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Page 1: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities


INOVYN Limited

Three month period ended June 30, 2016


Page 2: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Revenue .............................................................................................................................................................................. 712.6 1,048.2

Cost of sales before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................ (521.8) (811.7)

Exceptional cost of sales ..................................................................................................................................................... - -

Total cost of sales ............................................................................................................................................................... (521.8) (811.7)

Gross profit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 190.8 236.5

Distribution costs and administrative expenses ................................................................................................................... (105.8) (115.5)

Exceptional administrative expenses .................................................................................................................................. (1.1) 0.1

Total expenses..................................................................................................................................................................... (106.9) (115.4)

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................................................ 83.9 121.1

Share of profit of associated undertakings using the equity method ................................................................................... 0.1 1.8

Loss on disposal of businesses ............................................................................................................................................ - (9.8)

Profit before net finance costs .......................................................................................................................................... 84.0 113.1

Net finance costs ................................................................................................................................................................. (44.9) (26.8)

Profit before tax ................................................................................................................................................................ 39.1 86.3

Tax charge .......................................................................................................................................................................... (19.7) (11.9)

Profit for the period .......................................................................................................................................................... 19.4 74.4

EBITDA before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................... 118.9 167.5

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Revenue .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1,464.7 2,004.9

Cost of sales before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................ (1,079.1) (1,612.1)

Exceptional cost of sales ..................................................................................................................................................... - -

Total cost of sales ............................................................................................................................................................... (1,079.1) (1,612.1)

Gross profit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 385.6 392.8

Distribution costs and administrative expenses ................................................................................................................... (218.3) (234.3)

Exceptional administrative expenses .................................................................................................................................. (1.1) 0.1

Total expenses..................................................................................................................................................................... (219.4) (234.2)

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................................................ 166.2 158.6

Share of profit/(loss) of associated undertakings using the equity method ......................................................................... 0.2 (1.2)

Loss on disposal of businesses ............................................................................................................................................ - (9.8)

Profit before net finance costs .......................................................................................................................................... 166.4 147.6

Net finance costs ................................................................................................................................................................. (87.5) (38.0)

Profit before tax ................................................................................................................................................................ 78.9 109.6

Tax charge .......................................................................................................................................................................... (47.0) (26.5)

Profit for the period .......................................................................................................................................................... 31.9 83.1

EBITDA before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................... 234.9 249.5

Because of difficulties removing the effects of the Remedy Assets from INOVYN’s and the Kerling

Business’s results of operations, our pro forma Revenue and EBITDA before exceptional items in the

three and six month periods ended June 30, 2015 includes the effects of the Remedy Assets on

INOVYN’s results of Operations.

Page 3: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Revenue .............................................................................................................................................................................. 712.6 -

Cost of sales before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................ (521.8) -

Exceptional cost of sales ..................................................................................................................................................... - -

Total cost of sales ............................................................................................................................................................... (521.8) -

Gross profit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 190.8 -

Distribution costs ................................................................................................................................................................ (72.8) -

Administrative expenses before exceptional items ............................................................................................................. (33.0) -

Exceptional administrative expenses .................................................................................................................................. (3.1) -

Total administrative expenses ............................................................................................................................................. (36.1) -

Total expenses..................................................................................................................................................................... (108.9) -

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................................................ 81.9 -

Share of profit of associated undertakings using the equity method ................................................................................... 0.1 -

Profit before net finance costs .......................................................................................................................................... 82.0 -

Finance income .................................................................................................................................................................. (9.9) -

Finance costs ....................................................................................................................................................................... (35.0) -

Net finance costs ................................................................................................................................................................. (44.9) -

Profit before tax ................................................................................................................................................................ 37.1 -

Tax charge .......................................................................................................................................................................... (19.7) -

Profit for the period .......................................................................................................................................................... 17.4 -

Profit/(loss) attributable to:

- Owners of the parent ................................................................................................................................................... 17.6 -

- Non-controlling interest .............................................................................................................................................. (0.2) -

17.4 -

Page 4: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Revenue .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1,464.7 -

Cost of sales before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................ (1,079.1) -

Exceptional cost of sales ..................................................................................................................................................... - -

Total cost of sales ............................................................................................................................................................... (1,079.1) -

Gross profit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 385.6 -

Distribution costs ................................................................................................................................................................ (155.6) -

Administrative expenses before exceptional items ............................................................................................................. (62.7) -

Exceptional administrative expenses .................................................................................................................................. (3.5) -

Total administrative expenses ............................................................................................................................................. (66.2) -

Total expenses..................................................................................................................................................................... (221.8) -

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................................................ 163.8 -

Share of profit of associated undertakings using the equity method ................................................................................... 0.2 -

Profit before net finance costs .......................................................................................................................................... 164.0 -

Finance income .................................................................................................................................................................. (7.4) -

Finance costs ....................................................................................................................................................................... (80.1) -

Net finance costs ................................................................................................................................................................. (87.5) -

Profit before tax ................................................................................................................................................................ 76.5 -

Tax charge .......................................................................................................................................................................... (47.0) -

Profit for the period .......................................................................................................................................................... 29.5 -

Profit/(loss) attributable to:

- Owners of the parent ................................................................................................................................................... 30.0 -

- Non-controlling interest .............................................................................................................................................. (0.5) -

29.5 -

Page 5: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Profit for the period ................................................................................ 17.4 -

Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss

Cash flow hedges .................................................................................................................... - -

Foreign exchange translation differences of subsidiaries ......................... (0.4) -

(0.4) -

Total comprehensive income for the year ........................................................................... 17.0 -

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Profit for the period ................................................................................ 29.5 -

Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss

Cash flow hedges .................................................................................................................... 0.1 -

Foreign exchange translation differences of subsidiaries ......................... 4.4 -

4.5 -

Total comprehensive income for the year ........................................................................... 34.0 -

Page 6: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



June 30, 2016 December 31, 2015

(Unaudited) (Audited)

(€ in millions)

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment ............................................................................................ 1,068.7 1,078.5

Intangible assets.................................................................................................................. 3.9 5.1

Investments accounted for using equity method ................................................................. 1.0 1.0

Other investments ............................................................................................................... 0.3 0.3

Other receivables ................................................................................................................ 31.9 30.2

Deferred tax assets .............................................................................................................. 123.7 136.3

Employee benefits .............................................................................................................. 7.3 8.1

Total non-current assets ................................................................................................... 1,236.8 1,259.5

Current assets

Inventories .......................................................................................................................... 222.3 261.6

Trade and other receivables ................................................................................................ 583.9 573.6

Cash and cash equivalents .................................................................................................. 381.8 48.8

Total current assets .......................................................................................................... 1,188.0 884.0

Total assets ........................................................................................................................ 2,424.8 2,143.5

Equity attributable to owners of the parent

Share capital ....................................................................................................................... - -

Share premium reserve ....................................................................................................... 77.5 77.5

Merger reserve .................................................................................................................... (354.8) (354.8)

Retained earnings ............................................................................................................... (36.3) (65.8)

Other reserves ..................................................................................................................... 49.7 45.2

Total shareholders’ deficit ............................................................................................... (263.9) (297.9)

Attributable to owners of the parent ................................................................................... (263.6) (298.1)

Attributable to non-controlling interest .............................................................................. (0.3) 0.2

Total equity ....................................................................................................................... (263.9) (297.9)

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings ................................................................................ 1,156.2 843.6

Trade and other payables .................................................................................................... 51.3 50.1

Employee benefits .............................................................................................................. 400.2 432.1

Provisions ........................................................................................................................... 55.0 66.4

Deferred tax liabilities ........................................................................................................ 71.5 71.8

Total non-current liabilities ............................................................................................. 1,734.2 1,464.0

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings ................................................................................ 2.3 8.0

Trade and other payables .................................................................................................... 492.4 555.2

Tax liabilities for current tax .............................................................................................. 93.4 67.8

B ordinary shares ................................................................................................................ 335.0 311.4

Other financial liabilities .................................................................................................... 1.2 1.1

Provisions ........................................................................................................................... 30.2 33.9

Total current liabilities ..................................................................................................... 954.5 977.4

Total liabilities .................................................................................................................. 2,688.7 2,441.4

Total equity and liabilities ............................................................................................... 2,424.8 2,143.5

Page 7: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Share capital

Share premium reserve

Merger reserve

Retained earnings

Other reserves

Total equity

(€ in millions)

Balance at January 1, 2016 (as

previously reported) .......................................................................................................................................................... - 77.5 (355.9) (65.8) 45.2 (299.0)

Prior year adjustment ......................................................................................................................................................... (Loss)/profit - - 1.1 - - 1.1

Balance at January 1, 2016

(restated) ............................................................................................................................................................................ - 77.5 (354.8) (65.8) 45.2 (297.9)

Profit for the period ............................................................................................................................................................ (Loss)/profit - - - 29.5 - 29.5

Other comprehensive income:

Cash flow hedges ................................................................................................................................................................ - - - - 0.1 0.1

Foreign exchange translation

differences of subsidiaries ...................................................................................................................................................

- - - - 4.4 4.4

Balance at June 30, 2016................................................................................................................................................... - 77.5 (354.8) (36.3) 49.7 (263.9)

Page 8: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

Cash flows from operating activities

Profit for the period .................................................................................................................. 29.5 -

Adjustments for:

Depreciation and impairment ................................................................................................... 67.5 -

Amortization ............................................................................................................................. 0.1 -

Net finance costs....................................................................................................................... 87.5 -

Share of profit of equity-accounted investees ........................................................................... (0.2) -

Tax charge ................................................................................................................................ 47.0 -

Increase in trade and other receivables ..................................................................................... (30.0) -

Decrease in inventories ............................................................................................................. 33.4 -

Decrease in trade and other payables ........................................................................................ (27.8) -

Decrease in provisions and employee benefits ......................................................................... (28.3) -

Tax paid .................................................................................................................................... (24.0) -

Net cash from operating activities ......................................................................................... 154.7 -

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment............................................................... - -

Interest and other finance income received .............................................................................. - -

Acquisition of intangible assets ................................................................................................ - -

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment .......................................................................... (65.7) -

Net cash used in investing activities ..................................................................................... (65.7) -

Cash flows from financing activities

Redemption of Senior Secured Notes due 2017 ....................................................................... (785.0) -

Proceeds from Senior Secured Notes due 2021 ........................................................................ 300.0

Proceeds from new Senior Secured Term Loans due 2021 ...................................................... 775.0

Debt issue costs ........................................................................................................................ (15.9) -

Securitization facility ................................................................................................................ 42.0 -

Other loans ............................................................................................................................... 0.7 -

Interest paid .............................................................................................................................. (70.4) -

Capital element of finance lease payments ............................................................................... (2.0) -

Net cash used in financing activities ..................................................................................... 244.4 -

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ................................................................................ 333.4 -

Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 .................................................................................... 48.8 -

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held .................................................................... (0.4) -

Cash and cash equivalents at June 30 ................................................................................... 381.8 -

Page 9: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




INOVYN Limited was incorporated on September 18, 2013 and was a dormant company until July 1,

2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l.

(“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities in a joint venture headed by INOVYN

Limited. The condensed financial information presents the financial records of INOVYN Limited and

its subsidiaries, which together form the “Group”. The activity of the Group resulted from the

acquisition of the “Kerling Business” from INEOS, and the “Solvay Business” from Solvay, effective as

of July 1, 2015.

The formation of a joint venture is not included within the scope of IFRS 3, "Business combinations"

and IFRS 2, "Share based payments", and therefore an accounting policy choice has been made to adopt

predecessor accounting. A further choice has been made to include the results and balance sheet

prospectively from the date on which the INOVYN joint venture formed on July 1, 2015. The

condensed financial information includes no comparatives for the Kerling Business or Solvay Business

for the period from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015. The financial result for INOVYN for the six

month period to December 31, 2015 is the same as the year to date result.

The Kerling Business relates to the chlor-alkali, PVC, hypochlorite, hydrochloric acid, chlorinated

paraffins, chloromethane and brine and water businesses of Kerling Limited (“Kerling”).

The Kerling Business acquired also included the Olefins and Enterprises businesses; but these

businesses were subsequently divested on July 1, and July 2, 2015, respectively. These acquisitions and

subsequent disposals have been deemed to be linked transactions and, accordingly, the substance of the

arrangement has been reflected as being an acquisition of the retained businesses only. Additionally, the

income statement includes no results from the Olefins and Enterprises businesses, nor does it include

any gain on disposal.

The Kerling Business includes the “Remedy Assets” up until the date of divestment on August 1, 2015.

The Solvay Business relates to the chloromethane and European epichlorohydrin businesses, the salt

business in Belgium, France and Spain, the European chlor-alkali and PVC assets and the 42.5% interest

in the Feyzin cracker but excludes Solvay’s Povoa, Torrelavega and Bussi sites and SolVin S.A.’s 50%

interest in RusVinyl, its compounds business and its vinyls and chlorine technology which were not

contributed into INOVYN.

The condensed financial information of INOVYN Limited consolidates the financial information of the

Company and its subsidiaries, equity accounts the Group’s interest in associated undertakings and

recognizes its joint arrangements as joint operations. Intra-group transactions and balances have been

eliminated on consolidation. The financial and operating results for any period less than a year are not

necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for a full year.

This condensed interim financial information does not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning

of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The accompanying condensed interim financial information

is unaudited.

Page 10: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




There was no trading within INOVYN prior to July 1, 2015, and therefore a pro forma combined

income statement has been prepared for the six and three month periods ending June 30, 2015 by

combining unaudited income statements for the Kerling Business and the Solvay Business for the six

and three month periods ended June 30, 2015. No adjustment has been made to remove the Remedy

Assets from the Kerling Business results.

The following adjustments have been made in deriving the pro forma income statement for the six and

three month periods ended June 30, 2015.

Elimination of intra-INOVYN transactions between the Solvay Business and the Kerling Business.

The accounting policies adopted by the Kerling Business and the Solvay Business differ in relation

to Government grants and the treatment of European Union allowances (“EUAs”). Adjustments

have been made to make the Kerling Business and Solvay Business policies consistent with the

accounting policies of INOVYN Limited.

Joint venture adjustments:

o removal of management fees which have been included in the Solvay Business unaudited

financial information and replaced with the anticipated costs under the Transitional Services

Agreements and removal of management fees which have been included in the Kerling

Business unaudited financial information;

o removal of costs for professional fees incurred as part of the formation of INOVYN and the

divestment of the Remedy Assets, as they are non-recurring in nature; and

o recognition of tax on the above adjustments, calculated at the statutory rate of tax in each


The pro forma combined income statement for the six and three month periods ended June 30, 2016 is

the same as the consolidated income statement of INOVYN Limited for the six and three month periods

ended June 30, 2016, except for the removal of exceptional costs for professional fees relating to the

formation of INOVYN.

The unaudited pro forma financial information does not include adjustments for any revenue or cost

savings synergies that may be achievable subsequent to the formation of the joint venture.

The unaudited pro forma financial information is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to

represent or to be indicative of the consolidated results of operations or financial position that INOVYN

would have reported had the combination transaction been completed as of the dates set forth in this pro

forma financial information and should not be taken as indicative of our future consolidated results of

operations or financial position.

Page 11: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




The financial information has been prepared and approved by the directors in accordance with

International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as adopted by the European Union in response to

the IAS regulation (EC 1606/2002) effective as of December 31, 2015. In compliance with IAS 34 -

Interim Financial Reporting, the Company has opted for a condensed scope of reporting in the interim

financial statements compared with the consolidated annual financial statements. The accounting

policies are set out in the Group’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015.


Revenue and EBITDA before exceptional items are key measures used by the chief-operating decision

makers of the Group to assess the performance of the Business segments.

We divide our operations into four businesses:

- General Purpose Vinyls, consisting of a portfolio of Suspension PVC products and PVC

Resins, and output that we both consume and sell from our interest in the Feyzin cracker.

- Speciality Vinyls, consisting of Emulsion PVC and specialty grade Suspension PVC products

- Organic Chlorine Derivatives, consisting of various chlorine derivatives including chlorinated

paraffins, chloromethanes, allyl chloride and epichlorohydin.

- Chlor-Alkali, consisting of caustic soda and caustic potash, chlorine and chlorine by-products,

brine and water and hydrochloric acid

However, our financial reporting is limited to three Business segments; General Purpose Vinyls,

Speciality Vinyls, and Other Chemicals. The Other Chemicals segment includes the Organic Chlorine

Derivatives business, plus all products in the Chlor-Alkali business excluding caustic soda and caustic

potash. Revenues from caustic soda and caustic potash are then attributed to the three Business

Segments based on the quantities of chlorine contained in the respective products.

For segmental reporting of EBITDA, the results of our caustic soda and caustic potash products (which

are co-produced with chlorine in the electrolysis manufacturing process) included within the Chlor-

Alkali operating Business are allocated out to the three segments based on the quantities of chlorine

contained in each of their products.

For segmental reporting of revenue, caustic soda and caustic potash revenues are shown both before and

after allocation to three Business segments.

The revenue attributable to each business segment as measured under IFRS is as follows:

Page 12: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




The EBITDA before exceptional items attributable to each business segment as measured under IFRS is

as follows:

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015


before caustic



Caustic soda/potash



Revenue after caustic




before caustic



Caustic soda/potash



Revenue after caustic



(€ in millions)


General Purpose Vinyls ......................................................................................................................... 320.9 87.1 408.0 - - -

Speciality Vinyls ................................................................................................................................... 90.6 19.7 110.3 - - -

Other Chemicals .................................................................................................................................... 118.5 75.8 194.3 - - -

530.0 182.6 712.6 - - -

Caustic soda and caustic

potash .................................................................................................................................................... 182.6 (182.6) - - - -

712.6 - 712.6 - - -

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015


before caustic



Caustic soda/potash



Revenue after caustic




before caustic



Caustic soda/potash



Revenue after caustic



(€ in millions)


General Purpose Vinyls ......................................................................................................................... 680.6 177.8 858.4 - - -

Speciality Vinyls ................................................................................................................................... 177.3 37.5 214.8 - - -

Other Chemicals .................................................................................................................................... 242.7 148.8 391.5 - - -

1,100.6 364.1 1,464.7 - - -

Caustic soda and caustic

potash .................................................................................................................................................... 364.1 (364.1) - - - -

1,464.7 - 1,464.7 - - -

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015 2016 2015

(€ in millions) (€ in millions)

EBITDA before exceptionals

General Purpose Vinyls ......................................................................................................................... 60.7 - 118.5 -

Speciality Vinyls ................................................................................................................................... 27.7 - 53.2 -

Other Chemicals .................................................................................................................................... 30.5 - 63.2 -

118.9 - 234.9 -

Page 13: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




Reconciliation of earnings before operating exceptional items, interest, taxation, depreciation and

amortisation (‘EBITDA before exceptional items’) to operating profit is shown below:


Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015 2016 2015

(€ in millions) (€ in millions)

EBITDA before exceptionals ................................................................................................................ 118.9 - 234.9 -

Depreciation and amortization .............................................................................................................. (33.9) - (67.6) -

Exceptional administrative expenses ..................................................................................................... (3.1) - (3.5) -

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................... 81.9 - 163.8 -

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015 2016 2015

(€ in millions) (€ in millions)

Consultancy fees associated with synergy and cost

reduction projects .................................................................................................................................. 0.8 - 0.8 -

Professional fees associated with the formation of

INOVYN and divestment of the Remedy Assets .................................................................................. 2.0 - 2.4 -

Other ...................................................................................................................................................... 0.3 - 0.3 -

3.1 - 3.5 -

Page 14: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities




Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

Six-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015 2016 2015

(€ in millions) (€ in millions)

Finance income

Interest receivable from associated

undertakings ..........................................................................................................................................

0.9 - 1.8 -

Net fair value gain on derivatives .......................................................................................................... 0.4 0.4

Unwind of discount on long term

debtors ................................................................................................................................................... (11.2) - (9.6) -

(9.9) - (7.4) -

Finance costs

Interest payable on Senior Secured

Notes ..................................................................................................................................................... 15.3 - 36.1 -

Interest payable on Senior Secured

Term loans ............................................................................................................................................. 6.0 - 6.0 -

Interest payable on securitization

facility ................................................................................................................................................... 0.7 - 1.7 -

Interest payable to related parties .......................................................................................................... 0.5 - 1.0 -

Amortization of issue costs ................................................................................................................... 4.6 - 6.0 -

Interest payable on finance leases ......................................................................................................... 0.3 - 0.5 -

Unwind of discount on provisions ......................................................................................................... 0.1 - 0.1 -

Unwind of discount on B ordinary

shares ..................................................................................................................................................... 2.1 - 8.4 -

Net fair value loss on derivatives .......................................................................................................... (1.1) - - -

Other finance charges ............................................................................................................................ (0.5) - (0.5) -

Interest on Employee benefits ............................................................................................................... 2.8 - 6.0 -

Borrowing costs capitalized in

property, plant and equipment ............................................................................................................... - - - -

Total finance costs before

exchange movements ........................................................................................................................... 30.8 - 65.3 -

Exchange movements ............................................................................................................................ 4.2 - 14.8 -

Total finance costs ............................................................................................................................... 35.0 - 80.1 -

Net finance costs .................................................................................................................................. 44.9 - 87.5 -


Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to the

expected total annual profit or loss.


June 30,


December 31,


(€ in millions)

Raw materials and consumables ............................................................................................................ 94.0 101.2

Work in progress ................................................................................................................................... 30.9 32.3

Finished products .................................................................................................................................. 97.4 128.1

222.3 261.6

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Borrowing obligations as of December 31, 2015 and June 30, 2016 are as follows:

June 30, 2016

December 31, 2015

(€ in millions) Non-current liabilities

10.625% Senior Secured Notes due 2017 .......................................................................................... - 785.0

6.250% Senior Secured Notes due 2021 ............................................................................................ 300.0 -

Senior Secured Term Loan A due 2021 ............................................................................................. 240.0 -

Senior Secured Term Loan B due 2021.............................................................................................. 535.0 -

Securitization facility ......................................................................................................................... 96.9 54.9

Other loans ......................................................................................................................................... 3.6 3.7

Finance lease liabilities ...................................................................................................................... 7.1 7.6

Gross borrowings ............................................................................................................................. 1,182.6 851.2

Less: unamortized finance costs ......................................................................................................... (26.4) (7.6)

Net borrowings ................................................................................................................................. 1,156.2 843.6

June 30, 2016

December 31, 2015

Current liabilities (€ in millions)

Current portion of finance lease liabilities ......................................................................................... 2.2 3.8

Other loans ......................................................................................................................................... 0.1 4.2

Gross borrowings ............................................................................................................................. 2.3 8.0

Less: unamortized finance costs ......................................................................................................... - -

Net borrowings ................................................................................................................................. 2.3 8.0

June 30, 2016

Gross loans and

borrowings Issue costs Net loans and borrowings

(€ in millions)

10.625% Senior Secured Notes due 2017 .......................................................................................... - - -

6.250% Senior Secured Notes due 2021 ............................................................................................ 300.0 (3.9) 296.1

Senior Secured Term Loan A due 2021 ............................................................................................. 240.0 (6.7) 233.3

Senior Secured Term Loan B due 2021.............................................................................................. 535.0 (13.6) 521.4

Securitization facility ......................................................................................................................... 96.9 (2.2) 94.7

Finance lease liabilities ...................................................................................................................... 9.3 - 9.3

Other loans ..................................................................................................... 3.7 - 3.7

1,184.9 (26.4) 1.158.5

December 31, 2015

Gross loans and

borrowings Issue costs Net loans and borrowings

(€ in millions)

10.625% Senior Secured Notes due 2017 .......................................................................................... 785.0 (4.8) 780.2

Securitization facility ......................................................................................................................... 54.9 (2.8) 52.1

Finance lease liabilities ...................................................................................................................... 11.4 - 11.4

Other loans ..................................................................................................... 7.9 - 7.9

859.2 (7.6) 851.6

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Terms and debt repayment schedule

Currency Nominal interest rate Year of maturity

10.625% Senior Secured Notes .......................................................................................................... € 10.625% 2017

6.250% Senior Secured Notes due 2021 ............................................................................................ € 6.250% 2021

Senior Secured Term Loan A due 2021 ............................................................................................. € EURIBOR (floor 0%) + 4.50% 2021

Senior Secured Term Loan B due 2021.............................................................................................. € EURIBOR (floor 1.0%) + 5.25% 2021

Securitization facility ......................................................................................................................... $/£/€ Variable 2018

Finance lease liabilities ...................................................................................................................... €/£ 8.67% - 15.00% 2015-2047


On May 13, 2016 a refinancing of the Group was completed with sufficient funds being raised to pay

and discharge the redemption price and accrued interest on its outstanding 10.625% Senior Secured

Notes due 2017. These Senior Secured Notes due 2017 were subsequently redeemed on May 25, 2016

following the applicable notice period. The funds raised were in the form of a €240.0 million Senior

Secured Term loan A, due 2021 (see below for further details), a €535.0 million Senior Secured Term

Loan B, due 2021 (see below for further details), and 6.250% Senior Secured Notes due, 2021 in an

aggregate principal amount of €300.0 million (see below for further details). The net proceeds of the

Senior Secured Notes due 2021 and a portion of the proceeds of the Senior Secured Term Loan B were

used by INOVYN Limited on July 7, 2016 to redeem the entire issued B Ordinary shares held by Solvay

Chlorovinyls Holding S.a.r.l at a redemption price of €335.0 million (see Post balance sheet events note


10.625% Senior Secured Notes On January 28, 2010, INOVYN Finance plc (formerly Kerling Limited, formerly Kerling plc) issued

Senior Secured Notes due 2017 in an aggregate principal amount of €785.0 million, bearing interest at

10.625% per annum.

On May 25, 2016, the 10.625% Senior Secured Notes were redeemed at the aggregate nominal principal

amount of €785.0 million together with accrued interest to redemption.

6.250% Senior Secured Notes On May 13, 2016 (the “Issue Date”), INOVYN Finance plc (the “Issuer”) issued Senior Secured Notes

due 2021 (the “Notes”) in an aggregate principal amount of €300.0 million. The Notes are listed on the

Luxembourg Stock Exchange and bear interest at 6.250% per annum, payable semi-annually in arrears

on May 15 and November 15 of each year, beginning November 15, 2016. Unless previously redeemed

as noted below, the Notes will be repaid by the Group at their principal amount on May 15, 2021.

The Notes will be subject to redemption at any time prior to November 15, 2017, at the option of the

Issuer, in whole or in part, on not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice at a redemption price

equal to 100% of the principal amount of the Notes being redeemed, plus a make-whole premium and

accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts (if any) to, but not including, the redemption date.

The Notes will be subject to redemption at any time on or after November 15, 2017, at the option of the

Issuer, in whole or in part, on not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice at the following

redemption prices (expressed as percentages of the aggregate principal amount), if redeemed during the

periods indicated below:



Six month period beginning on:

November 15, 2017 ................................................................................................................................ 103.125%

Twelve month period beginning on:

May 15, 2018.......................................................................................................................................... 101.563%

May 15, 2019 and thereafter ................................................................................................................... 100.000%

In each case, the redemption premium will be in addition to accrued and unpaid interest and additional

amounts, if any, to, but not including, the redemption date.

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6.250% Senior Secured Notes (continued)

At any time prior to November 15, 2017, the Issuer may, at its option, on not less than 10 nor more than

60 days’ prior notice, redeem during each 12-month period beginning with the Issue Date up to 10% of

the original aggregate principal amount of the Notes, at a redemption price equal to 103% of the

principal amount of the Notes redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts (if

any) to, but not including, the redemption date.

In addition, at any time on or prior to November 15, 2017, the Issuer or certain holding companies may

use the net cash proceeds of one or more public equity offerings to redeem up to 40% of the initial

aggregate principal amount of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 106.250% plus accrued and

unpaid interest and additional amounts, if any, to, but not including, the redemption date.

The Notes rank pari passu in right of payment with the Senior Secured Term Loans. The Notes are

guaranteed by INOVYN Limited and certain of its subsidiaries on a senior secured basis. The Notes and

the guarantees are secured by first ranking liens on the same assets (subject to certain exceptions) that

secure obligations under the Senior Secured Term Loans.

The Notes contain a number of operating and financial covenants including limitations on indebtedness,

restricted payments, transactions with affiliates, liens, sale of assets and dividend payments.

Senior Secured Term Loans

On May 13, 2016, INOVYN Finance plc entered into a Credit Agreement (the “Credit Agreement”)

with, inter alia, J.P.Morgan Europe Limited as Administrative Agent, The Bank of New York Mellon,

London Branch as Security Agent and J.P.Morgan Limited as Global Coordinator.

Under the terms of the Credit Agreement INOVYN Finance plc has fully drawn down on May 13, 2016

the Initial Tranche A Term Commitment of €240.0 million and the Initial Tranche B Euro Term

Commitment of €535.0 million in the form of Senior Secured Term Loans (the “Senior Secured Term

Loans ”) as described below.

The Senior Secured Term Loans rank pari passu with the 6.250% Senior Secured Notes. The obligations

under the Senior Secured Term Loans are guaranteed by INOVYN Limited and certain of its

subsidiaries on a senior secured basis. The obligations under the Senior Secured Term Loans are secured

by first ranking liens on the same assets (subject to certain exceptions) that secure obligations under the

6.250% Senior Secured Notes.

The Credit Agreement contains a number of operating and financial covenants including limitations on

indebtedness, restricted payments, transactions with affiliates, liens, sale of assets and dividend


The Credit Agreement includes a leverage financial covenant requiring that the ratio of consolidated net

debt to EBITDA over a 12 month period not exceed 4:00 to 1:00 at the end of any fiscal quarter.

Term Loan A

The Initial Term Loan A of €240.0 million bears interest at a rate of EURIBOR (with a floor of 0%)

plus a margin of 4.50%, payable in arrears on August 13, November 13, February 13 and May 13 of

each year.

The Initial Term Loan A is repayable in twenty equal quarterly instalments of €12.0 million

commencing on September 30, 2016 and finishing on May 15, 2021.

Term Loan B

The Initial Term Loan B of €535.0 million bears interest at a rate of EURIBOR (with a floor of 1.0%)

plus a margin of 5.25%, payable in arrears on August 13, November 13, February 13 and May 13 of

each year.

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Senior Secured Term Loans (continued)

The Initial Term Loan B is repayable in nineteen equal quarterly instalments of €1,337,500 commencing

on September 30, 2016 and finishing on March 31, 2021 plus a final instalment of €509,587,500 on May

15, 2021.


INOVYN Finance plc may make voluntary prepayments of all or part of the Terms Loans A and/or of

the Term Loans B subject to certain conditions.

INOVYN Finance plc may be required to make mandatory prepayments of part of the Senior Secured

Term Loans in any one year in an amount of up to 50% of Excess Cash Flow for the previous fiscal year

ending on December 31.

Securitization facility

INOVYN Group Treasury Limited and certain of the other Group companies have entered into a trade

receivables securitization program (the “Securitization Program”) which matures on July 1, 2018.

Barclays Bank PLC, ING Belgium N.V. and HSBC Bank PLC act as lenders, liquidity providers and

program agents.

The maximum amount available under the Securitization Program is €300.0 million, subject to a

borrowing limit that is adjusted periodically based on the amount of our eligible trade receivables at that


The facility bears interest at a rate equal to the cost to the lenders of issuing Commercial Paper plus a

margin of 1.45% except that if any lending is funded other than by issuing Commercial Paper then the

applicable interest rate is EURIBOR / LIBOR plus 1.45%.

The facility is secured on certain of the Group’s trade receivables.

Letter of Credit Facilities

In October and November 2015, INOVYN Group Treasury Limited entered into on-demand letter of

credit facilities with each of ING Bank N.V. and Barclays Bank PLC (each, an “Issuing Bank”), under

which INOVYN Group Treasury Limited may request (on its own behalf or on behalf of other INOVYN

subsidiaries) that the Issuing Banks issue letters of credit, guarantees, performance bonds and

indemnities (or any other instrument in a form agreed by the Issuing Bank) with an aggregate base

currency amount of up to €40.0 million; €30.0 million of which is available under the ING Bank N.V.

facility and €10.0 million of which is available under the Barclays Bank PLC facility. As of June 30,

2016, we had €1.1 million in letters of credit outstanding (December 31, 2015: €1.4 million). Under the

terms of each Letter of Credit Facility, INOVYN Group Treasury Limited will provide cash collateral of

the value of outstanding letters of credit, bonds, guarantees and indemnities when provided.


The Group is subject to various proceedings instituted by governmental authorities arising under the

provisions of applicable laws or regulations relating to the discharge of materials into the environment

or otherwise relating to the protection of the environment. In management’s opinion, none of the

proceedings is material to the financial condition or results of operation of the Group.


On July 7, 2016 INOVYN Limited redeemed the entire issued B Ordinary shares held by Solvay

Chlorovinyls Holding S.a.r.l for a total price of €335.0 million. After the redemption, INEOS Group

Investments Limited became the 100% shareholder of INOVYN Limited, and the ultimate parent

company became INEOS AG, a company registered in Switzerland and the ultimate controlling party

was Mr J A Ratcliffe by virtue of his shareholding in INEOS AG.

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The Company includes “forward-looking statements,” within the meaning of the US securities laws,

based on our current expectations and projections about future events, including:

Our high degree of leverage and significant debt service obligations as well as future cash flow and


Our sales growth across our principal businesses and our strategy for controlling costs, growing

margins, increasing manufacturing capacity and production levels and making capital expenditures;

Raw material costs or supply arrangements;

Our technological and manufacturing assets and our ability to utilise them to further increase sales

and the profitability of our businesses;

Our ability to retain existing customers and obtain new customers;

Our ability to develop new products and technologies successfully;

The cyclical and highly competitive nature of our businesses;

Risks related to environmental costs, liabilities or claims; and

Currency fluctuations.

All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this report including, without

limitation, statements regarding our future financial position, risks and uncertainties related to our

business and the notes, strategy, capital expenditures, projected costs and our plans and objectives for

future operations, may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements

are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,”

“may,” “intend,” “will,” “should,” “estimate” and similar expressions or the negatives of these

expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, from time to time we or

our representatives, acting in respect of information provided by us, have made or may make forward-

looking statements orally or in writing and these forward-looking statements may be included in but are

not limited to press releases (including on our website), reports to our security holders and other

communications. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking

statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. We

undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result

of new information, future events or otherwise.

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The following discussion is based upon the unaudited combined pro forma income statements of INOVYN

Limited prepared in accordance with IFRS. The following discussion contains forward-looking statements

that reflect our plans, estimates and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those

discussed in these forward-looking statements.


We are the largest producer of general purpose polyvinyl chloride (“PVC”), caustic soda, chlorinated

paraffins and epichlorohydrin (“ECH”) in Europe and the second largest producer of Emulsion PVC

and caustic potash in Europe, each as measured by production capacity, according to a third party

source and our internal estimates.

We operate four main business units: General Purposes Vinyls Business, offering a portfolio of vinyls

products to a number of industries, including the building and construction, electronics and packaging

industries; Specialty Vinyls Business, developing a number of Emulsion PVC products and specialty

Suspension PVC products; Organic Chlorine Derivatives Business, producing various chlorine

derivatives for use throughout the chemical industry, including chlorinated paraffins, chlorinated

solvents, allylics and epichlorohydrin; and Chlor-Alkali Business, producing chlor-alkali chemicals

including caustic soda, caustic potash, chlorine and chlorine by-products, brine and water, and

hydrochloric acid. Our businesses currently operate in 17 manufacturing sites in eight countries.

Results of Operations

The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, our revenue and expenses and such amounts as

a percentage of revenue on a pro forma combined basis, as described in the Basis of Preparation.

Because of difficulties removing the effects of the Remedy Assets on the results of operations of

INOVYN, the pro forma income statement below includes the results of the Remedy Assets for the

three months ended June 30, 2015.

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

€m % €m %

Revenue .............................................................................................................................................................................. 712.6 100.0 1,048.2 100.0

Cost of sales before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................ (521.8) (73.2) (811.7) (77.4)

Exceptional cost of sales ..................................................................................................................................................... - - - -

Total cost of sales ............................................................................................................................................................... (521.8) (73.2) (811.7) (77.4)

Gross profit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 190.8 26.8 236.5 22.6

Distribution costs and administrative expenses ................................................................................................................... (105.8) (14.8) (115.5) (11.0)

Exceptional administrative expenses .................................................................................................................................. (1.1) (0.2) 0.1 -

Total expenses..................................................................................................................................................................... (106.9) (15.0) (115.4) (11.0)

Operating profit ................................................................................................................................................................ 83.9 11.8 121.1 11.6

Share of profit of associated undertakings using the

equity method ..................................................................................................................................................................... 0.1 - 1.8 0.2

Loss on disposal of businesses ............................................................................................................................................ - - (9.8) (0.9)

Profit before net finance costs .......................................................................................................................................... 84.0 11.8 113.1 10.9

Net finance costs ................................................................................................................................................................. (44.9) (6.3) (26.8) (2.6)

Profit before tax ................................................................................................................................................................ 39.1 5.5 86.3 8.3

Tax charge .......................................................................................................................................................................... (19.7) (2.8) (11.9) (1.1)

Profit for the period .......................................................................................................................................................... 19.4 2.7 74.4 7.2

EBITDA before exceptional items ................................................................................................................................... 118.9 16.7 167.5 16.0

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An estimate of revenue and EBITDA of the Remedy Assets business, based on internal accounting

records is shown below:

Revenue EBITDA

Three-Month Period Ended June 30,

Three-Month Period Ended June 30,

2016 2015 2016 2015

(€ in millions)

INOVYN group .................................................................................................................................................................. 712.6 824.2 118.9 134.9

Remedy Assets .................................................................................................................................................................... - 224.0 - 32.6

Total in the period ............................................................................................................................................................. 712.6 1,048.2 118.9 167.5

Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2016, Compared to Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2015

Revenue. Revenue fell by €335.6 million, approximately 32.0%, to €712.6 million in the three months

ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €1,048.2 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis.

Revenues from the Remedy Assets of €224.0 million (based on internal accounting records) are

included in the results for the three month period to June 30, 2015 resulting in post Remedy Assets

revenue of €824.2 million. Underlying revenues therefore saw a reduction of €111.6 million or 13.5%.

The reduction in revenue was largely volume driven, with most products including S-PVC and caustic

soda experiencing a reduction in volumes. The volume reduction was a result of turnaround events,

and the effects of industrial action in France which limited the availability of ethylene forcing the

Tavaux site to run at minimum rates for much of May and June 2016. In addition, volumes in the

second quarter of 2016 were lower in comparison to the comparative period due to the closure of the

mercury cell room and the chloromethanes plant at Runcorn in late 2015. Average sales prices for S-

PVC were lower in the second quarter of 2016 than in the second quarter of 2015, whilst the achieved

selling prices of caustic soda were slightly higher in the current period.

Cost of sales. Cost of sales decreased by €289.9 million, approximately 35.7%, to €521.8 million in the

three months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €811.7 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro

forma basis. In the quarter ended June 30, 2015, cost of sales includes three months from the Remedy

Assets business. In addition, the ethylene contract price averaged €905 per tonne for the second quarter

of 2016 compared to €1,038 per tonne for the second quarter of 2015 (as reported by IHS). Energy

costs were also lower with the average power price on EEX decreasing from €28/MWh in the first

quarter of 2015 to €25/MWh in the equivalent period in 2016. The synergy project has also delivered

benefits in 2016.

Exceptional cost of sales. Exceptional cost of sales was €nil in the three months ended June 30, 2016,

as compared to €nil million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis.

Gross profit. Gross profit decreased by €45.7 million, approximately 19.3%, to €190.8 million in the

three months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €236.5 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro

forma basis. In the quarter ended June 30, 2015, gross profit includes three months from the Remedy

Assets business. Average PVC over ethylene unitary margins in the second quarter of 2016 were at

similar levels to the first quarter of 2015, but volumes were lower. Average caustic soda over energy

unitary margins also improved but volumes were again lower.

Distribution costs and administrative expenses. Distribution costs and administrative expenses

decreased by €9.7 million, approximately 8.4%, to €105.8 million in the three months ended June 30,

2016 as compared to €115.5 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. The three month

period ended June 30, 2015 included distribution and administrative expenses related to the Remedy


Exceptional administrative expenses. Exceptional administrative expenses was a charge of €1.1

million in the three months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to a credit of €0.1 million for the same

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period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. In the second quarter of 2016, consultancy fees relating to

synergy and cost reduction projects totalling €0.8 million were incurred.

Operating profit. Operating profit was €83.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016,

compared to an operating profit of €121.1 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis.

This is driven predominantly be the decrease in gross margin, partly offset by lower distribution and

administrative expenses.

Share of profit of associated undertakings using the equity method. Share of net results of associates

was a profit of €0.1 million in the three months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to a profit of €1.8

million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. The main decrease has been in the INEOS

Runcorn (TPS) Holdings Limited results.

Loss on disposal of businesses. Loss on disposal of businesses was €nil for the three months ended

June 30, 2016 as compared to €9.8 million for the same period in 2015. On June 1, 2015 the heritage

Kerling Business sold its 35.7% shareholding in Suzhou Huasu Plastics Co Ltd for a cash consideration

of €2.9 million, resulting in a loss of disposal of €9.1 million. In addition, a €0.7 million adjustment

was made to the value of deferred consideration relating the disposal of the trade and assets of the UK

packed chlorine business that was initially recognized in 2014.

Net finance costs. Net finance costs were €44.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016 as

compared to €26.8 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. There were various

factors contributing to the increase in net finance costs, including higher exchange movement charges,

the write-off of debt issue costs associated with the 10.625% Senior Secured Notes, and discount

unwinding adjustments relating to the subscription amount receivable from Solvay in June 2017.

Interest payable on senior secured debt reduced by approximately €1.4 million in the three months

ended June 30, 2016 compared to the same period in 2015 due to lower interest rates on the new Notes

and Senior Secured Term Loans following the refinancing.

Profit before tax. There is a profit before tax of €39.1 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016

as compared to a profit before tax of €86.3 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis.

Tax charge. Taxation is a charge of €19.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016, as compared

to a charge of €11.9 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. Tax is payable on profits

made by the Norwegian, Swedish, German, Belgium, Italian and French entities.

Profit for the period. Profit for the period was €19.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016,

compared to a profit for the period of €74.4 million for the same period in 2015 on a pro forma basis.

EBITDA before exceptionals. EBITDA before exceptionals decreased by €48.6 million,

approximately 29.0%, to €118.9 million in the three months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to

€167.5 million (including EBITDA of €32.6 million for the Remedy Assets business) for the same

period in 2015 on a pro forma basis. On a pro forma basis, and after adjusting for the impact of the

divestment of the Remedy Assets, EBITDA before exceptionals was €134.9 million, which is €16.0

million, or 11.9% lower than the same quarter in 2015.

Unitary margins of Speciality PVC over ethylene, and caustic margins over energy were higher in the

second quarter of 2016. Unitary margins of General Purpose SPVC were at similar levels to those

achieved in the second quarter of 2015. The sales volumes of most products were lower due to the

impact of the industrial action in France which limited the availability of ethylene forcing the Tavaux

site to run at minimum rates for much of May and June 2016. The second quarter of 2016 also saw a

significant reduction in stock levels resulting in fixed cost movement in stock charges to the income


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Business segments

Revenue and EBITDA before exceptional items are key measures used by the chief-operating decision

makers of the Group to assess the performance of the Business segments.

We divide our operations into four businesses:

- General Purpose Vinyls, consisting of a portfolio of Suspension PVC products and PVC

Resins, and output that we both consume and sell from our interest in the Feyzin cracker.

- Speciality Vinyls, consisting of Emulsion PVC and specialty grade Suspension PVC products

- Organic Chlorine Derivatives, consisting of various chlorine derivatives including chlorinated

paraffins, chloromethanes, allyl chloride and epichlorohydin.

- Chlor-Alkali, consisting of caustic soda and caustic potash, chlorine and chlorine by-products,

brine and water and hydrochloric acid

However, our financial reporting is limited to three Business segments; General Purpose Vinyls,

Speciality Vinyls, and Other Chemicals. The Other Chemicals segment includes the Organic Chlorine

Derivatives business, plus all products in the Chlor-Alkali business excluding caustic soda and caustic

potash. Revenues from caustic soda and caustic potash are then attributed to the three Business

Segments based on the quantities of chlorine contained in the respective products.

For segmental reporting of EBITDA, the results of our caustic soda and caustic potash products (which

are co-produced with chlorine in the electrolysis manufacturing process) included within the Chlor-

Alkali operating Business are allocated out to the three segments based on the quantities of chlorine

contained in each of their products.

For segmental reporting of revenue, caustic soda and caustic potash revenues are shown both before

and after allocation to three Business segments. The discussion of revenues for each Business segment

(see below) is performed before any allocation of caustic soda and caustic potash revenues. The review

of caustic soda and caustic potash revenues is discussed separately.

Because of difficulties removing the effects of the Remedy Assets from INOVYN’s and the Kerling

Business’s results of operations, our pro forma Revenue and EBITDA before exceptional items in the

three month period ended June 30, 2015 includes the effects of the Remedy Assets on INOVYN’s

results of Operations.

The following table provides an overview of the pro forma revenue of each of the business segments

for the periods indicated.

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015



caustic soda/potash



soda/potash revenue




caustic soda/potash




caustic soda/potash



soda/potash revenue




caustic soda/potash


(€ in millions)


General Purpose Vinyls ........................................................................................................................ 320.9 87.1 408.0 391.2 95.5 486.7

Speciality Vinyls .................................................................................................................................. 90.6 19.7 110.3 91.3 18.5 109.8

Other Chemicals ................................................................................................................................... 118.5 75.8 194.3 140.6 87.1 227.7

530.0 182.6 712.6 623.1 201.1 824.2

Caustic soda and caustic

potash ................................................................................................................................................... 182.6 (182.6) - 201.1 (201.1) -

INOVYN group ................................................................................................................................... 712.6 - 712.6 824.2 - 824.2

Remedy assets ...................................................................................................................................... - - - 224.0 - 224.0

712.6 - 712.6 1,048.2 - 1,048.2

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The following table provides an overview of the pro forma EBITDA before exceptionals of each of the

business segments for the periods indicated.

General Purpose Vinyls

Revenue (excluding caustic soda and caustic potash)

Revenue in the General Purpose Vinyls segment decreased by €70.3 million, or 18.0%, to €320.9 million

for the three month period ended June 30, 2016, as compared to €391.2 million for the same period in

2015. The decrease was driven by lower volumes and prices. Industrial action in France had a

significant negative effect on our sales volumes, with limited availability of ethylene forcing the

Tavaux site to run at minimum rates for much of May and June. The timing of the industrial unrest was

unfortunate as the Tavaux stock situation was already depleted following the planned EDC and VCM

turnaround events in April. Average sales prices for S-PVC were lower in the second quarter of 2016

than in the second quarter of 2015, due to lower ethylene feedstock prices.

EBITDA before exceptionals.

EBITDA before exceptionals in the General Purpose Vinyls segment decreased by €7.0 million, or

10.3%, to €60.7 million for the three month period ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €67.7 million

in the same period in 2015. In comparison to the second quarter of 2015, the business segment

achieved similar unitary S-PVC over ethylene unitary margins, whilst the the associated caustic credits

were higher. The business benefited from the impacts of synergy savings but suffered from the

previously mentioned reduction in sales volumes. In addition, the second quarter of 2016 saw a

significant reduction in stock levels (as a consequence of the French industrial action and turnaround

events) resulting in the release of fixed cost movement in stock charges to the income statement. The

ethylene contract price decreased, averaging €905 per tonne for the second quarter of 2016, compared

to €1,038 per tonne for the second quarter of 2015 (as reported by IHS).

Speciality Vinyls

Revenue (excluding caustic soda and caustic potash)

Revenue in the Speciality Vinyls segment decreased by €0.7 million, or 0.8%, to €90.6 million for the

three month period ended June 30, 2016, as compared to €91.3 million for the same period in 2015.

Although volumes of both E-PVC and Specilaity S-PVC increased, average selling prices decreased

resulting in slightly lower absolute revenues in the second quarter of 2016 versus 2015.

EBITDA before exceptionals.

EBITDA before exceptionals in the Speciality Vinyls segment increased by €1.9 million, or 7.4%, to

€27.7 million for the three month period ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €25.8 million in the same

period in 2015. The segment continued to benefit from growth of volumes and margins in the second

quarter of 2016. Although average selling prices fell in the three month period ended June 30, 2016,

average ethylene costs fell by more, resulting in a slight increase in unitary margins. The segment also

benefited from improved caustic soda unitary margins allocated to it based on the chlorine consumed in

the manufacturing process.

Three-Month Period

Ended June 30,

2016 2015

(€ in millions)

EBITDA before exceptionals

General Purpose Vinyls ........................................................................................................................ 60.7 67.7

Speciality Vinyls .................................................................................................................................. 27.7 25.8

Other Chemicals ................................................................................................................................... 30.5 41.4

INOVYN group ................................................................................................................................... 118.9 134.9

Remedy Assets ..................................................................................................................................... - 32.6

118.9 167.5

Page 25: INOVYN Limited€¦ · 2015 when INEOS Group Investments Limited (“INEOS”) and Solvay Chlorovinyls Holdings S.a.r.l. (“Solvay”) combined their European chlor-vinyls activities



Other Chemicals

Revenue (excluding caustic soda and caustic potash)

Revenue in the Other Chemicals segment decreased by €22.1 million, or 15.7%, to €118.5 million for the

three month period ended June 30, 2016, as compared to €140.6 million for the same period in 2015. The

decrease was the result of lower volumes of chloromethanes, chlorine, hydrogen, epichlorohydrin and

chlorinated paraffins, and lower average prices of chloromethanes, hydrogen, eplichlorohydrin and

chlorinated paraffins, which was partially offset by higher average selling prices of chlorine gas. The

reduction in revenues of chloromethanes was mostly attributable to the decision to concentrate production

at our two sites in Tavaux, France and Rosignagno, Italy following the closure of the UK plant in


EBITDA before exceptionals.

EBITDA before exceptionals in the Other Chemicals segment decreased by €10.9 million, or 26.3%, to

€30.5 million for the three month period ended June 30, 2016 as compared to €41.4 million in the same

period in 2015. This was mostly driven by the lower sales volumes mentioned above. In addition as a

consequence of the aforementioned French industrial action, the second quarter of 2016 saw a

significant reduction in stock levels resulting in large fixed cost movement in stock charges.

Caustic soda and caustic potash

Revenue Caustic soda and caustic potash revenues decreased by €18.5 million, or 9.2%, to €182.6 million for the

three month period ended June 30, 2016, as compared to €201.1 million for the same period in 2015.

Caustic soda sales volumes were lower than the second quarter of 2015 following the closure of the

Runcorn mercury cell room and availability issues caused by the French industrial action and

turnaround events, but achieved selling prices were slightly higher in 2016 compared to 2015. Caustic

potash sales volumes and average selling prices were lower in the three month period ended June 30,

2016 compared to the same period in 2015.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Capital Resources

Our liquidity needs are expected to arise primarily from the need to meet debt service requirements, to

fund capital expenditures, to fund working capital and to pay taxes. Our primary sources of liquidity

are expected to be cash flows from operations and the Securitization Program. Our ability to generate

cash from operations depends on future operating performance which is, in turn, dependent to some

extent on general economic, financial, competitive market, legislative, regulatory and other factors,

many of which are beyond our control.

We believe that our operating cash flows, together with future borrowings under the Securitization

Program, will be sufficient to fund our debt service requirements as they become due and to fund

anticipated capital expenditures and working capital requirements. However, our ability to borrow

under the Securitization Program is limited by our compliance with certain restrictions and covenants

in the governing instrument and by the amount of trade receivables that we have that are eligible for

sale under the program at any given time.

Financing Arrangements

On May 13, 2016 a refinancing of the Group was completed with sufficient funds being raised to pay

and discharge the redemption price and accrued interest on its outstanding 10.625% Senior Secured

Notes due 2017. These Senior Secured Notes due 2017 were subsequently redeemed on May 25, 2016

following the applicable notice period. The funds raised were in the form of a €240.0 million Senior

Secured Term loan A, due 2021, a €535.0 million Senior Secured Term loan B, due 2021, and 6.250%

Senior Secured Notes due 2021 in an aggregate principal amount of €300.0 million. The net proceeds

of the Senior Secured Notes due 2021 and a portion of the proceeds of the Senior Secured Term loan B

were used by INOVYN Limited on July 7, 2016 to redeem the entire issued B Ordinary shares held by

Solvay Chlorovinyls Holding S.a.r.l at a redemption price of €335.0 million.

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As at June 30, 2016 the Group had a total of €300.0 million Senior Secured Notes and €775.0 million

Senior Secured term loans outstanding.

Certain bank guarantees of the Group are provided via a €10.0 million cash-backed bank guarantee

facility with Barclays Bank plc, and a €30.0 million cash backed bank guarantee facility with ING

Bank NV. As at June 30, 2016, the amount provided was €1.1 million.

We also have a Securitization Program with a maximum amount available of €300.0 million, subject to

a borrowing limit that is adjusted periodically based on the amount of our eligible trade receivables at

that time. As of June 30, 2016, €96.9 million was utilized under the Securitization Program. As of June

30, 2016, we had cash and cash equivalents of €381.8 million, of which €335.0 million had been placed

in escrow to fund the Solvay exit payment, pending regulatory approvals.

Working capital

We anticipate that our working capital requirements will fluctuate, primarily due to changes in raw

material (including feedstock) and energy costs, resulting in changes to inventory and levels of

accounts payable, which will be offset to a lesser or greater extent by changes in accounts receivable.

We expect to fund our working capital requirements with cash generated from operations and the

Securitization Program.

Capital Expenditures

We manage our capital expenditures to maintain our well-invested asset base. Our management

reviews all of our existing capital expenditure programs and reviews and approves any future


Capital expenditures incurred during the six months ended June 30, 2016 was €65.7 million, analysed

by business segment as follows:

In some circumstances, the group receives cash from customers as a contribution towards the

construction of an item of property, plant and equipment in order to provide the customer with ongoing

access to a supply of goods. In accordance with IFRIC 18, the contribution from the customer for

financial reporting purposes is credited to deferred income and released to the income statement over

the life of the asset. We have also disclosed the value of cash received from customers towards the

construction of property, plant and equipment to arrive at the net capital expenditure spend.

The main expenditures in the Other business segment (Chlor-Alkali and Organic Chlorine Derivatives

operations) for the six month period ended June 30, 2016 related to the extension of the membrane

electrolysis plant at Lillo, initial spend on the new caustic potash cell room at Lillo, initial spend on the

new membrane cell room in Stenunsgund, and sustenance spend. The main expenditures in the

General Purpose Vinyls business related to planned turnaround events at the EDC and VCM plants at

the Tavaux site, a number of smaller projects, and sustenance expenditure.


period ended

June 30,


(€ in millions)

General Purpose Vinyls ........................................................................................................................ 16.3

Speciality Vinyls .................................................................................................................................. 4.8

Other ..................................................................................................................................................... 44.6

INOVYN group ................................................................................................................................... 65.7

Contribution from customers ................................................................................................................ (4.8)

INOVYN pro-forma capital expenditure net of contributions from

customers .............................................................................................................................................


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Cash flows

The following commentary is based on the unaudited statement of cash flows for the INOVYN Limited


Net cash flow from operating activities was an inflow of €154.7 million for the six months ended June

30, 2016. The strong cash flow performance is attributed to the EBITDA result of €234.9 million,

offset by net working capital (trade receivables, inventories and trade payables) outflows of €24.4

million, provision and employee benefit outflows of €28.3 million, tax payments of €24.0 million and

exceptional outflows of €3.5 million.

The tax payments of €24.0 predominantly relates to the Belgian, French, Norwegian and Swedish


Acquisition of property, plant and equipment in the six months ended June 30, 2016 was €65.7 million

(refer to the “Capital Expenditure” section).

On May 13, 2016 a refinancing of the Group was completed with sufficient funds being raised to pay

and discharge the redemption price and accrued interest on its outstanding 10.625% Senior Secured

Notes due 2017. These Senior Secured Notes due 2017 were subsequently redeemed on May 25, 2016

following the applicable notice period. The funds raised were in the form of a €240.0 million Senior

Secured Term loan A, due 2021, a €535.0 million Senior Secured Term loan B, due 2021, and 6.250%

Senior Secured Notes due 2021 in an aggregate principal amount of €300.0 million. Debt issue costs of

€15.9 million were paid as part of the above transactions.

The Group made a drawdown of €42.0 million on the Securitization Program in the six month period

ended June 30, 2016.

Interest payments of €70.4 million were made in the six months ended June 30, 2016. The interest

payments mainly relate to interest on the 10.625% Senior Secured Notes of €68.1 million (including

settlement of unpaid accrued interest up to the redemption date of May 25, 2016) and €1.4 million of

interest paid on the Securitization Program.

Net debt

Total net debt as at June 30, 2016 was €1,138.2 million (after adjusting for the Solvay exit payment of

€335.0 million). The Group held cash balances of €381.8 million as at June 30, 2016, or €46.8 million

excluding the €335.0 million of cash held in escrow for the Solvay exit payment.

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