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Level 7 Grammar 259

Chapter 13


1. Write or display the sentences for oral participation on the board.2. Classify these sentences with your students to reinforce the concepts your

students are learning.

Script: Now, we will classify the Practice Sentences. We will read each sentence and recite the Question andAnswer Flow together while I label the parts. Begin.

Use the Question and Answer Flow to classify these sentences orally with your teacher.


Classifying Sentences

1. _____ Jenna is an excellent writer and musician for

a company in New York.

2. _____ During my youth, our house was a two-story

farmhouse on twenty acres of land.

3. _____ The leader of our group is that man in the

black suit and red tie.


Use Sentences 1–3 that you have just classified to do a Noun Check with your teacher.

Script: I will circle each noun as we recite the Noun Check together for the classified sentences.

START Lesson 4

Sentence 1:Subject Noun Jenna, yes, it is a noun;

Compound Predicate Nounwriter, yes, it is a noun;

Compound Predicate Nounmusician, yes, it is a noun;

Object of the Prepositioncompany, yes, it is a noun;

Object of the PrepositionNew York, yes, it is a noun.

Sentence 2:Object of the Prepositionyouth, yes, it is a noun;

Subject Noun house, yes, it is a noun;

Predicate Noun farmhouse, yes, it is a noun;

Object of the Preposition acres, yes, it is a noun;

Object of the Prepositionland, yes, it is a noun.

Sentence 3:Subject Noun leader, yes, it is a noun;

Object of the Preposition group, yes, it is a noun;

Predicate Noun man, yes, it is a noun;

Compound Object of the Preposition suit, yes, it is a noun;

Compound Object of the Preposition tie, yes, it is a noun.Are there any Possessive Nouns in the sentences? No

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259a Level 7 Grammar

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Jenna is an excellent writerand musician for a company in New York.

1. Who is an excellent writer and musician for a company in New York? Jenna – SN

2. What is being said about Jenna?Jenna is – V

3. Jenna is who? writer and musician – verify the nouns

4. Do writer and musician mean thesame thing as Jenna? Yes.

5. Writer and musician – CPrN, CPrN

6. Is – LV

7. What kind of writer andmusician? excellent – Adj

8. An – A

9. And – C

10. For – P

1 1. For what? company – OP

12. A – A

13. In – P

14. In what? New York – OP

15. SN LV PrN P4

16. Skill Check

17. Linking verb – check again

18. (For a company) – Prepositional phrase

19. (In New York) – Prepositional phrase

20. Period, statement, declarative sentence

21. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

22. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order? Natural – no change.

During my youth, our house was a two-story farmhouse on twenty acres of land.

1. What was a two-story farmhouseon twenty acres of land? house – SN

2. What is being said about house?house was – V

3. House was what? farmhouse – verify the noun

4. Does farmhouse mean the samething as house? Yes.

5. Farmhouse – PrN

6. Was – LV

7. What kind of farmhouse? two-story – Adj

8. A – A

9. On – P

10. On what? acres – OP

1 1. How many acres? twenty – Adj

12. Of – P

13. Of what? land – OP

14. Whose house? our – PPA

15. During – P

16. During what? youth – OP

17. Whose youth? my – PPA

18. SN LV PrN P4

19. Skill Check

20. Linking verb – check again

21. (During my youth) – Prepositional phrase

22. (On twenty acres) – Prepositional phrase

23. (Of land) – Prepositional phrase

24. Period, statement, declarative sentence

25. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

26. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order?Inverted – underline the subject parts once and thepredicate parts twice.

The leader of our group is that man in the black suit and red tie.

1. Who is that man in the black suitand red tie? leader – SN

2. What is being said about leader?leader is – V

3. Leader is who? man – verify the noun

4. Does man mean the same thing as leader? Yes.

5. Man – PrN

6. Is – LV

7. Which man? that – Adj

8. In – P

9. In what? suit and tie – COP, COP

10. What kind of tie? red – Adj

1 1. And – C

12. What kind of suit? black – Adj

13. The – A

14. Of – P

15. Of what? group – OP

16. Whose group? our – PPA

17. The – A

18. SN LV PrN P4

19. Skill Check

20. Linking verb – check again

21. (Of our group) – Prepositional phrase

22. (In the black suit and red tie) –Prepositional phrase

23. Period, statement, declarative sentence

24. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

25. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order?Natural – no change.

Sentence 3Sentence 1 Sentence 2

Question and Answer Flow: Practice Sentences ORAL PARTICIPATION

classified sentences on next page >>>

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Level 7 Grammar 259b

Chapter 13Lesson 4


SN LV A Adj CPrN C CPrN P A OP P OP Jenna/ is an excellent writer and musician (for a company) (in New York). D

P PPA OP PPA SN LV A Adj PrN P Adj OP P OP(During my youth), our house /was a two-story farmhouse (on twenty acres) (of land). D

A SN P PPA OP LV Adj PrN P A Adj COP C Adj COPThe leader (of our group)/ is that man (in the black suit and red tie). DSN LV

PrN P43





Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________


















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260 Level 7 Grammar

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Writing a Practice Sentence

CHOOSING YOUR OWN LABELS FOR A PATTERN 4 PRACTICE SENTENCEFirst, you will write the labels for your Practice Sentence on the back of your worksheet. Use Pattern 4 (SN/SP LV PrN) as your core labels. Use the other labels (A, Adj, Adv, P, OP,PPA, C, I, HV, PNA) in any order that makes sense and as many times as needed.

Next, you will write your Practice Sentence, following the labels you have chosen. If you need to rearrange your labels, do it while you are writing the Practice Sentence.

Script: You will choose your own labels as you write a Practice Sentence on your worksheet.

1. Make sure students understand how to arrange the labels for their Practice Sentences.2. Have students refer to the information about a Pattern 4 sentence on pages 246–247

if they need a review.3. Have students put their Practice Sentence on the back of Worksheet 48.

Exercise 6 on Worksheet 48 is a comprehension exercise. Explain the directions and make sure students understand what to do. (Directions: Under each picture, write the number of the sentence that describes it.)



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Level 7 Grammar 261

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Classify each sentence.

1. Your sister’s college friend is a really nice girl!

2. Mr. Hill is the new football and baseball coach at our school.

3. At our school, Isabella’s mother is a very skilled art teacher.

Exercise 1:

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date:_______________

List the nouns and the noun jobs from Sentence 3.

_______ 1. _____________________ _______ 3. _____________________

_______ 2. _____________________

NounNoun JobNounNoun Job

Exercise 2:

List the simple subject and the simple predicate for Sentence 1 in Exercise 1.

Sentence 1. ___________________________ __________________________

Simple Subject Simple Predicate

Exercise 3:

Worksheet 48

over >>>

Name the eight parts of speech.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

7. _______________________________

8. _______________________________

Exercise 4:

(47 points)

PPA PNA Adj SN LV A Adv Adj PrN/ E

SN LV A Adj CAdj C CAdj PrN P PPA OP/ ( ) D

P PPA OP PNA SN LV A Adv Adj Adj PrN( ) / DSN LV

PrN P4



(6 points)

OP school PrN teacher

SN mother

(2 points)

friend is

(Accept answers in any order.) (8 points)









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262 Level 7 Grammar

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Write a Pattern 4 Practice Sentence. Use SN/SP LV PrN as your core labels. Use the other labels (A, Adj, Adv, P, OP, PPA, C, I, HV, PNA) in any order that makes sense and as many times as needed.

Exercise 5:

Labels: ________ ________ ________

Practice:________________ ________________ ________________

Labels: ________ ________ ________

Practice:________________ ________________ ________________

Labels: ________ ________ ________

Practice:________________ ________________ ________________

Labels: ________ ________ ________

Practice:________________ ________________ ________________

Under each picture, write the number of the sentence that describes it.Exercise 6:

1. I smell apple pie cooling on the windowsill.2. I smell eggs frying in the skillet.3. I smell coffee steaming in the cup.

Sentence #__________ Sentence #__________ Sentence #__________

(3 points)

2 3 1

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Level 7 Grammar 262a

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Your sister’s college friend is a really nice girl!

1. Who is a really nice girl? friend – SN

2. What is being said about friend?friend is – V

3. Friend is who? girl – verify the noun

4. Does girl mean the same thing as friend? Yes.

5. Girl – PrN

6. Is – LV

7. What kind of girl? nice – Adj

8. How nice? really – Adv

9. A – A

10. What kind of friend? college – Adj

1 1. Whose friend? sister’s – PNA

12. Whose sister? your – PPA

13. SN LV PrN P4

14. Skill Check

15. Linking verb – check again

16. No prepositional phrases

17. Exclamation point, strong feeling,exclamatory sentence

18. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

19. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order? Natural – no change.

Mr. Hill is the new football andbaseball coach at our school.

1. Who is the new football andbaseball coach at our school?Mr. Hill – SN

2. What is being said about Mr. Hill?Mr. Hill is – V

3. Mr. Hill is who? coach – verify the noun

4. Does coach mean the samething as Mr. Hill? Yes.

5. Coach – PrN

6. Is – LV

7. What kind of coach? football and baseball – CAdj, CAdj

8. And – C

9. What kind of coach? new – Adj

10. The – A

1 1. At – P

12. At what? school – OP

13. Whose school? our – PPA

14. SN LV PrN P4

15. Skill Check

16. Linking verb – check again

17. (At our school) – Prepositional phrase

18. Period, statement, declarative sentence

19. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

20. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order? Natural – no change.

At our school, Isabella’s motheris a very skilled art teacher.

1. Who is a very skilled art teacher?mother – SN

2. What is being said about mother?mother is – V

3. Mother is who? teacher – verify the noun

4. Does teacher mean the samething as mother? Yes.

5. Teacher – PrN

6. Is – LV

7. What kind of teacher? art – Adj

8. What kind of teacher? skilled – Adj

9. How skilled? very – Adv

10. A – A

1 1. Whose mother? Isabella’s – PNA

12. At – P

13. At what? school – OP

14. Whose school? our – PPA

15. SN LV PrN P4

16. Skill Check

17. Linking verb – check again

18. (At our school) – Prepositional phrase

19. Period, statement, declarative sentence

20. Go back to the verb. Divide the complete subjectfrom the complete predicate.

21. Is this sentence in a natural or inverted order? Inverted – underline the subject parts once and thepredicate parts twice.

Sentence 3Sentence 2Sentence 1

Question and Answer Flow: Worksheet 48

classified sentences on next page >>>

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262b Level 7 Grammar

Chapter 13Lesson 4


Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________


















PPA PNA Adj SN LV A Adv Adj PrNYour sister’s college friend/ is a really nice girl! E

SN LV A Adj CAdj C CAdj PrN P PPA OP Mr. Hill / is the new football and baseball coach (at our school). D

P PPA OP PNA SN LV A Adv Adj Adj PrN(At our school), Isabella’s mother / is a very skilled art teacher. DSN LV

PrN P43





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