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Page 1: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothisha Prakaasham



Page 2: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



Editorial .................................................................................................................... 3

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam ................................................................................ 5

Bhavartha Ratnakara - IX .......................................................................................... 10

Maasaphalam – Makara of Jaya varsha ....................................................................... 14

Relationship between Ayurveda and Astrology ............................................................. 17

Phaladeepika - III .................................................................................................... 22

Effects of Sun in Various Rasis ................................................................................... 28

Effects of Dasas ....................................................................................................... 38

Horoscope Analysis ................................................................................................... 45

Anukramaanika ........................................................................................................ 50

Page 3: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



As Sankara says, kaalah kreedati aayuh gacchatitadapi na munchati aashaa vaayuh – time

plays, life goes on through aging yet a person’s desires don’t end. Thus as each day passes

by we are advancing towards death. Is death something that is good? We cannot say it is

good or bad. As AMMA says death is like putting a full stop at the end of a sentence. It

doesn’t mean that sentences have stopped but it just shows that another sentence will

start. Similarly death just means that another birth will start. Whatever desires we have in

this birth that will be carried over to the next birth.

If desires are made lesser and lesser, then we will be able to get rid of more births. If no

desires, then there will be no birth at all again. But in order to fully get rid of desires we

need to get started on Vedanta. But in order to learn Vedanta, our worldly life has to be

without issues. Most of the times we find issues with respect to the external world itself and

therefore how can we focus on Vedanta? It is here that we find the help of the science of

astrology. Astrology helps us understand the problems we might face in the future,

anticipate and be ready to face them. Yes, problems might not be fully eradicated or

removed but still if we are ready to face them then their effect will not be much.

But it is seen that many people are skeptical about astrology. The main reason is that this

science, like the science of Vedanta, gives more importance to faith than logic. These

sciences can definitely be proven through logic but mere logic alone will not take us

anywhere. Many people try to learn astrology but through a logical approach. Eventually

they will realize that there is no place for logic in these sciences of the Vedas. Once we

progress with faith then we will find that logic too joins hand. But if we go by logic, then

faith will be lost and we will not find ourselves progressing at all.

The best way thus to learn astrology is to have faith in the ancient works of masters. When

we have faith in them then we will be able to verify it through various horoscopes.

Verification leads to strengthening of the concepts. The more the concepts are

strengthened, the more will be faith in our mind. Then we will be able to make predictions

without even analysis as we are sure about it.

Page 4: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


There is an object kept a little far from us. We are not sure what it is. Rather than doubting

whether the object is there or not, what the object is etc. we should go nearer to the object.

As we go nearer, we will get clearer pictures of the object. Once we reach the object and

verify it then there will be no doubt in our mind about the object. Then though we might be

far from the object, we will be able to directly and convincingly say what the object is.

Similarly we should progress with faith and then we will find logic joining us.

This science is a divine science and therefore as well faith is of utmost importance. The

more we have faith in it, the more it will reveal itself. It is the purpose of this magazine to

give us the various nuances of this science so that we will be able to make our lives as well

as the lives of others blissful through learning it. Thereby we will find ourselves rejoicing in

bliss and spreading bliss to the entire world.

May we all strive to learn and implement the science of astrology so that we are able to

progress ourselves to the ultimate goal of life of moksha and help others as well to attain


Page 5: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam


Previously we saw the author explaining the seventh or the final of the sadhanas that are

required to be implemented by a sadhaka aspiring to become a true astrology. As was

mentioned earlier, it is only a brahmajnaani who can accurately predict what would happen

in the future (as well as what happened in the past). Others though might get lucky as a

result of the power of intuition or other siddhis, will not be true all the time. Whereas a

brahmajnaani will say only the truth or whatever he says will become the truth. Therefore

the greatest sadhana that an aspiring astrologer should do is practice contemplation of

Brahman so that he will become a brahmajnaani.

Brahmajnaana is when we are able to remember that the entire world is one non-dual

reality of Brahman. This remembrance or contemplation is through seeing everything as

one. This is called the sadhana of equanimity or samatva Darshanam. As the Lord puts in

Gita, a person should see a Brahmin and even a dog-eater as the same – this is samatva

Darshanam. When samatva Darshanam is there then one will not be affected by whatever

happens in the external. Whether good happens or bad happens, one will remember that

everything is Brahman. Whether one is facing a friend or an enemy, there will be

equanimity in the mind and words-actions will reflect the same.

A true astrologer is one who is able to give true prediction so that whoever has come to him

will be benefitted by it. Whether the predictions are good or bad ones, it has to be given so

that listener is able to work on it appropriately. If good predictions then the person will be

careful not to get overly excited by it and if bad predictions then there will be propitiations

done to avert or reduce the bad effect while always anticipating the bad. Even as a person

who is driving on a bad-weather day anticipates problems and therefore isn’t surprised by

problems (being ready for it), similarly a person who anticipates bad things to happen will

be ready for it and not be surprised by it.

Irrespective of whoever comes to meet him, an astrologer therefore should be able to give

the apt predictions without either preconceived notions or without concealment (in order to

keep up one’s good effect or to please one’s near and dear ones). This sadhana of samatva

Darshanam is very important and it leads to the result of jnaana and vijnaana – theoretical

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


knowledge of Brahman and realization of Brahman. When both are there then everything is

known and therefore predictions will be made as accurately as possible (with almost 100%


Seven sadhanas – a summary

Since we have finished with the seven sadhanas, it is but apt that we look back and see the

seven sadhanas and their results so that we are able to implement it and become true

astrologers soon itself.

The first sadhana is japa or chanting. This is of one’s own Istadevataa or sacred chants like

Rudra, sooktas etc. The result of japa is grace of Saraswati and power of words. Saraswati

is essential for knowledge and therefore in order to gain knowledge of the science of

astrology, chanting is required. If there is power of words, then whatever is said (knowingly

or unknowingly) will become true. Therefore also chanting is important. Considering that

predictions are made through words, it is important to purify and strengthen one’s words.

An astrologer who doesn’t have good or proper words is like a policeman without any

courage – the result will be not at all conducive to oneself or others.

Second sadhana is food. Food controls one’s thoughts and in turn words. Since an

astrologer needs a clear mind to think about combinations in horoscope and clear words to

bring out one’s thoughts, therefore food is important. Sattvika food should be taken in order

to ensure that the mind is proper and doesn’t get into either more actions or into laziness,

slumber etc. The fruit of sattvika food practice is purity of mind (which as we have seen is

important in order to make proper predictions).

Third sadhana is words. Practice of proper words is important in astrology as whatever is

mentioned to a person who has shown horoscope is through words alone. Though the

astrologer might be adept in using telepathy, of what use is it if the other person isn’t able

to acknowledge or accept it? Therefore words should be properly used in astrology. Words,

as the author points out, should be pure, good and limited. Impure words will ensure that

the listener is scared away. Not just the listener is scared away but Saraswati who sits on

our tongue will also be scared away thereby leading to no knowledge. Words should be good

in that it should lead to the good of the person. An astrologer shouldn’t use words that

please people or their state of mind. Instead he should use words that will ultimately lead to

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


the good of people (rather than telling lies in order to make people happy which would

mean that eventually they will be lead to sorrow, an astrologer should tell the truth in a

pure or proper way so that people are able to change themselves through their thoughts

and actions and thereby are able to lead to their own good in the long run). Words if used

without any control would have no purpose. For example if a person gives a presentation for

3 hours, what can people grasp out of it? What can people grasp when the person himself

will not be knowing what he is talking about. Therefore limited words should be used.

Limited doesn’t mean “no words” but it means words that are just required in order to

convey whatever is to be conveyed.

When words are pure, good and limited then it will lead to purification of words and power

of words. Without word-power predictions cannot properly work and therefore an astrologer

should strive to follow this sadhana at all times.

Fourth is the sadhana of remembrance of Brahman or Ishwara or one’s own ista devataa or

anything good to others. Such thoughts will lead to purity of mind and concentration as

well. When we think bad, we will become bad. But when we think good we will become

good. This means our mind will become good. Through focused thinking our mind will not

only become good but it will gain concentration as well. Concentration is essential in order

to remember things and focus on the horoscope at hand (for predictions).

Fifth is the sadhana of dhyaana or meditation. The difference between the previous sadhana

and this is that here direct focus on concentration is achieved whereas in previous there is

indirect focus on concentration or concentration is indirectly achieved along with purity of

mind. Through dhyaana a person attains the result of concentration or focus of mind. As

explained, focus is important in order to make proper predictions (after proper judgements

in one’s own mind about the horoscope at hand). Though there are just 9 planets and lagna

and maandi in a horoscope, still their combinations are innumerous and therefore

concentration is required to make the right prediction that helps the listener attain the

ultimate good in life.

Sixth is the sadhana of learning of shaastras. What is the use of having any sadhana if the

core of knowledge isn’t attained? For example a person might practice driving for a long

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


period of time but of what use it is if he doesn’t know theoretically how to drive. Similarly all

practices to become an astrologer is futile if o ne doesn’t learn the science of astrology.

The science of astrology here doesn’t denote astrologers who have written books in various

languages but those masters who have given us the science in the original language of

Sanskrit and thereby have been realized masters. Only brahmajnaanis will be able t make

right predictions and only they can give us knowledge of the science of scriptures properly

as astrology is the eye of the Vedas (or part of the Vedas).

In order to become brahmajnaani one needs to learn the science of Vedanta. Therefore

studying Vedanta also is important for an aspiring astrologer. Rather than merely studying

the Sanskrit texts of astrology, one should also learn the science of Vedanta. Both together

will take one closer to realization as well as to become a true astrologer.

The texts of astrology are like Brihat Parasara Hora Shaastra, Laghu Jataka, Jaimini Sutras

etc. that have been written by great authors who were not just astrologers but

brahmajnaanis as well.

Seventh or the last is the sadhana of samatva Darshanam. As we have seen, this is vision of

oneness or implementation of knowledge. Through seeing everything as one, a person gains

knowledge and realization. Only a realized master can predict properly and therefore this

sadhana is the final or the ultimate sadhana in order to become a true astrologer.

All the above sadhanas have to be practiced as much as possible and if possible, at all

times. Through constant practice of these sadhanas a person will be slowly progressing

towards becoming a true astrologer. A true astrologer is a brahmajnaani and therefore he

will be blissful at all times. Even though he might predict bad things, still just being in his

presence itself is enough to get rid of sorrows for others. His words will be strong and true,

yet comforting as well. Rather than merely giving predictions he would be giving parihara or

propitiations for bad things. Therefore people will not only know what is in store for them in

the future but they will be able to avert dangers whenever it is prone to happen (or at least

reduce the effect of the dangers they are to face in the world).

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Though it might appear that implementation of all these sadhanas is really impossible or

very tough, practice makes anything possible. Therefore one who practices these sadhanas

daily will be able to implement them in his life very easily. Eventually he will find that these

sadhanas happen automatically or naturally and therefore slowly he will become a true

astrologer. Light will shine through his body and his words will be guiding light for anybody

and everybody. His predictions will give happiness to others as he himself is ever rejoicing

in bliss.

Thus those who are striving to become true astrologers should implement these sadhanas in

their day to day life. Thereby they will become true astrologers and through astrology guide

others to the ultimate goal of life of moksha.

May we all strive to implement the various sadhanas in order to become true astrologers so

that we ourselves are able to rejoice in bliss and are able to guide others to rejoicing in


PS: Please find the sutras with literal translation in the below link:

Page 10: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Bhavartha Ratnakara - IX

We have completed till now 9 chapters of the famous text Bhavartha Ratnakara by

B.V.Raman. We shall now move on to 10th chapter of the famous text, which is called

“Combinations for dips in sacred waters”.

1. If Jupiter is in association with the 10th lord, the native will be engaged in good


Chart 1

Analysis:In the above chart, we see that the 10th lord is Saturn. Saturn is with Jupiter.

Hence we can see that there is association of 10th lord with Jupiter. The native helps others

by giving them mental support, physical support and guides many people. Thus all his

actions benefit people. None of his actions harm people. Good intentions and good actions,

helping nature is the natives nature. Thus we can see the effects of the association of

Jupiter with 10th lord. Such people will be religious.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 2

Analysis: The lord of the 10th house is Venus. Jupiter aspects venus. Thus the 10th lord is

aspected by Jupiter. This is chart of pandit lal bahadur sastry. He was a great freedom

fighter, who worked for the good of the nation. There is also ati manusha yoga for the 10th

lord venus. As Jupiter is aspected by venus, this yoga is formed. We know how brave he

was and sacrificed his entire life for the good of the nation.

2. If the lords of 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and Jupiter are all together in a watery sign, the

native will have dips in rivers as sacred as Ganga and in Ganga itself during Jupiter’s


3. No pilgrimage will be undertaken by the native during the dasas of the 5th and 7th

lords; he’ll spend his time listening to God’s stories in this time instead.

4. If Jupiter and Saturn are in 9th in Aquarius, the native will have the fortune of many

dips in the Ganga and holy rivers. The same results if there’s a Venus-Sun-Jupiter

combine in 10th in Capricorn.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


5. If the 10th lord is associated with Jupiter, the native will be religious. Opposite

results are produced when the 10th lord is in the 6th or 12th.

Chart 3

Analysis: This is the chart of a person who is not very good at work. The position of the

native is also not good. Native hasn’t been able to progress in the career and getter money

and position in life. Native is also not religious but more practical.

We see that 10th lord is Saturn and it will placed in 6th house, which is not good location.

Thus native is not satisfied at work and has not seen a great progress in profession. Thus

we see that 10th lord in unfavorable place shows that the native will not be religious and

also his profession shall be effected.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 4

Analysis: Native has worked as an head of institution. Native also has lost job little later.

The 10th lord for the native is Jupiter. Jupiter is located in the 12th house of losses. The

native is not religious and is born and raised in bombay and was away from religious way of

living. But as the 10th lord is Jupiter itself, the native is helpful to many people. The native

didn’t have much satisfaction at work place as well and faced lot of issues.

This brings us to the end of this chapter on “Combinations for the dip in the sacred rivers”.

Page 14: Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara Jaya - Vedanta · Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya) Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam

Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Maasaphalam – Makara of Jaya varsha

Currently we are in the month of Makara in the Jaya Varsha (this roughly comes to Jan 15

to Feb 15 of year 2015).

Makara sign is known for its discipline, focused and dedicated approach. Though the Lord

Saturn denotes slowness in everything, still this slowness doesn’t lead to lack of result but

to true result (as per the age-old saying of slow and steady wins the race).

This is the month in a year when Venus comes opposite to Jupiter (though Venus moves on

the 23rd so before that it is opposite to Jupiter). Children born when Jupiter and Venus are

opposite each other have atimaanusha yoga. They will perform extra-ordinary deeds and

will become very famous in the world. Gandhiji had this yoga and we all know what all he

did (not capable of a normal or ordinary being) and he was very famous as well for good


Jupiter is still exalted and Saturn is still in vrischika. It is only the aspect of Jupiter on

Saturn that saves Saturn from causes huge problems in the world. We still see a decline of

not just spiritual values but even normal values from earth. This could be said as the result

of Saturn aspecting the Sun in Makara through its 3rd house aspect. Saturn Sun aspect,

whether in a prashna or a country or a person’s horoscope, leads to conflicts. When conflicts

or confusions are there, we will find that there is sorrow as a result of bad actions or deeds.

Therefore this month as well we can see the bad effects continuing in the world. Continued

killing of people by terrorists, rape and many other man-made calamities will still continue.

That Saturn aspects Venus will also mean that there can be problems with respect to

passions as well as marital issues for many people. Those who are makara lagna should be

careful as their character itself will go for a toss with Sun in it and Saturn aspecting it.

After the 23rd, Venus moves to Kumbha and will be positioned with Mars. Mars-Venus is a

bad combination in that it denotes aggression in passion. Therefore people should be

generally careful in curbing their passions rather than letting it take control of themselves.

Though if Mars is stronger in it, then passions can be overcome or put a discipline through

it. Thus if a person is able to follow disciplined and routine-filled life then they will find

themselves overcoming passions and directly passions for the welfare of the world.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


As of 22nd Jan, the planetary positions are as below:

Sun – Makara (moves to Kumbha on the 13th of February)

Mercury – Makara (vakra for some time and therefore will change only after 45 days)

Venus – Makara (moves to Kumbha on the 23rd of January and Meena on the 15th of


Mars – Kumbha (moves to Meena on the 13th of February)

Jupiter – Kataka

Rahu – Kanya

Ketu – Meena

Saturn – Vrischika

Though a month with mixed results, care should be made to ensure passions are in curb

and that conflicts are avoided. People with lagna of Mesha should still be careful as their

tenth will be aspected by Sun and Saturn. If spiritual and having surrender then they will be

able to achieve a lot this month – but if they are not, then it will lead to calamities at work

place. Gemini people should be careful to ensure that they don’t get diseases as a result of

Sun in the 8th and Saturn aspecting it.

Rishabha people should be extra careful as Rahu in the fifth, Saturn aspects the 9th along

with Sun it and Saturn is the 9th lord in the 7th. So issues with passions, doubt, faith etc. can

be expected. There can also be issues with respect to dharma as ninth is afflicted. Though

Kataka people will find this month very good, still Mars in the 8th means they can be prone

to accidents and therefore care should be taken while using vehicles or otherwise on the


Another sign that is afflicted partially due to Saturn in meena. These people will find it tough

to believe anything and everything as a result of Saturn in the 9th. Saturn’s aspect on the

11th would mean that their desires aren’t fulfilled and they can have losses as well. But

Jupiter in the 5th aspecting both 9th and 11th would mean that surrender unto the Guru or

Ishwara will take them through all troubles and make this a very good month for them.

This month of Makara as we have seen is generally a good month though the aspect of

Saturn can cause conflicts and confusions. If care is taken to ensure that such conflicts are

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


avoided whenever chance comes of the same, then majority of people will find this a very

good month that leads to lot of good results (with focus and dedication automatically

coming to people in this month).

As to how Kumbha is, we will see in the next month.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Relationship between Ayurveda and Astrology

Our ancient seers have given us enough knowledge and guidance, through the various texts

to lead life smoothly and peacefully, conducive for the spiritual up-liftment. The various

branches of knowledge given by them covers all the various modern sciences. Such a

thorough and deep approach to life and its essence we can see in our sastras.

The science of human body and treatment of various ailments it may undergo comes under

ayurveda. It is an upaveda of Rigveda. Upavedas are part of Vedas, which deal with a

specific subject in deep. There are four upavedas including dhanurveda(weapons and skills),

gandharva veda(music and dance), ayurveda(life science) and arthasastra (administration,

governance etc.)

All our ancient sciences depict the relation between the micro cosmic and the macro

cosmos. Both are driven by the five elements. As we all know the whole world is created out

of the 5 elements, i.e apace, air, water, fire and earth. The human body also is governed by

the same 5 elements. Stomach has fire and water elements, nose and tongue has water

element. Lungs have air and earth elements. Thus human body also consists of various


In ayurveda there are three doshas Vata(wind), pitta(bile) and kapha(phelgm). Human body

has all the three doshas. Imbalance of any one of the tattvas will cause troubles in the


As per the text phaladeepika, the 7 planets also have one tattva more predominant in them.

Moon has both wind and phlegm in its composition. Mercury is a mixture of all the three

components. Jupiter is phlegm or kapha as a temperament. Venus is both wind and kapha

oriented. Saturn is windy(vata) in composition. Rahu also is the same. Sun is on the bile or

pitta composition. Mars is also bile or pitta composition.

Below images depict the three tattvas in the human body and their location.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


As per Brihat Parasara Hora sastra Vol I, the pancha bhootas fire, earth, ether, water and

air are respectively ruled by mars, mercury, Jupiter, venus and Saturn.

Tastes are also governed by various lords. Pungent, saline, Bitter, mixed, sweet, acidulous

and astringent are respectively lorded by sun, moon, mars, mercury, Jupiter, venus and


As per sarvartha chintamani,

If moon is located in the 6th house with malefic and is also aspected by malefic, the native

suffers from windy troubles. If it be mars in such a situation, the native suffers from heat

(bile) and defective blood.

If mercury is similarly situated in the 6th house, the native suffers from phlegm and windy

troubles. If Jupiter in the 6th he suffers similarly.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If Saturn be similarly situated under malefic influence in the 6th house, the native suffers

from colic trouble. If rahu and or ketu are so situated the native will suffer through dead


As per brihat parasara hora sastra Vol 1

Aries and its trines are bilious. Taurus and its trines are windy. Gemini and its trines have a

mix of all three temperaments. Cancer and its trines are phlegmatic.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Bilious. Taurus, Virgo, makara are windy. Cancer, Scorpio and

Pisces are phlegmatic in nature. Gemini, Thula and kumbha have all the three components.

If a phlegmatic sign happens to be a 6th house and is afflicted with a phlegmatic

temperament, tuberculosis, sever cough and other pulmonary disorders will crop up.

If a windy sign is afflicted by windy planet, rheumatism, colics, paralysis etc, Will trouble

the native. 2nd house and its lord has to be referred to in matters of windy diseases. If the

lord of 2nd is associated with Saturn or mercury it will cause rheumatism and such other

disorders. If Jupiter is so related, gastric troubles will come to pass.

When a bilious planet affects a bilious signs, one will be liable to premature grey hair,

yellowish body, secretion of bile, jaundice etc.

If a mixed sign gets affected by mercury, the native will be predisposed to suffer many

imbalances. The planets have been described as windy, phlegmatic and bilious.

We shall continue on the series in the next edition of this magazine

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Phaladeepika - III

We are going to discuss the third adhyaya of the famous text Phaladeepika. This chapter is

called “Divisions of the Zodiac”. It deals as the name states with the various ways each

house can be divided into.

Sloka 1:Kshetra or an arc of 30°, Drekkana, Decanate or an arc of 10°, Navamsa or an arc

of 31/3degrees, Dasamsa or an arc of 3° or 1/10 portion of a sign, Hora or ½ a sign, i.e., an

arc of 15degrees, Trimsamsa or 1/30 portion of a sign, i.e., an arc of 1degrees, Saptamsa

or 1/7th portion of a sign, i.e., an arc of 42/7degrees, Shashtyamsa or 1/60th portion of a

sign, i.e., an arc of ½degrees and Kalamsa or 1/16 portion of a sign, i.e., an arc of 1-7/8

degrees – these along with the Dwadasamsa or 1/12 portion of a sign, i.e., or arc of

2½degrees are termed Dasa Vargas or ten-fold division of the Zodiac. Vargottama is the

name given to that particular Navamsa in a Rasi which bears the same as that of the Rasi


1. Kshetra – 30 deg

2. Hora(30/2) – 15 deg

3. Drekkana(30/3) – 10 deg

4. Saptamsa (30/7) –4.27 deg

5. Navamsa(30/9) - 3 1/3 deg

6. Dasamsa(30/10) – 3 deg

7. Dwadasamsa(30/12) – 2.5 deg

8. Kalamsa (30/16) –1.875 deg

9. Trimsamsa (30/30) – 1 deg

10. Shashtyamsa (30/60) – ½ deg

Sloka 2: From the aforesaid ten Vargas if we omit the Dasamsa, Shashtyamsa and

Kalamsathe remaining 7 kinds of divisions are known as the Saptavargas. If from this we

exclude the Saptamsa, remaining 6 kinds of division are known as Shadvargas. Some are of

opinion that the effect emanating from a Navamsa is similar (or equal) to that of the Rasi

and Bhava.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Saptavargas(7 vargas) -- Kshetra(30 deg), Hora(15 deg), Drekkana(10 deg),

saptamsa(30/7 deg), Navamsa(3 1/3 deg),dwadasamsa(30/12 deg)Trimsamsa(1 deg)

Shadvargas(6 Vargas) -- Kshetra(30 deg), Hora(15 deg), Drekkana(10 deg), Navamsa(3

1/3 deg), dwadasamsa(30/12 deg) Trimsamsa(1 deg)

Sloka 3: The effect is full in the Rasis. In the other Vargas, it is half; and in the

Shodasamsa, Dasamsa and Shashtyamsa Vargas, it is ¼th. In an odd Rasi, planets are said

to be in infancy, in boyhood, in adolescence, in advanced age and in extremis according to

the first, second, third, fourth and the last six-degree portions respectively advanced by

them in the sign. But in an even sign, these several division have to be made regularly in

the reverse order.

The above sloka talks of the consideration of the varga charts apart from the main chart.

The effect of the varga charts in comparison to the rasi chart is mentioned. Thus it shows

that the contribution of the rasi chart is more in predictions compared to the varga chart.

Sloka 4:Hora means half of a Rasi in an odd sign, the halves belong respectively to the Sun

and the Moon, and in an even one, to the Moon and the Sun. The Drekkana or the third

portions of a sign, are owned by the lords of the sign itself, of the 5th house and of the 9th.

The owners of the Dwadamsas or 1/12th portions of a sign are to be reckoned from that

sign. In an odd sign, the Trimsamsas or degrees, i.e., 1/30th portions allotted to Mars,

Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are respectively, 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5. In an even sign, it is

reversed. That is, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars have 5, 7, 8, 5 and 5 degrees

respectively. The first Navamsas in the several signs from Mesha onwards commence

respectively with Mesha, Makara, Tula and Karkataka.

Sloka 5: In the case of an odd sign, the KruraShashtyamsas or unpropitious 1/60th portions

are 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th,

39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 48th, 51st, 52nd, and 59th. The rest are Saumya or

propitious ones. In the case of even signs, it is reverse, that is-the Shashtyamsa portions

stated as Krura in the odd signs are the propitious or Saumya ones in the even signs and

vice versa.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka 6: The Sapthamsas or the 1/7th portions are in the case of an odd sign to be counted

regularly from the sign itself, while in the case of an even sign they are to be reckoned from

the 7th onwards. In the case of an odd sign, the Dasamsas or 1/10th Portion are to be

counted from the sign, itself; in the case of an even sign, from its 9th onwards. The lords of

the Shodasamsas or the 1/10th sub-divisions in the case of an odd sign are those of the

12th signs reckoned from that sign onward. In the case of an even sign, this is reversed.

The renowned or auspicious parts of great excellence arise from theseveral Vargas (Rasi,

Hora, Drekkana, etc.) by the combination (of the special characteristics) of Trikona,

Moolatrikonabhavana, Swakshetra, Swochcha, Kendra and Vargottama and number 7 in the

case of the Saptha Vargas and 10 in the Dasa Vargas. Other reckon them as 13.

Sloka 7: Consider with reference to the 13 Vargas a planet’s position, whether it is in a

friendly house, its own house or its exaltation house. You will have the following kinds of

Vaiseshikamsas resulting. The combination of 2 Vargas is called Parijata the union of 3

Vargas is termed Uttama; that of 4; Gopura. When 5 Vargas combine, it is called

Simhasana. The union of 6 Vargas called Paravata. The combination of 7 Vargas, is called

Devaloka; that of 8 Vargas, Suraloka. Airvata is the name given for the 9 Vargas.

For example: Suppose Jupiter's position is 8-1°-25'-1” or the 2nd degree of Dhanus. He

occupies his (1) Moolatrikona, (2) drekkana, (3) Saptamsa, (4) Dasamsa, (5) Dwadasamsa

and (6) Kalamsa. Thus Jupiter must be declared to have attained a Paravatamsa.

Sloka 8: A planet in a Parijatamsa will make the native respectable, endowed with many

good qualities, wealth, happiness, power and dignity. A planet situated in an Uttamamsa will

makehim modest, clever and of good behaviour. A planet that has attained a Gopuramsa

secures to the person concerned good intellect, wealth, lands, cows and house. A planet

placed in aSimhasanamsa will enable the native to become the friend of a king or one on a

par with him.

Sloka 9: The planet that has attained a paravatamsa will make the native endowed with

very good horses, elephants, vehicles and other princely appendages. The person in whose

nativity a planet has reached a Devalokamsa will be a king widely renowned for his good

qualities. The planet that has gained an Airavatamsa in a person’s nativity by kings. The

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


planet in a Suralokamsa secures to the native good luck, wealth, corn, children and


Sloka 10: If at a birth a planet be weak in all the 10 Vargas, it will cause the death of the

native. If 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 out of the 10 Vargas be weak, the following are the

effects in their order 'as a result thereof: (1) destruction, (2) grief, (3) calamity, (4)

unhappiness, (5) love of relations, (6) foremost among relations, (7) friend of a king, (8) a

wealthy man and (9) a king. If a planet should be strong in all the Vargas, the native will be

the best among kings. The effect of a planet's being in the Bala and other Avasthas will be

that the native will be (1) progressing, (2) happy, (3) a king, (4) suffering from disease and

(5) dead respectively.

Sloka 11:If there be a preponderance in strength of benefic planets in the Shadvargas, the

native will be very wealthy and live for a long period. If the Lagna should happen to be of

KruraAmsas in the several Shadvargas, the native will be poor, short lived and of a wicked

disposition. But if the lords of those Amsas be strong, the person concerned will become a

king. If the lord (1) of the rising Navamsa (2) of the rising decanate or (3) of the (rising)

LagnaRasi be strong, the native will respectively be a person (1) endowed with happiness

and comfort, (2) equal to a king, or (3) a ruler of the Earth possessing good fortune.

Sloka 12: The person at whose birth malefics occupy the Sun's Hora in odd Rasis will be

strong and sturdy, cruel in his behavior and wealthy, while the one born with benefics

posited in the lunar Hora of even signs will be brilliant in appearance, will speak mildly, will

be pleasant and graceful. If it be otherwise, the effect also will be otherwise. If it be mixed,

the effect will be mixed. In the case of a nativity where the Lagna and the Moon are very

strong and the lords of the signs occupied by them be also similarly strong, the person

concerned will be endowed with long life without any sorrow and will be widely renowned.

Sloka 13: The last decanates of Simha, Mesha, Dhanus, Tula and Mithuna, the first ones of

Dhanus and Mesha, the middle ones of Kanya and Mithuna are termed AyudhaDrekkanas or

‘armed' decanates. The middle decanate of Vrichika is called "Pasa”, (or noose). The first

Drekkana of Makara is called "Nigala" fetters decanate. The first decanates of Simha and

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Kumha and the middle one of Tula are vulture-faced. The last decanate of Vrishabha is a

bird (Pakshi) and the first decanate of Karkataka has a face like that of a pig.

Sloka I4: The first decanates of Scorpio, the last one of Cancer and the last one of Pisces

are termed Serpent decanates. The second of Mesha and Vrishabha, the first of Leo and the

last ofScorpio are called quadruped decanates. Persons born in these (i.e., when these

decanates are rising) will be without wealth, cruel in disposition vile in character and

indigent. In a dual sign, the 3 decanates in their order will be Adhama or bad, (Madhyama

or moderate) and Uttama or good, while, in the case of a moveable sign, this order will be

reversed. In a fixed sign, the order will be bad good, and mixed. Thus will the effects also

be, when these decanates are rising. So say the wise.

Sloka 15: If the lord of the (rising) decanate be in his own Varga, of associated with a

benefic planet or be in his own exaltation or friendly house; if the lord of the (rising)

Trimsamsa, Dwadasamsa or Hora possessing strength be in a similar position, the person

concerned will be endowed with all good qualities; will always be pure, clever, long-lived,

merciful and wealthy, will possess children, will be widely renowned and enjoy all comforts

in a royal style.

Sloka 16: Note the Rasi occupied by Mandi at a birth and note also where the lord of that

Rasi is posited. The Lagna at birth will be a position triangular to that of the aforesaid lord

or onetriangular to the Navamsa occupied by the owner of the sign representing the

Navamsa occupied by Mandi. It may be triangular to the NavamsaRasi occupied by Gulika.

When theMoon is strong, the Lagna should be deduced similarly through the Moon alone

instead of through Mandi.

Sloka17: The Moon if posited in her own or in a friend's decanate will make the native

beautiful in appearance and possessed of good qualities. If she has attained an

Uttamavarga, she will also make him very lucky; if she be posited anywhere else, she will

endow the native with such qualities as belong to the planet owning the house occupied by

her. Planets that are in their own Trimsamsas will do all that have been ascribed to them as

Karakas. If there be at least one planet in his own or exaltation house and at the same time

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


aspected by or associated with a friendly planet, the native will become a king endowed

with riches.

Sloka 18: A planet is blazing when he is in his exaltation; he is happy in his Moolatrikona;

he is confident in his own house; he is delighted in a friend's house; calm when he has

reached the Varga of a benefic planet. He is capable when he shines bright with unclouded


Sloka 19: He is tortured when overcome by another planet. He is base by union with the

Varga of a malefic planet. He is exceedingly distressed when he occupies an enemy house.

He is greatly afraid when he is in his depression. He is failing when he has set or


Sloka 20: In the case of a planet in a Pradeeptavastha, the good effect will be full, while it

will be nil for a planet in a Vikala state. In the case of the intervening condition (Avasthas),

the auspicious effects will be decreasing proportionately while the unpropitiousness of the

effects will correspondingly increase. The nature of the effects of the several Avasthas will

be quite inaccordance with the appellations they bear.

Thus ends the 3rd Adhyaya on "Divisions of the Zodiac" in the work Phaladeepika composed

by Mantreswara.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Effects of Sun in Various Rasis

In this series we shall see the effects of all planets in various rasis. We shall take one planet

at a time. Saravalivol 1 and vol2 discuss on this topic. We shall explore these in the coming


SaravaliVol 1, chapter 22

Sloka 2-3: SUN INARIES: One who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of

Sastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of roaming, will

have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be subjected to bilious and

bloody disorders, be splendorous and strong. The native will alsobecome a king.

With Aries rising, the Sun in Aries causes Raja yoga; the native achieves name and fame

among the men of his race.

Should Taurus rise with Sun in Aries, the native will be engaged in good deeds and spends


For a Gemini native, the Sun in the 11th in Aries, makes him rich through brothers and

bestows status in Sun's dasa.

If the Sun is in Aries for a Cancer birth, the subject will earn huge wealth and enjoy very

high (political etc.) position.

Should a Leo native have the Sun in Aries, he will enjoy conveyances, power, wealth etc.,

and will get good effects throughout Sun dasa.

A Virgo native, who has the Sun in Aries, maynot get good results in Sun's dasa if he is

conjunct with others than Mars or Saturn, He will however spend away his money on good


Should the Sun be in the 7th in Aries for a Libra native, he will enjoy a superior Raja yoga

through his wife, partnership etc. The wife may be from a very affluent race. Should a

Scorpio native have the Sun in Aries, he will lose the whole of paternal property and face

adverse results in the Sun's period and will experience debacles throughout life. He may

also face loss of children.

Should Sagittarius ascend at birth with the Sun in the 5thin Aries, the native will acquire

great inheritance fromfather and will reach high position with conveyances. A Capricorn

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


native with theSun in Aries does not enjoy much of maternal happiness but a greater

longevity. He is also prone to heart diseases.

One who- takes birth in Aquarius while the Sun occupies Aries, Will acquire a worthy, chaste

and fortunate wife.

A native of Pisces {with the Sun in 2nd) cannot retain any money even if he would earn a

lot. He will be subjected to physical deficiencies and diseases.

10-11. SUNIN TAURUS: The position of the Sun in thesign Taurus indicates that the native

will have troublesfrom disease of face and eyes, will endure difficulties, willhave an

emaciated body, will not have many sons, will bebeautiful ( also means fortunate, nice,

handsome etc.), willpossess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or confined)women, be

endowed with eatables, garlands, robes andscents, will haveknowledge of singing, playing

musicalinstruments and dancing and will face risk from water.

An Aries native with the Sun in Taurus cannot make much money. He will also spend away

his earnings.

Should the Sun be in Taurus identical with ascendant, the native will look very beautiful, be

endowed with the quality of Satva and will suffer from urinary diseases. For a Gemini

native, the Sun in Taurus will give troubles from enemies, litigations and loans and

expenditure on vices and through evil association.

If a Cancer birth has the Sun in the 11th in Taurus, the native will gain abundantly through

wife and females and will experience good results in Sun's dasa.

If a LeoLagna native has the Sun in the 10th in Taurus, he will acquire rich conveyances and

authoritative positions.

The Sun in the 9th in Taurus for a Virgo birth is evil for children and can show a great miser.

Should a Libra native have this planet in 8th in Taurus, he will frequently be in monetary


One who has the Sun in 7th in Taurus (I.e. birth in Scorpio) will face obstacles in the

celebration of marriage and will acquire a sickly wife. He will acquire gains throughmarriage.

If the Sun is in the 6th for a Sagittarius birth, the native will have problems of litigations

and debts.

A Capricorn native with Sun in 5th will be longlived but will experience obstacles about


The Sun in 4th for Aquarius births will give gains through marriage and high learning.

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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Should a Pisces native have the Sun in the 3rd in Taurus, he will suffer from diseases of the

ear, may lose co-born and will enter into litigations with brothers for paternal property.

18-19. SUN IN GEMINI: One who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, will be sweet in

speech, affectionate (particularly to one's offspring), will have good conduct, will be expert

in profane knowledge (derived from worldly experience which is oppositei.e knowledge

ofBrahman or Supreme Spirit), and also in Sastras, be exceedingly affluent, liberal, skillful,

be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance,will have two mothers, be fortunate and


If Gemini ascends along with the Sun, the native will suffer from lasting sickness and will

have difficultiesfrom enemies and debts.

Should the Sun be in the 12th in Gemini for a Cancer birth, the person will be subjected to

child mortality if the Sun's dasa occurs at birth. He cannot retain paternal property and will

bespoiled by evil friendship, if malefics assist the Sun.

In the case of a birth in Leo ascendant, the Sun in Gemini givesa fortunate father and

excellent results in his Dasa.

If Virgoascends at birth with the Sun in the 10th in Gemini, thesubject will visit shrines.

A Libra native with the Sun in 9th in Gemini will obtain fortunes.

One of Scorpio with thisplanet in 8th in Gemini will have short life.

The Sun in 7th for a Sagittarius birth will bestow a chaste wife and good effects in his Dasa.

Though there will be litigations for a Capricorn native with the Sun in 6th, ultimate success

will be his.

An Aquarian with the Sun in the 5th in Gemini will have only one issue-a son.

One born in Pisces with the Sun in 4th will have limited effects regarding lands, education


Should Aries be the ascendant, the Sun in the 3rd in Gemini will make him valorous. A

Taurus subject with the Sun in 2nd in Gemini will contract eye diseases and will have

declining wealth.

26-27. SUN IN CANCER: The Sun in Cancer indicates that the native will not be steady in

mind in respect of his undertakings, will be famous by virtue ofhis royal qualities, will hate

his own men, be unfortunate in respect of wife (or have an ugly wife)," will be good looking

himself, be troubled due to imbalances of phlegm and bile, be distressed on account of

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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


labour (1.e. to hard work), will like intoxicants, follow virtuous principles, be honourable,

will be eloquent,will be a geographerand a scientist in the matter of atmosphere/space, will

be very steady, and willhate people from paternal side.

One born in Cancer Lagna with the Sun thereinwill suffer physical ailments, be irascible and

will be oneeyed.

For Leo ascendant, the Sun in 12th will cause birthin ordinary circumstances, the father's

riches will increasegradually.

If a Virgo birth has the Sun in 11th in Cancer,the native will indulge in bad acts and will

expend in evilways.

One born in Libra while the Sun is in Cancer,will take sacred baths in the shrines from the

Setu (of Rameshwaram)to Himalayas.

AScorpio subject with the Sun in 9thin Cancer will lose his father early.

If the Sun is in Cancerfor a Sagittarius native, he will cut short the life of thenative and that

of the father.

Should a Capricorn nativehave this planet in the 7th in Cancer, he will have a lovingwife but

she will suffer from bilious diseases.

One born inAquarius with the Sun in the 6th will also face similarresults as by a Capricorn


If a Pisces Lagna nativehas the Sun in the 5th, he will lack happiness from children. While

an Aries native with the Sun in Cancer will lackmaternal happiness but will acquire fortunes

in the Sun'speriod.

The planet in question if be in Cancer, a Taurussubject will have a brother who will be

widely famous;though the native himself may enjoy good fortune in Sun'sdasa, it will not be


Lastly, a Gemini native withthe Sun in the 2nd will have heavy expenses and willcontract

many disease.

34-35. SUN IN LEO: If the Sun occupies Leo. Thenative will destroy his enemies, be given to

anger, willperform notable acts, willwander in forests, hills and fortresses,

be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance,will eat meat, flesh etc.; and will be

formidable. He will berestive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be

plentifulin wealth and be famous.

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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


If the Sun is in Leo for a Leo birth, the native will marry twice; or he may seek extra-marital

pleasures. Hewill be beautiful and famous.

A Virgo native with the Sun in Leo will spend on evil company.

For births in Libra, the Sun in 11th in own house will confer fortunes and full span of life.

In the case of Scorpio, the Sun in the 10th in Leo will give conveyances, power, position and

Raja yoga.

For those born in Sagittarius, the Sun in the 9th in Leo will harm the co-born and give

fortunes to the surviving co-bom. He gives a long span of life to the subject. One born in

Capricorn with the Sun in Leo affects longevity if unhelped by Saturn.

An Aquartan with the Sun in Leo will gain a chaste and fortunate wife.

If born in Pisces, the Sun in Leo, will give sickness both to the native and his wife.

An Aries native with the Sun in 5th in Leo will confer royal honours and only one male child,

who, however, will reach high stage in life.

For Taurus Lagna, the Sun in 4th in Leo, will give good employmental career.

While in the 3rd for Gemini ascendant, it gives only one brother who will be very famous.

A Cancer native with the Sun in 2nd in Leo will get abundant riches, a lion's share of which

will, however, drain away.

42-43. SUN IN VIRGO: Should the Sun be in Virgo atbirth, the person will possess a

physique akin to that of afemale, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, belearned and

will render service to Gods and elders. He willbe expert in repairs of driven vehicles, will be

skilful inVedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softlyand kindly.

The Sun in Virgo ascendant is not conducive to longevity and will cause heavy expenses.

For a Libra subject, the Sun in Virgo in the 12th can cause child mortality or draining away

father's earnings.

One born in Scorpio with the Sun in Virgo will earn and save abundantly, particularly in

Sun's dasa.

A sagittarius native with the Sun in Virgo will enjoy great Raja yoga and fame.

For a Capricorn native, the Sun in Virgo will not give paternal happiness.

If he be so far an Aquarius subject, the native will acquire a sickly wife.

For those born in Pisces the Sun in Virgo, he will have loss ofchildren and may himselfsuffer

brain diseases.

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The Sun in Virgo for a Taurus native is a good position for learning and landed property.

A Gemini native with the Sun in Virgo will face obstacles in education and will lack maternal


For a Cancer birth, the Sun in 3rd in Virgo gives one livingbrother.

Should Leoascend at birth with the Sun in Virgo, the native will be longlived; will have a big

scar on the abdomen and will have agricultural gains.

44-45. SUN IN LIBRA: If the Sun is in Libra at birth, the native will face frustration;

destruction and heavy expenditure, will be intent on living in foreign places (out of distress),

be wicked, mean, be devoid of affection, will live by selling gold and other metals, be

jealous, fond of 'doing others' jobs, will co-habit with others' wives, be dirty, Will incur royal

contempt and be shameless.

Aries: There will be loss of children, heavy adversitiesand destruction of paternal wealth-all

in Sun's dasa. Thenative may not have a long-living wife while his married lifewill be a hell

on the earth.

Taurus: The native will face lossof landed property, will incur heavy debts and contractlong-

lasting diseases.

Gemini: The person will be bereavedon account of brother's death and will have an

equilibriumof loss and gain.

Cancer: The native will cause loss ofpaternal property.

Leo: The native will ever 'sufferfromphysical ailments and will be not outspoken. It will

bedifficult to measure his depth.

Virgo: He will earn money inillegal manners and will at last have nothing.

Libra: TheSun in fall in the rising sign is capable of making lifeunenjoyable. The person will

be a source of miseries galore.

Scorpio: The subject will have a defective limb and will facea checkered career. Sagittarius:

The native will lose hisfather in boyhood and will always be engaged in legalbattles.

Capricorn: He will be unlucky and short-lived. Hewill not have good relationship with father

and co-born.

Pisces: He will be short-lived and will throughout face manydifficulties.

On the whole, the Sun's placement in Libra is not goodfor anything in one's life, unless the

planet has some redeemingfeatures at birth.

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46-47. SUN IN SCORPIO: The native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incompatible lust

for war, be away from Vedic (or religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will have a base wicked

wife, be cruel and be attached to mean women. He will be irascible, will follow bad course,

be a miser, be fond of promoting quarrels, be troubled by weapons, fire and poison, and be

unfortunate in respect of parents.

Aries: Physical adversities, loss of children and loss of finance.

Taurus: The native will acquire a beautiful and active wife but may encounter health

hazards for the wife in Sun'sdasa.

Gemini: The native will be troubled by enemies and his own co-born may be inimical to him.

Cancer: The native will have to face loss of issues. Money will be scarce.

Leo: The person will earn abundant landed property, learning and fame.

Virgo: He will not gain much in Sun's dasa, but will incur heavy expenses on his father's


Libra: The native will have splendid earnings only to lose.

Scorpio: The subject will enjoy great fortunes in life.

Sagittarius: The native will spend on religious and charitable deeds.

Capricorn: This ascendant gets a long-span of life and great fortunes for the native.

Aquarius: The native will attain high position after marriage. He will become a very famous


Pisces: The native will have an affluent father, and will enjoy a long lease of life. He will be

engaged in exposition of religious scriptures and will attain fame.

48-49. SUNIN SAGGITARIUS: If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with

wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect gods and brahmins, be skillful in rendering

training in use ofweapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be

honourable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be

helpful to relatives, and be energetic.

The Sun in Sagittarius gives varied effects for the 12 ascendants as under:

Aries: The native will earnabundant wealth and be honoured with important governmental

assignments. He will acquire issues who will be fortunate and highly educated.

Taurus: He will face evils on account of Mantras and will contract many physical ailments.

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Gemini: This is an inauspicious position for one's wife.

Cancer: The subject may end in huge loans.

Leo: The person will be highly fortunate and will have limited issues.

Virgo: He will not have a wealthy mother and will be a source of bad name for parents.

Libra: He will be highly fortunate and will live in foreign countries. One of the co-bomswill

take away all paternal wealth.

Scorpio: He willattain an enviableposition in life, and enjoy a long span of life. Sagittarius:

tie will enjoy great Raja yoga and be very famous.

Capricorn: He will be subjected to child mortality. If long-lived, he cannot make much


Aquarius: He will have abundant riches and landed property. He will enjoy a supreme

married life.

Pisces: He will have limited wealth but boundless fame.

56-57: SUN IN CAPRICORN: one who has the sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in

bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be

timid, devoid of relatives, fickle minded, fond of wandering, weak, will loose everything due

to conflicts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater.

Aries: The sun gives superior raja yoga and fame.

Taurus: The native will gain through enemies and cousins and will be happy.

Gemini: The native will experience many miseries.

Cancer: The native will enjoy yoga but experience diseases to some extent. His wife will

contract vaginal diseases.

Leo: The native will be sickly constitution and be inimical to all.

Virgo: He will have only one male issue who will be famous. The subject will experience

good effects in sun’s dasa.

Libra: The native will achieve high degree of learning and pursue excellent profession. He

will however be not happy with his mother.

Scorpio: The native will have ordinary results in sun’s dasa. He will have many enemies in

his undertakings.

Saggitarius: There will be no balance of money left with the native.

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Capricorn: The native’s longevity will be curtailed. He will suffer some sickness or the other

throughout. He will be a synonym of misfortune if mars is in a fall simultaneously. Well

posited venus is an essential requirement for Capricorn native with the sun in lagna.

Aquarius: The position of the sun in Capricorn will make the natives wife have secret

relations with others. She will be inimical to the native at all times.

Pisces: The native will attain success over enemies, be free from diseases and will be

bereaved due to child’s death.

SUN IN AQUARIUS: If the sun is in aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will

have enormous strength, be very short tempered, be fortunate through other housewives,

be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be

fraudulent, be not firm in friendship; will have dirty body and be a miser.

Aries: The native will attain excellent professional growth and wide fame.

Taurus: he will become a dealer of gold, or become a prominent jurist, be in the king’s

employ and be happy with his mother.

Gemini: He will be inimically disposed to his father and will sometimes be lucky and

sometimes unlucky.

Cancer: He will be short lived and if sun’s dasa operates, it will be fatal. He will not inherit

any property from his father.

Leo: He will have strained relationship with his wife and the spouse will have many health


Virgo: The native will acquire property through enemies or will gain from them. He will be

subjected to diseases.

Libra: He will have a famous elder brother.

Scorpio: He will have a fleet of conveyances but be not free from danger from conveyances.

His end will be through violent animals or unnatural means.

Saggitarius: He will have a short-lived father.

Capricorn: He will himself be short lived and will have robbery and such other professions as


Aquarius: He will live in his inlaws house if Saturn is simultaneously in leo.

Pisces: He will be troubled by debts and diseases. He may lose his eye-sight if venus is also

in aquarius.

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66-67 SUN IN PISCES: If the sun is in Pisces at birth, one will be friendly, will have

tendency to amass, be fond of women and happy be learned will destroymany enemies and

be wealthy and rich. He will be endowed with wife, good sons and servants, will have wealth

on account of transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent speaker but a liar, will suffer from

diseases of the private parts and will have many co-born.

Posited in pisces, the sun gives undermentioned different results for 12 different ascending


Aries: the native will undertake to perform meritorious acts. He will not enjoy paternal

wealth. Progeny will be delayed but later on he will acquire many children.

Taurus: he will have huge financial gains and will enjoy wide fame. He will be quite learned.

Gemini: He will lead a very honorable life and will undertake to visit religious places.

Cancer: he will not enjoy paternal happiness. There is also a likelihood of death of co-born.

Leo: he will suffer from diabetes, bladder and various kinds of urinary diseases. The native

will have swollen testicles.

Virgo: he will suffer from many diseases. Only one child is possible with this position.

Libra: The native will face many obstacles in his undertakings and will suffer from bilious


Scorpio: Though sun’s dasa will give extraordinary results, loss of children will be


Saggitarius: He will enjoy a long lease of life, rich conveyances, political power etc.

Capricorn: The native of this ascendant also with enjoy a fair longevity. But death will be

through fire, water etc.

Aquarius: The native will be subjected to various diseases. If Jupiter aspects the sun,

dropsy will result.

Pisces: The native will become famous but be prone to sickness. Should the moon join the

sun in pisces, utter poverty will result.

We shall continue with next planet and its effects in next edition of the magazine.

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prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Effects of Dasas

Most common question we approach with to an astrologer is about what is going to happen

in one’s life in coming a year or so. The events in one’s life shall unfold, based on the

current dasa running as per the natal chart of the native. It also depends on the current

location of the planets otherwise known as gochara.

Based on the lagna and rasi of the individual chart, various planets give various effects. One

planet dasa gives various effects for different people, with different lagna and rasi. This is

because the location of the planet and the ownership of the planet in the chart will matter to

predict the results.

Effect a planet can produce will depend on the strength of the planet in the chart. If the

planet is in depression, it will not give desired results, but will give negative impact as well.

If a person is in a situation he cannot handle in anyway, then he will cause harm to himself.

So we cannot expect good results at all in such situations.

If the planet is in the house of an enemy the full effects of the planet being the said house,

will not seen. A person is not comfortable in his enemies house and hence much output

cannot be expected from him in adverse situations.

If the planet is in the house of his best friend, then he is very happen and out of the

happiness he can give out whatever a person seeks for. A planet similarly in the state of

exaltation will give beautiful results.

If the planet is in its own house, then he is very comfortable, planet gives whatever the

planet is expected of.

Also the current planetary positions should also be favourable to give expected results in the

dasa of a planet.

The effects of the yogas in a chart will fructify during the dasa of the planet forming the

yoga. If the main dasha of the planet forming the yoga, will not come in the life time, then

in the favourable sub dasas of the yoga forming planet, the fruits of the yoga can be

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experienced. A person is lucky of the dasa of the planet giving the yoga comes in his life

during the prime time. If it comes very early in life, i.e childhood or late in life i.e when he is

old, then it may not be enjoyed by the native. Middle age is the right age for most of the

good yogas to be enjoyed in life. Such a person can be considered lucky in life. Else also

one can experience such yogas in the dasas of the planets associated with the yoga

forming planet or aspecting the yoga forming planet.

The effect of the dasa of a planet can be determined considering its strength, association

and aspect of other planets, the location of the planet, as we discussed above.

Many of the ancient texts like Brihat Parasara Hora sastra vol 2, Phaladeepika, Sarvartha

chintamani talk on this subject.

Types of dasas

As per Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Vol2, chapter 1, there are different kinds of Daasa

systems. The main are chakra and kala dasa.The other kinds are chara dasa, sthira dasa,

Kendra dasa, karaka dasa, brahmagraha dasa, mandook dasa, shool dasa, yogardha dasa,

drig dasa, trikona dasa, rasi dasa, yogini dasa, ashtavarga dasa, tara dasa, panda dasa, etc.

From kartikka, the lords of the dasas are sun, moon, mars, rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, mercury,

ketu and venus in that order. Thus if the nakshatras from krittika to janma nakshatra are

divided by nine, the remaining will signify the commencing dasa.

In kali yuga, the normal life span of a human being is 120 years as per ancient texts.

Vimsottari dasa system is therefore the appropriate and best of all dasas.

Order of dasas

Below is the order of dasas and their duration. Sun – 6 yrs, Moon – 10 yrs, Mars – 7 yrs,

rahu – 18yrs, Jupiter – 16 yrs, Saturn – 19yrs, mercury – 17 yrs, Ketu – 7yrs and venus-

20 yrs.

Commencing Dasa at the time of birth : At the time of birth , the nakshatra one is born in

determines the commencing dasa. Each nakshatra as we all know has a ruling planet, which

determines the commencing dasa.

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Below is the table which determines the dasa based on the nakshatras.

S.No Constellations Dasa Lord Years

1 Krittika,Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada Sun 6

2 Rohini, Hasta, Sravana Moon 10

3 Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanista Mars 7

4 Ardra, swati, satabhisha Rahu 18

5 Punarvasu, Visakha, poorvabhadra Jupiter 16

6 Pushyami, anuradha, uttarabhadra Saturn 19

7 Aslesha, jyesta, revati mercury 17

8 Magha, moola, ashwini ketu 7

9 Purvaphaguni, poorvashada, Bharani Venus 20

Total number of yrs of all planets = 120 yrs.

The duration of the commencing dasa depends on the the pada of the nakshatra a person is

born. If a person is born in the 1st pada any star, then almost the entire duration of the

ruling planet dasa he shall enjoy. A person born in 2nd pada will enjoy almost half of the

dasa period. Thus the duration of the dasa is spread across the padas. To accurately

measure the number of years, months, days of duration of any dasa, we need to consider

the location of the moon in degrees.

Each dasa can be divided into sub dasa and sub sub dasha as well. The sub dasa is first

level of division and sub sub dasha is 2nd level of division. The sub dasha starts with the

same planet. For example: If ruling dasha lord is Jupiter, then the sub dasha starts with

Jupiter. Thus we get sub dashas in Jupiter main dasha, starting with Jupiter itself. Jupiter-

Jupiter, Jupiter-saturn, Jupiter-mercury, Jupiter-ketu and so on, to complete the cycle. The

sub dashas are proportionately divided based on the main dasha and antar dasha planet

durations as a fraction. For example, the duration of the sub dasha Jupiter in main dasha of

Jupiter will be 16*16/120 = 2.133 yrs. So out of 16 yrs duration of the main Jupiter dasha,

we have sub dasha of Jupiter spanning across 2.133 yrs. Thus we can break it down further

into months and days.

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Chapter 47 of brihat parasara hora sastra talks about the effects of the dasas.

There are two types of dasa predictions, one is general and another distinctive.

General is based on the planet and its nature, which produce such effects during its dasa.

One can expect travels in moon dasa and not in Saturn dasa. As Moon is the planet for

travel. One can expect troubles in Saturn dasa and nor in venus dasa as Saturn generally

brings all troubles into one’s life. This can be applicable to all horoscopes.

Distinctive effects are based on the placements of the planet in the chart, which is specific

to the chart.

Let’s first discuss the general effects of planets dasas that we can expect in that duration.

Brihat parasara hora sastra vol2, chapter 47 talks thus,

The effects are favourable if, at the commencement of the dasa, the dasa lord be in the

ascendant, in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign or in a friends sign. The results are

unfavourable if the dasa lord be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house, in his sign of

debilitation or in an inimical sign.

General effects of Sun Dasa

When sun is favourable position in a chart, during the dasa of the sun, there is acquisition of

wealth, great felicity and honours from government, if at the time for birth the sun be in his

own sign, in his sign of exaltation in a Kendra in the 11th, be associated with the lord of the

9th or the 10th and strong in his varga. The native will be blessed with a son if sun be the

lord of the 5th. He will acquire elephants and other kinds of wealth if the sun be associated

with the lord of the 2nd. He will enjoy comforts of conveyances if the sun be associated with

the lord of the 14th house. He will attain a high position like that of army chief by the

beneficence of the king and enjoys all kinds of happiness. Thus during this dasa of a strong

sun, there are acquisitions of clothes, agricultural products, wealth, honours and

conveyances etc.

When sun is in not in a favourable position in a chart, during the dasa of the sun there will

be adversities, loss of wealth, punishment from government, exile, defamation, opposing by

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kinsmen, distress to father, inauspicious happenings at home, distress to paternal and

maternal uncles etc.. anxiety and inimical relations with other people for to reason

whatsoever, should the sun be in his sign of debilitation, be weak in the 6th, the 8th or 12th


General effects of moon Dasa

We shall see the effects of the moon when it is in a favourable position in the chart. During

the dasa of moon, from its commencement to the end, there will be opulence and glory.

Good fortune, gsin of wealth, auspicious functions at home, dawn of fortune, attainment of

a high position in government, acquisition of conveyance, clothes, birth of children,

acquisition of cattle, should the moon be in her sign of exaltation, in her own sign, in

Kendra, in the 11th, 9th or 5th be associated or aspected by benefics, be fully powerful and

be associated with the lord of the 10th, the 9th or the 4th. There will be extra ordinary gains

of wealth and luxuries if such a moon be in the 2nd house.

When the moon is not in a favourable position, the effects of moon during the dasa will be

loss of wealth. If moon is in the 3rd house, there will be happiness on and off. If moon be

associated with malefic there will be idiocy, mental tension, trouble from employees and

mother and loss of wealth. If the moon be in the 6th, the 8th and 12th or be associated with

malefic, there will be inimical relations with the government, loss of wealth. Distress to

mother and similar evil effects. If a strong moon be posited in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th,

there will be troubles and good time off and on.

General effects of mars Dasa

Should mars be in strength in a chart, during the dasa, there will be acquisition of

kingdom(attainment of a high administrative or political position in government, gain of

wealth and land, recognition by government), gain of wealth and land, recognition by

government, gain of wealth from foreign countries and acquisition of conveyances and

ornaments. There will also be happiness and good relations with co-borns. If mars with

strength be in a Kendra or the 3rd house, there will be gain of wealth through valour, victory

over enemies, happiness from wife and children. There will however be possibility of some

unfavourable effects at the end of the dasa.

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Should the mars be weak in a chart, or be inauspicious or be associated or aspected by

malefic, during the dasa of mars loss of wealth, distress and similar unfavourable effects.

General effects of Rahu Dasa

The effects of the dasa of rahu, great happiness from acquisition of wealth, agricultural

products etc, acquisition of conveyances with the help of friends and government,

construction of a new house, birth of sons, religious inclinations, recognition from

government of foreign countries and gain of wealth, clothes etc. If rahu be associated or

aspected by benefics, be in benefic sign and be in the 1st, the 4th , the 7th, the 10th the 11th

or the 3rd house, there will be during his dasa all kinds of comforts y the beneficence of the

government, acquisition of wealth through a foreign government or sovereign and felicity at


If rahu be in the 8th or the 12th, there will be during his dasa all kinds of troubles and

distress. If rahu be associated with a malefic or maraka planet or be in his sign of

debilitation, there will be loss of position. Destruction of his residential house, mental

agony, trouble to wife and children and misfortune of getting bad food. There will be loss of

wealth at the commencement of the dasa, some relief and gain of wealth in his own country

and distress and anxieties during the last portion of the dasa.

General effects of Jupiter Dasa

If Jupiter be in strength in a horoscope i.e exaltation, in own house, moolatrikona, in the

10th, 5th or 9th or exalted in navamsa, during the dasa of the planet, Acquisition of kingdom,

great felicity, recognition by government, acquisition of conveyances and clothes, devotion

to deities and Brahmins, Happiness in respect of his wife and children and success in

performance of religious sacrifices.

Should the Jupiter be in the sign of debilitation, combust in association with malefic or in the

6th or 8th there will be during the dasa loss of residential premises, anxiety, distress to

children, loss of cattle, pilgrimage. The dasa will give some unfavourable effects at its

commencement only. During the later part of the dasa, there will be good effects like gain

of wealth, awards from and recognition of the government.

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We shall continue with the general effects, a planet may give during its dasa periods and

shall continue on this topic in the next edition of the magazine.

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Horoscope Analysis


A south indian actress who ruled Bollywood for many decades and earned the name of

“Queen of Indian cinema” is none other than the Rekha. Bhanurekhaganeshan was her

original name and she was born to a famous actor of the south Gemini Ganesan and

pushpavalli another actress from south. Her marriage was not out of wedlock and for long

her father Gemini ganeshan refused to accept her as his daughter until she made a mark in

the film industry.

Her father was tamil and mother was telugu and she was born and brought up in Chennai.

She was a child star and started acting in films from the age of 12 years. To support her

family she had to leave school and reluctantly start an acting career to make money. She

had no interest but was forced to sustain her family financially. Her mother was sick and

was not there to support her. She was alone in the film industry when she came to Bombay

to start her career.

Initially the industry didn’t receive her well, but through her hardwork she gained name and

became a well sought out actress in the industry. She gave many a big hits and ruled the

industry for many years acting opposite many great super stars of her times.

She won many film fare awards for her best performances. She was even awarded Padma

shri, the highest civilian award by the Government of India. She had a very successful 40yrs

of film career. She had played very many varieties of roles in main stream cinema. She

acted in various languages including tamil, telugu, kannada and hindi.

Rekha married a delhi based industrialist MukeshAgarwal. But a year later when she was in

London, he committed suicide. So her personal life was full of setbacks and dissapointments

and she remains single. She has been nominated to the Rajyasabha twice.

Letsanalyse the various events of her life with her chart.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



Analysis:There are not many yogas in this chart. Hence her life was a big struggle, though

she was born to famous parents in the film industry. She had to struggle all her way to

make a mark in the industry and she didn’t receive any support from parents. This can be

seen that the lagna lord Jupiter is in the 8th house, indicating troubled life throughout.

Hurdles all along her life.

4th lord is exalted but in the 8th. This also shows that the mother of the native has

undergone lot of troubles at the time of birth of the child. As we know that the actress was

born out of wedlock, so the mother would have gone through lot of problems. But parents

had a good profession. Gemini ganesan was one of the top rated actors of those times. We

can see that 4th lord standing for mother is exalted though in the 8th house. From lagna

also moon is in the 3rd house, showing that there was not much support from mother.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


9th lord sun is in the 10th house in Kendra. From moon as well the 9th house has Saturn

exalted. This shows that father was a famous and powerful person. From moon, the 4th and

9th lord venus, which is yogakaraka is in the 10th house is in 2 deg. The strength of the 4th

and 9thlords show that the parents support is not there for the native. From moon also sun

is in the 8th house, shows that the native had not much support from father as well.

The starting dasha for this native is Jupiter as she was born in poorvashada star. Jupiter is

the lagna lord as well. So it was trouble time for her mother. She had been sick for long as

Jupiter is in the 8th lord. Also rekha had to stop studies as the 4th lord in 8th, has given a

break in her studies. 4th lord exalted shows that the native had an interest in going to

school and studies, as rekha reveals to us later. So Jupiter period made her mother sick

made her stop her studies and she had a troublesome childhood as well, as she stepped into

Bollywood during this period. Jupiter exalted, helped her earn a lot in films, though through

lot of difficulties.

Lagna lord Jupiter is exalted, it means a good health. Jupiter aspecting the 2nd house shows

that she has an attractive face. But the lagna has mars and rahu, so she has a dark

complexion, though Jupiter is exalted. Jupiter in the 8th also gives a fat body. so initially in

her career she was said to be fat and dark, due to these reasons. But through her

determination and hard work, she became lean and fashionable.

The next dasha in her life was Saturn. Saturn is the 2nd lord in 11th house exalted. Also from

moon, the rasi lord is in the 9th house of luck. So this period made her shine in industry and

earn a lot through good films. But from moon Saturn is the 12th lord as well, so didn’t give

her too many hits.

Mars is in 29 deg in the chart. This means that it is almost in the border. Mars stands for

courage, brothers. Due to this it took time for rekha to muster courage and make a mark in

the industry. She didn’t have any kith and kin as well. From moon the 3rd lord is mars and is

with rahu also, hence there was no chance of any kith and kin.

Rahu in lagna along with mars which was weak, made marriage tough. Venus is also in the

12th house from lagna. Venus also has papakarthari yoga as it’s hemmed on either sides by

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


mars, rahu and Saturn. 7th house from lagna also has no good aspects. 7th lord mercury is

in the 11th house with Saturn, its enemy.

From moon 7th lord sun is in the 8th house, which shows loss of partner. Venus is also very

weak in chart as it is in 2 deg. In 1990, she married and after anyr she faced failure of it.

She was running mercury main dasha and moon sub dasha. Mercury is the 7th lord hence it

was favorable for marriage. But it is also 8th lord from moon. Also mercury has

kendradhipathidosha. Hence it was not very favorable time. Moon is the sub dasha and it is

the 8th lord, hence was not a good time. From moon also it is the 6th lord. Hence the time

chosen was bad. Thus marriage has been a failure for her due to all the above stated


Sun in the 10th house made her a powerful person in her profession. She reached the peak

in her acting profession. This is shown by sun in the 10th house. 3rd house stands for arts.

10th lord mercury with 3rd lord Saturn, has given her a profession in arts. 3rd house having

moon, Saturn exalted with mercury in the 11th house gave her acting profession. Also from

moon venus is in the 10th house. Venus and moon stand for acting and Saturn stands for

cinema. Thus she entered such a profession.

5th lord is mars and is in lagna, which gave him lot of raja yoga and she even became a

rajyasabha member. But as mars is weak, and moon is with mandi, she had always mental

worries. Even from moon the 5th house is afflicted by ketu, mars and 5th lord mercury is

afflicted by association with Saturn. Thus many mental conflicts are there. The 5th lord mars

isaspected by Saturn. Thus there can be lord of mind problems and conflicts. She may be

suffering from migraines as well.

5th house from lagna is aspected by Saturn exalted and mercury as well. From moon 5th lord

is also with an exalted planet. Moon in astakavarga has 8 points. So she is very creative and

imaginative person. There is no wonder she has done a marvelous job as an actress. She

had bad name as well in the profession as malefic aspects are there to the 5th house.

From moon,venus is the 10th house. This is amala yoga as benefic is in the 10th house from

moon. But either side of the house is hemmed by malefics Saturn and mars, so she was not

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


able to rise high in her profession as much as she can. She always had to face lot of issues

and difficulties due to this. But still amala yoga has its effects as she is the well-known and

reputed actress of her times, whose beauty and acting have crossed all limitations. Also

venus being weak didn’t bring her stardom in time. She was recognized only later in her


The 2nd lord exalted in the 11th house has given a lot of fortune. From moon also, 2nd lord

Jupiter is exalted and is in the 6th house. All this show lot of money and riches.

End of Jupiter dasa she entered into films. She became a successful heroine in Saturn

dasha. Saturn is the 3rdlord, hence there was a suitable careerfor her. Mercury dasha was

not very suitable for her profession as well. She had a failure of marriage also during that

period. Ketu was also not a good period for him. So Saturn was the most favorable time for


In 2010 during the venusdasha, she got the greatest award in the country. Padma shri was

the award given to her. Venus causes amala yoga, gave her name and recognition. During

venusdasha, she did very many variety of films, different from main stream cinema. Venus

is a malefic from lagna and it came very late in her life, so it didn’t benefit her much. But it

did bring lot of accolades.

Thus we see that her life was not smooth from beginning. Not many yoga’s are present in

the chart. Hence she had to struggle a lot in life personal as well as in the industry. With lot

of hard work, efforts and dignity she made a mark in the industry.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Makara (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



1. Editorial

2. Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam - This can be called Jyothishavid 101 or explanation

about how to become a knower of astrology.

3. Bhavartha Ratnakara–brief analysis of the work of Bhavartha Ratnakara.

4. Maasaphalam – brief analysis of effect of the month.

5. Relationship between Ayurveda and Astrology – a brief article on the relationship

between the ancient sciences of ayurveda and astrology.

6. Phaladeepika – analysis of the work of Phaladeepika.

7. Effects of sun in various rasis – an analysis of the effects of sun in various rasis.

8. Effects of dasas – an analysis of the effects of dasas and how to go about predictions.

9. Horoscope analysis - brief analysis of the horoscope of a renowned person.

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Suggestions to make this magazine better through requesting of articles on specific topics

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