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  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Jesus is like a shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to go find ONE lost sheep. Even one lost

    person was enough to make Jesus leave his home in Heaven to come find him. Luke 15:3-7

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Jesus was impressed when a poor old lady gave only TWO little coins at church. He does

    not count how much we GIVE to Him but how much we TRUST in Him. Luke 21:1-4

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    When Jesus was a baby, wise men from faraway places brought THREE gifts to Him. Jesus

    is so amazing that people from all over the world give their best to Him. Matt. 2:1-12

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    When FOUR friends brought their hurting friend to Jesus, He healed him. A best friend is

    someone who does all she can to bring her friends to see Jesus. Mark 2:1-5

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Jesus told a story about a man who obeyed his master in caring for just one coin and was

    then put in charge of FIVE cities. Jesus says that if we obey Him with small things, He will

    reward us in big ways forever. Luke 19:12-19

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Jesus turned SIX pitchers of water into wonderful wine at a wedding. Jesus can take very

    ORDINARY things and turn them into EXTRA-ORDINARY things. John 2:1-10

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    After taking care of lots and lots of people, Jesus provided food for all of them by using

    SEVEN loaves of bread and a few fish. Jesus can do a LOT with the LITTLE that we give

    Him. Matthew 15:29-39

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Another time when Jesus was teaching a crowd of people, His disciples said it would take

    EIGHT months to earn enough money to feed everyone. But, Jesus was able to feed

    everyone. In a MOMENT, Jesus can accomplish what it would take us MONTHS to do on

    our own. Mark 6:34-44

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    When Jesus healed ten lepers from their sickness, NINE of them forgot to return and say

    THANK YOU. This made Jesus sad. Jesus wants us to be thankful in our hearts to Him

    for all He is and does. Luke 17:11-19

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    Jesus told a story of TEN ladies who waited all night for someone. When their friend

    arrived, only FIVE had enough oil in their lamps to make a flame. No matter what, we

    should live every day in a way that tells Jesus we are ready to see Him again. Matthew 25:1-13

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    When Jesus left the Earth, He only left ELEVEN close friends behind. Because of all that

    Jesus did for them, this small group of men turned the whole world upside down. Jesus has

    power to use a FEW people to do BIG things. Matthew 28:16-20

  • 7/31/2019 Jesus Count With Me


    Burning Bushes 2009

    In the story about Jesus feeding 5000 people, after everyone was full, there were still

    TWELVE baskets of food remaining. While we worry that there is TOO LITTLE, Jesus

    provides MORE THAN ENOUGH. So, we can give freely to people who need more than we

    do. John 6:1-13

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