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  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World


    A World of Many Languages

    A Mondo de Multa Lingvo

  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World



    The Ten Most Spoken Languages in The Worl d

    1. Chinese (Mandarin)

    2. English

    3. Hindustani

    4. Spanish

    5. Russian

    6. Arabic

    7. Bengali

    8. Portuguese

    9. Malay-Indonesian

    10. French








    5%5% 3%


    . Chinese (Mandarin) 2. English 3. Hindustani

    4. Spanish 5. Russian 6. Arabic

    7. Bengali 8. Portuguese 9. Malay-Indonesian

    10. French

    Top Ten Languages Of The World

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    Number of Native Speakers of The Ten Most Spoken Languages in TheWorld

    Chinese (Mandarin) - 937.132.000

    English - 322.000.000

    Spanish - 332.000.000

    Russian - 170.000.000

    Arabic - 174.950.000Bengali - 207.000.000

    Portuguese - 170.000.000

    French - 79.572.000








    C hinese English Spanish R ussian A rabic B engali Portuguese F rench

    Native Speakers Non--native Speakers

    Native Speaker s




    7% 3%

    Chinese English Spanish Russian

    Arabic Bengali Portuguese French

  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World



    anguage Where Spoken Natively

    Mandarin China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore.

    English USA, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand,Ireland, Singapore, Bermuda, Mariana Islands, Bahamas,Guam and Cayman Islands.

    Hindustani India and Fiji.

    Spanish Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, USA, Venezuela,Peru, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, ElSalvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia,

    Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Panama, Belize,Andorra and Gibraltar.

    Russian Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus,Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Israel, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia,Estonia, Lithuania and Turkmenistan.

    Arabic Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,Yemen. Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan,Mauritania, Palestine, Israel, Oman, UAE, Chad, Kuwait,Bahrain, Qatar, Djibouti, Somalia and Western Sahara.

    Bengali Bangladesh and India.

    Portuguese Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and other ex-Portuguese colonies.

    alay-IndonesianIndonesia and Suriname.

    French France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, French Guiana,French Polynesia, New Caledonia and other overseas

    territories and departments of France.

    Note: These Languages are in the Top Ten because ofthe size of the population of the countries where they

  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World



    Second Language

    Is any language learned after the firstIs any language learned after the firstlanguage or mother tongue, that is usedlanguage or mother tongue, that is usedregularly in the area where learnt.regularly in the area where learnt.

    Canada:Canada:-Quebec Native language is French-Quebec Native language is French

    Second language is EnglishSecond language is English

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    As A Foreign Language

    A foreign language is a language that is learned in anarea where that language is not generally spoken.

    Not used regularly byits learners.

    Learnt considering studiesabroad, political, social

    economical, and scientificcommunication between

    people from different places.

    Has no culturalrelation with thecountry of the


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    Languages learnt as foreign languages

    Foreign Language Where Learnt

    English Europe, Asia ( China, HongKong, Japan, South Korea,Thailand )

    Spanish Europe, USA

    French Europe, Africa

    There are also specific organizations, likelanguage schools, that specialize in theteaching of a language to a foreigner.

  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World


    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    Mandarin is now the most spoken language, because of Mandarin is now the most spoken language, because of different reasons;different reasons;

    - China is the most populated country (1/5 of the worldChina is the most populated country (1/5 of the worldaprox.);aprox.);

    - some business men are starting to learn mandarin tosome business men are starting to learn mandarin to

    communicate with the Chinese business men;communicate with the Chinese business men;- some people believe that the mandarin will be the mostsome people believe that the mandarin will be the mostimportant language of the futureimportant language of the future ;;

    There are lots of mandarinThere are lots of mandarindialects in China, but there is adialects in China, but there is aStandard MandarinStandard Mandarin which is widelywhich is widelyspoken in Beijing.spoken in Beijing.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    English is the second in the ranking;English is the second in the ranking;

    The main reason for its popularity is because it wasThe main reason for its popularity is because it waschosen aschosen as Lingua FrancaLingua Franca , and its learnt as a foreign, and its learnt as a foreignlanguage in a lot of countries (Europe countries andlanguage in a lot of countries (Europe countries andmany other);many other);

    There are also other places that speak English asThere are also other places that speak English asmain language or second, because the British empiremain language or second, because the British empirehad lots of territories, like South Africa and India.had lots of territories, like South Africa and India.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    In third place, Hindi with its 22 dialects, wasIn third place, Hindi with its 22 dialects, wasalways spoken in India and in some nearbyalways spoken in India and in some nearbyareas;areas;

    Is one of the oldest languages, also derived fromIs one of the oldest languages, also derived fromSanskrit;Sanskrit;

    There is an official Hindi, Standard Hindi, andThere is an official Hindi, Standard Hindi, andits spoken only in India.its spoken only in India.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    Spanish is spoken in a lot of places, since the 16thSpanish is spoken in a lot of places, since the 16thcentury, when the Spanish created an empire, withcentury, when the Spanish created an empire, withcolonies in South America, Asia (Philippines) andcolonies in South America, Asia (Philippines) andlater on, in Africalater on, in Africa ..

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    Russian language is one of the nordic euroasianRussian language is one of the nordic euroasianlanguages, the most widely spoken (eighth in thelanguages, the most widely spoken (eighth in theranking);ranking);Its only spoken in the places that already belonged toIts only spoken in the places that already belonged to

    URSS;URSS;It has a lot of derived languages, as Ukrainian andIt has a lot of derived languages, as Ukrainian andByelorussian.Byelorussian.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    Arabic is the sixth most spoken language due to itsArabic is the sixth most spoken language due to itshistory;history;Arabic is an ancient language, with influence from theArabic is an ancient language, with influence from the

    Persian, Latin, Sanskrit and Islamic languages;Persian, Latin, Sanskrit and Islamic languages;It spread among the world because Arabs always hadIt spread among the world because Arabs always hadthe belief in the Holy War; so, since very early in thethe belief in the Holy War; so, since very early in thehistory of the humanity, they fought to expand their history of the humanity, they fought to expand their religion and cults, like the language.religion and cults, like the language.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?

    Bengali, seventh in ranking, is another language derivedBengali, seventh in ranking, is another language derivedfrom Sanskrit;from Sanskrit;It is also very ancient and its only spoken in the AsianIt is also very ancient and its only spoken in the Asiancontinent, in some places around India (Bangladesh iscontinent, in some places around India (Bangladesh is

    the main city of Bengali).the main city of Bengali).

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    Why are these the most spokenWhy are these the most spoken ??

    Portuguese is the eighth language most spoken;Portuguese is the eighth language most spoken;

    It spread all over the world, during the 15th and 16thIt spread all over the world, during the 15th and 16thcentury, because Portugal was a country with very goodcentury, because Portugal was a country with very good

    sailors who went to the seas to discover territories insailors who went to the seas to discover territories inSouth America, Oceania, Africa and Asia, whereSouth America, Oceania, Africa and Asia, wherenowadays Portuguese language is still alive.nowadays Portuguese language is still alive.
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    Why are these the most spokenWhy are these the most spoken ??Malay Indonesians are ethnic Malays living throughoutMalay Indonesians are ethnic Malays living throughout

    Indonesia, as one of the indigenous peoples of theIndonesia, as one of the indigenous peoples of theisland nation;island nation;Indonesia has the second largest ethnic MalayIndonesia has the second largest ethnic Malaypopulation;population;

    Historically, Indonesian, was derived from the MalayHistorically, Indonesian, was derived from the Malayspoken in Riau, a province in eastern Sumatra;spoken in Riau, a province in eastern Sumatra;There were a number of Malay kingdoms in IndonesiaThere were a number of Malay kingdoms in Indonesiathat covered the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.that covered the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

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    Why are these the most spoken?Why are these the most spoken?French is a descendant of the Latin language of theFrench is a descendant of the Latin language of theRoman Empire;Roman Empire;

    It is an official language in 29 countries, most of whichIt is an official language in 29 countries, most of whichform what is called in French Laform what is called in French La FrancophonieFrancophonie , the, thecommunity of French-speaking nations;community of French-speaking nations;

    It is also an official language of all United NationsIt is also an official language of all United Nationsagencies and a large number of internationalagencies and a large number of internationalorganizations;organizations;

    According to the European Union, 129According to the European Union, 129million people in 27 member states speakmillion people in 27 member states speakFrench.French.

  • 8/14/2019 Languages in the World

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