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Page 1: Ladybug the program Codes (11 january   18 january)

Siir Tecirlioglu10A

The Program

GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "MediumVioletRed"GraphicsWindow.Height = 550GraphicsWindow.Width = 1700For e = 1 To 5000 GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "LightGray" f = Math.GetRandomNumber(5000) g = Math.GetRandomNumber(1150) GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(f,g,10,10)EndForTurtle.Speed=10Turtle.PenUp()Turtle.MoveTo(1000,800)Turtle.PenDown()Turtle.Turn(180)For i = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 50 GraphicsWindow.PenColor="White" Turtle.Move(10*j) Turtle.Turn(5*j) EndForEndForGraphicsWindow.FontSize = 50GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Turquoise"GraphicsWindow.DrawText(250,150,"Welcome to Ladybug!")Program.Delay(200)GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 25GraphicsWindow.DrawText(450,250,"2010")Program.Delay(200)GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 25GraphicsWindow.DrawText(400,300,"Siir Tecirlioglu")Program.Delay(3000)

TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Red"TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "White"TextWindow.WriteLine("")TextWindow.WriteLine("LADYBUG!")TextWindow.WriteLine("When using this program, use only shown abbrevations in the brakets please.")TextWindow.WriteLine("")TextWindow.WriteLine("If you are not in 10th grade, then register as a new user; but if you are in 10th grade , then go to 'known user' ")TextWindow.WriteLine("")GraphicsWindow.Clear()UserChoice()

Sub UserChoice TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Cyan" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" TextWindow.Write("Known user?(known)? Or New User?(new) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") KONU = TextWindow.Read() If KONU = ("new") Then TextWindow.Write("How many new users would you like to add? ") k = TextWindow.ReadNumber() For m = 1 To k NewUserEntry() EndFor ElseIf KONU = ("known") Then TextWindow.Write("Enter name: ") name = TextWindow.Read() If name = "siir" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "oguz" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "tamer" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "evren" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "kristina" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "andjelija" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "jacek" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "linda" Then WWYLTDN()

Page 2: Ladybug the program Codes (11 january   18 january)

ElseIf name = "bianka" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "lu" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "garek" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "aleksandra" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "alex" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "so-jin" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "sara" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "veronika" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "matia" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "tatiana" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "pavle" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "andjela" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "katarina" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "dean" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "marina" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "umberto" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "mina" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "milija" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "herman" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "anja" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "willa" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "akos" Then WWYLTDN() ElseIf name = "theresa" Then WWYLTDN() Else UserChoice() EndIf Else UserChoice() EndIfEndSub

Sub NewUserEntry TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.Write("Enter First name: ") name = TextWindow.Read() AskName: user[name]["name"]= name If name = ("") Then Goto AskName EndIf AskLastName: TextWindow.Write("Enter Last name: ") user[name]["lastname"]=TextWindow.Read() If name = ("") Then Goto AskLastName EndIf AskAge: TextWindow.Write("Enter age: ") user[name]["name"]=TextWindow.ReadNumber() If name = ("") Then Goto AskAge EndIf

Page 3: Ladybug the program Codes (11 january   18 january)

AskNationality: TextWindow.Write("Enter nationality: ") user[name]["nationality"]=TextWindow.Read() If name = ("") Then Goto AskNationality EndIf AskBirthday: TextWindow.Write("Enter birthday(DD MM YYYY): ") user[name]["birthday"]=TextWindow.ReadNumber() If name = ("") Then Goto AskBirthday EndIf AskHomeAddress: TextWindow.Write("Enter home address: ") user[name]["address"]=TextWindow.Read() If name = ("") Then Goto AskHomeAddress EndIf PhoneNumber: TextWindow.WriteLine("Phone Number") TextWindow.Write("Mobile or Home? ") MOCP=TextWindow.Read() If MOCP=("mobile") Then AskMobile: TextWindow.Write("Enter Mobile Number: ") user[name]["Mobile"]=TextWindow.ReadNumber() If name = ("") Then Goto AskMobile EndIf Goto AnotherNumber ElseIf MOCP=("home") Then AskHome: TextWindow.Write("Enter Home Number: ") user[name]["Home"]=TextWindow.ReadNumber() If name = ("") Then Goto AskHome EndIf Goto AnotherNumber AnotherNumber: TextWindow.Write("Add another number(an)? Or Move Forward(mf)?") tw4 = TextWindow.Read() If tw4 = ("an") Then Goto PhoneNumber ElseIf tw4 = ("mf") Then Goto PartofLadybug ElseIf tw4 = ("") Then Goto PhoneNumber EndIf Else Goto PhoneNumber EndIf PartofLadybug: TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("You are now a part of Ladybug!") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") WWYLTDN()EndSub

Sub WWYLTDN Program.Delay(1000) TextWindow.Clear() TextWindow.WriteLine("What would you like to do now? ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Menu: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cook Book(cb) Date and Time(dat) Horoscopes(h) Music(m) Paddle Game(pg) Paint(pa) Phonebook(pb) Reading(r) Turtle’s Life(tl) Simple Calculator(sc) Change User(cu) Quit Program(qp) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.Write("") tw6 = TextWindow.Read() If tw6 = ("cb") Then CookBook() ElseIf tw6 = ("dat") Then DateAndTime() ElseIf tw6 = ("h") Then

Page 4: Ladybug the program Codes (11 january   18 january)

Horoscopes() ElseIf tw6 = ("m") Then Music() ElseIf tw6 = ("pa") Then Paint() ElseIf tw6 = ("pb") Then Phonebook() ElseIf tw6 = ("cu") Then ChangeUser() ElseIf tw6 = ("pg") Then Goto PaddleGame ElseIf tw6 = ("r") Then Reading() ElseIf tw6 = ("tl") Then TurtlesLife() ElseIf tw6 = ("qp") Then QuitProgram() Else TextWindow.WriteLine("") WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

Sub CookBook TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Blue" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "White" TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cook Book") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Choose type: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Breakfast(br) Lunch and Dinner(ld) Dessert(ds) ") TextWindow.Write("") tw1 = TextWindow.Read() If tw1 = ("br") Then CBBreakfast() ElseIf tw1 = ("ld") Then CBDinner() ElseIf tw1 = ("ds") Then CBDessert() EndIfEndSub

Sub AnotherRecipe TextWindow.WriteLine("Do you want another recipe(ar) or go to menu?(menu)") tw5 = TextWindow.Read() If tw5 = ("ar") Then CookBook() ElseIf tw5 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

Sub CBBreakfast TextWindow.Write("Cranberry Bliss Bars(cbb) Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Muffins(cccm) Homemade Pancakes(hp) Perfect Scrambled Eggs(pse) Cranberry Coffee Cake(ccc) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw2 = TextWindow.Read() If tw2 = ("cbb") Then CCBB() ElseIf tw2 = ("cccm") Then CCCCM() ElseIf tw2 = ("hp") Then CHP() ElseIf tw2 = ("pse") Then CPSE() ElseIf tw2 = ("ccc") Then CCCC() EndIf EndSub

Sub CBDinner TextWindow.Write("Hot Red Potato Salad(htps) Parmesan Chicken and Rice with Peas(pcrp) Broccoli and Four Cheese Calzones(bfcc) Tortilla Roll-Ups(tru) Maccaroni and Cheese Bake(mcb) Smoked Salmon Sushi(sss) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw3 = TextWindow.Read() If tw3 = ("htps") Then CHRPS() ElseIf tw3 = ("pcrp") Then CPCRP()

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ElseIf tw3 = ("bfcc") Then CBFCC() ElseIf tw3 = ("tru") Then CTRU() ElseIf tw3 = ("mcb") Then CMCB() ElseIf tw3 = ("sss") Then CSSS() EndIf EndSub

Sub CBDessert TextWindow.Write("Tiramisu Toffee Dessert(ttd) Dark Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake(dcsc) Homemade Apple Pie Recipe With Fresh Apples(apr) Chocolate Soufflé(ch) Banana Split(bs) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw7 = TextWindow.Read() If tw7 = ("ttd") Then CTTD() ElseIf tw7 = ("dcsc") Then CDCSC() ElseIf tw7 = ("apr") Then CAPR() ElseIf tw7 = ("ch") Then CCS() ElseIf tw7 = ("bs") Then CBS() EndIf EndSub

Sub CCBB TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cranberry Bliss Bars -- a la Starbucks") TextWindow.WriteLine("(15 servings)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("For Cake Base:") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 sticks margarine (or butter if you want to indulge) -- softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 and 1/4 cups brown sugar-- packed") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 large eggs") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon ground ginger") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon vanilla") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 teaspoon salt") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 and 1/2 cups flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 cup minced dried cranberries") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 cup Lindt or Perugina or other quality white chocolate -- coarsely chopped") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 cup minced candied ginger") TextWindow.WriteLine("For Frosting:") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 4 ounce cream cheese -- softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 and 1/2 cups powdered sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 Tablespoons butter -- softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon vanilla") TextWindow.WriteLine("For Garnish:") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 Tablespoons minced dried cranberries") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/3 cup white chocolate chips (e.g. Ghiradelli or Guittard) -- melted") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions:") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 350 and lightly grease a 9x13 pan.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Beat butter and sugar together for the cake base, and add eggs/vanilla beating until fluffy. Sift together flour, ginger, and salt and then add to the butter/sugar mixture beating well. Fold in the cranberries, chocolate and ginger. Spread thick batter in pan and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes or until light golden.") TextWindow.WriteLine("When cake is cooled, mix all frosting ingredients together and spread a thin layer over the cake. Immediately sprinkle with the minced cranberries. Then use a cake decorating bag of melted white chocolate with a tiny decorating tip (like the size used for writing on cakes) and drizzle the chocolate over the cake.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cut this into bars immediately because the white chocolate hardens pretty fast and makes cake cutting messy.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CCCCM TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Muffins") TextWindow.WriteLine("(12 servings)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chip") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/3 cup sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 teaspoons baking powder") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 teaspoon salt") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 egg - beaten")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3/4 cup milk") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 cup vegetable oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 400 degrees. (Reduce to 350 if your oven runs hot.)") TextWindow.WriteLine("Mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a smaller bowl, whisk together the egg, milk, vegetable oil and vanilla.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pour the liquid mixture into the well of the dry mixture.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Mix until just moistened, then fold in the chocolate chips.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Distribute evenly into 12 greased muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CHP TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Homemade Pancakes") TextWindow.WriteLine("(8 servings)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 Eggs (separated)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 teaspoon salt") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 teaspoons baking powder") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 cup oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup milk (plus some for consistency)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 1/3 cup flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 tsp. vanilla (opt.)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Beat egg whites until stiff - set aside.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Beat egg yolks, add sugar and salt, beat in.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add baking powder, beat until just mixed in well.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add flour, milk, and oil. Beat until smooth(not too much otherwise the baking powder won't react correctly) add vanilla.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add egg whites to batter and FOLD gently. Let batter sit for 15-30 minutes prior to cooking.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CPSE TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Perfect Scrambled Eggs") TextWindow.WriteLine("(2 servings)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 6 large eggs") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 6 teaspoons of low-fat milk (1 teaspoon for each egg)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 dashes of salt (1 dash for every two eggs)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 Tablespoon butter for frying") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Heat a large non-stick frying pan to a setting just above medium. A 12-inch pan works well for 6 eggs.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Do not add butter yet. We just want to get the pan ready.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In large metal or glass mixing bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk and salt. Beat vigorously for 2 minutes.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Alternatively, you can place the eggs, milk and salt in a blender and blend for 20 to 25 seconds. Allow the mixture to set for a couple minutes to let the foam settle.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Melt the butter in the frying pan. As the very last of the butter is liquefying, add the egg mixture.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Do not stir immediately. Wait until the first hint of setting begins. Start the Martha Stewart scrambling technique --> Using a spatula or a flat wooden spoon, push eggs toward center while tilting skillet to distribute runny parts.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue this motion as the eggs continue to set. Break apart large pieces as they form with your spoon or spatula. You will come to a point where the push-to-center technique is no longer cooking runny parts of the egg. Flip over all the eggs. Allow the eggs to cook 15 to 25 seconds longer.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Transfer eggs to serving plates. Add salt and pepper to taste.") TextWindow.WriteLine("A note about milk and water: Soy milk works effectively in the recipe. Whole milk lends an overly milky taste to the eggs. No-fat milk and water can both be used in place of the low-fat milk but the creamy texture of the finished product is reduced.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CCCC TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cranberry Coffee Cake") TextWindow.WriteLine("(8 servings)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 cups fresh cranberries (frozen and thawed cranberries work - but fresh is much better)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 cups sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup finely chopped walnuts") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup light cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3/4 cup butter - softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 large eggs - lightly beaten") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 additional Tablespoon sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon cinnamon")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon vanilla") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teasoon baking powder") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 teaspoon salt") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 350 degrees.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Prepare a 9-inch baking pan with a generous coating of crisco or cooking spray.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a medium bowl, combine cranberries, 1 cup of the sugar and all the nuts. Add to prepared pan.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a small bowl, combine the remaining sugar, cream, eggs, butter and vanilla. Mix well.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a large bowl, sift flour, baking pwder and salt. Add contents of small bowl to the large bowl and mix well.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Drop batter over ingredeints in prepared pan and smooth with a spoon or spatula.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sprinkle the additional Tablespoon of sugar and the cinamon on top of the batter.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bake for 45 to 50 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out batter-free.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Fresh cranberries come in plastic bags in the refrigerated section of your grocery store. Don't try this with canned or dried cranberries. It doesn't work.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CHRPS TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Hot Red Potato Salad") TextWindow.WriteLine("Makes 12 servings") TextWindow.WriteLine("Prep Time: 15 minutes") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cook Time: 20 minutes") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients:") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 - pounds small red potatoes, unpeeled, quartered") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 - cans (11 ounces each) whole kernel corn, drained") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 6 - green onions, sliced thin") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 4 - slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1-1/2 - cups sour cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 - Tablespoon McCormick® Salad Supreme Seasoning") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3/4 - teaspoon McCormick® Onion Powder") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 - teaspoon McCormick® Hot Shot!® Black & Red Pepper Blend") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions:") TextWindow.WriteLine("Place potatoes large saucepan. Add water to cover. Bring to boil.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cook 8 to 10 minutes or until potatoes are just tender; drain. Return potatoes to pan.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add corn and green onions; keep warm over very low heat.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cook bacon in small skillet or microwavable container until crisp. Drain on paper towels; set aside.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Mix sour cream, seasoning, onion powder and Hot Shot! in medium bowl. Pour over potato mixture; mix well.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Spoon into serving bowl.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sprinkle with bacon. Serve hot.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CBFCC TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Broccoli and Four Cheese Calzones") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 1/3 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 tablespoons olive oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2/3 teaspoon salt") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 4 cups bread flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 (10 ounce) package chopped frozen broccoli, thawed") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 tablespoons olive oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup shredded provolone cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup ricotta cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 tablespoon olive oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Place the water, olive oil, salt, oregano, bread flour, and yeast in the bread machine pan in the order recommend by the manufacturer. Select the dough cycle.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Meanwhile, to make the filling, squeeze out excess liquid from broccoli. In a large skillet saute the broccoli and garlic powder with the olive oil. Stir in the grated provolone cheese, grated Parmesan cheese, grated mozzarella cheese, and ricotta cheese.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Once bread cycle has finished, remove dough from machine and roll into 8 inch circles. Spread filling on one half of the circle leaving a border around it for closing. Close the calzone by folding the unfilled side on top of the filled side. Crimp the edges closed with your fingers or a fork. Place on a lightly greased baking pan. Let rise in a draft-free area for 30 minutes.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Brush tops lightly with olive oil. Bake in a preheated 500 degree F (260 degrees C) oven for 20 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub


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TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Parmesan Chicken and Rice with Peas") TextWindow.WriteLine("Makes 4 servings.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Prep Time: 10 minutes") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cooking Time: 20 minutes") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 Tablespoon cooking oil") TextWindow.WriteLine("4 Fresh boneless, skinless chicken") TextWindow.WriteLine("Salt (to taste)") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pepper (to taste)") TextWindow.WriteLine("2 Cans (14 ounces) each reduced sodium chicken broth") TextWindow.WriteLine("3 Garlic cloves, minced") TextWindow.WriteLine("1-1/2 Cups converted-style rice") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 Cup Parmesan cheese, shredded") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 Cup frozen peas, thawed") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("In medium skillet on medium-high heat, add oil and heat.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add chicken and cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until light brown.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Season with salt and pepper.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Next, add your garlic; cook briefly.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Then stir in the rice and chicken broth.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bring to a boil.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cover and reduce heat to a simmer for 15 minutes or until chicken is done (internal temp 170°F). Remove from heat and stir in Parmesan cheese and peas.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cover and let stand 5 minutes before serving.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and grated Parmesan cheese.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CTRU TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Tortilla Roll-Ups") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("12 (14-ounce package) flour tortillas") TextWindow.WriteLine("8 ounces cream cheese, softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 cup sour cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 (4-ounce) can chopped green chiles") TextWindow.WriteLine("3 tablespoons chopped green onion") TextWindow.WriteLine("2 tablespoons finely chopped red bell pepper") TextWindow.WriteLine("12 ounces sharp Cheddar cheese, grated") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 cup salsa or picante sauce") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a medium bowl combine cream cheese, sour cream, chilies, onion, red bell pepper, and Cheddar cheese. Mix thoroughly. Spread onto tortillas and roll up. Cover tightly and chill for 2 hours or overnight. When ready to serve, cut each roll into 1/2-inch slices. Serve with salsa or picante sauce. Makes about 8 dozen") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CMCB TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Macaroni and Cheese Bake") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup") TextWindow.WriteLine("3/4 cup milk") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 pound elbow macaroni") TextWindow.WriteLine("4 tomatoes, sliced") TextWindow.WriteLine("12 slices processed sharp Cheddar cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a medium saucepan, heat soup and milk over medium heat until simmering. Remove from heat and stir in macaroni. Pour macaroni mixture into 9x13 baking dish. Place a layer of tomatoes, then a layer of cheese slices over macaroni. Repeat.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bake for 25 minutes or until cheese is golden and bubbly.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CSSS TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Smoked Salmon Sushi Recipe") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cucumber") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 avacado") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cream cheese block")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("1/4 pound smoked salmon") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 cup sushi rice") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 tbs rice vinegar (optional)") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 pckg seaweed wraps") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 1/4 cup water") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Rinse rice well in cold water until water runs clear.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Boil rice in water, turn to simmer after boil, and cover for 15 minutes then remove from heat.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add vinegar to rice and mix well then let rice cool.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Skin and slice cucumber into pencil sized strips.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Skin and slice avacado into pencil sized strips.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cut cream cheese into pencil sized stips ( a wire cheese slicer works great, or use a hot, wet butcher knife.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Flake salmon apart at natural segments.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Spread handfull of rice on seaweed wrap. wet your fingers (rice is REALLY STICKY) to help when covering seaweed wrap in single layer of rice.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Add cuke, avacado and cream cheese strips then lay in salmon at the front end of the rice covered wrap.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Roll up the ingriedients tightly by hand.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Use a bamboo mat if you have one to tighten roll.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Use sharp wet knife to slice off pieces from your roll.") TextWindow.WriteLine("8 pieces per roll is a good thickness.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Serve with soy sauce and wasabi.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CTTD TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.Write("Tiramisu Toffee Dessert") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 301 g frozen prepared pound cake, thawed and cut into 9 slices") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 180 ml strong brewed coffee") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 200 g white sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 120 ml chocolate syrup") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 224 g cream cheese") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 475 ml heavy whipping cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 78 g chocolate covered English toffee, chopped") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Arrange cake slices on bottom of a rectangular 11x7 inch baking dish, cutting cake slices if necessary to fit the bottom of the dish. Drizzle coffee over cake. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Beat sugar, chocolate syrup, and cream cheese in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add whipping cream; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Spread over cake. Sprinkle with chocolate-covered toffee candy. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Spread frosting over cake. Sprinkle with toffee candy. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, but no longer than 24 hours to set dessert and blend flavors. ") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CDCSC TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Dark Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("The Crust") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 cup Chocolate wafer crumbs ") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 tablespoon sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/3 cup butter, melted") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon cinnamon") TextWindow.WriteLine("The Filling ") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 packages (each 8 ounces) cream cheese, softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup butter, softened") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 eggs") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon vanilla") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 teaspoons of cornstarch ") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup whipped cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 ounces of your favorite dark chocolate") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 cup of diced Strawberries ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Topping") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 and 1/2 cups of sliced Strawberries") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 tablespoon sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 8 ounces of Strawberry Cool Whip") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 350° degrees F. Prepare your pan: 9-inch cheesecake pan, ungreased, or springform pan with 3-inch sides, greased. Start by stirring your favorite dark chocolate into the top of a double boiler set. The water should barley simmer. Let the dark chocolate melt and become smooth. Remove the chocolate from over water and let it cool to lukewarm. Be sure to stir occasionally. ")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("For the Crust: Prepare pan: 9-inch cheesecake pan or springform pan with 3-inch sides, greased. In a medium bowl, chocolate wafer crumbs, 3 tablespoon sugar, 1/3 cup butter and cinnamon. Press into bottom of cheesecake pan and freeze. A little oil on your fingers helps to keep the crust from sticking to your fingers. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a big bowl, mix in your cream cheese one stick at a time. Next add the sugar and cornstarch. Mix until smooth. Add the eggs 1 at a time and continue to mix. Add whipped cream and vanilla and continue to mix until smooth. Add 1 cup of chopped strawberries and mix until smooth. Gradually add melted dark chocolate, beating until mixture is smooth. Pour filling into crust. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bake for 1 1/2 hours or until the center has a slight jiggle to it. Turn off and crack oven door. Leave for 30 minutes. Chill until set-- about 2 hours. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("For the Topping: Combine strawberries and sugar in a medium bowl and toss to coat. Let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes for sugar to set in. Mix with Strawberry Cool Whip. Spread over your cheesecake. Serve your Dark Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake. ") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CAPR TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Homemade Apple Pie Recipe With Fresh Apples") TextWindow.WriteLine("Recipe for 9 inch Double Crust Pie Crust (The Best Ever Pie Crust Recipe makes enough for 4 single crusts or 2 double crust pies. Divide the recipe in half or freeze the extra crusts.)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 6 cups Granny Smith apple slices, peeled and cored") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 teaspoon lemon juice") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3/4 cup sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup brown sugar") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 cup flour") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg to taste") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 2 Tablespoons cold butter, cut in small pieces") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 Tablespoon milk or cream for brushing the top crust") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1 Tablespoon sugar and 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon for dusting the crust") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions - How To Make An Apple Pie") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Roll out the pie crust bottom and tops according to The Best Pie Crust directions, leaving enough overhang to fold underneath. Place the bottom pie crust evenly in a 9 inch pie pan or ceramic pie dish and set aside. Fold the top crust in half and place a towel over it so it doesn't dry out.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a large bowl, toss the sliced apples with lemon juice. Add sugars, flour and spices if desired, mixing gently.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Fold into prepared pie crust and dot with cold butter.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Follow the double crust directions below.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Bake for 50-60 minutes or until crust is golden brown and juices are bubbly. Place a piece of aluminum foil around the rim if the edges start to brown too fast.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Remove to cooling rack and let cool for at least 30 minutes.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Serve Apple Pie à la mode with ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Refrigerate any leftovers.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions - How To Make A Double Pie Crust") TextWindow.WriteLine("Unfold the top crust and place over the top of the apples. Fold the edges of the top crust over and under the bottom edges and flute with your fingertips. Likewise, the crust can also be sealed with the tines of a dinner fork.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Brush the pastry crust with milk or cream and sprinkle evenly with cinnamon sugar.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cut small slits or vent holes into the top crust using a knife or a very small cookie cutter.") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CCS TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Chocolate Soufflé") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 1/3 cup sugar plus additional for sprinkling") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 5 oz bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened), chopped") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 3 large egg yolks at room temperature") TextWindow.WriteLine("• 6 large egg whites") TextWindow.WriteLine("Accompaniment: lightly sweetened whipped cream") TextWindow.WriteLine("Special equipment: a 5 1/2- to 6-cup glass or ceramic soufflé dish.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Preheat oven to 375°F. Generously butter soufflé dish and sprinkle with sugar, knocking out excess. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Melt chocolate in a metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth. Remove bowl from heat and stir in yolks (mixture will stiffen). ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Beat whites with a pinch of salt in a large bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until they just hold soft peaks. Add 1/3 cup sugar, a little at a time, continuing to beat at medium speed, then beat at high speed until whites just hold stiff peaks. Stir about 1 cup whites into chocolate mixture to lighten, then add mixture to remaining whites, folding gently but thoroughly. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Spoon into soufflé dish and run the end of your thumb around inside edge of soufflé dish (this will help soufflé rise evenly). Bake in middle of oven until puffed and crusted on top but still jiggly in center, 24 to 26 minutes. Serve immediately. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cooks'note: Soufflé can be assembled up to 30 minutes before baking. Keep, covered with an inverted large bowl (do not let bowl touch soufflé), at room temperature. ") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub CBS TextWindow.WriteLine("")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("Banana Split") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 ripe banana") TextWindow.WriteLine("3 scoops good-quality ice cream, slightly softened (your choice of flavors)") TextWindow.WriteLine("Suggested Toppings:") TextWindow.WriteLine(" 2 to 3 Tbsp. Raspberry Topping, warm or cold") TextWindow.WriteLine(" 2 to 3 Tbsp. good-quality caramel or butterscotch topping, slightly warmed.") TextWindow.WriteLine(" 2 to 3 Tbsp. hot fudge sauce, slightly warmed") TextWindow.WriteLine("For Garnish:") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Lightly sweetened whipped cream") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Chocolate sprinkles") TextWindow.WriteLine(" A maraschino cherry or two") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions") TextWindow.WriteLine("Rinse and dry the banana, then peel it. Split the banana in half vertically (the long way), and place each half on an opposite side of your dish, seed side in. Working quickly, place three scoops of ice cream in a row, between the banana halves. Top each scoop with a different topping. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Garnish the banana split with lightly sweetened whipped cream (use it judicially here—you don't want to cover up too much of the pretty effect of the toppings over the ice creams). Sprinkle the whipped cream lightly with chocolate sprinkles, then top with a maraschino cherry or two. Serve immediately! ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Ingredients for Raspberry Topping") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 generous cup") TextWindow.WriteLine("Crammed with berries and not too sweet, this topping has a gorgeous red color. It's easy to make, but it won't keep for more than a day or so after you've made it. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("1 cup fresh raspberries, preferably small, picked over (this is most of a half-pint container).") TextWindow.WriteLine("1/2 cup (about 6 ozs.) good-quality red currant jelly.") TextWindow.WriteLine("2 tsp. black raspberry liqueur") TextWindow.WriteLine("1/2 to 1 tsp. (or to taste) freshly-squeezed lemon juice") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Directions for Raspberry Topping") TextWindow.WriteLine("Do not wash berries, but pick them over, discarding any that are moldy or too soft. Place berries in small heatproof bowl. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("In small, nonreactive saucepan, over medium heat, heat jelly just to boiling, stirring often. Remove from heat; stir in liqueur and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Pour hot mixture over berries and gently fold the two together with a rubber spatula until berries are well coated. Cool slightly, then taste, adding more lemon juice if desired.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Serve warm or cold. Store any leftovers in refrigerator. Stir gently before serving. ") AnotherRecipe()EndSub

Sub DateAndTime TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Gray" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" date = Clock.Date weekday = Clock.WeekDay time = Clock.Time TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Date and Time") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Date: " + date) TextWindow.WriteLine("Weekday: " + weekday) TextWindow.WriteLine("Time: " + time) TextWindow.WriteLine("") Program.Delay(5000) WWYLTDN()EndSub

Sub Horoscopes TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Horoscope for 2010 Year") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("The year 2010 is here with you! Everyone is very anxious to know about their future and those events that might affect their career, health, family life and financial status. Therefore, what does the New Year hold for you? Every year is a New Year and every New Year is different at least in astrological terms. It pays you to know about your future! It is beneficial to know what happens to your future in a year. Every year has something special about it and this year is no different. The 2010 yearly horoscopes are for everyone, who wishes to know how they can induce career changing moves and methods. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Take your time to look at your future and visualize your new promises, fresh hopes, new dreams and visions.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The brand new 2010 yearly horoscopes are here to help you find ensured and successful predictions. They are also here to help you gain an invaluable insight into those details that might help you shape your career. Our predictions for the New Year also provide you a detailed outlook on your family life, money matters, health, education, travelling, career development and a range of other important issues that can make or break your life.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Start knowing your future now!") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Choose your sign: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries Taurus Leo Sagittarius Virgo Capricorn Gemini Libra Aquarius Cancer Scorpio Pisces") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw10 = TextWindow.Read() If tw10 = ("aries") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Aries()

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ElseIf tw10 = ("taurus") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Taurus() ElseIf tw10 = ("leo") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Leo() ElseIf tw10 = ("sagittarius") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Sagittarius() ElseIf tw10 = ("virgo") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Virgo() ElseIf tw10 = ("capricorn") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Capricorn() ElseIf tw10 = ("gemini") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Gemini() ElseIf tw10 = ("libra") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Libra() ElseIf tw10 = ("aquarius") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Aquarius() ElseIf tw10 = ("cancer") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Cancer() ElseIf tw10 = ("scorpio") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Scorpio() ElseIf tw10 = ("pisces") Then TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Yellow" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" Pisces() EndIfEndSub

Sub AnotherHoroscopeSign TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Do you want to see another horoscope sign(ahs) or go to menu?(menu)") tw5 = TextWindow.Read() If tw5 = ("ahs") Then Horoscopes() ElseIf tw5 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

Sub Aries TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries is the first sign of the zodiac which signifies unlimited energy, enthusiasm, energy and adventurism. The characters of courage come naturally to all Arians. Aries 2010 horoscope has many things in store for these people; some of the predictions for people under this sign are very encouraging while few others are truly exciting. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries in 2010") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Arians working as career professionals, executives and officers enjoy working for their professions and the New Year, 2010 Aries horoscope can bring very exciting news about career promotion and development. However, they may need to wait until the second quarter of the year to get that elusive pay hike and promotion. ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Career prospects and monetary positions for Aries 2010 yearly horoscope will look bright for Arians who work as finance consultants, auditors, administrators and liaison officers. People who seek a change in their position may need to wait for the end of the year to get better jobs. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ")

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TextWindow.WriteLine(" In general, family life and marital relation will be very satisfactory for most Arians. Your spouse and children will form a very tight family bond with you. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Aries 2010 yearly horoscope is not too promising for students and scholars as they may find very difficult to achieve academic success. However, good times will return in the last quarters of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aries 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The most promising news for all Arians relates to their general health status. Most of them experience very good health throughout the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Taurus TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("People who are born under Taurus zodiacal sign possess very significant characters that are special to only this sign. Very stubborn, adamant, influential, practical, pragmatic and smart, a typical Taurus is a sign of stability and conformity. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Another positive quality of a person belonging to this sign is his or her ability to make friends with all people.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Taurus 2010 yearly horoscope is a mixed bag with uncertain career development options. The first quarter of the year may display uncertain times for people who are looking to promote their career. ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" People working in advertising and entertaining industry may get tremendous success in their career. Female show-persons, actors, models and costume designers will stand to gain immensely satisfying results. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Love, family and social life for Taurus people can be somewhat disappointing throughout the year. Immense marital and domestic trouble may brew in the first quarter of the New Year while the last quarter may act as a period of reconciliation. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" On a positive note, 2010 Taurus horoscope is an excellent year for students, researchers and scholars. Professionals who work in research laboratories may do exceedingly well in their field. Students may see unqualified success coming in their way in the first half of the year.Travelling is possible many Taurus students in the middle parts of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Taurus 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Health wise, Taurus 2010 yearly horoscope may not to be too good. Occasional health problems may impede daily life while health problems associated with lungs and stomach may bother people in the last quarter of the year. Minor accidents may await some Taurus people in the third quarter of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Leo TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo (Jul 23- Aug 22) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Lion is the king of the forest and he can survey the entire forestland with an aristocratic outlook. Leos are the most expressive, creative and immensely out going of all people. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Most parts of the year could be very beneficial to Leos while some could pose unexpected troubles and problems. Leos will do extremely well in their career choices and creating a solid income base. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The first few months of the New Year looks very rosy for Leos especially if they have their own business ventures. Better career options, ensured pay hikes and promotions are some of the benefits that Leos can expect in the first half of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The only problem with the 2010 Leo yearly horoscope is on the marriage side of the life. Most Leos may witness a series of problems and discords in the marital relationship that may even create problems for children. Leos must be careful in how they handle their personal relations with their either spouses or lovers. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" For students and scholars, the New Year may pose some problems in the first two quarters of the year. Travelling related to higher studies appears remote at least for this year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Leo 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The nagging thing that may trouble many Leos is the recurring appearance of some minor ailments, though none of them is serious. ")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Sagittarius TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Of all the sun signs, Sagittarius is the most energetic and positive sun sign with its extremely dynamic personality mixed with passion and excitement. Most Sagittarius people are versatile, complete, adventurous, demanding and wholesome in their attitude. Trustworthiness and honesty come naturally them and they keep their commitments even against all odds. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("The 2010 Sagittarius annual horoscope is one of the great achievements and success mixed with periodic disappointments and sadness.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The Sagittarius 2010 year horoscope is an exciting year for most Sagittarians; they will begin the New Year with a big bang. The first quarter of the year is the most eventful of their life as they may achieve great success in their workplace in the form of a possible pat hike or a promotion. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" On a negative note, the 2010 Sagittarius annual horoscope signifies some form of marital discord in the first half of the year. The relationship between children and parents tend to be very good though social life may throw some challenges especially with coworkers.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 Sagittarius yearly horoscope denotes better times for students, scholars, researchers and academicians. Students involved in higher studies and research work may get their share of success in the first half of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Sagittarius 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Health wise, the 2010 yearly Sagittarius horoscope is very good, as people born under this sign may not experience any major health problems. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Virgo TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo (Aug 23- Sep 22) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Of all the sun signs, Virgo is the most colorful and glamorous! People born under this sign are extremely smart, erudite, refined and scholarly. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" One nagging aspect of the 2010 Virgo horoscope is in the career related issues. The first quarter of the year may prove very dicey and difficult as efforts to redeem the career position may yield very little. The last few months of the year, (November and December) may prove to somewhat good for many Virgos. Some Virgos may earn a significant amount of income during these two months. At least some Virgos may find some form of solace and contentment at this time.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Virgo people may need to exercise enough caution and care as serious discord may lead to serious consequences. 2010-year Virgo horoscope also indicates anxieties and stressful situations bothering Virgo people in the first half of the year. Prudent and intelligent Virgos will play their games smartly to escape any serious problems.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" One positive aspect of 2010 Virgo yearly horoscope is that most students will find it very encouraging and promising. Aspiring students and scholars will find the year very productive. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Virgo 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010-year Virgo horoscope for heath is very kind towards most Virgos. Most of them enjoy perfect health throughout the year especially the first half of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Capricorn TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn is a zodiacal sign for serious people! People who are born under this sign are immensely independent, thinking forward, confident, well meaning and disciplined. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Capricorn 2010 yearly horoscope is full of career success. Business investments may run into trouble while your competitors may start to trouble you with ulterior motives. One word of caution – Never ever lose your patience or get angry, because it may wash all the good work carried out by you in the past. On the other hand, the second half of the year is quite good and satisfactory for all Capricorn people, because things will stabilize by themselves during this time. They will be able to solve most of the problems with their patience and intelligence. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" On the family front, people born under this sign may witness minor marital or relationship problems with their spouse or lovers. In some cases, the problem could also be due to money matters. It is possible to solve all these problems by talking over the existing problems. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Students, teachers, academicians, researchers, scholars and professionals will also do extremely well during the New Year. Academic career for students will be smooth with chances of scholarships and overseas travel becoming distinct possibilities. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Capricorn 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" In general, 2010 Capricorn yearly horoscope indicates good health and sound mind throughout the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Gemini TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini (May 21- Jun 21)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Of all the zodiacal signs, Gemini is perhaps the most interesting and exciting sign with its own special characters. It is mot only extremely active, but also friendly sign with its pleasing persona and demeanor.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Gemini year 2010 horoscope foretells some problems in the field of work and at workplace. A question arises about the stability income and career promotion may arise during the first quarter of the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 yearly Gemini horoscope indicates some sort of marital and relationship problems. The first quarter of the year may pose a stiff challenge in the way people handle their problems related to marriage and family. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 Yearly Gemini horoscope for students, scholars and researchers indicate a mixed bag of predictions. However, they will need to put in lot of hard work to achieve desired success levels. Travelling is in the air for some Gemini people, especially in the areas of studies like foreign affairs and international relations.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Gemini 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" In spite of all odds and difficulties, Gemini people will experience very good health throughout the year barring occasional minor health problems. However, Gemini people may face some health problems related to nervous systems and digestive canals. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Libra TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra (Sep 22- Oct 22) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra is a great sign that is not only inanimate but also unusual. Libra symbolizes a composed mind and balanced life. Librans are very intelligent and smart. Librans are highly polished and well mannered with a sense of superior civility. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("They are also charming and magical! They like harmony and equilibrium in life. They are kind and cordial to other people. It seems that Libra 2010 yearly horoscope signifies immense gains and precious property. Of all the sun signs, Libra seems to be the most fortunate especially throughout 2010. All Librans have a great period ahead in the year 2010. Peace and prosperity come naturally to them in the New Year. In spite of innumerable successes, there may be instances of some failures and disappointments especially in workplaces. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Year 20010 Libra horoscope is a stabilized period of relaxation and normalcy because of the favorable confluence of two planets like Venus and Mars. Career related aspects or money related matters might not work to your advantage especially in the first half of the year. However, the second part of the year may pose some troubles. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The fist few months may not be too smooth for Librans because of an impending lack of communication between spouses. The first quarter may see Librans at odds in their married and love life. Relationship may sour during this time. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra 2010 Education Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 annual Libra horoscope is quite good for students and scholars as well! The first two quarters of the year will help them achieve what they want in their academic life. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Libra 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The Libra 2010 yearly horoscope is very favorable to Librans in the domain of health. Fine health is written all over for all Librans while they relax at their time to enjoy the goodness of life. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Aquarius TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("An Aquarian has two sides to his or her personality. He or she could be extremely shy, withdrawn, passive and sensitive. He or she could also be extremely dynamic, active and extrovert. Whatever the case, he or she is very attractive, magnetic and pleasing to their friends and colleagues. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Career people will have rollicking time during most parts of the year. The first quarter is a great period, when most Aquarians will taste success. In fact, they may start the New Year with a big bang, possibly with a long awaited promotion or even a pay hike. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope is satisfactory for most Aquarians. Relationship between people will be good, while the personal equation between spouse and lovers will be very pleasing and devoid of any problems. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope may not be too good for students, scholars, teachers, scholars and academicians. They may need to work hard throughout the year to get to the position of their choice and dreams. Overseas travelling is a big possibility for scholars. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aquarius 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 yearly Aquarius horoscope will provide an opportunity to solve all health related problems. The entire year will be smooth one about general health status, while the last quarter may show bit of instability in the general health status. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Cancer TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer (Jun 22- Jul 22) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("A typical Cancer person is an acutely sensitive individual and secretive. However, these people are simply lovable and affectionate! They can be very loving, caring and dedicated to people whom they admire. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Cancer 2010 horoscope has some interesting things coming in the career front. In spite of all those bubbles of unlimited energy and enthusiasm, Cancer people may still find the going tough in the work place especially during the last quarter of the New Year. The first quarter of the year may be just above average for those who are seeking better career options. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Like all other sun signs, even Cancer people may face some family and martial problems related to children and spouse. The months of April to June could pose some sort of problems to people who are born under this sign. However, the signs are promising and rosy in the latter half of the year, from October to December. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Educators, students, researchers and scholars may find the day’s tough going especially in the months of April and May. Students may find their studies challenging while scholars will face some ordeals in their research studies. Travelling is possible during the end of the year when scholars and students may travel to overseas destination for higher studies. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Cancer 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Health wise, all Cancer people may find the New Year very pleasing and uneventful. Cancer 2010 yearly horoscope indicates the people will experience very fine health barring occasional health problems that are minor and not dangerous. However, some people may face minor digestive system and nervous problems especially in the months of July to October.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("")

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Sub Scorpio TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("A Scorpio is a very intensive animal and a persuasive creature. People born under this sun sign are extremely passionate, secretive, magnetic, demanding and thoughtful. Dedication and single-minded attention are two of the most precious qualities that come naturally to these people. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The months of January and February will bring much needed changes in the workplace when Scorpios have the fortune of getting the long cherished pay hikes or promotions. However, the result obtained may not be up to the expected levels. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Like career success, almost all Scorpios will have a rollicking family life in the first half of the year; the relationship between spouses is extraordinary while children simply love their parents. Social life will bring many positive vibes in Scorpio’s life. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio 2010 Education Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" The 2010 Scorpio horoscope may be very complicated to students and scholars. Academicians and researchers will find the year very tough because of unforeseen problems in the field of research. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Scorpio 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" One negative thing about all Scorpios is that they are more prone to minor health complications and ailments. Most Scorpions face innumerable troubles with their digestive system disorders especially in the months of October to December. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Pisces TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20) ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces is a fickle minded sun sign. Pisceans are spiritual and conventional in nature with an agile and keen mind to explore things that are beyond their imagination. Piscean people are also very friendly, sentimental, sacrificing and generous. They can also be very kind and affectionate to other people. However, they can be extremely negative at times and become nervous when there is a big challenge. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces 2010 yearly horoscope may bring about some changes in the Pisceans’ life. Some of them are for good, while the others are not so good. Unexpected problems coupled with occasional successes dot the horoscope. One negative thing about Piscean horoscope is that people belonging to this sign can become nervous and scared, when they fail in doing the work they are supposed to do. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces in 2010 ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces 2010 Career and Income Horoscope") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Career development, financial gains and workplace satisfaction are three important factors that are in the minds of Pisceans. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Pisceans are likely to enjoy their love and married life largely throughout the year. Family life is one sweet event for them; relationship with children will be very good, while people who are trying to marry their lovers will find the year to be the best one of their life. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces 2010 Education Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Students, engineers, scholars, academicians, teachers and researchers find the New Year to be an exciting one. The 2010 Piscean yearly horoscope seems to be very satisfying for Pisceans students, as they will do extremely well in their studies and exams. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pisces 2010 Health Horoscope ") TextWindow.WriteLine(" While the career aspects of the 2010 yearly Pisces horoscope are bad, most Pisceans may enjoy very good health throughout the year. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherHoroscopeSign()EndSub

Sub Music TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Magenta" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "White" TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("What would you like to listen? (enter the number in front of the song to choose)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("1.Coldplay – Life in Technicolor ") TextWindow.WriteLine("2.Lady Gaga – Bad Romance") TextWindow.WriteLine("3.David Guetta – One Love") TextWindow.WriteLine("4.Inna – Amazing") TextWindow.WriteLine("5.Metallica – Nothing Else Matters")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("6.Rihanna – Te Amo") TextWindow.WriteLine("7.Muse – Unintended") TextWindow.WriteLine("8.Linkin Park – New Divide") TextWindow.WriteLine("9.Green Day – 21 Guns") TextWindow.WriteLine("10.Killswitch Engage – My Curse") TextWindow.WriteLine("11.Guns N’ Roses – Catcher in the Rye") TextWindow.WriteLine("12.The Fray – Over My Head") TextWindow.WriteLine("13.Eminem – Beautiful") TextWindow.WriteLine("14.Taylor Swift – You Belong With Me") TextWindow.WriteLine("15.Black Eyes Peas – Boom Boom Pow") TextWindow.WriteLine("16.Beyoncé - Beautiful Nightmare") TextWindow.WriteLine("17.Avenged Sevenfold – Afterlife") TextWindow.WriteLine("18.Shiny Toy Guns – Photograph") TextWindow.WriteLine("19.Sixpence None The Richer – Kiss Me") TextWindow.WriteLine("20.Three Doors Down – Kryptonite") TextWindow.WriteLine("21.The Veronicas – Untouched ") TextWindow.WriteLine("22.The Beatles – Yesterday") TextWindow.WriteLine("23.Tik Tok – Ke$ha") TextWindow.WriteLine("24.Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication") TextWindow.WriteLine("25.Tom Boxer - Beautiful Nightmare") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw11 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() If tw11 = ("1") Then Play1: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\coldplay - life in technicolor ii.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\coldplay - life in technicolor ii.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play1 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\coldplay - life in technicolor ii.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\coldplay - life in technicolor ii.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("2") Then Play2: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Lady Gaga - Bad Romance.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Lady Gaga - Bad Romance.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play2 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Lady Gaga - Bad Romance.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Lady Gaga - Bad Romance.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("3") Then Play3: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\David Guetta - One Love.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\David Guetta - One Love.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play3 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\David Guetta - One Love.mp3")

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Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\David Guetta - One Love.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("4") Then Play4: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Inna - Amazing.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Inna - Amazing.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play4 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Inna - Amazing.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Inna - Amazing.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("5") Then Play5: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play5 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("6") Then Play6: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Rihanna - Te Amo.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Rihanna - Te Amo.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play6 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Rihanna - Te Amo.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Rihanna - Te Amo.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("7") Then Play7: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Muse - Unintended.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Muse - Unintended.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("")

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tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play7 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Muse - Unintended.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Muse - Unintended.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("8") Then Play8: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Linkin Park - New Divide.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Linkin Park - New Divide.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play8 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Linkin Park - New Divide.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Linkin Park - New Divide.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("9") Then Play9: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Green Day - 21 Guns.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Green Day - 21 Guns.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play9 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Green Day - 21 Guns.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Green Day - 21 Guns.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("10") Then Play10: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Killswitch Engage - My Curse.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Killswitch Engage - My Curse.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play10 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Killswitch Engage - My Curse.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Killswitch Engage - My Curse.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("11") Then Play11: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Guns N' Roses - Catcher In The Rye.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("")

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tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Guns N' Roses - Catcher In The Rye.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play11 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Guns N' Roses - Catcher In The Rye.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Guns N' Roses - Catcher In The Rye.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("12") Then Play12: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Fray - Over My Head.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Fray - Over My Head.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play12 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Fray - Over My Head.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Fray - Over My Head.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("13") Then Play13: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Eminem - Beautiful.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Eminem - Beautiful.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play13 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Eminem - Beautiful.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Eminem - Beautiful.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("14") Then Play14: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play14 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf

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ElseIf tw11 = ("15") Then Play15: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play15 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("16") Then Play16: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Beyonce- Beautiful Nightmare.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Beyonce- Beautiful Nightmare.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play16 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Beyonce- Beautiful Nightmare.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Beyonce- Beautiful Nightmare.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("17") Then Play17: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play17 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("18") Then Play18: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Shiny Toy Guns - Photograph.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Shiny Toy Guns - Photograph.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play18 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Shiny Toy Guns - Photograph.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart

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EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Shiny Toy Guns - Photograph.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("19") Then Play19: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play19 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("20") Then Play20: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Three Doors Down - Kryptonite.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Three Doors Down - Kryptonite.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play20 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Three Doors Down - Kryptonite.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Three Doors Down - Kryptonite.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("21") Then Play21: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Veronicas - Untouched.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Veronicas - Untouched.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play21 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Veronicas - Untouched.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Veronicas - Untouched.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("22") Then Play22: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Beatles - Yesterday.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Beatles - Yesterday.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read()

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If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play22 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Beatles - Yesterday.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\The Beatles - Yesterday.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("23") Then Play23: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Kesha - Tik Tok.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Kesha - Tik Tok.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play23 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Kesha - Tik Tok.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Kesha - Tik Tok.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("24") Then Play24: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play24 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw11 = ("25") Then Play25: Sound.Play("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Tom Boxer - Beautiful Day.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Pause(p) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw12 = TextWindow.Read() If tw12 = ("p") Then Sound.Pause("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Tom Boxer - Beautiful Day.mp3") TextWindow.WriteLine("Continue(c) Stop(s)") TextWindow.Write("") tw13 = TextWindow.Read() If tw13 = ("c") Then Goto Play25 ElseIf tw13 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Tom Boxer - Beautiful Day.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf ElseIf tw12 = ("s") Then Sound.Stop ("d:\siir\school\personal project\music\Tom Boxer - Beautiful Day.mp3") Goto EndofMusicPart EndIf EndIf EndofMusicPart: TextWindow.WriteLine("Do you want another song(as) or go to menu?(menu)") tw14 = TextWindow.Read() If tw14 = ("as") Then

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Music() ElseIf tw14 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

PaddleGame:TextWindow.WriteLine("")TextWindow.WriteLine("Go to Graphics Window to play.")TextWindow.WriteLine("")

Program.Delay(2500)GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "Purple"paddle = Shapes.AddRectangle(100,12)ball = Shapes.AddEllipse(16,16)

GraphicsWindow.MouseMove = OnMouseMoven = 0o = 0deltaN = 1deltaO = 1

RunLoop:n = n + deltaNo = o + deltaO

gw = GraphicsWindow.Widthgh = GraphicsWindow.HeightIf (n >= gw - 16 or n <= 0) Then deltaN = -deltaNEndIfIf (o <= 0) Then deltaO = -deltaOEndIf

padN = Shapes.GetLeft (paddle)If (o = gh - 28 and n >= padN and n <= padN + 120) Then deltaO = -deltaOEndIf

Shapes.Move(ball, n, o)Program.Delay(5)

If (o < gh) Then Goto RunLoopEndIf

GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("You Lose!!! o.O (Go to Text Window if you want to play again or go to Menu)", "Paddle")

Sub OnMouseMove paddleN = GraphicsWindow.MouseX Shapes.Move(paddle, paddleN - 60, GraphicsWindow.Height - 12)EndSub

TextWindow.WriteLine("Do you want to play again(pa) or go to menu?(menu)")tw16 = TextWindow.Read()If tw16 = ("pa") Then GraphicsWindow.Clear() Goto PaddleGameElseIf tw16 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIf

Sub Paint GraphicsWindow.Clear() TextWindow.WriteLine("Paint!") TextWindow.WriteLine("") DrawingPalette: TextWindow.WriteLine("Background color: ") tw17 = TextWindow.Read() GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = tw17 TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Go to the Graphics Window.") LabelShapes: TextWindow.WriteLine("Would you like to draw any shapes?") tw19 = TextWindow.Read() If tw19 = ("yes") Then ShapesSub() ElseIf tw19 = ("no") Then

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ChangeBackgroundOrMenu: TextWindow.WriteLine("Change background color and add shapes(bcas)? or go to Menu(menu)?") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw29 = TextWindow.Read() If tw29 = ("bcas") Then Goto DrawingPalette ElseIf tw29 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() Else Goto ChangeBackgroundOrMenu EndIf Else Goto LabelShapes EndIfEndSubSub ShapesSub TextWindow.WriteLine("Choose shape ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Rectangle(rec)") TextWindow.WriteLine("Circle(cir)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") tw19 = TextWindow.Read() If tw19 = ("rec") Then TextWindow.Write("Length: ") tw20 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("Width: ") tw21 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("x-coordinate: ") tw22 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("y-coordinate: ") tw23 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(tw22, tw23, tw21, tw20) ElseIf tw19 = ("cir") Then TextWindow.Write("Length: ") tw24 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("Width: ") tw25 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("x-coordinate: ") tw26 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() TextWindow.Write("y-coordinate: ") tw27 = TextWindow.ReadNumber() GraphicsWindow.DrawEllipse(tw26, tw27, tw25, tw24) Else Goto LabelShapes EndIf TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Another shape(as)? or erase(er)? or go to menu(menu)?") tw28 = TextWindow.Read() If tw28 = ("as") Then ShapesSub() ElseIf tw28 = ("er") Then GraphicsWindow.Clear() ElseIf tw28 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

Sub Reading TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "White" ChoiceReading: TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Would you like to read jokes(j)? Or short stories(ss)?") tw30 = TextWindow.Read() If tw30 = ("j") Then Jokes() ElseIf tw30 = ("ss") Then ShortStories() Else Goto ChoiceReading EndIfEndSub

Sub Jokes TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Choose the joke you would like to read") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Imsomnia(i) Where you working?(wyw) Blonde Paint Job(bpj) State of the Art Watch(saw) Funny Quotes(fq)")

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tw31 = TextWindow.Read() If tw31 = ("i") Then ri() ElseIf tw31 = ("wyw") Then rwyw() ElseIf tw31 = ("bpj") Then rbpj() ElseIf tw31 = ("saw") Then rsaw() ElseIf tw31 = ("fq") Then rfq() EndIfEndSub

Sub ShortStories TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Choose the story you would like to read") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Eleonora – Edgar Allan Poe(el) The Adventures of Aladdin-The Brothers Grim(aabg) The Education vs. The Students(evs) The Guarded Secrets(gs) F’in’Fast(ff)") tw31 = TextWindow.Read() If tw31 = ("el") Then rel() ElseIf tw31 = ("aabg") Then raabg() ElseIf tw31 = ("evs") Then revs() ElseIf tw31 = ("gs") Then rgs() ElseIf tw31 = ("ff") Then rff() EndIfEndSub

Sub AnotherStory TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Another story or joke(asj)? Or go to Menu(menu)") tw32 = TextWindow.Read() If tw32 = ("asj") Then Reading() ElseIf tw32 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() Else AnotherStory() EndIfEndSubSub ri TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Insomnia") TextWindow.WriteLine("A man went to the doctor complaining of insomnia. The doctor gave him a thorough examination, found absolutely nothing physically wrong with him, and then told him, 'Listen, if you ever expect to cure your insomnia, you just have to stop taking your troubles to bed with you.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I know,' said the man, 'but I can't. My wife refuses to sleep alone.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rwyw TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Where you Working") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: 'Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The man below says: 'Yes, you're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'You must work in Information Technology,' says the balloonist.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I do,' replies the man. 'How did you know?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well,' says the balloonist, 'Everything you have told me is technically correct, but it's no use to anyone.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The man below says, 'You must work in Management.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I do,' replies the balloonist, 'But how did you know?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well,' says the man, 'You don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now it's my fault.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rbpj TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Blonde Paint Job") TextWindow.WriteLine("")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The blonde said, 'How about 50 dollars?' The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, 'Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The man replied, 'She should. She was standing on the porch.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'You're finished already?' he asked. 'Yes,' the blonde answered, 'and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats.' Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. 'And by the way,' the blonde added, 'that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rsaw TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("State Of The Art Watch") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("A rather confident man walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The woman notices this and asks, 'Is your date running late?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'No,' he replies, 'I just bought this state-of-the-art watch and I was just testing it.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The intrigued woman says, 'A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me,' he explains.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'What's it telling you now?' she asked.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well, it says you're not wearing any panties.' he said.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The woman giggles and replies, 'Well it must be broken then because I am wearing panties!'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The man explains, 'Damn thing must be an hour fast.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rfq TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Funny Quotes") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Why did God create men? Because vibrators can't mow the lawn.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Madonna") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("To attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior'.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Rita Rudner") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub raabg TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("THE ADVENTURES OF ALADDIN - The Brothers Grimm ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Once upon a time . . . a widow had an only son whose name was Aladdin. They were very poor and lived from hand to mouth, though Aladdin did what he could to earn some pennies, by picking bananas in faraway places. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("One day, as he was looking for wild figs in a grove some way from the town, Aladdin met a mysterious stranger. This smartly dressed dark-eyed man with a trim black beard and a splendid sapphire in his turban, asked Aladdin an unusual question: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Come here, boy,' he ordered. 'How would you like to earn a silver penny?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'A silver penny!' exclaimed Aladdin. 'Sir, I'd do anything for that kind of payment.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I'm not going to ask you to do much. Just go down that manhole. I'm much too big to squeeze through myself. If you do as I ask, you'll have your reward.' The stranger helped Aladdin lift the manhole cover, for it was very heavy. Slim and agile as he was, the boy easily went down. His feet touched stone and he carefully made his way down some steps . . . and found himself in a large chamber. It seemed to sparkle, though dimly lit by the flickering light of an old oil lamp. When Aladdin's eyes became used to the gloom, he saw a wonderful sight: trees dripping with glittering jewels, pots of gold and caskets full of priceless gems. Thousands of precious objects lay scattered about. It was a treasure trove! Unable to believe his eyes, Aladdin was standing dazed when he heard a shout behind him.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'The lamp! Put out the flame and bring me the lamp!' Surprised and suspicious, for why should the stranger, out of all such a treasure want only an old lamp, Aladdin wondered. Perhaps he was a wizard. He decided to be on his guard. Picking up the lamp, he retraced his steps up to the entrance.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Give me the lamp,' urged the wizard impatiently. 'Hand it over,' he began to shout, thrusting out his arm to grab it, but Aladdin cautiously drew back.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Let me out first . . .'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Too bad for you,' from the kitchen stove, the minute she set eyes on him. Excitedly, her son told her of his adventures.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Where's the silver coin?' his mother asked. Aladdin clapped a hand to his brow. For all he had brought home was the old oil lamp 'Oh, mother! I'm so sorry. This is all I've got.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well, let's hope it works. It's so dirty . . .' and the widow began to rub the lamp.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Suddenly out shot another genie, in a cloud of smoke.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'You've set me free, after centuries! I was a prisoner in the lamp, waiting to be freed by someone rubbing it. Now, I'm your obedient servant. Tell me your wishes.' And the genie bowed respectfully, awaiting Aladdin's orders. The boy and his mother gaped wordlessly at this incredible apparition, then the genie said with a hint of impatience in his voice.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I'm here at your command. Tell me what you want. Anything you like!' Aladdin gulped, then said:") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Bring us . . . bring . . .' His mother not having yet begun to cook the dinner, went on to say: '. . . a lovely big meal.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("From that day on, the widow and her son had everything they could wish for: food, clothes and a fine home, for the genie of the lamp granted them everything they asked him. Aladdin grew into a tall handsome young man and his mother felt that he ought to find himself a wife, sooner or later. ")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("One day, as he left the market, Aladdin happened to see the Sultan's daughter Halima in her sedan chair being carried through the streets. He only caught a fleeting glimpse of the princess, but it was enough for him to want to marry her. Aladdin told his mother and she quickly said: ") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I'll ask the Sultan for his daughter's hand. He'll never be able to refuse. Wait and see!'") TextWindow.WriteLine("And indeed, the Sultan was easily persuaded by a casket full of big diamonds to admit the widow to the palace. However, when he learned why she had come, he told the widow that her son must bring proof of his power and riches. This was mostly the Chamberlain's idea, for he himself was eager to marry the beautiful black-eyed Sultan's daughter.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'If Aladdin wants to marry Halima,' said the Sultan,' he must send me forty slaves tomorrow. Every slave must bring a box of precious stones. And forty Arab warriors must escort the treasure.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("Aladdin's mother went sadly home. The genie of the magic lamp had already worked wonders, but nothing like this. Aladdin however,when he heard the news, was not at all dismayed. He picked up the lamp, rubbed it harder than ever and told the genie what he required. The genie simply clapped his hands three times. Forty slaves magically appeared, carrying the gemstones, together with their escort of forty Arab warriors. When he saw all thls the next day, the Sultan was taken aback. He never imagined such wealth could exist. Just as he was about to accept Aladdin as his daughter's bridegroom, the envious Chamberlain broke in with a question. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Where wlll they live?' he asked. The Sultan pondered for a moment, then allowlng greed to get the better of hlm, he told Aladdin to build a great, splendid palace for Halima. Aladdin went straight home and, in what was once a wilderness, the genie built him a palace. The last obstacle had been overcome. The wedding tbok place with great celebrations and the Sultan was especially happy at finding such a rich and powerful son-in-law. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("News of Aladdin's sudden fortune and wealth spread like wildfire, until.... one day, a strange merchant stopped beneath the palace window.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Old lamps for new,' he called to the princess, standing on the balcony. Now, Aladdin had always kept his secret to himself. Only his mother knew it and she had never told a soul. Halima, alas, had been kept in the dark. And so, now, wanting to give Alladin a surprise as well as make a good bargain, she fetched the old oil lamp she had seen Aladdin tuck away, and gave it to the merchant in exchange for a new one. The merchant quickly began to rub it . . . and the genie was now at the service of the wizard who had got his magic lamp back. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a second he whisked away all Aladdin's possessions and magically sent the palace and the princess to an unknown land. Aladdin and the Sultan were at their wits' end. Nobody knew what had happened. Only Aladdin knew it had something to do with the magic lamp. But as he wept over the lost genie of the lamp, he remembered the genie of the ring from the wizard's finger. Slipping the ring on his finger, Aladdin twisted it round and round.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Take me to the place where the wizard has hidden my wife,' he ordered the genie. In a flash, he found himself inside his own palace, and peeping from behind a curtain, he saw the wizard and the princess, now his servant.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Psst! Psst!' hissed Aladdin.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Aladdin! It's you . . .!'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Ssh. Don't let him hear you. Take this powder and put it into his tea. Trust me.' The powder quickly took effect and the wizard fell into a deep sleep. Aladdin hunted for the lamp high and low, but it was nowere to be seen. But it had to be there. How, otherwise, had the wizard moved the palace? As Aladdin gazed at his sleeping enemy, he thought of peering underneath the pillow. 'The lamp! At last,' sighed Aladdin, hastily rubbing it.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Welcome back, Master!' exclaimed the genie. 'Why did you leave me at another's service for so long?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Welcome,' replied Aladdin. 'I'm glad to see you again. I've certainly missed you! It's just as well I have you by me again.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'At your command,' smiled the genie.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'First, put this wicked wizard in chains and take him far away where he'll never be found again.' The genie grinned with pleasure, nodded his head, and the wizard vanished. Halima clutched Aladdin in fear:") TextWindow.WriteLine("'What's going on? Who is that genie?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Don't worry, everything is all right,' Aladdin reassured her, as he told his wife the whole story of how he had met the wizard and found the magic lamp that had enabled him to marry her. Everything went back to normal and the happy pair hugged each other tenderly.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Can we return to our own kingdom?' the princess asked timidly, thinking of her father, so far away. Aladdin glanced at her with a smile.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'The magic that brought you here will take you back, but with me at your side, forever.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("The Sultan was almost ill with worry. His daughter had disappeared along with the palace, and then his son- in-law had vanished too. Nobody knew where they were, not even the wise men hastily called to the palace to divine what had happened. The jealous Chamberlain kept on repeating:") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I told you Aladdin's fortune couldn't last.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("Everyone had lost all hope of ever seeing the missing pair again, when far away, Aladdin rubbed the magic lamp and said to the genie,") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Take my wife, myself and the palace back to our own land, as fast as you can.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'In a flash, Sire,' replied the genie. At the snap of a finger, the palace rose into the air and sped over the Sultan's kingdom, above the heads of his astonished subjects. It gently floated down to earth and landed on its old site. Aladdin and Halima rushed to embrace the Sultan.") TextWindow.WriteLine("To this very day, in that distant country, you can still admire the traces of an ancient palace which folk call the palace that came from the skies.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub revs TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("The Education vs. The Students ") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Wow,' I exclaimed, 'I'm so inspired! I just spent 4 hours with my English teacher and I finally understand!'") TextWindow.WriteLine("My dormmates looked at me very strangely as I ran thru from room to room proclaiming that I had actually been enlightened in Introduction to Interpretation, a course feared and hated even by people majoring in the department. 'Oh no, they've warped him.' 'What did they do to you?' 'Are you sure you're still sane?' 'Hey ......' Well, Some comments were not reprintable, which shows that I am not the only student who dislikes the setup of the curriculum here.") TextWindow.WriteLine("It's the last week of classes and I have a final paper due. The assignment is to be based on some personal revelation and I have finally found it. Valarie, my English instructor has helped me finally see the through my previous draft, which was, in reality, a large complaint against the English class specificly. I had intended it to be an argument for more choice in the engineering curriculum in my particular school, CMU. Now realize that it is not particular at all. The same situation would arise in all universities, because they all have the same rules, the same system, and that is exactly what David Noble was trying to say in 'Technology as People', the eighth chapter of his book, 'America by Design'.") TextWindow.WriteLine("I really do like being here at CMU. It's a school with an excellent reputation for my major, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and it has interesting technical lectures as well as interesting people.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Dispite my positive feelings, I also have some disputes. I am not SuperStudent by any means. When I accepted I new I would probably be in the middle of the class ranking, or perhaps slightly below. Federal law offers me an option to this: I am allowed to define my own minimum full-time course load by law because of my various learning disabilities, but I hate to use this as an excuse. I also do not wish to spend eight or more years as an undergraduate because on the one hand this would be a large chunk of my life in which most students would already have a graduate degree. On the other hand I already do not know how I am paying for only four or possibly five years of my education and any additional years would be even more financially painful.") TextWindow.WriteLine("David Nobel complains that engineering schools were designed completely ignoring the Flexner Report of 1910. Aberham Flexner was an educational reformer who opened his own medical school . His 'unorthodox methods' included, among other things, students being free to work at their own pace, which allowed them to start their college educations much earlier. To some his methods may seem strange, but he was respected as the Carnegie

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Foundation commissioned his report to review medical education in 1910, and due his findings almost half of the one hundred fifty five schools reviewed were closed. (FLEXNER, Abraham, An Autobiography (1960); Numbers, R.L., ed., The Education of American Physicians: Historical Essays (1980))] However, due to the setup of the system, as I mentioned before, I do not have the resources, either time or money, to spend as much time as I could use in undergraduate education.") TextWindow.WriteLine("One excuse I have heard in support of the core is some of the core requirements are made by the contributors to the school. For example, Mr. Multi the Millionaire says, 'I will contribute this significant percentage of the budget, but if you do not require students to take English during their freshman year I will withdraw this funding.' This seems to make the university provide the minimum they possibly can to fulfil these requirements.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Evidently they are inclined to provide the minimum and no more. Why should they? David quotes William E. Wickenden, 'The very word university comes from the Latin word for corporation...' Why would a corporation want to put money into something that will not pay back. Obviously it is wiser to put more money into what will bring the corporation more returns. In the case of engineering curriculums, why should a school administrator put money into more humanities courses when his school is known for it's engineering curriculum? Perhaps some students don't want to take humanities in the first place, in which case they are not going to care how much money is poured into the courses. The students bring the money and once they are in the school they are going to say, 'These humanities courses are not very good.', but this does not matter. As long as they are attending a school in which their future employers will look at their resume's and say 'I see you went to a school that put a great deal of money into your major department', the students are happy and will continue to provide revenue for the corporation.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Hi, Pete, what's up?', interupted Chris, also an ECE major.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'I'm writing a narrative paper for Interp. Congrats, your the first narrative part!'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'What are you writing about?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well, basicly about why I dislike the non-engineering courses of the engineering curriculum.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Good! I agree with you. These courses take all my time. I'd much rather be taking some cool electronics course than world history.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Thanks Chris, well, talk to you later...', I cut him off.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Ok, I gotta go read my EMail'") TextWindow.WriteLine("Well, this proves my point. Unfortunately, it seems that there are some students, even friends of mine, who have one tracked minds. Chris a perfect example of the student who's apathy perpetuates the pattern of schools providing the minimum. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("However, this student is not satisfied. I am not only interested in my major. I am actually interested in certain areas of the humanities, such as classic literature and economics, and in the sciences such as biology and chemistry. I suppose I should feel fortunate that one of these four, economics, will fit into my curriculum. However I will be unable to take the rest of them because humanities requirements in which I am less interested, the requirements which allow the school to provide the minimum, take precedence in the core.") TextWindow.WriteLine("As far as English goes I will be one of the first to claim that a strong command of written and spoken language is important for my life outside academia. Personally I believe a direct approach at teaching me these language skills than an interpretation course would be more useful and thus more appropriate for me. Unfortunately, this type of course is not available to fulfil my core requirements.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The core is attempting to create a public high school curriculum out of a private engineering curriculum. Strict adherence to a set curriculum was required in High School and lower level education in order to gain a spackling of a basis in everything. University education is supposed to be the time when one can finally choose topics in which they are personally interested. Recently I learned that a friend of mine who is a Math and Computer Science major is planning to transfer to a liberal arts school to major in Math and then do graduate work in Computer Science. To make this decision, I thought, he must have thought about the curriculum here, so I had a discussion with him over dinner.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'So why are you planing to transfer?', I asked.") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Well, when I was applying to college I thought that I would be able to learn specific stuff as an undergraduate and then I'd be able to learn other things in graduate school. Now I understand that undergraduate education is the time where one is supposed to learn diverse things and this opportunity is lost if not taken advantage of during the undergraduate years. I'm not getting this from CMU. There are very few courses that I am allowed to take outside my major and those courses are often not very interesting. Here for example, we have a choice of two English courses, and they are so similar that there really is no choice. At the school I plan to transfer to they have an option to spend up to four semesters studying the classics!' He seemed very excited, but then quieted down a bit and asked, 'Am I crazy?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Sounds interesting to me. Why do you ask if I think you're crazy?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Most of my friends say that going to a liberal arts school will get me no where and that I will not be successful if I receive and arts degree rather than a degree in science.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Does the school you are transfering to have a good curriculum in your intended major?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'No, that's the problem, they have a whole two Computer Science courses, both of which I am far beyond.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'So will you major in math then?'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Yes, and then I will major in 'Comp Sci' in graduate courses.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Sounds like a good plan to me.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Thanks for understanding...'") TextWindow.WriteLine("I agree strongly with my frustrated friend. If students must take an course in a subject then why not let them choose. Noble seems to agree that liberal education remains necessary: 'Specialized science is yearly taking a larger part in industry. If advancement is to remain free, it can only be on the basis of liberal education for the deserving worker. (169)' For writing education, a creative writing course would be more interesting to me, and a technical writing course would be more useful. It stands to reason that any course which a student has their heart in should result in a better performance. Here at Carnegie Mellon the introductory English courses are so alike the average upperclassman will tell a new student to guess which would be best. From my perspective, and asking other students in my class who are presently or have taken the English courses the courses vary more with the instructors' teaching styles than between the two courses offered. But as I have discovered, there is no chance of solving this problem, since it is inherent to an engineering curriculum. Therefore, I must give up engineering (my major) or humanities (my interest). The student may be the center of the university, but the student's interests are not the center of attention.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rgs TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("THE GUARDED SECRETS") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("M. Ferdinand Brunetière, of whom I am very fond, has a great quarrel with me. He reproaches me with misunderstanding the very laws of criticism, with having no criterion by which to judge the things of the mind, with floating amid contradictions with no guide but my instincts, with never getting out of myself, with being enclosed within my subjectivity as in a dark prison. Far from complaining at being thus attacked, I rejoice in this honorable dispute, every circumstance of which flatters me: the merit of my opponent, the severity of a censure which yet hides so much indulgence, the greatness of the interests involved. For, according to M. Brunetière, there is at stake nothing less than the intellectual future of our country...") TextWindow.WriteLine("I have many disadvantages if I must necessarily contend with M. Brunetière. I shall not point out the inequalities so certain as to be obvious at once. I shall merely indicate one of a very special nature. It is this, that while he finds my criticism vexatious, I find his excellent. I am thus reduced to that defensive position which all tacticians consider bad. I hold the powerful critical structures of M. Brunetière in very high esteem. I admire the solidity of their materials and the greatness of their plan. I have just read the discourses delivered at the Ecole Normale by this most able lecturer on the Evolution of Criticism

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from the Renaissance to Our Days, and I feel no displeasure in proclaiming that his ideas are conducted with much method, marshaled in an order that is most happy, impressive and new. Their march, heavy but sure, recalls the famous maneuver of the legionaries, who advanced in closely serried ranks under protection of their shields to the assault of a city. That was the famous testudo formation, and it was a formidable one. A little surprise is mixed, perhaps, with my admiration when I see whither that army of ideas is bound. M. Ferdinand Brunetière plans to apply to literary criticism the theories of evolution. And, if this enterprise seems interesting and praiseworthy in itself, yet one has not forgotten the energy recently expended by this critic in the cause of subordinating science to morals and of weakening the authority of every doctrine founded on the natural sciences.... I do not at all affirm that M. Brunetière belies his own convictions or contradicts himself. I mark a trot of his nature, a turn of his character which is, with a great deal of consistency, to fall voluntarily into the unexpected and the unforeseen. It was said, one day, that he was paradoxical, and that saying seemed an ironical one, so solidly established was his reputation as a good reasoner. But one has come to see on reflection that he is, in fact, a trifle paradoxical in his manner. His ability in proving things is prodigious: he must always be proving something, and he is fond, at times, of powerfully supporting extraordinary and even stultifying opinions.") TextWindow.WriteLine("By what cruel fate am I doomed to admire a critic who corresponds so little to my sentiments! For M. Ferdinand Brunetière there are simply two kinds of critical methods: the subjective, which is bad, and the objective, which is good. According to him, M. Jules Lemaître, M. Paul Desjardins and myself--we are tainted with subjectivity, and that is the worst of evils: for from subjectivity one falls into illusion, into sensuality and into lust, and judges the works of man by the pleasure that they give one, which is an abominable thing. For one must not be pleased with some product of the mind until one knows whether one is right in being so pleased; for man is, above all, a rational animal and he must first use his reason; hence it is necessary to be right and it is not necessary to find pleasure; for it is the attribute of man to seek to instruct himself by the methods of logic, which are infallible; hence one ought always to put a truth at the end of a chain of reasoning, like a knot at the end of a plait; for without that, the reasoning will not keep from unraveling, and it must keep from unraveling; and thereupon one joins together several strands of reasoning in such a way as to form an indestructible system--which lasts a dozen years. And that is why objective criticism is the only good criticism.") TextWindow.WriteLine("M. Ferdinand Brunetière holds the other method to be fallacious and deceptive. And he gives various reasons. But I am forced, first of all, to produce the incriminating text. It is a passage in my Vie Litteraire which reads as follows:") TextWindow.WriteLine("There is no such thing as objective criticism any more than there is objective art, and all who flatter themselves that they put aught but themselves into their work are dupes of the most fallacious illusion. The truth is that one never gets out of oneself. That is one of our greatest miseries. What would we not give to see, if but for a minute, the sky and the earth with the many-faceted eye of a fly, or to understand nature with the rude and simple brain of an ape? But just that is forbidden us. We cannot, like Tiresias, be men and remember having been women. We are locked into our persons as into a lasting prison. The best we can do, it seems to me, is gracefully to recognize this terrible situation and to admit that we speak of ours selves every time that we have not the strength to be silent.") TextWindow.WriteLine("M. Brunetière, having quoted these lines, remarks at once 'that one cannot affirm with greater assurance that nothing is sure.' I could easily answer that no contradiction is involved since there is no novelty in asserting that we are fated to know things only by the impressions which they make on us. That is a truth which observation can establish and so striking a one that it reaches everyone. It is a commonplace of philosophy. One need not fix one's attention on it too closely, and above all one need not see in it a doctrinal pyrrhonism. I confess that I have more than once glanced sidewise at absolute skepticism. But I have never entered that region; I have been afraid to put my foot on that foundation which engulfs everything one entrusts to it. I have feared the formidable sterility of those two words: 'I doubt.' Such is their force that the lips which have once advisedly uttered them are forever sealed and can never more be opened. If one doubts, one must be silent; for whatever discourse one may hold, to speak is in itself to affirm. And since I have not had the courage of silence and of renunciation, I have desired to believe and I have believed. I have believed at least in the relativity of things and in the succession of phenomena.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In fact, reality and appearance--it is all one. To love and to suffer in this world images suffice; it is not necessary that their objectivity be demonstrated. In whatever fashion one conceives of life and though one knows it to be the dream of a dream--one lives. That is all we need to Found sciences arts moralities impressionistic and if you please objective criticism. M. Brunetière is of the opinion that one can leave one's inner self and proceed beyond that self as much as one desires like that old professor of Nürenberg whose surprising adventure M. Josephin Peladan who is a mage has recently related. This professor who was much occupied with aesthetics nightly left his visible body and proceeded, in his astral body, to compare the legs of the lovely mortal sleepers with those of the Venus of Praxiteles. 'The self-deception,' M. Brunetière affirms, 'if we must assume its existence, is in believing and teaching that we cannot get out of our ego when, on the contrary, the whole business of life is precisely that. And the reason for this will undoubtedly seem very strong when we remember that otherwise there would be no such thing as society or language or literature or art.' And he adds: 'We are men. . . . And we are men, above all, by the power we have of going forth from ourselves in order to seek, to find and to recognize those very selves in others.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("That is surely saying a great deal. We are in the cave and we see the phantoms of the cave. Without that life would be too sad. It has no charm and no preciousness save by virtue of the shadows that flit along the sides of the walls within which we are prisoned, shadows that resemble us and that we strive to recognize as they pass and, sometimes, to love.") TextWindow.WriteLine("As a matter of fact, we see the world only through the medium of our senses which shape and color it as they please, and M. Brunetière does not contest the point. He seeks support, on the contrary, in these conditions of our knowledge to found his objective criticism. Considering that the senses bring to all men impressions of nature that are very nearly alike, so that what seems round to one will hardly seem square to another, and that the sense of hearing functions in the same way if not in the same degree in all minds, he derives from these facts what we call common sense, and founds his criticism on this universal agreement. He is not himself without the perception that it is thus ill-founded. For this agreement, which suffices to form and preserve societies, does not suffice when it is a question of, establishing the superiority of one poet over another. Granted that men are sufficiently alike for each to find in the market places and in the bazaars of a great city what is necessary for his existence. So much is not doubtful. But nothing is less probable than that there should be but two men in one country who feel a Vergilian line in absolutely the same fashion.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In mathematics there is a kind of superior truth which we all accept. But we do so for the very reason that its perception is not through the senses. Physicists, on the other hand, are forced to reckon with what is called the personal equation in all the sciences of observation. A phenomenon is never perceived absolutely alike by any two observers.") TextWindow.WriteLine("M. Brunetière cannot hide from himself the fact Hat the personal equation disports itself nowhere more freely than in the illusive domains of the arts and of literature.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In that field there is never unanimous agreement or stable opinion. He acknowledges that. Or, at least, begins by acknowledging it. 'To omit our contemporaries whom, it is clear, we see in no proper perspective, how many varying judgments have not men, during the past three or four centuries, delivered on a Corneille or a Shakespeare or a Cervantes, a Raphael or a Michelangelo! Even as there is no opinion so extravagant and absurd but that some philosopher has upheld it, so there is none, however scandalous or hostile to great genius, which does not bear the authority of some critic's name.' And to prove that the great men cannot expect any more justice from their peers, he shows us Rabelais insulted by Ronsard and Corneille publicly preferring Boursaulet to Racine. He ought also to have shown us Lamartine despising La Fontaine; he could also have exhibited Victor Hugo badly misjudging all our classics except Boileau, for whom, in his declining age, he entertained some kindness.") TextWindow.WriteLine("In a word, M. Brunetière admits that there are very many directly conflicting opinions in the republic of letters. It is in vain that he bethinks himself later and declares with assurance that 'it is not true that the opinions are so divergent or the divisions so deep.' It is equally in vain that he borrows the authority of an opinion of M. Jules Lemaître to affirm the admission by all lettered men that certain writers exist, despite their faults, while others simply do not exist. For instance, Voltaire as a writer of tragic drama exists; Campistron does not, nor the Abbe Leblanc nor M. de Jouy. That is the first point that he wishes one to grant him. But one will hardly do so, for when it came to making out the two lists there would hardly be any common understanding.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The second point to which he clings is that there are degrees which are really grades conferred on genius by faculties of grammarians and in the universities of rhetoricians. Obviously such diplomas might tend a good deal to further order and regularity in the realm of great fame. Unhappily they lose much of their value through human contradictoriness. These licenses and doctorates, which M. Brunetière believes universally recognized, impress scarcely anyone but those who confer them.") TextWindow.WriteLine("As a matter of pure theory a critical method is conceivable which, proceeding from science, might share the latter's certainty. It may be that the sentiments we entertain toward the ethics of M. Maurice Barres or the prosody of Mr. Jean Moréas depend on the idea we hold concerning the forces of the cosmos and the mechanics of the heavens. All things in the universe are inextricably intertwined. In reality, however, the links of the chain are, in any given

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spot, so jumbled that the devil himself could not disentangle them, even if he were a logician. And in addition, we should gracefully admit that what humanity knows least about is its beginnings. It is the fundamental principles that we lack in all matters and particularly in our knowledge of the products of the mind. One cannot foresee to-day, whatever one may say, a time when criticism will have the rigor of a positive science. One may even believe, reasonably enough, that that time will never come. Nevertheless the great philosophers of antiquity crowned their cosmic systems with a poetics. And they did wisely. For it is better to speak of beautiful thoughts and forms with incertitude than to be forever silent. Few things in the world are so absolutely subject to science that they will let science reproduce or predict them. And one may be sure that a poem or a poet will never be among those few. The things that touch us most nearly, that seem loveliest and most desirable to us, are precisely those that remain ever vague to us and partly mysterious. Beauty, virtue and genius will forever guard their secret. Neither the charm of Cleopatra nor the sweetness of Saint Francis nor the poetry of Racine will ever permit themselves to be reduced to formula If these things sustain a relation to science. it is to one that is blended with art, that is intuitive, restless, forever unfinished. That science or, rather, that art exists. It is philosophy, ethics, history, criticism--in a word, the whole beautiful romance of man.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Every work of poetry or art has been in all ages the subject of disputes, and it is perhaps one of the great charms of beautiful things to remain questionable. And it is vain to deny that they are all, all questionable. M. Brunetière is quite unwilling to admit this universal and fatal incertitude. It is too repugnant to his authoritarian and methodical mind, which would be forever classifying and judging. Let him judge, then, since his temper is so judicial. And let him drive his serried arguments in their terrifying battle array since he is indeed a warrior critic!") TextWindow.WriteLine("But can he not forgive some innocent soul for concerning itself with the things of art with less rigor and consistency than he has, and with displaying less use of the reason, above all, of ratiocination? Can he not forgive such an one for keeping in criticism the tone of familiar talk and the light step of a stroll; for stopping where he pleases and, perhaps, indulging in confidences; for following his tastes, his fancies and even his caprice, provided only that he be always veracious, sincere and kindly; for not knowing everything nor explaining everything; for believing in the irremediable diversity of opinions and feelings and for speaking most gladly of that which one must love.") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rel TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Eleonora (by Edgar Allan Poe)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("I AM come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion. Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence -- whether much that is glorious- whether all that is profound -- does not spring from disease of thought -- from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in awakening, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compassless into the vast ocean of the 'light ineffable,' and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, 'agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.'") TextWindow.WriteLine("We will say, then, that I am mad. I grant, at least, that there are two distinct conditions of my mental existence -- the condition of a lucid reason, not to be disputed, and belonging to the memory of events forming the first epoch of my life -- and a condition of shadow and doubt, appertaining to the present, and to the recollection of what constitutes the second great era of my being. Therefore, what I shall tell of the earlier period, believe; and to what I may relate of the later time, give only such credit as may seem due, or doubt it altogether, or, if doubt it ye cannot, then play unto its riddle the Oedipus.") TextWindow.WriteLine("She whom I loved in youth, and of whom I now pen calmly and distinctly these remembrances, was the sole daughter of the only sister of my mother long departed. Eleonora was the name of my cousin. We had always dwelled together, beneath a tropical sun, in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass. No unguided footstep ever came upon that vale; for it lay away up among a range of giant hills that hung beetling around about it, shutting out the sunlight from its sweetest recesses. No path was trodden in its vicinity; and, to reach our happy home, there was need of putting back, with force, the foliage of many thousands of forest trees, and of crushing to death the glories of many millions of fragrant flowers. Thus it was that we lived all alone, knowing nothing of the world without the valley -- I, and my cousin, and her mother.") TextWindow.WriteLine("From the dim regions beyond the mountains at the upper end of our encircled domain, there crept out a narrow and deep river, brighter than all save the eyes of Eleonora; and, winding stealthily about in mazy courses, it passed away, at length, through a shadowy gorge, among hills still dimmer than those whence it had issued. We called it the 'River of Silence'; for there seemed to be a hushing influence in its flow. No murmur arose from its bed, and so gently it wandered along, that the pearly pebbles upon which we loved to gaze, far down within its bosom, stirred not at all, but lay in a motionless content, each in its own old station, shining on gloriously forever.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The margin of the river, and of the many dazzling rivulets that glided through devious ways into its channel, as well as the spaces that extended from the margins away down into the depths of the streams until they reached the bed of pebbles at the bottom, -- these spots, not less than the whole surface of the valley, from the river to the mountains that girdled it in, were carpeted all by a soft green grass, thick, short, perfectly even, and vanilla-perfumed, but so besprinkled throughout with the yellow buttercup, the white daisy, the purple violet, and the ruby-red asphodel, that its exceeding beauty spoke to our hearts in loud tones, of the love and of the glory of God.") TextWindow.WriteLine("And, here and there, in groves about this grass, like wildernesses of dreams, sprang up fantastic trees, whose tall slender stems stood not upright, but slanted gracefully toward the light that peered at noon-day into the centre of the valley. Their mark was speckled with the vivid alternate splendor of ebony and silver, and was smoother than all save the cheeks of Eleonora; so that, but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs, one might have fancied them giant serpents of Syria doing homage to their sovereign the Sun.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Hand in hand about this valley, for fifteen years, roamed I with Eleonora before Love entered within our hearts. It was one evening at the close of the third lustrum of her life, and of the fourth of my own, that we sat, locked in each other's embrace, beneath the serpent-like trees, and looked down within the water of the River of Silence at our images therein. We spoke no words during the rest of that sweet day, and our words even upon the morrow were tremulous and few. We had drawn the God Eros from that wave, and now we felt that he had enkindled within us the fiery souls of our forefathers. The passions which had for centuries distinguished our race, came thronging with the fancies for which they had been equally noted, and together breathed a delirious bliss over the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass. A change fell upon all things. Strange, brilliant flowers, star-shaped, burn out upon the trees where no flowers had been known before. The tints of the green carpet deepened; and when, one by one, the white daisies shrank away, there sprang up in place of them, ten by ten of the ruby-red asphodel. And life arose in our paths; for the tall flamingo, hitherto unseen, with all gay glowing birds, flaunted his scarlet plumage before us. The golden and silver fish haunted the river, out of the bosom of which issued, little by little, a murmur that swelled, at length, into a lulling melody more divine than that of the harp of Aeolus-sweeter than all save the voice of Eleonora. And now, too, a voluminous cloud, which we had long watched in the regions of Hesper, floated out thence, all gorgeous in crimson and gold, and settling in peace above us, sank, day by day, lower and lower, until its edges rested upon the tops of the mountains, turning all their dimness into magnificence, and shutting us up, as if forever, within a magic prison-house of grandeur and of glory.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The loveliness of Eleonora was that of the Seraphim; but she was a maiden artless and innocent as the brief life she had led among the flowers. No guile disguised the fervor of love which animated her heart, and she examined with me its inmost recesses as we walked together in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass, and discoursed of the mighty changes which had lately taken place therein.") TextWindow.WriteLine("At length, having spoken one day, in tears, of the last sad change which must befall Humanity, she thenceforward dwelt only upon this one sorrowful theme, interweaving it into all our converse, as, in the songs of the bard of Schiraz, the same images are found occurring, again and again, in every impressive variation of phrase.") TextWindow.WriteLine("She had seen that the finger of Death was upon her bosom -- that, like the ephemeron, she had been made perfect in loveliness only to die; but the terrors of the grave to her lay solely in a consideration which she revealed to me, one evening at twilight, by the banks of the River of Silence. She grieved to think that, having entombed her in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass, I would quit forever its happy recesses, transferring the love which now was so passionately her own to some maiden of the outer and everyday world. And, then and there, I threw myself hurriedly at the feet of Eleonora, and offered up a

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vow, to herself and to Heaven, that I would never bind myself in marriage to any daughter of Earth -- that I would in no manner prove recreant to her dear memory, or to the memory of the devout affection with which she had blessed me. And I called the Mighty Ruler of the Universe to witness the pious solemnity of my vow. And the curse which I invoked of Him and of her, a saint in Helusion should I prove traitorous to that promise, involved a penalty the exceeding great horror of which will not permit me to make record of it here. And the bright eyes of Eleonora grew brighter at my words; and she sighed as if a deadly burthen had been taken from her breast; and she trembled and very bitterly wept; but she made acceptance of the vow, (for what was she but a child?) and it made easy to her the bed of her death. And she said to me, not many days afterward, tranquilly dying, that, because of what I had done for the comfort of her spirit she would watch over me in that spirit when departed, and, if so it were permitted her return to me visibly in the watches of the night; but, if this thing were, indeed, beyond the power of the souls in Paradise, that she would, at least, give me frequent indications of her presence, sighing upon me in the evening winds, or filling the air which I breathed with perfume from the censers of the angels. And, with these words upon her lips, she yielded up her innocent life, putting an end to the first epoch of my own.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Thus far I have faithfully said. But as I pass the barrier in Times path, formed by the death of my beloved, and proceed with the second era of my existence, I feel that a shadow gathers over my brain, and I mistrust the perfect sanity of the record. But let me on. -- Years dragged themselves along heavily, and still I dwelled within the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass; but a second change had come upon all things. The star-shaped flowers shrank into the stems of the trees, and appeared no more. The tints of the green carpet faded; and, one by one, the ruby-red asphodels withered away; and there sprang up, in place of them, ten by ten, dark, eye-like violets, that writhed uneasily and were ever encumbered with dew. And Life departed from our paths; for the tall flamingo flaunted no longer his scarlet plumage before us, but flew sadly from the vale into the hills, with all the gay glowing birds that had arrived in his company. And the golden and silver fish swam down through the gorge at the lower end of our domain and bedecked the sweet river never again. And the lulling melody that had been softer than the wind-harp of Aeolus, and more divine than all save the voice of Eleonora, it died little by little away, in murmurs growing lower and lower, until the stream returned, at length, utterly, into the solemnity of its original silence. And then, lastly, the voluminous cloud uprose, and, abandoning the tops of the mountains to the dimness of old, fell back into the regions of Hesper, and took away all its manifold golden and gorgeous glories from the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Yet the promises of Eleonora were not forgotten; for I heard the sounds of the swinging of the censers of the angels; and streams of a holy perfume floated ever and ever about the valley; and at lone hours, when my heart beat heavily, the winds that bathed my brow came unto me laden with soft sighs; and indistinct murmurs filled often the night air, and once -- oh, but once only! I was awakened from a slumber, like the slumber of death, by the pressing of spiritual lips upon my own.") TextWindow.WriteLine("But the void within my heart refused, even thus, to be filled. I longed for the love which had before filled it to overflowing. At length the valley pained me through its memories of Eleonora, and I left it for ever for the vanities and the turbulent triumphs of the world.") TextWindow.WriteLine("I found myself within a strange city, where all things might have served to blot from recollection the sweet dreams I had dreamed so long in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass. The pomps and pageantries of a stately court, and the mad clangor of arms, and the radiant loveliness of women, bewildered and intoxicated my brain. But as yet my soul had proved true to its vows, and the indications of the presence of Eleonora were still given me in the silent hours of the night. Suddenly these manifestations they ceased, and the world grew dark before mine eyes, and I stood aghast at the burning thoughts which possessed, at the terrible temptations which beset me; for there came from some far, far distant and unknown land, into the gay court of the king I served, a maiden to whose beauty my whole recreant heart yielded at once -- at whose footstool I bowed down without a struggle, in the most ardent, in the most abject worship of love. What, indeed, was my passion for the young girl of the valley in comparison with the fervor, and the delirium, and the spirit-lifting ecstasy of adoration with which I poured out my whole soul in tears at the feet of the ethereal Ermengarde? -- Oh, bright was the seraph Ermengarde! and in that knowledge I had room for none other. -- Oh, divine was the angel Ermengarde! and as I looked down into the depths of her memorial eyes, I thought only of them -- and of her.") TextWindow.WriteLine("I wedded; -- nor dreaded the curse I had invoked; and its bitterness was not visited upon me. And once -- but once again in the silence of the night; there came through my lattice the soft sighs which had forsaken me; and they modelled themselves into familiar and sweet voice, saying:") TextWindow.WriteLine("'Sleep in peace! -- for the Spirit of Love reigneth and ruleth, and, in taking to thy passionate heart her who is Ermengarde, thou art absolved, for reasons which shall be made known to thee in Heaven, of thy vows unto Eleonora.'")

TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub rff TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("F’in’Fast (by Jeremy Clarkson)") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("I am fat. I smoke two packets of cigarettes a Day and exercise In an unfamiliar world. All things considered, I’m not cut out to be a fighter pilot.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Yet there I was in North Carolina, being measured up for a G-suit, ready for a ride in what most experts agree is the world’s best fighter plane – the F15 Strike Eagle.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The F15 was launched in 1972 and this time the Americans got it right. To date it is the most successful fighter of all time, with a kill rate of 99-nil. A couple have been lost to missiles, but none have ever been lost in air combat. Its nickname is “The MiG killer” because most of that score consists of Russian fighter, shot down by F15 – toting Israeli Air Force pilots in the war with Syria, or by US pilots in the Gulf. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Now 25 years old, it can still hold its own against any of the new fighters. Pilots lobe its huge size and strength, which gives it the ability to carry lots of weapons and fly long range. It’s got a gun for dogfights, a massive radar, the most advanced air-to-air missiles In the world and the safety factor of two engines. And tough? One pilot landed safety with a whole wing shot away. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Which I wasn’t intending to do. However, all morning there’d been lessons on how to work a parachute, but it’s hard to pay attention when you’re dangling by your balls from a hook. Then an hour on what to do if the plane caught on fire. I would be connected to the seat by twelve different fasteners, which had to be undone in a certain order. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("And finally, there had been some ejector-seat training. If I heard the pilot say ‘bail out, bail out, bail out’ I was to brace myself and pull a big lever by my thigh, a lever that I was not to touch otherwise. Especially in a high-g man oeuvre when I needed something to hold on to. But would I have to wait for Captain Gris Grimwald to say ‘bail out’ there times, or could I go after one? Yes I could, but I warned him not to start any commands with the letter B, or he’d be flying solo in a convertible. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("My head full of worries and rules, I then went to the simulator for a lesson in how to drop a laser-guided bomb, something we’d be doing on the Kitty Hawk Range .") TextWindow.WriteLine(" Then came the bombshell. I was asking how it’s possible to study four TV screens while aligning the crosshairs when I was prone to sickness while map reading in a car. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("And Gris said, out of the blue, ‘Oh, if you feel sick just fly for a while. It’ll concentrate your mind.’ And that was it. The next day, I wasn’t simply going for a ride in an F15. Even thought I’d never even held the stick in a Cessna before, I was going to fly it.") TextWindow.WriteLine("The acceleration as we tore down the runway was not too far removed from a Ferrari in the initial stages, but when the afterburners kicked in, it was like nothing you could even imagine.") TextWindow.WriteLine("My head was catapulted backwards and no amount of effort could bring it forwards until we’d rolled over and were flying straight and level in formation with our wingman.") TextWindow.WriteLine("But then there was no real sensation of speed, something I said to Gris over the intercom. This was a mistake. ")

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TextWindow.WriteLine("He hit the brakes taking us down to the deck at 150 mph. Then he lit the afterburners and bang! We were nudging the sound barrier. So far so good, but then he put the F15 at 90 degrees nose high – an absolutely vertical climb.") TextWindow.WriteLine("My trousers exploded at six g came charging into the cockpit on a white stallion. Suddenly, my five-pound video camera weighed 30 lbs. But that wasn’t important. Not when I learnt that we’d climbed from 1000 to 18 000 ft in eleven seconds. I vomited extravagantly. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("And as a present, was given the stick. When Gris was flying the plane was rock steady, but as soon as I was at the controls we began to slide downwards and to the left.") TextWindow.WriteLine("Worried, I yanked the stick to the tight, where upon we tilted and climbed another 1000 feet. Two more moves like that my stomach was searching to expel food I’d eaten on my ninth birthday.") TextWindow.WriteLine("It wasn’t until I started to roll it with confidence that fun began to outweigh fear and nausea. In the next fifteen minutes I looked, lit the afterburners and flew in formation with another jet. Well, I thought I was in formation.") TextWindow.WriteLine("I also got to drop my laser-guided bomb… eventually. On our first run I looked out of the window for the target. On our second U used the screens but couldn’t find it, and on the third I simply released it hoping to line up the crosshairs before it landed.") TextWindow.WriteLine("I fear I didn’t just miss the target. I fear I may have missed North Carolina. ") TextWindow.WriteLine("But I was pact caring. I was also past vomiting. I could think of nothing but going to bed. I cannot begin to explain what 90 minutes in fast jet does for your constitution save to say that immediately after landing, I fell fast asleep. I also nodded off in the bus taking me back to HQ and again in the debriefing.") TextWindow.WriteLine("But if I ever do take flying and the instructor asks if I’ve ever flown anything before, I’ll be able to say, ‘Yeah once.’") TextWindow.WriteLine("") AnotherStory()EndSub

Sub TurtlesLifeGraphicsWindow.Clear()GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "SkyBlue"GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(50,20,160,160)GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(145,75,80,100)GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Gray"GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(0,200,60,150)GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Purple"GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(0,480,70,70)EndSub

Sub ChangeUser TextWindow.WriteLine("Change User") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Are you sure you want to change user?(yes/no) ") TextWindow.Write("") If TextWindow.Read() = ("yes") Then UserChoice() ElseIf TextWindow.Read() = ("no") Then WWYLTDN() Else ChangeUser() EndIfEndSub

Sub Phonebook user1: user["siir"]["name"]= "siir" user["siir"]["last name"]="Tecirlioglu" user["siir"]["age"]= "15" user["siir"]["nationality"]= "Turkish" user["siir"]["birthday"]= "10 10 1994" user["siir"]["address"]= "Vajara Doke Jovanovica 2b Dedinje" user["siir"]["mobile"]= "+381631048441 +905356330808" user["siir"]["home"]= "+381113699160 +902323245780" user2: user["oguz"]["name"]= "Oguz" user["oguz"]["last name"]="Tecirlioglu" user["oguz"]["age"]= "10" user["oguz"]["nationality"]= "Turkish" user["oguz"]["birthday"]= "02 02 2000" user["oguz"]["address"]= "Vajara Doke Jovanovica 2b Dedinje" user["oguz"]["mobile"]= "-" user["oguz"]["home"]= "+381113699160 +902323245780" user3: user["tamer"]["name"]= "Tamer" user["tamer"]["last name"]="Tecirlioglu" user["tamer"]["age"]= "42" user["tamer"]["nationality"]= "Turkish" user["tamer"]["birthday"]= "18 06 1967" user["tamer"]["address"]= "Vajara Doke Jovanovica 2b Dedinje" user["tamer"]["mobile"]= "+3811085446" user["tamer"]["home"]= "+381113699160 +902323245780"

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user4: user["evren"]["name"]= "Evren" user["evren"]["last name"]="Tecirlioglu" user["evren"]["age"]= "41" user["evren"]["nationality"]= "Turkish" user["evren"]["birthday"]= "20 03 1968" user["evren"]["address"]= "Vajara Doke Jovanovica 2b Dedinje" user["evren"]["mobile"]= "+3811048442" user["evren"]["home"]= "+381113699160 +902323245780" user5: user["jacek"]["name"]= "Jacek" user["jacek"]["last name"]= "Swiezaczynski" user["jacek"]["age"]= "16" user["jacek"]["nationality"]= "Polish" user["jacek"]["birthday"]= "21 08 1993" user["jacek"]["address"]= "Bulevar Oslobodjenia 203" user["jacek"]["mobile"]= "0637300955" user["jacek"]["home"]= "-" user6: user["kristina"]["name"]= "Kristina" user["kristina"]["last name"]= "Bogdanovic" user["kristina"]["age"]= "15" user["kristina"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["kristina"]["birthday"]= "01 06 1994" user["kristina"]["mobile"]= "-" user["kristina"]["home"]= "0112651778" user7: user["andjelija"]["name"]= "Andjelija" user["andjelija"]["last name"]= "Janicijevic" user["andjelija"]["age"]= "15" user["andjelija"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["andjelija"]["birthday"]= "02 11 1994" user["andjelija"]["mobile"]= "0693005959" user["andjelija"]["home"]= "0113033528" user8: user["linda"]["name"]= "Linda" user["linda"]["last name"]= "Kirova" user["linda"]["age"]= "15" user["linda"]["nationality"]= "Bulgarian" user["linda"]["birthday"]= "20 10 1994" user["linda"]["mobile"]= "0637591977" user["linda"]["home"]= "0113699280" user9: user["bianka"]["name"]= "Bianka" user["bianka"]["last name"]= "Jusufovic" user["bianka"]["age"]= "15" user["bianka"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["bianka"]["birthday"]= "26 08 1994" user["bianka"]["mobile"]= "-" user["bianka"]["home"]= "-" user10: user["lu"]["name"]= "Lu" user["lu"]["last name"]= "Sevier" user["lu"]["age"]= "15" user["lu"]["nationality"]= "American" user["lu"]["birthday"]= "02 06 1994" user["lu"]["mobile"]= "0655649438" user["lu"]["home"]= "0113542397" user11: user["garek"]["name"]= "Garek" user["garek"]["last name"]= "Wong" user["garek"]["age"]= "15" user["garek"]["nationality"]= "American-Chinese" user["garek"]["birthday"]= "01 01 1994" user["garek"]["mobile"]= "0628309139" user["garek"]["home"]= "0113674586" user12: user["aleksandra"]["name"]= "Aleksandra" user["aleksandra"]["last name"]= "Tancic" user["aleksandra"]["age"]= "15" user["aleksandra"]["nationality"]= "Serbian"

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user["aleksandra"]["birthday"]= "10 08 1994" user["aleksandra"]["mobile"]= "062599425" user["aleksandra"]["home"]= "0112421861" user13: user["alex"]["name"]= "Alex" user["alex"]["last name"]= "Urosevic" user["alex"]["age"]= "15" user["alex"]["nationality"]= "Finnish - Serbian" user["alex"]["birthday"]= "18 02 1994" user["alex"]["mobile"]= "0644642215" user["alex"]["home"]= "0112468699" user14: user["so-jin"]["name"]= "So-Jin" user["so-jin"]["last name"]= "Park" user["so-jin"]["age"]= "15-16" user["so-jin"]["nationality"]= "Korean" user["so-jin"]["birthday"]= "31 12 1993 - 03 01 1994" user["so-jin"]["mobile"]= "0628582334" user["so-jin"]["home"]= "0113674482" user15: user["sara"]["name"]= "Sara" user["sara"]["last name"]= "Perisic" user["sara"]["age"]= "15" user["sara"]["nationality"]= "Montenegrin" user["sara"]["birthday"]= "18 12 1994" user["sara"]["mobile"]= "062579304" user["sara"]["home"]= "0113033307" user16: user["veronika"]["name"]= "Veronika" user["veronika"]["last name"]= "Tomic" user["veronika"]["age"]= "15" user["veronika"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["veronika"]["birthday"]= "18 12 1994" user["veronika"]["mobile"]= "0658905477" user["veronika"]["home"]= "0112662045" user17: user["matia"]["name"]= "Matia" user["matia"]["last name"]= "Divac" user["matia"]["age"]= "15" user["matia"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["matia"]["birthday"]= "18 12 1994" user["matia"]["mobile"]= "069741741" user["matia"]["home"]= "01193349988" user18: user["tatiana"]["name"]= "Tatiana" user["tatiana"]["last name"]= "Filajdic" user["tatiana"]["age"]= "16" user["tatiana"]["nationality"]= "American - Serbian" user["tatiana"]["birthday"]= "05 01 1994" user["tatiana"]["mobile"]= "0656795360" user["tatiana"]["home"]= "0112394871" user19: user["pavle"]["name"]= "Pavle" user["pavle"]["last name"]= "Ivkovic" user["pavle"]["age"]= "16" user["pavle"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["pavle"]["birthday"]= "24 02 1994" user["pavle"]["mobile"]= "062523555" user["pavle"]["home"]= "0113467872" user20: user["andjela"]["name"]= "Andjela" user["andjela"]["last name"]= "Ilic" user["andjela"]["age"]= "15" user["andjela"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["andjela"]["birthday"]= "26 04 1994" user["andjela"]["mobile"]= "0642639146" user["andjela"]["home"]= "0113672379" user21: user["katarina"]["name"]= "Katarina" user["katarina"]["last name"]= "Koysova"

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user["katarina"]["age"]= "15" user["katarina"]["nationality"]= "Slovakian" user["katarina"]["birthday"]= "12 11 1994" user["katarina"]["mobile"]= "062517179" user["katarina"]["home"]= "0112650101" user22: user["dean"]["name"]= "Dean" user["dean"]["last name"]= "Harrison" user["dean"]["age"]= "15" user["dean"]["nationality"]= "American" user["dean"]["birthday"]= "-" user["dean"]["mobile"]= "-" user["dean"]["home"]= "0113671931" user23: user["marina"]["name"]= "Marina" user["marina"]["last name"]= "Krstovic" user["marina"]["age"]= "15" user["marina"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["marina"]["birthday"]= "12 04 1994" user["marina"]["mobile"]= "-" user["marina"]["home"]= "0113674159" user24: user["umberto"]["name"]= "Umberto" user["umberto"]["last name"]= "Varricchio" user["umberto"]["age"]= "15" user["umberto"]["nationality"]= "Italian" user["umberto"]["birthday"]= "-" user["umberto"]["mobile"]= "-" user["umberto"]["home"]= "0113066100" user25: user["mina"]["name"]= "Mina" user["mina"]["last name"]= "Strugar" user["mina"]["age"]= "15" user["mina"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["mina"]["birthday"]= "08 04 1994" user["mina"]["mobile"]= "0631614660" user["mina"]["home"]= "0112622667" user26: user["milija"]["name"]= "Milija" user["milija"]["last name"]= "Zivanic" user["milija"]["age"]= "15" user["milija"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["milija"]["birthday"]= "03 11 1994" user["milija"]["mobile"]= "-" user["milija"]["home"]= "0113675901" user27: user["herman"]["name"]= "Herman" user["herman"]["last name"]= "Mikkelsen" user["herman"]["age"]= "16" user["herman"]["nationality"]= "Swedish" user["herman"]["birthday"]= "26 08 1993" user["herman"]["mobile"]= "-" user["herman"]["home"]= "0113694974" user28: user["anja"]["name"]= "Anja" user["anja"]["last name"]= "Paspalj" user["anja"]["age"]= "14" user["anja"]["nationality"]= "Serbian" user["anja"]["birthday"]= "05 04 1995" user["anja"]["mobile"]= "0656275604" user["anja"]["home"]= "0113444785" user29: user["willa"]["name"]= "Willa" user["willa"]["last name"]= "Voorhies" user["willa"]["age"]= "15" user["willa"]["nationality"]= "American" user["willa"]["birthday"]= "04 08 1994" user["willa"]["mobile"]= "0628909503" user["willa"]["home"]= "0113556892" user30:

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user["akos"]["name"]= "Akos" user["akos"]["last name"]= "Voorhies" user["akos"]["age"]= "15" user["akos"]["nationality"]= "Hungarian" user["akos"]["birthday"]= "-" user["akos"]["mobile"]= "-" user["akos"]["home"]= "0113442587" user31: user["theresa"]["name"]= "Theresa" user["theresa"]["last name"]= "Koja" user["theresa"]["age"]= "15" user["theresa"]["nationality"]= "Austrian" user["theresa"]["birthday"]= "05 03 1994" user["theresa"]["mobile"]= "-" user["theresa"]["home"]= "0113674172" TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Green" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "Black" TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Phonebook") TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.Write("Enter name to search: ") name = TextWindow.Read() TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Name: " + user[name]["name"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Last Name: " + user[name]["last name"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Age: " + user[name]["age"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Nationality: " + user[name]["nationality"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Birthday: " + user[name]["birthday"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Address: " + user[name]["address"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Mobile: " + user[name]["mobile"]) TextWindow.WriteLine("Home: " + user[name]["home"]) TextWindow.Write("") TextWindow.WriteLine("Do you want to search another contact(sac) or go to menu?(menu)") TextWindow.Write("") tw15 = TextWindow.Read() If tw15 = ("sac") Then Phonebook() ElseIf tw5 = ("menu") Then WWYLTDN() EndIfEndSub

Sub QuitProgram TextWindow.BackgroundColor = "Magenta" TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "White" TextWindow.WriteLine("") TextWindow.Write("Thank you for using Ladybug!") Program.Delay(2000) Program.End()EndSub

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