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Page 1: July 2010 ASAVN Normandy Remembrance 2010A fabulous morning was spent with Flight Lieutenant Etienne Smith in and around the XI Squadron site. He gave a fascinating talk, outlining


ASAVN Normandy Remembrance 2010

This year with the Canadians absent and much missed (they have promised to be back in 2011) we were down to 5 veterans – David Ince – Chairman TECT, Jerry Eaton, Lenny Lambert, George Wood and Stan Gamble. But excellent support from family and friends raised the total numbers to approximately 30, including TECT Trustees, Chris Woodcock and Ginnie Ince, with Anthony Knight our new Secretary. Coningsby raised a party of 5. But extra duties cut this to 3, partially supported by a donation from TECT in the absence of MOD funding. All had arrived in Normandy by Friday evening 4th June.Official proceedings began at 10.30 next morning in the village churchyard at Soulangy north of Falaise, with a plaque unveiling for Ronnie Fokes DFC DFM, OC 257 Squadron, who was shot down by flak on 12th June 1944. There were lovely speeches from his son Brian and nephew Mark Chennel, followed by the Mayor, Jacques Brehin, and prayers from Dean Emeritus Alec Knight. A local band played the National Anthems, Tom Mitcham sounded the Last Post and Reveille, with the exhortation from Stan Gamble.A Vin d’Honneur with the Mayor, M.Pierre Levie, rounded off the morning and about 40 of us, including members of ASAVN and others, enjoyed a fabulous six course lunch at the La Mine Gourmande in nearby Potigny.As often after lunch there was a rush to make the next ceremony, with a long crocodile of cars following Jacques to the hamlet of St Nicholas, between Fourches and Vignat SE of Falaise.

The plaque, to Wing Commander Mike Bryan DFC & bar, was most thoughtfully located in a beautiful small coombe alongside the church approach and close to where he was shot down by flak on 10th June 1944. He is the last wing leader killed in Normandy to be so honoured. There were speeches by the two mayors – M. Joel Goulard of Fourches and M.Erik Dewaele of Vignat – and Jacques - followed by a particularly moving wreath laying, ending with our bugler and Stan Gamble.

On Sunday we joined the local congregation for Mass at Noyers Bocage. The Priest Fr Borice Mokele, who is new this year, made us all feel very welcome and shared the service completely with Alec Knight retired Dean of Lincoln who preached an inspiring sermon. We look forward to many years of continuing ecumenical worship to follow that previously established by our Rev George Wood and the late Fr Paul.

Page 2: July 2010 ASAVN Normandy Remembrance 2010A fabulous morning was spent with Flight Lieutenant Etienne Smith in and around the XI Squadron site. He gave a fascinating talk, outlining

Overnight there had been a cracking thunderstorm and the day dawned cool, damp and misty. As we walked from the church to the Typhoon memorial however the sun broke through and a brisk wind whipped and furled the six national flags as they were raised to their national anthems.As always that ceremony is an unforgettable experience. The three bold arrowheads locked above him as Jacques lights the flame of remembrance, the wreath laying and this year Alec Knight’s words at the wall with its 151 names. The speeches and the silence, this year to the haunting notes from our travelling bugler with his beautifully blown Last Post.

Back in the village a quick call at the market stalls, for fruit and vegetables, then on to the school playground for a Vin d’Honneur. David Ince proposed a vote of thanks to ASAVN, to the people of Basse Normandie and Noyers Bocage, and spoke briefly about the future before introducing Squadron Leader Jim Walls. Many will remember him for his fabulous Eurofighter Typhoon display at Middle Wallop in 2007. Jim spoke of his appreciation and pledged his support for Coningsby’s involvement with TECT/ASAVN – “that the Flame of Remembrance may never die”. With many people returning home on the evening ferry an impromptu lunch was hastily organised. What began as a stop gap before our journey quickly turned into a splendid continental Sunday lunch alfresco dining experience! A fine finale and another memorable Normandy weekend.

TECT Members Day – Coningsby

Thursday 10th June saw various parties of veterans, families and friends descending on the Lincolnshire countryside around Coningsby. Group Captain John Hitchcock, Officer Commanding, had invited TECT members to an Enthusiasts Day on the 11th June to include the Trust’s first AGM.

Page 3: July 2010 ASAVN Normandy Remembrance 2010A fabulous morning was spent with Flight Lieutenant Etienne Smith in and around the XI Squadron site. He gave a fascinating talk, outlining

A fabulous morning was spent with Flight Lieutenant Etienne Smith in and around the XI Squadron site. He gave a fascinating talk, outlining the current make up and role of the squadron. It was beautifully pitched, to cover all experience and knowledge in the audience, and had us riveted and asking questions throughout.

The veterans included David Ince, Stan Gamble, Derek Lovell, Johnny Shellard and George Wood. Stan had been picked up from home by Corporals Wayne Clark and Chris Bell, both based at Coningsby who had been in Normandy during the previous weekend. It was a most kind gesture.

OC XI Squadron and a TECT Trustee, Wing Commander Jez Attridge, appeared at times to ensure that we were well looked after. Due to lead his Typhoons on the Queen’s birthday flypast the following day he was understandably somewhat otherwise engaged!After very good coffee and biscuits we were given a tour around a single seat Typhoon in a hangar. Some wide, steep, steps allowed the intrepid an opportunity to inspect the rather cramped and functional cockpit. We were also allowed a close up view of some very high tech weaponry.Several of us visited the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) where we were able to walk around a Hurricane, several Spitfires and a Lancaster. We were given an interesting talk by one of the tour guides who at times under estimated the knowledge and experience of some of his audience!After lunch in the officer’s mess we were joined by others, including the chairman and vice chairman of the Napier Power Heritage Trust, adjourning to a conference room in the same building for the AGM and a warm welcome from the Group Captain.

Annual Events

The prospect of a regular AGM and TECT linked annual visit to Coningsby – to be confirmed – and the existing ASAVN remembrance weekend in France plus a new TECT event requires careful planning. All three should be well spread, within the summer season, and the latter should be close enough to France for ASAVN members to attend. TECT help for ASAVN in locating precise Typhoon crash sites in Normandy continues. A large number had already been identified and about 100 were still in need of some permanent memorial.