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Page 1: KING OF KINGS -  The Bible In Pictures
Page 2: KING OF KINGS -  The Bible In Pictures

_ .Long before there was a-J)lanet, a great plan was set In motion that Involves all of us IMng today.

Somewhere in the outer reaches of space was a trem~ndous light and

power source composed of three distinct personalities.

The Bible claims each Person to be the only true and living God. It was here

this plan originated.

The Holy Scriptures call these three personal_ the Father. the Word. and the Holy Ghoet (God. the Holy Spirit). This is known as the Godhead.

"1 John 5:7 ... "For there are three that bear record tn heaven, the Father, the Won!, and the Holy Ghoet: and theae



The number two Person of the

Godhead was given the job to create the vast universe. His name was called "The Word" ... He

spoke and the galaxies came into


The Bible says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was GOd. The same was in the beginn~ng with God. All things were made by liim; and without him was not any thing made that was made.~ John 1;1-3

This tremendous power source later comes to our planet as a man. You'll be shocked to find out His name.

"He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not." John 1:10

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"Lucifer means "Light Bearer" or "The Shining One." See Ezekiel 28:12,14


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An amazing thing happened in heaven that had never happened before ... Lucifer became jealous. He wanted to be like God. He wanted all of the angels to worship him, instead of God. Lucifer was filled with pride,* which God spotted instantly. 'Isaiah 14:12-14 EzekieI28:17

I i::::':::: QUI an 0YtI plan In his head. He t .' talking angels Into joining him in throwing God off His lhrone. ·One lhird of 1he __ joined him. lucifer became _-mad. He declared war on God. ""lilal!on 12:4

Satan's beaten arm'y of beautiful

angels were changed into



In his insanity, Lucifer forgot he was only a created being. God ordered Lucifer, and the angels who had joined him in this evil plan, thrown out of heaven.

What a come-down ... Lucifer's name was . changed to ·Satan. He is also known by many other names in the Bible such as: the devil , the dragon, a roaring lion, the prince of demons, the wicked one , the old serpent , murderer, father of liars and *the angel of light.

-See Crusaders Slol)' 19 "Angel of Light."

MilliOns of these creatures were looking for a new home. They finally settled around one particular ptanet.

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The planet earth becomes the main stage for the most amazing and dramatic baHle of all time. Gen. 3:15

His territory is about to be

invadetl by a new type of

creature ... it is called man.

Satan and his demons are pushed out of the picture completely. -Jesus creates the plants, fish and animals, and the Lord said it was good. 'CoL 1:16, 17

Notice how the Lord created the first man. It wasn't through evolution as they teach us in our schools. Satan wants everybody to believe we came from monkeys. It's all part of his big lie.

Adam was perfect. He was programmed to live forever. His mind was pure . He had no evi l thoughts ... he was -innocent before God.


KAnd God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Goo. I,,,

'The following elements are found to be the same in the human body and in soil... which backs up the Bible: sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, potaSSium, sulphur, iodine, copper, iron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, zinc, molybdenum and 3 others which have later been defined: chromium, sel~mium and silicon.

Nutrition for Today by Alfen·Slater and Aftergood. Published by Wm. C. Brown Co .. Dubuque, IA.


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God gave Adam a direct order· not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of gOod and evil. And Adam got the message. ·Genesis 2:17

He knew·if he ate·of this tree he would surely die.

The knowledge of good and evil was strictly forbidden. Either you must live with good or with evil. You cannot live with both.

God demanded total separation. God did IhIs to protect Adem.

The Lord Jesus created Eve. He put Adam into a deep sleep and formed Eve from" one of his ribs. Genesis 2:22

She, too, was perfect. Both glowed from God's glory. Adam loved Eve. God was their friend.

Adem and Eve animals. and 1I1e place they lived. 1he Galden of Edan. Everything was perflicI.


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Satan wanted to talk to Eve in the

garden ... one of the creatures in there

was called a ·serpent... so

Satan entered into the serpent and

possessed it, and talked through the

serpent to Eve.

Eve was fascinated by its conversation.

God had given Adam dominion; or oontrol, over \he entire world. Satan wanted to throW Adam oil his throne, to oontroI \he world just like he tri8d to do to God up in haawn ... only this time, Satan won. ' -GenesIs 1:28

Satan talked Eve into eating .the forbidden fruit and gambled that because Adam

\ loved Ev~, he would listen to her and also eat of the

. 6

He didn' t approach Adam because Adam had named every animal in the garden and he would have recognized that this creature had been invaded by an outside force.

Adam did it. Satan was overjoyed!

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The glorious glow that Adam and Eve had, went out. For the first time they saw their bodies and knew they were naked.* They had sinned against God.

*Genesis 3:7

Notice that . the on Adam. not Eve. A woman is responsible for her personal relationship with God which includes submission to her husband.

See Genesis 3:17.


A strange thing happens when we sin. W. try to _ someone else for it and thai's just what Adam did.

"Hast (have) thou eaten of the tree

whereof I commanded thee that thou

shouldest not eat?~ (Genesis 3:11)

God's heart was broken ... God had always been their friend but now it was a new ball game. He had to keep His promise.

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When Eve stood before the Lord, she blamed ·the serpent. She had no idea the terrible crime that she was involved in ... her act affected the life of every man, . woman and child that ever lived thereafter.

Adam and Eve, in trying to hide what they had done, used fig leaves .. . it was not gorn;t enough for God.

Something had to die for this crime. Some believe that He chose little lambs, somet~ing very precious and dear to Adam and Eve. These lambs were killed. God took off their fig·leaves--and covered their bodies with the skins of those lambs. •

This involved the shedding of blood: They were horrlfiedf For the first time, _ was in the Garden of Eden. The friendship they once had with God wes now gone. He was no longer their spiritual Father. ·Hebrews 9:22, Levit\cus 17:11b


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were bom to Adam and Eve. It was a totally new environment .. . innocence was gone ... the flnIIbom was cain, then came Abel and then Seth. After this. many more children were bom to Adam and Eve,' Adam lived to be 930 before he died.

·GenesiS 5:4



'Luke 4:6 HRomans 5:12

The pattem was set ... since Satan now ruled the earth, he beoame the spiritual father of humanity.* God shows us a picture of the human heert. It Is -.. above all things, .n4 desperately wicked ... " .. In God's eyM, _ have one thing in common. We are all totally depraved (rotten).

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- -. :',,", " .. , '~.

. ." . -. -. : l.,~ _' ,~,

The Bible has given Him over 300 nam ••. H .... .,. a few of them. Tho lamb of God (John 1:28) Son 01 God (John 3:10) Tho Lon! of _ ~ 8:3) Craator (EclcI,,'u'N 12:1) Tho mighty God (18aIah 11:8) Tho _ng Falher or FaIher of eIomIIy (IooIoh 8:6) "the ........ of _ (_ 11:8) Tho Rack 0 cao •• _ 10:4)

KiIID at gfoIJ ""'*" 24:7, 10) 0ur~~33:22) .-all (Palm 83:18) Tho LollI Jehovah (Isaiah 26:4) Tho _ng God (Isaiah 40:28)

Tho God of 1he _ earth (isaiah 54:5) '!lie _ (Isaiah 58:20)

M ... ,ah (DonieIII:26) Tho P~nce of princes ~ 8:25) Emmanuel (_1:23) Tho Christ (_10:18) Jesus 1he Christ ~ 18:20) Tho Holy One of God (Mark 1:204) Son of 1he moot ~ God (MaI1< 5:7) ChrioI1he Lon! (l.uIoI2: 11) The _ of God (Luke 2030) I Am (John 8:58) (Exoduo 3:14, 15) Tho Judga of quick and dead (Ada 10:42) Je8ua Christ our Lon! (Romons 5:2.) Tho Mediator P Tmolhy 2:5) God manII_ in 1he -. (I TImoIhy 3:~8) Tho righWoos Judga (II TImoIhy 4:8) God our SavIour (Ti1u8 3:4) Tho Un181 high PrieIII (_4:14) Our Inta1C088Or (Hebn1w17:25) Tho AdIIocaIe p John 2:1) Tho Son (I John 4:14) Tho true God (I John 5:20) Tho Son of 1he F_ (II John 3) The Alpha and Omega (AetlBlllloIl 1:8) Tho AIm/ghIy ( __ 1 :8)

lord of IoIdo (_ 17:14) KIng of kings (_ 17:14) Tho Word of God ~ 111:13) Tho SavIour of 1he world P John 4:14)

~~----- - - ---------- -------- ------------------ ----_.. ..------------


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When He blasted the serpent for tricking Eve into eating the forbidden frun in the garden, God said to Satan... .. • "And I will pul enmily (war) between thee and the woman and between thy saed (thafs all of Satan's followers) and her seed; (Mure ... IsraeVJesus) and it (Jesus) shall bruise thy head, and thou shah bruise his heel: Genesis 3:15

I As you go through this book you will understand what that means. I , ~------------------~

Lefs go back to Cain, the firstbom on the earth. Eve thought that Cain would be the answer to all their problems.

I've gonen a man from the Lord.


No doubt, Adam and Eve spent hours complaining about whal happened in the Garden of Eden and whose fault n was:

It wasn't a. happy family, moaning about what it could have been like, if only they hadn't blown it.

Cain and Abel knew that lhe price for sinning was death and that they, had to kill something that never sinned. The lamb was the animal God chose.

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cain knew _ he was supposed to do. When R was time to oome before the Lord to offer his saaifioes, Gain

• Iried to puW a fast one. Instead of a lamb ...


. So AbelIJrouIthIIIe _Iamb he could find. God was pleased. Abel _, know that II would cost him hIa life. "Yea, and all thai will live godly In Chrlsl Jesus shall suffer persecution." 01 TImothy 3:12)

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Satan was furious with Abel! He hates any type of righteousness. Abel had become a real threat, and had to be stopped ...

.. . because Abel obeyed God instead

of Satan.

They obeyed instantly!


The perfect weapon that Satan used was Cain.

Satan was _ to use him becan" cain was already uptight thai God had put him down lor his 1_, sacrfflce. ~4:6, n

"And Cain talked with Abel , his brother. ....

(Genesis 4:8) They were alone ... Cain waited for just the right moment.

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Cain made the kill!

The Lord asked Cain, "Where is Abel, ,

thy broth:e;r?~"--,-::::,r.~ __ ,

~ InSlllted k Lord God of creation y,;th an armgant and sarcastic lie. He thought he was really something special. He was lull of pride. What an idlotl He had no raspect at all for authority.


He left the lifeless body of his kid brother lying in the field. Now Cain, the first·bom of the earth, was a murderer!

The Lord In HIs love and mercy, put up with Cain'. _Ilion.

What hast thou done?

And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened

her mouth to receive thy brother's blood fror:n thy hand.

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The sad thing was, Cain knew all about God!.. . and he knew what God expected. Cain was deeply religious because he even otfereQ a sacrifice to God.

Cain never said God didn't exist. He believed in God ... but Cain would not accept God's way. He woold not believe that the lamb must die and its blood be shed to satisfy God's anger over sin.

It offended Cain. He was a religious fool. Cain had his own religion and it was directed and twisted by Satan.

Enoch was 85 years old when his son was bom, and Ihat birth was so important that Enoch walked with God. His little son's name was called Methuselah, which meant "when he is dead, it (the flood) shall come." The Bible says Enoch didn't die ... God tool< him up alive into heaven. (Sse Gsn. 5:24) (Heb. 11:5)


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God found only one man who would obey Him and would have faith in what God said.

Noah wamed the people for many years, and to them it was one big joke.


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"And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and

. cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. ~ Genesis 7:23

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Noah, his wife and his 3 sons, Ham, Shem and Japheth and their wives ...

were in the ark with the animals. The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat· and the population explosion started up again.

*Genesis 8:4

Satan hated Noah because he was righteous. Satan found out that Noah's son, Ham, was weak. This is the one he worked through.

Ham looked upon his father's nakedness, and Noah put a curse on one of Ham's sons whose name was Canaan.

(Genesis 9:24, 25)

Ham had another son named Cush. Cush became the big men In politics. He married • beautiful woman named Semiramis, who became the Queen of Babylon. (See -Angel 01 light- Crusaders Volume IS. page 13).

This was the first United Nations building.


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God knew' what they were up to so the Lord came down to see the tower and the city they were building. God destroyed their unity by confusing their language.

Some groups went into Africa; others into Asia and Europe, etc. This is how the nations began.


No one understood what the other was saying. They went mad with frustration. Communication was a disaster.

Those who stayed behind in

the city of Babylon came under the

leadership of Satan's key man,

Nimrod." This became Satan's headquarters ... it

was the occult center of the wortd.

"Nimrod was the son of Cush and Semiramis ... later, Nimrod married his mother.

See -The Two Babylons- by _ Hislop. puIiIohed by Lolzaaux Brothers, Neptune, New.lelsey. 07753.

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TIley had a thlnk~tank of evil. They were just as smart as any man alive today_ They planned a super-religion (without God) to control the populations of the world.

Many years later God put His finger on the only man He could trust ...

. His name was Abram. His home town was a religious mess. Sex was one of their gods. Satan was setting them up for hell.

God told Abram to get out and leave lis home· and go to a far coun1Jy.

, -Genesis 12:1 ....

God blessed him because of his obedience. And in time, he became rich* and powerful... qut he was far from home. "Genesis 13:2


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God showed Abram all the land He was going to give him and his offspring. It was mind-bkrNing because he had no children ... his wife had a pmblem. f?he_couldn't.have any babies.

God kJId him thai nations woutd come hom lim and his _ ...

Abram became so wealthy with gold, silver, cattle and sheep that he had a problem wKh his nephew, Lot. To stop their herdsmen from lighting aver tha pasture grass and water, they divided company and Lot "'-In the cIIiee 01 Sodorn and Gomonah.

"Sodomy comes from this word. .

The city of Sodom" was totally under Satan's confrol. The people had turned completely away from God. Satan had orderod his demons of homosexuaiKy to take . over almost everv man, woman, boy and girt, which they did. God cursed that population with minds that couldn~ tell the difference between good and eviL·· Satan's reward for. all those homosexuals was death and damnation for their rebellion against God.

21 "Reprobate mind (Romans 1 :28)

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God knew what was going on in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Every act,· every thought,·· and every word··· they said was being recorded ... just like today. Everything was being recorded for the day of judgment. "Matt. 10:26; "Psalm 94:11; ""Matt. 12:36

..,.at by their filthy behavior." Lot was the only straight person in the 'nil .. city. Sodom was But fimt, God had to get Lot out of there to protect him. 'II Peter 2:7.8

The lord Jesus· sent two angels to pull Lot and his family out of the city before blssllng ft off the'- of the earth.

The next morning. Lat. his wife. and two 01 hie

daugh\era ...... ~ out 01 the city agefnaI

their will. _19:15,18

As soon as it was dark, the streets were filled with those homosexuals demanding that Lot send out the visitors so they could rape them.

Send them out that we might know them!


The angels bl inded the mob, so they finally gave up and went home.

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Right after that , the city was wiped out with fire and brimstone from heaven: Only three people made it out to safety. (A picture 'of the U.S. in the future?) It is estimated that over 10% of our population are homo· sexuals .. . and proud of it! God help us!

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Abram's wife, Saral, W88 really upast because the baby that God ptIII'IIiaed them hadn, come yet... so she came up with an idea to help God out. II she W88 too old to hale a baby, har maid could have the baby for her ... so she gave har Egyptian maid named Hagar to her husband 80 Abram and Hagar could produce the baby .. : and that's what they did. And we are paying for that act 01 rebellion today.

Hagar gave birth to Ishmael (the father of the Arabs) . Little did Sarai know that her act of sin would cause World War III

many years later. (But Satan did.)

-Isaac means ~Iaughter" because Abram and Sarai both laughed when God told them a baby was coming at their old age . .. Abraham means "father of llultitudes.B

.u Sarah means ~princess."


laaac God said to Abraham, "I will bless them that bless thee; and curse him that curseth thee.· (Gen. 12:3) This W88 _ted to Jacob. (Gen. 27:29b)

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, This was their big chance to kill him.

They already had it planned, but their

oldest brother talked them out of it ... so

they threw Joseph into a deep pit instead.


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The caravan took Joseph down to Egypt and sold him to a very big man In the Egyptian anny.

God put Joseph into the house of this Egyptian. Everything Joseph touched made money for his ' master, both in his house and in his fields.

Two other men were also in prison because they had offended Pharaoh. They were his butler and his baker. They were afraid ...

Both had a draarn and Joseph told them what their dl88JnS meant the baker would be put to dsath and the butler would go back to serving Pharaoh. And n happened jusllhat way.


She framed Joeeph on a phony rape charge and he went to prison. He was completely ImocanL This aame I8chnIque Is being used on Goers __ today.

o mighty Pharaoh ... I know of a man who

can tell you the meaning of your dream. He is in prison.

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Joseph explained that tt meant that the world, including Egypt, would be hit by a horrible 7-yea, drought, but first there would be 7 good yeal'$ wtth plenty of com. He suggested that Phareoh put someone In charge of storing up the surplus com so that they could survive the coming drought. Even Pharaoh knew God was with Joseph. He put Joseph in oh~,ge of protecting Egypt and its economy.

That moming, he was a

prisoner. That evening he became the

rule' of Egypt. Pharaoh said

to him ...

"Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my

people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou."

(Gen. 41 :40)


If we cannot get corn .. . we shall surely die!


His brothers bowed down before him just like Joseph dreamed they would. They didn't know who he was. Joseph loved them and took care of them.

For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and ye~ there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest. And God

sent me before you to prase'lVa you a posterity in the earth, and

to save your lives QY a great deliverance . .

Joseph became"a savior for his people just like Jesus would become the Savior of the world .

So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and ha hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler through­out all the land of Egypt."

(Gen. 45:5-8)


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Remember Abraham? He 'was Joseph's great-grandfather. (See pages 20-24) The Bible tetls us that God gIMI Abraham a vtoion (a prophecy) that ssid: '". know of a 8UI8Iy that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land thalia Il0l_, and &hal _them; and they shall aftIicIthem lour hundred years." (Genesis 15:13)

(Now we will see how if came to pass . exacUy as God said it

Joseph had long s ince died. The children of Israel (the Jews) had muttiplied into about 3 million people. Egypt was worried about this exploding population . The new Pharaoh called it "his Jewish problem," and Pharaoh was taking orders from Satan . The children of Israel were made slaves of the Egyptians.

Satan was no dummy. He _ that at some point in time his deadliest enemy, Jesus, would leave heaven. and come to this planet and become a man. Satan _thai Jesus would be born In a Jewish home. So the only answer was for Satan 10 knock 011 the entire Israeli raoe" . which he _10 do in Egypt.

Satan oouldn' set up any abortion clinics for _ eo he tried the next best thing. He had Pharaoh order the midwives to murder the Jewish baby boye when they were born. The midwives were afraid of God and they refused 10 rntJ<der the baby boyS. So Pharaoh ordered the Jewish families to throw every _m baby boy into the River Nile so ho would drown. These were the miserable conditions going on in Egypt when Moses was born.


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Moses couldn't stand the way the Jews were being treated like' dogs. He knew he was

Little Moses was found by Pharaoh's daughter and she raised him as her own son ... he got the best teachers in the world.

Moses felt caIfed of God to _ tis people from this oppression. His mis1ake was In trying to do a himseW, instead of with Gods ~. In anger, Moses killed an Egyptian for -19 an _.' Hs hid the body in the ssnd, but hs was being _. Word got out, and Moses had to lUll lor his IIa. H

29 . 'Exodus2:11 , 12 "Exodus 2:15

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·Exodus 3:14 "John 8:58

God kept Moses there for 40 more years ... it was a hard time for Moses. God showed him that his college degree from the Egyptian schools was worthless. God would now re-train Moses.

In Egypt H _ a no-no for any Egyptian to be a shepherd . .. MoMS ended up taking care of • IIock of sheep for lis 1aIher-lrHaw. God _ him. Only now could the lord Jeous use him.


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Mooeowent_to E{mIt. .• and nobody ~him.The_ j dIdn' trust him and Plataoh haled him. He

\Oldt>haraoh that tile Lord GclIIWantecltlle 1 ...... 1Iea to Ie8ve E{mIt. PhaJaoh ~MooeoWB8aazy.

"And tile Lord spake unto MOO88. Say unto Aaron. T_1hy rod. and_ out 1111/18 hand upon Ihe _ ,,-.,.. ..... --. ..... IheIrJlyara, and ..... IheIr pondI. and ....... lIIeIrpoo1801_. that they may become bIood; .. : _7'1.

" . - ------ --~~-~ "---

'And II1e fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians oculd net drink of the water of the river, and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.' ~7.21


WhO is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will i let Israel go!

These are some of the gods of Egypt: , People...., sacriIic:ed to ~ n It"e Nile Rive<-1urring It"e water red wiIh blood ..

, Aies. frogs. locusts ard callie ...., I'<OIShped as gods.'

• There was Serapis, agc:d:fsss they pmyed to when they had boils .

• There was a gockjess of the sky caled Nut Also It"e g:xtdess, Isis, was involved wiIh Seth. another god n proteding It"e crops.

, The SLrl god. Horus, 9'M' them iglt.

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The 3rd Plague

The 4th Plague


Pharaoh promised Moses that he would let Israel go, W Moses gol rid of the frogs.

The frogs died. They were gathered in heaps , and the land stank - and Pharaoh refused to I let the children go. His heart was hardened.

The 01 through

ents I

water into They could

atso bring up frogs ... bul they couldn 't bring forth lice.

Exodus 8:14

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. he 5th Plague

The 6th Plague

The 8th Plague


The 9th Plague

But of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.

Exodus 9:8

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The Lord instructed the Israelites to borrow of their neighbors, jewels of silver and gold.

Every Jewish house shafl tako a lamb without blemish ...

and shall kill it - it shall be th~ Passover lamb.

The blood of the lamb is put into a

basin - and a bunch of hyssop was dipped

into the blood.

W, •• Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: And

all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die. from the firstborn of Pharaoh that siHeth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maids8IVant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of

beasts." Exodus 11 :4-5

Then the hyssop was _ agalnet tho Iintol and the two sidopc ·IS of the door leaVing the bfood on them.

And tho bfood shaH be to you for a token upon the __ ye n. And when I see the bfood, I will pass over you, end the plague shafl not be upon you to destroy you, when I smito tho land of Egypt. Exodus 12:13

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Screams were heard throughout !hal night as the Lord Jesus" passed Ihrough Egypt. The firstbom in every Egyptian home· died. It was a nightmare. Even the firstbom of all the cattle were hit. The Egyptians were terrHied.

When the Lord Jesus saw a house, He looked for the blood on the front door ... if He saw the blood, He passed over the house and the firstborn was aUowed to live ... this is why it Is called ·Passover."

35 "Exodus 12:12, 29

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The palace of Pharaoh was hit.. . the destroying angel killed Pharaoh's only son who was the main god of the Egyptian people. What a blow to Egypt. The Lord had wiped out the only heir to the throne.

Mighty Pharaoh, if you don't send them away right now, we

will all die.


In the _ 01 the IligN; _ .......


~ .. get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go.

serve the Lord, as ye have said ... •

Under orders from Pharaoh, the children of Israel departed from Egypt after serving them for 400 years ... thus fulfilling the prophecy God gave Abraham.'·

, ·Genesis 15:13

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Satan directed Pharaoh to change his mind again and send his anny against the IsraelHes to clastroy them all In the wilderness.

The Israelites were blocked by the Red Sea and they could s~ the Egyptian army coming for the kill. The mob screamed at Moses that he had brought them out to have them slaughtered by Pharaoh's ar"lY. Three million complaining Israelites, all accusing, and now hating Moses. What a mess for Moses! Only God Almighty could save them now.

n- God Almighty. the Lord Jeous. ~ as a pillar 01 fire _ ~ and the I:hIIdren 01 Israel ... Pharaoh oouIdn~ get to them. The Israelites were terri1ieclln faith. believing God ... Moses stood by the sea. He lIfIed.up his rod and _ forth his hand and ordered the Israelites to stand still and walCh the selva_ Of the Lord ... and Immediately the Lord sent a mighty east wind. II blew all night long. and made the sea dry land: °Ex0du814;21


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God worked a mighty miracle and the Red Sea was divided. This was their only chance for escape. Behind them was Pharaoh 's bloodthirsty army. The Israelites were scared to death. Before them were two gigantic walls of water and dry ground.

Note: For 3 million Israelites to cross over the Red Sea in one nlght* would require an opening large enough for 5,000 abreas~ to pass through. *Exodus 14


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Now was the time for God's awful judgment on Pharaoh and his ·army. God moved the pillar. They drove like mad into the valley in the water, trying to catch the Israelites. The chariot wheels snapped - horses fell. The entire army was bogged down between two great walls of water and then ... the Lord Jesus commanded the waters to close. They did, and Egypt lost its king and its army in the churning sea.

Egypt was destroyed. The crops were gone, the economy wa!3 bankrupt because they had given the Israelites most of their gold and silver. All the firstbom were dead, (inclyding their flocks and herds) and all the mighty men of Egypt were gone. The government no longer existed. It was total disaster for Egypt. It never recovered. .


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God had called His chosen people out of Egypt.. . they were to be a light to the world . Remember, the whole world was in spiritual darkness except for the Israelites. The evil religious system set up by Nimrod back in Babylon was now world-wide. Every nation or tribe on earth was into a form of devil ~orship as their organized religion. (Just like today.)


We're going to die out here! It's an evil

plot by Moses.

Moses was now stuck wHh ''''~''!( ... ' miHion _IOOs, complaining, sUff­necked Israelites in a hot, barren desert with no food or water.

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lord loved them* and supplied them with water and sent them food from heaven called '"manna*" for 40 years. *Ex. 34:6, 7 .. Ex. 16:4, 5

It was like a little cookie that tasted like honey. It was a perfect food that kept them healthy . .. there was no disease in the camp . •

Note: The total amount of food for 3 million people for 40 years was about 58.400,000 tons. The amount of water was over 160 billion gallons. (Thafs love!)

Poor Moses was worn out. He listened to their all

My neighbor stole my coat.. . and their

dog bit my son.

That a lie! She stole my

bracelet. It I .........., ........... ..--1


They 881 In their tents and wished they were back In Egypt. They soon got aIc:k of Moses and the manna from Maven.

The lord was a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to protect them. When the cloud moved. they folded up their tenia and followed. Their destination was the Holy land ... God was training them to obey Him and they wanted no part of It.

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On Mt. Sinai, God gave Moses

commandments for the people of Israel to follow. He wanted a

holy and God-fearing pe;opJe who would

obey Him.

Satan was controlling 1he mob. H tumed into

one big orgy"' like Sodomend

Gomorrah ... they forgot about God.

·A wild sex party.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me! Thou shalt not steal.

Moses spent 40 nights and days with God up in the mountain, and then the Lord gave Moses laws for the children of Israel to protect them ... laws on how to live, what to eat, how to keep clean, how to sacrifice, and what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He wamed them not to inter-marry with other people or they would become corrupted both physically and spiritually. While Moses was up there, the children of Israel started worshipping one of the gods of Egypt.

Moses: came off the mountain and was outraged at their rebellion. The Lord was fed up with the people. He was ready to destroy Israel, but Moses begged God not to kill them, and GC?d held back His anger .


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Moses sent spies to check out the Holy

Land that God had promised to

They wanted to obey God and take the land right away: The other spies came back saying it was hopeless .. . the enemies were giants. The Israelites became terrified and refused to go. "Numbers 1.4:6-9

give them . ..

The lord was angry because the people refused to go in and take the land. He said that none of that generation would go into the Promised Land except those two men wtto were obedient to God: Joshua and Caleb.· Because of their unbelief, God never allowed the others to leave the desert. -Numbers 14:29, 30

Grandma .. . read my palm and tell me who I'm

·going .to marry.

What are we going to do?

What a mess ... I knew · Moses lied to us. I hate him!

If God is so merciful.. . why do we have to go

·through ail this?

Note: We have seen a picture of God's people in the Old Testament, but they were also a snapshot 9f God"S people today. I am not talking about unbelieving and rebellious people who don't believe the Bible, or so-called Christian churches like Rome,* But Bible-believing, saved, born-again believers in Christ who are sending people to hell just by the :lypocritical, two-f~ced way they are living. We are as bad a witness to the world today, as the rebe1lious Jews were in the desert .. . there is no difference. Very seldom do you see a Christian who will obey God and be sold out to Christ. God forgive us! We will stand before Christ to give an answer for the rebeUious way we've lived:- See II Cor. 5:10


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The children of Israel became so rebellious to God

while in the d .. ert ~theyspoke against God and

Mos .....

and the Lord .ent fiery "rpenls" (snakes) to bile the Israeln .. and kill them for that sin. II was a nighbnare.

"Numbers 21 :5,8

They cried to Moses for help. They were so scared they asked God and Moses to forgive them: Soitle-Lord told Moses to make a serpent of brass and put it on a pole and lift it up for the people to see.

Look and live!

When anyone who Was biUen looked at that brass serpent on the pole, he woukt live.· "Numbers 21 :8,9 .

brass serpent was a picture of Christ made sin for us in the future, on the cross.

At the end of 40 years, most of that rebellious and ungrateful generation who came out of Egypt was dead. MQses was now 120 years old. Even Moses blew it in an act of unbelief and rebellion himseH I so c;3od didn't let Moses into the Promised Land either. (See Numbers 20:11-13. Also Psalm 108:32, 33·1

Hear now, ya rebels ... must we

fetch you water out of this rock?

Only two men out of !he original generation," Joshua and caleb. made " to !he Promised Land.' "Numbers 28:85


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Moses died, and now it was time for Joshua

to lead the second generation of Israelites into the Promised Land. They had becomean

anny, and their job was to wipe out the evil people living in the Ho/y'Land,

and to clean it from idols and fatse gods:

"Deuteronomy 7:1-10


After the Israelites crossed over the River Jordan Joshua spent the rest of hi s life leading them in constant warfare with the inhabitants of the land . .

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When Joshua died, Israel _led against God. The Iaraeliles wen! inlo spiritual da-'. EvOfY man did IIlaI which was right in his own eyes ... Satan was laughing at God's Chosen People who stopped fighting Iheir enemies, and inter-married with tribes who worshipped the devil.

God let Israel tall into slavery but when they wept

and repented and asked God to save them ...

Jewish pigs ... we'll show you how to suffer!

the Lord would raise up men and women" who would lead them out of slavery and back to setVing the Lord again. As soon as IIlat leedar died, Israel would beclonJe _lious again.

The children of Israel didn't want God to rule them btJt demandad a king like 8111h. other nations.

So God gave them kings. Throughout !heir history only a very few of their leeders really

obeyed God.

David was the greatest of all their kings, and Satan almost

destroyed David with a woman named -." But David

broke beIont!he Lord, --. andwas~. The ~01 !he kings 01_ and"'- is

one of afmaattolal dislster. -II Samufidlaplora 11 a 12


Interesting note: Satan was so powerful that if he'd had his way, Israel would have !->eoome like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Isaiah 1 :9)

Thank God for the small number of believers that are faithful. That is the only thing that holds back God's awful judgment. (Just like today.)


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God made certain conditions in His laws ••• He said He would bless Israel if they obeyed Him •.. if not. they would suffer. (Read Leviticus, Chapter 26. You can almost see Hitler's Holocaust In that chapter.)

God finally gave them up and the Israelites were

carried to Babylon where they suffered for 70 years· before

a remnant went back to Jerusalem.

During this time God spoke to them through His prophets.

Serves him right!

But lorlha most part, !hay hated their prophats. They killed most of them and served the devil inatead. This was the picture of God's Chosen People in the Old Testamsnt part of tha Bible.

Only a handful were faithful." Yet God, in His love, didn't forget them. He was about to send His only Son from heaven· like His prophets said He would. "(Isaiah 10:20·22, Zephaniah 3:13)

'n*'";~ the Old Testalnent portion of the Bible. ~-~~~ -------

From the Hms ot Adam until the close 01 the Old Testamsnt, milroons had died. Whare is destination? It's a tellible picture.

The thing Satan most dreaded was about to


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New Testament

Let him go, Brutus! We've got to get back. Ifs

getting late.

He had great __ ~. He _ his _ from Rome. The'-___ 10 kaep their raIigIon. tt was _10 rule them thiaway.

-The Jews know that the "Messiah" is God coming in the fonn of ,8 man, to save Israel from all their suffering. He will be their hero and rule the world.

Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome . ridiculed Herod by saying, ~ It' s better to be his hog than his son: - Herod had murdered one of his wives and his son. He only did things like that when someone upset him.

SomethIng was In "'-.wind the! 10 upselHerod WI)' muchl

48 ·Ungers Bible Dictionary, Moody Press, page 471.

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It's Gabriel, Master! He's on his way.

The rabbis· ·taught that the Messiah was coming ... each little girl secretly hoped that she would have the honor of being chosen to give birth to this great promised one. .

°Tea9her of Jewish religious law. 49

Becau.e Satan read the Scripture. and /Ie knowa prophecy evan \hough he_ want II> believe H _ of his' pride, blHerne .. and rebellion Oust Hke most people lDday).

FinaUy the great moment happened . The virgin Mary was stunned w)1en the angel, Gabriel, came to her and said these tremendous words ...

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W • • • Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1 :28)

"And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy , ..e.'f-""'!l! womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt caU

his name JESUS." (Luke 1:31 )

"And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. (Luke 1 :33)

"The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall

overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee' shall

be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)

Satan and his demon forces watched this meeting between little Mary and the angel , Gabriel. Mary 's life would never by the same.

Master, what will you do to stop this?

Satan could not attack Mary or 'the baby, Jesus ... but he hatched up a plan to lie about Mary and, in the future, turn her into a goddess so billions of people would worship her* instead of the lord Jesus. ,t\nd Satan could take' them all to hell with him. Wars would be fought over thi s little Jewish maiden, and bloody executions and tortures of Christians and Jews would take place, all in her name.

Die, you dog ... for the ~essed Virginl

"Almost all pagan religions, plus the Roman Catholic institution, Russian, Armenian _ G_ Orthodox Churches including the Coplics, Syrians and Moslems. See Crusaders "Alberto." "Angel. of Light: "Sabotage?" and "The Gift."


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· for that which is conceiveg

in her is of t~e Holy Ghost.

And she shall bring forth a son, and trou shalt

call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people

from their sins."

God fold him in a dream to marry her because her baby is the Saviour. So he did. Bible prophecy said that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.


The Roman emperor sent out

an order that everyone must register in their

home town to be taxed.

There was no place for Joseph and Mary so they stayed in a smelly stable. It was here thaI God Almighty, the Creator of the universe, became flesh as a little baby boy - Jesusl

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Shepherds were watching their sheep late one night" when angels appeared, almost scaring them to death. An angel said, ~Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Ch.rist the Lord." (Luke 2:11) The angel told them they would find the baby lying in a manger. They hurried to BethLehem and were the very first visitors to see the King of kings.

"December is too wet for the sheep, and the grass is just starting to grow in the Holy Land. So it must have been in the summer or fall when the angels appeared.

Mary and Janph gato

thegraal temple ...... ~of


Mary fulfills a Jewish law by offering two turtledoves for a sin offering: (Lev. 12:2-8) Mary knew she was a sinner, even though God had chosen her for this high honor. She knew that Jesus would be her Saviour.""

-SeeThe . •• Luke 1:46-48

Note: Satan made Mary inlo a goddess in 1854 when Pope Pius IX proclaimed thai Mary was bom with­out sin. The pope claimed the Holy Spirit came upon Mary's mother. and Mary was born without sin ... this is called. in the Ron1an Catholic doctrine, "The Immaculate Conception: That is notBibfe teaching.


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strange star in the heavens and they followed it to the city of Jerusalem. (Matt. 2:1,2)

. ~;;.:.ummoned his .• , BIbIe_ .. cIemoncIeIIlD know

where CIIrtst would be born.

They checked the Scriptures and

told him it was to be Bethlehem in

Judea .

.. ... Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that 1 may come'

and worship him also." (Matt, 2:8)

53 ·

Herod was a1raady planning murder in his heart.

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Once outside the palace, the Wise Men 8.9ain spotted the star and it guide<fthem 10 the house Crt dldn' say manger) where Jesus was living. . (M ••. 2: 9.11)

The Wise Men fell down and worshipped Jesus only ... they presented Him with gifts of gold. frankincense and myrrh. (Matt. 2: 11)

Joseph, we had a dream·". we were told not to return to Herod.

So we are going home by a

different route.

tile W ... Men are gone ... . he is fljrtous ... The next night

Joseph is Satan now.- again 10 murder Jaeusl "MsIt. 2:18

awakened from a dr~am. He knows Herod wants to kill little Jesus.

They pack up and leave the same nigh1 for Egypt.

. 2:13, 14


Blast Itl... I:ve been tricked!

Herod ... kill thl! children in Bethlehem ... this way your

sons will rule Israel!

Thafs what I'll do!

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Remember how the Holy Spirit came upon Mary before she was married to Joseph and how this holy Child was called the Son of

~' God? The Creator of the unive rse had become flesh . He was different from any person born on this earth. The Bible says: "(Jesus) WHO DID NO SIN, neither was guile found' in his mouth: (I Peter 2:22; II Cor. 5:21) He was the only one, because the Bible says: "All have sinned and corne short of the glory of God.ft (Rom. 3:23) Including Mary who was quit~ human.

MIhe age of 12: Jesus __ Ihe Jewtsh

d8c:tIlfa of raIIgion In Ihe lIig I8mpIe In JeJUsaJem.

"Lu1<8 2:.a. 47

How does this youttl know . so much about Jewish


It ... _ ... about 1.500 years before ' _ -. ..... had given Ihe Jewtsh law 10 _ on MI. Sinai."

"Exodus 3:12.13. 14; Exodua 20:2; John 8:58


Every year Jesus went to Jerusa&em to watch the killing of the Passover lamb.

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was !he spiritual Ne bo!gan His

Almost nowhere is repentence preached today. All you hear is,

"God loves you and I love you.' So now we are

stuck with church members who are still rebellious and totally

useless because there is no change in their lives.


He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wildemess where tie fasted (went without food) for 40 days. During this pme, Satan tried every trick in the book 10 get Jesus to fall down and worship him ...

"Get thee hence, Sata!): for it is written. thou shalt worship the Lord thy

God, and him only shalt thou

serve.M U

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Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons and raised some from the dead. He taught the people a new way to live.

Love thy neighbor as thyself!

He worked with them for

3 years!

Jesus' closest enemy was His friend ,· Judas ... a very religious follower of Christ, appointed an apostle. Judas prayed, he preached the Gospel,·· healed the sick and cast out demons"· in the name of Jesus,' and he preached that men should repent. He was the world's greatest traitor all through his ministry with Christ. He set a pattern for the church ... here is the pattern: 1 of the 12 disciples was a traitor ... I beli!3ve that ratio (1 traitor to 12 Christians) could apply to the church today, including church members, pastors, evangelists, etc. The whole world is in rebellion against God, and Satan is t3king them all to hell. So Satan's main target is Bible-believing Christians. (That's why there are so many Bible-believing Judases with us today.) 'Matt.26:47-5O '·'Matt. 10:1

"Mark 6:7, 12 IMatt. 7:21-23

.WDa~~n..Q~.)bH 16:8, 9; Malt. 23:16 -Malt. 23:14


lna_oI occupotion by

ruINIoa Roman

aoIIIar1. .. -.,..,.--up willi halo, lear I11III

conupUon • ...,... whothlaperaanll

lhat lIPealrs 01_.

Page 59: KING OF KINGS -  The Bible In Pictures

Jesus attacked those religious leaders. They were insulted and they put a death contract on Him because He blew their cover and exposed them. Jesus became public enemy No. 1.

"Ye serpents (snakes), ye generation of vipers, · how can ye escape the

damnation of hell?"

Passover' was coming ... this was to be the showdown between the forces of darkness and light, and Jesus is the Light " of the world. Satan hated Jesus more than anyone efse for throwing him out of heaven ... this was his hour of revenge. Little did he know that God was using him to fulfill prophecy ... now watch how H happened. 'See psgo 35 "John 8:12

The greatest double-cross in history takes place ... Judas sells out Cnrist.

The Jesus broke

takes place in a house. bread and said .. .

The bread didn, change into _ ChrfaIIfII& the Roman Catholic -..ton ....... : because. was still bread. to ba _ as a .-nbnInce­of His _ until He """* agafn.

Being God, Jesus knew just when He was being betrayed. Judas was the hit man. ' Catholic Mass instituted in 394 A.D .. (See "Alberto," Crusaders

L-________________ ---' Vol. 12. pages 6 and 25.) "I Corinthians 11:24-26


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Jesus takes His disciples to the

Garden of Gethsemane to

pray ... they all fall asleep. He is

alon(l. He knew what He must pass through.

Judas brings the police. The signal is to arrest \ whomever Judas kisses.

~ ... 0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me .. . H

Matt. 26:39

being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground:u

'Luke 22:44

This is kno wn in medical terms as ~h~matidrosis" (bleeding sweat) . This strange effect sometimes happens when emotional pressures are so great that tiny blood vessels burst in the sweat glands and mix the blood with the sweat. . . causing great weakness. *

·,Gerald H. Bradley, M.D.

Jesus is taken from p'lace to place for questioning .. . they hold a

Jesus is beaten and spit upon by the slrong, a.mad men of .•• Annas, Caiaphas and · lhoi quick trial

in the dead of night.

Pilate doesn'l want any part Of this, bul he's sluck ... he says Jesus is Innocent bullo please the howling mob, he asks them this question ••.

At this point, 18 Jewish laws were broken so Jesus ~ could be put to death:

"The Illegal Trial of Jesus, arlWIg:l, Christian Truth & vic:toty PublicatIons The angels of God watch in utter shock as they see their Creator humiliated, tortured and murdered.


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As the sharp bones . and metal in the whip tore away the flesh, muscles were sliced

wide open. The arteries would be hit spurting blood. Most victims died from the

beating alone.

~~::: ::'~said: ..... his village ..... SO m man, aod his Ionn monI than the sons 01 men." Iaaiah 62:14

His flesh ,is hanging in ribbons as He is ordered to cany a cross weighing over 100 pounds, 650 yards to

. .the place of execution .. " (Golgotha) the rough wood gouged into His torn back, by now He was already dehydrated. T~e mirade was that He was still living, •

gave my back to the smi1eIS, aod my cheeks to tham that plucked 011 the hair. I hid not my face from shame and spilling." IaaIah 50:6

Satan summons his army of demons to Jerusalem ... .. of ...... _Is unIeaahed agaiost Jesus iI1IoIq1 the Insane mob. The a1gIIIs .. ......, stand by wailing !cr Jesus' _to_ ... but His ...... !crus held back

the corivnand.


~ ... without (the) shedding

of blood (there) is no remission," (for sins)

.Hebrews 9:22.

"For God (the Fathef) so kMId the world, (that's you) that he gave tis only begoIIeI. Son (God the Son, Jesus), that ............... -. (cIilgs to or trusts) .. him _ not perish (in the lake of fire), but have ~1ife(11_)." Jotm3:16

The sky is darkened for 3 haulS as every filthy act ever done by man is heaped u~ the precious Savior.

The He said: ._ ..... into thy hands I commend my spirit:

and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Luke 23:4~

This is the only time .. ~ that there Is a spit ~ God the Father, God the Son II1d God the Holy SpiIt. .. boca"88 God the Son became a ... oIfering .. . end be01g hofy, They could not allow ..... Their presence.


IJeIIevq fie did \ilia WUh his hated

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Jesus said He would rise from

the dead, so they buried His body in a tomb guarded by 16 crack Roman


No problem with the disciples ... they were scared to death ... their leader was dead ... the last thing the religious Jewish leaders wanted, was to hear of Jesus' resurrection.

On the flret day of the w .. k, was a ureat eilllhquaka and .. angel ""-'<lId flam heaven and rolled tht _1l1l'i' 81IIn8 away ... tht RomanIOIdIeriI

If only one man fell asleep on guard duty, their whole group would be burned alive in their own clothing ... so nobody so much as yawned.·

""The Great Resurrection Hoax~ by Josh McDowell , Liberation Tapes, P.O. Box 6044, Lubbock, Texas 79413.

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therafore. and 1each all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and 01 the Son. and of 1he Holy Ghost.

Man. 28:18. 19

40 -days later, Jesus went up inlo heaven ... but first, He told His disciples that He is coming again. While He was teaching them, He told them what world conditions would be like at His second coming.·

'Matthew, chapter 24


they biIcame. dead JIII¥l."

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50 days· after the resurrection of Christ

from the grave (again, on the first day of the

week) when the disciples were

praying ... God, the Holy Spirit, came down from heaven and. filled

the believers with power from on high.

' Acts 2:1-47

And they turned the world upside down by telling people the good news that Jesus died for their sins and they can escape from Satan's _th grip.

Since that time, the Gospel has been preached throughout the world and Satan went right along with the missionaries to destroy their work. When the true believers in Christ set up a church ... so " did Satan!-


Today the world cannot tell the true from the false ... Satan has done his job well.

to use power ~~;t,:~I~i!~ today to save, to heal, and to set free from all d

'JOhn 16:14

Now we see the world is falling apart morally, spiritually, financfally, educationally and religiously. Thera is rioting on the streets, famines and wars_ The true Bible--believing Christians are crying for the Lord Jesus to come quickly. which He will do.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alivl~ and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with tt.lese words.

I The,ssl!.Ionians 4:16-18

This I. called the ~ hope (the meeting in the air) when He takes His tnJe ~ to heaven. God. the Holy Spirit.· will then step eaide end let wickedness run free wtthouI rwtnIInL The worid will tum Into 8 nlghtm ..... with Satan running the show. ""For the mystery 01 Iniquity (Satan's operation) doth already work: a:~~~(the Holy SpIrIt) wIIo now tettoth (who _. _ or _ bacI<) willie!. (hold back) until he (tho Holy S taken out or tho way.. II n-z"


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The Bible says that in the last days there will be a s~per·church ... when all denominations pull together under the Roman Catholic institution, the Great Whore of the book of Revelation, chapter 17. (This is what is happening today.) ... Its religious leader will be an imitator of Christ and in reality the Anti-Christ· or false prophet. 'Revelation 13:11

This win be Satan's masterpiece. Soon a man will arise on the world scene who will use this super­church to push himseH Into a position as the political leader of the world. He is known as the Beast. Satan will use the Beast to try and wipe the Jews off the face of the earth.

A great image is made of the Beast for the world to worship ... his followers "receive his mark. Anyone opposing him is killed.

Satan ents .. the Beast and demancIo the .-ious WOItd to worship him as God, and K does. It is a trinity 01 evH.


"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him." Revelation 1:7

God .... d. , ...... ., "And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power."

Revelation 9:3 ..... and their power was to hurt men five months." Rev.9:10

"And men were scorched with great heat. and blas· phemed the name of God, which hath power over these pIag_: ...•


strikes man ... and still he will repent. By now of all the true Jews are dead, and the army of the world moves to kill those still living . That's· when Jesus, their Messiah," will retum to save them. ·Zech. 13:8 "DanieI9:25-27


"And I_the beast, and the kings 01 the earth, and tIeir armies, gathered IDgeIher to make war against hin that sat on the hooie, and ~ his army. And tho _ was taken, and _ him the false prophet thel wrought miracles before him, with which he _ them that had reosived the mart< of the beast, and Iharo that worshiIlIled his",-. These ' . .both were cast alive into a i8ke 01 fioe burning _ brimstone." Revelation 19:19,20

"And the 18IMII'II ...... him thai sat upon pn>08IIded out of his ...... ftlled wIItIlheI, fteIh."

Page 65: KING OF KINGS -  The Bible In Pictures

Jesus Christ, "The Prince 01 Peace; now rules CN8f !he oarIh. "Swonls 8/8 beaten into pIowsha ...... and then! _ be no """" war during !he great thous!rId yeaIS .'" peace on oarIh!hat has finally come. __ u

IloQked and I actually saw -the nail prints in our

Messiah's hands! ,;,:...:.::........ . ...,.J

The moment Satan had dreaded finally comes. His rotten career is ended. He is cast into the lake of fire where the Beast and the False Prophet are. (Notice they are still alive after 1,000 years.) Billions of rebellious people. religious and otherwise, who died in their sins and laughed about the crucifixion are lost for eternity* ...

their torment** goes up day and night forever and ever; and Satan himself has to bow His knee in the flames and admit that Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Lord of

. Lords and King of Kings!"·

'II Thess. 1:7-9 "Rev. 14:11

'''PhiL 2:9-11


~And WhE!n all things shall be subdued .unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be-all in all. "



Page 66: KING OF KINGS -  The Bible In Pictures


Did you know that everything you've ever said, or done , or thought has been recorded?

Matthew 12:36 Romans 2:16 Luke 12:2, 3

The Bible says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (His glory is His excellence or perfection)

That means your good works' don't count. "Ephesians 2:8, 9, 10 and Titus 3:5

THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY FOR GOD TO PASS OVER YOU ON THAT AWFUL DAY OF JUDGMENT. If you have received Jesus into your heart and believe that He died for you on the cross, shedding His blood to wash away your sins - if you really believe that.. then that blood covers your sins forever and washes you clean. And God sees thai blood· covering you and He passes over you on the day of judgment, and you are saved from being cast into the lake of fi re. *1 Peter 1 :18, 19

How do you get that protection of the blood of Christ? It doesn't come by leading a good life , or being kind, or going to church, or loving your mother, or country" ... or by long prayers, or praying to saints, etc. If you are counting on that, then you will end up as another religious sinner in hell with Satan! 'Isaiah 64:6

The Bible shows us there is only ONE way into heaven ... and rebels will not accept it,

Only those who repent, surrender their lives and their will to Christ will reign with Him in glory.

THE BIBLE SAYS THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO HEAVEN! Jesus said, "1 am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6


''That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him rrom the dead, thou shalt be saved," Rom. 10:9

1. Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10 2. Be willing to tum from sin (repent). See Acts 17:30 3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you , was bur"led

and rose from the dead. See Rom. 10:9-10 4. Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to

become your personal Saviour. See Rom. 10:13

WHAT TO PRAY Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin. I am wi lling to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour.

If you trusted Jesus as your Saviour, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now: 1. Read your Bible every day to get to know

Jesus Christ better. 2.Talk to God in prayer every day. 3.Be baptized, worship , fellowship, and serve

with other Christians in a church where Christ is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

4. Tell others about Jesus Christ.

Here's help to grow as a new Christian! Read The Next Step, available at Christian bookstores or from Chick Publications.

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