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Jin Shin Jyutsu Is – New Jersey

Your personal harmony of body, mind and spirit rests

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Thoughts on Number 5Leave a reply

Contributed by Louanne Ellis, The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter, Number 8,

Spring 1995.

“The familiar figure drawn by Leonardo da Vinci of a perfectly proportioned man within a

circle, suggesting a star, is a classic representation of five as the number of man. Unlike the

animals which commonly have four feet on the ground, man is upright with his head as the

crown of the star, symbolizing consciousness.

Geometrically, five is the pyramid and signifies elevation above the material and biological

plane (numbers one through four). It symbolizes consciousness transcending the four

elements, four corners, four seasons and four directions.

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Man is distinguished from the animal kingdom by his self-consciousness or awareness,

giving him the capacity to adapt. Man, through his consciousness, is able to modify his

environment, creatively manipulating materials to meet his needs.

Paul Case, in his bookThe Tarot,expresses the opinion that adaptation is the meaing of

number 5. I think, underlying the concept of adaptation, that number five means the

development of consciousness, most specifically the mind, and the potential

for transcendence.

Five is the first safety energy lock in the second depth. The first depth corresponds to the

element earth, and the four safety energy locks represent the four elements and the

building blocks for the manifestation of life. The second depth is ruled by Air, which

represents the mind, the intellect and communication. Five, the first safety energy lock on

the second depth, is the beginning of this process of self-awareness. The results of this

process are keyed into the nature of two, whose name is Wisdom on the Tree of Life. (The

Tree of Life is the diagram that contains the symbols and keys to Jewish mysticism,

Qabalistic philosophy and the Tarot, which are the sources of the numerical references to

colors, planets, musical notes, signs, etc.).

The beginning of wisdom and self-consciousness is shown in Biblical metaphor when Eve

eats from the Tree of Knowledge, resulting in the expulsion of man from the Garden of

Eden. With self-awareness and self-consciousness comes the realization of “mortality” that

I believe is the basis for fear, which Mary (Burmeister) associated with SEL 5. Spiritual

growth and the development of consciousness is usually a painful process. Severity is the

name of the first essence of number five on the Tree of Life.

The following are the meanings of number five as differentiated through its expression in

the four elements in the Tarot: five of wands (fire) – strife, cruelty, violence: five of cups

(water) – disappointment in love: five of swords (air) – defeat, loss, malice, spite, slander:

five of pentacles (earth) – loss of profession and money. The difficulty represented in the

meaning of these cards reflects the growing pains that man experiences in his spiritual

evolution. It seems as if we do not spontaneously transcend effortlessly.

The lessons of the soul and the development of consciousness are normally not gained in

contentment and harmony. The instinctive desire to survive that motivated early man set in

motion the development of the brain and self-knowledge. It has been the struggle for

survival, comfort, food, and shelter that has driven our evolution.

The Hierophant, the archetypal symbol of the number five in the major arcana of the Tarot,

usually corresponds to the astrological sign of Taurus. It is the sign that signifies our

material well-being and survival skills. This connects the meaning of five and the

Hierophant to growth, through the challenge to survive or to achieve comfort and pleasure.

The Hierophant, or the Pope, is the agent in development which symbolizes the bridge from

man to God, most generally associated with the imposition of laws handed down by

religions, dictating morality and conscience, which are both attributes distinctly separating

man, 5, from the animal kingdom, 4.

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In the body, SEL 5 is located on the ankle. This is the area ruled by Aquarius in astrology.

Aquarius is a mental, air sign (second depth) whose function is ultimately to connect the

mind of man with the mind of God. So again we see a confirmation and connection to the

bridge between the meaning of numbers four and five. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, the bridge is

between the fourth depth and the sixth depth: the capital B bridge which makes the

transition from man with human intelligence to man with cosmic intelligence. The fourth

depth represents the individual soul consciousness, and the sixth, the collective

consciousness. The fifth depth, which inherently contains the meaning of five, is growth at

the level of spirit. All safety energy locks on the fifth depth are designated as “universal’

numbers, because the Hebrew alphabet, as the story of man, is limited to twenty-two. Our

English alphabet reflects our consciousness and contains twenty-six letters, which is

fascinating in Jin Shin Jyutsu terms.

If SEL 5 is inhibited or blocked, then the individual will have a difficult time energetically

meeting the demands of this life. Through facing our fears we liberate our mind and release

the energy that will help us learn through our actions who we are. Without discipline and

courage, men will truly feel afraid. The rewards of five are strength, and pitfall is fear.

Mars is the ruler of number five on the Tree of Life, and it makes sense that courage and

assertiveness (Martian qualities) are required for the process of individuation and the

necessary development of the ego. In the most mundane correspondence Mars also rules

the instinct for survival and the procreative drive to maintain the species.

It is interesting that the sixteen, which is literally opposed to the five, is by association with

Tower, the sixteen card in the Tarot, also ruled by Mars.

The ankles are important in the initiation of energy to transcend the animal kingdom at the

fives, and to transcend the human kingdom at the sixteen. The five is the beginning of the

second depth and the sixteen is the beginning of the third depth. All the water flows pass

through the foot at the five area integrating information and experience at an emotional level

for the soul’s growth.”

Louanne Ellis has studied Jin Shin Jyutsu for ten years, astrology for twenty-seven years,

and the Qabala and numerology for three years. She teaches in Arizona, Colorado and

New Mexico and she welcomes questions and comments.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Louanne.

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 21, 2014.

Safety Energy Lock 19 (Part 4)

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Issue Number 29, Summer 2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter contains

an article about SEL 19. The article is based on comments received in response to the

inquiry: Why is Safety Energy Lock 19 included in the anchor steps of both the Umbilicus

and Diaphragm Function Energy flow patterns?

For readers who have taken at least one 5-day Seminar, you will want to look at Text 2. If

you haven’t taken a 5-day Seminar as yet, you can look at the Safety Energy Lock Figure in

this category. Or I could tell you: SEL 19 is located on the inside of the elbow more on the

thumb side, however, since each SEL is a 6-inch diameter sphere, it actually covers that

whole 6-inch area of the elbow/upper & lower arm.

Melinda Buckwalter submitted her “Jinspirations”:

“Safety Energy Lock 19 is included in the anchor steps of both the Diaphragm and

Umbilicus Flows. Both organ flows pass through Safety Energy Lock 19. In the case of the

Umbilicus Flow the 19 used is on the flow itself whereas in the Diaphragm Flow it is on the

opposite 19 to the flow side. Mysterious! The Diaphragm and Umbilicus are mysterious.

They are our blueprint, our negative, the flip-flop reflection of ourselves in the heaven/earth,

as above/so below mirror. Energetically the Diaphragm Flow ascends but helps the

descending; the Umbilicus Flow descends and helps the ascending. They are magical,

through the looking glass Alice, the secret to how the 1 as Source/Potential can manifest as

the many, experienced 9. These two opposite qualities come together to form and inform

the number 19.

On a physical level the diaphragm’s action in the body is also mysterious, backwards and

counter intuitive. When we breathe in, filling and expanding the belly, the diaphragm flattens

out. When the belly flattens on the exhale the diaphragm is at its greatest dome-shaped

splendor. Imaging the shape of the diaphragm in the body while you breathe takes practice.

Try it! The umbilical cord cut at birth leaves us a belly button, a reminder of the mystery

from whence we came and whence we shall return. The symbol 8, “magic”, reminds me of

the placement of the umbilicus and diaphragm in the body at the crossroads where heaven

and earth join, communicate, and reflect around the central dot. The umbilicus as belly

button is our dot on our waistline around which we reflect, arms and head above, legs and

pelvis below, reminding us of our true origin. The diaphragm’s shape like the vault of

heaven is also located at the crossroads of the waistline separating heaven and earth. Its

legs, the crura, like columns that hold up the sky, reach down to Lumbar 1 and Lumbar 2 at

the level of the belly button.

What is special about 19 that helps the Diaphragm/Umbilicus in its central reflective role?

As they say in real estate: “Location! Location! Location!” The 19 is located in the middle at

the ‘umbilicus’ of the arm; the elbow. The elbow even has a dimple reminiscent of the navel

on its back side. Look in the mirror! 19 knows something about being in the middle. It is on

the Mediator, that great communicator between left and right. Thus 19 is in a position to

communicate and receive information not only from above and below but from left and right

as well. In touch with everybody, 19 is the collective intelligence. No wonder 19 is

leadership and authority! Located at the nexus of communication, 19 is the shining Sun

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who communicates his influence by radiating effortlessly. 19’s powerful location explains

the interlacing effect of the 19, 9 and 14 all located on the waistline. 19 – Sun, 9 – all-

inclusive, 14 – Sagittarius. Did you know that the center/navel of the Milky Way Galaxy is

in/near Sagittarius! If the 14/umbilical area is the center of the galaxy of our body it makes

sense that 19, the sun, is located on the arm like the spiral arm of the galaxy! Then 9, as

all-inclusive could be the Black Hole (White Hole!) at the galactic center, the “every ending

is the seed of a fresh beginning” of quantum physics and our physical body. Celestial


Everything about 19 speaks of the middle. 19 is in the 3rd Depth – the other Middle flow to

which the 6th Depth returns in the Order of Creation. 19 is the fourth of seven, in the middle

of the Safety Energy locks of the 3rd Depth, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 19 is the letter S, half of

an 8, again speaking to its role as man in the middle communicating, coordinating and in

touch, its own mirror image above, below, left, and right. because of its reflective power, 19

helps on the same or opposite side to the flow itself. No wonder 19 is such a powerful

helper to the 6th Depth organ flows as they function to reflect the heavenly plan into earthly


Thank you, Master Jiro.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Melinda.

Gassho, Namaste, Blessings

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 11, 2014.

Safety Energy Lock 19 (Part 3)Leave a reply

Issue Number 29, Summer 2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter contains

an article about SEL 19. The article is based on comments received in response to the

inquiry: Why is Safety Energy Lock 19 included in the anchor steps of both the Umbilicusand Diaphragm Function Energy flow patterns?

For readers who have taken at least one 5-day Seminar, you will want to look at Text 2. If

you haven’t taken a 5-day Seminar as yet, you can look at the Safety Energy Lock Figure in

this category. Or I could tell you: SEL 19 is located on the inside of the elbow more on the

thumb side, however, since each SEL is a 6-inch diameter sphere, it actually covers that

whole 6-inch area of the elbow/upper & lower arm.

Here is what Karen Moore offered:

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“Safety Energy Lock 19 has struck me as being responsible for the free flow of energy in

the arms, from the chest through the fingers and from the fingers into the chest. Diaphragm

Function Energy is a chest flow and Umbilicus Function Energy is a finger flow. With the

harmony of the 19s, our authority and leadership, we can, of our own accord and

inclination, consciously embrace our surroundings to get a better look and feel, and bring to

the Self what we want and what we need. On the other hand, we can use our arms and our

19s to guard our most vulnerable parts and keep out draining or unwanted influences. So,

with the harmony of 19 we can embrace and bring close, and we can guard and maintain a

space of integrity, which points to the function of the Diaphragm and the Umbilicus Function


Dr. Paul Foster Case speaks about Key 19 in the Tarot as representing the Sun, the Source

of All Earthly Life, and our heart chakra, which adapts and coordinates the physical body

with its immediate environment and gives power to our relationships with things, beings,

and time and space. I see the Diaphragm and Umbilicus Function Energy “magnetically”

attracting and manifesting through the exhale and the inhale this radiant energy from the

SUN. If our arms and fingers are tense, we grasp unto death those things we think will

make us happy and balanced. With such a rigid grasp we cannot receive, nor can we freely

give. If the fingers are tense, the 19s cannot give or receive. If the 19s are tense, the

connection between our chest and our fingers is lost; hence our connection to our Source is

lost. Our heart chakra closes or is impaired. We lose vitality and strength. We become

weak-hearted or hard-hearted. I see the 19s as the action of the Mediator, mediating

between our manifested and unmanifested world of the Diaphragm Function Energy and

Umbilicus Function Energy…our exhale and our inhale. Of course, 19 is vital as an anchor

step for each of these flows!”

There are other responses ~ since this is FUN, I’ll continue sharing with my next post!

Thank you, Master Jiro.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Karen.

Gassho, Namaste, Blessings

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 9, 2014.

Safety Energy Lock 19 (Part 2)Leave a reply

Issue Number 29, Summer 2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter contains

an article about SEL 19. The article is based on comments received in response to the

inquiry: Why is Safety Energy Lock 19 included in the anchor steps of both the Umbilicusand Diaphragm Function Energy flow patterns?

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For readers who have taken at least one 5-day Seminar, you will want to look at Text 2. If

you haven’t taken a 5-day Seminar as yet, you can look at the Safety Energy Lock Figure in

this category. Or I could tell you: SEL 19 is located on the inside of the elbow more on the

thumb side, however, since each SEL is a 6-inch diameter sphere, it actually covers that

whole 6-inch area of the elbow/upper & lower arm.

As we continue, we shall read what Ali Hammer wrote:

“Here are a few ideas as to why Safety Energy Lock 19 is included in the anchor steps of

Diaphragm and Umbilicus flows. First, 19 helps the waistline energy, descending and

ascending, and both Diaphragm and Umbilicus are involved in helping balance above the

waist and below the waist.

19 is one of the “all-inclusive” numbers, being all colors, all musical notes, all planets, etc.

Because Diaphragm and Umbilicus are expressions of the totality, the undivided state of the

6th Depth, it seems appropriate that a number containing all the vibrations of the universe

would be supporting these flows.

In a similar vein, looking at the numerology, 19 adds up to a 1 which gives us the energy of

oneness and unity. These flows are continually bringing us back to the unity of the 6th

Depth, the Diaphragm by helping us to perceive the totality and the Umbilicus by recharging

the body with energy from the Source.

In ancient wisdom 19 is “collecting” or “collective intelligence”. Paul Foster Case says, “The

Collective Intelligence concentrates all the modes of consciousness which have gone

before, and combines them together in a new form,” – i.e. it’s about relationship. To collect

is to assemble, to bring or come together. The Umbilicus, in bringing warmth and harmony

to relationships, is using this Collective Intelligence to make sure all the functions work

happily together. The Diaphragm expresses this energy of 19 by assembling the energy of

the totality, the vital life force, to create the blueprint, the root of the phenomena of one’s


There are other responses ~ since this is FUN, I’ll continue sharing with my next post!

Thank you, Master Jiro.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Ali.

Gassho, Namaste, Blessings

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This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 7, 2014.

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Safety Energy Lock 19Leave a reply

Issue Number 29, Summer 2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter contains

an article about SEL 19. The article is based on comments received in response to theinquiry: Why is Safety Energy Lock 19 included in the anchor steps of both the Umbilicus

and Diaphragm Function Energy flow patterns?

For readers who have taken at least one 5-day Seminar, you will want to look at Text 2. If

you haven’t taken a 5-day Seminar as yet, you can look at the Safety Energy Lock Figure in

this category. Or I could tell you: SEL 19 is located on the inside of the elbow more on the

thumb side, however, since each SEL is a 6-inch diameter sphere, it actually covers that

whole 6-inch area of the elbow/upper & lower arm.

Now that you know where SEL 19 is located, we can read what Wayne Hackett wrote inreply to the question.

“Safety Energy Lock 19 is a “one” [1+9=10; 1+0=1] numerologically, and as a one, provides

the energies of “unification” and “movement”. As the 6th Depth Breath of Life transforms

itself into living matter, Safety Energy Lock 19 instills “authority and leadership” and

facilitates the Umbilicus and Diaphragm Function Energies in bringing the blueprint into

manifestation. Also, meaning”perfect balance”, Safety Energy Lock 19 lives within the 3rd

Depth and supports balance between our Source of Being (6th Depth) and source of body

(3rd Depth). It even lives perfectly balanced between Safety Energy Locks 16 through 18

and Safety Energy Locks 20 through 22, thus reminding us that Safety Energy Locks residewhere they can most easily accomplish their function. Further, within the 3rd Depth, Safety

Energy Lock 19 works with the Mediator to perfectly blend left and right with the center and

to keep us in the NOW.”

There are other responses ~ since this is FUN, I’ll continue sharing with my next post!

Thank you, Master Jiro.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Wayne.

Gassho, Namaste, Blessings

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 6, 2014.

The Nature of the Safety Energy Locks, Part 3Leave a reply

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Phyllis Singer writes about Articulating the Artless Art in Issue Number 29, Summer

2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter:

“Safety Energy Lock

14 IS… Expanded knowledge of what it takes to sustain myself and maintain

equilibrium in life.

15 IS… Joyousness, light-heartedness and an abundance of laughter.

16 IS… Feeling transformed, active and flexible.

17 IS… Relaxation available to me with an ability to foster this quality in others.

18 IS… Deepened body-awareness with a personality truer to my essence.

19 IS… Feeling empowered, trusting myself and my leadership.

20 IS… Experiencing an everlasting connection with nature and the Universe.

21 IS… Able to identify and let go of worry, finding profound security enveloping me.

22 IS… A markedly greater balance between receiving and giving in my life, allowing

me to feel complete.

23 IS… In touch with my destiny with awareness of cyclic movement and patterns in life.

24 IS… Feeling harmonized with an enhanced sense of putting order into chaos.

25 IS… Enjoying personal sanctuary where I can quietly regenerate spirit, mind and


26 IS… Being fulfilled.

A dictionary meaning for “articulate” is “to give clarity or coherence to” which could also be

a definition for Jin Shin Jyutsu. Expressing my experience of Jin Shin Jyutsu through thenature of the Safety Energy Locks has provided an opening for conveying the significance

of this powerful Art, as it reveals itself in a life. Articulation this Artless Art through the

Safety Energy Locks offers an opportunity for new insights to emerge each time I surrender

to the process. I invite you to practice this exercise for yourself in a way that shares and

illuminates the meaning of each Safety Energy Lock as IT IS in your life. Experience it

again periodically, noting any transformation in your expression. For now, one word sums it

up for me ~ GRATITUDE.”

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

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Thank you, Phyllis.

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 3, 2014.

The Nature of Safety Energy Locks, Part 2

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Phyllis Singer writes about Articulating the Artless Art in Issue Number 29, Summer

2000 of The Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter:

“Inherent and essential qualities” is a dictionary definition of “nature”, so why not speak

through the nature of the Safety Energy Locks? Since I have been a Jin Shin Jyutsu

student I have noticed many improvements in my life:

Safety Energy Lock

1 IS… More movement with an ability to study fixations and to get beyond them.

2 IS… Making wiser choices, following my intuitive impulses, and feeling more alive.

3 IS… Understanding what benefits or harms me with healthier boundaries as to what is

allowed to enter or exit my life.

4 IS… Deepened awareness about managing my life, measuring out time for activity

and rest.

5 IS… Refreshed, able to let go of the old to bring on the new.

6 IS… Balance, and the discernment to maintain that balance.

7 IS… Magnified sense of success, victory and order in life.

8 IS… Feeling strong and at peace, more in tune with the rhythm of the Universe.

9 IS… More completion in relationships with an ability to use periods in my life instead

of commas. Declaring the end so as to lay groundwork for a fresh beginning.

10 IS… Experiencing abundance in all areas of my life. Feelings of lack give way to a

sense of endless prosperity.

11 IS… Being centered with an ability to let go. Life no longer appears unfair.

12 IS… More acceptance and tolerance for myself and others.

13 IS… An opening in the experience of love with an enhanced ability to reproduce my

love for others, in others.”


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To be continued…

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Phyllis.

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onOctober 1, 2014.

The Nature of the Safety Energy LocksLeave a reply

Phyllis Singer writes about Articulating the Artless Art in Issue Number 29, Summer

2000 of The Main Central Jin shin Jyutsu Newsletter:

“In my early years of sharing Jin Shin Jyutsu as the only practitioner in the heart of Florida, I

found it difficult, often impossible, to convey the meaning of Jin Shin Jyutsu to an

“unknowing” audience. I would “try out” different explanations and watch the person’s eyes

glaze over in front of me. I’ve shared with IT IS students the frustrations I felt the first ten

years of applying an effective, efficient Art while lacking the ability to speak meaningfully

about it.

This process became easier as I embedded myself in this Art of transformation. Daily

conversations with clients and witnessing their life changes enhanced my self-expression. It

was not until I instructed IT IS classes that I was faced with the quandary of guiding othersin the “how to’s”. Common questions I would encounter were, “How do I tell others about

Jin Shin Jyutsu? What do I say? What if they’re skeptical? Would you give us some

examples of what you say?”

Just as life unfolds in its own paradoxical way, I was now faced with how do I put into words

that which I had “gotten” experientially. In the first few IT IS classes I fumbled my way

through, earnestly giving examples to students’ questions about what I would say in certain

situations. At the same time I realized the folly of this exercise, for how could I expect

someone to be me while sharing with others? I was perplexed!

O.K. Universe! You’ve guided me this far; now what? This has been yet another lesson in

learning to ask for help. Compassionate Universe “aha’d” me the second morning of an IT

IS seminar. The answer was so simple – right there at spirit, mind and body level. Speak

through our commonality in the language of the Safety Energy Locks. All of us have our life

experience as told through the Safety Energy Locks, and as long as we are communicating

our personal messages, we are speaking our truth. After all, we are not proving anything,

we are simply sharing awareness.”

To be continued…

Thank you, Mary.

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Thank you, David.

Thank you, Phyllis.

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onSeptember 30, 2014.

Safety Energy Locks…Leave a reply

…are Divine BEings for the energetic Body…

We have 26 keys to unlock 26 “Safety” Energy Locks, 26 on the left side and 26 on the right

side of our body. These are located along flow pattern of left and right Major Vertical

“Supervisor” Universal Harmonizing Energy.

26 means “complete” ~ that which was, is, shall be.

All “individualized” body function energy are rejuvenated and harmonized simply through

unlocking sequences using one or more combination of 26 keys for “Safety” Energy Locks.

These “Safety” Energy Locks are “friendly” warnings to us to STOP and CHANGE our way

of existing to simply BE.

For example, when there is an overload on a particular fuse in the main fuse box, it flips off.

We check the function of that particular fuse and find the cause. Our “Safety” Energy Locks

act in like manner. When there is an overload, they lock as a “friendly” warning so we simply

find the cause.

Tension/stress is a way for the body to say: “I’m not in harmony. I’m out of Cosmic Rhythm.”

We simply say: “Thank you, body, for telling me. I will check into why and how to get

circulation pattern into rhythm once again.”



This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onMay 21, 2014.

Safety Energy LocksLeave a reply

Here is the figure that shows the location of all the Safety Energy Locks. I have provided it

before, but it will be easier for you to reference if it has it’s own special category!

Safety Energy Locks Figure Word

This entry was posted inSafety Energy Locks onSeptember 2, 2013.

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