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IntroductionThroughout the ages, slags have been used to refine metalsfor the benefit of humankind. For example, Agricola1

describes the direct reduction of iron from ore: ‘iron ismelted out and … when this is done, the master opens theslag-vent … and when all has run out he allows the ironmass to cool…’ Unfortunately, most metal reduction andrefining operations polluted the environment by theproduction of the by-products of our industrial endeavoursand as a result society and the industry itself, have becomeseriously concerned about the environmental impact ofmetallurgical refining operations. Evidence of society’sconcern about slag wastes is to be found in a remark ofPrime Minister Harold Wilson during a speech in BritishParliament2: ‘If one buys land on which there is a slagheap, 120ft. high and it costs £100 000 to remove that slag,that is not land speculation in the sense that we condemn it.It is land reclamation’. The English novelist, Margaret

Drabble handed down an even more serious indictment3:‘England is not a bad country… It’s just a mean, cold,ugly… post industrial slagheap….’ Although some mayregard this charge as the epitome of unfair comment, thequestion remains as to whether, by implication, we areguilty as charged and whether something can be done toeliminate, or at the very least, restrict further pollution ofour precious environment. In an attempt to deal with theseimportant questions, as far as the iron and steelmakingindustry is concerned, it is instructive to briefly examine theuse of slags and to inspect measures proposed and alreadytaken, to lessen the impact of metallurgical slag generation.However, before the role of slags and slag generation canbe appraised, it is necessary to inspect some importantchanges that have occurred in the industry and to enquireinto the reasons for these changes.

Traditionally, gangue contained in the raw materialcharge to the iron blast furnace has been fluxed to form a

DIPPENAAR, R. Industrial uses of slag—The use and re-use of iron and steelmaking slags. VII International Conference on Molten Slags Fluxes and Salts,The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2004.

Industrial uses of slag—The use and re-use of iron andsteelmaking slags

R. DIPPENAARSteel Institute, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue, NSW, Australia

Traditionally, iron ore has been reduced with coke in a blast furnace and the hot-metal product ofthe blast furnace containing carbon, manganese, silicon, sulphur and phosphorous, wassubsequently refined in a steelmaking furnace. During ironmaking as well as during steelmaking,significant amounts of slag are produced. Two decades ago, more than 13 m tonne of blast furnaceslag and 4 m tonne of steelmaking slag per annum were produced in the USA alone. It is,therefore, not surprising that many attempts have been made to re-use iron and steelmaking slags.However, these slags are not merely metallurgical waste products but, on the contrary, theircompositions and physical properties are judiciously designed to optimize the operations in therespective metallurgical reactors. The variation in composition and properties of blast furnaceslags are largely determined by the gangue in the ore and ash in the coke and much progress hasbeen made in the re-use of such slag. With respect to steelmaking slag, emphasis has in recentyears been placed on hot-metal treatment before refining and ladle treatment after decarburization.The bulk removal of silicon, phosphorous and sulphur from the hot-metal product of the blastfurnace by specially designed slags prior to refining in a basic oxygen furnace, has reduced tap-to-tap time, lowered cost and produced steel of much higher quality. The use of synthetic slags inladle refining techniques subsequent to decarburization in the basic oxygen furnace has resulted inreduced hydrogen and nitrogen contents and reduced solute impurities. Moreover, inclusion shapeand composition control, again by the use of specially designed slags has led to the achievementof much improved mechanical properties of the steel. In these revised process routes, slag ofdifferent compositions are produced in the variety of unit processes and hence the re-use ofsteelmaking slags has become much more complex. Clearly, a thorough understanding of thedesign and use of these different slags is a pre-requisite to the development of re-use strategies.Japanese steelmakers have spearheaded attempts to reduce slag volumes in the individual unitprocesses and to strive towards ‘slagless steelmaking’ by recycling slags internally. Steelmakingslag volumes have been reduced on commercial scale from about 140 kg/tonne steel to 60kg/tonne steel. Moreover, model predictions have shown that, in principle, all slag can be recycledand the phosphorous extracted to produce fertilizer. This development is of particular significancesince the supply of low-phosphorous iron ores is diminishing at an ever increasing rate.

Keywords: slag, environment, iron, steel, recycling, blast furnace, steelmaking, ladlemetallurgy, slag splashing, construction.

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liquid phase immiscible with the liquid metal product andseparated as liquid slag. In the early days of blast furnaceoperations, some knowledge of the raw materialscomposition was taken into account in the design of theflux charge but operators relied mostly on experience. Morerecently, thanks to a much better understanding of themechanism of slag formation and of the blast furnaceprocess in general, slag production in different parts of thefurnace can be much better designed and, as a result, slaggeneration can not only be controlled but also optimizedand hence, mimimized4. In similar vein, hot-metaltreatment prior to refining in a basic oxygen furnace (BOF)has led to a significant reduction in the generation of BOFslag volumes5. However, the total volume of slag generatedin the combined steelmaking processes have to be takeninto account and, for this reason, new developments in steelrefining operations need to be considered.

A highly competitive steel market requires the modernsteelmaker to be sensitive to customer demands in terms ofproduct properties, quality, price and delivery. The steelindustry is confronted with high fixed costs as well asexpensive and sophisticated processes, which areconstrained to high production rates by efficiencies andeconomics of scale. High costs, raw material shortages,environmental concerns and customer demands have beendefined as four of the most important drivers for the steelindustry6. The need to produce high quality steel at acompetitive price has resulted in the implementation ofstate-of-the-art process technologies to attain ultra-highpurity and ultra-cleanliness in a new generation of steels.Moreover, environmental control has likewise become amost important driver in the production of steel, to theextent that traditional production techniques have beenchallenged by the development of new processes andalternative production technologies. We have seen thetraditional ironmaking process comprising sinter plant, cokeovens and blast furnace being challenged by the Corex,Hismelt and Dios process. One of the main aims of the newprocess technologies has been a reduction of theenvironmental impact of the coke ovens and sinter plant.The traditional steelmaking route has also been challengedby a variety of processes, of which the IRSID continuoussteelmaking process and the Energy Optimizing Furnacehave, perhaps, come closest to commercial reality7. Inreaction to these challenges, steelmakers have responded byexciting and innovative developments in traditional processtechnologies. Most of these developments have been aimedat hot-metal treatment before refining and ladle treatmentafter decarburization.

The bulk removal of silicon, phosphorous and sulphurfrom the hot-metal product of the blast furnace prior torefining in a basic oxygen furnace has reduced tap-to-taptime, lowered cost, lowered slag volume and produced steelof much higher quality. The use of vacuum degassingsubsequent to decarburization in the basic oxygen furnacehas resulted in reduced hydrogen and nitrogen contents andthe judicious design of slags for use in ladle refiningtechniques have significantly reduced solute impurities insteel. Moreover, the selective use of slag forming reagentshas enabled steelmakers not only to minimize inclusionformation, but also to modify and control the shape andcomposition of the remaining inclusions. These practiceshave led to the achievement of much improved mechanicalproperties of steel.

A much better understanding of slags, their specific rolesand functions as well as improvements in process

technologies have led to a significant reduction in slagvolumes generated in the iron and steelmaking industry. Atthe same time, the re-use of iron and steelmaking slags hasbeen expanded, and has led to a significant reduction in theenvironmental impact of these by-products. Following abrief overview of the use of slags in the integrated route ofiron and steelmaking, attention will be given to somemeasures taken to re-use these slags.

The use of metallurgical slags

The use of slag in the iron blast furnaceThe dissection of quenched experimental and operatingblast furnaces, especially the studies conducted in Japan8,clarified in much more detail than before, the importance ofthe cohesive zone, the nature of the flow of gas through thecoke slits in the cohesive zone and the nature of thechemical reactions in the blast furnace. These studies haverevolutionized the very concept of the process but,unfortunately, it was not possible to determine in aquantitative manner the exact way in which slag isgenerated in the furnace and how slag and metal dropletsinteracted on their way down the furnace from the cohesivezone to the hearth9. Because the primary function of blastfurnace slag is to absorb gangue and to act as recipient ofnon-metallic impurities, the composition of the slag islargely governed by the composition of the ore and ash inthe coke. Consequently, a reduction in slag volume has tobe accompanied by a reduction in the impurity content ofthe raw materials, concomitant changes in slag chemistry,process refinement and/or treatment of the liquid product ofthe blast furnace before refining in a steelmaking furnace.Tailoring the slag chemistry to optimize furnace operationsis furthermore hampered by the presence of alkalis in theraw material. Alkali oxides are reduced to metal and themetal then evaporates in the hotter parts of the furnace, onlyto be re-oxidized in the furnace shaft. This alkali circulationseriously effects furnace stability and as blast furnaceoperators will usually give priority to furnace stability overand above other operating variables, the slag composition isusually designed to ensure effective alkali removal. Mosteffective for alkali removal is an acidic slag but,unfortunately, low basicity slag is exactly the opposite ofwhat is required to ensure effective sulphur removal.Hence, a high alkali load in the charge of a blast furnacealmost inevitably requires the installation of externaldesulphurization facilities.

The modern blast furnace is characterized by a largehearth diameter, hindering the flow of gas as well as liquidmetal and slag through the deadman and hearth. Theraceway penetrates to a depth of only 2 m into the furnacehearth so that the gas flow is directed to the periphery as thehearth diameter is increased and, hence, the active areadecreases with an increase in furnace hearth diameter. Thelarge inactive zone in the furnace not only affects gasdistribution but also impacts on the ability to drain metaland slag from the furnace. Following discharge from thelower surface of the cohesive zone, metal and slag dropletsdrain through a packed coke bed (deadman) beforecollecting in the furnace hearth10. In order to ensure thatslag droplets flow through the deadman and into the hearthefficiently, it is necessary to fully flux or melt these slagdroplets before they enter the deadman zone. Freezing slagor unmelted ore can seriously impede the permeability ofthe deadman and, hence, the flow of liquids into the hearth.Nightingale11 formulated the Deadman Cleanliness Index

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(DCI) as a quantitative measure of the permeability of thedeadman and has convincingly shown that this indexcorrelates well with slag/metal partitioning in the blastfurnaces of BHP Steel. Hence, this index can also provide ameasure of the efficiency by which slag is created in thecohesive zone. Brämming and Wikström4 point out that ithas become increasingly important not only to study slagformation in the cohesive zone, but also to identify thelocation of slag creation in other parts of the furnace12.With reference to Figure 1, current understanding of theformation of slag in the iron blast furnace may besummarized as follows: primary slag is formed by ganguefrom ferrous materials; bosh slag forms by dissolution offluxes and to a limited extent, coke ash into the primaryslag; tuyere slag forms from the ash of fuels combusted infront of the tuyeres and the final slag is formed by thecombination of the bosh and tuyere slag form which someoxides have been reduced. Brämming and Wikström4 haveshown that the blast furnace slag volume generated at theSSAB, Oxelösund Works has been reduced from more than300 kg/tHM in 1974 to less than 150 kg/tHM and it seemspossible that the slag volume can be even further reducedby the injection of slag formers through the tuyeres12. Aneven more effective approach would be to inject BOF-slagthrough the tuyeres. This technique is attractive, not onlybecause it will provide an opportunity for the re-use ofsteelmaking slag, but also because the injection of highlyoxidized BOF slag lowers the melting point of the fuel ashsignificantly, thereby rendering liquid slag in the tuyereregion13.

The use of slag in steelmaking processes

Implications of new process developmentsShortly after Bessemer introduced pneumatic steelmakingin 1856, the basic open hearth was developed and thisprocess technology dominated steel production until themid sixties. The top blown oxygen converter, or basicoxygen furnace (BOF) was developed in the mid 1950s andbottom-blowing facilities were later added. In the past 40years, the basic open-hearth process has been almostcompletely replaced by various top, bottom or combinationblowing oxygen steelmaking processes14. Traditionally,liquid steel has been produced in integrated steel plants,

starting with iron ore and coke, or through an electric-arcfurnace route by the recycling of scrap. In integratedsteelmaking, the hot-metal product from a blast furnace isrefined in a basic oxygen furnace and production capacitiesare typically in excess of five million tonnes per annum. Inthe electric-arc furnace steelmaking route, scrap is recycled.Typical capacities are 0.3 to 2.5 million tonnes per annumand the capital outlay of such a facility is considerably lessthan that of an integrated plant. In the past, integrated millsdominated the high quality steel strip market while themini-mills produced the standard grades. The quality ofsteel produced by electric-arc furnace technology isrestrained by the level of metallic residuals such as copper,nickel and tin present in the scrap charge. However, the useof hot-briquetted iron, directly reduced iron and liquid hotmetal has significantly increased the product quality range.Most modern electric-arc furnaces use a combination ofoxy-free burners, pulverized coal injection and oxygeninjection to supplement electrical energy input. Today, steelproduction in one year exceeds that of all other metalscombined in ten years of production and steel is producedin integrated plants by the basic oxygen process and inmini-mills through electric-arc furnace technology. In theUSA, 60% of the steel is currently produced by means ofthe oxygen converter and 40% by electric-arc furnacetechnology as shown in Figure 214. For the purposes of thepresent discussion, the use of slag in the iron and steelindustry will be restricted to applications in integratedsteelmaking.

Huge improvements in steel processing technology havebeen made possible through a fundamental understandingof the mechanism and rate of metal/slag/gas reactions. TheJapanese steel industry has spearheaded a new trend inintegrated steelmaking by removing the bulk of sulphur andphosphorous impurities from the hot-metal product of theblast furnace prior to decarburization in a basic oxygenconverter. Subsequent to decarburization, hydrogenremoval, final alloy trimming as well as inclusion removaland modification are achieved through a variety ofsecondary refining techniques. By these processmodifications it has become possible to obtain better yields,produce cleaner steel and lower operating costs15. Thismodern trend in steelmaking is schematically shown inFigure 3. The introduction of hot-metal pretreatment and

Figure 1. Formation of slag in the iron blast furnace

Hot blast &fuel injections



Hot metalMetal


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ladle metallurgy has had a significant influence on the typeof slags being used in the integrated steelmaking route.Hot-metal can only be dephosphorized if it contains lessthan 0.15% silicon and for this reason it is important todesiliconise the hot metal prior to dephosphorization.Additional advantages of the bulk removal of silicon fromthe hot-metal are that chemical attack on the refractory

lining of the basic oxygen furnace is minimized and aminimal amount of slag-making fluxes is required, therebymaximizing process yield16. On the other hand, loweringthe silicon content of the hot metal precludes utilization ofthe thermal value from silicon oxidation and, hence,reduces the scrap-melting capacity of the basic oxygenconverter. Because of the economic value of the ability to

Figure 2. Steel Production in the USA by refining process. BOH = Basic Open Hearth; BOF = Basic Oxygen Furnace; EAF = Electric-arc Furnace

Figure 3. An example of a modern steelmaking route

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000





US Steel Production 1955-1995


% o

f T



Blast FurnaceDe-S

0.5 Si0.05 S0.08 P

De-SlaggingDe-SI De-P

De-SIagging De-SIagging

<0.01 C0.005 S0.009 P



Ladle Furnace(Trimming)

and InclusionModification

ContinuousCasting De - C



0.05 0.005 Si

0.50 0.15


0.08 0.02


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melt large quantities of scrap in the BOF, externaldesiliconization and dephosphorization have not beenadopted in the United States and many other plants15. Insome plants, the silicon and phosphorous removal stepsoccur in full size oxygen converter vessels and the resultingcarbon containing liquid metal is transferred, afterseparation of the primary process slag, into a secondconverter for carbon removal by oxygen blowing16. In thissequence, the slag from the second vessel is used as starterslag for the first step. The heavily oxidizing environment inan oxygen converter limits the sulphur removal capabilityof this process. Hence, the sulphur has to be removed eitherin the hot-metal, or subsequent to the carbon blow in theconverter. It is far more costly to remove sulphur from steeland, hence, techniques have been developed to do bulkdesulphurization in the hot-metal. Depending on the rawmaterials available the sulphur contents in hot-metal cantypically vary between 0.02% and 0.2%. Through external(hot metal) desulphurization, the sulphur content istypically reduced to less than 0.01% before introduction ofthe hot-metal into the oxygen converter15.

The presence of a slag/metal/gas emulsion accounts forthe high speed of refining in a top-blown oxygen converter.The large interfacial areas in the emulsion are conducive toeffective heat transfer and rapid reaction rates17. However,it also results in liquid steel containing typically 400-800ppm oxygen and slag which contains 25% to 35% ironoxide. These highly oxidizing conditions contribute to theloss of valuable alloying elements, particularly manganese,by oxidation to the slag15. In a bottom-blown converter,oxygen is introduced through several tuyeres installed inthe bottom of the vessel. Each tuyere consists of twoconcentric pipes with the oxygen passing through the centreand a hydrocarbon coolant passing through the anulusbetween the pipes. A new era in pneumatic steelmakingwas entered into when combination blowing wasintroduced. This technique, that has been widely adoptedfor carbon steelmaking, comprises top-blown lancing and amethod of stirring from the bottom. The configurationaldifferences in mixed blowing lie principally in the bottomtuyeres or permeable elements. In the mixed (or combined)blowing vessel, the carbon-oxygen reaction proceeds closerto equilibrium because of more effective stirring, enablingcontrolled production of very low carbon steels withoutlosing the advantage of the high reaction rates inherent to

top-blowing. Also, the slag is less oxidized in this process,resulting in higher metallurgical yields and a substantiallybetter recovery of manganese. In typical mixed blowing, asaving of 25% in manganese requirements can be made15.Provided the silicon, phosphorous and sulphur content ofthe hot-metal are significantly reduced before the hot-metalis charged to the converter, 350 tonnes of liquid steel cantypically be decarburized in 10 minutes in a modern basicoxygen converter. Figure 4 [various sources] shows howthe blowing time has been reduced from 20 to 10 minutesover the past 25 years while the tap-to-tap time has beenreduced from 40 to 20 minutes in the same period.

The introduction of ladle refining, followingdecarburization in an oxygen converter or electric-arcfurnace, has had a pronounced effect on the ability toproduce clean steel. Moreover, the introduction of ladlerefining techniques to electric furnace steelmaking hasresulted in the electric-arc furnace being used as fastmelters without the need to perform any refining in thefurnace. In addition, ladle refining and degassing make itpossible for the steelmaker to exert much tighter controlover the properties of the final product through improvedaccuracy in the composition of the final product as well asits cleanliness and by being able to control inclusionmorphology18.

Slag/metal reactionsIn order to put into perspective the way in which slags areused to remove silicon, sulphur and phosphorous from thehot-metal product of the blast furnace or from steel, it isinstructive to briefly review the relevant reaction equilibria:




[X] refers to elements dissolved in liquid metal and (Y) tocompounds dissolved in liquid slag

It follows from Equation [1] that silicon is best removedunder highly oxidizing conditions. The silicon content ofhot-metal is usually lowered by the injection of mill scaleor sinter powder into the liquid hot-metal in the blastfurnace runner, the torpedo car or transfer ladle.

Phosphorus : / /P O O PO[ ] + [ ] + ( ) = ( )− −5 2 3 2 243

Sulphur : S O S O[ ] + [ ] = ( ) + [ ]− −2 2

Silicon : Si O SiO[ ] + [ ] = ( )2 2

Figure 4. Reduction in tap-to-tap time and blowing time for operations in the basic oxygen furnace form 1975 to 2000 [Various sources]

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010



Blowing time

Basic Oxygen Furnace454035









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Alternatively the silicon may be removed by the injectionof oxygen into the torpedo or transfer ladle and in processroutes where phosphorous is removed subsequent todesiliconization; the silicon concentration is lowered to lessthan 0.15 %. Lime may be used to flux the silica and theseslags may be recycled to the sinter plant19.

Sulphur is clearly best removed under reducingconditions such as prevail in hot-metal or when the steelhas been deoxidized. However, desulphurization of liquidsteel is more costly than hot-metal desulphurization anddesulphurization of steel is usually confined to fine-trimming during secondary metallurgy. Equation [2] furtherindicates that a highly basic slag is required for efficientsulphur removal and for this reason Na2(CO)3 hasextensively and very efficiently been used as adesulphurizing reagent. However, environmental concernshave forced steelmakers to seek alternative techniques.Lime and CaF2 are often co-injected into the hot-metal,either in the torpedo car or the transfer ladle but the use ofCaF2 is also fraught with danger as far as the environmentis concerned. CaC2 injection has been used and severallime-based reagents have been developed fordesulphurization of hot-metal. The effectiveness of basicslag to act as a desulphurizer, is often measured by thesulphide capacity Cs, where the sulphide capacity is definedas20:

The sulphide capacity, Cs correlates well with opticalbasicity and hence slag compositions conducive todesulphurization can be determined from knowledge of theoptical basicity of the individual components21. Moreover,Lehman et al.22 have demonstrated that our understandingof slag behaviour has been developed to the extent thatslags with high sulphide capacity can be designed by theuse of statistical thermodynamic models.

Wagner proposed that a phosphate capacity, similar tosulphide capacity be defined23. However, the correlation ofthe phosphate capacity with slag basicty is not nearly asgood as that of the sulphide capacity and Turkdogan19 hassimplified Wagner’s formulation to describe the practicallyobserved phosphorous distribution between metal and slagmore accurately. His definition of the phosphate capacity ofslag, kPO, is:


and the relationship between phosphate capacity and slagbasicity is given by:


Where BO = % CaO + %CaF2 + 0.3 (% MgO)The ability of a basic slag to dephosphorize is clearly a

strong function of temperature with lower temperatures,such as exist in hot-metal, favouring dephosphorization. Onthe other hand, Equation [3] shows that phosphorousremoval is best done under strong oxidizing conditions suchas exist in the BOF but, unfortunately from a phosphorousremoval point of view, temperatures in the BOF, are highespecially towards the end of the blow when the oxygenpotential is high. Because of these conflicting requirementsfor the removal of phosphorous, the decision as to wherephosphorous is best removed, is one of economics ratherthan of thermodynamics. Should phosphorous be removedin the BOF, it has to be done towards the end of the blowwhen the oxygen potential is high. The highly oxidizedstate of the slag not only leads to the obvious loss of iron,

but also to excessive attack on the refractory lining of thefurnace and, hence, practical considerations have led to thetendency to remove phosphorous from the hot metal ratherthan in the BOF, either in the torpedo car or in the transferladle.

Pre-treatment of hot-metal and the basic oxygen furnaceA process route that would minimize slag formation andcost whilst at the same time ensure high productivity,cannot be designed from knowledge of thermodynamicsand process dynamics of the individual process steps alone.The availability of raw material, existing plant design,marketing strategy and product range as well as a host ofother economic factors, each and collectively, have adetermining influence on the choice of the process route.For example, US steelmakers have mostly elected not toimplement hot-metal pre-treatment because they wish touse high scrap loadings in the BOF and, hence, they requirea relatively high silicon concentration in the liquid metalfeed to the BOF15. However, from an environmental pointof view, pre-treatment of the hot-metal product of the blastfurnace is very attractive, especially as far as slagminimization is concerned, and for this reason a processroute in which the unit processes are separated will beanalysed in more detail later. An example of such a processroute is shown in Figure 3:

Various techniques and combinations of reagents havebeen used for the bulk removal of silicon from the hot-metal product of the blast furnace. For example, mill scaleand lime have been added in the runner of the blast furnace;mill scale and/or sinter have been injected into the torpedocar or transfer ladle and oxygen has been blown into thetorpedo car or transfer ladle. If subsequent de-phosphorization is to be done, the silicon content of the hot-metal is reduced to below 0.15%. The slags producedduring desiliconization contain FeO, SiO2, CaO and MnO.Very little sulphur or phosphorous are transferred to theslag so that the slag resulting from desiliconizationtreatment can be recycled to sinter plants19.

Na2(CO)3 is very effective in removing phosphorous aswell as suphur from liquid hot-metal provided the siliconcontent of the hot-metal is low enough. Soda ash isfrequently injected with nitrogen combined with co-injection or blowing with oxygen and hence slag of highbasicity is provided in the presence of high oxygen activity.In addition, the reactions occur at low (hot-metal)temperatures and, hence, the conditions are conducive tothe removal of phosphorous. Because the basicity of theslag is high, significant amounts of sulphur are removedsimultaneously. 90 % P and 75+ % S are typically removedin such a process. A major disadvantage of the use of sodaash, is the reduction of sodium carbonate to sodium gas bythe following reaction:


The generation of sodium fumes constitute a health riskand has raised serious environmental concerns. For thisreason, alternative reagents have been tried. For example,great success has been achieved by the injection of CaO,mill scale and CaF2 with and without co-injection ofoxygen19. Recycling of slags from the dephosphorizationstep will be discussed in more detail later.

Examples of the effectiveness of desulphurization of hot-metal, using reagents other than soda ash, are shown inFigure 519. In the USA blast furnace hot-metal containstypically 0.04 % to 0.07%S while steel quality requirements

Na CO l C Na g CO g2 3 2 2 3( ) ( ) + [ ] = ( ) + ( )

log / . .k T BOPO = − + ( )21740 9 87 0 071

k P O PPO = ( ) [ ] [ ]−% * % /.0 25

C Mass S P Ps O S= ( )( ) ( )% // /


1 2


1 2

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demand that the sulphur content of hot-metal charged to theBOF be lower than 0.01%S, and to produce certain steeltypes, as low as 0.001%S. Following desulphurization, theslag is raked off the liquid metal and 15–20 kg slag/t-HM istypically produced24. Although there is a possibility that thesulphur containing slags can be recycled to the sinter plant,most of the slags resulting from desulphurization isdiscarded.

It is interesting to note that because hot-metal producedby the Corex-process is low in silicon, lime-based reagentsmay be used to desulphurize and dephosphorizesimultaneously Corex hot-metal. Van Niekerk25 and vanNiekerk and Dippenaar26 have shown that additions of theorder of 10–15 % of Na2O and CaF2 to lime-based reagentscan increase the sulphide and phosphate capacities,respectively, to the extent that desulphurization anddephosphorization can be done simultaneously. Figures 6and 7 show that the relevant capacities are high andcomparable to those of Na2O-SiO2 slags. These slags may,of course, also be used to treat desiliconized hot-metal fromthe blast furnace. More recently, Yang et al.27 have alsoshown that small additions of Na2O and CaF2 to calciumaluminate slags are very effective as desulphurizers of hot-metal.

Examples of the extent to which the generation of slag inthe BOF-steelmaking route can be reduced by the use ofhot-metal pre-treatment, is shown in Figure 86. Japanesesteelmakers have reduced the slag production in the BOFsteelmaking route from 138 kg/t-steel to 121 kg/t by theintroduction of desiliconization and dephosphorization. Thetypical slag production in the BOF itself was reduced from92 kg/t to 43 kg/t in the period 1984 to 1995. More recentattempts to reduce the slag volume in the BOF has resultedin a reduction of the the total slag volume to 60 kg/t andslag production in the BOF unit of only 10 kg/t-steel28. Theseparation of desulphurization and dephosphorization fromthe BOF unit and the concomitant optimization of theserefining steps, combined with extensive desiliconization ofthe hot-metal, has led to significant improvements inproductivity as shown in Figure 4. In this process route theBOF unit is essentially used as a decarburizer only and,

hence, the high productivity. Elimination ofdephosphorization in the BOF (which requires a high FeOcontent in the slag), has the further advantage that therefractory life of the BOF unit is significantly increased.

Figure 5. Examples of the effectiveness of variousdesulphurization reagents in the pre-treatment of hot-metal19

Figure 6. Sulphide capacities of various slag systems25. Na2O-SiO2-data after Chan and Fruehan42

Figure 7. Phosphate capacities of different slag systems26

Figure 8. Reduction in the production of slag in the BOF-stseelmaking route by the introduction of hot-metal


0 4 8 12kg reagent/t HM

(a) 30 CaCO3+CaC2(b) 20 Mg + 80 CaO(c) 25 Mg + 75 CaC2









In %



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Base (mole fraction)

CaO-Na2O-SiO2 + 32% CaF2



1400°CCaO-Na2O-SiO2 +










0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

-Log XNa2O, -Log XCaO, -Log (XNa2O+XCaO)

B= 1,61 B= 1,79



B= 1,51
















138 kg/t













122 kg/t 121 kg/t

Before 1984 1989 1995





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Secondary metallurgyThe introduction of ladle refining, followingdecarburization in an oxygen converter or electric-arcfurnace, has had a pronounced effect on the steelmakingprocess. Moreover, the implementation of ladle refining hasenabled electric furnace steelmakers to use their furnaces asfast melters without the need to perform any refining in thefurnace. In addition, ladle refining and degassing make itpossible for the steelmaker to exert much tighter controlover the properties of the final product through improvedaccuracy in the composition of the final product as well asits cleanliness and by being able to control inclusionmorphology18. A variety of ladle refining techniques,collectively known as secondary metallurgy has beendeveloped over the years to replace, at least in part, theconventional addition of deoxidants and other alloyadditions to liquid steel on tap (from the BOF or EAF). Inthese ladle refining techniques, the temperature of the meltis controlled; final decarburization and deoxidation aredone and hydrogen is removed from the liquid steel throughvacuum treatment. Sulphur and phosphorous are removedin the ppm range through the use of synthetic slags andcompositional adjustments are made by trimming withferro-alloys. Finally, and importantly, inclusion removal areaccomplished by argon bubbling and slag rinsing and themorphology of inclusions is modified by calcium treatment.

Deep desulphurization, reducing the sulphur content inthe liquid steel to below 20 ppm., is done under strongreducing conditions, usually with CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slags inthe presence of aluminium or by the injection of CaO-CaF2powder. Sulphur distributions of up to 1000 can beachieved in these slags18. The governing reaction is:


Phosphorus distribution ratios of more than 1000 can beachieved by the addition in the ladle of CaO-FeO-SiO2slags containing small amounts of MnO and Na2O18.

Lastly, it is interesting to refer briefly to the use of micro-slags to control inclusion morphology and sulphide shapecontrol. By the injection of calcium into deoxidized anddesulphurized slags, solid alumina inclusions are convertedto liquid calcium aluminates that float much easier out ofthe steel. Moreover, calcium aluminate inclusions retainedin liquid steel, suppress the precipitation of MnS stringersduring solidification. Small, globular calcium aluminates,covered by a layer of CaS form and even if they do not floatout, they are less detrimental to the mechanical propertiesof the solidified steel29. Göransson et al.30 have shown in aconvincing manner that the composition of synthetic slagused in the ladle furnace to remove inclusions in bearingsteels, influences the inclusion type and inclusion sizedistribution. A high value of CaO/Al2O3 is conducive tolowering the activity of alumina in the slag and, hence, tofavour the removal of solid alumina inclusions.

Slag splashing

Slag splashing is a technology which uses high pressurenitrogen through the oxygen lance of the BOF after tappingthe liquid metal and splashes the remaining slag on to therefractory lining31. The slag coating splashed on to therefractory lining, solidifies on cooling and serves as aconsumable refractory coating in the following heat. Hence,the slag coating rather than the working lining or thegunned coating is utilized as refractory protection. After theliquid steel has been tapped from the BOF, the remaining

slag may be conditioned to achieve the appropriateviscosity and nitrogen is then blown through the oxygenlance under high pressure to splash the slag on to therefractory lining. At the end of the nitrogen blow, thefurnace is tilted and the excess slag is dumped.Alternatively, slag splashing may be done with the steel andslag in the vessel. This approach is usually followed whenthere is a need to coat the trunnions and upper reaches ofthe furnace. By 1994, the use of slag splashing increasedthe lining life of BOF vessels at the Indiana Works of LTV,to more than 15 000 heats and the two-furnace availabilityincreased from 78% in 1984 to 97% in 200032. Morerecently, Liu et al. have provided a physical modellingstudy in an attempt to assist in the design and optimizationof the splashing technique33.

It is interesting to note that although the technique ofslag-spalashing has already been adopted as standardoperating practice in many steelmaking shops, it is also oneof the best examples of the effective and economical re-useof steelmaking slag.

Re-use of slag

BackgroundWhether or not iron and steelmaking slags should beconsidered as by-products, or wastes of the iron andsteelmaking process or, alternatively, whether it should beconsidered as renewable virgin material in the sense that itis a new and useful material that has not been used before,may be an interesting point of debate but, whatever theoutcome of the debate, economic and environmentalconcerns demand that these slags be used more effectivelythan in the past.

The principal constituents of blast furnace slag are theoxides of silica and alumina originating mainly from theiron bearing material, lime and magnesia which have beenadded as flux. Slag is tapped from the furnace at atemperature of about 1480°C and, depending on the mannerin which the slag is cooled, distinct types of blast furnaceslag can be produced: air-cooled, expanded or granulated34.Air-cooled slag is produced by allowing blast furnace slagto run into a pit adjacent to the furnace or is transported inladles and dumped into a pit. Solidification of slag thenoccurs under the prevailing atmospheric conditions.Treatment of molten blast furnace slag with controlledquantities of water accelerates solidification and produce alightweight product. Granulated slag is produced byquenching the liquid slag from the blast furnace by a streamof water at a rate sufficient to ensure that no crystallizationoccurs34. These slags have been put to many commercialuses such as railroad ballast, aggregate in concreteproducts, manufacture of Portland and slag cement. In theUSA, air-cooled slag has been used extensively as anaggregate in concreting operations. Expanded slag has beenused in aggregate in the manufacture of lightweightconcrete for structural purposes, floor fills and masonaryunits. Granulated slag has, in the past, been used for themanufacture of cement, construction of highway bases andfor soil conditioning34.

Before the introduction of the pre-treatment of hot-metal,steelmaking slags with their high iron and manganesecontents have frequently been used in the blast furnaceburden. In this way almost all the iron is recovered and70% of the manganese is reduced into the hot-metal. Also,because steelmaking slags contain more lime than is

2 3 1 3 2 3/ /Al S CaO CaS Al O[ ] + [ ] + ( ) = ( ) + ( )

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required to flux the impurities present, this lime will fluxthe acid impurities contained in the iron-bearing burden andthe coke ash. The main limitaton to the use of steelmakingslag in the blast furnace is the phosphorous content of theslag since virtually all the phosphorous present in the slagwill be reduced into the hot-metal34. In their analysis of theuse of steelmaking slag in Canada, Murphy et al.35, pointout that steelmaking slag has been used mainly foraggregate in road bed construction or as a substitute forgravel, but these applications do not provide added valuefor the steel manufacturer. Moreover, the high content offree lime and magnesia is detremental to the volumestability of steel slags when used as aggregate, causingconcern in the use of steel slags for this purpose. Murphy et al.35, sought to adjust the composition of steelmakingslag to make it suitable for blending with conventionalPortland cement clinker and found experimentally, that thisgoal can be achieved by small adjustments of the slagchemistry. By oxidizing FeO in the slag to Fe2O3 and byrapidly quenching the slag with water, they produced apredominantly glassy material that possessed inherentcementitious potential. Reeves and Lu36 have also studiedthe possibility of modifying steelmaking slag to rendervolumetrically stable aggregate. They found that theadddition of Fayalite to molten steelmaking slag inhibits theprecipitation of free lime during solidification on cooling,making it much more acceptable as aggregate. Hiltunen37

emphasises that, traditionally, the expansion problem hasbeen overcome by allowing the slag to age outdoors butthat significant economic penalties are incurred by the useof this technique. However, a new technique has beendeveloped on commercial scale by which oxygen and silicaare injected into the molten slag when it is drawn off.

Slag resulting from the pre-treatment of hot-metal and

slag formed during secondary steelmaking vary greatly incomposition. Because of their heterogeneous properties andrelatively small volumes, little research has been done to re-use these slags efficiently and, in the result, these slags aremostly used in landfill applications37.

A case study of slag utilization in the constructionindustryIn an attempt to paint a picture of how iron and steelmakingslags are currently being utilized, the specific use of theseslags in Ausralia and New Zealand will be brieflyreviewed38–40. Table I shows that a little more than 3million tonnes of various forms of slag have been producedin these two countries in the year 2000 and in the Table abreakdown is given of the origin of these slags. Blastfurnace slag (1.75 mt) and steelmaking slag (0.8 mt)constitute by far the largest volume of slag produced. Blastfurnace as well as Basic Oxygen Furnace slags areproduced at the Port Kembla Works of BHP Steel and at theWhyalla Works of Onesteel. Electric-arc Furnace slag isproduced in Melbourne, Sydney and Newcastle.

The production and utilization of iron and steelmakingslags are more specifically outlined in Table II. Out of atotal mass of 2.705 mt, 2.344 mt (or 86%) are utilized forvarious purposes and it is instructive to consider theproduction and utilization of these slags in more detail.

In the Australian operations, liquid blast furnace slagflows into pits where it is predominantly air cooled andsprayed with a small quantity of water. Alternatively, liquidslag is rapidly quenched using large volumes of high-pressure water to produce a sandy material calledgranulated blast furnace slag. In the Basic Oxygen andElectric-arc Furnace Processes, liquid steel and slag areseparated on completion of the refining of the steel; the

Slag type Blast furnace Granulated blast furnace Basic oxygen furnace Electric-arc furnace

Production (t) 1 050 000 700 000 800 000 155 000

Utilization (t) 750 000 700 000 510 000 84 000

Utilization (%) 71 100 64 54

Production technique Air cooled Molten slag quenched with Air cooled and watered Air cooled and wateredhigh pressure water sprays

Typical applications Base, Subbase Subbase Sealing aggregate Sealing aggregateConcrete aggregate Construction fill Asphalt aggregate Asphalt aggregate

Filter aggregate Construction sand Base, Subbase Base, SubbaseConstruction fill Stabilizing binder Construction fill Construction fillScour protection Cement manufacture Subsoil drains Subsoil drains

Rockwool Grit blasting Grit blasting Grit blastingReinforced earth wall infill

Glass manufactureCement replacement able to enhanceconcrete durability. Stabilizing binder

Table IIProduction and utilization of blast furnace and steelmaking slag in Australia and New Zealand in the year 200038

Origin Blast furnace Basic oxygen furnace Electric-arc furnace Other

Air Cooled slag Granulated slag

Mass Produced 1 050 000 700 000 800 000 155 000 360 000% Produced 34 23 26 5 12

Table ITotal slag production in Australia and New Zealand in the year 200038

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liquid slag is poured into a transfer ladle and then dumpedinto pits where, after solidification, the slag is cooled withwater sprays and then processed into aggregates38.Aggregate processing is similar to the production ofaggregates in any quarry. Because steelmaking slagscontain free lime and magnesia, conditions conducive tohydration must be created and sufficient time must beallowed for the aggregate to fully hydrate. This is usuallyachieved by stockpiling the slag to allow moisture from theatmosphere to react with the free lime and magnesia and byregularly watering the aggregate to accelerate the hydrationprocess. After conditioning and weathering, aggregates maybe blended in various combinations. Metallic particles,trapped in the slag, are separated during processing inpurpose built metal recovery plants.

Blast furnace as well as steelmaking slags have been usedin pavement construction as engineering fill, subbase andbase. Examples of this use are to be found in the building ofseveral freeways, heavy road network construction and thethird runway construction at Sydney Airport. Both blastfurnace and steelmaking slags have successfully been usedin spray sealing and asphalt applications but steelmakingslag is more commonly used as its better strength, abrasionand impact resistance make it particularly suitable for use inareas subjected to heavy vehicle loads and high shearstress38.

Blast furnace slag aggregates have been used for concretemanufacture. Special concrete mixes need to be designedbecause the properties of blast furnace aggregates aredifferent from conventional aggregates39. In the year 2000,450 000 tonnes of slag aggregate and slag sand were usedby the Australian concrete industry. Blast furnace slag has achemical composition similar to that of Portland cement,although in different proportions and slag cements currentlyavailable in Australia contain 20–40% slag for generalconstruction and 60–70% slag for applications whichrequire reduced heats of hydration39. Examples of the use ofslag cement and aggregate are: the Sydney harbour tunnelsubmerged tube units where cement containing 60% groundgranulated blast furnace slag was used; pile cap foundationblocks for the Anzac bridge, Sydney; the Sydney airportlink tunnel and the foundations of Blast Furnace No. 6 atPort Kembla38. The environmental impact of the use ofblast furnace slags for cement is particularly noteworthy.The use of slag in cement represents a substantial reductionin the generation of greenhouse gases. For every tonne ofslag substituted for general Portland cement, there is areduction of one tonne of carbon dioxide gas dischargedinto the atmosphere38.

Slag recycling in the steelmaking processAn alternative approach to finding specific uses forsteelmaking slag outside the steelworks is to recycle theslag inside the process itself. One of the major drivingforces for this approach is the knowledge that thephosphorous content of steelmaking slag (as much as 3%P2O5) is usually too high for it to be returned freely to thesinter plant. At the same time, the phosphorous content istoo low for the slag to be used as fertilizer. Moreover, theglobal supply of iron ores with low phosphorous content isdiminishing and in the result, the control of phosphorous iniron and steelmaking processes has become an ever-increasing problem. In applying their minds to thechallenge of finding a solution to phosphorous control, Li et al.41, proposed a waste-free steelmaking process in whichslag is recycled within the steelmaking process itself and a

high phosphorous containing slag, suitable for use asfertilizer, is produced. Although their study was confined toa modelling exercise, the principles applied are of genericnature and their approach deserves further deliberation.

The proposed steelmaking route is shown in Figure 9:The hot-metal product from the blast furnace is de-siliconized in the De-Si furnace and de-phosphorized in theDe-P furnace before refining is done in a conventional basicoxygen Converter. This part of the process is standardoperating practice in many steelmaking shops. Thefollowing new concepts are introduced:

• All the slag produced in the Converter, operating at1923K, is returned to the De-P furnace

• All the slag from the De-P furnace, operating at 1623K,is transferred to the Regenerator

• The Regenerator, operating at 1873K, contains carbon-saturated hot-metal and most of the phosphorous istransferred from the slag to the hot-metal

• The phosphorous containing hot-metal from theRegenerator is transferred to De-P-II, also containinghot-metal and operating at 1623K. Synthetic slag ofhigh phosphate capacity is introduced into this unit andthe phosphorous from the hot-metal is transferred to thesynthetic slag to produce the Final Slag

• Some of the dephosphorised Regenerator slag isreturned to the De-P furnace and the remainder to theDe-Si furnace

• All the slag from the De-Si furnace, operating at1623K, is returned to the blast furnace or sinter plant.

In this proposed process, slags produced in the two hot-metal pre-treatment units (De-Si and De-P), the Converterand the Regenerator are fully recycled. The only slag thatexits the steelmaking process is the Final Slag from De-P-II. This slag contains more than 10%P and can be used asfertilizer.

Li et al.41 conducted heat and mass balances in theproposed process and took into consideration the relevantthermochemistry in each unit process, the prevailingoxygen potentials, the appropriate activities of componentsin the liquid metallic phases and estimated the activities ofcomponents in molten slags. For the purposes of theiranalysis the Regenerator and De-P-II were operated asfollows:

• For each batch of hot-metal charged from the De-Pfurnace to the Converter, the Converter slag is returnedto the De-P furnace and the slag from the De-P furnacetransferred to the Regenerator

• Some of the Regenerator slag is returned to the De-Pfurnace and the remainder to the De-Si furnace

• During such a cycle, the phosphorous content of thehot-metal in the Regenerator is increased and when,after a few cycles, a predetermined phosphorous levelis reached, the hot-metal is poured into De-P-II,synthetic slag is added and the phosphorous transferredto the synthetic slag. The liquid hot-metal is thenpoured back into the Regenerator.

Li and co-workers analysed the influence of thepercentage Regenerator slag that is recycled to the De-Pfurnace, on the mass of slag generated in each unit process;the phosphorous distribution between metal and slag;process heat requirements and the required coke supply tothe Regenerator to keep the hot-metal saturated withcarbon. They found that if up to 80% of the Regeneratorslag is recycled to the De-P furnace, a steady sate isattained and optimum-operating conditions could be

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determined as a function of the analysis of the hot-metalproduct of the blast furnace. The optimum-recycling ratio is50% for hot-metal containing 0.5% Si (this means that 50%of the slag produced in the Regenerator is recycled to theDe-P furnace and the other 50% is transferred to the De-Sifurnace)

An example of a heat and mass balance for the overallproposed process to produce high carbon-high manganesesteel is given in Figure 10. In this sample calculation, thehot-metal product from the blast furnace is of the followingcomposition: 5.04%C-0.5%Si-0.3%Mn-0.12%P. Arecycling ratio of 50% was used and, hence, 22 kg of the 44

kg slag produced in the Regenerator is returned to the De-Pfurnace and 22 kg to the De-Si furnace. This modelcalculation shows that low phosphorous steel can beproduced through the proposed process and that the slaggenerated in the individual unit processes can be fullyrecycled as shown. The total energy requirement is 130kWh/t and the lime consumption is approximately one halfof that of a conventional steelmaking process41.

Conclusions• Environmental concerns and economic realities

demand that slag production in iron and steelmaking

Figure 10. Heat and mass balances for the proposed route to fully recycle slag in a steelmaking process41

Figure 9. Proposed route to fully recycle slag in a steelmaking process41



De-Pfurnace Converter



De-Pfurnace Converter


HM Steel


Heat input: 22kWhN2: 2.24 m3

CaO: 10 kgFe ore: 22 kg

Heat input: ------N2: 5 Nm3

O2: 5 kgScale: 21 kg

Heat input: 78kWhN2: 5 Nm3

O2: 33 Nm3

CaO: 10 kgScale: 19 kgMn ore: 10 kg

TOTAL:Heat input: 30kWhN2: 17.2 Nm3

O2: 38 Nm3

CaO: 20 kgScale: 40 kgFe ore: 22 kgMn ore: 10 kg

CaOFeO Scale



De-P slag

Synthetic Slag

Final Slag

Final SlagHM (1.017t)HM (1.009t)BF HM (1t)






22kg 22kg (%P): 0.55(%T.Fe): 19.2

51 kgDe-P slag(%P): 2.62(%T.Fe): 8.4



Reg. slag(%P): 0.95(%T.Fe): 1.4

41.4 kgDe-Si. slag to BF orsintering process(%P): 0.48(%T.Fe): 2.6

Heat input: 30kWhN2: 5 Nm3

Coke: 2.5 kg


To BF or sinteringprocess


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processes be reduced and that slag be effectivelyutilized.

• A much-improved understanding of the nature, role andfunction of slag has led to the optimization of the use ofslags and, in current operational practice thecompositions and physical properties of slags arejudiciously designed to optimize the operations in therespective metallurgical reactors

• Through a better understanding of the blast furnaceprocess we have seen a significant reduction in blastfurnace slag production. Blast furnace slag is utilized invarious applications but, currently, the optimum use isin the manufacture of cement

• Steel processing technology has undergone significantchanges in recent years. Emphasis has been placed onthe removal of silicon, sulphur and phosphorous fromthe hot-metal product of the blast furnace beforerefining in an oxygen converter or electric-arc furnaceis done and on ladle metallurgy followingdecarburization. Commercially, converter slags arelargely utilized in construction applications whereasmost of the pre-treatment and ladle slags are discardedor is used in landfill applications

• Steelmaking slag, solidified by splashing liquid slag onto the walls of a BOF vessel, is effectively utilized as aconsumable refractory lining

• Modelling exercises have shown that, in principle, aslag-free steelmaking process can be designed.

AcknowledgementsI wish to express my thanks to the University ofWollongong for permission to publish this paper. I ammuch indebted to Mr Michael Ceccato from AustralianSteel Mill Services for information shared with me and toMs Wanda Melfo for her valued assistance in thepreparation of the illustrations.

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