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Page 1: January 2016 Bulletin

1 JANUARY 2016




We honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life with a special service featuring a variety of vocal ensembles.

Dessert Recep on to follow.

United Hebrew Welcomes Leslie Yoffie as our new President.

Thank You to Lexie Goldsmith as she concludes her Presidency.

See pages 4-9 for a recap of the 2015 Annual Meeting & Election of Officers and Board of Trustees as well as the presentation of the 2015 Irene Fox Ruach Award to Bob Sterneck.

HaMakor המקֹור

Shabbat at UH

Friday, January 1 - 21 Tevet 5776 5:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service *Note the special time for New Year’s Day

Saturday, January 2 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, January 8 - 28 Tevet 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service Birthday Blessing for Children

Saturday, January 9 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, January 15 - 6 Shevat 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – MLK Jr. Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg Birthday & Anniversary Blessings for Adults

Saturday, January 16 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service Friday, January 22 - 13 Shevat 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service

Saturday, January 23 9:00 a.m. – “Kid”dush Club 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of

Samantha Megan Sallet Daughter of Ron & Debbie Sallet Friday, January 29 - 20 Shevat 5776 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service

Saturday, January 23 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service

January 1, 2016 21 Tevet 5776

Volume XCV No. 5

Congregation Achdut Yisroel Established in St. Louis in 1837 First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River


Page 2: January 2016 Bulletin


UH’s New Website Has Arrived!

Check out United Hebrew’s New Website!


Colorful and user‐friendly  Easier to RSVP for programs and 

make payments  Mobile‐Responsive 

Save the Dates April 29 - May 1, 2016 Nefesh Mountain is

coming to United Hebrew!

We are excited to announce that Jewish Bluegrass Band, Nefesh Mountain, will be our

Artists-in-Residents right after Passover.

Nefesh Mountain is the place where the Jewish spirit and soul meet with Bluegrass and Old-Time musical traditions. Husband and wife team, Eric Lindberg and Doni Zasloff, are pioneering this blend of Jewish Americana throughout the country, bringing their unique knowledge and passion for both Jewish and Bluegrass traditions to the fore, singing English and Hebrew songs alike. As a duo, Doni & Eric alternate lead and harmony vocals while switching between instruments, using the drive of the banjo, intrigue of the guitar, nuance of the mandolin and visceral sound of the dobro.

There will be programs for all ages including a community concert on Sunday, May 1.

More information coming soon!

Check out their music at

Page 3: January 2016 Bulletin

3 JANUARY 2016

The holiday season is over and as we move forward into the new year, it is time once again to think about the summer - perhaps just thinking about the summer will help you make it through the cold months that lie ahead. What will your family do this summer? What will your child(ren) do? I encourage each of you to think about

sending your kids, or suggesting to family members that they send their kids, to a Jewish summer (sleep-away) camp or, if your kids are old enough, sending them on a trip to Israel. The effects of time spent at a Jewish summer camp are lasting. Studies by the Foundation for Jewish Camping show that 66 percent of camp alumni "feel the importance of being Jewish," compared to a national average of 44 percent. Of camp alumni, 63 percent are members of a synagogue; nearly double the statistics of Jews nationwide (33 percent). Within the Reform Movement we have some incredible camps and, here in St. Louis, we have an incredible summer Israel trip for our teens! Goldman Union Camp Institute (also known as GUCI), in Zionsville, Indiana, is our regional Reform Jewish camp and it is a mere four hours from United Hebrew. Offering programs for children entering grades 3-12 in sessions of 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks, GUCI provides an extraordinary summer experience that integrates Jewish life and learning into a robust and diverse program of activities and traditions. URJ 6 Points Sports Academy, a Reform Jewish sports camp in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Los Angeles, California, for children ages 9-16. Jewish athletes participate in top-level sports, training alongside the beloved traditions of Reform Jewish camping. 6 Points Sports offers three 2 week sessions. URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, near Boston, Massachusetts, for children entering grades 5-10. Spend 2 weeks exploring robotics, video game design, environmental science, digital media and a host of other fun activities with kids who share similar interests. Campers explore what Judaism means to them and how it complements their interests in science and technology. Israel Bound St. Louis is a teen Israel trip sponsored by the Reform Congregations in St. Louis. This trip is for teens cur-rently in the 10th through 12th grades. The trip dates are June 6 - June 26 and students will have the opportunity to truly ex-perience Israel. They will travel with peers from St. Louis, visit our sister region of Yokneam and Megiddo, and come away from this experience with a real love for Israel. To top it

off, it is highly likely that, once again, this trip will be led by our own youth director, H. Lee Rosenberg.

Kutz: NFTY’s Campus for Reform Jewish Teens, in Warwick, New York, is a fun and exciting high school only environment where Reform Jewish teens entering grades 10-12 can learn invaluable skills to better themselves as leaders in their home communities. In the NFTY Leadership Experience, you choose your majors and create a schedule that best fits your needs and interests. Become an expert in leadership, social justice, creative arts or Judaic studies and enjoy sports, music, friends, the outdoors and more at an inclusive, welcoming teen-only experience.

NFTY Mitzvah Corps (Multiple Locations) Spend 2, 4, or 6 weeks turning your passion into action! NFTY Mitzvah Corps takes Reform Jewish teens in grades 10-12 to communities in North America, Central America or Israel and empowers you to make a difference! Visit places like Costa Rica, New Jersey, New Orleans, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Pacific Northwest, Wash-ington, DC and Israel.

I realize that for so many of us money is tight and we carefully consider how we spend it, but as the statistics have shown, time spent at camp and on an Israel trip can make an incredible and lasting impact on your child and his/her Jewish identity. I hope that you will sit down as a family and discuss the possibility. If you need financial help to make it happen, then please contact me so that we can try and work through it together. United Hebrew has scholarship money for teen travel to Israel through the Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund and we have a small amount of camp scholarship money through the Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund.

Make this summer a memorable one for your child, give him/her the gift of a “home away from home” at camp or in Israel, where Judaism is always “in the air!”

I wish you a wonderful month and hope that thoughts of spring and summer will bring a little warmth to you during these cold winter months.




Due to HIPAA laws, United Hebrew is unable to gain access to patient information for local hospitals. We rely solely on word-of-mouth from family members and other congregants to make clergy visits. If you know someone in the hospital or desiring a visit from a clergy member, please contact Tara at [email protected] or 314-469-0700. Once received, the information will be entered into our system and shared with the clergy.

Page 4: January 2016 Bulletin


United Hebrew Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015

Don Siegel Photography 

2016 Officers & Board of Trustees At the Annual Meeting, members elected the following to serve as United Hebrew’s 2016 Officers and Board of Trustees. Officers President: Leslie Yoffie Vice Presidents: Julie Gibbs, Phil Frischer, Matthew Holt Treasurer: Bob Sterneck Assistant Treasurer: Michael Klein Secretary: David Rosenstock

Board Members: Michael Bauer, Naomi Barasch, Marcy Cornfeld, Beth Feldman, Charlie Feldman, Michael Ferman, Alisa Gordon, Steve Guller, Gerald Elfenbein, Sam Heiman, Josh Hutkins, Barry Krell, Stacy Kress, Jason Meyer, Jenifer Newmark, David Schenberg, Tony Spielberg, Jim Susman, David Wallace and Greg Wittner

Active Life Members: Ed Becker, Jerry Brasch, Rick Cornfeld, Paul Flotken, Ron Gieseke, Barry Ginsburg, Lexie Goldsmith, Burton Greenberg, Steven Laiderman, Dan Raskas, Larry Steinman, Stan Towerman, Steven Toybes, Lee Wielansky and Alan Wolff

Thank you to the following board members for completing your term of office: Eva Ashner, Andy Babitz, Lynda Baris, Sheryl Bauer, Amy Bender-Levy, Jill Crane, Henry Diamant, Bruce Essman, Elayne Grossberg, Adam Herman, Lew Levey, Michael Towerman and Mark Witzling

Front row: Phil Frischer, Julie Gibbs, Leslie Yoffie, Bob Sterneck, Michael Klein, Lexie Goldsmith Second Row: Rick Cornfeld, Rabbi Brigi e Rosenberg, Beth Feldman, Sam Heiman, Tony Spielberg, Stacy Kress, Charlie Feldman,  Marcy Cornfeld, David Wallace, Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Dan Raskas Back Row: Gerald Elfenbein, Mike Bauer, Jim Susman, Steve Guller, Steven Toybes, Michael Ferman, Cantor Ron Eichaker 

Page 5: January 2016 Bulletin

5 JANUARY 2016

Bob Sterneck receives the 2015 Irene Fox Ruach Award SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015

Each person who has received the Irene Fox Ruach Award has demonstrated in his/her own way a spirit that exemplifies the best of United Hebrew. This year is no different.

At this time last year when Bob Sterneck was elected to the Board of Trustees he did not imagine just how much time and energy he would give to UH this year. He has always been active at UH, in different ways, and has been part of different communities and groups that gather in our building. He came back onto the board after many years and brought an eagerness and a willingness to give. This year, when Bob Gummers retired as Executive Director after 27 years, Bob Sterneck stepped in as interim Executive Director and gave - himself, his knowledge, his understanding of people and systems and his patience. And, when it was time to transition, he didn’t just walk away, he continued and continues to give and to be present, to help

with the change and changes that have been made and will continue to be made.

He has become a partner in doing the important work of this congregation. We celebrate his spirit , his ruach. His spirit of giving, his spirit of enthusiasm, a spirit with which we all have been blessed. It is a spirit that exemplifies the best of our congregational family!

Mazel tov Bob!

Don Siegel Photography 


Bob Sterneck’s Remarks upon receiving the 2015 Irene Fox Ruach Award

Thank you very much for this recognition. It is an incredible honor. I’m not sure if it should really be me thanking United Hebrew for being such an important part of my life and my family’s life for almost the past 60 years. It’s pretty ironic that I am here today getting recognized for volunteering because a little over a year ago, NJ and I were talking and she said “So Bobby, what are you going to do with all the extra time now that you’re retiring?” After I listed a few things, I said, and I will probably volunteer at United Hebrew a little bit. Well, it was four or five months later that I received a call from Lexie asking me to help with a special project and I think the rest is history.

The bottom line is that volunteering here has been for me, a win-win situation. Yes, I have been able to help United Hebrew, but United Hebrew has given me so much more by allowing me to meet so many people and develop friendships that I will have for the rest of my life. In terms of also being a win-win situation, how often can you be in a meeting with the rabbi, when it gets interrupted by your granddaughter who says, “Poppy, can I have a hug?” So there is a little benefit to making my home at United Hebrew.

Again, thank you, but just as important I would like to thank all of the other volunteers who give so much of their time and energy to make United Hebrew a better place for all of us. A special thank you to Lexie and Rabbi Rosenberg for all of your support. Thanks very much everybody.

Don Siegel Photography 

Don Siegel Photography 

Welcome Leslie Yoffie as the new President of United Hebrew 

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Remarks from the Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015


As I stand before you today, after serving as your president for two years, I want to primarily convey my thanks to you. Thanks for this great honor, thanks for your confidence in me and for your support. Thanks for your patience as we adapt to changes in our congregation and community,

and, most especially, thanks for walking alongside us as United Hebrew addresses the challenges that all Reform Jewish congregations across North America are experiencing, as we move into the future.

United Hebrew is well positioned to move soundly into the future. We have tremendous rabbinic leadership under Rabbi Rosenberg. She is deeply committed to you, her clergy and staff, and to this congregation. Having worked alongside her for these two years, I have witnessed her many talents, not only on the pulpit, but in the day to day life of a senior rabbi -on call 24/7, 52 weeks a year - and she is truly remarkable. We are so blessed to have her at the helm. Leslie Yoffie, as our next president, is an outstanding choice, and I am confident she will lead us with her ever-present grace and superb leadership skills.

As Mike just detailed in his report, we do have financial challenges. United Hebrew depends on every member family to help support the daily operations of the congregation. We are especially grateful to those of you who have embraced the process of recommitting to your United Hebrew membership each year, by completing the Annual Membership Commitment form mailed with your statements, and arranging to keep current with your monthly, quarterly and annual payments for membership and school tuition. We are thankful to those of you who recommit to paying a little more than the Basic Annual Commitment and to those of you who generously participate on the Scroll of Honor each year.

Here are only a few highlights of the past year here at United Hebrew: we began the year with a fabulous event showcasing the beautiful new spaces in the Kaplansky Center and Messing Auditorium, with our Chai Society Gala. Many thanks to the committee chairs, gala committee members and those who made tributes on behalf of the honorees. We are deeply grateful to the Offer-Rosenberg family who established an Endowment Fund to support the Director of Youth Engagement, as part of that fundraising effort.

This spring, we honored long time Executive Director, Bob Gummers, who retired after 27 years of service to United Hebrew. We are grateful to Bob Sterneck who stepped in to serve as Interim Director for three months and continues to work on many projects behind the scenes and will serve as our

next Treasurer.

We welcomed two new directors to our staff in July: Dr. Bryan Pearlman as Executive Director and Lauren Lourie as Director of Early Childhood Engagement. Thanks to Steve Guller and Matt Holt who led those director searches.

Our weekly Shabbat experiences, including the Shabbat Nosh, Friday evening services and Torah Study, continue to grow in attendance and popularity. We are thrilled with the multitudes who attended our annual special Shabbats: such as the annual “Welcome Home Shabbarbeque”, hosted by the dedicated team on our Membership Committee, Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and the Camp Rainbow Fundraiser led by our NFTY/UHTYG teens. We appreciate the dedicated volunteers, including teens, who assist in preparing the delicious food for our nosh and breakfasts each week.

Musically, we continue to thrive and provide exciting worship experiences, under Cantor Eichaker’s leadership. The musical talent and creativity of our children, teens and adults is unmatched. This year, we were graced with not one, but two, special performances by musicians of the St. Louis Symphony, precisely because they were so impressed with our musical strength on their first visit. We are so fortunate that Rick Recht - now a national and international Jewish music sensation - continues to headline our High Holy Days Multigenerational Service and Shabbat Alive! services, after many years as Artist-in-Residence for our congregation.

This year we continued to offer opportunities to engage with Jewish life out in the community. Special services such as “Rosh Hashanah in the Orchard” and clergy classes held at Clayton offices or the Brodsky Library are just a couple of examples we are proud to offer.

We continue to see great involvement with Jewish life experiences and engagement with Israel for our kids and teens: attending Jewish camps and traveling to Israel each summer, often led by Lee Rosenberg. We are grateful to have endowed funds and scholarships that help make this travel possible. We look forward to the many UHers who are involved in this summer’s Maccabi games.

Our Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center continues to bring wonderful new families to our congregation, as well as our own families. Yes, we are still improving our business model, yet we are committed to providing the high-quality Jewish educational and care experience our working families need. We continue to explore opportunities to make it more affordable for those of less financial means.

Our religious school, Hebrew school, Chai school; b’nai mitzvah, confirmation and post-confirmation education continue to provide innovative and new learning tools for our children, thanks to Rabbi Shapiro for her leadership.

Page 7: January 2016 Bulletin

7 JANUARY 2016

Remarks from the Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015

Our Youth groups thrive as we welcome all to participate, increase collaboration with BBYO and other congregations, while building strong teen leaders in our congregation. The UH Brotherhood and Women of UH continue to grow with social, service and fundraising activities to benefit the congregation. Our Mitzvah and Caring Committees continue to provide vital services benefiting congregants and organizations in our community.

Thanks to your generous donations, United Hebrew continues to expand providing vital community services through the Backpack Buddies program that provides weekend meals to needy children in the Parkway School District. And we are now one year into serving as the host-site for weekly Nar-A-Non meetings, supporting families and friends of individuals experiencing drug addiction. We are the only Jewish facility in the area, as well as the only Chesterfield location, providing this deeply needed service.

The United Hebrew Cemetery also had needed repairs to its landscape, grounds and fencing over the past 18 months and you will see great improvements on your next visit, thanks to our Cemetery Committee and volunteer leaders.

As we end this calendar year, I am excited to reveal that we will have a new colorful and user-friendly website launching very soon. This will greatly improve our communications inside and outside the congregation. It will be highly-secure, mobile-responsive, fast and have many features that will improve user-engagement, while showcasing United Hebrew to the community.

*** It goes without saying that I am deeply grateful to the many people who have supported me personally and have supported our work as lay leaders of United Hebrew.

First, I would like to thank my family for your love and support over these past two years; especially my husband, Steve, who has been incredibly understanding and supportive - much more than I ever would have imagined - and to our sons, Matt and Danny.

I thank our incredibly talented clergy, Rabbi Rosenberg, Cantor Eichaker and Rabbi Shapiro, for their deep commitment to the congregation, their visionary leadership and spiritual guidance. It has been such a privilege to work closely with you these past two years. Thank you to Rabbi Kaplansky and Cantor Hochberg, our wonderful emeritus clergy, for your continued involvement and support for all things United Hebrew.

I would like to thank our professional staff: Executive Director, Bryan Pearlman, and before him, Bob Gummers; Program and Communications Director, Cori Neidenberg; Director of Early Childhood Engagement, Lauren Lourie; Development and

Membership Director, Amy Stone; and our Director of Youth Engagement, H. Lee Rosenberg. Your leadership and dedication to serving our UH community is deeply appreciated. I wish to thank our administrative staff team: Marsha Kunin, Tara Mann, Katie Ferry, April Hickman and Jessy Nelson; Beverly Boucher, our bookkeeper; Debra Grund, our Kitchen and Event Manager; Iris DeWoskin, our Gift Shop Manager; David Cohen, our extremely talented organist and Assistant Musical Director; and Rick Recht, Artist-in-Residence. In addition, I thank all the dedicated teachers and child care staff who creatively and conscientiously educate and care for our children, providing the best Jewish education to our youngest members. It was a special privilege to work closely with those of you in our early childhood community during the director search last spring. I want to give special accolades to our teen assistants and summer camp staff. We appreciate your commitment to helping other kids grow and thrive as part of our UH and Jewish community.

I am thankful to all of our lay leaders for your stewardship and commitment especially to those who served with me as officers these past two years: to Vice Presidents Julie Gibbs, Steve Guller and Leslie Yoffie; to our Treasurer, Alisa Gordon and Assistant Treasurer, Mike Ferman; and to Matt Holt, our Secretary. Many thanks to the past presidents who serve on the Executive Committee, Dan Raskas, Ed Becker, Rick Cornfeld, Ron Gieseke and Steve Toybes; for your continued involvement and guidance. Special thanks to you, Steve Toybes, for your many years of service on the Executive Committee as you complete your term. I also thank our other past presidents, who remain committed and engaged in an advisory capacity as well as lead special projects and assignments. Many thanks to all of our board members and committee chairs who devote many hours to planning, leading initiatives and assisting our clergy and staff in developing meaningful opportunities for engagement throughout the year.

My thanks to the hundreds of committee members and volunteers of all ages in our congregation, without you we would not be able to accomplish nearly so much in a given year. I wish I had time to name you all this afternoon. Please be assured that we are grateful for your contributions and your gifts of time. I would also like to give a special thank you to Don Siegel for photographing today’s meeting and for the many events he covers for United Hebrew.

As I conclude here this afternoon, I would like to thank Dan Raskas, as chair of the Nominating Committee, and for your great assistance these past two years. I also thank the members of the Nominating Committee.

(Con nued on page 9)

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Remarks from the Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015


I would like to thank just a few of the many individuals who have so positively influenced me over the years and those who have served as my mentors, thus allowing me to stand with you this evening as President of this wonderful congregation.

Lexie, it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as one of your vice presidents the last two years. I have not only watched you develop into the fabulous leader you are today, but have learned so much from you along the way. You lead by example and delegate with grace, your attention to detail is unparalleled and your dedication has been unyielding. I hope to carry forward these wonderful characteristics, but most importantly, I know you will be here to guide and support me whenever needed. Thank you to Dan Raskas and Rick Cornfeld for the invaluable lessons in leadership and collaboration which you so graciously shared while I served as an officer during your presidencies. Knowing that these past Presidents, in addition to Ed Becker and Ron Gieseke, remain on the Executive Committee gives me the confidence to ensure our members that United Hebrew has the necessary depth and breath of leadership to continue on our strong trajectory. A special thank you to Steve Toybes as well for your exemplary service on the Executive Committee over the past ten years. Your counsel and guidance will be missed. Our congregation is fortunate to have another outstanding group of officers this year: Julie Gibbs, Matt Holt, Phil Frischer, Bob Sterneck, Michael Klein and David Rosenstock. Their talents and enthusiasm are varied and outstanding and will be of great benefit to our congregation. Bob, I would like to add my own heartfelt congratulations to you on the receipt of the Ruach Award. What an honor bestowed upon a truly deserving individual who has selflessly dedicated so much to our congregation - Mazel Tov! Steve Guller, Alisa Gordon and Mike Ferman, it has been an honor and a pleasure to work with each of you the past four years. Please consider this as your official notice that you will be called upon for your continued expertise. Our congregation is blessed with outstanding clergy and staff. I am thrilled to have excellent and long-standing relationships with Rabbi Rosenberg, Cantor Eichaker, Rabbi Shapiro and Rabbi Kaplansky. Together, the clergy, staff and lay leadership will continue to strive for opportunities to challenge ourselves to provide our members with innovative and excellent service and programming.

On a more personal note, I would like to thank my parents who were always wonderful role models. My dad served as an officer of our synagogue and chaired Federation campaigns; my mom always made Shabbat and the Jewish holidays incredibly special. There was always talk about the welfare of our congregations and the importance of tzedakah in our home. My parents sent me to Jewish summer camp and actually rented a student rabbi for my bat mitzvah at our 50 family congregation. Such was Jewish life in Huntsville, Alabama, in the 70’s! My in-laws, Sally and Jerry Yoffie, receive my gratitude for our family joining United Hebrew, for wherever they go I will follow, such is my love for them. I also want to thank my husband, Barry, and my sons, Alex and Stephen. They have been extremely supportive of the time commitment I have given our congregation. When I asked each of them what they thought of my taking this position, their responses were unequivocally positive. I suppose the fact that both of my sons are now in college and no longer rely on me for their dinners may have swayed their opinions! Barry, however, receives extra brownie points. This evening I would like to share my vision for our congregation and the reason that I am so excited to serve as your President. This too necessitates a thank you to an individual who made a phone call to me eighteen years ago and simply asked me to attend a meeting at UH. She told me that a group of women were going to plan a lunch program sponsored by the Women of Reform Judaism, now known as the Women of UH. I was happy that someone reached out to me and asked me to come to a meeting. I went, met other members of UH, worked on the program with other women, attended the program and over the course of my involvement, began to feel comfortable in this space. Shortly thereafter, I was asked to join the WRJ Board and I accepted. This was one of the most fortuitous decisions I have ever made. It was through working on this committee that my true connection with this congregation, with United Hebrew, was forged. I made what was to become lifelong friends, held the Torah in my arms for the first time, had the opportunity get to know our rabbis on a personal level and, most important, I felt like I belonged at United Hebrew; I had made my connection. This eventually led to my chairing the Religious School Board, serving as a member of the Board of Trustees and then Secretary and Vice President of the congregation. It all started with a simple phone call, making a connection and has culminated in this evening. This is why I want to serve as your President. Each member of our congregation, each of you, deserves to have this same feeling of connection to United Hebrew. A connection to United Hebrew that is meaningful to you. A connection that makes you feel like you are walking into a familiar space

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9 JANUARY 2016

when you open our doors, not only a place that you enter on the High Holidays. A connection that is warm, inviting, real and friendly. Whether it is being a regular attendant at Shabbat services, playing cards in the Kaplansky Center, volunteering in the kitchen, or pulling weeds in the Messing Garden, each of you deserves a special connection with your congregation. It is my hope that helping each of our members create a connection to United Hebrew in a meaningful way will keep our congregation strong for today and for the future. So when you get that call, say yes, come join us, get connected to your congregation.

Introduction to Judaism: Class starts in February! Registration Open Soon!

Looking to take the next step in your Jewish journey? Part of an interfaith rela onship and want to learn more? Born Jewish, but it’s been a while? Interested in conversion to Judaism? 

Then you’re invited to Introduc on to Judaism ‐ a 16 week course on the basics of Judaism  

Tuesday Nights from 7:00 ‐ 9:00 p.m. February 16 ‐ May 31, 2016 

Classes will be at Central Reform Congrega on (in the Central West End)  

For more informa on, contact Steve Sorkin at [email protected] 


Baked T’s   

Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish this Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation.

Our thanks to Baked T’s and all of our advertisers. Additional advertisers are always welcome. 


In January, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need: canned beef stew, chili, pasta with meat,

canned tuna fish, kosher food, any type of canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, hand soap, toothpaste and detergent.

Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000 individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in any way you can.

Items should be brought to the collection bins at UH. Thank you!

Remarks from the Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015

Outgoing President’s Remarks

(Con nued from page 7)

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to all of you joining the Board of Trustees in 2016 and special thanks to the board members completing your board terms: Eva Ashner, Andy Babitz, Lynda Baris, Sheryl Bauer, Amy Bender-Levy, Jill Crane, Henry Diamant, Bruce Essman, Elayne Grossberg, Adam Herman, Lew Levey, Mike Towerman and Mark Witzling. We look forward to your continued leadership in other capacities on behalf of the congregation.

Once again, congratulations to Bob Sterneck on receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award for 2015; a well-deserved honor for the amount of time and energy you have poured into serving United Hebrew.

Lastly, but most importantly, I want to thank you, our members for your dedication to United Hebrew as your congregation. It has been such a privilege to come to know so many of you personally, and as I’ve said before, by far, the best part of being in this role. I wish you all the best in 2016.

Please join me in congratulating Leslie Yoffie as your next president and the new officers and board for the coming year.  

Page 10: January 2016 Bulletin



The next UH Book Club meeting is on Thursday, January 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel at UH. The book we will be discussing is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Louisa is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life. She takes a badly needed job working for Will, who is wheelchair-bound after an accident and refuses to treat him with kid gloves. Will has always lived a huge life and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.

Our February 4 book will be Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. This novel weaves elephant behavior into a search for a missing mother. Teenager, Jenna Metcalf, was just three years old when her mother disappeared from an elephant sanctuary. Ten years later, she takes up the search for her mother, Alice, by studying Alice’s decade-old journals on grieving elephants. As the facts begin to come together - described in alternating chapters by Jenna, a psychic, a private detective, and Alice’s journals - it all heads toward a thrilling conclusion. And, yes, there is a big twist at the end.

Additional upcoming book selections: March 3: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr April 7: The Middle Step by Denise Pattiz Bogard May 5: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom

You can join us for just one session if you like a particular book or come to all of the sessions. There is no long-term commitment necessary. So that we know how many people to expect, RSVPs are appreciated to April at 314-434-3404.


Join the United Hebrew Seniors Groups on Monday, January 25 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium. We will be playing bingo and there are prizes to win!

Prior to the program, enjoy a lunch of apricot chicken, green beans, rice, the UH house salad and more! The cost to participate is $8 per person. To RSVP, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: April, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Thursday, January 21. For more information, call April at 314-434-3404. DINNER AND A MOVIE:

THE GARDEN OF THE FINZI-CONTINIS *Rescheduled from December

Join us on Saturday, February 6 at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and a movie. Since we had to cancel the December program, the film for February will be The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film and directed by legendary 4-time Oscar winner, Vittorio de Sica (Bicycle Thieves). The film is a beautiful and haunting story of unrequited love set in WWII in Ferrara, Italy. The Finzi-Contini are one of the leading families, wealthy, urbane, aristocratic; they are also Jewish and the forces of politics close in. Italian with English subtitles.

Prior to the movie, enjoy a delicious Italian meal consisting of homemade pasta, a fish dish and, of course, dessert.

The cost for dinner is $15 per person. To make a reservation, please contact April at [email protected] or 314-434-3404.


Thank you so much to everyone who donated items to our Adopt-a-Family program. The kids at Hanna Woods were so excited to receive all of their gifts and the families appreciate everything UH is doing for them. Thank you also to everyone who made food and monetary donations during the month of December. We appreciate your

continued support for this wonderful program. During the month of January, we are especially in need of individual snacks and canned pasta with meat. Please bring your donations to UH and put in one of the large red bins in the chapel lobby or in the school wing. For more information, please contact Cori at [email protected] or 314-434-3404.


Join us on Wednesday, January 13 at 12 noon in the Mess-ing Auditorium for the next program in our Wednesday Mat-inee Film Series for the film, Gabe Kaplan as “Groucho.” Groucho Marx kept us laughing for decades with the bushy eyebrows, the moustache, the cigar and the rapid-fire barbed wit. The film was co-written by Groucho’s son, Arthur Marx and brilliantly delivered by Gabe Kaplan of “Welcome Back, Kotter” fame. Through Kaplan, you meet Groucho the man, his brothers, his wives, his valued friends and hated ene-mies.

Lunch, preceding the film, will include pizza and salad, dessert and popcorn. Cost is $7 for UH members and $8 for non-members.

To RSVP, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: April, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Monday, January 11. For more information, call April at 314-434-3404 or e-mail [email protected].

Page 11: January 2016 Bulletin

11 JANUARY 2016


Ongoing Daytime Classes

Shabbat Morning Torah Study Cantor and Rabbis Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel) 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat morning Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah portion or ability to read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will explore the portion for that Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives today, and wrestle with questions. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m.

Date Torah Portion Triennial Cycle Verses January 2 Shemot Exodus 3:1 - 4:17 January 9 Va’eira Exodus 7:8 - 8:15 January 16 Bo Exodus 11:4 - 12:28 January 23 Beshalach Exodus 14:15 - 16:10 January 30 Yitro Exodus 19:1 - 20:23

Amateurs of the Great Assembly Cantor Eichaker (formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”) Thursdays (Library) 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Intermediate Hebrew Rabbi Shapiro Thursdays (in Room 18) 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Now that we can read Hebrew, what does it all mean? How do we decode the words we recite and how do we understand the language of our prayers? Join us each week as we continue to work on building upon our Hebrew skills.

Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series See page 17 “Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land.” - Leviticus 25:10

What’s Happening DID YOU KNOW???

Mr. Universe 2015 is an Israeli. He is 23-year-old, Danny Kaganovich from Be’er Sheva.

source: ynetnews

Girls in the Know was founded in 2009 by St. Louis mom and UH member, Lori Lander. With her children quickly approaching the difficult tween years, Lori became very motivated to find avenues that would help her foster positive ways to openly communicate with her daughters about the difficult and critically important subjects that lie ahead. "We are raising our daughters in a very fast paced world today. I feel it is so important to take pause and focus on nurturing the mother (caregivers)/daughter relationship, via education and communication, during the pre-teen years to strengthen their bond while encouraging positive behaviors as our daughters navigate through the difficult teen years and mature into adulthood." There were no other organizations in St. Louis that aimed their programming toward both mothers/caregivers and their pre-teen daughters, side by side to address the mental, physical, emotional and social challenges young women face in today’s culture, so Lori created one. Lori said, “Girls in the Know has provided my daughters with important information and resources that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. In addition, the programs have elicited countless conversations that continue to deepen the bond between my daughters and I." Be a Mother-Daughter Team: How to Survive and

Thrive the Teen Years Girls In The Know Presents Workshop With NY

Mom-Daughter Bestselling Authors Mark your calendars for January 16-17, 2016, for an incredible journey of love, laughter and learning with special guests, Sil and Eliza Reynolds, mother-daughter co-authors of the bestseller Mothering and Daughtering, Keeping Your Bond Strong Through The Teen Years. Sil (mom) and Eliza (daughter) will lead 20 mothers and their preteen/teen daughters in a weekend of initiation, communication and celebration. Participants will take time to nourish their relationship and learn how to respect and understand each other more completely. Through ritual, storytelling, art and exercises in communication, participants will be given tools to build bridges and keep them strong through the rocky teen years. For more information on the various events throughout the weekend, their locations and registration information, please visit the website

Save the Date For a Speaker on Israel  

Sponsored by     


Especially for members of United Hebrew  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 7:30pm 

Spielberg Chapel  

Watch for more details and the  announcement of the speaker! 

Page 12: January 2016 Bulletin


Page 13: January 2016 Bulletin

13 JANUARY 2016

Youth Engagement The Duck Pond Happy new year! That means it is time for summer! If you are in 10th or 11th grade, go to Israel with St. Louis Israel Bound (see box). Not in high school yet? Want to stay state-side? There are many options for you this summer. Come to the United Hebrew Jewish Overnight Camping Fair on January 31 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. to find a camp that fits YOU. Talk with representatives from overnight camps, the Goldman Union Camp (GUCI), Sabra, Ben Frankel, Livingston will all be there. We are also having specialty camps come that day, 6Points Sports Academy is the Reform Jewish sports camp; athletes entering 5th – 11th grade can learn the skills in their chosen sports, all while living Jewishly. At the 6Points Science and Technology camp - scientific inquiry meets fun! Campers entering grades 5-9 develop hypotheses, perform experiments and test out new technologies in a supportive, vibrant Jewish community.

Calendars: Check the calendars at for updated dates and times for all the youth group activities. All sign ups will be at

Club45 (4th and 5th Grades) Tues., Jan. 5 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Club45 Lounge Tues., Feb. 2 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Club45 Lounge

UHJYG (6th and 7th Grades) Sun., Jan. 31 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. JYG Snow Tube Event (7th Grade) Feb. 26-28 NFTY-MV JYG Convention St. Louis

U8 (8th Grade) Sun., Jan. 31 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Youth Group Snow Day Feb. 26 - 28 NFTY-MV JYG Convention St. Louis, MO

NFTY:UHTYG (High School) Wed., Jan. 6 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Wed., Jan. 13 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night January 15-18 NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah Boulder, CO Wed., Jan. 20 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Wed., Jan. 27 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night

Camp Rainbow Dinner Recap The UHTYG Camp Rainbow Dinner in December was a great success! We are proud to have collected $3,573 in donations for this great organization. This money will help children living with and surviving blood disorders and blood cancer related diseases attend Camp Rainbow. This camp provides wonderful and positive experiences for these children and their families. As members of UH, we are proud to be supporting our NFTY youth group mitzvah project, Camp Rainbow. If you are interested in being a counselor at Camp Rainbow for a week this June, (you must be 16 years old by May 1) contact H. Lee for more information.

NFTY 7th and 8th grade Conven on February 26‐28! Who: 7th & 8th graders from reform congregations in Denver,

Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Peoria & more! What: A NFTY weekend of learning, laughter, and socializing.

Participants will be accompanied by H. Lee Rosenberg, additional chaperones (1:10 ratio), and high school ambassadors.

Learn more at Where: Central Reform Congregation – St. Louis, MO Keep an eye out about housing. We encourage everyone to house or to be housed. As the event is hosted by CRC, many UHers will be invited to stay in homes closer to the Central West End. $$$: The expected registration cost is $140. Additional

subsidy and scholarship money is readily available. Money is not a reason to miss this convention, please fill out this request form ( or contact Lee or a clergy person before February 3.

RSVP: Head over to to register.

So ball is Coming This Summer! The St. Louis co-ed inter-congregational league plays from May - August on Sundays. Interested? Send H. Lee Rosenberg ([email protected]) an email and he will put you in contact with the coaches of the three UH teams.


Going to a Jewish Overnight Camp This Summer? United Hebrew Congregation does have some funds available to help get your child to camp. Applications are online at Deadline to apply is February 28.

$5,350 All Inclusive Deadline for Application is: January 15, 2016

Explore ancient Jerusalem and modern Tel Aviv Climb Masada at sunrise Travel on camels in the Negev Desert and eat in a Bedouin tent Float in the Dead Sea Snorkel and swim in Eilat Connect with Israeli Teens Raft the Jordan River Reflect at the Kotel, The Western Wall.. and much more!

Make sure you apply for funds from the Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund ( and from CAJE (

For more information, contact Karen Rader at 314-442-3756 or email [email protected]

Page 14: January 2016 Bulletin


Brasch Building Maintenance Fund

IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Steve Goldsmith Eva & Fred Ashner *Special Birthday of Irv Bernhardt Arlene Caplan & Joe Tripodi *Bob Sterneck Receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award Sherilyn & Barry Krell *Clergy & Staff of United Hebrew Marty & Merle Oberman *Special Birthday of Gerry Smith Jerry & Rosalie Brasch

Building Fund IN MEMORY OF:

*Father, Rene C. Mayer Shirley & Alan Gorman

Clergy Discretionary Funds IN APPRECIATION:

Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family *Of Torah Study Laura Leigh Robinson Teri Steinberg

IN HONOR OF: *Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Kolker Michael & Debra Klevens *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Ted & Evelyn Cohen Charles & Linda Hilton Irv & Ileane Fagin Don & Susie Siegel Sadie Cohn Arlene Caplan & Joe Tripodi The Dobkin Family *Leslie Yoffie’s Election as President of United Hebrew Jerry & Sally Yoffie

IN MEMORY OF: *Leon Felman Beth & Buddy Feldman

Ada & Frank Friedman Youth Group Fund

Iris & Alan DeWoskin IN HONOR OF:

*Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Debbie & Jerry Alexander Eleanor & Myron Holtzman Sandra & Sheldon Sabath Carol Faintich Dr. & Mrs. Robert Senior John & Jenifer Newmark Betty Lehrman *Speedy Recovery of Harvey Pines Sandra & Shelly Sabath

IN MEMORY OF: *David Faintich Carol Faintich

General Fund Stan & Denise Bunsick Amy & Jeff Stone Leslie & Barry Yoffie Reva Davis Kirsten & Brian Schultz

IN APPRECIATION: Monday Mah Jongg Group *Of the United Hebrew Clergy & Staff Lexie & Steve Goldsmith *Of Shabbat Alive Larry & Joyce Lipschutz

IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Linda Wallace Jules & Michele Gitlin Linda Stark Ione Comess Barbara & Michael Newmark Joyce Berger Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Hookerman Paul & Barbara Melnik *Speedy & Complete Recovery of Sandy Willick Linda Wallace Adele & Ivan Schenberg *Speedy Recovery of Jo Ann Black Suzie & David Shoub *Bar Mitzvah of Grandson of Judy & Larry Schwartz Sharon & Richard Edwards *Bob Sterneck Receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award Lexie & Steve Goldsmith *Special Birthday of Elaine Banashek Charlie & Sheryl Feldman *Speedy Recovery of Harvey Pines Charlie & Sheryl Feldman Carol & Bruce Canis *Special Birthday of Eileen Rosenthal Gerald & Ilien Towbin *Speedy Recovery of Barry Krell Itta & Herb Hyman

IN MEMORY OF: *Roslyn Samuels Tzivia Levin Kalmes Sharon & Richard Edwards *Martin March Joe Marchbein *Miriam Lebedun Kathy Lebedun *Mother, Lillian Aron Zoldan Richard & Sandra Super *Leonard Farer Barry & Randi Polinsky *Jean D. Fisher The Knabe Family *Leon Felman Jeff & John Davis Family

Jablon Youth Fund IN HONOR OF:

*Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Steve & Sharon Rothmel Marsha & Alan Lobel Debbie & Bob Farb *Daughter, Megan Rubenstein Being Elected Vice-President of UHTYG Tracy & Jim Rubenstein

IN MEMORY OF: *Gerald Andrew Shirley & Marvin Prywitch

Stanley Laiderman Fund IN MEMORY OF:

*Sidney S. Weinhaus Ted & Evelyn Cohen Lorraine Laiderman & Family *Donald Wolff Lorraine Laiderman & Family Steve & Tammi Laiderman *Leonard Farer *Sandra Redler *Sidney Tannenbaum Lorraine Laiderman & Family

Lew & Cheryl Levey Volunteer Appreciation Fund

IN HONOR OF: *Special Birthday of Gerry Smith Ava & Steve Schwedt Dorothy Maer Sylvia Zveitel *Speedy Recovery of Barry Krell Merle & Bob Tegman Merle & Marty Oberman

IN MEMORY OF: *Rachel Weiss Linda & Sanford Kusmer Bob & Merle Tegman Donnelle & David Roberts & Family Sherilyn & Barry Krell Craig Neuman *Pearl Eisenberg Bev Golder


The Wednesday Book Club IN HONOR OF:

*Speedy Recovery of Steve Goldsmith Merle & Bob Tegman *Ava Francine Mariam Lois Mariam *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Lorraine & Richard Franzel Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg

IN MEMORY OF: *Roslyn Samuels Adele & Ivan Schenberg *Arthur Jaffe *Francine Mariam Lois Mariam

Perry & Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund

Michele & Jules Gitlin IN HONOR OF:

*Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Betsy Mehlman *Naming of Daughter, Emily Babitz Andy & Diana Babitz

Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF:

*Maurice Gottlieb Jody Present *Brother, Jerome “Jerry” Wolkowitz Chester Wolkowitz *Mother, Sadie Opper *Irma Rosenberg Beverly & Stephen Rosenberg

*Father, Edward C. Elkins Roberta Goran & Family Suzy Elkins *Gloria & Meyer Bloomrosen The Bloomrosen Family *Mary G. Stolar Michael & Ilene Goldstein *Mother, Rose Balk *Father-in-law, Ruben Zeid Marian Zeid *Muriel (Sissy) Brody Jo Ellen & Len Rubenstein *Kurt & Hedwig Aschner *Bernhard & Martha Susskind Eva & Fred Ashner *Esther Ferman Michael & Barbara Ferman *Dr. Harvey Steinberg Matt & Lindsay Seidler *Grandfather, Abraham Serby Arthur Zemon *Leonard Farer Dani & Ricky Dicker *Mother, Ida Siegel Beverly Friedman *Mother, Leona R. Mills Joan Sachs & Family *Father, Dr. Louis Plax Norman (Plax) Elkins *Harold L. Solomon Warren & Joan Solomon Ruth & Don Solomon *Myrtle Orenstein Robert & Martha Senior *Daughter, Robyn Lynne Stein Leona Stein *Mother, Florence Lichtenfeld Ruth-Ellen & Steve Lichtenfeld *Phil C. Kretchmar Robert & Seva Twin *Mother, Jeanette Tessler *Father, Maurice H. Tessler, D.D.S. Sue & Jerry Tessler *Marilyn & Edward Ginsberg Bernice Hodge *Father, Seymour Halpern Rick & Deby Halpern Merle & Marty Oberman *Mother, Cecelia Bray Doris & Jerry Auslander *Martin Paul Millmond Diane Gottlieb *Father, Meyer Berger Leslie & Judy Berger *Bernard Weisberg Marilyn Oglander *Faith Ellis Shepard Ellis L. Scott & Carol Ellis *Husband, Harry Cohn Sadie Cohn *Simon Packman Paul Packman *Ben Lehrman *Elsie Lehrman *Arnold Lehrman Harold & Gloria Hoffman *B. Wides Vivian Zwick

Contributions Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple

Page 15: January 2016 Bulletin

15 JANUARY 2016

Wolff Transportation Fund IN HONOR OF:

*Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Allan, Susan & Michael Cohen Alan & Eleanor Wolff Jean Dubman Shirley Alberstat Eileen Hurwitz & Family Sylvia Zveitel *Birth of Great-granddaughter of Sid & Toby Brenner Jordan & Elaine Rudolph *Special Birthday of Allen Sclaroff Alan & Eleanor Wolff *Special Birthday of Eileen Rosenthal Marlene Harris & Daniel Mandelker *Speedy Recovery of Marlene Diamant Marsha Kunin *Leslie Yoffie’s Election as President of United Hebrew Norman & Barbara Wolff

IN MEMORY OF: *Grandmother of Julie Gibbs *Parents Alan & Eleanor Wolff *Father, Albert P. Harris Marlene Harris *Sid Weinhaus Shirley Alberstat *Mother, Dorothy Soll *Aunt, Irene Nissenbaum Marsha Kunin *Vivian Prensky Eileen Hurwitz

#GivingTuesday Gifts are notated as italicized

and underlined. Thank you to our

generous #GivingTuesday donors!


 Louis & Mary Millstone Religious School ,

Rabbi Jerome W. Grollman Hebrew School & Chai School

03   NO SCHOOL          05   Hebrew School    

10   Religious School   3rd grade trip to Israel   Hebrew School         Chai School   

12   Hebrew School  

17   NO SCHOOL   MLK Weekend  


19   Hebrew School  

24   Religious School   Hebrew School         Chai School  

26   Hebrew School   31   Religious School   Hebrew School         Chai School Jewish Overnight Camp Fair 

January Calendar

*Husband, Hy Novack *Sister, Jacqueline Oberman Anita Novack *Joseph Hartman Rick & Robyn Morris *Barbara Mathes Gwenn Nickl *Abraham Lebovitz David & Eva Schapiro *Mother, Birdie Prywitch Shirley & Marvin Prywitch *Norton Greenberg Danny & Jill Fox *Hollie Nicole Chasen Faith Chasen *Roslyn Samuels Don & Susie Siegel *Laura G. Plimpton Art Zemon & Norm Robertson *Ruth Weber Bernard Salky *Husband, Irwin Fox Irene Fox & Family *Father, William Cohen Ted & Evelyn Cohen *Seymour & Dorislee Feinstein Dave & Eileen Evans *Ruth Weber Annette Hyatt *Son, Randy Mamroth Florine & Perry Mamroth *Brother, Hubert Diamond Sharon & David Silverman

Helen C. Millstone Music Fund

IN HONOR OF: *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg *Bob Sterneck Receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award Irene Fox & Floyd Emert *Speedy Recovery of Marlene Diamant Merle & Marty Oberman

IN MEMORY OF: *Isaac (Izzy) Lipshitz Sherry Lipshitz & Family *Louis Hyman *Fannie Novack *Frank Holtzman Eleanor & Myron Holtzman

Raskas Technology Fund Dan & Debbie Raskas

Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center Fund

IN APPRECIATION OF: *The Entire Staff The Jakob Family *Lexie Goldsmith Bryan Pearlman

IN HONOR OF: *Bob Sterneck Receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award Joy Sterneck Stacy, Dave, Adam & Rylie Kress Marsha Kunin Lynda & Marty Kress *Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck Stacy, David, Adam & Rylie Kress Roz & Ron Teper Tony, Lauren, Jackson, Brody & Landon Spielberg Arnold & Roz Levin Bryan & Judy Babitz June Bierman *Birth of Granddaughter of Regina Frederick Charlotte Rosenblum *Parents, Marvin & Ellen Nissenbaum Roz & Arnold Levin *Birthday of Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg Tony, Lauren, Jackson, Brody & Landon Spielberg

IN MEMORY OF: *Rachel Weiss Sherri & Bob Daniel *Mother, Rebecca Stone Michael Wolfson

Henrietta & Eli Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund

IN HONOR OF: *Continued Good Health of Steve Goldsmith *Bob Sterneck Receiving the Irene Fox Ruach Award Marcy & Rick Cornfeld

IN MEMORY OF: *Sarah Greenberg Karen, Andy, Julia & Michael Wasserman

Thanksgiving Fund IN APPRECIATION OF:

*Rabbis & Cantor Linda & Sanford Kusmer

United Hebrew Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund

IN MEMORY OF: *Sister-in-law, Anna Rifkin *Father-in-law, Ben Ettlinger Delores Ettlinger *Morris H. Zoldan Sandi & Richard Super & Children *Edward Quicksilver Beverly Yavitz *Sheldon Grafman Allan Grafman *Father, Samuel Spiegelman Carol Bartfeld

Michael & Lois Winthrop Religious School Fund

IN MEMORY OF: *Mother, Lois Winthrop *Grandmother, Mary Oberman Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Winthrop

Mazel Tov to our Bat Mitzvah


10:30 a.m.

Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple

Page 16: January 2016 Bulletin



Perpetual Memorials J



ry 1

Jacob Murray Albert Sue Arber Nancy Jane Berger Morris Berk Dr. Harry L. Berkin Marcia S. Berkin Milton H. Bialick Clara Block David Block Rae Bronstein Sara Chuver Harry Cohen Lena K. Cohen

LeRoy Daniel Cohen Marie Cohn Marjory F. Deitchman Robert Feldman Morris Flotken Morris Friedman Harry W. Gast Estelle C. Golden Samuel Gomberg Charles L. Goorman Abraham Goruch Herman B. Gottlieb Barbara Gottschalk

Myra L. Grossman DeVera Honigbaum Jacob Kotler Irvin Kraizer Mollie Kranzberg Eli A. Kutten Max Joseph Lachman Sylvan Levy Louis P. Malpe Sam Mariam Bernard Martin Roswell Messing, Jr. Leo Miller

Meyer Newman Sophia S. Orenstein Bella R. Oswitz Helen Packman Rose F. Pactor Kenneth I. Pollack Rose Posen Bess Peters Pruzan Gertrude Claris Roe Julia Grosberg Rudman Bess Schneider Dora Schneiderman Tillie Goldberg Schwartz

Mayme E. Serkes Estelle Goodman Siteman Herman Sokolik Bernard Susman Eva Esler Thesen David S. Turken Rebecca Wagner Louis J. Wenneker Rose Pastel Wolff




8 Jack M. Arber

Nettie Bailin Joseph Barg Geraldine S. Barnholtz Samuel Bing Lillian Blumenfeld Ethel Simon Blustein Sarah Brooks Rosanna Geishi Culp Ann Lynn Cytron Libbe Feigenbaum

Joseph C. Friedman Stan Friedman Jack B. Gentle Lena Gidlowitz Lottie Claris Glickman George Goldberg Edna H. Goldenberg Abe Goldstein Cecelia Golluber Rose B. Green Charles S. Gross

Abe Handelman Harry Jasper Max Kusmer Alex Lepowitch Ida Levitt Gustav Levy Francine Mariam Perry L. Mehlman Ludwig Muhlfelder Sam Portney

Adeline Eichenberg Poslosky Samuel Potashnick Jane F. Richter Frieda B. Roudman Fannie M. Rovin Albert Saifer Morris Schneider Sophie Schneider Max Scholer Ruth Seigal

Sol Sincoff John J. Starr Jeanette Susman David J. Unger Florence Weinshelbaum Clara Evans Weisman Genie Jasper White Jeanne E. Zemliak





Harry Abraham Leopold Abraham Philip Albert Sam A. Aronoff Lawrence L. Ashinoff Harry Berger Sylvia R. Bierman Louis S. Block Marvin Blum Rachel F. Brilliant Arthur Eugene Brimer Nathan Burack Charles Carl

Blanche Sievers Cohen Lena Cohnberg Frances Cremer Eli Ettlinger Regina R. Feigenbaum Rose Feldman Judith A. Finkelstein Lillian Rachel Flegel Jack Gittelman Ely Glazer H. Paul Goruch Oscar Greenwald Joan Claire Hoffman

Morris Jaffe Frank Kahn Jack G. Kaiser Emil Koplin Ann Kopman Celia Z. Kotler May Kramer Aaron Abraham Lebedun Mary C. Mamroth Theresa Marglous Alex R. Mendelson Roy M. Merinbaum Goldie Gollin Millstone

Ida M. Niss Marion E. Papy Ida Frank Pian Sara C. Prelutsky Sarah Raben Minnie Romansky Dee Flotken Rosenthal Benjamin G. Rubin Pearl Sapin Rose Bobbye Sarasohn Beulah S. Schneider Eva Figlure Schnurman David Seslen

Fannie Brilliant Siegelman Betty M. Silverman Alice Sincoff Gertrude Goorman Stein Ida Mae Stone Max Stone Marshall H. Tamarkin Lucy T. Vittert Jennie Werner Louis Wolkowitz Clara E. Yawitz Samuel Zabrack Harvey Zucker





Miriam (Mary) Abrams Esther Alper Nathan Barg Lucille Berger Harry Birenbaum Theodore Birke Belle Block Bernard Bornstein Bernard "Bernie" Cohen Eva Cohen Isaac Cohen Benjamin Coplan

Betty Lander Cowan Morris Eisner Sigmund Esler Hyman Feldman Palmir Gilbert Jack Gilden Nathaniel M. Glick Ida Goldberg Bess Catlin Green Marcus Z. Hymes Anita Iskiwitch Harry Kaiser

Gustav Katcher Esther Koplin Katz Lawrence Kling Jacob Koplin Anna Kretchmar Bessie Kusmer Leon Markovsky Roswell Messing, Sr. Bertha A. Miller Minnie Millstone Sylvia Moss Lucille K. Pattiz

Sue Pfeiffer David Podolsky Sadie Rosenthal Jacob Sanofsky Leonard Sanofsky Lucille J. Shanfeld Anna Siegel Shea Silberberg Elma Sincoff Joe Sirkin Irvin Sokolik Morris Stern

Rose A. Stone Carol Haffner Strauss David Strauss Marion Strauss Herman Strifling Rebecca Warshasky Arnold Weintrub Ben Weisman Balbina Wild Eugene L. Wolff Anne Wolkowitz





Anita S. Alexander Armin L. Bain Samuel Barnholtz Dr. Edward J. Berger Abraham Berk Lee White Block Fred Bomze Samuel J. Bronstein Leah H. Coffman Rose Florence Coplan Herman Feigenbaum Joseph Feldman Irvin Fisher

Rebecca D. Franklin Dr. Lawrence Friedman John J. Gersmann Martha Glazer Celia Goldblum Ruth E. Goldstein Louis Gollin Jayne K. Goodman Arthur W. Guenzburger Suzanna Hammerman Anne Sue Hilecher Mendal Jacobs Ethel Jasper

Arthur Weil Johnson Harry B. Kaplan Howard I. Kaye Berkley Kirschman Jackie Bernard Kleban Grace Kraizer Joseph Lasky Frieda Levin Blanche Levy Jennie Miller Sarah R. Miller Gina Moss Louis Moss

Essie Newman Rose Oxenhandler Sara Siegelman Polleck Ann Poscover Bessie Rader Rebecca Rossen Stanley P. Sakowsky Harry Scallet Marvin Schneider David S. Schwartz Henry Schwartz Melvin Scissors Lazarus Seigle

Jack N. Simberg Sophia Goldblum Sosna Blanche Steinberg Esther Thurman Karen C. Towerman Hannah Warshaw Robert D. Wehmer Benjamin Wexler Eugene H. Wieder Michael B. Winthrop

Page 17: January 2016 Bulletin

17 JANUARY 2016

Announcements CONDOLENCES

The congregation extends its sincere condolences to the families of

LEON A. FELMAN Husband of Harriet Felman


Father of Larry (Wendy) Jablonow

PHILIP MUZIK Father of William (Debbie) Muzik


Husband of the late Barbara Platzer Father of Cynthia Becker


Mother of Arlene (Joe Tripodi) Caplan

DONALD LEE WOLFF Husband of Heide Wolff

Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for members and their immediate relatives. In addition, only

immediate relatives of the deceased who are members are listed.


The names of Ida M. Niss, Isaac H. Niss, Esther M. Veden and Nat Veden were consecrated upon the Memorial Tablets in our Rabbi Samuel Thurman Memorial Hall.


For the past few months United Hebrew has offered a variety of giving opportunities for members to donate to our Wish List/Gift Registry.

While we stated in earlier messages “Your extra philanthropic support is critical to UH!,” we had no idea how supportive our congregants would have been. We are very grateful!

Again, thank you to the following congregants who have made contributions within the past month:

Mike and Barb Towerman for sponsoring one week of food for Backpack Buddies in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Rosenberg. The Tuesday Mah Jongg Ladies for contributing towards Coffee & Tea for the coffee bar. Mike and Sheryl Bauer for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh.

For those of you who would like to support our Wish List/Gift Registry, please visit the UH website at for the full list.

On behalf of all of us at United Hebrew, thank you for all of your support!

Amy Stone, Director of Development & Membership


Joellen Schnurr and Rabbi Elliot and Nancy Rosenstock for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Maggie Rosenstock. David and Lisa Rosenstock for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Maggie Rosenstock. Jerry and Judy Bivens for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Maxwell Bivens. Zoë and Sadie Rosenberg for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their brother, Joseph Rosenberg. Rabbi Brigitte and Lee Rosenberg for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joseph Rosenberg. The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry and are very much appreciated!

Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series for 2015-2016 “Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land.”

- Leviticus 25:10

Saturdays, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Spielberg Chapel

January 16: “Civil Discourse” - a discussion about and experiments with how we

speak to each other when we disagree.

February 20 March 26 April 16 May 14

Come for lunch, learning and discussion! RSVP to Tara at [email protected] by

January 14 for the December 16 program. It is essential for us to have rsvps in order to know how much food to prepare. We still welcome you without an

rsvp, but we hope to have enough lunch prepared.

Page 18: January 2016 Bulletin


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29





January 1

New Year’s Day

SSECC & Office Closed

5:00 PM Shabbat Service


9:00 AM Torah Study

10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service



7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting



5 10:00 AM

Temple Tots

6:00 PM Club45 Lounge

7:00 PM

Intro to Judaism

Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session


7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night


1:30 PM UH Book Club

1:30 PM

Intermediate Hebrew

UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session


5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh

6:30 PM Shabbat Service


9:00 AM Torah Study

10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service



7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting

Religious School Hebrew School Chai School



10:00 AM Temple Tots

7:00 PM

Intro to Judaism

Hebrew School

B’nai Mitzvah Session


12:00 PM Film Series

7:00 PM

UHTYG Lounge Night


11:30 AM

Amateurs of the Great Assembly

1:30 PM

Intermediate Hebrew

UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session

15 5:45 PM

Shabbat Nosh

6:30 PM MLK Jr. Shabbat


7:30 PM “Baker’s Delight”


NFTY Convention - Boulder, CO

16 9:00 AM

Torah Study

10:30 AM Shabbat Morning


12:30 PM Lunch ‘n’ Learn

NFTY Convention - Boulder, CO



7:30 PM

Nar-Anon Meeting

NFTY Convention - Boulder, CO



Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Office & SSECC


NFTY Convention - Boulder, CO


10:00 AM Temple Tots

7:00 PM

Intro to Judaism

Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session


7:00 PM Board of Trustees


7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night


11:30 AM

Amateurs of the Great Assembly

1:30 PM

Intermediate Hebrew

UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session


5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh

6:30 PM

Shabbat Service

23 9:00 AM

“Kid”dush Club

9:00 AM Torah Study

10:30 AM

Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Sallet





12:00 PM Senior Program


10:00 AM Temple Tots

Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session


7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night

7:00 PM

Women’s Philanthropy Holocaust Speaker


UH Music Circle B’nai Mitzvah Session


5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh

6:30 PM

Shabbat Service

30 9:00 AM

Torah Study

10:30 AM Shabbat Morning


2:00 PM Sprouts of Peace


December 27

7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting



JANUARY 2016 at United Hebrew Congrega on 

7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Religious School Hebrew School Chai School

10:00 AM UH Camp Fair 2:00 PM JYG+8 StL Tubular

7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Religious School Hebrew School Chai School

Page 19: January 2016 Bulletin

19 JANUARY 2016

One Gudder Campus 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141


Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700 Fax: (314) 434-7821

Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404 Email: [email protected]

Rabbi ................................... Brigitte S. Rosenberg Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning………... …………………….……….Roxanne J.S. Shapiro Cantor .................................... Ronald D. Eichaker Rabbi Emeritus .................. Howard G. Kaplansky Cantor Emeritus .................. Murray W. Hochberg

Executive Director...……………Bryan Pearlman Director of Early Childhood Engagement………. ……………………………….…...Lauren Lourie Director of Programming & Communication…… …………………………………Cori Neidenberg Director of Youth Engagement...H. Lee Rosenberg Director of Development & Membership………. …………………...…………………..Amy Stone Assistant Musical Director ............... David Cohen Gift Shop Manager……………..…Iris DeWoskin Events/Kitchen Manager……...……Debra Grund Artist-in-Residence…………………...Rick Recht

Officers President ............................................ Leslie Yoffie Vice President ..................................... Julie Gibbs Vice President ................................... Phil Frischer Vice President ................................. Matthew Holt Treasurer .......................................... Bob Sterneck Assistant Treasurer ........................ Michael Klein Secretary .................................. David Rosenstock





PERMIT NO. 3319 

 Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their generous donation to the United Hebrew Endowment Fund to help support our Temple Bulletin.

United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community of St. Louis as a place of worship and learning with a welcoming community united in the

common Judaic spirit of Reform Judaism.

United Hebrew Golf Tournament Proceeds to benefit UH Technology Upgrades

August 22, 2016

Shotgun Start 9:30 a.m.

Persimmon Woods Golf Club 6401 Weldon Spring Road, 63304

Individual Price: $225 Four-Some Price: $800

Sponsorships available: $125 - $5,000

More Details and Registration Information Coming Soon!

Please join us for a day of golf, food and spirits at one of St. Louis’ premier golf courses. The day will begin with a light breakfast followed by an 18-hole shotgun start on this spectacular Championship Course, and a boxed lunch. Following your round, you can unwind at the open bar with some hors d’oeuvres while we present the prizes and silent auction winners.



the  DATE 

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