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Page 1: ISN Newsletter Sept 2013


In this issue

"Striking out hunger, one coin at a time!" AUG 2013

Welcome to your personal copy of Silver Eagle News which will help you grow your ISN business through practical advice, success stories from around the network and by keeping you informed of developments in the world of silver and gold coin collecting.

Silver Eagle News is dedicated to providing you with the valuable information and insights needed to create real business success and more importantly, long term financial security through your ISN membership.

So sit back, read and enjoy and please let Vincent and I know what you think about this issue and what else you would like to see in future editions of Silver Eagle News.

Matt [email protected]

Vincent [email protected]

With warm regards to all ISN Pros.


Page 2: Our 5 Year Plan For ISN During the recent highly successful ISN event in Crewe in the UK, Matt and Vincent announced their five year plan for the International Silver Network. Find out more here, together with details of the new ISN Corporate structure that has been put in place to help deliver the plan.

Page 3: EUREKA! – The Modern Silver Rush Matt Barkes explains what an ‘asset based’ business really means.

Page 4: The Most Powerful Resource of a Network Is Its People Vincent tells us why success can only be achieved if we nurture our teams through care, consideration of their needs and motivation that will excite them!

Page 4: ‘Why Silver Collectible Coins with ISN’ Adam Dimora, Master Distributor of ISN coins, tells us how ISN has “Cracked the Code” when it comes to precious metals and the home business opportunity.

Page 5: Chris Pomelli appointed Director of European Operations. As ISN is expanding from UK into the rest of Europe, new challenges arise, and Chris Pomelli has been appointed as the man who can handle them with ease – read more about Chris.

Page 5: Keith Nierodzinski appointed Vice President of ISN Keith has been with the company since almost day one. He tells us why ISN is an incredible company to be with.

Page 6: Contact Information & Amazing Silver and Gold Coin Facts You really will be amazed at just how powerful collecting silver and gold coins can be in terms of creating potentially incredible value for the future

Page 5: Chris Brown celebrates being ISN’s first Executive. Being the first one to reach the level of an Executive is quite an achievement. Chris is sharing his tips on how to be come an ISN Executive in the quickest possible time.


Page 2: ISN Newsletter Sept 2013


5 Year Plan for ISN Announced

Software Upgrade

Early next year the ISN website back-of-fice will be upgraded to a new high end system with a host of new features that will include:

- Easier team management- A clear ‘tree view’ of network team members- Granular analysis of team results

New Retail lines

With sales of ISN hand-picked coins going from strength to strength, now was felt to be the right time to develop a new range of products to help members

a beautifully crafted diamond signet ring for achieving Executive level, the latter of which will feature a new diamond added every time a new rank is achieved, right up to Prime Executive.

The ISN UK convention that took place in Crewe on the 6th and 7th July was attended by a large number of both existing and recently recruited members. The highly inspirational event led by ISN Founders Matt Barker and Vincent Roy, with major contributions from network leaders Chris Pomelli, James Browne, Ron G Holland and Peter Thompson, marked a turning point for the International Silver Network.

grow their retail sales, both inside and outside of the network. The new range is guaranteed to capture silver and gold coin collector’s imaginations as well as offer a number of products at the lower cost entry level which are designed to help kick start people into the habit of collecting coins on a regular basis.

New recognitions and incentives

The already significant ISN member incentive package will be further enhanced by the addition of exclusive holiday trips to Florida for top performers, an exclusive ISN branded Bulova wrist watch for achieving Platinum level and

“We’re so excited, we just can’t hide it! Over the next five years we will be putting more and more solid infrastructure in place to allow the smooth but rapid expansion of the International Silver Network. We are moving our global operations to ISN’s new Corporate Head Office in beautiful downtown Sarasota, Florida, which is not far from the beautiful Sarasota Bay area that is renowned for its natural wildlife and water sports. We are making substantial investment in both people and IT hardware and software that will put ISN at the forefront of our industry. To help bring this all together, Keith Neirodzinski has been appointed Vice President of Operations and Chris Pomelli has been appointed Director of Operations UK and Europe.Following member feedback, we have created the first round of exciting new incentives to further motivate and reward the network. As the business grows there will be new additions to the incentive program to ensure that the ISN membership is constantly buzzing, driven and focused.We have set a target to attract 50,000 new ISN business Pros into the network over the next five years. We can also confirm that a number our top networkers have already gone one step further than this and set their own goals which are even higher. That could be interesting, to say the least!”

Matt and Vincent outlined their 5 year plan for the business, together with a roadmap showing how it will be delivered:

Here are more details on just a few of the exciting key initiatives that Matt and Vincent announced to the UK convention delegates:

Following weeks of hard work and preparation by Matt and Vincent, we can now report that ISN went live in Holland on August 9th, with a number of brand new ISN Business Pro’s already on board. Check out the ISN website for more on this important

development and watch out for more news on ISN’s international expansion plans.


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The Most Powerful Resource

Eureka! – The Modern Silver Rush

I’m very much a people person and ISN is all about people working together and helping each other out in order to achieve goals, much like any family.Human capital is what I really understand best and the funny thing about us humans is that we are all different. Some of us very different – some even diffident as I am sure you would agree!In building a network, whether from a corporate perspective or being an ISN Pro in the field, every day you have to deal with people; their ups and downs, disappointments, misunderstanding as well as their accomplishments and achievements. What is needed is patience and understanding by the bucket load. Careful listening is called for - especially in a network where you have quite literally hundreds of different dialects and cultures to deal with. There are also many other challenges. It is not always easy to recognize leaders and it hasn’t escaped my attention that sometimes leaders only come to the

fore in times of emergency and others come to the fore only when someone else has proved to them that a particular business model is actually working. We all need to learn from this. Many times for example, you will have to help people in your team become Silver or Gold Directors and it’s not until you have taught, trained and proved to them that the model really does work that they miraculously come into their own. Treat this as a valuable lesson because it will happen over and over again within your own team. I know this because so many ISN Pros have told me that they are delighted that they persevered until ultimately they achieved success. Many of them went as far to say that they felt they were “doing all the work” – however, eventually the person they were helping not only sprang into life but actually exceeded all expectations.All of this reminds me of two powerful things that I want to leave you with - adopt the attitude of ‘Whatever It

Takes!’ and you won’t go far wrong.

Also remember that network marketing is the only multi-billion dollar industry, that providing you help others achieve their goals and aspirations, all of your goals and aspirations will automatically fall into place! And that really is the key to network marketing.

The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) brought together over 300,000 people from all over the United States and further abroad. Now, in 2013, in this tough economic climate, individuals across the USA and the rest of the world are striving to create cash flow and find assets that are worth working for to build future wealth and security. We can already see that like the gold rush of the mid-nineteenth century, ISN is creating a Silver Rush all of its own as it offers an unrivalled business opportunity.The International Silver Network (ISN) has a significant advantage over many other multi-level marketing business opportunities because it is asset backed. Every month as your network grows you are not only rewarded with cash

commissions (residual income) but also with valuable silver coins that can be collected and treasured. At ISN we have packaged some of the very best numismatic coins from around the world that are affordable in price, many of which will go on to become valuable collectors’ items. No surprise then that coin collecting has been known as the ‘hobby of kings’ for hundreds of years.Coins and precious metals are currencies that have endured for over 6,000 years. ISN’s ethos is to strive to build a company that provides a genuine and strong asset based business opportunity that will also endure over the long term. To deliver that ambition, we have surrounded ourselves with an incredible team of highly skilled and very able people, many of whom you

will meet via this newsletter and others out in the field. We also have the best possible team of professional advisers and of course the best networking team that you could ever imagine!


Vincent RoyISN Co-founder

Matt BarkesISN Co-founder

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Perhaps the X-factor of ISN Coins is the fact that we’ve “Cracked the Code” when it comes to precious metals and home business. There has never been a company so close to the industry, so entrenched in the product of coins and so sold out on the relevance that sits in the intrinsic art we all purchase every month. It takes a delicate balance and dedication to make a company like ISN work and work well. When I began my journey into the world of precious metals it was like a whole new world was opened up to me. Learning the markets, mints, strikes, grades, sets and the list goes on. But I knew that this was definitely something that I was falling in love with. I had discovered a lifelong “Hobby”.After spending almost seven years now in the wonderful world of coins, I’m filled with thankfulness that I now have the ability to earn a life changing income sharing what I’ve discovered with others. There has never been such a great concept in Network Marketing. When people ask me what I do I tell them. I collect world coins and get paid to share that with others. Seriously that sounds like it’s too good to be true and you have no idea how many times I’ve heard that statement.

Honing in on the subject of collectible coins I’d like to point out that ISN didn’t invent the idea. Let it never be said otherwise. Numismatics has been in our world for centuries and the art of coin creation has only got better and more sophisticated with technology. But today we find ourselves in a unique time in history. People now more than ever need more income to survive and are looking for a way to create it, they also are frantically looking for ways to preserve and increase their wealth. ISN has taken these two needs and concerns and merged them into an inexpensive vehicle for wealth creation using the “Collectible Coin” as the vehicle.The Collectible Coin is packed with “Energy”. I think of them as seeds with great potential to grow. At the core of the collectible coin is the “Intrinsic Value”. This comes from the underlying physical metal. Silver and Gold are money and always have been. This is ingrained into the human heart and nobody will deny this. So unlike most businesses that sell you juice, pills or cell phone bills, ISN in a powerful way is causing people to save in Intrinsic VALUE rather than taking your value.

Success in ISN doesn’t begin with a paycheck, it actually begins the moment you join the company and begin your journey into the wonderful world of Collectible Intrinsic Art. You can do nothing but benefit from participating in something that is educational, fun and adds to the list of important categories that can help build your family legacy. Bottom line, we get paid to promote and expand the precious metals industry, while we benefit from one of the most fair and dynamic compensation plans I’ve ever seen, so get involved, get educated, become a professional and enjoy the ride here at ISN Coins!

Every month that goes by sees yet another

ISN member moving up the ranks due

to hard work and diligently following

the proven ISN networking model. In

June alone, 46 new ISN All-Stars, 50 new

Directors, 11 new Silver Directors and 3

new Gold Directors were created!

The business is truly grateful for everyone’s

efforts and would like to congratulate all

of those members that have earned rank

advancement this year where we have seen

a significant number of people achieving

Gold Director status.

Gold DirectorsAileen ColemanPaul MonksMark PopeRon G. HollandKamil K. Wawrzyszko Ann WrightPip JohnsonDeborah SmithAdeola Kafayat AdedejiVitus Azubuike ChukwumaAbidemi Akinyemi Oyedeji

Platinum DirectorRuth Johnson

Executive Christopher Brown


Adam DimoraMaster Distributor of ISN coins

Why Silver Collectible Coins with ISN

Recognizing Success

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Keith brings a wealth of knowledge, passion and wherewithal to ISN. He partnered up as a Business Pro in December of 2010, just after ISN launched, and you could say Keith has been with the company since day 1. Not only did he quickly become a top earner, but he also gave freely his time, talent and energy on a day in day out basis to help the company with numerous administrative and technical tasks. Keith has been in the networking industry for over 15 years. As a result he has seen what works and what doesn’t work. We are thrilled to have access to his incredibly valuable input on numerous aspects of the business, including websites, products, and compensation plans. As a result of his vast knowledge of the behind the scenes inner workings of ISN, Keith was asked to assume the role of Executive Vice President of Operations in September of 2013. Keith now oversees all facets of the

day-to-day operations of ISN. From web development to inventory control, from overseeing staff to interacting with leaders in the field - we couldn’t ask for a better person to take on the task as part of the ISN Corporate Family! When asked what he sees as the future of ISN and his new role, Keith said: “ISN is already a great company for so many reasons and I look forward to working closely with the owners, the staff and the leaders in the field to expand upon these things. ISN is all about helping people achieve their goals of wealth preservation and financial soundness while coming together as a team with a common cause of feeding hungry children around the world through ISN’s Mission to “Strike out hunger, one coin at a time!” We have incredible owners in Matt and Vince whose focus is on the integrity and longevity of the company. ISN is not a flash in the pan.

We are here for the long haul. I am excited about this new chapter in ISN and intend to work tirelessly toward making ISN the best vehicle for people to achieve their personal and financial goals!”

Chris has been appointed Director of European Operationss and is just the man for the job. Behind all this sits a foundation of over 30 years of self-development, and a constant desire to improve and evolve. It is said that the most powerful and influential people in the world all have one critical thing in common: effective communication. Chris has an unerring way of knowing exactly what to say and do in order to influence others in a profound way, winning both respect and admiration. Throughout the 1990’s Chris established himself as a major player in the field of Multi-Level Marketing.

His no nonsense, get the job done attitude, saw him rise to the highest positions within the Marketing Plan in record time. Breaking records for personal sponsoring and size of organisation, he quickly developed a unique and charismatic style of teaching which resulted in him being invited to speak to huge organisations the world over. He has studied the dynamics of the Multi-Level Marketing Industry in depth and has acted as a consultant to numerous established Companies, as well as being asked to head up and oversee launches for new ones. This experience has given Chris the ability to see the business as a whole, and not just from one point of view.


Keith Nierodzinski appointed Vice President

Chris Pomelli Appointed Director of European Operations

Being the first ISN Pro to reach the level of an Executive is quite an achievement, and even a few months after that there is still no one to get there, although a few others are close. Chris has put a lot of energy into ISN and has strongly believed in the business from day one all the time through. Chris has been kind enough to share his 5 top tips on how to become an ISN Executive in the quickest possible time, here they are:

1. Talk about the business to as many people as you can.2. Set up as many meetings as possible and get your team to run them.3. Be enthusiastic, motivate your team and get duplicated.4. Sell as many products as possible in and outside of your network.5. Have an incredibly positive attitude of can do and will do, and you’ll succeed.

To your success!

Chris Brown celebrates being ISN’s 1st Executive

Keith NierodzinskiISN Vice President

Chris BrownISN 1st Executive

Chris PomelliDirector of European Operations

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Contact InformationISN contact details for all day to day member or

preferred customer queries:

Call our helpine on: +1 800 823 1305

E-mail us at: [email protected]

Visit our Website:

Collecting gold and silver coins is a popular hobby that attracts more and more collectors every day because it is exciting, fun and hugely rewarding. The numismatic market alone is estimated to be worth over $130bn - that is one vast amount of coins being minted or changing hands across the world each year!Because the market is followed by so many people of all ages and backgrounds, stories hit the press or the Internet when the strange, unusual or amazing happens. Here are just a few great examples that Silver Eagle News wanted to share with you:

• In March of this year, a collector paid a record-setting $86,654 to acquire a Professional Coin Grading Service Proof 70 Deep Cameo 1995-W American Eagle silver dollar. The unnamed collector who purchased the coin had waited years to find a premium example of the key date for the entire Proof American Eagle silver series and was willing to pay what it would take, so quoted the head of the auction company that handled the sale. There are still a large number of highly collectable, rare silver and gold coins regularly being traded around the globe – hear are just a few more examples, together with the amazing auction prices they achieved:

• Flowing Hair Dollar (1794) sold for $10,016,875• Double Eagle (1933) sold for $7,590,020• Brasher Doubloon EB on Breast (1787) sold for $7,400,000• Edward III Florin (1343/4) sold for $6,800,000

• Class I Silver Dollar (1804) sold for $4,140,000• Liberty Head Nickel (1913) sold for $3,737,500• Ultra High Relief $20 (Double Eagle 1907) sold for $2,990,000• Brasher Doubloon EB on Wing (1787) sold for $2,415,000• Class III Silver Dollar (1804) sold for $2,300,000• Rolled Edge Eagle (1907) sold for $2,185,000

• Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt, the sons of Texas oil billionaire Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Jr., had the audacious plan of cornering the silver market.

The story goes that in 1979, the price for silver jumped from $6 per troy ounce to a record high of $48.70 per troy ounce - an increase of 712%. The brothers were estimated to hold one third of the entire world supply of silver (other than that held by governments). This made things very difficult for other prospective silver purchasers, so much so that jeweler Tiffany’s took out a full page ad in the New York Times stating “We think it is unconscionable for anyone to hoard several billion, yes billion, dollars-worth of silver and thus drive the price up so high that others must pay artificially high prices for articles made of silver”.

On January 7, 1980, in response to the Hunts’ accumulation, the exchange rules regarding leverage were changed. COMEX adopted “Silver Rule 7” placing heavy restrictions on the purchase of commodities on margin

and as the Hunt brothers had borrowed heavily to finance their silver purchases, when prices began to fall - dropping over 50% in just four days – they were unable to meet their obligations which caused mass panic in the markets.

• The largest silver coin ever produced is the Austrian Thaler which has a whopping 15.5 inch (39.5 cm) diameter. The Thaler was used all over the world as a ‘trade dollar’ and was still in use in parts of the world, notably Africa and the Middle East, after World War II.

Amazing Silver and Gold Coin Facts

ChrissieAdministrative Director