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Page 1: Knowing your genes: does this impact behaviour change? · risk may demotivate behaviour change as diseases with a genetic cause are seen to be less controllable. Lastly, knowledge

Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2016 held at University College Dublin on 11–14 July 2016

Conference on ‘New technology in nutrition research and practice’International Nutrition Student Research Championships

Knowing your genes: does this impact behaviour change?

Clare B. O’Donovan1*, Marianne C. Walsh1, Michael J. Gibney1, Lorraine Brennan1,2 andEileen R. Gibney1

1UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, UCD Institute of Food & Health, University College Dublin,Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

2UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular Research, UCD, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

It is postulated that knowledge of genotype may be more powerful than other types of per-sonalised information in terms of motivating behaviour change. However, there is also adanger that disclosure of genetic risk may promote a fatalistic attitude and demotivate indi-viduals. The original concept of personalised nutrition (PN) focused on genotype-based tai-lored dietary advice; however, PN can also be delivered based on assessment of dietaryintake and phenotypic measures. Whilst dietitians currently provide PN advice based ondiet and phenotype, genotype-based PN advice is not so readily available. The aim of thisreview is to examine the evidence for genotype-based personalised information on motivat-ing behaviour change, and factors which may affect the impact of genotype-based persona-lised advice. Recent findings in PN will also be discussed, with respect to a large Europeanstudy, Food4Me, which investigated the impact of varying levels of PN advice on motivat-ing behaviour change. The researchers reported that PN advice resulted in greater dietarychanges compared with general healthy eating advice, but no additional benefit wasobserved for PN advice based on phenotype and genotype information. WithinFood4Me, work from our group revealed that knowledge of MTHFR genotype did notsignificantly improve intakes of dietary folate. In general, evidence is weak with regard togenotype-based PN advice. For future work, studies should test the impact of PN advicedeveloped on a strong nutrigenetic evidence base, ensure an appropriate study design forthe research question asked, and incorporate behaviour change techniques into theintervention.

Personalised nutrition: Genotype knowledge: Behaviour change: Food4Me study

The launch of the Human Genome Project, over a quar-ter of a century ago, resulted in a 13-year long venture tosequence all three billion base pairs of the human gen-ome(1,2). The subsequent completion of this work, in2003, was a major breakthrough in science, and manybelieved that it would revolutionise medicine throughthe identification of individuals at risk of disease(3).From this, the concept of personalised nutrition (PN)arose, where tailored dietary advice can be delivered toindividuals based on their diet and lifestyle factors(4).This is in contrast to public health advice, which is

general, non-specific healthy eating advice such as theeatwell plate in the UK or food pyramid in Ireland(5,6).

Although the original or most common concept of PNinvolves delivering personalised advice based on geno-type, personalised nutrition can be delivered in a three-tired concept where one tier builds on the foundationsof another(7). Within this concept, level 1 PN adviceinvolves giving an individual tailored nutrition advicebased on assessment of their dietary intake. Level 2 PNadvice involves delivering tailored advice based on anindividual’s diet and phenotypic markers such as

*Corresponding author: C. B. O’Donovan, email [email protected]: DTC, direct-to-consumer; PN, personalised nutrition.

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2017), 76, 182–191 doi:10.1017/S0029665116002949© The Authors 2017 First published online 20 January 2017



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Page 2: Knowing your genes: does this impact behaviour change? · risk may demotivate behaviour change as diseases with a genetic cause are seen to be less controllable. Lastly, knowledge

anthropometric measurements and blood biochemistry.Level 3 is the ultimate personalisation as tailored dietaryadvice is personalised based on an individual’s diet,phenotype and genotype(4). It should be acknowledgedthat dietitians provide personalised advice based onassessment of an individual’s diet, anthropometric mea-sures and blood biochemistry in clinical settings; how-ever, personalised dietary advice based on anindividual’s genotype is not so readily available to thegeneral public(8,9). There is some evidence to supportPN advice based on diet and phenotype, and for furtherreading on this topic, the reader is directed to the follow-ing review papers in this area(8,10). However, the focus ofthe current review is on the delivery of PN advice basedon genotype, and its impact on motivating behaviourchange in terms of diet and lifestyle.

It has been hypothesised that information based ongenotype may be more powerful in motivating behaviour,in comparison with other types of personal information, aconcept referred to as genetic exceptionalism(11). Thisproposes that knowledge of genotype can motivate indivi-duals to make more favourable lifestyle changes towardsdisease prevention(12). However, there is a counter argu-ment with the perception that disclosure of genotyperisk may promote a fatalistic attitude and decreased self-efficacy(9). Hollands et al. postulated that there are, infact, three ways in which genetic information may impactbehaviour(13). Firstly, communicating disease risk maymotivate behaviour change more effectively than diseaserisk based on other types of information. This is in linewith theories of attitude change, which suggest that themore aware the individual is of their own disease risk,the greater the impact. Secondly, knowledge of geneticrisk may demotivate behaviour change as diseases witha genetic cause are seen to be less controllable. Lastly,knowledge of genotype may have little or no effect onbehaviour(13). However, with respect to PN and otherrelated fields, it is important to highlight that individualsmay be informed that they have an at-risk genotype orno-risk genotype, which further complicates the hypoth-esis as depicted in Fig. 1.

Within the context of this hypothesis, it is important toacknowledge the type of evidence on which the genotype-based personalised advice is developed. Nutrigeneticresearch investigates the effect of individual genetic vari-ability, and its effect on response to nutrients/diets inrelation to health and individual nutrient requirements,and therefore, is the backbone of genotype-basedPN(14,15). The strength of evidence for genotype-basedPN is a matter of much debate, with many believingthat more larger-scale trials are required to justify someof the proposed dietary advice based on genetic variabil-ity(16). However, it is likely that some genotype-basedadvice has a stronger evidence base compared withothers, and it is important to bear this in mind whilstreviewing the evidence for the impact of genotype-basedadvice on motivating behaviour change.

The objective of this review is to examine the currentevidence with regard to the impact of knowledge of geno-type on motivating behaviour change in relation to dietand lifestyle. The evidence will be examined under

three sub-sections: (1) Studies investigating the impactof direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing; (2) Studies investi-gating the impact of disease genetic risk disclosure withphenotypic/familial risk presence; (3) Studies investigat-ing the impact of genotype-based PN.

On review of the evidence, it will be investigatedwhether the following factors affect the impact of geneticinformation: the quantity of genotype information given,i.e. information regarding one gene or a number of genesand/or other personalised information based on dietaryintake and phenotypic markers; the mode of delivery ofthe genotype information, i.e. face-to-face v. online deliv-ery, DTC v. health professional such as genetic counsel-lor, doctor or dietitian; presence of familial and/orphenotypic disease risk, i.e. if there is already presenceof the disease in the individual’s family or whether theindividual is at phenotypic risk such as overweight/obese, high blood pressure, etc.; duration of follow-up,i.e. is the impact of the genetic information on behaviourchange immediate or does it have a long-term effect?

Studies investigating the impact of direct-to-consumertesting

Since the completion of the human genome sequence,many companies offering genetic testing have been estab-lished(17). DTC testing can be defined as testing that isinitiated by the individual, with the results provided dir-ectly to individuals without the involvement of a health-care provider(18). There are some examples in theliterature investigating the effect of DTC testing onbehaviour change (Table 1).

Kaufman et al. carried out an online survey of DTCcustomers of 23andMe, deCODEme and Navigenics(19).A random selection of customers were invited to takepart with 33 % completing the survey (n 1048). As partof the questionnaire, individuals were asked informationregarding demographics, health behaviours, motivationsfor purchasing the test, and opinions and actions taken inresponse to their results(19). The investigators reportedthat nearly half of those surveyed had sought additionalinformation about a health condition tested.Furthermore, 28 % of individuals had informed a health-care professional of their results, and 9 % had follow-uplaboratory tests. Additionally, 16 % of respondents hadmade changes to their medication and/or supplementintake and one-third reported being more careful withtheir diet(19). Many of these findings were significantlyassociated with their response to a question regardingtheir perceived risk of colon cancer, which suggests thatthose who consider themselves at high risk of cancer,were more likely to report making health behaviourchanges(19). A limitation to this survey was the lack ofcomparison with a control group who did not receivegenetic testing. It is also important to note that onlyone-third of customers completed the survey, whichmay have biased the results.

Egglestone et al. conducted an online survey of indivi-duals who had purchased a DTC genetic test (consumers,n 189), and these were compared with those who werethinking about purchasing a test, or who were awaiting

Impact of genetic knowledge on behaviour 183



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their results (potential consumers, n 86)(20). The aim ofthe study was to investigate consumer perceptions ofthe effect of genetic risk information, obtained viaDTC genetic tests, on their health behaviour and healthanxiety. Individuals were contacted through socialmedia and asked a series of open-ended and close-endedquestions (forty-four questions for consumers, thirty-ninequestions for non-consumers). It was found that 27·3 %of consumers reported changes in their health behaviour,which were all either positive or neutral(20). Furthermore,a change in health anxiety was reported by 24·6 % ofconsumers, of which, 85·3 % were a reduction. A majorstrength of this survey and the one conducted byKaufman et al.(19) was the fact that they were conductedon real-life DTC consumers, rather than those whoreceived the genetic testing free or at a reduced rate.This is in contrast to a study conducted by Bloss et al.who recruited employees from health and technologycompanies who agreed to purchase the HealthCompass at a discounted rate(21). Those taking part in

the study underwent health assessments at baseline anda 3-month follow-up (when they had received their gen-etic results) via SurveyMonkey(21). Of those that com-pleted the follow-up (n 2037), no significant differenceswere observed between baseline and follow-up in termsof anxiety, dietary fat intake or exercise behaviour(21).The investigators also re-tested these subjects at 12months and similarly, no differences were reported interms of anxiety, fat or exercise(22). Therefore, resultswith regard to the impact of DTC testing on changesin diet and lifestyle behaviours are mixed. It may be pos-tulated that paying the full price for the genetic test mayhave a role to play in the impact of DTC testing onbehaviour.

Studies investigating the impact of disease genetic riskdisclosure with phenotypic/familial risk presence

Some studies have investigated the impact of genetic riskdisclosure on those individuals who were already at a

Fig. 1. (Colour online) Impact of genetic knowledge information on individual behaviour dependent on the presenceof at-risk or no-risk genotypes. If individuals are informed that they have an at-risk genotype, this may promotepositive dietary and lifestyle behaviour changes or the information may promote a fatalistic attitude because of theawareness of a genotypic risk for a particular disease (scenario 1). If individuals are informed that they have nogenetic risk (no-risk genotype), they may still be motivated to make key lifestyle changes or the information maydemotivate them from changing dietary and lifestyle habits as they are not at risk from a genetic point of view(scenario 2). In both scenarios, the genetic knowledge information may also have little or no effect on the individual,in which changes they make to their diet and lifestyle are negligible.

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phenotypic and/or familial risk of a particular disease,many of which are shown in Table 2. One of the firstof these studies investigated the hypothesis that confirma-tion of an individual’s diagnosis of familial hypercholes-terolaemia by the presence of genetic mutation, reducespatients’ perceptions of control over the disease andadherence to risk-reducing behaviours(23). Individualsalready diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemiaand their first- or second-degree relatives, were rando-mised to receive routine clinical diagnosis or routine clin-ical diagnosis and genetic testing. The investigatorsfound that those who had the mutations believed lessstrongly in the efficacy of diet in reducing cholesterollevels (P= 0·02) and demonstrated a trend in believingmore strongly in the efficacy of cholesterol-loweringmedication (P= 0·06). Therefore, the authors concludedthat genetic testing does not affect the extent to whichindividuals believe that they have control over theirhealth, but does affect their perceptions of how controlis most effectively obtained(23). Hollands et al. investi-gated the effect of communicating risk assessment forCrohn’s disease based on genotype on motivating smok-ing cessation for 24 h or longer, assessed at 6 months(24).Smokers with first-degree relatives with Crohn’s diseasewere randomised to receive either a postal booklet detail-ing their risk assessment of developing Crohn’s diseasebased on family history and smoking status, or with add-itional NOD2 genotyping(24). Following receipt of the

booklet, a research counsellor contacted all participantsto reiterate the information and give advice regardingsmoking cessation. At 6 months, there were no differ-ences between the groups in terms of the numbers of par-ticipants who stopped smoking for 24 h or the number ofthose who made an attempt to quit(24).

The effect of genetic risk information on those at anincreased phenotypic risk of diabetes has also been inves-tigated(25). Overweight individuals at phenotypic risk ofdiabetes were randomised to either receive genetic testingor not. For those individuals who received genetic test-ing, thirty-six risk alleles previously associated withtype 2 diabetes were analysed and individualised geneticrisk assessments were then calculated to assign partici-pants to a higher or lower diabetes genetic risk. Theseindividuals received a 15 min structured one-to-one gen-etic counselling session, explaining their results andencouragement to make certain behavioural changes toreduce overall diabetes risk(25). Following this, coun-selled intervention participants and untested controlstook part in a diabetes prevention programme, con-ducted by an experienced dietitian for 12 weeks(25).There were no differences found with regard to self-reported motivation, programme attendance or weightloss when higher-risk recipients and lower-risk recipientswere compared with those in the control group whoreceived no genetic testing(25). When the higher- andlower-risk groups were compared, higher-risk result

Table 1. Summary of studies investigating the impact of direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing on motivating behaviour change

Author Subjects Design Main findings

Kaufman et al.(19) Random sample of US DTCcustomers of 23and Me,deCODEme and Navigenics(n 1048)

Online survey of DTC consumers,including questions ondemographics, perceptions of DTCresults and health behavioursfollowing DTC testing

43 % sought additional informationabout a health condition tested. 28 %discussed their results with a healthcareprofessional. 16 % changed theirmedication or supplement regimen.One-third reported that they were morecareful with their diet

Egglestone et al.(20) Individuals had purchased a DTCgenetic test and received theirresults (consumers, n 189) andindividuals who were awaiting testresults or considering purchasing atest (potential consumers, n 86)

Online survey where individuals wereasked if their health behaviour orhealth anxiety had changed afterreceiving their results

27·3 % of consumers claimed a changein health behaviour, all either positive orneutral. 24·6 % of consumers reported achange in health anxiety, of this, 85·3 %reported a reduction. Consumers hadhigher health scores thannon-consumers (P = 0·02)

Bloss et al.(21) Employees who had agreed topurchase the Health Compass at adiscounted rate (n 2037)

Web-based assessments of reportedchanges in anxiety, dietary fat intake,exercise behaviour, test-relateddistress and use of screening tests 3months after testing

No significant differences were observedbetween baseline and follow-up inrelation of anxiety, dietary fat intake orexercise behaviour. 90·3 % of subjectshad scores indicating no test-relateddistress. No significant increase in therate of screening tests observed

Bloss et al.(22) Employees who purchased theHealth Compass at a discountedrate (n 1325)

Follow-up of subjects 12 months afterreceiving genetic testing investigatingchanges in anxiety, dietary fat intakeand exercise

Compared with baseline, no reporteddifferences for anxiety, fat intake orexercise a year after receiving genetictesting. 96·8 % had no test-relateddistress. Screening test completionwas significantly associated withdisclosing genomic tests with a doctor(36 %, P < 0·001)

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recipients more often reported that the genetic counsel-ling made them more motivated to participate in the12-week programme (P = 0·003) and make lifestylechanges (P = 0·008); however, programme attendanceand weight loss were not statistically different betweenthese two groups(25). In contrast to this, Vassy et al. con-ducted a nationally representative survey of youngadults, who were given hypothetical scenarios of receiv-ing genetic susceptibility results for heart disease, type2 diabetes and stroke(26). These individuals were askedabout their interest in such testing, anticipated likelihoodof improving diet and physical activity with high- or low-risk test results and readiness to change. Responses wereanalysed based on the presence of established disease-riskfactors(26). The investigators reported that those indivi-duals with high phenotypic risk reported increased likeli-hood of improving their diet and physical activity inresponse to high-risk results, compared with those withlow diabetes risk for diet and physical activity(Table 2). Furthermore, Vernarelli et al.(27) reportedthat individuals who were informed that they had atleast one copy of the risk increasing (E4+) gene, had4·75 times the odds of reporting a change in dietary sup-plement use than those with less risky genotype(E4−)(28). However, there were no differences found interms of changes in overall diet, exercise or medications.

Therefore, evidence is mixed with respect to impact ofgenetic testing on behaviour change in the presence of

familial or phenotypic disease risk. It can be postulatedthat the particular disease risk is likely to have an effecton the impact of genetic knowledge, i.e. the perceivedseriousness of the disease may affect motivation tochange.

Studies investigating the impact of genotype-basedpersonalised nutrition

Studies investigating the hypothesis of deliveringgenotype-based PN advice on motivating key behaviourchanges such as diet, lifestyle and physical activity arepresented in Table 3. One of the first studies to test thisconcept was by Arkadianos et al. in a weight loss clinicin Greece(29). Patients with a history of weight loss fail-ures were offered a nutrigenetic test examining twenty-four variants in nineteen genes involved in metabolism(ACE, APOC3, CBS, CETP, COLIAI, GSTMI,GSTPI, GSTTI, IL6, LPL, MTRR, MTHFR, MTR,NOS3, PPARG, SOD2, SOD3, TNFα and VDR), usingthe Sciona MyCellf kit. These individuals were thenmatched for age, sex, starting BMI and number oftimes they had visited the clinic with patients who hadnot taken the test. Both groups followed a low glycaemicindex Mediterranean diet, recommended exercise rou-tines and regular follow-up visits to the clinic. Forthose in the nutrigenetic group, the diet and exercise pro-gramme was modified based on the individual genetic

Table 2. Studies investigating the impact of disease genetic risk disclosure with phenotypic/familial risk presence

Author Subjects Design Main findings

Vassy et al.(26) Young adults (n 521) Individuals were given scenarios ofreceiving genetic susceptibility resultsfor heart disease, type 2 DM andstroke. Responses were analysed bythe presence of establisheddisease-risk factors

Respondents with high phenotypicdiabetes risk reported increasedlikelihood of improving their diet andphysical activity in response tohigh-risk results compared with thosewith lowdiabetes risk, OR 1·82 (95%CI1·03, 3·21) for diet andOR2·64 (95%CI1·24, 5·64) for physical activity

Grant et al.(25) Patients at phenotypic risk of type 2 DM Randomised to receive either genetictesting or not. Both groups attended a12-week DM prevention programme

No differences were found between thegroups in terms of self-reportedmotivation, programme attendance orweight loss

Marteau et al.(23) Adults diagnosed with familialhypercholesterolaemia and their first-and second-degree relatives (n 341)

Randomised to routine clinicaldiagnosis or routine clinical diagnosisand genetic testing

Having the risk genotype did not affectperceptions of control over disease,adherence to medications, diet,physical activity and smoking

Alamian et al.(44) Women at high risk of hereditary breastand ovarian cancer (n 303)

Examined use of supplements 12months post BRCA1/2 test resultdisclosure

51 % of participants reported using adietary supplement

Vernarelli et al.(27) Unaffected relatives of patients withAlzheimer’s disease (n 272)

Examined effect of APOE genotypedisclosure on health behaviourchanges

Those individuals with one copy of riskvariant were more likely to reportchange in supplement use. There wereno significant differences betweenAPOE E4+ and E4− participants inchanges in overall diet, exercise ormedications

Hollands et al.(24) Smokers who were first-degreerelatives of patients with Crohn’sdisease (n 497)

Risk assessment based on familyhistory and smoking status, or withadditional NOD2 testing

Smoking cessation did not differbetween the groups

DM, diabetes mellitus.

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results. For example, if an individual had a variation inMTHFR, MTRR, MTR or CBS, they were advised totake a supplement containing 800 μg folic acid, 15 mgvitamin B6 and 20 μg vitamin B12

(29). The investigatorsreported that after 6 months the two groups performedthe same in terms of weight loss(29). However, at 12months, the nutrigenetic group were more likely to main-tain some weight loss compared with the control group,with an average BMI loss of 1·93 kg/m2 in the nutrige-netic group compared with an average BMI gain of0·86 kg/m2 in the control group (P < 0·023). It is import-ant to note that the individuals were put on altered dietsbased on their individual genetic results and therefore,this study design cannot distinguish between whetherknowledge of genotype-motivated individuals to makeappropriate dietary and lifestyle changes or whether theparticular diet chosen for each individual promoted abetter biological response, which resulted in sustainedweight loss compared with the control group.

In contrast to these positive findings, a US researchgroup investigated the effect of genetic-guided weightloss advice in comparison with a standard weight lossdiet(30). The investigators randomised fifty-one obese oroverweight US veterans to either a nutrigenetic-guided diet(balanced, low-carbohydrate, low-fat or Mediterranean)based on seven genes (APOA2, ADIPOQ, FTO,KCTD10, LIPC, MMAB and PPARG) or standardbalanced diet for 6 months. No differences were observedin the percentage of participants who lost 5 % of theirbody weight at 2 or 6 months between the groups(30).

As secondary analysis, the researchers also investigatedthe role of adherence in the participants’ weight lossand found that, within the nutrigenetic-guided group,there was a significant relationship between adherenceand weight loss (P = 0·002) and those in the top quartilehad lost a significant amount of weight compared withthe lowest quartile (P = 0·03)(30). This may suggest thatgenotype-based PN advice may be of benefit to thosewho are most adherent to their recommended dietplan(30). Similar to the study conducted by Arkadianoset al.(29), this study does not test the hypothesis of theimpact of genotype-based personalised advice on motiv-ating behaviour change but rather the potential bio-logical response to a nutrigenetic-guided weight loss diet.

Hietaranta-Luoma et al. investigated the effect ofAPOE genotype information on behavioural changesrelated to diet, including fat quality, vegetable and fruitconsumption, alcohol consumption and exercise levelsin a 12-month intervention study(31). Participants wererandomised to either the control group who received gen-eral information or intervention group who were testedfor the APOE genotype and given a tailored health mes-sage related to their APOE genotype, its effect on CVDrisk and importance of dietary and lifestyle changesbased on the extended parallel process model(31).Dietary changes were assessed at baseline, 10 weeks, 6months and 12 months. Those with the APOE E4+ geno-type reported better dietary fat quality compared withthose in the E4− group and control group (P< 0·05) at10 weeks and 6 months; however, this was not observed

Table 3. Studies investigating the impact of genotype-based personalised nutrition

Author Subjects Design Main findings

Arkadianos et al.(29) Patients with a history of weightloss failures were offerednutrigenetic test (n 50) andcompared with patients, ofsimilar characteristics, attendingthe clinic who did not undergogenetic testing (n 43)

Patients were given dietary advicebased on their genetic results andcompared with patients attendingthe clinic who received the usual caredietary advice

At 12 months, individuals whoreceived nutrigenetic advice weremore likely to have maintained someweight loss (73 %) than those in thecomparison group (32 %). AverageBMI reduction in the nutrigeneticgroup was 1·93 kg/m2 comparedwith an average BMI gain of 0·51 kg/m2 (2·2 % gain) (P < 0·0023)

Nielsen & El-Sohemy(32) Healthy men and women aged20–35 years (n138)

Participants were randomised toreceive either personalisedDNA-based dietary advice or generaldietary advice with no geneticinformation for 12 months

Compared with the control group, nosignificant dietary changes wereobserved at 3 months. At 12 months,those with the risk version of ACEgene had significantly lower intakesof sodium compared with the controlgroup (P = 0·008)

Hietaranta-Luoma et al.(31) Healthy adults aged 20–67 years(n 107)

Single-blinded intervention whereparticipants were randomised intoeither control group (n 61) orintervention group (n 61) whoreceived health message based ontheir APOE genotype

Dietary fat quality improved in the E4+group compared with the E4− andcontrol groups (P < 0·05), but only fora short time

Frankwich et al.(30) Obese or overweight US veteranson a weight managementprogramme (the MOVE!Programme) (n 51)

Participants were randomly assignedto either a nutrigenetic-guided diet ora standard balanced diet

No significant difference in thepercentage of participants on thebalanced diet compared with thenutrigenetic-guided diet who lost 5% of their body weight at 8 weeks orat 24 weeks

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at 12 months(31). Nielsen et al. also reported changes insodium intake following disclosure of the ACE geno-type(32). Here, the investigators recruited healthy indivi-duals to take part in an online randomised controlledtrial, where individuals were randomised to receive eithergenotype-based PN advice or general healthy eatingadvice. Those in the intervention group were genotypedfor five dietary-related genes including CYP1A2,GSTT1, GSTM1, TAS1R2 and ACE. The investigatorsreported no differences between the groups at 3 months,but at 12 months, those with the risk version of the ACEgene reported significantly lower dietary sodium intakescompared with those with the non-risk ACE genotypeor control group (P = 0·008). However, no differenceswere observed in terms of any of the other dietary mar-kers associated with the genes investigated(32).

It is interesting to note the differences in the durationof follow-up within these studies, as the effect ofgenotype-based personalised advice was observed at 12months in studies conducted by Arkadianos et al.(29)

andNielsen&El-Sohemy(32), but not reported in those stud-ies of shorter duration(30). However, Hietaranta-Luomaet al. reported positive changes early on in the intervention,but these was no longer evident at 12 months(31). At pre-sent, the evidence for the benefit of genotype-based PNis not strong, and more studies are warranted before anyclear conclusions can be deduced on personalised advicebased on genotype and motivating behaviour change.

Recent findings in personalised nutrition:the Food4Me study

In the previous section, studies investigating the effect ofgenotype-based personalised advice on motivatingbehaviour change were examined. However, PN adviceis not exclusive to genotype information, and in fact,PN advice can be delivered using dietary intake informa-tion as well as phenotypic markers and genotype(4).Therefore, the Food4Me proof-of-principle study setout to investigate the effect of varying levels of PN adviceon health outcomes in comparison with general healthyeating advice(33). Individuals were recruited acrossseven centres in Europe to take part in a 6-month onlinePN intervention study where participants were rando-mised into one of four groups: control group whoreceived general healthy eating guidelines; level 1 groupwho received PN advice based on dietary intake; level2 group who received PN advice based on diet andphenotypic; level 3 group who received PN advicebased on diet, phenotype and genotype information.

This study was designed to emulate existing PN ser-vices, and therefore, all data were self-collected andself-reported by the participants(33). To facilitate this,participants were sent instructions and equipment viapost. Online videos were also available demonstratinghow to perform the measurements. Dietary informationwas collected using an online FFQ, specifically designedfor the purposes of the study(34,35). Anthropometric mea-surements, including BMI, waist, hip and thigh circum-ferences were self-collected by the volunteers.Participants collected dry blood spots and posted them

back to their local research centre. These dry bloodspot cards were analysed for cholesterol, glucose, arange of fatty acids and carotenoids(33). Each participantalso collected a sample of their DNA using a buccal swaband a panel of thirty-three SNP were analysed(33).Participants received tailored feedback reports appropri-ate to their intervention level (as above) at months 0, 3and 6, using decision trees for a systematic approachacross seven research centres in line with behaviourchange techniques(33). Level 3 participants received feed-back on five dietary-related SNP, including FTO, TCFL2,APOE, FADS1 and MTHFR.

The investigators reported that following a 6-monthintervention participants who were randomised to perso-nalised groups (levels 1, 2 and 3), were more motivatedto make positive changes to their diet, compared withthose who were given healthy eating guidelines(36). Morespecifically, those in the personalised groups, consumedsignificantly less red meat (−5·48 g (95 % CI −10·8,−0·09), P= 0·046), salt (−0·65 g (95%CI −1·1, −0·25),P= 0·002) and saturated fat (−1·14 % of energy (95%CI−1·6, −0·67), P< 0·0001)(36). Furthermore, levels 1, 2and 3 personalised groups significantly increased their fol-ate intake and had higher Healthy Eating Index scores,than those in the control group. However, the researchersconcluded that there was no additional benefit of pheno-typic or phenotypic and genotype-based personalisedadvice, i.e. no difference across the levels ofpersonalisation(36).

Within Food4Me, the impact of genotype-based PNadvice has been investigated further in relation toAPOE and MTHFR genotypes to date(37,38). Fallaizeet al. investigated the impact of knowledge of APOEgenotype on dietary fat changes(37). The researchersreported significantly higher total cholesterol concentra-tions in those with the risk E4+ genotype, comparedwith those with the non-risk E4− genotype (P <0·05)(37). Both APOE risk and non-risk groups signifi-cantly reduced their saturated fat intakes comparedwith baseline values; however, no differences wereobserved between the risk and non-risk groups(37).Moreover, those participants who were told that theyhad the non-risk APOE genotype (E4−), had a smallerreduction in their saturated fat intake compared withparticipants who did not receive genotype-based perso-nalised advice (level 2 participants), suggesting thatknowledge of ‘less risky’ genotypes may actually demo-tivate individuals from making key dietary and lifestylechanges as previously postulated(37).

The impact of MTHFR risk knowledge within theFood4Me cohort was also investigated(38). InFood4Me, participants randomised to level 3 groupwere informed whether they had the risk version (CTor TT genotypes) or non-risk version (CC genotype) ofthe MTHFR 677CT gene. To examine the impact ofknowledge of MTHFR risk, level 3 participants weresplit into those with the risk version and those with thenon-risk version and dietary intakes of folate were com-pared with those who received general healthy eatingadvice (control group)(38). Overall, no differences wereobserved between the MTHFR risk, non-risk and control

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groups for changes in total dietary folate intake frombaseline to month 6. Similarly, no differences wereobserved between the groups in terms of changes ingram intakes of food groups that contain folate such asliver, green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals(38).Further analysis was conducted investigating the differ-ences between the MTHFR risk, MTHFR non-risk andparticipants in levels 1 and 2 who received non-genotype-based personalised advice, but no differences wereobserved. This suggests that MTHFR genotype-basedPN advice did not have a more significant impact onincreasing dietary folate intakes, compared with generalhealthy eating advice or non-genotype-based PN advice.It could be postulated that perhaps the effect of genotype-based PN advice could not be observed in this study asMTHFR genotype is not as well-known from a publichealth point of view compared with APOE genotypeand its impact on saturated fat(38).


In this review the impact of genotype-based personalisedadvice on individuals’ behaviour was investigated. Wereviewed the current evidence under three sub-sections:impact of DTC testing, impact of disease genetic risk dis-closure in the presence of associated familial and/orphenotypic risk, and the impact of genotype-based perso-nalised advice. The current evidence does not appear toprovide strong support for genotype-based personalisedadvice with respect to motivating behaviour change.Furthermore, there is some evidence to suggest that gen-etic knowledge could have a negative effect on indivi-duals in terms of demotivation or increase in anxiety.These findings are in line with those reported from twoCochrane reviews(13,39). However, more work in thisfield is required to investigate this hypothesis further.

It should be noted that study designs within existingpublications in this area vary greatly and it is difficultto deduce if any one study correctly tests the hypothesisof the impact of genetic knowledge on behaviour change.Using FTO genotype and weight loss as an example, intheory, the population studied should be divided intothose with the at-risk genotype and those with the no-riskgenotype. To correctly test impact of knowledge of geno-type on motivational change, within the FTO at-riskgenotype group, half of the individuals should beinformed that they have the at-risk genotype and theother half informed that they have the no-risk genotypeand the same approach in the no-risk group. This studydesign could then distinguish between the issue ofgenotype-based advice motivating behaviour change orwhether the right diet given per genotype results in apositive phenotypic change, i.e. weight loss. Whilstideal, this would be challenging from an ethical pointof view. For future work in this area, it is important toconsider carefully the appropriate study design in lightof the research question asked, i.e. is it motivation thatcauses the change or biological response to the genotype.

Another issue to consider is the strength of evidencewith regard to the genotype-based personalised advice

based on nutrigenetic research. It is important to remem-ber that this is still an area in its infancy and whilst prom-ising, there is a lack of substantial evidence for themajority of SNP identified, with few exceptions(16). Themajority of the evidence in this area is based on observa-tional studies and few diet–gene interactions have beentested for causality in human intervention trials(40).Therefore, more evidence is required before the impactof genotype-based personalised advice can truly beassessed(41). Furthermore, when considering motivatingindividuals to change their diet, behaviour change techni-ques are necessary. In the Food4Me study, the interven-tion was designed in line with behaviour changetechniques adapted from the work by Michie et al. onsmoking cessation and dietary change behaviour(42,43).However, the vast majority of the studies reviewed didnot mention the inclusion of behaviour change techni-ques within their study design, and as such, interpret-ation of their results in the context of success ofbehavioural change is then challenging.

In conclusion, current evidence does not seem to sup-port the hypothesis that genotype-based personalisedadvice motivates behaviour change. However, moreresearch in this area is warranted, and future workneeds careful consideration with regard to the studydesign, selection of SNP used for the development ofPN advice, and the inclusion of behaviour changetechniques.


We thank the Food4Me partners for their contributionto aspects of this work.

Financial Support

C. O. D. and M. C. W. were funded by the EuropeanUnion FP7 project Food4Me (contract KBBE.2010·2·3-02,Project no. 265494).

Conflict of Interest



C. B. O. D. drafted the outline of the manuscript, con-ducted the literature search and drafted themanuscript. M. C. W., M. J. G., E. R. G. andL. B. were responsible for critically reviewing the manu-script. All authors read and approved the final manu-script before submission.

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