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An Overview of Multimedia Design and Effective Marketing Strategies

This presentation not only illustrates the scope of the work I have created and produced, but the strategies and tactics necessary to effectively market key initiatives. Ill briefly walk you through two campaigns, related marketing collateral and additional freelance work. 1

Marketing and Brand StrategyGoalsEstablish leadership in:Global scopeEntrepreneurial focusBuilding lifecycle relationshipsObjectives Leverage the strengths of the institution and a unique constituent base to elevate awareness of the product and promote regional and global influenceIncrease engagement yield goalsEstablish a unique and consistent voice with editorial and rich content Promote strategic messaging with an internal and external communications planStrategy and TacticsIntegrated marketing campaigns:Traditional- radio, print, e-mailNon-traditional- video, point of purchaseOnline- banner ads, social media, micro sitesOOH (out of home)- billboards, transitCivic and constituent partnerships and events

OOH- 2-Sheet Transit BillboardMetricsGoogle Analytics:Consumer responses and attendance rates (Open House registration) Consumer/constituent engagement levels (social media)Competitive and SWOT analysisPoint in Time yield goalsCost savings (media ad value, production)


Campaign ImpactDirect Influence:Yield pool (unknowns, prospects)Call to Action- (consumer response on and offline)Levels of engagementBrand awareness and perception Indirect Influence:# of applications receivedQuality of consumerRate of conversion (more conversions when campaigns where in effect)No Influence:GMAT scoresConversion rates (# of applicants accepted)

Direct Correlation- Campaign Tactics and Engagement Registration for events up 8.3% from previous yearRegistered consumers who attended events up significantly: Feb (+6.6%), March (+24.3%), May (+21%)Registration thru May was the highest in six years

Open House Registration Graph

The graph at the right represents direct correlations between registration and attendance at Open House events and marketing campaigns that ran concurrently with OH event dates. The colored lines show consistent upward growth in attendance in consecutive years. Registration for events were up 8.3% from previous year (811 vs. 749) Percentage of registered students who attended events went up significantly in Feb (+6.6%), March (+24.3%) and May (+21%) 3

CampaignsTrue Ambitions Campaign- Video, Banner ads, Landing Pages, Micro Sites, e-Mail, OOH, Point of Purchase, Transit

The True Ambitions campaign was created to communicate the three main goals of the institution and solicit a call to action to visit a landing and register for an event. The integrated campaign included an online presence, email, indoor and out door advertising, events and publications and direct mail collateral. 4

Campaign Deliverables True Ambitions Video

The True Ambitions Video promoted the elevation of your values as the true ambitions in your life. The video was marketed on the institutions web site, FB, Youtube, at Open Houses, sports venues, cable networks, and was segmented as a 15: sec video banner ad.


Metrics: Quantitative AnalysisGoogle Analytics

OBJECTIVE- Increase Response for Open House Registration Visits up 152% over previous year! New visits presented a staggering 482% increase!Bounce rate dropped by 81%!

Positive stats in visits, new visits and bounce rate for the MBA campaign reflected active call to action and bolstered the yield pool. Diversification with lifestyle marketing and civic sponsorships placed brand messaging where competitors were not creating visibility in a new market. Divergence from traditional marketing venues created interest and new media venues. 6

Campaign Deliverables- OOHTrue Ambitions Campaign

True Ambitions marketed to an audience who related to a proactive and engaged lifestyle. Out of home deliverables included posters, billboards, transit, digital display and point of purchase. 7

Campaign MetricsMetric Analysis- AwarenessOBJECTIVE- Awareness in New DMA Average visits up by 213%. Main Line Today banner ad- 409 hits Decrease in new visits indicates repeat visitors, suggesting better quality leads


Micro Site Banner Ad Landing Page

CampaignsWords I Live By Campaign- Video, Banner ads, Landing Pages, Micro Sites, e-Mail, OOH, Point of Purchase, Transit

The Drexel MBA Bandana Contest!

The Words I Live By campaign promoted the key values of the institutions constituency and offered a landing page to secure personal information, receive product info, and register for an event. This integrated campaign included an online presence, email, indoor and out door advertising, events, direct mail collateral and a social media contest. 9

Metrics: Cost SavingsBudget- Integrated Campaign Allocations, Cost Savings

Radio- 50.42 % of budget

OOH- 8.30 % of budget

Transit 9.0% of budget

Non-Traditional 32.28 % of budgetCENTER CITY MBA CAMPAIGNOverall Budget- $130,000Demographics- A25-54Geography- Philadelphia metro area/Wilmington, Del.

Total Cost Savings- $62,275

Cost Saving Metrics- The Center City campaign is an example of a integrated campaign featuring radio, transit, non traditional venues and out of home. MSM represents the rate for our Media buyer and the LCB Savings is the cost saving to the College. The Center City campaign ran for nine months, from Sept 1 to June 30. Total cost savings were $62, 275 dollars!


Metrics: Qualitative AnalysisSWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

A talented staff recognizedby the institution for theirdedication to marketing excellence is an importantstrength!

Top 10StrengthsInstitutional reputationProtocols for web real estate usageGraphic/web brand standards Creative strategies that generated unique marketing share of voiceMedia resources (Vocus, Profnet) maximize information outreach Constituent engagement in marketing initiativesEditorial quality and consistency (content, tone, focus, relevancy)Online production management systemMedia buyer increases buying power, cost savings, and improves visibilityAll program domain names are secure

Top 3WeaknessesStrategic planning follows program initiatives Web site navigation is not user friendlyShared authority required for content management system

SWOT Weaknesses- Action Tactics:Executive leadership finalized a strategic plan to re-focus initiatives which reduced the number of programs.Reorganization of the site map simplified forward navigation, streamlined pages and eliminated back button navigation.Partnered with IT team on all initiatives thus securing trust and developing accountability protocols. 11

Metrics: Qualitative AnalysisSWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

Challenges are opportunities for personal development and to brainstorm and problem solve effectively as a team!

Top 10OpportunitiesGenerate new marketing opportunities in all third party outlets (partnerships)Leverage relationship with University to promote awarenessImplement initiatives to leverage all Centers of ExcellenceDevelop benchmark measurements for media placements and ad valueSupport opportunities for thought leadership (conferences, forums)Junior staff members and Ugrad demo provide fresh ideas and new perspectivesIntegrate marketing strategies from other Colleges and departmentsAnalysis media placements of competitionEngage media-trained faculty with customized marketing initiativesCreate marketing internships for Grad and Ugrad students

SWOT requires action tactics to address challenges.Top 3ThreatsPoor economic job conditions threaten value of education Increased number of program offerings limit marketing effectiveness Competitive mimicry threatens awareness and share of voice

SWOT Threats- Action Tactics:Created value propositioning campaigns such as True Ambitions and Words I Live By which invited positive self-evaluation in relation to our brand.Executive leadership instituted protocols for new program development based on strategic plan-focused rationale and metric-centered analysis.Creative marketing strategies emphasized new demographic segments and media venues; effectively placing our voice where the competition was absent.


Marketing- PRINTLEAD Magazine

LEAD magazine was both a B2B and a B2C platform; a forum of news and industry information for the business community, and a recruitment tool for prospective students and alumni seeking executive education.13

Marketing- PRINTTraditional- Brochures, Posters, Ads, Direct Mail, Invitations







CONTACT INFORMATIONJill McClary610.357.4158 [email protected]



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