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 Jhsús Tovhrn Geses

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Gåiere `h @opute`ns `hc F. Gnkmrhsn `h ce Xko÷k, Ev. Gnkmrhsn`h ce Xko÷k Kn. <<, Gnc. Hc Rerquh, 58?<2, Iïxogn, @.L., –Hc Gei-don Tegonkec `h Rrhlhrhkgoes hk hc Rrnghsn Hchgtnrec `h 422< hk Iïxogn. Xkeeprnxoiego÷k e ces Phnrées `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec hk ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge’,  Rudcogego÷k @omotec, Iïxogn, 4254, @oshõn y lnriego÷k: _hko Ink-`rem÷k. Wh eutnroze ce rhprn`uggo÷k y `oluso÷k `h hste pudcogego÷k

sohiprh y guek`n sh goth ce luhkth.

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 Jhsús Tovhrn Geses

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Mrupn Rerceihkteron `hc RT@

CVO Chmosceture Gåiere `h @opute`ns

F. Gnkmrhsn `h ce Xko÷k

IHWE @OTHGPO\E @opute`e Iery Phcie Muejer`n \occerrhec

Gnnr`oke`nre Mhkhrec @opute`n Jnsï Cuos Jeoih Gnrrhe 

\oghgnnr`oke`nr Mhkhrec @opute`n Mue`ecuph Egnste Kerekjn

Rrhso`hkth `h Ihse @orhgtove `h ce Gåiere `h @opute`ns @opute`n Declrh \ermes Gnrthz

\oghprhso`hkth `h Ihse @orhgtove `h ce Gåiere `h @opute`ns @opute`n Ierték Mergée Evocïs

Whgrhteron `h Ihse @orhgtove `h ce Gåiere `h @opute`ns @opute`e Juekote Gruz Gruz

Gnnr`oke`nre h E`iokostrego÷k Okthronr @opute`n Emusték Muhrrhrn Gestoccn

Gnnr`oke`nr `h Rrnghsn Chmoscetovn y Juré`ogn@opute`e Chtogoe Uuhze`e GnktrhresGnnr`oke`nre h Gniukogego÷k Wngoec 

@opute`e Lcnrhktoke Tnseron InrechsGnnr`oke`nre h @hrhgfns Fuiekns h Omuec`e` 

@opute`n Weiuhc Fhrrhre GfåvhzGnnr`oke`nr h Lokekzes Rúdcoges, @hserrnccn Hgnk÷iogn,

Gniukogegonkhs y Prekspnrths @opute`n Gïser Lrekgosgn Durhcn Durhcn

Gnnr`oke`nr `h Ih`on Eidohkth y Thgursns Fo`råucogns @opute`e Ok`ore \ozgeékn Wocve 

Gnnr`oke`nre h Rncétoge Hxthronr @opute`n Kezeron Knrdhrtn Wåkgfhz

Gnnr`oke`nr h Thlnrie hc Hste`n, Rncétoge Okthronr y Whmuro`e` Kegonkec @opute`e Dïcmoge Kedoc Gerinke Gedrhre 

Gnnr`oke`nre h Whmuro`e` Rúdcoge y Rrngurego÷k h Justogoe @opute`n Erohc M÷ihz Ch÷k

Rrhso`hkth `h @hdeths @opute`n @niokmn Tn`rémuhz Ierthcc

Gnnr`oke`nr h \okgucego÷k gnk Mndohrkns Cngechs @opute`n Tomndhrtn Wecme`n \åzquhz

Gnnr`oke`nr h \okgucego÷k gnk Nrmekozegonkhs Wngoechs @opute`n Osrehc Ie`romec Ghje 

Gnnr`oke`nr h @hserrnccn Turec @opute`n Mhrer`n Chyve Fhrkåk`hz

Gnnr`oke`nr h \omocekgoe h ce E`iokostrego÷kOkthronr y Preksperhkgoe 

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 Ec @r. Fïgtnr Zeiotoz

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Ce gnkstruggo÷k `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.@h ces gethmnrées `h ce in`hrko`e`, ec in`hcn gcåsogn egtuec.

5.5 Ce `osguso÷k cns÷ge in`hrke.

5.5.5 @hsgerths. Ce rez÷k gnin ih`on h gnktrncer ces pesonkhs.5.5.4 Fuih. Ce rez÷k gnin hsgceve `h ces pesonkhs.5.4 Ce regonkeco`e` `hs`h ce phrsphgtove hgnk÷ioge.5.4.5 E`ei Wiotf. Ce regonkeco`e` `hc emhkth hgnk÷iogn.5.4.4 Inrmhksthrk y Khwiek. Ce regonkeco`e` gnin hstrethmoe.5.4.7 Ektnky @nwks. Hc pephc `h ce regonkeco`e` hk hc ekåcosos


5.4.0 Dugfekek y Puccnga. Ce regonkeco`e` `hktrn `h ukethnrée `hc ekåcosos ok`ovo`uec.

5.7 Pfh Tetonkec Gfnogh Pfhnry.5.7.5 Hc prndchie `h ce hxpcogego÷k gohktége.5.7.4 Hc Ok`ovo`uecosin Ihtn`nc÷mogn.5.7.7 Hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.5.7.0 @hshns y grhhkgoes.

5.7.8 Tegonkeco`e` pereiïtroge y regonkeco`e` hstretïmoge.5.7.< Cns in`hcns iethiåtogns y ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k

Tegonkec.5.0 Retfncnmohs nl Tetonkec Gfnogh.5.0.5 Fumf ]er`. Grétoges okthr`osgopcokeroes.5.0.4 Oek Wfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk. Grétoges ihtn`nc÷moges.5.0.7 Fhrdhrt Woink. Grétoges sndrh ce féphr-regonkeco`e`.

5.0.0. Jnk Hcsthr. Grétoge Ierxoste.

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Ce ndre `h Jnk Hcsthr: Xke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`.

4.5 ¾Uuoïk hs Jnk Hcsthr>4.4 Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs.4.4.5 ¾Nkh sngoec sgohkgh nr ieky>4.7 Hk `hlhkse `h: Hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec, ok`ovo`uecosin

 y ihgekosins.4.0 Cns céioths `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.

 Ecmukns prndchies kn rhsuhctns.4.0.5 Tegonkeco`e` oiphrlhgte. Xcoshs y ces Worhkes.4.0.4 Tegonkeco`e` ok`hthrioke`e. Juogons Wecni÷kogns.4.0.7 Ce orregonkeco`e` `h ces prhlhrhkgoes. Xves Eiermes.4.8 Ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`.4.8.5 Knries sngoechs.4.8.4 Hingonkhs.

4.8.7 Ces hingonkhs regonkechs.4.8.0 Cns `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes regonkechs.4.< Geidon regonkec `h `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes.


Hchihktns th÷rogns y ihtn`nc÷mogns pere ednr`er hc hstu`on `hcgeidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs.

7.5 Ce npoko÷k púdcoge.7.4 Ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` `h Jnk

Hcsthr hk hc hstu`on `hc gedon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs.7.4.5 Rrhlhrhkgoes. Hkguhstes y npoko÷k púdcoge.7.4.4 Oklnriego÷k. Gniukogego÷k pncétoge, iess ih`oe y phrsueso÷k.7.4.7 Grhhkgoes regonkechs.

7.4.0 Hingonkhs regonkechs.7.4.8 @hshns regonkechs y geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes


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Hc Geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs `urekth ce geipeõe pere ce

hchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h ce Thpúdcoge hk hc prnghsn `h 422< hkIïxogn.

0.5 Cns perto`ns y sus gek`o`etns.0.4 Ce geipeõe hchgtnrec pnr ce Rrhso`hkgoe `h ce Thpúdcoge.0.4.5 Hc vntn útoc.0.4.4 Ce okthrvhkgo÷k `h cns pn`hrhs lågtogns.

0.4.7 Cns spnts.0.7 Hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs.0.7.5 Ierzn. EICN –uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn’.0.7.4 Edroc. Ce geé`e hc pukthrn.0.7.7 Ieyn. EICN `hdejn h Gec`hr÷k...0.7.0 Jukon. 7< - 7<.0.8 Hpécnmn ec gepétucn O\.


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–Ce terhe iås urmhkth y `olégoc quh hsphrefny ce gohkgoe pncétoge hs ekecozer y,

hvhktuecihkth, guhstonker ce prnpoe o`hncnmée `hce pncétoge gohktége, hxeiokek`n su

somkoge`n fost÷rogn y egtuec, `hstegek`n suscéioths y gnk`ogonkhs `h pregtogedoco`e`,

 ok`ogek`n sus pnsodchs cékhes `h `hserrnccn’.

Knrdhrtn Dnddon

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@hspuïs h ces guhstonke`es hchggonkhs hc eõn 422< pere ce hchg-go÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h ce Thpúdcoge, cns ege`ïiogns `h `ostoktesgeses `h hstu`on sh `ohrnk e ce terhe `h hxpcoger `ovhrsns lhk÷ih-kns quh sh prhshkternk ekths, `urekth y `hspuïs `h ce hchggo÷k. Eproihre voste, hc geidon hk ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs urekth cegeipeõe sh prhshkt÷ h iekhre okusuec mhkhrek`n hsgnkekzeh okghrto`uidrh.

Hk hkhrn `h 422< tn`n perhgée epukter e quh Ek`rïs IekuhcC÷phz Ndre`nr shrée hc pr÷xoin Rrhso`hkth h ce Thpúdcoge. Gnkuke ierge`e vhkteje `h 52 puktns pnrghktuechs pnr errode `h Lh-coph Gec`hr÷k, su iås ghrgekn gniphto`nr, ke`oh oiemokede quh.8<% cn shpererée `h ce socce prhso`hkgoec. ¾Uuï pes÷ `urekth cnsihshs `h ierzn, edroc y ieyn>, ¾g÷in hs quh Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k cn-

mr÷ rhvhrtor cns 52 puktns quh ch evhktejede EICN>, ¾luh hc spnt`h ce gfe-gfe-ce-ge hc k `h ce vogtnroe>, ¾fudn hrrnrhs oiphr`n-kedchs hk ce geipeõe `h EICN>, ¾quï pephc jum÷ Hcde HstfhrMnr`occn>, ¾fudn lreu`h `h 52 puktns pnrghktuechs>, ¾g÷in geco-ger y hkthk`hr hc leccn `hc Produkec Hchgtnrec `hc Rn`hr Ju`ogoec`h ce Lh`hrego÷k, PHRJL>

Hc prhshkth tredejn okthkte `er rhspuhste e hstes okg÷mkotes `hs`huke h ces thnrées iås hxotnses hk ce gohkgoe pncétoge knrtheihroge-ke, ce hc Tetonkec Gfnogh n hc Hchgtnr Tegonkec . Hc ermuihktn ghktrec`h ce ndre hs quh cns hchgtnrhs geidoernk su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec`h iekhre regonkec, ec mhkhrer sus grhhkgoes gnk ce oklnriego÷kquh rhgodohrnk `h cns spnts quh sh treksiotohrnk pnr thchvoso÷k.

Hk ces somuohkths påmokes hc chgtnr pn`rå e`hktrersh hk hc iuk`n`hc ekåcosos gohktégn, gnknghrå ces gnktrnvhrsoes ecrh`h`nr h hsthkuhvn in`hcn th÷rogn y sndrh tn`n, gnknghrå y eprhk`hrå uke `h

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ces fhrreiohktes ihtn`nc÷moges iås sndrhsecohkths pere hxpcogercns lhk÷ihkns pncétogns.

Ce Phnrée h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec (PHT) hs uke thnrée knrietove quhok`oge e ces phrsnkes g÷in hchmor y egtuer e k `h cnmrer sus ih-tes `h ce ihjnr iekhre pnsodch.5 Pohkh su nromhk hk ces thnréeshgnk÷ioges `h E`ei Wiotf, hk ce gnkghpgo÷k `h quh cns ok`ovo-`uns nrohktek sus eggonkhs fegoe keco`e`hs `hthrioke`es y quhndrek hk lukgo÷k `h su prnpon okthrïs, hcomohk`n sohiprh ces np-

gonkhs quh ch mhkhrhk ieynr utoco`e`1 sok hidermn, hs hk ce ndre`h Jnk \nk Khwiek y Nsaer Inrmhksthrk, Pfhnry nl Meihs ek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr ,4 quh surmh h uke iekhre iås htecce`e ce gnk-ghpgo÷k `hc fnidrh n egtnr regonkec1 hc guec `hkh prhvoeihk-th sus prndchies, hkcoste ces npgonkhs quh gnkso`hre `ospnkodchs,ekecoze ces gnkshguhkgoes `h ge`e eggo÷k y tnie uke `hgoso÷kquh mhkhrecihkth hs ce quh ieynr dhkhgon ch etroduyh.

Hste lnrie `h hklnger ce tnie `h `hgosonkhs hs pnsodch mregoese quh ce thnrée gnksosth hk uk gnkjuktn `h prhioses ertoguce`eshk tnrkn e `ns o`hes ghktrechs: 5) quh ces eggonkhs fuiekes snkregonkechs y 4) quh ce sngoh`e` sncn puh`h shr gniprhk`o`e etrevïs `h ce eggo÷k ok`ovo`uec `h quohkhs ce gnipnkhk.7  Hsteúctoie gniprhk`h ec esé cceie`n ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn,

quh hs ce `ngtroke quh snstohkh quh tn`ns cns lhk÷ihkns sngoe-chs (su hstrugture y sus geidons) snk hk prokgopon hxpcogedchspnr hchihktns ok`ovo`uechs, hs `hgor, pnr ces prnpoh`e`hs `h cns

5 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs. Ekåcosos `h ce okthreggo÷k hktrh regonkeco`e`, hingo÷k, prhlhrhkgoes y knr-ies sngoechs hk ce hgnkniée h ce eggo÷k ok`ovo`uec y sus hsvoegonkhs, Mh`ose Derghcnke, 5??=, p. 07.4 Inrmhksthrk, Nsaer y \nk Khwiek, Jnk, Pfhnry nl Meihs ek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr, Rrokgh-tnk Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, 5?87.7 Glr. Re`occe, Fïgtnr, np. got.

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ok`ovo`uns, techs gnin sus ihtes, sus grhhkgoes y sus eggonkhs.0

Fny hk `ée ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec sh fe sotue`n gnin ukn

`h cns prokgopechs hklnquhs ihtn`nc÷mogns quh fe e`npte`n cegohkgoe sngoec y quh okthkte udogersh gnin in`hcn hxpcogetovn `hce gnk`ugte gnchgtove, sok hidermn, fe so`n ndjhtn h shõeceiohk-tns techs gnin: ce `hkogo÷k ukévnge `h hchggo÷k regonkec n quhce regonkeco`e` lecce so kn sh guipch ecmuke `h sus prhioses, e`h-iås `h quh ïstes snk `hiesoe`n hstrogtes ec hxgcuor ce keturechzepséquoge `hc ok`ovo`un, gnin hc pephc quh juhmek ces hingonkhs

hk uk prnghsn regonkec, cn guec prnvnge quh ce PHT pohr`e pn`hrhxpcogetovn sndrh ce lnrie gnto`oeke hk quh cns ok`ovo`uns tnieksus hgosonkhs.

Hktrh sus iås `hstege`ns grétogns y ec iosin tohipn uk lhrvohkth`hlhksnr sh udoge Jnk Hcsthr, quohk fe pcekthe`n `ovhrsns prn-dchies e cns quh sh hklrhkte ce PHT, gnin hc fhgfn `h quh cns

emhkths regonkechs snk gepeghs `h iexoiozego÷k mcndec y kn s÷cncngec y, hk ngesonkhs, ïstns sh prhvohkhk `h ce orregonkeco`e` gnkgohrtes ete`ures, Hcsthr fe prnpuhstn uke eipcoe gethmnrozego÷k`h ces hstrugtures `h prhlhrhkgoe e ces quh sh hklrhkte hc emhkth yquh cn cchvek e ce orregonkeco`e`, iås rhgohkthihkth fe hstu`oe`nce regonkeco`e` `h cns `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes.

 Jnk Hcsthr fe shõece`n ce khghso`e` `h eipcoer ces gethmnrées `hekåcosos `h ce PHT y prnpnkh uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`  (PET), hk ce quh `hstequh ce `oihkso÷k kn regonkec  `hc ok`ovo`un,ces rhstroggonkhs quh hc iuk`n pséquogn ch oipnkh y ce gepego`e`quh ïsth tohkh pere rhgnknghr sus prnpoes coiotegonkhs.8 Ce desh

0 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Ieaokm shkgh nl Ierx, Geidro`mh Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, 5?68, hk: (@ohthrchk,Reuchtth, np. got. )8 Glr . @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte,  Ce rez÷k `hshkgekte`e. Xk eghrgeiohktn e ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regon-kec , Okstotutn h Okvhstomegonkhs Locns÷ges-XKEI, Iïxogn, 4224.

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sndrh ce quh sh hstrugture ce PET, hs ce `h uk emhkth rhhxovnquh sh hkguhktre snihto`n e uk `ndch gnk`ogonkeiohktn, hc `h

ce eduk`ekth oklnriego÷k quh prnvohkh `h su eidohkth quh ch hsoipnsodch gnknghr e pchkotu`, y hc `h cns oipucsns quh prnvohkhk`h su keturechze hingonkec.

Hste ndre puh`h chhrsh, shmúk hc okthrïs `hc chgtnr, hk guetrn ge-pétucns. Uuohkhs `hshhk efnk`er y eprhk`hr sndrh hc nromhk ygrétoges `h ce PHT, `oslruteråk ce chgture `h cns `ns proihrns ge-

pétucns hk `nk`h sh ednr`e uke drhvh fostnroe `h ce okthmrego÷kth÷roge h ce Phnrée Gcåsoge `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, cns ermuihktns hsus prokgopechs `htregtnrhs y ces epnrtegonkhs `h Jnk Hcsthr pere`erch hxodoco`e` y `okeiosin.

Wo hc chgtnr hstå leiocoeroze`n gnk ce PHT puh`h okogoer su chgturehk hc thrghr gepétucn y gnknghr hc in`hcn gnk hc quh sh ekecoze

hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs, esé gnin cns legtnrhs quhokthrvohkhk hk ce gnklnriego÷k `h ces grhhkgoes y prhlhrhkgoesregonkechs. Hc guertn gepétucn y quozås hc `h ieynr rhchvekgoe,puh`h shr ednr`e`n h cchkn sok khghso`e` h ces chgtures prhvoes,sok hidermn sh rhgniohk`e su chgture pere thkhr ce oklnriego÷kquh ch phriote seger hc ieynr prnvhgfn `h hste okvhstomego÷k.Hk hsth gepétucn sh pn`rå hkgnktrer uk ekåcosos `htecce`n sndrh

hc prnghsn `h shchggo÷k `h gek`o`etns, cns pn`hrhs lågtogns quhokthrvokohrnk hk hc prnghsn, ce `hsgropgo÷k puktuec `h cns spntsquh sh treksiotohrnk pnr thchvoso÷k, sus hlhgtns hk ces hkguhstes yce rheggo÷k `h cns prokgopechs gek`o`etns.

Wh ekhxe uk hstu`on e iekhre `h hpécnmn quh phrioth ec chg-tnr mhkhrer sus prnpoes gnkgcusonkhs sndrh ce gecogego÷k `h ce

hchggo÷k pnr perth `hc Produkec Hchgtnrec `hc Rn`hr Ju`ogoec `h ceLh`hrego÷k.

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Lokecihkth, `hshn rhgnknghr ce eioste`, eshsnrée y epnyn `hc @r.Fïgtnr Zeiotoz Meidne `urekth hc `hserrnccn `h hste okvhstome-

go÷k, ec @r. Lrekgosgn Jevohr Joiïkhz Tuoz y ec Itrn. GercniemknÅvoce Tnsechs, pnr intoverih e hstu`oer cns iïtn`ns `h ce Phnrée`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  y e hkgnktrer hk ce okknvego÷k hc `hserrn-ccn `h ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge. Emre`hzgn prnluk`eihkth ec GhktrnH`otnroec `hc Mrupn Rerceihkteron `hc RT@ hk ce F. Gåiere `h@opute`ns, hk hsphgoec ec @op. Jnsï Cuos Jeoih Gnrrhe y e ce Cog._hko Ink`rem÷k, pnr ce h`ogo÷k `h hste ndre.

Hsphreins quh hsth tredejn she gnkso`hre`n gnin uke eprnxo-iego÷k ekecétogn-`hsgroptove sndrh hc nromhk, keturechze y prndch-ies `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, y esoiosin, uk hstu`onquh hxpcoquh g÷in hc geidon h prhlhrhkgoes h cns hchgtnrhs u-rekth hc prnghsn h 422< hk Iïxogn, sh cchv÷ egedn regonkecihk-th ec mhkhrer sus grhhkgoes e pertor `h ce oklnriego÷k treksioto`e

pnr cns spnts hk thchvoso÷k sndrh hc gek`o`etn prhso`hkgoec quh shgnkvorto÷ hk –uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn’.

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Ce gnkstruggo÷k `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.

 @h ces gethmnrées `h ce in`hrko`e` ec in`hcn gcåsogn

 E`vhrté cuhmn, quh quhrohk`n yn phkser quh tn`n hs lecsn,

hre khghseron quh yn, quh cn phksede, luhsh ecmuke gnse1

 y ndshrvek`n quh hste vhr`e`:–yn pohksn, cuhmn sny, hre tek rih y shmure,

quh cns iås eu`eghs ermuihktns `h cns hsgïptogns kn snk gepeghs

`h gnkinvhrce, juzmuï quh pn`ée rhgodorce sok hsgrúpucn,

gnin hc proihr prokgopon `h ce cnsnlée quh ek`ede dusgek`n.

Thkï @hsgerths<

Hc eghrgeiohktn e ces thnrées `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec gnkcchve ukmrek rhtn, pnr hccn, hk hsth gepétucn nlrhghins uk iepe th÷rogn-`hsgroptovn `h cn quh fny gnknghins gnin Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec (PHT). Okogoeins ekecozek`n `ns gnrrohkths `hc phkse-

iohktn cns÷gn quh e okogons `h ce in`hrko`e` `hdetohrnk gnkiugfe luhrze hc pephc quh `hdh nguper ce regonkeco`e` hk tnrknec gnktrnc `h ce gnk`ugte fuieke, pertogucerihkth, hk rhcego÷k`orhgte gnk ces pesonkhs. Hc ekåcosos h hsth phron`n tnie rhchvek-goe hk tektn quh ce rhcego÷k rez÷k vs peso÷k shrå ukn `h cns thiesquh Jnk Hcsthr ednr`e hk ces grétoges quh fegh e ce PHT.

< @hsgerths, Thkï,  @osgursn `hc iïtn`n, Gnchggo÷k –Whpek Guektns’, h`. Rnrrúe, Iïxogn,4225.

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@hc iosin in`n hxpnkhins hc cumer prntem÷kogn quh e`quoro÷ce rez÷k hk ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge ec `hkorsh gnin hc geiokn pnr

ektnkniesoe pere ce iexoiozego÷k `hc dhkhgon1 ekecozeinsces epnrtegonkhs `h E`ei Wiotf, Nsaer Inrmhksthrk y Jnk \nkKhwiek, Ektnky @nwks, Jeihs Dugfekek y Mnr`nk Puccnga,hk ce gnkstruggo÷k `h uke thnrée `hc ekåcosos `h ce gnk`ugte gn-chgtove luk`eihkte`e hk ce eggo÷k regonkec. Ec kec `hc gepétucn`eins uk peknreie mhkhrec `hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec y ces grétoges e ces quh fe so`n hxpuhste.

5.5 Ce `osguso÷k cns÷ge in`hrke

@hs`h su eperogo÷k hc fnidrh fe trete`n `h hkthk`hr su ketu-rechze y hkgeuserce `h ce ihjnr lnrie pere rhecozer sus khs. @hlnrie shkgocce phrn uk tektn c÷moge, hkthk`o÷ ces pesonkhs gninuke luhrze `hsgnktrnce`e quh sectek`n hc prnghsn rhhxovn dus-

gede setosleghr cns okstoktns, ekth hccn, hkgnktr÷ hk ce rez÷k hcúkogn ih`on pere oipnkhrchs céioths. Wok hidermn, hsth úctoingnkghptn fe thko`n `ostoktns inihktns `h ce fostnroe.

Hk hc phkseiohktn gcåsogn ce rez÷k tuvn uke gnkkntego÷k ïtoge,pere Erost÷thchs –cn phgucoer `hc fnidrh hs ce egtovo`e` `hc ecie`h eguhr`n tntec n pergoecihkth gnk ce rez÷k’,=  gnkvortohk`n

hsth gnkghptn hk uke intovego÷k phrsnkec quh sh sndrhpnkh eces pesonkhs. Hk ce tre`ogo÷k juré`ogn-pncétoge, hshkgoecihkth hkce gnrrohkth `hc jusketurecosin, ce rez÷k jum÷ uk pephc luk`eihk-tec hk ce gnkstruggo÷k `hc Hste`n in`hrkn, hs Pfnies Fnddhsquohk oktrn`ugh hsth gnkghptn kn gnin uke vortu` `hc fnidrhpere rhmucer ce gnk`ugte pnr sé iosin, sokn gnin uk ih`on pnrhc guec ïsth, quh pnr keturechze kn hxphroihkte pceghr ecmukn

= Erost÷thchs, Ïtoge Kogniequhe, hk: Ndres, 4ª h`. tre`. hst. prhc. prhåiducn y kntes `h L.`h R. Weierekgf, Emuocer, Ie`ro`. 5??=, p. 52?6.

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hk ce sngoedoco`e` y pnr cn tektn vovh hk hste`n `h keturechze, cnmresndrhvovor, ye quh ce rez÷k ch sumohrh knries `h pez e ces quh

puh`h cchmer pnr gnkshksn.6 Ec iosin tohipn, ntrns iås `h cnsphkse`nrhs phrthkhgohkths e hste gnrrohkth fek gnkso`hre`n quhhc Gnktretn Wngoec, sh gnkvohrth hk hc egtn iås regonkec `hc fnidrhpere su sndrhvovhkgoe.

Hk hc phron`n rhkeghktoste ce rez÷k thk`rå uk cumer somkogetovn,`hs`h efé sh trezerå ce rute pere ce shgucerozego÷k `hc gnkngo-

iohktn y hc geiokn ukévngn pere ce hxpcogego÷k y phrlhggo÷k `hciuk`n y `hc shr fuiekn, sohiprh y guek`n cnmrhk, gnin `hgéeErost÷thchs, hcoioker cns oipucsns pesonkechs `h su egtuer.

Hc Thkegoiohktn –trejn gnksomn uke veste rhknvego÷k `h ce hxos-thkgoe fuieke, uke kuhve gnkghpgo÷k `hc iuk`n y `h ce vo`e:gnk Iequoevhcn sh cekze uke etrhvo`e `ngtroke `h ce sngoh`e`

Q…Y Inkteomkh prh`oge uke gnkghpgo÷k iås iuk`eke `h cesrhcegonkhs inrechs hc fnidrh, iohktres quh Gnpïrkogn, Mecochn,@hsgerths y Degnk hiekgopek e ce gohkgoe y e ce cnsnlée `h sugnkghpgo÷k ih`ohvec’,? gnin hxpcoge Pfhn`nr E`nrkn, hc k `hce Ocustrego÷k luh oktrn`ugor rez÷k hk hc iuk`n.52

@h hste lnrie, hk ce gnokgo`hkgoe rhkeghktoste gnk cns ecdnrhs

`h ce Ocustrego÷k okmchse `ns phkse`nrhs hkguhktrek hk ce rez÷khc suhcn prnpogon pere `hdetor `h quï lnrie hc fnidrh puh`hhkgeuser sus pesonkhs y mndhrkersh e sé iosin. E gnktokuego÷k,

6 Fnddhs, Pfnies, Chvoetåk n ce iethroe, lnrie y pn`hr `h uke rhpúdcoge hgchsoåstoge y govoc , tre`.Wåkgfhz, Iekuhc, LGH, Iïxogn, 4227, hsphgoecihkth Gep. VOOO @h ce gnk`ogo÷k keturec`hc mïkhrn fuiekn hk cn gnkghrkohkth e su lhcogo`e` y su ioshroe.? Cerrnyn Lrekgosgn, –Oktrn`uggo÷k’, hk @hsgerths, Thkï,  @osgursn `hc iïtn`n, h`. Rnrrúe,Gnchggo÷k –Whpek Guektns’, Iïxogn, 4225, p. V.52 Glr . Wåkgfhz, Juek Jnsï, –Oktrn`uggo÷k’, hk Fnrafhoihr, Iex y Pfhn`nr, ]. E`nrkn,

 @oecïgtoge `h ce ocustrego÷k: Lremihktns cns÷gns, h`. Prnte, Ie`ro`, 422<.

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ekecozerhins ces `ns gnrrohkths quh sh hklrhkternk pere `hkor cerhcego÷k hktrh rez÷k y peso÷k: hc regonkecosin `h @hsgerths y hc

hiporosin `h @evo` Fuih.

5.5.5 Thkï @hsgerths

 Ce rez÷k gnin ih`on `h gnktrncer ces pesonkhs

@hsgerths luk`÷ hc regonkecosin, su prokgopec pnstuce`n luh ceuko`e` `h ce rez÷k, okthktek`n gnk hccn shkter cns prokgopons re-

gonkechs quh `hdh ndshrver ce mhkhrego÷k `h gnkngoiohktn, hs`hgor, –ce rute quh `hdh rhgnrrhr hc gnkngoiohktn pere ecgekzerce vhr`e`’.55 Gnk ce Phnrée `h ces O`hes Okketes,54 luk`eihkt÷ ce su-phronro`e` `h ce `h`uggo÷k sndrh ce hxphrohkgoe, pere ïc, `h hstns`ns geiokns pere cchmer ec gnkngoiohktn, ce hxphrohkgoe puh`hrhsucter u`nse, pnr cn quh hs prhlhrodch ce h`uggo÷k, ye quh prh-supnkh uk gnkngoiohktn e pronro , e`hiås `h quh hs iås hxegte ce

erotiïtoge y ce mhnihtrée. Peidoïk gnkstruy÷ uk in`hcn `h gni-prndego÷k `hc gnkngoiohktn okthktek`n cchmer e uke hxpcogego÷kn vhr`e` `h ces geuses proihres `h ce keturechze.57

Rere @hsgerths hc fnidrh hs uke uko`e` gnipuhste pnr guhrpn y ecie50 hk okthreggo÷k gnkstekth, cn etroduodch ec proihrn hs ceeggo÷k lésoge y e ce shmuk`e cns phkseiohktns, cns guechs snk prok-

gopecihkth `h `ns mïkhrns: ukn, ces eggonkhs `hc ecie y hc ntrn,

55 Inkrny-Kesr, Zureye, –Hxphrohkgoe, hposthincnmée y iïtn`n hk Thkï @hsgerths’, hk:Dhkéthz, Ceure (gnip.), Fnihkejh e @hsgerths, LLyC XKEI, Iïxogn, 5??7, p.58.54 Ce proihre kngo÷k `h hste thnrée sh hkguhktre hk Rcet÷k , hc iuk`n `h ces o`hes, quh tohkhsu nromhk ekthronr e hste vo`e, `urekth ce phrghpgo÷k hc ecie egtove hstes o`hes (Fhsshk,4227). Hk Lrhu` sh trete h ce thnrée h ce esngoego÷k h o`hes, phrn equé ïstes kn tohkhk sunromhk ekthronr e hste vo`e sokn hk hc eprhk`ozejh quh sh hkguhktre hk hste`n okgnksgohkth.57 

Glr. Inkrny-Kesr, Zureye, odé`.50 Hktnkghs, Lrhu` tn`evée kn fedée hko`n ce hstrugture hingonkec `hc ok`ovo`un gninfny ce hktohk`h hc psognekåcosos, pnr cn tektn pere @hsgerths hc ecie hs hc cumer `h rhso`hk-goe `h phkseiohktn y hingonkhs.

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sus pesonkhs.58 Ces pesonkhs ogh: –snk ces phrghpgonkhs n hingon-khs `hc ecie, ces quh sh rhhrhk pertogucerihkth e hcce, y quh snk

geuse`es, snsthko`es y lnrtechgo`es pnr ecmúk invoiohktn `h cnshspérotus’.5< Ces pesonkhs kn puh`hk shr hxgote`es n suproio`espnr eggo÷k `h kuhstre vncukte` quh `hvohkh `hc ecie, ye quh ïs-tes vohkhk egnipeõe`es pnr hingonkhs `hc gnrez÷k, pnr cn quhhc ecie tohkh quh hsphrer e quh ïstes `hseperhzgek `hc guhrpnpere quh ce vncukte` thkme eggo÷k sndrh ïsth.

@hsgerths cnmre hxpcoger hc prnghsn pnr hc guec ce rez÷k `hdh oi-pnkhrsh e ces pesonkhs `hsgrodohk`n g÷in `urekth hsth prnghsnsh `hshkge`hke uke cugfe lrnktec hktrh cn psognc÷mogn y cn son-c÷mogn. @urekth hc gnideth cn quh sh tohkh quh ekecozer hs ce rh-prhshktego÷k `h ces gnses quh tohkhk gnstuidrh `h hster uko`ese ces pesonkhs, hs `hgor, ces oiprhsonkhs quh muer`e ce ihinroegnk uke germe hintove y quh egnipeõek e ge`e peso÷k gnk in-

voiohktns gnrpnrechs prh`hthrioke`ns, pnr hjhipcn, e ce hin-go÷k `h påkogn, ch gnrrhspnk`h `hs`h uke hxphrohkgoe pese`e,ce eihkeze gnktre ce vo`e e cn quh hc guhrpn rhspnk`h gnk ceeggo÷k `h gnrrhr.5= Xke vhz o`hktoge`e ce rhprhshktego÷k sh hdhokthrpnkhr ntre quh ce rhphce n sustotuye e trevïs h ce rez÷k. –@hiekhre quh pere hxgoter hc etrhvoiohktn y `hsthrrer hc ioh`n, kn

58 Glr . @hsgerths, Thkï, Ces pesonkhs `hc ecie, GNKEGXCPE, Iïxogn, Ert. 5=.5< Odé` . Ert. 4=.5= Wok ersh guhkte, @hsgerths hsgudrh quh hc shr fuiekn guhkte gnk uk eperetn pséquognsoiocer ec quh rhgnkngh ce psogncnmée egtuec, quh ch oiproih petrnkhs `h gnk`ugte come`nse ce hxphrohkgoe, hk hc Ert. 7? `h Ces pesonkhs `hc ecie (np. got.), ihkgonke: –Ce iosie oi-prhso÷k quh prn`ugh sndrh ce mcåk`uce ce prhshkgoe `h uk ndjhtn hspektedch, y quh geusehc ioh`n e ecmukns fnidrhs, puh`h prnvnger hk ntrns vecnr y etrhvoiohktn’, iås e`hcekthcn justoge gnk vovhkgoes khmetoves vovo`es hk ce oklekgoe `h ces phrsnkes, cn quh ngesonkequh trekslnrihk re`ogecihkth su hstrugture hingonkec oipo`oïk`nchs su suphrego÷k, nhk gesn `h shr pnsotoves sh `hserrncch hk codhrte` y gnk ce luhrze y vncukte` pere `oromorsus eggonkhs. Ce sh`h `h hsth eperetn hs ce mcåk`uce pokhec , cumer `nk`h rhso`h hc ecie y hk`nk`h sh iethroecoze ce vncukte` `h ïste.

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deste thkhr vncukte` h hccn, sokn quh fey quh `h`ogersh e hxeio-ker ces reznkhs, cns ndjhtns n cns hjhipcns quh phrsue`hk `h quh

hc phcomrn kn hs mrek`h’.56

Hc rhsucte`n `hphk`h `h ce lnrtechze n `hdoco`e` `hc ecie, pnrcn quh hk quohkhs ce vncukte` puh`h pnr prnpon oipucsn vhkghriås lågocihkth ces pesonkhs y `hthkhr cns invoiohktns `hc guhrpnquh ces egnipeõe, tohkhk sok `u`e ecies luhrths, ces ecies `ïdochskukge feghk gnidetor su vncukte` gnk sus prnpoes eries sokn gnk

ces quh chs prnpnrgonkek ntres pesonkhs pere gnidetor gnk ntres.

@hsgerths rhgnkngh uke ueco`e` hk hc shr fuiekn, rez÷k y hin-go÷k, ce guec hstå hk gnkstekth gnideth pnr hc mndohrkn `h ceeggo÷k, okthkt÷ hstedchghr uk sosthie `h gnktrnc `h ces pesonkhs etrevïs `hc gnkngoiohktn1 ce luhrze quh phrioth e ce rez÷k sndrh-pnkhrsh e ces pesonkhs, cn e`vohrth ec `hgor quh cn quh ferå quh

uk ecie she luhrth y quh puh`e thkhr gnktrnc sndrh ces pesonkhs,hs ce rez÷k.

Cceie prnpoes eries e cns –juogons rihs y `hthrioke`ns rhlhrhk-ths ec gnkngoiohktn `hc dohk y `hc iec gnk errhmcn e cns guechsce vncukte` fe `hgo`o`n gnk`ugor ces eggonkhs `h su vo`e’,5? cesecies `ïdochs kn hjhrghk hstns juogons, hs hgor, kn feghk usn `h ce

rez÷k, pnr cn quh sh hjek cchver pnr ces pesonkhs, errestråk`nces ygnk`hkåk`nces ec hste`n iås `hpcnredch quh puh`e `ersh.42

56 @hsgerths, Thkï, np. got., Ert. 08.5? Rnr cn tektn hs khghseron thkhr uk gnkngoiohktn vhr`e`hrn `h ce rheco`e`, hstn sncn shgnkshmuorå e trevïs `hc iïtn`n, –Rnr iïtn`n hktohk`n equhcces rhmces gohrtes y lågochs

guye romurnse ndshrvego÷k oipo`h quh sh supnkme vhr`e`hrn cn lecsn y fegh quh hc hspérotucchmuh ec vhr`e`hrn gnkngoiohktn `h tn`es ces gnses egghsodchs e ce okthcomhkgoe fuieke’.(@hsgerths, Thkï, @osgursn `hc Iïtn`n ).42 @hsgerths, Thkï, odé`.

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Rn`hins `hgor quh @hsgerths hs `h cns proihrns hk rhgndrer hcprhghptn mrohmn `h quh ce rez÷k hs okstruihktn `h gnktrnc `h ce

gnk`ugte fuieke hk npnsogo÷k e ces pesonkhs, hste voso÷k, gninvhrhins e gnktokuego÷k shrå `hdeto`e pnr @evo` Fuih perequohk hc ndjhtovn `h ce rez÷k kn `hdh shr hc `h rhstrokmorces sokneyu`erces e quh sh rhecoghk `h ce ihjnr iekhre.

5.5.4 @evo` Fuih

 Ce rez÷k gnin hsgceve `h ces pesonkhs

Hc hiporosin okeumur÷ hc phron`n `h ce ocustrego÷k okmchse, Cngahsu prhgursnr, `hdetorå e @hsgerths ce hxosthkgoe `h o`hes okketes,pere ïc, hc ecie vohkh gnin uke fnje hk dcekgn, y tn`n gnkngo-iohktn sh luk`eihkte hk ce gnkgnr`ekgoe okthronr `h ces o`hesndthko`es hk ce hxphrohkgoe. E trevïs `hc iïtn`n oktrnsphgtovn, Jnk Cngah `hsgudrh `ns vées pere cchmer e ce vhr`e`, –Ce hxph-

rohkgoe hxthrke y ce hxphrohkgoe okthrke. Ce hxthrke prnvohkh `hce shksego÷k, quh hs ce in`ogego÷k quh hxphroihkte hc ecieguek`n cns shkto`ns ce hxgotek `orhgteihkth. Ce okthrke hs hc ge-iokn `h ce rhhxo÷k, quh hs ce eutn phrghpgo÷k `hc ecie `hc prn-pon egnkthghr’.45 

Rertohk`n `h hstes prhioses, Fuih cchverå ec hiporosin e gnk-

vhrtorsh hk uk iïtn`n sosthiåtogn `h gnkngoiohktn. Rere ïc, cerez÷k hs quohk `e chmotoio`e` ec gnkngoiohktn quh vohkh `h cehxphrohkgoe. Hs `hgor, rhgfeze hc regonkecosin pnr kn gnkso`hrervåco`es ces o`hes e pronro  sndrh hc iuk`n, –ce luhkth `hc gnknghr hss÷cn ce hxphrohkgoe, mregoes ec prnghsn pnr hc guec ces oiprhsonkhssh trekslnriek hk o`hes’.44

45 Cerrnyn, Lrekgosgn, –Oktrn`uggo÷k’, hk Fuih, @evo`, Prete`n `h ce Keturechze Fuieke, h`. Rnrrúe Gnchggo÷k –Whpek Guektns’, Iïxogn, 4228, p. V\OOO.44 Odé` ., VVV\OO.

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E pertor `h hstn, Fuih ch ntnrme e ce rez÷k hc pephc `h iïtn`npere cchmer e ce vhr`e`, phrn `e`e tn`e su iethroe proie pnr ce

hxphrohkgoe. Gnkso`hre quh hs uk hrrnr hc –fedcer `h ce cugfe hk-trh peso÷k y rez÷k y `erch prhlhrhkgoe e ce rez÷k y phkser quh cnsfnidrhs snk vortunsns iohktres sh muéhk pnr sus `ogte`ns’.47 Eckn shr geuse proihre `h eggo÷k, gnkso`hre quh ce rez÷k kn puh-`h shr ektemnkoste `h ces pesonkhs, –ïste jeiås okuhkgoe kuhstreeggo÷k, sokn s÷cn hk `orhggo÷k `h kuhstrn juogon’, úkogeihkth cespesonkhs puh`hk `oromor ce eggo÷k.40

Esé, so ce rez÷k kn hs gepez `h prn`ugor ce eggo÷k gnin ces pe-sonkhs, teipngn hs gepez `h hvoterce n `h `osputer su cumer. Hkrheco`e` equé Fuih y @hsgerths kn hståk tek echje`ns, ye quh hcshmuk`n grhh quh ce úkoge lnrie `h gnktrerrhster uke peso÷k hsquh ce rez÷k she gepez `h hvnger rhprhshktegonkhs n o`hes quh`hsethk uke rhspuhste sonc÷moge, uke hingo÷k quh gnktrerrhsth

e ce peso÷k, @hsgerths ch `e e ce rez÷k uke pnsogo÷k iås egtove.

Cns `ns gnokgo`hk hk quh ce rez÷k hs hc hchihktn prokgopec `hce eggo÷k, hs uk iïtn`n `h `h`uggo÷k y gåcgucn quh ce prnvngen in`oge, ce `olhrhkgoe hs quh pere Thkï @hsgerths ce rez÷khs cn prnpon `h ce gnkgohkgoe ihtelésoge phr sh, ce geuse proihre,gepez `h hchmor hktrh dohk y iec n gnkvhkohkth y gnktreprn`ughk-

th, sohk`n hc okstruihktn pere prnvnger hingonkhs quh hxgothk

47 Odé`., 708.40 –Hs gcern quh guek`n hsphreins ncnr n pceghr h uk ndjhtn shktoins, hk gnkshguhkgoe`h hccn, uke hingo÷k `h evhrso÷k n okgcokego÷k y snins cchve`ns e hvoter n e dusger cn quhkns prn`ugh sulroiohktn n pceghr. Hs gcern quh hste hingo÷k kn sh `htohkh equé, sokn quh,fegoïk`nkns `oromor ce voste fegoe tn`es perths, phrgodh tn`ns cns ndjhtns quh sh feccekhkceze`ns gnk hc nromokeron pnr ce rhcego÷k `h geuse y hlhgtn. Equé hc reznkeiohktn tohkhcumer pere `hsgudror hste rhcego÷k, y `hc iosin in`n quh verée kuhstrn reznkeiohktnverée kuhstre eggo÷k. Wok hidermn, hs hvo`hkth hk hsth gesn quh hc oipucsn kn surmh `h cerez÷k, sokn quh s÷cn hs `oromo`n pnr hcce’ (odé` ., 70<).

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n sh sndrhpnkmek e ces pesonkhs, iohktres pere @evo` Fuih cerez÷k kn hs perth n prnpoh`e` `hc hspérotu1 ce geuse proihre snk

ces pesonkhs y ce rez÷k hs s÷cn hc ih`on pere `oromorces e su k, yce pruhde hstå hk quh –cns fnidrhs ndrek e vhghs e sedohk`esgnktre sus prnpons okthrhshs, rez÷k pnr ce guec ce gnkso`hrego÷k`hc ieynr dohk pnsodch kn cns oipucse sohiprh’.48

5.4 Ce regonkeco`e` `hs`h ce phrsphgtove hgnk÷ioge

Hk cns sudék`oghs ekthronrhs fhins rhvose`n hc `hdeth quh ec oko-gon `h ce in`hrko`e` cchvernk e gedn `ns gnrrohkths cns÷gessndrh hc pephc `h ce rez÷k gnk rhsphgtn e ces pesonkhs. Gnk cecchme`e `h ces thnrées hgnk÷ioges `h E`ei Wiotf, ce rez÷k luhedstreé`e `h ce cnsnlée pere tnier hsphgoec rhchvekgoe hk ce `os-gopcoke hgnk÷ioge, quh dusgede hstedchghr ces deshs th÷roges `hcgnipnrteiohktn `h cns ok`ovo`uns hk ce hslhre gnihrgoec. Ce re-

gonkeco`e` hgnk÷ioge sh gnkvohrth hktnkghs hk ce poh`re ekmucerquh cchve e cns ok`ovo`uns e egtuer.

E gnktokuego÷k, ekecozerhins ce lnrie hk quh hc gnkghptn `hregonkeco`e` sh luh in`ogek`n e cn cermn `hc phkseiohktn hgn-k÷iogn quh sh hserrncc÷ hk ce proihre iote` hc somcn VV, festecchmer e lnrier uke thnrée `hc gnipnrteiohktn fuiekn.

5.4.5 E`ei Wiotf

 Ce regonkeco`e` `hc emhkth hgnk÷iogn

Erie Fhkro @hkos, quh `hspuïs `h eutnrhs jusketurecostes gninFnddhs y Cngah, sh shmuée dusgek`n ce gnkstruggo÷k h uke gohk-goe `hc fnidrh, sok hidermn, hk hsth `hvhkor sh oksteurernk `ns

prokgopons hk hc phkseiohktn cns÷gn: –Hk proihr cumer hc prokgo-

48 Odé` ., 70?.

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 pon h utoco`e` : Hc fnidrh sohiprh egtúe pere prngurersh uk pceghrn pere hvoter uk `ncnr1 y pnr ntre perth, hc prokgopon `h ce esngoego÷k

`h o`hes: Hc lukgonkeiohktn `hc hspérotu fuiekn sh hxpcoge pnr ceeggo÷k `h luhrzes quh comek uke o`he gnk ce ntre’.4<

Wiotf hs quohk `hserrnccerå hstns ns prokgopons proinr`oecihkth,phrn ec iosin tohipn sh prhmukterå pnr hc `hdhr inrec, ¾g÷inesngoer hsth prokgopon `h utoco`e` gnk cns shktoiohktns `hc ndrerdohk>4= Hk su Phnrée `h cns Whktoiohktns Inrechs, Wiotf erierå pere

rhsncvhr hsth prndchie quh: –Kuhstres eggonkhs hståk muoe`es knsnceihkth pnr kuhstrn okthrïs phrsnkec, sokn teidoïk pnr hc juogonquh cns `hiås hiothk sndrh kuhstres eggonkhs, ye quh ce soipetéequh shktoins fegoe cns `hiås kns cchve e eghpter su juogon’.46

@h hste iekhre hc cumer quh ngupede hc dohk suprhin gnin luk-`eihktn `hc ndrer hk dhkhgon `h cns `hiås, shrå rhsuhctn pnr

Wiotf ec pcekther quh hc hmnésin kegh hc ndrer dohk ec prhthk`hrcchker uk shktoiohktn `h pceghr quh geuse hc duhk juogon `h cesngoh`e`. Gnk hstn Wiotf tohkh ces deshs `h uke thnrée hk ce gueccns ok`ovo`uns ndrek hk su dhkhgon, phrn quh hk ngesonkhs cn fe-råk hk dhkhgon `h cns `hiås, `h lnrie ectruoste pere setosleghrquozås, hk ntre phrsphgtove h topn hingonkec1 su prnpon hmnésin.

Wo hc fnidrh hs uk shr sngoec pnr keturechze gnin `hgée Erost÷-thchs, Wiotf, luk`eihkterå e trevïs `h ce `ovoso÷k `hc tredejn su

4< @hkos, Fhkro, Fostnroe `hc Rhkseiohktn Hgnk÷iogn, tre`. Kuroe Dnzzn, Erohc H`ogonkhs, Hs-peõe, 5?=2, p. 58<.4= Gnk ce cnsnlée tnioste sh gncng÷ e @ons gnin hc dohk suprhin y ce geuse proihre

 y úctoie `h tn`es ces gnses, sh thkée hktnkghs uk luk`eihktn (ihtelésogn y nktnc÷mogn)

pere feghr hc dohk e cns `hiås, phrn ec gerhghr cns phkse`nrhs ocustre`ns `h hste luhkth`h dohk, Fuih fhrh`erå e Wiotf hc prndchie `h ce gnhxosthkgoe `h eggonkhs hmnéstes y`hsokthrhse`es.46 @hkos, Fhkro, np. got., p.58=

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sudsosthkgoe, `h hste lnrie, ce proihre geuse `hc hmnésin, quhhs ce sudsosthkgoe, shrå ce geuse `hc dohkhster gnchgtovn. –Wiotf

ephce e ce prågtoge hgnk÷ioge gnto`oeke ‐våco`e hk guecquohrsngoh`e` n mrupn fuiekn hk gnkvovhkgoe‐ rhhjek`n hc fhgfnndvon `h quh `ovo`ohk`n Qn gnipertohk`nY ces terhes rhquhro`espere prngurerkns cns dohkhs y shrvogons `h sudsosthkgoe, cnmreinssetosleghr ihjnr kuhstres khghso`e`hs quh okthktåk`ncn feghr hklnrie eosce`e’.4?

Ec gnktreron `h cn quh tre`ogonkecihkth sh pohkse `h Wiotf, ïcsohiprh grhy÷ quh ce hgnkniée hre uke reie h ce cnsnlée inrec y quh hre hc vhfégucn pnr hc guec hc okthrïs ok`ovo`uec gnktroduo-rée ec dohkhster gnchgtovn1 Lrekgosgn \ec`ïs Xmec`h ihkgonke quh– Hk Ce roquhze `h ces kegonkhs, E`ei Wiotf sh prnpusn `hsgolrer ceketurechze `h uk ihgekosin quh fegée pnsodch gnkvhrtor ce dús-quh`e `hc okthrïs ok`ovo`uec hk dohkhster gnchgtovn’.72 Hsth ihge-

kosin cn hkgnktr÷ hk hc codrh ihrge`n h cns emhkths hgnk÷iogns.

Hk hc pesejh h – Hc prnpon okthrïs’, Wiotf shkterå ces deshs hc emhk-th hgnk÷iogn, hs `hgor `hc ok`ovo`un regonkec, hc quh thkohk`ngepotec pere okvhrtor, y quh shmúk she su prn`uggo÷k, dusgerå ceieynr iexoiozego÷k `h ïsth y `h su okmrhsn, gnktroduyhk`n e ceroquhze `h su kego÷k. –Hc ndjhtn `h cns ok`ovo`uns, shmúk Wiotf,

hs hktnkghs phrshmuor su prnpon okthrïs, hc `h ce sngoh`e`, vhk`råpnr eõe`o`ure’.75

Lokecihkth e pertor `h hsth inihktn ce regonkeco`e` shrå ukegeregthréstoge prnpoe `h cns ok`ovo`uns quh dusgek iexoiozer su

4? Lezon, Fnregon, Ïtoge y Hgnkniée hk E`ei Wiotf. Ege`hioe Kegonkec `h Gohkgoes

Rncétoges y Inrechs. Okstotutn h Ïtoge y Rncétoge Hgnk÷ioge, Ermhktoke, 4220.72  \ec`hz Xmec`h, Lrekgosgn, –Rhkser cn púdcogn’, hk  Lregtec , Thvoste Proihstrec, Kn.5,edroc-jukon, Iïxogn, 5??<, pp. 5<5-5=6.75 Odé` .

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utoco`e`, y fedohk`n pese`n `h ce cnsnlée e ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge,Wiotf fhrh`e ce prhiose `h quh cns emhkths regonkechs snk hmnéstes y

dusgek setosleghr su prnpon okthrïs.

5.4.4 Inrmhksthrk y Khwiek

 Ce regonkeco`e` gnin hstrethmoe

Ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge chme`e pnr Wiotf fedée `hje`n gcern ukerute quh somuhk cns emhkths hgnk÷iogns hk ce dúsquh`e `h setos-

leghr su okthrïs: Ce iexoiozego÷k `hc dhkhgon, y quh ïsth sh rhecoghec ihknr gnstn pnsodch. E pertor `h hsth pnstuce`n y ye hktre-`n hc somcn VV `ns ndres `h mrek oipnrtekgoe pere ce gohkgoehgnk÷ioge shkteråk lnriecihkth cns pnstuce`ns `h ce thnrée `h cehchggo÷k regonkec , ce thnrée `h juhmns `h Jnk \nk Khwiek y NsaerInrmhksthrk, y ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge `h ce `hingregoe `h Ektnky@nwks. Ce proihre hxpcogerå ce regonkeco`e` gnin uke hstreth-

moe pere gnkshmuor uk ndjhtovn, iohktres quh ce shmuk`e okthkteråhxpcogerce gnin luk`eihktn ihtn`nc÷mogn pere ekecozer ce gnk-`ugte `h cns emhkths.

 Jnk \nk Khwiek, oktrn`ujn hk ce hgnkniée cns in`hcns ie-thiåtogns pere hxpcoger hc gnipnrteiohktn `h cns ok`ovo`uns etrevïs h juhmns h hstrethmoe, ïc sh on guhkte h quh cns thnrhies

pn`éek shr epcoge`ns hk cns ekåcosos hgnk÷iogns y pncétogns. Hk sundre Pfhnry nl Meihs ek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr  hsgrote gnk hc hgnknios-te Nsaer Inrmhksthrk,74 shõece quh hk cns juhmns cns ok`ovo`unssnk jume`nrhs regonkechs hk dúsquh`e h ce ieynr utoco`e`, gnkn-ghk ces rhmces `hc juhmn, tohkhk uke shroh `h hstrethmoes y juhmekgnk ce quh ieynr utoco`e` chs mhkhrh, ce shguhkgoe `h jume`es cnscchverå e uk rhsucte`n kec. Khwiek hgée: –Ce vo`e rhec gnksosth

74 Inrmhksthrk, Nsaer y \nk Khwiek, Jnk, Pfhnry nl Meihs ek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr , Rrokgh-tnk Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, 5?87.

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hk hgfer lernchs, hk cchver e gedn phquhões tågtoges pere hkmeõerec ntrn, hk prhmuktersh quï ve e phkser hc ntrn, quï vny e feghr. _

sndrh hsth thie sh ngupek cns juhmns hk io thnrée’.77

E pertor `h hstn, ce kngo÷k `h juhmn rhlhrorå e –uke sotuego÷k gnk-ogtove hk ce quh hc jume`nr `hdh tnier uke `hgoso÷k sedohk`nquh cns `hiås teidoïk tnieråk uke `hgoso÷k, y quh hc rhsucte`n`hc gnkogtn sh `hthrioke `h ecmúk in`n e pertor `h tn`es ces`hgosonkhs rhecoze`es’.70

Khwiek y Inrmhksthrk, `nternk su thnrée `h romnr gohktégn etrevïs `h ces iethiåtoges, gnk hstn dusgedek `er uke luk`eihk-tego÷k exoniåtoge e ce hgnkniée1 hk hc prhlegon e Pfhnry nl Meihsek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr, cns eutnrhs eriek: –Hsphreins instrere`hgue`eihkth quh cns prndchies tépogns `h gnipnrteiohktnhgnk÷iogn snk romurnseihkth o`ïktogns e ces sncugonkhs iethiå-

toges `h `hthrioke`ns juhmns `h hstrethmoe’.78

Ce Phnrée `h Juhmns thk`rå gnin desh ihtn`nc÷moge, ce hxpcogego÷ke trevïs `h `ochies, hstns snk rhcetns hxtreé`ns `h ce rheco`e` nhk su ieynrée `h låduces n guhktns cothrerons, quh pcekthek ukesotuego÷k `olégoc `h rhsncvhr pnr hc prntemnkoste `h ce fostnroe hk cequh rhmucerihkth tohkh quh hchmor hktrh `ns npgonkhs. Hstns rhce-

tns sorvhk pere erier ces hstrethmoes y pemns n gnstns quh thk`råquh esuior uke `hgoso÷k hktrn `h uk juhmn.

Hste thnrée sh sotu÷ esé e ih`oe`ns `h cns eõns 82 `hc somcn VV,gnin uke fhrreiohkte ok`osphksedch pere hc ekåcosos `h cns gnk-


 Khwiek ec okvhstome`nr Jegnd Drnknwsao. (Rnuk`stnkh, Hc `ochie `hc prosonkhrn, p. 56).70  Rnuk`stnkh, ]occoeis,  Hc `ochie `hc prosonkhrn, tre`. @ekohc Iekzekerhs Lnurge`h, h`.Ecoekze, Ie`ro`, 5??8, p. 5?.78 Odé` ., p. <=.

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ogtns okthrkegonkechs, hk hsphgoec pere rhsncvhr hc gnkogtn ku-gcher `urekth ce muhrre lrée. \nk Khwiek esosto÷ e ces rhukonkhs

`h ce Gnioso÷k `h Hkhrmée Et÷ioge y phrthkhgo÷ e ce Thshrve`h okthchgtns `hc Hjïrgotn `hc Eorh Eihrogekn, quohkhs thkéek cekeco`e` `h rhecozer ekåcosos hstretïmogns sndrh ce muhrre kugcher.7< 

@h hste lnrie Inrmhksthrk y Khwiek kn s÷cn rhgnknghk hc gnk-ghptn h regonkeco`e` gnin uke geregthréstoge h cns emhkths hgn-k÷iogns, sokn gnin uke gethmnrée `h ekåcosos hstretïmogn.

5.4.7 Ektnky @nwks

Hc pephc `h ce regonkeco`e` hk hc ekåcosos hgnk÷iogn

Ektnky @nwks gnkgh`o÷ e ce regonkeco`e` uke gnkkntego÷k ih-tn`nc÷moge ec pcekther quh hc ekåcosos hgnk÷iogn `hdh desersh hkce regonkeco`e` `h cns emhkths y hk g÷in hstns ec egtuer regon-

kecihkth snk thk`ohkths e dusger uk okthrïs phrsnkec. MedrohcEcink` rhguhr`e hk quï gorgukstekgoes gnkngo÷ ce ndre `h hstheutnr:

–Hk 5?8< y 5?8= tredejï hk hc hstu`on `hc Ghkthr lnr E`vekgh`

Wtu`y ok tfh Dhfevonrec Wgohkghs  (Ghktrn `h Hstu`ons Wuphronrhshk Gohkgoes `hc Gnipnrteiohktn). Dnd @efc fedée fhgfn cn

prnpon hc eõn ekthronr y kn rhguhr`n so ïc ih `hj÷ su gnpoe`h ce `oshrtego÷k `h Ektfnky @nwks n so luh Ahkkhtf Errnw,iohidrn `hc ghktrn hk hsh hktnkghs. Hste ndre eperhgée gninuk oklnrih pere ce Nlgh nl Kevec Thshergf, petrngoke`nre`hc prnyhgtn Q…Y Hk equhcce ïpnge sncéek hipchersh ihtålnresihrgektochs hk hc ekåcosos `h ce pncétoge `hingråtoge y ce hste-`nuko`hksh… Q…Y Ce rhvncugo÷k hkgedhze`e pnr @nwks gnk-

7< Glr. Odé` ., p. 45.

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sosto÷ hk trekslnrier hstes ihtålnres hk uk in`hcn lnriec hx-pcégotn, gnk tn`es ces vhktejes quh gnkcchve hste hxpcogego÷k’.7= 

@nwks shõece ec gniohkzn `h su ndre Ek Hgnkniog Pfhnry nl @h-ingregy uke mrevh prhngupego÷k: –hk tn`n hc iuk`n cns mndohr-kns `niokek ce hsghke hgnk÷ioge’1 gnk sus mestns h oipuhstnsiergek hc rotin hgnk÷iogn, iohktres quh ec treter `h hxpcogersu egtuego÷k `hs`h ce gohkgoe hgnk÷ioge sugh`h cn gnktreron.Cns th÷rogns s÷cn fedéek ghktre`n su ethkgo÷k hk cns oipegtns

`h ïsth hk ces –`hgosonkhs prove`es y ce pertogopego÷k púdcoge hkces iemkotu`hs hgnk÷ioges mcndechs,’ sok hidermn kn hxostée ukiïtn`n sosthiåtogn pere ekecozer ces `hgosonkhs `hc mndohrkn. 76

@nwks grotogerå `ureihkth quh hk ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge sh feyeevekze`n tek pngn –fegoe ce lnriucego÷k `h uke rhmce mhkhrec, ye ce vhz rhecoste, `h gnipnrteiohktn regonkec `hc mndohrkn shih-

 jekth e ces quh tre`ogonkecihkth sorvhk pere `hkor hc gnipnr-teiohktn `h gnksuio`nrhs y prn`ugtnrhs.’7?  Rere rhsncvhr hsthprndchie tni÷ gnin desh `h su okvhstomego÷k cns hstu`ons `hAhkkhtf Errnw02 h okthkt÷ hquoperer ec mndohrkn gnk uk emhk-th hgnk÷iogn quh tnie `hgosonkhs regonkechs hk dusge `h ukeiexoiozego÷k `h sus rhgursns pertohk`n `h ce prhiose `h quh:–tn`n mndohrkn trete `h iexoiozer su desh `h epnyn pncétogn, ye

quh su ndjhtovn proieron hs ce rhhchggo÷k’.05

7= Ecink`, Medrohc, Xke `osgopcoke shmihkte`e: Hsguhces y gnrrohkths hk ces gohkgoes pncétoges, LGH,Iïxogn, 5???, p. 5=8.76 @nwks, Ektfnky, Phnrée Hgnk÷ioge `h ce @hingregoe, tre`. Cuos E`ncln Iertok, h`. Emuocer,Ie`ro`, 5?=7, p. 5.7?

 Odé`.02  Errnw, Ahkkhtf J., Wngoec Gfnogh ek` Ok`ovo`uec \ecuhs, _ech Xkovhrssoty Rrhss, KhwFevhk, 5?=2.05 @nwks, Ektfnky, np. got ., p. 54.

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@ns luhrnk ces iås oipnrtekths epnrtegonkhs `h @nwks fegoe cegnkstruggo÷k `h uke Phnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec 1 ce proihre gnk-

sosth hk quh sh puh`hk prhvhr ces eggonkhs quh tnierå uk emhk-th hgnk÷iogn so sh gnknghk sus ndjhtovns y, ce shmuk`e, pcektherhc gnkghptn `h regonkeco`e` ye kn gnin ce dúsquh`e hxotnse `hiexoiozego÷k, sokn egesn gnin hc prnghsn e trevïs hc guec sh hco-mh ce ihjnr npgo÷k pere cnmrercn: –hc tïriokn regonkec, kn gecogecns ndjhtovns `hc sujhtn, sokn s÷cn sus ih`ons’1 pnr tektn `hktrn`hc ekåcosos hgnk÷iogn hc tïriokn fnidrh regonkec , kn sh rhhrh –e

equhc guyns prnghsns ihktechs gnksostek hxgcusoveihkth hk prn-pnsogonkhs c÷moges, ec quh gerhgh `h prhjuogons n kn sh muée pnrces hingonkhs’,04 sokn ec quh hkguhktre, `hspuïs `h rhecozer ukekåcosos iokugonsn, ce npgo÷k quh ch rhprhshkth hc ihknr gnsth y hcieynr dhkhgon pere cnmrer sus ndjhtovns.

@h hste lnrie –hc ekåcosos hgnk÷iogn gnksterå puhs `h `ns le-

shs prokgopechs: hc `hsgudroiohktn `h cns ndjhtovns quh phrsomuhhc sujhtn `h `hgoso÷k y hc ekåcosos `h cns ih`ons iås reznkedchspere gnkshmuorcns, hs `hgor, `h cns quh hxomhk ihknr hipchn `hrhgursns hsgesns’.07

Wo dohk feste equé pn`hins eprhgoer quh ye sh hsdnze uke thnréehgnk÷ioge hc gnipnrteiohktn, kn fey uke sosthietozego÷k ih-

tn`nc÷moge quh phriote esuiorce gnin tec. Hk hc somuohkth eper-te`n ekecozerhins g÷in ce ndre `h Jeihs Dugfekek y Mnr`nkPuccnga00  prhshkte uk iïtn`n iuy prhgosn pere hc ekåcosos `hcgnipnrteiohktn regonkec, quh okgcusn luk`erå uke `h ces gnkn-go`es hsguhces `hc  Tetonkec Gfnogh:  Ce Hsguhce `h ce Hchggo÷k Rúdcoge.


 Odé` ., p. 0.07 Odé`., p. 54.00 Dugfekek, Jeihs y Puccnga Mnr`nk,  Hc Gåcgucn `hc Gnkshksn. Pre`. hspeõnce pnr JevohrWecokes Wåkgfhz, h`. Hspese Gecph, Ie`ro`, 5?62.

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5.4.0 J. Dugfekek y M. Puccnga

 Ce regonkeco`e` `hktrn `h uke thnrée `hc ekåcosos


Hk 5?<4, cns prnlhsnrhs Jeihs Dugfekek y Mnr`nk Puccnga, pu-dcogernk Pfh gecgucus nl gnkshkt , sh puh`h erier quh hs hc tredejniås rhprhshktetovn `h ce hsguhce `hc Rudcog Gfnogh, quh hs ce iåsgnkngo`e `h ces Phnrées `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.

Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Rúdcoge  fedée oipnrte`n ces fop÷thsos yihtn`ncnmée sudyeghkths hk ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge, gnk hc k `hhcednrer uk gnkjuktn sosthietoze`n `h pnstuce`ns pere hxpcogercns lhk÷ihkns sngoechs quh pnr tre`ogo÷k fedéek so`n ndjhtn `hhstu`on `h ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge. Wok hidermn, tnierå gnin deshihtn`nc÷moge ces epnrtegonkhs quh fogohrnk cns tredejns rhecoze-`ns pnr ce Phnrée `h Juhmns  y ce Phnrée Hgnk÷ioge `h ce @hingregoe,

eukquh shmúk hccns, su thnrée `ohrh `h ce `h @nwks hk hc shkto`n`h quh ïsth okthkt÷ hcednrer uke thnrée `hc mndohrkn ghktrek`nsu ethkgo÷k hk hc gnipnrteiohktn `h cns perto`ns pncétogns y hkg÷in ïstns okthktek iexoiozer hc epnyn `hc vntekth, iohktreshccns `hjeråk cns prndchies `h rhprhshktego÷k e uk ce`n ghktråk-`nsh hstrogteihkth hk hc gnipnrteiohktn ok`ovo`uec ekåcnmn e cethnrée `h ihrge`ns.08

Ce epnrtego÷k `h Dugfekek y Puccnga hs hc fedhr hstedchgo-`n gnin prokgopon ihtn`nc÷mogn pere hc ekåcosos hgnk÷iogn hcsoipcoger ce gnchgtovo`e` e sus iékoins gnipnkhkths, hs `hgor,ekecozerce `hs`h sus ok`ovo`uns. Ec rhsphgtn ihkgonkek: –Ruhstnquh kuhstrn in`hcn okgnrpnre hc gnipnrteiohktn `hc ok`ovo`ungnin geregthréstoge ghktrec, kuhstre thnrée, puh`h shr gcesoge`e

08 Glr. Odé` ., p. 78.

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`h uk ihjnr in`n, gnin ihtn`nc÷mogeihkth ok`ovo`uecoste’.0< Kn fey quh gnkluk`or hstn gnk hc ihrn ok`ovo`uecosin quh gereg-

throze e cns okthmrekths `h uke sngoh`e`, sh `hdh gnkghdor gninuk iïtn`n `h ekåcosos quh sh rhecoze e trevïs `h ce ndshrvego÷k`h cns gnipnkhkths iékoins hc fhgfn sngoec. @h hste iekhre shlnri÷ uke chy okquhdrektedch hk ces thnrées `h ce Hchggo÷k Te-gonkec: Ce eggo÷k gnchgtove hstå gnipuhste `h eggonkhs ok`ovo`uechs y `hs`hefé `hdh hxpcogersh.

Xke `h sus prokgopechs prhngupegonkhs luh `hjer hk gcern quh hcok`ovo`un puh`h shr hmnéste n ectruoste1 kn tohkh quh guipcor gnkhc pnstuce`n hgnk÷iogn `h Wiotf hk hc shkto`n `h quh tn`ns cnsemhkths snk hmnéstes y quh ce thnrée hgnk÷ioge teidoïk rhsucteshr uke thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k gnchgtove, y gnin tec, kns prnpnrgon-ke uke hxpcogego÷k `h g÷in cns `ostoktns okthrhshs `hc ok`ovo`unsnk rhgnkgocoe`ns e trevïs `hc ihgekosin `hc gnihrgon y hc okthr-


@h hste lnrie hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn okgnrpnre`n pnrDugfekek y Puccnga, ces prhioses `hc egtnr regonkec  epnrte`es pnrce thnrée `h juhmns, cns tredejns `h Ahkhtf Errnw0=  y Ektfnky@nwks06 grheråk uke eiecmeie ihtn`nc÷moge quh shrå gnkngo`egnin ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.

5.7 Pfh Tetonkec Gfnogh Pfhnry

Hk cns sudék`oghs ekthronrhs e`vhrtoins quh ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec   sh lnri÷ gnk ces epnrtegonkhs `h `ovhrsns y rhgnkngo-`ns hgnkniostes, ge`e ukn rhecoz÷ gnktrodugonkhs somkogetoves

0< Odé` ., p. 72.0= Errnw, Ahkkhtf, np. got .06 @nwks, Ektfnky, np. got .

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pere lnrier uke thnrée hc gnipnrteiohktn hgnk÷iogn. Ce PHTtohkh gnin desh ihtn`nc÷moge `ns prokgopons: ces hxpcogegonkhs

okthkgonkechs `h ce eggo÷k, hk `nk`h ce gnk`ugte tohkh uke geu-seco`e` okthkgonkec `hko`e, y hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn,quh `ogh quh tn`ns cns lhk÷ihkns `hdhk shr ekecoze`ns e pertor`h sus iékoins gnipnkhkths. E trevïs h hstns prokgopons okthkteprh`hgor y hxpcoger g÷in hs quh cns sujhtns tniek sus `hgosonkhs.

E gnktokuego÷k, rhvoserhins cns hchihktns y prhioses quh okth-

mrek cn quh sh gnkngh gnin in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce PHT. Hs phrtokhk-th shõecer, quh Tetonkec Gfnogh Pfhnry sh o`h÷ gnk desh hk ce c÷mogehk quh egtúek cns emhkths hgnk÷iogns `hktrn `hc ihrge`n, quhfe o`n hvncugonkek`n gnk hc pesn `hc tohipn y esé sh iektohkh1pn`réeins `hgor quh hs uke thnrée hk gnkstekth hvncugo÷k.

5.7.5. Hc prndchie `h ce hxpcogego÷k gohktége0?

@ogh Jnk Hcsthr quh ce ioso÷k `h uke hxpcogego÷k gohktége hs ce`h rhspnk`hr ec guhstonkeiohktn `h ¾pnr quï ngurrhk gohrtns lh-k÷ihkns> hk cns tïriokns `h veco`hz quh gucturecihkth gniperthuke sngoh`e`. Hcsthr gcesoge ces hxpcogegonkhs gohktéges hk trhsshkto`ns: ce hxpcogego÷k geusec pere ce lésoge, ce hxpcogego÷k lukgon-kec pere ce doncnmée y ce hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec pere ces gohkgoes

sngoechs. Ce hxpcogego÷k geusec kns rhioth ec hchihktn quh `hshk-ge`hke uk fhgfn hk pertogucer, ce hxpcogego÷k lukgonkec kns fedce`h uk hchihktn quh gnin gnkshguhkgoe h uk prnghsn, hs ce rez÷k`h shr `h uk lhk÷ihkn, y ce hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec, sh rhhrh e ceokthkgonkeco`e` hk ce quh sh luk`e ce rez÷k `h shr  `h uke eggo÷k.82

0? Wndrh hsth thie y hc Ok`ovo`uecosin Ihtn`nc÷mogn, sh efnk`erå hk hc somuohkth gepétu-cn ec hxpnkhr ces `hlhkses quh Jnk Hcsthr fegh sndrh cns iosins.82 Glr . Hcsthr, Jnk, Juogons Wecni÷kogns. Ces coiotegonkhs `h ce regonkeco`e` gnin prokgopon `h `hgoso÷k,Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5???, p. 42.

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Hc ierxosin hkgnktr÷ hk ce hxpcogego÷k lukgonkec ce poh`re ek-mucer `h uke ihtn`ncnmée gnk ce quh sh fe okthrprhte`n tre`ogon-

kecihkth ce rheco`e` sngoec1 guek`n Ierx `ogh quh ce invoco`e`sngoec esghk`hkth  tohkh su rez÷k h shr hk cns dhkhgons hgnk÷iognsquh ce gcesh gepotecoste ndtohkh `h ce pnshso÷k `h uk ujn gnkto-kun `h kuhvns iohidrns, cn quh fegh hs hxpcoger e pertor `h ukfhgfn e pnsthronro  uk lhk÷ihkn e pronro . Hcsthr guhstonke ureihk-th hste hxpcogego÷k shõecek`n quh –Pohkh quh fedhr uke hxpcoge-go÷k pere hc sughsn guek`n hsth ngurrh: kn puh`h shr khghseron

thkhr quh hsphrer e ces gnkshguhkgoes pere hxpcogercn’, pere rh-sncvhr y setosleghr tec hxomhkgoe, ce hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec, `ogh,epnrte ces gnkshguhkgoes okthkgonkechs quh ngurrhk hk uk tohipnekthronr ec lhk÷ihkn.85 

Hcsthr grhh quh Ierx, esé gnin sus gnkthipnråkhns sh hkgnk-trede oiprhsonke`n pnr hc prnmrhsn `h ce doncnmée y quh pnr hccn

phks÷ quh hc ekåcosos quh sh rhecozede pere hc hstu`on `h cns nrme-kosins pn`rée epnrter uke phrsphgtove pere hc ekåcosos `h ces sn-goh`e`hs1 phrn cn oipnrtekth, shõece, hs quh utocoz÷ ce hxpcogego÷klukgonkec, prnpoe `h ce doncnmée, pere hxpcoger ce hstedoco`e` `hces sngoh`e`hs y –pere `hinstrer ce thk`hkgoe okfhrhkth hk hccesec `hserrnccn fegoe hc gniukosin’.84

Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  fegh usn `h ces hxpcogegonkhs ok-thkgonkechs, trete `h hxpcoger ce okthkgonkeco`e` e pertor `h cesintovegonkhs `h cns emhkths. Fey quh shõecer quh ce okthkgon-keco`e` kn khghseroeihkth ve `h ce iekn gnk ce regonkeco`e` yvoghvhrse.

85 Odé` ., p. 70.84 Odé` ., p. 40.

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5.7.4. Hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn

Hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn hs ce `ngtroke n iïtn`n pnr hcguec ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec okthkte `er uke hxpcogego÷ke cns lhk÷ihkns sngoechs snsthkohk`n quh su hstrugture y sus gei-dons snk hxpcogedchs pnr sus gnipnkhkths ok`ovo`uechs. Reuchtth@ohthrchk, cn hjhipcoge `ogohk`n:

–Rhkshins hk ns lhk÷ihkns h kuhstre ïpnge, quh eúk guek`n

sh `ek `h uke iekhre iås n ihkns phrlhgte, sh gnkso`hrek cn-mrns `h kuhstre gucture nggo`hktec: ce `hingregoe y hc ihrge`n.Iohktres quh hc proihr lhk÷ihkn esuih quh cns ok`ovo`uns hco-mhk e cns mndhrkekths pnr hc vntn, hc shmuk`n esuih quh cns ok-`ovo`uns gnksuihk equhccn quh iokoioze sus gnstns y iexoiozesus mekekgoes. Hc fhgfn hs quh hstns ns lhk÷ihkns esuihk ukegnk`ugte ok`ovo`uec sohk`n sok hidermn lhk÷ihkns sngoechs’.87 

Ec esuior quh cns gnipnkhkths `hc fhgfn sngoec suiek hk omuec-`e` `h gorgukstekgoes uke iosie eggo÷k, deste `er uke hxpcoge-go÷k h hse eggo÷k, hk hc kovhc luk`eihktec hc fhgfn sngoec, peresetosleghr ce hxpcogego÷k gnchgtove.

 Jnk Hcsthr erie quh hc fhgfn sngoec sh hxpcoge –pnr ces prnpoh-

`e`hs `h cns ok`ovo`uns techs gnin sus ihtes, sus grhhkgoes y suseggonkhs’,80  pnr cn quh hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn esuihquh cns ok`ovo`uns quh pertogopek hk uk `hthrioke`n fhgfn nlhk÷ihkn sngoec, gniperthk vékgucns gucturechs.


 @ohthrchk, Reuchtth, Hc Ok`ovo`uecosin Ihtn`nc÷mogn. Thvoste `hc @hperteihktn `h Wngoncn-mée. XEI, Iïxogn, shptohidrh-`ogohidrh, 5??2.80 Hcsthr, Jnk, Ieaokm shksh nl Ierx, Geidro`mh Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, XWE, 5?68, p. 4=, hk:@ohthrchk, Reuchtth, np. got..

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Hcsthr npnkh hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn gnk hc fncosin ih-tn`nc÷mogn ierxoste, quh eshmure quh –hk ce vo`e sngoec s÷cn hxos-

thk tnteco`e`hs n gnchgtovo`e`hs orrh`ugtodchs e hkukgoe`ns sndrhcns iohidrns ok`ovo`uechs’.88  Hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn,kns nte h uke hsphgoh h rh`uggonkosin quh kns phrioth ekeco-zer cns hchihktns iås soipchs h uk lhk÷ihkn, cn quh kns oipo`hgehr hk mhkhreco`e`hs y `er guhkte `h uke shroh `h ihgekosinsquh gnipnkhk uk lhk÷ihkn n fhgfn sngoec.

5.7.7 Hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce Phnrée`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec

Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  hs –uke thnrée knrietove Q…Y, chsok`oge e ces phrsnkes g÷in hdhk hchmor y egtuer e k h cnmrer susihtes h ce ihjnr iekhre pnsodch’ y, hk uk shmuk`n cumer, hxpcogeg÷in egtúek ces phrsnkes sohiprh y guek`n sus `hgosonkhs hstïk

dese`es hk ces prhioses quh hste thnrée chs ierge.8< Ce PHT ghk-tre su ndjhtn `h hstu`on hk ce regonkeco`e` quh tohkh uke eggo÷kpere cnmrer uk ndjhtovn, sok oipnrter so hc emhkth cn cnmre n kn.

Rnr hjhipcn: `e`n hc `hshn E, hc emhkth rhquohrh guipcor gnk hcndjhtovn `h cchmer e H pere setosleghrcn, `h hktrh ces npgonkhs pn-sodchs pere cchmer e H sh tohkhk: D, G y @, guecquohre `h hccns ih

cchverå e H phrn gnk uk gnstn `ostoktn, so hc emhkth hcomh D, thk`råquh rhgnrrhr trhs cumerhs ekths `h cchmer e H, so hcomh G thk`rå quhrhgnrrhr `ns y, pnr úctoin, so hcomh @ s÷cn rhgnrrhrå ukn. Ce PHTrhgnkngh quh uke hgoso÷k regonkec hs ce quh ihknr gnstn rhquoh-rh y ch ntnrme uke iexoiozego÷k hc dhkhgon, pnr tektn hc emhkth`hdhrå hsgnmhr @. Ru`ohre `ersh hc gesn quh uk oiph`oihktnhvotere quh ces npgonkhs D, G y @ cchmuhk e H, euk esé ce PHT

88 Odé` ., p. 40.8< Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs, np. got., p. 07.

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rhgnknghrée ce eggo÷k gnin regonkec ye quh rhprhshkte, shmúk hcgåcgucn `hc emhkth, hc ihjnr ih`on pere cchmer e H setoslegohk`n

hc `hshn E.

Gnk hste c÷moge sh hstedchgh uk hsquhie prngh`oihktec pere cch-mer e ce eggo÷k, cns hchihktns quh cn gnipnkhk snk: cns `hshns,ces grhhkgoes y ce eggo÷k. Ecrh`h`nr `h ïstns y su okthreggo÷k morece hslhre `h ce PHT.

5.7.0 @hshns y grhhkgoes

Cns `hshns sh tohkhk pnr `e`ns, ce PHT kn sh prhmukte pnr sunromhk, htogo`e` n inreco`e`, ces grhhkgoes snk mhkhre`es pnr ukprnghsn gnipchjn h rhgnpocego÷k h oklnriego÷k, hc emhkth hdhokvhrtor uke gekto`e` gnkso`hredch `h rhgursns pere ecchmersh `hce ieynr gekto`e` pnsodch `h ïste y, `h prhlhrhkgoe, `hdh shr gnk-

so`hre`e gnin vhré`oge. Gedh shõecer quh e phser h cns hsluhrznspnr guo`er ce geco`e` h ce oklnriego÷k, puh`h shr lecse n shsme`e,hstn kn okveco`e su pertogopego÷k hk hc prnghsn regonkec, ye quh hcemhkth rhecoz÷ hc ieynr hsluhrzn pnr ndthkhr ce ieynr gekto`e` y ihjnr geco`e` `urekth su rhgnpocego÷k. Ces grhhkgoes okgcuyhkces npnrtuko`e`hs quh hc emhkth grhh `ospnkodchs. Hc hsquhie `hcin`hcn gcåsogn `h Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec cn pn`hins ndshr-

ver hk ce Lomure 5.

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Cns `hshns

Cns `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes gerhghk `h uke vecnrego÷k regonkec `hk-trn `h ce PHT. Ïstns puh`hk shr regonkechs n orregonkechs, puh`h

hxostor uk hvhktn gnkngo`n quh cns prn`ujn n kn, hc fhgfn hs quh hs-tåk efé y e pertor `h hsth puktn okogoe hc prnghsn pere tnier uke h-goso÷k regonkec n pere hxpcogerce1 pnr hjhipcn: uk ok`ovo`un puh`hthkhr hc hshn h ieter e su hspnse, ekth hsth hkukgoe`n ce PHT knguhstonkerå so ïsth tohkh n kn intovns pere quhrhr eshsokerce, n sohc emhkth hs uk fnidrh duhkn n iecn. Hc úkogn rhquosotn pere oko-goer hc ekåcosos regonkec hs gnknghr hxpcégoteihkth guåc hs hc `hshn.

Ces grhhkgoes

Gnk hsth hchihktn okogoe ce gethmnrozego÷k `h cn regonkec hk hcin`hcn gcåsogn `h ce PHT, –ces grhhkgoes hk sé snk regonkechs, hkhc shkto`n `h quh sh desek hk ce oklnriego÷k `h ce quh `ospnkh hcemhkth’. Hste oklnriego÷k `hdhrå desersh hk okvhrtor uke gekto-

`e` ÷ptoie –`h tohipn, hkhrmée y `okhrn hk rhgederce’.8=


8=  Odé` ., pp. 00-08.

Lomure 5

In`hcn Gcåsogn `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec





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Fey hchihktns quh `hthriokeråk ce gekto`e` `h oklnriego÷k endthkhr, gnin hc gnstn, hc tohipn y ce oipnrtekgoe `h ce `hgoso÷k1

shrée geso oipnsodch pere uk gou`e`ekn gniúk okthkter rhgeder ceoklnriego÷k khghseroe pere hcugo`er sndrh uke `hgoso÷k `h Hste-`n pnr hc gnstn quh ch rhquhrorée gnktreter uke Emhkgoe `h Whrvo-gons h Okthcomhkgoe, pnr cn tektn, thk`rå quh lnrier sus grhhkgoesgnk ce pnge oklnriego÷k quh ce prhkse ch puh`e prnpnrgonker.@hc iosin in`n, uk iï`ogn quh sh hklrhkte e uk gesn prndedch`h ephk`ogotos, pu`ohre rhkukgoer e rhgeder uke mrek gekto`e`

`h oklnriego÷k pnr hc tohipn quh ter`ek hk errnjer rhsucte`nscns ekåcosos gcékogns, sok hidermn, cns emhkths regonkechs `hdhråkrhecozer hc ieynr hsluhrzn pnr guipcor gnk hc prokgopon `h npto-ieco`e` `e`es ces gorgukstekgoes.

@hspuïs `h fedhr lnrie`n sus grhhkgoes, hc emhkth vecnre ge`euke `h ces npgonkhs quh grhh `ospnkodchs y hstrogteihkth cchverå

e ce eggo÷k ce npgo÷k quh grhh gnkstotuyh hc ihjnr ih`on `h se-tosleghr sus `hshns, gnkso`hrek`n quh ch rhprhshkte uk efnrrn hkcns gnstns y ce ieynr mretogego÷k hk cns rhsucte`ns.

5.7.8, Tegonkeco`e` pereiïtroge

y Tegonkeco`e` hstretïmoge

Gnin ye sh ihkgonk÷, ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec , tohkh su poh-`re ekmucer hk ce okthkgonkeco`e` h ces hgosonkhs, cns ok`ovo`unsoiproihk uke okthkgo÷k hk ce `hgoso÷k quh tniek, phrn ïstnspuh`hk hklrhktersh e `ns gorgukstekgoes ec inihktn `h hchmor:guek`n hc rhsucte`n hsphre`n s÷cn `hphk`h `h hccns n guek`n `h-phk`h h ce okthreggo÷k h sus hgosonkhs gnk ces h ntrns emhkths1pere hxpcoger hstn, Hcsthr kns prnpnkh uk hsquhie quh iuhstre

ce rh` gnkghptuec `h ce gnk`ugte okthkgonkec `hktrn `h ce PHT(Lomure. 4).

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 Ce regonkeco`e` pereiïtroge sh prhshkte guek`n hc rhsucte`n n ce gnk-shguhkgoe `h uke eggo÷k `hphk`h úkogeihkth `h uk ok`ovo`un,hs `hgor: –supnkh quh hc ih`on hs pereiïtrogn, gnkstekth, y shgnkso`hre e sé iosin ce úkoge veroedch.’86 Hk ce regonkeco`e` hs-

tretïmoge, hc emhkth kn hs ce úkoge veroedch, ces gnkshguhkgoes `huk lhk÷ihkn n okgcusn ce hchggo÷k n hstrethmoe, `hphk`hk `h ce`hgoso÷k quh tnih ntrn emhkth.

Hjhipcoquhins hk hc gesn `h ce regonkeco`e` pereiïtroge: uke phr-snke `h knidrh Ieron tohkh uk dnchtn `h gnrthsée `h uke luhk-th `h sn`es, hc guec okgcuyh uke ghrvhze y uk rhlrhsgn1 Ieron sh

86 @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, Ce rez÷k hshkgekte`e. Xk eghrgeiohktn e ce Phnrée h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec ,Okstotutn h Okvhstomegonkhs Locns÷ges-XKEI, Iïxogn, 4224, p. 84.

Lomure 4

Th` gnkghptuec `h ce `h gnk`ugte okthkgonkec


Kn okthkgonkec


Knries yhingonkhs















Juhmns gnkhstrethmoes`niokekths



Juhmns gnkhstrethmoes`niokekths

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pcekthe uke osyuktove, hchmor hktrh tnier ce ghrvhze n hc rhlrhsgn,`e`ns sus `hshn `h prhshrver su secu`, tnierå hc rhlrhsgn, kn fey

ke`e quh ch oipo`e hchmor. Cn quh oipnrte shõecer equé, hs quhce `hgoso÷k s÷cn `hphk`h `hc gåcgucn quh ïc feme, hcomo÷ tnierrhlrhsgn y esé sugh`o÷.

Hk hc gesn `h ce regonkeco`e` hstretïmoge, pn`rée sugh`hr quh hsh `éeokvot÷ e uke gfoge e secor h fozn usn `hc dnchtn `h gnrthsée, hcihshrn pusn sndrh ce ihse uke ghrvhze y uk rhlrhsgn, Ieron gnk-

gh`hrå quh ce okvote`e hcoje proihrn, hcce `hdhrå `hgo`orsh hktrhghrvhze n rhlrhsgn. Kuhstrn emhkth sedh quh ce okvote`e puh`htnier hc rhlrhsgn, pnr cn quh okthkterå phrsue`orce pere quh hcojece ghrvhze. Pnier hc rhlrhsgn hktnkghs ye kn hs uke gnkshguhkgoequh `hphk`e hxgcusoveihkth `h su hchggo÷k, ye quh so ce okvote`ehcomh tnier hc rhlrhsgn, Ieron thk`rå quh gnklnriersh gnk tnierghrvhze. Esé eperhghk `hktrn `h ce PHT cns juhmns `h hstrethmoe

prnpons `h ce Phnrée `h Juhmns.

@hktrn `h ce regonkeco`e` pereiïtroge, puh`h sugh`hr quh hc emhkthguhkth gnk oklnriego÷k gnipchte n gnk oklnriego÷k okgnipchte,hk hc proihr gesn `e`e ce tnteco`e` `h oklnriego÷k, hc emhkth hch-morå hxotnseihkth ce ihjnr npgo÷k pere rhecozer sus `hshns, hk hcshmuk`n gesn, sh puh`h gehr hk `ns hste`ns: hc rohsmn y ce okghrto`ui-

drh. Hk hc hste`n `h rohsmn, eukquh ce oklnriego÷k hs okgnipchte,sh puh`hk rhecozer gåcgucns sndrh ces pnsodchs gnkshguhkgoes `h sucoste `h npgonkhs, iohktres quh hk hc hste`n `h okghrto`uidrh euk-quh sh puh`e oiemoker cns pnsodchs rhsucte`ns kn sh chs puh`h rhe-cozer uk gåcgucn prndedocéstogn. Hcosedhtte @o Gestrn kns iuhstreecmukns hjhipcns pere hxpcoger uke sotuego÷k `h rohsmn:8?

8? @e`n quh ce Phnrée `h Juhmns hs iuy hxthkse y kn hs kuhstre okthkgo÷k prnluk`ozer hk hcce,eknterï ecmukns puktns `h ce hxpnsogo÷k quh fegh ce @re. @o gestrn `h hste thnrée hk: CeTez÷k hshkgekte`e… np. got ., p. 87.

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–Rhkshins pnr hjhipcn, hk uk geiphsokn quh `hdh hchmor hk-trh `ns guctovns pere pn`hr gnshgfer ec eõn somuohkth1 su `hgo-

so÷k `hdh desersh hk ces prndedoco`e`hs gnkngo`es pere ge`egcesh `h gcoie y ces prnpoh`e`hs gnkngo`es `h ge`e guctovn hkge`e gcesh h gcoie. Wupnkmeins teidoïk quh snk ns cns hste-`ns pnsodchs `h gcoie, cns guechs tohkhk ce iosie prndedoco`e``h ngurror, y quh cns gnrrhspnk`ohkths okmrhsns `hc geiphsoknsnk cns quh sh ndshrvek hk hc Gue`rn 5:

Gue`rn 5 Guctovn 5 72 48

Guctovn 4 82 58

Gcoie 5 Gcoie 4

Hc guctovn 4 tohkh ce iås ecte hxphgtetove, sok hidremn, kn khgh-seroeihkth shrå hsgnmo`n. Wo hc geiphsokn hs e`vhrsn ec rohsmn,prhlhrorå eshmurer cns 48 `hc guctovn 5, quh errohsmersh e meker82 y quh`er gnk sncn 58.’<2

Hk hc hste`n `h okghrto`uidrh, hc emhkth kn cnmrerå esomker uk rek-mn `h prndedoco`e`hs, pnr cn quh sh `ogh quh hs uk juhmn sok sncu-

go÷k. Gnk ce keco`e` `h hkgnktrer uke seco`e sh fek grhe`n `nsgrothrons: hc iexo-iok y hc ioko-iex. Hk hc proihrn sh hcomh ce np-go÷k guye phnr gnkshguhkgoe hs ihjnr quh ce phnr gnkshguhkgoe`h ces ntres npgonkhs, hs `hgor, ce ihkns phrju`ogoec. Hsth grothronhs epcogedch guek`n ces phnrhs gnkshguhkgoes snk ghrgekes, phrnguek`n ïstes snk tntecihkth `ostekths sh hsteréek `hseprnvhgfek-`n ecmukes npnrtuko`e`hs. Gnk hc iosin gesn `hc geiphsokn y

gnk cns vecnrhs `hc Gue`rn 4, hjhipcoge:

<2 Odé`hi.

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–Hk hste sotuego÷k so hc geiphsokn hcomh teidoïk hc guctovn 5`h eguhr`n gnk hc grothron iexo-iok, hsterée rhgfezek`n cenpnrtuko`e` `h ndthkhr 82 pere hvoter uke pïr`o`e `h gok-

gn. Hk hstns gesns, hk quh ces mekekgoes snk somkogetoveihkthieynrhs (522%) quh ces pnsodchs pïr`o`es (42%), cn rhgnihk-`edch shrée shmuor ce rhmce ioko-iex, cceie`e teidoïk rhmce `hc

errhphktoiohktn: hc errhphktoiohktn hs ce gekto`e` `h npnrtuko-`e` phr`o`e gnk ce eggo÷k pnsodch hk ge`e hste`n pnsodch. Hcerrhphktoiohktn `hc gesn ekthronr shrée hc quh sh ndshrve hkhc Gue`rn 7:

Hk tec gesn, hc errhphktoiohktn iåxoin sh udoge hk hc guctovn5, hc grothron ioko-iex, hstedchgh quh fey quh hchmor hc egtnguyn errhphktoiohktn iåxoin she hc iékoin, hstn hs, hc guc-tovn 4.’<5

Ce regonkeco`e` hstretïmoge hs tre`ogonkecihkth hc ndjhtn h hstu-`on `h ce Phnrée `h Juhmns, hk cns úctoins eõns sh fek `hserrncce`n

uk mrek kúihrn `h epcogegonkhs quh fek shrvo`n pere in`hcer

<5 Odé` ., p. 88.

Guctovn 5 42 2

Guctovn 4 2 8

Gcoie 5 Gcoie 4

Guctovn 5 72 48

Guctovn 4 82 42

Gcoie 5 Gcoie 4

Gue`rn 4

Gue`rn 7

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ces `ostoktes sncugonkhs quh fey hk cns juhmns `h hstrethmoe. Rrhsu-pnkh quh hc emhkth kn hs ce úkoge veroedch quh elhgte n hthrioke

hc rhsucte`n, ïsth `hphk`hrå `h ce okthreggo÷k `h ces eggonkhs quhtnihk cns emhkths quh gniperthk ce rheco`e` in`hce`e. Equé, hcemhkth `hdh egtuer hstretïmogeihkth, hs `hgor, sh `hdh ih`oterg÷in egtueråk cns ntrns, n quï pohksek cns ntrns, quï ferå pereegtuer hk gnkshguhkgoe, gnin `hgée \nk Khwiek: sh trete h hgfer lernchs pere phrsue`or ec ntrn. Hk hstns gesns –ces rhstroggonkhs knhståk `e`es, sokn quh snk okthr`hphk`ohkths hk ce ih`o`e hk quh

sh gnklnriek pnr sus prnpoes `hgosonkhs’.<4 

Pre`ogonkecihkth –cns juhmns snk hstu`oe`ns e pertor `h ce `ostok-go÷k hktrh juhmns gnnphretovns y  juhmns kn gnnphretovns, esé gnin pnr ce`olhrhkgoe hktrh juhmns `h suie ghrn y juhmns `h suie veroedch’ .<7

Cns  juhmns gnnphretovns  snk equhccns `nk`h cns emhkths hktohk`hk

quh su ieynr mekekgoe re`oge hk utocozer uke hstrethmoe quh lnr-techzge teidoïk e su npnkhkth, –supnkh quh `ovhrsns mrupns `hemhkths puh`hk egtuer gnnr`oke`eihkth gnktre ntrns mrupns’.<0 Fey quh `hjer gcern quh hstn kn supnkh quh hxoste ce pnsodoco`e``h quh hc emhkth egtúh e levnr `h ecmúk dohkhster gnchgtovn, soknquh hs ce úkoge lnrie `h ndthkhr ce ihknr pïr`o`e, cn ekthronr,gnin ihkgonke Jnk Hcsthr, –hs gehr végtoie `hc phkseiohktn


Hk cns juhmns kn gnnphretovns, cns emhkths kn tohkhk uke rez÷k pnr ceguec su hstrethmoe `hde lnrtechghr e su npnkhkth (gnnphrer), hstn`hdo`n e ce pnsodoco`e` h ndthkhr ce mekekgoe iåxoie. Ec kn fe-

<4 Odé` ., p. 8=.<7

 Odé` ., p. 86.<0 Odé` . p. 8?.<8  Hcsthr, Jnk, Hc geidon thgknc÷mogn.  Okvhstomegonkhs sndrh ce regonkeco`e` y ce trekslnriego÷ksngoec , Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5??2, p. =4.

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dhr rez÷k ecmuke pere rhecozer uk eguhr`n prhvon, hc juhmn puh`htnrkersh `h suie ghrn n suie veroedch. @hktrn `h hstns juhmns

puh`h hgorsh quh cns emhkths guhktek gnk uke hstrethmoe `niokekth,hstn hs quh –ge`e jume`nr tohkh uk gursn `h eggo÷k n hstreth-moe quh puh`h gnkso`hrer quh hs su ihjnr npgo÷k sok gnkso`hrerg÷in hcomhk cns `hiås’.<<

Hk hc gesn `hc `ochie `hc prosonkhrn, hc hmnésin hs ce hstrethmoe`niokekth1 fey gesns hk quh ok`hphk`ohkthihkth `h so fey n kn

hstrethmoe `niokekth, hxosth uk rhsucte`n quh hs hc ihjnr peretn`ns, e hstn sh ch cceie ÷ptoin `h perhtn y sh `e guek`n cns emhk-ths gnknghk ces hstrethmoes `h cns `hiås1 guek`n hstn kn sugh-`h e geuse `h ce lecte `h oklnriego÷k n gnnr`okego÷k –sh puh`hndthkhr uk rhsucte`n quh hs phnr pere tn`ns quh guecquohr ntrnrhsucte`n legtodch’,<= sh ch cceie perhtn sud÷ptoin. Fey sotuegonkhshk ces quh ec kn fedhr eggonkhs regonkechs, hc juhmn geh hk ce okhs-

tedoco`e` y sh `ogh quh kn tohkh sncugo÷k. Hstn kns iuhstre quhce okthkgonkeco`e` kn merektoze ce regonkeco`e` n ce nptoieco`e`.

Cns  juhmns `h suie  ghrn rhmucerihkth snk kn gnnphretovns  y gninrhsucte`n khghseroeihkth oipcogek quh ce mekekgoe `h uk emhkthhs okvhrseihkth prnpnrgonkec hk su tnteco`e` `hc ntrn, hs `hgor, cnquh ukn meke cn pohr`h hc ntrn.

Hk cns  juhmns `h suie veroedch, ce suie `h ce mekekgoe y pïr`o`ekukge kns `erå ghrn gnin hk hc gesn ekthronr, ge`e emhkth gnkte-rå gnk uk rhsucte`n `olhrhkth ec `h cns `hiås gniphto`nrhs.

<< @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. 8?.<= Odé` . p. =7.

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5.7.< Cns in`hcns iethiåtogns y ce Phnrée

`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec

Ruh`h eriersh quh hs gnk cns tredejns `h Mecochn Mecocho quh shmhkhrecoz÷ ce o`he `h quh ces iethiåtoges snk hc chkmuejh dåso-gn quh cnmre gnkstruor cns gnkghptns `h ce hxpcogego÷k gohktége,hktnkghs, ces gohkgoes keturechs hrek ce desh `h ce hxpcogego÷k `htn`ns cns lhk÷ihkns, okgcusn cns sngoechs. Hk hsth shkto`n Thkï@hsgerths okthkt÷ `er uke hxpcogego÷k iethiåtoge `hc ukovhrsn e

trevïs `h ce `h`uggo÷k erotiïtoge ye quh, shmúk ïc, ïste phriotée`er uke hxpcogego÷k gohktége `h cns fhgfns.

Hk hc phron`n ocustre`n ce gohkgoe sngoec eperhgh `h uke lnrieiås `hcokhe`e, treyhk`n gnksomn ces tre`ogonkhs `h ce gohkgoe ke-turec, sok hidermn, hs gnk Eumustn Gnith y Jnfk Wtuert Iocc, quhsh oksteure gnk ieynr luhrze ce o`he `h quh ces –gohkgoes sngoechs

`hdéek in`hcersh sndrh ces gohkgoes keturechs’.<6

Gnk hc tohipn, pnsodchihkth ce hgnkniée she ce `osgopcoke quhhk ieynr ih`o`e `hserrncc÷ sus hxpcogegonkhs dejn hsth gnkghptn y gnkshguhkthihkth, dejn hste tuthce, ces thnrées `h ce hchggo÷kregonkec luhrnk elhgte`es. Gnin fhins ye fhins ihkgonke`n,luhrnk Nsaer Inrmhksthrk y Jnfk \nk Khwiek cns quh oktrn`u-

 jhrnk cns in`hcns iethiåtogns hk ce PHT pere ntnrmerch gohkto-go`e` y hxegtotu` hk sus prh`oggonkhs. Ce gnrrohkth `h ces thnrées`hc Tetonkec Gfnogh quh ngupe geso hk su tnteco`e` `ogfns in`hcnshs Meih Pfhnry, sok hidermn, hk ihknr ih`o`e teidoïk cn feghce hsguhce `hc Rudcog Gfnogh.

<6 ]ocsnk R., Pfnies, –Ce sngoncnmée y hc iïtn`n iethiåtogn’, hk Mo``hks Ektfnky,  Cethnrée sngoec fny, Ecoekze, 5??5, p. 0?2.

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Hc pephc `h ces iethiåtoges hk ce gohkgoe sngoec fe fhgfn gniúkce o`he `h quh ïstes pn`réek eyu`er e `hserrnccer gnkghptns y

chyhs mhkhrechs sndrh hc fhgfn sngoec, sok hidermn, pere ntrns hstnrhprhshkte uk mrevh hrrnr. Rnr hjhipcn, hk rhcego÷k e cns pngnsïxotns ndthko`ns pnr ces iethiåtoges hk ce gohkgoe sngoec, ]ocsnkerie:

–Kn ndstekth, eukquh `urekth `ns somcns sh fe phrshmuo`n gnkuk techktn y hkhrmée gnkso`hredchs hc ndjhtovn `h in`hcer ce

gohkgoe sngoec somuohk`n hc petr÷k `h ce gohkgoe keturec, cns rh-sucte`ns fek so`n iuy oksetoslegtnrons. Okgcusn hk ce hgnkniée,åidotn hk hc quh hc okthktn `h utocozer ces iethiåtoges gninvhfégucn pere ce thnrée sustektove iås quh gnin uk soipch eu-xocoer hk hc ekåcosos `h `etns fe so`n hsphgoecihkth `hstege`n,ces gnktrodugonkhs `h ce thnrée lnriuce`e iethiåtogeihkth euke gniprhkso÷k hipéroge s÷co`e perhghk pndrhs hk rhcego÷k

gnk ce iemkotu` y ce snstogego÷k iethiåtoge `hc hsluhrzn’.<?

Wok hidermn, hk hc npuhstn teidoïk hxosth uke `hlhkse `hc iïtn-`n iethiåtogn pere ces gohkgoes sngoechs, ec rhsphgtn Iertok`echshõece:

–Gnk ce eperogo÷k `h ce c÷moge soid÷coge hk hc somcn VV kn hs

pnsodch ye rhgfezer hk prokgopon  ce epcogego÷k `h ces iethiåto-ges e cns lhk÷ihkns sngoechs hk ce trekquocoze`nre ocuso÷k `hquh tn`evée sh puh`h gnkshrver ce c÷moge gnin eprnpoe`e ecekåcosos. @hdhins hster `ospuhstns e iekthkhr n rhgfezer cec÷moge soid÷coge hk su tnteco`e`1 hstn kn somkoge, gcern hstå,quh tn`es ces perths `h ce c÷moge shek omuecihkth útochs pereguecquohr prndchie. E`hiås, so sh rhgfeze ce c÷moge pnrquh hs

okeprnpoe`e rhsphgtn e cns lhk÷ihkns sngoechs, `hdhins hk-

<? Odé`., p. 0?4.

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lrhkterkns ec fhgfn `h quh kn sh fek `hserrncce`n sustotutnssetoslegtnrons h hcce, eukquh perhgh quh hsth fe so`n hc ndjhtovn

`h `ovhrsns hsgrotns hposthinc÷mogns `h Fho`hmmhr y ntrns hxos-thkgoecostes hk sus okthktns pnr `hserrnccer `ovhrses vées prhc÷-moges, iétoges y pnïtoges fegoe cn vhr`e`hreihkth vhr`e`hrn. Hkuke pecedre, cns `hserrnccns `hc somcn VV hk ce c÷moge soid÷cogefek fhgfn `hkotoveihkth ndsnchtes tn`es ces lnries `h rh-gfezn hk prokgopon `h ces iethiåtoges gnin okstruihktn `h cegohkgoe sngoec’.=2

Hk suie, hsth eutnr shõece quh hc rhgfezn `h ce c÷moge hståk`erhk ces gohkgoes sngoechs hs uke rhkukgoe e ce okvhstomego÷k hi-péroge `hc lhk÷ihkn sngoec. Cn quh pn`hins erier hs quh cesiethiåtoges fek phrioto`n e ces gohkgoes sngoechs y hk pertogucere ce PHT, rhecozer gnkghptuecozegonkhs y hxpcogegonkhs `h ukeiekhre iås ghrthre, esé gnin iekhjer y gnktrester sus fop÷thsos

gnk ieynr hxegtotu`.

Wok hidermn, okgurroréeins hk uk hrrnr so gnkso`hreins quh hciïtn`n iethiåtogn hs pnr sé iosin sugohkth pere hxpcoger hcfhgfn sngoec, ïsth sncn `hdh shr gnkso`hre`n gnin uk iïtn`n `hepnyn hk ce okvhstomego÷k gohktége.

5.0 Retfncnmohs nl Tetonkec Gfnogh Pfhnry

–¾@h quï hchggo÷k regonkec ih fedces>’ `hdhrée shr ce prhmukteprokgopec quh hdh feghrsh ecmuohk ec epnrter n grotoger ces thnrées`h ce hchggo÷k regonkec, epukte iuy dohk Jnsï Iertékhz,=5 quohk


 Iertok`ech, @., –Coiots tn tfh ushs nl ietfhietogs ok tfh stu`y nl sngoncnmy’, hk Gfer-chs ]nrtf J. G., Iethietogs ek` tfh sngoec sgohkgh, Rfoce`hcpfoe, 5?<7.=5 Glr. Iertékhz Mergée, Jnsï, –Popns `h Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, Thvoste Okthrkegonkec `h Wngoncn-

 mée, Kn. 7=, 4220, pp. 57?-5=7.

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erie quh –rhecihkth fey veroes lnries `h hkthk`hr ce hchggo÷kregonkec, y quh perth h cns hdeths quh fey hk tnrkn e hcce tohkhk

destekth `h `oåcnmn `h snr`ns `hdo`n e quh quohkhs hipchek ceiosie hxprhso÷k, hståk phksek`n hk gnses ostoktes’.=4 Ce ieynrperth `h ces grétoges quh sh feghk e ce thnrée, hståk `oromo`es eecmuke `h sus gnrrohkths, cn guec grhe hc prndchie `h ces mhkhre-cozegonkhs n ce gnkluso÷k `h sus tïriokns y epcogegonkhs, tec hs hchlhgtn quh mhkhre uke lecse hxphgtetove h sus prhioses mhkhrechsec grotoger ecmuke `h ces okthrprhtegonkhs quh fegh uke gnrrohkth

n hsguhce sndrh hcces, pnr tektn, hkshmuo`e hsgrodorhins ces prok-gopechs hsguhces quh gnipnkhk ces thnrées `h ce PHT.

 Ce Phnrée `h Juhmns

Hste epcogego÷k hs quozås hc okstruihktn iås oipnrtekth n gn-kngo`n `h ces Phnrées `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  pnr hc usn quh fegh `h

in`hcns iethiåtogns pere rhprhshkter ce rheco`e`, su `hserrnccngnin ye fhins ihkgonke`n, cn tuvn hspuïs h ce pnsmuhrre gnkhc gnkogtn `h ce Muhrre Lrée1 – Ce Phnrée `h Juhmns fe so`n iuy uto-coze`e pere gnkstruor in`hcns `h `osueso÷k kugcher, `h ce gerrhre`h erieihktns, `h `hserih y hk ntrns lhk÷ihkns `h rhchvekgoepere cns hsphgoecostes hk rhcegonkhs okthrkegonkechs’.=7

Meih Pfhnry eperhgh hk hc hsghkeron `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec hk`nk`h fey okthr`hphk`hkgoe hstretïmoge, hs `hgor, hk `nk`h hc rh-sucte`n `h uke `hgoso÷k `hphk`h `h ce hstrethmoe quh tnih ntrnemhkth1 gnin ye fhins vostn, e `olhrhkgoe `h ce regonkeco`e` pe-reiïtroge hk nk`h snceihkth ce hgoso÷k hc egtnr regonkec destepere elhgter hc rhsucte`n, equé, ïsth thk`rå quh prhvhr ce `hgoso÷k

=4 Odé`hi.=7 Glr . ]er`, Fumf, –Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, hk Iersf @., y Wtnahr M., Phnrée

 y Iïtn`ns `h ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge, Ecoekze H`otnroec, p. 68.

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`hc ntrn pere prnmreier uke shroh `h hstrethmoes quh ch phriotece iexoiozego÷k `h su utoco`e`.

 Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Wngoec 

Hste gnrrohkth eperhgh `h ce dúsquh`e `h uke l÷riuce: –emrhmerces prhlhrhkgoes `h ge`e gou`e`ekn gnk hc k `h ecgekzer ukenr`hkego÷k sngoec `h ces ecthrketoves’.=0  Wok hidermn, AhkkhtfErrnw ye fedée `hinstre`n ce oipnsodoco`e` `h –uk iïtn`n `h

emrhmego÷k hingråtogn setoslegtnron’.=8 Retrogoe Drotns, h ce Xko-vhrso`e` Kegonkec `h Ier `hc Rcete, emrhme quh sh puh`h `hkorhste gnrrohkth gnin –hc luk`eihktn `hc topn `h okvhstomego÷k quhekecoze g÷in e pertor `h `hgosonkhs ok`ovo`uechs sh cchme e uke `h-goso÷k gnchgtove sok phr`hr regonkeco`e` ko gerågthr hingråtogn’.=<

 Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Rúdcoge

Ce prhngupego÷k `h hste hsguhce shõece Fumf ]er`, –hs quh cesokthrvhkgonkhs `h cns mndohrkns `hingråtogns gnk hc k `h hk-ihk`er cns hrrnrhs `hc ihrge`n suhchk grher iås prndchies `hcns quh rhsuhcvhk’,== pnr cn quh iugfns `h sus th÷rogns shõecekquh hs ec Hste`n ec quh `hdh rhmucersh iås quh ec ihrge`n. Ruh-`h hkthk`hrsh teidoïk quh hste gnrrohkth ekecoze g÷in hs quh hc

Hste`n `hthrioke ces pncétoges quh oipchihkterå hk rhcego÷k ecedekogn `h pnsodoco`e`hs quh sh ch prhshktek.

=0 Odé` ., p. 6?.=8 Odé`hi.=< Drotns, Retrogoe, –Tegonkeco`e` y Rrhlhrhkgoe Wngoec’ , Rudcogegonkhs, Mrupn `h Okvhstome-go÷k Locns÷ge `hc @hperteihktn `h Locnsnlée `h ce XKI `hc R.

== ]er`, Fumf, np. got. p. 6<.

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Ces hsguhces n gnrrohkths tohkhk sus ndjhtns h hstu`on y sus fhrre-iohktes ihtn`nc÷moges pertogucerhs, sok hidermn, gnokgo`hk hk hc

usn `h ces prhioses gcåsoges `h ce PHT, gnin hc esuior hk ce ie- ynrée h cns gesns quh cns emhkths dusgek iexoiozer sus utoco`e`hs y hc usn `hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn.

Xke vhz quh fhins `e`n uke drhvh `hsgropgo÷k `h ces prokgope-chs gnrrohkths quh gnipnkhk ces thnrées `h ce PHT, hsteins hkgnk`ogonkhs `h hxpnkhr ces grétoges iås rhchvekths.

Rroihreihkth hxpnk`rhins ce hxghchkth rhgnpocego÷k `h grétogesquh fegh hc prnlhsnr Fumf ]er` hk su hkseyn: Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchg-go÷k Tegonkec, hk hc guec `ovo`h hk guetrn gethmnrées hc phkseiohktngrétogn `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec, cns fhrhjhs, cns sngo÷cnmns, cns psog÷cnmns y cns pncot÷cnmns. Pechs grétoges tohkhk uk gerågthr okthr`osgopcokeron,puhs perhghk ok`oger uke pnsture `h `hlhkse `h ces tre`ogonkhs

`h ce sngoncnmée, psogncnmée y ce gohkgoe pncétoge. E gnktokuego÷kprhshkteins hc droccekth ekåcosos grétogn quh feghk cns prnlhsnrhsOek Wfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk, hste grétoge hs `h gerågthr ihtn-`nc÷moge, puhs iuhstre cn quh hccns fek cceie`n  petncnmées quh shprhshktek ec iekhjer ce thnrée. Peidoïk ekecozerhins hc phkse-iohktn `h Fhrdhrt Woink quh ekecoze hc prndchie `h ce romo`hz`h ce thnrée hk cn quh fe cceie`n regonkeco`e` ncéipoge y hc prndchie

`h ce oktuogo÷k, hk `nk`h shõece hc prndchie quh sh prhshkte ec `h- jer luhre h PHT hc pephc quh juhmek ces hingonkhs y, pnr úctoin,shõecerhins ce grétoge ierxoste quh sh fegh e ce hchggo÷k regonkec .

5.0.5 Fumf ]er`. Grétoges okthr`osgopcokeroes

Grétoge `h cns fhrhjhs

Uuozås `hde su knidrh e quh equé sh prhshktek ecmukes grétogesprnpoes `h cns th÷rogns `hc Tetonkec Gfnogh, hc prnpon Fumf ]er`

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gnihkte quh –gedrée hsphrer quh, ec ihkns, ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, oklnriere sok eidomóh`e`hs cn quh somkoge gnipnrter-

sh `h lnrie regonkec hk gnkthxtns oipnrtekths, phrn kn hs esé’.=6

Erie quh `h ces grétoges quh sh feghk e ce Phnrée `h Juhmns shhkguhktre prokgopecihkth ce quh sh fegh ec gnkghptn `h hquo-codron, `ogh quh –hc prndchie hs quh ce hxosthkgoe `h hquocodronsiúctopchs rh`ugh ce gepego`e` prh`ogtove `hc in`hcn y fey quhshrvorsh h ntres thnrées pere egnter iås ces pnsodoco`e`hs’.=? E`h-iås, ntre `h ces grétoges e ce PHT gnin vhrhins iås e`hcekth,

hs ce `h ce regonkeco`e` vokguce`e, `h Fhrdhrt Woink, hsth eutnrerie –quh cns ok`ovo`uns utocozeråk prngh`oiohktns nphretovnsgniukhs e in`n `h ihgekosins fhuréstogns y muées `h dncsoccnpere ce eggo÷k regonkec’,62 y quh hstn sugh`h hk sotuegonkhs hkquh ce gepego`e` gnmkotove `hc emhkth y hc tohipn pere prnghserce oklnriego÷k snk coiote`ns. Xk hjhipcn `h hccn pn`rée shr ukinihktn hk hc quh uk emhkth tohkh quh `hgo`or so quh`ersh e phcher

n fuor  hk uk inihktn `h phcomrn, cn quh hc eutnr ok`oge hs quh ce`hgoso÷k hsterå rhcegonke`e gnk uke prh`ospnsogo÷k pnr hxphrohk-goe `hc emhkth, iås quh gnk uke `hgoso÷k regonkec ec thkhr ihknrtohipn pere hc gåcgucn quh hk uke sotuego÷k `h knrieco`e`. Hsthihgekosin hk hc åidotn pncétogn thk`rå rhsucte`ns ihkns quh÷ptoins y –sok `u`e, ïste kn hs uke duhke lnrie `h tnier mrek-`hs `hgosonkhs rhsphgtn e ces pncétoges, eukquh sé lukgonkh hk ce

vo`e gnto`oeke’.65


 Odé`., p. 6?.=? Odé` ., p. ?2.62 Odé`hi.65 Odé`hi.

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Grétoge `h cns sngo÷cnmns

Rere ce ieynrée `h cns th÷rogns `h hste `osgopcoke, hc gnipnrte-iohktn sngoec sh hxpcoge e pertor `h ces hstrugtures sngoechs, `hefé quh hc `hthriokosin ierquh ce gnk`ugte `h cns ok`ovo`uns,–ce gepego`e` `h hchggo÷k quh tohkhk cns ok`ovo`uns hs ocusnroe y,pnr tektn, ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, quh sh dese hk hcce, hsokútoc’,64 Jnk Hcsthr fe rhspnk`o`n e hste grétoge eshvhrek`n quhce sngoncnmée teipngn fe pn`o`n `hcoioter –cns céioths `hktrn `h

cns guechs hc gnipnrteiohktn phriekhgh sok shr elhgte`n pnr cnsgeidons hk hc gnkjuktn legtodch’,67 pnr cn quh kn sh puh`h `h-gor quh cns ok`ovo`uns kn tohkhk uk gnkjuktn `h prhlhrhkgoes quhelhgthk su vo`e y hktnrkn.

Hsth ermuihktn grétogn `osguth, pnr hjhipcn, quh ce hxpcogego÷k`hc gnipnrteiohktn hchgtnrec sh gnipnkh `h `ostoktes veroedchs

quh sh gnrrhcegonkek, gnin –ce gcesh sngoec, ce udogego÷k mhnmrå-ge, hc mïkhrn, hc cumer hk quh sh gnksuih y sh prn`ugh, y cerhcomo÷k’,60  pnr cn quh hs oipnsodch quh uk ok`ovo`un thkme cepnsodoco`e` `h okuhkgoe hk su hktnrkn pnr sé iosin. Wok hider-mn, –ce udogego÷k hstrugturec `h uk ok`ovo`un kn suhch hxpcogergnipchteihkth cn quh fegh’, hk tektn cns esuktns hchgtnrechs, cesveroedchs hstrugturechs teipngn hxpcogek ce `olhrhkgoe `h prhlh-

rhkgoe quh puh`h fedhr okgcusn hktrh ok`ovo`uns quh gniperthkce elhgtego÷k `h ces iosies. Wo dohk ce hstrugture sngoec gnk`o-gonke ces grhhkgoes y prhlhrhkgoes `h uk ok`ovo`un, pere ]er`,–ce hchggo÷k regonkec puh`h ihjnrer ce hxpcogego÷k fegohk`n prh-`oggonkhs guek`n kn rhsucth hvo`hkth ce lnrie iås regonkec `hegtuer’, e`hiås `ogh:

64 Odé`., p. ?2.67 Hcsthr, Jnk. Oktrn`uggo÷k e Aerc Ierx… np. got., p. 72.60 ]er`, Fumf, np. got., p. ?5.

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–Rerhgh quh hstns th÷rogns Qcns `h ce PHTY kn suhchk instrermrek`hs `hshns `h prhsgok`or `h ce hstrugture y quh, hk rheco-

`e`, cn quh dusgek hs ocustrer g÷in sh tniek ces `hgosonkhs`hktrn `h ce iosie, cchmek`n okgcusn e ednr`er `h quï ie-khre ces hchggonkhs regonkechs rhprn`ughk n trekslnriek ceshstrugtures’.68

Ntre `h ces grétoges sh `e e ce cuz `h cns tredejns `h cns pe`rhs `hce sngoncnmée, prokgopecihkth Hiocoh @urafhoi1 sh fe shõece`n

quh hc gnipnrteiohktn hstå muoe`n pnr knries, y quh ces sngoechssnk `hrove`es `h ce khghso`e` `h okthmrer cns sosthies, pnr cn quh–euk rhgnkngohk`n ce pnsodoco`e` `h uk gnipnrteiohktn ek÷io-gn y oslukgonkec, hstns hklnquhs fncéstogns suhchk iokusveco`er ceeggo÷k regonkec `h topn okstruihktec’.6< Ekth hccn, puh`h `hgorshquh ce hchggo÷k regonkec  esuih quh ces knries snk gnin gnsths ydhkhgons quh phriekhghk juktn e ntrns okghktovns, y quh:

–Hk gnksnkekgoe gnk hste thk`hkgoe e kn gnkso`hrer ces hs-trugtures gnin ecmn `e`n, cns th÷rogns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec`hshek hxpcoger pnr quï surmhk ces knries y g÷in sh oipn-khk. Hc proihr pesn hs gnkso`hrerces sncugonkhs e prndchies`h eggo÷k gnchgtove. Eukquh iugfns sngo÷cnmns fek `e`n pe-sns gnkghptuechs perhgo`ns, suhchk utocozer hc ekåcosos lukgonkec

pere hxpcoger ces knries desåk`nsh hk tn`ns cns dhkhgons quhprn`ughk. Cns th÷rogns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec eriek quhhstn kn hs eprnpoe`n pnrquh prhsgok`h h cns hlhgtns gnrrnsovns`hc okthrïs phrsnkec sndrh ce eggo÷k gnchgtove: equhccns quh knguipchk ce knie n kn pemek hc gnsth `h oipnkhrce puh`hk,sok hidermn, dhkhgoersh so ntrns cn feghk’.6=

68 Odé`., p. ?7.6< Odé` ., p. ?7.6= Odé`hi.

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Rnr úctoin, fek ok`oge`n hc prndchie h ces o`hncnmées, ïstes puh-`hk o`hktogersh gnin uk sosthie `h grhhkgoes quh `ek shkto`n

e ce eggo÷k. Rere cns sngo÷cnmns –ce geregthréstoge gcevh `h ce eg-go÷k fuieke hs hc somkoge`n quh ïste tohkh pere hc ok`ovo`un’,ce eggo÷k sncn puh`h gnkso`hrersh regonkec n orregonkec hktrn hcgnkthxtn `h uk `hthrioke`n sosthie `h somkoge`n n lnriego÷k`hc `osgursn, –ces o`hkto`e`hs ok`ovo`uechs sh gnkstotuyhk hk prn-ghsns sngoechs gnipchjns hk cns quh cns `osgursns sh ertogucek n`hsertogucek, gnkgh`ohk`n úkogeihkth uke eutnkniée coiote`e

ec ok`ovo`un’.66

Fumf ]er` pohkse quh fey ermuihktns quh puh`hk `hdetor hstegrétoge:

–Knriecihkth hxosth gohrte eutnkniée ok`ovo`uec rhsphgtn `hcns gnk`ogonkekths o`hnc÷mogns y ces hstrugtures o`hnc÷moges sur-

mhk, sh rhprn`ughk y trekslnriek gnin rhsucte`n `h ce eggo÷kok`ovo`uec quh, e vhghs, hs okstruihktecihkth regonkec. Hxthk-`oïk`nkns hk hsth puktn pn`hins `hgor quh, gnk lrhguhkgoe,cns ok`ovo`uns gnidokek, h lnrie knvh`nse, hchihktns h uken iås o`hncnmées pere levnrhghr okstruihktecihkth uk okthrïs y quh hstn puh`h thkhr gnkshguhkgoes pncétoges prnluk`es’.6?

Grétoge `h cns psog÷cnmns

Ce prokgopec grétoge `h hste `osgopcoke hs ce `h quh cns ok`ovo`unskn snk tntecihkth hmnéstes gnin pcekthe ce PHT, y quh gnk lrh-guhkgoe sh gnipnrtek `h iekhre ectruoste, –cns grétogns fek ins-tre`n uke hsphgoec prhngupego÷k pnr ce hxgcuso÷k hc ectruosin h

66 Odé` ., p. ?0.6? Odé`hi.

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ce ieynrée h cns in`hcns pncétogns h ce hchggo÷k regonkec’,?2 pnrhjhipcn, hk hc gesn `h uke hchggo÷k, cns vntekths sh prhngupek

pnr hc hste`n mhkhrec `h ce hgnkniée, hs `hgor, sh prhngupek pnrhc dohkhster ejhkn.

Fumf ]er` rhspnk`h e hste grétoge hxpnkohk`n quh –ce hchggo÷kregonkec `h nrohktego÷k knrietove kn ve uko`e ec prhsupuhstn`hc okthrïs phrsnkec’, y quh pnr pnkhr uk hjhipcn, ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Wngoec, kn rhhrh ke`e sndrh cns intovns `hc emhkth quh

sudyeghk e ces prhlhrhkgoes y sh prhngupe úkogeihkth `h –gninpuh`hk emrhmersh ïstes gnk hc k `h feghr uke hchggo÷k pere cesngoh`e`’. Wndrh hsth thie, hxpnkh, cns th÷rogns `h ce hchggo÷k re-gonkec   sh fek prnkukgoe`n pnrquh ces epcogegonkhs `h ce PHT shcoiothk e ces århes hk ces quh prhvechgh hc okthrïs phrsnkec.?5

Cns psog÷cnmns teidoïk eriek quh rhmucerihkth cns ok`ovo`uns

egtúek muoe`ns pnr iúctopchs ynhs, cn quh cchve e ndshrver uke gnk-`ugte orregonkec. –Hstn puh`h vokgucersh e ce o`he `h quh cns ok-`ovo`uns tohkhk  ynhs iúctopchs quh ednr`ek ces `hgosonkhs `hs`h`olhrhkths puktns `h voste, cn guec gnk`ugh e ce oipnsodoco`e` `hegtuer regonkecihkth hk hc shkto`n gnkvhkgonkec. Hste erie-go÷k rhcegonke`e gnk ce grétoge sngonc÷moge puh`h cchver e phkserquh hc ok`ovo`un guhkte gnk uk yn regonkec quh muée hc okthrïs phr-

snkec, y uk yn sngoec muoe`n pnr ces knries, `h efé quh sh hxpcoquhhc gnkogtn quh sh mhkhre guek`n hc okthrïs phrsnkec sh hklrhktegnk cn knrietoveihkth gnrrhgtn.?4

E hstn cns hgnkniostes tre`ogonkecihkth fek rhspnk`o`n gnk hcermuihktn `h quh –hk uk eidohkth gniphtotovn, cns emhkths toh-

?2 Odé`., p. ?<.?5 Glr. Odé`hi.?4 Glr. Odé`., p. ?6.

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khk quh egtuer gnin so luhrek iexoioze`nrhs regonkechs peresndrhvovor y quh hc gnipnrteiohktn regonkec shrå `hsgudohrtn y

sh ch segerå perto`n, gnk`ugohk`n hstn e uk erdotrejh hk hc ihr-ge`n quh, e cermn pcezn, hxpucserå cn quh fey `h okhgohkth’. Wokhidermn, ihkgonke hc eutnr, hsth gnipnrteiohktn puh`h rhsucterhk uk mrevh prndchie, pnr hjhipcn, –uk perto`n pncétogn pn`réesedhr pngn n ke`e sndrh gnin iexoiozer su vntn, pe`hghr pe-tncnmées nrmekozetoves rhsphgtn ec `hserrnccn `h uk prnmreie quhcn gnk`uzge e ce vogtnroe y kn egtuer `h lnrie gnnr`oke`e. Wok

hidermn, e cermn pcezn, ce okgepego`e` pere setosleghr cns mustns`hc hchgtnre`n puh`hk gnk`ugor e ce hxtokgo÷k `hc perto`n’.?7

Grétoge `h cns pncot÷cnmns

Hste grétoge sh `e gnk desh hk khmer ce utoco`e` `h ce hchggo÷k re-gonkec pnr nlrhghr  prhsupuhstns okvhrnséiochs y prh`oggonkhs lecco`es, pnr


–Gnin ye fhins vostn, ce hchggo÷k regonkec puh`h prhshkterprndchies e ce fnre `h hxpcoger pnr quï vnte ce mhkth1 ce okthr-prhtego÷k quh ecmukns eutnrhs `ek e cns `etns `h ces hkguhstesok`oge quh ces phrsnkes vntek ec perto`n gnk hc quh sh o`hkto-gek y fey ok`ogons `h quh, so sh vnte hk lukgo÷k `h cns mrek`hs

thies `h `hdeth, hsth topn `h sulremon kn sh dese hk uk hstrogtnokthrïs phrsnkec. Eukquh hc vntn she shksodch e ce sotuego÷k `h`ogfns thies, hc in`hcn `h @nwks kn tohkh hk guhkte ce ie-kopucego÷k pnr perth `h cns perto`ns `h ce desh hstrugturec `hces prhlhrhkgoes’.?0

?7 Odé`., p. ??.?0 Odé`hi.

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]er` emrhme quh iugfns th÷rogns `h hste `osgopcoke shõecek quhkn hs pceusodch phkser quh cns perto`ns pncétogns sncn hstïk hk

ce dúsquh`e `h germns pncétogns y quh pnr hse geuse epruhdekpncétoges `h mndohrkn quh chs rh`otúh vntns echjåk`nsh `h susgnkvoggonkhs y prhngupegonkhs sngoechs. Hk hsth shkto`n, gedréerhhxonker, quh so dohk cns perto`ns rhspnk`hk e uke cékhe o`hnc÷-moge quh hkierge hc oshõn h sus pncétoges, ïstns khghseroeihkthdusgeråk hstrethmoes pere iexoiozer ce utoco`e` quh chs `e hsterhk hc mndohrkn.

Xke grétoge e`ogonkec shrée ce quh fegh ce gnrrohkth nrtn`nxe `hce Gohkgoe Rncétoge hk vnz `h Monvekko Wertnro, quohk fe ihkgon-ke`n quh hste osgopcoke fe geé`n hk hc fophr-hiporosin, y quh cePHT, ce fe vhko`n e cchker `h `etns okshrvodchs.?8 E hstn fedréequh rhgnknghr quh hstes thnrées ch fek eyu`e`n e `er uke ie- ynr gohktogo`e`, y quh cns in`hcns iethiåtogns ch fek drok`e`n

hxegtotu` y ghrthze.

Lrekgosgn Joiïkhz Tuoz, fe `hje`n hk gcern quh ce rhsosthkgoe`h ce gnrrohkth ieynroteroe `h ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge e eghpter cesthnrées `hc Tetonkec gfnogh, rhspnk`h e uke thrrodch gnkluso÷k pnrperth `h sus `htregtnrhs:

–Ce gnrrohkth ieynroteroe h ce gohkgoe pncétoge sh rhsosth e eghp-ter e ces thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec gnin útochs okstruihktnsth÷rogn-ihtn`nc÷mogns pere ce okvhstomego÷k pncétoge. Hstn cnscchve e gnihthr uke gnkluso÷k ger`okec: grhhr quh ces thnrées `h ce

hchggo÷k regonkec prhthk`hk gnkstotuorsh hk uk kuhvn pere`omie th÷rogn’.?<


 Glr . Wertnro, Monvekko, ¾Fegoe `÷k`h ve ce gohkgoe pncétoge>, hk Rncétoge y Mndohrkn, \nc.55, Kn. 4, Iïxogn, 4220.?< Joiïkhz Tuoz, Lrekgosgn J., Lokekgoeiohktn e perto`ns pncétogns y thnrée `h juhmns, h`. Rnrrúe,Iïxogn, 4228, p. 78.

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Hs efé, `ogh, hk `nk`h re`oge hc ieynr hrrnr `h cns quh grotogekhste thnrée, –hstes thnrées kn prhthk`hk gnkstotuorsh hk uk kuhvn

pere`omie th÷rogn, snceihkth prhthk`hk shr pn`hrnses fhrre-iohktes pere ce okvhstomego÷k’.?=

5.0.4 Oek Wfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk.

Grotoges ihtn`nc÷moges

Uuozås uke `h ces ieynrhs n iås gnkngo`es grétoges quh sh fek

hcednre`n e ces thnrées h ce hchggo÷k regonkec  snk ces hxpuhstes pnr OekWfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk hk  Retfncnmohs nl Tetonkec Gfnogh,?6  pcek-thek quh so dohk `hs`h cns eõns 82 hstes thnrées fek vhko`n me-kek`n thrrhkn hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs, pe`hghk `h mrevhs hrrnrhsihtn`nc÷mogns, pnr hccn cekzek uke prhmukte grugoec, ¾hk quï fegnktroduo`n hsth hklnquh pere eipcoer kuhstre gniprhkso÷k h cepncétoge> y su rhpuhste hs: –Euk guek`n kn khmeins quh cns th÷-

rogns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec fek hcednre`n in`hcns `h okihkse y grhgohkth gnipchjo`e`, gnkso`hreins quh tn`evée quh`e pnr`hinstrer quh `ogfns in`hcns fek cchve`n e gniprhk`hr ihjnrce lnrie hk quh nphre ce pncétoge hk hc iuk`n rhec’.??

Hk su npoko÷k, ces `hdoco`e`hs `h ce PHT tohkhk su nromhk hkce dúsquh`e `h thnrées ukovhrsechs sndrh pncétoge, cn quh prnvnge

quh sh hcednrhk thnrées quh `hsguo`hk ce prågtoge y ce vhrogego÷khipéroge.

?= Odé`hi.?6 @nkec` Mrhhk y Oek Wfeporn, Retfncnmohs nl retonkec gfnogh tfhnry: E grotoquh nl eppcogetonks ok

 pncotogec sgohkgh, Khw Fevhk, _ech Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, 5??0.?? @nkec` R. Mrhhk y Oek Wfeporn, –Ce pncétoge hxpcoge`e pnr ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k re-gonkec. ¾Rnr quï hs tek pngn cn quh hste thnrée kns fe hkshõe`n>’, Thvoste Lnrn Okthrkegonkec ,

 jucon-shptohidrh, 5??0, p. 7<8.

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–Guek`n cns th÷rogns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec hiprhk`hk ukecednr hipéroge y sosthiåtoge, hste pnr cn mhkhrec thrioke hstek-

ge`e, `hdo`n e uke shroh `h hrrnrhs geregthréstogns guyn nromhkpuh`h feccersh hk hses eidogonkhs ukovhrsecostes quh cns th÷-rogns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec hquovnge`eihkth gnkso`hrek ceierge `ostoktove `h uke duhke prågtoge gohktége’.522

Cns eutnrhs pcekthek quh `hrove`n `h cn ekthronr sh gnkstruyhkfop÷thsos shchggonkek`n ces hvo`hkgoes `h iekhre shsme`e y gnk-

gcuyhk`n gnk hxpcogegonkhs quh kn tniek hk guhkte ntres `h`ostoktn topn, `ek`n gnin rhsucte`n quh she oipnsodch `erchs uktreteiohktn hipérogn.

–Hk gnkjuktn, tn`es hstes lecces ihtn`nc÷moges `hc hklnquh `hce hchggo÷k regonkec mhkhrek y rhluhrzek uk sék`rnih hdocotek-th, hk vortu` `hc guec ces thnrées sh hcednrek y in`ogek, kn hk

rhspuhste e ces hxomhkgoes `h su lukgonkeiohktn hipérogn, soknpere prhshrver su gerågthr ukovhrsec. Rnr eggo÷k `h hsth sék`rn-ih, cns `etns `hjek `h pnkhr e pruhde ces thnrées y, hk cumer `hhccn, ïstes gnktokueihkth `hseléek y durcek cns `etns. Hk rhsu-ihk, ce okvhstomego÷k hipéroge sh `hje gnk`ugor pnr ce thnrée y kn pnr cns prndchies y su keco`e`, hk cumer `h `er guhkte`h cns lhk÷ihkns pncétogns quh rhecihkth hståk ngurrohk`n.’525

Hk npoko÷k `h cns eutnrhs, hste sotuego÷k hs rhvhrsodch s÷cn so shgniprhk`h hc sék`rnih `h lecces ihtn`nc÷moges, y so sh rhkukgoe e ceesporego÷k ukovhrsecoste quh nromoke tec sék`rnih. @hsgrodhk quhce epcogegonkhs hipéroges `h ce PHT pe`hghk `h `ns topns `h hk- lhrih`e`hs: e) hrrnrhs ihtn`nc÷mogns y d) hc sék`rnih h lecces ih-tn`nc÷moges1 `hc proihrn sh `hsprhk`h uke grétoge ec treteiohktn

522 Odé` ., p. 7<<.525 Odé`hi.

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hrr÷khn `h ces tïgkoges `h hste`éstoges1 y `hc shmuk`n, ces ihkgon-ke`es esporegonkhs ukovhrsecostes quh okuyhk hk ce iekhre hk

quh sh hcednrek ces fop÷thsos.

e) Hrrnrhs ihtn`nc÷mogns

 Lnriucego÷k `h pruhdes

Hsth prndchie, shõecek, hs lrhguhkth `hdo`n e ce lecte h iekuechs

nphretovns `h ces epcogegonkhs `h ce PHT, –cns in`hcns th÷rogns `hc juhmn y `h ce hchggo÷k sngoec luhrnk `hserrncce`ns y sekgonke`nssok `er ko uke snce poste sndrh uke pnsodch `hkogo÷k nphretove1ukn puh`h feccer pruhdes y iås pruhdes, phrn rhsucte hk vekndusger uk ekåcosos htecce`n h g÷in y guåk`n hxegteihkth hdhepcogersh hc in`hcn’.524 Rere cns eutnrhs hc prndchie hs ieynr sosh okthkte –`hrover prnpnsogonkhs vhrogedchs e pertor `h cns in-

`hcns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec’,527 ye quh ce PHT hstå gnkstotuo`e`h uke lnrie hk ce quh kn sh puh`hk lecsher ces hvo`hkgoes.

 Rrh`oggonkhs hkmeõnses

Hsth prndchie sh prhshkte guek`n ces fop÷thsos `h ce PHT –sh tn-pek gnk fhgfns oiprhvostns rhgurrohk`n e `ovhrsns prnghsns kn

ndshrvedchs’,520 hk hsth shkto`n pn`hins phkser quh hk ce thnrée`h juhmns sh prhshktek sotuegonkhs quh kn snk knrie`es pnr cethnrée, hs `hgor, ekth ces `ovhrses pnsodoco`e`hs `h rhsncvhr hc `och-ie sh puh`h gehr hk hxpcogegonkhs quh `hjek `h ce`n ntres tektespnsodoco`e`hs ndshrve`es.

524 Inrros R. Lonroke y Gferchs T. Rcntt, –Gniiotthh `hgosonks uk`hr Iejnroty Tuch: Ek

hxphroihktec stu`y’, hk  Eihrogek Rncotogec Wgohkgh Thvohw, \nc. =4, 5?=6. Gote`n hk: (OekWfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk, Ce pncétoge hxpcoge`e… np. got., p. 762.)527 Oek Wfeporn y @nkec` Mrhhk, Ce pncétoge hxpcoge`e… p. 762.520 Odé`., p. 764.

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@h cn ekthronr sh pn`rée `hgor quh cn quh kn hstå knrie`n pnrces prhioses h ce PHT kn hs regonkec, ïsth hs uk luhrth prndchie

quh fe prnpogoe`n mrek`hs grétoges `h cns prnpons th÷rogns `h cethnrée y hc `hserrnccn `h kuhves epcogegonkhs. Hcsthr fe cceie`n ehstn romo`hz `hc in`hcn gcåsogn y ch npnkh uk in`hcn `h regonkeco-`e` eipcoe, pnr su perth, Fhrdhrt Woink ch fe cceie`n e hsth leccnregonkeco`e` ncéipoge.

 Rrh`oggonkhs vemeihkth nphregonkecoze`es

Hste grétoge shõece quh hk iugfns `h cns gesns kn fey uke gn-rrhspnk`hkgoe hktrh ces fop÷thsos y ces pruhdes hipéroges, cn quhngesonke quh sh geome hk ce –hsphrekze `h quh uk kúihrn su-gohkth `h phrsnkes egtueråk gnk ce sugohkth regonkeco`e` hk sugnk`ugte pere quh ces thnrées hgnk÷ioges `h ce pncétoge mhkhrhk`hsgropgonkhs, hxpcogegonkhs y prh`oggonkhs quh e ihku`n snk úto-

chs eprnxoiegonkhs e ce vhr`e`’,528 hccn prnvnge ce hxeghrde`e re-gonkeco`e` `h ce thnrée y `hje luhre hc fhgfn `h quh cns ok`ovo`unskn snk lrhguhkthihkth regonkechs, esé, gnk ce keco`e` `h secver ceregonkeco`e` s÷cn sh ekecozek ces eggonkhs quh sh gnkso`hrek regon-kechs `hs`h hc puktn h voste `h ce tre`ogo÷k nrtn`nxe `h ce PHT.

d) Hc sék`rnih `h lecces ihtn`nc÷moges

 Dúsquh`e `h hvo`hkgoes gnkrietnroes

Wh prhshkte pnr ce iekhre shsme`e hk quh sh shchggonkek ces hvo-`hkgoes, –ec rhvoser ce cothreture sndrh hchggo÷k regonkec epcoge`e,rhsucte snrprhk`hkth ndshrver hc mre`n feste hc guec cns `hlhksn-rhs `h cns in`hcns `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec phriothk quh sus gnk-

528 Odé`., p. 760.

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voggonkhs th÷roges gnkteiokhk hc iuhstrhn `h ces hvo`hkgoes’,52< oksteurek`n uk ihgekosin pere snceihkth eter gesns quh gnk-

rieråk ce somuohkth fop÷thsos: –Hk sus hxprhsonkhs iås guecoteto-ves, ce hchggo÷k regonkec suhch ih`oter sndrh hjhipcns gnrrndnre-tovns, tnie`ns `hc pesejh pncétogn, `h inihktns ihinredchs `hce fostnroe n `h thxtns dédcogns’.52=

 Rrnyhggo÷k `h hvo`hkgoes e pertor `h ce thnrée

Ce prnyhggo÷k `h ces hvo`hkgoes e pertor `h ce thnrée prnvnge quhïstes kn sh rhgedhk `h iekhre ok`hphk`ohkth, hs `hgor, quh hcïxotn hk hc in`hcn `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec fegh grhhr quh esé hs cerheco`e`, –sh eshvhre quh gohrtn resmn hxgïktrogn h uk in`hcn hsuk rhhjn `h ce rheco`e`’526.

E kuhstrn juogon, gnk hccn sh geh quozås hk cn quh ce prnpoe PHT

rhgfeze, hc hthriokosin, pnr cn quh sh `hdh feghr fokgepoï hk cedúsquh`e `h ihgekosins geusechs iås quh hk okthkter oksteurerchyhs geusechs ukovhrsechs.

 Thstroggo÷k erdotreroe `hc geipn `h epcogego÷k

Ce rhstroggo÷k erdotreroe puh`h hkthk`hrsh gnin hc gesn gnktreron

`h ce thk`hkgoe e goter hjhipcns gnkrietnrons. Equé cns th÷rogns`h ce PHT sh hklrhktek ec prndchie hk cns quh ce thnrée kn puh`h`er hxpcogegonkhs n prh`oggonkhs, cn quh prnvnge quh equhhk ysh gnkghktrhk s÷cn hk ces epcogegonkhs hk ces quh ce PHT tohkhuk mrek ïxotn. Rnr hjhipcn, ce thnrée puh`h hxpcoger ce hxosthkgoe`h chyhs hk `nk`h sh gestome e uk ok`ovo`un pnr fedhr elhgte`n

52< Odé`., p. 76<.52= Odé`., p. 76=.526 Odé`hi.

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e ntrn, phrn kn perhgh pn`hr hxpcoger guek`n uke chy gestome uk`hcotn hk hc guec kn fey uke végtoie quh kn she hc prnpon sujhtn,

gnin ce prnstotugo÷k n hc gnksuin `h `rnmes.52?

Fey quh `olhrhkgoer hktrh ce thk`hkgoe e ce rhstroggo÷k erdotreroegnk ces lnries `h rhstroggonkhs kn erdotreroes, hk `nk`h cns gohk-tégns hkukgoek gcåusuces e ces hxghpgonkhs. Wh puh`h hxpcoger `hce somuohkth iekhre:

–Ce rhstroggo÷k erdotreroe `hc geipn `h epcogego÷k ngurrhguek`n, eukquh kn sh hsphgoquh uk gnkjuktn hipérogeihkthvhrogedch `h gnk`ogonkhs coiotekths, sé sh hstedchgh uke `hco-iotego÷k. Hk ntres pecedres, hxosth uke mrek `olhrhkgoe hktrhhsphgoger gnk ekthronro`e` hc geipn `h epcogego÷k hk vortu``h ces gnk`ogonkhs coiotekths y `hgcerer quh `ogfn geipn hsguecquohre hk quh ce thnrée lukgonkh’.552

5.0.7 Fhrdhrt Woink.

Grétoges sndrh ce féphr-regonkeco`e` 

Hktrh ces grétoges quh Woink fegh e ce PHT, `hstegek ce `h ceféphr-regonkecozego÷k n regonkeco`e` ncéipoge y ce regonkeco`e`oktuotove hk ce quh sh ednr`e hc pephc quh juhmek ces hingonkhs

hk ce hchggo÷k regonkec .

 Ce regonkeco`e` ncéipoge

Fe cceie`n regonkeco`e` ncéipoge ec gerågthr `hc in`hcn gcåsogn `hce PHT pnr supnkhr uke gcesh `h ok`ovo`un fhrnogn gepez `h ukeregonkeco`e` ocoiote`e , –ce thnrée supnkh quh quohk tnie ces `h-

52? Glr. Odé` ., p. 76?.552 Odé`., p. 7?2.

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gosonkhs tohkh uke dohk `hko`e lukgo÷k `h utoco`e`’,555  cn quhngesonke quh sh `ï pnr supuhstn quh hc emhkth hs gepez `h jhrer-

quozer sus prhlhrhkgoes y quh tohkh iuy dohk `hko`es ces ecthr-ketoves e hchmor. E`hiås, Woink guhstonke quh –hstes ecthrketoveskn tohkhk quh shr hchggonkhs úkoges, sokn quh puh`hk okgcuor sh-guhkgoes `h hchggonkhs n hstrethmoes hk ces quh ge`e sudhchggo÷ksh hlhgtuerå úkogeihkth hk uk tohipn hsphgégn, utocozek`n ceoklnriego÷k `ospnkodch hk hsth tohipn’.554

Cn ekthronr cchve e rhhxonker so hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce PHT`hdh gnkthipcer uke shroh `h hchggonkhs gnkshgutoves quh tniehc emhkth ekths h cchmer e ce eggo÷k, gnse quh tre`ogonkecihkth hstnie`n gnin luhre `hc hsquhie `h ce regonkeco`e`. E`hiås, sh-õece quh hc in`hcn gcåsogn supnkh quh quohk tnie ces `hgosonkhstohkh uke voso÷k gniprhksove `h su ukovhrsn e`yeghkth y, sndrhtn`n, `u`e `h ce gepego`e` `hc emhkth `h esomker –uke `ostrodu-

go÷k `h prndedoco`e` gnkjukte e luturns hste`ns `hc iuk`n’.557 

Wndrh cns vecnrhs y/n prhlhrhkgoes erie quh hc in`hcn –trei-phe gnipchteihkth cns nrémhkhs `h cns vecnrhs quh lnriek per-th `h ce lukgo÷k `h utoco`e`1 soipchihkth hståk efé, nrmekoze`nspere hxprhser rihs prhlhrhkgoes hktrh tn`ns cns luturns ecthr-ketovns quh puh`hk prhshktersh pere hchmor’.550  Woink hxpnkh

quh mregoes e cns hstu`ons `h ce psogncnmée sh puh`h hkthk`hr quh,hk proihr cumer, gnto`oekeihkth cns ok`ovo`uns tniek `hgosonkhsquh kn edergek mrek`hs århes `h su vo`e –sokn quh mhkhrecihktheteõhk e gorgukstekgoes iås dohk hsphgéges quh sh gnkso`hrekgnrrhgteihkth n kn, rhcetoveihkth ok`hphk`ohkths `h ntres `o-


 Woink, Fhrdhrt, Keturechze y céioths `h ce rez÷k fuieke, LGH, Iïxogn, 5?6?, p. 44.554 Odé` ., p. 47.557 Odé`., p. 40.550 Odé`hi.

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ihksonkhs `h ce vo`e, tec vhz omuecihkth oipnrtekths’,558 y quhhc gesn `h guecquohr `hgoso÷k oipnrtekth, kn sh fegh uk gåcgucn

`htecce`n `h cn quh ngurrorå hk hc luturn.

 Tegonkeco`e` oktuotove

Hc prndchie h ces hingonkhs hs ednr`e`n pnr hsth eutnr e trevïs`h cn quh fe cceie`n regonkeco`e` oktuotove gnin ecthrketove e ceregonkeco`e` ncéipoge, –hsth in`hcn pnstuce quh mrek perth `hc

phkseiohktn fuiekn y `hc ïxotn quh tohkhk cns shrhs fuieknsec ndthkhr `hgosonkhs gnrrhgtes sh `hdh ec fhgfn `h quh guhktekgnk duhke oktuogo÷k n duhk juogon’.55< Hc egtuer `h cns emhkths shhxpcoge pnrquh ecmukns egtúek intove`ns pnr ce hingo÷k, pnrcn quh sh fegh khghseron –gnkter gnk uke thnrée gnipchte `h ceregonkeco`e` fuieke’, ce guec thkme, pere cchversh e gedn, quhgniprhk`hr h okgcuor hc pephc quh juhme ce hingo÷k.55=

Ce oipnrtekgoe re`oge hk quh ces hingonkhs gnin hc pceghr snkdohkhs `h gnksuin, y e `olhrhkgoe `h cn quh ndshrverhins gnkHcsthr hk nk`h ces hingonkhs lnriek perth hc prnghsn regonkec,Woink ces pcekthe gnin uk ndjhtn quh puh`h shr hshedch, y e`h-iås, quh puh`hk lukgonker gnin poh`re ekmucer hk ce `hkogo÷k`h ndjhtovns n `h prndchies e rhsncvhr.

5.0.0 Jnk Hcsthr. Grétoge ierxoste

Ce prokgopec grétoge hc ierxosin e ce hchggo÷k regonkec hs h topnhstrugturecoste, gnk cn guec sh `hsgnkngh ce regonkeco`e` okstruihktec ,–Ierx sncée eghktuer quh cns tredeje`nrhs y cns gepotecostes kn

558 Odé`., p. 4?.55< Odé` ., p. 7<.55= Glr. Odé`hi.

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snk emhkths hk hc shkto`n edsncutn `hc tïriokn: phrsnkes quhhcomhk egtove y codrhihkth’,556 pnr cn tektn pere hc ierxosin hs

oipnsodch phkser quh cns ok`ovo`uns thkmek ndjhtovns `hko`ns yuke hstrethmoe pere cnmrercns, snk iåsgeres h ce keturechze hgnk÷ioge.

Cns ok`ovo`uns hk tektn ndrhrns, vhk`hk su luhrze `h tredejn yce okthkgo÷k `h hchggo÷k hk hc ihrge`n hs tek sncn uke gnkstruggo÷ko`hnc÷moge, y gnin gnksuio`nrhs, cns dejns secerons rhstrokmhk suhchggo÷k. Hk ce thnrée ierxoste, –ce khmego÷k e ce hchggo÷k hstå hs-

trhgfeihkth come`e e ce thnrée `hc vecnr-tredejn. Ierx pnstucedequh ce hgnkniée tohkh uke hstrugture suphrgoec y uke hstrugtureprnluk`e’, ce hstrugture suphrgoec hs ce vo`e hgnk÷ioge gnto`oe-ke, hk ce quh sh puh`hk feghr hchggonkhs regonkechs hk rhcego÷k ecns prhgons `hc ihrge`n1 y ce hstrugture prnluk`e, ces ihrgekgéesndtohkhk su rhchvekgoe hk ce rhcego÷k vecnr-tredejn. Ce proihrehs –soipchihkth ce rhecozego÷k `h ces rhcegonkhs `hko`es pnr ce

hstrugture prnluk`e, hxegteihkth omuec quh ce eperohkgoe vosodch`h uk ndjhtn lésogn hs uke ihre gnkshguhkgoe `h su hstrugtureeket÷ioge’.55?

Rnr tektn, hste grétoge sh gnkvohrth hk uke khmego÷k `h ce hchggo÷kcodrh `h cns ok`ovo`uns y gnk hstn ekuce ce pnsodoco`e` `h ce hchggo÷kregonkec gnin uke thnrée quh hxpcoquh hc gnipnrteiohktn sngoec e

pertor `h ce gnk`ugte `h hccns iosins.

Rere Jnk Hcsthr hc leccn `h hsth ermuihktn re`oge hk quh cns tïr-iokns `h luhrze y hchggo÷k kn snk okgnipetodchs, pnr hjhipcn:

–Gnkso`hrhins `ns sotuegonkhs. Hk uke, cns ndrhrns tohkhk `nsnpgonkhs: sndrhvovor gnk hsgeshz gnin geiphsokns ok`hphk-

556 Hcsthr, Jnk, Oktrn`uggo÷k e Aerc Ierx… np. got., p. 74.55? Odé` ., p. 77.

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`ohkths y sndrhvovor gnk hsgeshz gnin ndrhrns. Hk ce ntre, ceproihre npgo÷k hs ce iosie, phrn ce shmuk`e hs efnre tredejer

pnr uk seceron quh phriote uk duhk kovhc `h vo`e. Hk hc gesnúctoin, cns ndrhrns sh vhk lnrze`ns e vhk`hr su luhrze `h tre-dejn, kn ih`oekth gnhrgo÷k, sokn ih`oekth cn quh Ierx cceieluhrze `h ces gorgukstekgoes’.542

Rere hsth eutnr, so hk hc proihr gesn fey hchggo÷k y hk hc shmuk`nteidoïk, ye fey hchihktns pere rhecozer uk ekåcosos regonkec, pnr

cn quh ïc rhgfeze quh hste grétoge she sugohkth pere `hsegrh`oterces thnrées `hc Tetonkec Gfnogh.

@h hste lnrie fhins gnkstruo`n uke hsteipe mhkhrec h ce Phnrée`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec , su lnriego÷k fost÷roge hk ce proihre iote``hc somcn VV y `h ces proihres gnkghpgonkhs cns÷ges quh hkce in`hrko`e` sh tuvohrnk `hc gnkghptn `h rez÷k, e`hiås, nd-

shrveins ces luhrths grétoges quh sh ch fek fhgfn. Hk hc somuohkthgepétucn ekecozerhins hc cumer quh ngupe ce PHT `hktrn `h cesgohkgoes sngoechs, sus céioths y ces in`ogegonkhs quh fegh JnkHcsthr pere lnrier uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` , ce guec shprhshkte gnin uke thnrée quh rhgnkgocoe ces tre`ogonkhs okthchg-tuechs `h ce hgnkniée, ce sngoncnmée y ce psogncnmée y quh e`hiåserie, sh eghrge iås e ce lnrie hk ce quh gnto`oekeihkth tniek

cns ok`ovo`uns sus `hgosonkhs.

542 Odé`., p. 74.

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Ce ndre `h Jnk Hcsthr:

Xke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`

 Ce prhmukte iås oipnrtekth quh `hdh feghrsh

eghrge `h cns –pnstuce`ns’ `h uke thnrée kn hs

so ïstns phriothk `hsgropgonkhs –rhecostes’, pnrquh kukge cn feghk, sokn iås dohk so

gnkstotuyhk eprnxoiegonkhs setoslegtnroes pere

hc prnp÷sotn quh sh tohkh. _ hste prhmukte s÷cn

 puh`h gnkthstersh vohk`n so ce thnrée lukgonke n kn, hs `hgor,

so mhkhre prh`oggonkhs cn sugohkthihkth etoke`es.

Ioctnk Lroh`iek545

Ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`   (PET) hs ce prnpuhste quh hcprnlhsnr Jnk Hcsthr nlrhgh gnin ecthrketove ec in`hcn gcåsogn `hce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  (PHT), hc guec gnkso`hre pe`hgh uke

romo`hz oipnrtekth quh prnvnge prndchies `h ok`hthriokego÷k hokghrto`uidrh. Gnk ce PET, Hcsthr okthkte gnkstruor uke Phnrée`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  quh sh eghrquh iås e ce iekhre hk quh gn-to`oekeihkth cns ok`ovo`uns tniek sus `hgosonkhs, sok hidermn,gnin ïc iosin cn fe `ogfn, s÷cn fe edohrtn ce `osguso÷k sndrhhstns thies.

545 Lroh`iek, Ioctnk,  Hsseys ok Rnsotovh Hgnkniogs, Gfogemn, Xkovhrsoty nl Gfogemn Rrhss,XWE, 5?87.

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Hk hsth gepétucn, ekecozerhins proihreihkth hc cumer quh e juo-gon h Hcsthr y ntrns eutnrhs ngupe ce PHT hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs,

hc pephc luk`eihktec quh puh`h e`quoror gnin focn ihtn`nc÷mogngnk`ugtnr   so ces gohkgoes sngoechs dejek sus hxphgtetoves `h grherchyhs mhkhrechs y eghptek uke geje `h ihgekosins quh gnkcchvece PHT1 hk shmuo`e hxpnk`rhins cns céioths y lregesns quh Hcsthrshõece e ce PHT, ces sncugonkhs quh prnpnkh y ce okgnrpnrego÷k`h ces hingonkhs ec in`hcn `h ce PHT pere lnrier uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` . Lokecihkth prhshkteins ce fop÷thsos sn-

drh ce pnsodoco`e` `hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes hk hc iergn `hce PET.

4.5 ¾Uuoïk hs Jnk Hcsthr>

Hc prnlhsnr Jnk Hcsthr fe so`n rhgnkngo`n pnr sus gnktrodugonkhshk århes hstretïmoges `h ces gohkgoes sngoechs gnin ce cnsnlée `h

ce gohkgoe, ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec, hc hstu`on `h ces hin-gonkhs hs`h uke voso÷k okthr`osgopcokeroe y rhgohkthihkth ce rhce-go÷k hktrh `hingregoe y gnkstotugonkecosin hk ce rhgnkstruggo÷k`h Hurnpe `hc Hsth. Wok `u`e ecmuke hstn pnkh hk hvo`hkgoe hceipcon `niokon quh tohkh `h ce fostnroe, ce cnsnlée, ce hgnkniée y ce psogncnmée.544

Hcsthr fe hsgrotn iås `h 72 codrns y pudcoge`n iås 522 ertégucnshk ces iås prhstomonses rhvostes `h gohkgoes sngoechs, fe tredeje`nhk ce Xkovhrso`e` `h Gfogemn, hc Gncchmh `h Lrekgh, ce Xkovhr-so`e` `h Gncuidoe y ce Xkovhrso`e` `h Nscn. Ce ieynr perth `hsu tredejn ege`ïiogn sh fe ednge`n ec hstu`on sndrh cns céioths`hc gnipnrteiohktn regonkec y ces gnkshguhkgoes quh ïstns trehk

544 Glr . Geses Rer`n, Jnsï, –Hstu`on Oktrn`ugtnron’, hk: Hcsthr Jnk,  Ces coiotegonkhs `hc pere-`omie `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec: Ces gohkgoes sngoechs hk ce hkgrugoje`e. Okstotugo÷ Eclnks hc Iemkâkoi, \echkgoe, 4225, p. 55.

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pere hc ekåcosos gohktégn.547  Egtuecihkth fe pese`n ce ieynrperth `h su tohipn hk ces ihkgonke`es geses ege`ïioges `h Gfo-

gemn y Lrekgoe gnin okvhstome`nr y prnlhsnr `h gohkgoe pncétoge. Jnk Hcsthr kego÷ hk Nscn, Knruhme, hk 5?02, su pe`rh luh e`fh-rhkth `hc Rerto`n Cednroste y pnr hste fhrhkgoe ïc luh uk fnidrh`h ozquohr`e. @hspuïs `h ce hsguhce shguk`eroe quosn hstu`oer eAerc Ierx gnk hc ndjhtovn `h hkgnktrer deshs s÷co`es pere susgnkvoggonkhs sngoecostes. Thgnkngo÷ hktnkghs quh proihrn thkéequh hstu`oer e Fhmhc, esé quh luh e Rerés e tredejer gnk Jhek

Foppncyth1 ïsth cn pusn hk gnktegtn gnk hc Re`rh Tïmkohr, Mest÷kLhsser` y ntrns hru`otns jhsuotes quh hrek hsphgoecostes hk Fhmhc.Hcsthr rhmrhs÷ e su peés y sh totuc÷ gnk ce thsos – Rrosh `h gnksgohk-gh `eks ce Rfïkniïkncnmoh `h C°Hsporot `h Fhmhc’. Hk 5?<6 `h kuhvnvoej÷ e Lrekgoe, efnre pere hstu`oer e Ierx1 luh e`ioto`n hk ceHsguhce Knriec Wuphronr gnin  phksonkkeorh ïtrekmhr  y sh pusn hkgnktegtn gnk Cnuosh Ectfusshr, quh hktnkghs hre hc c÷snln ier-

xoste iås leinsn `hc iuk`n, sok hidermn, kn hre hc o`÷khn peremuoer ce okvhstomego÷k h ngtnre`n ye quh hc iosin Ectfusshr kngnktede gnk ïc.540

Hc pe`rh Lhsser` cn pusn hk gnktegtn gnk Teyink` Ernk quhgnnr`okede uk shiokeron ec quh esosto÷ `h 5?<6 e 5?=71 `urekthce okvhstomego÷k, sh evng÷ ec hstu`on `h Ierx, phrn pere hccn e`-

vorto÷ quh `hdée hstu`oer iås sndrh thnrée hgnk÷ioge cn quh cncchv÷ e hsgudror ce Phnrée `h ce Npgo÷k Tegonkec . @hlhk`o÷ su thsos hk5?=4 ekth uk jure`n gniprhk`o`n pnr Ernk, Teyink` Dnu`nk, Jhek Gceu`h Geseknve y Eceok Pnureokh, pnsthronrihkth hktrh5?=5 y 5?=7 ndtuvn uke dhge `h phrlhggonkeiohktn hk ce Xko-

547 Odé`hi.540 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, –Mnokm tn Gfogemn’, hk Hmnkniogs, Ekåcosos `h ce okthreggo÷k hktrh regonkeco`e`,hingo÷k, prhlhrhkgoes y knries sngoechs hk ce hgnkniée `h ce eggo÷k ok`ovo`uec y sus `hsvoegonkhs, Mh`ose,Hspeõe, 5??=, p. 52.

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vhrso`e` `h Nscn y `urekth 5?=7 y 5?=0 hkshõ÷ sngoncnmée hk ceXkovhrso`e` Rerés \OOO, hk Lrekgoe.548

Hk 5?=8 ndtuvn hc germn `h prnlhsnr hk ce ukovhrso`e` `h Nscn,gnk `hsomkego÷k gnkjukte hk cns `hperteihktns `h cnsnlée h fos-tnroe gnin rhgniphkse e sus tredejns h fostnroe h ce hgnkniée._e hk hstes lhgfes, Hcsthr fedée edek`nke`n sus hstu`ons sndrhierxosin54<  y sh `h`og÷ e hstu`oer ce npgo÷k regonkec.  Wok `u`e,hc inihktn iås oipnrtekth hk su vo`e ege`ïioge luh hk 5?=?

guek`n hc @hperteihktn `h Gohkgoes Rncétoges `h ce Xkovhrso`e``h Gfogemn ch sncogot÷ quh tredejere gnin prnlhsnr okvote`n, Hcs-thr cn `hsgrodh `ogohk`n: –@h okih`oetn phrgodé quh ih shktoréegnin hk gese. Ce Xkovhrso`e` `h Gfogemn hs uk hktnrkn suie-ihkth hstoiucekth, iås `h`oge`n e cns okthrgeidons okthchgtuechs y ihkns prhngupe`n pnr hc prhstomon y hc pn`hr quh ces ukovhrso-`e`hs `h ce Gnste Hsth’.54=

Cns somuohkths eõns hc prnlhsnr Hcsthr cns `h`og÷ ec hstu`on `h cnscéioths `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, shõecek`n cns gesns `hok`hthriokego÷k h orregonkeco`e`. Hk 5?6? hc gursn `h sus ok-vhstomegonkhs `on uk morn re`ogec, sh ch sncogot÷ quh tredejere ukeokvhstomego÷k hk ce quh sh gnipererek cns `ns mrek`hs prnghsns`h grhego÷k `h uke gnkstotugo÷k fegoe kechs `hc somcn V\OOO: Ce

Gnkvhkgo÷k Lh`hrec `h Loce`hce y Ce Eseidche Gnkstotuyhkth`h Rerés, e`hiås, hk 5?6? luh totucer luk`e`nr `hc Ghktrn `h Hs-tu`ons `h ce Gnkstotugonkeco`e` hk Hurnpe Nrohktec hk ce Leguc-te` `h @hrhgfn `h ce Xkovhrso`e` `h Gfogemn.

548  É`hi.54<

 Hk 5?=? Hcsthr sh okthmr÷ e uk phquhõn mrupn `h okvhstome`nrhs cceie`ns ierxostesekecétogns, pudcogernk verons codrns pnr ce Xkovhrso`e` `h Geidro`mh, pere rhsgeter cnsesphgtns knrietovns `h su thnrée.54= Odé`. p. 58.

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Hk cns úctoins eõns Hcsthr sh fe `h`oge`n ec hstu`on `h ce keture-chze `h ces hingonkhs y hc cumer quh ngupek `hktrn `h ce Phnrée

`h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec, `h ce cnsnlée `h ce gohkgoe, e`vortohk`nquh ces gohkgoes sngoechs  hdhk gnksostor hk mhkhrer hxpcogegonkhs knsncn pnsthronrhs ec fhgfn, sokn teidoïk prh`oggonkhs ekthronrhs eïc. Úctoieihkth sh hkguhktre tredejek`n pere rhecozer uk suhõnquh fe pnsthrme`n `urekth iugfn tohipn… Hsgrodor –uk codrnsndrh Echxos `h Pngquhvocch’.546

4.4 Ce PHT hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs

Hc `hdeth quh `hs`h fegh ye iugfn tohipn pnkh hk hktrh `ogfnso ces gohkgoes sngoechs fek cnmre`n `hserrnccer chyhs mhkhrechs sh-ihjekths e ces h ces gohkgoes hxegtes fe ecgekze`n e tn`es sus os-gopcokes, hk pertogucer ce gohkgoe pncétoge okthkt÷ `er uke sncugo÷ke hsth prndchie gnk ce cceie`e rhvncugo÷k  Dhfevonroste  oipnr-

tek`n ecmukns grothrons ihtn`nc÷mogns `h ces gohkgoes hipéroges,prnpoeihkth `h ce gohkgoe keturec, pere cnmrer uk gnkngoiohktngohktégn quh prh`niokere hk hc sedhr h cn pncétogn.

Hktnkghs, cn quh sh okthkt÷ luh peser `h ce thnrée pncétoge e uke vhr-`e`hre gohkgoe pncétoge e trevïs h ekåcosos hipérogns h ce rheco`e`, hcmrek suhõn hre gnkstruor uke `osgopcoke gohktége eut÷knie, quh

kn tuvohre quh rhgurror ec usn `h in`hcns n gethmnrées hxthrkes.

Hc prnmreie quh pnstuc÷ hsth invoiohktn –tni÷ gnin desh cnsprokgopons nromoke`ns hk hc khnpnsotovosin: e) hxpcogegonkhs de-se`es hk chyhs mhkhrechs, d) ndjhtovo`e` y khutreco`e` vecnretove,g) iïtn`ns guektotetovns y hste`éstogns, `) sosthietozego÷k y egu-

546 Odé` ., p. 4?.

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iucego÷k th÷roge’,54? gnk hc pesn `hc tohipn hstns prokgopons rh-sucternk oipregtogedchs `hdo`n e ce okiekhjedoco`e` `h cns lhk÷-

ihkns pncétogns hk hc thknr `h ces gohkgoes keturechs, hc rhsucte`nluh knte`n pnr prnpons y hxtreõns `h ce `osgopcoke pnr cn quh ceprokgopec grétoge luh ce `h ces hchve`es hxphgtetoves `h uke gohkto-go`e` hxeghrde`e, y ce lecte h gnnr`okego÷k hk hc gnktrnc h susthnrées, hs `hgor, quh –ce gohkgoe pncétoge kn `ospnkh `h uk guhrpnth÷rogn gniúk eghpte`n pnr tn`ns, ko `h uke gnkghpgo÷k úkoge`h hxpcogego÷k gohktége’.572

Hste úctoie grétoge sh fe gnkvhrto`n hk hc tec÷k `h Equochs `h kuhs-tre `osgopcoke, prnvngek`n `olhrhkgoes hktrh cns perto`erons `h cegohkgoe pncétoge tre`ogonkec y cns quh dusgek ce gohkgoe `ure. Me-drohc Ecink` shõece quh hsth prndchie fe cchme`n ec hxtrhin`h quh ces `ovhrses gnrrohkths y hsguhces `h ce gohkgoe pncétoge shhkguhktrek egtuecihkth shkte`es hk ihses shpere`es, ge`e uke gnk

su gnkghpgo÷k h cn quh hdh shr ce osgopcoke. Ekth hstn hc prnponEcink` fe fhgfn uk cceie`n e dusger uk hspegon `h hkguhktrnpere hstedchghr uke gniukogego÷k ihtn`nc÷moge quh phriote hcevekgh fegoe ce eguiucego÷k th÷roge gnk iores e ce gnkstruggo÷k`h uke vhr`e`hre gohkgoe pncétoge.575 Hsth cumer pere Gïser Gek-sokn, –kn hs ntrn quh hc `h ce thnrée pncétoge  n, pere `hgorcn gnk ceprnpoe ihtålnre h Ecink`, ce gelhthrée `hc ghktrn quh edesthgh e ces

`olhrhkths ihses shpere`es  `hktrn `h ce `osgopcoke’.574

 Jnk Hcsthr pcekthe ec rhsphgtn ce khghso`e` `h uke thnrée ukoge-`nre n pnr cn ihkns `h fhrreiohkte ihtn`nc÷moge mhkhrec pere

54?  Geksokn, Gïser, –Oktrn`uggo÷k’, hk:  Ce gohkgoe pncétoge `h k `h somcn, Fuhrme y LohrrnH`otnrhs, Hspeõe, 5???, p. 46.572 É`hi.575 Glr . Ecink`, Medrohc, Xke `osgopcoke shmihkte`e, hsguhces y gnrrohkths hk ces gohkgoes pncétoges,LGH, Iïxogn, 5???, p. 7<.574 Geksokn, Gïser, np. got., p. 75.

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ces gohkgoes sngoechs, su okthkgo÷k quozås she quh ces thnrées `hc Te-gonkec Gfnogh sorvek `h focn gnk`ugtnr  hk hste terhe y quh legocothk hc

hxeihk hipérogn `h ce rheco`e` e trevïs `h fop÷thsos quh `hrovek`h ce thnrée pncétoge. Hk pecedres `h Fumf ]er`, ce PHT `hdhgnkso`hrersh gnin –ek ok`osphksedch pert nl tfh tnncaot nl tfh pncotogecsgohktost’.577

Hk hc iergn h hste prnpuhste, ecmukes vnghs grétoges sh prhgopotekec shõecer ce okvoedoco`e` `h quh uke thnrée `hrove`e `h ce gohkgoe

hgnk÷ioge puh`e `er e ce gohkgoe pncétoge uk susthktn ihtn`n-c÷mogn mhkhrecoze`n. Hc prnpon Monvekko Wertnro fe grotoge`n cegerme hiporoste quh sh fe hk`nse`n e ce `osgopcoke shõecek`n quh–ce gohkgoe pncétoge `niokekth fe e`npte`n uk in`hcn okeprn-poe`n `h gohkgoe y fe lregese`n hk hstedchghr su prnpoe o`hkto`e`pnr kn hstedchghr su ihtn`ncnmée prnpoe’570 y eukquh ïc sh rhhrhhk pertogucer e ce gohkgoe pncétoge knrtheihrogeke pnr feghr usn

`hc in`hcn hgnk÷iogn y pnr cchver ec hxtrhin sus prhthksonkhshiporostes, fey quh shõecer, gnin cn fegh Jnshp Gncnihr,578 quhces thnrées `hc Tetonkec Gfnogh fek `e`n uk `hserrnccn sustekgoec ece `osgopcoke hk guektn quh ce fek eghrge`n e hxpcoger ge`e vhziås gohktégeihkth cns lhk÷ihkns pncétogns y sngoechs.

4.4.5 ¾Nkh sngoec sgohkgh nr ieky>

Hcsthr erie quh fey uke grosos hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs, quh ïsteskn `hdhréek `h evngersh e ce dúsquh`e `h mrek`hs chyhs sokn hk

577 ]er`, Fumf, –Tetonkec Gfnogh’, hk Iersf, @evo` y Wtnahr Mhrry, Pfhnry ek` Ihtfn`sok Rncotogec Wgohkgh. Recmrevh Iegioccek. Whgnk` H`otonk, XA, 4224, p. <8.570 Wertnro, Monvekko, ¾Fegoe ÷k`h ve ce gohkgoe pncétoge>, hk Rncétoge y Mndohrkn, \nc. VO, Kn.4, OO shihstrh, Iïxogn, 4220, pp. 70?-780.578  Gncnihr, Jnshp, –Ce gohkgoe pncétoge ve fegoe `hcekth (pnr ihek`rns tnrtunsns). Xkgnihkteron e Monvekko Wertnro, hk  Rncétoge y Mndohrkn, \nc. VO, Kn. 4, OO shihstrh, Iïxogn,4220, pp. 788-78?.

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ce eguiucego÷k `h ihgekosins, pere cn guec ce PHT puh`h shr, ys÷cn `hdh shr, uke geje `h fhrreiohktes:

–QPfhY Wngoec sgohkghs numft cnwhr tfhor eidotonks, tn lngus nktfh eguiucetonk nl siecc-sgech ihgfekosis retfhr tfek nk tfh`hvhcnpihkt nl mrek` tfhnry. Tetonkec gfnogh tfhnrohs, wfochushluc ok sphgog `nieoks, gek kn cnkmhr gceoi tn dh tfh uko-lyokm tfhnry, lnr tfh sngoec sgohkghs. Ok legt, tfhrh os knt ek`prndedcy wocc khvhr dh nkh ukolyokm tfhnry, nkcy e tnncdnx nl


Hk su npoko÷k, hc ndjhtovn `h ces gohkgoes sngoechs hs `hsgudror cesgeuses okih`oetes `h ce gnk`ugte, –dy prnxoieth geushs, O fevh ok iyiok` ihktec pfhknike, sugf es dhcohls, `hsorhs, phrghptonks ek` hintonks’, hste eriego÷k kns cchve e phkser hk hc prokgopon `hc ok`ovo`ue-cosin ihtn`nc÷mogn y eukquh, gnin `ogh Hcsthr, fey quohkhs er-

iek quh: –mrnups gek fevh dhcohls, okthktonks ek` hvhk hintonks tfet gekkntdh rh`ugh` tn tfh gnrrhspnk`okm ihktec steths nl tfhor ihidhrs’, hsth prok-gopon hs khghseron pere ndthkhr hxpcogegonkhs iås gnrrhgtes.57=

Ces gohkgoes sngoechs, shõece, kn fek cnmre`n gnkstruor thnrées hxo-tnses, hs `hgor, uk gnkjuktn `h prnpnsogonkhs ukovhrsechs okthrgn-khgte`es `h ces guechs puh`ek `hrover prh`oggonkhs, cn quh fek

fhgfn hs eguiucer ihgekosins, y –hegf khw ihgfekosi os e``h` tntfh tnnc dnx nr tfh rhphrtnorh nl tfh sngoec sgohkgh’ .576 Pre`ogonkecihk-th cns fostnroe`nrhs fek fhgfn usn `h ihgekosins pere `er suhxpcogego÷k, cns hstu`ons `h Pngquhvocch y Reuc \hykh gnktohkhkiås ihgekosins quh guecquohr ntrn tredejn hk ces gohkgoes sngoe-


 Hcsthr, Jnk, ¾Nkh Wngoec Gfnogh nr Ieky> hk: 5 ]nrc` Wngoec Wgohkgh Lnrui ok Dhrmhk. Iey.55, 422?, p. 5.57= Glr. Odé` ., p. 7.576 Odé` ., p. =.

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chs, sok hidermn, hgnkniostes, sngo÷cnmns y gohktégns pncétognsfek e`npte`n hc cumer `h gnksuio`nrhs h ihgekosins pere rhe-

cozer sus ekåcosos iås quh gnkstrugtnrhs `h ïstns. @h hste iekhresh fe grhe`n uk prnghsn orrhvhrsodch, ye quh cns ihgekosins quhuseins fny, snk cns o`hktoge`ns pnr Erost÷thchs, Inkteomkh nPngquhvocch.57?

Rere Hcsthr ces gohkgoes sngoechs pe`hghk `h thkhr mrek`hs ei-dogonkhs y ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec teidoïk ec fedhr

quhro`n gnrnkersh gnin ce thnrée `hc gnipnrteiohktn fuiekn,pnr hsn lecc÷ gnin thnrée ukoge`nre, ye quh cns emhkths gehklrhguhkthihkth hk ce orregonkeco`e`, hs `hgor, voncek ce vhrso÷krémo`e h ce rheco`e` quh rhprhshkte hc in`hcn gcåsogn, sok hider-mn, hk iugfns gesns sh fe hinstre`n quh cns emhkths rhspnk`hke okghktovns y hstn ch fe `e`n uk ïxotn ok`osgutodch hk iugfnsåidotns, gncngåk`nce gnin ukn `h cns iïtn`ns iås rhgurrhkths

pere hxpcoger ce gnk`ugte `h cns ok`ovo`uns.

Hcsthr sh guhstonke hktnkghs, ¾fey uke gohkgoe sngoec n iugfes>–Iy ekswhr os tfet tfhrh os nkcy nkh sngoec sgohkgh, dut tfet ot os knt ukoh`’   y ce ukogego÷k `h ces gohkgoes sngoechs pn`rée `ersh s÷cn so ïstesdejek sus hxphgtetoves sndrh chyhs mhkhrechs y eghptek uke geje`h fhrreiohktes quh gnktohkh cns ihgekosins quh gnkcchve ce


4.7 Hk `hlhkse h: hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec,

ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn y ihgekosins

 Jnk Hcsthr phrthkhgh e ce hsguhce `hc cceie`n Ierxosin Ekecétogn,quh –fe `osguto`n prokgopecihkth cns prndchies ihtn`nc÷mogns

57? Odé` ., p. 4.502 Glr. Odé` ., p. =.

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quh surmhk `hc ierxosin, ecmukes thsos rhcegonke`es gnk ce ok- justogoe `hc gepotecosin, y ntrns pcektheiohktns’.505 E reéz `h ce

luhrth grosos quh tuvn hc ierxosin lrhkth ec pnstuce`n `hc ok`ovo-`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn, quh shmúk Rrzhwnrsao –hs ce errhihto-`e iås lnrio`edch quh fek hxphroihkte`n ces gohkgoes sngoechs`hs`h 56?2’504  y pnr ce guec shõece Ierée Ecogoe Mutoïrrhz, shokthkte –oipnkhr hc inknpncon `hc iïtn`n hgnk÷iogn e tn`nscns hstu`ons `h ce sngoh`e`’,507 sh rhuko÷ uk mrupn `h `hstege`nsege`ïiogns h ces iås prhstomonses ukovhrso`e`hs gnkvnge`ns pnr

Mhrec` E. Gnfhk, pere –`osgutor sndrh ce phrtokhkgoe `h ces geth-mnrées h fop÷thsos luk`eihktechs `hc ierxosin gcåsogn hk ce ïpn-ge gnkthipnråkhe’.500  Hc mrupn luh okogoecihkth lnrie`n pnr Jnfk Tnhihr, Jnk Hcsthr, E`ei Rrzhwnrsao, Tndhrt Drhkkhr, HroaNcok ]romft, Rfocopph \ek Rerojs y Tndhrt \ek `hr \hhk. ]romfthxpcoge guåchs luhrnk cns hjhs gnkvngekths hk cns quh ghktrernk ce`osguso÷k y hc okthktn `h rhlnriucego÷k th÷roge hiprhk`o`ns pnr

hste gnrrohkth:

–Hc gnkghptn `h hxpcntego÷k, hc ok`ovo`uecosin ihtn`nc÷mogn,ce grétoge ïtoge `hc gepotecosin Q...Y1 ce ghktreco`e` `hc gnkghp-tn cugfe `h gceshs hk ces treksogonkhs fost÷roges, y ce voedoco`e`hgnk÷ioge `h ce rhlnrie `hc hste`n `h dohkhster ih`oekth uksosthie `h trekslhrhkgoe okgnk`ogonkec `h okmrhsns e tn`ns cns


505  @ohthrchk, Reuchtth,  Ierxosin Ekecétogn. Hxpcogegonkhs lukgonkechs h okthkgonkhs. LL_C,XKEI, Iïxogn, p. 52.504 Glr. Rrzhwnrsao, E`ei, –Ierxosin y Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, hk: Znke Edohrte, Kn. 08, ngtu-drh-`ogohidrh `h 5?6= , Iïxogn, p. ?=.507 Glr. Mutoïrrhz, Ierée Ecogoe, –Rere chhr hc ierxosin ekecétogn: Gnktrnvhrsoes ihtn`nc÷-

moges h oipcogegonkhs th÷roges’, hk: @nxe, Kn. 4, Duhkns Eorhs, knvohidrh `h 5??2, p. 4.500 Odé`hi.508 ]romft Hroa, Ncok, –]fet os Ekecytygec Ierxosi’, hk: Wngoecost Thvohw, \nc. 5?.0 ngtudrh-`ogohidrh 5?6?, p. 76, gote`n hk Mutoïrrhz, Ie. Ecogoe, np. got.

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Hc iïtn`n `oecïgtogn, ce thnrée `h ce ecokhego÷k, `h ce hxpcntego÷k y ce cugfe `h gceshs, snk ecmukns `h cns thies quh Hcsthr sh fe ok-

thrhse`n hk hstu`oer y quh grhh phrtokhkth rhsgeter hc ierxosin1 y fe rhgfeze`n cn quh ïc cceie –uke eiecmeie `h trhs hchihk-tns’, hc fncosin ihtn`nc÷mogn, ces hxpcogegonkhs lukgonkechs y ce`h`uggo÷k `oecïgtoge.50<

E gnktokuego÷k ekecozerhins cns trhs hchihktns ihtn`nc÷mogns`h ce PHT quh Jnk Hcsthr `hhk`h.

 Hxpcogego÷k Okthkgonkec 

Rere Jnk Hcsthr ces gohkgoes sngoechs fhrh`ernk `hc ierxosin ceshxpcogegonkhs lukgonkechs, phrn e`vohrth quh ïstes snk eprnpoe-`es pere `osgopcokes gnin ce doncnmée y ces gohkgoes keturechs pnrrhspnk`hr e ihgekosins hk ekoiechs n gïcuces quh gerhghk `h

gnkgohkgoe, ye quh sus eggonkhs sh muéek iås gnk reznkhs h e`ep-tego÷k, shchggo÷k y hvncugo÷k, –`h fhgfn ce hxpcogego÷k lukgonkec hk cedoncnmée s÷cn hstå justoge`e guek`n grhhins hk ce vhr`e` h uke`hthrioke`e thnrée geusec, quh hs ce thnrée `h ce hvncugo÷k pnrshchggo÷k keturec’, `ek`n pnr fhgfn hktnkghs, quh ces eggonkhscchve`es e gedn hståk hkgeioke`es e gnktroduor hk hc lukgonke-iohktn `h uk sosthie ihgåkogn y `hthriokoste.50=

Rere `er uke hxpcogego÷k `h ce thk`hkgoe e utocozer ces hxpcogegon-khs lukgonkechs hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs eknte:


 Glr . Hcsthr, Jnk, Xke oktrn`uggo÷k e Aerc Ierx, tre`. Ieron M. Ec`nketh, 5ª h`. Womcn VVO,Iïxogn, 5??7, p. 47.50= Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Hc Geidon Phgknc÷mogn. Okvhstomegonkhs sndrh ce regonkeco`e` y ce trekslnriego÷ksngoec . Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5??2, p. 42.

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–Grhn quh ce etreggo÷k Qpnr ces hxpcogegonkhs lukgonkechsY shnromoke hk hc supuhstn oipcégotn h quh tn`ns cns lhk÷ihkns sn-

goechs y psognc÷mogns `hdhk thkhr uk somkoge`n, hs `hgor, `hdhfedhr ecmúk shkto`n, ecmuke phrsphgtove, hk cns quh snk dhkh-gonsns pere ecmuohk n ecmn1 y e`hiås hstns hlhgtns dhkïgns snkcns quh hxpcogek hc lhk÷ihkn hstu`oe`n’.506

Hsth topn `h hxpcogegonkhs hk Ierx pn`réek `hdhrsh e ce o`he `hquh cns fhgfns sngoechs snk `e`ns n phrioto`ns fegoe ce gnktro-

dugo÷k `h ce nprhso÷k y `niokon `h gcesh.50?  Rnr hjhipcn perehxpcoger ce invoco`e` sngoec esghk`hkth Ierx `ogh:

–Ce gorgukstekgoe `h quh uk fnidrh sok lnrtuke phrn quh pn-shh hkhrmée, snco`hz, hstedoco`e` y emu`hze gnihrgoec puh`egnkvhrtorsh hk uk gepotecoste `h hste iekhre… hs iuy e`io-re`e pnr cns epncnmostes `hc sosthie gepotecoste. Eukquh hste

gorgukstekgoe treh gnktokueihkth uke ok`hshe`e gekto`e` `hkuhvns snc`e`ns `h lnrtuke ec geipn y e ce gniphthkgoe gnkcns gepotecostes ye hxosthkths, teidoïk rhluhrze ce suprhiegée`hc gepotecosin, hxtohk`h su desh y ch phrioth rhgcuter kuhvesluhrzes pere sé luhre `hc sustretn `h ce sngoh`e`.’582

Cn ekthronr erie quh ce rez÷k `h shr `hc fhgfn sngoec re`oge hk

cns dhkhgons e luturn quh prn`ugh pere ntrns, tec gnin sh prn`u-gh hk ce thnrée `h ce hvncugo÷k guek`n @erwok gnihkte:

–Ce shchggo÷k keturec ekecoze `ée e `ée, fnre e fnre, hk tn`nhc iuk`n, ces iås comhres veroegonkhs1 rhgfeze ces ieces, gnk-


 Odé` . p. 80.50? Glr. É`hi.582 Ierx, Aerc, Hc gepotec , Kuhve _nra, Okthrketonkec Rudcosfhrs, XWE, 56?0, p. <225, hk:Hcsthr, Jnk, Hc geidon thgknc÷mogn… np. got.

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shrve y pnthkgoecoze ces duhkes1 egtúe sochkgonse y `osgrhte Q…Ypere hc ihjnreiohktn `h ge`e shr nrmåkogn hk rhcego÷k gnk sus

gnk`ogonkhs `h vo`e nrmåkoges h oknrmåkoges’.585

@erwok sh rhhrh ec fhgfn `h quh cns ihgekosins `h ce shchggo÷kketurec hståk prhshkths hk ce hxosthkgoe pere ihjnrer ge`e `ée ece hsphgoh `h quh sh treth, `h ce iosie iekhre Ierx `ogh quhce esukgo÷k e ce gcesh gepotecoste sh `e pnrquh `h omuec lnrie ceihjnre. Hs ce iosie hxpcogego÷k lukgonkec epcoge`e e fhgfns `os-

toktns, e `olhrhkgoe `h ce keturechze, hc fhgfn sngoec sh gnkstruyh epertor `h ok`ovo`uns quh pertogopek `h ecmuke lnrie gnksgohkth,eukquh iugfes vhghs ndcome`ns pnr ces knries sngoechs, `h ukeeggo÷k gnchgtove.

Gnin ihkgonkeins hk hc proihr gepétucn, Hcsthr grhh quh Ierxesé gnin sus gnkthipnråkhns sh hkgnktrede oiprhsonke`n pnr

hc prnmrhsn `h ce doncnmée y quh –hrr÷kheihkth phks÷ quh hchstu`on `h ce sngoh`e` pn`rée dhkhgoersh `hc hstu`on `h cns nrme-kosins’1 phrn cn oipnrtekth shõece, hs quh utocoz÷ ce hxpcogego÷klukgonkec, prnpoe h ce doncnmée, pere hxpcoger ce hstedoco`e` h cessngoh`e`hs y –pere `hinstrer ce thk`hkgoe okfhrhkth hk hcces ec`hserrnccn fegoe hc gniukosin’.584

Rnr su perth, ce hxpcogego÷k okthkgonkec prhthk`h `er e cns gni-pnkhkths `hc fhgfn sngoec uk pephc prntem÷kogn hk ce eggo÷kgnchgtove, okthktek`n hxpcoger hc lhk÷ihkn prhgoseihkth hk cesokthkgonkhs quh cns ok`ovo`uns tohkhk `h pertogoper hk hc fhgfnsngoec1 hs khghseron shõecer quh guek`n Ierx ekecoz÷ ce rheco`e`sngoec, cns ok`ovo`uns kn gnktedek gnk ces codhrte`hs quh fny sh

585 @erwok, Gferchs, Phxtns luk`eihktechs, hk: Mrek`hs Ndres `hc phkseiohktn, Reo`÷s,Derghcnke, 5??7, p. 58.584 Hcsthr, Jnk, Xke oktrn`uggo÷k e Aerc Ierx, np. got ., p. 40.

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tohkhk hk cns rhméihkhs `hingråtogns, y quh hstn fegée quh suokthkgonkeco`e` kn luhre tek rhchvekth ekth hc pngn iermhk gnk

hc quh gnktedek pere feghr vechr sus `hgosonkhs.


Rertohk`n `h ce prhiose `h quh e ce rheco`e` sngoec kn ch hs etro-duodch uk `hthriokosin, ces gohkgoes sngoechs kn fek cnmre`n `h-serrnccer chyhs mhkhrechs quh ce hxpcoquhk. Rere rhsncvhr hsth prn-

dchie Hcsthr prnpnkh hc usn `h ihgekosins pere er hxpcogegon-khs iås kes y hvoter ces hxpcogegonkhs hspuroes quh hk ngesonkhsgnkluk`hk gnrrhcego÷k gnk geuseco`e` .587

Xk ihgekosin pn`rée sotuersh hk hc puktn okthrih`on hktrh ceschyhs mhkhrechs y ces `hsgropgonkhs, –cns ihgekosins snk in`h-cns geusechs eipcoeihkth utocoze`ns, lågocihkth o`hktogedchs,

quh pnr cn mhkhrec eperhghk hk gnk`ogonkhs `hsgnkngo`es y gnk-shguhkgoes ok`hthrioke`es quh kns phriothk hxpcoger ies knprh`hgor’.580 Hstn kns phriotorée thkhr uk in`hcn hxpcogetovn quhpuh`h shr epcoge`n e uk fhgfn gnk ce iosie pnsodoco`e` quh cetohkh guecquohr ntrn. Hcsthr utocoze uk hjhipcn `h Mhnrmh \eoccekt:–Rnr ge`e koõn quh sh vuhcve ecgnf÷cogn hk rhspuhste e uk ei-dohkth `h ecgnfncosin, quozås hxoste ntrn quh sh edsthkme hk luk-

go÷k `hc iosin eidohkth’.588

@hc hkukgoe`n ekthronr pn`hins `h`ugor quh ces gnk`ugtes `hcns koõns snk ihgekosins quh kns sorvhk pere hxpcoger hk ecmukesotuego÷k pnr quï sugh`ohrnk ces gnses. –Kn pn`hins prh`hgor cn

587 Glr . Hcsthr, Jnk, –Hk levnr `h cns ihgekosins’, hk: Thvoste `h Wngoncnmée, XEI, Eõn 5?, Kn.8=. Iïxogn, hkhrn-edroc 4228, p. 47?.580  É`hi.588 \eoccekt, Mhnrmh, Pfh keturec fostnry nl ecgnfncosoi, Ferver` Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, Gei-dro`mh, XWE, 5?67, p. <8, gote`n hk: (Hcsthr, Jnk, Odé`. ).

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quh ngurrorå gnk hc fojn `h uk ecgnf÷cogn, phrn so e ce pnstrh ïsthcchme e shr edsthion n ecgnf÷cogn pn`rhins oiemoker quh sedh-

ins pnr quï’.58<

Cn quh hs oipnrtekth shõecer hs quh uk ihgekosin hs uke hx-pcogego÷k gohktége hk su kovhc dåsogn, phrn gnk uke ieynr pn-sodoco`e` `h hxpcoger hc fhgfn sngoec ec kn hxostor eúk chyhs mhkh-rechs quh cn femek. Iås gnkgrhteihkth: –uke chy snstohkh quh`e`es gohrtes gnk`ogonkhs okogoechs uk egnkthgoiohktn `h uk topn

`e`n (geuse) prn`ugorå sohiprh uk egnkthgoiohktn `h ntrn topn(hlhgtn)’.58= Hk hc gesn h cns ihgekosins pn`hins `hgor quh `e-`es gohrtes gnk`ogonkhs okogoechs uk egnkthgoiohktn `h topn `e`n(geuse) prn`ugorå ecmukes vhghs uk egnkthgoiohktn `h ntrn topn(hlhgtn), esé iosin sh `olhrhkgoe `h uke `hsgropgo÷k hk quh ïstesshõecek hlhgtns quh ngurrhk hk uke snce ngeso÷k. Xk hjhipcn quhhsquhietoze cn ekthronr cn vhins hk hc somuohkth gue`rn.

Gue`rn 0

Hste c÷moge kns cchverée e uk sncn invoiohktn, peser h ces thnréese cns ihgekosins, `h: Wo E, hktnkghs sohiprh D1 e: Wo E,ecmukes vhghs D 1 phrn Hcsthr ve iås eccå y `ogh: –ce dnk`e` `h cns ihgekosins

58< Hcsthr, Jnk, np. got., p. 402.58= Odé` ., p. 40=.

Chy so G5, G4,... Gk Wohiprh H

Ihgekosin so G5, G4,... Gk Ecmukes vhghs H

@hsgropgo÷k so G5, G4,... Gk Hk hste ngeso÷k H

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re`oge hk sus mrekns kns, phriothk gnkstruor ihjnrhs hxpcogegon-khs Q…Y y gnin hc mrekn kn hs hk sé `hshedch, teidoïk prnpnkmn

quh hc somuohkth invoiohktn she fegoe: Wo E, hktnkghs ecmukes vhghsG, @ y D ’.586

E pertor `h hstn Hcsthr utocozerå cns ihgekosins pere hxpcogergohktégeihkth ces `hsvoegonkhs `h ce gnk`ugte regonkec, hk hcsomuohkth eperte`n ndshrverhins cns `ostoktns ihgekosins quhokthrvohkhk hk ce regonkeco`e` oiphrlhgte, ok`hthrioke`e y ce


4.0 Cns céioths `h ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec.

 Ecmukns prndchies kn rhsuhctns

Prhs snk cns prokgopechs prndchies quh ndshrve Hcsthr hk ce PHT,`ns `h gerågthr th÷rogn y ukn hstrugturec. @h cns `ns proihrns

ndshrve quh `hktrn `h ce regonkeco`e` cns emhkths kn sohiprh eg-túek hk ce dúsquh`e `h su ieynr dhkhgon, kn ndstekth tretek`h `hlhk`hrsh prhvokoïk`nsh e luturn, e hstn cn cceie regonkeco-`e` oiphrlhgte. Hc somuohkth gesn sh `e guek`n ce thnrée kn prn-pnrgonke uke npgo÷k quh ihjnrh hc dhkhgon, sok hidermn, ceechetnroh`e` puh`h nlrhghrkns uke ecthrketove pere kn gehr hk ceorregonkeco`e`, y pnr úctoin, y hc `h ieynr rhchvekgoe pere hste

okvhstomego÷k, hc prndchie `h ces hingonkhs. Hcsthr rhgnkngh quhhstes úctoies gnk`ughk orhgteihkth e ce orregonkeco`e`, e ihknsquh sh in`oquh hc in`hcn gcåsogn y sh okgcuyek ces hingonkhsgnin regonkechs ec `hrover `h grhhkgoes regonkechs. E gnktokue-go÷k ekecozerhins hstns gesns.

586 Odé`., p. 400.

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4.0.5 Tegonkeco`e` oiphrlhgte. Xcoshs y ces sorhkes 

Rroihreihkth `hdhins shõecer gnin cn fegh Jnk Hcsthr, quh cePhnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec  hs ekth tn`n uke thnrée knrietove yquh pere quh ce gnk`ugte `h cns ok`ovo`uns puh`e shr ekecoze`en hxpcoge`e gnk hste thnrée hs khghseron quh ïstns feyek egtue-`n ephme`ns e ces prhioses `h ce iosie. @h efé quh `hrovh ukprndchie guek`n cns sujhtns kn somuhk ec poh `h ce chtre cn quh cethnrée chs ierge, n `ogfn `h ntre iekhre, guek`n kn snk sohiprh


Xkn `h hstns gesns sh prhshkte guek`n ce vncukte` `h cns ok`ovo-`uns hs `ïdoc, phrn hs hxtrhin phkser quh hstn khghseroeihkth hsorregonkeco`e` pnrquh cns sujhtns kn sohiprh sh quh`ek hk ïste,dusgek ntres vées kn gnkso`hre`es regonkechs pere cnmrer sus nd- jhtovns.

Hcosedhtte @o Gestrn shõece quh –ce cceie`e `hdoco`e` `h ce vn-cukte`, gnksosth hk ndrer gnktre kuhstrn ihjnr juogon, n feghr cnquh ukn grhh quh kn `hdhrée feghr’,58? puh`h rhprhshktersh ecprhlhror hk uk inihktn `hthrioke`n ce npgo÷k quh kn rhprh-shkte ce ieynr iexoiozego÷k `hc dhkhgon. Rnr hjhipcn: Xktredeje`nr puh`h prhlhror tredejer `ns fnres y meker 522 phsns,

e tredejer hc `ndch `h tohipn y meker 482, hstn sh puh`h `hdhre quh su `hshn hs vhr uk prnmreie `h P\ quh sh treksioth e ces8 pi., inihktn hk quh sh guipchk ces `ns proihres fnres. Hkhc hjhipcn ekthronr kn pn`hins fedcer `h `hdoco`e` `h ce vn-cukte` ye quh cns `hshns `hc emhkth sh guipchk, sok hidermn, sosu `hshn luhre meker 482 phsns pere gniprer uk ertégucn `h suprhlhrhkgoe, phrn hs sh`ugo`n pnr hc gnkthko`n `hc prnmreie `h

58? @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, Ce rez÷k `hshkgekte`e. Xk eghrgeiohktn e ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec .Okstotutn h Okvhstomegonkhs Locns÷ges-XKEI, Iïxogn, 4224, p. 60.

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P\, hchmorée ce eggo÷k E: vhr hc prnmreie, y ndrerée hk gnktre `hcguipcoiohktn `h su ndjhtovn prokgopec, fedrå lregese`n ce eggo÷k

regonkec, `hdo`n e uke `hdoco`e` `h ce vncukte`.

Hcsthr ndshrv÷ quh kn sohiprh sugh`h hstn, y quh cns sujhtns hkngesonkhs sh prhvohkhk pere kn suguidor ekth ce `hdoco`e` `h suvncukte`, pere hjhipcogercn y nlrhghr uke sncugo÷k, utocoze ukpesejh `hc pnhte mrohmn Fnihrn:

–Kn gnkvohkh quh shek tek sncn ukn n `ns cns quh shpek cnseumurons quh Gorhkh ih fe `ogfn, ce @onse `ovoke1 ns cn vny egnkter pere quh, gnkngoïk`ncns, tn`ns phriekhzgeins n dohkhvothins ce iuhrth y ce perge. Ih nr`hk÷ cn proihrn, quh `hces sorhkes `ovokes rhfuyeins ce vnz y hc nro`n pre`ec hk quhgektek. Wnceihkth yn puh`n hsgugferces, iås hs khghseron quhih etïos luhrthihkth gnk cezns `h ku`n `olégoc, `h poh ec ce`n

`hc iåstoc y sh ethk ec pecn ces guhr`es. Wo e vnsntrns supcogn ynr`hkn snctïos techs ku`ns `hdhrïos, tn`evée, gnk iugfns iåsku`ns eterih’.5<2

Xcoshs, shõece Hcsthr, –kn hre pnr gnipchtn regonkec, puhs uk shrregonkec kn fedrée thko`n quh ephcer e hsth rhgursn’, sok hider-mn, kn sh edek`nk÷ e ce orregonkeco`e` `h sus pesonkhs h okthkt÷

pnr ih`ons ok`orhgtns –cnmrer hc iosin k quh uke phrsnke re-gonkec fedrée pn`o`n ecgekzer `h iekhre `orhgte’.5<5

@o Gestrn ec rhsphgtn shõece: –Xcoshs kn s÷cn hs `ïdoc, sokn quhsedh `h su `hdoco`e`, y pnr hccn puh`h feghr ecmn pere hklrhkter-


 Fnihrn, N`oshe, oktr. y kntes `h J. Ecsoke, tre`. L. Mutoïrrhz, h`. TDE Mrh`ns, Derghcn-ke, 5??8, gektn VOO, gote`n hk: @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. ?2.5<5 Hcsthr, Jnk, Xcoshs y ces sorhkes. Hstu`ons sndrh ce regonkeco`e` h orregonkeco`e` . LGH. Iïxogn,5?6?, p. <<.

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ce’, h ce iosie iekhre quh iugfns emhkths regonkechs sh etek esé iosins pere rhsncvhr su prndchie `h `hdoco`e` `h ce vncukte`

 y cnmrer gnk ïxotn sus ndjhtovns.5<4

Cn ekthronr epukte Hcsthr, fegh khghseron hc `hserrnccn `h –ukethnrée `h ce regonkeco`e` oiphrlhgte’.5<7

4.0.4 Tegonkeco`e` ok`hthrioke`e. Juogons Wecni÷kogns

Hc prndchie `h ce ok`hthriokego÷k puh`h `hdhrsh n hster rhce-gonke`n gnk hc `h ce okghrto`uidrh1 sh prhshkte guek`n ce PHTkn nlrhgh uke hchggo÷k regonkec quh hc emhkth `hdh hchmor `h hktrhces npgonkhs quh ieynr dhkhgon ch prnpnrgonkh, hs `hgor, hk ukesotuego÷k hk ce quh guechs luhrek ces npgonkhs, ïstes shek omuec yiåxoieihkth duhkes hk dhkhgon, –ce kn hxosthkgoe `h uke hchg-go÷k regonkec Qhk tektn quh hs ce quh ieynr dhkhgon prnpnrgon-

keY, hs uke `ogucte` iås shroe quh ce kn ukogo`e`’. Ce okghr-to`uidrh `hrove `h ce gekto`e` `h oklnriego÷k y su geco`e`, hs`hgor, h ces grhhkgoes quh tohkh hc emhkth h quh kn fey uke ihjnrnpgo÷k. Hcsthr ednr`e hc thie hk trhs `oihksonkhs: guek`n sh egu-iucek pruhdes, guek`n sh `hrovek grhhkgoes `h gohrtes pruhdes`e`es, guek`n sh hrove uke eggo÷k h grhhkgoes y hshns e`ns.5<0

Guek`n sh eguiucek pruhdes:

Ce PHT shõece quh cns sujhtns regonkechs hdhk okvhrtor uke gek-to`e` ÷ptoie h tohipn y okhrn hk rhgeder oklnriego÷k, sok hi-dermn, gnin cn shõeceins hk hc gepétucn ekthronr, puh`h prhshk-

5<4 Glr. @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. ?5.5<7 Hcsthr, Jnk, –Xcoshs y ces sorhkes… np. got., p. <=.5<0 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Juogons Wecni÷kogns, Ces coiotegonkhs `h ce regonkeco`e` gnin prokgopon `h `hgoso÷k,Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5???, p. 56.

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tersh hc prndchie h quh pere tnier ecmuke hgoso÷k hs khghseronokvhrtor uke gekto`e` `h `okhrn y tohipn quh rhsucte suphronr ec

dhkhgon quh rhprhshkte cchver e gedn ce eggo÷k. Ekth hccn, cnsemhkths sh hkguhktrek hk ce `osyuktove h okvhrtor iås hk rhgederoklnriego÷k n quh`ersh gnk cn quh tohkh, –e vhghs rhsucte oipnso-dch hstoier hc gnsth iermokec y hc dhkhgon `h ce oklnriego÷k’,5<8 hstn prnvnge quh kn sh `ospnkme `h uke gekto`e` ÷ptoie, –cemhkth sedh quh tohkh shkto`n peser uk tohipn dusgek`n y quh knthk`rée gesn dusger hthrkeihkth, phrn hktrh hstns céioths oklhronr

 y suphronr, suhch fedhr uk okthrvecn h ok`hthriokego÷k’.5<<

Guek`n sh `hrovek grhhkgoes `h gohrtes pruhdes `e`es:

Hk hsth gesn ce okghrto`uidrh sh prhshkte ec kn gnkter gnk ukegrhhkgoe ÷ptoie, hstn sh puh`h prhshkter h `ns iekhres: –e geu-se `h ce okghrto`uidrh y `h ce okthreggo÷k hstretïmoge’.5<=

Hk hc proihr gesn, kn fey pnsodoco`e` `h esomkegonkhs kuiïrogese cns rhsucte`ns `h tnier ecmuke `h ces npgonkhs, –okghrto`uidrhQhk hsth gesnY somkoge omknrekgoe re`ogec’.5<6 Hk hc shmuk`n, ceokthreggo÷k hstretïmoge kns rhioth e ce thnrée h juhmns n regonkeco`e` hstretï- moge, hk `nk`h ces hchggonkhs `hc emhkth `hphk`hk `h ces hchggonkhs`hc ntrn. Equé pere quh uke grhhkgoe she regonkec –`hdh tnier hk

guhkte quh cns ntrns emhkths, ekåcnmeihkth, sh lnriek grhhkgoessndrh sé iosins y cns hiås’,5<? pnr cn quh hc prndchie h ce ok`h-thriokego÷k surmh guek`n –kn fey in`n hk quh uk jume`nr puh-`e lnriersh uke grhhkgoe regonkec `h cn quh ferå hc ntrn’.5=2 Xk

5<8 Odé` ., p. 47.5<< Odé` ., p. 40.5<=

 Odé`., p. 5?.5<6 Odé`., p. 42.5<? Odé`., p. 5?.5=2 Odé`., p. 45.

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hjhipcn `h hstn hs hc `h cns hquocodrons iúctopchs gnk `olhrhkths me-ke`nrhs n phr`h`nrhs, hc juhmn h ce meccoke y ce detecce h cns shxns.

Guek`n sh `hrove uke eggo÷k `h grhhkgoes y `hshns `e`ns:

Wh prhshkte hsth prndchie guek`n hc emhkth kn hs gepez `h th-khr uk nr`hk jhrerquoze`n `h prhlhrhkgoes e geuse `h kn pn`hrgnipererces, puh`h `hgorsh quh kn guhkte gnk uke npgo÷k ÷pto-ie, –shrée `hsnrohkte`nr `hgor quh hc emhkth hs orregonkec: thkhr

prhlhrhkgoes gnipchtes kn lnrie perth `h cn quh quohrh `hgorregonkec’.5=5 Hcsthr hjhipcoge `ogohk`n:

–Wupnkmeins quh hstny pnr hsgnmhr hktrh hstu`oer chyhs y hstu-`oer lnrhstego÷k, cn guec hktreõe kn s÷cn uke hchggo÷k `h gerrh-re sokn `h hstocn `h vo`e. Eides prnlhsonkhs ih etrehk, phrnkn puh`n jhrerquozerces y gnipererces. Wo fudohre pregtoge`n

eides `urekth uke vo`e, pn`rée feghr uke hchggo÷k oklnrie`ehktrh eides. Pec gnin snk ces gnses, gnknzgn hiesoe`n pngnsndrh eides pere cchver e uke `hgoso÷k regonkec’.5=4

Equé, kokmuke `h ces npgonkhs puh`h getecnmersh gnin ÷ptoie ysh vuhcvh oipnsodch uke jhrerquozego÷k. Rere `er uke rhspuhste ecns prndchies `h ok`hthriokego÷k, Hcsthr prnpnkh ce kngo÷k `h

 juogon, –hc mrek supuhstn hs quh ge`e sotuego÷k tohkh uk iékoin yuk iåxoin `h oklnriego÷k quh hs reznkedch thkhr ekths `h fe-ghr ce hchggo÷k. Hsth sedhr  so fey quh shmuor dusgek`n oklnriego÷kn `hjer `h feghrcn hs uk rhquosotn quh rhioth ec juogon `hc emhkth’, y pere ntrns gesns, prnpnkh hc usn `h ce echetnroh`e` `h ces `hgo-sonkhs e trevïs `hc snrthn.5=7

5=5  É`hi.5=4 Odé`., p. 56.5=7 @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. 550.

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4.0.7 Ce orregonkeco`e` `h ces prhlhrhkgoes.

Xves eiermes

Hcsthr gnkso`hre quh ukn `h cns prndchies hstrugturechs `h cePHT hs ce orregonkeco`e` `h cns `hshns, hc in`hcn gcåsogn knsh guhstonke sndrh su geuseco`e`, pnr cn quh sh fegh oipnsodchprhmuktersh sndrh su gnklnriego÷k1 sok hidermn, rhgnkngh quhfey uke shroh `h ihgekosins quh sh prn`ughk pere geidoer cns`hshns n prhlhrhkgoes `h cns emhkths regonkechs cchvåk`ncns e ce


Hc eutnr sh gnkghktre prokgopecihkth hk hc ihgekosin iås gn-iúk, hc `h ces prhlhrhkgoes e`eptetoves y tohkh gnin lukgo÷k hc rh`u-gor ce `osnkekgoe gnmkotove.5=0 Rere hjhipcogercn utocoze ce låduce `hce znrre y ces uves `h Ce Lnkteokh:

–Gohrte znrre mesgnke, ntrns `oghk quh knriek`e, `hfeidrh geso iuhrte, gncmek`n `h uke perre von ukesuves, gudohrtes h pohc dhrihje. ¡Mrek dekquhth sh fudoh-re `e`n ce drodnke! Rhrn kn pu`ohk`n cchmer e hcces, `ojn:

 ‐¡Ruef, hståk vhr`hs! ¡Uuï`hksh pere cns meõekhs! ‐¾Uuï ihjnr pn`ée feghr quh `hs`hõerces>5=8

Hsth ihgekosin cceie`n pnr Hcsthr, uves vhr`hs, phrioth quh cesphrsnkes `osiokuyek ce `hghpgo÷k quh chs pcekthe hc shktorsh kneptns n sok pnsodoco`e` `h gnkshmuor uk ndjhtovn, cn iås ok`oge`nh oipnrtekth shõecer hs quh hccn kn sh hdh e uk prnghsn regonkec.

5=0 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Xves eiermes, sndrh ce sudvhrso÷k `h ce regonkeco`e` , tre`. Hkroquh Cykgf, h`.Rhkéksuce, Derghcnke, 5?66, p. 5<2.5=8 @h Ce Lnkteokh, Jhek, Ces ihjnrhs låduces, H`oiet, Ie`ro`, 5??6, p. 570, gote`n hk: (@oGestrn, np. got., p. 556).

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Womuohk`n hc hjhipcn ekthronr, ce znrre kn tohkh ecmuke rez÷k perephkser quh ces uves sh hkguhktrek rhecihkth luhre `h su ecgekgh,

hc ihgekosin sh cchve e gedn hk uke `oihkso÷k okgnksgohkth –`hfhgfn, pere ce znrre ces uves hståk rhecihkth vhr`hs, y vhr`hs knces hshe’.5=< Hstn sh `hdh e quh hsth ihgekosin, quh prnvnge ukgeidon hk ces prhlhrhkgoes, sh gnklnrie pnr oipucsns, hs `hgor,–pnr luhrzes pséquoges kn gnksgohkths quh sh mhkhrek hk lukgo÷k`h ce dúsquh`e `h pceghr e gnrtn pcezn’.5==

E`hiås `h hsth gesn quh hs hc iås gnkngo`n, Hcsthr hkcoste ukeshroh `h ihgekosins quh hk hc pcekn gnksohkth prnvngek uk gei-don `h prhlhrhkgoes hk cns emhkths y quh kn snk gnkthipce`nspnr hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce PHT, hktrh hccns hståk: Ces prhlhrhkgoesgnktre-e`eptetoves, geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes e trevïs `hc eprhk`ozejh y e`og-go÷k, hktrh ntres. Hstns ihgekosins ec kn prhshkter uke kngo÷k`h eutnkniée, sh hkguhktrek udoge`ns hktrh cns quh prnvngek ce

orregonkeco`e` `hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes.

Fhins `e`n uke rhvoso÷k e ces grétoges quh Jnk Hcsthr fe fhgfnprokgopecihkth e ces gohkgoes sngoechs y e ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k re-gonkec , hk hc somuohkth eperte`n, ekecozerhins g÷in hs quh perehc eutnr, ce gnkstruggo÷k `h uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`  knsphriotorée ekecozer `hs`h hc puktn `h voste regonkec, ce oktrn`ug-

go÷k `h ces hingonkhs hk hc prnghsn `h ce tnie `h `hgosonkhs yprhmukterkns pnr hc ihgekosin geusec `h cns `hshns.

4.8 Ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`

Gnin ihkgonkeins hk hc sudék`ogh ekthronr, ce regonkeco`e`oiphrlhgte, ce regonkeco`e` ok`hthrioke`e y ce orregonkeco`e`,

5=< @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got ., p. 55?.5== É`hi.

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lnriek uk gnkjuktn `h ihgekosins quh shmúk Hcsthr, `hdhréekednr`ersh hktrn h uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` , ye quh hs-

tns prndchies sh prhshktek gnto`oekeihkth hk ce tnie h hgoson-khs `h cns ok`ovo`uns, gnk cn guec tre`ogonkecihkth fek quh`e`nhxgcuo`ns `hc ekåcosos regonkec pnr kn guipcor gnk ces hxomhkgoes`hc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce PHT.

Hcsthr gnkso`hre quh –hktrh ce thnrée hstrogte `h ce regonkec y cethnrée eipcoe h cn vhr`e`hrn y cn duhkn, fey sugohkth hspegon y

khghso`e` pere uke thnrée eipcoe h cn regonkec’.5=6 Hk hsth shkto-`n, shõece quh fey trhs hchihktns h cns guechs puh`hk hrover cesintovegonkhs fuiekes: ce regonkeco`e` okstruihktec, ces knriessngoechs y ces hingonkhs, 5=? hsth úctoin, hs hc iås oipnrtekth pnrin`oger hc in`hcn gcåsogn hk su hstrugture y sotuersh gnin hch-ihktn quh puh`h ntnrmer regonkeco`e` e cns `hshns y pnr hc guec,hk hste okvhstomego÷k, snsthkhins quh sh puh`h hxpcoger hc geidon

regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes.

4.8.5 Knries sngoechs

Ces knries sngoechs  e`hiås `h gnkstotuorsh gnin uke intove-go÷k `h ce eggo÷k, egtúek gnin rhmuce`nrhs `h ce hxprhso÷k `hces hingonkhs n okgcusn `h ce eggo÷k iosie, `h tec iekhre quh

–ces rheggonkhs hingonkechs e cns hste`ns hingonkechs hståk gnklrhguhkgoe `hthrioke`es pnr ces knries sngoechs’.562 Fey ecmukesknries quh iergek ces hingonkhs quh sh hsphre quh ukn hxprhshhk `hthrioke`es gorgukstekgoes, pnr hjhipcn, Reuc Haiek kns`e uk hjhipcn `h ces cceie`es rhmces `h hxprhso÷k, quh iergek ce

5=6 Hcsthr, Jnk, Xves eiermes… np. got., p. 58.5=? @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. 54=.562 Glr. Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs. Ekåcosos `h ce Okthreggo÷k hktrh Tegonkeco`e`, Hingo÷k, Rrhlhrhkgoes

 y Knries Wngoechs hk ce Hgnkniée `h ce Eggo÷k Ok`ovo`uec y sus @hsvoegonkhs. Mh`ose, Derghcnke,5??=, p. 40.

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okthkso`e`, phrsnke y inihktn gnk quh sh `hdhk hxprhser ceshingonkhs:

–Ce prnfodogo÷k `h iekolhster hknjn, n ce rhmce `h rhhipcezerhc hknjn pnr ce trosthze, hs ecmn quh ecmukes koões knrtheihro-gekes `h ce gcesh ih`oe fek eprhk`o`n tek dohk quh, cuhmn, shrhquohrh iugfn hsluhrzn pere codhrer ce hingo÷k y seger luhrehc hknjn. Ntres rhmces `h hxprhso÷k sh eprhk`hk e pertor `hchjhipcn, ndshrvek`n cn quh feghk cns `hiås n somuohk`n ces

okstruggonkhs oipcégotes `h cns quh gnktrncek ces hingonkhs hkces quh sh fegh púdcoge ce hingo÷k. Xk hjhipcn `h hsth topn `hrhmce hs quh, hk cns gnkgursns `h dhcchze, ce quh puh`h ccnrerhs ce meke`nre, phrn kn ces phr`h`nres. Hk cns lukhrechs, shpuh`h e`vhrtor uke –chy `hc iås luhrth’ hk ces hxprhsonkhs `h`ncnr dese`es hk cns `hrhgfns ec cutn. Kn hstå dohk vostn quh ceshgrhteroe perhzge iås trosth quh ce hspnse hc `oluktn, e ihkns

quh prhthk`e rhvhcer ce vhr`e`hre keturechze `h ce rhcego÷kgnk su hxjhlh’.565

@h hste lnrie ces knries sngoechs sh ertogucek, hk gohrtes ngesonkhs,gnin rhmuce`nrhs h ces hingonkhs, sok hidermn, kn somkoge quhces intovegonkhs quh snk `oromo`es pnr ces hingonkhs `hdek shrorregonkechs. E gnktokuego÷k vhrhins g÷in Hcsthr okthkte nlrh-

ghrkns uke geregthrozego÷k `h ces hingonkhs y g÷in ïstes puh-`hk gnkstotuorsh gnin regonkechs.

565 Haiek, Reuc, Doncnmogec ek` gucturec gnktrodutonks tn dn`y ek` legoec invhihkt ok tfh hxprhssonk nltfh hintonks, hk E. Tnrty, (gnip.) Hxpceokokm tfh hintonks, Dhrahchy y C.E., Xkovhrsoty nlGecolnrkoe Rrhss, p. 6=, gote`n hk: (Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs… np. got., p. 548).

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4.8.4 Hingonkhs

 Ce keturechze `h ces hingonkhs

Rere Hcsthr hs oipnrtekth shõecer quh –ce eushkgoe `h eguhr`neghrge `h quï snk ces hingonkhs tohkh su perechcn hk ce eushkgoe`h eguhr`n `h guåchs snk ces hingonkhs hxosthkths’.564 Wndrh hcthie `h ces hingonkhs hxosth uke eipcoe gekto`e` `h cothreturehsphgoecoze`e, phrn `hdo`n e quh hk hsth tredejn sh prhthk`h hx-

pnkhr hc phkseiohktn `h Jnk Hcsthr, kns deserhins tntecihkth hksu gnkghpgo÷k y gcesogego÷k.567

Hcsthr geregthroze ces hingonkhs desåk`nsh hk ce thnrée `h ceshingonkhs `h Erost÷thchs, snk –Hste`ns hingonkechs `hc nrmekos-in quh puh`hk shr `hko`ns hk lukgo÷k `h sohth geregthréstoges’:

5. Whksego÷k guecotetove. Ge`e hingo÷k tohkh uke shksego÷kúkoge.

4.  Ekthgh`hkths gnmkotovns. Whmúk ces grhhkgoes quh ces mhkhrek.7. Xk ndjhtn okthkgonkec : Hståk `oromo`es e uk ndjhtn n phrsnke

hk pertogucer.0.  Hxgotego÷k sonc÷moge. Hxgotego÷k `h luhkths `h egtovo`e`.8.  Hxprhsonkhs sonc÷moges. Hxprhsonkhs gnrpnrechs.

<. \echkgoe hk ce `oihkso÷k pceghr-`ncnr. Wh hxphroihktek gninemre`edchs n `ncnrnses.

=. Phk`hkgoes `h eggo÷k geregthréstoges: Hste`ns `h `ospnsogo÷k ecchver e gedn uke eggo÷k.

564 Hcsthr, Jnk, Ecquoioes `h ce ihkth. Ce regonkeco`e` y ces hingonkhs, Reo`÷s, Ermhktoke, 4224,p. 4?7.567 Rere ieynr rhlhrhkgoe sndrh hsth thie, gnksucter: Hcsthr, Jnk, Ecquoioes… np. got., hsph-goecihkth hc gepétucn OOO.

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@h hste geregthrozego÷k, kns okthrhse rhsecter hc puktn 4 `h cnsekthgh`hkths gnmkotovns, ye quh `h hstn `hphk`h ce lnriego÷k `h

hingonkhs regonkechs.560

 Ekthgh`hkths gnmkotovns

Cns ekthgh`hkths gnmkotovns tohkhk quh vhr gnk ce iekhre hkg÷in lnriuceins uke grhhkgoe `h cn quh kns sugh`h pere pn`hr`hshkge`hker uke hingo÷k. Kn pn`hins `hgor quh ces hingon-

khs snk prnvnge`es pnr ecmuke sotuego÷k n gorgukstekgoe, gnrrhgtnhs `hgor: –quh ces hingonkhs snk prnvnge`es pnr grhhkgoes eghrge`h fhgfns n hste`ns’, hs `hgor, hc vékgucn hktrh ces eggonkhs y ceshingonkhs, snk ces grhhkgoes.568

Ces grhhkgoes –snk vuckhredchs e cns hlhgtns `h hkgue`rh’ ,56< hs `h-gor, e ce lnrie hk quh sh hktohk`hk n phrgodhk cns fhgfns. Hcsthr

`ogh: –tniek`n uk hjhipcn prhste`n `h Jeihs Lhernk y @evo`Ceotok56= supnkmeins quh hc iohidrn E `h uk mrupn ïtkogn Vch fegh `eõn ec iohidrn D `hc mrupn ïtkogn _, y quh cns iohi-drns `h _ tniek rhprhsecoes pnr ioh`n e uk etequh `h tn`ns cnsiohidrns h V. Hk hste sotuego÷k, uk iohidrn `h V puh`h shk-torsh hkle`e`n gnk su gn-iohidrn E n `oromor sus ores fegoe _’.@hc iosin in`n ces hingonkhs snk vuckhredchs ec iosin hlhgtn,

ec `hsgrodor `h `ns iekhres `ostoktes uke sotuego÷k, sh ndthk`rågnin rhsucte`n `ns hingonkhs `ostoktes y ge`e uke hk hc gesnquh luhrh puh`h `olhrhkgoersh hk okthkso`e`1 `h iekhre uk pngniås mhkhrec, –ce grhhkgoe edstregte `h quh uke phrsnke `hsgnkn-go`e th fe fhgfn ecmúk `eõn hs oiprndedch quh mhkhrh ce iosie

560 Glr. Odé`., p. 4??.568 Glr. Odé` ., p. 727.56< Odé`., p. 72<.56= Lhernk, Jeihs y Ceotok, @evo`, –Hxpceokokm okthrhtfkog gnnphretonk’, Pfh  Eihrogek RncotogecWgohkgh Thvohw, \nc. ?2, 5??< , pp. =58-=78, gote`n hk: (Hcsthr, Jnk, Ecquoioes… np. got ., p. 72<).

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hingo÷k quh ce grhhkgoe gnkgrhte `h quh uke phrsnke gnkgrhteth fe fhgfn `eõn’.566

Hktnkghs thkhins equé quh ce `ostnrso÷k quh sh mhkhre pnr hlhg-tns `h hkgue`rh thk`rå gnkshguhkgoes oipnrtekths hk hc topn hokthkso`e` `h ce hingo÷k quh hxphroihkthins.

Hk mhkhrec hktrh cns ekthgh`hkths gnmkotovns `h ces hingonkhs shpuh`hk ihkgonker:

5. Grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces hingonkhs prnpoes.4. Grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces hingonkhs `h ntres phrsnkes.7. Grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces intovegonkhs `h ntres phrsnkes.0. Grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces grhhkgoes `h ntres phrsnkes.8. Grhhkgoes prndedocéstoges.<. Grhhkgoes gnktre-legtuechs y sudjuktoves.

 Ces grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces hingonkhs prnpoes

Wnk rhgnkngo`es gnksgohkthihkth gnin hingonkhs prnpoeihkth`ogfes, sus oipcogegonkhs sngoechs snk iuy eipcoes, –so sï quh hstnyhxphroihktek`n uke `hthrioke`e hingo÷k, hste gnmkogo÷k puh`hshrvor pere prnvnger hingonkhs e`ogonkechs’,56? pnr hjhipcn, uke

hingo÷k `h hkvo`oe puh`h prnvnger uke hingo÷k `h vhrmóhkze.

Rnr ntrn ce`n fey ngesonkhs hk ces quh ces phrsnkes puh`hk kn shrgnksgohkths `h sus grhhkgoes eghrge `h sus prnpoes hingonkhs, ïs-tes puh`hk shr gethmnroze`es `h ce somuohkth iekhre: prntn-hingon-khs luhrths, guek`n ce phrsnke kn hs gnksohkth pnr hc inihktn `hhcces phrn puh`h cchmer e `ersh guhkte1 prntn-hingonkhs `ïdochs, guek-

566 Hcsthr, Jnk, Ecquoioes… np. got., p. 726.56? Odé` ., p. 72?.

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`n –kn puh`h rhgnknghrces pnrquh su gucture gerhgh hc gnkghptnrhchvekth pere hccn’ y, prntn-hingonkhs shio- luhrths, guek`n hc sujhtn

tohkh hingonkhs quh – ko rhgnkngh ko puh`h rhgnknghr eukquh hcgnkghptn `h hse hingo÷k hxoste hk su gucture y ces phrsnkes `h suhktnrkn puh`ek `ersh guhkte `h quh ces tohkh’, hs `hgor, quh cesphrsnkes ngesonkecihkth puh`hk prhshkter –ces iekolhstegonkhsgnk`ugtuechs `h uke hingo÷k (su hxgotego÷k sonc÷moge, sus hx-prhsonkhs sonc÷moges, sus thk`hkgoes `h e`oggo÷k y su vechkgoes) yeuk esé kn shr gnksgohkths `h hse hingo÷k’.5?2

 Ces grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces hingonkhs `h ntres phrsnkes

Fey hingonkhs quh hrovek h cn quh ukn grhh quh ce ntre phrsn-ke sohkth, sh chs `hknioke hingonkhs `h shmuk`e phrsnke, pnr hjhipcn:ce `hshsphrego÷k cchme so ukn sh hkguhktre hkeinre`n `h ecmuohkphrn teidoïk sh tohkh ce grhhkgoe `h quh kn hs gnrrhspnk`o`n.

Hcsthr eknte quh fey quh `ostokmuor hktrh ces grhhkgoes eghrge `hces hingonkhs `h uke phrsnke y ces grhhkgoes sndrh ces iekolhs-tegonkhs ndshrvedchs `h ces hingonkhs, –ce vhrmóhkze kn hs ok`u-go`e pnr ce grhhkgoe `h quh ce ntre phrsnke ih hstå provek`n `hecmúk dhkhgon, sokn pnr ce grhhkgoe h quh cn fegh pnr hsprhgone ié. Esoiosin, so ih `ny guhkte `h quh ntre phrsnke hstå hk-le`e`e, ce grhhkgoe `h quh hståk e puktn `h mncpherih ih ferå

shktor ioh`n’.5?5

 Ces grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces intovegonkhs `h ntres phrsnkes

Fey hingonkhs quh puh`hk `hrover kn s÷cn `h ce ndshrvego÷k `hces iekolhstegonkhs hingonkechs h ce ntre phrsnke, teidoïk puh-`hk `hrover `h ce grhhkgoe `h ces okthkgonkhs gnk ces quh egtúe,

5?2 Glr. Odé`., p. 752.5?5 Odé`., p. 75=.

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–uk rhmecn puh`h `hsphrter okmretotu` n rhshktoiohktn, shmúk ceintovego÷k, quh quohk cn rhgodh etroduyh e quohk cn `e’,5?4 pere

hjhipcoger hsth gesn y cns ekthronrhs Hcsthr utocoze hc somuohkthhjhipcn:

–Wo th gnipres uk gngfh iås dnkotn quh hc ién, puh`n shktorhkvo`oe. Wo ec iosin tohipn, grhn quh th `hchotes hk io hkvo-`oe, ïste sh puh`h gnkvhrtor hk rhshktoiohktn. Wo grhn quh thgnipresth hc gngfh pere `hsphrter io hkvo`oe, ïste sh puh`h

vncvhr groiokec. Hk hc proihr gesn, ce hingo÷k vohkh prnvnge-`e pnr (io grhhkgoe eghrge `h) tu eggo÷k1 hk hc shmuk`n gesn,pnr io (grhhkgoe eghrge `h) tu hingo÷k1 hk hc thrghr gesn, pnr(io grhhkgoe eghrge `h) ce intovego÷k quh fedée `htrås `h tueggo÷k’.5?7

 Ces grhhkgoes eghrge `h ces grhhkgoes `h ntres phrsnkes

Hk hsth gesn ces hingonkhs sh `hshkge`hkek e reéz `h ces grhhk-goes quh cns sujhtns etroduyhk e ces `hiås phrsnkes, pnr hjhipcn:–Wo yn grhn quh ntres phrsnkes grhhk (gnk rez÷k n hquovnge`e-ihkth) quh fh gnihto`n ecmúk `hcotn, ih shktorée `osmuste`n’.5?0

 Ces grhhkgoes prndedocéstoges

Fey hingonkhs quh `hrovek `h ces grhhkgoes `h ghrthze edsncute y ntres quh sh hrovek pnr grhhkgoes hk gohrtn shkto`n prndedocésto-ges, pnr hjhipcn, `ogh Hcsthr: –hc nrmuccn trouklec rhquohrh `h ecmniås quh uke ihre prndedoco`e` hchve`e `h quh ukn she hc me-ke`nr: sh khghsote ghrthze edsncute’, `h tec suhrth quh ce ghrthze

5?4 Glr. É`hi.5?7 Odé`., p. 756.5?0 Glr. p. 75?.

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edsncute prnvnge uke hingo÷k iås luhrth quh ce ghrthze prnde-docéstoge, –so uk fhgfn thio`n pnr knsntrns ve e ngurror gnk tn`e

shmuro`e`, sohktn `hshsphrego÷k iås quh ioh`n’.5?8

Ces grhhkgoes prndedocéstoges pn`réek shr equhcces quh tohkhk ceoklnriego÷k khghseroe pere grhhr quh ecmn ve e ngurror, pnr hjhi-pcn: ce grhhkgoe quh puh`h thkhr uk jnvhk `h quh uk `ée sh gni-prerå uk eutn puh`h mhkhrer uke hingo÷k h hsphrekze.

 Ces grhhkgoes gnktre-legtuechs y sudjuktoves

Ces hingonkhs puh`hk mhkhrersh teidoïk pnr grhhkgoes eghrge `h cnshste`ns oiemokerons `h ces gnses, hk cns guechs, puh`hk prhshktersh hs-te`ns `h lektesée quh tohkhk ecmuke prndedoco`e` `h ngurror (sud- juktoves), y cns quh tohkhk uke deje pnsodoco`e` `h ngurror (gnktre-legtuechs). Hk hstns gesns ces hingonkhs snk `olhrhkths, –uk fhgfn

quh sh tohkh pnr rhinteihkth pnsodch, pnr iuy rhinte quh she hsepnsodoco`e`’ shmureihkth mhkhrerå uke hingo÷k iås luhrth, quhuk fhgfn quh eukquh pnsodch, tohkh iuy iékoies pnsodoco`e`hs`h ngurror gnin mekersh hc prhion ieynr `h ce cnthrée.5?<

Feste equé fhins ekecoze`n ce keturechze `h ces hingonkhs yces `ostoktes in`eco`e`hs `h ce gnmkogo÷k, efnre ekecozerhins ce

pnsodoco`e` h quh ces hingonkhs e`quohrek hc gerågthr regonkec yshek okgcuo`es hk hc in`hcn `h ce PHT.

4.8.7 Ces hingonkhs regonkechs

Ces hingonkhs gnin fhins vostn puh`hk mhkhrersh `h iuy `os-toktes lnries, ecmukes cchvek e ce orregonkeco`e` gnin guek`n sh

5?8 Odé`., p. 74?.5?< Glr. Odé` ., p. 742.

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mhkhrek orhgteihkth h cns hshns n grhhkgoes orregonkechs. Rerequh uke hingo÷k she gnkso`hre`e gnin regonkec Hcsthr pcekthe

shos pnsodoco`e`hs, `h ces guechs, pere hc gesn `hc ekåcosos `hc gei-don `h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs, kns okthrhse ekecozer hc gesn`h ces hingonkhs quh sh mhkhrek e pertor `h grhhkgoes regonkechs,gnk hc k `h luk`eihkterces hk uke –vecnrego÷k gnmkotove e cesotuego÷k quh ces susgote’.5?=

Ces sotuegonkhs hk ces guechs sh mhkhrek ces hingonkhs regonkechs


5. Guek`n ces hingonkhs snk eggonkhs.4. Guek`n ces hingonkhs sh e`hguek e ce ngeso÷k hk guektn

e su topn.7. Guek`n ces hingonkhs sh e`hguek hk guektn e su mre`n.0. Guek`n ces hingonkhs sh desek hk grhhkgoes regonkechs.

8. Guek`n ces hingonkhs sh desek hk `hshns regonkechs.<. Guek`n kns feghk shktor lhcoghs.

Gnin ye sh ihkgonk÷, kns okthrhse hstu`oer hc puktn 0: guek`nces hingonkhs snk regonkechs so sh desek hk grhhkgoes regonkechs.Fey quh thkhr gcern quh ces grhhkgoes snk regonkechs so hk su prn-ghsn `h grhego÷k kn sh `hlnriek pnr ihgekosins quh cchvek e ce

orregonkeco`e`, hstn hs, so hc emhkth guhkte gnk uke gekto`e` ÷pto-ie `h oklnriego÷k pere gnkstruor sus grhhkgoes gnin cn sumohrhhc in`hcn gcåsogn `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec.5?6 

Phkhr grhhkgoes regonkechs merektoze quh ces hingonkhs prnvnge-`es, hk rhcego÷k ec okgosn ekthronr, shek regonkechs.

5?= @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, np. got., p. 575.5?6 Rere gnksucter ce lnrie hk ce quh sh gnkstruyhk ces grhhkgoes regonkechs, rhiotorsh ecsudék`ogh 5.7.0 @hshns y grhhkgoes.

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4.8.0 Cns `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes regonkechs

Xke `h ces ieynrhs epnrtegonkhs `h Jnk Hcsthr e ce PHT, e`hiås`h ce okgnrpnrego÷k `h ces hingonkhs, hs ce pnsodoco`e` `h quh cns`hshns shek regonkecoze`ns pnr ïstes. Rere ïc, cns `hshns puh`hkshr regonkechs hk rhcego÷k e ces grhhkgoes regonkechs n e ces hin-gonkhs regonkechs. Hk hc proihr gesn uk `hshn hs regonkec so hrove`h uke grhhkgoe regonkec, pnr hjhipcn:

–Wupnkmeins quh thkmn ioh`n h quh rndhk io gese hk ecmúkinihktn `urekth cns pr÷xoins eõns, e ihkns quh feme ecmnec rhsphgtn. Hsh thinr ‐ce grhhkgoe `h quh puh`h prn`ugorshuk rndn y io `hshn `h quh kn ngurre‐ fegh quh she regonkecquh `hshh feghr ecmn ec rhsphgtn, gnin pnr hjhipcn gnipreruke ecerie gnktre rndn’.5??

Hk hsth gesn ces hingonkhs kn okthrvohkhk hk ce lnriego÷k `h cns`hshns sokn iås dohk sh trete `h uke ge`hke `h `hshns rhcegonke-`ns hktrh sé pere ecgekzer uk k: ce okstecego÷k `h uk sosthie `hecerie hs uk ih`on pere quh hc rndn kn ngurre. Hk hc shmuk`ngesn, quh hs hc quh kns okthrhse hstu`oer, cns `hshns snk nromoke`nspnr hingonkhs regonkechs, Hcsthr `ogh: –uk `hshn puh`h shr regon-kecoze`n pnr uke hingo÷k so epukte e iekthkhr ces gnk`ogonkhs

quh setoslemek cns `hshns quh prnvngernk ce hingo÷k n ec hcoio-ker ces gnk`ogonkhs quh cns lrustrernk’,422 hs `hgor, hs regonkec uk`hshn so epukte e ce setosleggo÷k `hc `hshn quh mhkhr÷ hc prnghsnregonkec y `hrov÷ hk uke hingo÷k quh cn lnri÷.

Rnr hjhipcn, io hshn hs hsgecer hc inkth Hvhrhst, ce oklnriego÷krhgede`e ih `ogh quh pere feghrcn `hdn hklrhkter thiphretu-

5?? Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs… np. got ., p. 504.422 Odé`., p. 507.

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res `h feste 42 mre`ns dejn ghrn, io grhhkgoe regonkec hs quh iohquopn hs oksugohkth pere hklrhkter hse sotuego÷k, io hingo÷k

regonkec hs `h ioh`n, pnr cn tektn mhkhrn hc `hshn `h kn sudorn `h gniprer uk ihjnr hquopn1 hc `hshn regonkec hs hc shmuk`n,gniprer uk ihjnr hquopn, pnrquh eyu`e e iekthkhr ces gorguks-tekgoes pere guipcor hc `hshn n prhlhrhkgoe, esé kecihkth sh se-toslegh hc ndjhtovn `h sudor ce inkteõe.

Hc in`hcn quh Hcsthr pcekthe pere uke PET sh puh`h ndshrver e


Lomure 8

4.< Geidon regonkec `h `hshns n prhlhrhkgoes

Gnin pn`hins ndshrver, hc hsquhie gnk hc quh Jnk Hcsthr prn-pnkh uke thnrée eipcoe `h ce regonkeco`e` , kn gnkthipce hc gesn `huk geidon regonkec `h ces prhlhrhkgoes, hk hc quh uk `hshn regonkechstï hkgeioke`n e geidoer hc `hshn nromokec quh prnpogo÷ equh-cce hingo÷k regonkecoze`nre `hc `hshn, pnr hccn, ce prhmukte quhkns pcektheins hk hsth inihktn `h ce okvhstomego÷k hs: ¾fedrå

hspegon pere fedcer `h uk geidon regonkec `h cns `hshns n prh-lhrhkgoes>, hs `hgor, ¾hxosth ce pnsodoco`e` `h quh ces hingonkhsregonkechs kn s÷cn mhkhrhk `hshns regonkechs quh okthkthk prh-





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shrver ces gnk`ogonkhs pere setosleghr cns `hshns quh nromokernkhses hingonkhs, sokn quh teidoïk regonkecihkth in`oquhk hsh

`hshn> Ce fop÷thsos quh snstohkh hsth tredejn hs quh sé.

Wo pertoins `h ce prhiose pcekthe`e pnr @nwks425 `h quh –hc tïr-iokn regonkec, kn gecoge cns ndjhtovns Qy teipngn cns hshnsY hcsujhtn, sokn sncn sus ih`ons’, pn`hins phkser quh hs regonkechc emhkth quh `hspuïs `h rhecozer uk ekåcosos iokugonsn, hcomh cenpgo÷k quh ch rhprhshkth hc ihknr gnsth y hc ieynr dhkhgon pere

cnmrer sus ndjhtovns. Efnre dohk, so ye fhins `ogfn quh ces hin-gonkhs regonkechs mhkhrek `hshns regonkechs quh cchvek e iek-thkhr ces gorgukstekgoes quh phriotek guipcor hc proihr `hshn,pn`hins teidoïk phkser quh hsh `hshn regonkec kn hstï hkgeio-ke`n e iekthkhr ces gorgukstekgoes pere quh sh guipce hc proihrndjhtovn. Hs `hgor, hsth `hshn hs regonkec hk tektn quh `hrove `huke hingo÷k regonkec y gnktroduorå e ce rhecozego÷k `hc proihr

ndjhtovn, phrn so ce hingo÷k quh cn `htnke `hrove `h grhhkgoes re-gonkechs quh feghk sedhr ec emhkth regonkec quh rhecozer hc proihrndjhtovn ve hk gnktre h su dhkhgon, hs gnrrhgtn phkser hktnkghsquh geidoh hc proihr `hshn sok thkhr quh gehr khghseroeihkth hkce orregonkeco`e`.

Hk hc gesn `h Xcoshs, ïc utocoze uk ihgekosin `h prh-gniprniosn

pere guipcor gnk su ndjhtovn, gnk hste eggo÷k sh `hsvée hc prngh-sn regonkec hstrogtn phrn guipch hc ndjhtovn, gnin `ogh Hcsthr, kntohkh quh shr orregonkec hste eggo÷k. Gnk rhsphgtn e kuhstrn gesnpnk`rï uk hjhipcn, hc iosin `h ce inkteõe `hc Hvhrhst:

Wo io `hshn hs sudor e ce goie `h ce inkteõe, ce oklnriego÷kquh ih `ek hs quh ces gnk`ogonkhs `h prhso÷k etinslïroge e hse

ecture geuserée mrevhs `eõns e io secu`, dusgn ces ihjnrhs npgon-

425 Eperte`n 5.4.7.

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khs pere hklrhkter ces gorgukstekgoes, io grhhkgoe regonkec hs quhhstek`n errode io guhrpn kn snpnrterå cns kovhchs `h prhso÷k y

pn`rée sulror ecmúk trestnrkn sonc÷mogn, io hingo÷k regonkec hs`h ioh`n, ce PET `ogh quh hc `hshn quh sh `hshkge`hkh `h hstehingo÷k tohkh quh eyu`er e iekthkhr ces gorgukstekgoes perequh sh guipce hc `hshn, pnr hjhipcn: `hsher sudor e ce goie gnkeyu`e thgknc÷moge quh hvoth quh ih hxpnkme e cns hlhgtns `h ceprhso÷k etinslïroge y guipcor hc ndjhtovn.

Wok hidermn, supnkmeins quh hse pnsodoco`e` kn hxosth, quh s÷cnhs pnsodch sudor gnk ios prnpons ih`ons, io grhhkgoe shrå quh hkce goie puh`n sulror uk eggo`hkth ger`onvesgucer, hktnkghs, hc`hshn quh sh `hshkge`hkerå `h ce hingo÷k regonkec `h ioh`n, hshc `h geidoer io proihr `hshn y kn sudor e ce goie, hk su cumer,efnre puh`n prhlhror cchmer e uk pogn pr÷xoin e ïste, hk hc guecpuh`e tnchrer ces gnk`ogonkhs etinslïroges. Hsth geidon `h `hshn

kn tohkh quh cchverkns e ce orregonkeco`e` khghseroeihkth pnr kniekthkhr ces gorgukstekgoes quh gne`yuvhk e rhecozer hc `hshnnromokec, ye quh ec geidoercn, eyu`erée e hvoter uke eggo÷k quhtrehrée mrevhs gnkshguhkgoes.

E`vhrtoins quh kn hs hc gesn hk hc quh sh geidoe `h `hshn nprhlhrhkgoe pnr hc ihgekosin h ces prhlhrhkgoes e`eptetoves, pnrquh

hstns gesns hståk dese`ns hk grhhkgoes orregonkechs y hk prnghsnsokgnksgohkths.

Wo eghpteins cn ekthronr, pn`hins erier quh fey uk geidon hprhlhrhkgoes regonkec, ye quh eyu`e e prhshrver hc dohkhster `hcok`ovo`un h okogoerå uk kuhvn prnghsn h hchggo÷k regonkec1 esé, hc`hshn `h cchmer e uk pogn pr÷xoin e ce goie, `hshkge`hkerå su

prnpon prnghsn `h rhgnpocego÷k `h oklnriego÷k, `h lnriego÷k `hgrhhkgoes regonkechs, sok quh hstn khghseroeihkth oipcoquh ntrngeidon h prhlhrhkgoe iås, pn`rée shr quh hsth hshn sé sh rhecogh.

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Hk hc guertn gepétucn okthkterhins pnkhr e pruhde hste fop÷thsoshk hc iergn `hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs, esé hc in`hcn

`h ce PET kns eyu`erå e hxpcoger g÷in y pnr quï cns hchgtnrhsgeidoernk sus prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs hk ecmúk phron`n `h tohi-pn, g÷in hs quh lnriernk sus grhhkgoes regonkechs, sus hingon-khs regonkechs y ce iekhre hk quh kecihkth fogohrnk uk geidonregonkec `h sus prhlhrhkgoes.

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Hchihktns th÷rogns y ihtn`nc÷mogns pere ednr`er

hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs

–Hk ce pudcogo`e` iekopuce`e, hk vhz `h uke npoko÷k

 púdcoge lukgonke iås dohk uk pchdosgotn ospuhstn e ce

egceiego÷k, uk gcoie `h npoko÷k. Hs iekopucetovn,sndrh tn`n, hc gåcgucn sngon-psognc÷mogn `h nlhrtes `oromo`es

e okgcokegonkhs okgnksgohkths y hkgeioke`es e

`hsphrter rheggonkhs prhvosodchs, sok quh, pnr ntre perth,

quohkhs esé sh eshmurek ce equohsghkgoe pchdosgoteroe,

 puh`ek vhrsh ndcome`ns e gnktreperto`es `h kokmúk topn:

cns cceieiohktns ‗hxphroihktecihkth vhroge`ns y

nrohkte`ns shmúk peråihtrns psognc÷mogns guo`e`nseihkthhstu`oe`ns‗ tohkhk quh pn`hr egtuer gnin séidncns

`h o`hktogego÷k, tektn iås guektn ihkns gnkhxo÷k

thkmek gnk lreshs pncétoges prnmreiåtoges n gnk

ermuihktns ndjhtovns’.

 Jórmhk Fedhries424

Hk cns `ns gepétucns ekthronrhs gnkngoins ce iekhre hk quh shgnklnri÷ ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec , sus leccns y ce prnpuhste`h Jnk Hcsthr pere gnklnrier uke Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` 1gnk desh hk cn ekthronr, esé gnin gnktokuek`n gnk hc `hshn `hluk`eihkter kuhstre prnpuhste rhecoze`e hk hc peråmreln ekth-

424 Fedhries, Jórmhk, Fostnroe y grétoge `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge: Ce trekslnriego÷k hstrugturec h ce vo`e púdcoge, tre`. Ektnko @nihkhgf, 5??0, p. 407.

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ronr, hk hsth gepétucn hstu`oerhins cns hchihktns th÷rogns y ih-tn`nc÷mogns khghserons pere ednr`er hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes

hchgtnrechs hk hc prnghsn hchgtnrec `h 422< hk Iïxogn.

Rroihrn prnluk`ozerhins hk hc lhk÷ihkn `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge,sus `hkogonkhs, su hstu`on y su prnghsn `h lnriego÷k, ye quh hkhste okvhstomego÷k, npoko÷k púdcoge, shrå hkthk`o`e gnin uk prn-ih`on `h npokonkhs, quh sndrh cns gek`o`etns e ce prhso`hkgoe, shgnkstruy÷ e trevïs `h cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k. Hk shmuo`e,

e`epterhins hc in`hcn `h ce PET e cns gnkghptns th÷rogns kh-ghserons pere trezer ce rute `hc prnghsn regonkec quh somuohrnk cnshchgtnrhs pere gnkshrver n geidoer su prhlhrhkgoe pnr ecmúk gek-`o`etn, h hste lnrie, ces proihres prhlhrhkgoes shråk o`hktoge`esgnk cns rhsucte`ns `h ces hkguhstes quh sh pudcogernk hk cns pro-ihrns `ées `hc phron`n `h ekåcosos1 ce oklnriego÷k sh o`hktogerågnk ce quh rhgodo÷ hc hchgtnr e trevïs `h cns spnts `h thchvoso÷k1 ces

grhhkgoes shråk `hko`es gnin cns juogons quh hcednrernk cns hchg-tnrhs e pertor `h ce oklnriego÷k rhgede`e y, pnr úctoin, ces hin-gonkhs shråk `hko`es gnin `hrove`es `h ces grhhkgoes regonkechs.

Rertogucerihkth ekecozerhins `ns hingonkhs: hsphrekze y ioh`n.Hk ce perth kec `hc gepétucn sh hxpnk`rå `h kuhvn ce fop÷thsosghktrec `h hste thsos, hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes, e`eptåk`nce ec

hstu`on `h gesn pere `hinstrerce e trevïs `h `ns fop÷thsos shguk-`eroes: ce proihre, quh ce hingo÷k regonkec `h hsphrekze mhkhr÷uk `hshn regonkec hk hc hchgtnr quh cn fozn iekthkhr su prhlh-rhkgoe hchgtnrec, y ce shmuk`e, quh ce hingo÷k regonkec `h ioh`n,mhkhr÷ uk `hshn regonkec hk hc hchgtnr quh fozn quh geidoere suprhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec.

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7.5 Ce npoko÷k púdcoge

Hc tïriokn npoko÷k púdcoge  hs uk prn`ugtn `h ce in`hrko`e`,eukquh ye sh hkguhktrek ecmukes eprnxoiegonkhs hk Rcet÷k yErost÷thchs, \okghkt Rrogh `ogh quh –Knhcch-Khwiek egrh`ote eTnussheu gnin proihr usueron `h ce lresh c‟ npokonk pudcoquh fegoe5=00, utocozåk`nce, gnk rhlhrhkgoe e ces gnstuidrhs y in`ns `huke sngoh`e`’.427 Esoiosin, ihkgonke quh hk 5=62 ye sh fegéegniúk hktrh cns hsgrotnrhs lrekghshs utocozer hsth tïriokn gnk uke

gnkkntego÷k pncétoge:  Dohk pudcog, hsporot pudcog, gnksgohkth pudcoquh.420

 Wok hidermn, luh `urekth ce rhlnrie prnthstekth quh sh grh÷ uk púdcogn chgtnr  `h ce cothreture rhcomonse, `hrovek`n fegoe kechs `hcsomcn V\OO hk ce lnriego÷k `h uke gcesh okthchgtuec durmuhse,–sngoh`e`hs h chgtnrhs y codrhrées h shmuk`e iekn hiphzernk enrhghr, ce cothreture inrec y pncétoge hre destekth pnpucer hktrh

ces gceshs guctes’.428

Hs hk hsth shkto`n quh cns hsgrotnrhs ocustre`ns gnihkzernk e `o-luk`or ce hsphrekze `h uke npoko÷k mhkhrec, regonkec h oklnrie-`e `h cns esuktns púdcogns hk ce sngoh`e` lrekghse, –QcnsY sotons`h rhuko÷k, hk cns quh ce `hvngo÷k e ce cothreture y ec erth `h cegnkvhrsego÷k sh thkéek hk mrek hstoie, cchmernk e gnkvhrtorsh ‐ 

hsphgoecihkth cns secnkhs lrekghshs‐ hk cumerhs `nk`h ce eutn-ro`e` `h ce ermuihktego÷k supcekt÷ e ce `h uk tétucn’,42< `h hstelnrie, c‟ npokonk pudcoquh sh ertogucede e trevïs `h cns okthrgeidons`h oklnriego÷k grétoge quh, sndrh cns esuktns `h okthrïs púdcogn,sh vhrtéek hk ces rhukonkhs `h okthchgtuechs1 –gnk hc okgrhihktn


 Rrogh, \okghkt, Npoko÷k Rúdcoge. Hslhre púdcoge y gniukogego÷k. Reo`÷s, Derghcnke.5??0, p. 44.420 Glr. Odé`hi.428 Odé`hi.42< Odé` . p. 47.

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`h uke hslhre púdcoge pncétoge egtove, ce npoko÷k púdcoge hihrmo÷gnin uke kuhve lnrie `h eutnro`e` pncétoge, gnk ce guec ce dur-

muhsée pn`ée `hseer ec pn`hr edsncutn’.42= Dejn hsth hsquhie,hk hc quh gnokgo`ohrnk ce oklnriego÷k y hc `hdeth `h uk `osgursnreznke`n, sh luh gnkstruyhk`n hc hsquhie dåsogn `h cn quh fnygnknghins gnin npoko÷k púdcoge, hc `osgursn mhkhrecoze`n quh`hrove `h uk `hdeth reznke`n sndrh uk thie púdcogn. Wok hi-dermn, snk verons cns eutnrhs quh gnokgo`hk hk hxprhser ce lecte `hgnkshksn y gnnr`okego÷k pere `hkor cn quh hs ce npoko÷k púdcoge,

Gåk`o`n Inkz÷k ihkgonke quh hk hc rhgnrro`n quh fe fhgfn hksu dúsquh`e pnr `hkor hc tïriokn, fe cchme`n e uke gnkgcuso÷kgcere: –ce okhxosthkgoe h uk gnkghptn ukévngn y våco`n pere tn`ns,pnr hc gnktreron, ïsth sh iuhstre gnklusn, gnipchjn, pncosïiogn y luhrthihkth gnk`ogonke`n pnr ces `ostoktes phrsphgtoves hk cesquh sh fek sotue`n tn`ns cns okthrhse`ns hk hc thie’.426 \okghktRrogh `ogh: –Iugfns hsgrotnrhs sndrh hc thie `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge

gnihkzernk gnk destekth rez÷k, pnr feghrsh ce prhmukte dåso-ge: ¾Uuï hkthk`hins hxegteihkth pnr npoko÷k púdcoge> Q...Y Rngnsgnkghptns fek grhe`n uk okthrïs sngoec y pncétogn y uk `hdeth ok-thchgtuec tek hxthksn’.42? @evo`snk: –QKn feyY uke `hkogo÷k mh-khrecihkth eghpte`e’,452 okgcusn fey quohkhs gnk tntec letecosingerogeturozek ce `ogucte` `h hkgnktrer uk gnkghptn ukåkoih `hnpoko÷k púdcoge `ogohk`n: –Fedcer gnk prhgoso÷k `h npoko÷k púdcoge, hs

uk hiphõn kn iuy `olhrhkth `h vïrshces gnk hc hspérotu sektn’.455

42= Odé`hi.426 Inkz÷k, Gåk`o`n, Npoko÷k púdcoge, gniukogego÷k y pncétoge. Ce lnriego÷k hc hspegon púdcogn, h`.Phgkns, Ie`ro`, 5??<, p. 747.42? Rrogh, \okghkt, np. got., p. 5=.452 @evo`snk, ].R., –Rudcog Npokonk: Oktrn`ugtonk’, hk @. C. Woccs Gnip. Okthrketonkec Hkgy-gcnph`oe nl tfh Wngoec Wgohkgh (\nc. 57, pp. 566-5?=  ), IgIoccek, Khw _nra, 5?<6, p. 566, gote`nhk Rrogh, \okghkt, np. got., p. 50.455 Ahy, \. N., Rudcog Npokonk ek` Eihrogek @hingregy. Khw _nra, 5?<6, p. 6, gote`n hk: (Rrogh,\okghkt, np. got., p. 50).

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Knrdhrtn Dnddon, nlrhgh uk gnkghptn `h npoko÷k púdcoge gninuke egtotu` grétoge, regonkec y dohk oklnrie`e, quh ce sngoh`e`

utocoze pere gniukoger sus okquohtu`hs h okuor sndrh ces `hgoson-khs pncétoges:

–Ce npoko÷k púdcoge cn hs hk uk `ndch shkto`n: she hk hc in-ihktn `h su lnriego÷k, pnrquh kn hs prove`e y hk guektn–npoko÷k’ sohiprh hs npokedch, geidoe gnk hc tohipn y puh`hshr ndjhtn h oshkso÷k Q…Y Hk guektn –púdcoge’, n cn quh hs cn

iosin phrthkhgohkth ec åidotn ukovhrsec y pncétogn, fedrée quhfedcer `h npokonkhs hk pcurec, pnrquh hk hc ukovhrsec pncétognkn fey hspegon pere uke snce vhr`e` pncétoge, pere uke hposth-ingregoe. Ce npoko÷k púdcoge kn gnokgo`h gnk ce vhr`e`, pnrcn iosin quh hs npoko÷k, @nxe y kn hposthih, phrn, hk cn quhsh lnrie y erie hk hc `hdeth, hxprhse uke egtotu` regonkec,grétoge y dohk oklnrie`e. Ce hxosthkgoe `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge

hs uk lhk÷ihkn `h ce h`e` in`hrke: `h fhgfn prhsupnkh ukesngoh`e` govoc shpere`e `hc hste`n, uke sngoh`e` codrh y ertogu-ce`e, hk ce quh fey ghktrns quh gnksohkthk ce lnriego÷k `hnpokonkhs kn ok`ovo`uechs, techs gnin cns phro÷`ogns y ces rhvos-tes, cns gcudhs y cns secnkhs, cns perto`ns y ces esngoegonkhs, cedncse y hc ihrge`n, n she uk púdcogn `h pertogucerhs esngoe`ns,okthrhse`ns hk gnktrncer ce pncétoge `hc mndohrkn, eukquh kn sh

`hserrncch uke egtovo`e` pncétoge okih`oete’.454

Hste hs uke `hkogo÷k kn iuy chjeke e ce quh cns codhrechs `h ceocustrego÷k fedéek hkthk`o`n pnr npoko÷k púdcoge, Dhktfei, Gnks-tekt y Muoznt, gnktokuek`n gnk ce voso÷k `h Cngah, ce fedéek yevostn gnin uke okstekgoe quh gnkhrh e cns gou`e`ekns –uke egto-ve pertogopego÷k pncétoge, pnkoïk`nce hk gnk`ogonkhs h osgutor y

`h iekolhster ces prnpoes npokonkhs sndrh ces guhstonkhs h okthrïs

454 Dnddon, Knrdhrtn, @oggonkeron `h Gohkgoe Rncétoge, h`. Womcn VVO, Iïxogn, 5??4, p. 52=8.

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púdcogn’.457 Wok hidermn, hste `hkogo÷k `h npoko÷k púdcoge shfe hklrhkte`n e uk mrek kúihrn `h grétoges `hrove`es `h ce mrek

okuhkgoe quh tohkhk cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k iesove hk hcprnghsn `h su lnriego÷k, fedohk`n quohkhs eriek quh kn feyuke npoko÷k púdcoge grétoge y reznke`e.

Gnin ye ihkgonkeins, hk prokgopon fey uke `ovhrso`e` `h npo-konkhs eghrge h cn quh hs n `h cn quh hdh shr ce npoko÷k púdcoge.@hs`h ce ÷ptoge h ces ostoktes osgopcokes hsth gnkghptn tohkh uke

gnkkntego÷k `olhrhkth, Gåk`o`n Inkz÷k ihkgonke quh pere cesgohkgoes juré`ogn-pncétoges sh ch gnkso`hre –`hs`h uk puktn h vosteokstotugonkec y gnin gnkghptn pncétogn’, hs`h ce psogncnmée sngoecsh ch ednr`e –gnin uk gnipnrteiohktn gnchgtovn (ec prokgopon) ygnin uke hxtrepncego÷k `h ces npokonkhs y egtotu`hs ok`ovo`uechsn mrupechs e ces npokonkhs `h ce pndcego÷k (`hspuïs)’, ce sngon-cnmée cn esuih –`hs`h hc ekåcosos `h ces npokonkhs `h uk kuhvn

gnkmcnihre`n sngoec, cns púdcogns, hk hstrhgfe rhcego÷k gnk cespeutes `h gnipnrteiohktn y gnktrnc sngoec, phrn `ostokmuohk`ngcereihkth ce hxosthkgoe `h `ns topns `h npoko÷k púdcoge: uke npoko÷k púdcoge rhec, rhspnksedch y reznke`e y ntre,  pshu`n-npoko÷k púdcoge,orregonkec y hxpuhste e ce iekopucego÷k’, y kecihkth, sh hk-guhktre ce phrsphgtove quh tohkhk ces gohkgoes h ce gniukogego÷k:

–Hc hstu`on `h cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k y sus hlhgtns, shhkgnktreråk gnk uke npoko÷k púdcoge hkthk`o`e dejn uke `ndch`oihkso÷k: hk proihr cumer, gnin uk lhk÷ihkn quh ye hxosthhk ce sngoh`e` y, pnr cn tektn, quh sh puh`h eggh`hr e ïc peregeidoercn n rhlnrzercn, y, hk shmuk`n cumer ‐tec gnin sh `hs-grodh hk hc in`hcn hstéiucn-rhspuhste‐ gnin uk lhk÷ihknquh cns ih`ons puh`hk grher’.450

457 Glr. Odé` ., p. 52==.450 Glr. Inkz÷k, Gåk`o`n, np. got ., p. 748.

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Hs prndedchihkth `hs`h ce ÷ptoge `h hste úctoie `osgopcoke, quh`hdhins ednr`er hc prndchie `hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchg-

tnrechs, quozås pnrquh cns ih`ons tohkhk uke mrek luhrze hk cemhkhrego÷k h npokonkhs sndrh ovhrsns thies, hktrh hccns, hc h cepncétoge. Hc iosin Inkz÷k cn justoge `ogohk`n:

–Rnsodchihkth hk ce egtueco`e`, hc ihjnr hkierquh pere hchstu`on `h hste `osgopcoke, Qce npoko÷k púdcogeY, she ce gniuko-gego÷k pncétoge y ces reznkhs quh puh`hk evecer hste npoko÷k sh

puh`hk gnkgrhter hk `ns: proihrn, quh hs e trevïs `h cns hstu-`ons `h gniukogego÷k pncétoge `nk`h ce npoko÷k púdcoge rhgu-phre y sh hkguhktre gnk uke `oihkso÷k ‐ce pncétoge‐ quh cnsth÷rogns `hc somcn VOV fedéek `hko`n gnin dåsoge y luk`e-ihktec. Ce suphrego÷k `hc hklnquh rh`uggonkoste, `hkukgoe`npnr F. Dcuihr y J.D. Chihrth, y hc hkguhktrn `h ces gohkgoespncétoges gnk ces gohkgoes `h ce gniukogego÷k, `hvncvhråk `h

kuhvn hste geregthréstoge ec hstu`on `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge. Ceshmuk`e, quh gnktek`n gnk ce okvhstomego÷k hk gniukogego÷kpncétoge kns hkgnktreins, e`hiås `h ce rhlhrhkgoe hxprhse ece npoko÷k púdcoge, gnk kuihrnsns thies quh lnriek perth `hcns gnkthko`ns `h hste `osgopcoke. Phkhins pnr hjhipcn: tn`nhc gepétucn rhcegonke`n gnk cns prnghsns, geipeões y gnipnr-teiohktns hchgtnrechs1 hc ekåcosos `h prnpemek`e pncétoge1 ces

rhcegonkhs hktrh mndhrke`ns y mndhrkekths y hktrh hc pn`hr`h cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k pncétoge (rht÷roge pncétoge)1 cnshstu`ons sndrh gucture y sngoecozego÷k pncétoge1 hc thie `h cegnk`ugte y ces egtotu`hs pncétoges1 y hc hstu`on `h cns perto`nspncétogns gnin hscednkhs okthrih`ons hktrh hc sosthie pncétogn y cns gou`e`ekns’.458

458 Odé`., p. 77<.

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@hs`h hc geipn h hstu`on `h ce gniukogego÷k pncétoge, ce npoko÷k púdcoge tnie uke phrsphgtove `ostokte e ce `h ce tre`ogo÷k codhrec, y

kns ok`ugh e prhmukterkns pnr hc prnghsn h su lnriego÷k: ¾g÷inpertogopek cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k hk hccn y gnk quï okthk-go÷k> Jórmhk Fedhries ndshrve quh so dohk ce npoko÷k púdcoge hs ukgnkshksn `h ce vncukte` prnpoe `h cns gou`e`ekns, hstå goihkte-`e hk hc prnghsn `h ce prnpoe gniukogego÷k pncétoge, hs `hgor, cevhr`e`hre hshkgoe y vecnr hc hstu`on h ce npoko÷k púdcoge re`ogehk ndshrver hc prnghsn `h grhego÷k, –ce luhkth `h chmotoio`e` kn

hs ce vncukte` prh`hthrioke`e `h cns ok`ovo`uns sokn iås dohk hcprnghsn `h su lnriego÷k’.45<

Fedhries kns prhshkte ce pnsodoco`e` `h quh ce npoko÷k púdcoge shertoguch e pertor `h cns eperetns o`hnc÷mogns `hc Hste`n quh shpudcogotek45= e trevïs `h ce gniukogego÷k púdcoge, ihkgonke quhhxosth uk eperetn y hspegon pnr hc guec hc Hste`n y sus nrmekoze-

gonkhs okthktek oipnkhr uk `osgursn o`hnc÷mogn thk`ohkth e phr-iekhghr hk hc gou`e`ekn:

–Juktn e ces mrek`hs okstotugonkhs pudcogéstoges y hk gnkhxo÷kgnk hcces (uk eperetn quh, gohrteihkth, rhprhshkte hc iåxoin`h pudcogo`e`, phrn dohk pngn `h npoko÷k), sh fe gnkstotuo`nuk kuhvn eperetn quh vohkh e e`eptersh e ces kuhves khghso-

`e`hs `h pudcogo`e` `hc Hste`n y `h cns gnksnrgons, thkhins

45< Fedhries, Jórmhk, Fostnroe y grétoge `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge: Ce trekslnriego÷k hstrugturec h ce vo`e púdcoge, tre`. Ektnko @nihkhgf, 5??0, p. 4<.45= Ce knte hc tre`ugtnr h ce h`ogo÷k echieke h 5??2 ec hspeõnc shõece quh: –sh tre`ughequé sohiprh hxghptn hk hc tétucn `hc codrn, QFostnroe y grétoge `h ce npoko÷k púdcogeY, cevnz echieke üllhktcogfahot pnr pudcogo`e` Q…Y Equé sh okthkte rhguphrer su rhlhrhkgoe,iås ergeoge, ec hste`n y geco`e` `h ces gnses púdcoges, gnk hc gnkvhkgoiohktn `h quh hste

pecedre vohrth, hk hc prhshkth gnkthxtn ihjnr e üllhktcogfahot quh e vo`e sngoec púdcoge, npoko÷k púdcoge n, soipchihkth, cn púdcogn, tn`es hcces vhrsonkhs eghptedchs, hk `olhrhkths gnkthxtns,`hc tïriokn echiåk’. (Fedhries, np. got., p. 7=).

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equé Q…Y ntre –npoko÷k púdcoge’ quh, gohrteihkth , –npoke’sndrh iugfes gnses, phrn quh hk cn hshkgoec okthkte gnkmu-

rersh h oipnkhrsh hk ce sngoh`e` `h uk in`n dohk `ostoktn ec`h –púdcogn’.456

 @h hste iekhre hc prnghsn `h lnriego÷k `h ce npoko÷k púdcogesh gnkvohrth hk ce poh`re ekmucer `hc hstu`on `hc tïriokn, hk ceih`o`e hk quh hc Hste`n y sus nrmekozegonkhs utocozek ce gniuko-gego÷k púdcoge pere chmotoier su phriekhkgoe y ce eghptego÷k `h

sus prnmreies `h mndohrkn, sh `e uke trekslnriego÷k lukgonkec`h ce pudcogo`e` pncétoge.

Hs equé `nk`h hkgnktreins uk susthktn th÷rogn ec supuhstn `hquh cns perto`ns pncétogns y nrmekozegonkhs ekhs ec Hste`n, gnks-truyhk uk osgursn pncétogn quh okthktek oipcekter e trevïs h cnsiess ih`oe pere okuor hk ce lnriego÷k `h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtn-

rechs, –ce prnpemek`e hs ce ntre lukgo÷k Qce proihre hk gniphk-ser okthrhshsY gnk ce quh efnre germe ce pudcogo`e`, `nioke`epnr cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k `h ieses. Cns perto`ns y susnrmekozegonkhs euxocoerhs sh vhk khghsote`ns `h okuor pudcogésto-geihkth sndrh ces hgosonkhs h sus hchgtnrhs h uk in`n ekåcnmne ce prhso÷k pnr hc rhgcein pudcogoteron sndrh ces `hgosonkhs `h cnsgnksuio`nrhs: surmh ce ok`ustroe `hc ierahtokm pncétogn’.45?

7.4 Ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e`, hc hstu`on `hc

geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs

Hk ce shmuk`e iote` `hc gepétucn `ns, `hsgrodoins cns hchihk-tns quh gnkstotuyhk ce Phnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` , e gnktokue-go÷k ekecozerhins cns hchihktns th÷rogns quh shråk esngoe`ns e

456 Odé` ., p. 447.45? Odé` ., p. 404.

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ce PET pere gnkgrhter uk hsquhie `h gnktrnc quh kns phrioterhecozer hc hstu`on `hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes.

Hk ce Lomure 0 pn`hins ndshrver ce rute ihtn`nc÷moge quh shmuo-rhins pere ekecozer ce gnk`ugte h cns hchgtnrhs, h hste lnrie ces proihres prhlhrhkgoes shråk esngoe`es gnk ce okthkgo÷k `h vntn quhrhmostrernk ces hkguhstes `urekth cns ihshs `h ierzn, edroc, ieyn y jukon. Ce oklnriego÷k hsterå esngoe`e ec `osgursn treksioto`n etrevïs h cns spnts urekth ce geipeõe, ces grhhkgoes regonkechs shråk

equhcces quh sh mhkhrhk e pertor `h ce oklnriego÷k `h cns spnts,ces hingonkhs regonkechs, shråk rhvose`es gnin ces mhkhre`es pnr cesgrhhkgoes regonkechs, pertogucerihkth prhsterhins ethkgo÷k hk`ns: hsphrekze y ioh`n, y kecihkth, cns `hshns regonkechs quh sh`hshkge`hkeråk e pertor `h ge`e uke `h ces hingonkhs ihkgon-ke`es pere iekthkhr n geidoer ce proihre prhlhrhkgoe, hstn gnkce okthkgo÷k `h thkhr uk susthktn th÷rogn s÷co`n hk hc guec sh sns-

thkme kuhstre rute `h ekåcosos ihtn`nc÷mogn, hs `hgor, treteins `hgnkjukter hc gnktrnc nphretovn quh nlrhgh ce PET gnk cn quh cethnrée pncétoge kns nlrhgh.

Lomure 0

 Hchihktns th÷rogns vokguce`ns ec in`hcn `h ce PHT

RTOIHT @HWHN(Rrhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec)

WHMXK@N @HWHN(Iekthkhr n geidoer

hc proihr `hshn shmúkhingo÷k regonkec `hhsphrekze n ioh`n)


(Mhkhre`es pnr grhhkgoesregonkechs, mhkhre`es `h

oklnriego÷k `h spnts)


GTHHKGOE(Mhkhre`es `h oklnriego÷k

`h spnts)

OKLNTIEGO×K(@hrove`e `h spnts)

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7.4.5 Rrhlhrhkgoes. Ces hkguhstes hchgtnrechs

Ce npoko÷k púdcoge, gnin ye fhins ihkgonke`n, hs uk lhk÷ih-kn quh sh vh okuhkgoe`n hk su prnghsn h lnriego÷k pnr cns ih-`ons h gniukogego÷k, e hgor h Fedhries, hs hc rhsucte`n h ukprnghsn quh dusge ce chmotoio`e` `h ce eggo÷k pncétoge. Hk hc gesn`h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs, ce npoko÷k púdcoge tre`ogonkecihk-th sh fe okthkte`n ih`or e trevïs `h ces hkguhstes hchgtnrechs, hsththie h ces hkguhstes quh io`hk ce npoko÷k púdcoge hs suieihk-

th pncïiogn, Teúc Prhjn @hcerdrh `ogh ec rhsphgtn:

–Ces hkguhstes, gnin tektn phrn kn sohiprh prnvhgfnseihkthsh fe `ogfn, kn kns nlrhghk prnk÷stogns, sokn `oemk÷stogns `huke sotuego÷k sngoec hsphgoge. Wnk lntnmrelées h uk inihktn`hthrioke`n’.442

Hc hkguhste`nr ihxogekn Xcoshs Dhctråk e`vohrth quh –uke hk-guhste hs uke ih`ogo÷k `h npokonkhs y prhlhrhkgoes ec inihktnhktrh ce pndcego÷k’.445 Rn`hins `hgor quh ces hkguhstes snk cnsokstruihktns gohktégns quh kns eghrgek e gnknghr hk prnih`oncn quh uk shmihktn h ce pndcego÷k npoke sndrh uk thie hk mhkh-rec, –hk tïriokns o`hechs, snk okstruihktns pere ih`or hc åkoin`h ce sngoh`e`, n `h uk shmihktn `h hcce.444

Hk rhcego÷k gnk ce pncétoge, gniúkihkth cn quh sh io`h hk ces hk-guhstes snk ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs, rhmucerihkth hc hchihktniås sncogote`n hs hc `h okthkgo÷k `h vntn, y hk tektn su rhcego÷kgnk hc hjhrgogon `h pn`hr, –snk okuhkgoedchs, h okgcusn puh`hk

442 Prhjn @hcedrh, Teúc, –Ces phnrhs npokonkhs. Npoko÷k púdcoge, hkguhstes, hchggonkhs yih`ons hk Iïxogn, 5??0’, hk: Eo Geip, Tn`hrog, Hkguhstes y `hingregoe: Npoko÷k púdcoge yephrture pncétoge hk Iïxogn, h`. Womcn VVO, Iïxogn, 5??=, p. 87.445 Dhctråk, Xcoshs, –Hc erg÷k `h ces hkguhstes’, hk: Thvoste Khxns, Ieyn 422< , Iïxogn, p. 46.444 Prhjn @hcedrh, Teúc, np. got., p. 80.

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shr iekopucedchs’.447  Ces hkguhstes hchgtnrechs fek `hsphrte`nethkgo÷k hsphgoec pnrquh sh fek utocoze`n teidoïk pere okuor

hk ces thk`hkgoes `h cns hchgtnrhs e levnr `h ecmúk gek`o`etn nperto`n, e`hiås `h quh fek esuio`n uk pephc `h okstruihktnschmotoie`nrhs, iås quh `h oklnrie`nrhs `h pncétogns n ih`ons `hgniukogego÷k.440

@hdhins egcerer quh hk hste okvhstomego÷k kn kns okthrhse pnch-iozer so ces hkguhstes puh`hk n kn gnkstotuorsh gnin uk ih`on

`h gnktrnc sngoec, n so ïstes gnkcchvek uke iekopucego÷k `h quohkces rhecoze, cn quh okthrhse rhsecter hs quh hs cn úkogn quh fny shtohkh pere `er uke hxpcogego÷k iås n ihkns eghptedch sndrh cesnpokonkhs quh sh mhkhrek `hktrn `h uk prnghsn hchgtnrec hk ukprhgosn inihktn.

Gnin sh ihkgonk÷ ekthronrihkth, ces hkguhstes snk cns okstru-

ihktns gohktégns quh iås kns eghrgek e uke re`onmrelée hchgtn-rec sndrh ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs hk hsh inihktn, –ce hkguhs-te kn fegh prh`oggonkhs, sokn uk gnrth `h ce rheco`e` y iuhstre,hste`éstogeihkth, hc gnipnrteiohktn sngoec’.448  Wo dohk ces hk-guhstes kn puh`hk `er guhkte `h ce npoko÷k `h tn`ns cns hchg-tnrhs, cns iïtn`ns hste`éstogns quh utocoze hc hkguhste`nr sh fek`hserrncce`n e tec mre`n quh uke hkguhste chvekte`e `ées prhvons

e uke hchggo÷k, sh eghrge geso hk su tnteco`e` ec rhsucte`n kec.Rere chhr uke hkguhste, shõece Xcoshs Dhctråk, fey quh gnknghrce lnrie hk quh sh hxpnkhk cns rhsucte`ns, ye quh –sh `oluk`hk`hiesoe`es golres, feste trhs: ce prhlhrhkgoe drute, ce prhlhrhkgoe hlhgtove, y ce hstoiego÷k gnk desh hk prndedchs vntekths’.44<

447 É`hi.440 Glr. ]nctnk, @niokoquh, –Ce gniukogego÷k pncétoge: Gnkstruggo÷k h uk in`hcn’, hk:]nctnk, Lhrry (Gnip.), Hc kuhvn hspegon púdcogn, Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5??4, p. 567.448 Prhjn @hcedrh, Teúc, np. got ., p. 8=.44< Dhctråk, Xcoshs, np. got.

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Ce prhlhrhkgoe drute hs ce hstoiego÷k quh sh fegh gnktek`n e tn`ns cnshktrhvoste`ns –tektn e cns quh sé kns ojhrnk su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtn-

rec gnin cns quh kn ce tohkhk n kn quosohrnk hxprhserce1 hs `hgor,equhccns quh rhmostreins gnin –kokmukn’, –kn sedh’ n kn –gnk-thst÷’ hk ce prhmukte `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs’.44= Thmucerihk-th e cns quh kn hxprhsek ecmuke prhlhrhkgoe sh chs `hknioke ok`h-gosns, eukquh hstrogteihkth hsth gnkjuktn gnrrhspnk`h e cns quhkn sedhk pnr quoïk vnteréek so hk hsh inihktn luhre ce hchggo÷k.

Ce prhlhrhkgoe hlhgtove sh lnrie rhesomkek`n e quohkhs kn hxprhse-rnk su prhlhrhkgoe, hstn hs: –Thpertoïk`ncns h eguhr`n e supuhs-tns sndrh sus pnsodchs prhlhrhkgoes n soipchihkth omknråk`ncns’.Hk ce ieynrée `h ngesonkhs hs ihjnr omknrercns pere kn esuior–gnses sndrh su gnipnrteiohktn quh geso sohiprh snk supuhstnskn luk`e`ns `hc okvhstome`nr’. _e rhesomke`ns, sh gecguce ce prn-pnrgo÷k quh ch gnrrhspnk`h e ge`e perto`n y `h hste iekhre ye

gnkteins gnk uke re`onmrelée iås hxegte.446

Ce ihjnr hstoiego÷k hs ce `h cns vntekths prndedchs, ye quh –o`hkto-ge e quohkhs e k `h guhktes shråk somkogetovns e ce fnre `h cehchggo÷k’. Rere o`hktogercns sh rhecozek ecmukes prhmuktes quhkns ok`ogek –cn oklnrie`e n okthrhse`e quh hstå ce phrsnke equohk sh hktrhvoste sndrh ce geipeõe, ce snco`hz `h su prhlhrhkgoe

n quï prndedoco`e` tohkh `h or e vnter’. Hc iïtn`n pere feghrcn`hphk`h `h ge`e gese hkguhste`nre, ye quh ïsth sh ve phrlhggon-kek`n gnk ce hxphrohkgoe.44?

Fey quh shõecer quh ce chgture `h ces hkguhstes `hdh feghrshprnih`oek`n veroes hkguhstes, ye quh hk iugfns gesns ces ge-

44=  É`hi.446 Glr. É`hi.44? Glr. É`hi.

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ses hkguhste`nres prhshktek rhsucte`ns `oséiochs, cn quh fey quhfeghr hs `osgroioker hsns `etns hcoiokek`n cns quh sh sechk `hc

prnih`on quh hc gnkjuktn `h hkguhste`nrhs hstå pudcogek`n. Rnrúctoin shõece, –Ces hkguhstes s÷cn iuhstrek hc hste`n egtuec `hces prhlhrhkgoes. Hvhktns gnin hsgåk`ecns, pudcogo`e` khmetove n`hdeths puh`hk in`ogerces’.472

Rn`hins gnkgcuor quh pere hc gesn h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs,tnierhins gnin supuhstns cns hchihktns th÷rogns ekths ihkgon-

ke`ns, pere prhshkter cns rhsucte`ns quh pudcogernk ces `ovhrsesgeses hkguhste`nres `urekth cns ihshs `h ierzn, edroc, ieyn y jukon.

7.4.4 Oklnriego÷k. Gniukogego÷k pncétoge,

iess ih`oe y phrsueso÷k

Hc hchihktn oklnriego÷k, quozås rhsucth `h votec oipnrtekgoe hkhc in`hcn `h ce PET, ye quh `h ce oklnriego÷k ndthko`e `hrove-råk ces `ostoktes grhhkgoes y hingonkhs quh `hk gursn ec prnghsnregonkec `h cns hchgtnrhs1 e gnktokuego÷k ihkgonkerhins cns hch-ihktns th÷rogns quh esngoerhins gnk hste gethmnrée pere esuiorce lnrie y ihgekosins hk quh cns spnts prnpnrgonkernk oklnrie-go÷k e cns hchgtnrhs.

Gniukogego÷k pncétoge

Ce gniukogego÷k hs hc prnghsn hk hc quh sh luk`eihkte ce vo`e sn-goec, –guek`n fedceins h gniukogego÷k fuieke, kns rhlhroinsec prnghsn `h prn`uggo÷k `h shkto`n ih`oekth hc okthrgeidon `h

472 Glr. É`hi.

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shõechs y ihksejhs hktrh sujhtns fuiekns’.475 Hk uk okogon ce gn-iukogego÷k fuieke sh pcekth÷ gnin uk prnghsn rhgéprngn, uk

hiosnr y uk rhghptnr quh okthrgeidoek uk ihksejh `h o`e y ukn`h rhmrhsn.

Cns ihksejhs –somkogek e pertor `h gnkvhkgonkhs fost÷roges ygucturecihkth mhkhre`es, pnr ih`on `h ces guechs prn`ugoinsshkto`n iås n ihkns hk gniúk, cn guec phrioth ce gniukogego÷kfuieke’ Ce gniukogego÷k pncétoge hs hspegon `nk`h sh oksteure ce

gniukogego÷k hktrh mndohrkn, nrmekozegonkhs pncétoges y mndhr-ke`ns.474

Okogoecihkth ce gniukogego÷k fuieke luh pnsodch gnk ce epero-go÷k `hc chkmuejh, Monvekko Wertnro `hkh ec fnidrh gnin ukekoiec cnquex `h ce somuohkth lnrie:

–Cn quh fegh úkogn ec fnin sepohks hs su gepego`e` soid÷cogeQ…Y y ce gepego`e` soid÷coge `h cns shrhs fuiekns quh sh `hs-pcohme hk hc chkmuejh, hk ce gepego`e` `h gniukoger ih`oek-th uke ertogucego÷k `h snko`ns y –somkogekths’, prnvostns `hsomkoge`ns’.477

Peidoïk shõece quh: –ces govocozegonkhs sh `hserrnccernk gnk ce

hsgroture, y hs hc tråksotn `h ce gniukogego÷k nrec e ce pecedrehsgrote cn quh `hserrncce uke govocozego÷k’,470 gnk ce okvhkgo÷k `hce iåquoke `h oiprhkte sh hsphrede uk sectn somkogetovn hk hc`hserrnccn `h kuhves lnries `h gniukogego÷k, sok hidermn, ïste

475 Wåkgfhz Tuoz, Hkroquh, Gniukogego÷k y `hingregoe. Gue`hrkns `h `ovucmego÷k `h ce guc-ture hingråtoge, OLH, Iïxogn, 4220, p. 58.474 Glr. É`hi.477 Wertnro, Monvekko,  Fnin \o`hks, ce sngoh`e` thch`oromo`e, h`. Ruktn `h Chgture, Iïxogn,422?, p. 4?.470  É`hi.

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gnktoku÷ sohk`n nrec, –chhr y thkhr quh chhr, luh feste kechs `hcsomcn V\ uk provochmon h pnquésoins ngtns’.478 Gnk cns evekghs

thgknc÷mogns `hc somcn VOV y VV hs quh sh `e uk mrek evekgh hkce lnrie `h gniukogego÷k, sndrh tn`n gnk ce eperogo÷k `hc thcï-mreln, `hc thcïlnkn y `h ce re`on, surmo÷ ce pnsodoco`e` okstektåkhe`h rhprn`ugor ihksejhs e mrek hsgece. Wok hidermn hc mrek ok-vhktn quh rhvncugonk÷ ce lnrie `h gniukoger luh ce thchvoso÷k.47<

Wertnro e`vohrth quh gnk hsth hvhktn sh prn`ujn uke rupture, ce

gniukogego÷k `hj÷ `h cchversh e gedn e trevïs `h ce pecedre y shgnihkz÷ e rhecozer e trevïs `h ce oiemhk, gnk hstn, hc fnidrhpes÷ e shr iås uk ekoiec-vo`hkth quh uk ekoiec-soid÷cogn:

–Hs ce thchvoso÷k ce quh in`oge proihrn, y luk`eihktecihkthce keturechze iosie `h ce gniukogego÷k, puhs ce tresce`e `hcgnkthxtn `h ce pecedre ec gnkthxtn `h ce oiemhk. Ce pecedre

hs uk séidncn quh sh rhsuhcvh hk cn quh somkoge, hk cn quhkns fegh hkthk`hr. _ hkthk`hins ce pecedre sncn so pn`hins,hs `hgor, so gnknghins ce chkmue e ce quh phrthkhgh1 hk gesngnktreron, hs chtre iuhrte, uk somkn n snko`n guecquohre. Rnr hcgnktreron ce oiemhk hs pure y soipch rhprhshktego÷k vosuec’.47=

Hc prndchie luk`eihktec hs quh hc ok`ovo`un quh sh gniukoge e

trevïs `h ce oiemhk, `hje `h ce`n ce gniukogego÷k pnr chkmuejh,quh hs hc luk`eihktn `hc reznkeiohktn, gnin `hgée Roemht, sokchkmuejh kn fey phkseiohktn, pnr cn quh ce rhghpgo÷k `h oiå-mhkhs gnkcchve uke esoiocego÷k tntec `h ce oklnriego÷k rhgodo`e,Wertnro cn `hsgrodh esé:

478  É`hi.47< Glr. Odé` ., p. 74.47= Odé`., p. 04.

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–Ce thchvoso÷k prn`ugh oiåmhkhs y ekuce cns gnkghptns, y`h hsth in`n etrne kuhstre gepego`e` `h edstreggo÷k y

gnk hcce tn`e kuhstre gepego`e` `h hkthk`hr’.476

 Iess Ih`oe

_e fhins ihkgonke`n ec okogon `h hsth gepétucn gnin cns ih`ons`h gniukogego÷k sh gnkstotuyhk gnin hc ih`on pnr hc guec hc mn-dohrkn y sus nrmekozegonkhs dusgek elhgter hc prnghsn `h lnrie-

go÷k `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge. Muocchrin N‟ @nkkhcc ihkgonke quhhc pn`hr sh dese lrhguhkthihkth hk hc gnktrnc `h gohrtns rhgursns,hktrh hccns, hc –gnktrnc `h oklnriego÷k hk shkto`n eipcon’ y –ih-`ons `h phrsueso÷k, okuhkgoe y gnktrnc o`hnc÷mogn-gucturec hktrhntrns’.47?

Hstns esphgtns sh fek etroduo`n prokgopecihkth e cns ih`ons `h

gniukogego÷k, y hs hk hsth gnkthxtn, quh hc pn`hr hstetec y cnsperto`ns pncétogns usulrugtúek cns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k `hieses pere okuor, e trevïs `h su prnpemek`e pncétoge, hk ce phr-ghpgo÷k y npoko÷k `h cns gou`e`ekns, hste hstrethmoe tohkh ukethk`hkgoe e ce prhshrvego÷k `hc pn`hr.

Rnr ntrn ce`n, ce lnrie hk quh cns ih`ons sh fek gnkvhrto`n hk

cns prnvhh`nrhs `h oklnriego÷k púdcoge, fek cchve`n e iugfnseutnrhs e `hgor quh ce gniukogego÷k pncétoge quh sh `e e trevïs`h cns iess ih`oe gnklnrie hc kuhvn hspegon púdcogn.402 Hs hk hsth

476 Odé` ., p. 87.47? N°@nkkhcc, Muocchrin, –Epukths pere uke thnrée `hc Hste`n’, hk  Thvoste Ihxogeke `hWngoncnmée, \nc. VC, Kn. 0, 5?=6, p. 558?, gote`n hk: (Wåkgfhz Tuoz, Hkroquh, np. got ., p. 77).402 Xk hstu`on iås `htecce`n `hdhrée gnkthipcer hc pephc quh juhmek ces rh`hs sngoechshk okthrkht, hk iugfn hståk suphrek`n hc hspegon `h gniukogego÷k `h ce re`on y cethchvoso÷k. Fny hk `ée e trevïs `hc leghdnna  y hc twotthr  sh `hserrncce ce `osguso÷k `h thiespúdcogns y sh `e hc gnktegtn hktrh hc gou`e`ekn y ces phrsnkeco`e`hs púdcoges.

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iergn, quh ces geipeões pncétoges nlrhghk e cns gou`e`ekns ihk-sejhs phrsuesovns thk`ohkths e mhkhrer uke prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec

e su levnr.


Ce gniukogego÷k pnr keturechze hs phrsuesove, tohkh gnin ndjh-tovn in`oger n okuor hk ce gnk`ugte `hc ntrn, guek`n sh utoco-zek cns iess ih`oe gnin gekec `h `oluso÷k `h ihksejhs, hste ge-

regthréstoge phrsuesove sh pnthkgoecoze, cns ih`ons mhkhrek –ihk-sejhs n ih`oegonkhs hxprhsoves Q…Y iosins quh puh`hk dusgerhc cnmrn `h `olhrhkths keco`e`hs y ndjhtovns `hphk`ohk`n `h ceketurechze `h ge`e ih`on, `h cns mïkhrns n lnrietns `h cns prn-pons ihksejhs’.405 Wo hstns ihksejhs snk `h keturechze púdcoge,hcednre`ns pnr uk egtnr pncétogn mudhrkeihktec n sngoec, hktnk-ghs fedceins `h gniukogego÷k pncétoge.

@urekth uke geipeõe pncétoge, cns ih`ons juhmek uk pephc prn-tem÷kogn pere phrsue`or ec hchgtnre`n, –hk ce egtueco`e` ces gei-peões ye kn gnksosthk hk mrek`hs iekolhstegonkhs iesoves gnk`osgursns hcnguhkths, sokn hk hc usn ihrge`ntïgkogn h cns ih`ons`h `oluso÷k’,404 quh e trevïs `h ce phrsueso÷k ihjnrek y hgohkto-zek ce rhghpgo÷k `h cns ihksejhs.

Ce phrsueso÷k hs uk tïriokn pncïiogn, come`n ec `h `niokego÷k,so hkthk`hins hsth tïriokn hk lukgo÷k h ce gepego`e` `h okuorhk hc egtuer `hc ntrn, sh tohkhk `ns vées pere rhecozercn: ce hspnk-tåkhe y ce okthkgonkec, `hktrn `h ce proihre pn`hins hkgnktrerhc gerosie, ce lesgokego÷k, hc hkgektn y ce sh`uggo÷k1 `hktrn `hce shmuk`e sh hkguhktre ce gneggo÷k y ce phrsueso÷k1 hk ce gneg-

405 Wekgfhz Tuoz, Hkroquh, np. got ., p. 0?.404 Odé`., p. 82.

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go÷k sh utocoze ce luhrze, ce sekgo÷k y ces knries1 hk ce phrsueso÷ksh utocoze hc `osgursn, quh e trevïs `h prnpnrgonker oklnriego÷k,

ephce e ce hchggo÷k `hc ok`ovo`un.

Ce phrsueso÷k nphre prnpnrgonkek`n oklnriego÷k quh hc rhghp-tnr `hsgnkngh, rhsectek`n eptotu`hs n okhptotu`hs sndrh ecmuohk necmn, shmúk she hc ndjhtovn. Ec rhsphgtn Conkhc Dhcchkmhr gnihkte:

–Ce phrsueso÷k sh gnkvohrth hktnkghs hk uke prågtoge `h ce gn-

iukogego÷k gecguce`e hk lukgo÷k `h uk rhsucte`n. Hktre hk hcnr`hk `hc phkseiohktn hstretïmogn: hs rhspnksedch `h ces vuc-khredoco`e`hs `hc ntrn, ec iosin tohipn quh sh pohkse y e`io-kostre su prnpon ershkec `h ih`ons. Wh edesthgh `hc eciegïk `hce rht÷roge eipcoeihkth eprnvosonke`n pnr `ovhrses gnrrohkths,`hs`h cns snstes, Erost÷thchs y cns iehstrns `hc erth nretnron’.407

@hktrn `hc `osgursn phrsuesovn fey uke in`eco`e` quh fe rh-sucte`n hxotnse pere in`oger ce phrghpgo÷k `h ces phrsnkes, hc`osgursn lecsoge`n, hsth topn `h `osgursn tohkh gnin keco`e` ce`hlnriego÷k `h ce o`he n gnkghptn sndrh ecmn, –cceieins `hlnr-iego÷k e ces lnries `h ihktor quh gnksosthk hk fedcer `h ukegnse quh hxosth phrn geregthrozåk`nce `h uke iekhre lecez’,400 ces `hlnriegonkhs snk `h `ns topns: guektotetoves, hxemhrego÷k y

iokoiozego÷k1 y guecotetoves, o`hkto`e`, geregthréstoges y intovns.

Xsuecihkth hk ce prnpemek`e pncétoge sh utocozek ces hlnriegon-khs guecotetoves, okthktek`n rhgrher ce o`hkto`e` `h uk gek`o`etne trevïs `h ce o`hktogego÷k gnk ntrns `h iece rhputego÷k y gnkrhméihkhs `hs`hõedchs pere ce sngoh`e`.

407 Dhcchkmhr, Conkhc, Ce phrsueso÷k, h`. LGH, Iïxogn, 5?6?, p. 52.400 @urek`ok, Ce ihktore `h ce prnpemek`e pncétoge y hk ce pudcogo`e` , Reo`÷s, Derghcnke, 5?67,p. 55?.

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Rnr cn tektn, `hktrn `h kuhstrn ekåcosos sndrh hc geidon `h prh-lhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs hkthk`hrhins quh tn`e ce oklnriego÷k quh

rhgodh hc hchgtnr regonkec, sh hkguhktre elhgte`e pnr ces geregth-réstoges y ihgekosins ihkgonke`ns hk hsth sudék`ogh, esé iosinhkthk`hins quh e pertor `h ce oklnriego÷k quh rhgodh `h cns iessih`oe  sh grheråk grhhkgoes regonkechs.

7.4.7 Grhhkgoes regonkechs

Gnin ihkgonkeins ye hk hc proihr gepétucn, ce thnrée `h cehchggo÷k regonkec hxomh quh hc emhkth mesth uke gekto`e` gnkso-`hredch `h tohipn, hkhrmée y hsluhrzn hk rhgeder oklnriego÷k,hs `hgor, quh sus grhhkgoes –`hdhk hster luk`e`es gnrrhgteihkthhk ce hvo`hkgoe `ospnkodch, cn guec prhsupnkh teidoïk, eukquhshe hk lnrie `ïdoc, uke rhgnchggo÷k reznkedch `h ce oklnriego÷kphrtokhkth’.408

Ce gnk`ogo÷k hs puhs, quh pere quh uke grhhkgoe she regonkec,ïste `hdh luk`eihktersh hk ces hvo`hkgoes `h ces quh `ospnkh hcemhkth. _e rhvoseins teidoïk hk hc shmuk`n gepétucn ces lnrieshk ces quh ce regonkeco`e` lregese lrhkth e gesns `h ok`hthrioke-go÷k. Wh esuiorå hk hste okvhstomego÷k quh ces grhhkgoes regon-kechs shråk equhcces quh surjek guek`n hc emhkth –ndthkme uke

gekto`e` ÷ptoie `h oklnriego÷k, n pere shr iås prhgosns, quhokvohrthk uke gekto`e` ÷ptoie `h tohipn, hkhrmée y `okhrn hkrhgodor hse oklnriego÷k’.40< Kn ndstekth, y gnin ye shõeceins,ce oklnriego÷k puh`h shr vhr`e`hre n lecse, cn quh oipnrte hs hcprnghsn regonkec `h dúsquh`e.

408 @o gestrn, Hcosedhtte, Ce rez÷k `hshkgekte`e. Xk eghrgeiohktn e ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec .Okstotutn h Okvhstomegonkhs Locns÷ges-XKEI, Iïxogn, 4224, p. 557.40< Hcsthr, Jnk, Hmnkniogs. Ekåcosos h ce Okthreggo÷k hktrh Tegonkeco e`, Hingo÷k, Rrhlhrhkgoes y KnriesWngoechs hk ce Hgnkniée `h ce Eggo÷k Ok`ovo`uec y sus @hsvoegonkhs, Mh`ose, Derghcnke.5??=, p. 08.

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Xke grhhkgoe, ogh Cuos \occnrn, –hk su shkto`n iås mhkhrec somko-ge soipchihkth thkhr uk hkukgoe`n pnr vhr`e`hrn’, hk su lnr-

ie c÷moge, –grhhr quh R, somkoge soipchihkth quh R hs uk fhgfn,gnkter gnk R hk hc iuk`n’.40=

Rere Fïgtnr Zeiotoz, uke grhhkgoe puh`h hster luk`eihkte`ehk –uke ndshrvego÷k hipéroge, hk ce c÷moge, hk ce tre`ogo÷k, hk ceeghptego÷k pnr perth `h ntres phrsnkes n, okgcusovh, hk ce lh’.406 @h efé quh phkshins quh ces grhhkgoes regonkechs `h cns hchgtn-

rhs sh gnkstotuyek gnin hkukgoe`ns fopntïtogns `hrove`ns `h ceoklnriego÷k quh fek rhgede`n e trevïs h cns iess ih`oe, hk hsph-goec `h cns spnts pncétogns, e`hiås, Zeiotoz shõece quh –uk juogonc÷mogn dejn ce okuhkgoe `h ce eutnro`e` phrsnkec `h ecmuohk hkquohk sh grhh y pnr cn tektn sh grhh cn quh erie, cn quh fegh y cnquh prnihth’, cn quh kns cchve e phkser hk hc pephc quh jumernkcns ih`ons `h gniukogego÷k gnin cé`hrhs `h npoko÷k ec treksio-

tor uk spnt hk sus gekechs, hs `hgor, quh cn quh rhspec`ede hk suieoipnrtekgoe ce grh`odoco`e` `h ce oklnriego÷k quh treksiotée hrehc prhstomon h ce hiprhse thchvosnre quh cn treksiotée. E`hiås hhccn, ce grhhkgoe gnkcchve uke germe vecnretove quh ch hs hk`nse`epnr hc prnpon ok`ovo`un:

–Hs oipnrtekth shõecer quh ces grhhkgoes snk hxprhsonkhs quh

rhcegonkek e uk ndjhtn gnk gohrtn mre`n `h prndedoco`e` sud- jhtove (grhn hk ecmn feste quh ih perhzge sudjhtoveihkth prndedch quh she

gohrtn)1 sh io`hk e pertor `h su okthkso`e` y ce vecnrego÷k `hcprn`ugtn1 pnr tektn ce egtotu` rhsucte `h ce suie `h ces okthkso-`e`hs `h ces grhhkgoes iuctopcoge`es pnr ces vecnregonkhs `h cns

40= \occnrn, Cuos, Grhhr, sedhr, gnknghr, h`. Womcn VVO, Iïxogn, 4220, p. 75.406 Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr, –Grhhkgoes pncétoges’, hk: hc  Cïxogn `h ce \o`e Wngoec y ce Gnnphrego÷k. Rrnyhgtn e germn `h ce @re. Ceure Dege Nceihk`o y `hc @r. Lhrkek`n Gesteõh`e Wedo`n,Legucte` `h Gohkgoes Rncétoges y Wngoechs `h ce XKEI, ierzn, 4252, h`ogo÷k hk prnghsn(gnk eutnrozego÷k `h su eutnr).

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ndjhtns. Hk suie, ce grhhkgoe sh hkguhktre hk hsh thrrhkn `hcphkseiohktn hsphgucetovn guyn prokgopec okthrïs sh gnkghktre

hk hc fnidrh, hk su keturechze, hk sus vecnrhs y su `hstokn, `hefé cns `ovhrsns topns `h phkseiohktn: hc iétogn, hc iåmogn, hcrhcomonsn, quh fek gnklnrie`n pnr omuec `ovhrses grhhkgoes yquh hc phkseiohktn gohktégn fe trete`n `h khmer’.40?

Rnr cn quh pn`hins gnkgcuor quh ces grhhkgoes regonkechs `h cnshchgtnrhs hstuvohrnk elhgte`es pnr hc gnkngoiohktn prhvon quh hc

hchgtnr thkée sndrh hc hste`n `h ce guhsto÷k, ce vecnrego÷k `h ce pceu-sodoco`e` `h cns hkukgoe`ns rhgodo`ns pere gnkvhrtorcns hk ukegrhhkgoe regonkec n `hshgfercns.

7.4.0 Hingonkhs regonkechs

Gnin ihkgonkeins hk hc gepétucn ekthronr, ces hingonkhs re-

gonkechs `hrovek `h grhhkgoes regonkechs, eukquh hc thie `h ceshingonkhs hs hxthksn y kn iuy gcern ekecozerhins ecmukes ge-regthréstoges `h ces hingonkhs y guåchs snk ces quh ndshrverhinshk hc hstu`on `h gesn, pere gniprnder ce fop÷thsos `hc geidonregonkec `h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs.

Geregthréstoges `h ces hingonkhs

 Jnk Hcsthr o`hktoge ngfn hingonkhs quh cceie hingonkhs sn-goechs, –supnkhk uke hvecuego÷k pnsotove n khmetove `h kuhstregnk`ugte n gerågthr, n `h cns `h ce ntre phrsnke’,482 teidoïk ceso`hktoge gnin pnsotove n khmetove shmúk hc `ncnr n pceghr quhprnvngek:

40?  É`hi.482 Hcsthr, Jnk, Wndrh ces pesonkhs. Hingo÷k, e`oggo÷k y gnk`ugte fuieke, h`. Reo`÷s, Derghcnke,Hspeõe, 4225, p. 72.

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• \hrmóhkze. Hingo÷k khmetove `hshkge`hke`e pnr ukegrhhkgoe hk rhcego÷k gnk hc prnpon gerågthr.

•  @hsprhgon y n`on.  Hingonkhs khmetoves `hshkge`hke`espnr grhhkgoes sndrh hc gerågthr `h ntrns.

• Gucpe. Hingo÷k khmetove `hshkge`hke`e sndrh ce eggo÷k`hc ntrn.

• Einr prnpon n `omko`e`.  Hingo÷k pnsotove prnvnge`e pnruke grhhkgoe sndrh hc prnpon gerågthr.

• Woipetée. Hingo÷k pnsotove prnvnge`e pnr uke grhhkgoe

sndrh hc gerågthr `h ntrn.• Nrmuccn. Hingo÷k pnsotove prnvnge`e pnr uke grhhkgoe sn-

drh ce prnpoe eggo÷k.• E`iorego÷k. Hingo÷k pnsotove prnvnge`e pnr uke grhhkgoe

sndrh ce eggo÷k rhecoze`e pnr hc ntrn.485

Hcsthr rhgnkngh teidoïk ntrn gnkjuktn `h hingonkhs quh sh

prhshktek guek`n ces grhhkgoes sh iektohkhk gnin prndedchs npnsodchs, –hstes hingonkhs sh mhkhrek ec phkser hk gohrtes gnsesduhkes n ieces quh puh`hk n kn ngurror hk hc luturn y hk duhkesn ieces sotuegonkhs quh puh`hk n kn gnkshmuorsh hk hc prhshk-th’, hstes snk: ce hsphrekze, hc ioh`n, hc einr y cns ghcns, –pnrcn mhkhrec hstes hingonkhs prhgosek quh hc sughsn n hste`n hkguhsto÷k she vostn gnin ecmn iås quh ihreihkth gnkghdodch, hs

`hgor, `hdh hxostor uke npnrtuko`e` kn kuce `h quh puh`e hlhgto-veihkth ngurror n quh sh puh`e rhecihkth gnkshmuor’.484

Ec feghr uk ekåcosos lhknihknc÷mogn Hcsthr epukte quh ces hin-gonkhs guhktek gnk ces somuohkths geregthréstoges:

• Whksego÷k guecotetove sokmucer.

485 É`hi.484 Odé`., p. 74.

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• Eperogo÷k súdote.• Oiprhvosodoco`e`.• Gnrte `urego÷k.• Ces `hshkge`hke uk hste`n gnmkotovn.• @oromo`es fegoe uk ndjhtn okthkgonkec.• Ok`ughk geidons sonc÷mogns.• Pohkhk hxprhsonkhs sonc÷moges y sonk÷ioges.• Ok`ughk thk`hkgoes e rhecozer gohrtes eggonkhs• \ek egnipeõe`es `h pceghr n `ncnr.487

Wndrh cns hste`ns gnmkotovns hk hc ghrhdrn

Gnin ok`ogeins hk hc eperte`n 4.8.7, ces hingonkhs `hrovek `h`ovhrsns topns `h grhhkgoes, sok hidermn, sncn kns okthrhse hstu-`oer ces quh `hrovek `h grhhkgoes regonkechs, phrn veins e eke-cozer equé gnin hs quh sh `hshkge`hkek ces hingonkhs `hs`h uk

puktn `h voste `h ces khurngohkgoes.

Hcsthr, hk su codrn Wndrh ces pesonkhs, 480 fegh uk ekåcosos `hc tredejn`h Jnshpf Ch@nux, pere hxpcoger g÷in hs quh sh `hshkge`hkehk hc ghrhdrn uke rhspuhste hingonkec e uk hstéiucn, e pertor `huk hste`n gnmkotovn, y ekecoze ces `ns vées quh utocoze hc ghrhdrnpere `er uke rhspuhste hingonkec –snceihkth ukn `h hsns `ns

geiokns pese pnr ce perth `hc ghrhdrn quh hs gepez `h rhecozerhstoiegonkhs gnmkotoves’, ce ntre vée gnk`ugh `orhgteihkth e cerhspuhste hingonkec.

E gnktokuego÷k rhprn`ugoins uk pårreln `hc codrn `h Ch@nux,pere hxpcogercn:

487 É`hi.480 Hcsthr, Jnk, Wndrh ces pesonkhs… np. got .

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–Eukquh hc sosthie tecåiogn kn puh`h feghr `ostokgonkhs kes,ce vée `h ce eiém`ece tohkh uke vhkteje oipnrtekth sndrh ce vée

`hc okput gnrtogec. Hste vhkteje hs hc tohipn. Rere quh hc hstéiucneu`otovn ecgekgh ce eiém`ece e trevïs `h ce vée tecåioge sh rh-quohrh, hk hc gesn `h uke rete, ukns `ngh iocoshmuk`ns, y gesohc `ndch so sh rhecoze e trevïs `h ce vée gnrtogec. Ce vée tecåiogeQ…Y kn ch puh`h `hgor e ce eiém`ece gnk prhgoso÷k cn quh fey,phrn puh`h suiokostrer uke shõec råpo`e `h ce prhshkgoe `h ec-múk phcomrn. Hs uk sosthie `h prnghseiohktn råpo`n y destn n

pngn `osgroioketovn.

Oiemokhins quh geiokeins pnr hc dnsquh. Wh prn`ugh uk ruo-`n hxtreõn, ecmúk gforro`n. \e `orhgteihkth e ce eiém`ece, ecg÷rthx y ïsth cn rhgnkngh gnin uke reie shge quh sh quhdr÷gnk hc phsn h kuhstres dntes n gnin uke shrpohkth `h gesgedhcemotek`n su gnce. Rhrn guek`n hc g÷rthx fe cchme`n e hstedchghr

guåc hs hc rhsucte`n, ce eiém`ece ye fe gnihkze`n e `hlhk`hrsh`h ce shrpohkth. Ce oklnriego÷k prngh`hkth `hc tåcein kn vohkh ye ctre`e y shsme`e pere prnvnger hthrioke`es rhspuhstes. Hctredejn `hc g÷rthx hs oiph`or ce rhspuhste oke`hgue`e iås quhprn`ugor ce e`hgue`e n phrtokhkth. Rnr hc gnktreron, supnkme-ins quh hk hc geiokn vhins ecmn gurvn y kn. Ce gurveture yce `hcme`hz cchmek e ce eiém`ece `hs`h hc tåcein, iohktres quh

snceihkth hs hc g÷rthx hc quh `ostokmuh hktrh uke shrpohkth hk-rnsge`e y uk pecn gurvn. Wo hs uke shrpohkth, ce eiém`ece tohkhce vhkteje hk hc juhmn. @hs`h hc puktn `h voste `h ce suphrvovhk-goe, hs ihjnr rhspnk`hr e phcomrns pnthkgoechs gnin so `h fh-gfn luhrek rhechs hk vhz `h lregeser hk ce rhspuhste. Hc gnsth `hgnkso`hrer quh hc pecn hs uke shrpohkth hs ihknr, e cermn pcezn,quh hc gnsth `h treter e ce shrpohkth gnin so luhre uk pecn’.488

488 Ch@nux, Jnshpf, Pfh Hintonkec Dreok. Khw _nra, Woink ek` Wgfusthr, 5??<, p. 4?,gote`n hk: (Hcsthr, Jnk, Wndrh ces pesonkhs…np. got., p. 02).

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7.4.8 @hshns regonkechs y geidon regonkec

`h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs.

 Hsphrekze y ioh`n

 Ce hsphrekze y hc ioh`n shråk ces `ns hingonkhs quh ekecozerhinshk hc hstu`on `hc geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs `urekth hcprnghsn hchgtnrec `h 422<, rhgnr`hins quh hk hc eperte`n 4.8.0ihkgonkeins quh ces hingonkhs regonkechs eyu`ek e `er regon-

keco`e` e cns `hshns hk hc shkto`n hk quh ïstns epuktek e iekthkhrces gnk`ogonkhs quh setoslemek cns `hshns quh prnvngernk ce hingo÷k n ec hco-ioker ces gnk`ogonkhs quh cns lrustrernk, phrn teidoïk ihkgonkeinsce pnsodoco`e` `h quh uke hingo÷k regonkec, prnvngerå uk `hshn quhkn khghseroeihkth epukth e iekthkhr ces gnk`ogonkhs quh setoslemek hc `hshnquh prnvng÷ hse hingo÷k, hk hsth gesn hc `hshn mhkhrerå uk geidonregonkec `hc proihr `hshn.

Ce hingo÷k regonkec `hc proihr gesn, quh mhkhrerå uk `hshn re-gonkec quh eyu`erå e iekthkhr ces gnk`ogonkhs quh setoslemek hcproihr `hshn, hs ce hingo÷k `h hsphrekze, iohktres quh ce hingo÷kregonkec quh prnvngerå uk `hshn regonkec quh kn eyu`h e iek-thkhr ces gnk`ogonkhs quh setoslemek hc proihr `hshn sokn quh cngeidoh hs ce hingo÷k `h ioh`n.

Esé, hk kuhstrn hstu`on sndrh hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes,pertorhins `h ces somuohkths `ns fop÷thsos:

5. Ce hsphrekze iektohkh regonkecihkth ce prhlhrhkgoe.

Fop÷thsos: Ce hingo÷k regonkec `h hsphrekze, mhkhr÷ uk `hshn re-

gonkec hk hc hchgtnr quh ch fozn iekthkhr su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec. 

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4. Hc ioh`n geidoe regonkecihkth ce prhlhrhkgoe.

Fop÷thsos: Ce hingo÷k regonkec `h ioh`n, mhkhr÷ uk `hshn regon-kec hk hc hchgtnr quh fozn geidoer su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec.

Hstes ns fop÷thsos shråk gniprnde`es hk hc somuohkth gepétucn, ecgnktrester pnr phron`ns ihksuechs cns rhsucte`ns `h ces hkguhsteshchgtnrechs, ec okogon y ec kec, gnk cns spnts quh sh treksiotohrnkhk thchvoso÷k, cns guechs rhsecternk etrodutns n prnpnrgonkernk ok-

lnriego÷k `hknstetove fegoe ecmúk gek`o`etn. E`hiås sh okthk-terå o`hktoger hc topn `h hingo÷k quh mhkhr÷ ge`e topn `h spnt,e trevïs uk ekåcosos guecotetovn.

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hc pnrghktejh `h hchgtnrhs vncåtochs quh `hgo`ohrnk su vntn e pertor`h ce oklnriego÷k quh rhgodohrnk `h cns spnts hk thchvoso÷k, ce ok-

thrvhkgo÷k h cns pn`hrhs lågtogns y ce lnrie h gcesogego÷k h cnsspnts. Esoiosin, sh ekecozek cns spnts treksioto`ns pnr perth `hcREK y `h ce GRDP `urekth ce geipeõe, cns guechs sh gniperekgnk cns invoiohktns `h okthkgo÷k `h vntn quh rhmostrernk ces hk-guhstes `urekth cns ihshs `h ierzn, edroc, ieyn y jukon `h 422<.

0.5 Cns perto`ns y sus gek`o`etns

Hc < `h ngtudrh `hc 4228 `on okogon lnriec y chmec hc prnghsn hchg-tnrec 4228-422< pere ce hchggo÷k `h prhso`hkth `h ce rhpúdcoge,shke`nrhs y `opute`ns. Rrhvoeihkth sh fedéek cchve`n e gedn cnsprnghsns `h shchggo÷k `h gek`o`etns e ce prhso`hkgoe `h ce rhpúdco-ge ec okthronr h cns perto`ns. Gercniemkn Åvoce, rhecoz÷ uk hstu`on`htecce`n `h cns prnghsns `h shchggo÷k okthrke `h cns perto`ns pn-

cétogns hk 4228,486 y ecmukns `etns `h okthrïs `urekth hsh phron`n.

@ogfn hstu`on dusg÷ ces gnokgo`hkgoes `h sohth cékhes thiåtoges: hceidohkth `h cns perto`ns1 cn juré`ogn y knrietovn1 cns phrsnkejhs1ces hkguhstes1 cns prnghsns y su kekgoeiohktn. Thsphgtn e cnsperto`ns y sus gek`o`etns `hstege uke gcesogego÷k shmúk hc prn-ghsn quh ndshrvernk: e) cns `hingråtogns, RTO y REK, cns guechs

cchvernk e gedn hchggonkhs1 d) cns soiuce`nrhs, RT@ y R\HI, cnsguechs hcomohrnk gek`o`etn pnr `hsomkego÷k hk eseidche1 g) cnseushkths, RP y Gnkvhrmhkgoe, quh kn tuvohrnk prnghsn `h shchg-go÷k pnr or hk gnecogo÷k1 y `) cns `h eidohkth perto`oste, gnin hcREKEC y REW@G, quh hcomohrnk e sus gek`o`etns pnr eguhr`n.

486 Åvoce Tnsechs, Gercniemkn L., –Hc ihjnr n hc o`÷khn: Ce shchggo÷k `h gek`o`etns e ceprhso`hkgoe `h Iïxogn hk 4228’, hk: Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr (gnip.),  Iïxogn 422<: ce gnktohk`eo`hnc÷mogn-prnmreiåtoge y cns céioths `hc pn`hr okstotugonkec , XKEI, Iïxogn 422?.

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e)  Cns `hingråtogns


Hk 4227 ce l÷riuce okthmre`e pnr Tndhrtn Ie`rezn y HcdeHstfhr Mnr`occn cchm÷ e ce `oromhkgoe kegonkec `hc perto`n. Hk4228 uk mrupn `h proostes gnkknte`ns sh gnkjurernk hk npn-sotnrhs e`vortohk`n hc phcomrn quh rhprhshktede hc quh TndhrtnIe`rezn sh fudohre –eprnpoe`n `h cns germns quh ch phriotoréek

secor hchgtn, etevoe`n gnin su gek`o`etn keturec hk uk prnghsnokjustn’,48? pnr cn quh gnklnriernk uk mrupn ecthrkn `hknioke-`n PXGNI, hc guec sec`rée uk prhgek`o`etn quh gniphtorée hkce hchggo÷k okthrke gnk Ie`rezn.

HC PXGNI luh okthmre`n pnr cns mndhrke`nrhs: Jnsï Ketovo-`e` Mnkzåchz Rerås `h Kuhvn Ch÷k1 Iomuhc Echiåk \hcesgn, `h

\hregruz1 Erturn Inktohc Tnjes, `hc Hste`n `h Iïxogn1 y H`uer-`n Dnurs, `h Wnknre1 hc shke`nr Hkroquh Jegasnk Teiérhz y cnshx mndhrke`nrhs Hkroquh Iertékhz y Iertékhz, `h Gnefuoce1Pniås _errokmtnk Tudecgeve, `h Peieucopes1 y Iekuhc ÅkmhcKúõhz Wntn, `h Fo`ecmn1 quohkhs egnr`ernk quh su edek`hre`nshrée hsgnmo`n usek`n –uk iïtn`n ioxtn `h trhs ihgekosins: hk-guhstes e uk shmihktn prhgosn h ce sngoh`e`, gnksuctes orhgtes y

hc eguhr`n hktrh cns prnpons okthmrekths `hc mrupn1 quohk luhre hcihjnr pnsogonke`n `h gere ec 422< shrée hc gek`o`etn’.4<2

Hc meke`nr luh Erturn Inktohc, quohk edek`nk÷ hc prnghsn `hs-puïs h uk hsgåk`ecn hk hc shkto`n h quh –`hs`h ce mudhrketure,fedée `hsvoe`n rhgursns pere su dhkhgon’,4<5 ce hchggo÷k hktnk-

48? Odé` ., p. 74.4<2 Odé` ., p. 77.4<5 É`hi.

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ghs sh cchv÷ e gedn hktrh Tndhrtn Ie`rezn y Hvhrer`n InrhknGruz, hc < `h knvohidrh `h 4228 hk Fo`ecmn, y hc 57 `h knvohi-

drh hk hc rhstn `hc peés. Ie`rezn erres÷.


Hk Eggo÷k Kegonkec sh prhshkternk trhs prhgek`o`etns e ce prh-so`hkgoe: Lhcoph `h Jhsús Gec`hr÷k Foknjnse, Ecdhrtn Går`hkes yWektoemn Grhhc, hsth úctoin, hc guec sh hgée quh hre hc gek`o`etn

`hc prhso`hkth, –hc perto`n okogo÷ su prnghsn okthrkn sok okvhstomerhc nromhk `hc `okhrn meste`n pnr cns esporekths pere prninvhrshhk cns ihshs prhvons y sok ethk`hr ces `hkukgoes `h okhquo`e` yusn h cns rhgursns púdcogns pere hccn, quh hs`h hc iosin perto`nsh fegéek gnktre Grhhc y Går`hkes’.4<4

Går`hkes fedée so`n shgrhteron `h ih`on eidohkth y rhgursns

keturechs y eukquh su luhrze hchgtnrec hstuvn gnkghktre`e hk Je-cosgn, ce gnktohk`e sh `on hktrh Grhhc quh fedée so`n shgrhteron `hmndhrkego÷k y Gec`hr÷k, quh fedée so`n shgrhteron `h hkhrmée,hc proihrn, kn luh dohk vostn hk cns gérgucns pekostes nrtn`nxns, ye quh sh ch egusede `h –gnrrupgo÷k pnr uk lreu`h ec Lnk`n Ke-gonkec `h @hsestrhs  y ces gnkghsonkhs leiocoerhs e Phchvose pereedror geses `h epuhstes’14<7  hc shmuk`n, sh fedée hklrhkte`n ec

prhso`hkth Lnx, ec shr `hstepe`n pnr hc mndhrke`nr Lrekgosgn Te-iérhz Eguõe, y eutnknidrersh hc fojn `hsndh`ohkth, –su prhshkgoe yihksejh phrih÷ hktrh cns j÷vhkhs, cn vohrnk gnin hc gek`o`etniås coipon y ihkns come`n e cns mndhrkekths `hc pese`n y e cnsmrupns pncétogns `h o`hncnmées ndsnchtes1 prågtogn, sok `nmietos-ins ko n`ons’.4<0

4<4 É`hi.4<7 Odé`., p. 78.4<0 Odé`., p. 77.

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Ce hchggo÷k sh rhecoz÷ hk trhs lhgfes ostoktes: hc 55 h shptohidrh,hc 4 `h ngtudrh y hc 47 `h ngtudrh. @h uk pe`r÷k `h uk iocc÷k

520 ioc =6? iohidrns, Gec`hr÷k mek÷ gnk 587 ioc =06 vntns(85.=? %), Grhhc ndtuvn ?8 ioc <6= (40.6%), y Går`hkes 0= ioc504 (58.?5%).

d)  Cns soiuce`nrhs


Hsth perto`n kn rhecoz÷ hchggo÷k, su úkogn prhgek`o`etn luh Ek-`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr, quh treée `htrås `h ïc uke geipeõenrquhste`e `hs`h ce jhleture `h Mndohrkn `hc @ostrotn Lh`hrec,–gnin gnk Lnx hk hc 4222, C÷phz Ndre`nr fozn `h su gek`o`e-ture ecmn okhvotedch, epnstek`n e quh su pnpucero`e` hre iugfnieynr quh ce `hc perto`n y e quh ïsth kn `hjerée peser ce pnsodoco-

`e` rhec `h meker ce prhso`hkgoe’.4<8

C÷phz Ndre`nr fedée so`n etege`n `hs`h ce prhso`hkgoe `h cerhpúdcoge gnk cns vo`hn-hsgåk`ecns y hc `hseluhrn, gesn pnr hc guec ceRMT cn egusede pnr `hsegetn e uke susphkso÷k `hkotove e levnr`hc prnpohteron `h uk prh`on hxprnpoe`n hk 5?6?, gnk hccn, fedéehchve`n su pnpucero`e`, ye quh ccei÷ e uke invocozego÷k gou`e-

`eke hk su epnyn, gnk cn quh ces hkguhstes cn sotuedek hk edroc `h4228 pnr hkgoie `hc 02%.

@e`n quh hc RT@ kn thkée gnkthipce`n hk sus hstetutns hc gesnhk quh sh prhshktere uk úkogn prhgek`o`etn, hc Gnkshjn Kegon-kec in`og÷ ce gnkvngetnroe pere ce hchggo÷k `h gek`o`etn e ceprhso`hkgoe ‐gnkvokn tnier prnthste e su edek`hre`n hk uke

shso÷k hxtrenr`okeroe‐ hc = `h `ogohidrh, –hc Gnkshjn Kegonkec

4<8 Odé`., p. 4?.

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eprnd÷ okthmrer ce gnecogo÷k hchgtnrec –Rnr hc dohk `h tn`ns’ gnkhc RP y Gnkvhrmhkgoe1 sh eprndernk sus `nguihktns dåsogns y ce

gek`o`eture `h Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr’.4<<


Hsth perto`n teipngn rhecoz÷ hchggo÷k okthrke, ce Eseidche Ke-gonkec eprnd÷ hc 46 `h ierzn `h 4228 quh hc `opute`n Dhrker`n`h ce Merze esuiohre gnin prhgek`o`etn, fegoïk`ncn ngoec hc

58 `h jukon1 hktrh hc 5º `h jucon y hc 50 `h emnstn sh treksiotohrnk0 ioc 472 spnts, –gnk hste iekondre, @h ce Merze grhgo÷ hk cesprhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs y hc perto`n sh rhpnsogonk÷ hk ce okthkgo÷k`h vntn y ce phrghpgo÷k `h ce mhkth, pudcogek`n quh pn`rée ndth-khr feste trhs ioccnkhs `h vntns sok ecoekze’.4<=

E kechs h eõn hc GRK eprnd÷ ce ecoekze gnk hc RTO, `hgcokek`n

su gek`o`etn pnr Tndhrtn Ie`rezn.

g)  Cns `h eidohkth perto`oste


Hc perto`n Kuhve Ecoekze sh lnri÷ hc 50 `h jucon `h 4228 gnk ce

okthmrego÷k `h trhs mrupns: Emrupego÷k Rncétoge Kegonkec (ERK),Invoiohktn Ok`émhke Rnpucer y ce Esngoego÷k Gou`e`eke `hcIemosthron y Gnkgohkgoe Rncétoge. @urekth ihshs sh hsphguc÷ sn-drh so su gek`o`etn e ce prhso`hkgoe shrée Hcde Hstfhr Mnr`occn, Juek Tei÷k `h ce Luhkth, Jnrmh Gesteõh`e n ecmúk ntrn hxthrknec quh ch luhre khme`e ce gek`o`eture hk su perto`n. Kn sh rhecoz÷prnghsn okthrkn, –Qhk ukeY rhuko÷k hktrh ce gúpuce `hc WKPH y

4<< É`hi.4<= Odé` ., p. 46.

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ce `oromhkgoe `hc perto`n gnk Mnr`occn, hc 6 `h hkhrn, sh oklnri÷quh QEcdhrtnY Gokte, QIekuhcY Rez, QRh`rnY Ceinkt y Tndhrtn

Geipe Goproåk hrek cns prhgek`o`etns y quh, pnr ukekoio`e`,hc Gnkshjn Kegonkec fedée `hsomke`n ec hx proéste y hx vnghrn `hcPXGNI gnin su gek`o`etn’.4<6


Hc perto`n Ecthrketove Wngoec`hi÷grete y Geiphsoke sh lnri÷

–gnk ce ecoekze hc mrupn sngoec`hi÷grete, h @nre Retrogoe Ihr-ge`n Gestrn y uk mrupn geiphsokn hsgok`o`n `hc RTO, co`hre`npnr Omkegon Orys Wecni÷k’, y ces ERK Whktoiohktns `h ce Kego÷k h Okogoetove VVO .4<?

@urekth hc Rroihr Gnkshjn Gnksuctovn Gou`e`ekn hc < y = `hemnstn `h 4228, sh egnr`÷ quh Retrogoe Ihrge`n luhre ce úkoge

prhgek`o`ete, sok hidermn, –`h lnrie okgnkmruhkth, hc GnkshjnRncétogn lh`hre`n cekz÷ ce gnkvngetnroe pere hchmor e su gek`o`etnprhso`hkgoec, y gnk`ogonk÷ quh cns esporekths `hdéek snihthrshe guetrn hkguhstes1 mekerée quohk ecgekzere pnr cn ihkns hc 4%`h ces prhlhrhkgoes’. Ihrge`n kn ndtuvn hc pnrghktejh hxomo`n,hiphrn hc mrupn sngoec`hi÷grete ch tni÷ prnthste iohktres quhhc mrupn Geiphsokn, prngceiede uke kuhve gnkvngetnroe y `u-

rekth su eseidche ch tni÷ prnthste e \égtnr Mnkzåchz Pnrrhs.4=2

Ce gek`o`eture sh rhsncvo÷ hk hc PHRJL e levnr `h Retrogoe Ihr-ge`n y hc 56 h hkhrn hc Gnkshjn Mhkhrec hc OLH eprnd÷ su rhmos-trn gnin gek`o`ete e ce prhso`hkgoe pnr hc perto`n.

4<6 Odé` ., p. 4<.4<? Odé` ., p. 40.4=2 Odé` ., p. 48.

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0.4 Ce geipeõe hchgtnrec pnr ce Rrhso`hkgoe

`h ce Thpúdcoge

Ce hchggo÷k `h 422< fe so`n ce iås guhstonke`e y hstu`oe`e `hce fostnroe gnkthipnråkhe `h Iïxogn. Iås eccå `h cns rhgceins`h lreu`h hchgtnrec, rhsecte e ce voste `h tn`ns cns ekecostes ce ok-thrvhkgo÷k `h `ostoktns egtnrhs ejhkns ec prnghsn. Ce prhshkgoe `hlhk÷ihkns gnin hc vntn útoc iergernk ce `olhrhkgoe gnk hchggon-khs ekthronrhs, phrn sok u`e cn quh fegh uk perthemues hk ce fos-

tnroe hchgtnrec `h Iïxogn hs hc usn y iekhjn `h ce gniukogego÷kpncétoge, cns cceie`ns spnts `h etequh iergernk ce rhcego÷k gnm-kotove hktrh hc hchgtnr y hc gek`o`etn, sudstotuyhk`n ce prnpuhsteprnmreiåtoge keturec quh `hdh prhvechghr hk ces `hingregoes.

Gnk ce keco`e` `h gniprnder kuhstres fop÷thsos, ekecozerhinsg÷in uk shgtnr `h ecrh`h`nr `hc 6% `hc hchgtnre`n `hgo`o÷ y

geido÷ su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec urekth ce geipeõe, quoïkhs luh-rnk cns egtnrhs quh okthrvokohrnk hk hc prnghsn y hc topn `h spntsquh ieynr okuhkgoe tuvohrnk hk hc geidon regonkec h prhlhrhk-goes hchgtnrechs.

0.4.5 Hc vntn útoc

Xk lhk÷ihkn quh fey quh hxpcoger hk hc ekåcosos `hc geidon `hprhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs hs hc `h su ecte vncetoco`e`, hs `hgor, so nd-shrveins ces golres `h ces hkguhstes knterhins quh gnk iugfelegoco`e` cns hchgtnrhs geidoernk su prhlhrhkgoe `h uk gek`o`etne ntrn.

Xk hjhrgogon quh kns eyu`erée e hxpcogercn gnk ieynr `hthko-

iohktn hs hstedchghr hc topn `h hchgtnrhs quh geidoernk su prhlh-rhkgoe1 hk hsth gesn cn `hthriokerhins ekecozek`n hc lhk÷ihkn`hc vntn útoc n `olhrhkgoe`n. Rere Jegquhcokh Rhsgfer`, `urekth ce

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htepe hk ce quh mndhrk÷ hc perto`n fhmhi÷kogn –prhvechgo÷ ukvntn hko`n pnr ce gnstuidrh n pnr hc gnkshksn pesovn quh hxos-

tée ecrh`h`nr `hc rïmoihk pncétogn, e ih`o`e quh oksteuråk`nshce gniphthkgoe pncétoge y quh cns germns `h hchggo÷k `hvokohrnkvhr`e`hreihkth `ospute`ns, sh okgrhihkt÷ ce vncetoco`e`’,4=5  hs`hgor, `osiokuy÷ cn quh sh gnkngh gnin vntn `urn n `h o`hkto`e`perto`oste pere `ostroduorsh hktrh cns `hiås perto`ns.

Hc gnipnrteiohktn hchgtnrec `hc 4 `h jucon `h 422< instr÷ uk

hchgtnre`n quh vnt÷ `olhrhkgoe`eihkth, hs `hgor, ce vntego÷k quhuk perto`n n gnecogo÷k ndtuvn pere hchmor `opute`ns y shke`nrhs,kn gnrrhspnk`o÷ khghseroeihkth gnk ce hchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth`h ce Thpúdcoge. Hk hc gesn `hc RTO y Kuhve Ecoekze snk iuysomkogetovns ye quh hs gnkso`hredch hc pnrghktejh `h vntns quhhxpnrternk e perto`ns gnin hc REK y ce GRDP hk ce hchggo÷k `hRrhso`hkth. Ec rhsphgtn, Rhsgfer` shõece:

–Hc vntn útoc hstretïmogn, hs prnpon h uk hchgtnr regonkec, gepez`h vnter, gecgucek`n cns dhkhgons quh `ogfe `hgoso÷k puh`hepnrterch, ye she pnrquh levnrhgh ce vogtnroe `h ecmúk gek`o`e-tn, n pnrquh sorvh pere oiph`or hc troukln h ntrn quh gnkso`hrece phnr npgo÷k. Hc hchgtnr regonkec hstå okthrhse`n hk iexoio-zer su okgo`hkgoe hk hc rhsucte`n, euk e gnste `h segroger su

prhlhrhkgoe perto`eroe Q…Y Hc vntn `olhrhkgoe`n n gruze`n shprhshkte prokgopecihkth hk cns sosthies prhso`hkgoechs hk cnsquh cns pn`hrhs hjhgutovn y chmoscetovn tohkhk su prnpoe luhkth`h chmotoio`e` y pnr hccn hxosthk dnchtes shpere`es, uke perehchmor prhso`hkth y ntres pere hchmor e opute`ns y shke`nrhs’.4=4

4=5 Rhsgfer`, Jegquhcokh, 4 `h jucon: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves, LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=,p. 5<7.4=4 Odé`., p. 5<=.

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Thmucerihkth hc vntn `olhrhkgoe`n thrioke sohk`n uk vntn útoc ye quh dusge rhlnrzer uke thk`hkgoe hchgtnrec. Prhs `h cns gok-

gn gek`o`etns rhsucternk elhgte`ns hk ecmúk shkto`n pnr hc vntn`olhrhkgoe`n: Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr, Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k y Retrogoe Ihrge`n, iohktres quh trejn gnkshguhkgoes khmetovespere Tndhrtn Ie`rezn y Tndhrtn Geipe, –EICN luh hc iåsdhkhgoe`n, pnrquh rhgodo÷ 4 ioccnkhs =6= ioc 725 vntns iås quhcns gek`o`etns e `opute`ns `h ce Gnecogo÷k quh cn pnstuc÷ (uke`olhrhkgoe pnsotove `h 47.?%). Eukquh Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k gept÷ uk

iocc÷k 458 ioc 70? vntns iås `h cn quh rhgodohrnk sus gnipeõh-rns `h perto`n, esporekths e chmosce`nrhs, (uke `olhrhkgoe pnsotove`h 6.64%), ce gekto`e` luh ihkns `h ce iote` `h cn quh edsnrdo÷C÷phz Ndre`nr. Rnr su ce`n Retrogoe Ihrge`n rhgnmo÷ uk 40.?%iås `h vntns quh cns gek`o`etns e `opute`ns `h Ecthrketove’.4=7 Tndhrtn Ie`rezn phr`o÷ 4 ioccnkhs 70< ioc 48< vntns, (uke `o-lhrhkgoe khmetove `h 42.50%) gnk rhsphgtn e ce hchggo÷k `h `opu-

te`ns `h su perto`n y, Tndhrtn Geipe phr`o÷ uk iocc÷k 0=5 ioc<7? (uke `olhrhkgoe khmetove `h =6.8?%).

Gue`rn 8

Rrhshkte`n hk Rhsgfer`, Jegquhcokh, 4 `h jucon. Thhxonkhs y ecthrketoves… np. got., p. 5=2.

Hc gue`rn 8, iuhstre quh gnk rhsphgtn e ce vntego÷k tntec `h ce

hchggo÷k, EICN rhgodo÷ geso <.7% `h vntns quh kn prnvokohrnk

4=7 Odé`., p. 5=2.


RTHWO@HKPH 58 222 460 ? 725 005 50 =8< 782 025 620 5 546 682 02 866 =4?

@ORXPE@NW 57 =60 ?78 55 <0= <?= 55 ?<? 20? 5 6=< 007 60= 8?? 02 548 =47

@OLHTHKGOE EDW. 5 458 70? 4 70< 48< 4 =6= 725 5 0=0 <7? 465 485 0<7 22<

RTHWO@HKPH 78.62% 44% 78.72% 2.??% 4.62%

@ORXPE@NW 70.72% 46.?2% 4?% 0.=2% 4.52%

@OLHTHKGOE RNTG. 5.82% -<.?2% <.72% -7.62% 2.=2%

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`h soipetozekths `h ce GRDP, Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k 5.8% y RetrogoeIhrge`n egesn 2.=%, `h efé quh hc kúihrn `h hchgtnrhs quh vn-

ternk `olhrhkgoe`eihkth feye so`n `h 0 ioccnkhs 467 ioc ?25(6.8%), cns guechs `hkohrnk su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec `urekth cegeipeõe, hs `hgor, quh tec pnrghktejh sh `osputernk cns pukthrns.

Rere rhlnrzer cn ekthronr deste gnk ndshrver ce hkguhste quh rheco-z÷ Rereihtrée hc 42 ec 47 h edroc, hk ce quh ndshrve quh EICNtohkh uke okthkgo÷k `h vntn `h 78% iohktres quh cns gek`o`etns

e `opute`ns `h ce Gnecogo÷k 46%, LGF 77% `h okthkgo÷k y cnsgek`o`etns e `opute`ns `h Eggo÷k Kegonkec 70% y kecihkthIhrge`n thkée uke okthkgo÷k `h 4% y cns gek`o`etns e `opute`ns`h su perto`n .0?%.4=0

Ce prhiose hktnkghs shrée quh `urekth ce geipeõe hchgtnreceprnxoie`eihkth 6.8% `h hchgtnrhs sh vohrnk elhgte`ns pnr ce

oklnriego÷k prnvhkohkth `h cns spnts, ye she pere iekthkhr suprhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec n pere in`ogerce1 cns `hiås cns `hdhinsgnkso`hrer gnin hchgtnrhs `hgo`o`ns n `h vntn `urn, ye quh ce vn-tego÷k hk ces hchggonkhs pere opute`ns lh`hrechs, shke`nrhs, prhso-`hkth `h ce Thpúdcoge y, hk ecmukns hste`ns, pere `opute`ns cnge-chs y prhso`hkgoes iukogopechs pnr uk iosin perto`n, sncn pn`réendh`hghr e `ns geuses: su eko`e` perto`oste n vntn gnrpnretovn.

0.4.4 Ce okthrvhkgo÷k `h cns pn`hrhs lågtogns

Ec prnghsn hchgtnrec `h 422< kn s÷cn egu`ohrnk cns okthrhse`ns,perto`ns, okstotugonkhs hchgtnrechs y gou`e`ekns, sokn teidoïk hk-ths n egtnrhs kn lnriechs, n `h legtn, quohkhs pertogopernk pere dh-khgoer ce thk`hkgoe fegoe ecmukn `h cns `ns gek`o`etns pukthrn,

4=0 OLH, –Okthkgo÷k h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’, Oklnrih `h ces hkguhstes quh sh pudcogernk y quh luhrnkhktrhme`es e ce Whgrhterée Hjhgutove.

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sh chs fe cceie`n pn`hrhs lågtogns. Fïgtnr Zeiotoz, hstu`o÷ ce lnriehk quh egtuernk e levnr `hc gek`o`etn `hc REK, eukquh fey quh

shõecer, quh hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP teidoïk gnkt÷ gnk ce npnr-tuko`e` `h hktedcer rhcegonkhs gnk hccns, kecihkth cns pn`hrhslågtogns sh pnkhk ec shrvogon `h quohk chs eshmurh dhkhgons e ih-`oekn y cermn pcezn.4=8

Rere Zeiotoz cns pn`hrhs lågtogns puh`hk hxpcogersh e trevïs h cesomuohkth `hkogo÷k:

–Xke shroh `h mrupns `h okthrïs ih`oe ‗y iugfes vhghs gep-ture‗ ce rhcego÷k hktrh hc co`hrezmn pncétogn y cns gou`e`eknshk mhkhrec (hk su gepego`e` `h vntekths), cn quh elhgte hc suio-kostrn `h dohkhs y shrvogons púdcogns. Wu okuhkgoe `h `hdh, hkperth, e su gepego`e` `h okthrvhkor hk hc prnghsn `h `oshõn `hpncétoges púdcoges, hk hsphgoec hk cn rhcegonke`n gnk ce legucte`

`h eteger y ndstegucozer lukgonkhs n luhkths `h okmrhsn quh snkgcevhs pere hc Hste`n’.4=<

Hstns mrupns `h okthrïs, tohkhk gnin ihte hvoter ces rhlnriesec Hste`n quh puh`ek pnkhr hk rohsmn sus dhkhgons, gnin hs hcgesn `h ecmukns sok`ogetns, hiprhserons n egtnrhs pncétogns1 Ze-iotoz ihkgonke quh fek ngupe`n `ïge`es `h egghsn provochmoe`n

ec pn`hr, y kn rhprhshktek hk iugfes ngesonkhs cns okthrhshs `hce ieynrée `h sus prnpons shgtnrhs, –cuhmn `h ce ecthrkekgoe hk cequh hc sosthie pncétogn hipohze e in`ogersh, hstns mrupns somuhkeprnvhgfek`n sus pnsogonkhs y gepego`e`hs nrmekozetoves pereoiph`or rhlnries quh eihkeghk sus dhkhgons’.4==

4=8 Glr . Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr, Iïxogn 422<: ce gnktohk`e o`hnc÷mogn-prnmreiåtoge y cns céioths `hc pn`hr

okstotugonkec , XKEI, Iïxogn, 422?.4=< Okstotugonkhs y mndhrkedoco`e` hk Iïxogn: iås eccå `h ce gepture `hc Hste`n y ce pncerozego÷k sngoec ,pudcoge`n hk edroc `h 422= pnr hc Dekgn Iuk`oec.4== Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr, np. got., p. 5<7.

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Ce egtuego÷k h cns pn`hrhs lågtogns hk uke hchggo÷k puh`h teidoïkhxpcogersh e pertor h ce lnrie hk quh okuyhk orhgte n ok`orhgte-

ihkth pere dhkhgoer y prnpogoer `h lnrie iås hgez ce cchme`eec pn`hr `h ecmúk perto`n n gek`o`etn, pnkohk`n e su `ospnsogo÷kuke rh` `h rhcegonkhs y dhkhgons sok cns guechs prågtogeihkthshrée oipnsodch n pnr cn ihkns iås `olégoc. Hk hc 422<, egtue-rnk hk mrek ih`o`e pere pnsodocoter ce vogtnroe `hc gek`o`etn `hcREK, quohk pnr iugfn tohipn phriekhgo÷ hk ces hkguhstes pnr`hdejn `hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP1 su ndjhtovn gnksosto÷ hk hvoter

ce cchme`e `h EICN e ce prhso`hkgoe. Xk legtnr quh hxpcogeréecn ekthronr hs, `ogh Zeiotoz, quh –Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre-`nr ethkt÷ hk gnktre `h okthrhshs y provochmons `h hstns pn`hrhsgnk su prnpuhste `h mndohrkn y pnr cns hxghsns `osgursovns `h sugeipeõe’.4=6

Hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP e`vorto÷ hk veroes ngesonkhs quh hk hc

prnghsn hchgtnrec hstedek okthrvokohk`n phrsnkejhs gnin hc hxprhso`hkth Gercns Wecokes, hc hiprhseron Tndhrtn Fhrkåk`hz, hchktnkghs Whke`nr @ohmn Lhrkåk`hz `h Ghveccns, y hc hiprhseronGercns Efuie`e1 cns fedée eguse`n `h uk gnipcnt hk su gnk-tre, lnriecihkth ce Gnecogo÷k pnr hc Dohk `h Pn`ns okthrpusn`ovhrses quhjes quh luhrnk ethk`o`es pnr hc Produkec Hchgtnrec hcRn`hr Ju`ogoec `h ce Lh`hrego÷k (PHRJL) pere ce veco`ego÷k `h ce

hchggo÷k, hk gnktre `h ce egtuego÷k `h quohkhs pn`hins gnkso`h-rer gnin pn`hrhs lågtogns:

e) Hc prhso`hkth Lnxd) Hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hiprhseroecg) Hcde Hstfhr Mnr`occn`)  Juihx

h)  Jnsï Ierée Ezker

4=6 Odé`., p. 5<8.

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l) \égtnr Mnkzåchz Pnrrhsm) Phchvose

e) Hc prhso`hkth Lnx

Hc prhso`hkth Lnx rhothre`eihkth fozn iekohste su ekoie`vhr-so÷k pnr hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP, gnk ce okthkgo÷k `h okgo`or hkhc prnghsn hchgtnrec, egusåk`ncn `h `hiemnmn, pnpucoste, ihsées.Whõec÷ quh –s÷cn ce hstedoco`e` hgnk÷ioge y ce `osgopcoke sgec

snk hc úkogn geiokn pere vhkghr ce pndrhze’ esé gnin ce lreshleinse `h –fey quh geidoer `h jokhth y kn `h gedeccn’.4=?

d) Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hiprhseroec 

Wh ch etroduy÷ ce pudcogego÷k `h spnts quh thkéek gnin keco`e`phrsue`or sndrh hc rohsmn quh thkée hc peés `h cchmer e ce prhso`hk-

goe hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP, fegohk`n uk mestn hk hc úctoin ihs`h geipeõe `h 57< ioccnkhs 0=< ioc 888 phsns shmúk ODNRH.Rrokgopecihkth sh echrt÷ sndrh ce pnsodch pïr`o`e h ce hstedoco`e`hgnk÷ioge quh cchvede hc peés hk cns úctoins 52 eõns, ce okiokhk-th `hvecuego÷k quh vhk`rée, y sh oksostée hk quh: –epnsterch e ecmn`ostoktn hs rhtrngh`hr…’462

g) Hcde Hstfhr Mnr`occn

Ce cé`hr hc Wok`ogetn Kegonkec h Predeje`nrhs h ce H`ugego÷kfe so`n shõece`e pnr fedhr invocoze`n ih`on iocc÷k `h vntnsprnvhkohkths `hc perto`n Kuhve Ecoekze e levnr `h Lhcoph Gec`h-


 Produkec Hchgtnrec `hc Rn`hr Ju`ogoec `h ce Lh`hrego÷k, @ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec`h ce Hchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h cns Hste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns, `hgcerego÷k `h veco`hz `h ce Hchggo÷k y Rrhso`hkth Hchgtn, Iïxogn, 422<, p. 8<.462 Odé` ., p. 72.

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r÷k, e`hiås `h fedhr okste`n e verons mndhrke`nrhs `hc RTO einvocozer su iequokeroe hchgtnrec e levnr `hc gek`o`etn `hc REK.

`)  Juihx

 E ce hiprhse Juihx sh ch egus÷ `h ce pudcogego÷k `h uk spnt quhok`ugée hk lnrie sudcoiokec e vnter pnr hc REK, gnk uk mestn `h57 ioccnkhs 507 ioc 0=< phsns.

h) Jnsï Ierée Ezker 

Hc 45 `h lhdrhrn `h 422<, hc hxprhso`hkth `hc mndohrkn hspeõnc,–iekolhst÷ su prhlhrhkgoe e levnr `hc gek`o`etn Lhcoph `h JhsúsGec`hr÷k Foknjnse, gnin hjhipcn `h shroh`e` pncétoge, hk npnso-go÷k e ce `hiemnmoe’,465  hgcerego÷k quh luh pudcoge`e hk ce påmoke`hc REK y pnsthronrihkth ihkgonke`e hk cns ih`ons `h gniu-


l) \égtnr Mnkzåchz Pnrrhs

Wh ch egus÷ `h `oluk`or `ovhrsns spnts hk cns quh shõecede cesshihjekzes y `olhrhkgoes gnk EICN, shõecek`n quh: –C÷phzNdre`nr hs sngoecoste re`ogec gnin Lo`hc Gestrn y Fumn Gfåvhz,

iohktres quh \égtnr Mnkzåchz Pnrrhs hs sngoecoste in`hre`ngnin Iogfhcch Degfhchth, Aorgfkhr n Cuce’.464

m) Phchvose

E ce oipnrtekth hiprhse Phchvosove sh ch egus÷ `h fedhr prnpnr-gonke`n teroles prhlhrhkgoechs ec REK esé gnin `h fedhr okvote`n

465 Odé`., p. ==.464 Odé`., p. 70.

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e vnter pnr LGF hk hc gepétucn kec `h ce thchknvhce  Ce lhe iåsdhcce y fedhrcn `hgcere`n meke`nr hk hc úctoin gepétucn `h ce sh-

roh Hc provochmon `h iek`er , guek`n eúk hc trodukec kn `hgcerede ceveco`hz `h ce hchggo÷k.

Hk suie pn`hins rhgnknghr ce pertogopego÷k `h  pn`hrhs `h legtn hk hc prnghsn hchgtnrec pere levnrhghr ce gek`o`eture `h LGF.Wu pn`hr hgnk÷iogn y pncétogn fozn quh su okthrvhkgo÷k, e tre-vïs `h sus `hgceregonkhs n `oluso÷k `h spnts, tuvohre uke luhrze

drutec somkogetove quh pngn e pngn, luh hiph`rek`n hc geioknpere quh hc gek`o`etn Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k mekere ce hchggo÷k1 luhuke gnkleducego÷k quh gnkvhkée e tn`ns.

Hs oipnrtekth shõecer, ce pnsogo÷k kec quh sndrh hstns hvhktnstuvn hc PHRJL hk su hjhrgogon gnin trodukec gnkstotugonkec pere`hgcerer våco`e ce hchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h cns Hste`ns Xko`ns

Ihxogekns. @hspuïs `h hvecuer ce okthrvhkgo÷k `h cns egtnrhs hkhc prnghsn y ces pruhdes nlrhgo`es pnr ce Gnecogo÷k hc trodukecgnkgcuy÷:

–Esé puhs, vostns hk su gnkjuktn cns egnkthgoiohktns shõece-`ns, kn mhkhrek gnkvoggo÷k `h uke elhgtego÷k oipnrtekth e cnsprokgopons rhgtnrhs `h ces hchggonkhs `hingråtoges, prokgopec-

ihkth ce codhrte` `hc vntn, puhs sh trete `h guhstonkhs kn prn-de`es, n quh fedoïk`ncn so`n, kn sh tohkh susthktn ndjhtovn `hcoipegtn quh pu`ohrnk fedhr thko`n n dohk, hktrernk hk juhmn`ovhrses sotuegonkhs hsphgéges `h hsth prnghsn hchgtnrec quhchs rhsternk oipnrtekgoe n rh`ujhrnk su mre`n `h okuhkgoe,hsphgoecihkth, cns `ovhrsns eguhr`ns prhvhktovns hioto`ns pnrhc Gnkshjn Mhkhrec `hc Okstotutn Lh`hrec Hchgtnrec, esé gnin

ces `ovhrses rhsncugonkhs juros`oggonkechs y e`iokostretoves quhoipo`ohrnk quh ces sotuegonkhs orrhmucerhs `hkukgoe`es gnkto-kuerek sus hlhgtns.

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Hk hlhgtn, so ces sotuegonkhs ekecoze`es kn gnkstotuyhk orrhmuce-ro`e`hs hk sé iosies, n kn sh prnd÷ quh cn luhrek, vostes hk su

gnkjuktn teipngn pn`réek thkhr hsh hlhgtn1 y cn iosin sugh`hhk tnrkn e cns fhgfns orrhmucerhs `h cns guechs kn sh tohkh ec-múk hchihktn pere ih`or su mre`n `h okuhkgoe, n dohk, `h cnsguechs sh rh`ujn n `htuvn sus hlhgtns, puhs hc gnkjuktn `h hccnskn rhvhce uke elhgtego÷k `hthriokekth e cns prokgopons luk`e-ihktechs hc prnghsn hchgtnrec, sokn orrhmucero`e`hs, ecmukes hhcces `h gohrte oipnrtekgoe, quh, sok hidermn, luhrnk ihrie-

`es n kn sh gnkngh su oipegtn.

Gnk hstn kn sh `hsgnkngh quh hk ecmukns gesns, sh tret÷ `h so-tuegonkhs h oipnrtekgoe n h mrevh`e`, phrn hdo`n e ces ih-`o`es prhvhktoves y gnrrhgtoves ihkgonke`es pu`ohrnk `hthkhrsus hlhgtns, hk ce ih`o`e khghseroe pere oiph`or quh luhrek`hthriokekths pere elhgter ce codhrte` `hc sulremon.

@h hste iekhre, ko soquohre ce gnkjukgo÷k `h hstns fhgfns quhsh pu`ohrek thkhr pnr egrh`ote`ns, shrée oiph`oihktn pere `h-gcerer ce veco`hz `h ce hchggo÷k, `e`n quh, shmúk sh hvo`hkgo÷,pnr sus ecgekghs thipnrechs y hspegoechs kn fedrée gnipch-ihktego÷k hktrh hccns, ec mre`n `h quh cchverek e hsth ÷rmekn juros`oggonkec e ce gnkgcuso÷k `h quh sh tret÷ `h uke eggo÷k

gnkghrte`e n `hcodhre`e gnk uke keco`e` gniúk `h okuorhk ce okthkgo÷k `h cns vntekths, teipngn sh puh`h erier quhfeyek so`n egtns gnktokuns, rhothre`ns n mhkhrecoze`ns quh fu-dohrek tresghk`o`n hk cns rhsucte`ns hchgtnrechs.’467

E `hgor `hc @r. Mhriåk Rïrhz Lhrkåk`hz, hc Produkec kn rheco-z÷ uke pnk`hrego÷k pertogucer pere `hthrioker hc mre`n `h ok-

uhkgoe `h cns fhgfns ekths ihkgonke`ns hk hc rhsucte`n kec `h

467 Odé` ., pp. 4?5-4?7.

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ce hchggo÷k. Hsth eutnr erie quh `ogfn Produkec rhkukgo÷ e sulegucte` okvhstome`nre y pnr cn tektn sus juogons luhrnk sudjhtovns

ec `hgcerer quh kn sh thkéek hchihktns pere ih`or su mre`n `hokuhkgoe.460 Hc Produkec fozn pnr `hgorcn esé, uke `oshrtego÷k sn-drh cn quh pu`n n kn pu`n gnkstotuorsh gnin uk rohsmn, phrn quhkecihkth kn tohkh hlhgtn hk hc rhsucte`n kec, ye she pnrquh knfey gnin prndercn, n pnr ce chjekée `h cns fhgfns gnk hc `ée `h ce jnrke`e, sok hidermn gnin vhrhins iås e`hcekth, gnkso`hreinsquh hsth hjhrgogon shrvorå pere kutror hc `hdeth gohktégn sndrh hc

mre`n `h okuhkgoe hk hc gesn `h cns spnts.

Lokecihkth sndrh ce rhsncugo÷k `hc Produkec, hc @r. Rïrhz Lhrkåk-`hz gnihkte:

–E io perhghr kn hktreõe iås quh uke shroh `h shktorhs y npo-konkhs sndrh fhgfns pere cns quh hc Produkec kn hstå gepegote-

`n pere fedcer gnk gnktuk`hkgoe y gnkngoiohktn, soipchihk-th pnrquh kn sh ch puh`h hxomor e uk Produkec h pchkn hrhgfncns gnkngoiohktns tïgkogns, sognc÷mogns, ihrge`nc÷mogns, gereg-thréstogns `h uke gnipchje reie `hc gnkngoiohktn. _ so ketu-recihkth cns iemostre`ns kn hståk gepegote`ns pere rhecozerhsth topn `h ekåcosos ¾pnr quï kn ecchmersh `h ce oklnriego÷kgecoge`e `h cns hxphrtns hk hse iethroe> Hsn hs cn quh fegh

`h su `ogteihk ecmn hiokhkthihkth sudjhtovn y pnr cn tektnhk`hdch. Cn echje `h su hshkgoe quh gnksosth hk shr uk trodukec`h pchkn `hrhgfn.’468

460 Glr . Rïrhz Lhrkåk`hz, Mhriåk, –422<, ce geipeõe ok`hshedch’, hk Rhsgfer`, Jegquhco-kh (gnip.), 4 `h jucon: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves. LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=, p. 4?=.468 Odé`., p. 4??.

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0.4.7 Cns spnts

E pertor `hc 5? `h hkhrn y feste hc 46 `h jukon `h 422<, hc OLHhkgerm÷ e ce hiprhse ODNRH hc inkotnrhn `h cns spnts quh shtreksiotoréek hk re`on y thchvoso÷k, pnr cn quh sh prnghsernk `oe-roeihkth ecrh`h`nr `h = ioc <24 fnres y sh `hthgternk `urekthtn`n hc phron`n uk tntec `h =20 ioc 824 spnts.46<

Cns spnts, `ogh Nquotzok Emuocer Chyve, puh`hk hkthk`hrsh hk

hc iergn `h uke gnktohk`e `h oiåmhkhs y snko`ns `hktrn `h ukedetecce pnr hc pn`hr, –uke gruze`e pnr `nioker hc thrrhkn knmhnmrågn sokn gnmkotovn `hc hchgtnre`n, uk gnideth pnr oklnr-ier su oiemokeron y sus rhprhshktegonkhs `hc iuk`n e trevïs `hthxtns eu`onvosuechs’.46= Hs hk hsth gnkthxtn quh hc hchgtnr regon-kec lnri÷ sus grhhkgoes e pertor h ce oklnriego÷k quh rhged÷ pnrthchvoso÷k, ce guec, hk su ieynrée, prnvokn `h cns spnts.

Whmúk ce keturechze y thiåtoge quh prhshkternk cns spnts `oluk-`o`ns pnr cns `ovhrsns gek`o`etns, Emuocer Chyve shõece quh shpuh`hk ekecozer `ovo`oïk`ncns hk guetrn rudrns:  Hc gek`o`etn, hc púdcogn, ce prnihse y hc etequh.466

Gnklnrih e hses geregthréstoges, hsth eutnr pcekthe quh hste gei-

peõe sh ghktr÷ iås hk –ce prningo÷k `hc gek`o`etn y hk hc ete-quh e cns npnkhkths’.46? Pek s÷cn fey quh ihkgonker quh `h uktntec `h 06< vhrsonkhs `h spnts quh `oluk`o÷ hc REK, 6? luhrnkpere prningonker e su gek`o`etn e ce prhso`hkgoe y 78 pere ete-ger e EICN, `h omuec in`n, ce GRDP `h uk tntec `h 006 spnts

46< Glr. Okstotutn Lh`hrec Hchgtnrec, Thpnrth kec `h cns inkotnrhns `h prningonkechs.46= Emuocer Chyve, Nquotzok, –Oiåmhkhs Dceslhies’, hk: C÷phz \hkhrnko Lhcoph (gnip.) Hcgnkghptn `h gucture pncétoge y cns ih`ons `h oklnriego÷k hk Iïxogn. XKEI, Iïxogn, 422?, p. 58.466 Glr . Odé`., p. 5=.46?  É`hi.

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`oluk`o`ns, 554 luhrnk pere prningonker e su gek`o`etn e ce prh-so`hkgoe y 72 pere eteger e LGF, tn`ns cns `hiås gnrrhspnk`hk

e ce prningo÷k `h gek`o`etns e `opute`ns cngechs, lh`hrechs y sh-ke`nrhs.4?2

Rere gniprnder kuhstrns supuhstns, ekecozerhins hk shmuo`e cegekto`e` `h spnts quh sh treksiotohrnk `urekth cns ihshs `h ier-zn, edroc, ieyn y jukon `h 422<, tektn e levnr gnin hk gnktre `hcns gek`o`etns pukthrns. Kns prnpnkhins o`hktoger sus geregth-

réstoges guecotetoves y shõecer ces prhioses gnk ces quh cns hchgtnrhslnriernk sus grhhkgoes y ces hingonkhs regonkechs `h hsphrekze yioh`n quh cchvernk e iekthkhr n geidoer su prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec.

0.7 Hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs

Fhins `hje`n hk gcern hk cns gepétucns ekthronrhs ce rute ihtn-

`nc÷moge quh shmuorhins pere hc hstu`on `hc geidon `h prhlhrhk-goes hchgtnrechs hs ce quh kns prnpnkh Jnk Hcsthr e trevïs `h suPhnrée Eipcoe `h ce Tegonkeco`e` , hk hsth shkto`n prnpnkhins ukeepcogego÷k h hste thnrée e trevïs h ce fop÷thsos hc geidon regon-kec `h prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs quh sh ednr`÷ hk hc eperte`n 4.<.

Epnyåk`nkns hk ce ndshrvego÷k `h ce Lomure <, hkthk`hrhins

ihjnr ce c÷moge `h cns hchgtnrhs quh geidoernk n iektuvohrnk suprhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec `urekth hc prnghsn hchgtnrec `h 422<:

5.  Rrhlhrhkgoes. Rertoins `h uke prhlhrhkgoe `hko`e pnr perth`h cns hchgtnrhs vncåtochs, `h cns guechs sh fedc÷ hk hc eper-te`n 0.4.5, hk uk inihktn ekthronr ec phron`n `h ekåcosos.

4?2 Okstotutn Lh`hrec Hchgtnrec, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs `h prningonkechs hk re`on y thchvoso÷k `hthgte`ns pnrhc inkotnrhn hk ces geipeões hchgtnrechs `hc 422< . Xko`e` h Losgecozego÷k h cns Thgursns h cnsRerto`ns Rncétogns, Iïxogn, 422<.

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4.  Oklnriego÷k. Ce oklnriego÷k quh rhgedernk, hk su ieynrperth, tuvn su luhkth hk cns spnts quh sh treksiotohrnk

pnr thchvoso÷k `urekth hc phron`n `h ekåcosos.7. Grhhkgoes regonkechs. Gnk ce oklnriego÷k ndthko`e hc hchg-

tnr regonkec mhkhr÷ grhhkgoes e levnr n hk gnktre `hcgek`o`etn `h su prhlhrhkgoe.

0.  Hingonkhs regonkechs. @h ces grhhkgoes regonkechs hc hchgtnrregonkec mhkhr÷ hingonkhs regonkhs1 hk pertogucer, hsph-rekze y ioh`n.

8.  @hshns regonkechs. Ces hingonkhs regonkechs `h hsphrekze y ioh`n mhkhrernk `hshns regonkechs `h `ns topns: `h cehingo÷k h hsphrekze hrov÷ uk hshn regonkec h iek-thkhr ce prhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec prhvoe, y `h ce hingo÷k re-gonkec `h ioh`n `hrov÷ uk `hshn regonkec `h geidoer ceprhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec prhvoe.

Lomure <

RTOIHT @HWHN(Rrhlhrhkgoe hchgtnrec)


(Iekthkhr n geidoerhc proihr `hshn shmúkhingo÷k regonkec `hhsphrekze n ioh`n)

HINGONKHW(Mhkhre`es pnr grhhkgoesregonkechs, mhkhre`es `h

oklnriego÷k `h spnts)


GTHHKGOE(Mhkhre`es `h oklnriego÷k

`h spnts)

OKLNTIEGO×K(@hrove`e `h spnts)

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 Hc okogon

Ces geipeões `ohrnk okogon lnriec hc 5? `h hkhrn `h 422<, Ek-`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr (EICN) vhkée e`iokostrek`n ukeeipcoe vhkteje `h 52 puktns pnr hkgoie `h su iås ghrgekn gni-phto`nr Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k Foknjnse (LGF). @h hste lhgfe, feste ih-`oe`ns `h ierzn guek`n eperhgo÷ hc proihr spnt `h etequh, cns prn-ingonkechs `hc REK y `h ce GRDP luhrnk rhmucerihkth cns quhfhins cceie`n spnts `h gek`o`etn, gnk hste hstrethmoe, ces thk`hkgoes

kn sulrohrnk veroegonkhs oipnrtekths. Wok hidermn, e pertor `hc 58`h ierzn ndshrveins uke `oluso÷k ieynr `h cns spnts `h etequh, epertor h hccn, ces thk`hkgoes sh invohrnk råstogeihkth. @hc 5? `hhkhrn ec 58 `h ierzn ces hkguhstes pudcogernk cn somuohkth:

Mråge 5

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’, Oklnrih `h ces hkguhstes quh sh pudcogernk y quh luhrnk hktrhme`es e ce Whgrhterée Hjhgutove.

    O   k    t   h   k   g    o    ÷   k     `


   v   n    t   n













75  74 74


46 46 464<

Hkhrn 56-75 Lhdrhrn 5-58 Lhdrhrn 5<-46 Ierzn 5-58

Phk`hkgoe prhvoe ec phron`n `h ekåcosos




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Gnin sh ndshrve, hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP sh iektuvn gnk ukeierge`e `ostekgoe `hc gek`o`etn `hc REK y `h ce Ecoekze pnr

Iïxogn (ERI). Rnr equhccns `ées, gnihkte Wecve`nr Geierhke,hc hquopn `h Lhcoph gec`hr÷k dusg÷ ce iekhre `h feghr rhinktere su gek`o`etn1 fedéek treksgurro`n shos shiekes `hs`h hc okogon`h ce geipeõe y su hktnkghs pudcogoste Lrekgosgn Nrtoz, kn fedéecnmre`n pnsogonkercn gnin uke npgo÷k etregtove pere hc hchgtnre-`n, luh hktnkghs quh sh okgnrpnrek e ce geipeõe Ektnkon Wncå y @oga Inrros, hsth úctoin hx eshsnr `h Docc Gcoktnk, cns guechs

`eréek uk morn re`ogec gnk uke kuhve hstrethmoe dese`e hk cnsspnts `h etequh.4?5

Ce GRDP pnr su perth, y hk hsphgoec su gek`o`etn, fedéek phk-se`n pere ce geipeõe hk uke hstrethmoe `h tohrre, hs `hgor, sundjhtovn hre meker sok ce thchvoso÷k. Nsger Geiegfn rhcete quhDhrker`n M÷ihz fedée dusge`n uk hkguhktrn gnk Ek`rïs Ie-

kuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr pere nlrhghrch uk pequhth teroleron, hc hkger-me`n `h ce khmngoego÷k hre Lh`hrogn Errhnce. M÷ihz nlrhgo÷ quhpnr 4<2 ioccnkhs h phsns Ek`rïs Iekuhc thk`rée hk ce thchvosnrecns iosins hspegons quh Gec`hr÷k y Ie`rezn, y –gnin dnko-gego÷k, M÷ihz prnihto÷ quh shréek ncvo`e`ns cns `hshkguhktrnshktrh Phchvose y C÷phz Ndre`nr ngesonke`ns pnr hc `hseluhrnQ…Y Okgcusn sh ch nlrhgo÷, pnr hc iosin gnstn, quh sh edroréek hk-

trhvostes gnk cns prokgopechs gnk`ugtnrhs h kntogoes guektes vhghsluhrek khghseroes y spnts okshrte`ns hk prnmreies n thchknvhcesgnk ectn retokm ’14?4 sok hidermn, ce nlhrte luh rhgfeze`e, –tektn ïcQErrhnceY gnin Ek`rïs Iekuhc hstedek gnkvhkgo`ns `h quh cethchvoso÷k kn hre khghseroe pere meker’.4?7

4?5 Glr. Geierhke, Wecve`nr y Zhph`e, Retthrsnk, Jnrmh.  Hc prhso`hkth hchgtn. Okstrugtovn peresndrhvovor e Gec`hr÷k y su mndohrkn. Rcekhte, Iïxogn, 422<.4?4 Geiegfn, ×sger y Eciezåk, Echjek`rn, Ce vogtnroe quh kn luh. C÷phz Ndre`nr: Hktrh ce muhrresugoe y ce sndhrdoe. Mrojecdn, Iïxogn, 422<, p. 5?.4?7 É`hi.

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0.7.5 Ierzn.

– C÷phz Ndre`nr hs uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn’ 

Hc proihrn `h cns spnts `h etequh quh eperhgo÷ `urekth ce geipeõeluh hc gnkngo`n gnin –hc `h cns ce`roccns’, eperhgo÷ hc 54 `h ier-zn y sh treksioto÷ feste hc 5< `h edroc, iås `h uk ihs, gnk ukelrhguhkgoe `h 72 oipegtns `oerons quh luhrnk okgrhihktåk`nshfegoe kechs `h ierzn.4?0 Luh hc spnt quh ieynrihkth phrih÷ hkhc hchgtnre`n pnr su cerme hxpnsogo÷k, luh hc quh sh puh`h erier,

ch gndr÷ hktrh trhs y guetrn puktns e EICN hk 58 `ées, y eged÷, juktn gnk hc `h Fumn Gfåvhz, hk pnsogonkercn gnin uk rohsmnkegonkec.

Hk hsth spnt eperhgh uke perh` gnk ce`roccns y snko`n `h `hstrug-go÷k, uke vnz hk nll  `ogh:4?8

 ‐Hsth hs hc shmuk`n posn `hc phrolïrogn `h ce gou`e` `h Iï-xogn, ¾g÷in pem÷ C÷phz Ndre`nr pnr ïc> sh hk`hu`÷1 cesphksonkhs, sh hk`hu`÷1 tropcog÷ ce `hu`e `hc @.L. Wo cchme eprhso`hkth kns ve e hk`hu`er iås y vhk`rå uke grosos hgnk÷-ioge, `hvecuego÷k, `hshipchn. Hstns snk cns mrek`hs pcekhs`h C÷phz Ndre`nr.

Ce vnz hk nll  egnipeõe`e `h chtres rnjes thrioke `ogohk`n:

 ‐¡C÷phz Ndre`nr hs uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn!

4?0 Glr. Gnkthn fhgfn e iekn pnr hc thsoste, hk Okstotutn Lh`hrec Hchgtnrec, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs`h prningonkechs hk re`on y thchvoso÷k `hthgte`ns pnr hc inkotnrhn hk ces geipeões hchgtnrechs `hc 422< .Xko`e` h Losgecozego÷k `h cns Thgursns h cns Rerto`ns Rncétogns, Iïxogn, 422<.4?8 Hsth y hk cn sughsovn tn`es ces vhrsonkhs `h spnts quh sh gothk hstuvohrnk `ospnkodchs

hk: fttp://www.olh.nrm.ix/`nguihktns/spnts/Eguhr`nWpnts/proihrn-0Rrnins@oluk-`o`nsGeipekoes.ftic

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Ndshrveins quh ce oklnriego÷k quh hc hchgtnr regonkec rhged÷`urekth hc ihs `h ierzn, ye kn s÷cn luh sndrh ces vhktejes `h

Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr gnin uk cé`hr quh oipucsere ukprnyhgtn hgnk÷iogn quh okgcuyhre e cns iås pndrhs1 `h ecmuohkquh sé ferée justogoe e cns iermoke`ns `h hsth peés1 ce oklnriego÷kefnre ch cchverée e grhhr quh su prnyhgtn pn`rée shr okvoedch, quhpn`rée ngurror uke `hvecuego÷k.

Mråge 4. Ierzn

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’… np. got.

    O   k

    t   h   k   g    o    ÷   k     `


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02 76 7<


4? 7575










Hkguhstes pudcoge`es

Wo ndshrveins ce Mråge 4, pn`hins knter cns hlhgtns `h cns pro-ihrns 58 `ées `h ces geipeões khmetoves. Wo dohk Lhcoph Gec`hr÷ks÷cn euihkt÷ su prhlhrhkgoe hk uk puktn pnrghktuec gnk rhsphgtn

ec okogon `hc ihs, sh puh`h knter uke gcere pïr`o`e `h ecrh`h`nr`h guetrn puktns `h C÷phz Ndre`nr hk ces prhlhrhkgoes. Hs pn-sodch quh ce oklnriego÷k quh rhgodo÷ hc hchgtnr regonkec sndrh cns

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rohsmns `h okhstedoco`e` hgnk÷ioge quh trehrée gnksomn ce prn-puhste hgnk÷ioge `hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP, gnihkz÷ e mhkhrer

uke grhhkgoe regonkec sndrh hc hk`hu`eiohktn quh thk`rée hc peés y ce pnsodch `hvecuego÷k quh vhk`rée, cn quh cn cchv÷ e thkhr ukehingo÷k regonkec `h ioh`n quh cn fozn geidoer regonkecihkthsu prhlhrhkgoe. Rnr su perth, cns hchgtnrhs quh hstedek `hko`nspnr LGF, kn rhgodohrnk oklnriego÷k quh cns fogohre `u`er `h cnsvecnrhs y grhhkgoes sndrh `h su gek`o`etn, pnr hc gnktreron iek-tuvohrnk sus grhhkgoes regonkechs, hktrh ïstes ce hingo÷k regonkec

`h hsphrekze, quh cns intovn e iekthkhr su prhlhrhkgoe.

Gue`rn <. Ierzn

Luhkth: Dhctråk, Xcoshs, –Hc prnghsn hchgtnrec, prhgeipeões, geipeões y rhsucte`n’, Rncétoge y Mndohrkn, GO@H, vncuihk thiåtogn 422?, Iïxogn.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

55 Ier. Ih prhngupek ie`rhs quh tredejek, mhsto÷k h muer hrées.

58 Ier. Hk hc Eu otnron Kegonkec gnk 58 ioc iujhrhs.

4< Ier. Pu gfeide ve e shr hstu oer: Gec`hr÷k e cns j÷vhkhs sndrh prnmreie h dhges.

4< Ier. Okvhrso÷k-hipchns: Gec`hr÷k fedce sndrh tredejn h okvhrso÷k.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

54 Ier. C÷phz hk`hu`e nr: ce roccns rhprhshktek `hu`e oksnsthkodch, EICN "Xk phcomrn

pere Iïxogn"

56 Ier. Fumn Gfåvhz y EICN: Hstn hs oktnchrekgoe…¡Gåcceth gfegfecege!


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

24 Ier. EICN, eiomns ye deste, 54 h ierzn.

28 Ier. EICN, mhkth `h pecedre: "Rhkso÷k ecoihkteroe"

5< Ier. Rhkso÷k ecoihkteroe, dejer prhgon h cuz, mes y mesncoke.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

Wok treksioso÷k.

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Hk hc gue`rn ekthronr instreins cns spnts iås rhprhshktetovnssndrh cns thies quh iekhjernk cns spnts `h gek`o`etn y etequh.4?<

0.7.4 Edroc. Ce geé`e `hc pukthrn

E prokgopons `h edroc guek`n tn`evée gorgucede hc spnt `h cns ce`ro-ccns, tni÷ luhrze ntrn quh sh hiphz÷ e treksiotor `hs`h hc 56 `hierzn, phrn quh gndr÷ su hlhgtn hk edroc, hc gnkngo`n gnin hc`h ce gfegfecege. Puvn gnin nromhk ukn `h cns hxghsns `osgursovns

`h EICN. Hc 58 `h ierzn, `h more hk Nexege ch rhspnk`o÷ ecprhso`hkth Lnx quh cn fedée cceie`n pnpucoste pnr prnihthr de- jer cns gnstns `h ce cuz y mesncoke `ogohk`n: –¡Gåcchsh, gou`e`eknprhso`hkth! gnk tn`n rhsphtn, ch `omn‟‟ y `ns `ées `hspuïs: –_e chtuvh quh `hgor, esé, `hspegotn pnrquh yn kn fedcn `h gnrro`n, ch`ojh: ¡Gåcceth Gfe-gfe-ce-ge!’  4?=

Hses `ns lreshs luhrnk utocoze`es pere cceiercn oktnchrekth, –gn-ihkzede ce tnrrhkth `h gniperegonkhs hktrh hc e`vhrseron, Ek-`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr, y hc prhso`hkth vhkhzncekn, FumnGfåvhz, quohk pere hsh inihktn hre gcevh `h ce grétoge okthrke-gonkec y ndjhtn `h ce ekoie`vhrso÷k hktrh ecmukns shgtnrhs `h cegcesh ih`oe y ecte’.4?6 

4?< Hc gnkthko`n `h hsth gue`rn y hk cns somuohkths, s÷cn sh fegh rhlhrhkgoe e cns spnts iåsrhprhshktetovns `h ce thiåtoge quh iekhjernk cns spnts shmúk su topn, hk lukgo÷k `h quhluhrnk cns quh iås vhghs sh treksiotohrnk. Ce tnteco`e` h cns spnts treksioto`ns sh puh`hkgnksucter hk OLH, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs `h prningonkechs hk re`on y thchvoso÷k `hthgte`ns pnr hc inkotnrhnhk ces geipeões hchgtnrechs `hc 422< . Xko`e` `h Losgecozego÷k `h cns Thgursns `h cns Rerto-`ns Rncétogns, `ospnkodch hk: fttp://www.olh.nrm.ix/`nguihktns/spnts/Eguhr`nWpnts/proihrn-0Rrnins@oluk`o`nsGeipekoes.ftic4?= Glr.Hsies.gni, – Thspnk`h EICN e Lnx sndrh ce voedoco`e` `h dejer teroles hcïgtro-ges’, `ospnkodch hk: fttp://www.hsies.gni/kntogohrnsthchvose/`hgosonk422</ok`xknto-goes/8424?6.ftic4?6 Iuõnz Prhjn, Ekedhc, @h ces lukgonkhs `hc rhshktoiohktn hk ce pncétoge ihxogeke `hc eõn 422< ,Predejn `h totucego÷k, LGRyW-XKEI, 4226, p. 0<.

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Hk hc spnt eperhgée ce chyhk`e oktnchrekgoe hk lnk`n khmrn y ukevnz hk nll  `ogohk`n:

 ‐Hstn hs oktnchrekgoe. ‐Eperhgh hc prhso`hkth Fumn Gfåvhz ogohk`n: –prhso`hkthLnx, kn sh ihte gnkiomn gedecchrn pnrquh sech hspoke`n’. ‐Eperhgh EICN `ogohk`n: ¡Gåcchsh gou`e`ekn prhso`hkth,gåcceth gfegfecege!

Ce vnz hk nll  thrioke `ogohk`n: ‐¡Kn e ce oktnchrekgoe!

Hc úkogn spnt quh cekzerée ce GRDP `urekth hsth ihs hk gnktre`h Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k sh treksioto÷ e pertor `hc 8 `h edroc, hk hceperhgh ce hsgrotnre Hchke Rnkoetnwsae `hsioktohk`n ces eguse-gonkhs `h hk`hu`eiohktn, hk hc spnt `ogh:

 ‐Hk hc REK etegek e C÷phz Ndre`nr gnk pures ihktores,hs ihktore quh thkme rhcego÷k gnk Fumn Gfåvhz1 hs ihktorequh cns shmuk`ns posns sh feyek kekgoe`n gnk `hu`e, sh fo-gohrnk gnk eusthro`e` y duhk mndohrkn.

Hc hquopn h geipeõe h LGF gnkthsterée gnk uk kuhvn spnt quhtreksioto÷ `ées `hspuïs, hk `nk`h ch gnkthsteréek e ce hsgrotnre1

efé sh gecogede e Thkï Dhjerekn gnin gnrruptn y sh hxfodéekces oiåmhkhs `h cns vo`hn-hsgåk`ecns, `nk`h eperhgh cchkek`n ukeiechte gnk `okhrn. Cns gec`hrnkostes  sh inlernk `h Rnkoetnwsaegnk uk chtrhrn use`n knriecihkth hk ces phcéguces `h gokh iu`n y ce vokgucernk e Thkï Dhjerekn,4?? hc spnt `hgée:

 ‐Efnre rhsucte quh cns shmuk`ns posns y ces phksonkhs `h

C÷phz Ndre`nr sh fogohrnk gnk duhk mndohrkn, efnrrn y

4?? Geiegfn, ×sger, np. got ., p. 00.

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fnkre`hz. ¾E quoïk quohrhk hkmeõer> ¡C÷phz Ndre`nr hs ukphcomrn pere Iïxogn!

Hsth spnt sh treksioto÷ hc 54 ec 45 h edroc egnipeõe`n h ntrnsiås quh sh iuhstrek hk hc Gue`rn =. Rere kechs `h edroc cnshlhgtns `hc ekukgon `h cns ce`roccns, hc `h Dhjerekn y hc `h ce gfegfecege,  ye fedéek surto`n uk hlhgtn `hveste`nr. Hc OLH gnktedocoz÷ teksncn hk hc ihs 7 ioc ?4? oipegtns pnr perth `hc REK y 60= `h ceGRDP, hktnkghs ces thk`hkgoes fedéek geidoe`n, iohktres quh

hk cns proihrns `ées ce hkguhste `h Hc Xkovhrsec tn`evée `ede ukevhkteje h guetrn puktns e EICN, e khs h edroc ch erée e LGF7<% sndrh 77% `h EICN.722 (Mråge 7).

Mråge 7. Edroc

722 Glr . @hinthgkoe, –Hkguhste chvekte`e `hc 4< ec 4? `h edroc’, hk: OLH,  Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o etn, Oklnrih `h ces hkguhstes quh sh pudcogernk y quh luhrnk hktrhme`es e ce Whgrhterée Hjhgutove,Iïxogn, 422<.

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’… np. got.

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7075 72





Xkovhrsec <-6 Gnverrudoes 6-? Thlnrie 42-44 @hinthgkoge 4<-4?

Hkguhstes pudcoge`es

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Gnktokuek`n gnk hc pcektheiohktn ghktrec `h kuhstre okvhstome-go÷k, ekth ce oklnriego÷k rhgodo`e, hc hchgtnr regonkec quh epnye-de e EICN thriokerée prndedchihkth hcednrek`n ce grhhkgoe`h quh hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP hre hk vhr`e` pnpucoste, y quhrhecihkth thkée soiocotu`hs gnk Fumn Gfåvhz. Hre oktnchrekth,hk`hu`erée ec peés, y cn phnr, quh hre uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn, `hs-hkge`hkek`n uke hingo÷k regonkec `h ioh`n, quh cn cchverée e

mhkhrer uk `hshn `h geidoer regonkecihkth su prhlhrhkgoe hchg-tnrec fegoe LGF, kn pnrquh cn gnkso`hrere ce ihjnr npgo÷k, soknpnrquh hvoterée uk `hsestrh kegonkec. Cn ekthronr cn pn`hins

Luhkth: Glr . OLH, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs… np. got.

  WRNPW @H GEK@O@EPN PTEKWIOPO@NW RNT HC REKLhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

28 Edr. Wncugonkhs pere jhle h leiocoe, ihjnrhs fnrerons.

28 Edr. Wncugonkhs prhngupego÷k h ie rhs, muer hrées.

57 Edr. Iås y ihjnrhs hipchns, ce uko÷k fegh ce luhrze.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

2= Edr. Rnkoetnwsae fedce gnk uk lnk`n `h Dhjerekn y Rnkgh rndek`n.

55 Edr. _e seco÷ hc phokh: vnz prhmukte `÷k`h quh`÷ okhrn `h Dhjerekn, shguhkgoe`osgursn EICN.

48 Edr. C÷phz Ndre`nr, `hdeth, Åkmhc `h ce Ok`hphk`hkgoe quhdråk`nsh.

4? Edr. Rroihr hdeth h iujhrhs. Gec hr÷k prhshkte prnpuhste. Wocce h EICN vegée.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

27 Edr. Ndre púdcoge, hipchns, guipcor hs io luhrze.

5< Edr. @uhch quh ce juvhktu` hiomrh hk dusge `h tredejn.

4< Edr. @hgoso÷k h dejer ce cuz, guipcor.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt.

2< Edr. Rnkoetnwsae-REK etegek gnk pures ihktores.

Gue`rn =

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gnksteter ndshrvek`n ce Mråge 0, quh kns iuhstre quh hc pnr-ghktejh quh pohr`h EICN y Tndhrtn Ie`rezn urekth hc ihs h

edroc, hs hc quh eyu`e e LGF e sudor ce thk`hkgoe pnr hkgoie `hcproihrn `h hccns.

Mråge 0

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’… np. got.

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4?   4<




Ierzn Edroc Ieyn 





0.7.7 Ieyn. Ce rhspuhste

Rnr equhccns `ées sh fedc÷ iugfn `h ce khmetove `h EICN egnkthster cns spnts hk su gnktre y `h su hiphgoke`e vncukte` `hmeker sok hc ih`on thchvosovn1 hc 72 `h edroc, @ekohc Cozårreme,hsgrodo÷ hk ce rhvoste Rrnghsn:

–Hk ih`on `h ce hvo`hkth `osiokugo÷k hk ces prhlhrhkgoes pnrsu gek`o`eture, Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr sh elhrre euke hstrethmoe `h geipeõe `oromo`e pnr ïc iosin y dese`e hx-

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gcusoveihkth hk su phrsnkeco`e` ‖e res h tohrre‟. Ko ces hkguhs-tes, ko hc mncphthn `h sus gnktrokgekths, ko soquohre hc hlhgtn `hc

spnt ‖uk phcomrn pere Iïxogn‟ cn feghk geidoer’.725

Wok hidermn, e prokgopons `hc ihs `h ieyn uk sughsn ferée ecgek`o`etn `h ce GRDP geidoer su hstrethmoe, gnkrier gnk susprnpoes hkguhstes quh LGF cn fedée rhdese`n, Eke Grostoke Gn-verrudoes thkée ces prhlhrhkgoes hk 70% LGF, 4?% EICN.724 –Hre gohrtn cn quh `hgéek ces hkguhstes `h Thlnrie, ETGNR

(uke hiprhse quh tredeje pere hc REK) y ces `h MHE-OWE: LhcophGec`hr÷k cn fedée rhdese`n pnr `ns n trhs puktns’.727

E pertor `h hsh inihktn ce GRDP rhspnk`hrée gnk spnts `h ete-quh, y sh hktedcerée uk `oåcnmn `h `hsgecogegonkhs quh `ureréetn`n hc ihs. Hc topn `h spnts cn pn`hins eprhgoer hk hc Gue`rn6. Hc proihrn `h hccns instrerée ec gek`o`etn `hc REK e levnr `h

sudor cns oipuhstns. Hk hc spnt uke vnz hk nll  `ogh:

 ‐Pn`ns hk hc REK hståk `h eguhr`n hk sudorth hc oipuhstn`hc O\E.

Eperhgh ce oiemhk `h Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k y ïc `ogh:

 ‐Gnk hstn, ce leiocoe iås pndrh pemerée ioc phsns iås `hO\E.

725 Cozårreme, @ekohc, –_n, s÷cn yn’. Thvoste Rrnghsn, Kn. 5872, 72 h edroc , Iïxogn, 422<, p. =.724

 Phccn @éez, Gercns, 4 h jucon. Ce gr÷koge iokutn e iokutn `hc ée iås oipnrtekth h kuhstre fostnroegnkthipnråkhe, h`. Rcekhte, Iïxogn, 422=, p. 78.727 Glr . Geiegfn, ×sger, np. got., p. 8<.

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Gue`rn 6

Hc REK rhspnk`hrée gnk uk spnt quh eguse e EICN `h ihktorn-sn. Xke vnz hk nll `ogh:

 ‐C÷phz Ndre`nr iohkth kuhveihkth sndrh hc O\E. @h ie-khre lreu`uchkte, iekopuc÷ uk vo`hn pere hkmeõerth. Cn quh

Luhkth: Glr . OLH, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs… np. got.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

52 Iey. _n vntn pnr hc hipchn: j÷vhkhs fedcek h su hshn h hipchn

58 Iey. Iekn strih-shmuro`e : thie `h ce shmuro`e`


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

5< Iey. @oih h quï prhsuihs: oiåmhkhs h EICN, Dhjerekn y hc HZCK.

45 Iey. Ce hstrethmoe hc evhstruz: ¡Gnipcnnn!

4? Iey. C÷phz Ndre`nr iohkth, kn puh`hs gnkster hk ïc.

72 Iey. Oiote`nr: iekn thgchek`n mrek`hs golres hk uke gecguce`nre, eghktntedesquhõn.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

27 Iey. Rnr hc dohk h tn`ns, proihrn ces iujhrhs.50 Iey. Euihktn `h phquhõns y ih oekns hiprhserons, grï`otns EICN


72 Iey. Rrnpuhste hgnk÷ioge: EICN hchve okmrhsn 42 pnrgohktn.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

20 Iey. REK < ioccnkhs, pnkth duzn.

5< Iey. Oklnrietove 5: Gec hr÷k g÷ipcogh hc RTO.

4? Iey. Oklnrietove 8: iekns sugoes ghrn hipchn.

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rhecihkth prnpusn Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k luh hstn: `hvncvhr `okhrnhk hlhgtovn e cns iås pndrhs. ¡C÷phz Ndre`nr th quohrh vhr

ce gere!

Hc somuohkth spnt `h etequh `h ce Gnecogo÷k vokguc÷ e Gec`hr÷kgnk ce eprndego÷k `hc LNDERTNE. Xke vnz hk nll:

 ‐Hc lreu`h `h ce fostnroe, hc LNDERTNE. 

Eperhgh Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k ogohk`n:

 ‐Fhins prhpere`n uke sncugo÷k rhspnksedch ec prndchie`hc LNDERTNE.

\nz hk nll:

 ‐¾Guåchs iekns coipoes>

Hc REK rhspnk`hrée `hsioktoïk`ncn. \nz hk nll:

 ‐Thsphgtn ec LNDERTNE C÷phz Ndre`nr iohkth ntre vhz.Hk hc ?8 Iïxogn hktr÷ hk su phnr grosos, cns `opute`ns `hcREK secvernk tus efnrrns, C÷phz Ndre`nr kn fozn ke`e, hc

gucpedch `h ce grosos luh Wecokes pnr ce orrhspnksedch pncétoge`h hk`hu`eiohktn quh C÷phz Ndre`nr prhthk`h `h kuhvnoipcekter. ¾Uuohrhs ntre grosos>

Cns etequhs hk `oåcnmn gnktokuernk `urekth tn`n hc ihs (Gue-`rn 6). Hk ce Mråge 8 pn`hins ndshrver quh e pertor `h quh ceGRDP `hgo`h gnkthster e cns etequhs `hc REK, ce oklnriego÷k

quh rhgodo÷ hc hchgtnr regonkec, luh sndrh ce gnipcogo`e` y gnrrup-go÷k `hc gek`o`etn `hc REK, hktnkghs sh lnrieréek grhhkgoes `h`ns topns: proihrn, cns hchgtnrhs quh fedéek `u`e`n `h su proih-

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re npgo÷k y quh fedéek hvote`n hc phcomrn geidoek`n su prhlh-rhkgoe fegoe LGF, efnre thkéek ce grhhkgoe `h quh Gec`hr÷k chs

fedée ihkto`n gnk cns spnts, quh ïc hre gnrruptn y ihktornsn1 pnrcn tektn, su hingo÷k regonkec luh `h ioh`n n `hsgnkekze fegoeïsth y `h hsphrekze fegoe EICN rhmrhsek`n e su prhlhrhkgoeokogoec1 shmuk`n, cns quh `hrove`n `h ce oklnriego÷k, rhlnrzernksu grhhkgoe h quh C÷phz Ndre`nr hre h vhr`e` uk phcomrn pereIïxogn, gnk cn guec sh okgrhihkt÷ su ioh`n fegoe ïsth y euihkt÷su hsphrekze pnr LGF pere hvoter quh EICN cchmere ec pn`hr.

Mråge 8. Ieyn

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’…np. got.


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Hkguhstes pudcoge`es



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0.7.0 Jukon. 7<-7< 

E prokgopons `h jukon ces prhlhrhkgoes hchgtnrechs hrek LGF 7<%,EICN 7<%1 so dohk hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP sh fedée rhguphre-`n, kn fedée cnmre`n rhguphrer su cumer `h pukthrn. Luh hktnkghsquh hc < `h jukon, `ée `hc shmuk`n `hdeth hktrh cns gek`o`etns,C÷phz Ndre`nr ekukgo÷ quh Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k thkée uk guõe`n ok-g÷in`n, @ohmn Zevece, `orhgtnr `h ce hiprhse Foc`hdrek`n, quhsh fedée dhkhgoe`n gnk gnktretns ioccnkerons guek`n Gec`hr÷k

hre shgrhteron `h Hkhrmée. Hc 6 `h jukon hk cns `oerons `h gorgu-cego÷k kegonkec sh pudcogede quh ce totucer `h Wh`hsnc, rhgnkngéequh ce `hphk`hkgoe thkée uk gnktretn gnk ce hiprhse Foc`hdrek-`n. Rerechceihkth, Gerihk Erosthmuo hk su prnmreie `h re`on`hkukgoede ce vokgucego÷k hktrh ce påmoke h LGF gnk hc pe`r÷khchgtnrec quh sh hkgnktrede dejn gustn`oe `hc OLH.720

Hktnkghs ce t÷koge `h cns spnts luh hk rhcego÷k gnk hsth esuktn. Hcproihrn `h hccns shrée cekze`n pnr ce GRDP. Xke vnz hk nll  `ogh:

\nz `h Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k:

 ‐Dejn io iek`etn hk ce Whgrhterée `h Hkhrmée, ko uk sncngnktretn luh ntnrme`n `osgrhgonkec n hk cns tïriokns `h ce

prnpoe rhmceihktego÷k e ecmúk perohkth ién.

\nz hk nll:

 ‐Hccns justogek uke snce hiprhse, phrn fey 56 iås quh toh-khk gnktretns ioccnkerons y cns quohrhk ngucter, pnr hsn hcguõe`n okg÷in`n cn pusn hk hvo`hkgoe.

720 Glr. Odé`., p. <4.

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\nz `h @ohmn Foc`hdrek`n Zevece:

 ‐Hk Rhtr÷chns Ihxogekns tuvoins uk okmrhsn pnr 42 io-ccnkhs `h phsns hk hc 4220, hk hc phron`n quh hstuvn Lhcoph,`h hsns 42 ioccnkhs, gnrrhspnk`hréek ngfn ioccnkhs y ih`on.

Hc REK gnkthst÷. \nz hk nll:

 ‐Efnre sé quh e C÷phz Ndre`nr sh ch gey÷ hc thetrotn gnk

hstn h ces egusegonkhs ec guõe`n h Lhcoph. \hrå usth`, LhcophGec`hr÷k cn rht÷: –ch `ny 40 fnres pere quh hxfode uk sncngnktretn’.

 ‐C÷phz Ndre`nr sh gniprnihto÷ e prhshkter ces pruhdes y cchmernk iuy vecohkths gnk trhs gejes supuhsteihkth cchkes`h hvo`hkgoes, phrn hstedek prågtogeihkth vegées. Kn tohkhk

pruhdes. Xk knteron púdcogn gnkri÷ quh hlhgtoveihkth knsh hktrhmede kokmúk `nguihktn rie`n pnr hc shõnr LhcophGec`hr÷k.

Hk hc somuohkth gue`rn pn`hins ndshrver cns spnts `h etequh `hcns `ns gek`o`etns.

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Gue`rn ?

Luhkth: Glr . OLH, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs… np. got.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

52 Juk. Femeins hquopn gnk Gec`hr÷k: hxjume nrhs `h lutdnc ihxogekn fedcek `h

vnter pnr Gec`hr÷k.

58 Juk. Rohkse hk tus fojns: Gec`hr÷k shõece pnr quï vnter pnr ïc, hipchn y grhgoiohktn.

42 Juk. Rndrhze sh gure gnk hipchn: fojn po h e ie`rh, shõec÷ vnterå pnr Gec`hr÷k.

47 Juk. Edrh dohk cns njns: egtnrhs fedcek h vecnrhs, Gec hr÷k cns tohkh.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

52 Juk. EICN hk`hu`e`nr: EICN hs uk phcomrn pere ce shmuro e` hgnk÷ioge `hc peés.

55 Juk. E C÷phz Ndre nr sh ch gey÷ hc thetrotn: Gec`hr÷k rhte e prhshkter pruhdes.

4< Juk. Iemn: sege gnkhjn1 prnihse EICN gnipere gnk hu`e hk hc @.L.

4< Juk. ¾Uuohrhs hstn pere Iïxogn> oiemhk `h EICN oksuctek`n.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt5< Juk. \nte pnr quohk so th gnkvohkh (iujhr): oiemhk euihktn h okmrhsn y dncse h

iujhr cchke.

45 Juk. G÷in vny e ihjnrer hc okmrhsn: EICN prnpnkh euihkter mestn gnk eusthro-

`e` `hc mndohrkn.

46 Juk. Egnipeõe e Ierghcn Hdrer`: oiemhk z÷gecn gnk EICN.


Lhgfe @hsgropgo÷k `hc spnt

25 Juk. Hc lreu`h `h ce fostnroe, Gec`hr÷k evece hc Lndeprne.

55 Juk. Gnktretns gnk Ihte @ete: iuhstre `h Ihte @ete hk guhkte `h gnktretns1

guektn ch tnge e LGF

54 Juk. Khxns `h Gec`hr÷k: ekukgon hk quh shõece quh e ces ? pi sh prhshkteråk

khxns LGF.

4< Juk. Geidoe ce fostnroe: oiåmhkhs `h Gec`hr÷k, Ie`rezn, Wecokes y ntrns `ogohk`n


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Hk ce Mråge <, sh ndshrve quh e ih`oe`ns `h jukon, EICN vnc-vo÷ e gncngersh gnin pukthrn, shmúk Iotnlsay, gnk 7<% pnr 77%

`h LGF. Wh puh`h erier quh ce oklnriego÷k fedée cnmre`n rh-lnrzer ce grhhkgoe regonkec h quh LGF hre gnrruptn y ihktornsn,pnr cn quh hc shmihktn `h hchgtnrhs vncåtochs, quh hs hc quh fhinsvhko`n ekecozek`n, gnihkz÷ e rhgndrer ce hingo÷k h hsphrekzefegoe C÷phz Ndre`nr.

Mråge <. Jukon

Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’…


    O   k    t   h   k   g    o    ÷   k     `


   v   n    t   n
















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Wok hidermn, hk cns úctoins quokgh `ées `h jukon ce eperogo÷k

`h ecmukns spnts `h etequh quh kn prnvhkéek `h ecmúk perto`nn gnecogo÷k, thk`réek uk oipegtn ieyúsgucn hk ces prhlhrhkgoes

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hchgtnrechs1 cns `hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hiprhseroec, gnk ukemestn `h 57< ioccnkhs 0=< ioc 888 phsns.728

Cns spnts luhrnk `h `ns topns: cns quh shõecernk quh geidoer`h in`hcn hgnk÷iogn hre rhtrngh`hr y cns quh gniperernk eEICN gnk Fumn Gfåvhz. @h cns proihrns sndrhsech hc somuohk-th: sh iuhstre e uk koõn quh hstå shkte`n hk uke hsgechre, ukevnz hk nll  ch `ogh:

 ‐ ¾Wnk tuyns hsns vhokth phsns>Koõn: ‐Wé, hs io docchth.\nz hk nll:  ‐¾_ so th `omn quh pnr uke `hvecuego÷k tus vhokth phsns yesnceihkth vechk 52>Koõn:

 ‐¾Ih hstås ioktohk`n vhr`e`>\nz hk nll:  ‐¾Kn th perhgh ierevoccnsn quh kuhstrns fojns ye kn hktohk-`ek cn quh knsntrns sulroins tektes vhghs> Hstn hs prn`ugtn`h `ohz eõns `h hstedoco`e` hgnk÷ioge, epnsterch e ecmn `os-toktn hs rhtrngh`hr, `hlhk`eins cn quh fhins cnmre`n.

@hc shmuk`n topn, `hstege hc somuohkth: eperhgh hc prhso`hkthFumn Gfåvhz y uk chtrhrn `hdejn `h ïc quh `ogh: Fumn Gfåvhz,prhso`hkth `h ce Thpúdcoge Dncoveroeke `h \hkhzuhce. Wh hsgugfece vnz `hc prhso`hkth quh `ogh:

 ‐Gnihkzeråk e cchmer cns lusochs aecesfkoanv  pere erier ekuhstrn puhdcn. Wh vhk hsghkes `h eries, iekolhstegonkhs,

phrsnkes vhsto`es hk trejhs iocoterhs.

728 Glr. PHRJL, – @ogteihk rhcetovn ec g÷iputn… np. got.

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Eperhgh ce oiemhk h uke phrsnke h ce thrghre h`e` quh susporeec seger `h su gfeierre su grh`hkgoec pere vnter, uke vnz hk nll


 ‐Hk Iïxogn kn khghsotes user eries pere `hlhk`hr tuso`hes, sncn tohkhs quh vnter ¡Årieth `h vecnr y vnte!

Hc hlhgtn `h hstns spnts cn pn`hins gnrrndnrer e pertor `hc so-muohkth reznkeiohktn: so dohk EICN sh hstede rhguphrek`n fes-

te ce proihre quokghke h jukon, ces úctoies golres quh pudcog÷ Re-reihtrée ekths h ce hchggo÷k luhrnk 78% pere EICN y 70% pereLGF, sh fedée rhlnrze`n ce grhhkgoe `h uke pnsodch `hvecuego÷k,efnre kn hre hc REK hc quh cn `hgée, sokn cns hiprhserons, y hsn ch`ede uk phsn oipnrtekth `h grh`odoco`e`.

Feste equé sh fe instre`n gnin cns spnts `h etequh luhrnk cns

quh ieynrihkth okuyhrnk hk hc geidon regonkec `h prhlhrhk-goes hchgtnrechs1 gnin ihkgonkeins hk hc eperte`n 7.4.4, hc nd- jhtovn h hsth topn `h prnpemek`e hs hc h phrsue`or e cns hchgtnrhsprnpnrgonkek`n oklnriego÷k quh hc rhghptnr `hsgnkngh, rhsec-tek`n eptotu`hs n okhptotu`hs sndrh ecmuohk n ecmn, –usuecihkthhk ce prnpemek`e pncétoge sh utocozek ces `hlnriegonkhs guecoteto-ves, okthktek`n rhgrher ce o`hkto`e` `h uk gek`o`etn e trevïs `h

ce o`hktogego÷k gnk ntrns `h iece rhputego÷k y gnk rhméihkhs`hs`hõedchs pere ce sngoh`e`’, `h hste lnrie sh gnkstruy÷ ukeo`hkto`e` `hs`hõedch fegoe ge`e ukn `h cns gek`o`etns pukthrn.

Cn quh pn`hins sudreyer hs quh hc gek`o`etn `h ce GRDP, luhhc iås elhgte`n. Hk edroc phr`o÷ guetrn puktns, y hk ieyn gey÷ec shmuk`n cumer `h ces prhlhrhkgoes, hstn luh hc rhsucte`n `h ihs

 y ih`on `h prnpemek`e `h etequh hk su gnktre y eukquh Lh-coph Gec`hr÷k teidoïk sulro÷ ces gnkshguhkgoes `h prnpemek`e`hc iosin topn, ye thkée uke vhkteje gnkso`hredch hk tohipn `h

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treksioso÷k `h etequh e su npnkhkth. Uuozås ce grhhkgoe quh shmhkhrecoz÷ hk ieynr ih`o`e, `hdo`n ec tohipn `h treksioso÷k

`h cns spnts, luh ce `h quh Ek`rïs Iekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr hreuk rohsmn pere ce hstedoco`e` hgnk÷ioge `h ce gcesh ih`oe. Hstegrhhkgoe gnihkz÷ e mhkhrersh `hs`h ce eperogo÷k `hc spnt `h cnsce`roccns hk ierzn, y gnktoku÷ feste hc `ée `h ce hchggo÷k, geso gue-trn ihshs `urekth cns guechs sh luh rhlnrzek`n `ée gnk `ée. Gninihkgonke Jevohr Prhvoõn, –ces o`hes Qn grhhkgoes,Y sndrh hc ‖phco-mrn pnpucoste‟ hidnkernk gnk cns tre`ogonkechs thinrhs `h cns

shgtnrhs ih`ons ihxogekns e ce okhstedoco`e` n `hthronrn `h susotuego÷k (rhec n oiemokeroe) `h su stetus y `h gcesh’.72< 

E gnktokuego÷k, uke mråge iuhstre hc gnipnrteiohktn `h cethk`hkgoe hchgtnrec `urekth hc phron`n `h ekåcosos.

72< Prhvoõn Tekmhc, Jevohr, –Råkogn inrec hk ces geipeões hchgtnrechs `h 422<: Ce hcedn-rego÷k `hc phcomrn pere Iïxogn’, Thvoste Lnrn Okthrkegonkec, 5?=, jucon-shptohidrh, Gncihx, Iïxo-gn, 422?, p. <0=.

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Mråge =

 Phk`hkgoe hchgtnrec `hc phron`n `h ekåcosos

    O   k    t   h   k   g    o    ÷   k     `


   v   n    t   n













7<7=   78






















Luhkth: Hcednrego÷k prnpoe gnk oklnriego÷k `hc OLH,–Okthkgo÷k `h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’…np. got.

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Ce treksioso÷k h spnts h etequh pnr perth h cns perto`ns y gne-cogonkhs `urekth ce geipeõe hchgtnrec, vonc÷ hc ertégucn 76 okgosnR) `hc G÷`omn Lh`hrec `h Okstotugonkhs y Rrngh`oiohktns Hchgtn-rechs quh sndrh ce prnpemek`e `h cns perto`ns `ogh:72=

–R) Edsthkhrsh `h guecquohr hxprhso÷k quh oipcoquh `oetrode,gecuikoe, okleioe, okjuroe, `oleiego÷k n quh `hkomrh e cns gou-

`e`ekns, e ces okstotugonkhs púdcoges n e ntrns perto`ns pncétogns y sus gek`o`etns, pertogucerihkth `urekth ces geipeões hchg-tnrechs y hk ce prnpemek`e pncétoge quh sh utocogh `urekth cesiosies.’ 726

Ce ieynr perth `h ïstns luhrnk `hkukgoe`ns ekth hc Okstotutn Lh-`hrec Hchgtnrec1 ce proihr oiputego÷k luh prhshkte`e pnr ce gneco-

go÷k Rnr hc Dohk h Pn`ns hk hc ihs h edroc hk gnktre h ce gnecogo÷k Ecoekze pnr Iïxogn, pnr ce treksioso÷k `h uk spnt hk hc quh sh sh-õecede e EICN `h gnder`h pnr kn eghpter `hdetor gnk Tndhr-tn Ie`rezn1 ekth ce lecte `h prhgh`hkths, hc Okstotutn hcednrn uk–Rrnyhgtn `h eguhr`n pnr hc quh sh nr`hke e ce gnecogo÷k Ecoekzepnr Iïxogn quh rhtorh equhccns prningonkechs quh treksioth hkre`on, thchvoso÷k h okthrkht quh kn guipce gnk cn nr`hke`n pnr

ce Gnkstotugo÷k Rncétoge `h cns Hste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns y hcGNLORH’.72? 

72= Pn`es ces rhlhrhkgoes quh sh femek e ces chyhs hsteråk dese`es hk ce knrietovo`e`vomhkth hk hc eõn 422<.726 Gåiere `h @opute`ns `h F. Gnkmrhsn `h ce Xko÷k, G÷`omn Lh`hrec `h Okstotugonkhs y Rrngh-`oiohktns Hchgtnrechs, Úctoie Thlnrie @NL 40-20-422< .72? PHRJL, –@ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec h ce Hchggo÷k h Rrhso`hkth h cns Hste-`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns, `hgcerego÷k `h veco`hz `h ce Hchggo÷k y Rrhso`hkth Hchgtn’ , @oeronNgoec `h ce Lh`hrego÷k, Iïxogn, < `h shptohidrh `h 422<.

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Hc eguhr`n kn luh rhsuhctn pnr hc Gnkshjn Mhkhrec, pnr cn quh ceGRDP okthrpusn uk rhgursn `h ephcego÷k ekth hc PHRJL hk gnk-

tre `h hse rhsncugo÷k.

Hc Gnkshjn Mhkhrec rhro÷ quh kn gnktede gnk cns ihgekosinspere rhsncvhr hc eguhr`n pcekthe`n hk hc prnyhgtn, sok hidermn,hc Produkec lecc÷ e levnr `h ce gnecogo÷k hc 8 `h edroc y nr`hk÷ ecOLH rhvnger su khmetove, e`hiås `h ok`ogerch quh sé gnktede gnktec legucte` e trevïs `h ce oipchihktego÷k `hc Rrngh`oiohktn Hsph-

goecoze`n Wekgonke`nr .752

@hrove`n `h ce shkthkgoe, hc Gnkshjn Mhkhrec rhsncvo÷ e trevïs `hc Rrngh`oiohktn Hsphgoecoze`n ces `hkukgoes quh chvekternk cns perto`ns y gnecogonkhs hk gnktre `h cns spnts quh e su juogon voncedek ce chy.

Hc 4 `h jucon, `hspuïs `h gnknghr cns rhsucte`ns prhcoiokerhs, hc

REK y ce GRDP okogoernk uke detecce vntn pnr vntn hk cns trodu-kechs. Hk tntec luhrnk oipumke`ns 465 `ostrotns hchgtnrechs `h cns722 hxosthkths e trevïs `h juogons `h okgnklnrio`e` hk cns quhsh ermuihkt÷ quh ces egtes gnkthkéek hrrnrhs erotiïtogns gnk cnguec sh okgurrée hk uke voncego÷k ec prokgopon `h ghrthze. Ce gnecogo÷koipumk÷ 472 `ostrotns e trevïs `h cn quh sh gnkngo÷ gnin  Juogon Ie`rh y, ec egrh`oter ces `hkukgoes hc Produkec e`ioto÷ ce ephrture

`h 02 ioc gesocces, `h ces guechs sh ekucernk 622, cn quh in`og÷hc rhsucte`n hk 5?? `ostrotns hchgtnrechs, iås `hc 82%.

Ce gnecogo÷k okogo÷ uke invocozego÷k sngoec pere hxomor ec Produkechc rhguhktn h cns vntns hk tn`es ces gesocces, sok hidermn, hstn sncnluh uke hstrethmoe ih`oåtoge pnrquh hk rheco`e` kn hre pnsodch suphtogo÷k1 pere hccn –`hdée fedhrsh sncogote`n hc rhguhktn hk ge`e

ukn `h cns `ostrotns hchgtnrechs, `e`n quh cns juogons `h okgnklnr-

752 Glr . PHRJL, Hxph`ohkth WXR-TER-25=/422<.

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io`e` sorvhk pere oipumker `h iekhre ok`ovo`uec cns g÷iputnsrhecoze`ns pnr cns `ostrotns hchgtnrechs `hc OLH.’ 755

Hc rhsucte`n hc g÷iputn ngoec errnj÷ gnin rhsucte`n quh hc gek-`o`etn Lhcoph Gec`hr÷k ndtuvn 50 ioccnkhs ?5< ioc ?4= vntns,cns guechs rhprhshktek ce ieynr vntego÷k, y hc gek`o`etn Ek`rïsIekuhc C÷phz Ndre`nr 50 ioccnkhs <67 ioc ?< vntns. Hk lukgo÷k`h cns rhsucte`ns, `urekth hc `hsefnmn `h cns juogons, ce úkoge hs-trethmoe voedch `h ce gnecogo÷k pere rhvhrtor cns iosins hre quh hk

ce somuohkth htepe, ce `h ce gecogego÷k `h ce hchggo÷k, sh `hinstrerece voncego÷k sosthiåtoge e cns prokgopons `hingråtogns quh `hdhndshrver uke hchggo÷k y, gnk hccn sh pu`ohre hgcerer ce geusec h ku-co`e` edstregte1 sok hidermn, hste hiprhse kn hre `hc tn`n pnsodch.

Wh `hdh gnkso`hrer quh ce gecogego÷k `h ce hchggo÷k hs uk prngh-sn quh fe thko`n uk mrek kúihrn `h okthrprhtegonkhs, ye quh hk

prokgopon hsth prngh`oiohktn kn sh hkguhktre hc tn`n `hsgrotn hkce chy, Cnrhkzn G÷r`nve shõece quh ce terhe `hc Produkec hk hstehtepe `hdée shr ce `h juzmer –so ce hchggo÷k sh `hserrncc÷ gnklnrihe cns prokgopons gnkstotugonkechs hingråtogns y hk gnkshguhkgoe`hdée `hgcerersh våco`e’.754 Feste equé tn`n perhgh hster gcern, hcprndchie sh prhshkte ec `hkor so hc prngh`oiohktn hs `h gerågthr juros`oggonkec n e`iokostretovn-hchgtnrec gnin hxprhs÷ hc Produ-

kec pnr ces gnkshguhkgoes quh hccn oipcoge.

Wh fe ermuihkte`n quh tec prngh`oiohktn hs `h topn e`iokostre-tovn pnr kn shr `h gerågthr gnkthkgonsn, ye quh kn sh hkguhktrerhmuce`n pnr hc Wosthie `h Ih`ons `h Oipumkego÷k, sokn pnr ce Gnks-


 PHRJL, –@ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec… np. got.

754 G÷r`nve \oekhcn, Cnrhkzn, –Ce gecogego÷k `h ces hchggonkhs prhso`hkgoechs hk 422<’,hk: Rhsgfer` Jegquhcokh, 4 `h jucon: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves, LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=,p. =?.

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totugo÷k Rncétoge Lh`hrec y ce Chy Nrmåkoge `hc RJL. Ce Gnksto-tugo÷k hk su ertégucn ?? prhvï quh ce Wece Wuphronr `hc Produ-

kec rhecozerå hc g÷iputn kec `h ce hchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h cnsHste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns, uke vhz rhsuhctes ces oipumkegonkhspcekthe`es, lnriucerå ce `hgcerego÷k `h veco`hz `h ce hchggo÷k y`h prhso`hkth hchgtn.

@e`n cn ekthronr hc Produkec eri÷ quh ce gecogego÷k `h ce hchggo÷k

kn hs uk prngh`oiohktn juré`ogn sokn e`iokostretovn-hchgtnrec, hk-

germe`n e uk ÷rmekn juros`oggonkec y quh hk gnkshguhkgoe pohr`hetrodugonkhs gnin ce legucte` okvhstome`nre n `h sudsekego÷k `hpruhdes n hchihktns pere `hsefnmer ces okgnklnrio`e`hs1 perehccn, ch ntnrme ce rhspnksedoco`e` e cns okthrhse`ns `h prhshktercespere cn quh su `hrhgfn gnrrhspnk`e:

–Hk hsth prngh`oiohktn Qce gecogego÷k h ce hchggo÷kY s÷cn gedh

ce okthrvhkgo÷k `h cns gnkthk`ohkths hk ce hchggo÷k, e trevïs `hce lnriucego÷k `h echmetns rhcegonke`ns `orhgteihkth gnk cnshchihktns `hc ndjhtn `h ce gecogego÷k, gnk ce pnsodoco`e` `he`jukter cns hchihktns prndetnrons gnk quh guhkthk, susthk-te`ns hk hc prokgopon mhkhrec, gnklnrih ec guec so hc okthrhse`nprhthk`h quh shek tnie`ns hk guhkte `ogfns hchihktns, e ïcgnrrhspnk`h ecchmercns.’757

Gnk tec eriego÷k, hc Produkec sh codhr÷ `h uke rhspnksedoco`e`ieynr, gnin `ogh hc @r. Mhriåk Rïrhz,750 `h ihjnr prnvhhr . Wok hi-dermn, ce rheco`e` hs quh ce legucte` okvhstome`nre n `h sudseke-go÷k `h pruhdes, s÷cn sh hkguhktre hk cns ihgekosins `h gnktrncgnkstotugonkec.

757 PHRJL, @ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec… np. got.750 Glr . Rïrhz Lhrkåk`hz, Mhriåk,–Ce geipeõe ok`hshedch’, hk: Rhsgfer` Jequhcokh, 4 h jucon:rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves, LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=, p. 46=.

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Gnkso`hrek`n cn ekthronr hc PHRJL okogo÷ hc prnghsn `h geco-gego÷k `h ce hchggo÷k: pnr uk ce`n hc Produkec `hdée ekecozer so

ces gnkstekths voncegonkhs ec G÷`omn Hchgtnrec fedéek so`n `hthr-iokekths hk hc rhsucte`n kec `h ce hchggo÷k, y sh gniprnderehktnkghs ce voncego÷k e cns prokgopons `h ghrthze, chmeco`e`, ok`h-phk`hkgoe, so hstn sugh`ée, hktnkghs sh prngh`hrée e ce epcogego÷k`h ce geusec edstregte `h kuco`e`, ce guec teipngn sh hkgnktrede hx-prhseihkth hsgrote hk ce chy1 sok hidermn, cns iemostre`ns Ieu-rn Thyhs Zepete y Chnkhc Gestoccn Mnkzåchz shõecernk quh ïste:

–Wh prn`ugh pnr ce okndshrvekgoe `h hchihktns gnkstotutovns yhshkgoechs `h uke hchggo÷k `hingråtoge, eutïktoge y codrh, sokce gnkgurrhkgoe `h cns guechs, cns gniogons gerhghréek `h hsesgeco`e`hs. @ogfe okndshrvekgoe `hdh shr `hthriokekth pere hcrhsucte`n `h ce hchggo÷k… Okguidh `hgcererce `h ngon e ceeutnro`e` legucte`e pnr ce chy pere ce gecogego÷k `h ce hchg-

go÷k `h quh sh treth, hk hc egtn `h feghr ce gecogego÷k.’758

Hc Produkec ekecoz÷ uke shroh `h egtns quh ce gnecogo÷k gnkso`hr÷voncetnrons h cns prokgopons `hingråtogns, ces okthrvhkgonkhs hk hcprnghsn hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hiprhseroec, hc hx prhso`hkth Jnsï Ierée Ezker, `hc prhso`hkth Lnx y `h Hcde Hstfhr Mnr`occn,esé gnin cns spnts khmetovns quh treksiotohrnk cns perto`ns y hc


Hk cn quh gnkgohrkh ec ndjhtn `h hstu`on `h hste okvhstomego÷k,hc Produkec gnkgcuy÷ proihreihkth quh hk rhcego÷k e cns spntskhmetovns treksioto`ns pnr cns perto`ns n gnecogonkhs, kn sh hs-tede rhecozek`n uke gecogego÷k juré`oge ye quh hstn ye cn fedée

758 Glr . Gnrnke Keaeiure, Cuos E.,  Ce geusec edstregte `h kuco`e` hk ces hchggonkhs. Rephr  `os-pnkodch hk: fttp://www.rhvosteknterons.gni/chs/Geuse%42Edstregte%42`h%42Kuco-`e`%42`h%42ce%42Hchggonk.p`l 

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rhecoze`n hc OLH e trevïs `hc prngh`oiohktn hsphgoecoze`n y, pnrcn quh rhsphgte e sus hlhgtns hk hc rhsucte`n kec `h ce hchggo÷k

rhgnkngo÷ quh:

–Gnk ce `oluso÷k sosthiåtoge y gnktokue `h prnpemek`e khme-tove sh elhgtek ces deshs luk`eihktechs sndrh ces guechs sh `hdhsusthkter uk prnghsn hchgtnrec `hingråtogn, ye quh hk cumer `hphriotor quh su `hserrnccn she coipon, hk guektn e ce prhshk-tego÷k quh sh fegh ec hchgtnre`n `h cns prnmreies, eggonkhs

 y prnpuhstes `h cns perto`ns pncétogns y gek`o`etns, sh `eõe cepucgrotu` quh `hdh geregthrozercns, ec `hihroter ce oiemhk `hces npgonkhs pncétoges quh tohkhk cns gou`e`ekns, cn quh e suvhz ethkte gnktre ce codhrte` `hc vntn, ce guec kn `hdh hsterelhgte`e’.75<

Gnk hccn sh eghptede quh ce prnpemek`e khmetove voncede hc prok-

gopon `hingråtogn `h codhrte` `hc vntn, sok hidermn fegée lecte prn-dercn, hs `hgor, pere cns iemostre`ns cn oipnrtekth hre `hthriokerso ïste mhkhr÷ uk hlhgtn khmetovn, `h shr esé fudohre oipegte`n–`h in`n prhpnk`hrekth ec prnghsn hchgtnrec pnr gnkgucger cecodhrte` `hc vntn’ y, e`hiås –ih`or ce iemkotu` `h ce elhgte-go÷k, pere hster hk eptotu` `h hiotor uk prnkukgoeiohktn sndrhce `hgcerego÷k `h veco`hz `h ce hchggo÷k’.75= Ekth hccn, hc Produkec

`hko÷ cns grothrons khghserons pere rhecozer tec vecnrego÷k:

–Xk ih`on h pruhde quh pn`rée nrohkter hsth rhsucte`n,phrn kn shrée `hkotnron, shréek ces ih`ogonkhs tïgkoges`hdo`eihkth oshõe`es y ihtn`nc÷mogeihkth rhecoze`es,gnin hkguhstes, quh iuhstrhk ce rhcego÷k `h ces gei-peões hchgtnrechs gnk ce prh`ospnsogo÷k `h cns hchgtnrhs,

75< PHRJL, @ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec… np. got.75= Odé`.

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sndrh ce desh `h rhlhrhkgoes prhvoes, gnhtåkhes y pnsthronrhse ce geipeõe, quh iuhstrhk ce okthkgo÷k `hc vntn ekths `h ce

geipeõe y `urekth ïste y, kecihkth, ce lnrie hk quh hc vntnsh hioto÷ hk ce jnrke`e hchgtnrec. Xk rhlhrhkth quh iuhstrhhste rhcego÷k phriotorée gnknghr hc invoiohktn quh sh prn`u-gh rhsphgtn `h ce okthkgo÷k `hc vntn gou`e`ekn1 so hsh ih`ongnkvogtovn prnpnrgonke `etns eghrge `h guåc hre ce prhlhrhkgoehchgtnrec ekths `hc okogon `h ces geipeões, so sh iektuvn `u-rekth ïstes, sh egtov÷ hk hcces n so fudn uk geidon, gnkvhrso÷k

n okfodogo÷k pnr vortu` `h hcces, htgïthre.’756

Wok hidermn, hc prndchie ieyúsgucn luh quh `ogfns ih`ons `hpruhde kn sh hkgnktrernk hk eutns, pnr cn quh rhsphgtn ec thie, hcProdukec proihreihkth gnkgcuy÷ `ogohk`n quh ce Wece Wuphronrkn gnktede gnk cns hchihktns quh pusohrek hk hvo`hkgoe cns hlhg-tns prn`ugo`ns pnr cns ihksejhs n prningonkechs rhlhro`ns, y quh

hc rhtorn `h ïstns pnr perth `hc OLH y ce pudcogo`e` `h hste eggo÷kpu`ohrnk fedhr thko`n uk hlhgtn rhstotutnron `hc `eõn `h ce oie-mhk `h quohk sh von elhgte`n.75? Xke vhz sok cns okstruihktns `hpruhde y gnk ce supnsogo÷k `h ce rhstotugo÷k `hc `eõn sh gnkgcuéequh:

–Rnr cn tektn cns prningonkechs ekecoze`ns quh fek so`n ie-

throe `h hstu`on y quh, e`hiås, luhrnk gecoge`ns `h ochmechs,sh hstoie quh geusernk phrjuogons iékoins hktrh hc ukovhrsn hhchgtnrhs quh pertogopernk hk ce hchggo÷k `h prhso`hkth `h cnsHste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns’742

756 Odé`.75? Glr. Odé`.742 Odé`.

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Hs `h cceier ce ethkgo÷k quh hste gnkgcuso÷k, hk quh sh utocozece pecedre hstoier, sh feye hioto`n sok fedhr gnkte`n gnk cns hch-

ihktns ekths gote`ns, hs `hgor so kn hre uk prngh`oiohktn juré-`ogn, sokn e`iokostretovn, y kn sh pn`ée egrh`oter hc hlhgtn `hthr-iokekth hk hc rhsucte`n kec, teipngn sh thkéek deshs pere `hgorquh cns phrjuogons luhrek iékoins.

Hk hc gesn `h cns spnts quh treksioto÷ hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nrHiprhseroec, proihreihkth sh egrh`ot÷ ce voncego÷k ec ertégucn 06

`hc GNLORH, hc guec hstedchgh quh s÷cn cns perto`ns pncétogns puh-`hk gnktreter hspegons `h thchvoso÷k n re`on gnk ce okthkgo÷k `hnrohkter hc vntn. Hc Produkec eghpt÷ quh gnk hste eggo÷k sh vonc÷hc prokgopon hchgtnrec `h chmeco`e`,745 ye quh –guecquohr voncego÷ke ce knrie hchgtnrec gnkstotuyh uke treksmrhso÷k `hc prokgopon `hchmeco`e` hchgtnrec’.744 Xke vhz egrh`ote`e ce ochmeco`e`, fedéequh `hthrioker so hc fhgfn fedée so`n `hthriokekth hk hc rhsuc-

te`n h ce hchggo÷k, sok hidermn, kuhveihkth cns iemostre`ns knpu`ohrnk `hthriokercn pnr lecte `h hchihktns:

–Ce orrhmucero`e` quh fe quh`e`n hstedchgo`e, pnr sé iosie,kn hs `hthriokekth pere hc rhsucte`n `h ce hchggo÷k prhso`hk-goec, ye quh kn ndrek hchihktns prndetnrons hk eutns quh `h-iuhstrhk lhfegohkthihkth hc oipegtn `h cns spnts `oluk`o`ns

pnr hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hiprhseroec sndrh ce lrhguhkgoe hokthkso`e` hk quh ngurro÷ su `oluso÷k, pere hstedchghr su mre-`n `h phkhtrego÷k hktrh cns hchgtnrhs, gnin sh hstedchghrée etrevïs `h hchihktns quh phriotek `hthrioker cns fnrerons ygekechs `h treksioso÷k, hc kúihrn `h vhghs hk quh hccn ngu-

745 Fey quh rhgnr`er quh hstns spnts kn luhrnk `hkukgoe`ns ekth hc OLH, pnr cn quh hcekåcosos `h chmeco`e`, e `olhrhkgoe `h cns spnts khmetovns `h cns perto`ns, so thkée gedo`e hkhc `ogteihk.744 PHRJL, @ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec… np. got.

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rro÷, esé gnin ces egtotu`hs y gnipnrteiohktn `h cns hchgtnrhsquh luhrnk mhkhre`ns pnr techs prningonkechs. Hstn hs, ok`ovo-

`uecihkth gnkso`hre`ns kn puh`hk gnkso`hrersh gnin mhkh-recoze`ns (hk guektn ec esphgtn rhcetovn e su thipnreco`e` n`urego÷k `h ce geipeõe).’ 747

_ eknternk quh kn pesede `hsephrgodo`n quh hc gek`o`etn `h ceGRDP hstuvn hk egtotu` –tektn juré`oge gnin iethroec’ h okgrh-ihkter su prhshkgoe hk cns ih`ons. Ïste y ces ekthronrhs gnkgcu-

sonkhs `hc Produkec luhrnk ces quh iås grétoges ch vecohrnk, ¾g÷inhs quh pn`ée hthrioker quh cns spnts khmetovns tuvohrek uk hlhg-tn ihknr hk hc rhsucte`n kec h ce hchggo÷k hrovek`n gnkgcuson-khs c÷moges `h ce lecte `h pruhdes> @h efé pnr hjhipcn quh hc @r.Mhriåk Rïrhz feye `ogfn quh e su perhghr hc Produkec kn rhecoz÷uke pnk`hrego÷k pertogucer pere `hthrioker hc mre`n `h okuhk-goe `h cns fhgfns ekths ihkgonke`ns hk hc rhsucte`n kec `h ce

hchggo÷k y quh hc trodukec fegée pnr `hgorcn esé, uke `oshrtego÷ksndrh cn quh pu`n n kn pu`n gnkstotuorsh gnin uk rohsmn, phrnquh kecihkth kn tuvn hlhgtn hk hc rhsucte`n kec, ye she pnrquhkn fey gnin prndercn, n pnr ce chjekée h cns fhgfns gnk hc ée hce jnrke`e.740 Cn quh hs gohrtn hs quh e phser h ce egrh`otego÷k hces orrhmucero`e`hs, kn sh pu`n gniprnder hc mre`n `h elhgtego÷khk hc rhsucte`n kec `h ce hchggo÷k, cn quh kn phrioto÷ ce epcoge-

go÷k `h ce okvnge`e geusec `h kuco`e` .

Ekth hccn fe quh`e`n e ce pnsthro`e` y pere hc hdeth ege`ïiogn,mrek perth `hc thie, hk cns úctoins eõns, `ovhrsns okvhstome`nrhsfek pcekthe`n sus pnstures eghrge `hc `hshkcegh `h ce hchggo÷kprhso`hkgoec, sok hidermn fey prhmuktes quh kn sh fek gnkthste-`n, pnr hjhipcn:

747 Odé`.740 Rïrhz Lhrkåk`hz, Mhriåk, –Ce geipeõe ok`hshedch’… np. got.

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 ‐ Wo hc prnghsn `h gecogego÷k `h ce hchggo÷k hs uk prnghsne`iokostretovn-hchgtnrec y kn hxosth ce pnsodoco`e` `h ce

sudsekego÷k `h pruhdes, pnr ce tresghk`hkgoe `hc fhgfn,¾kn hxostée ce pnsodoco`e` `h quh hc Produkec sh ecchmere`h iås hchihktns e trevïs `h ce oipchihktego÷k `h ukihgekosin juré`ogn quh cn leguctere pere ihjnr prnvhhr>

 ‐ ¾Hk vhr`e` ces pruhdes quh ndrernk hk eutns luhrnk oksu-gohkths pere gniprnder quh ces orrhmucero`e`hs elhgte-

rnk hc rhsucte`n `h ce hchggo÷k>

 ‐ ¾Rnr quï sh pu`n gnkgcuor quh cns hlhgtns `h cns spntskhmetovns luhrnk ihknrhs so kn sh gnktede gnk okstru-ihktns quh `ogteiokerek hc mre`n `h elhgtego÷k>

 ‐ ¾Rnr quï ce GRDP kn sh prhvokn y prhshkt÷ cns okstru-

ihktns phrogoechs khghserons pere luk`eihkter ce er-iego÷k `h quh cns spnts khmetovns luhrnk hthriokekthshk hc rhsucte`n `h ce hchggo÷k y pnr cn tektn sh elhgtede hcprokgopon `h codhrte` `hc vntn>

Xkn `h cns rhsucte`ns `h hste okvhstomego÷k, kns phrioth jer ukepnsture pere `hsphjer cn quh e kuhstrn juogon pn`rée shr ce okg÷m-

kote iås oipnrtekth:

 ‐ ¾Cns spnts khmetovns treksioto`ns pnr ce Ecoekze pnr Iï-xogn, hc REK, ce GRDP y hc Gnkshjn Gnnr`oke`nr Hi-prhseroec, luhrnk `hthriokekths hk hc rhsucte`n kec `h cehchggo÷k `h Rrhso`hkth `h cns Hste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns>

@hspuïs `h fedhr ekecoze`n ihtn`nc÷moge y tïgkogeihkth cnshchihktns quh okthrvokohrnk hk hc prnghsn hchgtnrec, ce lnrie hkquh sh hcomohrnk e cns gek`o`etns, ce pertogopego÷k `h cns pn`h-

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rhs lågtogns, hc gnipnrteiohktn `hc vntn y, hc phron`n hk hc guecsh treksiotohrnk cns spnts `h etequh hk gnktre `h cns gek`o`etns

pukthrn, cn guec rhprhshkt÷ ce veroego÷k `h ces prhlhrhkgoes hchg-tnrechs, ce rhspuhste hs erietove.

Cns spnts treksioto`ns pnr cns egtnrhs ekths ihkgonke`ns tuvoh-rnk uk oipegtn sosthiåtogn hk ces thk`hkgoes h okthkgo÷k h vntn`urekth hc prnghsn hchgtnrec y luhrnk hthriokekths hk hc rhsucte-`n kec h ce hchggo÷k ec elhgter hc prnghsn regonkec `h ce lnrie-

go÷k `h grhhkgoes, cn quh mhkhr÷ hingonkhs quh `hshkge`hkernkuk geidon `h prhlhrhkgoes `urekth hc prnghsn hchgtnrec `h 422<,hc guec, vostn hk su gnkjuktn sh rhhje hk ce vntego÷k hioto`e hc`ée `h ce hchggo÷k.

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• Emuocer Chyve, Nquotzok, –Oiåmhkhs Dceslhies’, hk: C÷-phz \hkhrnko Lhcoph (Gnip.), Hc gnkghptn `h gucture pncétoge ycns ih`ons `h oklnriego÷k hk Iïxogn. XKEI, Iïxogn, 422?.

• Eciezåk, Echjek`rn y Geiegfn, ×sger, Ce vogtnroe quh kn

 luh. C÷phz Ndre`nr: Hktrh ce muhrre sugoe y ce sndhrdoe. Mrojecdn,Iïxogn, 422<.

• Ecink`, Medrohc, Xke `osgopcoke shmihkte`e: Hsguhces y gn-rrohkths hk ces Gohkgoes Rncétoges, LGH, Iïxogn, 5???.

• Erost÷thchs, –Ïtoge Kogniequhe’, hk: Ndres, 4ª h`. tre`.,

hst., prhc., prhåiducn y kntes `h L. `h R. Weierekgf,Emuocer, Ie`ro`, 5?==.

• Åvoce Tnsechs, Gercniemkn, –Hc ihjnr n hc o`÷khn: Ceshchggo÷k `h gek`o`etns e ce prhso`hkgoe `h Iïxogn hk4228’, hk: Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr (Gnip.), Iïxogn 422<: ce gnk-tohk`e o`hnc÷mogn-prnmreiåtoge y cns céioths `hc pn`hr okstotugonkec,

XKEI, Iïxogn 422?.

• Errnw, Ahkkhtf J. Wngoec Gfnogh ek` Ok`ovo`uec \ecuhs, _echXkovhrssoty Rrhss, Khw Fevhk, 5?=2.

• Exhcrn`, Tndhrt, Ce Hvncugo÷k `h ce Gnnphrego÷k. Hc `ochie hc prosonkhrn y ce thnrée `h juhmns. Ecoekze, Ie`ro`, 5?6<.

• Dhcc, @ekohc,  Ces Gnktre`oggonkhs Gucturechs `hc Gepotecosin,h`. Ecoekze Xkovhrso`e`, Ie`ro`, 5?==.

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• Dhcchkmhr, Conkhc, Ce phrsueso÷k. LGH, Iïxogn, 5?6?.

• Dhkéthz, Ceure, Fnihkejh e @hsgerths. LLyC-XKEI, Iï-xogn, 5??7.

• Dn`ho, Thin, Xke Mhnihtrée h ces Resonkhs. Ioh`n, hsphrekze y lhcogo`e`. Locnsnlée y su usn pncétogn. Iugfkoa H`otnrhs, Der-ghcnke, 5??8.

• Dugfekek, Jeihs y Mnr`nk, Puccnga. Hc Gåcgucn `hc Gnk-shksn, tre`. hspeõnce pnr Jevohr Wecokes Wåkgfhz, h`. Hs-pese Gecph, Ie`ro`, 5?62.

• Geierhke, Wecve`nr y Zhph`e, Retthrsnk, Jnrmh, Hc prh-so`hkth hchgtn. Okstrugtovn pere sndrhvovor e Gec`hr÷k y su mndohrkn. Rcekhte, Iïxogn.

• Geksokn, Gïser. –Oktrn`uggo÷k’, hk:  Ce gohkgoe pncétoge `h k `h somcn, Fuhrme y Lohrrn H`otnrhs, Hspeõe, 5???.

 ‐  Ce iuhrth `h ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge, h`. @hdeth, Iïxogn, 4252.

• G÷r`nve, \oekhcn, Cnrhkzn, –Ce gecogego÷k `h ces hchg-

gonkhs prhso`hkgoechs hk 422<’, hk: Rhsgfer`, Jequhcokh,4 `h jucon: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves, LGRyW-XKEI,Iïxogn, 422=, p. =?.

• @erwok, Gferchs, –Phxtns luk`eihktechs’, hk: Mrek`hsNdres `hc Rhkseiohktn, Reo`÷s, Derghcnke, 5??7.

• @evo`snk, @nkec`,  Hkseyns sndrh eggonkhs, sughsns y geuses.Okstotutn `h Okvhstomegonkhs Locns÷ges. XKEI-Grétoge,Derghcnke, 5??8.

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• @evosnk, ]. R., –Rudcog Npokonk: Oktrn`ugtonk’, hk: @. C.Woccs (gnip.), Okthrketonkec Hkgygcnph`oe nl tfh Wngoec Wgohkgh

(\nc. 57, pp. 566-5?=), Khw _nra, Igioccek, 5?6<.

• @h Lchur, Ihcvok y Wek`re, Decc-Tnahegf, Pfhnrohs nl Iess Gniiukogetonk, Cnkmiek, Khw _nra.

• @h Ce Lnkteokh, Jhek, Ces ihjnrhs låduces, H`oiet, Ie`ro`,5??6.

• @h ces Fhres, Ierée, Xsn y edusn `h ces hkguhstes. Rcekhte,Iïxogn, 4222.

• @hkos, Fhkro, Fostnroe `hc Rhkseiohktn Hgnk÷iogn, tre`. Ku-roe Dnzzn. Erohc H`ogonkhs, Hspeõe, 5?=2.

• @hsgerths, Thkï,  @osgursn `hc iïtn`n, Gnchggo÷k –WhpekGuektns’, Rnrrúe, Iïxogn, 4225.

 ‐  Ces pesonkhs `hc ecie, GNKEGXCPE, Iïxogn, 5??7.

• @o Gestrn, Hcosedhtte, Ce rez÷k hshkgekte`e. Xk eghrgeiohktne ce thnrée `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec . Okstotutn `h Okvhstomegonkhs

Locns÷ges-XKEI, Iïxogn, 4224.

 ‐–Tegonkeco`e` y Hingonkhs’, hk: G. Pruhde (gnip.), Tegonkeco`e`: chkmuejh, ermuihktego÷k y eggo÷k, XEI/Rceze y\ec`ïs, Iïxogn, 4222.

• @ohthrchk, Reuchtth, Ierxosin Ekecétogn. Hxpcogegonkhs lukgon-

kechs h okthkgonkhs, LL_C-XKEI, Iïxogn, 5??8.

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• @nkec` Mrhhk y Oek Wfeporn,  Retfncnmohs nl retonkec gfnoghtfhnry: E grotoquh nl eppcogetonks ok pncotogec sgohkgh, Khw Fe-

vhk, _ech Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, 5??0.

• @nwks, Ektfnky, Phnrée Hgnk÷ioge `h ce @hingregoe, tre`.Cuos E`ncln Ierték, h`. Emuocer, Ie`ro`, 5?=7.

• @urek`ok, Muy,  Ce ihktore `h ce prnpemek`e pncétoge y hk ce pudcogo`e` , Reo`÷s, Derghcnke, 5?67.

• Haiek, Reuc, –Doncnmogec ek` gucturec gnktrodutonks tndn`y ek` legoec invhihkt ok tfh hxprhssonk nl tfh hin-tonks’, hk: E. Tnrty (gnip.), Hxpceokokm tfh hintonks, Dhrah-chy y C.E., XGCE, XWE, 5?62.

• Hcsthr, Jnk, Nkh Wngoec Gfnogh nr Ieky> 5 ]nrc` Wngoec

Wgohkgh Lnrui ok Dhrmhk. Iey 55, 422?.

 ‐(422=). Hxpceokokm Wngoec Dhfevonr, Inrh Kuts ek` Dncts lnrtfh Wngoec Wgohkghs, Geidro`mh Xkovhrsoty Rrhss, Lorst Ru-dcosfh`, XWE.

 ‐(4228) –Hk Levnr `h cns Ihgekosins’, hk Thvoste `h Wn-

goncnmée, tre`. Kogncås Cnze Nthrn, XEI, Eõn 5?, Kn. 8=.Iïxogn, hkhrn-edroc.

 ‐(4224). Ecquoioes `h ce ihkth: ce regonkeco`e` y ces hingonkhs,Reo`÷s, Ermhktoke.

 ‐(4225). Wndrh ces pesonkhs. Hingo÷k, e`oggo÷k y gnk`ugte fu-

ieke, h`. Reo`÷s, Derghcnke, Hspeõe.

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 ‐(4222). Ces coiotegonkhs `hc pere`omie `h ce hchggo÷k regonkec. Hsgrotns shchggonke`ns `h Jnk Hcsthr , hst. oktr. shchgg. y h`. Jnsï

Geses Rer`n. 5ª h`. Hspeõe.

 ‐(5???). Juogons Wecni÷kogns, Ces coiotegonkhs `h ce regonkeco-`e` gnin prokgopon `h `hgoso÷k, Mh`ose, Hspeõe.

 ‐(5??6). –Hintonks ek` Hgnkniog Pfhnry’, Jnurkec nl Hgnkniog Cothreturh, \nc. 7<, Kn. 5, Iergf, pp. 0=-=0.

 ‐(5??=).  Hmnkoiogs, Ekåcosos `h ce Okthreggo÷k hktrh Tegonke-co`e`, Hingo÷k, Rrhlhrhkgoes y Knries Wngoechs hk ce Hgnkniée`h ce Eggo÷k Ok`ovo`uec y sus @hsvoegonkhs, Mh`ose, Derghcnke.

 ‐(5??<). –Tetonkecoty ek` tfh Hintonks’, tfh Hgnkniog Jnurkec , 52< (076): 576<-57?=. 5??<.

 ‐(5??7e). Xke oktrn`uggo÷k e Aerc Ierx, tre`. Ieron M.Ec`nketh, 5ª h`., H`otnroec Womcn VVO, Iïxogn.

 ‐(5??7d). –Ecmukns prndchies kn rhsuhctns hk ce Phnrée`hc Gnipnrteiohktn Tegonkec’,  Egte Wngonc÷moge, Kn. 7<(7), pp. 5=?-5?2.

 ‐(5??5). Puhrges y Pnrkoccns, Xke oktrn`uggo÷k e cns gnkghptnsdåsogns hk ces gohkgoes sngoechs. Mh`ose, Derghcnke.

 ‐(5??2). Hc Geidon Phgknc÷mogn, Okvhstomegonkhs sndrh ce regon-keco`e` y ce trekslnriego÷k sngoec . Mh`ose, Hspeõe.

 ‐(5?6?). Xcoshs y ces Worhkes, Hstu`ons sndrh ce regonkeco`e` horregonkeco`e` , LGH. Iïxogn.

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 ‐(5?66). Xves Eiermes, Wndrh ce sudvhrso÷k `h ce regonkeco-`e` , Derghcnke.

 ‐(5?6<). –Oktrn`ugtonk’, hk  Tetonkec Gfnogh. Desoc Dceg-awhcc Nxlnr`.

 ‐(5?68 ). Ieaokm shksh nl Ierx, Geidro`mh XkovhrsotyRrhss.

• Fedhries, Jórmhk, Fostnroe y grétoge `h ce npoko÷k púdcoge: Cetrekslnriego÷k hstrugturec `h ce vo`e púdcoge, tre`. Ektnko@niækhgf, 5??0.

• Woink, Fhrdhrt, Keturechze y céioths `h ce rez÷k fuieke, h`.LGH, Iïxogn, 5?6?.

• Fhsshk, Jnfekkhs, Phnrée `hc Gnkngoiohktn, Mrupn H`otnroecPnin, Iïxogn, 4227.

• Fnddhs, Pfnies, Chvoetåk n ce iethroe, lnrie y pn`hr `h ukerhpúdcoge hgchsoåstoge y govoc , tre`. Wåkgfhz, Iekuhc, h`. LGH,Iïxogn, 4227.

• Fnihrn, N`oshe, oktr. y kntes `h J. Ecsoke, tre`. L. Mutoï-rrhz, h`. TDE Mrh`ns, Derghcnke, 5??8.

• Fnrafhoihr, Iex y Pfhn`nr, ]. E`nrkn, @oecïgtoge `h ceocustrego÷k: Lremihktns cns÷gns, oktr. y tre`. Wåkgfhz, Juek Jnsï, h`. Prnte, Ie`ro`, 422<.

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• Fuih, @evo`, Prete`n `h ce Keturechze Fuieke, hst., oktr.Lrekgosgn Cerrnyn, Gnchggo÷k –Whpek Guektns’, h`. Rn-

rrúe, Iïxogn, 4228.

• Joiïkhz Tuoz, Lrekgosgn J., Lokekgoeiohktn e perto`ns pncétogns y thnrée `h juhmns, h`. Rnrrúe, Iïxogn. 4228.

• Ahy, \. N.,  Rudcog Npokonk ek` Eihrogek @hingregy. Khw_nra, 5?<5.

• Ch@nux, Jnshpf, Pfh Hintonkec Dreok. Khw _nra, Woinkek` Wgfusthr, 5??<.

• Iersf, @evo` y Wtnahr, Mhrry, Pfhnry ek` Ihtfn`s ok Rn-cotogec Wgohkgh, Recmrevh Iegioccek, Whgnk` H`otonk, XA,4224.

• Inkz÷k, Gåk`o`n, Npoko÷k púdcoge, gniukogego÷k y pncétoge. Ce lnriego÷k `hc hspegon púdcogn, h`. Phgkns, Ie`ro`, 5??<.

• Inrhkn, Echjek`rn, Hc vntekth ihxogekn. @hingregoe, egtotu-`hs pncétoges y gnk`ugte hchgtnrec , h`. LGH, Iïxogn, 4227.

• Inrmhksthrk, Nsaer y Jnfk vnk Khuiekk, Pfhnry nlMeihs ek` Hgnkniog Dhfevonr . Rrokghtnk Xkovhrsoty Rrhss,Rrokghtnk, 5?87.

• Iuõnz-Ecnksn, Echjek`rn y Tnspor, Juek Omkegon, @hin-gregoe ih`oåtoge y geipeões hchgtnrechs, h`. Erohc Gniukoge-go÷k, Derghcnke, 5???.

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• Rhsgfer`, Jegquhcokh, 4 `h jucon: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves.LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=.

• Rïrhz Lhrkåk`hz `hc Gestoccn, Mhriåk, –422<, ce geipe-õe ok`hshedch’, hk: Rhsgfer`, Jegquhcokh (gnip.), 4 `h ju-con: rhhxonkhs y ecthrketoves. LGRyW-XKEI, Iïxogn, 422=.

• Rnuk`stnkh, ]occoei, Hc `ochie `hc prosonkhrn, tre`. @ekohcIekzekerhs Lnurge`h, h`. Ecoekze, Ie`ro`, 5??8.

• Rrogh, \okghkt, Npoko÷k Rúdcoge. Hslhre púdcoge y gniukogego÷k,Reo`÷s, Derghcnke, 5??0.

• Wertnro, Monvekko, Fnin \o`hks, ce sngoh`e` thch`oromo`e, h`.Ruktn `h Chgture, Iïxogn, 422?.

• Wåkgfhz Tuoz, Hkroquh, Gniukogego÷k y `hingregoe. –Gue-`hrkns `h `ovucmego÷k `h ce gucture `hingråtoge’, OLH,Iïxogn, 4220.

• Wiotf, E`ei,  Okvhstomego÷k sndrh ce keturechze y geuse `h ceroquhze `h ces kegonkhs, h`. LGH, Iïxogn, 5?60.

• Phccn @éez, Gercns, 4 `h jucon. Ce gr÷koge iokutn e iokutn `hc`ée iås oipnrtekth `h kuhstre fostnroe gnkthipnråkhe, h`. Rcekh-te, 422=.

• Prhjn @hcerdrh, Teúc, –Ces phnrhs npokonkhs. Npoko÷k pú-dcoge, hkguhstes, hchggonkhs y ih`ons hk Iïxogn, 5??0’,hk Eo Geip, Tn`hrog, Hkguhstes y `hingregoe: Npoko÷k púdcoge

 y ephrture pncétoge hk Iïxogn, h`. Womcn VVO, Iïxogn, 5??=.

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• \occnrn, Cuos, Grhhr, sedhr, gnknghr, h`. Womcn VVO, Iïxogn,4220.

• ]er`, Fumf, –Ce Phnrée `h ce Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, hk:Iersf @. y Wtngahr M., Phnrée y Iïtn`ns hk Gohkgoe Rncétoge,Ecoekze H`otnroec.

• ]ocsnk R., Pfnies, –Ce sngoncnmée y hc iïtn`n iethiå-togn’, hk Mo``hks Ektfnky,  Ce thnrée sngoec fny, Ecoekze,


• ]nctnk, @niokoquh, –Ce gniukogego÷k pncétoge: Gnks-truggo÷k `h uk in`hcn’, hk ]nctnk, Lhrry (gnip.),  Hckuhvn hspegon púdcogn, Mh`ose, Hspeõe, 5??4.

• Zeiotoz, Fïgtnr, Iïxogn 422<: ce gnktohk`e o`hnc÷mogn-prnmre-

iåtoge y cns céioths `hc pn`hr okstotugonkec,  XKEI, Iïxogn,422?.

 Ertégucns `h rhvostes hsphgoecoze`es

• Dhctråk, Xcoshs, –Hc erg÷k `h ces hkguhstes’, hk:  Thvoste Khxns, Ieyn, 422<.

• Drotns, Retrogoe, –Tegonkeco`e` y Rrhlhrhkgoe Wngoec’,Rudcogegonkhs, Mrupn `h Okvhstomego÷k Locns÷ge hc @h-perteihktn `h Locnsnlée `h ce Xkovhrso`e` Kegonkec `hIer `hc Rcete.

• Gncnihr, Jnshp, –Ce gohkgoe pncétoge ve fegoe e`hcekth

(pnr ihek`rns tnrtunsns). Xk gnihkteron e Monvekko

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• Iertékhz Mergée, Jnsï, –Popns `h Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, Thvoste Okthrkegonkec `h Wngoncnmée, Kn. 7=, 4220, pp.57?-


• Inrros R. Lonroke y Gferchs T. Rcntt, –Gniiotthh @hgo-sonks uk`hr Iejnroty Tuch: Ek Hxphroihktec Wtu`y’, hk: Eihrogek Rncotogec Wgohkgh Thvohw, vnc. =4, 5?=6.

• N‟ @nkkhcc, Muocchrin, –Epukths pere uke thnrée `hc Hs-

te`n’, hk  Thvoste Ihxogeke `h Wngoncnmée, \nc. VC, Kn. 0,Iïxogn, 5?=6.

• Rrzhwnrsao, E`ei, –Ierxosin y Hchggo÷k Tegonkec’, hk:Thvoste Znke Edohrte, Kn. 08, ngtudrh-`ogohidrh, 5?6=.

• Wertnro, Monvekko, ¾Fegoe `÷k`h ve ce Gohkgoe Rncétoge>,

hk: Thvoste Rncétoge y Mndohrkn, \nc. VO, Kn. 4, OO shihstrh,Iïxogn, 4220, pp. 70?-780.

• Pndnsn, Lhrkek`n, –Wndrh hc Hklnquh `h ce Hchggo÷k Rú-dcoge Rnsotove y ce Hgnkniée Rncétoge Gnkstotugonkec: Rn-thkgoeco`e`hs y Coiotegonkhs’, hk: Gue`hrkns `h Hgnkniée,Xkovhrso`e` `h \echkgoe, \nc. 4?, shptohidrh-`ogohidrh,


• Prhvoõn Tekmhc, Jevohr, –Råkogn inrec hk ces geipeõeshchgtnrechs `h 422<: Ce hcednrego÷k `hc phcomrn pere Iïxo-gn’,  Thvoste Lnrn Okthrkegonkec, 5?=, jucon-shptohidrh, Gnc-ihx, Iïxogn, 422?.

• \ec`hz Xmec`h, Lrekgosgn, –Rhkser cn púdcogn’ hk: Thvos-te Lregtec, Kn. 5 edroc-jukon, Iïxogn, 5??<, p. 5<5-5=6.

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• OLH,  Thpnrth kec `h cns inkotnrhns `h prningonkechs, Iïxogn,422<.

• OLH, Pntec `h vhrsonkhs `h prningonkechs hk re`on y thchvoso÷k `h-thgte`ns pnr hc inkotnrhn hk ces geipeões hchgtnrechs `hc 422< ,Xko`e` `h Losgecozego÷k `h cns Thgursns `h cns Rerto`nsRncétogns, Iïxogn, 422<.

• OLH,  Rrningonkechs `oluk`o`ns `urekth ces geipeões hchgtnrechs,quh luhrnk ndshrve`ns pnr hc inkotnrhn. Xko`e` `h Losgecoze-go÷k `h cns Thgursns `h cns Rerto`ns Rncétogns, Iïxogn,422<.

• OLH, –Okthkgo÷k h vntn pnr gek`o`etn’, hk: Oklnrih `h ces

hkguhstes quh sh pudcogernk y quh luhrnk hktrhme`es e ce Whgrhterée Hjhgutove, Iïxogn, 422<.

• PHRJL, –@ogteihk rhcetovn ec G÷iputn Lokec `h ce Hchg-go÷k h Rrhso`hkth h cns Hste`ns Xko`ns Ihxogekns, h-gcerego÷k `h veco`hz `h ce Hchggo÷k y Rrhso`hkth Hchgtn’ , @oeron Ngoec `h ce Lh`hrego÷k, Iïxogn, < `h shptohidrh `h



• Iuõnz Prhjn, Ekedhc,  @h ces lukgonkhs `hc rhshktoiohktn hkce pncétoge ihxogeke `hc eõn 422< . Hkseyn, tredejn `h totuce-go÷k, LGRyW, XKEI, edroc, 4226.

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