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Page 1: January 2015

Happy New Year to each of you! I pray that the first few days of 2015 have been all that God has designed for you. As we contin-ue the journey to share the good news of Jesus, I’d like to share the thought that the Lord gave me in prayer as we ended 2014. This year, God spoke to me that I will Live The Dream.

When I first heard it, I was com-pletely excited as I have many, many dreams that He has given me. Some I’ve even carried just about my entire life.

The more God spoke those three words to me, the more I felt the need to understand them more. In times of prayer, God began to show me that there is so much associated with “The

Dream.” It’s a process that produces God’s destined product for our lives. He reminded me of many dreamers in the bible and reminded me that to Live The Dream in-cludes living ALL of it.

Most times before we get to actually Live The

Dream, we have to encounter distractions and disturbances. I want to encourage you as you launch out into new business ventures, ministries, writing more books or simply changing your life, don’t be dismayed by the distractions or disturbances

of everyday life. It’s just that - life. When we live through those things we are living the dream. We can’t have the “dream” without the obsta-cles. Any time we decide to go after what God has shown us and make up our minds to be diligent in our service to God through it, the enemy is com-ing to challenge it on ever y side.

I encourage you to start with Psalm 37:5 concerning your dream.

Before you make a move , pray. Give every aspect, idea, concern or plan concerning your dream to the Lord in prayer. Give what YOU want to do to God and find out what HE really wants you to do.

Allow HIS plan to become your plan.

To Live The Dream is not about doing what you want to do, how you want to do it or when you want to. It’s about living out the visions that GOD has shown you , how HE wants and when HE wants.

Live The Dream

Living With More

Empowe r i ng , Encou rag ing & Streng then ing January 2015 Edition

A Healthier You Interview with Minister Melodee Troy


The Author’s Corner With Publisher/Author Suprina Frazier


Slow to Speak 6

Wanted– YOU 7

Ministry Itiner-ary for LaTrice


Inside this issue:

Matthew gave us great in-struction when he said in 6:33

Again, before you make a move, pray! Seek the Lord and His wisdom concerning your life’s dreams.

Don’t forfeit the fullness of your dream because you fail to consult the dream giver. Don’t negate the responsibil-ity of the dream because you fail to work it as God instructs you. Don’t be distracted by the delays or obstacles that you experience during the process.

Beloved, to Live The

Dream isn’t about what you’ll get from it. It’s about the glory that God will get from you and what He will do IN you through the process.

You’ll get more if you Live

The Dream God’s way than you’ll ever have doing it your own way.

Live the Dream! Don’t despise the process and you will see the Glory of God that IS coming!

Page 2: January 2015

LaTrice: Hi Melodee, how are you today?

Melodee: I’m great, how are you?

LaTrice: I’m good! It’s a rainy day in Georgia but it’s good. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this in-terview with me. When I read your testimony in the Green Smoothie group, I was completely inspired. It made me say that’s why I’m getting back to my green smoothies. I be-lieve that your story will empower someone else as well.

LaTrice: So tell me what was your motivation to changing your life-style?

Melodee: To tell you the truth La-Trice, it was the too tight clothes. Seriously though I realized that it’s a part of my ministry. It really is about people who have lost hope and its part of what I’ll do with my life.

LaTrice: Me” I understand, that’s how I feel now.

LaTrice: What did you do to get started?

Melodee: In the early part of this year, one of my favorite authors, posted info about the Green Smoothie Cleanse. I requested a copy and JJ Smith sent

me the eBook that she was offering for free at the time. I read over it and it piqued my in-terest. For years, I have strug-gled with my weight, but other-wise, I am healthy. No blood pressure, heart, cholesterol problems nor diabetes. I have tried a lot of stuff to lose weight. Pills, shakes, fad diets, you name it, I’ve tried it. Some-times, I was successful and would lose a few pounds, only to gain it back once I quit. I can’t say that my weight has ever been linked to my self-esteem, because I’m pretty confident in who I am. However, I am an emotional eater. Stress to me equaled food! And let’s just say, I’m stressed a lot. Every week I would say that I was going to start but wouldn’t. On Friday, Feb. 28, I made up in my mind that I was going to start on Monday, Mar. 3. I took my be-

fore pictures and when I did, OMGreen! My stomach looked like I was 6 months pregnant! I was upset with myself for look-ing like that!

LaTrice: What was the most challenging part of changing your lifestyle?

Melodee: I’m a baker also and we have a small family restau-rant. My biggest challenge was how I was going to incorporate healthy eating into a family that is used to eating everything fried. That’s why when people say I can’t do it; I tell them yes you can. If I can do it, they can do it too.

An Inside Look with Minister Melodee Troy

Living With More


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Empowe r i ng , Encou rag ing & Streng then ing

A HEALTHIER YOU An Inside Look with Minister Melodee Troy

LaTrice: So let’s go back, what do you think caused you to have bad eating habits?

Melodee: My grandma. Everything in my life was associated with food. We celebrated with food. It just got passed down from generation to generation. People boost you up about how well you can cook and you never realize that I’m cooking but I’m killing them too.

LaTrice: How has the new way of eating and living changed your life?

Melodee: My new style of eating and living has not just changed my physical being, but my whole be-ing. I feel and look better physical-ly. But the discipline that I have ap-plied to what I put in my body, I have also applied to every area in my life. I don't partici-pate in certain con-versations. I am careful with what I say. I spend more quality time with God. I share the im-portance of living and eating right to everyone that I am in contact with.

LaTrice: What is the one thing that you love about your trans-formation?

Melodee: The compliments that I receive and the encour-agement that my transfor-mation gives those around me. My mom has lost 70 pounds since May and my cousin has lost 58 pounds. I’m paying it forward through my transfor-mation.

LaTrice: Wow, that’s awesome!

Melodee: We do have cheat days on Sundays unless we are on the full cleanse but we don’t go overboard.

LaTrice: How often do you do the full cleanse?

Melodee: I’ve done the full cleanse 5 times and the rest of the time I’m on the modified ver-sion.

LaTrice: What advice would you leave with the readers?

Melodee: There is power within them and all they have to do is make up their mind and they can do it. And speaking what you can do is a lot of it too. I started out with post it notes of affirmations and surrounding yourself with people that are positive.

LaTrice: Thank you so much Me-lodee, I appreciate you.

Melodee: Thank you LaTrice, have a great day, God bless.

LaTrice: God bless.

Page 4: January 2015

Some people know her by Suprina

Frazier. Others by her pen name

Mi'Chelle Dodson. Regardless of

which name she goes by, her books

have been known to stir the soul,

encourage the heart, and tickle the

funny bone. They are Suprina’s way

of entertaining, inspiring, and en-

lightening the masses through ro-

mantic fiction.

Always an avid reader since she

could remember, Suprina Frazier

loves to curl up with a good book

any time of day or night. Although

she also has a love for numbers and

has obtained a Master's degree in

Accounting, it’s her love for words

that prevails above all. In fact, it was

timely, well-written words in various

books that helped to renew her spir-

it when she was faced with a life-

altering illness several years ago.

Now with her health definitely being

restored with each passing year,

Suprina strives to live her life to the

fullest with her family. Her literary

mission statement is to entertain,

inspire, and enlighten through ro-

mantic fiction. One way Suprina at-

tempts to fulfill that mission state-

ment is through her Edgy Inspira-tional Line, Secular Line, and Buxom Beauties Line.

Links to literary works by Suprina Frazier (Mi’Chelle Dodson) - Author website. – Publisher website. - Amazon author's page. - Most of my paperbacks can be found and purchased here. More books are available for purchase at, Barnes and Nobles, and iTunes’ book division. - Inspirational blog. Samples of my books are featured here. Some are pretty lengthy. - Another inspirational blog. A free book is featured here. - Mainstream blog. It features lengthy samples of my mainstream books. My pen name here is Mi’ChelleDodson - Short story blog. -Downloadable freebies (free e-books) are available in multiple

Living With More

Suprina Frazier Publisher/Best Selling Author

Bridges and Channels Enterprises, LLC




Page 4

SOCIAL MEDIA CONTACT INFO Facebook: Twitter: @prineprine Tumblr: Instagram: Pinterest:

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Living With More Page 5

Empowe r i ng , Encou rag ing & Streng then ing


What does an up and coming model/actress have in common with a thug/hustler? One dead brother, a lot of unanswered questions, and explosive passion. Aisha Norwood is on a mission to find out who killed her brother. She will stop at nothing to make that person pay dearly for her loss. If only the prime suspect wasn't so sexy and just wonderful. Gregory 'Bonz' Forsyth has everything he could ever want. And yet his life is drier than a desert. He needs some-thing...someone to bring the rain. He had no idea that with that special someone a monsoon would come, changing his whole life forever.


Delia Valentine is married to her regrets. Her biggest regret is acci-dentally killing the father of her children. If only E-Blade hadn't slept with her cousin Cami. Then maybe he wouldn't be dead, Cami wouldn't be in prison, and Delia wouldn't feel so undeserving of love and happiness. Dr. Royal Seeger knows all about Delia's past. He still loves and wants her anyway. More im-portantly, he still wants a long and happy life with her. To have that dream life, they must overcome many obstacles, including a mys-tery man from Delia’s past.


An opportunist to the bone, Cami Edison fully intends to sleep her way to the top or at least into a comfort-able lifestyle. She doesn’t care if the man is married or not. She even tried to entice good Christian men at a church carnival. Is Cami redeemable? Does she even want to be? If so, will that be enough for Millsap Monroe to give her a chance and finally embrace her as his one and only? Even if it requires him to change, as well?

Suprina Frazier Publisher/Best Selling Author

Bridges and Channels Enterprises, LLC

Page 6: January 2015

Slow To Speak

Picture a bright sunny Friday morning. Its fall, so the weather is not too hot, not too cold…just right. The time – 11 o’clock-ish. The place – a local grocery store.

I’m standing in line at the customer service booth, minding my own busi-ness as I wait to get a money order, when my ears suddenly pick up parts of an ongoing conversation about women who shouldn’t be having ba-bies and why. The three participants in this conversation are several people ahead of me. They are very loud and opinionated.

I remain silent. Everyone has a right to their opinion. I don’t feel compelled to share mine on the subject. Nor is God prompting me to say anything. In fact, I sense Him telling me NOT to speak. I obey.

Instead of giving my two cents, I silent-ly take note of the loud talkers as well as the ‘seemingly’ pregnant woman in front of me. The loud talkers look to be in their 30s and 40s. The ‘pregnant’ woman looks to be in her late 50’s. On top of that, she has a small child with her.

Like me, the older woman is silent as well, except her face is stoic and in-different – not an emotion in sight. In contrast, the little girl with her is a ball of energy, unable to stand still and too willing to push a buggy that doesn’t belong to them.

After the loud talkers leave, the for-merly stoic woman begins to go off. “I started to curse them out, but I had my

grandbaby with me,” she says. “I’m not pregnant. That’s fluid buildup because of a medical condition.”

I say nothing as I silently digest the information I’d just been given. Like the loud talkers, I also thought she was pregnant. Unlike them, I didn’t try to make her feel bad about it. Now that I know that she isn’t carrying a child, I realize that I suddenly have one more thing to add to my prayer list.

“And even if I was pregnant, who are they to say who should and should not have a baby?” the woman contin-ues to rant. “A person can have as many as they want. Why are they wor-rying about it? It’s not like they would have to take care of them.” She sighed and added, “And I don’t know what’s gotten into my granddaughter today. She was so good during yesterday’s outing. Today she’s all over the place.”

Again, I sense that I need to be slow to speak. So I just nod to acknowledge her words and her right to vent. And vent she did…the whole time she con-ducted her business with customer service. We all got an earful that day.

Unfortunately, the woman let those people, combined with her rambunc-tious granddaughter, upset her so

badly that she walked out the store moments later, leaving her wallet be-hind. Fortunately, she was still in the parking lot, so I was able to rush out and catch her just as she was strap-ping her granddaughter into the car seat. You should have seen her face. She looked extremely relieved to find me so helpful and most of all, so non-judgmental. She instantly began to calm down. Amazingly, so did her granddaughter.

As we went our separate ways a few minutes later, I marveled at how im-portant it is to know when to speak and when to remain silent (Ecclesiastes 3:7). How we should al-ways be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19).

We never know what people are going through and why. Nor do we know how deeply our words and actions can affect someone. Today I pray that you decide not to wound anyone with your words and actions, but instead

LIVE WITH MORE wisdom, compassion, and love for others.

© 2014 by Suprina Frazier

Suprina Frazier, Publisher/Best Selling Author

The Inspirational Short Story

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Living With More

The Author’s Corner!

Starting January 2015, We’ll feature one article per month with more information about our authors!

If you are an author and would like to take advantage of this free ad-vertisement offer, please email

[email protected]

If you’re an aspiring author and would like to submit a question for the authors, please email them to [email protected]

You may not be the only person who would like the answer to your question

New Writers Look out for more empowering articles and/or short stories from other writers who have decided to share with our readers.

If you’re a writer and would like to submit an article to us, please send to

[email protected]

A Healthier You This segment will return in January 2015 also. We’ll meet new people who have started a journey to a healthier life! It’s more than physi-cal! Great interviews ahead!

If you have a story to share, please contact us at

[email protected]


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Copyright @ 2015 LaTrice Williams Ministries LLC

What God Is Doing!

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February 7, 2015 5:00 PM–


L.T.P.P.M. D.O.V.E Women’s Ministry

606 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive,

Williamston, NC 27892

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


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