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Page 2: Minutes... · Web viewThe AIAA citation read: “For exceptional contributions to the knowledge base and technology implementation of rocket propulsion and astronautics,

AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT


Ivett Leyva, Chair

LPTC Minutes

Steering Committee (19 July 2016)and

General Membership (27 July 2016)

LPTC Meetings Conducted During Propulsion and Energy Forum(Joint Propulsion Conference)

Salt Lake City, UT, July 25-27, 2016


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT


Date: July 27, 2015

To: Ivett Leyva, LPTC Chair

From: Don Sargent, Secretary

Subject: Minutes - Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee

LPTC Meetings Conducted during Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, July 25-27, 2016

The LPTC Steering Subcommittee meeting took place by WebEx and Telecon beginning at 6:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM PDT) on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. LPTC Vice Chairman Mike Meyer welcomed the eight other attendees who are indicated on the attendance roster, Attachment 2. Steering subcommittee minutes were taken and the topics covered were discussed again in the general meeting.

Chairperson Ivett Leyva called the General Membership meeting to order at 7:00 PM MDT on Wednesday, July 28, 2016, at Salt Lake City. The agenda for the LPTC meeting is included as Attachment 1. Forty-one LPTC members and three guests were in attendance. Attachment 2 is the attendance roster.

These minutes will be made available on the AIAA web site in the LPTC “Minutes” folder.

Key points and discussion from the General Membership meeting follow:

Opening Remarks / IntroductionIvett Leyva started the meeting with welcoming remarks.

Ivett congratulated Kent Pugmire on his advancement to AIAA Fellow, and Tom Giel on his advancement to AIAA Associate Fellow. The LPTC members applauded their achievements.

Ivett also congratulated Dr. Gary Flandro, the LPTC nominee, who was the 2016 Wyld Award winner. The AIAA citation read: “For exceptional contributions to the knowledge base and technology implementation of rocket propulsion and astronautics, especially in solid and liquid propellant rocket combustion instability and interior ballistics.”

Joseph Powers, the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Propulsion and Power, spoke to the LPTC and urged members to submit good papers to this Journal.

All attendees then introduced themselves to the other members.


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Jeff Hamstra, the P&E Director of the AIAA TAC, visited the LPTC, and presented a synopsis of the P&E meeting. He stated that the new AIAA constitution and the new AIAA organization were of tangible benefits.

Don Sargent presented an abbreviated version of the minutes, and the list of Action Items, Attachment 3, from the LPTC Winter held on January 20, 2016. New Action Items from the Steering Subcommittee meeting held on July 19, 2016 were also reviewed. The discussion and resolution of these Action Items are found in the respective subcommittee reports in following sections of these minutes. As results of these discussions, the Action Items were updated, are listed in Attachment 6.

Conference Planning – David Ransom

2016 JPC, Salt Lake City, UT, 25-27 July 2016Two LPTC members held leadership positions for the 2016 Propulsion & Energy Forum: Justin Locke is the Technical Chair for the 2016 P&E Forum, and David Ransom is the Deputy Technical Chair for Space. The LPTC members applauded their accomplishments.

Bill Marshall, the Liquid Propulsion Technical Area Organizer for the 2016 JPC, presented the results of the Liquid Propulsion sessions.

A “Lessons Learned” session was held as one of five separate Forum 360 sessions, instead of as a liquid propulsion history session. The lessons learned call for LP papers attracted only two abstracts, and both were subsequently withdrawn.

Reusability was originally considered for a LP history session, but was preempted and deferred by a Forum 360 invited panel session on Launch Vehicle Reusability for this year’s JPC.

Reusability is recommended to be a LP history session at the 2017 JPC. First half of the session could be the shuttle/history perspective, lessons learned during Shuttle; and the second half would be the modern perspective, challenges, innovations, etc.

It is strongly encouraged that future history panel sessions be coordinated with TAO earlier in the process to avoid conflicts.

87 liquid propulsion abstracts were finally accepted and scheduled for the 16 LP sessions that were held.

17 LP papers were withdrawn, leaving 70 papers submitted and presented at LP sessions.

The number of LP abstracts and the number of LP papers were the lowest since 2012. Authors generally were very good about 1000-1500 word abstract length.

Bill Marshall thanked all the LPTC members for supporting the TAO efforts, and thanked Justin Locke, Dave Ransom, Ann Ames, and rest of AIAA conference team for their responsiveness and patience.


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

2017 JPC, Atlanta, GA, 10-12 July 2017David Ransom is the Technical Chair for the 2017 P&E ForumVineet Ahuja is the Liquid Propulsion Technical Area Organizer for the 2017 JPC.

Vineet reported the LP topics in the call for papers, which reflected the topics of abstracts submitted for 2016 JPC

Vineet will request an update of LPTC members’ areas of expertise, for reviewing abstracts and for chairing technical sessions

Deadlines and logistics for 2017 JPC will become available soon

Subcommittee Reports

Treasurer’s Report – Stewart Bushman The LPTC balance is $ 1,414.38 as of January 2016 and also as of July 2016 There was no LP 2015 Short Course, so there is no Honorarium income for 2015. The projected 2016 expenses are

o $ 0 for the Young Professional and Outstanding Student awards (Awards subcommittee voted to defer these awards for 2016, based upon low Treasury balance).

o $ 500 for the July 2016 LPTC General Meeting. The anticipated 2016 revenue from the LP Short Course at JPC in Salt Lake City is $3,000 The projected December 2016 LPTC balance is approximately $ 3,900. LPTC account for the suitcase rocket project:

o January 2016 balance = $ 2,311o Disbursements, January thru July 2016 = $ 0o The balance in this account as of July 2016 is $ 2,311

Awards Subcommittee Report– Stewart Bushman• The 2015 LPTC Best Paper was selected by the subcommittee: AIAA 2015-3769:

O. Kartuzova and M. Kassemi, “CFD Modeling of the Multipurpose Hydrogen Test Bed (MHTB) Self-Pressurization and Spray Bar Mixing Experiments in Normal Gravity: Effect of the Accommodation Coefficient on the Tank Pressure.”

• Dr. Gary Flandro, the LPTC nominee, was the 2016 Wyld Award winner.• The 2016 Young Professional and Outstanding Student awards were not awarded due

to lack of funds. A reduced award value option was voted down by the Awards Subcommittee membership. This closes Action Item 16 Winter-1.

• Since the 2016 short course is taking place and generating revenue, the Awards Subcommittee expects to solicit nominations and to provide $1,000 awards in both categories in 2017.

Education Subcommittee Report – Timothee Pourpoint The 2016 AIAA Short Course, “Fundamentals of Liquid Chemical Propellants and

Applications for Less-Toxic Alternatives” was conducted on July 23 and 24, 2016, in Salt Lake City.

o The course was conducted before the JPC (dates were determined by AIAA).


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

o There were 6 student participants. The three LPTC instructors were Jörg Riccius, David Lineberry, and Timothee Pourpoint.

Promotion and registration for the Short Course did not go well, and registering for the course was difficult

The already-recorded history sessions were reviewed by BJ Austin and evaluated as possible webinar courses, to be offered by LPTC. However, there still has been no progress. A lead person is needed to implement this potential source of income.

Two Suitcase Rockets have been built. Thanks to SWRI, ULA, AR, Jacobs, OSC, Orbitec, SpaceX, ERC, and Moog for their support.

o Letters of thanks to the Suitcase Rocket donors have not yet been sent. There is some uncertainty about the addressee for each donor company. Action Item 16 Winter-2 remains open.

o David Ransom prepared excellent support documents for the Suitcase Rocket.o We need another $3K to build a third suitcase (for Europe) and cover shipping.o Jeff Schnackel is stepping down, so a new lead is needed for this effort.

The “STEM Materials” folder on the LPTC webpage under “Shared Documents” is populated with class visit support materials suitable for a range of ages from elementary through high school. The materials were developed by NASA and the folder will continue to be populated as additional materials found.

History Subcommittee Report – BJ Austin The History Subcommittee voted to confirm BJ Austin as its Subcommittee Chairman.

This closes Action Item 16 Winter-3. The History Session at this year’s JPC was entitled “Lessons Learned”. The session was

recorded by AIAA.o Stewart Bushman (Awards Subcommittee) provided certificates of appreciation to

the speakers. This closes Action Item 16 JPC-3.o BJ Austin gave the last of the coffee mugs to the speakers. BJ will seek donors for

more mugs. He estimates the cost would be $300 to $400 for 72 mugs. Action Item 16 JPC-4 remains open.

The Library of Congress was contacted to solicit interest in the LPTC recorded history sessions, with some positive response. The next steps would be for the LPTC to generate synopses of the sessions, and to bring samples of the videos to the Library. Action Item 15 JPC-1 remains open.

Publications Subcommittee Report – David Ransom and Vineet Ahuja Year in Review inputs were submitted to AIAA, and were published in the December

2015 issue of Aerospace America.o Thanks to all for very interesting contributions.o A few errors escaped editing, and we plan to request better feedback from

AIAA before going to print. Vineet Ahuja will again lead LPTC submissions of Year in Review inputs to AIAA.

o The AIAA deadline for 2016 inputs is Friday, September 16th. Contributions in the form of 4 to 5 line summary about major advancements or accomplishments are therefore needed by August 26th.

o AIAA wants all pictures/images in JPEG format.


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

LPTC members are requested to be on the lookout for conference papers that are suitable for journal publication. In response to the talk by Joseph Powers, the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Propulsion and Power, LPTC members are urged to submit good papers to this Journal.

Membership Subcommittee Report – Scott Forde The membership congratulated Kent Pugmire on his advancement to AIAA Fellow, and

Tom Giel on his advancement to AIAA Associate Fellow. Two other members were nominated to advance to Associate Fellow status.

o Members were encouraged to upgrade their AIAA membership category to Senior Member, Associate Fellow, and Fellow. The LPTC would help with recommendation letters.

Soon after the January 20, 2016 LPTC meeting, Scott requested and received permission from Jeff Hamstra, the P&E Director, to waive the 50-member LPTC limit and allow 52. Consequently, two new LPTC members were added to bring the total membership to 52: Francois Lassoudiere and Samantha Alberts. This closes Action Item 16 Winter-6.

As of July 27, 2016, we have a full complement of 52 current members with the distributions shown in Attachment 4, by employment category and by AIAA membership category. There are 33 regular members, 9 international members, and 10 U.S. members under 35 years old.

In the past year, four members who have made notable contributions to the LPTC have retired, primarily because they have repeated difficulty attending JPC meetings: Alfredo Lopez, Patrick Alliot, Gary Grayson, and Alan Frankel. Scott has suggested to them that they become Emeritus Members. This closes Action Item 16 Winter-4.

Current subcommittee assignments are shown in Attachment 5. New members without subcommittee assignments were asked their preferences, with the following results:

Kenneth Phillipot History SubcommitteeChristopher Radke Publications SubcommitteeBrandie Rhodes Education SubcommitteeSamantha Alberts Deferred (not present at meeting)

This closes Action Item 16 JPC-5. Scott sent around a roster for the members to review and update contact information as

appropriate. In addition, resumes are missing for some new and existing members, and should be submitted to Scott.

Scott Forde asked that members who have been on the committee for more than two years should evaluate his or her level or involvement on LPTC:

o Did you participate in the last two JPCs?o Did you participate in the January virtual meeting?o Am I active in a subcommittee's activities?o Will your organization support your participation in the TC’s activities?o Will I be able to participate in the next JPC? And in the next January meeting?

The two-year terms of Ivett Leyva as LPTC Chairman and of Mike Meyer as LPTC Vice Chairman both expire in May 2017. Mike will advance to be LPTC Chairman at that time. Ivett nominated David Ransom to be the new LPTC Vice Chairman, and David was elected to this position. This closes Action Item 15 JPC-5.


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Don Sargent is retiring as LPTC Secretary. Don will prepare the minutes of this 2016 Summer LPTC meeting. Matt Deans was nominated and elected to be the new LPTC Secretary.

Stewart Bushman is vacating his position as LPTC Treasurer, since he is now the Awards Subcommittee Chairman. Bill Marshall was nominated and elected to be the new LPTC Treasurer.

Christoph Kirchberger volunteered to be the Liquid Propulsion Technical Area Organizer for the 2018 JPC, to be held in Cincinnati. The LPTC confirmed his appointment.

Scott Forde distributed LPTC shirts to members who did not have these shirts.o The remaining supply of shirts has now been exhausted, and Scott Forde will order

additional shirts. Tee shirts will be purchased instead of the more expensive knit polo shirts. Action Item 16 JPC-1 remains open.

o Ivett Leyva will ask Jeff Hamstra for the procedure to request funds for purchasing LPTC shirts. Action Item 16 JPC-2 remains open.

Webmaster’ Report – Justin Locke The membership roster page has been updated. Members are encouraged to verify/edit their bios. For newer members, if your bio is

not in the “Membership” folder, please send your info to Justin. AIAA is looking to replace SharePoint, which is not adequate for AIAA TC and

committee needs

Liaison Reports Electric Propulsion Liaison Report – Mike Meyer

o The Electric Propulsion Technical Committee is developing several standards documents that are focused on diagnostics/measurement techniques such that consistent results will be obtained by different groups.

o The Electric Propulsion Technical Committee revitalized their short course and is considering a second version to conduct jointly with the Plasmadynamics and Lasers Technical Committee.

JANNAF Liaison Report – Mike Meyero The JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee will conduct a Technical

Interchange Meeting in August in Huntsville, AL, to address additive manufacturing for propulsion applications.

o The JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee will hold a joint Meeting with the Spacecraft Propulsion and Modeling and Simulations Subcommittee in December


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Review of New and Updated Action Items Attachment 6 is the updated Action Item list from the LPTC Meeting of July 27, 2016. Action Item 16 JPC-6, to develop procedures for removing subcommittee members

who do not contribute or fulfill assignments, was not addressed in today’s meeting, and remains open.

There were no new action items that were assigned in today’s meeting.

AdjournmentIvett Leyva adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:30 PM MDT.


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

ATTACHMENT 1General Membership Meeting Agenda

July 27, 2016

Agenda Item Discussion Leader Approx. Time

Welcome, Review Agenda -- SALIENT ITEMS I Leyva 7:00-7:10Review and Approve Minutes from 2016 SciTech D. Sargent 7:10-7:20

Treasurer Report S. Bushman 7:20-7:25

Web Page Update J. Locke 7:25-7:30

JPC 2016 B. Marshall (LPTC)/J. Locke (Tech Chair) 7:30-7:40

JPC 2017 Status V. Ahuja 7:40-7:50

Subcommittee Issues / Initiatives S. Bushman (Awards)T. Pourpoint (Education)

B.J. Austin (History)David Ransom (Publications)

S. Forde (Membership)


Elections -- Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, All 8:35-8:55Additional/New items All 8:55-9:05Next meeting Day plus Sci-Tech Meeting I. Leyva 9:05-9:10Liaison Reports 9:10-9:20Review Action Items D. Sargent 9:20-9:30Closing Remarks I. Leyva 9:30-9:35


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

ATTACHMENT 2Attendance, Steering and General Membership Meetings

Steering GeneralLast First Organization Meeting Meeting

Ahuja Vineet Craft Tech X XAustin B.J. IN Space X XBehruzi Philipp EADS/Astrium XBesnard Eric Cal State University / Long Beach XBushman Stewart Johns Hopkins / Applied Physics Lab XChianese Silvio SpaceX XDeans Matthew NASA / Glenn Research Center XDevereaux Andrew Surrey Satellite Technology XForde Scott Aerojet Rocketdyne X XGatto Corrine Jet Propulsion Lab XGiel Tom ERC, Inc. / NASA MSFC XGloyer Paul Gloyer-Taylor Laboratories XGuadagnola Daniel Orbital Sciences XKirchberger Christoph TU Munich XKirk Daniel Florida Institute of Technology XLekeux Anne C.N.E.S. XLeyva Ivett AFRL X XLineberry David University of Alabama / Huntsville XLocke Justin United Technologies Research Center XLohner Kevin SpaceX XMarcu Bogdan SpaceX XMarshall Bill NASA / Glenn Research Center X XMasquelet Matthieu Computational Combustion Laboratory XMeyer Mike NASA / Glenn Research Center X XMolinsky Jason ATK XMoore Jeff Moog XNaraghi Mahammad Manhattan College XOkita Koichi JAXA XPhilippart Ken Bevilacqua Research Corp./Jacobs ESSSA Group XPourpoint Timothee Purdue University X XPreclic Dieter EADS/Astrium XPugmire Kent Spincraft XQuinlan Matt Georgia Institute of Technology XRadke Chris NASA / Johnson Space Center XRansom David Southwest Research Institute X XRhodes Brandi Aerospace Corporation XRiccius Jőrg DLR XSargent Don Federal Aviation Administration X XSauer Chip Orbitec XSchnackel Jeff United Launch Alliance XSchumaker Alex AFRL X

Guests: Joaquin Castro, P&E Deputy Director for Rocket, Space & Advanced Propulsion (RS&AP) Group XJeffrey House, attending for Scott Miller XSubith Vasu, University of Central Florida X



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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Attachment 3 - Action Item List As of July 19, 2016

(See Attachment 6 for Updated and New Action Items)

Old Action Items15 JPC -1 Contact the Library of Congress to solicit its interest in

the recorded LPTC History SessionsBJ Austin 16 JPC

15 JPC-5 Nominate a new LPTC Vice Chairman Membership Subcommittee

16 JPC

New Action Items (Assigned on 01/20/2016)16 Winter-1 Decide whether to reduce the amounts for the Young

Professional and Student Awards, or to defer themAwards Subcommittee 16 JPC

16 Winter-2 Send letters of thanks to Suitcase Rocket donors Education Subcommittee 16 JPC16 Winter-3 Select a new Chair for the History Subcommittee History Subcommittee 16 JPC16 Winter-4 Suggest Emeritus Status to retiring members Scott Forde 16 JPC16 Winter-6 Request P&E Director to waive 50-member LPTC

limit; and if granted, offer membership to Lassoudiere and Alberts

Scott Forde 16 JPC

New Action Items (Assigned on 07/19/16)16 JPC-1 Purchase additional LPTC shirts Scott Forde 16 JPC16 JPC -2 Ask J.Hamstra for procedure to request funds for LPTC

shirtsIvett Leyva 16 JPC

16 JPC -3 Provide certificates for History Session Panelists Awards – Stuart Bushman 16 JPC16 JPC -4 Find donor for coffee mugs for History Session

PanelistsHistory – BJ Austin 16 JPC

16 JPC-5 Assign subcommittees to new LPTC members Membership – Scott Forde 16 JPC16 JPC-6 Develop procedures for removing subcommittee

members who do not contribute or fulfill assignmentsAll 16 JPC


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Attachment 4 - LPTC Membership DistributionAs of July 19, 2016


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Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Attachment 5 – Subcommittee AssignmentsAs of July 19, 2016

Blue – New MembersYellow – New Leadership Openings


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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 19 and 27, 2016

Propulsion and Energy Forum (Joint Propulsion Conference), Salt Lake City, UT

Attachment 6 – Updated Action Item List from LPTC Meeting of July 27, 2016

No. Action Item Assignee Due ByContinuous Action Items

Furnish missing and updated resumes or pictures to Justin Locke and verify that e-mail addresses are current.

All 17 Winter

Provide inputs for Aerospace America Highlights to Vineet Ahuja All 17 Winter

Identify candidates with liquid propulsion background for next Wyld Award. Provide nominations for Wyld Award to AIAA.

Kent Pugmire / Scott Forde 17 Winter

Nominate candidates and make selections for the LPTC Sustained Service Award & LPTC Outstanding Technical Contribution Award

All 17 Winter

Solicit ideas from all members for new revenue sources All 17 WinterDistribute additional LPTC shirts to the newer members. Scott Forde 17 JPC

Maintain contact with the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees to keep the LPTC informed about who the LP undergraduate scholarship recipient is and how the recipient was selected.

Scott Forde 17 Winter

Send an e-mail reminder to actionees one month prior to the semiannual LPTC meetings, to help minimize the number of missed / deferred action items

Secretary - Matt Deans

December 2016

Old Action Items

15 JPC-1 Contact the Library of Congress to solicit its interest in the recorded LPTC History Sessions BJ Austin 17 Winter

16 Winter-2 Send letters of thanks to Suitcase Rocket donors Timothee Pourpoint 17 Winter

New Action Items (Assigned on 07/27/16)16 JPC-1 Purchase additional LPTC shirts Scott Forde 17 Winter

16 JPC -2 Ask J.Hamstra for procedure to request funds for LPTC shirts Ivett Leyva 17 Winter

16 JPC -4 Find donor for coffee mugs for History Session Panelists BJ Austin 17 Winter

16 JPC-6 Develop procedures for removing subcommittee members who do not contribute or fulfill assignments All 17 Winter


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