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Page 1: Killing Gaia

Killing Gaia�(Planet Pictures)�

Earth.. Is the only planet with water, atmosphere, life? What are we doing

with it? Soon to become another planet barren, lifeless?

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Image Credit: Mariner 10, Astrogeology Team, U.S. Geological Survey


One Mercurian year: 88 days

One Mercurian day: 58 day, 15h, 30mn

Temperature: between -183 and 427°C

Distance to the Sun: 58 million km

Diameter: 4878 km

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Image Credit: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech


One Venusian year: 225 days

One Venusian day: 243 days

Temperature: 464°C Distance to the Sun: 108 million km Diameter: 12104 km

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Image Source:

Data Source:

Earth One Earth year: 365,2564 days

One Earth day: 23.9345 horas

Temperature superficial:

minima -91.16 °C

Media: 8.84 °C

Máxima: 59.84 °C

Distance to the Sun: 142.7 million km (perihelio) y 151.8 millones de km (afelio)

Diameter Ecuatorial: 12.756,28 km

Velocidad de escape: 11,186 km/s

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Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)


One Martian year: 687 days

One Martian day: 1 day, 37mn, 23s

Temperature: -60°C Distance to the Sun: 228 million km Diameter: 6786 km

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Jupiter One Jovian year: 11 years, 313 days One Jovian day: 9h, 55mn, 30s Temperature: -130°C Distance to the Sun: 778 million km Diameter: 142800 km

Image Credit: NASA, Reta Beebe, and Amy Simon (New Mexico State University)

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Saturn One Saturnian year: 29 years, 153 days One Saturnian day: 10h, 39mn Temperature: -180°C Distance to the Sun: 1427 million km Diameter: 120000 km

Image Credit:Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Uranus One Uranian year: 83 years, 274 days One Uranian day: 17h, 14mnn Temperature: -214°C Distance to the Sun: 2871 million km Diameter: 50800 km

Image: Copyright Calvin J. Hamilton

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Neptune One Neptunian year: 163 years, 263 days One Neptunian day: 16h, 7mn Temperature: -195°C Distance to the Sun: 4497 million km Diameter: 49600 km

Image Credit: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Pluto One Plutonian year: 248 years, 197 days One Plutonian day: 6h, 23mn Temperature: -220°C Distance to the Sun: 5910 million km Diameter: 2200 km

Image Credit: Xplanet, NASA/JLP-Caltech

It´s not more considered planet now. Considered now a planetoid

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Only one of the 8 planets have life!!! Careful

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Actual Dimensions

Is not known the source of the images. To see the entire series is recommended to see the presentation Celestes.ppt and the Nasa.ppt. Are marvelous

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Is not known the source of the images. To see the entire series is recommended to see the presentation Celestes.ppt and the Nasa.ppt. Are marvelous

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The sun is at a distance of 40 million of million kilometers from Earth. Light travels 300,000 miles per second. Light give 7.5 rounds to the Earth in one second. Light take 1.2 seconds to reach the Moon, about 8 minutes to reach the Sun and 4 or 5 hours to reach Neptune and Pluto.

Light takes 4 years to travel to Proxima Centauri (is 4 light-years to us). Proxima Centauri is a dwarf star and is not visible to the naked eye. It is part of a triple system. Belong to a group of three stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and Proxima Centauri. At first glance the system of Alpha Centauri appears as the third brightest star in the night sky, after Sirius and Canopus.

Our Galaxy measured 100 thousand light years.


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The ship on which we traveled: The blue marble

Has 4 thousand 570 million of years old. It is estimated that there wil be another 10 billion years (that is already consumed one third of its life*).

Is the third in distance from the Sun and the 5th largest planet.


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71% of its surface is water. It is the only planet where water can exist permanently in liquid on its surface. Water is essential for life and has a circulation system and erosion unique in the Solar System.

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This is your only home… for how long?

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In other planets, like Venus, the water disappeared because solar ultraviolet radiation breaks down the molecule and the hydrogen ion, which is light, escaping from the atmosphere. This effect is slow but inexorable. This is a hypothesis explaining why Venus has no water. In the Earth´s atmosphere, a thin layer of ozone in the stratosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation, reducing the effect. The ozone protects the biosphere from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (Wikipedia)

“The ozone layer, according to scientific research, is being reduced by between 2 and 3% each year”

That means that the ozone layer would disappear between 33 and 50 years and her life on Earth. Are we the last generation in this beautiful planet?

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Ultraviolet Rays (UV)

Ozone Layer

Holes in the Ozone Layer Greenhouse gases destroy the ozone layer and cause global warming

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause blindness, skin cancer and other diseases in humans

UV breaks the water molecule (H2O) and hydrogen ions wich are very light escapes from the atmosphere. Without UV ozone dry the water on the planet

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Source: El Universal. Jueves 05 de octubre de 2006

Video of Nasa about the global warming

We are making a hot planet… the next step will be die cooked

The study, led by James Hensen of Goddard Institute of Space NASA, along with scientists from other organizations, concludes that, due to a rapid warming trend in recent 30 years, the Earth reaches and passes current levels warmest interglacial period, which lasted nearly 12 thousand years. An “interglacial period” is a time in Earths´s history when the area covered by the planet glaciers was similar or smaller to today. The recent warming is forcing species of plants and animals to move toward the north and south poles. The study used temperatures around the world taken during the past century. The scientists concluded that these data show that the warming at a rate remarkably fast of approximately 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade over the past 30 years.

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In 2005 saw the biggest hole in the ozone layer of history, extending over an area of 24 million square kilometers, almost the size of North America.

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Kyoto Protocol

Starting in 2001, commits 36 industrialized nations to reduce by at least 5% levels of pollutant emissions (greenhouse gases) road to 2012. It has not been signed by the USA and Australia claiming that impacts on economic development.

Source: Carlos Gay García, manager of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences, in conversation with El Universal El Universal, 13 February 2007

Montreal Protocol

Signed on September 16, 1987. Comes into force on June 1, 1989. It was proposed to control the production of substances that damage the ozone layer.

Timeline of dissent and disaster…?

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The 16 countries meeting in Washington are Germany, Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, China, united States, France, United Kingdom, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia and South Africa. Together represent two thirds of world population, 80 percent of the global economy and about 80 percent of emissions of greenhouse gases.


December 3-14

Concludes the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol



September 28

Bush defends U.S. stance

Bush convened a meeting of Heads of State in mid-2008


The attitude of government is as if we have time…

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¿Who are polluting the planet?

EU México

Canadá Alemania



Corea Del sur

The 16 most polluting countries

China Francia




Italia Japón



The 20/80 effect

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Information design. “Thjinking with eyes” German Designer.. Source:

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Graph of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (blue) and global average temperature (red) in the last 1000 years.

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The dilemma: Environment and Development Economic


Development Economic

Healthy Ill



The vision of the Kyoto Protocol The vision of Bush

The vision of the green The fatalistic view

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The fatalistic view

The Kyoto Protocol vision

The vision of the green

The vision of Bush

Environment Ill Ill Healthy Healthy

Economic development

Low High Low High

Technology Technology is causing the problem.

Select technologies Select technologies Technology will solve any problem

A sick environment impact on economic development

A large industrial development impacts on the environment.

It should be down to economic development for a healthy environment.

You can combine a high level of economic development with a healthy environment

Position It´s not important what we will doing, there isn´t solution

Mandatory fees Regulations polluting industries

Investing in clean energy

The 4 visions Which chooses?

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Western vision

Vision India

Alternative Vision

Description God made the world and put it to serve man, to enjoy its natural wealth. Plants and animals are to serve the man until exhaustion

There is a spiritual communion between man and nature and the universe. We must live in harmony

Todo lo creamos con nuestra mente. Si noEverything we create with our minds. If it does not remove the ignorance and desire, we think that happiness will give us the consumption and accumulation, until exhausted everything.

Consequence We can break the ecological balance

Can we return to that vision and idyllic way of life with so many people on the planet?

It requires an effort that has been shown to have only an elite can achieve

3 Macrovision What governs your thoughts, your words and your actions?

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Energy demand

Economic development


Yes, there are options Solution: find a balance between energy demand, economic development and the environment

Current World

California Issue

Bush Proposed

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¿Who is?

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Are killing Gaia?

The Gaia Hypothesis or Gaia Theory is a scientific model of the terrestrial biosphere by biologist James Lovelock, and suggests that life on Earth weather organizes to promote their own development.

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Who is Gaia?

Embracing Gaia Earth

Biomass that covered the Earth is a living only organism, interdependent, chained, which depends of factors highly critical for reproduced

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Everything is systemic, everything is interconnected, everything is interdependent, if one link breaks the chain of system-wide ecological cycle of life on earth (Gaia) will come tumbling down… the man is a victim of his own self for his vision selfish, egocentric, dualistic, materialistic and cynical.

Had all the cichness of nature, but perhaps a wealth destroy nature and his own life. What served as the other wealth:?

The man wanted to imitate God and to create and transform life on earth, but its power was only for to destroy himself. Force unleashed as the sorcerer´s apprentice in the film Fantasia and then did not know how to control…

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If we lose the ozone layer surrounding the Earth will evaporate the water and this planet will be barren and inhospitable as the rest of it around the Sun circunavegan

Perdí la fuente de la imágen. ¿Alguien sabe a quién darle el crédito?

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The poles are melting. Rising water of the oceans.

Scientists predict that the poles are melting in 33 years. Lovelock predicts that 2050 will be in and wich is frayed by the glaciers, which takes a little more before the end of this century, London, among many other place on Earth, will be under water. Entire countries like Bangladesh will disappear under water and its 140 million people relocating to other countries, where they will not be well received “throughout the world there will be many wars and blood”

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Who discovered Gaia?

James Lovelock and the Greek Goddess

The Earth is a point of malignant sick of a fever that could last 100 thousand years James Lovelock warns: “Each nation must find the best use of their resources to sustain civilization for as long as possible”. (8 Nov. 2006 / Original published on January 16, 2006, by James Lovelock) … This article is the most difficult I have written. My Gaia Theory sees the Earth behaving as if it were alive, and of course, anything alive can enjoy good health or illness. Gaia has made me a planetary physician and I take my profession seriously, and now I come to bring bad news.

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How fast the world moves? It is something to see dynamic and not static, but still is impressive to know that so far this year have killed 5 million and a half of cancer, 2 million 800 thousand of respiratory diseases… or to know that have become extinct 20 species and 505 thousand which have lost almost 10 million hectares of forests… At this rate, what fate lies?

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Are we at Omega Point or a Point of Collapse?

There are crisis which kill and other that permiten grow… what crisis will

we live?

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Octave down

- Is threatening the existence of human beings -  We arrived at an ecological collapse -  We arrived at the limit of population that can withstand the planet -  Is depleting non-renevable resources - Crisis of Conscience -  Loss of plant and animal species -  Is depleted freswater on the planet -  Collapse of the global crop -  Fossil energy is finish (we´re consuming more than 3,500 times than in the past)

The White Hole in the Time. Movie by Peter Russell

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Octave up

- The New Man (Homo Sappiens Sappiens successor, Homo Sappiens Humanus) -  Our inner self is no longer a mystery -  Met the exploration of the human mind -  Met awakening -  Evolution or Revolution of Consciousness -  Change in perception (vision is beyond the egocentric, materialistic and cynical focused on the paradigm of power and wealth)

The White Hole in the Time. Movie by Peter Russell

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Western civilization, we have focused on power and wealth

The Classical Greece found a great civilization centered on truth, goodness and beauty

Should we change our values and principles?



Goodness Wealth


Searches of Human Beings

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Collapse Stagnation

An elite is saved

Tecno Punto Omega

It threatens life on Earth or it becomes a barren and inhospitable area. Fresh water runs out and die all plant and animal species.

Some very good things, some very bad things… More of the same. Some live very well, others badly. Parts of the planet is destroyed, others remain.

Only a minority is spared: the most rich and powerful or wiser or more spiritual development.

Science and technology solve any problems: pollution, climate change, the disappearance of species, depletion of oil, crime, etc.

Come to a point of evolution, to one eighth higher, to an awakening, a change in our perception, a change in attitude towards us, towards other, other species and the planet.

Scenarios What is going to happen if we continue as we go or what to build? Next translation

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Fatalistic attitude to the collapse

Speculative attitude

Conscious attitude

Attitude research

Attitude of overcoming

If the world is going to end and it is inevitable, then to five happy: we must enjoy, have fun, make the most of life we have left.

Continues as we go, maybe I solve or maybe not. Does not depend on me as I do any significant change in my life or my way of acting or interacting with the world.

Separate the trash, do not buy spray, try not to pollute, purchase recycled products, saving electricity. I try to cooperate.

Study, prepare, become a scientist, a technologist or a researcher to develop scientific and technical advances that permit to solve the problem.

I have to change myself to train my mind to change my consciusness, arousal, relieve and enlighten, to be an attractor of change for others.

My attitude to the Stage How should we act?

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The world goes to the Order or Chaos

Chaos Theory

Order Chaos

100% 100% Attractors Scatterers


Synergy Entropy

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No doubt we are moving to chaos but there are some attractors of Order as the Kyoto Protocol and the emergence of clean energy

Order Chaos

100% 100% Attractors Scatterers


Sinergia Entropia Mundo

Lack of a common vision

U.S. power and leadership challenges of the UN

Clean Energy


Aware of the problem

Ecological conscience

Mandatory quotas for reducing emissions Economic


Ignorance of how the ecosystem works

“Sorcerer´s apprentices”

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Will reach the Omega Point?

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Someday, when we have controlled the winds, waves, tides and gravity, we will have to dominate for God the energies of love. So for the second time in human history, mankind will have discovered fire”

The Awakening of Consciousness

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We are not victims of fate builders… but it… but only if you can see what we can create. All things are created twice: first in the mind then in reality. If we have no idea how… we will have no idea how to do and will never be created…

We are not slaves to or from our past karma, but beings that we stole our freedom and build everything we can visualize and dream… If we think so! If we cultivate the power of our minds! If you woke up, we free ourselves and light! If we stick to ethical principles, if we cultivate wisom and love!

We only have to cultivate a proper attention, proper vision, a proper effort, proper thought, proper speech, proper action, proper livelihood and the proper spiritual abstraction *.

•  The Noble Path Octuple expose for Sidartha Gautama (-563 BC, -480 BC)

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Again, as Theilard de Chardin said: “”You´re not a human creature in a spiritual adventure, but a spiritual creature into a human adventure”.

You think so? Did you feel?…. So why not act as if they knew? Why live that life false? Why do you cling to power and material wealth, to that vision selfish, self-centeredness, dualistic, materialistic and cynical? Is not it when you think, discuss and act so you do not yourself and others… … Until when? Do you think the world can you expect? Do you think the disappearance of species can be expected? Do you think this planet and its resources are at your service until the exhaustion? Yopu can make a difference with your ideas, your words and your actions… Get in on ya! Become an attactor of change that imposes order on chaos! Use your power! Do something now!

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Care Awareness



Tolerance Ethic

Wisdom Equanimity Love




The Triple Training




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Awarness Etich

Wisdom Equanimity Love

Tiple Training and Octuple Noble Path

Proper care Right


Right thinking

Correct to speak

Correct Action

Right livelihood

Correct vision

Correct Absorption

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Source of the images of the planets Except that the Earth is from NASA and Wikipedia

Complitation and errors: Yuri Serbolov (Certus Consultores) [email protected]

Preparation: Cd de México, 13 june 2007

New version: San Pedro, NL 4 y 5 october 2007

Scenarios, Cd ofMéxico 6 october 2007

English version: 13 june 2009

Were used for this presentation, without rigor, some Intelligence Modules of the Certus Model ©

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