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Why does bacteria make and infection on humans?

By: Joana c

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My standards

10a students know the role of the skin in providing nonspecific diseases against infections.

10d the students know there are important differences between bacteria's and viruses with respect to their requirements for growth and replication the body primary defenses against bacterial and viral infections.

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What is a bacteria?

Bacteria's are some thing that can cause you thing s in your body.1 to 2 sec one bacteria's grow more than five billions and billions of bacteria’s in one day. Many people is scared to have bacteria's that can harmed them a lot. We could prevent this by washing our hands a lot so we don't get bacteria's

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What infections or diseases do bacteria make on humans?Bacteria can make any type of

infection or diseases. Some of the diseases that bacteria can make are strep throat, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections . Bacteria is not a good thing to have cause it causes many damages.

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Who found bacteria and when was it discovered.

Bacteria was first discovered in the late 1600s somewhere around the 1670s. Antony van Leeuwenhoek was the first man who discovered bacteria.

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Can bacteria be reproduce? Yes bacteria's can be reproduce.

Bacteria's reproduce by splitting into 2 or produce spores. To split they need the right resources to live and may produce up to four generations in one hour. Also bacteria's are in general about 0.1 in diameter and 10.0 in length.

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This is a graph and it shows how the bacteria's growth

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Are bacteria's harmful or not Well there are some helpful

bacteria's that help make healthy food. Some of the foods these help make are yogurt, and cheese. There is also harmful that can cause you bad things to any part of your body . Some bacteria's make you illness many give off chemicals called toxins which can damage tissues and make you sick.

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Can we killed bacteria's? Well we could kill bacteria's by

washing our hands and be careful were ever you touch. There will always be bacteria's every were remember that. There is 3 to 4% of people that die because of the bacteria. Some other people get scared that they will die too because of bacteria's. We could prevent ourselves from getting bacterias.

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Does it only happens to human? No not only to humans get

bacteria's animals get bacteria's too. For them is almost the same thing they get disease on their skin because of the bacteria. It could also killed them because them .

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Bacteria's are some things that can cause us people damage in our body. Specially in our skins.

Gas can only be made by bacteria's. Bacteria's are so not good have in our bodies . Bacteria's are also prokaryote . So as you could see bacteria's makes infections on us we just have to be careful of caching them. We should never forget to be clean.