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Page 1: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Joel Schlessinger, MD


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Page 2: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Birthmarks are largely harmless skin irregularities that appear at birth or shortly thereafter. An estimated 80% of babies are born with some kind of birthmark. Most recognizable birthmarks are light brown, pink or red with irregular borders, though birthmarks can vary greatly in appearance.

What are birthmarks?

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Page 3: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Dermatologists aren’t sure why birthmarks occur, but genetics and skin tone play a role in most cases. Dermatologists can define the skin phenomena that mark the appearance of birthmarks. There are several subcategories for birthmark appearance, but the two most prevalent categories are pigmented and vascular.

What causes birthmarks?

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Page 4: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Pigmented birthmarks are areas that are a different color than the rest of the skin. Most often, they are brown or tan, but they can also be black, blue or blue-gray. Pigmented birthmarks are caused by clusters of pigment cells that are a result of an abnormal level of melanin per square millimeter of skin. The amount of melanin and location of the mark affect the size and color of the birthmark.

What are pigmented birthmarks?

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Page 5: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Moles, or pigmented nevi, are the most common type of pigmented birthmark. They are typically flesh-colored, brown or black. Moles may darken due to sun exposure, during the teen years or during pregnancy. Moles that are present at birth are thought by some to pose a greater threat of becoming cancerous later in life. If a mole changes shape, color or size, contact your dermatologist.


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Page 6: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Café-au-lait spots are another type of pigmented birthmark that is usually a light tan or brown mark that is oval in shape. Mongolian spots tend to look like bruises because of their bluish color. These pigmented birthmarks are seen most often on people with darker skin.

Other types of pigmented birthmarks


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Page 7: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Vascular birthmarks appear red or pink. They are caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels from a deficiency in the nerve supply during fetal development. Clusters of these tiny blood vessels form in a concentrated area, giving the mark its pinkish or reddish tone.

What are vascular birthmarks?

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Page 8: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Macular stains are the most common type of vascular birthmarks. They are flat, red marks that may appear anywhere on the body. Hemangoimas are birthmarks that appear as a dark red, slightly raised spot. They can vary in size and typically grow rapidly during a child’s first year of life but fade over the next 7 to 8 years. Port wine stains appear as flat pink, red or purple marks that last a lifetime.

Types of vascular birthmarks

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Page 9: Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Birthmarks

Birthmarks may disappear over time or grow larger depending on their type, but most won’t require medical attention. Some birthmarks, such as port wine stains, can be treated using laser or light therapy to fade the appearance of marks over time.

Treatments for birthmarks

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Though most birthmarks are harmless, it is important to keep an eye on any mark that begins to change in color, size or shape. If a birthmark begins to change, bleed or form a sore, contact your dermatologist.

Consult your dermatologist

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