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BBA ProgramBBA Program

Course Code: ECO221Course Code: ECO221

Macro EconomicsMacro Economics

Iqra UniversityIqra University

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Course DescriptionCourse Description

Introduction to MacroeconomicsIntroduction to Macroeconomics

Law of Demand and SupplyLaw of Demand and Supply

Fiscal and Monitory Policy andFiscal and Monitory Policy andFinancial InstitutionsFinancial Institutions

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Course ObjectiveCourse Objective

On completion of the course the student willOn completion of the course the student willhave«have«�� Basic knowledge of the economicBasic knowledge of the economic

concepts and phenomenaconcepts and phenomena�� Be able to understand the workingBe able to understand the working

economy in an international contexteconomy in an international context�� An understanding about major economicAn understanding about major economic

issues and problems of the day.issues and problems of the day.

Recommended book for this course isRecommended book for this course is ³ECONOMICS´ written by Michael Parkin. ³ECONOMICS´ written by Michael Parkin. You may also read«You may also read«

�� ³Economics´ author ³Paul A. Samuelson´. ³Economics´ author ³Paul A. Samuelson´.

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Teaching Methodology andTeaching Methodology and

RequirementsRequirements Please arrive and leave on time. Late arrivalsPlease arrive and leave on time. Late arrivals

will be marked as half absent.will be marked as half absent.

In the final examination:In the final examination:

�� 100% attendance will be awarded full 5100% attendance will be awarded full 5marks.marks.

�� 90% attendance will be awarded 4 marks.90% attendance will be awarded 4 marks.

�� 80% attendance will be awarded 3 marks.80% attendance will be awarded 3 marks.

�� 70% attendance will be awarded 2 marks.70% attendance will be awarded 2 marks.�� 60% attendance will be awarded 1 mark.60% attendance will be awarded 1 mark.

�� Less than 60% will be awarded 0 mark.Less than 60% will be awarded 0 mark.

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Teaching Methodology andTeaching Methodology and


Plagiarism and cheating will lead to dismissal.Plagiarism and cheating will lead to dismissal.

Assignments must incorporate with lessonsAssignments must incorporate with lessonstaught in class (Individual and/or Group).taught in class (Individual and/or Group).

Class time will be used to emphasize andClass time will be used to emphasize andclarify some text material with someclarify some text material with someadditional topics.additional topics.

Class discussions and questions asked will beClass discussions and questions asked will beappreciated.appreciated.

Read and discuss questions and/or case studyRead and discuss questions and/or case studyat the end of each chapter from theat the end of each chapter from therecommended books.recommended books.

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Instructions for Instructions for 

 Assignments/Projects/Presentations Assignments/Projects/Presentations

/Quizzes/Quizzes All assignments, projects, presentations andAll assignments, projects, presentations and

Quizzes must be handed in at the beginningQuizzes must be handed in at the beginning

of class on the due dates.of class on the due dates. All assignments, projects, presentations andAll assignments, projects, presentations and

Quizzes not completed on time will receive aQuizzes not completed on time will receive

You are most welcome to ask questions inYou are most welcome to ask questions in

class dealing with any material beingclass dealing with any material beingpresented, and to take an active role in classpresented, and to take an active role in classparticipation.participation.

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Course ContentsCourse Contents

An overview of Macroeconomics.An overview of Macroeconomics.

Basic terms; Introduction of J. M. Keynes,Basic terms; Introduction of J. M. Keynes,Keynesian revolution.Keynesian revolution.

Introduction to Aggregate Demand and Supply,Introduction to Aggregate Demand and Supply,

Equilibrium Output.Equilibrium Output. Revision of elements of Demand, Supply andRevision of elements of Demand, Supply and

Equilibrium.Equilibrium. Business Cycles and the theory of AggregateBusiness Cycles and the theory of Aggregate


Unemployment and Aggregate SupplyUnemployment and Aggregate Supply The process of economic growth and problemsThe process of economic growth and problems Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation and PriceInflation, Deflation, Stagflation and Price


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Course ContentsCourse Contents cont«cont«

Monitory Policy, its application and results.Monitory Policy, its application and results.

Fiscal Policy and its success.Fiscal Policy and its success. Measuring economic activity, details of nationalMeasuring economic activity, details of national

income analysis and accounting.income analysis and accounting. Consumption saving and Investment.Consumption saving and Investment. The concept of Multiplier and its application onThe concept of Multiplier and its application on


Money and Banking.Money and Banking.

Commercial banks and central banksCommercial banks and central banks Open Economy Macroeconomics andOpen Economy Macroeconomics and

introduction of International Tradeintroduction of International Trade Presentation; Final Project.Presentation; Final Project.

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Marks DistributionMarks Distribution

Sessional MarksSessional Marks 2525

�� (Quizzes, Assignments, Attendance, etc.)(Quizzes, Assignments, Attendance, etc.)

1 Hour Exam1 Hour Exam 1515

�� (After 7 Sessions)(After 7 Sessions)

Final ProjectFinal Project 1010

Final ExamFinal Exam 5050

TotalTotal 100100

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