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Page 1: Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel ... · ii Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel Functional ACL Knee Brace during Dynamic In-Vitro Loading Stefan Sebastian

Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel Functional ACL Knee Brace during Dynamic In-Vitro



Stefan Sebastian Tomescu

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Institute of Medical Science

University of Toronto

© Copyright by Stefan Sebastian Tomescu, 2017

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Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel Functional

ACL Knee Brace during Dynamic In-Vitro Loading

Stefan Sebastian Tomescu

Master of Science

Institute of Medical Science

University of Toronto



Functional knee braces are commonly prescribed to help stabilize and protect the knee after an

ACL injury or reconstruction. Newer brace designs employ a dynamic tensioning system to

apply directional forces to the knee. The purpose of this thesis was to characterize meniscal

loading under dynamic loading conditions and test the efficacy of a functional knee brace

equipped with a dynamic tensioning system to reduce ACL and meniscal strain. A combined in-

vivo/in-silico/in-vitro testing method was used to quantify tissue strains and the effect of the

brace on cadaveric specimens. Tissue strains were quantified and validated before and after

reconstruction, and the brace was found to lower tissue strains during most conditions. This work

provides supportive evidence for the use of braces with a dynamic tensioning system for patients

who are ACL deficient or following reconstruction.

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There are many individuals without whom this thesis may not have come to fruition. Firstly, I’d

like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Cari Whyne, and supervisory collaborator, Dr. Naveen

Chandrashekar, who have aided in overseeing and guiding all aspects of this thesis. Dr. Cari

Whyne has been both a direct supervisor of this work and a research mentor for my professional

career. Her skill and experience as a scientific researcher has helped steer this thesis in the right

direction, even when that direction wasn’t always clear. Dr. Naveen Chandrashekar, has not only

provided the necessary knowledge to complete this thesis, but continuously aided to enhance the

quality of the work being done, and the possibilities for further involvement in biomechanical

research. He also connected me with a network of support for this research and other endeavors

outside of the thesis, ensuring that I have opportunity to expand my research career under his

support. Both Cari and Naveen’s mentorship and support have made this thesis a positive

learning experience.

I’d like to also express gratitude to the other individuals that are members of my thesis

committee, Dr. Emil Schemitsch and Dr. Tyson Beach. Dr. Emil Schemitsch kindly agreed to be

part of this committee and worked on fitting each meeting into his demanding surgical and

administrative career. His critical input and expertise have contributed significantly to enriching

the work. I also thank Dr. Schemitsch for continuing to be involved even after relocating to

University of Western. Dr. Tyson Beach has offered both his time and expertise in Biomechanics

in aid of this project. His knowledge in the field added positively to discussion and helped

significantly broaden my experience in Biomechanics.

There were many people that were integral to the completion of this thesis, but none more so

than my lab mate Mr. Ryan Bakker. Ryan was instrumental in all phases of the thesis, devoting

his training, knowledge and time to aid in the computer simulations, cadaver preparation, and

testing. Without his experience, the testing may not have been successful. Additionally, Ryan

kindly spent many hours discussing and ironing out the details of the work with me. I’m glad that

in working with Ryan I have gained not only a lab mate and professional colleague, but also a


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Finally, I’d like to dedicate this thesis to my family, whose sacrifices, support and

encouragement have enabled me throughout this research. My parents, Drs. Mihaila and Stefan

Tomescu, and my grandmother, Mrs. Maria Traistaru, have sacrificed much to provide me with

the opportunities to pursue my career, and without them I would not be where I am today. I’d

also like to thank my wife, Mrs. Jelena Tomescu, to whom I became engaged and married in the

process of completing this thesis. She has been a supportive and enthusiastic partner, comforting

me during times of stress and celebrating with me every small accomplishment and success. I’d

also like to thank my parents in-law, Mr. Milutin and Mrs. Kata Zaric, for their generosity and

kindness. It is all these individuals and their continued support, both professional and personal,

that made this experience rewarding and enjoyable.

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Many lab mates, technicians, experts and helpers aided and assisted in this project both directly

and indirectly.

I’d like to thank the following for their specific contributions to this work:

Dr. David Wasserstein for connecting me with the funding partner,

Mr. Micah Nicholls, our partner at Össur Inc., for his brace insights and study design,

Mrs. Helen Chong for helping with the initial phases of data collection in the motion

capture lab,

Mr. Gajendra Hangalur and Mr. Mayank Kalra for their important contributions

throughout the preparation and testing of the cadavers,

Mr. Adam Zhang, Mr. Liu He, Ms. Ania Polak, Mr. Nokhez Qazi, Mr. Neil Griffet, and

Mr. Tom Gawel for offering a helping hand with the lab work,

and to Össur Inc for providing the necessary funding and braces to complete this work.

Additional funding was received from NSERC, the Susanne and William Holland Surgeon

Scientist Award GSEF, and the Queen Elizabeth II/Wellesley Surgeons Graduate Scholarships in

Science and Technology.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... iii

Contributions.................................................................................................................................... v

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ vi

List of Appendices .......................................................................................................................... ix

List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. x

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ xiv

List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xv

Chapter 1 Literature Review .......................................................................................................1 1

1.1 Human Body and Anatomy ......................................................................................................1

1.1.1 Anatomical Orientation............................................................................................1

1.1.2 General Knee Anatomy............................................................................................2

1.1.3 Anatomy and Function of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament .....................................3

1.1.4 Meniscal Anatomy and Function .............................................................................4

1.2 ACL injury ................................................................................................................................6

1.2.1 Risk Factors..............................................................................................................6

1.2.2 Treatment Options....................................................................................................7

1.3 Bracing......................................................................................................................................9

1.3.1 Prophylactic Braces..................................................................................................9

1.3.2 Functional Knee Braces .........................................................................................10

1.3.3 Dynamic Tensioning Systems................................................................................12

1.3.4 Neuromuscular Effects of Bracing.........................................................................13

1.4 Testing Methodologies ...........................................................................................................14

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1.4.1 In-Vivo ...................................................................................................................14

1.4.2 In-Silico..................................................................................................................15

1.4.3 In-Vitro...................................................................................................................15

1.4.4 Strain Measurement Techniques ............................................................................17

1.4.5 In-Vitro Knee Brace Testing..................................................................................19

Chapter 2 Hypotheses and Research Aims ...............................................................................21 2

2.1 Thesis Rationale......................................................................................................................21

2.2 Thesis Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................22

2.3 Thesis Outline .........................................................................................................................22

Chapter 3 Dynamic Meniscal and ACL Strains are Maintained Following ACL 3Reconstruction...........................................................................................................................24

3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................25

3.2 Methodology ...........................................................................................................................26

3.3 Results.....................................................................................................................................29

3.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................................30

Chapter 4 Efficacy of an ACL Functional Knee Brace with a Dynamic Tension System .......40 4

4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................41

4.2 Materials and Methods ...........................................................................................................42

4.3 Results.....................................................................................................................................45

4.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................................46

4.5 Summary/Conclusions ............................................................................................................50

Chapter 5 General Discussion ...................................................................................................54 5

5.1 Summary and Discussion .......................................................................................................54

5.2 Contributions ..........................................................................................................................56

5.3 Future Directions ....................................................................................................................57

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References .................................................................................................................................59 6

Appendix 1: Cadaver Preparation .............................................................................................76 7

7.1 Dissection ...............................................................................................................................76

7.2 Muscle Cable Insertion ...........................................................................................................77

7.3 Foaming Procedure .................................................................................................................78

7.4 Moment Arm Calculations .....................................................................................................84

Appendix 2: Pilot Testing .........................................................................................................87 8

8.1 Pilot 1 ......................................................................................................................................87

8.2 Pilot 2 ......................................................................................................................................92

8.3 Pilot 3 ......................................................................................................................................95

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List of Appendices

Appendix 1: Cadaver Preparation ..................................................................................................76

Appendix 2: Pilot Testing ..............................................................................................................87

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List of Figures

Figure 1. Knee Ligament Anatomy ................................................................................................ 3

Figure 2. ACL Anatomy. ACL fibers are marked in consecutive order (A-C) with the knee in

zero degrees of flexion. Fibers reorganize as the knee flexes to 90 degrees. Apostrophe denotes

distal fiber endings. ......................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 3. Meniscal Anatomy........................................................................................................... 5

Figure 4. ACL Rebound Brace with Dynamic Tensioning System. (A) Back view. (B) side view,

(C) DTS close up, (D), adjustable torque knob ............................................................................ 13

Figure 5. Overview of In-vivo/In-Silico(Computational)/In-Vitro Method for Jump Landing.

Extracted with Permission from Bakker et al 2016. ..................................................................... 17

Figure 6. Experimental Overview. (1) In-vivo motion capture setup, (2) OpenSim

musculoskeletal model, (3) Dynamic knee simulator. .................................................................. 36

Figure 7. Motion Capture Activities. (A) Double leg squat, (B) single leg squat, (C) gait. ......... 36

Figure 8. Kinematic, Kinetic Variables and Muscle Forces Extracted from OpenSim for DSL,

SLS, and Gait. ............................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 9. Average Strain Profiles of the ACL (n=7) and Meniscus (n=5) for DSL, SLS and Gait.

ACL strain decreased during DLS and SLS and increased throughout the gait cycle. Meniscal

strain followed a similar pattern between ACL intact and reconstructed conditions. .................. 38

Figure 10. Comparison of Relative ACL strain during DLS. Both curves are presented as strain

relative to starting position rather than resting length. Current strain values (n=7) and pattern

match results of Beynnon et al (1998) (n=8). ............................................................................... 38

Figure 11. Comparison of ACL strain during the gait cycle. Current ACL strain pattern (n=7) is

similar to the findings of Taylor et al (2013) (n=32). ................................................................... 39

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Figure 12. Experimental overview. (1) In-vivo motion capture, (2) Musculoskeletal model, (3)

Dynamic knee simulator. .............................................................................................................. 51

Figure 13. Dynamic tensioning system. (Left) Tightening of cabling system, (Right) cable

tension translates the femur forward with respect to tibia. ........................................................... 52

Figure 14. Knee Angle and Muscle Forces Extracted from OpenSim for DSL, SLS, and Gait. HS

denotes heel strike during gait. ..................................................................................................... 52

Figure 15. Peak meniscal strain difference between braced and un-braced conditions. † = not

significant in post-hoc analysis. .................................................................................................... 53

Figure 16. Peak ACL - Strain difference between braced and un-braced conditions. .................. 53

Figure 17. Knee dissection process. (A)-(C) Removal of the skin. (D)-(J) Removal of muscle

tissue. (K)-(L) Capsule preparation. ............................................................................................. 76

Figure 18. Experimental Muscle Cable Setup. (A) Hamstring and Gastrocnemius muscle

attachments viewed from the posterior aspect of the knee (B), and from the medial aspect. (C).

Quadriceps cable attachment through the patella. ........................................................................ 78

Figure 19. Negative mold casting preparation (A) Specimen casting, (B) cast removal, (C)

location rods, (D) mold preparation. ............................................................................................. 80

Figure 20. Cadaveric integration into the mold. (A) Specimen placement, (B) stainless steel

muscle cable conduit, (C) endplate preparation. ........................................................................... 81

Figure 21. View through the end plate of a sealed mold with specimen and cable conduit in

place. ............................................................................................................................................. 82

Figure 22. Soft tissue recreation. (A) Removal from negative mold, (B) lateral view of soft

tissue, (C) fit of the custom built Rebound ACL brace on the soft tissue envelope. ..................... 83

Figure 23. Removal of restrictive joint foam. (A) Anterior view, (B) sagittal view. .................. 84

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Figure 24. Moment arm calculation experimental apparatus. (A) Knee specimen with an

electronic goniometer, (B) tendon length measuring apparatus with LVDT. ............................... 85

Figure 25. Example measurement of the quadriceps moment arm for one specimen. Grey dots

represent the tendon length at different flexion angles. The slope of the linear fit represents

and is the muscle moment arm (37.2mm for this knee)................................................................ 86

Figure 26. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Pietraszewski et al.

Gait cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-off.............................................................................. 88

Figure 27. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Liu et al. Gait cycle is

presented from toe-off to toe-off................................................................................................... 88

Figure 28. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Oberg et al (1993). Gait

cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-off...................................................................................... 89

Figure 29. Muscle activation comparison during gait. (Column 1) Rectus femoris, biceps

femoris long head, medial gastrocnemius and anterior tibialis activations. (Column 2) Vastus

medialis, semimembranosus, and soleus activations. Gait cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-

off. ................................................................................................................................................. 90

Figure 30. Comparison of female participant’s knee flexion angles during double leg squat. Trial

% is from full extension through deep flexion and back to full extension. .................................. 91

Figure 31. Comparison of female participant’s knee flexion angles single double leg squat. Trial

% is from full extension through deep flexion and back to full extension. .................................. 92

Figure 32. Pilot testing strain values during double leg squat. (Left) ACL strain with and without

brace, (Right) meniscal strain with and without brace. ................................................................ 93

Figure 33. Hip upgraded attachment. (A) Hip attachment with zero degrees of femoral

angulation and (B) hip attachment with 15 degrees of femoral angulation. ................................. 93

Figure 34. Ankle upgraded attachment. (A) Previous vertical ankle attachment, (B) ankle

upgraded right angle attachment. .................................................................................................. 94

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Figure 35. Patellar cable attachments. (A) Pilot study patellar attachment, (B) front view of

improved patellar attachment with patellar tunnel, (C) lateral view of improved patellar

attachment. .................................................................................................................................... 95

Figure 36 Surrogate foam muscle stiffness plots. Comparison between the female subject’s

muscle compliance corridor and three compliance measurements from SunMate liquid foam

medium-firm density..................................................................................................................... 96

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List of Tables

Table 1. ACL and Meniscal Strain Values for All Activities. Strain values are presented as a

mean ± standard deviation. ANOVA P-values for ACL status are presented in horizontal

brackets. ANOVA P-values for knee angle and gait phase are presented in vertical brackets.

Knee angle and gait phase was correlated to meniscal and ACL strain for most conditions.

Meniscal strain was not statistically different between ACL-intact and reconstructed conditions.

....................................................................................................................................................... 35

Table 2. Peak and Average Tissue Strains. The brace lowered peak and mean meniscal strain

across every ACL status and activity (p<0.05). The brace lowered peak and mean ACL strain in

ACL competent knees for every activity. ..................................................................................... 51

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List of Abbreviations

ACL – Anterior Cruciate Ligament

ATT – Anterior Tibial Translation

BR – Braced

DF – Deep Flexion

DLS – Double Leg Squat

DTS – Dynamic Tensioning System

DVRT – Differential Variable Reluctance Transducer

EMG – Electromyography

EX – Extension

FKB – Functional Knee Brace

IMB – Intermediate bundle

LCL – Lateral Collateral Ligament

MCL – Medial Collateral Ligament

MF – Mid Flexion

NB – Not braced

OA – Osteoarthritis

PCL – Posterior Cruciate Ligament

PLB – Posterolateral Bundle

SLS – Single Leg Squat

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Chapter 1 1Literature Review

1.1 Human Body and Anatomy

Biomechanical studies of the human body require some fundamental knowledge of basic

anatomical terms and an understanding of the structures to be studied. The first section “Human

Body and Anatomy” will get the reader up to speed with the fundamental knowledge required to

understand this thesis.

1.1.1 Anatomical Orientation

The human body can be divided into three planes used to define the directions of human


The sagittal plane divides the human body into left and right, creating two halves that are mirror

images of each other (Winter, 2009). Actions in the sagittal plane describe forward or backward

movement of the body. Examples of sagittal plane movements include: walking, running,

lunging and squatting. Additional sagittal plane movements include flexion and extension of


The frontal plane divides the human body from front to back. Movements in this plane are

termed adduction and abduction. Examples of frontal plane movements include hip abduction

and shoulder adduction. There are less abduction movements in the human body than sagittal

plane movements due to anatomical orientation of most joints.

The transverse plane separates the human body between the top and the bottom. Movements in

this plane are twisting in nature such as trunk rotations and include pronation and supination of

the foot and wrist.

In addition to the three planes, researchers define terms to identify specific locations on body

segments. Anterior and posterior define front and back of a body segment. Proximal and distal

describe which end of the body segment is nearest to the body’s center. The proximal femur is at

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the hip joint while the distal femur is in the knee joint. Superficial and deep describe whether the

location is close to the surface or deeper internally.

1.1.2 General Knee Anatomy

The human knee is part of the primary kinematic chain (ankle, knee and hip) responsible for

human propulsion. The knee primarily operates in the sagittal plane, and therefore the primary

movements are flexion (bringing the lower leg closer to the hip) and extension (bringing the

lower leg in line with the thigh).

The knee is made up of three bones: femur, tibia and patella. The femur connects the pelvis to

the shin, and the tibia connects the thigh to the foot. Unlike the femur and tibia, the patella (often

referred to as the knee cap) acts as a fulcrum for the extensor muscles to provide a greater

extension moment.

There are three major muscle groups that cross the knee and enable flexion and extension

movements. The quadriceps muscle group consists of four muscles: the rectus femoris, vastus

lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis. All four muscles connect to the quadriceps

tendon, which inserted in the proximal patella. The quadriceps muscle group provides extension

moments about the knee, helping maintain upright stance.

The hamstring muscle group consists of four muscles: biceps femoris long head, biceps femoris

short head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. Hamstring muscles originate from the pelvis

and the posterior femur and insert into the proximal tibia, providing flexion moments about the

knee. The third muscle group, the gastrocnemius, also provides flexion moments about the knee.

The medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius originate in the posterior aspect of the distal

femur and insert on the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon.

Additional muscles that cross the knee joint are popliteus, sartorius, and gracilis. The popliteus

initiates knee flexion and provides rotational stability. The sartorius and gracilis both help flex

the knee.

A series of ligaments provide passive stability to the joint (Figure 1). There are two collateral

ligaments and two cruciate ligaments. The collateral ligaments, the lateral collateral ligament

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(LCL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL), are the primary restraint against abduction and

adduction forces. The cruciate ligaments, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior

cruciate ligament (PCL), prevent the tibia from translating anteriorly (ACL) or posteriorly (PCL)

with respect to the femur.

Another anatomical structure of significance is the meniscus. The medial and lateral menisci

found between the femoral condyles and the tibial plateaus and consist of fibrocartilage rings

attached to the proximal tibia via coronary ligaments.

Figure 1. Knee Ligament Anatomy

1.1.3 Anatomy and Function of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament

The primary function of the ACL is to prevent anterior tibial translation (ATT) (Duthon et al.,

2006; Fu, Woo, & Ph, 1994). In addition the ACL is a restraint to tibial rotation providing

stability when pivoting or twisting (Duthon et al., 2006).

Functionally, the ACL is divided into two bundles: the anteromedial bundle (AMB) and the

posterolateral bundle (PLB) (Fu et al., 1994). Other authors have separated the ACL into three

bundles, adding an intermediate bundle (IMB) (Duthon et al., 2006). In extension, the AMB is

relatively anterior on both the tibia and femur as seen between the points A’-A in Figure 2. The

PLB has a posterior tibial footprint (C’ in Figure 2) and the IMB is located between the AMB

and PLB (B’-B in Figure 2). In flexion, the orientation of the bundles change, which alters the

relative contribution of restraint to ATT.

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Figure 2. ACL Anatomy. ACL fibers are marked in consecutive order (A-C) with the knee in

zero degrees of flexion. Fibers reorganize as the knee flexes to 90 degrees. Apostrophe denotes

distal fiber endings.

At full extension, the PMB and IMB generally provide more restraint to ATT than AMB (Amis

& Dawkins, 1991). However, as the knee flexes, the femoral footprint of the PMB translates

inferior and anterior to the AMB insertion site (Figure 2). This results in a vertical orientation of

the PMB fibers, and a horizontal orientation of the AMB which then becomes the largest

restraint to ATT. At 90 degrees of flexion the AMB provides 60% and PMB only 10% of the

restraint.(Amis & Dawkins, 1991)

1.1.4 Meniscal Anatomy and Function

The menisci are fibrocartilaginous structures that serve multiple functions including load

transmission, shock absorption, joint stability, joint lubrication, and joint nutrition (A. a. Allen,

Caldwell, & Fu, 1995). Biomechanical studies have found that the meniscal tissues transmit

between 50 and 99 percent of the axial load on the joint (Ahmed & Burke, 1983; Seedhom &

Hargreaves, 1979). The menisci distribute the large load across the articular cartilage.

Fukubayashi and Kurosawa found that removing the meniscus from cadaveric specimens,

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decreased the joint contact area by over 50% and significantly increased the contact pressure

(Fukubayashi & Kurosawa, 1980).

The transmission of contact stresses is not uniform throughout the range of motion. In extension,

a larger area of contact occurs between the distal femur and the meniscus. In flexion, the

meniscal-femoral contact area decreases due to the elliptical shape of the femoral condyles

(Yoshioka, Siu, & Cooke, 1987). This change in contact area leads to lower articular contact

stresses in extension and higher stresses in flexion. An example of this effect is seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Meniscal Anatomy

The ability of the meniscus to distribute contact stresses is related to its underlying structure. In

the deep layer, which forms the bulk of the meniscus, the fibers are oriented in a circumferential

fashion. The orientation gives the meniscus strength in tension by converting axial loads into

hoop stresses and radially dispersing them (Shrive, Phil, O’connor, & Goodfellow, 1978).

In addition to transferring axial load, the medial meniscus functions to stabilize the knee. The

triangular cross sectional shape creates menisco-tibial sockets which center the femur on the tibia

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and resist relative translation. The meniscus is a secondary stabilizer to ATT (A. a. Allen et al.,


1.2 ACL injury

ACL injuries place a large burden on the healthcare system. In North America it is estimated that

there are 250,000 cases of ACL injury every year (Griffin et al., 2001). In addition, 100,000 of

these are reconstructed, resulting in annual costs of about $7.6Bn USD (Griffin et al., 2001;

Mather et al., 2013). The number of ACL injuries and associated costs continue to increase,

growing between 35% and 75% over the past decade (Mall et al., 2014). An adequate

understanding of ACL injury mechanisms and risk factors is essential to help prevent and

manage these injuries.

1.2.1 Risk Factors

Injury risk factors are broadly divided into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors relate

to anatomical differences, which generally cannot be changed, neuromuscular control, and

hormonal variation. Extrinsic factors refer to external causes such as weather and footwear.

Another way to categorize risk factors is according to whether or not they are modifiable.

Non-modifiable risk factors include genetics, tibial slope, (Giffin, Vogrin, Zantop, Woo, &

Harner, 2004; Hashemi et al., 2008; Levine et al., 2013; Marouane, Shirazi-Adl, Adouni, &

Hashemi, 2014; S. G. McLean et al., 2011; Yoo, Chang, Shin, Seong, & Kim, 2008) notch width,

(Domzalski, Grzelak, & Gabos, 2010; Fung & Zhang, 2003; Ireland, Ballantyne, Little, &

McClay, 2001) ligament tensile properties, (Chandrashekar, Mansouri, Slauterbeck, & Hashemi,

2006) Q angle, (Alentorn-Geli et al., 2009; Gray et al., 1985; Shambaugh, Klein, & Herbert,

1991) and sex (Timothy E Hewett, Ford, & Myer, 2006). Tibial slope, a measure of the sagittal

plane slope from anterior to posterior, has been found to increase strain and ATT, potentially

increasing an athlete’s chance of injury (Levine et al., 2013; S. G. McLean et al., 2011). The size

of the intercondylar notch may lead to impingement of the ACL and increased stress within the

ligament. Tensile properties of the ACL vary with a range of failure load between 750N and

2900N (Chandrashekar et al., 2006). Larger Q angles, the angle at which the femur and tibia

come together in the frontal plane, cause increased frontal plane moments when athletes perform

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dynamic activities, theoretically increasing risk of injury (Alentorn-Geli et al., 2009). Variation

in all of these anatomical factors, as well as hormonal differences and landing techniques, place

females at 4 to 6 times higher risk of experiencing an ACL injury than their male counterparts

(Timothy E Hewett et al., 2006).

Modifiable risk factors involve movement mechanics, high body mass index, and playing

surface. Video analysis has found that landing with a flat foot, increased hip flexion angle, knee

abduction angles, knee valgus angles and a stiff upper body are correlated with injury (Boden,

Torg, Knowles, & Hewett, 2009; Krosshaug et al., 2007; Sasaki et al., 2015). Specifically

designed neuromuscular training programs have been shown to improve movement mechanics

and decrease rates of injury (Heidt, Sweeterman, Carlonas, Traub, & Tekulve, 2000; T E Hewett,

Lindenfeld, Riccobene, & Noyes, 1999; Myklebust et al., 2003).

1.2.2 Treatment Options

Acutely, ACL injuries result in a painful, swollen knee due to a large hemarthrosis. Once the

initial sequela resolves, patients often begin experiencing instability or a feeling of their knee

‘giving-way’, preventing them from returning to their previous level of activity. Patients may

choose to undergo ACL reconstruction surgery, or to rehabilitate using non-operative measures.

Recent level-I evidence suggests that outcomes after early rehabilitation with or without late

reconstruction have comparable subjective outcomes to early ACL reconstruction (ACLR)

(Ranstam, Lohmander, Frobell, & Roos, 2010). Previous randomized controlled trials in

different patient populations, and using historical reconstruction techniques had concluded a

benefit for early surgical reconstruction (Andersson, Odensten, Good, & Gillquist, 1989). Non-Operative Management

Not all patients who have an ACL deficient knee choose to undergo reconstructive surgery. As

many as 150,000 patients per year in North America opt for the non-surgical treatment (Griffin et

al., 2001; Mather et al., 2013). The main non-operative treatment for ACL deficiency includes

intensive physiotherapy and knee bracing. Physiotherapy programs have been shown to be

effective at improving joint stability after an ACL injury (Carter, Jenkinson, Wilson, Jones, &

Torode, 1997).

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Few studies have examined the natural history of knee function and injury in the ACL deficient

knee. The reported rate of eventual ACL reconstruction in these cohorts is between 22%

(Kostogiannis et al., 2007) and 37% (Scavenius et al., 1999), which suggests eventually patients

become either ‘copers’ or ‘non-copers,’ with the latter being those that have persistent instability

and elect to proceed with ligament reconstruction. Among those who remain ACL deficient, re-

operation for meniscal lesions is significant, and most are on the medial side (Kostogiannis et al.,

2007; Scavenius et al., 1999).

The concomitant knee injuries accompanying acute versus chronic ACL rupture have been

established at the time of ligament reconstruction. Lateral meniscal tears predominate in the

acute injury setting, but the majority of meniscal lesions in chronic ACL deficient knees are

severe or complex medial meniscal lesions (Cipolla, Scala, Gianni, & Puddu, 1995). This has

been hypothesized as due to the role of the medial meniscus as a secondary stabilizer to anterior

translation of the knee. Allen et al. (2000) used a force-moment sensor system in cadaveric knees

with a transected ACL and demonstrated that the minimum increase in force across the medial

meniscus was 52% at full knee extension, to a maximum of 197% at 60 degrees of flexion (C. R.

Allen et al., 2000).

In a landmark paper, Neuman et al. (2008) demonstrated the importance of meniscal preservation

in the ACL deficient knee (Neuman et al., 2008). Among a prospective cohort followed for 15

years, 13/35 patients who underwent meniscectomy developed radiographic arthritis (grade II or

higher) while none of the 44 patients without meniscal lesions developed arthritic changes. The

association of meniscal injury/loss in the ACL deficient knee and higher risk of eventual arthritic

change has been reproduced in other studies (Lohmander, Englund, Dahl, & Roos, 2007;

Louboutin et al., 2009). Reconstruction

A significant number of patients opt for ACL reconstruction (ACLR) as a way to return-to-play

with improved joint stability. There are over 100,000 patients who undergo ACLR in North

America every year (Mather et al., 2013). Recovery from ACLR generally takes longer than

returning to play with an ACL deficient knee. Most patients require 6 to 12 months to recover

after surgery (Myer, Paterno, Ford, Quatman, & Hewett, 2006).

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Modern ACL reconstruction techniques aim to replicate the normal anatomy of the ACL. Both

single bundle and double bundle reconstructions are used (Noyes, 2009). Typical graft materials

are autograft hamstring tendons and bone/patellar tendon/bone grafts. Allografts may also be

used. Considerable research has examined the optimal femoral and tibial insertion points to

duplicate the native ACL footprints. Graft tensioning is also an important factor in

reconstructions, both in terms of the tension value and knee angle at which tensioning is

performed. Despite best efforts, ACL reconstructions do not completely restore normal

kinematics and tissue loading (Herbort, Lenschow, Fu, Petersen, & Zantop, 2010). The long-term

risk of osteoarthritis is increased (Neuman et al., 2008). This has been hypothesized to be due to

several factors, including initial cartilage damage at the time of injury, an inability of the graft to

normalize the kinematics of the knee, and increased strain on secondary tissues.

1.3 Bracing

Knee braces have several uses in relation to ACL injuries. Functional knee braces (FKBs) are

most commonly prescribed after an ACL injury to stabilize the knee and facilitate safe return to

athletic activities. Many orthopaedic surgeons also recommend their patients wear an FKB after

ACL surgery to minimize the risk of early failure or re-injury. Lastly, prophylactic braces may

serve a role in preventing injury in high risk populations. The industry for knee bracing is

significant, with an estimated US market size of $1.6Bn USD in 2007.

1.3.1 Prophylactic Braces

Braces have been advocated for knee injury prophylaxis in uninjured athletes (Najibi, 2005). A

randomized trial in football recruits found that prophylactic brace use reduced the number of

ACL and medial collateral ligament injuries overall, but not the severity. The difference was

seen only for defensive and not offensive football players (Sitler et al., 1989). The value of

bracing for injury prophylaxis has been tested in a cadaveric model and mechanical surrogate

limb (Cawley, France, & Paulos, 1991; Paulos, Cawley, & France, 1991). Six different FKBs

protecting a cadaveric knee were tested with simple valgus impact. The braces were moderately

effective in reducing measured force, but did not influence MCL injury, and only variably

protected against ACL injury in these primitive models.

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ACL strain has been measured directly in volunteers with and without prophylactic braces.

Typically, these patients have undergone arthroscopic knee surgery for a reason other than ACL

injury, and had a differential variable reluctance transducer (DVRT) implanted concurrently.

Using this model, researchers have demonstrated bracing was more effective in reducing ACL

strain during non-weightbearing compared to weightbearing activities (Braden C Fleming et al.,

2000), and for low compared to high applied loads (B D Beynnon et al., 1992). One of the

studies compared custom to off-the-shelf brace designs and showed no difference (B D Beynnon

et al., 1992). Tested patients were all post-operative and therefore tested loading scenarios were

very basic, including anterior-posterior translation or internal rotation.

1.3.2 Functional Knee Braces

One commonly used method of facilitating return-to-sport and decreasing the symptoms of

giving way in ACL deficient patients, is the use of an FKB. These braces are commonly

prescribed by primary care physicians including sports physicians, and orthopaedic surgeons.

FKBs typically use a four-point restraint system and are designed to compensate for ligament

deficiency by limiting anterior tibial translation (B D Beynnon, 2005). Significant cost is

assumed by the patient or third-party insurer, as FKBs can cost between $750-$2500 USD each

depending on the make and custom fit vs. off-the-shelf design. Despite common use and

significant cost, there is a paucity of evidence examining the efficacy of FKB in protecting vital

knee structures.

The efficacy of bracing in ACL deficient patients has been investigated, but the role remains

poorly understood. In a recent review, the authors concluded that FKBs may be beneficial in

reducing anterior translation of the tibia in the ACL deficient knee at low magnitudes of loading,

but hypothesized that they may not be effective under higher load conditions such as performing

athletic maneuvers (Chew, Lew, Date, & Fredericson, 2007).

Anterior translation of the tibia has been measured clinically in ACL deficient patients. Anterior

translation is a component of the physical examination for ACL injury (Lachman, anterior

drawer tests), but how it relates to dynamic function is unknown. In these studies, bracing

normalized the anterior translation of the tibia in both non-weightbearing and weightbearing

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positions when anterior loads were applied, but not in the transition from non-weightbearing to

weightbearing (Bruce D Beynnon, Fleming, Churchill, & Brown, 2003). Similar cadaveric

testing after sectioning of the ACL, demonstrated a reduction in anterior translation with anterior

loading when braced (Anderson, Wojtys, Loubert, & Miller, 1992; E M Wojtys, Loubert,

Samson, & Viviano, 1990). Rotational control has been less reliable in cadaveric testing (E M

Wojtys et al., 1990).

Ramsey et al. placed traction pins into the femur and tibia of ACL deficient volunteers and

performed a kinematic analysis during jumping, demonstrating a mild influence of bracing on

kinematic changes (Ramsey, Lamontagne, Wretenberg, & Valentin, 2001). Others have

examined the effect of bracing on muscle activation. Ramsey et al. found decreased biceps

femoris, rectus femoris and semi-tendinosus muscle activity in four ACL deficient (ACLD)

patients wearing a FKB using EMG. Another similar study suggested hamstring muscle reflex

activity was not affected (Lam, Ng, & Chien, 2002).

Smith et al. showed delayed onset muscle activation at landing for at least 1 muscle in ACLD

patients performing a single let hop (Smith, Malanga, Yu, & An, 2003). Beynnon et al. showed

no effect of bracing on proprioception.(B D Beynnon et al., 1999)

There is only one high level clinical study that examined the efficacy of bracing in the early post-

ACL injury period (Swirtun, Jansson, Renström, & Study, 2005). An FKB significantly reduced

the number of instability episodes, but had no effect on clinical outcome. This study was limited

by a high drop-out rate due to subsequent surgery. Other clinical studies of FKBs in ACLD

patients have demonstrated improved subjective stability during activity, (Marans, Jackson,

Piccinin, Silver, & Kennedy, 1991; Mishra, Daniel, & Stone, 1989) and decreased anterior tibial

translation (Griffin et al., 2001; Jonsson & Kärrholm, 1990; Edward M Wojtys, Kothari, &

Huston, 1996) or pivot shift (Mishra et al., 1989). No difference has been found between custom

fit and off-the-shelf FKBs when tested in one study (Griffin et al., 2001).

Many clinical trials have also examined the role for FKB post-ACL reconstruction. Wright et al.

performed a meta-analysis of 12 randomized controlled trials, demonstrating no effect of knee

bracing after ACL reconstruction on pain, range-of-motion, graft stability or protection from

subsequent injury (Wright & Fetzer, 2007). More recently, Singer & Lamontagne studied the

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effect of FKB design on lower limb mechanics of 10 normal (ACL-intact) subjects performing a

walk test (Singer & Lamontagne, 2008). The net joint moments were estimated at the ankle,

knee and hip. The authors showed that a brace altered some directional moments, but none that

they hypothesized would reduce force to the ACL.

1.3.3 Dynamic Tensioning Systems

Traditional FKBs consist of two rigid shells connected by a polycentric joint. They provide

constant restraint to tibial translation throughout the range-of-motion, with the external force

being dependent on the fit of the brace (LaPrade, Smith, Wilson, & Wijdicks, 2015).

A new brace mechanism that incorporates a dynamic tensioning system (DTS) has recently been

introduced by Össur Inc, (Foothill Ranch, CA, USA. There are two versions of the brace:

Rebound ACL (Figure 4A,B) and Rebound PCL. The DTS is a cabling system that applies forces

to the thigh and shank in order to decrease or neutralize forces in the respective cruciate ligament

(Figure 4C). A set of knobs is used to adjust the tension in the cab (Figure 4D). In addition, the

cable wraps around a post allowing the tension to change as a function of knee angle.

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Figure 4. ACL Rebound Brace with Dynamic Tensioning System. (A) Back view. (B) side view,

(C) DTS close up, (D), adjustable torque knob

The Rebound PCL brace has recently been tested by LaPrade et al (2015) to determine the

amount of posterior force applied to the tibia by the brace (LaPrade et al., 2015). Six healthy

adult males performed three functional activities (seated unloaded knee flexion, squatting, and

stair descent) while wearing the Rebound PCL brace and a traditional static force PCL brace. A

pressure mapping technique was used to quantify the posterior force. The Rebound PCL brace

was found to apply a linearly increasing posterior force from an average of 40N at 0 degrees of

flexion to 120N at 90 degrees of flexion. The static force PCL brace applied a constant 40N of

force through the range of motion.

1.3.4 Neuromuscular Effects of Bracing

Bracing is often thought as a mechanical restraint to the knee, but braces can influence a

patient’s psychological behavior or neuromuscular response. This effect is typically measured by

a change in the patient’s movement and muscle activation patterns. This response has been

measured in both ACL-deficient (Branch, Hunter, & Donath, 1984; Nemeth, Lamontagne, Tho,



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& Eriksson, 1997; Ramsey, Wretenberg, & Lamontagne, 2003) and ACL-reconstructed patients

(Nemeth et al., 1997; Rebel & Paessler, 2001) with mixed results.

Ramsey et al (2003) found that functional bracing during ACL deficiency increased rectus

femoris activity and decreased bicep femoris activity while jumping. Branch et al (1984) found

the opposite effect during cutting; hamstring activity was increased while quadriceps activity

decreased. It has also been found that functional bracing during skiing can increase hamstring

activity (Nemeth et al., 1997).

Braces have also been shown to alter the movement patterns while jumping. Rebel et al (2001)

found that bracing can increase jumping height, and improve stability when landing from jumps

(Rebel & Paessler, 2001). Patients who landed while wearing a brace had increased knee range

of motion and softer landings. It remains unclear if these neuromuscular changes vary for

different braces.

1.4 Testing Methodologies

Testing the effects of braces on tissue loads is challenging. There is no established reliable and

validated model to study ACL and meniscal strain within the knee that reflects the rigors of

athletic activity.

1.4.1 In-Vivo

Human testing, although performed previously, requires surgical implantation of strain gauges

which limits the type of activity that can be performed. In 1992, Beynnon et al used a DVRT to

measure ACL strain (B. Beynnon, Howe, Pope, Johnson, & Fleming, 1992). This technique

required a DVRT to be surgically implanted in the ACL in-vivo. Subjects performed various

tasks such as squatting, walking and stair climbing (B. Beynnon et al., 1992; B D Beynnon &

Fleming, 1998; B C Fleming et al., 1998). DVRTs have also been used to investigate the effect

of braces on ACL strain while standing with and without a brace (Bruce D Beynnon et al., 2000).

Recently dynamic fluoroscopy has also been used to analyze tissue strains in-vivo. Taylor et al

measured ACL strain during walking using this technique (K. a Taylor et al., 2011). The effect of

braces has not been studied with this method.

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1.4.2 In-Silico

Computer models have been used to study knee mechanics during dynamic activities, including

calculating ACL strain from kinematic data after motion capture (Laughlin et al., 2011; Pflum,

Shelburne, Torry, Decker, & Pandy, 2004; K. a Taylor et al., 2011). While this approach is a

non-invasive and low-cost way to calculate intra-articular strain during dynamic activities, the

disadvantage of this approach is that important factors such as joint frictional properties, tissue

properties and joint anatomy are difficult to validate, and how this type of model relates to in-

vivo effects cannot be confirmed.

1.4.3 In-Vitro

In-vitro testing allows for easier measurement of tissue strains. Many studies have used DVRTs

to measure the strain in the collateral (C. E. Quatman et al., 2014) and cruciate ligaments

(Bakker et al., 2016; Hangalur et al., 2015; Levine et al., 2013; Oh, Lipps, Ashton-Miller, &

Wojtys, 2012), as well as the meniscus (Hollis, Pearsall, & Niciforos, 2000; Jones et al., 1996;

Pearsall, 2004). One disadvantage of DVRT strain collection is that absolute magnitudes are not

easily garnered. DVRTs can only measure the change in displacement between two pins.

Obtaining the zero-strain length of the pins to determine the absolute strain is difficult. One

method of dealing with this problem is to calculate the strain relative to a specific time or loading

condition. During jump landing Bakker et al used the time at contact as the zero strain position,

whereas Oh et al calculated relative strain from a static posture (Bakker et al., 2016; Oh et al.,

2012). Alternatively, absolute strain can be obtained in some instances with proper calibration.

Beynnon et al calculated absolute strain by examining the hysteresis curve using a Lachman test

(B. Beynnon et al., 1992).

In-vitro testing of human knees often requires advanced mechanical setups or simulators. These

simulators are custom designed equipment and are tuned to answer specific research questions.

Typically knee simulators control various kinematics and kinetics.

A number of knee simulators are static simulators, and do not apply dynamic loading to the knee

specimens. This means that these simulators are kinematically constrained and the knees do not

move during the loading process (Harris, Morberg, Bruce, & Walsh, 1999).

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Newer static simulators have increased degrees-of-freedom. One new simulator, described in

Stephen et al, is able to apply axial loading, anterior tibial moments, posterior tibial moments,

internal rotation, external rotation and knee flexion (in 10 degree increments) (Stephen et al.,

2016). These loading conditions are applied by hanging weights from pulleys attached to each

degree-of-freedom. Although still static in nature, this increase in complexity and degree-of-

freedom allows for more in depth analysis into knee loading states. Stephen et al was able to

investigate the effect of ACL and meniscal deficiency on tibiofemoral joint laxity by combining

many of these loading options into a combined loading state.

In contrast to static simulators, dynamic simulators are able to apply dynamic loading to the

cadaveric knee specimens. Berns developed a simulator to apply dynamic loading in five

degrees-of-freedom, flexion, anterior-posterior force, medial-lateral force, varus-valgus moments

and internal-external axial moments (Berns, Hull, & Patterson, 1992). Unlike previous

simulators that hang weights to apply loads, this simulator applied forces with dynamic

actuators, allowing for electronic control and dynamic force profiles.

Significant improvements to simulators occurred in the early 1990’s when dynamic muscle

forces were introduced. Using the application of muscle forces, researchers were able to answer

more direct and applicable questions as the force development in the cadaveric models started to

resemble activities people encountered outside of the lab. Maclean et al developed one of the

earliest dynamic simulators with muscle forces in 1993 (C. a McLean & Ahmed, 1993). Instead

of loading knees in one static position at a time with a constant force, the simulator allowed for

dynamic ground reaction force simulation.

Multiple new paradigms surrounding the efficacy of in-vitro simulation study have recently

emerged in attempt to narrow the gap between in vivo measurements and in-vitro simulations.

Quatman et al suggests using a newly coined in-sim approach. This approach was developed to

help researchers validate their models in any of the three research spaces (in-vivo, in-silico, and

in-vitro) and suggests using the results from one of the three spaces to help validate and justify

the work of the other space (C. E. C. Quatman, Quatman, & Hewett, 2009).

A similar combined approach, in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro, was described by Cassidy et al. (Cassidy,

Hangalur, Sabharwal, & Chandrashekar, 2013). This method proposes to collect kinematic,

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kinetic, and/or electromyographic data from participants who perform movements of interest,

such as jump landing (Figure 5) (Bakker et al., 2016; Hangalur et al., 2015). The data are then

processed in computational biomechanical programs such as OpenSim or Anybody to quantify

joint angles, joint moments and muscle forces required to perform that action. These parameters

are used as inputs to the dynamic knee simulator. The simulator incorporates six degrees-of-

freedom: ankle and hip kinematics, hip moment, and quadriceps, hamstring and gastrocnemius

muscle forces (Cassidy et al., 2013). This simulator only has the capability of replicating sagittal

plane movements.

Figure 5. Overview of In-vivo/In-Silico(Computational)/In-Vitro Method for Jump Landing.

Extracted with Permission from Bakker et al 2016.

1.4.4 Strain Measurement Techniques

Both in-vivo and in-vitro testing methodologies use tissue strain as a primary measurement

variable. Tissue strains can be measured using several different technologies, including linear

transducers and fluoroscopy. These techniques work in both live subjects and cadaveric tissue.

Linear transducers can either be linear variable reluctance transducers (LVDT) or differential

variable reluctance transducers (DVRT). Both work from a similar inductance principal, where a

metal core induces a current in a nearby coil. The voltage across this coil translates into a linear

displacement which in turn can be used to calculate strain. Goldstein et al (1987) used an LVDT

to measure the strain in the flexor tendons of the wrist (Goldstein, Armstrong, Chaffin, &

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Matthews, 1987). The applications of LVDTs for strain measurement are limited due to their

relatively large size, which creates difficulties for implantation.

DVRTs have been used extensively for ligament and tissue strain measurements. Beynnon et al,

(1992) pioneered a methodology to measure ACL strain in-vivo using DVRTs. Beynnon used

this technique to measure ACL strain during a host of activities including walking, cycling, stair

climbing and squats (B. Beynnon et al., 1992; B D Beynnon et al., 1992; B D Beynnon &

Fleming, 1998; B C Fleming et al., 1998). Although it garnered valuable information about the

nature of ACL strain, the ethical restrictions due to the surgical DVRT implantation procedure

have limited widespread use of this technique. More recently, DVRTs have extensively been

used to study ligament strains in-vitro. They have been employed to measure ACL strain (Bakker

et al., 2016; Erickson, Yasuda, Beynnon, Johnson, & Pope, 1993; Hangalur et al., 2015; C. E.

Quatman et al., 2014), MCL strain (C. E. Quatman et al., 2014), and meniscal strain (Hollis et

al., 2000) among other ligaments. DVRTs are commonly used due to their relatively inexpensive

cost and ease of use.

Fluoroscopy is also used to measure tissue strains in-vivo. Fluoroscopy is a dynamic x-ray which

can be used to measure the displacement of bones throughout time during a movement. The

distance between two bones can be interpolated as the length of the ligament, and changes in this

length relate to strain. Fluoroscopy has been used to measure ACL strain during walking (K. a

Taylor et al., 2013) and jumping (Myers et al., 2012; K. A. Taylor et al., 2011; Torry et al.,

2013). This technique is considered highly accurate but requires expensive equipment and tasks

must be performed in a confined space, which makes this technique less common.

Regardless of the techniques used to measure strain, the same mathematic relationship is used for

the calculation. Strain is defined by the formula

, or the change in length divided by the resting

length of the ligament. This value is often represented as a percentage of the origina l length,

which is calculated by multiplying the original formula by one hundred percent. In many cases, it

is difficult for researchers to know or measure the resting length, because the tendons may be

pre-stressed. For these situations, researchers report relative strain which uses the original

formula with resting length replaced with reference length. Reference length is length of the

ligament with a specific reference, such as the length of the ACL at heel strike while walking.

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This makes the relative strain at heel strike zero, and all other strains referenced to this time


1.4.5 In-Vitro Knee Brace Testing

Knee simulators have been used by a few researchers to develop in-vitro brace testing models.

Erickson et al used a simulator to evaluate prophylactic bracing on lateral impacts (Erickson et

al., 1993). This simulator applied static quadriceps and hamstring loading to a cadaveric

specimen via a pulley and weight system to model co-contraction of the joint while a metal rod

was struck against the knee with and without the brace. This research failed to find any

significant reductions in ACL strain with prophylactic bracing. Similar studies have been done

on the effectiveness of knee braces and taping to reduce knee translation and rotation; (Anderson

et al., 1992) pneumatic cylinders applied anterior and rotational loads to the knees while

ligament strains were measured. Unlike Erickson et al, this experimental setup found bracing to

reduce knee translation and rotation.

A large challenge researchers face when performing in-vitro brace testing is addressing the soft

tissue envelope. Braces rely on applying forces to the musculoskeletal system to affect the strain

of knee ligaments. These forces are applied through a series of hard or soft brace straps or

material directly onto the surface of the skin. Cadaveric muscle cannot contract and thus

provides little support compared to the stiffened muscle during athletic maneuvers; this may

negatively impact the effectiveness of load transfer between the brace and the specimen.

Multiple studies solve this issue by dissecting the soft tissues from the cadaveric specimen and

replacing it with surrogate foam. Erickson et al was the first to apply this methodology in 1993

(Erickson et al., 1993). A negative mold of the musculature surrounding the knee was taken

from a subject. This mold was then placed around the cadaveric specimen and filled with

Sunmate Liquid Foam. This foam was found to have similar compliance to the stiffened muscles

of ten human participants (0.316mm/N). This new surrogate foam allowed the brace to be placed

on the cadaveric specimen in a natural way. A similar method was applied in Hangalur et al

(Hangalur et al., 2015). The only major difference between these two methods was the

application of participant-specific muscle stiffness. Hangalur et al employed subject specific

muscle forces and kinematics similar to Cassidy et al (Cassidy et al., 2013). The replication of

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participant-specific muscle stiffness further increased the fidelity of the simulation to replicate

the motion analysis with the brace.

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Chapter 2 2

Hypotheses and Research Aims

2.1 Thesis Rationale

The purpose of this thesis was two-fold. First, we aimed to characterize and compare in-vitro

tissue strain during dynamic activities in ACL intact and reconstructed knees. Second, we

intended to test the effectiveness of a dynamically-tensioned functional ACL knee brace in

decreasing tissue strains.

Tissue strain response in the menisci is not well understood. The menisci are recognized as

essential structures in load transmission and stabilization of the knee. Clinically, meniscal strain

is relevant in ACL-competent (ACL intact and reconstructed) and ACL-deficient knees. It has

been shown that medial meniscal strain increases following ACL transection and reduces after

ACL reconstruction in static loading scenarios. This finding has not been tested under dynamic

loading conditions. In general, no reference values for meniscal strain under dynamic loading

scenarios have been established. In this thesis, the first purpose was to address some of these

gaps in knowledge.

Functional knee braces are commonly prescribed in the non-operative treatment of ACL injuries,

and as a post-operative rehabilitation tool after ACL reconstruction. Knee brace manufacturers

continue to develop new technologies to increase the efficacy of knee braces. New designs with

dynamic tensioning systems have recently been developed to apply directional forces to the knee

via a cabling system. These braces have been designed to apply higher magnitude directional

forces than static force braces. This type of brace system theoretically reduces the tissue strain in

the knee, helping protect the ACL and posteromedial meniscus after injury or reconstruction.

The efficacy of new dynamically tensioned brace designs has not been established. The second

purpose of this thesis was to examine the effects of the new dynamic knee tensioning system on

ACL and posteromedial meniscal strain during everyday activities and rehabilitation exercises,

using an in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro testing method.

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2.2 Thesis Hypothesis

We hypothesized that a dynamically tensioned ACL brace would be effective in reducing peak

and average tissue strain in ACL intact, deficient and reconstructed knees during rehabilitation


2.3 Thesis Outline

The experimental testing in this thesis was completed using a combined in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro

method. During the in-vivo and in-silico phases, we measured bodily motions and foot-ground

reaction kinetics from a single participant during three activities, quantified joint kinematics,

inter-segmental reaction forces and moments, and muscle forces using a musculoskeletal model,

and used these data as inputs for the in-vitro cadaveric simulations. Dynamic simulations of the

three activities were performed on seven cadaver specimens with and without a dynamically

tensioned ACL brace. These simulations were repeated with the ACL intact, sectioned and


The results from this work have been separated into two manuscripts prepared for submission to

academic journals. The first manuscript (Chapter 3) characterizes and validates tissue strains

under dynamic loading and compares meniscal strain between ACL intact and reconstructed

conditions. The second manuscript (Chapter 4) reports the effectiveness of the functional knee

brace. Chapter 5 is a general discussion of the findings as a whole, thesis contributions, and

future directions. Chapter 5 is followed by two appendices. Appendix 1 outlines an expanded

methodology that details the procedural steps of specimen preparation. Appendix 2 outlines

motion capture analysis and pilot testing required for the completion of the thesis.

Chapter 3: Dynamic Meniscal and ACL Strains are Maintained Following ACL


*Manuscript Prepared for The Knee journal

Objective: To characterize ACL and meniscal strain during dynamic activities and to compare

the strain between ACL-intact and -reconstructed conditions. Dynamic activities include double

leg squat, single leg squat, and walking gait.

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Hypothesis: There would be no statistical differences in peak strains between the ACL-intact and

-reconstructed conditions and ACL strain patterns will match established literature strain patterns

from in-vivo subjects.

Chapter 4: Efficacy of an ACL Functional Knee Brace with a Dynamic Tension System

*Manuscript Prepared for the American Journal of Sports Medicine

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of a functional knee brace equipped with a dynamic

tensioning system to reduce meniscal strain in ACL deficient knees, and to reduce ACL and

meniscal strain in ACL competent knees.

Hypothesis: The brace would reduce peak and average ACL and meniscal strains in all


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Chapter 3 3

Dynamic Meniscal and ACL Strains are Maintained Following ACL Reconstruction


Background: Meniscal strain following ACL reconstruction during dynamic activities has not

been studied. The purpose of this study was to characterize in-vitro meniscal strain during

dynamic loading, and compare strain between ACL-intact and -reconstructed conditions.

Methods: A combined in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro method was used to measure strain in the medial

meniscus and ACL during walking gait, a double leg bodyweight squat (DLS), and a single leg

bodyweight squat (SLS). Seven cadaveric specimens were tested using a dynamic knee


Results: Knee angle was found to be a significant factor in the development of ACL strain

during all activities, and meniscal strain during DLS and walking gait (P<0.05). Meniscal strain

was not found to be significantly different between ACL intact and reconstructed conditions for

any of the three activities (P>0.05).

Conclusions: Tissue strains in the meniscus were maintained following ACL reconstruction.

Based on the results of this study, ACL reconstruction appears to normalize meniscal strain in

the dynamic setting during functional activities. This may be protective against meniscal injury.

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3.1 Introduction

The goals of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery are to improve joint

stability and allow return to function and physical activity. To achieve these goals, modern

reconstruction techniques aim to closely replicate the anatomy of the native ACL (Karlsson et

al., 2011; van Eck et al., 2010). Careful consideration is given to graft location, size, tension, and

material properties (Guler et al., 2016; Kirwan, Bourke, Chipchase, Dalton, & Russell, 2013;

Robin et al., 2015). Regardless of the type of reconstruction, the risk of developing osteoarthritis

(OA) remains increased following surgery (Barenius et al., 2014; Lohmander et al., 2007;

Struewer et al., 2013). This increased risk is multifactorial, but likely influenced by the ability of

the graft to normalize tissue loading and prevent secondary damage to the menisci and articular

cartilage (Keays, Newcombe, Bullock-Saxton, Bullock, & Keays, 2010).

The medial and lateral menisci function to transmit and distribute joint loads and to stabilize the

knee. Following a meniscal tear, patients exhibit increased joint articular pressure and higher

rates of degenerative changes (P. Allen, Denham, & Swan, 1984; Krüger-Franke, Siebert,

Kugler, Trouillier, & Rosemeyer, 1999; Ode et al., 2012). In the ACL-deficient knee, the medial

meniscus functions as a secondary restraint to anterior tibial translation (ATT) (C. Allen et al.,

2000; I. Levy, Torzilli, & Warren, 1982). Hollis et al. showed that medial meniscal strain

increases when the ACL is transected, and reduces after the ligament is reconstructed (Hollis et

al., 2000). The loading conditions in their study were static and employed small force

magnitudes in both the anterior-posterior direction and in the axial plane. It remains unknown

how meniscal strain behaves under larger loads and dynamic conditions encountered in daily

living and exercise activities.

Direct measurement of meniscal strain in-vivo is not feasible. Strain can be measured during

dynamic loading conditions using knee simulators that apply dynamic loads to cadaveric

specimens. These simulators have the capability to apply high speed joint kinematics, joint

moments and dynamic muscle force profiles (Bakker et al., 2016; Cassidy et al., 2013). This

approach allows for direct control of muscle forces and measurement of intra-articular strain.

The primary objectives of this study were to characterize meniscal strain during dynamic

activities and to compare the strain between ACL-intact and -reconstructed conditions.

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Additionally, we compared the ACL strain for the same conditions. We examined three

movements: double leg squat (DLS), single leg squat (SLS), and walking. These tasks represent

a daily, low-demand activity (walking) and common closed chain rehabilitation exercises

(squats) used to restore flexibility and build strength after an ACL injury or reconstruction.

We hypothesized that peak strains between the ACL-intact and -reconstructed conditions would

be similar, and that ACL strain magnitudes would match established literature strain patterns

from in-vivo subjects.

3.2 Methodology

A combined in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro method was used to quantify knee tissue strains during

dynamic activities (Figure 6; pg 36). In this approach, body segment motion and force platform

data were recorded during various dynamic tasks. These data were then input into

musculoskeletal modeling software to quantify the forces of specific lower extremity muscles.

The computed muscle forces and joint kinematics were then applied to instrumented cadaver

knees in a dynamic knee simulator system.This study was approved by the University of

Waterloo Office of Research and Ethics.

In-Vivo Motion and Ground Reaction Force Capture:

Body segment motion and foot-ground interactive kinetics were recorded from a healthy, female

subject (age: 28 years) performing three activities: walking, DLS, and SLS. Although walking is

the primary activity of a healthy individual, DLS is an exercise incorporated into early

rehabilitation after ACL injury or reconstruction, while the SLS is a more challenging, advanced

exercise initiated later in the recovery program.

Rigid body clusters with active markers were secured to the participant’s thorax, pelvis, thighs,

shanks, and feet. A total of 36 anatomical landmarks were digitized with a probe (Bakker et al.,

2016). The participant was instructed to walk across the laboratory floor at her normal, self-

selected speed. The participant then performed a DLS and a SLS by squatting down as far as

possible while maintaining balance (Figure 6; pg. 36).

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Four Optotrak Certus (NDI, Waterloo, ON, Canada) cameras recorded marker trajectories at a

sampling frequency of 64Hz. The corresponding ground reaction forces and moments were

collected at 2048Hz using four AMTI force plates (model OR6-7- 2000). Before the simulations,

kinematic and kinetic data was low pass filtered using a 10Hz, 4th order dual pass Butterworth

filter (Bakker et al., 2016; Kristianslund, Krosshaug, & van den Bogert, 2012).

The lower extremity and torso kinematic and kinetic data from one trial was used to generate

musculoskeletal simulations of each activity in OpenSim using the Gait2392 lower extremity

model (Scott L Delp et al., 2007). The Gait2393 model has 23 degrees-of-freedom and 92

musculotendinous actuators and has previously been used to simulate walking, running, and

single leg landings (Bakker et al., 2016; Hamner, Seth, & Delp, 2010; Laughlin et al., 2011; Liu,

Anderson, Schwartz, & Delp, 2008; Mokhtarzadeh et al., 2013).

The model was first scaled and inverse kinematics and dynamics were employed. The residual

reduction algorithm was implemented to reduce residual forces and moments. Muscle forces

were then estimated using computed muscle control algorithms (Scott L Delp et al., 2007; Thelen

& Anderson, 2006).

A full gait cycle was simulated including the swing and stance phases from toe-off to toe-off.

Squats were simulated from upright stance to the lowest point in the squat and back to starting


In-Vitro Mechanical Testing:

OpenSim sagittal joint kinematics, moments, and muscle forces for the quadriceps, hamstrings,

and gastrocnemius were used to drive the dynamic knee simulator (Figure 7; pg. 36) (Bakker et

al., 2016; Cassidy et al., 2013).

Seven cadaveric specimens were tested in the mechanical simulator. The cadavers were fresh

frozen from donors less than 50 years old with no history of lower extremity trauma or surgery.

Each specimen was dissected of all muscular tissue and associated tendons around the knee with

the exception of popliteus which contributes to joint stability (LaPrade, Wozniczka, Stellmaker,

& Wijdicks, 2010). The semi-tendinosis and gracilis tendons were harvested off their tibial

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insertion and kept for later use in reconstructing the ACL. The patella, patellar tendon, joint

capsule, menisci, cruciate ligaments and collateral ligaments were preserved.

Braided stainless steel cables were placed at the insertion of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and

gastrocnemius muscles (Cassidy et al., 2013). The moment arm of each cable was measured

through a tendon excursion method and used to adjust the estimated muscle forces from

OpenSim to apply the equivalent in-vivo knee moment to the cadaver knees (S L Delp,

Ringwelski, & Carroll, 1994).

The strain in the periphery of the postero-medial meniscus was measured using a Differential

Variable Reluctance Transducer (DVRT, Lord Microstrain Inc., Burlington, VT) as detailed by

Pearsall et al. (2004) (Pearsall, 2004). A second DVRT was inserted in the anteromedial bundle

of the intact ACL and into the ACL graft after reconstruction.

Conditions Tested:

The knees were first tested with the ACL intact for each of the three activities: DLS, SLS, and

walking. Two trials were recorded for each testing condition. The ACL was then sectioned and

reconstructed, and all tasks were re-tested in the same order.

The ACL was reconstructed with a quadruple hamstring graft using the semi-tendinosis and

gracilis tendons harvested during the initial dissection. The tibial and femoral tunnels were

drilled under direct visualization through a mini, medial parapatellar arthrotomy using an antero-

medial technique. The graft was suspended on the femur using an XO-button (ConMed Linvatec,

USA) and secured in the tibial tunnel using a metal interference screw. The button was

visualized on the cortex to confirm it had flipped appropriately.

This study was conducted as part of a larger study investigating the effects of functional bracing

on tissue strains. Additional trials were performed on the specimens with the ACL transected. All

dynamic simulations were repeated with a functional knee brace.


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Strain values were measured as relative strain with respect to the initial tissue strain at the

beginning of each trial.

Strain values were first normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard

deviation for each knee (Withrow, Huston, Wojtys, & Ashton-Miller, 2006). Anatomic variables,

such as structural properties and bone geometry, prevent a direct comparison of strain between

knees. Normalizing allowed for direct comparison of strain data across the specimens. ACL and

meniscal strain values were extracted at specific knee angles. For the squats, strain was extracted

in extension (EX), mid-flexion (MF, 45 degrees), and deep flexion (DF, max flexion angle

during the trial). During gait, the strain values were separated into swing phase (toe off – heel

strike) and stance phase (heel strike – toe off). Strain values were averaged for each phase and

for the two trials in each condition.

Three separate 2-way ANOVAs were conducted for ACL strain, one for each the three activities

(DLS, SLS, Gait). For each ANOVA, the factors included knee angle and ACL status. Three

additional ANOVAs were similarly conducted for meniscal strain. Tukey’s post hoc analysis

with a familywise correction factor was used for all significant ANOVA results. An alpha value

of .05 was set to determine statistical significance for all tests.

3.3 Results

The gait parameters were representative of a normal gait pattern defined by Oberg et al.(T

Oberg, Karsznia, & Oberg, 1993; Tommy Oberg, Karsznia, & Oberg, 1994) Walking speed was

1.9 steps/second, hip range of motion was 44.5 degrees, and the knee angle during mid-swing

and mid-stance was 65.5 and 12.8 degrees respectively. The DLS had a maximum knee flexion

angle of 83 degrees and duration of 1.80 seconds. The SLS had a peak knee angle of 81 degrees

and lasted 1.82 seconds.

The sagittal plane joint angles and joint moments, and the muscle force profiles of the

quadriceps, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius, as calculated in OpenSim, are provided in Figure 8

(pg. 37) for each of the three tasks.

The seven cadaveric knee specimens (4 male, 3 female) came from donors with an average age

of 41 years (range: 24 to 50 years) and a body mass index of 25 (range: 18 to 33). No weight-

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bearing chondral lesions or meniscal tears were noted and there were no specimen failures during

testing. Meniscal strain data was not extracted from two knees due to mechanical failure of the

DVRT. ACL strain was extracted on all seven knees.

Average meniscal and ACL strain data from the seven specimens are illustrated in Figure 9 (pg.

38) and presented in Table 1 (pg. 35). The 2-Way ANOVA tables for meniscal and ACL strain

are presented in Table 1. Interactions between knee angle and ACL status were not found to be

significant in any of the six ANOVAs.

Knee angle was found to significantly affect meniscal and ACL strain in the DLS. Post hoc

analysis of meniscal strain revealed greater strain during MF (1.7%) compared to EX (0.5%). An

opposite relationship was found for the ACL; strain was higher in extension (0.4%) than either

mid (-0.4%) or deep flexion (-6.6%). In addition, the native ACL strain was found to be

statistically lower than in the reconstructed ligament.

During SLS, ACL strain was found to be lower in DF (-11.6%) and MF (-5.4%) than in EX

(0.3%). While walking, strain in both tissues was found to be higher during stance than swing

phase (ACL: 3.0% Stance, 9.1% Swing. Meniscus: 0.2% Stance, 1.3% Swing). ACL

reconstruction was not found to significantly impact meniscal or ACL strain during SLS or

walking gait.

3.4 Discussion

The current study characterized ACL and meniscal strain during DLS, SLS, and walking gait,

and compared the strains pre and post ACL reconstruction. We found that meniscal strain was

not significantly different after the reconstruction procedure for any of three activities. Strain

patterns for the ACL matched data available in the literature.

Double-leg squats are a commonly recommended early physiotherapy exercise post ACL

reconstruction. The level of difficulty is low and the exercise is perceived as safe to the integrity

of the reconstructed ligament (Button, Roos, & Van Deursen, 2014). The ACL strain results from

this study confirm this conclusion. The average relative strain never exceeded 3% and the strain

curve mostly followed an inverse parabolic pattern (Figure 9).

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While the ACL strain during the flexion phase of DLS decreases, the posterior-medial meniscal

strain increases up to MF and then decreases in DF. This may be counterintuitive as the meniscus

is thought to be a secondary restraint to ATT (Hollis et al., 2000), which is correlated with

increased ACL strain (Butler & Anonymous, 1989). The increase in meniscal strain is likely

explained by the elliptical shape of the condyles (Yoshioka et al., 1987). As the knee begins to

flex, the contact area of the medial condyle on the posterior meniscal horn increases therefore

straining the tissue. With further flexion, the ellipse apex is past the posterior meniscus and the

strain decreases (Figure 9).

Single-leg squats are a more demanding exercise requiring larger muscle forces. SLS showed

similar trends in the ACL strain to the DLS, decreasing in strain as the flexion angle increases.

However, this decrease in relative strain was larger than DLS. This may be explained by a 50%

larger hamstring force which provides a posterior force to the tibia (Herzog & Read, 1993).

Meniscal strain during SLS showed a similar strain pattern to DLS in the flexion phase. The

strain increases during the first 45 degrees of flexion but then decreases. The average strain was

smaller than in DLS which may again be related to a larger hamstring force.

Walking is a basic day-to-day activity that patients need to perform quickly after surgery. ACL

strain during the gait trial was almost always positive. Similar to Taylor et al, the ACL strain was

higher in stance phase than in swing (K. a Taylor et al., 2013). Meniscal strain during walking

also showed a relative increase in strain with a similar pattern between stance and swing phases.

The results from this study suggest that walking causes more strain on the ACL and meniscus

than either DLS or SLS. These results further validate the safety of DLS and SLS post-surgery

with respect to ACL and meniscal strain.

The goals of ACL reconstruction are to restore knee stability and normalize tissue loading. The

effectiveness of the graft can be evaluated by comparing ACL and meniscal strain between intact

and reconstructed states. Our results showed ACL strain was not significantly different during

walking and SLS. In DLS there was a small, 2.3% average increase following reconstruction.

Although statistically significant, this difference is not detrimental because the overall strain

decreases during the activity. The difference may be due to tensile properties mismatch between

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the hamstring tendons and the native ACL tissue. In addition, similar strain patterns between the

intact and reconstructed conditions indicate correct geometric placement of the graft.

The current study found no significant differences in meniscal strain after ACL reconstruction

during DLS, SLS, and walking gait. Following reconstruction, meniscal strain appeared to be

lower during the stance phase of gait, but this difference was not statistically significant. A post

hoc power analysis revealed that a sample size between 20-60 knees, depending on the activity,

would be required to detect a difference in meniscal strain after ACL reconstruction. This

indicates that if there is a difference, it would be relatively small. The current study did not

investigate the effects of ACL deficiency on meniscal strain; however, previous studies report an

increase in strain in ACL-deficient knees (Hollis et al., 2000). Results from the current study

indicate ACL reconstruction was able to normalize, or possibly reduce, meniscal loading.

Although this study confirms the findings of Hollis et al that ACL surgery can help protect the

meniscus (Hollis et al., 2000), it is the first study to demonstrate this effect during dynamic


Previous cadaveric studies examining meniscal strain have used static loads that are not

necessarily representative of real world loading conditions. In the present study, we aimed to test

specimens in a dynamic knee simulator with inputs that accurately replicate the motion and

muscle forces present during walking and squatting. A set of standardized, “average” kinematic

and muscle force data is not available, nor possible to calculate, for a dynamic simulation as any

averaging would violate the equations of motions and the consistency of the system. Testing

multiple motion patterns from multiple individuals is also not feasible due to limitations in the

ability of the specimens to withstand numerous trials.

Nonetheless, it was important to select representative gait and squat patterns and validate the

simulations with previous literature. The gait trial matched the parameters reported by Oberg et

al for a normal, age-matched gait pattern (T Oberg et al., 1993; Tommy Oberg et al., 1994). The

literature lacks sets of standardized kinematic data on DLS and SLS. We chose representative

squat trials with regard to knee angle and duration of each squat.

Musculoskeletal simulations of these activities produced results that fell within the guidelines

outlined by OpenSim and Hicks et al for kinematic errors and dynamic consistencies (Hicks,

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Uchida, Seth, Rajagopal, & Delp, 2015). The maximum kinematic rotational error found was 3.2

degrees, and the translational error was less than 1cm. Residual forces were less than 30N and

residual moments were less than 12Nm. During gait, the activation patterns of rectus femoris,

biceps femoris, and the medial gastrocnemius closely matched the respective activation patterns

reported by Liu et al (Liu et al., 2008).

Further validation of the overall methodology used in this study comes from comparing the

measured ACL strain with previous in-vivo results. Beynnon et al measured ACL strain during

DLS for eight subjects using a DVRT (B D Beynnon & Fleming, 1998). The flexion-extension

curve in Figure 10 (pg. 38) shows the similarity in strain pattern between those results and the

current ones. The strain decreases with flexion until 80 degrees and increases as the knee extends

along a path that is lower from its flexion angle counterpart.

Taylor et al. studied in-vivo ACL strain during walking using a combination of motion capture,

MRI, and fluoroscopy (K. a Taylor et al., 2013). Both the current study and Taylor et al found

maximum strain occurs close to terminal knee extension with strain values of 10.9% and 13%

respectively. The second peak in strain occurs just prior to heel strike reaching 10.6% and 10%

respectively. Although peak strain values differ by an average of 2.1%, it is important to note

that the studies were conducted using different techniques for measuring strain. Overall, the

strain patterns were similar in both the stance and the swing phase. Comparison of the strain

patterns are presented in Figure 11 (pg. 39). Direct graphical comparison of the strain

magnitudes is not possible because Taylor et al represented the data as ACL length and not


This study has several limitations. The current study investigated the effects of ACL

reconstruction on three activities using one individual’s kinematic/muscle force profiles. Thus,

the validity relies on the selection of representative movement patterns. We believe that the

careful selection of the gait and squat trials alleviates some of the concern. Furthermore, these

patterns are representative movement patterns of a healthy subject without an ACL injury. Gait

parameters can change after an injury but tend to normalize after reconstruction, returning to pre-

injury patterns after at least eight months (Knoll, Kiss, & Kocsis, 2004). The effects of early

rehabilitation pattern changes on the tissue strains was not investigated in this study. These

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results may also depend on the quality of the reconstructions. The procedures were performed by

a fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon with experience in ACL reconstruction using modern

surgical tools. Lastly, the conditions tested were a subset of a larger study that investigated the

effects of braces. Additional tests were conducted in-between the trials, which may raise

concerns about tissue degradation. However, the results of this study found the strain in the

meniscus did not change between conditions.

In conclusion, we characterized meniscal strain during dynamic activities and compared

meniscal and ACL strain between ACL-intact and -reconstructed knees. We found that tissue

strains were higher during gait than during SLS and DLS. Meniscal strain did not differ between

ACL-intact and-reconstructed knees. These results provide insight into tissue loading following

ACL reconstruction and may help in further understanding the risk of developing osteoarthritis

after ACL injury.

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Table 1. ACL and Meniscal Strain Values for All Activities. Strain values are presented as a

mean ± standard deviation. ANOVA P-values for ACL status are presented in horizontal

brackets. ANOVA P-values for knee angle and gait phase are presented in vertical brackets.

Knee angle and gait phase was correlated to meniscal and ACL strain for most conditions.

Meniscal strain was not statistically different between ACL-intact and -reconstructed conditions.

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Figure 6. Experimental Overview. (1) In-vivo motion capture setup, (2) OpenSim

musculoskeletal model, (3) Dynamic knee simulator.

In-Silico Musculoskeletal Simul


Figure 7. Motion Capture Activities. (A) Double leg squat, (B) single leg squat, (C) gait.

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Figure 8. Kinematic, Kinetic Variables and Muscle Forces Extracted from OpenSim for DSL,

SLS, and Gait.

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Figure 9. Average Strain Profiles of the ACL (n=7) and Meniscus (n=5) for DSL, SLS and Gait.

ACL strain decreased during DLS and SLS and increased throughout the gait cycle. Meniscal

strain followed a similar pattern between ACL intact and reconstructed conditions.

Figure 10. Comparison of Relative ACL strain during DLS. Both curves are presented as strain

relative to starting position rather than resting length. Current strain values (n=7) and pattern

match results of Beynnon et al (1998) (n=8).






0 25 50 75 100

Single Leg Squat






0 25 50 75 100


in %

Activity %-14





0 25 50 75 100

Activity %

Intact Reconstructed






0 25 50 75 100

Activity %






0 25 50 75 100


in %

Double Leg Squat






0 25 50 75 100












0 25 50 75 100



ve S


n %

Knee Flexion Angle

Current Study Beynnon et al

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Figure 11. Comparison of ACL strain during the gait cycle. Current ACL strain pattern (n=7) is

similar to the findings of Taylor et al (2013) (n=32).

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Chapter 4 4

Efficacy of an ACL Functional Knee Brace with a Dynamic Tension System


Background: The effectiveness of ACL functional knee braces to reduce meniscal and ACL

strain remains poorly understood. A new dynamic knee tensioning brace system has been

designed to apply larger stabilizing forces to the knee. The ability of this system to reduce tissue

strains is unknown.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the ability of the dynamically tensioned brace to

reduce strain in both the ACL and meniscus during dynamic activities.

Methods: A combined in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro method was used to study three activities: gait, a

double leg squat, and a single leg squat. Medial meniscal strain and ACL strain were measured in

ACL intact, deficient and reconstructed conditions. Custom braces were fitted on seven

cadaveric specimens using surrogate foam.

Results: The brace lowered peak and average meniscal strain in ACL deficient knees (P<.05) by

an average of 1.65%. The brace was also found to lower meniscal strain in reconstructed knees

(1.07%) and lower ACL strain in ACL intact (1.34%) and ACL reconstructed knees (1.35%)


Conclusions: This study supports the use of a brace equipped with a dynamic tensioning system

to lower meniscal strain in ACL-deficient knees. Its use may help decrease the risk of subsequent

meniscal tears in chronic ACL deficiency or delayed reconstruction. In ACL-intact and -

reconstructed knees, the brace may be beneficial in injury prophylaxis or in protecting the ACL

graft following reconstruction.

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4.1 Introduction

The primary function of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is to prevent anterior translation of

the tibia on the femur. Following an ACL tear, anterior tibial translation (ATT) increases,

resulting in instability (Andriacchi & Dyrby, 2005). Functional knee braces (FKB) aim to

maintain or re-establish the normal kinematic state of the knee with the ultimate goal of

providing knee stability during daily and sporting activities. Functional knee braces are

commonly prescribed to limit instability in patients with ACL deficiency, and to protect the graft

after ACL reconstruction (Chew et al., 2007). Additionally, functional bracing may be

considered for prophylactic use to prevent injury (Najibi, 2005).

The efficacy of bracing has been investigated in ACL-intact, -deficient, and -reconstructed

knees. In the intact state, prophylactic brace use in military recruits was found to reduce the

number of ACL and medial collateral ligament injuries, but not the severity (Sitler et al., 1989).

In-vivo studies using implanted strain gauges have demonstrated bracing is more effective in

reducing ACL strain during non-weight bearing compared to weight bearing activities (Braden C

Fleming et al., 2000), and for low compared to high applied loads (B D Beynnon et al., 1992).

The overall data on the effectiveness of prophylactic braces is conflicting and a recommendation

for or against their use cannot be conclusively made (Pietrosimone, Grindstaff, Linens, Uczekaj,

& Hertel, 2008).

In ACL deficient knees, the medial meniscus becomes a secondary restraint to ATT (Allen et al.

1995; Allen et al. 2000; Levy et al. 1982). As a result, the meniscus is at risk for subsequent

injury, which in the long term may be linked to the development of osteoarthritis. Cadaveric

testing after sectioning the ACL demonstrated reduced ATT when braced (Anderson et al., 1992;

Bruce D Beynnon et al., 2003; E M Wojtys et al., 1990). Clinically, patients with a torn ACL

report improved subjective stability, and experience fewer episodes of instability when wearing a

brace (Marans et al., 1991; Mishra et al., 1989). Although FKBs have been shown to reduce ATT

and subjective instability, no data exist to demonstrate whether they decrease strain in the medial


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Lastly, FKBs can be prescribed during the rehabilitation period following an ACL reconstruction

to protect the graft. The graft-tunnel interface is the weakest link of the reconstruction until

osseo-integration occurs, and up to 66% of surgeons recommend braces to protect the graft

(Spindler & Wright, 2008). Clinically, functional bracing has not been shown to influence pain,

range-of-motion, or graft stability (Wright & Fetzer, 2007); however, subsequent injury may be

decreased in certain activities (Sterett, 2006).

Historically, FKBs stabilize the knee via a rigid shell and a hinge joint. Recently, a new FKB

design uses a dynamic tensioning systems (DTS) to apply directional force to the femur via a

tensioning cable (LaPrade et al., 2015). The Rebound ACL brace (Össur, Foothill Ranch, CA,

USA) applies an angle-dependent posterior force to the femur, theoretically reducing ATT. The

efficacy of the DTS system has not been biomechanically validated to stabilize ACL deficient or

ACL competent (intact and reconstructed) knees.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a FKB equipped with a dynamic

tensioning system to reduce meniscal strain in ACL-deficient conditions and to reduce ACL and

meniscal strain in ACL competent conditions (ACL-intact and -reconstructed) during walking

gait and squatting. We hypothesized that the brace would reduce peak and average ACL and

meniscal strains in all conditions.

4.2 Materials and Methods

A combined in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro method (Bakker et al., 2016; Cassidy et al., 2013; Hangalur

et al., 2015) (Figure 12; pg. 51) was used to test the effectiveness of an ACL functional brace

with a DTS system during three functional activities: walking gait, double leg squat (DLS), and

single leg squat (SLS). This study was approved by the University of Waterloo Office of

Research and Ethics.


Body kinematics and foot-ground reaction kinetic data was collected for a female participant

(age 28) while performing the three selected activities. An Optotrak Certus system (NDI,

Waterloo, ON, Canada) with four cameras recorded the trajectory of 36 different anatomical

landmarks (Bakker et al., 2016), and four AMTI force plates (model OR6-7- 2000) were used to

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collect ground reaction forces and moments. Before the simulations, the kinematic and kinetic

data was low pass filtered using a 10Hz, 4th order dual pass Butterworth filter (Bakker et al.,

2016; Kristianslund et al., 2012).

The participant’s contracted thigh compliance was measured using a muscle hardness testing

apparatus (Hangalur et al., 2015). These measurements were used to replicate the soft tissue

envelope on the cadaveric specimens used in the experiments.


The marker trajectories were processed in OpenSim (Delp et al., 2007) to obtain the joint

kinematics and muscle force profiles of the three activities. The process involved scaling the

standardized Gait2392 model and performing inverse kinematic analysis to calculate the

kinematic trajectories of the joints. Subsequently, the Residual Reduction Algorithm was used to

reduce the dynamic inconsistencies between the kinematics and the force plate data. Lastly, the

Computed Muscle Control tool was used to calculate the muscle force profiles for each activity.

DLS and SLS trajectories were simulated from standing through deep flexion and back up to

stance. The gait trial was simulated from toe-off to toe-off. All simulations were completed

following guidelines provided in Hicks et al and from the OpenSim website (Hicks et al., 2015).

Muscle forces were corrected for the cadaveric moment arms as described in Bakker et al, and

used along with the kinematics as inputs to the in-vitro knee simulator (Figure 12) (Bakker et al.,


Specimen Preparation

Seven fresh frozen cadaver knees ranging in age from 24 to 50 years (mean = 35 years) and a

body mass index range of 18 to 33 kg/m2 (mean = 25 kg/m2) were used in this study. Prior to

dissection, a negative mold was taken of the soft tissue envelope for each specimen. All soft

tissue was removed with the exception of the popliteus muscle and tendon (LaPrade et al., 2010).

The joint capsule was preserved. Stainless steel cables were then inserted at the tendon insertion

points of the gastrocnemius, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscle groups (refer to appendix A)

(Bakker et al., 2016; Cassidy et al., 2013; Hangalur et al., 2015).

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The specimens were placed into the respective negative molds and stainless steel conduit was

used to run the braided wire from the insertion sites to edges of the mold. Medium-firm density

SunMate liquid foam (DSI, North Carolina, USA) was mixed and poured into the negative mold.

The mixture of the foam was adjusted to match the muscle tissue compliance of the participant.

The average compliance of the foam mixture was 0.084 mm/N.

The moment arm of each of the three muscle cables was measured using a tendon excursion

method outlined (S L Delp et al., 1994). These moment arms were used to adjust the in-silica

muscle forces extracted from OpenSim to produce the same net in-vivo joint moments about the

knee (Bakker et al., 2016; Cassidy et al., 2013; Hangalur et al., 2015).

In-Vitro Testing

Custom fit Rebound ACL braces were obtained based on the specimen soft-tissue envelope and

mounted on the cadaveric specimens. Each DTS was tensioned using the torque shear knob,

which shortens the cable length and forces the femur anteriorly with respect to the tibia (Figure

13; pg. 64).

Two Differential Variable Reluctance Transducers (DVRT, Lord Microstrain Inc., Burlington,

VT) were used to measure tissue strains. One DVRT was placed on the periphery of the postero-

medial meniscus, as explained by Pearsall et al (Hollis et al., 2000). The second DVRT was

placed on the anteromedial bundle of the ACL and into the anterior strands of the reconstructed


The specimens were mounted on the dynamic knee simulator system (Jonsson & Kärrholm,

1990; LaPrade et al., 2015) and tested with and without braces. Testing was performed first with

the ACL intact for the three activities: walking gait, DLS, and SLS. The ACL was sectioned

using a scalpel and testing was repeated for each activity. Finally, the ACL was reconstructed

and the three activities were repeated. The order of bracing (braced / not braced) was randomized

within each activity, while the order of activities was tested in the same sequence each time. Two

trials were performed in each testing condition to ensure repeatability.

The ACL was reconstructed using a quadruple hamstring graft, prepared from harvested semi-

tendinosis and gracilis tendons from the same specimen. Tibial and femoral tunnels were drilled

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under direct visualization through a mini parapatellar arthrotomy. The tibial tunnel was drilled at

45 degrees and placed at the posterior aspect of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus and

within the stump of the native ACL. The femoral tunnel was made independent of the tibial

tunnel using an offset guide. The grafts were either 8.0 or 8.5mm in diameter and each graft was

tensioned to 60N at 30 degrees of flexion (Heis & Paulos, 2002). A titanium interference screw

was inserted in the tibial tunnel to secure the graft and a suspensory XO-button (ConMed

Linvatec, USA) was used for the femur.


For ease of readability, the term “condition” will refer to a simulation trial of activity (DLS, SLS

or gait), ACL status (intact, deficient, reconstructed) and brace (not braced – NB, braced – BR).

Strain data for each of the two trials for every condition were averaged. Relative strain was

calculated as a percentage in reference to the initial length of the DVRT in the non-braced


Peak and average strain values were extracted for every condition. A two-way RM ANOVA was

performed for each tissue strain. The factors included the main effect of bracing on tissue strain,

the interaction between bracing and ACL status, and the interaction between bracing and

activity. The three-way interaction between brace, activity, and status was also included and

tested in the ANOVA. Any significant differences were compared using a post-hoc paired t-test

with a Bonferroni correction factor. All statistical analysis was completed using SPSS software

with an alpha value of 0.05 (Stephen et al., 2016).

4.3 Results

Kinematic and muscle force inputs extracted from OpenSim and used as simulator inputs are

shown in Figure 14 (pg. 52). Peak knee flexion angle was 83 degrees in DLS and 81 degrees in

SLS. Quadriceps muscle force peaked at 1809N in DLS and 3725N in SLS. During gait, knee

flexion during mid swing was found to be 65.5 degrees and 12.8 degrees in mid stance.

Meniscal Strain

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The brace significantly decreased peak meniscal strain (P<.01). Peak strain difference between

braced and unbraced conditions was 0.26 with the ACL intact, 1.65 with the ACL deficient, and

1.06 following ACL reconstruction (Figure 15; pg. 53). The differences represent a percent

reduction in strain of 13%, 74%, and 60%, respectively (Table 2; pg. 51). A significant

interaction effect was found between bracing and ACL status (P=0.03). Subsequent post-hoc

pairwise comparisons showed these differences to be significant in ACL deficient (P<0.01) and

reconstructed knees (P<0.01), but not in ACL intact knees (P=0.47).

Across the three activities tested, peak meniscal strain differences for DLS, SLS, and gait were

1.27, 0.83, and 0.86, respectively. These differences respectively correspond to percent decreases

of 61%, 95%, and 29%. No interaction was found between bracing and activity (P=0.62).

Average meniscal strain was also significantly reduced by the brace (P<.01). There were no

significant interactions between the brace and ACL status or activity.

ACL Strain

The brace lowered peak and average ACL strain in both ACL intact and reconstructed knees

across every activity (P=0.01). Strain differences were found to be similar, 1.34 with the ACL

intact and 1.35 with the ACL reconstructed (Figure 16; pg. 53). These values translate to a

reduction of 24% and 22% in peak strain, respectively (Table 2). No significant interaction was

detected between brace and ACL status (P=0.99). Similarly, the brace reduced ACL strain in

every activity by 83% in DLS, 38% in SLS, and 6% in gait.

4.4 Discussion

The current study found that a dynamically tensioned ACL FKB reduces posteromedial meniscal

strain in the ACL deficient state, and reduces ACL and meniscal strain in the ACL intact and

reconstructed conditions.

The effectiveness of the brace was tested across three activities typically performed while

wearing an FKB – a low-demand activity (walking gait), and two closed-chain rehabilitation

exercises (SLS, DLS). The in-vivo kinematics, in-silica muscle forces, and in-vitro ACL strains

were compared to previous literature to assess the accuracy of the input parameters. The gait

kinematics shown in Figure 13, fell within one standard deviation of accepted normative

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parameters (T Oberg et al., 1993; Tommy Oberg et al., 1994). Quadriceps and hamstring muscle

activations closely followed the trends published by Liu et al (Liu et al., 2008). Peak ACL strain

during gait in the ACL intact condition (12.6%) matched the peak strain (13%) reported by

Taylor et al (Taylor et al., 2013). In the DLS, the ACL strain pattern had an inverse relationship

to the knee angle, similar to the in-vivo pattern found by Beynnon et al (Beynnon & Fleming,

1998). The strain difference between stance and deep flexion was also similar: 5.7% in the

current study versus 4.1% (Beynnon & Fleming, 1998). Overall, the simulations were found to

be representative of average gait and squats.

ACL Deficient Knees

The medial meniscus has been shown to act as a secondary stabilizer in the ACL deficient state

Levy, Torzilli, & Warren, 1982). The strain in the posteromedial meniscus increases after an

ACL tear, which places the meniscus at a higher risk of tearing (Lee et al., 2006). In the long

term, chronic ACL deficient knees have a higher incidence of medial meniscal tears and

associated articular damage (Mitsou & Vallianatos, 1988). By limiting anterior translation, FKBs

stabilize the knee and theoretically reduce meniscal strain. No studies to date have investigated

whether FKBs can reduce meniscal strain. Orthopedic surgeons and primary care sports

physicians who routinely prescribe FKBs do not understand whether an FKB can be used safely

to reduce the risk of meniscal injury and the burden of subsequent post-traumatic arthritis in

patients who are awaiting ACL reconstructions, or those who choose to not to undergo


The brace lowered peak meniscal strain in ACL deficient knees by 1.65%. While this represents

a large percent change (74%) in relation to the peak strain, a more meaningful comparison is to

the ultimate (failure) strain of the tissue. Hauch et al determined the ultimate strain in the menisci

of eight human cadaveric specimens to be between 9.00% and 11.35% (Hauch, Villegas, &

Donahue, 2011). The average reduction in peak strain found in this study represents a 15%

reduction in ultimate strain. Therefore the strain reduction may translate to a clinically significant

effect if the loading condition brings the tissue close to failure (tearing).

The majority of previous studies have investigated anterior-posterior laxity in non-weightbearing

conditions and have shown that braces can be effective in decreasing ATT (Anderson et al.,

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1992; Jonsson & Kärrholm, 1990; Mishra et al., 1989). Beynnon et al. extended this work by

reproducing the loading environment in weightbearing (Beynnon et al., 2003). The authors found

braces to normalize tibial translation in both weightbearing and non-weightbearing conditions

but not during the transition between the two. This transition phase regularly occurs in dynamic

activities, such as heel strike during gait, landing from a jump, or changing direction when

pivoting. Overall, the loads tested in past studies were small and applied in a static manner,

which does not reflect the rigors of dynamic loading experienced during daily and athletic

activities. It has been hypothesized that FKBs may not be effective under higher load conditions,

when patients depend on a brace for protection (Chew et al., 2007).

We tested three activities with the aim of reproducing dynamic conditions across a variety of

loads. The peak DLS ground reaction force was 387N or 57% body weight. The load is of

similar magnitude to Beynnon et al, who applied 40% body weight (Bruce D Beynnon et al.,

2003). SLS had substantially higher forces with a peak GRF of 850N or 125% body weight and

a peak quadriceps force of 3800N. The gait simulation comprised a full cycle including the

transition from swing phase through heel strike and stance phase.

We found the brace to lower strain across all activities. There was no significant interaction

between brace and activities. The brace did appear to have a larger effect during DLS than SLS,

indicating that perhaps effectiveness may indeed be decreased under higher loads. Due to the

small sample size, however, we were underpowered to detect a difference. A post-hoc power

analysis revealed that a sample size of 188 knees would be required to detect a difference, which

indicates that if a difference exists, the magnitude of the difference would be very small.

These results may assist clinicians when prescribing braces. The observed reduction in meniscal

strain across all activities indicates that brace at least in theory may help decrease the risk of

meniscal injuries in ACL deficient knees. Braces with a dynamic tensioning system may help

alleviate the concern of a subsequent meniscal injury while awaiting reconstruction.

ACL Competent Knees

The value of bracing for injury prophylaxis or for functional protection of a newly reconstructed

graft has been thoroughly investigated. Standard functional ACL braces which rely on a rigid

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shell and hinge joint have been shown to decrease ACL strain but not lead to clinically superior

outcomes (Bruce D Beynnon et al., 2000; Chew et al., 2007). The current brace equipped with a

dynamic tensioning system may be more effective at protecting the ACL, as the system can

produce a larger unloading force than other braces (LaPrade et al., 2015). The dynamic

tensioning system is designed to apply pressure to the posterior thigh, thereby exerting an

anteriorly directed force on the femur resulting in a posteriorly directed counter force on the

tibia. The force applied can be adjusted by tensioning the cable using a set of shear knobs. This

mechanism translates the tibia posteriorly and reduces relative ATT (Figure 14).

The current brace was found to statistically lower both peak and average ACL strain in ACL

competent knees. There was no interaction between the brace and activity or between brace and

ACL status (intact/reconstructed). The results indicate bracing reduced ACL load in all

conditions. Decreased ACL strain should theoretically be reflected in a reduction of

posteromedial meniscal strain. This was indeed seen in all conditions with the exception of peak

strain in the intact status. This may be explained by the differences in tensile properties between

native ligament and reconstruction grafts.

Based on these results the DTS system appears capable of unloading the ACL and medial

meniscus. Although the force applied by the system was not measured, a similar tensioning

mechanism designed to protect the PCL, has been shown to apply a significantly larger force

than a static force PCL brace (LaPrade et al., 2015). These types of braces may play a role in

protecting the ACL or medial meniscus after repair.


There are several limitations associated with this study. First, only one set of kinematics and

muscle forces was tested for each activity. Due to the dynamic nature of the simulations we

could not test an average profile of multiple participants. The calculated parameters used were

compared to multiple sources and were found to be representative of the normal population. The

kinematic pattern was captured in a healthy individual with no prior ACL injury and not wearing

a brace. This pattern may not be representative of patients who have acute ACL injuries or are

early after reconstruction. The brace may have a different magnitude effect under altered


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We also did not investigate any athletic impact maneuvers such as jump landing, pivoting, or

other complex maneuvers which are known to place the ACL at risk of injury. Therefore, we

cannot make any recommendations in regards to allowing a safe return-to-play or sports using

the brace.

Another limitation is the use of a single tension setting. It is unknown what the optimal tension is

for the system and whether modulating the tension changes the magnitude of the effect. In

addition, the dynamic knee simulator only simulates sagittal plane mechanics. Any

frontal/transverse plane mechanics were not replicated in the simulator. This likely had little

effect on the outcome of the study as gait, DLS and SLS are predominantly sagittal plane


Lastly, the experimental setup employed a cadaver model using a surrogate soft tissue model.

We used one compliance value for the foam, which may be different across individuals

depending on soft tissue composition and BMI.

4.5 Summary/Conclusions

In summary, we investigated the effects of a DTS functional knee brace on meniscal strain in

ACL deficient knees, and ACL and meniscal strain in ACL competent knees. The brace was

effective at lowering meniscal strain in the ACL deficient state, which may reduce the risk of

subsequent injury of the medial meniscus. In addition, the FKB reduced ACL strain in both ACL

intact and reconstructed knees. This may be beneficial in injury prophylaxis or in protecting the

ACL graft following reconstruction. Overall the study provides supportive evidence for the use

of a FKB with DTS during low-demand activities such as walking and bodyweight squatting.

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Table 2. Peak and Average Tissue Strains. The brace lowered peak and mean meniscal strain

across every ACL status and activity (p<0.05). The brace lowered peak and mean ACL strain in

ACL competent knees for every activity.

Figure 12. Experimental overview. (1) In-vivo motion capture, (2) Musculoskeletal model, (3)

Dynamic knee simulator.

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Figure 13. Dynamic tensioning system. (Left) Tightening of cabling system, (Right) cable

tension translates the femur forward with respect to tibia.

Figure 14. Knee Angle and Muscle Forces Extracted from OpenSim for DSL, SLS, and Gait. HS

denotes heel strike during gait.

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Figure 15. Peak meniscal strain difference between braced and un-braced conditions. † = not

significant in post-hoc analysis.

Figure 16. Peak ACL - Strain difference between braced and un-braced conditions.






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Chapter 5 5General Discussion

5.1 Summary and Discussion

In this work, we characterized and compared in-vitro tissue strain during dynamic activities in

ACL intact and reconstructed knees, and tested the effectiveness of a DTS functional ACL knee

brace in decreasing tissue strains.

The ACL strain pattern and values for the three activities tested in our study matched previously

reported results. The meniscal strain varied with the knee flexion angle and gait phase. The

meniscal and ACL strains were generally maintained following ACL reconstruction and

comparable to the ACL intact state. The DTS brace tested was effective at protecting the ACL

and posteromedial meniscus by decreasing peak tissue strains across all activities and ACL


This thesis was undertaken to provide valuable data to clinicians who treat patients with ACL

injuries. It is important to know the efficacy of both operative and non-operative treatment

options. From a surgical standpoint, ACL reconstruction aims to restore tissue loading on

secondary structures in order to prevent further injury and degeneration. While meniscal strain

has been shown to normalize following reconstruction in a static loading scenario (Hollis et al.,

2000), it remains unclear if the same occurs during dynamic loading. Functional braces are

commonly prescribed as a non-operative management option following an ACL tear, as well as a

post-operative tool to protect the reconstruction. Patients may choose to not undergo

reconstruction, or have a significant delay in obtaining surgery for a variety of reasons. In this

scenario, braces may provide mechanical restraint to tibial translation and protect the medical

meniscus, which is at increased risk of injury. The effects of bracing on meniscal strain have not

previously been studied. After reconstruction, the graft may be vulnerable and braces could

theoretically offer protection during the healing phase. Although current evidence does not

support the routine use of functional braces post ACL surgery (Chew et al., 2007; Wright &

Fetzer, 2007), the majority of Orthopaedic surgeons continue to prescribe braces in an attempt to

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make all efforts possible to protect the graft from early failure or elongation (Wright & Fetzer,


The menisci are understood to be important in load transmission and providing stability to the

knee. Direct measurement of meniscal strain in-vivo is not practical as strain gauges cannot be

implanted in live patients. In-vitro methods to examine strain have included embedded sensors

(Hollis et al., 2000; Jones et al., 1996; Pearsall IV, Hollis, Russell, & Scheer, 2003; Seitz,

Lubomierski, Friemert, Ignatius, & Dürselen, 2012) and imaging modalities (Kolaczek et al.,

2016). Strain response under dynamic loading has not been previously investigated.

In our studies we employed an in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro method (Cassidy et al., 2013) with a high

speed cadaveric simulator capable of replicating realistic loading scenarios in a dynamic fashion.

The challenge in this project was to arrive at a set of continuous inputs (kinematics and muscle

forces) for the in-vitro knee simulator. Reference data from literature is limited to gait

parameters of average joint kinematics and kinetics (T Oberg et al., 1993; Tommy Oberg et al.,

1994), and though one study does provide muscle force estimates in walking using Opensim (Liu

et al., 2008), the demographics of the participants were not representative of the population

segment at risk for ACL injury. As a result, we opted to perform motion capture to calculate joint

kinematics and muscle forces for the activities being tested: walking gait, DLS, and SLS.

Parameters should not be averaged from multiple trials or multiple participants as this will cause

inconsistencies in the equations of motion. As such, we selected a walking trial that was

representative of established reference gait parameters (T Oberg et al., 1993; Tommy Oberg et

al., 1994). Squat trials representative of the subject’s DLS and SLS were chosen. The data

(muscle activation patterns, ACL strain patterns) was compared at multiple points to literature

values and found to be similar, indicating valid inputs.

The methodology allowed us to test the efficacy of the DTS functional knee brace under a range

of load magnitudes. The peak quadriceps force exceeded 3700N, or six times body weight. This

is an important point as some previous literature has hypothesized braces may not be effective at

higher loads that could overcome the mechanical restraint provided by the brace (Chew et al.,


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The Rebound ACL brace that was tested is manufactured by Ossur Inc. and indicated for non-

surgical treatment of ACL ruptures and for post-surgical rehabilitation. The brace is designed

with a dynamic tensioning system that applies a physiologically correct force to the posterior

thigh to counteract the load on the ACL/graft in order to optimize healing. By extension, in the

setting of ACL injury the brace has the potential to decrease load on the medial meniscus.

Traditional braces applied a static force to unload the joint and reduce tibial translation. DTS is

capable of applying a dynamic force which is higher in magnitude than typically applied by older

braces (LaPrade et al., 2015).

We found that the DTS brace significantly lowered peak and average meniscal strain in ACL

deficient knees. This finding lends support to idea that braces can mechanically stabilize the knee

and decrease load on the medial meniscus, which in turn may translate to a decreased risk of

subsequent meniscal tears in chronic ACL deficiency. The brace was also found to lower ACL

strain in ACL-intact and -reconstructed knees. Therefore, in ACL-competent knees, the brace

may be beneficial in injury prophylaxis or in protecting the ACL graft following reconstruction.

Overall, we conclude that the DTS functional ACL brace can decrease knee tissue strains during

dynamic loading.

5.2 Contributions

Contributions of the current thesis include the following:

1. Demonstrating the validity of the in-vivo/in-silico/in-vitro methodology to studying

dynamic loading conditions with cadaver specimens through comparison with in-vivo


2. Contributing new knowledge and reference data on meniscal loading during gait, DLS,

and SLS

3. Establishing the ability of ACL reconstructions to maintain strain in the medial meniscus

4. Demonstrating the efficacy of a DTS functional knee brace in decreasing medial meniscal

strain in ACL deficient knees

5. Demonstrating the efficacy of a DTS functional knee brace in lowering ACL and

meniscal strain in ACL competent knees

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5.3 Future Directions

This work provided evidence for the efficacy of the DTS to stabilize the knee. There are several

future directions which would provide more clarity on its effectiveness.

The studies in this thesis had a small sample size, testing only seven specimens. While the results

of this study were significant, the standard deviations of the results were large. A larger sample

size would unlikely change the overall take-away of this thesis, but would provide more

confidence on the effect size of the brace. Larger sample sizes would also improve our ability to

make predictive statistical models about meniscal and OA injury risks.

The effect of the DTS brace was measured in terms of ACL strain and posteromedial meniscal

strain. There are several additional experimentally measurable parameters which would broaden

the understanding of the effects of the brace on other tissues. Pressure on the articular cartilage

would be a relevant measure to determine if the center of pressure is restored with the use of the

DTS brace.

The current studies evaluated the effect of the DTS during three activities: gait, DLS and SLS.

While these activities have higher forces than those previously tested, it is unknown how

effective it would be during higher impact activities, such as landing and pivoting. Patients with

ACL injuries aim to return to sports and may be at risk for further injury, especially if the ACL is

not repaired. It is important to know if the DTS can help patients return to play safely in this


The work presented in this thesis involves using simulations of three activities from one average

participant. Future avenues of research may involve assessing multiple participants kinematics

patterns and how the variability affects the resulting tissue strains. This work would show how

different movement patterns and strategies affect knee stability during rehabilitation and may

reveal if a braced would be more effective for some groups of patients above others.

Finally, follow up studies should be conducted to investigate the clinical effects of a DTS brace.

It is hypothesized that the reduction in ligament and meniscal strain found in this thesis would

translate to positive clinical outcomes with lower rates further injury. Previous clinical studies

have investigated the effect functional braces have on re-injury rate, subjective stabilization,

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muscle contraction, range of motion and pain. Clinical follow up studies should investigate these

clinical parameters when a DTS brace is applied.

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Appendix 1: Cadaver Preparation 7

7.1 Dissection

Figure 17. Knee dissection process. (A)-(C) Removal of the skin. (D)-(J) Removal of muscle

tissue. (K)-(L) Capsule preparation.

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A. An anterior incision was made along the length of specimen, and sharp disection was carried

with a scalpel though the subcutaneous tisssues. B. The skin and subcutaneous fat was

circumferentially reflected from the fascia. C. All superficial tissue layers were removed. D.

Hamstring tendons (gracilis and semi-tendinousus) were harvested for use in the ACL

reconstruction. E. Superficial and deep posterior calf muscles being removed F. Anterior tibialis

muscle dissected from the tibia. G. Quadriceps muscle tissue removed from femur. H. Vastus

medialis being carefully dissected from the capsule. I. Continued stripping of the vastus lateralis

and medialis. J. Leftover muscle tissue was scraped from the femur and tibia. K. Medial para-

patellar arthrotomy made to facilitate DVRT insertion. L. The infrapatellar fat pad was partially

resected to accommodate the DVRT cable.

7.2 Muscle Cable Insertion

Stainless steel cables were used to apply the muscle forces on the cadaveric specimens. The wire

rope used was an ultra-flexible 7 strand core x 19 core stainless steel with a maximum tensile

strength of 3,336N.

During dissection, the tendon insertions of the gastrocnemius and hamstrings were marked.

Muscle cables were placed at the location of the approximate anatomical insertion sites. The

gastrocnemius cable was looped through the femur and crimped on the posterior side as seen in

figure 18A. The hamstring cable was attached to the tibia through a stainless-steel tube which

was secured with fiberglass casting tape as seen in figure 18B. With the cables taut and the knee

flexed, the cables directed force in a line-of-action similar to their anatomic counterparts.

The quadriceps cable was attached using a different mechanism. Early testing revealed that

drilling and attaching the cable directly to the patella resulted in patellar fractures under large

loads. Instead, a 10mm hole was drilled through the long axis of the patella and a stainless-steel

tube was inserted. The stainless-steel cable was then passed through this tube and attached into

the tibial tubercle at the anatomical insertion of the patellar tendon (Figure 18C).

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Figure 18. Experimental Muscle Cable Setup.

(A) Hamstring and Gastrocnemius muscle attachments viewed from the posterior aspect of the

knee (B), and from the medial aspect. (C). Quadriceps cable attachment through the patella.

7.3 Foaming Procedure

1. Prior to dissection, the cadaveric specimens were visually inspected. The specimens were

often frozen on a flat surface and the soft tissue envelope was irregular. These specimens

were deforested and refrozen hanging to replicate the cylindrical shape of the in-vivo


2. All specimens were measured using the Össur SmartMeasure application for custom

bracing. The application required circumferential dimensions 7.5 and 15cm above and

below the joint line, and the medial-lateral condylar width. These dimensions along with

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anterior and lateral photos of the specimen were used to make a custom knee brace for

each specimen.

3. A soft tissue mold was created for each knee specimen (Figure 19A). This was created by

wrapping 3M 10cm casting tape around the knee. End plates were integrated into the

mold using stainless rods inserted into the casting tape (Figure 19C). Theses rods allowed

for re-alignment of the cast with the endplates later in the process.

4. The mold was cut from the cadaver specimen by cutting along the medial and lateral

sides of the knee with a cast saw (Figure 19B). The inside of the cast was then covered

with duct tape, creating a non-stick interface between the cast and the foam (Figure 19D).

On the posterior mold, two 3 x 6cm openings were cut to allow for the foam to be poured

into the mold in step 7.

5. The specimens were wrapped in a thin layer of memory foam to protect the capsule from

the liquid foaming process, and placed back into the mold (Figure 20A)

6. 3.175mm inner diameter stainless steel tubes were placed into the mold and used as a

conduit to carry the muscle cable from their insertion sites to the exterior of the mold

(Figure 20B). These tubes allowed the cables to run freely with the foam while. These

tubes extended through the endplates 40mm from the femur (hamstring and quadriceps)

and tibia (gastrocnemius) (Figure 20C). Both halves of the mold were placed back

together and sealed with the cable tubes and endplates in place (Figure 21).

7. Sunmate Liquid Foam, medium firm density, was mixed and poured into the mold. The

foam was allowed the set for one hour before removal from the cast.

8. The specimen with the foam was removed from the cast (Figure 22A). The procedure

created the soft tissue envelope resembling the original specimen (Figure 22B). The

Rebound ACL custom brace from Össur was fitted on the soft tissue envelope for which it

was custom built (Figure 22C).

9. Small sections of foam were removed around the joint line and anterior patella to allow

for the specimen to flex without restriction (Figure 23A and 23B).

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Figure 19. Negative mold casting preparation

(A) Specimen casting, (B) cast removal, (C) location rods, (D) mold preparation.

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Figure 20. Cadaveric integration into the mold.

(A) Specimen placement, (B) stainless steel muscle cable conduit, (C) endplate preparation.

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Figure 21. View through the end plate of a sealed mold with specimen and cable conduit in


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Figure 22. Soft tissue recreation.

(A) Removal from negative mold, (B) lateral view of soft tissue, (C) fit of the custom built

Rebound ACL brace on the soft tissue envelope.

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Figure 23. Removal of restrictive joint foam.

(A) Anterior view, (B) sagittal view.

7.4 Moment Arm Calculations

The cadaveric moment arms for each of the three muscle groups (gastrocnemius, hamstring, and

quadriceps) were measured. Moment arms were measured using a tendon excursion method. The

tendon excursion method uses the formula

, which states that the moment arm is

equal to the slope of tendon length and knee angle.

Each knee specimen was flexed through it’s a range-of-motion of 80 degrees on a custom-built

tendon excursion apparatus. Knee flexion angle was measured using an electronic goniometer

(Figure 25A) and the change in tendon length was measured using an LVDT (Figure 25B).

These results were plotted in Excel (Microsoft Corp.), and the slope of was calculated with the

built-in fit line function (Figure 25). This slope was used to convert the OpenSim muscle forces

as outlined in Bakker et al (Bakker et al., 2016). The average moment arm calculated for the

quadriceps, hamstring, gastrocnemius was 41.6mm, 26.1mm, and 18.6mm respectively, closely

matching reported moment arms in the literature (Herzog & Read, 1993). Moment arms were

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found to behave linearly, with an R2 value between 0.98 and 0.99 for the linear fit. These

moment arms were used to adjust the muscle forces for the dynamic knee simulator to apply the

same knee moment to different cadaveric specimens.

Figure 24. Moment arm calculation experimental apparatus.

(A) Knee specimen with an electronic goniometer, (B) tendon length measuring apparatus with


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Figure 25. Example measurement of the quadriceps moment arm for one specimen.

Grey dots represent the tendon length at different flexion angles. The slope of the linear fit


and is the muscle moment arm (37.2mm for this knee)

y = 37.2x + 1.5











0 0.5 1 1.5



n L





Flexion Angle (Radians)


Linear (Quadriceps )

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Appendix 2: Pilot Testing 8

Prior to the beginning in-vitro data collection, several smaller experiments and pilot trials were

conducted. A brief summary of these experiments is described here.

8.1 Pilot 1

Aim 1: To select a motion capture participant and trial that represents the current literature


Methods: Motion capture was collected on one male (Age 24 years, Mass 75kg, Height 180cm)

and one female (Age 28 years, Mass 67kg, Height 175cm), performing a double leg squat, a

single leg squat and walking. Reference data was available for walking kinematics but not

squatting. Both participants gait trials were compared against three gait characterization papers.

The gait trial that best fit the papers were selected. Once the participant was selected, squatting

kinematics were extracted and the trial which best fit the average trial of the participant was


Key Findings:

Three gait trials were collected for each subject

Gait parameters were compared to three reference papers: Pietrazewski et al. , Liu

et al. and Oberg et al (Liu et al., 2008; T Oberg et al., 1993; Pietraszewski,

Winiarski, & Jaroszczuk, 2012).

Pietrazewski et al, presented only an average curve for gait data (Pietraszewski et

al., 2012). A comparison of the current knee flexion angles with Piertrazewski is

shown in Figure 26. The male participant better matched the kinematics

presented in Piertrazewski during stance while the female participant matched

closer during swing.

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Figure 26. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Pietraszewski et al.

Gait cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-off.

Liu et al presented knee kinematic data with and average curve and standard

deviation (Liu et al., 2008). Comparison of the male and female with Liu et al,

can be found in Figure 28. Male kinematics fell within 1 SD of Liu during stance

but was far outside 1 SD during swing. The female subject’s kinematics were

slightly under 1 SD during stance and slightly above during swing. It is worth

noting Liu has an average participant age of 13, which is not representative of the

current study.

Figure 27. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Liu et al.

Gait cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-off.










0 25 50 75 100Kn




n A


e (




Gait Cycle %









0 25 50 75 100





n A






Gait Cycle %

Liu +- 1SD



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Unlike the work of Pietrazewski and Liu, Oberg et al, presented the mean and

standard deviation knee flexion angles during stance and swing (T Oberg et al.,

1993). Both the male and female participants’ trials matched Oberg during stance,

but only the female trial matched during stance. For this reason, the female

participant's gait data was selected.

Figure 28. Male and female participant gait knee angle comparison with Oberg et al (1993).

Gait cycle is presented from toe-off to toe-off.

The selected trial was processed through computed muscle control in OpenSim,

which outputted a set of muscle activations between 0 (not activated) and 1 (fully

activated). These muscle activations were compared against the muscle

activations in Liu et al (2008), and are shown in Figure 39. Muscle activations

were in general agreement with Liu et al with similar patterns for most of the

major muscle groups. Vastus medialis and semi-membranosus muscles had

substantial differences which may be due to averaging of the data performed by

Liu et al and the age differences of the participants (12.9 years vs 28 years).










0 25 50 75 100Kn




n A


e (




Gait Cycle %

Oberg Female SD

Oberg Male SD



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Figure 29. Muscle activation comparison during gait.

(Column 1) Rectus femoris, biceps femoris long head, medial gastrocnemius and anterior tibialis






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Rectus Femoris Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Semimember Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Vastus Medialis Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Bicepfemoris Long Head Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Medial Gastroc Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Soleus Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off






0 20 40 60 80 100




% Gait Cycle

Ant Tib Activation

Subject Liu Toe Off

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activations. (Column 2) Vastus medialis, semimembranosus, and soleus activations. Gait cycle is

presented from toe-off to toe-off.

The double-leg squatting trial was selected to have kinematics within one

standard deviation of the average gait trial, and can be seen in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Comparison of female participant’s knee flexion angles during double leg squat.

Trial % is from full extension through deep flexion and back to full extension.

Kinematic data for single leg squat had a larger variability than in the double-leg

squat. The selected trial best represented the average and standard deviation of all

trials (Figure 31).







0 25 50 75 100


ee F







Trial %

Selected Trial

Average Trial


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Figure 31. Comparison of female participant’s knee flexion angles single double leg squat.

Trial % is from full extension through deep flexion and back to full extension.

8.2 Pilot 2

Aim 2: Collect pilot data to optimize accuracy and reliability of in-vitro tests

Methods: Three cadaveric specimens were used for pilot testing. ACL and meniscal strains were

analyzed to ensure the magnitudes and patterns were within expected values.

Key Findings:

The first specimen had non-physiologic strains in both the ACL and meniscus.

Figure 32 the respective tissue strains with and without a brace during double leg

squat. Relative ACL strain was found to have a high negative strain (-15 to -35%)

and did not match the strain patterns found in the literature for squatting. The

Meniscal strain was also found to peak above 20% which is above the reported

ultimate strain of 10.25%. Several changes, reported below, were made to address

these issues.







0 25 50 75 100Kn

ee F







Trial %

Selected Trial

Average Trial



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Figure 32. Pilot testing strain values during double leg squat.

(Left) ACL strain with and without brace, (Right) meniscal strain with and without brace.

The hip attachment was found to incorrectly load the specimens by not accounting

for the angular difference between the mechanical and anatomical axis. The

attachment was redesigned to adjust the mounting position of the femur (Figure

33). The ankle attachment, which is not constrained in the medial-lateral direction

would translate laterally. This new attachment applied load vertically onto the

tibia and did not translate laterally.

Figure 33. Hip upgraded attachment.

(A) Hip attachment with zero degrees of femoral angulation and (B) hip attachment with 15

degrees of femoral angulation.











0 25 50 75 100A



in %

Trial % Without Brace

With Brace










0 25 50 75 100



l Str



Trial %

Without Brace

With Brace

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The ankle attachment also needed to be redesigned. The previous ankle

attachment (Figure 34A) was quite vertical, which resulted in contact between the

mount and the 3D load cell. A right-angle ankle attachment was developed

(Figure 34B), which would not impinge at full knee extension.

Figure 34. Ankle upgraded attachment.

(A) Previous vertical ankle attachment, (B) ankle upgraded right angle attachment.

Lastly, the patellar cable insertion was redesigned. Previous studies with the

dynamic knee simulator used a freeze clamp to attach the quadriceps tendon to the

actuator. This was a bulky mechanism which would not fit within the surrogate

soft tissue envelope required for the ACL Rebound brace. The initial redesign of

the attachment was to drill four holes in the patella and insert the stainless-steel

cable in a weave pattern as seen in Figure 35A. This attachment method led to

patellar failures in the transverse direction. A new system described in Appendix

1, routed the cable through the patella and did not fail during loading (Figure 35B

and 35C).


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Figure 35. Patellar cable attachments.

(A) Pilot study patellar attachment, (B) front view of improved patellar attachment with patellar

tunnel, (C) lateral view of improved patellar attachment.

8.3 Pilot 3

Aim 3: Create a soft tissue envelope with foam that best approximates in-vivo soft tissue


Methods: A custom built indenter device was used to measure the compliance (N/mm) of the

selected subject (25.4mm diameter). The device “indents” contracted tissue, measuring both

force and displacement. Similar to previous work, liquid foam (Sunmate; Dynamic Systems Inc.,

Leicester, NC, USA) was used to create a surrogate soft tissue envelope. Multiple mixture

percentages were tested to find the best match in compliance.

Key Findings:

Compliance was measured on the participant in four different conditions:

quadriceps during a double leg squat, gastrocnemius during a double leg squat,

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quadriceps during a maximum voluntary contraction, and gastrocnemius during a

maximum voluntary contraction. Compliance was not measured during a single

leg squat or gait because the measuring tool required a static position. Average

muscle compliance was found to be 11.4 N/mm (SD 4N/mm), shown in Figure


The first mixture was Sunmate’s “semi-rigid” density. It was found that liquid

foam allowed to cure open to the air, formed a crust, which increased the stiffness

of the outer foam layers. The compliance did not match the subject’s compliance,

which was generally linear throughout. Compliance was found to be 42.5N/mm

and 30.0N/mm for the crust and inner layers respectively. These values are over

two times the stiffness of the participant.

The iso/polymer ratio was lowered from .55 to .4 to reduce the stiffness of the

foam. Compliance was found to be 12.65N/mm and 12.8N/mm for the crust and

inner layers respectively, which is within one standard deviation of the

participant’s average compliance. However, the new mixture ratio resulted in a

sticky outer texture which was undesirable for brace testing.

A new mixture “medium-firm” was ordered and tested. Unlike semi-rigid, the

medium-firm did not create an outer crust. The average compliance was found to

be 10.5N/mm, within one standard deviation of the participant’s average

compliance (Figure 36). This new mixture was the chosen mixture for all


Page 112: Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel ... · ii Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel Functional ACL Knee Brace during Dynamic In-Vitro Loading Stefan Sebastian











0 2 4 6


e (


Displacement (mm)

Subject MuscleCompliance


SunMate Medium-Firm

Figure 36 Surrogate foam muscle stiffness plots.

Comparison between the female subject’s muscle compliance corridor and three

compliance measurements from SunMate liquid foam medium-firm density.

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