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  • 8/10/2019 KW Reloaded Full 1.71.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 KW Reloaded Full 1.71.pdf




    Version 1.71 Changes (Twilight Edition)


    Fixed an issue that the Mastodon doesn't show up in-game.

    Removed mine ability for the Steel Talons MRT that doesn't work in-game.

    In-game custom music is now at a quality of 320 kbps.


    Version 1.7 Changes (Twilight Edition)


    This last version adds some inclusions and fixes some rare issues, bugs and balancing changes.

    Global fixes:

    Fixed an issue where built aircraft with unlimited ammo cannot go to a rally point from an aircraft structure.

    Fixed an issue that Emissaries cannot be built in Black Hand/Marked of Kane War Factory and/or Redeemer

    Engineering Facility.

    Fixed tracer guns visibility for Wolverine and Scrapbus due to a change of a new weapon template, enough to

    see more than one tracer gun fire.

    Fixed an issue that a Rocket Bunker does not show a Quad Turret even if upgraded.

    Fixed an issue that Hardpoints upgrade does not work with newly built Orcas and Zone Orcas.

    Fixed an issue that the Firehawk does not start with its default weapon, but the issue remains for Hardpoints

    that do not work with newly built Firehawks even when upgraded (regardless of select weapon load).

    Fixed Defiler's attacking animation but its moving animation issue remains.

    Fixed some portrait icons that were oversized since the last release.

    Global Changes

    Added Service Depot to all GDI and NOD factions. Requires War Factory to be built and only one unit can be

    placed in a service depot at a time for repair (takes several seconds).

    Added Orca Bomber for GAF and Steel Talons factions. Requires Tech Center to be built.

    Added Underminer for the Marked of Kane faction. It can set mines, attack with mi nes and repair units. Requires

    Operations Center to be built.

    Added Smoke Grenade ability to the Riflemen Squad. Applies to all GDI factions. Smoke may or may not be seen.

    In-game music mentioned in the last release is now added to the final version but in low 128 kbps quality.

    Units that fire prematurely before turret changes to the correct position has been fixed with a pre-fire delay on

    their weapon(s).

    Sorted order of building MCVs, Surveyors, Emissaries and Explorers to the very end of every vehicle building

    tab, except tier-4 war factories.Structures in Logic Command Set that did not previously have Toggle Power, Self Repair and Sell commands

    have been added in to all factions.

    MOK Vertigo model is replaced by the C&C4 model. Ability and attacking remains the same.

    ZOCOM can now build a Tiberium Field just like the GDI.

    ZOCOM Predator Tank can now use the HEAT ability (effectively against armored vehicles) and now has a

    Rocket Pod upgrade (which increases damage).

    GDI can now build fake structures (requires fake crane to be built and fake crane requires the original crane to

    be built at a cost of 500 in 10 seconds and a limit of one on the field). Those fake structures shall cost 100 in 5

    seconds and they pertain to do nothing but stand as decoys with low health. Armory, Power Plant, Refinery,

    Reclamation Hub and other defensive structures are excluded.

    Reduced the upgrade bonuses of Vehicle Bombardment, Offensive Maneuvers and Boosted Power.

    Kane, Mastermind, Prodigy and Cultists can no longer use mind control on epic units and now GAF defenses.

    Tiberium Agitation now applies to all sub-faction units and structures with Tiberium in which were not listed.Removed the building limit on any aircraft unit that requires ammo to be refueled at an Airfield, Hangar or Gravity

    Stabilizer. There is a bug where you can build unlimited aircraft in one turn ev en though the limit of placing units

    with reloadable ammo on an aircraft structure is four.

    Cyborg Commando usage of C4s is no more. It will rely on his plasma cannon attack effective against units.

    Cultists finally get their own mind control weapon, and now built in a squad of f ive. They cannot use mind

    control on structures, aircraft and epic units. Cost reduced to 1200/15 and still requires Technology Assembler.

    Some locomotor, armor and weapon codings have been changed to some units used from KW P atch 1.02+ as

    part of the enhancement. The following changes are also from KW Patch 1.02+:

    -- Shadow Squad attack bugs fixed. Glider landing will start at a range of 50.

    -- Scrin/Reaper-17/Traveler-59 MCVs can now be teleported by either Mastermind or Prodigy.

    -- Seekers and Fanatics weapon target priority changed from infantry to vehicles.

    -- Reaper-17 Reaper Tripod charged reserves bug fixed.

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    -- Flame weapons can now destroy friendly husks.

    -- Shatterer, Zone Shatterer and Shockwave can now destroy husks via force-fire.

    -- MRT repair radius increased to 300. Unit movement speed is the same as the APC.

    -- Fixed Stormrider damage versus certain sub-faction units (Pitbulls, APCs, MRTs, Wolverines, Attack Bikes,

    Stealth Tanks, Gun Walkers and Seekers) to match that versus respective vanilla faction units. This gives 25%

    damage decrease versus these sub-faction units.

    -- Shock Troopers, Zone Raiders, Black Hands, Tiberium Troopers and all Commandoes are now immune to

    damage from the Cloaking Field.

    -- Snipers can no longer attack vehicles and structures. Veteran Snipers can now spot for Juggernauts and

    Battleships from within transports, foxholes and bunkers.

    -- Orca Sensor Pods attached to friendly vehicles are no longer removed by friendly drones. Now it has an

    explosion effect and sounds when destroyed.

    -- Delays on several abilities reduced: Jump-Jets, Rig/MCV pack-up, Flame Tank/Mantis pre-attack delay and Orca

    Sensor Pod deploy delay.

    GAF Changes:

    Some C&C4 units now have modified portrait icons rather than the original blue background ones.

    Talon can now fire correctly from its weapon bone positions.

    Archangel now has its first primary weapon fixed (it's supposed to fire with a particle beam). Speed decreased

    slightly and health increased slightly.

    Orca Paladin now fires with its laser (unlimited ammo) so it does not need to return to the airfield. Speed

    decreased slightly and health increased slightly.

    Firehawk model is replaced by the C&C4 model. Ability and attacking remains the same.

    Mobile Repair Transport is now buildable with the same cost and build-time.

    Fixes/changes that cannot be done:

    Making skirmish AI to work in-game. Although CNCLabs did it using a Neutral faction for the Forgotten, there's

    no way I could use a Neutral faction to work since it results in a game crash.

    Adding a Giga-Fortress in-game as the tenth epic unit. The technical issue is the conflicted id names and an

    asset error of one default state, preventing this unit (and mod) to load in WorldBuilder and/or C&C3.

    Infantry units of 2 or more being garrisoned in an APC, Armadillo, Reckoner or Mastodon will result getting one

    infantry unit getting out at one time or even worse, none of them comes out. The only exception is the bunker and

    civilian structure. This is a common bug that neither EALA nor any modder can fix.

    Harvesters that cannot collect Tiberium automatically on which they were not from the Tiberium Field but

    independent objects is another common bug that neither EALA nor any modder can fix.

    Fixing tire treads to some C&C4 vehicles require actual coding from C&C4 unless I create tire tread objects.

    Death animations to some C&C4 units require actual coding from C&C4 unless I create collapsed objects.

    In the GDI Mission of Rome, a Mastermind unexpectedly can attack any unit with its tracer gun fire. Because

    the unit is modified, this affects this odd bug that I cannot resolve.

    Assault Mothership may require a new weapon projectile in order to show laser fire in four weapon bones

    since it only shows one laser fire.

    MOK Underminer's ability to burrow itself to another location doesn't work. Either a missing coding or animation

    file prevents this to happen.

    GAF Spartan's ability to turn itself into a turret doesn't work. A missing animation coding a nd other animation

    file(s) prevent this to happen.

    A replacement weapon to the Defiler requires a new weapon projectile (that I have no clue how to set it up) and

    without the major source code from Carnius, I cannot do it. The weapon art files can be found but the issue is

    making the new projectile to work.

    Adding a rally point cursor texture (visible from player) and using an EVA announcement on upgrading. Those

    require permission from Stygs from Tiberium Wars Advanced mod.


    Version 1.6 Changes (Twilight Edition)


    This is the latest full version release of KW Reloaded 1.6. Some of the balance changes and the fixed bugs and

    glitches have been modified since versions 1.4 and 1.5.

    Global Changes: (** not part of this public release)

    Added the tenth faction: the Global Air Force (GAF) which consists of mostly C&C4 units. Air Defense

    Maneuvers is to be a new tier-3 upgrade for the GAF faction which gains 25% more on speed, armor and health.

    No other new CNC4 units are put into any other sub-faction none other than Steel Talons, Marked of Kane and

    this new faction.

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    Added several new upgrades among all ten factions. See faction(s) change list for details.

    Re-defined color names and modified other defines in the mod.str file.

    The C&C3 X360 Tutorial Map has been re-compiled for faster loading.

    Added three new colors making a total of 20 house colors to choose from in MP/Skirmish mode.

    Changed MP Game Rules: credit minimum at 5000 to a maximum of 100000.

    Changed Victorious and Defeated messages to Mission Accomplished and Mission Failed, the way that

    Westwood did to older C&C games.

    GDI Fuel Depot destruction damage and radius increased. This also applies to the Oil Derrick in a different way.

    Any new units or any sub-faction units that cannot use call for transport can now use it without the pre-

    requisite of a Air Field or Air Tower. This applies to all factions.

    Added tier-3 power structures to all factions. All GDI factions get to build the Power Defensive Grid. All NOD

    factions get to build the Power Generator. All Scrin factions get to build the Phase Generator. Both the Power

    Defensive Grid and Phase Generator cost 1500/30 to build with 500 power gained. The Power Ge nerator gains

    1000 power when built.

    Added selected C&C4 and RA3 neutral structures usable with the C&C3 WorldBuilder. All have sounds.

    ---Tiberium Control Network provides 200 power and gains credits (500 credits per 15 seconds).

    ---Tiberium Spike Tower gain credits, just like the original Tiberium Spike, but gains 25 credits per second.

    ---Uplink Tower provides a full open view of the battlefield.

    ---AA Turret is a defensive structure against enemy aircraft.

    ---Artillery Turret is a defensive structure against enemy units.

    ---Defensive Tower senses incoming troops from afar. Also detects nearby stealth. (sub. for Sensor Array)

    ---Frontal Tower provides 200 power with no upgrades.

    ---Garage heals nearby vehicles at 1% per second.

    ---Hospital heals nearby infantry at 1% per second.

    ---Observation Tower provides a partial open view of the battlefield.

    ---Oil Derrick provides 200 credits per 10 seconds. When destroyed, it explodes on a medium radius around it.

    Added back 44 KW skirmish maps that have been re-compiled for faster loading. The 44thofficial KW skirmish

    map added in happens to be a re-modification of Black's Big Battle into a 8-player map called as Black's Biggest

    Battle, good for a 4 vs 4 match. **

    Action music will not be played unless 1000 units are involved (a returned change since version 0.7). **

    Added replaced and/or new in-game music totaling 358 MB (all in 320 kbps format). Full volume minimized by

    75% due to maximum volume got from the MP3 files. The following songs based on the type of region. **

    --Main Menu: Red Dusk/C&C3 Main Menu

    --Credits Menu: Act of Instinct 3, Mechanical Mind

    --Skirmish Menu/Options: FS and Tsun Main Menu theme

    --Blue Zone: Act of Instinct 3, Devil March, Hell March, Hell March to the Apocalypse, Scouting, Heroism

    --Yellow Zone: Bog 2004, Airstrike/Traction, Technical Data/Composite, Moving Now, Radio 3

    --Red Zone: Nod Crush, Pharotek, Phattack, Divine Intervention/Icarus, Mechanical Man/C&C, Reload

    --Unknown Zone: Journey, Approach/Time Bomb, Voice Rhythm 1 and 2, He Lives, Virus, Streets/Tunnel,

    Construct/Infiltrator, Welcome Back Commander

    Steel Talons Changes:

    Added a new upgrade called Overkill, which increases the rate of fire and range by 25% to most Steel Talons

    ground vehicles and the Kodiak, as a tier-3 upgrade.

    ZOCOM Changes:

    Added back the Falcon MRLS and Patriot Missile System defenses. Upgrades now apply to them.

    Units can now call for transport without the pre-requisite of an Airfield.

    NOD Changes:

    Fixed an issue where Banshee and Armageddon Bomber cannot return to the Hangar.

    Tiberium Core Missiles is added to be a tier-3 upgrade for all Nod factions. This upgrade increases 25% more

    damage applying to Attack Bikes, Stealth Tanks, Mantises and Rocket Turrets. Applies to all factions.

    Demo Truck cost reduced to 3000/30 and can be built unlimited. Weapon changed from a nuke to a normal

    grenade suicide bomb and damages 5000 hit points in a 500 radius on anything whether if it's friendly or foe.

    Attack is similar as a Fanatic. When destroyed or crushed in battle, the damage is the same as the attack.

    Black Hand Changes:

    Charged Particle Beam is added to be a tier-3 upgrade which gains 25% more damage from Elite Confessor

    Squad, Venoms and Shredder Turrets with charged particle beams.

    Fixed an issue on the Purif ier's animation when Purifying Flame is upgraded.

    Redeemer is now armed with Rocket and Flame turrets.

    Removed EMP Blast upgrade and Master Countermeasures from this faction.

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    Marked of Kane Changes:

    Supercharged Particle Beam is added to be a tier-3 upgrade which increases attack damage by 25% applying

    to the Enlightened, Venoms and Shredder Turrets. Offensive Capabilities upgrade is now restricted to Scorpion

    Tanks, Tyrant Tanks, Avengers and Salamanders. EMP Blast upgrade moved to tier-2. Master Countermeasures

    ability removed from this faction.

    Added back Cyborg Reaper, Cyborg Commando, Avenger Tank, Tyrant Tank and Rocket Pods to this faction.

    Some upgrades are now applied to them. Tyrant Tank can now use the EMP Blast ability. Cyborg Commando

    now gets to attack with a powerful plasma cannon and can also use the EMP Blast ability.

    Tiberium Trooper now has the Cybernetic Legs upgrade. Attack damage increased slightly.

    Redeemer is now armed with Rocket and Tiberium Stream turrets.

    Scrin Changes:

    Added the Anti-Air Mechapede unit that can shoot aircraft and ground units. Original Mechapede is to be

    renamed as Anti-Ground Mechapede. This also applies to Reaper-17.

    Storm Column's primary attack now affects to all other Scrin faction units.

    Viseroids spawn and healing from Corrupter's tox in weapon now applies to all other Scrin faction units.

    Traveler-59 Changes:

    Added a new unit: the Armada Destroyer, cost 6000/60 and requires Signal Transmitter and Terraforming

    Nexus to be built. This is the Traveler-59 epic unit replacing the Eradicator Hexapod. Remember that the Armada

    Destroyer moves a little bit faster than the Assault Mothership and when it's destroyed, it unleashes a

    temporarily big ion storm on the field, killing enemy objects.

    Removed the building of the Warp Chasm and Eradicator due to the Armada Destroyer unit.

    Removed the building limit of the Terraforming Nexus structure.


    Version 1.5 Changes (Wrath Edition)


    This is the first full version release of KW Reloaded 1.5. Most of the balance changes and the fixed bugs and

    glitches have been modified since version 1.4.

    Global Changes:

    All C&C4 units (except Ironback, Scrapbus, Sandstorm, Mastodon, Kodiak and Salamander) are not available to

    build in this version (for those users who wanted to play the KW way).

    Added Black Hand, Marked of Kane, Reaper-17 and Traveler-59 sub-factions into the mod.

    Added 14 new upgrades (most from KW) throughout all nine factions. See faction changes for details.

    Multiple queue building is now working for all structures and defenses with a limit of 10 per queue. Build times

    for some structures, infantry and vehicles have increased.

    Power usage is now set to Red Alert 3 standards. All Construction Yards are given with 50 power units. Power

    upgrades now need 20 seconds to research from all power plants and they no longer need a prerequisite.

    All vehicles (except MCVs and base expansion units) now require power to build. All harvesters and carryalls

    require 5 power units, most tier-1 and tier-2 vehicles require 10 power units and most tier-3 units require 15 power

    units. All epic units require 50 power units.

    Most units now have a limitation of 50 units (for each unit type) on the field. MCVs, Surveyors, Emissaries and

    Explorers have a limit of 10 on the field each.

    All infantry (except Commandos, Engineers, stealth units, Epic Units, defense structures) cannot detect stealth.

    The only vehicles that can detect stealth are Pitbull, Orca (with pulse scan), Attack Bike, Seeker Tank, Stealth

    Tank and upgraded Avatar Warmech.

    Added a temporary new unit to the Mutant Hovel: the Mutant Rhino Tank (which happens to be a Soviet unit)

    Replaced Predator Tank, Mammoth Tank and Light Tank weapon fire sounds with the ones from Red Alert 1.

    Replaced Glorfindel, Light Tank and Zone Stalker voice taunts from the voice taunts from C&C2 and RA1.

    All refineries, cranes and foundries require Power Plant or Reactor to build.

    All units in all factions (except Steel Talons) can now use call for transport without a pre-requisite.

    Placing mines now cost 300 with a cooldown of 45 seconds.

    GDI/Nod Commandoes and Kane can now use C4 explosives on certain vehicles (i.e. Predator, Slingshot,

    Shatterer, Mammoth, Scorpion Tank, Flame Tank, Beam Cannon, Specter, Manta, Devourer Tank, Corrupter,

    Manta, Defiler, Zone Shatterer, Titan, Sandstorm and all types of Harvesters)

    Added back Africa, China and Russia civilian objects and KW neutral structures usable within C&C3 WB.

    Modified the mod.str file for updated descriptions with the 14 new upgrades amongst nine factions.

    GDI Changes:

    Added new upgrades: Hardpoints (cost 2500/60 -- to Orcas, Zone Orcas and Firehawks), AP Ammo (cost

    2000/60 -- to Riflemen Squads, APCs, Hammerheads and Watch Towers), Tungsten Ammo (cost 1500/45 -- to

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    Added Assault Mothership (epic unit to replace Mothership) and Defiler into the faction. Assault Mothership

    costs 6000/60 and requires Signal Transmitter to be built. Defiler costs 1500/15 and requires Technology

    Assembler to be built. Note that the Defiler weapon animation still needs some work. When Assault Mothership

    is destroyed, it unleashes a temporarily big ion storm on the field, killing enemy objects.

    Old Changes

    Version 1.4 Delta Changes:

    Global Changes:

    Replaced some APT/GUI names modified to lower case letters.

    Re-placed the main menu, credits, options and score themes from the ones in KW Reloaded 0.75 beta.

    Any remaining units which did not get veterancy will be included with the experience values.

    Added Mutant Glorfindel, Ironback, Scrapbus and L ight Tank units via a Mutant Hovel structure.

    Added Shogun Executioner as a neutral unit only usable through the C&C3 WorldBuilder for custom mapping.

    Temporarily added the rage generator ability to this unit and may soon be using the typhoon shockwave ability

    which can destroy all ground units in a given radius. C4 explosives and mind control don'twork against this unit!

    GDI/Nod Commando no longer can use C4 explosives on vehicles due to large micromanagement.

    All rocket/missile projectile speeds increased by 25% excluding Zone Raider, Stealt h Tank and Rocket Bunker.

    Some units can now move backwards and attack in reverse move when they are supposed to be: APC, Pitbull,

    Slingshot, Shatterer, Sandstorm, Shockwave, Mirage Tank, Seeker Tank, Gun Walker, Devourer Tank, Manta.

    All harvesters are equalized at 10000 health (Heavy Harvester is at 12000 health) and

    Surveyor/Emissary/Explorer are equalized at 3000 health each.

    All changes from STZOCOM versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are carried over to this version.

    Most previous changes from KW Reloaded versions 0.75 and lower are carried over to this version (not

    including RA3 power usages, stealth detection and limited unit spam).

    GDI Changes:

    Added Ceramic Armor upgrade to Orcas, Hammerheads and Firehawks. (also applies to ZOCOM faction)

    Commando and Zone Trooper are now immune to Tiberium. Health increased slightly for Zone Trooper.

    APC can now carry up to three infantry squads.Health increased slightly.

    Slingshot can no longer crush infantry. Health increased slightly. (also applies to ZO COM faction)

    Rig and Battle Base now have equalized health at 10000. (also applies to ZOCOM faction)

    The Dig-In Bunker can now be garrisoned by three infantry. (also applies to ZOCOM faction)

    MARV cannon and grenade armor increased. MARV sonic cannon weapon range increased to 375 from 350.

    MARV equipped railgun and rocket weapons are now equalized at the attack range of 350.

    Missile Squad and Grenadier Squad sniper armor with composite armor upgrade decreased. Missile Squad

    armor versus grenade increased.

    Watch Tower requires Barracks to be built.

    Steel Talons Changes:

    Added crushable and crusher level for the Conductor.

    Titan cannon and railgun attack range increased from 325 to 350.

    MRT evacuation button is replaced with an infantry portra it icon for instant evacuation.

    ZOCOM Changes:

    Zone Raider is now immune to Tiberium and to the cloaking field.

    Mirage Tank armor versus grenade, cannon and rocket decreased. Changed crushable and crusher level.

    NOD Changes:

    Kane can no longer be crushed by tier-4 units, not even a Shogun Executioner! Not only he's now immune toTiberium, suppression and the cloaking field but also he can be healed in T iberium. Animations are now finalized.

    Removed Booby Trap ability and replaced with the Rage Generator and EMP Blast (requires upgrade) abilities.

    Added Cybernetic Legs upgrade to Saboteur, Awakened and Enlightened (research at Tech lab).

    Replaced Confessor Upgrade with Black Disciples. This applies to all Militant, Militant Rocket and Confessor

    Cabal Squads. Research cost remains at 2000 credits in 45 seconds. Re-added in Voice of Kane, Air Support, Reckoner, Specter, Redeemer Engineering Facility, Redeemer, Demo

    Truck and Armageddon Bomber to the NOD f action.

    Temporarily added Confessor Cabal, Awakened and Enlightened. Confessor Cabal can now use the

    Hallucinogenic Grenade where as Awakened and Enlightened can now use the EMP Blast ability.

    Vertigo can now use the disruption pod ability, but it can only be placed on the battlefield and not on an object.

    Redeemer can now use the rage generator ability. Effect lasts for ten seconds in a range of 500.

    Commando, Awakened and Enlightened are now immune to Tiberium.

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    Militant and Militant Squad's rocket, grenade and gun armor buffed.

    Signature Generator and Dozer Blade upgrades moved to the Operations Center.

    Master Countermeasures support power ability moved to Nod Tech Center from Temple of Nod.

    Radar Jam support power now cost 300 to use.

    Shredder Turret requires Hand of Nod to be built.

    Tech Center requires War Factory and Operations Center to be built.

    Scrin Changes:

    Added Advanced Articulators and Traveler Engines upgrades through the Technology Assembler.

    Attenuated Forcefields upgrade can now be used with Gun Walkers and Seeker Tanks. Forcefield Generators

    now apply to Corrupters, Devourer Tanks, Stormriders, Mastermind and Mothership.

    Re-added in Warp Chasm, Eradicator Hexapod, Ravager, Mechapede and Manta to the Scrin faction. Eradicator Hexapod can now use the Transport ability without the need of a Mastermind garrison upgrade.

    Ravager range and weapon damage increased. Resistance to gun reduced. While immune to Tiberium, it can

    now use the Tiberium Agitation ability.

    Manta and Harvester can now uncombine/combine buzzers. Manta attack damage increased slightly.

    Corrupter range increased from 100 to 200 and can now heal all new Scrin KW units.

    Stormrider cannon and grenade armor decreased.

    Plasma cannon and blink pack upgrades moved to Stasis Chamber.

    Tiberium Vibration Scan support power now cost 300 to use.

    Buzzer Hive requires Portal to be built.

    Technology Assembler requires Warp Chasm and Nerve Centre to be built.

    Manipulator mind control ability no longer works to Kane, Shogun Executioner and to ZOCOM and Steel Talons

    defensive structures.

    Version 1.3 Delta Changes (STZOCOM and BMRT mods):

    Fixed minor changes involving unit experiences and mod strings.

    The Kane unit now has decreased health to 10000, allowing for some damage for the Messiah.

    Edited missing experience values to the remaining new units into this mod who have yet to gain veterancy.

    Added the Salamander unit for the Marked of Kane faction. (Quite odd I did not put this unit in earlier)

    Replaced Confessor Upgrade with Black D isciples to both NOD and Black Hand factions. This still applies to all

    Militant, Militant Rocket and Confessor Cabal Squads (even Elite Confessor Cabal).

    Changes to the GDI faction:

    - Added Shatterer, Slingshot, Air Support, Reclamation Hub and the MARV.

    -The EMP support power is now usable via a Space Command Uplink.

    - Rig and Battle Base now have equalized health at 10000.

    -The Dig-In Bunker can now be garrisoned by three infantry.


    Battle Base and Guardian Cannon will have railguns when upgraded.- Surveyor is to be built in the War Factory instead of Construction Yard.

    - Engineers can no longer be selected if selected all units on the map.

    Version 1.2 Delta Changes (STZOCOM and BMRT mods):

    Fixed an issue using the Call for Transport ability to selected KW units and also applies to the MCV, Surveyor

    and the Rig (GDI faction only). All C&C4 units cannot call for transport.

    Added Kane and the Banshee to the NOD faction. Kane requires Secret Shrine and Temple of Nod to be built.

    Banshee requires Tiberium Liquidation Facility to be built.

    Added Mirage Tank to the ZOCOM faction as a tier-4 unit requiring Reclamation Hub. It is stealthed and is

    equipped with an invisible cloaking field that can make nearby units stealthed without using the ability. All art

    files are imported from RA3 and re-modified by myself with additional shaders. XML coding modified for C&C3 by

    myself. (via the source code from Challenger13 for the stealth ability)

    Added Conductor to the Steel Talons faction as a tier-4 unit requiring Reclamation Hub. It fires EMP grenades

    with a cooldown of 4 seconds and can also impact garrisoned structures.

    Added Zone Howitzer and Zone Stalker (replacing ZOCOM Commando) to the ZOCOM faction as a tier-3 unit

    requiring Tech Center.

    Added Patriot Missile Battery to the ZOCOM faction as a tier-3 structure. Added Falcon MLRS to the ZOCOM

    faction as a tier-4 structure requiring Space Command Uplink.

    Steel Talons Wolverine, WatchTower and Riflemen Squad will have AP Ammo when built without the upgrade.

    Steel Talons Kodiak vision and shroud clearing range increased. Added leadership buff to nearby units.

    ZOCOM WatchTower, Riflemen Squad and Hammerhead will have AP Ammo when built without the upgrade.

    ZOCOM Slingshot and AA Battery will have upgraded Tungsten AA Shells when built without the upgrade.

    Fixed an issue using the Call for Transport ability to selected KW units and now this also applies to the MCV

    and the Emissary (does not apply to C&C4 units).

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    Fixed some balance changes and other xml codings. Also added some missing sound effects.

    GDI can now build walls. No other new changes applied to this faction in this version of the mod.

    Added Mutant Glorfindel, Ironback, Scrapbus and L ight Tank units via a Mutant Hovel structure.

    All Nod factions should have walls buildable and be extended with its wall span ability.

    All Nod factions: Refinery requires Power Plant to be built.

    Most Nod Infantry built times modified involving new infantry units.

    Added Banshee to all NOD factions. Cost is2400/24 and requires Tiberium Liquidation Facility. Like the

    Stormrider unit, it does not need to reload its ammo back to the hangar.

    Added Kane into NOD and Marked of Kane factions. (That's right; it's the real Kane unit.) Kane will be equipped

    with heroic veterancy, leadership buff, auto-healing, C4 explosives (buildings only), mind control (units only), rage

    generator, EMP blast and call for transport. A tier-4 unit requiring Temple of Nod and Secret Shrine, his stealth,

    high health/armor and moderate speed can't stop anyone on the battlefield as long he's the Messiah. (rage

    generator and EMP blast abilities are not working yet)

    Added Tyrant Tank into the Marked of Kane faction. Weapon is similar to the Cyborg Reaper unit but more

    powerful. Also it can use the EMP blast ability and can also crush infantry with ease.

    Black Hand Shredder Turret and Elite Confessor Cabal (the other new unit to BH faction) will have charged

    particle beams when built without the upgrade.

    Black Hand Purifier and Black Hand Squad will have purifying blue flame throwers when built without the

    upgrade. Currently the Black Hand Flame Tank is not equipped with that yet.

    MOK Shredder Turret and Venom will have supercharged particle beams when built without the upgrade. (The

    Enlightened are already equipped with them.)

    MOK Attack Bike and Rocket Bunker will have Tiberium core missiles when built without the upgrade.

    MOK Cyborg Reaper moved into the infantry build queue. Model size is now a bit smaller.

    Cancelled: Nod Flame Tower into Black Hand faction. Primary model works but the weapon bone(s) issue led to

    a invisible firing mishap. The same fate may happen on getting blue flames to work for the BH Flame Tank.

    All Scrin factions: Extractor requires Reactor to be built.

    Scrin Infantry built times modified. Buzzers 300/5, Disintegrators 500/8, Assimilator 500/10.

    All Scrin Harvesters and Mantas can now use the ability to combine/uncombine buzzers.

    Reaper-17 Gun Walker will have Tiberium shards when built without the upgrade. Cost is 800/8.

    Reaper-17 Shard Walker will have blue shards when built without the upgrade. Cost increased to 1100 from 800

    and now will be built as tier-2 with higher health.

    Reaper-17 Photon Cannon will have shard launchers when built without the upgrade. Cost increased to 1400/14.

    Known issues:

    You have to manually set a weapon to load for all GDI factions of the Firehawk before attacking.

    ZOCOM ground units cannot use the call for transport ability when Airfield is built.

    Mastodon still requires manual control to attack units and structures since it cannot attack automatically.

    Tires disappear when the Mirage Tank is moving.

    Version 1.1 Delta Changes (STZOCOM and BMRT mods)

    Global Changes:

    All Engineers will not be selected if selec ted all units on the map.

    Barracks, Hand of Nod and Portal can now heal infantry inside.

    Tier-1 infantry cost/build time has been increased for all factions.

    Global GDI Changes:

    GDI support power of using the EMP from Space Command Uplink will be used for all GDI factions.

    GDI Walls are built to all GDI factions with the wall span extension ability.

    GDI Commando can now attack ground vehicles with C4 explosives.

    Grenadier Squad can now able to use its ability to throw EMP grenades without the use of an upgrade. Surveyor can now be built from the War Factory instead of Construction Yard.

    Guardian Cannons and turrets on Battle Bases will have railguns when upgraded.

    Power Plant upgrade increased to 20 seconds without a prerequisite. Upgrade cost remains.

    Armory (aka Medical Bay) no longer heals infantry and it now goes through to the Barracks.

    GDI Only retains the Shatterer, Slingshot, Hammerhead, Reclamation Hub, MARV and Air Support.

    Added Tiberium Field to the defense tab. Spreads about 5000 credits of Tiberium on the field. Costs 4000/40.

    Mammoth Tank can now use Adaptive Armor without the use of an upgrade.

    Temporarily do not have weapon upgrades for Watch Tower, APC, Hammerhead, Riflemen Squad, Slingshot

    and AA Battery.

    Steel Talons Changes:

    Only retains the Titan, Wolverine, Mobile Repair Transport, Behemoth, Heavy Harvester

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    Both Titan and Mammoth Tank can now use Adaptive Armor without the us e of an upgrade. Effects of the

    adaptive armor still needs some leftover fixing on the shaders.

    Added Sniper Squad to the Barracks. Still no commando unit for this faction.

    Added Sensor Array which requires Command Post to be built.

    Added Combat Engineer which now can capture most tech and enemy structures.

    Replaced MARV with the Mastodon. That unit can be garrisoned by three infantry.

    Replaced Pitbull with the Talon. Replaced Slingshot with the Sandstorm.

    Replaced Hammerhead with the Orca Minigunner. That unit will have Pulse Scan.

    Replaced Firehawk with the Orca Paladin.That unit requires Tech Center to be built.

    Replaced Call For Transport ability with the building of Orca V-Ox and Carryall units to all ground units.

    Temporarily do not have weapon upgrades for Watch Tower, Wolverine, Riflemen Squad and AA Battery.

    Temporarily do not have the support power of ST Bloodhounds using Wolverines and Talons.

    ZOCOM Changes:

    Only retains the Zone Raider, Zone Orca, Hammerhead and Zone Shatterer.

    ZOCOM MARV can now fire with sonic shells instead of railguns (from Zone Ra ider).

    Added a new ZOCOM defense structure, the Defensive Tower.

    Replaced Missile Squad with Zone Defender. Added Zone Trooper into this faction.

    Added Sheppard Tank (replacement to the Predator Tank). Can be garrisoned by an infantry. Costs 1000/10.

    Added Spartan Tank which requires Command Post to be built. This unit replaces the Mammoth Tank.

    Costs 1500/15 due to the double power damage from a Predator Tank.

    Added Zone Howitzer which requires Tech Center to be built. Fires a sonic artillery she ll. Costs 1800/18.

    Increased health to the Rig and packed Battle Base to 15000.

    Zone Shatterer can now fire with an overload beam.

    Zone Juggernaut can now fire triple sonic artillery shells from afar. Cost increased to 2500/25.

    Temporarily do not have special upgrades for Zone Orca and Firehawk. Also no weapon upgrades yet.

    Temporarily do not have the support powers of Bloodhounds using Armadillos and Pitbulls, Airborne using Zone

    Defenders and Rif lemen Squads and the Zone Raider Drop Pods.

    Units to be added later in the next version: Zone Predator (with upgraded rockets), Zone Mirage Tank (with the

    cloaking ability), Patriot Missile Turret, Falcon MLRS, Zone Stalker (the replacement to the GDI Commando).

    NOD Changes:

    Only retains the Reckoner, Specter, Redeemer Engineering Facility, Redeemer, Air Support and Voice of Kane.

    Added Armageddon Bomber into this faction at a cost of 4000/40. It is armed with a Tiberium vapor bomb.

    Vertigo can now fire with its vulcan gun on enemy aircraft.

    Black Hand Changes:

    Added Militant Squad and Chemical Warrior into the Hand of Nod. Chemical Warrior requires Operations Centerto be built and it will be built as an individual unit for the cost of 600/10.

    Removed Shadow Squad from the faction sincestealth isn't a factor for this faction.

    Marked of Kane Changes:

    Added two new MOK defense structures, the Turret and the Rocket Pod.

    Added Militant Squad into this faction. The Awakened is now a tier-2 unit.

    Added Avenger, Cyborg Reaper and Cyb org Commando into this faction. Replaced Scorpion Tank with Avenger

    Tank. Replaced Nod Commando with Cyborg Commando.

    Removed Fanatics, Beam Cannon and Avatar from this faction.

    Dozer blades upgrade removed from Operations Center due to the Avenger unit.

    Scrin Changes:

    Only retains the Ravagerand added with the Manta unit. Corrupter healing on all friendly units decreased significantly.

    Reaper-17 Changes:

    Added Super Growth Accelerator, Manta, and Gun Walker into this faction.

    Mechapede is only buildable in this faction. No upgrades needed.

    Removed forcefield generator upgrade for this faction.

    Traveler-59 Changes:

    All vehicles you built cost 200-300 more credits than the previous values due to the fact that they have shields

    enabled once you built them.

    Added Devourer Tank into the faction. Removed Annihilator Tripod from this faction.

    Cultists cost 2000/20 and comes trained as a group of three, becoming a triple mind-control squad.

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    Added three new Traveler-59 structures: Terraforming Nexus, Life-Form Tower, and Lightning Spike.

    Terraforming Nexus requires Technology Assembler to be built. Life-Form Tower requires Signal Transmitter to be

    built. Lightning Spike requires Nerve Centre to be built.

    Version 1.0 Delta Changes:(Note that this former full version was a failure)

    Integrated all six sub-factions, most abilities and some new units into this mod. Issues are unknown.

    Added some KW support powers and upgrades into the six factions (somehow not working in-game).

    Fixed, added and modified some xml files associated with the units and structures.

    Version 0.9/0.8 Beta Changes:

    Added the six sub-factions: Steel Talons, Zocom, Black Hand, Marked of Kane, Reaper-17 and Traveler-59.

    Added some new support powers workable for Steel Talons and Zocom factions. (used to work though) Power plant upgrades no longer need prerequisites. Research time increased to 30 seconds for all factions.

    Added all KW abilities to selected units with the exception of the bombard beacon from the Shadow Squad.

    Added the following new units: Talon, Banshee, Manta, Bulldog, Mutant Mammoth, Light Tank, Glorfindel,

    Armageddon Bomber, Shogun Executioner

    Added four RA3 neutral structures: Garage, Hospital, Oil Derrick, Observation Tower

    Modified Zocom Zone Predator with rocket pods upgrade and HEAT ability.

    Modified Zocom Zone Juggernaut with sonic artillery barrage.

    Version 0.75 Beta Changes: Separated all KW maps (except C&C3 X360 tutorial map) with Art.big and Misc.big apart from the mod. KW

    maps are now to be released separately and to be worked with C&C3 or other mods.

    Custom in-game music is no longer used due to their large quality size except for the menus and credits.

    Engineer capture delay removed for all engineersso skirmish AI should no longer spawn numerous engineers. Fixed missing textures for the Nod Turret animations.

    Version 0.7 Beta Changes:

    Added the millipede head to the Mechapede, completing its look. However the head comes out first outside on

    a position, not from inside the Warp Sphere, before the eight millipede bodies merge with the head. Cost

    increased to 2000 in 20 seconds due to its weapon and armor overpowerness.

    Fixed an issue with one of the missing unit select responses for the GDI Sandstorm.

    Added the missing sounds for the GDI Sensor Array.Order of building this structure corrected.

    Cultists now cost 2000/20 in a squad of three. Ability still remains.

    Mastodon now fires with double sonic shell weapons instead of railgunsand it'sthe same sonic shell weapon

    used from the MARV. Splash damage increased slightly. Cost increases to 5000/50.

    Master Countermeasures support power ability moved to Nod Tech Center from Temple of Nod.

    Added Tiberium Scan Vibrationsupport power to Nod Tiberium Liquidation Facility which can now detect bothTiberium-related objects and power plants.

    New support powers available to use:

    ** Power Signature Scan (Nod) cost 300, cooldown 60 seconds. Detects all power plants on the map.

    ** Shock Swarm (Scrin) - cost 3000 with 3 veteran Shock Trooper Squads teleporting anywhere on the

    battlefield. Requires Signal Transmitter, cooldown is 240 seconds.

    ** Ion Storm (Scrin) - cost 5000, requires Signal Transmitter, cooldown 6 minutes. This is very much similar to

    the Allied Weather Control Device superweapon back at RA2. It spreads 9 clouds emitting electrical shocks to a

    large area effective against anything.

    Support power changes have been shifted in this final order (some have yet to be added). The ones not

    mentioned remain at default:

    ** Alien Technology Assembler: Phase Field, Stasis Shield

    ** Alien Signal Transmitter: Shock Swarm, Ion Storm, Wormhole, Mothership

    ** GDI Command Post: Radar Scan, Orca Strike** GDI Space Command Uplink: Zone Trooper Drop Pods, Shockwave Artillery, EMP Cannon

    ** Nod Operations Center: Radar Jam Missile, Decoy Army, Cloaking Field, Mine Drop, Shadow Strike Team,

    Power Signature Scan

    ** Nod Tiberium Liquidation Facility:Tiberium Scan Vibration, Seed Tiberium, Catalyst Missile, Tiberium Vapor Bomb

    Version 0.6 Beta Changes:

    Power usage is now similar to RA3 standards. GDI Power Plant cost 700 with 200 power and cost 300 for the

    upgrade with 100 power. Nod Power Plant cost 500 with 150 power and cost 500 for the upgrade with 150

    power. Scrin Reactor cost 600 with 200 power and cost 400 for the upgrade with 100 power.

    Removed stealth detection to most vehicles/infantry on mines and aircraft. All enemy vehicles and infantry

    cannot detect mines, aircraft and stealth units except allied units and only the units that can detect stealth such

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    as Pitbull, Orca, Attack Bike, Venom, Avatar (with Attack Bike commandeer upgrade), Seeker Tank, Zone Tr ooper,

    Sniper Squad, Shadow Team, Mothership and Mutant Marauder. Also removed ground stealth detection to AA

    Battery, SAM Turret and Plasma Missile Battery defenses. Remaining defensive structures that detect stealth

    remain unchanged.

    Barracks, Hand of Nod and Portal can now heal infantry for three seconds when garrisoned. In that way, the

    GDI Armory no longer heals infantry.

    GDI Watch Tower requires Barracks to be built. Shredder Turret requires Hand of Nod to be built. Buzzer Hiv e

    requires Portal to be built.

    Added GDI Sensor Array structure ingame. Cost is 1200 in 12 seconds with a limit of three on the field. This

    defensive structure can detect stealth units and other obstacles within a 500 radius and it also makes nearby

    infantry immune to suppression.

    Added the Scrin Mechapede ingame but with only a line squad of eight bodies with no front head. The problem

    in getting the front head in with a line squad of eight millipede bodies working is not that simple. Currently the

    unit cannot wiggle because of the coding incompatibility. Since the unit carries no upgrades, the unit is

    temporarily an offensive unit armed with eight razor drone laser weapons.

    All vehicles and infantry can no longer use their call for transportability. This is all due to the building of those

    GDI/Nod Carryalls and V-Ox Transports from their airfields.

    Added GDI Carryall and Nod V-Ox Transport into the mod. As of now, the GDI/Nod Carryalls can transport

    vehicles (limit one vehicle per carryall) whereas the GDI/Nod V-Oxs can transport infantry (limit one per V-Ox).

    Carryalls can now carry some KW and C&C4 vehicles.

    Surveyors, Emissaries and Explorers are now buildable in the War Factory instead of Construction Yard.

    All MCVs and Drone Platforms will cost 5000 each. The selling of a construction yard is 2500.

    All CNC4 Units (except Mastodon) have their health increased slightly.

    Added all remaining neutral structures from GDI, Nod and Scrin factions into the mod.

    Added a bunker for the Mastodon which has a three-slot infantry to provide f ire support.

    Added leadership attributes' ability for the Redeemer and Eradicator Hexapod.Health, Armor, Rate of Fire,

    Attack Damage and Suppression are buffed as bonuses to nearby units around the Redeemer or Eradicator.

    Corrupter can now heal certain Scrin KW units involving the Eradicator. Healing effect now decreased by 50%.

    Guardian Cannon and Battle Base (deployed from Rig) will be equipped with railguns when upgraded.

    GDI Rig and Battle Base health are now equalized and buffed to 10000.

    Added KW staff credits list with the C&C3 staff credits. Credits now move at least two frames per second.

    Version 0.5 Beta Changes:Re-enabled EA Logo video with the Kane's Wrath version.

    Added subtitles to the C&C3 HD FMVs in English version captions.

    Added the remaining FX textures from KW for the Particle Templates.

    Added the special FX shader and all other KW shaders.

    Added three re-made KW skirmish maps from PimpUigi (Forgotten Forest, Suburban Arena, Tournament River) .

    Added the three epic units from KW: MARV, Redeemer and Eradicator Hexapod. All of them cost 5000 each

    with a limit of one. None of them have abilities at this time. MARV is equipped with two frontal railguns and two

    rear missile packs. Redeemer is equipped with two missile packs. Eradicator is equipped with two plasma discs

    and one razor drone laser on each side.

    Added the 11 new units from C&C4: Mastodon (4000/40, limit one), Sandstorm (1200/12), Shockwave (1600/16),

    Spartan Tank (1200/12), Zone Defender (500/10), Armadillo (1000/10), Avenger Tank (1100/12), Cyborg Reaper

    (1100/12), Cyborg Commando (2000/25), Mutant I ronback (1000/10), Mutant Scrapbus (1400/14). Note that these

    units are not finalized due to incomplete animations, weapon positioning and weapon usage. All units are

    temporarily tier-3 units except the Ironback and Scrapbus. Experience levels added for all units. Both the Cyborg

    Commando and the Cyborg Reaper fire with a laser gun. The Shockwave fires the same weapon like a Shatterer.

    The Mastodon fires similarly from the upgraded Mammoth Tank but much stronger.

    Added other new units: Nod Demo Truck (tier 3, cost 4000/40, limit one), GDI V-Ox Transport (750/10), NodCarryall (750/10). Demo Truck cannot attack meaning it has to be destroyed either by friendly fire or enemy

    attack. The transports only transport vehicles for now.

    All infantry have their built times changed to minimize infantry spam, similarly to RA3.

    All engineers have a three second delay for capturing enemy structures before they are killed themselves, no

    delay for neutral structures.

    Limited unit spam: Vehicles and infantry will have a build limit of 50. Some tier 3 vehicles and above will have a

    build limit of 30. There's no build limit on structures and some certai n aircraft such as Orcas, Firehawks, Vertigo

    Bombers, Stormriders and transports.

    Music changes: Action in-game music will no longer be heard unless you have 1000 allied and enemy units

    attacking each other, meaning that regular ingame music according to colored zone on the map will be played

    longer. 25 modified and new music tracks were replaced in-game.

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    Version 0.45 Alpha Changes:

    Replaced all tga textures with dds textures to all KW units and structures for sharper and smoother looks.

    Added Africa, China and Russia civilian objects now usable in C&C3 WorldBuilder with this mod.

    Added all 38 skirmish maps modified and imported from KW into C&C3 (5 unofficial from EALA, 4 easter egg

    maps that I found and modified, 1 old Tournament Tower map from C&C3 Patch 1.07 and 1 Tournament Battle map

    which is an alternative version of Tournament Decision for the KW German version) and the lost C&C3 X360

    Tutorial map into the mod. However, the text scripts are not available for the C&C3 X360 Tutorial map at this point

    of time. KW terrain textures are included in order for these KW skirmish maps to run correctly.

    Version 0.4 Alpha Changes:

    Added tier 4 structures from KW: Reclamation Hub, Redeemer Engineering Facility, Warp Chasm.

    Added some new structures: GDI Tiberium Field (cost 4000/30, tier 4, limit 3), Nod Bunker (cost 500/5, tier 1),

    Nod Turret (cost 1000/10, tier 2, consumes 6 power), Scrin Lightning Spike (1000/10, tier 2, consumes 6 power)

    Added EMP cannon support power for GDI: cost nothing and cooldown is same as EMP control center, requires

    Space Command Uplink. This is more like of a minor superweapon since it takes some time to charge. You

    cannot use it at once when the Space Command Uplink is built.

    Dig-In bunker can now garrison up to three infantry. Zone Troopers and all Scrin infantry can now garrison the

    Dig-In bunkers as well as the Nod Bunker.

    Money crates when picked up gains 2000 credits. Collecting too many money crates at the same time

    decreases the amount.

    Some units can now move backwards without issues and can attack in reverse move when they are supposed

    to be: APC, Pitbull, Seeker, Gun Walker, Devourer Tank.

    New crate spawn surprises: APC/Pitbull/Predator Tank for the GDI, Scorpion Tank/Raider Buggy/Attack Bike for

    the NOD, and Devourer Tank/Seeker Tank/Gun Walker for the Scrin. Temporarily made GDI Behemoth, GDI Zone Shatterer, NOD Purifier and Alien Reaper Tripod as tier 4 units.

    Action tracks music are to be played when 1000 units are attacking or are attacked, ratherthan just several

    units. For this reason, the ingame tracks are continuous without changing to the action tracks while attacking.

    Some INI changes have been included and edited:

    1. New faction added, Trio Alliance, which contains GDI, NOD & Scrin allied together and they will start with an

    MCV for each faction together. This is very well used as a last resort if you are stuck in tough matches especially

    at brutal mode.

    2. When a Scrin faction wins a mission or skirmish, victory score is used as CNC3_SUCCESS_EVIL_V1 instead of


    3. All factions start with a MCV. The AI does know on deploying its own MCV during skirmish mode but however

    it cannot deploy its MCV if it's a custom faction.

    4. The FPS limit to all maps are doubled to 60 from 30. Attempting to make the FPS limit infinite or set the option

    of FPS limit to disabled might cause issues to the game itself.5. Fog of War re-occurs after viewing the area for 20 seconds.

    6. MaxLineBuildObjects is limited to 8 meaning you can only place 8 wall segments at one time.

    7. Disabled EA logo movie at the start of C&C3 program.

    Version 0.3 Alpha Changes: Replaced Charged Particle Beam weapon with Super Charged Particle Beam weapon for the Enlightened.

    Added the Shard Walker for the Scrin, but it has no shield upgrade and weapon upgrade to use at this time.

    Added the remaining sounds and voice taunts not previously added for those KW units.

    Multiplayer settings: more colors to choose from, beacons limit to 10, shroud enabled for all skirmish maps

    Dozer Blades and Signature Generator upgrades moved to Nod Operations Center.

    Sensor Pod and StratoFighter upgrades moved to GDI Airtower.

    Blink Packs and Plasma Disk Launcher upgrades moved to Scrin Statis Chamber.

    Radar Scan, Radar Jam and Tiberium Vibration Scan now cost 300 each to use. Call of Transport ability cost reduced to 100 from 500 for GDI and Nod factions. Cooldown is reduced to 60 s.

    All factions refineries now cost 3000/30 and require 10 power.

    Most upgrade costs and build times are now the same values from KW Patch 1.02.

    All Engineers, Rigs, MCVs, Surveyors, Emissaries and Explorers are no longer selectable when selecting all.

    Allied Tech Center requires War Factory and Command Post to be built.

    Nod Tech Center requires War Factory and Operations Center to be built.

    Scrin Technology Assembler requires Warp Chasm and Nerve Centre to be built.

    Replaced the main menu, options, load, score and credits themes. Also replaced the main menu logo with the

    new KW Reloaded logo. Menu themes changed.

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    Version 0.2 Alpha Changes:

    Fixed the shader/texture model for the GDI Shatterer and Scrin Reaper Tripod.

    Added Kanes Wrath structures: GDI Air Support, Nod Air Support, Voice of Kane.

    Added more Kanes Wrath units: Wolverine, Behemoth, Hammerhead, Zone Shatterer, Heavy Harvester, Rocket

    Harvester, Combat Engineer, Zone Orca, Orca Minigunner, Confessor Cabal, The Awakened, The Enlightened,

    Tiberium Trooper, Cultists and Prodigy. Also added experience levels for those un its.

    Added walls to all factions. All wall hubs and segments cost 100 each, but selling them gains 10 credits each.

    Combat Engineer can now use Booby Traps, Place Mines and Dig In as his special abilities to make the unit

    more useful other than just attack and capture/repair structures.

    Economy: Tiberium Spikes when captured gains 500 credits and then 15 credits per second. Big Tiberium Silos

    now gains 500 credits per 30 seconds when captured. GDI/NOD refineries can now hold up to 10000 credits and

    their Tiberium Silos can hold up to 5000 credits. Harvesters unloading Tiberium into refineries now takes eight

    seconds. Growth Accelerator now gains 25 credits every 5 seconds.

    Note that the Cultist uses the same ability as a Mastermind can, since I am unable to get a modified ability for

    the unit. Due to this the Cultist Squad can capture the maximum of 5 units or structures at a time! Cultist Squad

    also requires Technology Assembler in order to be built. Prodigy does not have the Area of Effect Mind Cont rol

    ability in which it's been replaced with the Booby Trap ability.

    Cost and time values changed to reflect the use of the gameplay at this point of time. All other KW units are at

    their normal values: Ravager 1000/10, Cultists 1600/16, Prodigy 3000/30, Annihilator Tripod 2500/25, Reaper

    Tripod 3000/30, Awakened 600/6, Tiberium Trooper 1000/10, Avatar 2500/25, Behemoth 2500/25, Combat

    Engineer 700/7, Mobile Repair Transport 800/8, Orca Minigunner 900/9, GDI or Nod Air Support 600/6, Zone

    Shatterer 1800/18, Zone Raider 1400/14

    Version 0.1 Alpha Changes: Added Kanes Wrath units into KW Reloaded: Slingshot, Shatterer, Titan, Mobile Repair Transport, Zone Raider,

    Mantis, Specter, Purifier, Reckoner, Ravager, Reaper Tripod, Shielded Harvester. All sounds, taunts, art assets

    and weapons included for those units. Costs and values for those units are the same as from KW patch 1.02,

    except that the Mobile Repair Transport costs 800 and Zone Raider Squad costs 1400. All KW units cannot use

    the Call for Transport ability. Added experience levels for all 12 KW units. No abilities & upgrades yet.

    The Reckoner now gets a destroyed animation instead of turning it into a bunker when destroyed.

    GDI Power Plant costs 700. All power plant upgrades are at tier 2.

    NodMilitant Squad gets a new portrait icon from Kane's Wrath.

    Added custom Scrin shields to Gun Walker, Seeker Tank, Devourer Tank, Corrupter, Reaper Tripod, Mastermind,

    Stormrider and Mothership. Attenuated Forcefields upgrade (in Nerve Centre structure) applies to Gun Walker,

    Seeker Tank, Devourer Tank and Corrupter. All others require the Forcefield Generator upgrade. Custom shield for

    the Scrin Shielded Harvester is already added when refinery is built or when the unit is built from the Warp Sphere.

    Implemented but cancelled: Using the special FX shader provided by Lauren led to some special effects not visible in-game.

    The bottom left corner including the top right buttons of the Tactical Huds can be removed meaning that you should

    know some of the useful hotkeys without it. Challenging the hotkeys on your keyboard is the quickest thing to learn

    during the game. The technical issue is through compiling through Bibber's modified RA3 Mod Buildstudio executable in

    which it won't allow textures (in all AptUI screens, modified or not) to be recognized and compiled into the mod. Unless

    this part can be issued as a patch and works through with the mod using a different BuildMod complier (not the

    modified RA3 Mod Buildstudio), this feature will have to be cancelled.

    Having the main menu, options menu, skirmish menu, multiplayer menu, score screen, credits screen, load/save

    screen and custom maps screen turning to purple color requires some time to modify it over and previous fi les released

    by the UI art screens pack need to be retained. Same goes to the modification to the colored Earth on the main menu

    screen. Bibber's modified RA3 Mod BuildStudio executable is not allowing textures (in all AptUI screens modified or not)

    to be recognized and compiled into the mod. I am saving that for the Tacitus Prophecy unofficial C&C3 expansion pack.

    Having floating units float on water. Although Carnius did it in his Tiberium Essence mod for C&C3 to custom floatingunits, that part led to a bug where any floatable unit often gets stuck on terrain while moving to a position in the

    battlefield. Floating units like the Seeker Tank, Devourer Tank, Slingshot and Shatterer can able to float on water, but

    all maps restricted passable terrain between water, shore and land. Whether any floatable unit can move on water or

    over water, it's still bugged. Therefore, I won't include it unless there are skirmish maps in C&C3 containing islands.

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    Bugs/Glitches/Issues: APCs, Reckoners and Armadillos with 2 or more garrisoned infantry cannot all eject at the same time. (A common

    bug in C&C3 that cannot be fixed)

    Some Tiberium isn't collectable by Harvesters on some maps. (A common bug in C&C3 that cannot be fixed)

    Some new units that fire multiple guns shows only one tracer gun(or laser) fire when firing (A common issue in C&C3

    that cannot be fixed but can work if you make a new weapon projectile specifically for more than one weapon firing.)

    Saving/loading a skirmish game or replay with a playable sub-faction will tend to crash the game due to de-syncs.

    Some closed captions are stretched out of the screen while watching FMV clips unless smaller fonts are set. This is

    best used on a widescreen monitor.There isn't an option to disable this except by removing the files from the mod.

    Some C&C4 units have yet to have death animations so they disappear when destroyed.

    Mutant Ironback has animation issues when attacking and moving.Unless I have the C&C4 source code for this,

    there's nothing much I could do to improve its animations. Mastodon has animation issues since it walks and sits like a dog and still requires manual control to attack units and

    structures since it cannot attack automatically.

    Behemoth animation isnt walking correctly after and during attacking (on some terrain). When the unit is created, it

    somehow starts to rise up and walk while still inside (not outside) the war factory.

    When Voice of Kane is destroyed, some of the object debris flies out onto the terrain leaving some distortion on the

    graphics which isn't the way it supposed to be. This happens even on high LOD settings.

    Some units dont show their weapon bones correctly when built. This is being beyond repair to KW epic units.

    Some garrisoned units dont have specific ports for troops to shoot from. This will be investigated all KW infantry units

    since most civilian structure codings are not set up well for KW infantry.

    New upgrades might affect some units and structures not to move and/or exist with their animations.

    Firehawks can only get Hardpoints upgrade only if they are built first with an armed weapon manually given. But if

    you switch loaded weapons after the upgrade, the upgrade disappears to that Firehawk.

    GAF Argus is showing mostly orange color shaders depending on where you move the camera position.

    Skirmish and/or MP replays can receive out of sync error regardless of difficulty when played with sub-factions.

    Black Hand Redeemer could not show flames when attacking at short range.

    Some C&C4 units have non-moving tire treads when given bone treads on them. Tires disappear when the Mirage

    Tank is moving and that could result in a missing moving animation.

    Mobile Repair Transport cannot attack even when an infantry unit is garrisoned. That infantry unit can automatically

    attack any enemy unit or structure while inside until destroyed. This might be fixed in version 1.7.

    Smoke Grenades are missing cloud smoke FX particles on the field after being thrown.

    Credits: (*cannot recall the name) Bibber for the C&C Asset Extractor tool and his extra C&C3 Mod SDK tools and for helping me making this mod with

    some great tips and info. Also thanks to JonWil for his CNC tools and for some special FAQs and tutorials.

    Black_Drakon for some of the source codes from C&C Legacy mod including the C&C4 Firehawk, C&C4 Vertigo,

    Service Depot, Orca Bomber and the tracer gun fixes to Wolverine and Scrapbus. (used with permission)

    Carnius for theManta, Banshee, Defiler and Assault Mothership extracted art files, and Helge129 for the Bansheeweapon FX. (used with permission).

    Challenger13 (aka gdi_commando) for the Mastodon, Cyborg Reaper, Spartan, Mirage Tank and Kane source codes as

    well as C&C4 materials.

    Madin for the Scrin Destroyer (via TerroR), custom Scrin shields, Turret, Light Tank, Rhino Tank and Nod Tiberium Silo

    source codes.

    Stygs for the Slingshot art files, Kodiak/Salamander source codes and other KW art packs.

    Crystal Nova for the Chemical Warrior source code and to Black Drakon for the unit model.

    Jason Zombolt for the GDI Carryall and Nod V-Ox transport art files.

    Lauren (aka Megumi/Asuka/Ju-Jin) for the special FX shader and WrathEd tools and Lauren/Dibelius for the Patriot

    Missile Turret source code. (all used with permission)

    Golan for the Smoke Grenade ability.

    Stygs for the Predator Tank source code with rocket upgrade and possibly the HEAT attack ability.

    CrazyGDIFan123 for some of the amazing unofficial C&C3 1.10 and KW 1.03 balance changes, the KW patch 1.02+

    changes and of course, the Engineer Capture Delay improved source code. ConnorSynth for the source coding help of the Nod Bunker, Tiberium Field and the building of the Lightning Spike

    defense from the Drone Platform.

    Kodaemon for the CNC3 and KW subtitles on HD FMVs.

    Pimpuigi (aka Sexykick) for his remade KW skirmish maps.

    One special modder for the Ion Storm support power and for releasing the AlphaMod source code with custom unit

    crates coding.*

    Overmind for releasing the Termination mod source code for some materials.

    CoreAngel for releasing the Tiberium Birth and Kane's Revenge mod source code for some materials.

    Special thanks to some of the modders giving me great feedback, help and suggestions.

    Special thanks to R. Schneider, Mr. Paul, and Eph-17 for providing great KW info.

    And to the rest of the CNC modding community for helping me making this mod and previous ones.

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    Music Credits:

    Frank Klepacki for the C&C and Universe of War sound tracks, Bounce track and other studio album tracks.

    GC-Three (aka NewMessageN00b) for the Devil March, Moving In, and Radio 3 music tracks.

    Chicajo for the Bog 2004 and Ascension tracks.

    Michael McCann for the Icarus track used in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

    Tony Dickinson for the Hell March to the Apocalypse track.

    Note: You can distribute this mod as long as nothing within the mod BIG file is modified and you credit me as the

    author of the mod. If you wish to edit or add something into my mod, granting permission from me is required.

    Any unauthorized attempt to distribute a mod (along with some of my ideas in the mod) without permission or

    proper credit shall not be tolerable and will result in infringement.

    Mod modified and created by PurpleGaga27 (aka Zocom7), a modder and mapper for some C&C games and map

    collector of all recent C&C games.

    Other mods I created for CNC3: C&C3 Reloaded, CostMod, EconMod, CraneWallMod, KW MiniMod, KW WallMod

    Other mods I created for RA3: RA3 Reloaded, RA3 Patch 1.5, RA3 EconMod, Spam Alert 3, NoSW

    Other mods I created: C&C Generals & Zero Hour Reloaded, C&C The First Decade Reloaded

    Coming soon: Company of Heroes Reloaded

    C&C3 Kane's Wrath Reloaded factions

    Global Defense Initiative(GDI vanilla faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks, Refinery, War Factory, Command Post, Armory, Airfield,

    Tech Center, Crane, Reclamation Hub, Air Support Tower

    Defenses: Walls, Watch Tower, Guardian Cannon, Tiberium Silo, AA Battery*, Sonic Emitter**, Ion Cannon Control

    Center**, Tiberium Field**

    Infantry: Rifleman Squad, Missile Squad, Engineer, Grenadier*, Sniper*, Zone Trooper**, GDI Commando**

    Aircraft: Orca*, Hammerhead*, V-Ox Transport*, Firehawk**

    Vehicles: Pitbull, APC, Harvester, Predator Tank, MCV, Slingshot*, RIG*, Shatterer**, Mammoth Tank**, Juggernaut**,

    MARV***, Surveyor

    Upgrades: Composite Armor*, Power Packs*, Scanner Packs*, Advanced Turbines*, AP Ammo Upgrade*, Tungsten AA

    Shells**, Mortar Upgrade**, Railgun Upgrade**, Stratofighter*, Sensor Pods*, Hardpoints** , Vehicle Bombardment**

    Special Powers: Radar Scan*, Airborne*, Bloodhounds*, Orca Strike*, Sharpshooter Team**, Shockwave Artillery***,

    Zone Trooper Drop Pods***, EMP***, Ion Cannon**

    Steel Talons(GDI offensive sub-faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks, Refinery, War Factory, Command Post, Armory, Airfield, TechCenter, Crane, Reclamation Hub

    Defenses: Walls, Watch Tower, Guardian Cannon, Tiberium Silo, AA Battery*, Air Support Tower*, Sensor Array

    Tower*, Ion Cannon Control Center**

    Infantry: Rifleman Squad, Missile Squad, Combat Engineer, Grenadier*, Spotter*

    Aircraft: Orca Fighter*, Orca Minigunner*, Orca V-Ox Transport*, Orca Carryall*, Kodiak***

    Vehicles: Pitbull, Mobile Repair APC, Rocket Harvester, Wolverine, Titan, MCV, Sandstorm*, Mammoth Tank**,

    Juggernaut**, Mastodon***, Surveyor

    Upgrades: Advanced Turbines*, Hard Points*, Ceramic Armor*, Sensor Pods*, Mortar Upgrade**, Railgun Upgrade** ,

    Offensive Maneuvers**, Overkill**

    Special Powers: Radar Scan*, Bloodhounds*, Orca Strike*, Shockwave Artillery***, EMP***, Ion Cannon***

    ZOCOM(GDI defensive sub-faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks, Refinery, War Factory, Command Post, Armory, Airfield, Tech

    Center, Crane, Surveyor, Reclamation Hub, Air Support TowerDefenses: Walls, Watch Tower, Guardian Cannon, AA Battery*, Sonic Emitter**, Ion Cannon Control Center**

    Infantry: Rifleman, Missile Squad, Engineer, Grenadier*, Sniper*, Zone Trooper**, Zone Raider**, Zone Stalker**

    Air Vehicles: Orca*, Hammerhead*, Firehawk**

    Vehicles: Pitbull, APC, Heavy Harvester, Predator Tank, MCV, Slingshot*, RIG*, Zone Shatterer**, Zone Juggernaut**,

    MARV***, Surveyor

    Upgrades: Composite Armor*, Power Packs*, Scan Packs*, Advanced Turbines*, AP Ammo Upgrade*, Ceramic Armor*,

    Hardpoints*, Stratofighter*, Sensor Pods*, Mortar Upgrade**, Tungsten AA Shells**, Defensive Maneuvers**, Structural


    Special Powers: Radar Scan*, Airborne*, Bloodhounds*, Orca Strike*, Sharpshooter Team**, Shockwave Artillery***,

    Zone Trooper Drop Pods***, EMP***, Ion Cannon***

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    GAF(GDI defensive sub-faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks, Refinery, War Factory, Command Post, Armory, Airfield, Tech

    Center, Crane, Surveyor, Air Support Tower

    Defenses: Walls, Watch Tower, Guardian Cannon, AA Battery*, Sensor Array Tower*, Ion Cannon Control Center**

    Infantry: Rifleman, Missile Squad, Engineer, Grenadier*, Sniper*

    Air Vehicles: Orca, Orca Minigunner, Hammerhead*, Zone Orca*, Zone Paladin**, Firehawk**, Kodiak***, Archangel***,

    Argus***, V-Ox Transport, V-Ox Carryall

    Vehicles: Armadillo, Talon, Sheppard Tank, Spartan Tank*, Conductor**, Howitzer**, Shockwave**, Mirage Tank**,

    MCV, Surveyor

    Upgrades: Advanced Turbines*, AP Ammo*, Sensor Pod*, Ceramic Armor*, Hardpoints*, Stratofighter*, Sensor Pods*,

    Air Defensive Maneuvers**, Tungsten AA Shells**

    Special Powers: Radar Scan*, Orca Strike*, Sharpshooter Team**, Shockwave Artillery***, EMP***, Ion Cannon***

    Brotherhood of NOD(Nod vanilla faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Hand of Nod, Refinery, War Factory, Operations Center, Secret Shrine, Tech

    Center, Tiberium Chemical Plant, Crane, Redeemer Engineering Facility,

    Defenses: Bunker, Walls, Turret, Shredder Turret, Laser Turret*, SAM Turret*, Disruption Tower*, Voice of Kane*,

    Command Airfield*, Obelisk of Light**, Temple of Nod***

    Infantry: Militant Squad, Militant Rocket Squad, Saboteur, Black Hand Squad*, Fanatic Squad*, Shadow Team*, Nod

    Commando**, Kane***

    Air Vehicles: Venom*, Vertigo Bomber**, Armageddon Bomber*

    Vehicles: Harvester, Raider Buggy, Attack Bike, Scorpion Tank, MCV, Reckoner*, Beam Cannon*, Avatar**, Stealth

    Tank**, Specter**, Redeemer***, Emissary

    Upgrades: Liquid Tiberium Core*, Black Disciples*, Tiberium Infusion*, Dozer Blades*, Quad Turrets*,

    Signature Generator*, EMP Coils**, Laser Capacitators**

    Special Powers: Radar Jam Missile*, Decoy Army*, Cloaking Field*, Mine Drop*, Shadow Strike Team*, MasterCountermeasures**, Seed Tiberium***, Catalyst Missile***, Tiberium Vapor Bomb***, Nuclear Missile***

    Black Hand(Nod offensive sub-faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Hand of Nod, Refinery, War Factory, Operations Center, Secret Shrine, Tech

    Center, Tiberium Chemical Plant, Crane, Redeemer Engineering Facility

    Defenses: Bunker, Walls, Flame Turret, Shredder Turret, Laser Turret*, SAM Turret*, Voice of Kane*, Air Tower

    Support*, Obelisk of Light**, Temple of Nod***

    Infantry: Confessor Squad, Militant Rocket Squad, Saboteur, Fanatic Squad*, Black Hand*, Chemical Warrior*, Elite

    Confessor Squad** Nod Commando**

    Air Vehicles: Venom*, Banshee***

    Vehicles: Harvester, Raider Buggy, Attack Bike, Scorpion Tank, MCV, Flame Tank*, Beam Cannon*, Reckoner*,

    Mantis*, Purifier**, Specter**, Redeemer***, Emissary

    Upgrades: Liquid Tiberium Core*, Black Disciples*, Signature Generator*, Dozer Blades*, Quad Turrets*, EMP Coils**,

    Purifying Flame**

    Special Powers: Radar Jam Missile*, Decoy Army*, Power Signature Scan*, Seed Tiberium***, Catalyst Missile***,

    Tiberium Vapor Bomb***, Master Countermeasures***, Nuclear Missile***

    Marked of Kane(Nod defensive sub-faction)

    Buildings: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Hand of Nod, Refinery, War Factory, Operations Center, Secret Shrine, Tech

    Center, Tiberium Chemical Plant, Crane, Redeemer Engineering Facility

    Defenses: Bunker, Walls, Turret, Shredder Turret, Laser Turret*, SAM Turret*, Disruption Tower*, Voice of Kane*,

    Command Airfield*, Obelisk of Light**, Temple of Nod***

    Infantry:Awakened, Rocket Squad, Saboteur, Shadow Team*, Tiberium Trooper*, Enlightened**, Commando**, Kane***

    Air Vehicles: Venom*, Vertigo Bomber**, Banshee***, Salamander***

    Vehicles: Harvester, Raider Buggy, Attack Bike, Scorpion Tank, MCV, Reckoner*, Stealth Tank**, Specter**,

    Redeemer***, Emissary, Avenger***, Tyrant Tank***, Underminer**

    Upgrades: Liquid Tiberium Core*, Tiberium Infusion*, Cybernetic Legs*, Dozer Blades*, Quad Turrets*, SignatureGenerator*, EMP Coils**, Offensive Capabilities**. Structural Defense**

    Special Powers: Radar Jam Missile*, Decoy Army*, Cloaking Field*, Shadow Strike Team*, Mine Drop*, Seed

    Tiberium***, Catalyst Missile***, Tiberium Vapor Bomb***, Master Countermeasures***, Nuclear Missile***

    The Alien Scrin(Scrin faction)

    Buildings: Reactor, Portal, Extractor, Warp Sphere, Nerve Centre, Stasis Chamber, Tech Assembler, Signal Transmitter,

    Warp Chasm, Foundry

    Defenses: Walls, Buzzer Hive, Photon Cannon, Plasma Missile Battery*, Storm Column**, Rift Generator**

    Infantry: Buzzer, Disintegrator, Assimilator, Shock Trooper*, Mastermind**

    Vehicles: Gun Walker, Seeker Tank, Harvester, Devourer Tank*, Corruptor*, Manta**, Annihilator Tripod**, Eradicator

    Hexapod***, Explorer

    Air Vehicles: Drone Platform*, Stormrider*, Devastator Warship**, Planetary Assault Carrier**, Mothership***

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    Upgrades: Plasma Disc Launchers*, Blink Packs*, Fusion Core*, Attenuated Forcefields*, Forcefield Generators**,

    Boosted Power**, Advanced Articulators**

    Special Powers: Tiberium Vibration Scan*, Reconstruct Drones*, Lightning Spike*, Phase Field**, Stasis Shield**,

    Shock Swarm***, Ion Storm***, Wormhole***, Mothership***, The Rift***

    Reaper-17 (Scrin sub-faction)

    Buildings: Reactor, Portal, Extractor, Warp Sphere, Nerve Centre, Stasis Chamber, Tech Assembler, Signal Transmitter,

    Warp Chasm, Foundry

    Defenses: Walls, Buzzer Hive, Photon Cannon, Plasma Missile Battery*, Lightning Spike*, Storm Column**, Rift Generator**

    Infantry: Buzzer, Disintegrator, Assimilator, Shock Trooper*, Ravager**

    Air Vehicles: Drone Platform*, Stormrider*, Mothership***

    Vehicles: Shard Walker, Seeker Tank, Harvester, Devourer Tank*. Corruptor*, Manta** Mechapede**, Reaper Tripod**,Eradicator Hexapod***, Explorer

    Upgrades: Plasma Disc Launchers*, Blink Packs*, Fusion Core*, Shard Launchers**, Conversion Reserves**, Boosted

    Power**, Advanced Articulators**

    Special Powers: Tiberium Vibration Scan*, Reconstruct Drones*, Lightning Spike*, Phase Field** Stasis Shield**,

    Shock Swarm***, Ion Storm***, Wormhole***, Mothership***, The Rift***

    Traveler-59 (Scrin sub-faction)

    Buildings: Reactor, Portal, Extractor, Warp Sphere, Nerve Centre, Stasis Chamber, Tech Assembler, Signal Transmitter,

    Foundry, Explorer, Terraforming Nexus

    Defenses: Walls, Buzzer Hive, Photon Cannon, Plasma Missile Battery*, Lightning Spike*, Storm Column**,

    Rift Generator**, Life Form Plant***

    Infantry: Buzzer, Disintegrator, Assimilator, Shock Trooper*, Cultist*, Ravager**, Mastermind**, Prodigy**

    Air Vehicles: Drone Platform*, Stormrider*, Devastator Warship**, Planetary Assault Carrier**, Assault Mothership***,

    Armada Destroyer***Vehicles: Shielded Gun Walker, Shielded Seeker Tank, Shielded Harvester, Shielded Devourer Tank*, Shielded

    Corruptor*, Defiler**, Explorer

    Upgrades: Plasma Disc Launchers*, Blink Packs*, Fusion Core*, Advanced Articulators**, Traveler Engines**,

    Composite Alien Armor**, Structural Defense**

    Special Powers: Tiberium Vibration Scan*, Reconstruct Drones*, Lightning Spike*, Phase Field**, Stasis Shield**,

    Shock Swarm***, Ion Storm***, Wormhole***, Mothership***, The Rift***

    The Forgotten

    Units: Mutant Marauder, Light Tank, Rhino Tank, Scrapbus, Ironback, Glorfindel

    Structures: Mutant Hovel (the only one)