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Page 1: Intellectual and Religious Movements

Intellectual and Religious Movements

• AP US History Review

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• Product of Enlightenment thinking• John Locke

• God as creator, but otherwise removed from human affairs

• Major influence on thinking of Founding Fathers and documents

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First Great Awakening

• 1720-1740

• Emphasized personal relationship with Christ over church ritual

• Jonathan Edwards• Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

• Benefits Baptists and Methodists

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Republican Motherhood• Modern term for the early Republic belief that women

must represent ideals of republicanism

• Women should have access to more education so as to raise republican sons

• But sphere is the home and no property rights

• Leads to educated women who start abolitionism

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Second Great Awakening • 1790-1840

• Protestant revival throughout US• Evangelical• Church membership soars

• New churches• Mormons• Shakers

• Feeds into Temperance and Abolitionism

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Romanticism• Artistic and literary movement of the early 19th century

• Rejects rationality and embraces emotion - even dark ones (horror) - and nature

• Washington Irving - Legend of Sleepy Hollow

• James Fenimore Cooper - Last of the Mohicans

• Edgar Allan Poe

• Hudson River School

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Transcendentalism• 1820s-1840s

• Belief in inherent goodness of people and nature

• Both organized religion and political parties corrupt the purity of the individual

• Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature

• Henry David Thoreau - Walden; Civil Disobedience

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• Experiments in communal living based on religious or socialist principles

• New Harmony, Indiana - Robert Owen

• Brook Farm, Mass. - George & Sophia Ripley

• Burned over district - western NY state

• Edward Bellamy - novel: Looking Backward

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Mormonism• Began in 1820s in Western NY - Joseph Smith

• New gospel revealed in Book of Mormon

• 1830s persecuted in Missouri

• 1840s Brigham Young brings Mormons to Utah

• 1857 Utah War

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Abolitionism• Worked to limit and eradicate slavery in the US

• Many were Quakers• Many women:

• Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth

• American Colonization Society - Liberia

• William Lloyd Garrison - The Liberator

• Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin

• Frederick Douglass

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Cult of Domesticity• 19th Century

• Women must exhibit "four virtues”• Piety• Purity• Submission• Domesticity

• Married women should not work nor have life outside the home

• Feminists viewed as mentally ill

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Women's Rights• Challenged Cult of Domesticity

• Began advocating for women to keep property in marriage

• Seneca Falls Convention, 1848• Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B.


• Declaration of Sentiments• demands suffrage and property rights

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Nativism• 1850s

• (Native) American Party: "Know Nothings"

• Belief that Irish and German immigrants were overwhelming the country

• William Poole; Millard Fillmore

• Successors: Ku Klux Klan; American Protective Society

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Social Darwinism

• Belief that economic success was evidence of moral character and superiority

• Used to justify excessive wealth of Gilded Age rich

• Adherents believed it was wrong to help the poor or weak

• Herbert Spencer, Thomas Malthus, William Graham Sumner

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Third Great Awakening• 1850s-1900s

• Protestant revival - social activism

• Josiah Strong - Our Country

• Felix Adler - Society for Ethical Culture

• New sects• Christian Scientists• Pentecostals• Jehovah's Witnesses

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Social Gospel• Late 19th - early 20th centuries

• Protestant movement that reacted against poverty, slums and ignorance

• Settlement House Movement • Jane Addams


• Salvation Army

• Progressivism

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Realism• Late 19th - early 20th centuries

• Movement to represent subjects truthfully, without artistic conventions or flowery language

• Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) - Huckleberry Finn

• Stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage

• Ashcan School

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