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Page 1: Judgment

Judgment: The Final Exam

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1. Judgment is necessary because God is a God of PERFECT JUSTICE

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2. Our judge will be CHRIST

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Jn 5:22 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,

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3. ALL will be judged. 2Co 5:10 For we must all

appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

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1. This is not a judgment to determine if a person is going to HEAVEN or HELL.

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2. Believers will either be REWARDED or SUFFER LOSS depending on their faithfulness.

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3.What will rewards be given for?


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4. What rewards will be given?

Treasures, praise, position, authority.

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1. This will occur after the 1000 year earthly reign of Christ. They are judged based on their relationship to JESUS CHRIST and on the basis of their DEEDS.

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2. Their names are not in the BOOK of LIFE and they will be excluded from HEAVEN.

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3. They will suffer varying degrees of JUDGMENT in HELL on the basis of what they have done on earth.

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Thinking it over…

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