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Page 1: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Introduction to HTMLM. Douglas Wray

Page 2: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Covered in this class:


The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial

Elements, the basic building blocks of a web page

CSS and how it relates to HTML

How to write clean, standards-compliant code

What NOT to do

Page 3: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

But first, tell me about YOU

Tell us who you are and why you’re here.

Page 4: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

About Doug Wray

• Web developer since 1999, worked for StorageTek, EDS and the University of Colorado

• Teach Intro to Web Design and Intro to HTML

• Avid WordPress user and consultant

• Personal website:

• Personal email: [email protected]

Page 5: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Source materials for this class

Much of the material discussed comes from: - open-source web curriculum. HTML Tutorial:

as well as links here:

Page 6: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

What is HTML

HyperText Markup LanguageMarkers around text (elements) instruct browser on how to deal with text.

HTML 4.01 / XHMTL Reference

Note: this list is extensive, here’s the ones you’re going to use the most:

Page 7: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

FAH – Frequently-Accessed HTMLElements you’ll use routinely

<a href=“”> </a> start and end hypertext anchors

<b> </b> start/end bold text (also <strong> </strong)

<blockquote> - indented text<body> - defines the document’s body<br /> - defines a single line break<div> - defines a section in a document<!DOCTYPE> - defines browser rending ruleset<h1> to <h6> - defines HTML headings<head> - defines information about the document<hr /> - horizontal rule (line)<html> - start of html<i> </i> - start/end italic text (also <em> </em)<li> - list item<link> - reference external files like CSS &

JavaScript<meta /> - defines metadata in an HTML

document<ol> - ordered (numbered) list<p> - paragraph<span> - select pieces of text<table> - tabulated data<td> - table data cell<th> - table headers<title> - html document title in browser bar<tr> - table row<ul> - unordered (bulleted) list

Others you’ll use less often

<code> - for displaying programming code<fieldset> - broder around form<form> - input forms<input /> - form fields<option> - items in a selector<map> - image map – clickable areas in

images<pre> - preformatted text – honors spaces<select> - drop-down list in form

Page 8: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Headfirst into the Web

The <head> is where basic assumptions and linkages are defined.

<!DOCTYPE> - defines browser rending ruleset – W3C Doctypes

<title> - html document title in browser bar

<meta> - defines metadata in an HTML document – keywords and description

<link> - references external documents such as stylesheet and JavaScript

Much more detail about the <head> element

Page 9: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Typical Text<h1>

First header</h1><p>

This is a paragraph. <span style=“color:red;>It can have color text</span>. It can have <b>bold text in it</b> as well as <i>italic<i>. You don’t nest lists inside it, they’re a separate element. You can also break<br />lines.


<li>List item</li><li>List item</li><li>List item</li>


Second header</h2><table>

<tr> <td>Table Data Cell</td><td>Table Data Cell</td><td>Table Data Cell</td></tr><tr> <td>Table Data Cell</td><td>Table Data Cell</td><td>Table Data Cell</td></tr>


This is indented text. It can be many words. It can have <b>bold text in it</b> as well as <i>italic<i>. You don’t nest tables inside it, they’re a separate element. Marking up text and Lesser-known semantic elements.


Page 10: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Arr!!! Drop Anchor!

<a href=“url”>Linked text</a>

Linked text

<a id=“subject” name=“subject”></a>

<a href=“#subject”>Go to subject section in page</a>

<a href=“url” target=“_blank”>New Veender</a>

Even more detail on linking

Page 11: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Intrapage Links

Page 12: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Links and images

Basic link-on-image:

<a href=“url”><img src=“path/to/image.jpg” /></a>

‘image.jpg’ can be a button or a picture. Note, button-based navigation is tedious to maintain. Google ‘sliding doors of CSS’ for details on reusable button menu.

<a href=“url”><img src=“path/to/image” style=“border:none;” /></a>

If don’t WANT an underline/border on rollover.

Page 13: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.



<li>First list item</li>

<li>Second list item</li>

<li>And so on...</li>


Page 14: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

List o’ links – bulleted (default)


<li><a href=“url”>First linked item</a></li>

<li><a href=“url”>Second linked item</a></li>

<li><a href=“”>Google</a></li>


Page 15: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

List o’ links – ordered (numbered)


<li><a href=“url”>First linked item</a></li>

<li><a href=“url”>Second linked item</a></li>

<li><a href=“”>Google</a></li>


<ol style=“list-style:upper-roman;”>

More list examples

Page 16: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

List stylesnone No marker

circle The marker is a circle

disc The marker is a filled circle. This is default

square The marker is a square

armenian The marker is traditional Armenian numbering

decimal The marker is a numberdecimal-leading-zero

The marker is a number padded by initial zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.)

georgianThe marker is traditional Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)

lower-alpha The marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)

lower-greek The marker is lower-greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)

lower-latin The marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)

lower-roman The marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)

upper-alpha The marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) 

upper-latin The marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)

upper-roman The marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)

Page 17: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Table elements

<table> - tabulated data<th> - table headers<tr> - table row<td> - table data cell

Basic table by Jenifer Hanen at Dev.Opera.Com

Page 18: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.


<fieldset> - broder around form<legend> - title above form<label> - titles for fields<form> - input forms<input> - form fields<option> - items in a selector<select> - drop-down list in form

HTML forms—the basics

Page 19: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

DIV-ide and conquerDIV = division of page – ‘block’ element

DOM – Document Object Model

Generic containers – the div and span elements

The CSS layout model - boxes, borders, margins, padding


CSS Zen Garden

Page 20: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

HTML Image Maps

Clickable areas on images




Example code and demo

Luna Beach Resort dive site map

Page 21: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.


Styles – made of Rules and Selectors

Inline and External - <link> command – Examples

Divs and the Box Model

Floated elements and clearing floats – Floatin’ Away

Styling text

W3 Schools CSS Tutorial

Page 22: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

CSS in use

<p style=“color:red;”>This is a styled paragraph</p>

<style>p {color:red;}


<p>This is a styled paragraph</p><p>So is this</p><p>In fact, they ALL are</p>

Page 23: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

Class act


{ color:red; font-style:italic; font-weight:900; }


<p class=“warning”>Danger Will Robinson!</p>

Defining style rules

My list of CSS Links

Page 24: Introduction to HTML M. Douglas Wray. Covered in this class: HTML 4 vs XHTML The DOCTYPE and why it's crucial Elements, the basic building blocks of a.

I welcome your I welcome your questions!questions!

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