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Page 1: Koreelah Landcare Group


Koreelah Landcare Group Community Action Plan

2015 / 2016


Edition – Reviewed 17th

February 2017)

Page 2: Koreelah Landcare Group


1. INTRODUCTION The Koreelah Landcare Group established in 2009 and provides the district with an

organization that promotes information sharing and increasing landholder capacity

on environmental and agricultural matters. The Group with assistance from Granite

Borders Landcare commenced Community Action Planning in 2015. As a result this

booklet has been produced which documents issues of concern, group activities,

project ideas, funds applied for / received and group contact details. The purpose of

this booklet is to track the Groups issues and activities with a review process to be

undertaken yearly to update the booklet. The booklet will also be given to

landholders moving into the district to introduce them to the group.

2. DESCRIPTION OF GROUP AREA The Koreelah Landcare Group area is defined by the following boundaries (see Map

1 & 2):

- North/ East - Mt Clunie Rd / historic area of Dalaman

- South – New Koreelah

- West –Vinegar Hill Road.

The Group compromises of 27 landholders over 24 properties covering

approximately 29,500Ha.

From the fifteen Community Action Planning Initial surveys completed by group

members we have compiled the follow general information;

The main land use within this area is cattle grazing with some cropping but with

mainly no irrigation being used.

The size of properties range from 130ha – 800ha with a 50 / 50 split in practicing

fixed or rotational grazing systems.

Roughly 50% of members have their enterprise as their main source of income.

All but one member said they felt their water supply was adequate at present.

Roughly 50% of members are not fully comfortable with their understanding of the

Native Vegetation Legislation.


Maintain a representative group in the sub catchment area;

Promote the Koreelah Landcare Group to other landholders to increase this

coordinated and cooperative approach to natural resource management ;

Granite Borders Landcare Committee to provide land managers with support,

facilitate NRM improvements and actively source funds for activities.

Develop projects to ensure any future funding opportunities to assist landholder

NRM projects are not missed;

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Map 1 – Koreelah Landcare Group Area

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Map 2 – Koreelah Landcare Group Area – Satellite image

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Wild dogs, Foxes, Feral cats, Pigs, Rabbits & Indian Mynas are all present in this area. Concerns about cane toads coming into area.

25th January 2017 NLP Community Grants funding Wild Dog Information & Trapping Day. Stuart Boyd-Law; Pest Animal Control and Training (Glen Innes). Dave Worsley – Wild Dog Coordinator (Invasive Animals CR C). Dan Matthews (Milo); Trapping Instructor. (21 attendees) 17th February 2017 Wild dog management planning meeting Legume Hall. Forestry, NPWS, NT LLS & Landcare.

LAND TENURE Travelling stock reserves, Crown land & land owned by Tenterfield Shire Council needs to be better managed for weeds. Private Forestry ownership & responsibility.

Would like a talk on fire management with NPWS, TSR (NTLLS) & Forestry -Would like to look at their fire management, weed & wild dog control.

WEEDS Established weeds; Privet, fire weed, lantana, blackberries, giant parammatta grass, crofton weed, ragweed, Fire thorn, whiskey grass. Lantana – Biological control (Aconophora) to suppress. Emerging weeds; Mother of millions (old Koreelah), Saffron thistle, Dodder (yellow flower on roadside near border), Nurgurra burr, Mist flower, Water hyacinth. Wild tobacco – National Parks & Pine forestry need to be active in control.

2015/16 Received $22,000 funding under the Australian Governments 25th Anniversary Grants 2014-15 to Reduce the Spread and Impacts of Lantana & Privet’ for Oaky Creek and Koreelah Creek. 12th August 2016. NT LLS Protecting Waterways funding Information meeting held. (3 Expression of Interest submitted for Lantana / Privet control). 1st Nov 2016 Site inspections arranged by GBLC & conducted by NTLLS Andrew Walsh. No Successful applications. 23rd November 2016 NLP Community Grants funding Weed Identification & Control Methods Awareness Day GBLC, TSC & DPI (17 attendees).

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LAND CLEARING Land clearing -unsure of regulations Apple gum & Grey box forming mono cultures = increase erosion Grey box – underground tunnelling,

15th March 2017 NLP Community Grants funding Native Vegetation Information session with Luc Farago NTLLS – current and post June 30th 2017 legislation. (11 attendees).

No ground cover. Increase ground cover by thinning gums. Grass sequestration is greater than trees. Native she oak in river blocking access and smothering pre-existing natives.

15th March 2017 Luc Farago NTLLS on site visit.

PRODUCTION Cattle selection, prices & flux (impacts on management decisions) Ownership of industry (co-op, government control & monopoly on market) EU accreditation.

Wednesday 16th December 2015 ‘Koreelah Christmas Party’ Heifer selection workshop. GBLC & NT LLS Jason Siddell (17 attendees). Feb 2017 GBLC invited to submit Cooperative Marketing application for second stage to Farming Together. Friday 13th March 2015 ‘EU Accreditation Workshop’ GBLC, NT LLS & MLA Jason Siddell, Brent McLeod, Jeff Lowien & NT LLS Board members. (26 attendees).

SOIL Soil Health Soil Carbon

Tuesday 21st April 2016 ‘Soil Health & production Field Day’. GBLC & NT LLS -Jeff Lowien, Glen Uebergang & Jason Siddell. (25 attendees).


Subtropical Pastures Increasing cost of production ie seed & fertilisers.

Tuesday 21st April 2015 Subtropical Site Inspection GBLC, NT LLS Jeff Lowien guest agronomists Beed Clarke & Alan Robertson. (15 attendees) 20NLP Community Grants funding. Tropical, subtropical pasture species field day (19 attendees).

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Alternative fertilisers Alternative Production Methods.

Wednesday 16th December 2015 ‘Koreelah Christmas Party’ Subtropical pastures & Alternative fertiliser’s workshop. GBLC & NT LLS Jeff Lowien. 10th March 2016 Landcare Meeting & Discussion on Alternative fertilisers and trial establishment. GBLC & NT LLS Jeff Lowien (19 attendees) ** July 2017 NLP Community Grants funding for presenter Stuart Larson –Mara Seeds information session on SOFT farming organic products & techniques to improve conventional farming to boost productivity.

EROSION Still damage from flood events in 2011 &13. Increased sediment & nutrient (chemical) loads.

2015 /16 Riparian Restoration Funding NT LLS. GBLC Expression of Interest forms distributed & site inspections conducted. On Ground works undertaken on 1 severe erosion site. 12th August 2016. NT LLS Protecting Waterways funding information meeting held. (3 Expression of Interest submitted for erosion). 1st Nov 2016 Site inspections arranged by GBLC & conducted by NTLLS Andrew Walsh. No Successful applications.

WATER SUPPLY Off stream watering points, fencing off riparian areas & ground cover monitoring = better management & cleaner water for stock (if installing trough system). Clarification of ownership of waterways.

2015 /16 Riparian Restoration Funding NT LLS. GBLC Expression of Interest forms distributed & site inspections conducted. 2 properties funded to install off stream water points.

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Controlled Activity Permits; cost and time taken for application process & need to supply design. TSC pump from creeks in dry period without informing landholders. Restocking Eastern Murray Cod into Woodenbong & Koreelah Creeks. Water Conservation

21st March 2017 “How to improve your farm dam health” information session hosted by GBLC. Electronic copy emailed to 5 Group members.

OTHER -Ticks -Human Health -Native bees -Seed propagation -Organics -Property Planning -Business Planning/ Management -Fire Risk Management -Trail bikes (illegal riders) in NP & forestry. -Flora & fauna surveys from NPWS In particular distribution of rare frog species.

11th March 2017 Native Bee Information Session (focus on solitary bees). (13 attendees)

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25th Anniversary Grants

Privet & Lantana Control

$20,000 8 properties (15 km / 50ha)

Volunteers Grant 2016 ($5,000)

-Chainsaw course -Fuel reimbursement -Small Engines Course -Weed control equipment

$850 $500

2 individuals 2 individuals To be conducted Sep 2017 Ongoing loan system to all group members

Small Community Grant 2015/16

Weed identification & control workshop

$1,500 17 individuals

Small Community Grant 2015/16

Wild Dogs & Foxes $1,500 21 individuals

2016 NLP funding -Native bee workshop. -Mara seeds workshop. -Tropical pastures & alternative fertilisers. -Eucalyptus Id & Native Vegetation.

$6,820 13 individuals To be conducted July 2017 19 individuals 11 individuals


Lantana & Privet Control Koreelah Creek

$15,000 Submitted Landcare Australia grant 15/16 Unsuccessful

Erosion NT LLS EOI’s small on ground works. 4 landholder applications submitted. Site visits conducted 7th November by GBLC & NTLLS. Unsuccessful

Lantana & Privet control NT LLS EOI’s small on ground works. 3 landholder applications submitted. Site visits conducted 7th November by GBLC & NTLLS. Unsuccessful


This plan may be reviewed on 1st February 2018, and, if necessary, modified to

ensure it achieves its goals. If there is any element of this plan that is not functional,

prior to 1st February 2018, the plan may be altered through consensus at a Koreelah

Landcare Group meeting.

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Appendix 1 - Review of the Handbook (As recorded at the 23rd/11/2016 meeting)

Are the issues defined still the same? No

If no, what has changed?

Issues have been added into this document that have been raised by Group

members or highlighted through Community Action Planning Initial survey 2016.

Are the stakeholders for the plan, still the same? No

List any changes

New Members added to contact list also the newly defined Vinegar Hill Road

Landcare Group members have been removed from this list.

*Note- Vinegar Hill Road Landcare Group members are still considered Group

members for all purposes except in Community Action Planning activities where they

meet separately.

Where the actions planned undertaken? No

If no, list deficiencies / problems

Have not yet organised to meet with NPWS, TSR (NTLLS) & Forestry. Wanting to

discuss fire management, weeds & wild dog control.

Are there changes required to the action list? No

Should any additional information be added to this plan? Yes

If yes, list additional information to be included in the plan

Additional information from review and initial survey has been added into plan in red.

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