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Page 1: KARMA M50 2.2.9 (158) 11 Jul 2013 SUMMARY OF … All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. ... - KL#2466.2 - added a "Reset RT Control Name

===============================================================KARMA M50 2.2.9 (158) 11 Jul 2013===============================================================SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES/FIXES===============================================================

- Mac: Now compiled as a Universal application. Runs natively on Intel Processors; is now compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion.

- Mac: Greatly improved memory size and resource usage - uses approximately one third the real and virtual memory.

- Mac: greatly improved CPU usage. Fixed an issue that would cause the app to peg 1 CPU at 100% (while in the background), and would cause it to use more CPU when in the foreground than necessary.

- All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. In other words, KARMA M3, KARMA M50, KARMA Oasys and KARMA Kronos can all import M3, Oasys, or Kronos .KGE files.

- All KARMA Apps can now create KDFs with the full set of factory GEs for the particular product automatically included (previously only added for KARMA Kronos in the 2.2.8 release).

- Added support for scrolling via MouseWheel where applicable. (KDF Window, Help File)

- Help Files (inside app version and pdf version) updated to cover v2.2.9 and should be 100% complete and up to date.

===============================================================DETAILED LIST OF ALL CHANGES AND FIXES:===============================================================CHANGES:===============================================================

- Updated Mac Icons to have hi-res 512 and 256 pixel versions.- Updated Windows Icons to have hi-res 256 pixel versions.

- Added the KARMA Logo background to all versions of the Software (previouslyonly added to Karma Kronos.) WINDOWS.

- New Splash Screen and About Boxes for KM3, KM50, KO (previously only addedto Karma Kronos).

- FB#1210 - Made the KDF Menu Button say "Delete Selected Banks..." instead of "Delete Selected Bank(s)...", and changed Help File.

- Changed names of Preload files for M3 and Oasys so that they are more consistent (no dashes or underscores): KK: Kronos Preload.kdf KO: OASYS Preload.kdf KM3: M3 Preload v2.kdf KM50: M3 Preload for M50.kdf

- KARMA Oasys no longer includes support for a Producer version, and does not include a Producer version KDF.

- KL#2232.2 - implemented the ability to create KDFs with the default factory GEs to KM3, KO, and KM50 (previously only did for KK). Added elipsis to "New KDF" in File Menu. Added a cancel option to the New KDF dialog.

Page 2: KARMA M50 2.2.9 (158) 11 Jul 2013 SUMMARY OF … All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. ... - KL#2466.2 - added a "Reset RT Control Name

- All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. In other words, KARMA M3, KARMA M50, KARMA Oasys and KARMA Kronos can all import M3, Oasys, or Kronos .KGE files.

- KL#2558 FB#1379 - when importing a KGE, User Templates, valid templates with data were not given any default names, unlike when receiving a User Templates bank via sysex.

- KL#2557 - noticed that pasting a GE into a location did not actually load it, which seems wrong.

- KL#2440.3 - the warning for deleting banks of GEs from a KDF where the current perf has out of range GEs has been changed to warn if any GE in the current Perf is no longer pointing at the same GE.

- KL#0896.2 - When you Import a KGE file, always create the ROM Banks as placeholders.

- KL#2559 - Made the drum names +12 display the default prefs setting (for Korg Apps).

- KL#2361.2 - making the app handle the scroll wheel type scrolling.

- KL#2531 - made it so that the linking of the sync ports, remote ports etc. to a change in the global port was not dependent on the "Link All Ports" checkbox in the Perf Editor.

- KL#2469 - Added Drum Pat Number Pictures to Drum Editor. Also, fixed the link arrows to have a disabled state so they can be grayed out when hidden as well.

- KL#2467 - removed the part that renumbers all the module/scene names in each perf from the ResetModuleNames and ResetSceneNames items on the KDF Menu Button - if someone runs this, shouldn't destroy the names they have assigned and out of range names are handled anyway.

- KL#2466.2 - added a "Reset RT Control Name List" command to the the KDF Menu Button.

- KL#2442 - Decided to correct the all upper case lettering in some of the Port Names on the Mac.

- KL#2382 - Increased the time interval for searching alpha keys in the RTC Name dialogs to 1000 ms (1 second).

- KL#2361 - made the application process the first click (the activation click).

- KL#2348 - Decided to link the Metronome out channel with the Global Out Port, same as the Sync out port.

- KL#2339 - for Mac OS X, moved the Help File(s) into the bundle.

- Added support for scrolling via MouseWheel where applicable. (KDF Window, Help File)

- Mac: Greatly improved memory size and resource usage - uses approximatelyone third the real and virtual memory.

- KL#2274 - When adding banks to a KDF file, and reaching the max number of banks, changed it to provide the option to cancel from adding a bank of the same type, instead of just telling the user it's going to happen and then adding the bank with the same type.

- KL#2263 - Made it so that you get a warning about ROM GE Banks when choosing "Initialize This Bank..." or "Delete This Bank..." from the GE Bank Display Menu Button (had no warning, unlike some other operations...)

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- Changed Windows Menu to Window Menu.

- KL#2260 - Added the ability for the "Help Reference Not Found" dialog to display the tooltip ID, chapter substrings etc. of the item that was not located.

- KL#2259 - added a changeable title to the Bank Display Rename Dialog, (ButtonGrid) and fixed missing tooltips related to it.

- KL#2257 - Changed it back so that we do not get a Sort GE dialog with the "priority option".

- KL#2255 - Reflected the new colors/look of the Perf Info Window from 3.x to 2.0. Added the Menu Button, Title graphic, etc. Made it locate to a new, separate chapter of the help file.

- KL#2253 FB#1172 - added additional tooltips for the Module Names and Scene Names Dialogs, to differentiate from the Slider Name Dialog, and to redirect to different sections of the Help File.

- KL#2251 - Added extra tooltips for the Init PE/GE dialog so that we can set them to different IDs depending on INIT PE or INIT GE, so that we can locate to different sections of the Help File.

- KL#2243 - Implemented tooltips on the "Send Any Sysex Message" Dialog, added them to PPOB, added them to Help Files.

- Change Latch tooltip to reference [F11], not [F10].

- KL#1624.2 FB#1141 - Making it so that, when you perform a "Reset Window Positions" on Windows, it will reset the position of the .INI outer window as well - and if the monitor is greater than 1920 x 1200, it will also limit it to that, and auto-center it, same as it does during first launch.

- KL#2228 FB#0816 - Redesign of how Local Control handling works. The way it was, if you had the Local Control on startup unchecked, it still would toggle local control when Bypassing based on the radio buttons. It's now a feature that is used when the checkbox is on, and if the checkbox is off, the radio buttons are disabled.

- KL#2224 - decided to make it only display sysex in the Data Display window from wave-seq messages, and not everything like device id requests, tempo etc.

- KL#2223 FB#0950 - added information about synchronizing the user bank types to the warning dialog about not having a bank of the correct type in it when getting sysex performances.

- KL#2194 - When using quantized scene changes, the RTC CC for the scene would not be sent out until the actual scene changed happened. When recording this into a DAW, this would mean that the scene changes would be clipped, since we do not record the anticipation. Changed it to send out right away as pressed.

- KL#2190 - made it so the escape key cancels out from a KNumberBox.

- KL#2188 - Decided to change it so that saving any current KDF updates the Preferences as the one to open next time.

- KL#2169 - Made improvements to the ResetWindowsToDefault() function: 1. limited size of area to 1920 x 1200, so that on a 30" monitor, it doesn't spread the windows out too far, which looks kinda strange. 2. Changed where the RTC Editor is positioned.

- KL#2161 FB#0996 - Finally made it so you can open a Windows KDF on the Mac.

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- KL#2146 FB#1039 - Changed the init Performance Names to match new Korg Kronos Method.

- KL#2107 - Internal/Online Help File made into two sections due to size limitations.

- KL#1966 - made it so that turning on the Link To DT checkboxes in the M3 (and hence the Kronos as well) activate them in the software. Previously, it was only one way (turning them on in the software would activate them in the synth.) It now works the same as DT on/Off, DT switch Mode.

- KL#1942B - Added a "Paste Special" command for copying/pasting performances, that will paste in just the Module names, Programmer Names, and Performance Names - so that you can "keep" those things in some way when replacing a bank via sysex.

- KL#1908 - made it so that if the "force downbeat" button is on in the first step of the pattern (or wherever we are starting from) that we treat it the same as one that occurs in the middle of playback i.e. we force it to play the first note and not a rest.

- KL#1896 - Removed the last (disabled) item on the Dyn MIDI Zones popup menu, which was 'K - (IJ) Kbd Dynamic Midi Port/Chan' - no relevence to Korg apps.

- KL#1787 - decided to have all tooltips be the same color (the gold variety).

- KL#1785 - Changed "New" to "New KDF" in File Menu.

- KL#1781 - New smoother AboutBox progress bar thermometer implementation.

- Changed "Windows" menu to "Window", to avoid confusion with Microsoft Windows.

- KL#1702 - Made it so that envelopes being triggered with each note, do not trigger when the phase step is muted.

- KL#1686 - Added "9 to 32" as a destination for the Scene Copy dialog, so you can copy a scene to all of those empty scenes at once.

- KL#1647 - Added option to GE Initialize dialog to do the Module settings or not.

- KL#0479.2 - Added an additional "Revert Scenes" option on the RTC Editor Menu Button (Revert all scenes in all layers). Added warning dialogs when using the revert scene functions.

- KL#1570 - Added the Module Copy/Swap Dialog and Utility function.

- KL#1566 - Redesigned the appearance of the tooltips: Gave the tooltips a titlebackground color stripe. Removed the colon after the title text.

- KL#1563 - Added "Save Current Performance" to File Menu.

- Changed the order of items in the Perf Edit: GE Setup Menu Button.

- Implemented Page Keys in the KDF Window.

- KL#1471 FB#0012 - Made it so the Caps Lock key is essentially ignored for all Key Shortcuts. This would make them not work, and could be confusing if you accidentally had the caps lock key down.

- KL#1454 - Save and Save As... File Menu Items now work for new "Untitled" KDF Files when appropriate - and using "Save" on an "Untitled" file automatically puts up the "Save As..." dialog.

- KL#1429 - Made it possible to open Windows KDFs on Mac, that have no file/creator type, by searching the file name for .kdf. A warning is

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issued that the file/creator type is missing. This is for double-clicking the KDF, or dragging it on top of the dock icon.

- KL#1408 - Made the WavSeq Menu Button utility functions that reset the waveforms also reset the sample offsets to "S".

- KL#1399 - The RTC Copy/Swap dialog is now the RTC Swap dialog. The "copy" operation was ancient, and basically resulted in invalid settings. You cannot have the same RT Parms assigned to more than one control in a Module Control Layers, so how can you copy Slider/Switch setting to another one? It would result in the same param being assigned to two controls. Removed all references to the copy operation.

- KL#1391 - Made it so that hitting the Enter/Return key a second time when inside a numerical (KNumberBox) would exit the numbox and make it no longer the target.

- KL#1307 - Made it so that tooltips could pop up on disabled parameters.

- KL#1300 - Do not blink the MIDI Received LED in the Sync Editor for Active Sensing.

- KL#1247 - Made the Transpose buttons in the Chord Trigger Editor affect the displayed chord names.

===============================================================BUG FIXES:===============================================================

- KL#2235.3 (Windows) - There is an issue with Windows 7 where it cannot receivebulk SysEx dumps into a regular MIDI Interface if the keyboard is sendingMIDI Clock at the same time. This does not happen with the Korg USB Driver,which is what you should be using for KARMA M50, KARMA M3 and KARMA Kronos. Therefore, this is likely only an issue with KARMA Oasys. Having theOASYS on Internal Sync Mode will send MIDI Clock and corrupt the SysExdumps, including the "Get User Program Bank Types" utility that runs whenyou first launch the software, causing this dialog to freeze never complete,or exit with incorrect SysEx Length. The solution is to set the keyboard toExternal MIDI (or Auto MIDI and be sending it sync from the software). Butonce in this state, you would have to relaunch the software to try again, sothe strategy for this was improved so you no longer have to relaunch thesoftware. For more on this see:

- KL#2581 - for the sysex progress dialogs, using the ESC key to cancel the sysex dump being received could leave certain internal flags in a stuckstate, preventing sysex dumps from working again until the software isrelaunched. Clicking the cancel button worked correctly.

- KL#1097.2 - Cancelling out of receiving a lengthy SysEx dump (i.e.a bank of programs or combis) could leave things in a state where thenext time you try to receive a sysex dump it would tell you that theSysEx length was incorrect.

- KL#2571.3 - If you quit the app while KARMA and the Drum Track are playing, KARMA would shut off but the Drum Track would keep playing.

- KL#2580 - Fixed an issue that could perhaps cause the app to crash whilequitting or exiting.

- KL#2578 - KARMA Kronos only - fixed occasional crash when creating a new KDF.

- KL#2574 - On the Mac, greatly improved CPU usage. Fixed an issue that would cause the app to peg 1 CPU at

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100% (while in the background), and would cause it to use more CPUwhen in the foreground than necessary.

- KL#2235.2 - If failing in the middle of the "Get Bank Types" loop with legacy MIDI on the Korg Oasys/M3/Kronos, (Windows 7) certain flags would be stuck which would keep the app from functioning at all. Now we reset them so that the app can at least make sound. KMIDI_Windows.cpp

- KL#0249.2 FB#1377 - For KK and KO, which have the "Get From Seq" button/feature in the Import GE Editor, the button should be disabled when there is no communication, same as the sysex menus.

- KL#2576 - WINDOWS: Fixed Windows DLL to properly display the ™ trademark symbol in the first page of the Help File, instead of replacing it with (tm). Fixed left/right smart quotes being replaced with straight quotes throughout the Help File.

- KL#2577 - when running in a VMWare Fusion 5 XP Virtual machine, The app will freeze on quitting because of the "Creative Sound Blaster MPU-401" emulated driver that VMWare creates. So we disable this port and ignore it.

- KL#0946.2 - WINDOWS: Fixed all windows have a black refresh background once again - this got broken at some point.

- KL#2571.2 - The Import To GE Play Original button would not stop the Drum Track if it was playing.

- KL#2469.2 - noticed the the "click to open" label in the Drum Editor would not get grayed out when disabled, unlike everything else, because it had the same PaneID as the "Note/Sounds" label.

- KL#0908.2 - Fixed to remove padding from names on receipt of sysex dump.

- Fixed issues in the KARMA Oasys Preload KDF file that had corrupted PCG data in several locations.

- FB#1315 - fixed incorrect reference to Control Page Timbre Thru on tooltip for KARMA On/Off button (it's actually in the Key Zone page).

- KL#1140.2 FB#1344 - The First Time Setup Chapter IDs were wrong for KO, KM3, and KM50, so the 3 tooltips in the First Time Setup dialog would not even load the correct chapter. Also, those IDs were missing so the tooltip was not located.

- KL#2571 FB#1351 - Drum Track (M3, Kronos, M50) would not stop if playing when you initiate a sysex bank dump.

- KL#2232.3 - for M50, the default names of the init Template Banks need to be "User", not "ROM". For Motif, no "User" or "ROM" at all.

- Fixing issues with preload KDF files and init Template Banks. Noticed several issues with the Template ROM Banks: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The default Templates ROM Bank B did not have [As Stored] for the first item name in the 3 Drum Pattern Banks. This was in the preload for all 5 current apps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Secondly, the Kronos/Oasys/KMO Preload had the following for the 3 Drum Bank Names, in *both* banks (correct):

Drums Cymbals Percussion

Page 7: KARMA M50 2.2.9 (158) 11 Jul 2013 SUMMARY OF … All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. ... - KL#2466.2 - added a "Reset RT Control Name

However, for the M3, I apparently went with this:

Kick/Snare/Tom Cymbal/HiHat Percussion

But the M50 Preload, and K_DataTE.cpp file had this for the two banks:

ROM A ROM B Drum Bank 1 Kick/Snare Drum Bank 2 Cymbals/HiHat Drum Bank 3 Percussion

Therefore, moving forwards all Preload files and the default init data are standardized to:

Drums Cymbals Percussion

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Also, in the KDFs for OASYS, the Template Bank Names did not match what is the current default, i.e.:

(should be) Template Bank ROM A -> Template ROM Bank A Also, in the M3, the Template Bank Names I apparently modified to be I-A, I-B, but this is inconsistent and does not match the pictures in the Help File. So, to be consistent, these were renamed back to the same as the others. However, for the M50, or KMO, there are no "ROM" banks, so these are named: Template Bank A etc., which matches the default (see KL#2232.3)

- KL#2570 FB#1350 - Clearing Bank Displays in non-current Bank would erase the PE or GE Menu. Example: Combi A000 Era Of Kronos is selected. Open some other Performance Bank Display, Select All, and Clear - PE Editor Perf Menu is now blank. Same type of situation for GE Banks.

- KL#0473.2 - Noticed that when changing the phase pattern items in real-time from a longer to a shorter pattern, (example: let's say the drum GE has 16 items, and it is presently in step 11, and you change to 8 items, it would reset to step 1, instead of the more logical step 3.

- KL#1731.2, KL#1731.3, KL#1731.4, KL#1731.5, KL#1731.6, KL#1731.7 - Fixed multiple issues with controlling time signatures of GEs and Performances via RTP, such that different scenes could have different time signatures. - Scene Quantize Window would not be reset properly if time signature

changed between scenes - Scene changes between different time signatures would not start in

the correct place in the new scene - Changing the GE time signatures with a slider in real-time would Produce

inconsistent results, modules would go out of sync - Changing the Perf time signature with a slider in real-time would Produce

inconsistent results - Discovered that when using a PE Time Signature, that if one of the module was set to 3/4 (example) and the other modules were set with longer time signatures, the ratio calculations would be off due to divison rounding errors and the modules could drift out of sync.

- KL#2565 - For some reason, when switching the M3 version back and forth between Bypass On/Off, the "Disable MIDI" command was not working reliably. Turning on Bypass sometimes would not reactivate the MIDI in the M3, and vice versa - turning Bypass Off might leave them both running.

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- KL#2562 - getting a bank of Templates via SX into an empty bank with say the Rhythm Templates window open would not fill in the names. Also, receiving empty templates in templates that previously had names would not erase the previous names in the empty ones.

- KL#2561 - Fixed a problem with the tooltips occasionally crashing when quitting.

- KL#2560 - Was not ByteSwapping the User Templates when receiving a dump via sysex; therefore, the Mac PPC version worked, but the Windows version apparently did not

- KL#0896.3 - Fixed a situation where loading a GE referencing non-existant Template banks puts up the out of range warning (OK), but then selecting a GE that does not (the first time) puts up the dialog as well, due to the fact that during the GE loading process, before the GE is actually loaded, template functions may get called and use the previous GE's template banks.

- fixed the tooltip ID for the "Display Names +12" item of the Prefs.

- KL#0857.5 - If you deleted GE Banks that the current Performance is referencing, and in the Mix Editor or top of GE Editor the GE Menu is displaying a colored label, it would not be refreshed to show a label (or none) for Bank 0 which is what it gets set to.

- KL#2440.2 - the warning for deleting banks of GEs from a KDF where the current perf has out of range GEs was being done even when deleting banks from a non-current KDF.

- KL#1495.2 FB#1242 - Importing a KGE file would allow you to "Save" the resulting KDF on top of itself with the same name, thereby corrupting the file. Now, it is treated as an untitled file, where doing "Save" routes you to the "Save As..." dialog.

- KL#2555 - WINDOWS: when dragging the bottom of the KDF window such that it extends past the banks and the scrollbar disappears, you could see a white flash as the vert scroller refreshed, but it would actually be in the wrong place (wrong coordinates).

- KL#2554 FB#1376 - When a KDF window is open, and you are adding banks to it one by one with the Add Bank dialog, and you start with 3 banks and no scrollbar, adding banks past the point where the scrollbar should appear does not show the scrollbar - only when you close the dialog does it appear.

- KL#1595.5 - Arrow keys didn't work in the scroller for Import To GE Window.

- KL#1595.4 - Page buttons and home/end didn't work in the Import To GE Window.

- KL#1500.2 - made the home and end buttons work in the KDF Window.

- KL#2552 - WINDOWS: noticed that a modal dialog when going up did not cause the main app window's title bar to disable. However, if you then selected a different app, and came back to KARMA, it would be disabled.

- KL#2551 - WINDOWS: If a Modal dialog with a Help button is up, and you bring the Help Window to the front, it may be partially obscured by the modal dialog, and when you close the modal, it remains unrefreshed (on WINDOWS).

- KL#0955.2 - noticed that on WINDOWS, if the Help Window is up, and you grab another window so that it becomes deactivated, if you swipe it or move it over the scroll bars, they would erase.

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- KL#2546 - WINDOWS: resizing the Help window will cause the PixPat to draw on top of the objects/buttons at the top, obscuring them. This only happens if "Show Window Contents While Dragging" is off.

- KL#2544 - WINDOWS: trying to do something about weird appearance of grow box on windows with scroll bars, i.e. Help.

- KL#2543 - For some reason, when the app is first launched, sometimes windows with scroll bars (i.e. KDF, Help, Import to GE) do not receive the normal Activation and Deactivation events - they seem to get lost. So the scroll bars draw as black areas with nothing in them.

- KL#2536 - Import to GE would crash with the following situation: - Melodic default settings - turn on "split into 3 patterns" - all notes moved to the 3rd pattern by default split points - Create Vel Pat is on, with only pattern 1 selected (which has no notes) - press execute, crash from zero divide

- KL#2519 - MAC: vers resource was being written to disk wrong all these years, apparently. No ramifications other than wrong size of data.

- KL#2496 WINDOWS: could not open KO, KK, and KMO at the same time because they shared the same MAINWNDCLASSNAME.

- KL#2494 - it was possible to index non-existant LEDs in the Activity Display KbdGrid, same in the Key Zones page.

- KL#2480 - When importing a GE, it was trying to assign the "default scenes" which is a concept that was never finished. Therefore, 5 of the Drum scenes would have different variations, and 3 would be all set to 64, and all of the Melodic Drum GE scenes except the current one would be set to 64. Now all scenes are the same (the default single scene).

- KL#2479 - The Import To GE Play Original button would not stop KARMA if it was already playing, but just play on top of it.

- KL#0790.2 - The Import To GE Play Original button would alter the current Perf's tempo, but not revert it back to normal. So if you did it while inside a slow Performance, just to listen to the data, then play the Perf again, the temp would be wrong.

- KL#2472 - Pasting a bank row into the KDF area (PE or GE) would not update the names in the popup menus in the PE or GE Editor properly. They would have the default new bank name, not the actual name of the pasted bank.

- KL#0776.2 - The Note Name menus in the Drum Choice dialog for a Melodic GE did not have the "---" for the first note.

- KL#2452 - fixed issue that would cause some popup menus to display blank text when assigned as RTP and then disabled.

- KL#2446 - Added a port selection to the "Send Any Sysex Message" dialog.

- KL#1025.3 - Fixed issue where sometimes various tracking LEDs under pattern grids get stuck.

- KL#2440 - Added testing to determine and warn the user whether the currently loaded Performance is referencing invalid GEs after a Bank Delete.

- KL#2434 - Resetting the Prefs General page with the default button was resetting all of the dialog hide flags, so next time you launch, you would get the first time setup dialog. But this should NOT happen; we have a separate button for that.

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- KL#2429 - Fixed Performance Info Window to not display GEs used in Performances that have blank names.

- KL#2423 - Changing the GE Bank Type on a bank containing some blank GEs would Initialize the names - should not do this.

- KL#1840.2 FB#0559 - related to FB#0769 - possibly also fixed FB#1219 Clear Labels in Bank - in a GE Bank Display - would clear the labels from KColorBevButtons showing GEs in that bank, but not from the popped up states. However, it works in a Performance Bank Display.. Also fixes this issue: Saving a GE in the GE Editor with a new colored label does not update the colored label in the popped-up state of the Mix Editor menus (but it does in the displayed popup)

- KL#2419 - Utility Menu functions to "Clear All Labels" only refreshed the Bank Displays, they did not take care of popups that were already displaying colored labels.

- KL#2407 - if you assign start seed as an RTP, the range is limited to -8192~8191 by the RTP. However, you can still manually enter a larger value with the command key - so we see if it's hooked up to an RTP and limit it ahead of assigning it, then reset the Numbox in the GUI.

- KL#2406 - editing The Performance Time Signature param if it was assigned as an RTP would not reflect the value to the RTParm page.

- KL#2402 FB#0677 - Fixed bug with the Chord Trigger Assign where you could end up with overlapping wrong notes from the previous chord.

- KL#2401 - When the Edit RTParm warning dialog is up, and you click on the "go to RTP Page", if one of the sub-editing dialogs is up like the Drums Choice editor or the Step Transpose Values editor, close it.

- KL#2399 - When changing the PE Editor RTParms page between Show Controlled Values, the numboxes in the rows that were totally disabled were not having their appearance changed.

- KL#2173.2 - Dyn MIDI Source Menus could get reset to off inadvertently.

- KL#2397 FB#1273 - Crashing under OS X 10.6.8 when changing scenes...

- KL#2393 - When changing perfs, in the Chord Trig Editor, if the Velocity Mod Mode at the top was set to Absolute, it would not be reset to "Offset" even though the Numbox would be set to 0, which is an invalid option with the Absolute Setting.

- KL#2392 - Sometimes the pan pattern grid would get hidden when changing scenes, when it shouldn't be, if watching some other module besides module 1.

- KL#2387 - Chord Triggers sometimes get wrong notes when assigning - and there was no way to clear this issue - added to "All Notes Off".

- KL#0893.2 - if you held the mouse down in a slider in the SWGUI RTC Window, while KARMA was running, and then hit the return (Stop) key, it would draw the slider in the wrong place on top of the Main app icon.

- KL#2375 - we were including the [open] item in the Modules RTC Name Edit Dialog as a name that can't be replaced, but we weren't doing it for the Scenes Names dialog - now we are.

- KL#2374 - Adding/cancelling custom RTC names would corrupt all the RTC Name assignments. (Cause of the KM3 Preload KDF issue having the wrong RTC names in certain versions.)

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- KL#2360 FB#0716 - When changing the Phase Pat items with RT control, i.e.

in a scene, and the GE Editor Phase Page is not showing, would not properly update which numboxes in the phas pat list at the top were enabled/disabled.

- KL#2356 FB#0849 - Fixed issue where, after 28.4 days or so of continually running, the app would stop working until exit and relaunch (WINDOWS).

- KL#2346 - WINDOWS: fixed occasional issue with buttons drawing in black and white.

- KL#2331 FB#0589 - Tooltips and ParmDisplay window looked different on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6. As part of this, removed Metal Windows look on OS X 10.4.

- KL#2330 - On a default new installation of Mac OS X, i.e. 10.6.3, the app would immediately crash after the whole startup procedure.

- KL#2307 - when using the CC Pattern to pitch bend, the top value of 127 comes out flat, because it was xbended into 16283, instead of 16383.

- KL#2304 - when changing the PE MIDI Setup Input Mode from Multi to Single, do NOT change the MIDI channels; they should remain independent.

- KL#2292 - The popup menu for drum note number in Metro Editor was not properly using the view prefs setting for the popped up state, when "use gm names" was turned off.

- KL#2286 - The colored label menu was available in the Drum Template save dialog, since this is a MultiBank Save - but this was incorrect.

- KL#0857.2 FB#1216 - In the Multi-Bank Save Dialogs (PE and GE), the PE/GE popup was not handling the colored label display other than when first being opened. It would remain on that setting regardless of changing the bank, or changing the selection.

- KL#1696.2 - As a side-effect of KL#1696, when changing chapters in Windows with the Next/Prev buttons (for example), you would see the old picture momentarily redraw on top of the text for the new chapter before being replaced with the new pictures.

- KL#2264.2 - In template Bank Displays you could still clear, or paste into the [As Stored] item. Fixed.

- OK button in Perf Module Copy/Swap dialog had wrong tooltip.

- KL#2276 FB#1201 - if you set *any* module's out port to some other port as the global port, no global thru notes would be sent out

- KL#2275 FB#1197 - In KDF Window select all GE banks, and do cmnd+B. Answer OK - it tells you that it cannot delete the last GE Bank. At this point, it still shows all GE Banks as highlighted - but they are actually gone. If you scroll the display and cause it to refresh, it then shows just one GE Bank.

- KL#2273 - GE Editor Template Popupsometimes could possibly display the wrong Template Bank.

- KL#2272 FB#1196 - if you insert a bank before the bank containing the currently loaded performance, need to adjust the stored bank index or the bank and pe menus in the PE Editor will display one bank off after refresh. Same thing for GE Banks, and TE Banks...

- KL#2271 FB#1195 - Adding or deleting a Perf Bank from the KDF would cause the edited mark to disappear from the Perf popup if perf was edited.

- KL#2269 - fixed bugs with Reset Controllers (Revert Scenes).

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- KL#0958.2 - When a tooltip is up and you did Cmnd+H, if the cursor stays over the object it would pop back open (Mac) or refresh and turn black in Windows. Now it stays closed.

- KL#2256.2 - if the Help File is already open, and showing some scrolled part of a page, simply doing cmnd+H without a tooltip showing was resetting to the top of the chapter, - so now, we just bring the Help window back to the front, displaying what was last viewed.

- KL#2266 FB#1182 - noticed that the WavSeq offset numbox was set to min/max -1518/1518; therefore, you could move it too far in M3/M50 where it should be 1078, and you could never move it past that even though the number of waveforms is 1733 for Kronos/OASYS.

- KL#2265 - The Drum Utilities "Move Empty Rows To Top" and "Sort Rows for Held Note Feature" called the same function the same way, and performed exactly the same results - and both would put an empty row between rows 2 & 3 if there were only two rows in the first drum pattern, which is NOT what you would want for a simple "Move Empty Rows To Top."

- KL#2264 FB#1181 - Made it so you cannot use option-click to rename the [As Stored] item in Template Banks.

- KL#2262 - The RTParm Warning Dialog had nothing assigned to the cancel key (Exc), so it would do nothing. Also, esc would crash on the other Korg versions.

- KL#1876.2 - Karma Kronos "Import KGE" menu item was not working. File error.

- KL#2256 - If you select the "Help" item from a Menu Button, and you are already on that chapter, scrolled down, it would not locate to the top of the chapter, when it seemed that it should. Same thing for if you select the chapter again from the chapter popup menu at the top of the help file.

- KL#2254 FB#1169 - The Scene Reorder Dialog had no tooltips implemented.

- KL#2252 - fixed missing tooltip in Export Perf Names dialog.

- KL#2249 - Fixed/added tooltips and help locations for the PE Module Copy/Swap dialog, and the Note Map Table Copy dialog.

- KL#2248 - noticed that holding down the cmnd/control key while assigning a slider in a Module Layer would NOT assign the center value unless that buffer happened to be the current buffer.

- KL#2247 - fixed tooltip for colored label popup in Multi-Bank Save dialog.

- KL#2246 FB#0811 - fixed tooltip issues in the PE RTP Editor, and in the help file.

- KL#2245 FB#1170 - fixed drum row solo button to have a tooltip, and to have a description in the Help File.

- KL#2244 - fixed a number of code issues with tooltips for the Get/Send Templates Banks dialog - some were wrong, some said "Karma" kbd, etc.

- KL#2242 - Fixed code issues with several of the RTC Editor Utility Dialogs not locating to the correct Help File chapter.

- KL#2241 FB#1168 - If you have a performance loaded, say Combi User A000, and you change the bank type to a different Bank, and then "Send Performance" and select the current edit buffer, it goes to the

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old location A000 instead of the new one. Needed to store the new location in the edit buffer so writing it or sending it has the correct setting. Also made it select the new program location on the Kronos.

- KL#2240 - When you do "Revert All Scenes", it can cause the scene change (quantized) to happen in an interrupt, crashing on Windows.

- KL#2239 - If you used the "Revert All Scenes (in all layers) command with quantized scene changes and it executed quantized, it would not restore all settings.

- KL#2238 - If you modified the scenes in multiple layers, and then performed a "Reset All Scenes In Layer", it would reset the scenes in that layer but reset all the scene compare flags for ALL layers; so the compare/restore buttons would be reset for all layers, not just the one layer.

- KL#2235 - WINDOWS: - with a failing legacy MIDI dump of progs/combis on the Korg Kronos, in the middle of receiving a single combi, it stops, and we get a buffer of 0; what happens then is everything gets stuck - the sysex progress dialog, and all incoming sysex messages are blocked.

- KL#2168.2 - because of 2168, if you added a Combi bank to a new KDF with only one program bank, it would turn into a Prog bank and be EXi, even though it was named as a combi bank.

- KL#2231 FB#1162 - Help Menu on Mac OS X would not gray out when a dialog was up.

- KL#2229 - Fixed a bug with the improper storing of the last received msb and lsb for a perf in a program bank, that would cause the "no banks of that type exist" message to incorrectly popup. Example: in a file with a U-F bank of programs, but no U-G, select a perf in the U-F bank. On the keyboard itself, change to global mode, then back to program mode - up pops the warning dialog.

- KL#1686.2 FB#1163 - when copying scenes in the Copy Scene dialog, the new option 9~32 in the destination popup would disappear if you clicked execute and left the dialog open.

- More on KL#2214 - When checking the EXi checkbox, make the warning dialog tell you if the new setting doesn't match what we know about the stored user program banks.

- KL#2222 - Merging a single combi via sysex (Get Perf), with all debug turned off and the Data Display window open, would cause parts of the black DD window to redraw on top of the bank display.

- KL#2220 Korg issue 4668 - Hanging notes with changing MIDI Channel and wave-seq GE.

- KL#2219 Korg issue 4320 - (T1097) Stuck notes at changing mode from Combi during damper on - when changing from Combi D006 Delicato Strings, w/ damper down, to SEQ mode (new song), then to Program mode, then release pedal, then back to Combi D006, the sustain pedal would be left hanging.

- KL#2218 Korg issue 4784 - (t1429) karma note stuck issue at combi/prog change. When using an envelope to control damper pedal, changing perfs could leave it hanging such that notes played on a new perf might hang.

- KL#2216 FB#1161 - if you keep hitting the esc key during launch while splash screen is up, towards the end it would crash.

- KL#2214 FB#1138 - in an init prog bank, when checking the EXi checkbox, change the init perf names back and forth.

- More on KL#2168 FB#1160 - made it respect the known User Program Bank types

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when changing the bank type, i.e. from Prog I-G to U-G and U-G is an EXi - it should init the PCG, and turn on the EXi checkbox.

- KL#2213 - when changing an init bank from EXi to HD-1 and vice versa, was not handling renaming the Init Performances correctly. Fixed it for OASYS and M3 to properly name initialized Radias and EXi programs with the correct names.

- KL#2210 FB#0988 - DT on/off and DT Start Mode params were not dirtying the Performance.

- KL#2209 - Fixed the Windows version IsUsingKorgUSBMIDIDriver() to recognize M50.

- KL#2208 FB#064 - turning off the "Use Location Numbers" in popup view prefs for GEs would leave an extra space at the begining of the GE name and GE Bank Name label in the GE Info area at the top of the PE Editor.

- KL#2207 - Fixed the fact that popup custom menus that show default combi and program slot names in the Korg Page, for example, or the Get/Send Perf dialogs, were not obeying the Program Menu view prefs and would always show 3 full digits.

- KL#2205 - if you had a Single Module Performance in the software selected, yet you were in Combi or Seq mode on the Korg, it was possible to press the Module Control Layer button on the korg and change to non-existant layers.

- KL#2180 FB#1148 - Korg issue 4848 - KARMA Env Filter Flags get stuck if unchecked when KARMA Off.

- KL#2173 - When changing KDF files, would end up with double marked items in the DynMIDI Source Menus.

- KL#2168 FB #1139 - When adding banks to a KDF, it would use the user bank types to initialize the names, but not to set the Exi setting; so for example, deleting bank U-E (an Exi bank), and then adding it back in, would have the EXi checkbox off, intialized with HD-1 data, but saying "Init EXi Program" in all slots.

- KL#2147 - Wrongly allowing, in all Korg v2 apps (M3, OASYS, Kronos) a Program Bank H to be created when adding banks one after the other with the add bank dialog - then it would have an invalid bank type.

- KL#2125, FB#0984 - more on KL#0922 - KL#0922 - fixed inclusion of Apple IAC Driver.

- KL#2115 - Would crash if you had two KDFs open, and you select a perf in the one KDF in the last bank, make the other current, delete the last bank in the non-current one, and then make it current.

- KL#2095 - Fixed Help Reference not located for RhyEd chapter, on the Open Templates button and the "Phase not in use Label".

- KL#2078 FB#1008 - chord triggers and other keys could get stuck in the on position, if you happen to hold it and release a modifier key and trigger a different button with a different (or no) modifier. Example: Shift + F5, hold, release shift key, F1 (modifiers are now 0), release F5, modifiers don't match and it goes the wrong place in the code.

- KL#2037 - When changing the output port/chan with notes playing, and using a wave-seq GE, notes will hang because the note-offs are being delayed by 2 ms.

- KL#2002 - Fixed bug where exporting GE Name List without the "Show Performances" (3rd checkbox) checked, would crash due to an uninitialized ptr.

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- KL#2001 - Korg issue 4288 (t1052) stuck notes from combi-b006 with karma on to prog mode sst. These were stuck going to seq mode because they are KARMA generated Zone In/Out Thru notes, which by spec are not required to sustain over SST. So now, in both cases (going to Prog and going to Seq) they will cutoff as they should.

- KL#2000 - Korg issue 4400 (t1197) freeze at prog i-c046:soft & sweet voice Fixed problem where it could enter an infinite loop by triggering and advancing envelopes that would then loop and restart and get stuck forever.

- KL#1985 - Korg issue 4268 - A000 Particles & Waves, module A (KARMA WaveSeq) notes will hang when switching to Program Mode with KARMA on.

- KL#1983 - Korg issue 4272 - crash on Dare 2B Square.

- KL#1982 - Opening Note Map Editor and pressing return (Stop) or changing Performances causes an exception (crash).

- KL#1981 - KM50 loses communication issue. When testing KM50 on Vista, using Ham n' Pickle, if you changed scenes directly on the downbeat at some point it would stop the Scheduler, such that the tempo LED would no longer be flashing. At this point, the app is "dead" and unresponsive, although you can quit it - some users reported an exception on quit as well.

- KL#1969 - Fixing issue with changing from Program Mode or combi mode while holding notes to Seq mode with the MIDI Track Channel set to something other than the Global Channel.

- KL#1971 - fixed issue with black blink LEDs in note map getting stuck on when changing the note map using octave replicate.

- KL#1970 - more on KL#1915. Now that Gated CC GEs are running through Note Maps, changing Note Map params like the table, or cells in the table, or mode etc. should cause a gated chord to be regenerated to take the new settings into account.

- KL#1968 - Fixed crash reported by Korg with setting qtz_window to 16th(3) (a menu setting of 0), delay start to fixed and 1 ms. Korg issue 4038.

- KL#1965 - Fixed the following things with sysex that never worked on the KO software and OASYS (in addition to tempo KL#1963): Program Mode: changing the pad mode on one did not reflect to the other. Seq Mode: changing the pad mode on one did not reflect to the other. Seq Mode: changing Module control on one did not affect the other.

- KL#1963 - tempo change sysex code was wrong, and never worked on the OASYS.

- KL#1961 - fixed the fact that a GE with a tempo rel envelope, once it hits the sustain or release phase, is not affected by changing the PE tempo - but it should actually recalculate and change tempo.

- KL#1959 - Fixed bug in all current Korg versions, where you can save a KDF in a state where some banks have PCG data and others don't, therefore it cannot be read back in because the length is wrong.

- KL#1952 - OASYS Data could become corrupted on Windows when receiving PCG Data via SysEx.

- KL#1947 FB#0542 - Fixed bug with copying a scene to "all higher" or "9 to 32" where it would change the modified states in the Module Layers such that the source scene would break.

- KL#1946 - Fixed bug that would overwrite the

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Wet:Dry Mix param of IFX 1 when you received a program or combi from the M3/OASYS, using the "replace" or "create new bank" options.

- KL#1940 - Fixed an issue where repeating notes with very low midi note numbers could go negative, and therefore flip around and put out very high pitched notes.

- KL#1936 - saving modified GEs had the potential to be overwriting memory on params like Template + Restore, which are located in the Module and not the ge.

- KL#1915 - Was not handling running notes through note map tables for Gated CC notes.

- KL#1911 FB#0890 - Fixed issue with Duration Value numbox sometimes displaying wrong value when switching between modules in the GE Editor.

- KL#1903 - Fix for module going out of sync when changing the time sig and the number of pattern items in the phase pattern at same time.

- KL#1900 - Fixed Perf Info window showing old GE Category names.

- Fixed/implemented the tooltips in the Drum Copy/Swap Patterns/Rows dialog.

- KL#1320 - on OS X 10.5.x, could not import a KGE file. Works on 10.4.x.

- KL#1887 - Fixed bug where doing a Save All would overwrite the AS STORED locations in the restore buffer with the wrong templates, even if the GE was not edited. See FB#0837.

- More on KL#1645 - WINDOWS: There were several items in popup menus that were not displaying ampersands: Pattern grid menus: Lock To Rhythm Pattern & Ties Waveform Osc Mode: Osc1 & Osc 2 same CC Phase Mode: Both (CC-A & CC-B same)

- KL#1866 - Fixed bug with Constant Vel Mode in the GE Editor displaying the wrong Top/Bottom fields, if a Module that was not current had Vel Mode assigned as an RT Parm.

- KL#1854 - Swapping Drum Pat rows with RTParm assignments would not swap back after doing it the first time. Ultimately, it's nearly impossible to handle all the permutations of trying to swap rows that are connected to RTP, and I flagged some situations and put up a warning that the RTP assignments may not have been completed.

- KL#1853 - Added ability to swap full Drum Patterns with copy/swap dialog. Also added Help Button, Title, and fixed the fact that all tooltip IDs were completely wrong.

- KL#1844 - Fixed problem with comparing a module layer scene, then reverting then comparing back again.

- KL#1840 - Fixed issue with the wrong bank's colored labels sometimes being displayed in the GE Editor popup and PE Mix popups if you selected an init pe right after Import To GE, and then went to the GE or GE Setup page.

- KL#1838 - Fixed issue with the release from the keyboard affecting envelopes that were set to DynMIDI Only, such that it was glitching on Module 4 of Sine Language, which has per-note envelope triggering going on.

- KL#1834 - Fixed new issue that arose from the fix for KL#1817 Time Sig goes out of sync with scene changes - where envelopes would not retrigger when changing scenes if the restart bit was on.

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- KL#1826 - Fixed the Drum Template Bank open buttons to open the correct selected bank of templates, not hard-wired to 1,2,3 - if all 3 are on Percussion, then all 3 will open the Percussion bank.

- KL#1820 - Made it so the dialog that warns you about overwriting GEs when using "Save All" has an option to save just the PE/KDF, and not save the GEs.

- KL#1817 - Fixed long-standing issue with changing a module's time sig, and having the relationship between the phase patterns go out of sync. Example: if in step 2 of phase pattern with 8/4, and change to a 4/4 time signature, would end up in step 2 of the new pattern, which might be in the wrong place, i.e. should end up in step 4.

- KL#1816 - The Drum Pattern Resynch Indexes feature would sometimes get the wrong count and resetto the wrong spot. See the code for more details.

- KL#1798 - When trying to load the same GE into a perf from a different stored location, with "Keep RTC Settings" as GE Load Options, it was changing some of the PE RTP settings to match what was stored in the GE, and not keeping the PE RTP settings.

- KL#1784 - KO, KM3, KM50 all had an incorrect tooltip for the GE Bank in the Add Banks dialog, referring to KARMA MW and 4 banks of GEs.

- KL#1783 - Late Quantize never worked correctly with Negative Swing. If you trigger the module slightly late: it causes it to apparently fast-forward through the entire amount of time that the swing note window takes up.

- KL#1777 FB#0687 - If you selected 3 PE Banks in the KDF (example), and had a perf loaded from the middle bank, and deleted all 3, it would not reselect a new perf and you would have an invalid perf loaded - because it was only checking to see if the deleted perf was in the bank *for the last bank*. Furthermore, if you were deleting banks in a file that was not the current KDF, it would still cause the selection of perfs in the current KDF, based on what it was doing in the other kdf.

- KL#1774 - Fixed problems with the deflammer cutting off auto dur strum guitars GEs with tight strum times..

- KL#1743 - Drum Patterns, when using Rhythm Multipliers, would not properly handle swing on triplet multipliers - would always calculate swing, even if "Swing Triplets" checkbox was off in Rhythm Pattern page.

- KL#1742 - if you turned off LinkModules to Global in the PE MIDI Editor, and set the input section to multi, then turned it back on, it would incorrectly leave the Modules' input port menus enabled.

- KL#1741 - Dynamic MIDI Input Zone not being handled correctly for Copy/Swap Modules.

- KL#1731 - Combi Klub Europa exhibits a problem with the Scene Change Quantize Window: we are using the min tim/sig (2/4 of module 3) as the basis, which means a 1 Bar window is actually 2 beats. Moreover, this calculation is made when you load the perf or change the QtzWindow; and if the modules time sig is different, then you will get a different result. For example, Scene 3 has Module 3 at 1/4, so if you reselect the Qz Window with this scene selected, you get 1Bar = 1 Beat. So we will use 4/4 as a default if all modules can be evenly divided into it or 4/4 can be evenly divided into it if longer.

- KL#1728 - Fixed a bug in the Copy/Swap Module function - the RTParmEdits for the Perf RTParms related to Transpose and Run were not being swapped.

- KL#0479.3 - Noticed that the way the 8 scene switches under the grid

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were working was not the same as clicking on the grid, with respect to flagging the master scene as edited if a module layer scene was selected. The idea being that changing a module layer scene edits the master layer scene, so that if you RESTORE the master layer scene, it restores the module scene selections.

- KL#1711 - Fixed bug with Phase Templates number not being displayed in the "KARMA Values" (Korg keyboard internally) or ParmDisplay windows (software).

- KL#1709 - Fixed bug where you could set the Cluster Pattern length in a GV1 Gated VelPat GE to 0 (should be limited to a min of 1).

- KL#1708 - Fixed bug where replicating a GV1 Gated Vel Clu Pattern with empty steps at the end would incorrectly set the length of the pattern to the last column with a cell turned on.

- KL#1704 - Fixed issue with tooltips still popping up when cursor is hidden (i.e. dragging in a numbox).

- KL#1700 - Fixed the operation of the "Reset Default" in the MIDI RTC Page to NOT reset the ports - setting them to port 0 makes no sense.

- KL#1696 - Fixed issue with dragging a numbox in the Import To GE Editor not refreshing the analysis until you let go.

- KL#1678 - Initialize Selected GEs should not have the Init Module checkbox.

- Fixed wrong tooltip ID for Timbre Off Key Zones label in Key Zones Editor.

- Fixed tooltips in Initialize Performance/GE with RTC Model Dialog.

- KL#1645 - Fixed long-standing issue with Windows version not showing Ampersands in some menu items. For example, in the Dynamic MIDI Destination menus, would show "Trigger Notes Envs" instead of "Trigger Notes & Envs".

- KL#1642 - Fixed issue with using Gated CCs and the phase mute buttons, where changing the Time Signature or the new phs mutes template could result in suddenly hanging long notes (since the sustained notes were not actually being terminated in the muted phase steps, so any appearance of a CC#11 > 0 would cause them to turn back on.)

- KL#1638 - Fixed a bug where assigning a different GE inside a combi would cause all of the Master Layer settings to be sent, which might change durations and velocity accents etc. in various other modules, without then taking into account settings in the module layers that have priority over the master layer, so the sound might be "different/broken" in the other modules.

- KL#1637 - Fixed a bug that may have been introduced by KL#1617, where comparing the master layer was not restoring the linked scenes in the master layer correctly.

- KL#1620 - When reverting scenes within a Module Layer, and the currently selected scene was NOT the startup scene, would reset the Module's scene to the startup scene, within the current scene. Example: - Startup scene is 6 for all Layers including Master. - switch Master Layer to scene 3, and all Modules are on scene 3 (as stored). - switch to Module 3 Control Layer. - Revert all scenes in Module 3 - Module 3 scene is reset to 6, within Master Layer scene 3 (wrong).

- KL#1617 - Fixed issue with comparing Master Layer (i.e. Reset Controls on Korg) where GE RTP that are assigned to Master and Module Layer, and the Module Layer has priority, would not reset to the value stored in the Module; therefore the sound of the scene would be broken.

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- KL#1612 - Fixed stupid line-breaking on Windows in tooltips, where it would do things like break after the apostrophe in a contraction and put the dangling letter on a separate line, break after an opening bracket, etc.

- KL#1609 - Fixed bug with Swap Scenes dialog, where selecting "ALL" was overwriting the chord triggers.

- KL#1605 - When Copy/Swap Drum Pat rows, random rests and pools etc. were not being recalculated.

- KL#1601 - Made the dialog that warns you about saving GEs when using the "Save All" feature tell you which Modules have edited GEs.

- KL#1599 - Fixed issue with alphaLock key causing some pattern grid operations like replicate to fail.

- KL#1595 - making arrow keys work in RTCNames dialog, Wav Dialog etc.

- KL#1583 - Fixing the Module Copy/Swap function to handle the Module Run and Transpose assignments more intelligently. We want to swap the modules, but appear to leave those where they are, graphically, while swapping the operation. So that if we swap A, and B, Switches 1 and 2 are still hooked up to the new A/B, not hooked up as B/A.

- KL#1577 - You could get hanging notes from gated GEs when changing MIDI ports/channels while KARMA is playing.

- KL#1576 - WINDOWS: Fixed a bug that was causing the app to sometimes forget it was running the foreground, and cause everything to update jerky.

- KL#1558 - When assigning chord triggers through MIDI, it could crash or draw things in weird places.

- KL#1551 FB#0328 - Fixed issue with clearing PE bank in KDF setting Perf Editor menu to blank even if not current bank. See KL#2570.

- Fixed Control Page, Force Range label had invalid tooltip ID.

- KL#1512 - You cannot Store or Clear a Template into the [As Stored] location using the buttons in the GE Editors, but you *could* clear, cut, copy, paste into it with a Template Bank Display open. Also, the rename dialog. Not anymore.

- KL#1506 FB#0293 - Fixed issue with the Start Up dialog progress bar not advancing except whenever a message was posted to the window. Related to KL#1457.

- KL#1503 - Fixed a problem with the Mac OS X Scroll bars - when you release the scroll bar thumb (i.e. in the KDF Window, or the RTC Names Dialog, or the Waveform Select Dialog), it would jump to the wrong position. When you next start to drag it it would jump to a farther away location.

- KL#1495 FB#0292 - Clicking "Save" when presented with an "unsaved changes" warning dialog should just save the file; only go to the "save as..." dialog if the file is named "untitled".

- KL#1490 FB#0280 - WINDOWS: Dialog popping up when mouse is hidden in NumberBox, which then unhides the mouse, causes mouse to no longer be hidden.

- The little tiny numbers above the 8 scene buttons in the RTControls Editor could be clicked on, turning them blue, instead of being display only.

- KL#1469 FB#0253 - When the GE Window was closed in the Korg version and then opened after playing a chord, it would display "No Chord" or the last chord played while it was open. Now it refreshes the chord to the current chord.

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- KL#1468 FB#0084 - If you stored the Perf with a different start up scene, the blue current scene number in the RTC Editor doesn't update until you change scenes, load the perf, or do something to refresh the RTControls window.

- KL#1467 - Made it so you cannot get the "replicate" cursor by holding down the replicate key combination over BankDisplays.

- KL#1466 - When using the marquee rect on the Bank Displays, if you created a marquee within a single column, if part of the marquee was NOT over the center line, it would not select the cells. Furthermore, there were other oddities that needed to be corrected regarding the operation of the marquee on the BankDisplay grids.

- KL#1465 FB#0260 - When do a "Select All" on a Bank Display, was almost impossible to deselect a cell and change the situation. Now fixed so that clicking a cell deselects everything else.

- KL#1455 - On the Perf Editor, RTP Page, in a single module Perf, in the Module subpage, the Menu Button command "Clear Control Assignments (All Panels)" was doing nothing.

- KL#1420 FB#0180 - Fixed bug where the popped up state of the GE Menus in the PE Editor GE Setup page did not display any colored labels.

- KL#1401 - Fixed a long-standing issue that could cause an occasional dropping out of a note or note(s) when triggering a chord or chord trigger with a KARMA Module already running. If the notes coming from the new were the same as any that were just generated by the GE (i.e. on the downbeat, and the new trigger is a tiny bit late), then note-offs would be sent out for the notes, cutting them off, but the built-in deflammer would filter out the new note-offs.

- KL#1399 (more) - RTControls Editor Copy/Swap RTC dialog had wrong menu in Menu Button. Was showing additional items meant for another dialog - they would do nothing.

- KL#1399 - The RTC Copy/Swap dialog was not working correctly when using with a Module Control Layer (only worked properly with the Master Control Layer.) Would end up swapping settings in the wrong layers.

- KL#1386 - visual tweak to custom popup menus for Windows - get the black outline to be a solid 2 pixels around the whole thing, not just on the left and top.

- KL#1384 - Noticed that when trying to import Note Maps from another KDF File, in the SWGUI Note Map Editor, answering OK to the warning dialog would leave a white unrefreshed area sitting there while the "open file locate" dialog was put up.

- KL#1308 - Fixed an issue where, if two modal dialogs went up on top of each other, the Enter key would clear the first one, but then the target would switch back to the main app, the menus in the menubar would become available, and the Enter key would do nothing to clear the second dialog.

- KL#1301 - Fixed bug with custom popup on Metro Names Menu - would not change based on the Drum Names Preferences Setting if window was already open.

- KL#1299 - Fixed issue with Tooltips wrapping a long first line, and then leaving off the last line of text at the bottom.

- KL#1288 - Do not enable the mode buttons (Single/Multi) if linked to

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Global in the MIDI Editor. Do not enable the first MIDI Out port if linked to Global.

- KL#1286 - When selecting "Rename Selected Banks" from the KDF Menu Button with no banks selected, would give an incorrect warning message.

- KL#1277 - Fixed a bug where locating to a non-existant chapter in the Help File would not display the "Help Reference Not Located" error.

- KL#1276 - Fixed a bug where changing scenes could cause modules to go out of sync with each other regarding where the downbeat is.

- KL#1269 - When changing the Perf Type (num of modules), would not reset the current Module Control Layer to something valid if it was out of range. Example - Module Control Layer set to 5, change pe_type to 3 modules, would still be on Module 5.

- KL#1267 - The diamond/asterisk edited mark was not updating properly in the normal Perf Editor when switching between KDFs.

===============================================================Release Notes and History for previous versions of the softwarecan be viewed online at:

Page 22: KARMA M50 2.2.9 (158) 11 Jul 2013 SUMMARY OF … All KARMA Apps related to Korg can now import Korg .KGE files from other keyboards. ... - KL#2466.2 - added a "Reset RT Control Name

===============================================================KARMA M50 2.2.6 (148) 09 Jul 2009===============================================================

Bug Fixes:KL#1388 - Fixed bug with broken MIDI file GE import (crash, end of file error).

KL#1383 - The "Import Note Maps from KDF File" function on the Note Map Menubutton never worked on Windows, apparently, always giving anerror message.

KL#1380 - Fixed a bug where storing any Template type other than Rhythm would crash.

KL#1340 - Fixed a bug with modules starting out of sync- when starting with say module 3 running only, the other muted modules may trigger first (and may be late according to the quantize count) but then when Mod 3 triggers, it was resetting the quantize count, so unmuting them they would be out of sync.

KL#1337 - Could not cancel a pending scene change on the grid by clicking the previously lit cell.

===============================================================KARMA M50 2.2.5 (146) 16 May 2009===============================================================

Changes:- Changed the default Chord Trigger Note Numbers to be 0~15, not 60~75

- KL#1214 - Made it so that the RTControl Preferences default to having transmit/receive checked, and the Program Changes front panel checked as well.

New Features:- KL#1220 - Added a CC for Module Control in the RTC tab of Preferences.

- KL#1319 - Added "Reset Module Name List…" and "Reset Scene Name List…"commands to the KDF File's Menu Button.

Bug Fixes:- KL#1318 - Fixed bug where Time Signature would get incorrectly converted

when receiving a GE from M3, M50, or OASYS.

- KL#1317 - Fixed bug where getting a bank of GEs would incorrectly number the internal GE Markers for User GEs, causing the wrong bank to be selected when selecting a User GE.

- KL#1270 - pressing the stop key was clearing the blue row in the Scene Matrix. This was related to KL#1227, clearing the blinking cells.

- KL#1250 - fixed the fact that it would beep and dirty any KDF that had two Perf banks of the same type, on reading it in.

- KL#1249 - Fixed the Drum Row Solo feature - it was actually working across modules - if you soloed drum row 1 in one Module, and other modules were using Drum GEs or Melodic Drum GEs as well, that row would be soloed in all modules.

- KL#1242 - fixed issue where deleting a number of Perf or GE banks from a KDF file at the same time would result in NOT updating the KDF window, not dirtying the file. You had to resize the window to make it update.

- KL#1239 - Fixed bug where changing the number of Phase Pattern items via RTC Control or via editing the GE RTP in the Performance Editor would not update the number of steps in the Phase Pattern Grid in the GE Editor if that page was not showing, and you then selected it - it would have the

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wrong number of Pattern Steps displayed.

- KL#1238 - Fixed bug where writing resources (such as saving the prefs file by editing the prefs) could result in corrupt prefs file, because the app thought it was out of memory. This was happening on very large drives over 100GB or so. The number of free bytes was exceeding the scale of the integer used to store it.

- KL#1235 - Fixed issue where using MIDI Note Numbers to trigger the chord pads from an external controller would still match CCs; i.e. if you set a Chord Trigger to listen to MIDI Note # 41, and CC 41 made it into that function, it would trigger the Chord Button as well.

- KL#1234 - Loopback/crash problem when assigning Chord Buttons to be triggered by MIDI Notes, and the incoming note you are looking for happens to be one of the ones assigned to the Chord Trigger itself.

===============================================================KARMA M50 2.2.4 (143) 01 Jan 2009===============================================================

PCG Data:

Combi Banks B and C did not have the Arp Button turned on in all of them whenthey load up. This has been fixed. The Arp button should be on in the M50 in allKARMA Performances, so that it "syncs" with the KARMA On/Off button in the Perfs.


- Streamlined the "First Time Setup" Instructions to assume use of SD Card to loadPCG Data.

- PDF Help FIle is now a current printout of the online Help, which has had several chapters further updated, although some are still in need of updates to reflectKM50 and not the M3 or OASYS.

Bug fixes/Improvements:

- KL#1233 - Fixed to be able to import Korg M3 KGE Files.

- KL#1232 - Made it so we do not send the scan zone range of 127/0 if a Performance is stored with the Disable M50 Arp checkbox Off, so that it stays how it is stored in the M50.

- KL#1231 - Had to split the Preferences Chapter of the Help File into two parts, due to picture and text size limitations. This required renumbering some tooltips etc.

- Removed "Update MIDI Setup" item from MIDI Ins & Outs Editor Menu Button since it was unimplemented anyway - need to add back in future release.

- Made the INIT PE data have the Chord Trigger Channels on Global Channel GCh.

- More on KL#1206. Making it so selecting Perfs from the keyboard does not send a redundant program change back.

- KL#1229 - Working on the issue of skipping the echoing of the chord pads through to the modules, that previously had no number assigned. Fixing issue with chord pads set to the input channel of a module (and not global) not working correctly on KM50, and likely KM3 and KO as well.

- KL#1228 - Initializing the current Performance or GE would not properly display the name of the new RTCModel.

- KL#1227 - Setting up a pending scene change, so that the red LEDs were flashing in the RTC window, and then either turning off KARMA, stopping it with the Return Key, or selecting another performance would leave the RED Leds blinking and difficult

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to clear.

- KL#1226 - Improved handling of the "change Performance via Program Change" feature.

- KL#1225 - (M3/Oasys/M50) Noticed that the normal state of the Input section of the MIDI Ins & Outs Editor (with the input channels unavailable while set to Single Mode) does not accurately reflect how the Korg keyboards work. Changed to allow selection of different input channels for each module. Single/Multi now only affects the ports.

- KL#1224 - Fixed issue with Realtime-B on the M50 triggering chords 5 to 8 correctly (when using the special M50 control surface mode), but appearing to graphically trigger chords 1-4 in the RTC Window.

- Fixed title of tooltip for the Chord Trigger Editor, Transpose Semitones (missing).

- Fixed wrong tooltips for DTk Run row on top of scene matrix in RTC Editor (M3/M50), and labels for Link Scenes, Master RTC, and the numbers above the scene matrix.

- Fixed tooltips for Drum Track On/Off and DT Trigger Mode (M3/M50).

- KL#1222 - Made it so that you could not assign any of the RT Control CCs to do more than one thing at a time (not that this was ever useful) - improves code.

- KL#1221 - Adding code to convert earlier versions of prefs to the 143 version with the 8 CCs for scenes, and the CC for Module Control Layer.

- KL#1220 - Adding a CC for Module Control in the RTC tab of Preferences.

- KL#1219 - When saving from the M3, M50, OASYS as a Standard MIDI File, the Import To GE Window would be unable to open it since it is a PC file and has no Mac File Type of Midi. Changed to allow opening all files types, and checking the first bytes of the file for SMF format.

- KL#1218 - Fixed bug where using the "Get Bank" feature for Performances would show the wrong source banks enabled in the popup menu for Combis. (Would show the Program banks, basically.)

- KL#1217 - Fixed bug that could cause a crash when using the Import To GE Editor, and importing patterns with greater than 32 steps and creating a Duration pattern.

- KL#1216 - fixed error that would cause it to report "file too long" on 64 bar files.

- KL#1215 - Making the Import To GE feature require format 0 MID files. Also added error warnings for files containing sysex, or unable to find first MIDI event.

- KL#1214 - Made it so that the RTControl Preferences default to having transmit/receive checked, and the Program Changes front panel checked as well.

- KL#1213 - Fixed issue with GE Import Window not refreshing the second and later times it was opened.

- KL#1212 - Made the Import To GE Editor pick the first GE in GE Bank R on the M50 by default, rather than GE 0000.

===============================================================KARMA M50 2.2.4 (142) 14 Dec 2008===============================================================

Initial beta release.

Help File (PDF Version) is from M3. Not yet updated. Online version has some chapters updated for M50, including "First Time Setup".

Of the 5 included Tutorials, 3 of them have been rewritten for M50; 2 of them still are for the M3 and will be updated shortly.

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