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Page 1: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964
Page 2: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

p16,cacr 'PL

Page 3: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

d l a a u d ~ m o d l o r i p l d 61UV~23~ m m d 24-d o lmdacy 3 1 7 3 - 3 o I m m m l d a g s w.70 a@d r u m j o i d l d p v d s g ~ ~ r u m ~ c m o ~ m 3 a u 0 \ . @, a@d r u m j o p J d

0 1 4 b ~ m j " -=&, ;30mB-& md&lau dgmrmlm& a 3 I a ~ d ~ m l d o ~ d . 2

Page 4: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964
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Page 6: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964


I ) Namc ol'apylicant

2 ) Address in fill1

3) Age 8r. Occupation of the applicant

-; r \ I ' i ; l v 1:cr. :hc applicanl belongs to SCIST or Ex.service

5) Whether married or not if married application shall be jointly made

,. - . .. s ) ! ; < i u ! i ~ nf tile fa:dmi!y !ner~:s't'rs q a , GI -h( . 4 ~ na~ne,age,occupation, relationship with the applicant an 619

1 i

7) Whethcr the applicant or any member of his family have avoid assignment Govt land earlier? If so details [here of

8) Annual family income from all sources - .

10) Whether the applicant (S) islare native of Kerala?If not, date l'ro~n which residing in the statc

PART XI DETAILS OF LAND I I ) Deta~ls of land sought to be assigned Dist..Taluk,Village

~ L I I \ C ) & sub nu. Ijxt. of land & Narure of land Boundaries of north. East -?G,UI + OA.L-?!P

Coulll 3 . 9 c l 4 % , ~ 4 Q ~ ! -=-9 4. . West Lfl 4 ? JT 12) Whethre the land under possession & enjoyment of theapplicant (S)

or fLlmily .c '

I I'so the date from wl~icli occupied 13) Authoritylrecord produced in proof of occupation and enjoyment

Ration card/ID/ROR or Residence Certificate from LSG 141 Whether trees1 lenls on the7and i s~ lan lea by the dpplicanl(S) or

predece ?!+

Page 7: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

15) Details of improvements effected in the land by the Apl?licant(s) predeccshors

16) Whether the land is comprised in Panchayat/Municipality Corporation

17) C'a~egory of lalid as per settlement register

18) Whether the land is that exempted from assignment (vide r -~~le 2) -

19) Whether the land is included in the list of assignablelands

20) Details of reserved trees if any standing on the land

2 1 ) Details of royal trees,if any standing on the land

23) I ' I .cL;I~ l ing <)I' market value of the land

23) Details of doculnentd verified to arrive at the market Value of the land

24) Whcthcr the applicant is eligible for no~ni~ial value under rule 6(1) or exempted from payment of land value if so details of there of

2 5 ) 11 thc as~ignment is under rule 6(2) specify the value of land Improvements etc.

26) Whether the land is under unauthorised occupation? If so detai Is of prohibitory assessment/rent that has been assessed and delnant notice issued

27) Whether any civil suit is pending againt the assignment of land

PART I l l - Y UKYOSE 28) Purpose for which land is applied for house sitelbenificial

enjoyment etc 29) Whether the land is likely to. be needed in the fi~turc for any

public purpose 30) Whether the remarks of the authorities of PWD/Irrigation/

I',,1-~~l?,~iI\~.1y~/4irport/PoIice etc; neecled be rccluired 3 1 ) Whether any deposits of valuable mines and minerals noticed

in the land. 32) Whether is vested with LSG

33)' Whether a sketch and group sketch of land is prepared and appended

Place: Date :

Page 8: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964


,,a -;;%I Cooz- 7- fi - - 0cmScwa. :rwp~@~ ,wtracre, -.-- ---

*- ,..a-

[etwcwa il) el) 211

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Page 11: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

Computer Seq. No.

DDO Code : (Dept.)

SDO Code : 5

By Whom paid and

and '

grqnt , receipt

Signature & Designahon of the Departmental Offlcer countersigning the remittance -- 4

Total in words ..&t.e .-... @.G- ........................

S~gnature of Remitter

............ Received Rs.

(Rupees ......................... ... .......


Dale . . . . . . . . . I... ...... / ........ :

Signature of Treasurer/C

Note: I

1. The seallstamp of the Tr ectlon shall be aff (xed I

2 If remittance 1s ~n off~cial DO), write corresponding I code In the column

3. If loan repayment o I

ber in purpose column. [ GPV. 25/08/2006. 5 lakhs

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-- --

mi% ~aa i dm?qa mdfi~rrncmlrn~a1.1 G A L ~ ~ n&m1dUmcasm mlano 1964 (The Kerala Land Reforms Act 1964) m l ~ a n i ~ o cmatmmjmda" o&@2 a3cljl" ol(8d3ocru"

f - (mPlei10m~ o d d m u 1970 a r m ~ ~ m 2 j o ~ ~ o a t a s d n i 7 ~ 1 m &ma qdl n j a l ddniim3crv? &ma &J& m3rf$" cmaslarnds laq o a d m u 1958- mlaculadsm':

- . -


1L- =.-- ---- *Ir . - I

a d d mlnlma-a&3ql ( d o o m a m , naal dmlnf' m ~ m m b a ~ w l ~ m 3 w l m j m m1rm61613sm" ~ l 6 3 ~ ~ l 0 3 o & ~ d - 6 ) & 3 ~ 1 m n i d a a q njal dmlnf' (mg*u 1950 (The Tnvancore-cochin Government Land Assignment Act, 1950). aersnr3d [dcsnmmU gad


dmlnilm': [doq&a3aw3caa m?wa~m3w~nlmarm1g?. m m f d a a n r ( m 3 4 m u ~ 9 u I895 (The Government Grants Act, 1895 (Central Act 15 of 1895) a m mlculw m J ~ ~ & d & m ~ c u i ( 8 ~ w b 1 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 w ~ r a a r m ~ a e r m 3 o l d gad dmlqj mrdd&lwlnlmaew& 2nr- cmam3co~nomla&3mU 0&nlm2 m 0 r m 0 3 m m l m ~ m a & m3ur&m3mI m l e n i l d cum, ~ a a l dmlnf' m?w616136mU m l a m l e r a s 1960-aer @&rap naml dmlnf' mlw61o f i e

Kenla Land Assignment Act 1960) 9 am&u&ma&pam 9 9 mlauam&ilaa 7-30 am&ad W&3mo cs&632&1aer mdm3d wan1 dmlya d & a n i 3 n - 8 fl~md d j o a w s a n i i l ~ a s m ' l m m w l d ( ~ w 3 m a a ~ n i d a m a s csadd3aarma. -

=SL 1964-61. @&@2 njal n l m l n f ' L g m d I (Kenla Land Assignment Rules 1964) ( 2. 1995-aa a ~ m l m l w d / o&3daao&fd [doomsvo2laa naal dmln f 'a~md

(Assignment of land within Municipal and Corporation Areas, Rules 1995) -\ I

! 3. 1970-aa &~a lwam mmnaajl dmldf lym3d (The Arable Forest Land Assignment Rules, 1970) 4 I ,

, 4. rujnim~w ~ m m ~ m l m d ~ mdm3d naal n_lcai ld'a~svod a1

(Rules for Assignment of Government land for Industrial Purposes)


; 5. oadm"ono3d maamfdaacrj l633no"orqd J 2 3 o 4 f i d \

; 6. oadrm'ano3d m a a m & a a 4 633dumm er3qcsno38 amgldaa@ 633no"~ma[ml&dac)d ~ E l l ~ s r ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~

7. o le~m3woo~7cuUo~32aamern&d m U e I o I

: 8. a a n n o n m U o ~ 3 ~ a a m o m ~ d mue90 o a d m u rn 9 nadmuono3d ePlrmua3d"'ru e ! 3 ~ m u o a 3 d &~dcwslo f idgJocunsld ! j I 0 n ~ d r n ~ o n o 3 d 6 m U ~ l d 6 3 3 d P I 3 q G d 3 d Q J 6 m 3 0 W 3 & 91 & d $ ~ ~ & d I I I oacrilm"ono3d a r m a d a3no"er3q ono3d a m a 1 a3d 97 f i d ~ l o c u d d I

12 ~ n i C f l J ~ P l 3 q oJdcru" ~llm3dnu?oUIu 6lCfUWld 633du P I 3 q G d 3 d 91 633d ~ & 3 d ?

1 14. o1 a&@g er3crjlu m a a m d a m n f f 6 l n l m a e a a n o m d d 6 3 3 d 6 3 3 m ~ o d d d I

a3naVon03o5Bjla3qmU[dmd SJ 1.1.1977 njdmu1993. -Y 77 ~4 60- %.~.-"ff p.&t+ ~ u ; d ,

15 ~ ~ ~ 3 r d m a a m d a a o d d mu 1953 etc. rr\lrS) 4 T C t o -+If,-h.)-O :

Page 15: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

I 964-aa c m r a ~ eaal d m l n f ' ~ ~ ~ m d e - I ?,

- - - - - - csam2mlaa ~ n J m y 3 w m U ~ n ~ o o m m ~ a & ~ 6131(U)0 ~ ~ u ) & Q ~ w I s J ~ ~ ~ ~ : 29 a ~ m 9 l a a A'~O-I:?A@ (I) 1sl~mm3 (iv) ~ I B E I m a d i a l 2 i J ~ ~ ~ m m m 2 7 d a a ~ njmi d m l d m s n l ~ l & ~ : ~ r a l ~ m l ~ ~ d nl3sagpmg~. m m ajruas aludm,jma (as0 1 ng)) I


Page 16: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

ASC 6(1) [ d & ) m o ~namdcad13w m r n j E m m 1 d (beneficial enjoymentj O o d % 3 a ~ i 7 ~ ,

dcaalmw1 d r a i c d I 5 6)mq (6.072) a'@d a3mu

Page 17: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964
Page 18: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

,m£'ue)cw~mm a~wu19e)cw uuwi3 ,ruLuuru mPwcwsm scw~~pcrucrvp~ . rvOe) -/000'S~

s ,bu pw')G U lla~u~sa u gucruP6lW3 G LWPU ucsrua TU poPsOw pwa pupwa

'w~wcenPwem ~LEEL~~DQ')

Ou ,ccuIE~p~e)m ~ (~)8 0%~

~mW (1)6 OSF

;~19ccaoe)cwruI 0Pmuru 6csc0 ,w~ca,uu£'wPscwcs~wc~~ca pwmcml~u or~)wcoracw mc~19Pm~auuPwse.m WPO uuPmuru p~rpl9cOmG 09cWLmcw~rualn, ,wpcup1rwwca, ~cwpw puwz ~mcGwf'mu-l Lmrucuarv 'wPaU19w@,msw p~wwcrxlu~p~9cuscscwPGm wcE~wwcwPe)ru w~csupcrurusoPsPt63 pca,PsOw p~m0PGW wcEG LWOU ucsrua gue)cwPru~Oru pcuuW nu19cOuu£'ruc6vc,ruLca,ru oenwruwcwseJ.9, ru~uuW ,m3pcv hcspnu 'W~&LS£'W LUPWLLra~ruuO OWWLWCWCW E poPw LOmLO pswG pLOru .EumPscr

,bu,rue)wG ru~oru EGPmlarua scsPEcmw pcuuPe)~mW cEaW wc#0Pws ucucsa nwwCrXIUorw cEaW ~cz~e)c~~wwcwPe)ru mof'sf'w WLwpc

G; gq~-6@Oe) -/OOO'SL (aauZ!sse) gue)cwPup~ pcuW ,u19~0~9waGcsw~ww / mcs~ww 5~~csm,wrus pPu PWLOUUP~F~~ ,€JU .Puu£(~)8 oSF ,u@ ,UJ~CU~~?~CWC~U ,OW CBDCKDLWW9@W Vn6p~srusw p~ca,r~ cmacw~dmtW ,wuPru ,w~m~e)ru e)cw~mm ,ru~oru cuaraOe)lUIW L~c~O@ CBaC(7DLWW@W ,UU%@~PW?~~C~W pLoPJ OUCWP

caawru uuPw~mora p-~wwm~wrus~w uuP~wlu~wuru craa (z)8 craa

Page 19: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964
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Page 21: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

d35j pnmanilcdb m l m ~ m & c l a ~ 3 s m l y l c d l m a 0 1911 21 I 985-em ~ i l 6 3 . ( n g ) ~ . n g ) q . I 0261'L mrmd ld&3(a0 mka"i-dmlgjkja@ d3sm?cam~sm" mlani'ld p~s3ommcm? dlcru" m r a s n l m d o m m a ~ mraom~&m m s n l s l ~ ~ a a m w ~ l aso 1 6 1 d n i l r r a ~ 7 & d g j l ~ ~ ~ ' I NJMO, mn, ng)mlnr Rent mslcrua~mmld rna8&amm"momm'tu?~

Page 22: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964
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Page 24: Kerala Land Assignment Rules-1964

(mi m l a m l a a ~ 99 mddermv, r3'ldw &~PI~NWI ~ ~ ~ m r m I m u qml&dac&m rru3mann~ rrn~wsrn&dom, ru~mlgmld rmo,dmmcndom3 m3arn,(mrn,ml &no luaam1 m ~ a l w l m l m ~ m r m ' 5%

- --. -- % -

(i) m~6m?a~3mrra~mlrn~ c n r a g p ~ c ~ l " (ii) cu~m lge~~mua~ml rn~

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