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Presentation held by Dr. David M. Mburu, Chairman of the Kenya RainwaterAssociation, 10.12.2008, Maputo (9th General Assembly of the AACC)



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Kenya Rainwater Association (KRA) is aprofessional, national membershiporganization, which is non-profit and non-political, bringing together individuals,institutions and organizations activelyinvolved in enhancing rainwater harvestingand utilization.

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Kenya Rainwater Association was registeredin 1994, under the Societies Act and itsactivities complement those of individuals,institutions, private companies, NGO's andGovernment efforts in the water sector.

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• The current National Development Planalso emphasizes the promotion andutilization of rainwater for sustainabledevelopment and this is what KRA isstriving to achieve.

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• That all people have access to safe andreliable water supplies for domestic,livestock, agricultural and commercialuse.

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Our mission is to improve and promoterainwater harvesting technologies,utilization and management

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The main objectives are to promoterainwater harvesting technologies,utilization and management, buildingcapacity in rainwater harvesting amongprofessionals, technicians, artisans andcommunities/land users.

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• Access to technical and professional advice• Receipt of the Association’s newsletter• Opportunity to participate in meetings,

workshops, seminars and conferences• Training and research opportunities• Product marketing and advertisement• Joint rainwater harvesting projects between KRA

and Community Based Organizations

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• Integrated Rainwater Harvesting andManagement Program

• The main program goal is to promote integratedrainwater harvesting & management (RHM)systems and complementary technologies forwater supply, food security, wealth creation andsustainable livelihoods. Towards this goal,KRA/GHARP developed a three-phasedprogram

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Phase I Case Studies: Entailed evaluationof existing RHM systems and identificationof adoption and replication constraints.

Phase II Piloting: Focuses on addressingconstraints, testing and piloting viableoptions and dissemination approaches.

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Phase III Replication and Up-scaling Involves mainlyreplication and up-scaling of tested RHM systems

• Integrated Water Resources Management for Socio-economic Development and Sustainable Livelihoodsof Tungu Kabiri Community.

• Gedo Region Integrated Rainwater Harvesting andManagement Program in Somalia.

• Stakeholders Directory• Rainwater Harvesting Expositions• International SearNet Conferences

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• Improved rural drinking water supply, forASAL Mwingi and Kyuso Districtssanitation and related. Funded by ACP EUwater facility through GAA

• Sub-surface dams and sand dams, rockcatchment systems, roof catchmentsystems in schools and VIP latrines.

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Integrated RHM systems and complementarytechnologies for wealth creation and sustainablelivelihood in 8 semi-arid Districts in Kenya.Funded by EC through SKILLSHAREinternational (water pans and earth dams, waterregulation system and auxiliary structures sanddams, farm ponds, roof catchments, dripirrigation systems, tree nurseries, fodder/pastureproduction, DAT, bee keeping and capacitybuilding)

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• Integrated Water Supply andImproved Sanitation in RuralSchools in Laikipia District.Funded by UNDP (Roofcatchment systems, farm ponds,sanitation systems, drip irrigation)

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NRRDO Sudan WaterProgram







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• Roof water tanks for schools• Community water supply projects

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Construction of roof water tank at aschool in Makueni District

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Completed roof water tank at aschool in Makueni District

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Community water supply project inChuka district

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Community participation in watertank construction

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Formwork for roofing water tank

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Water storage tank

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In-situ Rainwater Harvesting

• Planting pits• Negarims• Range pitting• Ground breaking for rangeland

rehabilitation• Fodder preservation

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Pawpaw planted in pits in Mwingi District

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Negarims for citrus and millet production inMwingi District

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Pits for rangeland rehabilitation in KituiDistrict

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Ground breaking for rangerehabilitation in Baringo District

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Demonstration on manual hay baler inLaikipia District

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Runoff Water Harvesting

• Water ponds• Earth dams• Water pans in rangelands• Plastic lined water ponds• Siltation problems• Desilting with dam scoop

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Water pond for livestock inMakanya village, Tanzania

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Earth dam and Passion fruitproduction in Laikipia District

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Newly constructed water pan inBaringo District

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Rehabilitated water pan in LaikipiaDistrict

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Newly constructed water pan inKoibatek District

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Large plastic lined water pond

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Plastic lined water pond for waterstorage

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Siltation-challenge in water ponds

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Demonstration on dam scoop fordesilting water pans

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Dam scoop demonstration

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Water Utilization

• Drip irrigation– Vegetable production– Fruit tree establishment Apiculture

• Apiculture (Bee-keeping)• Commercial production by farmer groups

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Drip irrigation system

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Demonstration on drip irrigation

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Tomato production on drip irrigation inKitui District

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Drip irrigation for vegetationgrowing in Nyando district

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Pawpaw grown under drip irrigationin Baringo District

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Bee hives for honey production inLaikipia District

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Farmer groups growing sweet cornfor export in Kibwezi

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Salad production for export inLaikipia district

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Other Water Harvesting Structures

• Rock catchment• Sand dam• Shallow wells in dry riverbeds

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Rock catchment dam in MutomoDistrict

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Sand dam fully recharged inMachakos District

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Water extraction from sand dam in Somalia

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Water from sandy riverbed in Gedo region,Somalia

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Shallow well in a dry riverbed

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Protected shallow well in a dryriverbed

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Camels drinking water from a shallowwell in a sandy riverbed

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Goats drinking water from a shallowwell in a dry riverbed