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  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    single tooth


    Friday, February 18, 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2



    Posterior tooth replacement

    Tooth replacement in Esthetic zone

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    Treatment option

    fixed partial denture

    removable partial denture

    implant fixed restoration

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    review patient medical history for


    medication e.g. osteoporosis drug,

    anticoagulant, etc.allergy e.g. penicillin

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    previous dental history as an information

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    take radiographs and impressions

    mounted casts in articulator

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    measurements can be made; M-D, B-L, O-C



    Minimum gap width 6.8 mm

    At least 1 mm

    Implant shoulder

    4.8 mm At least 1 mm

    I l



    l l



    I - l l

    l l


    Bone layerat least1 mm in thickness

    Implant shoulder

    Bone layerat least1 mm in thickness

    implant diameter+ at least 1mm from the contact point (M-D) at least 1 mm on each side (B-L)

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    minimum vertical clearance for abutment

    height + thickness of the restorations

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    Posterior tooth replacement

    wax up tooth can be made for surgical guide


    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    before implant surgery: potentialcomplications are reviewed, a need for bone/

    soft tissue grafts, flap design, type of cover

    screw and suture

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    implant surgery visit: inform patient aboutpost-op pain and instruction, prescribe pain

    medication and/or antibiotics and mouthrinse

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    follow-up visit and suture removal

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    Posterior tooth replacement

    impression taking; for abutment level

    impression option provisional crown or

    protective cap was placed on the abutment.

    for implant level impression, cover screw is

    placed back on an implant.shade selection

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    single tooth replacement in the

    esthetic zone

    Consensus Statement and Recommended Clinical

    Procedures Regarding Esthetics in Implant Dentistry

    Statement A.1: evidence from the literature

    the use of dental implants in the esthetic zone is well documented in theliterature. Numerous controlled clinical trials show that the respective

    overall implant survival and success rates are similar to those reported forother segments of the jaws. However, most of these studies do not includewell-defined esthetic parameters.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    consensus statement and recommended clinical procedures

    regarding esthetics in implant dentistry

    Statement A.2: Single-Tooth Replacement

    For anterior single-tooth replacement in siteswithout tissue deficiencies, predictable

    treatment outcomes, including esthetics, can be

    achieved because tissue support is providedby adjacent teeth.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    consensus statement and recommended clinical procedures

    regarding esthetics in implant dentistry

    Statement A.3: Multiple-Tooth Replacement

    The replacement of multiple adjacent missingteeth in theanterior maxilla with fixed implant

    restoration is poorly documented. In this

    context, esthetic restoration is not predictable,

    particularly regarding the contours of the

    interimplant soft tissue.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    consensus statement and recommended clinical procedures

    regarding esthetics in implant dentistry

    Statements A.4: Newer Surgical Approaches

    Currently, the literature regarding estheticoutcomes is inconclusive for the routine

    implementation of certain surgical approaches,

    such as flapless surgery and immediate or

    delayed implant placement with or without

    immediate loading in the anterior maxilla.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    statement b:surgical considerations

    Statement B.1: Planning and Execution

    Implant therapy in the anterior maxilla isconsidered an advanced or complex procedure

    and requires comprehensive preoperative

    planning and precise surgical execution basedon a restoration-driven approach.

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    statement b:surgical considerations

    Statement B.2: Patient selection

    Appropriate patient selection is essential in achievingesthetic treatment outcomes. Treatment of high-risk

    patients identified through site analysis and general

    risk assessment (medical status, periodontal

    susceptibility, smoking, and other risks) should beundertaken with caution, since esthetic results are less


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    statement b:surgical considerations

    Statement B.4: Implant Positioning

    Correct three-dimensional implant placement

    is essential for an esthetic treatment outcome.Respect of the comforts zones in these

    dimensions results in an implant shoulder

    located in an ideal position, allowing for anesthetic implant restoration with stable, long-

    term peri-implant tissue support.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    statement b:surgical considerations

    Statement B.4: Soft-Tissue Stability

    For long-term esthetic soft-tissue stability, sufficient

    horizontal and vertical bone volume is essential. Whendeficiencies exist, appropriate hard and/or soft-tissueaugmentation procedures are required. Currently, vertical

    bone deficiencies are a challenge to correct and often lead

    to esthetic shortcomings. To optimize soft-tissue volume,complete or partial coverage of the healing cap/implant isrecommended in the anterior maxilla. In certainsituations , a non-submerged approach can be considered.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    statements c:prosthodontic and restorative


    Statement C.1: Standards for an Esthetic Fixed

    Implant RestorationAn esthetic implant prosthesis was defined as one that is in harmony withthe peri-oral facial structures of the patient. The esthetic peri-implanttissues, including health, height, volume, color, and contours, must be in

    harmony with the healthy surrounding dentition. The restoration shouldimitate the natural appearance of the missing dental unit(s) in color, form,texture, size and optical properties.

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  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    statements c:prosthodontic and restorative


    Statement C.4: Use of Provisional Restorations

    To optimize esthetic treatment outcomes, theuse of provisional restorations with adequate

    emergence profiles is recommended to guide

    and shape the peri-implant tissue prior todefinitive restoration.

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  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    diagn stic Fact rs f r esthetic risk

  • 8/7/2019 Implant Single Tooth 1/2


    diagnostic Factors for esthetic risk


    1.Patients Treatment Expectations

    2.Patients Smoking Habits

    3.Height of the Lip Line on Smiling

    4.Gingival Biotype in the Treatment Area

    5.Shape of the Missing and Adjacent Teeth

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Pre-operative analysis and prosthetic treatment

    planning in esthetic implant dentistry

    6.Restorative Status of Teeth Adjacent to the

    Edentulous Space

    7.Character of the Edentulous Space

    8.Width of the Hard and Soft Tissues in the

    Edentulous Space

    9.Height of the Hard and Soft Tissues in the

    Edentulous Space

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Provisional restorations

    can be either fixed or removable and must

    1. Satisfy (within reason) the patients esthetic.

    2. Be easy to fabricate and maintain.

    3. Eliminate intermittent vertical pressure.

    4. Be durable.

    5. Provide diagnostic value.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    Provisional restorations

    Options for ideal interim restorations:


    2.Resin fiber-reinforced FPD


    4.Vacuform retainer


    Friday, February 18, 2011

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