dominant position with cultivated area of nearly 2 million hectares, producing

    over 12 billion nuts per annum. Coconut is vulnerable to weather factors, particularly

    cyclone winds, gales etc. besides pests & diseases.

    The insurance cover shall cover damage / losses to coconut palm arising out of non-

    preventable natural factors.

    The insurance compensates the insured in the event of total loss of the individual

    palm/tree in the insured plantation from the 4th year to the 60th year. In the first year, a


    National Crop Insurance Programe

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    waiting period of three months from the date of transplanting shall apply. The insurance

    coverage and claim assessment shall be on individual tree basis. The insurance is against

    perils like Storm, Hail storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tornado, Heavy rains, Flood, Inundation,

    severe drought, Fire, Lightning, Earthquake, Landslide, Riot, Strike and Pests & Diseases of

    widespread incidence. Applicability : Minimum trees to be covered – 10 healthy nut bearing palms

     Age Group: (1) 4 years to 60 years for dwarf and hybrid trees (2) 7 years to 60 years

    for tall tree.

    For fixing premium rates and sum insured the age groups are split into two - 4 years to

    15 years & 16 years to 60 years

    Sum insured and Premium :

     4 years to 15 years Rs. 600 per palm Rs. 4-25 per palm

    16 years to 60 years Rs. 1150 per palm Rs. 5-75 per palm

    No service tax on premium

    Premium subsidy: 50% by Coconut Development Board, 25% by concerned State

    Govt., 25% by farmer. If State Govt does not agree for premium subsidy farmer has to

    pay full premium.

    Waiting period: Loss/death of palms within 30 days of inception of insurance, claim is

    not payable under the scheme. However, this condition is applicable in case of

    renewal of insurance, without time gap.

    Claim assessment & settlement procedure :

    (a) Loss to palm to be intimated within 7 days

    (b) Loss certification is required as mentioned in the scheme.

    Sum Insured Premium

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     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final




    Provides protection against failure of Blossom Showers & Backing Showers and excess

    rainfall during Monsoon & Post Monsoon rainfall

     Available in the coffee growing areas of Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu and coversboth Robusta & Arabica

     Allows for speedy settlement of claims, say within 4 – 6 weeks after the insurance period

    is over.

    (i) Coffee Rainfall insurance is a unique rainfall insurance product designed in consultation

    with Coffee Board, Central Coffee Research Institute and coffee growers of the states of

    Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

    (ii) The rainfall insurance provides effective risk management aid to those coffee growers

    likely to be impacted by adverse rainfall incidence.

     Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. compensates the insured against the

    likelihood of diminished coffee output/yield resulting from shortfall / excess in the actual

    rainfall (as the case may be) for different coverage options.


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    Period of Insurance: The insurance operates during 1st March to 31st August. The periods

    under different coverage are as follows:

    Blossom Shower : 1st March to 15th April/ 30th April/ 15th May.

    Backing Shower : 18th day from fulfillment of Blossom Shower till 35th day.

    Monsoon Shower : 1st July to 31st August

    Post Monsoon - a) 1st November-31st December (Arasica)

      b) 1st December-28th February (Robasta)

    Period of insurance under each coverage option is to be specified separately for each

    zone/ rain gauge station area.

    In the event that, in the geographical location and during the time period specified in the

    Schedule to this policy for different options, the Actual Rainfall is deficit / excess compared

    to the specified trigger level, the benefit payable to the insured shall be a sum specified

    corresponding to the trigger level, subject to maximum of the Sum Insured specified under

    various options of the Schedule.

    Claims are automated; and will be settled on the basis of actual rainfall data received

    from the concerned agencies/ institutions. Claims when become payable, will be paid at

    a uniform rate to all the insured growers in the coffee zone.

    Coffee Board provides premium subsidy upto 50% of premium for growers with

    plantation size upto 10 hectares.

    How claims become payable

    Claim Documentation

    Premium Subsidy

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     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final



     Weather Insurance :

    Provides protection against adverse deviations in a range of weather parameters like

    frost, heat, relative humidity, rainfall etc. between December and April

    Generic insurance product insuring crops like wheat, potato, barley, mustard, gram


     Allows for speedy settlement of claims, say within 4 – 6 weeks after the insurance


    Wheat, Mustard, Gram, Potato, Masoor, Barley and Coriander are the major Rabi season

    crops mostly in the states of UP, MP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. These crops are

    extremely vulnerable to weather factors, such as excess rainfall, frost, and fluctuation in

    temperature etc.

    (Rabi) is a mechanism for providing effective risk management aid

    to those individuals and institutions likely to be impacted by adverse weather incidences.

    The most important benefits of Weather Index Insurance are:


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    Period of Insurance :

    Claim Procedure Note

    Trigger events like adverse weather events can be independently verified and


    It allows for speedy settlement of indemnities, as early as a fortnight after the

    indemnity period. All growers, be it Small /Marginal; Owners or tenants/Sharecroppers can buy this

    Weather Insurance.

     Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) shall compensate the insured, against

    deviation in weather parameter from pre defined weather triggers.

     The insurance operates during the months of December to April. However

    the period is different for different parameters and crops.

    Claims are automated; and will be settled on the basis of actual weather data received from the

    concerned agencies/ institutions as applicable to each crop separately. Claims when become

    payable, will be paid at a uniform rate to all the insured growers in the area (jurisdiction of

    reference weather station) growing the insured crop.

     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final



    Scope of Cover 

    This insurance scheme is applicable to Pulpwood tree growers and producers, whose

    produce/ yields are likely to be affected by the specified perils. The product shall be

    offered for Pulpwood trees in specific geographic locations with adequate infrastructure

    and facilities to grow the crop. The trees covered under the policy are:





    The policy shall cover and indemnify the insured against pecuniary loss suffered by the

    insured in respect of cost of inputs (agreed value) on account of the total loss or damage


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    to the trees occasioned by specified perils/risks like Fire, Flood, Cyclone, storm, Frost and

    Pest & diseases etc., either in isolation or concurrently. Total loss shall mean loss or

    damage to individual Pulpwood plant or entire plantation or part thereof leading to death

    of the plant or making the plant economically unproductive.

    Sum Insured is based on cost of inputs (agreed value) per unit area of insurance covered

    which will depend on nature of tree, age of tree. Sum Insured is broadly equivalent to

    input cost, and can extend up to 125% / 150% of the input cost at the discretion of the


    The Policy period is annual, with a provision to go for policy of up to 5 years duration.

    The insurance product is available through the existing network of AIC. Individual growers

    can directly purchase the policy from AIC or from authorized individual / corporate


    Sum Insured

    Period of insurance

    How to avail insurance

     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku

    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final



    Scope of Coverage

    Risks Covered by the Scheme

    The rubber plantations are exposed to perils like fire, lightning, forest fire, bush fire, flood,

    storm, tempest, inundation, land slide, rock slide, earthquake, drought etc. The

    peculiarity of rubber plantations is that if a few trees in a holding is damaged or perished,

    that particular patch of land cannot be used till the time the entire trees are cut and the

    area replanted.

    The scheme will be applicable to both mature and immature plantations. The policy will

    be issued for a period of 7 years from the last day of the month of planting for immature

    plants. Compensation will be available from the second year onwards, which is

    calculated on the basis of ‘replacement cost of the plant plus present value of future

    returns arising out of the loss / death of the plant’. For mature plantations cover will beprovided for blocks of 3 / 2 / 1 year(s) from the 8th year of planting. Compensation is

    calculated the same way as for the immature plantations.

    Fire, Lightning, Riot, Strike & Malicious Damage, Bush Fire, Forest Fire, Flood, Storm,

    Tempest, Inundation, Land Slide, Rock Slide, Earthquake and Drought provided the Block


  • 8/9/2019 Leaflets - English - Final


    / Taluka concerned is declared as drought affected by the competent authority of the State

    Government. The policy is also extended to cover the loss or damage caused by road/rail

    vehicles and wild animals.

    Seven years from the last day of the month of planting for immature plantations and in

    blocks of 3 / 2 / 1 year(s) each from the 8th year onwards upto 25 years for mature


    In the case of destruction of 75% of trees and above per hectare, the loss will be treated as

    total and the insured will be paid compensation as per the enclosed chart for the

    damaged trees. Compensation for the remaining unaffected trees in the affected holding

    will be paid on production of a certificate from the Rubber Board / Surveyor certifying that

    the balance 25% trees have been cut and that the entire land is ready for re-planting.

    Period of Insurance

    Total Loss

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    Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.Regd. Off.: "Ambadeep" (13th Floor), 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001

    Ph.: 91-11-46869800, Fax : 91-11-46869815, E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    For Grievance Redressal, please log on to

     lEiUu Hkkjr dh igpku] chfer Qly] [k q'kgky fdlku