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November 2007

Interim Supplementary Planning Document

Whitechapel Masterplan

A Vision for the Future E1

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Commercial Road Commercial Road

Cannon Street R


Turner Street

Cavell S


Sidney Street

Mile End Road

Whitechapel Road

Varden Street

Stepney Way

Stepney Way

Stepney Way



Vallance Road


ood StreetBrady Street

Sidney Street


bridge Heath R


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Executive Summary

Whitechapel is home to a diverse community, a bustling street market, an award

winning Idea Store and the Royal London Hospital. It is a busy transport interchange

served by several bus routes on Whitechapel Road and two underground lines at

Whitechapel Underground Station.

There are major developments planned for Whitechapel which could act as catalysts

to regenerate Whitechapel and the wider area. These include the new Crossrail

interchange, redevelopment of the Royal London Hospital, the East London Line

upgrade and creation of the London 2012 Olympic High Street (Whitechapel Road).

Despite these attributes and forthcoming opportunities, it is apparent that the area is

failing to realise its true potential. Key concerns for the local community include the

safety and quality of the pedestrian environment, ease of movement through the area,

access to employment and support for small businesses, range and diversity of the

retail offer and the need for more leisure facilities.

In response to these concerns a vision has been developed to help guide the future

development of Whitechapel. This vision captures the desires of the community

and in turn informs a series a actions, grouped around seven broad topic areas:

built environment; public realm; transport and movement; shopping; education and

employment; leisure and tourism; and health.

A wide variety of actions are proposed, each developed in partnership with the many

local and national agencies and groups that play a role in the life of Whitechapel.

Projects range from the short term (e.g. creation of a new pedestrian crossing on

Whitechapel Road), medium term(e.g. improving signage and way-finding) to long

term (e.g. provision of a new and improved Albion Health Centre). Other actions are

ongoing through the life of the Masterplan, e.g. encouraging improvements to shop


This Masterplan provides the framework that will facilitate the co-ordinated delivery of

these actions, ensuring that their implementation is carefully integrated with the major

development projects planned for the area. This strategic approach will guide the

renaissance of Whitechapel as the heart of a vibrant and diverse community that is

socially, financially and environmentally sustainable, long into the future.

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Contents Page


Opening Statement . . . 7

Why do we need a Masterplan?

Introduction . . . 11Whitechapel is changing . . . 12The Whitechapel Masterplan . . . 13Planning Policy context . . . 14What the Community says about Whitechapel . . . 17

Whitechapel Yesterday : Historic Development

A Brief History of Whitechapel . . . 22

Whitechapel Today : The Case for Change

Whitechapel Today . . . 27Where do People want to go? . . . 28What is Holding Whitechapel Back? . . . 31The Case for Change . . . 35

The Vision

How it will be achieved . . . 41

Whitechapel Tomorrow : Delivering the Vision

Introduction . . . 45Principles and Actions . . . 45• Built Environment . . . 47• Public Realm . . . 51• Transport & Movement . . . 53• Shopping . . . 57• Education & Employment . . . 61• Leisure & Tourism . . . 65• Community Health . . . 69Phasing, Funding & Delivery . . . 72

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Whitechapel is one of the most

diverse communities in the UK. It is vibrant, colourful, full of passion, energy and

excitement and has a rich culture and heritage.

Whitechapel has much to offer and great potential,

but it also has problems that need to be solved.

There is evidence to suggest the community

in Whitechapel has been let down by the physical

environment that has evolved around it in recent


Instead of being what it should be, a place very

definitely ‘where it’s at’, it has become a place to

travel through, its special character and

qualities largely unknown in the bustle of London life.

So Tower Hamlets has developed this Masterplan to

shape the development of the area, to reveal its

hidden charms, reinvigorate its town centre

role, and to reclaim it for the community and to

proudly promote Whitechapel as a destination.


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Why do we need a Masterplan?


Whitechapel is Changing

The Whitechapel Masterplan

Planning Policy Context

What the Community says about Whitechapel

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Why do we need a Masterplan?Introduction

Whitechapel is home to a diverse community, a bustling daily street market, an award

winning Idea Store and significantly, the Royal London Hospital. It is also a busy transport

interchange served by several bus routes as well as the District, Hammersmith and City

and East London Lines at Whitechapel Underground Station. Its function as a major

transport interchange will be further reinforced with the arrival of Crossrail in 2017.

Located to the east of Aldgate and the City of London, Whitechapel is centred around

Whitechapel Underground Station and the stretch of Whitechapel Road (the A11) from

New Road to Cambridge Heath Road. It is in many people’s eyes the heart of the East











City of London

Canary Wharf

Stratford Olympic Park







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Whitechapel is Changing

There are major developments planned for the Whitechapel area over the next 10 years.

This process of change has already begun. Some key projects include:

• Major redevelopment of the Royal London Hospital which will transform the existing

hospital site and change how the area looks and feels. The hospital will provide

district general hospital services for the area, including a trauma and emergency

care centre. It will also provide one of Europe’s largest renal (kidney) services, a

dedicated Women and Children’s Hospital, and London’s Helicopter Emergency

Medical Service.

• The East London Line Project is underway and will extend and upgrade the existing

East London underground line, converting it into a new metrostyle train service. The

line goes through Whitechapel Station, linking it to Dalston to the north and Croydon

to the south. It will have a major impact on the Whitechapel Masterplan area,

bringing more people and stimulating new development.

• Crossrail is a new railway that links west and east London. A new station is

proposed at Whitechapel, to the north of the current Whitechapel underground

station. It will cut journey times to Tottenham Court Road from 19 minutes to just

eight minutes. The Crossrail scheme is due to be completed in 2017.

These changes combined with the importance of Whitechapel Road as a main route

linking Central London to the London 2012 Olympic Park, present a unique opportunity to

change Whitechapel for the better.

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The Whitechapel Masterplan

The Council has prepared the Whitechapel

Masterplan to promote positive change in

Whitechapel and to encourage investment in

the area.

The Masterplan responds to what the

community has been telling the Council about

Whitechapel and:

• Sets out a vision for change in

Whitechapel that builds on the

attributes of the area and addresses the


• Reflects and draws together initiatives

being promoted by other agencies.

They include the major projects already

highlighted as well as Transport for

London’s strategy for the A11, the

Primary Care Trust strategy for the area,

and the new Local Area Agreement.

• Provides guidance for the

redevelopment of particular sites

within the masterplan area to ensure

that rather then being developed in

isolation they are part of a co-ordinated


• Identifies priorities for change and

promotes inward investment.

The Whitechapel Masterplan will be part of

the Local Development Framework. Initially

it will be an Interim Supplementary Planning

Document but will ultimately become a

Supplementary Planning Document.

Commercial Road

Turner Street

Cavell Street

Sidney Street

Mile End Road

Whitechapel Road

Durward Street

Varden Street

Stepney Way

Stepney Way

Stepney Way





Vallance Road


ood StreetBrady Street

Sidney Street


bridge Heath R


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Planning Policy Context

What does the London Plan say about Whitechapel?

The London Plan (2004) is the spatial development strategy for the whole of London. It

identifies Whitechapel and Aldgate as an “Opportunity Area” and highlights the need to :

• Promote housing and employment development;

• Maximise access by public transport;

• Promote social inclusion; and

• Take account of the community, environmental and other distinctive local

characteristics of the area.

What does the Local Development Framework say about Whitechapel?

The Interim Planning Guidance - Core Strategy and Development Control Plan (Oct 2007)

explains the Council’s overall spatial strategy and provides the context for the Whitechapel

Masterplan. The Interim Planning Guidance (Oct 2007) supports:

• Job creation and growth;

• Enhancement of town centres;

• Meeting housing needs, balanced by social and physical

infrastructure provision;

• Social and community facilities;

• Protecting and enhancing open spaces;

• Good design; and

• Maximising possible density in relation to context, accessibility,

social and physical infrastructure and efficient use of land.

What does the Community Plan say ?

The Tower Hamlets community plan sets out a vision for a better Tower

Hamlets. It is based around five themes:

• Living Safely

• Living Well

• Creating and Sharing Prosperity

• Learning, Achievement and Leisure

• Excellent Public Services.

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The Interim Planning Guidance - City Fringe

Area Action Plan provides detailed policies for

the City Fringe Area of the borough to ensure

that change and growth is carefully managed.

The Whitechapel Masterplan area is partly within

the boundary of the Interim Planning Guidance

- City Fringe Area Action Plan. It identifies the

Royal London Hospital redevelopment and

new Crossrail Interchange as a catalyst for

regeneration in the area. It also sets out a

number of planning policies to deliver change in

the Whitechapel sub-area, including:

• Supporting opportunities for environmental

enhancement with the redevelopment

of the Royal London Hospital;

• Promoting small scale employment uses;

• Supporting employment uses and mixed

use development with retail and leisure

uses on ground floors to reinforce existing

focal points of activity along Whitechapel

and Commercial Road;

• Promoting the creative use of railway


• Ensuring residential development provides

for a variety of housing types and sizes;

• Encouraging improvements to the quality

of the streetscape and public realm


• Enhancing public open spaces and

improving connections between existing

open spaces through green links; and

• Reducing problems of severance by

seeking improvements to north – south

crossings on Whitechapel Road.

The Masterplan elaborates on relevant policies

identified in the Council’s Interim Planning

Guidance - Core Strategy and Development

Control Plan (Oct 2007) and Interim Planning

Guidance - City Fringe Area Action Plan.

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What the community says about Whitechapel

The Whitechapel Masterplan has been developed in consultation with important

stakeholders in the area who have a shared interest in making Whitechapel a better

place, including the Greater London Authority, Transport for London and the Local Area

Partnership. Listening to the views of communities that live, work and visit Whitechapel

has also been central to the development of the Masterplan.

Community consultation on the Masterplan was ‘front loaded’ . This means we asked

questions and listened to what people wanted before we started to develop any ideas

and we used what we learned to inform and shape the Masterplan. By involving the

community at an early stage, we exceeded the statutory (or legal) requirements for

consultation. A number of consultation activities were undertaken. Two drop-in sessions

were held at the Idea Store, Whitechapel, to get a clearer idea of people’s views about

the area and to see what people thought about some initial ideas for change. This was

supplemented by smaller workshops (e.g. Youth Partnership and a local women’s group)

and presentations at Local Area Partnership meetings.

There was a very wide spectrum of views about Whitechapel and how it should change

but there was consensus on some of the main challenges for the area and the priorities

for change.

The key messages from the consultation were:

• Improving the safety and quality of the pedestrian environment during the day and

at night was considered essential. This was a particular issue around the market

and Whitechapel underground station. The need to ensure streets and the public

realm in general were clean and attractive, was highlighted.

• Making it easier to find your way to different facilities in Whitechapel such as the

hospital, Idea Store and Sports Centre was identified as an area for improvement.

• Ensuring that people are able to access employment opportunities and supporting

smaller businesses was considered important .

• The range and diversity of the shops in the area was considered limited compared

to other shopping centres. Some people thought there should be more varied

independent stores, while others wanted to see larger high street shops.

• The need for more leisure activities was raised. Encouraging more cafés and

restaurants in the area particularly serving healthy foods was also suggested.

More broadly, the need for more leisure and sports opportunities in the area was


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Local Area Partnership Priorities

The views of the Tower Hamlets Partnership community representatives were also

considered. Tower Hamlets Partnership is open to everyone who lives in or has an

interest in the area as well as representatives from the council, police, health, voluntary

and community groups and other organisations. Ward councillors also have an important


There are eight Local Area Partnerships (LAPs) that form part of the Tower Hamlets

Partnership which provides the formal framework through which residents can become

involved. These bring together people in their locality to share ideas and views about how

things can be improved. The LAPs provide local people with the chance to influence the

delivery of services locally and to scrutinise the performance of the council, health, police

and other mainstream services. LAPs develop their own work programmes and have a

strong voice in setting priorities for the future.

The Whitechapel Masterplan area lies partly within Local Area Partnership 2 and Local

Area Partnership 3. The Strategies for the Local Area Partnerships set out three priorities

for 2007-2008. For Local Area Partnership 2, these priorities are:

• Employment and enterprise;

• Quality of the local environment; and

• Healthier communities – young and older people.

Local Area Partnership 3 priorities are:

• Health especially healthier living;

• Young people – pathways to training and employment; and

• Quality of local environment – cleaner and safer.

The Whitechapel Masterplan will form part of the Tower Hamlets Local Development

Framework (LDF), after adoption. Documents within the LDF are prepared to be in

general conformity with the London Plan.

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Whitechapel Yesterday :

Historic Development

A Brief History of Whitechapel

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Whitechapel is a historic part of

London. A useful and necessary

starting point to understanding

the area and proposing a vision

for its future is to consider this

history and how it has shaped

development in the area to date.

The Chapel of Ease was built on

the road to Essex, on the site of

St. Mary’s church, some time in

the 1200’s. It would have been

whitewashed, typically for the

middle ages, and is said to have

lent it’s name to Whitechapel.

The road through Whitechapel,

originally a dirt track, was paved

by an Act of Parliament in 1572,

allowing easier passage for

coaches. Maps from 1666 show

settlement outside of the city walls

at Aldgate, clustered particularly

at the beginning of what was

to become the A11 to Essex,

through Whitechapel.

Whitechapel itself was a small

village, a mile or so outside the

city walls. The Trinity Almshouses

were built in 1695 by Capt.

Henry Mudd, to house “decayed

masters and commanders of

ships and their widows.” By 1738,

development extended in ribbon

form along the Whitechapel

Road. Land use in the area was

still predominantly agricultural,

with evidence of larger houses,

and public activity focused on the

Whitechapel Road.




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The London Hospital was built

in 1757, and has expanded

incrementally, now displaying a

range of architectural styles and


The success of the docks to the

south of Whitechapel led to large

scale urban expansion with the

speculative extensive building of

middle class terraces in the area.

This saw all of the surrounding

agricultural land developed for

housing, forming part of what is

now known as the East End.

The first Whitechapel Railway

Station was opened below ground

by the East London Railway in

1876, followed by the Metropolitan

District Railway in 1884 (calling

their station Whitechapel and

Mile End). The Blind Beggar pub

(built 1894) was situated on the

corner of Cambridge Heath Road

(formerly Dog Lane). The pub is

named after Bethnal Green native

Henry de Montford, who fell at the

Battle of Evesham in 1265, and

was found, blind and dressed as a

beggar, by a nobleman’s daughter

who nursed him back to health.

Although new housing was being

built in the 1920’s to replace the

overcrowded slums of the East

End, post war development and

re-development has seen radical

changes in the urban fabric, with

a shift from Victorian terraces

towards1960’s estate block





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Whitechapel Today :

The Case for Change

Whitechapel Today

What is Holding Whitechapel Back?

The Case for Change

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The Case for Change Whitechapel Today

Whitechapel today is dominated by the market which is the hub of activity and draws

people into the area. The Royal London Hospital, Sainsburys, the Idea Store and green

open spaces are also major draws into the area. Whitechapel has all of the ingredients

of a much more successful place, although changes are needed to unlock this


In order to do this, Whitechapel must build upon its strengths:

• The market is one of its biggest strengths. It has loyal customers who visit

regularly, with over 30% of shoppers visiting three times a week or more1. It

creates most of the life in the centre of Whitechapel.

• Whitechapel is already very accessible both by train and bus and allows people

to reach many other parts of the borough and beyond with ease. This accessibility

will be further enhanced by the East London Line upgrade, and Crossrail.

1 Taken from LBTH Retail Strategy, Drivers Jonas February 2003










City of London

Canary Wharf

Stratford Olympic Park








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Weavers Field

Vallance Gardens

Ford Square

Sidney Square












Where do people want to go?Where do people want to go?











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Where do people want to go?

• The Royal London Hospital, which is a regional resource with a

national and international reputation raises the profile of the area

and is a major asset.

• Whitechapel is a centre for higher education – Queen Mary’s

School of Medicine and Dentistry, and the Princess Alexandra

School of Nursing are both in the area, and this is complemented

by the adult learning services offered by the Idea Store.

• A strong sense of history, both social and physical, provides

excellent opportunities for further developments and

improvements that recognise the heritage of the area.

• There are a number of buildings and tourist attractions which

already bring people to the area including the Idea Store and

the Blizard Building - home to the Institute of Cell and Molecular

Sciences. This new building is part of Queen Mary’s School of

Dentistry and Medicine, and Barts and The London NHS Trust.

To the west of the area nearer Aldgate, is the Whitechapel Bell


• Formal and Informal green spaces are also a major strength,

even though in some cases they are in need of investment and


• Although the property market demand is not large or dynamic at

present, there are several potential development sites within the

study area which could make a real contribution to the community

and the local environment. Further, major changes in the area

such as the East London Line extension, are anticipated to

increase commercial interest.

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Vallance Gardens

Ford Square

Sidney Square


Weavers Field

What is stopping What is stopping people?people?







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“The TfL A11 Corridor study has shown that people can’t cross the A11 Whitechapel Road where they want to”

What is Holding Whitechapel Back?

Despite its strengths, a number of problems are holding Whitechapel back from

realising its potential as a vibrant and successful area at the heart of London’s East


• The Whitechapel Road (the A11) is very busy and creates a major barrier to

free north – south movement in the study area. There are also a number of

areas where pedestrian routes are either not provided or are undefined and


• Those who do not know the area have difficulty finding their way around,

particularly around the hospital campus and the station. There is little legibility,

making it hard to find your way about and identify where things are. This is made

worse by a lack of pedestrian signage.

• Studies, including the TfL A11 Corridor Study undertaken by Intelligent Space,

have shown that most pedestrians stay on the northern side of the road. This is

for a number of reasons, including the lack of shops along the south side of the

street, the fact that the station and market are both on the north side, and the

difficulty of crossing the road. This increases the congestion on the north side of

Whitechapel Road.

• The severance caused by Whitechapel Road is compounded by the market. The

current formation of the market is one of Whitechapel’s weaknesses as it acts

as a barrier preventing easy movement across Whitechapel Road and between

buses and trains. The market also masks shop fronts. Traders van parking is

also an issue. Change is needed, but it needs to be carefully balanced to ensure

it does not destabilise what is a thriving element of the local economy and social



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! ! !
































!! !!!!!






















































































! ! !
































!! !!!!!






















































































(Journey Complexity





! Low

Formal Crossing


Informal Crossing


• The Hospital is both an asset and a constraint, as although it is a key destination

and generates a lot of movement, both pedestrian and vehicular, it has little active

frontage onto Whitechapel Road.

• Despite the fact that there are available jobs, unemployment is high as local people

do not have the skills needed .

• The retail and activity in Whitechapel is limited to the early evening as shops close

with the market. There is little night-time economy. However, there are a number of

restaurants along Commercial Road.

• Crime and antisocial activity is a problem in some areas, and was highlighted as a

major concern for people in the public consultation.

• The built and environmental quality of Whitechapel is of variable quality; inadequate

street lighting, a lack of street trees and poorly maintained open spaces have all

been highlighted as problems by the local community.

Crime is a significant issue in Whitechapel. Although rates of most crime have fallen

recently, Whitechapel remains a hotspot for street crime, violent crime and anti-social

behaviour. The Whitechapel Underground Station is a particular area with a high

concentration of street crime, while the streets surrounding the Royal London Hospital

are one of the most significant areas in the borough for car crime (Crime and Disorder

Audit, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, 2004).

How complex is it to find your way around and cross the road?


nce R


A11 Whitechapel Road

Durward St

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Mapping of crime data shows that there are a number of hotspots:

• Sainsburys

• The hospital

• Along the market and around the station

• Thefts of/from vehicles behind the hospital, including Milward Street.

Theft from

shop or











Theft from the









Intelligent Space Partnership

and their work with Transport

for London utilised crime

figures from 2000-2003. This

chart shows the breakdown of

crimes within the Masterplan

area, by incident type

Illustration from TfL A11 Corridor Study 2005

(Intelligent Space)

A11 Whitechapel Road




























!!!! !


























!! !











!!! !











































!!!! !


























!! !











!!! !




















Post OfficeRoyal London Hospital

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The Case for Change

Whitechapel needs a properly thought out vision, which will set out a goal for the future

development of the area, together with a plan to explain how the vision will be realised. In

other words, a Masterplan.

The Masterplan must promote and enhance what is special about Whitechapel, put

right what is holding Whitechapel back and respond to what the local community thinks

the area should be. It also needs to fit in with the other plans and strategies covering the

borough and London as a whole.

It needs to provide a planned, phased and deliverable framework, which will shape

future development and growth in the area. It must contribute to the following aims and


• Build on the strength of Whitechapel Market;

• Improve the shopping centre and its offer;

• Create new jobs and improve access to existing jobs through skills; development;

• Reduce crime and make the area feel safe and welcoming;

• Make sure there is enough good quality housing of all kinds both new and


• Attract visitors and create a sustainable evening economy;

• Make a real contribution in terms of health, education and leisure facilities;

• Improve the public realm, and create new public spaces;

• Ensure that all current and future development proposals are successfully integrated

with and contribute to the future development of the wider area;

• Preserve and enhance the quality of the built heritage environment;

• Enhance and improve the natural environment;

• Identify improvements for both traffic and public transport;

• Improve links and accessibility throughout the area and with adjoining areas; and

• Identify funding and attract investment.

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