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233 MSB, Department of Computer ScienceKent State University, Kent, OH-44242

Phone (330)-672-9038, Fax: (330)-672-7824

[email protected]

Current Appointment:

Professor: Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, Now.

Education and Degree:Ph.D. in EE in Computer Track, Title: "Attention Modulated Associative Computing and Content Associative Search in Image Archive", University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), USA. August 19951.

MS in EE in Computer Track, Title: “A Message Passing Approach to the Parallel Search of the Unification Tree”, University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), August 1990, (GPA 4.0/4.0).

B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 1987, (with the Distinction of Honors, 3rd out of 155).

Professional Appointments:

Fulbright Visiting Professor , IIUM, Malaysia 2007-2006, BRAC University, Bangladesh 2005-2006

Associate Professor: Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, Nov. 2002- May 2007. Assistant Professor: Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, Nov. 1997-2002. Post Doctoral Research Associate : Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii,

USA, (April 1995- December 1997). Technical Manager of project MISSION, a $2.8 million NASA/DARPA sponsored Advanced Communication Technology Satellite, Medical Imaging and Supercomputing Triage Project. The project received the honor to be the semifinalist for the GII’97 award from over 900 submissions nationwide.

Consultant Researcher: 1. ADTECH Co. (January 1997-December 1997) (MPEG-2 over ATM expert for a new high speed protocol analyzer/ test system project.). 2. Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR), Hawaii, April 1992-August 1993.

Graduate Research Assistantships : 1. Project MISSION, Sponsor DARPA/ NASA, Data/Image, Processing Lab. EE Dept, University of Hawaii, 1994-1995. 2. Reverse Engineering project, Sponsor Fujitsu Ltd of Japan, Software Engineering Research Lab., Dept. of Information and Computer Science University of Hawaii, 1992-93.

Lecturer , Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 1987-1989.

Special Appointments, Awards & Achievements:

University Special Advisor on Cyber Infrastructure, Kent State University, 2007-2008. NASA Consultant, Lunar Communication Architecture for Exploration Missions, 2006-2007. US Air Force Research Fellow, AFRL/HE WRIGHT-PATT AFB, OH, Neurobiological/Multimodal

Methods for Enhancing Unmanned Vehicle Operator Performance, Collaboration, and

1 Selected research for the keynote presentation at the 11th Annual Governor’ Symposium on High Technology 1995, State of Hawaii.

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Communication, Human Effectiveness & Visual Communications Group, Wright-Patterson Air Force Research Lab, May 2007.

NASA Fellow for Space Internet, NASA Glenn Research Center, 2005. Fulbright Senior Specialist, International Research and Higher Education Networks, Selected in the

National Roster of Experts by the US Presidentially appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board May, 2005-may 2010.

Area Expert/Commentator, Internet, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 2002-now Early tenure and promotion at KSU (with unanimous support at every reviewing level), 2002.

Top in departmental faculty merit evaluations for last 4 years.

Team Leader, Project MISSION, the project is the semi-finalist for the Global Information Infrastructure GII’97.

Co-Inventor of an algorithm, which can merge two heaps in logarithmic time complexity, 1990.

Formally recommended by US Department of Defense (DoD) as a person with critical skills and expertise in high performance communication and computation, 1996.

Sigma-Xi Giar National Grant Award in Scientific Research, USA, 1992. East West Center Fellowship, 1988-1992.

Granted by EWC, a US Federal Congressional Institution for Technical and Cultural Interchange between Asia, Pacific and USA.

First Class with Honors in B.Sc. (3rd out of 155), BUET, 1987. Regional Debating Champion for two consecutive years,

Rajshahi Division (Northern Bangladesh), National Science and Literary Fair League, Bangladesh, 1979 and 1980.

HSC, National Merit Lister, 3rd position in nationwide combined merit list (out of 38,000+), Higher Secondary Certificate Exam. (HSC), Bangladesh, 1981. Also, Recipient of HSC National Talent Pool Merit Scholarship.

SSC, National Merit Lister, 7th position in combined merit list (out of 35,000+), Secondary School Certificate Exam. (SSC), Bangladesh, 1979. Also, Recipient of SSC National Talent Pool Merit Scholarship.

Presidential Trophy Winner, Member of Best National Scout Team, 1978. Bangladesh National Scout Meet & Jamboree.

Selected Recent Special Appointments University Special Advisor on Cyber Infrastructure, Advising the office of the CIO (Vice

President) on next generation cyber infrastructure for strategic modernization and investment in the use of information and communication technology, Kent State University, 2008-2009.

J. William Fulbright Senior Specialist, Country workshop on “High Performance Research and Education Networks Design & Traffic Engineeing”, Seminar organized by International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) and Malaysian Research and Education Networks (MyREN) Malaysia, December 2006.

Associate Editor, Elsevier International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (JCNA).

Associate Editor, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET).

Guest Editor: Foundations of peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 2, 5 February 2008, Pages 187-189.

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Guest Editor: Disruptive networking with peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, Pages 419-422.

Keynote: Keynote Speaker for ICCIT 07, Global Research &Education Networks, Karachi, Pakistan, 2007.

Guest Editor: Computer Communications, Volume 28, Issue 6, Pages 589-711 (15 April 2005) Special Issue on Activated and Programmable Internet: Converging Technologies for Internet-based Active and Programmable Systems, Edited by J. I. Khan.

Keynote: Keynote Speaker for ICCIT 05, “Grid, Peer-to-Peer Computing and Other Emerging Massively Distributed Community Computing & Communication Environments and their Future”, Karachi, Pakistan, 2005.

J. William Fulbright Speaker, Invited Speaker, “A Global Perspective towards Education and Research Networks and Digital Libraries and its role in Developing World”, Seminar organized by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh, January 2006.

Consultant: NASA’s Lunar Communications Architecture for Exploration Missions, NASA Glenn Research Center, 2005-2007

Professional Activities:

Member, Internet Society; Member, ACM; Member, IEEE; Executive Committee Member, IEEE Technical Committee on the Internet; Member of Advisory Committee, Distance Learning Technology Project, Ohio Supercomputing Center (OSC); Member ,SPIE. Member, Internet2 Special Interest Group on Hard to Reach Countries, Served as editor for 150+ journal articles for various professional Journals. Served as proposal reviewer for NSF, DOE, NASA. Served as reviewer for numerous professional journals, such as IEEE Transaction on Neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Pattern recognition Letters, IEE Proceedings on Computer and Digital Techniques, Intl. Journal of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, etc. Served as a member of the program committees in various professional conferences including WIC 2008-2004, ICME 2006, ICCIT 2007-2005, IWAN 2005, PV 2006-2006, SAINT 2004, ICCIT 2008-2002, IMSA 2001, 8th ICIS'99, ICCIT'99, ICPP’93, HICSS’96, ISCA'99, etc.

Organizing Committee of SAINT 2009, Workshop Chair

Scholarship of Teaching:

New Course Design:

Designed three new courses in Network Based Applications at KSU to strengthen the networking and systems tracks: (a) Complex Networks, (b) Foundation of Peer-to-Peer Computing, (c) Internet Engineering (KSU). (d) Advances in Internet based Applications & Systems Design (KSU), and The former senior/graduate level course focuses on the current technology in practice, while the later two are advanced graduate course focuses on the future and emerging technologies.

Laboratory Development:

Helped creating three Research Labs (including funding and program design) at KSU and bring KSU’s new CS department at par with the best experimental CS departments.

Internetworking and Media Communications Research Laboratories (short named MEDIANET) at KSU. Sponsor: DARPA and then the OBR Research Challenge grants, The laboratory now contains state of the art network based application experiment system particularly in house software system with

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ABONE, FreeBSD Kernel experiments, and MPEG-2 DTV capability. Website:

Perceptual Engineering Research Laboratory (short named PERCEPT Lab) at KSU. Sponsor: DARPA and tOBR Research Challenge grants. The laboratory now contains state eye-tracking based research equipment and systems. The lab also developed cutting age research tools. It built one of the first real-time perceptual video tracking and compression system. Research paper has been attracted national attention capability. Currently, it is operating as a sub-lab of the MEDIANET Laboratory Website:

Internet Teaching Lab: I along with two of my colleagues (Prof Hasan Peyravi and Prof. Paul Farrel) have established a Internet Teaching Laboratory via an instrument grant that we received. A set of high performance backbone router enables me to work with students to investigate and study deep backbone issues. One of the select few facilities in the country where students can experiment with the Internet backbone traffic engineering as a part of regular curriculum. Sponsor CAIDA. Visit website:

Teaching Experience:

Others Courses: Algorithm Design and Analysis (KSU), Artificial Intelligence (KSU), Operating Systems (KSU), Computer Communication Networks (KSU), Computer Data Structure and Algorithms (UH), Computer Algorithm (UH), Special Topics on Parallel Processing (UHM), Special Topics on Neural Networks (UH), Computer Languages (BUET), Microprocessor System Design Lab (BUET).

Major Research Project Accomplishments:Fast TCP: FAST TCP is a variant of TCP networking protocol, developed at the California Institute of Technology, with a congestion control algorithm especially targeted at high-speed, long-distance links. It won the 2004 Internet speed record award given by Internet2. To demonstrate the competitiveness and flexibility of transparent and interactive networking, we have re-implemented equivalent of the FAST TCP over TCP interactive at application layer using transientware. The advantage of the system is that it is highly extensible and does not require kernel modification-- yet it matched the performance of FAST TCP. The approach, instead of requiring custom reactive codes modification inside TCP kernel used only event based application level interactive access. A FreeBSD Linux implementation of the proposed interactive OSI kernel including an extensible transientware mechanism has been realized.

Space Router: As a part of NASA’s space internet initiative we are developing an TCP/IP extensible network stack with add on sub-layers for handling space related extensions. This include systolic routing for astro-mobility, and store and forward transport.

Interactive Transparent Networking Model: We have proposed a new cross-layer networking model which extends classical OSI network kernel organization by enabling event based cross-layer interaction and an active extension mechanism called transientware. The advantage of the system is that it is extensible-- yet much less radical approach than active networking. The approach, instead of allowing custom reactive codes to be placed inside network or system layer- proposes only event based application level interactive access into the protocol state information. The actual ‘custom actions’ are then performed by special programmable components called transientware at application space. It relives lower network layers from housing costly custom components and addresses other practical issues like security and flexibility. A FreeBSD Linux implementation of the proposed interactive OSI kernel including an extensible transientware mechanism has been realized. Dramatic cross-layer optimizations have been demonstrated using a number of TCP/IP family protocols with live internet experiments. Sponsored by DARPA. Universal Extensible Socket: Led the development of a composable socket system, where the socket layer at the communicating hosts can be extended to implement various advanced network transport systems. Formally, it demonstrated a modular construction formalism where complex transport constructs can be built using lower level isomorphic constructs. The demonstrated transports include store-and-forward transport (uses multiple TCPs to create a high level TCP lookalike which can handle data transfer on periodic intermittent connection) and concurrent communication transport- (uses multiple UDP/TCPs to set up multiple virtual paths to obtain high QoS communication on a network graph). Both systems have been demonstrated.

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Interactive Infrastructure Less Rapid Handoff For Next Generation Mobility: TCP and other connection oriented transports used by applications suffer major performance drawbacks when they have to go through reconnection while in mobility. Mobile IP is logically capable of offering disconnection free handoff- but in practice the long delay causes severe ill-reaction with network’s congestion control mechanisms. In this work we have taken FreeBSD networking kernel with Interactive Transparent Networking Model and demonstrate a new mobility mechanism that offers fast seamless reconnections based on proactive event triggered actions. The scheme- Interactive Protocol for Mobile Networks (IPMN) uses rapid cross-layer interactivity. It probes the link layer and intelligently reconfigures the address. The connection is renewed to handle this address change by manipulating the TCP/IP stack at the end-points. It also does not need any infrastructure. Both with real internet experiment and detail model based performance comparison with mobile IP we have shown the IPMN dramatically outperforms Mobile IP.

Semantic Course Composer: Under NSF MatDL project, we have recently demonstrated a semantic composition engine called “Course Composer” for Material Science Collection. “Composition” such as course planning at the moment is considered a sophisticated cognitive task and requires human. We have recently developed a software system that can analyze concept dependencies and based on that help teachers to develop various dynamic teaching materials for structured presentation of thematic concepts from collections. Given a time constraint, desired level of depth in a thematic area, student background, the system analyzes the semantic concept among various sub-topics dependencies, and the format and pedagogical constraints, and suggests an automatic composed material collections that can provide high level help to design various courseware for rapid and targeted dissemination of knowledge. This concept system can create various pedagogical teaching styles such as top-down, bottom-up, iterative reinforcement presentations. A prototype has been presented the NSF Digital Library Annual Conference’s CritLab 2004.

Polymorphic Data Fusion & Visualization: Under the current ITR grant the PI has developed a prototype algorithm and associated system for visualization of polymer material from multiple instrument perspective. Each polymer observation instrument is bound by various physical and experimental constraints. The system aims at developing a generalizable data fusion framework where data from multi-instrument based techniques can be synthesized to eliminate the ‘blind spot’ of any individual technique, and to provide a complete view. The prototype now allows automatic 3D model construction from information fused from X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and 3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM) fusion. Shortly it will allow fusion of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) data offering researchers unprecedented integrative view into polymers. Perceptual Transcoding for Visual Teleporting : This ‘science fiction’ like system uses live human perceptual foveation (eye gaze information from a real time eye-tracker) and an MPEG-2 network transcoder utilizes such fine precision information for precise bandwidth reduction/adaptation for serving broadcast quality video over local narrow links. The perceptual transcoder achieves real-time transcoding speed by using latest MV-bypass techniques and multiple off-the-shelve high end PCs. One of the first system to incorporate live eye-gaze based transcoding for video. Sponsored by DARPA, Demonstrated in ACM Multimedia 2001.

Self-Morphing Active Video Steaming: A socket like construct which can be used by applications like a conventional socket- but it has embedded sensor intelligence and active computing capability- it can transform video while carrying it- based on the characteristics of various links through which video travels. Active Video Stream (AVIS) sockets- armed with a full logic parallel MPEG-2 encoder implemented in it- acts like a reusable transport but can perform arbitrary video transformation while carrying MPEG-2 video content over a quasi-active network. The video stream may gets rate transformed through distribute active computing even while the packets diffuses over an active subnet via multiple paths. In a way it creates the illusion of an self-morphing video stream. It can operate over a quasi-active network with only a few sparsely ‘floating’ active junction nodes in a ‘sea’ of conventional switches and junctions. The work has been designated as the concept application for the “High Performance Active Networking Team” within the DARPA active networking initiative (ANI). The prototype-- splicing a wireless network with high-bandwidth vBNS has been demonstrated in the DARPA Active Network Conference and Exposition, May, 2002.

Remote Radiation Treatment Planning on High Performance Network: The applicant led the research and development of an experimental Remote Radiation Treatment Planning System, for project MISSION (Medical Imaging Support via Satellite Integrated Optical Network), a $2.8 million project sponsored by DARPA and NASA. This concept demonstration project featuring, on-demand high performance parallel dose super computation, 3D anatomical model navigation and 3D remote rendering and visualization, received the honor to be the semi-finalist for the 1997 Global Information Infrastructure GII’97 Awards from the office of the Vice President of Unites States, Al Gore. The system

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brought together two highly specialized supercomputing resources and the human expertise, all three spreaded across the continent, by the futuristic global satellite integrated on-demand high performance internetwork setup by NASA’s experimental ACTS satellite, to perform one of the most challenging medical task, real-time simulation and 3D interactive visualization supported radiation treatment planning. The applicant served in the capacity of team leader of the technical group of the project, which involved researchers from University of Hawaii, Ohio Super Computing Center and Georgetown University Medical Center. (The applicant also coded the network communication sub-systems of the project). The project received the honor to be the semifinalist for GII’97 award from over 900 submissions nationwide. It was also demonstrated live in PTC’98 in Honolulu, and in Satellite’98 at Washington D.C.

Other Relevant Implemented and Current Projects:

High Performance Communication and Networking: Experimenter for NASA's Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) experiments. Concept development and performance characterization for 3D medical visualization with remote supercomputed 3D rendering using OC-3 ACTS-HDR-ATM communication links (implementing in C using TCP/IP and Fore System’s ATM API).

Holographic Associative Memory: Design and implementation of a new associative memory which has the unique ability of dynamic search localization in any part of the pattern. Demonstrated the capability of storing thousands of patterns and retrieve them in constant time from a cue as small as 10% of the original pattern with less than 5% magnitude error. Doctoral dissertation. (implemented in C)

Image Database Retrieval: Design and implementation of the first ever associative search system for content-based query of image database management using holographic technology on SGI Onyx platform. Doctoral dissertation, (implemented in C)

Perceptual Focus Driven Highspeed Video Transmission: Developing an algorithm with dynamically variable resolution encoding for focus driven image/video transmission to assist medical tele-diagnostics. The video will be encoded with variable resolution at various locations depending on the eye focus. In future, the focus will be traced by an eye-gaze sensor. To be tested for OC-3 ACTS-HDR-ATM communication links experiments (current research). (Implementing in C).

3D Graphical Visualization: Optimization of triangularized approximation of 3D volumetric surface for efficient 3D rendering using Constraint Resource Planning (CRP) on SGI Onyx with OpenGL (current research). (Implemented in C and OpenGL).

Design Document Recognition: Design and implementation of Electrical Symbol Recognition System (SRS) based on hierarchical Back Propagation neural networks, Pacific Intl. Center for High Tech. Research, PICHTR. (Implemented in C).

Perceptual Image Compression: Design and implementation of a holographic self-organizing feature map with attention modulated vector quantization. (Implementing in C).

Parallel Scientific Computation: Design and simulation of dual-wavefront algorithms for adaptive fault-tolerant system for linear system problems on 32 Node Meiko Transputer. Supervisor: Prof. W. Lin. (Implemented in C and CSTools).

Parallel Logic Programming: An AND/OR Parallel logic programming system based on unification scheduling on SYMULT S2010 MIMD multi-processor, MS thesis. (Implement in C and Prolog).

Parallel Neural Networks: Design, implementation and scalability experimentation of parallel Back-Propagation, Hopfield and Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) on 32 node Meiko Transputer. (Implemented in C and CSTools).

Software Development/Complex Systems Reverse Engineering: Design and prototype development for an automatic program abstraction sub-system (with associated analysis, visualization, estimation, and navigation ability) as a major part of Software Maintainers' Assistant (SMA) project in the Software Engineering Research Lab (SERL),

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ICS, UH. Results Incorporated into LDS project of Fujitsu System's Lab. Supervisor: Prof. I. Miyamoto. (Implemented in C).

Systems Programming/OS: Implementation of user-user process communication in MINIX (mini-UNIX) involving kernel level enhancements. Supervisor: Prof. Tim Brown. (Implement in C and 80286 Assembly).

Systems Programming/Parallel OS: Design of a distributed job-scheduler shell for Cosmic Environment for load balancing on distributed heterogeneous processors with dynamic process re-allocation/migration ability. Supervisor: Prof. Tim Brown. (Implemented on S2010, in C and Cosmic Env).

Systems/Security: Implementation of encoder, decoder and breaker for American National Data Encryption Standard X3.92-1981/R1987 algorithms. Supervisor: Prof. W. W. Peterson. (Implemented in C).

VLSI Design/Image Filter: Design and simulation of a VLSI chip for Hardware implementation of image filtering algorithm, Supervisor: Prof. R. Halverson. (Designed on VTI tools).

AI/Computer Algebra: A Symbolic Algebra System capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, differentiation on fractional polynomial expressions. Supervisor: Prof. David Stoutmeyer. (Implemented in muLISP).

AI/ Natural Language Understanding: A NLP system which can understand a paragraph size story from an English language story book, and answer some of your not so tricky questions based on ATN grammar. Supervisor: Prof. Bharat Kinariwal (implemented in Prolog).

Database/ Data processing: Member of the design team for the automation of the Bangladesh National Public Service Commission’s entrance examination database and data processing on IBM 360. Supervisor: Dr. S. M. Rahman (implemented in FORTRAN).

Database/ Data processing: Update of the database on Microprocessor Industry and Literature Resource, and design of an Office Accounting Database for Micro Design Resource Inc., Palo Alto, CA; Supervisor: Dr. Michael Slater. (Implemented in PARADOX).

Relevant Course Works

Computer Networks, Data Communication, Advanced Operating Systems, Introduction to Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, Computer and Data Security, Data Base Management Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms & Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Computer Algebra, VLSI Design, etc.

Special Courses/Workshops from Some of the PioneersData Communication (by Prof. Norman Abramson), High Performance Computing & Software (by Prof. Brian Smith, Prof. J. Donggara, & Sven Hammarling), Neocognitron and Handwriting Recognition (by Dr. Fukushima), Self-Organization and Speech Recognition (by Dr. Tuevo Kohonen), Adaptive Resonance Theory (by Dr. Grossberg), Computer and Data Security (by Prof. W. W. Peterson).

Parallel and Distributed Systems Programming SkillsPVM, MPI, MPL, CSTools, IBM SP2 Super Computer, MEIKO 32 Node Parallel Transputer, Symult s2010 Parallel Computer, FORE System’s ASX200BX ATM Backbone Switch, FORE ATM API programming language, TCP/IP network programming language, SGI Onyx Shared Memory 3D Geometry Engine, Java ( in training!).

Experience with Protocols/Standards in Networking and Video Communication JPEG, MPEG, MEPG-2, B-ISDN, ATM AALs, ATM LAN Emulation (LANE/LUNI), Private Network to Network Interface (PNNI). Frame/ATM switch and Adapter Architectures (FORERUNNER, GIA-200 etc.). Internet services such as routing, IP, NFS, SNMP, NIS, firewalls, DNS/BIND, PPP/SLIP, etc.

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Grants & Fellowship: Javed I. Khan (in conjunction with University Grants Commission, UGC, Government of

Bangladesh): Proposal Title: Advanced Research and Education Network for the Universities of Bangladesh, (Concept papers authored in 2006 and technical proposal in June 2008), Funded by World Bank Higher Education Development Program, Amount: 20.8 million USD, Development Period: 2009-2013. Co-component: Digital Library Consortium, additional $2.2 million USD.

Javed I. Khan (Sole PI), Proposal Title: Robust Fault-Tolerant and Secured Engineering of Lunar Communications Architecture for Exploration Missions”, NASA, Amount: 30K, Duration: July 2006-May 2007.

Javed I. Khan (With Profs Laura Bartolo, KSU, PI, D. Sadaway, MIT, A. Powell MIT, , S. Glotzer, U Mich, V. Tewary, NIST), Proposal Title: Material Digital Library, National Science Foundation, NSF, Amount: 750,000, Duration: September 2003-2006.

Javed I. Khan, Proposal Title: Emulation Test bed for NASA Space Exploration, Sponsoring Agency: NASA, NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, Amount: $12,000, May-August 2005

Javed I. Khan, Proposal Title: EXPLORATION INTO GLANCE, EMOTIVE SPEECH & BRAIN WAVE BLENDED NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION, Sponsoring Agency: AFRL: Air Force Research Lab, Wright Patterson AFRL Fellowship Program, Amount: $22,800, May-August 2007

Javed I. Khan, Proposal Title: New Age Advanced Learning Systems using The High Performance Research and Education Network in Malaysia, Sponsoring Agency: US State Department, CIES, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Senior Specialist Program, Amount: $9,000, June 2006- March 2006.

Javed I. Khan, Proposal Title: A Status Survey on Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BREN), Sponsoring Agency: US State Department, CIES, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Senior Specialist Program, Amount: $9,500, June 2005- March 2006.

Javed I. Khan (Sole PI), Proposal Title: "Project Perceptmedia: Scalable Multimedia Stream Coding on Active Network", Sponsor: Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA), Amount: $420,000, Duration June 1999- December 2003.

Javed I. Khan (with Prof. Julia Fulghum), Proposal Title: “Characterization of Complex Polymeric Materials using Multiperspective Visualization of Complex Data Sets from Multiple Analytical Technique Fusion”, Sponsor: National Science Foundation, NSF/ITR, Amount: $499,500, September 2001-6/29/2006.

Javed I. Khan (Sole PI), Proposal Title: Proposal for resource Adaptive Nomadic Video Transcoding for Bridging Digital Divide, Sponsor: Ohio Board of Regent Research Challenge Grant, Amount: $39,000, Duration Spring 2001- Spring 2003.

Javed I. Khan (Sole PI), Proposal Title: "Exploration of Content-Based Image Search by Holographic Associative Recollection" Sponsor: Faculty Creative Research Grant, KSU, $6,500, Summer 1999. (Granted but declined due to DARPA project Perceptmedia).

With P. Farrell & H. Peyravi, "Internet Teaching Laboratory", ITL, CAIDA Internetworking Instrument Grant", Sponsor: CAIDA, $200K (estimated), Fall 1999.

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With A. A. Awwal (Wright State University), Title: "Fast Opto-electronic Data search techniques for very large digital archives", Sponsor: Ohio Board of Regent Collaborative Doctoral Program in Computer Science Enhancement Initiative, Amount: $90,000, Duration June 2000- June 2006.

With L. Bartolo, Title: "An Information Gateway for the Storage, Transfer, and Utilization of Scientific Information in Multidisciplinary, Multi-institutional Partnerships", Sponsor: Ohio Board of Regent Research Challenge Grant. Amount: $67,500, Start/End Date: Begins 1/1/2000 to end of Spring 2003.

With G. Shreve, S. Ellen, G. Koby, Marcia Zeng, & C. Neiman, "Internationalization of Electronic Document", Sponsor: Ohio Board of Regent Research Challenge Grant, Amount: $100,000, Duration Spring 2000- Spring 2001.

East West Center Doctoral Degree Fellowship, 1988-1992, awarded by the EWC, a US Congressional Institution, 1988-92. The supports outstanding foreign early career students from Asia and Pacific Region countries and covers all cost of Doctoral Studies in the United States.

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List of PublicationsCurrently, more than 80+ peer reviewed first authored publications. GS Index shows number of citations (excluding self-citations) found in Google Scholar©. List follows:

Books & Book Chapters:

1. Knowledge Based Characterization of Test Questions, Javed I. Khan & Manas S. Hardas, Kent State University, Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-59904-887-1, Publisher: Information Science Reference, Pub Date: July 2008.

2. Extreme Rate Distributed Video Transcoding System, Seung S. Yang, Virginia State University, USA, Javed I. Khan, Kent State University, USA, Multimedia Transcoding in Mobile and Wireless Networks, ISBN: 978-1-59904-984-7, Publisher: Information Science Reference, Pub Date: July 2008.

LNN/IMD: Learning and Holographic Image Archive:

1. LNN01: Khan Javed. I. & D. Yun, Characteristics of Holographic Associative Memory in Retrieval with Localizable Attention, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol-9, Issue-7, May '98, p.389-406. (GS(6))[IEEE] [PDF]

2. IMD02: Khan Javed. I. & D. Yun, Holographic Image Archive, Intl. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Special Issue on Medical Image Databases, Pergamon Elsvier Science, U.K., Vol 20 no 4, July-Aug 1996, pp243-257. (OS((1)). [PDF]

3. IMD03: Khan Javed. I., Intermediate Annotationless Content-Based Query and Retrieval in Massive Image Archives with Holographic Information Representation , Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Special Issue on Indexing, Storage, Retrieval and Browsing of Image and Video, Vol 7, no 4, 1997, pp378-393. (OS(2)). [PDF]

4. LNN04: Khan Javed I & D. Yun, A Parallel Distributed and Associative Approach for Searching into Image Pattern with Complex Dynamics, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Special Issue on Visual Information Systems, Vol 8, no 2, June 1997, pp303-331. OS((1)). [PDF]

WIC: Web & Internet Computing: Grid/ P2P/ Community Computing

5. WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid S. Shaikh, A Phenotype Reputation Estimation Function and its Study of Resilience to Social Attacks, Journal of Network and Computer Application, Elsevier, (April 2009, accepted Dec 2008, 1084-8045, Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2008.12.003).

6. WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailas Bobade and Manas Hardas, Personalized Negotiation Based on Individualization: Incorporating Personalization into Peer to Peer System, 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 7-9, 2008, Pages 615-621. [KhBH08]

7. P2P: Javed I. Khan & Adam Wierzbicki, Guest editors’ introduction Foundations of peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 2, 5 February 2008, pp187-189. [DOI] [PDF]

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8. P2P: Javed I. Khan & Adam Wierzbicki, Guest editors’ introduction: Disruptive networking with peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, pp419-422. [DOI] [PDF]

9. P2P: Javed I. Khan, Asrar U. Haque, Computing with Data Non-Determinism: Wait Time Management for Peer-to-peer Systems, Special Issue on Disruptive Networking with Peer-to-Peer Systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, pp.629-642. Elsevier science direct ] [DOI] [PDF]

10. WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailas Bobade and Manas Hardas, Negotiation Based on Individualization: Incorporating Personalization into Federation, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, 2007, IEEE Press, December 2007, Cairo, Egypt, pp 309 -314. [KhBH07]

11. WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid Shaikh, A Multi-scenario Reputation Estimation Framework and its Resilience Study against Various forms of Attacks, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'07), Silicon Valley, Nov 2007, pp 676-682, [IEEEE07] [KhSh07b]

12. WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailash Bobade, and Manas Hardas, Intra-Federation Credential Negotiation based on Individualized Release Strategy, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, CIIT 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June, 2007, pp575-122. [KhBH07]

13. WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid S. Shaikh, Computing in Social Networks with Relationship Algebra. Journal of Network and Computer Application, Elsevier, 2007, (accepted May 2007). Volume 31, Issue 4, November 2008, Pages 862-878. [DOI] [KhSh07a]

14. WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid Shaikh, Relationship Algebra for Computing in Social Networks and Social Network Based Applications, Proceedings of the he 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'06), Hong Kong, December 2006, pp. 113-116. [KhSh06]

15. WIC: Javed I. Khan and Kamesh Palanisamy, Stream Assignment for Grid Network with Joint Communication and Computation Constraints, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Communications Society/Create-Net International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, BROADNET05, Boston, USA, October 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9277-9, pp.550-558. [KhPa05]

16. WIC: Javed I. Khan, Emerging Era of Cooperative Empowerment: Grid, Peer-to-Peer, and Community Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, ICICT 2005, Karachi, Pakistan, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-7803-9421-6, August 2005, pp.45-51, [Khan05]

17. WIC: Javed I. Khan, Guest Editor’s Introduction, Interactive Converging Technologies for Internet based Active and Programmable Systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier, 2005, 28 (2005), pp589-590. [DOI] [Khan05]

18. WIC: Javed I. Khan and Asrar U. Haque, Maximizing Lifetime of Power Limited Network with Active Minimum Spanning Tree Aggregation, Proceedings of the 17 th Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, PDCS 2004, MIT, Cambridge, USA, ACTA Press, ISBN: 0-88986-421-7, November 9-11, 2004, v.439-055. [ACTAPRESS] [KhHa04]

19. WIC: Seung S. Yang and Javed I. Khan, Open Standard based Visualization of Internet Computing Systems, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization,

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Penang, Malaysia, 26-29 July 2004, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg LNCS , ISBN 983-861-289-8, p319-327, [ [SPRINGERLINK] [YaKh04]

20. WIC: Javed I. Khan & Seung S. Yang, Delay and Jitter Minimization in High Performance Internet Computing, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on High Performance Computing, HiPC2003, Hyderabad, India, December 2003, pp.311-322. [KhYa03]

21. WIC: S. S. Yang & Javed I. Khan, Delay and Jitter Minimization in Active Diffusion Computing, The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, Orlando, SAINT 2003, Florida, January 2003, pp.292-300, [YaKh03] ((GS(1)).

22. WIC: Javed I. Khan and Asrar Haque, An Active Programmable Communication Harness for Measurement of Composite Network States, IEEE International Conference on Networking, ICN’ 2001, pp628-638. [KhHa01]

NET: Network/ Meta-Engineering/Active Network/ Routing/ Mobility/ Cross-Layer Optimization

23. NETWORKING: Javed I. Khan & Omar Tahboub, A Network Architectural Model for Dynamic Circuit Networking at Multiple Protocol Label Switching Publication Title: 2009 Ninth Annual IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (accepted: May 2009).

24. MOBILE NETWORKING: Javed I. Khan, Sandeep Davu, & Raid Y. Zaghal, High Performance Mobility without Agent Infrastructure for Connection Oriented Services, Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier Science, Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 526-545 (accepted, February 2008). [KhDZ08] [DOI]

25. SPACE NETWORKING: Nouman Bantan and Javed I. Khan, Space OSPF: Area Hierarchic Routing Protocol for Routers in Motion, Proceedings of the 25th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 10-13 April 2007, COEX, Seoul, Korea, AIAA, 2007-3104. [BaKh07]

26. Javed I. Khan, Pradeep K. Punnam and Raid Zaghal, Event based Extensible Interactive Transparent Networking: Performance Study with Fast TCP Principles, Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07), Niagara Falls, Canada, May 21-23, 2007, pp.281-288. [IEEECSDOI] [KhPZ07]

27. ADVANCED NETWORKING: Javed I. Khan and Olufunke I. Olaleye, Symbiotic Audio Communication on Interactive Transport, Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07), Niagara Falls, Canada, May 21-23, 2007, pp.687-694. [IEEECS] [KhOl07]

28. NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: Javed I. Khan and Raid Y. Zaghal, Interactive Transparent Networking: Protocol Meta-modeling based on EFSM, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Volume 29, Issue 17, 8 November 2006, Pages 3536-3552[ DOI] [KhZa06a]

29. ADVANCED NETWORKING: Javed I. Khan and Raid Y. Zaghal, Symbiotic Rate Adaptation for Time Sensitive Elastic Traffic with Interactive Transport, Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier Science Volume 51, Issue 1, 17 January 2007, Pages 239-257 [DOI] [KhZa06b]

30. NET: R. Y. Zaghal, S. Davu, and J. I. Khan, An Interactive Transparent Protocol for Connection Oriented Mobility – Performance Analysis with Voice Traffic, IEEE Wireless and Optical

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Communications, WiOPT05, 3rd IEEE Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Riva Del Grande, Italy, April, 2005, pp.219-228. [ZaDK05]

31. NET: Sandeep Davu, Raid Y. Zaghal and Javed I. Khan, An Infrastructureless End-to-End High Performance Mobility Protocol for Connection Oriented Applications using Interactive Transparent Networking, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology, 2005, Lincoln Nebraska, May 2005. [DaZK05]

32. NET: Javed I. Khan and Raid Y. Zaghal, Interactive Transparent Networking-Modeling Examples of Snoop and WTCP Protocols, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, May 2005, 28 (2005), pp702-711. [DOI] [KhZa05]

33. NET: Javed I. Khan and Raid Zaghal, Protocol Modeling with Transparent Networking. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies - CCCT'04, Austin, TX, USA. August 2004. pp. 66 – 71, Vol. 7. [KhZa04]

34. NET: Javed I. Khan & Nouman Bantan, Intelligent Extensible Routing For Overlay Networks With Embedded Constraint Resource Planning Shell: A Case Study With Deadline Based Packet Forwarding, 13th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Network, ICCN04, October 11-13, 2004, Chicago, pp93-100. [KhBa04]

35. NET: Javed I. Khan, Raid Zaghal, and Qiong Gu, Dynamic QoS Adaptation for Time Sensitive traffic with Transientware, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication, WOC03, July, 2003, Banff, Canada. [KhZG03a]

36. NET: Javed I. Khan and Raid Y. Zaghal, Jitter and Delay Reduction for Time Sensitive Elastic Traffic for TCP-interactive based World Wide Video Streaming over ABone, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN 2003, Dallas, Texas, October 2003, pp.311-318, [KhZa03], (GS(1)).

37. NET: Javed I. Khan, Raid Zaghal, and Qiong Gu, Symbiotic Streaming of Time Sensitive Elastic Traffic on an Interactive Transport, The 8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications - ISCC'2003, Antalya, Turkey, June 2003, pp.1435-1440, [KhZG03b]

38. NET: Javed I. Khan & Nouman Bantan, A Constraint Resource Planning Algorithms for deadline based Packet Forwarding for Overlay Networking, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication, July, 2002, Banff, Canada, pp.578-584. [KhBa02]

39. NET: Javed I. Khan and Seung. S. Yang, Made-to-Order Channels: A Framework for Building Complex Netcentric Systems on Active Network, IEEE Proceedings of the Active Networks Conference and Exposition DANCE 2002, San Jose, CA May 21-24, 2002, pp.409-426. [KhYa02]

40. NET: Javed I. Khan, A Polymorphic Formalism for Made-to-Order Custom Channel Building for Large Scale Netcentric Systems, Workshop on New Visions for Large-Scale networks: Research and Applications, Federal Large Scale Networking Working Group, DARPA, DOE, NASA, NIST, NLM, and NSF, Vienna, VA, March 12-14, 2001 (also selected as panel presentation). ).  [PDF]

41. NET: Javed I. Khan & S. S. Yang, Resource Adaptive Nomadic Transcoding on Active Network, International Conference of Applied Informatics, AI 2001, February 19-22, 2001, Insbruck, Austria, ISBN:0-88986-280-X (307), pp262-267. [PDF]

42. NET: Javed I. Khan & S. S. Yang, Made-to-order Custom Channel for Netcentric Applications over Active Network, Proc. of International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, IMSA 2000, November 20-23, 2000 Las Vegas, USA,pp-22-26. [PDF]

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MMN: Multimedia Networking/ MPEG-2 Transcoding

43. MMN: Javed I. Khan and Zhong Guo, Fast Perceptual Region Tracking with Coding-Depth Sensitive Access for Stream Transcoding, Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, JVCIR, Volume 19 , Issue 6 , August 2008, Pages 355-371 (accepted, October 2007).

44. MMN: Javed I. Khan and Darsan Patel, Extreme Rate Transcoding for Dynamic Video Rate Adaptation, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication, WOC03, July, 2003, Banff, Canada. [KhPa03], (GS(1)).

45. MMN: Javed I. Khan and Zhong Guo, Flock-of-Bird Algorithm for Fast Motion Based Object Tracking and Transcoding in Video Streaming, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Packet Video Workshop 2003, Nantes, France, April 2003.[PV2003] [KhGu03]

46. MMN: Javed I. Khan, Patrick Mail and Seung S. Yang, Flow Assignment in A Self-Organizing Video Stream that Auto Morphs Itself while in Transit via a Quasi-Active Network, 5th IEEE International Conf. on High Speed Networking and Multimedia Communications, HSNMC2002, Jeju, Korea, July 2002. [KhMY02]

47. MMN: Javed I. Khan, Qiong Gu and Raid Zaghal, Symbiotic Video Streaming by Transport Feedback based Quality rate Selection, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Packet Video Workshop 2002, Pittsburg, PA, April 2002, Electronic proceedings at [KhGZ02]

48. MMN: Javed I. Khan, Seung Su Yang, Darsan Patel, Oleg Komogortsev, Wansik Oh, and Zhong Guo, Q. Gu, P. Mail, Resource Adaptive Netcentric Systems on Active Network: a Self-Organizing Video Stream that Automorphs itself while in Transit Via a Quasi-Active Network, Proceedings of the Active Networks Conference and Exposition DANCE ’2002, San Jose, CA May 21-24, 2002, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.409-426. [KYPK02], (GS(1)).

49. MMN: Javed I. Khan, Q. Gu, Network Aware Symbiotic Video Transcoding for Instream Rate Adaptation on Interactive Transport Control, IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, IEEE NCA’ 2001, October 8-10, 2001, Cambridge, MA, pp.201-213. (GS(1)). [PDF]

50. MMN: Javed I. Khan, Seung Su Yang, Qiong Gu, Darsan Patel, Patrick Mail, Oleg Komogortsev, Wansik Oh, and Zhong Guo Resource Adaptive Netcentric Systems: A case Study with SONET- a Self-Organizing Network Embedded Transcoder, Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2001, October 2001, Ottawa, Canada, pp617-620. [PDF]

51. MMN: Khan Javed I. Zhong Guo, & W. Oh, Motion based Object Tracking in MPEG-2 Stream for Perceptual Region Discriminating Rate Transcoding, Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, 2001, October 2001, Ottawa, Canada, pp572-576. (GS(5)). [PDF]

WW: Next Generation Web Systems/ Worm/Prefetch/Intercept/Hypermedia/Smart Paper

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52. WW: Zakiya M. Tamimi, Javed I. Khan, Modeling and Analysis of Worm Attacks with Predator and Patching Interplay, Proceeding (533) of the International Conference of Communications, Internet, and Information 2006, ICCII06, US Virgin Islands, USA, December 2006, pp 533-809. [ACTA] [TaKh06b]

53. WW: Zakiya M. Tamimi, Javed I. Khan, Model-Based Analysis of Two Fighting Worms, IEEE/IIU Proc. of International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering, ICCCE '06, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2006, Vol-I, Page 157-163. [TaKh06a]

54. WW: Javed I. Khan and Qingping Tao, Exploiting Webspace Organization for Accelerating Web Prefetching , International Journal of Web Intelligence and Agent System, IOS Press, Netherlands, vol.3, No.2, 2005, pp117-130, (GS(3)). [WIC] [KhTa05]

55. WW: Javed I. Khan and Qingping Tao, Exploiting Webspace Organization for Accelerating Web Prefetching , IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI'03, October 2003, Halifax, Canada, pp.89-95. [KhTa03b]

56. WW: Javed I. Khan and Qingping Tao, Webspace Surfing Patterns and Their Impact on Web Prefetching, Proceedings of the IEEE 2003 International Conference on Cyberworlds, CYBERWORLDS2003, Singapore, December 2003, pp478-485. [KhTa03a]

57. WW: Javed I. Khan & Yihua He, Embedded Data Indexing for Fast Stream Interception by Internet Appliances, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI'03, October 2003, Halifax, Canada, pp.579-583. [KhHe03]

58. WW: Javed I. Khan and Yihua He, A Framework for Active Ubiquitous Application Services,, 6th IASTED International Conference on Internet Multimedia Systems and Applications, IMSA 2002, Kauai, August 2002, pp.145-151. [KhHe02], (GS(1)).

59. WW: Javed I. Khan & Yihua He, Fast Intercept of a Passing Stream for High Performance Filter Appliances, 5th IEEE International Conf. on High Speed Networking and Multimedia Communications, HSNMC2002, Jeju, Korea, July 2002., pp122-127. [KhHe02]

60. WW: Javed I. Khan and Qingping Tao, Prefetch Scheduling for Composite Hypermedia, The IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC’2001, Finland, June 2001, (GS(6)). [PDF]

61. WW: Javed I. Khan and Qingping Tao, Partial Prefetch for Faster Surfing in Composite Hypermedia, 3rd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USITS 2001, San Francisco, March 2001, pp13-24. [KhTa01], (GS(17)).

62. WW: Javed I. Khan, Dynamic Partial Prefetch Ranking in Hypermedia Neighborhood, Proc. of International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, IMSA 2000, November 20-23, 2000 Las Vegas, USA, pp 280-285. [PDF]

63. WW: Javed I. Khan, Active Streaming in Transport Delay Minimization, First International Workshop on Scalable Web Service, SWS 2000, in the 29th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2000, August 2000, Toronto, Canada, pp95-104. [PDF]

64. WW: Javed I. Khan and Lin Zhang, "Tree-Delta Communication for Serving Dynamic Resources in Asymmetric Internet", 1st Int. Conf. on Internet Computing, IC'2000, June 2000, Las Vegas, USA. [PDF]

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65. WW: D. Allamon, L Feng, S. Uddin, L. Bartolo, J. Khan, "Interactive Smart Paper and Light Weight Browsers: New Forms for Scientific Information Sharing", 5Th ACM Conference on Digital Library, DL 2000, June 2000, San Antonio, Texas. [PDF]

LNN: Learning and Recollection Theory and Model/Holographic Associative Computing

66. LNN: A. A. S. Awwal, H. Tang, K. S. Gudmundsson, Javed I. Khan, Uni-complex and bi-complex representation for associative memory with superior retrieval, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4788, Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing IV, November 2002, pp.159-170. [SPIE]

67. LNN: Javed I. Khan, "Holograph Contraction by Oscillatory Filtered Learning for Dynamic Sub-pattern Matching", Proceedings of the 1999 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington DC, July 10-16, 1999. [PDF]

68. LNN: Javed I. Khan, "Dynamic Sub-Pattern Matching with Holographic Associative Memory, SPIE proceeding of 27th Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop Dedicated to facilitating the interchange of ideas between government, industry, and academia, Advances in Computer Assisted Recognition, v. 3584, October 14-16, 1998, Washington, DC, pp.174-185. [PDF]

69. NA/LNN: Khan Javed. I. & D.Yun, Object-Oriented Associative Learning and Retrieval with Complex Dynamics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Visual Information Systems, VI’96, Melbourne, February'96, pp116-125. [*PDF]

70. LNN: Khan, Javed I. & D. Yun, How to Make Associative Memories Attentive and Interactive, Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, WCNN'96. July 96. [PDF ]

71. LNN: Khan, Javed. I.,& D. Yun, Feature Based Contraction of Sparse Holographic Associative Memory, Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, WCNN'94, v.4, San Diego, June, 1994, pp26-33. [PDF]

72. LNN: Khan, Javed. I. & D. Yun, Chaotic Vectors and A Proposal for Multidimensional Neural System, Proc. of the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science & Technology, San Jose, CA, February 1994. [PDF]

IMD: Search in Image Database/ Pattern Matching/ Information Retrieval/

73. IMD: Khan Javed I. & D. Yun, A Visuo-logical Query Formalism for Content-based Retrieval with Holographic Search Engine, Proceedings of the 5th International Conf. on Intelligent Systems, ICIS'96, Nevada, June 96, pp187-191. [PDF]

74. IMD: Khan Javed. I., & D. Yun, H. M. Garcia, Visual Query into Medical Image Archive, Invited paper in the 11th Governor's Symposium on High Technology, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Management and Communications, IMAC'95, Honolulu, August, 1995. [PDF]

75. NA/IMD: Khan Javed. I.,& D. Yun, Feature Based Visual Query in Image Archive with Holographic Network, ICARCV'94, Singapore, November, 1994, pp1397-1401. [*PDF]

76. IMD28: Khan Javed. I.,& D. Yun, Searching into Amorphous Information Archive, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'94, Seoul, October, 1994, pp739-749. [PDF]

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77. NA/IMD: Khan Javed. I.,& D. Yun, An Associative Memory Model for searching Image Database by Image Snippet, Proceedings SPIE Conference on Visual Communication, VisCom'94, Chicago, September, 1994. [*PDF]

MM: Perceptual Multimedia/ Interactive Video/Graphics Transmission:

78. MM: Oleg V. Komogortsev, and Javed I. Khan, Eye Movement Prediction by Oculomotor Plant Kalman Filter with Brainstem Control, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Springer Publications, Volume 7. Number 1, February 2009, pp-14-22.

79. MM: Oleg V. Komogortsev, and Javed I. Khan, Eye Movement Prediction by Kalman Filter with Integrated Linear Horizontal Oculomotor Plant Mechanical Model, Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium, ETRA 08, Savanna, GA, March 26-28, 2008, Pages 229-236 [ACM]

80. MM: Oleg Komogortsev & Javed I. Khan, Predictive Compression for Real Time Multimedia Communication Using Eye Movement Analysis, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, TOMCCAP, Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2008, (accepted, October 2007) [ACM]

81. MM: Komogortsev, O., Khan, J., Kalman Filtering in the Design of Eye-Gaze-Guided Computer Interfaces, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2007), , Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, pp.679-689, [SPRINGER] [PDF]

82. MM: Komogortsev, O., Khan Javed, Perceptual Multimedia Compression Based on the Predictive Kalman Filter Eye Movement Modeling, Proceedings of the 14th SPIE/ACM Annual Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference, MMCN'07, San Jose, California, Part of Electronic Imaging Symposium, Sponsored by SPIE and IS&T In cooperation with ACM Multimedia, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6504, 650406, Multimedia Computing and Networking 2007; Roger Zimmermann, Carsten Griwodz; Eds., Jan 28- Feb 1, 2007,pp.1-12. [SPIE] [PDF]

83. MM: Javed I. Khan, Komogortsev O., “A Hybrid Scheme for Perceptual Object Window Design with Joint Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking for Media Encoding based on Perceptual Attention”, SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering, Journal of Electronic Imaging 15(02), 023018, April 2006. [SPIE] [KhKo06]

84. MM: Komogortsev, O., Khan J., “Perceptual Attention Focus Prediction for Multiple Viewers in Case of Multimedia Perceptual Compression with Feedback Delay”, Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium, ETRA 06, San Diego, March 27-29, 2006, pp.101-108. [KoKh06]

85. MM: Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Perceptual Media Compression for Multiple Viewers with Feedback Delay, In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International conference on Multimedia ACM MM 05, Singapore, Nov 6-1, 2005, pp. 796-797. [KoKh05]

86. MM: Oleg Komogortsev and Javed I. Khan, Predictive Perceptual Compression for Real Time Video Communication , Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ACM MM04, New York, October 2004, best student paper contender, pp.220-227, (GS(2)). [KoKh04]

87. MM: Oleg Komogortsev and Javed I. Khan, Contour Approximation for Faster Object Based Transcoding with Higher Perceptual Quality, Proceedings of the International Conference

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on Computer Graphics and Imaging, CGIM 2004, Kauai, Hawaii, USA - August 2004, pp.441-446. [KoKh04b]

88. MM: Javed I. Khan, Oleg Komogortsev, Perceptual Video Compression with Combined Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking, Proceedings Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium, ETRA2004, March 22-24, 2004, San Antonio, Texas, ISBN:1-58113-825-3, pp-57-57. [ACM]

89. MM: Javed I. Khan and Oleg Komogortsev, A Hybrid Scheme for Perceptual Object Window Design with Joint Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking for Media Encoding based on Perceptual Attention , Proceedings of the IS&T/ SPIE Symposium of Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 EI04 Electronic Imaging 2004, January 2004, San Jose, California SPIE Vol. 5308, p. 1341-1352. [KhKo04]

90. MM: Khan Javed I, Motion Vector Prediction in Interactive 3D Video Stream, Proceedings of the World Congress on Advanced IT Tools, IFIP ‘96 IT, Canberra, Sept 96, pp533-539. [PDF]

91. MM: Khan Javed I. & D. Yun, Multi Resolution Perceptual Encoding for Interactive Image Sharing in Remote Tele-Diagnostics, Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation -I, Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility & Hybrid Automation, HAAMAHA'96, International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Press, Maui, Hawaii, August 1996, pp183-187. [PDF]

92. MM: Khan Javed I. & D. Yun, Perceptual Focus Driven Image Transmission for Tele-Diagnostics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR'96, Elsevier Press, June 1996, pp579-584. [PDF]

PP: High Performance Parallel Processing/Fault Tolerant Numerical Computation:

93. PP: Khan, Javed I. & D. Yun, Parallelization of Holographic Memory for Pattern Recollection with Dynamic Attention, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Application, PDPTA'97, Las Vegas, June 1997. [PDF]

94. PP: Khan, Javed. I., W.Lin & D. Yun, Adaptive Algorithm-based Fault Tolerance for Parallel Computing in Linear Systems, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP'94, St. Charles, Illinois, August 1994, v.3, pp176-183. [PDF]

95. PP: Lin, W., T. L. Sheu & Javed. I. Khan, A Parallel Fault-detection Scheme for Matrix Inversion, Proceeding of the 5th Int. ISMM conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Pittsburgh, October 1992,pp394-398. [PDF]

96. PP: Khan, Javed. I., W. Lin & D. Yun, A Versatile Parallel Algorithm for Linear System Problems using Adaptive Pivoting, Proceeding of the 5th Int. ISMM conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Pittsburgh, October 1992,pp313-315. [PDF]

97. PP: Khan, Javed. I., W.Lin & D. Yun, A Parallel Matrix Inversion Algorithm on Torus with Adaptive Pivoting, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP'92, St. Charles, Illinois, August 1992, v.3, pp69-72. . [PDF]

98. PP: Javed I. Khan, David Y. Y. Yun, An Empirical Study on the Potential of Search Parallelism on MIMD Architecture, Proceedings of the IJCSLP Workshop on Concurrent and Parallel Implementations, Washington, 1992 [DBLP]

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KE: Knowledge Engineering/ Semantic Web/Complex Systems/Program Abstraction:

99. KE, Javed Khan and Manas S. Hardas, Hierarchical Course Knowledge Representation Using Ontologies, Proceedings of the 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IICAI07, Pune India, December 17-19 2007, pp. 1684-1698, [KhHa07c]

100.KE: Javed I. Khan, Manas S. Hardas, Observing Knowledge Clustering for Educational Resources Using a Course Ontology , Proceedings of The ACM SIGART/ AAAI Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, KCAP 2007, Whistler, BC, October 2007, pp.193-194. [ACMDOI] [KhHa07b]

101.KE: Javed Khan & Manas S. Hardas, A Technique for Representing Course Knowledge Using Ontologies and Assessing Test Problems, Proceeding of the 5th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference 2007, AWIC 2007, June 25-27, 2007 - Fontainebleau, France, pp174-179. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-72575-6] [Also a Book Chapter: Advances in Soft Computing Volume 43/2007. [ AWIC] [SPRINGER] [KhHa07a]

102.KE: Javed I. Khan, Yongbin Ma, and Manas S. Hardas, Course Composition based on Semantic Topical Dependency, Proceedings of the he 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'06), Hong Kong, December 2006, pp. 502-505. [DOI] [KhMH06]

103. KE: Javed I. Khan, Manas S. Hardas, Yongbin Ma, A Study of Problem Difficulty Evaluation for Semantic Network Ontology Based Intelligent Courseware Sharing, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Compiegne, France, September 2005, pp426-429. [KhHM05]

104. KE: Khan Javed. I., Design Extraction by Adiabatic Multi-Perspective Abstraction, Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance, Victoria, ICSM'94, September, 1994, pp46-53, (GS(1)). [PDF]

105. KE: Khan Javed. I. & I. Miyamoto, Integrating Abstraction Flexibility with Diverse Program Perspectives, Proc. of 17th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC'93, November 1993, pp186-192. (GS(1)), [PDF]

106. KE: Khan, Javed. I. & I. Miyamoto, A Formalism for Hierarchical Organization and Flexible Abstraction of Program Knowledge, Proc. of 5th International Conference in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE'93, June 1993, pp301-303. [PDF]

107. KE: Khan, Javed. I., Juxtaposing Logically Related But Syntactically Disjoint Abstract Program Segments, Fujitsu SMA Workshop on Program Maintenance, Tokyo, Japan, March 1993.

OTR: Other's (Visualization, 3D Surface Triangulation, Symbol Recognition, PACS, etc):

108. OTR: Javed I. Khan, Xuebin Xu and Yongbin Ma, A Framework for 3D Polysensometric Comparative Visualization, Proceedings,4th International Conference on Interactive Visualisation and Interaction Technologies, , Kraków, Poland, June 6-9, 2004, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), pp. 978-985. [SPRINGER]

109. OTR: Javed I. Khan, Xuebin Xu, Yongbin Ma, A Framework for Polysensometric Multidimensional Spatial Visualization, ACM Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, CGIV'04, Penang, Malaysia, July 2004, pp. 159-164. [PDF]

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110. OTR: .M. Bartolo, S.C. Glotzer, J.I. Khan, A.C. Powell, D.R. Sadoway, K.M. Anderson. The Materials Digital Library and the National Science Digital Library Program, Journal of Materials Education, 2004 Vol. 26 No 3-4, Material Research Society, pp207-212 ( )

111. NA/OTR: Cheng, T., Javed. I. Khan, H. Liu & D. Yun, A Symbol Recognition System, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Japan, October 1993, pp918-921.

112. NA/OTR: Tianyu, L, Javed I. Khan, D. Yun, An Optimizing Algorithm for 3D Object Surface Triangulation, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Neural Networks, Honolulu, HI, August, 1996, pp19-22.

113. NA/OTR: H-M Garcia, D. Yun, Y. Ge, Javed. I. Khan, Computer-Aided Treatment Planning and Scheduling for Radiological Services, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Picture Archiving and Communication, Feb 96.

Reprints are available from the publisher, and also copies available on request at [email protected]

Publicly Cited Other Documents Reports1. Dynamic object window prediction for perceptual .2. coding of wide format video with eye-gaze tracking, JI Khan, O Komogortsev - Tech. Rep. TR2002-

11-01, Kent State University, November 2002, (GS(1)).3. J. I. Khan. Attention Modulated Associative Computing and Content-Associative Search in Image Archive. PhD thesis, University of Hawaii, August 1995. (Other(2))

Invited Talks/ Vision Papers

1. Key Note Talk: Joining the High Performance Research Network, ICICT 2008, Khulna, Bangladesh December 2008.

2. Intenet2 Workshop on South Asia: “The Bangladesh Research & Education Network Initiative”, Internet2 Member Meeting, New Orleans, October 2008.

3. Invited Talk, “Models, Mechanics, and Opportunities for Collaborative Engineering and Design in the New Cyber Age.”, ICTP Regional Microelectronics Workshop organized by the Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, July 2008.

4. Invited Talk, “The Bangladesh Research & Education Network Initiative”, Internet2 Member Meeting, New Orleans, October 2008.

5. Keynote Paper Presentation “Contemporary Research and Education Networks around the World,” Organizational Meeting attended by the Vice Chancellors of all public and private Bangladeshi universities, University Grants Commission (UGC) Dhaka, July 9 th & July 22, 2008.

6. Keynote Paper Presentation “Global Kiosk of Higher Education & Scholarship: E-Library, Scholarly Collaboration and Other Transforming Services for Developing World Universities,” Bangladesh Digital Library Initiative Organizational Meeting attended by all Bangladeshi universities, University Grants Commission (UGC) Dhaka, January 9, 2008.

7. Invited Talks: “Models for Collaborative Degrees”: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Tribhuban University, Nepal, January 7, 2008, Dhaka University, January 11, 2008, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), January 11, 2008.

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8. Key Note Talk, “High Performance Research and Education Networks and the Prospects of Bangladesh”, 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, (ICICT 07) Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2007, Javed I. Khan. [site]

9. Workshop Panel: “Dissertation Research Issues: Mobility Algorithms & Protocols that Wont Work for Space Networking”, Panel Presentation in ICICT07, Institute of Business Administration, IBA Karachi, Pakistan, December 2007.

10. Key Note Talk: Emerging Mega Alliance of High Performance Research and Education Networks & Its Implications”, ICICT07, Institute of Business Administration, IBA Karachi, Pakistan, December 2007.

11. Internet2 Special Interest Group on Emerging Research & Education Networks, “Collaboration for Doctoral Research and Education: The Asian Tsunami”, Internet2 Member Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2007.

12. Intenet2 Workshop on South Asia: “Bridging the Digital Divide: Promises and Pitfalls of Higher Education ICT in Bangladesh”, Internet2 Member Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 2007.

13. Fulbright Senior Specialist Workshop: “Mega-nets for Global Research and Educational Network” Conducted a 2-day workshop, International Islamic University in Malaysia, Kualalumpur, December 18-19, 2006. Key Note: Arpanet to Global Fiber Ring to WREN. (http://

14. Two part Workshop Presentation: “Space OSPF - Shortest Delay Intermittent Pathway Routing With Mobile Routers”, Nouman Bantan & Javed Khan, ifth Space Internetworking Workshop SIW-5, Hanover, Maryland, September 12-13, 2006, (http:// Space_Internet_Workshop/SIW-5-Presentations.htm)

15. Invited Speaker: “Digital Divide: Case Study Bangladesh”, Internet2 Member Meeting, February 2006.

16. NASA Faculty Fellow Lecture, “Paradigms of End-to-end Mobility Management”, Advanced CNS (Comm/Nav/Surveillance) Architectures and System for the national airspace system Group, NASA Glenn Research Center, August 2005.

17. NASA Faculty Fellow Lecture, “Protocol Meta Engineering for Cross-Layer Optimization”, Space Networking Group, NASA Glenn Research Center, June 2005.

18. ICICT05, Key Note Paper: Emerging Era of Cooperative Empowerment: Grid, Peer-to-Peer, and Community Computing, Key Note Paper, 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, August 2005.

19. William Fulbright Speaker, Invited Speaker, “A Global Perspective towards Education and Research Networks and Digital Libraries and its role in Developing World”, Seminar organized by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh, January 2006.

20. Invited Speaker: “The New Era of Cooperative Computing”, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan, August 2005.

21. Invited Speaker: “Cooperative Super Computing”, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad, Pakistan, August 2005.

22. Panelist, ICT Education, Research and Development, 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT2004), Bangladesh, December 2004.

23. Invited Talk, Active and Programmable Internet, Multimedia University, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, June 2004.

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24. NASA’s Invitation Only Space Internet Workshop III, Vision Paper on Protocols for Emerging Space Internet, Dynamic Transport Enhancement for Time Elastic Traffic with Transientware, Invited Panel Presentation on future NASA’s Space Internet III, 2003, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2003.

25. LSN Panel presentation in the New Vision in Large Scale Networking Workshop, March 2001 organized by the Federal Large Scale Networking Working Group, consisting all key federal agencies involved in networking research including National Science Foundation (NSF), Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA), Department of Energy (DOE), NASA, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Library of Medicine (NLM), to establish future federal networking research direction. The panel invitation in this invitation only meeting was based on open competition. The vision paper was one of the nine selected for this national panel and one of the three for long presentation.

Department Committee Membership

2001-2002, OBR Budget Committee2002-2003, Colloquium Committee2002-2003, Industrial Outreach Committee2002-2003, Curriculum Committee2003-2004, Library Representative2004-2005, Chair Review Committee2004-2005, Colloquium Committee2004-2005, Faculty Search Committee2003-2004, Library Representative2002-2003, Library Representative2004-2005, OBR Budget Committee2005-2006, OBR Budget Committee2006-2007, OBR Budget Committee2006-2008, Graduate Studies Committee2006-2008, Industrial Affiliates Committee2008-2009, Chair, OBR Budget Committee2008-2009, Industrial Affiliates Committee Qualifying Exam Committee 2004-1998Preliminary Exam Committee, 2004-2007

University Committee Membership2008-2011, University Research Council (URC)2008- 2009, Cyber Infrastructure Advisor to the Vice President for Information Services.


Kailash Bobade, Personalized Credential Negotiation Based on Policy Individualization in Federation, MS Thesis, July 2008.

Davu, Sandeep, Connection Oriented Mobility without Infrastructure with Transparent Networking, November 2006 (defense), May 2008 (submitted).

Sajid Shaikh, Computation Possibilities in Social Networks, MS Thesis, July 2007.

Olufunke Ibitesho Olaleye, Jitter and Delay Reduction for Audio Traffic, MS Thesis, May 2007.

Hardas, Manas Sudhakar, A Novel Approach for Test Problem Assessment Using Course Ontology, MS Thesis, October 2006.

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Guo, Zhong, An Algorithm for Fast Perceptual Object Tracking in a Coded Stream by Analysis of Composite Scene Motion’s Reflection on the Motion Vectors, MS Thesis, June 2006.

Gu, Qiong, Symbiotic Rate Control and Focal Area Resolution Control of MPEG2 Transcoder, MS Thesis, 2004. Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Tamimi, Zakiya, Modeling and Analysis of Self-Replicating Code Propagation, MS Thesis, 2004. . Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Patel, Darsan Patel, Scalable Transcoding for Dynamic Video Rate Adaptation, MS Thesis, 2003. . Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Oleg Komogortsev, Dynamic Gaze-Span Window Based Foveation for Perceptual Media Streaming, MS Thesis, May 2003. Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Tao, Qingping, Impact of Webspace Organization and User Interaction Behavior on a Prefetching Proxy, MS Thesis, 2002. Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

He, Yihua, Fast Intercept of Passing Streams for High Performance Filter Appliances in Application Service Networking, MS Thesis, 2002, .Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.


Oleg Komogortsev, Eye Movement Prediction by Oculomotor Plant Modeling with Kalman Filter, Doctoral Dissertation, December 2007, Supervisor: Javed I. Khan. [dissertation]

Nouman Bantan, Routing Protocol and Algorithm for Space Networking, PhD Dissertation, May 2007. Supervisor: Javed I. Khan. [dissertation] []

Asrar Ul Haque, Bounded Wait Communication for Systems with Distributed And Autonomous Components, PhD Dissertation, 2006, Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Zaghal Raid, Interactive Protocols for Extensible Networking, PhD Dissertation, 2005. . Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.

Yang, Seng-Su, A Framework for Complex Composition of Netcentric Systems, PhD Dissertation, 2004. . Supervisor: Javed I. Khan.


Omar Tahboub Manas Hardas

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