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Hydraulic fracturing volume isassociated with induced earthquakeproductivity in the Duvernay playR. Schultz,1* G. Atkinson,2 D. W. Eaton,3 Y. J. Gu,4 H. Kao5

A sharp increase in the frequency of earthquakes near Fox Creek, Alberta, began inDecember 2013 in response to hydraulic fracturing. Using a hydraulic fracturing database,we explore relationships between injection parameters and seismicity response.We showthat induced earthquakes are associated with completions that used larger injection volumes(104 to 105 cubic meters) and that seismic productivity scales linearly with injection volume.Injection pressure and rate have an insignificant association with seismic response. Furtherfindings suggest that geological factors play a prominent role in seismic productivity, asevidenced by spatial correlations.Together, volume and geological factors account for ~96%of the variability in the induced earthquake rate near Fox Creek.This result is quantified by aseismogenic index–modified frequency-magnitude distribution, providing a framework toforecast induced seismicity.

Subsurface injection of fluid may induceearthquakes (1) through anthropogenic al-teration of crustal stresses (2). In the caseof hydraulic fracturing (HF), high-pressureinjection of fluid intended to increase the

permeability of tight shales has been known totrigger earthquakes (3), some of which are largeenough to be recorded or felt regionally (4–8).Within the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,the recent increase in seismicity has been largelyattributed to HF (9). Moreover, earthquakes inthe Duvernay Formation (10) have been amongthe largest-magnitude events caused by HF com-pletions globally (11, 12). These events have ap-preciably increased the seismic hazard in thearea, and felt ground motions have resulted inthe implementation of a traffic light protocol(TLP) (13).Despite recent progress in characterizing the

Duvernay-related earthquakes (14, 15), manyscientifically critical questions have remainedunresolved. For example, it is not clear whythere was a large time delay (~3 years) betweenthe first Duvernay play completion and the ini-tiation of HF-related earthquakes (14), after whichtime such earthquakes became frequent occur-rences. Moreover, it is not well understood whyonly a small subset of operations appear to beseismogenic (9). Within the Duvernay play specif-ically, only those completions located in theKaybob region are seismogenic, whereas all HFcompletions in the Willesden Green and Edsonregions have been seismically quiescent (fig. S1).

Geological factors have been suggested to con-tribute to the spatial distribution of these earth-quakes (16, 17). However, to date, there has beenlittle understanding or documentation of therelative contributions of surface injection pres-sure, rate, and volume to the seismogenic process.To address these questions, we first examined

the timing and location of earthquakes in rela-tion to HF completions in the seismogenicKaybob region of the Duvernay play (Fig. 1). Wecompiled a database of all (~300) horizontal HFwell completions in the Kaybob Duvernay up toFebruary 2016 (because of the ~1-year period ofconfidentiality) from public, hard-copy regulatorrecords. Individual wells are aggregated into~180 well “pads” on the basis of the proximityof multiple wells oriented along similar trajec-tories (fig. S2). A cursory examination of thetime-averaged evolution of injected volumes perpad (Fig. 1B) indicates increasing pad designcomplexity and HF completion volumes, typicalof maturing development in shale plays (18).The Kaybob Duvernay has been injected withmore than 8.5 × 106 m3 of fracturing fluid (as ofFebruary 2016) to stimulatewell productivity. Theobservation of a relative increase in pad volumesbefore the first recorded earthquakes suggeststhat injected volume may be a controlling factorin the Kaybob Duvernay earthquake activity.Disposal is not likely to be a major factor in

the induced seismicity in this area. The closestwater-injection well to Crooked Lake that wasactively injecting at depths similar to those ofthe Duvernay during the seismogenic period is~35 km away. Disposal wells within a 50-kmradius of Crooked Lake injected only ~1.2 ×106 m3 of fluid during the Duvernay’s seismo-genic period (much less than the total volumeinvolved in the HF operations).To examine the role of operational factors

more closely, we associated clusters of seis-micity with seismogenic pads on the basis of a

spatiotemporal association filter (SAF), whichidentifies the causally closest pad(s) in time andthen space (supplementary materials). The valid-ity of these associations can be demonstrated bycomparison with prior case studies (14, 15) anddirect communication with the regulator and theanonymous companies responsible. Based on theSAF, ~10% of the pads and ~15% of the wells inthe Kaybob Duvernay are associated with seis-micity. Of the completions associated with in-duced earthquakes, ~50% are single-well pads.Using this subset of associated pads, we thencontrasted operational parameters at seismo-genic pads, wells, and stages with those of theirparent distributions, as derived from the entireKaybob region of the Duvernay play (Fig. 2).Statistical distributions of operational parame-ters (fig. S3) were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test (19) to discern whether it islikely that the seismogenic distributions are sam-pled randomly from their parent distribution.In these tests, we used the standard significancelevel of 0.05. The computed P values (Fig. 2)allowed a rejection of the hypothesis that theseismogenic distributions are subsampled fromthe parent Kaybob Duvernay distribution. Onthe basis of finding nonrandomness, the Mann-Whitney (MW) U test (20) was applied nextto determine whether the seismogenic sub-sets have significantly larger median values ofkey operational parameters than do their parentdistributions. We performed both one- and two-tailed MW tests to first determine whether sub-set median values are different from the parentdistribution (two-tailed) and then further assesswhether the subset median values are largerthan their parent distributions (one-tailed). Thisanalysis (P < 0.05) demonstrated that seismo-genic pads, wells, and stages are associated withlarger injected volumes at a statistically signif-icant level (Fig. 2). Analogously, an analysis ofHF in the Horn River Basin found a relationshipbetween induced earthquake productivity andvolume (21). Examination of pad, well, and stagepressures suggests no significantly compellingassociation (fig. S3). Although injection rate hasbeen suggested as a driving factor for disposal-induced seismicity in the central United States(22), we did not observe a meaningful associationwith injection rates. Potentially, this discrepancycould be due to differences in injection opera-tions for disposal and HF; for example, theslowest Duvernay injection rates are nearly anorder of magnitude faster than the critical ratethreshold identified for seismogenic disposal (22).Thus, the effects of rate on HF-induced seismic-ity in the Kaybob region are either secondary,indiscernible, or negligible. The robustness ofthese findings was established using bootstrap(23) resampling sensitivity tests (supplementarymaterials and figs. S4, S5, and S6).The results of the KS and MW tests show

that volume is a controlling factor for HF-induced earthquakes in the Kaybob Duvernay.Potentially, this observation may be the resultof greater injection volumes allowing for largerstimulated reservoir volumes and thus greater


Schultz et al., Science 359, 304–308 (2018) 19 January 2018 1 of 5

1Alberta Geological Survey, 4999 98 Avenue, Edmonton,Alberta, Canada. 2Western University, 1151 Richmond Street,London, Ontario, Canada. 3University of Calgary, 2500University Drive, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 4University ofAlberta, 116 Street and 85 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta,Canada. 5Natural Resources Canada, 9860 West SaanichRoad, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

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Page 2: INDUCED SEISMICITY Hydraulic fracturing volume is … · INDUCED SEISMICITY Hydraulic fracturing volume is associatedwith induced earthquake productivity in the Duvernay play R. Schultz,1*

likelihood of intersecting a critically stressedfault (24). However, this does not necessarilyimply that it controls the maximum possiblemagnitude. This finding echoes similar con-clusions from other induced cases (25). Therelationship between volume and induced earth-quakes has important implications for themanagement of HF-related seismic hazard. Forexample, controls on seismicity related to volumewould be affected by the time-dependent natureof increasing pad completion volumes within amaturing play (Fig. 1B and fig. S7). On the otherhand, the use of lower pad completion volumes

since the first TLP red light (Fig. 1B) could haveresulted in an overall reduction in earthquakeresponse from the Duvernay play. Whether thisdecrease in volume after the first TLP red lightresulted in a net decrease in seismic hazard ismore complicated, however, because hazard isdependent on multiple factors, some of whichare independent of injection volume (26, 27).These points would require a physical modelto validate the statistical earthquake-volumeassociation.To validate this relationship between injected

volume and earthquakes (28), we first considered

the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude dis-tribution (GR-FMD) (29, 30)

NM = 10a10–bM (1)

In this formulation, NM is the number of eventsgreater than magnitude M, the a-value governsthe rate at which earthquakes occur, and theb-value measures the proportion of relativelysmaller events to larger ones. To consider thetime-varying rate of induced earthquakes, mod-ifications have been suggested on the basis ofsolutions to the diffusion equation that incorporate

Schultz et al., Science 359, 304–308 (2018) 19 January 2018 2 of 5








2012 2013 2014 2015 20160.0






e p

er S


e (1

0 m




e p

er P

ad (

10 m


43 3









5 10 150 20 25 km

Fig. 1. HF-induced seismicity within the Duvernay play up to February2016. (A) Spatial distribution of induced earthquakes (red circles) associatedwith HFwells (dark gray “tadpoles”; associated wells are bolded and black)in the Duvernay play (purple shaded area) near Fox Creek (dark gray) andCrooked Lake (blue).The inset map shows the location of the Duvernay

Formation in North America. (B) Timing and magnitude of induced earth-quakes (red circles) alongside stage volumes (gray) and a 30-pad runningaverage of pad volumes (black line). Colored areas indicate Alberta EnergyRegulator (AER) traffic light protocol (TLP) cut-offs (13). Initial wells stimulatedduring March 2010 were included in the analysis but are not depicted.


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the nonstationary effects of injection volumeV(t)—e.g., a = S + log10[V(t)] (25, 31–33). Inthis equation, S is the seismogenic index, aninjection-invariant parameter that representsthe seismotectonic response to increasing fluidpressure within the study area (25). Incorpora-tion of S in the GR-FMD modifies Eq. 1 to(25, 31–33)

NM = V(t) · 10S10–bM (2)

We investigated the implications of Eq. 2 forthe Kaybob Duvernay HF earthquakes by firstcompiling the time-dependent histories of com-pletion volumes and the number of earthquakesabove the detection threshold (fig. S8). We ob-served a strong correlation between these varia-bles, especially if only the SAF-associated padswere considered (Fig. 3). The best-fit parametersof Eq. 2 are b = 0.90 ± 0.03 and S = –1.8 ± 0.2 forthe detection threshold of local magnitude (ML)1.3 (supplementary materials and fig. S8). Thisregionally averaged S value near Fox Creek isvery similar to S values computed for earth-quakes in the Brazeau Cluster, which are related towastewater disposal in the Cordel Field (–2.1 ± 0.2)(34), and to S values for numerous case studiesworldwide (35). This is an important findingbecause it suggests that the regional seismicresponse to fluid injection in central Alberta issimilar for both HF and disposal wells.We repeated the fitting process for individual

clusters associated with seismogenic wells andfound S and b-values that vary from –2.5 to –0.5and 0.7 to 1.7, respectively (fig. S9). The relativelyhigh variability of these parameters likely reflectsthe difficulty in making robust parameter deter-minations from small data subsets. More com-plete earthquake catalogs would enable a morerobust analysis of seismic parameters for the

individual clusters, improving confidence andpossibly reducing variability. Overall, we foundseismic values for individual clusters that areroughly similar toS values previously determinedfor clusters on a local array (15). The determina-tion of these values provides a powerful tool withwhich to forecast the expected number of futureearthquakes at seismogenic wells and their likelymagnitude distribution.In light of these findings, we consider the

hypothesis that the ~3-year-delayed response inearthquake productivity was simply the result ofthe minimum injection volume (Vc) required toraise the seismicity rate to a sufficient level forobservation (i.e., so that it produces an earthquakelarger than the regional detection limit). Con-servative upper-bound estimates using a detec-tion limit of ML 2.0 (the TLP requires operatorsto report all events of ML 2.0 and greater) and95% probability of exceedance suggest a Vc of(8.0 ± 0.2) × 103 m3 (supplementary materials).This number is comparable to the average totalinjected volume at pads at the time of their firstcorresponding earthquakes, V1 = (1.0 ± 1.0) ×104 m3. Although Vc and V1 roughly agree, it islikely that V1 is systematically larger than Vc

owing to insufficient resolution with which todiscern aseismic stages or wells within a seismo-genic pad. Corroborating these results, studiesin the Horn River Basin found that seismic re-sponse appeared to “turn on” during monthswhere HF injection volumes were greater than2.0 × 104 m3 (21). Because fewer than 10 padsin the Kaybob Duvernay have a volume perpad less than Vc, we argue that it is unlikelythat the spatial distribution of our catalog hasbeen seriously biased by Vc. We justify this claimthrough comparison of our regional catalog(14, 36) with catalogs supplemented by localoperator networks (15). In both cases, we observe

the same spatial distributions of earthquakesand the same associations with seismogenicwells and regions.Although pad completion volumes have been

increasing with time, it is interesting that morethan 20 pads (~50%) that were completed beforethe first induced earthquake have volumes greaterthan 1.5 × 104 m3. This finding indicates thatalthough volume appears to be a controllingfactor for Kaybob Duvernay induced seismicity,other factors are also playing a nontrivial role.Prior work has suggested that the spatial dis-tribution of all induced seismicity within centralAlberta has been influenced by geological factors,with earthquakes preferentially occurring alongunderlying reef margins (16, 37) or within regionsof relatively higher formation overpressure (17).Following this rationale, we accommo-

date spatial factors using a modificationS ¼ S0 þ log10½dð�rÞ� that explicitly introduces aspatial variable �r so that Eq. 2 becomes

NM ¼ V ðtÞ � dð�rÞ � 10S10�bM ð3Þ

In our formulation, we definedð�rÞ to have binaryvalues of 1 or 0 to indicate regions that do or donot experience earthquakes, respectively. In thislimiting case, S′ becomes equivalent to S [i.e.,when dð�rÞ ¼ 1]. Introducing this spatial term is auseful refinement, because numerous plays havebeen stimulated using similar per-well volumes(38, 39) with limited or undocumented seismicresponse. Even considering only the Duvernay,induced earthquakes have been restricted to onearea, the Kaybob region (fig. S1). Furthermore,numerous high-volume Kaybob pads, wells, andstages are not associatedwith earthquakes (Fig. 2).In fact, the first seismogenic pads observed inthe Duvernay (10) were also the first pads to com-plete in the most seismically susceptible region,

Schultz et al., Science 359, 304–308 (2018) 19 January 2018 3 of 5

Fig. 2. Distributions of HF volumes in the Kaybob Duvernay.Volumes are plotted as histograms on a per-stage (A), -well(B), and -pad (C) basis for seismogenic (red) and all (gray) pads.P values from comparisons of complete volume distributions withseismogenic subsets are inset [KS, Kolmogorov-Smirnov; MW,Mann Whitney; 1(2)T, one(two)-tailed]. The dotted line depicts therequired detection threshold volume, Vc.


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~10 km from Crooked Lake (fig. S7). The efficacyof introducing this spatial term for the KaybobDuvernay is quantified by the significant enhance-ment of goodness-of-fit to the datawhenusing theSAF (Fig. 3). In this sense, the SAF represents arudimentary and empirical estimation of dð�rÞ.Taken in the context of the original formula-tion, the spatial variability of S can be cast asS = –1.8 + log10(SAF). The incorporation ofthe SAF as an empirical estimate of dð�rÞ in aS-modified GR-FMD results in a model thataccounts for ~96% of the seismic responsevariability within the Kaybob data set (Fig. 3B).This means that complexities related to otherpotential factors account for only the remaining4% of variability or constitute part of the proposeddð�rÞ . This is an important finding because theseadditional factors are numerous; they include wellflow-back, effects of staged stimulation pressures,

well shut-in response, lagged seismicity relative toseismogenic pads, petroleum production, earth-quake aftershock sequences, operator seismicmiti-gation strategies, varieties of fracturing fluids andproppants, SAF resolution limitations, interpadcommunication, poroelastic triggering effects,magnitude uncertainties, and spatiotemporal vari-ability in b-values orS′. This observation is furtherconfirmed by applying additional filtering to thedata (figs. S10 and S11).Although in reality, a fault is either reactivated

or not, incomplete information about the sub-surface often prevents definitive assessments apriori. Our spatial parameter is a useful conceptin this regard. Statistically, we can extend dð�rÞ torepresent the seismogenic activation potential,defined as the likelihood of a well inducing adetectable earthquake at a given location. Weinterpret this parameter as the probabilistic

intersection of all geological conditions requiredto cause an induced earthquake at a givenlocation—i.e., the spatial variability of the geo-logical susceptibility to induced seismicity. Thisinterpretation is intuitive, owing to the deriva-tion of dð�rÞ from S, which constrains the seismo-tectonic state of the point of injection. For ademonstration of this interpretation, we con-sider the effects of distance to underlying fossilreef margins (16, 37) and formation overpressure(17) as regional proxies for faulting and stress,respectively. The fractions of seismogenicallyassociated pads as a function of these proxiesare plotted (Fig. 4), confirming that regions ofdevelopment that are closer to the reefmargin ormore highly overpressured have beenmore likely toinduce earthquakes (fig. S12). For western Canada,an entire basin-wide average of this activationprobability in regions that are also coincidentwithviable HF plays appears to be less than 0.3% (9).Solely on the basis of the S modifications, it

is possible to improvehazard estimates for futureinjections in real time during stimulation. Knowl-edge of fault size, hydraulic connectivity to prox-imal stimulation stages, and injected volumesthat may be directed to reactivated faults canserve as input to calibrated models to estimateinduced earthquake rates and magnitude dis-tributions. Conversely, microseismic monitoringof HF completions may be used to scrutinize thenumber and rate of induced events resulting fromindividual stage stimulations as an indicator ofhydraulic connectivity to nearby faults. For ex-ample, HF pads that are oriented subparallel tothe north-south–oriented fault planes (12, 14, 15)are likely to be in extended hydraulic communi-cation with seismogenic faults as compared withnortheast-southwest–oriented pads. This ratio-nalemay explainwhy the three largest-magnitudeclusters occurred at north-south–oriented pads:Greater volume pumped into these faults wouldallow for more numerous induced events andthus an increased likelihood of a larger event.

Schultz et al., Science 359, 304–308 (2018) 19 January 2018 4 of 5

104 105 106

Seismogenic Pad Cumulative Volume (m3)











nt C


R 0.9572

Spatiotemporal Association Filter Applied

103 104 105 106

Duvernay Pad Cumulative Volume (m3)











nt C


R 0.8622

All Duvernay Pads Considered

Fig. 3. Number of earthquakes above the detection threshold (ML 1.3) versus cumulative injectionvolume. (A) Volumes from all HFoperations within the Kaybob Duvernay play (red circles) arecompared with the best fit of the data points (black line). (B) Analogous to (A), except only seismogenic HFpads are considered. Both panels are during a period where the detection threshold remains constant(July 2014 to February 2016).Well flow-back was not considered in computing volumes. In both panels, thegoodness-of-fit of the data to the expected line is displayed with the R2 (coefficient of determination) values.

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 220






n of






Formation Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22Formation Pressure Gradient (kPa/m)









nt F



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450





n of






Distance to Upper Swan (km)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45Distance to Upper Swan (km)






nt F



Fig. 4. Statistics of HF operations in relation to the Swan Hills For-mation and Duvernay overpressure. (A) Distance of HF operations tothe Swan Hills Upper Bank edge for seismogenic (red) and all (gray) pads,shown as a histogram. (B) Similar to (A), except each bin has been

normalized (red circles), and error bars have been added. (C) Pressuregradient for seismogenic (red) and all (gray) pads. (D) Fraction ofseismogenic pads as a function of pressure gradient (red circles) witherror bars from the standard deviation.


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Extended to the regional scale, this study can beused to better inform earthquake rate models ininduced seismic hazard forecasts. Coupled withan estimation of the seismogenic activation po-tential, our proposed framework (Eq. 3) wouldallow for the quantification of both inducedearthquake rate and location models. Rate andlocation models are some of the most critical pa-rameters in forecasting hazard related to inducedearthquakes (26, 27). Although this study hasfocused on the FoxCreek area, the proposed frame-work can be applied to other jurisdictions to im-prove themanagement of induced seismic hazard.We find that the most important operational

parameter controlling induced earthquakes inthe Duvernay play near Fox Creek is injectedvolume,which scales linearly with the total num-ber of earthquakes in a S-modified Gutenberg-Richter formulation. Conversely, injection pressureand rate appear unrelated to induced seismic-ity response near Fox Creek. Furthermore, wellsthat exhibit seismicity appear to display a strongspatial bias related to geological factors, whichhas a pronounced effect on the resultant seismicresponse. Last, this study provides a frameworkwithwhich to incorporate the seismogenic activa-tion potential into seismic hazard analysis forinduced earthquakes.


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Waveform data are available through the Incorporated ResearchInstitutions for Seismology, earthquake catalog data are availablethrough the Alberta Geological Survey (14, 36), and tour reports ofoperator hydraulic fracturing parameters are available through theAlberta Energy Regulator. We thank K. Haug, G. Jean, S. Kolenosky,M. Speta, M. Araneta, and J. Chadi for their help in compilingthe hydraulic fracturing database. We also thank H. Corlett and threeanonymous reviewers for their comments. All authors declare noconflicts of interest.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsFigs. S1 to S12References (40, 41)

5 June 2017; accepted 7 December 201710.1126/science.aao0159

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Duvernay playHydraulic fracturing volume is associated with induced earthquake productivity in the

R. Schultz, G. Atkinson, D. W. Eaton, Y. J. Gu and H. Kao

DOI: 10.1126/science.aao0159 (6373), 304-308.359Science 

, this issue p. 304Sciencemay lead to better forecasting of induced seismicity.role in determining whether a large injection volume would trigger earthquakes. These findings provide a framework thatparameter correlated with induced earthquakes in the Duvernay. However, geological factors also played a considerable

found that injection volume was the key operationalet al.Canada is important for future hazard mitigation. Schultz Determining why hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking) triggered earthquakes in the Duvernay Formation in

Seismicity curbed by lowering volume



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