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  • 8/3/2019 Immuno-PCR 1992 Sano Smith Cantor


    Immuno-PCR: Very Sensitive Antigen Detection by Means of Specific Antibody- DNAConjugatesAuthor(s): Takeshi Sano, Cassandra L. Smith, Charles R. CantorSource: Science, New Series, Vol. 258, No. 5079, Genome Issue (Oct. 2, 1992), pp. 120-122Published by: American Association for the Advancement of ScienceStable URL:

    Accessed: 21/05/2010 16:22

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  • 8/3/2019 Immuno-PCR 1992 Sano Smith Cantor


    ing ASO'-. Cloudprocessing s relativelyless efficient in enhancing scatteringforlargeASO'-, in partbecause orperturba-tionsthrough as-phase onversiononly, aoincreaseswith ASO` (Table 1). In fact,the ratio a(cloud)/a(gas phase) approxi-matesunityfor argevaluesof ASO` (Fig.3). Nevertheless,considering he calculat-ed average ulfatepollutionof about0.5 to2 ,ugm-3 in the lower atmospherein a largepart of the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 2),we conclude that the mean climate forcingby sulfate in this part of the globe may beabout -0.5 to -1.0 W m-2, to a largeextent caused by in-cloud oxidation of an-thropogenic SO2.

    REFERENCESAND NOTES1. R. J. Charlson, J. Langner, H. Rodhe, Nature 348,22 (1990); R. J. Charlson, C. B. Leovy, S. G.Warren, Tellus 43AB, 152 (1991).

    2. T. M. L. Wigley, Nature 349, 503 (1991).3. J. G. Calvert et al., ibid. 317, 27 (1985).4. J. Langner and H. Rodhe, J. Atmos. Chem. 13,225 (1991).5. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), Report of Working Group I (CambridgeUniv. Press, Cambridge UK, 1990).6. A. P. Waggoner et al., Nature 261, 120 (1976).7. H. C. Van de Hulst, Light Scattering by SmallParticles (Wiley, New York, 1957).8. G. Mie, Ann. Phys. 25, 377 (1908).9. J. V. Dave, IBM Sci. Cent. Rep. 320-3237 (IBM,Palo Alto CA, 1968).10. S. G. Warren, C. J. Hahn, J. London, R. M.Chervin,R. Jenne, NCAR Tech. Note TN-273+STR (NCAR,Boulder CO, 1986); ibid. TN-317+STR.11. J. Lelieveld, P. J. Crutzen, H. Rodhe, GLOMACRep. UDC 551.510.4, CM-74 (InternationalMete-orological Institute, Stockholm, 1989).12. J. Lelieveld, in C, N, P and S BiogeochemicalCycles, R. Wollast, Ed. (Kluwer Academic, Dor-drecht, 1992).13. P. Warneck, Chemistry of the NaturalAtmosphere(Academic Press, San Diego, 1988).14. R. Jaenicke, in Landolt-Bornstein, vol. 4: Meteo-rology (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988), pp. 391-457.

    15. H. R. Pruppacher and J. D. Klett, Microphysics ofClouds and Precipitation Reidel., Dordrecht, 1978).16. D. A. Hegg, J. Geophys. Res 90, 3773 (1985).17. S. Twomey, Atmospheric Aerosols (Elsevier,Amsterdam, 1977).18. M. B. Baker and R. J. Charlson, Nature 345, 142(1 990).19. K. T. Whitby and G. M. Sverdrup, in The Characterand Origins of Smog Aerosols, G. M. Hidy et al.,Eds. (Wiley, New York, 1980), pp. 477-525.20. G. Hanel and K. Bullrich, Beitr. Phys. Atmos. 51,129 (1978).21. J. H. Seinfeld, Atmospheric Chemistry and Phys-ics of Air Pollution (Wiley, New York, 1986).22. J. Heintzenberg, J. A. Ogren, K. J. Noone, L.Gardneus, Atmos. Res. 24, 89 (1989).23. P. H. Zimmermann, J. Feichter, H. K. Rath, P. J.Crutzen, W. Weiss, Atmos. Environ.23, 25 (1989).24. A. Meszaros and K. Vissy, J. Aerosol Sci. 5, 101(1974).25. W. A. Hoppel and G. M. Frick, Atmos. Environ.24A, 645 (1990); W. A. Hoppel and R. E. L:arson,Geophys. Res. Lett. 13,125 (1986).26. We thank R. J. Charlson, P. J. Crutzen, C. Harris,T. Peter, and H. Rodhe for comments.23 April 1992; accepted 21 August 1992

    Immuno-PCR:Very Sensitive Antigen Detection byMeans of Specific Antibody-DNAConjugatesTakeshi Sano, Cassandra L.Smith,Charles R. Cantor

    An antigen detection system, termed immuno-polymerase chain reaction (immuno-PCR),was developed in which a specific DNA molecule is used as the marker.A streptavidin-protein A chimera that possesses tight and specific binding affinity both for biotin andimmunoglobulin G was used to attach a biotinylated DNA specifically to antigen-mono-clonal antibody complexes that had been immobilized on microtiter plate wells. Then, asegment of the attached DNA was amplified by PCR. Analysis of the PCR products byagarose gel electrophoresis after staining with ethidium bromide allowed as few as 580antigen molecules (9.6 x 10-22 moles) to be readily and reproducibly detected. Directcomparison with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay withthe use of a chimera-alkalinephosphatase conjugate demonstrates that enhancement (approximately x 105) in detec-tion sensitivity was obtained with the use of immuno-PCR. Given the enormous amplifi-cation capability and specificity of PCR, this immuno-PCR technology has a sensitivitygreater than any existing antigen detection system and, in principle, could be applied tothe detection of single antigen molecules.

    Antibody-baseddetection systems orspe-cific antigensare a versatileand powerfultool for variousmolecular nd cellularanal-yses and clinical diagnostics.The powerofsuch systemsoriginates rom the consider-able specificityof antibodies or their par-ticularepitopes.A numberof recent anti-body technologies, ncludinggenetic engi-neering of antibodymolecules(1) and theproductionof catalyticantibodies (2) andbispecific antibodies (3), are allowing arapidexpansion n the applications f anti-bodies. We were interested n furtheren-hancing he sensitivityof antigendetectionsystems.This should facilitate the specificdetectionof rareantigens,which are pre-Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Universityof California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, andDivision of Structural Biology, Lawrence Berkeley Lab-oratory, Berkeley, CA 94720.

    sent only in verysmallnumbers,and thuscouldexpandthe applicationof antibodiesto a widervarietyof biologicaland nonbi-ological systems.Polymerase hain reaction(PCR) tech-nology (4) has become a powerful ool inmolecularbiologyandgeneticengineering(5). The efficacyof PCR is based on itsability to amplifya specificDNA segmentflankedby a set of primers.The enormousamplification apabilityof PCR allowstheproduction of large amounts of specificDNA products,which can be detectedbyvarious methods. The extremely highspecificity of PCR for a target sequencedefinedby a set of primersshould avoidthe generation of false signalsfromothernucleic acidmoleculespresent n samples.We reasoned hat the capabilityof antigendetection systems could be considerably

    enhanced and potentially broadened bycoupling to PCR. Following these ideas,we have developed an antigen detectionsystem, termed mmuno-PCR, n which aspecific antibody-DNA conjugate is usedto detect antigens.In immuno-PCR, a linker moleculewith bispecific binding affinityfor DNAand antibodies is used to attach a DNAmolecule (marker) pecifically o an anti-gen-antibody complex, resulting in theformation of a specificantigen-antibody-DNA conjugate. The attached markerDNA can be amplifiedby PCR with theappropriate rimers.The presenceof spe-cific PCR products demonstrates thatmarkerDNA molecules are attached spe-cifically to antigen-antibody complexes,which indicates the presence of antigen.A streptavidin-proteinA chimera hat werecently designed (6) was used as thelinker. The chimera has two independentspecific binding abilities; one is to biotin,derived from the streptavidinmoiety, andthe other is to the Fc portion of animmunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule, de-rived from the protein A moiety. Thisbifunctionalspecificityboth for biotin andantibodyallows the specificconjugationofany biotinylated DNA molecule to anti-gen-antibodycomplexes.To testthe feasibility f thisconcept,weimmobilized ariousamountsof an antigenon the surface f microtiterplatewells anddetected them by immuno-PCR. Bovineserum albumin (BSA) was used as theantigenbecause of the availabilityof pureprotein and monoclonal antibodiesagainstit. The detection procedureused (7) issimilar o conventionalenzyme-linkedm-munosorbent ssay (ELISA).Insteadof anenzyme-conjugatedecondaryantibodydi-rectedagainstthe primary ntibody,as in

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    ....................... .........R EPO RT Stypical ELISA,a biotinylated inear plas-mid DNA (pUC19) (8) conjugated o thestreptavidin-protein chimera 9, 10) wastargeted o the antigen-antibody omplex-es. A segmentof the attachedmarkerDNAwas amplified by PCR with appropriateprimers I 1), and the resultingPCR prod-ucts were analyzedby agarosegel electro-phoresisafter staining with ethidiumbro-mide (Fig. 1).A specific 260-bp PCR product wasobservedin all the lanes that containedimmobilizedBSA (Fig. IA), which indi-A

    Ma 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 b

    -_-a260 bp

    B_ 1.6 -2 1.40 1.2/

    CLZ1.04 0 0.8


    0 102' 104 106 108 1010Molecules of antigenFig. 1. Detection of BSA immobilized on amicrotiter plate by immuno-PCR. (A) Analysis ofPCR products by agarose gel electrophoresis.A PCR amplification reaction mixture (15 Fd) 7,11) was separated on 2.0% agarose gels, andthe DNA was stained with ethidium bromide.Lane M, 123-bp ladder (BRL); lane a, positivecontrol for PCRwith 2 ng of biotinylated pUC1 9(8) added before PCR amplification; lane b,negative control for PCR; lanes 10 through 12,control (TBS used without BSA in the initialimmobilization step). Lanes 1 through 9 containPCR amplification reaction mixtures with immo-bilized antigen: lane 1, 96 fmol; lane 2, 9.6 fmol;lane 3, 960 amol; lane 4, 96 amol; lane 5, 9.6amol; lane 6, 0.96 amol; lane 7, 9.6 x 10-20mol; lane 8, 9.6 x 10-21 mol; and lane 9, 9.6 x10-22 mol. Each lane contained 5.8 x 1010, 5.8x 109, 5.8 x 108, 5.8 x 107, 5.8 x 106, 5.8 x105, 5.8 x 104, 5.8 x 103, and 5.8 x 102molecules, respectively (12). (B) Quantitationof the 260-bp PCR product. The agarose gelshown in (A) was photographed with Polaroid665 film, and the negatives were scanned withthe use of a densitometer (2202 Ultroscan laserdensitometer, Pharmacia-LKB).The intensity ofthe 260-bp band, represented n arbitrarynits,is plotted as a function of the molecules ofantigen.

    cates that the biotinylated pUC19 wasspecifically ttached o the antigen-mono-clonal antibodycomplexes by the chime-ra. In contrast,almostno 260-bpfragmentwas observed in lanes 10 through 12,which came from wells without immobi-lizedantigen. Quantitationof the 260-bpPCRproduct(Fig. 1B) demonstrates hatbackground PCR signals generated bynonspecificbinding of the antibodyor thechimera-pUC19 onjugateweresufficient-ly small to allow clear discriminationofpositive signals from background. Thisalso indicates that the specificityof PCRamplification s high enough to avoid thegeneration of false signals from otherDNA molecules present n the wells. Be-cause the sequencesof amarkerDNA andits amplified egmentare purelyarbitrary,they can be changed requently, f needed,to preventdeteriorationof signal-to-noiseratioscausedby contamination.

    This result demonstrates the specificdetection of immobilizedantigen by im-muno-PCR. The 260-bp fragment wasclearlyobservedeven with only 580 anti-gen molecules (9.6 x 10-22 mol; lane 9 inFig. 1A) (12). Direct comparisonwithELISAwith the use of a chimera-alkalinephosphataseconjugate (Fig. 2) demon-stratedthat enhancement (approximatelyx 105) in detection sensitivity was ob-tained with the use of immuno-PCR n-stead of ELISA. A consideration of thedetection limits of typicalradioimmunoas-says, in which sensitivity is primarilyde-terminedby the specific radioactivityofantigensorantibodiesused(13), indicatesthat immuno-PCR s likely to be severalorders of magnitudemore sensitive thanradioimmunoassays.This extremely high sensitivity of im-muno-PCRwasachievedjust with the useof agarose gel electrophoresisto detect

    Fig. 2. Detection of BSA (14) im- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12mobilizedon a microtiter latebyELISAwith the use of antibodytinylated alkaline phosphataseconjugate.Theamountsof immobilizedBSA nwells 1 through11 were as follows:well 1, 9.6 nmol;well 2, 960 pmol;well 3, 96 pmol;well4, 9.6 pmol;well 5, 960 fmol;well6, 96 fmol;well7, 9.6 fmol;well 8, 960 amol; well 9, 96 amol; well 10, 9.6 amol; and well 11, 9.6 x 10-19 mol. Each wellcontained5.8 x 1015, 5.8 x 1014, 5.8 x 1013, 5.8 x 1012, 5.8 x 1011, 5.8 x 1010, 5.8 x 109, 5.8 x108, 5.8 x 107, 5.8 x 106, and 5.8 x 105 molecules, respectively (12). Well 12 is the control, whereTBSwithoutBSA was used in the initial mmobilizationtep. Whenp-nitrophenyl hosphate wasused as the substrate,color developmentwas observed at 96 amol (5.8 x 107 molecules) (12) ormore of immobilizedBSA.

    Fig. 3. Effectof a reduced concentration Aof the chimera-pUC19 onjugateon the M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12sensitivityof immuno-PCR.A) Analysisof PCRproductsby agarose gel electro-phoresis. A lowerconcentration 1.4 x10-17 mol/50FI)of pUC19conjugated othe chimerawas applied to the wells,whereas all the other conditions re-mained the same as those in (7, 11).Each lane contains a PCRamplification [-260mixturederived from a well that con- bptained the same amountof immobilizedBSAas inFig.1A: ane 1, 96 fmol; ane 2,9.6 fmol;lane 3, 960 amol; lane 4, 96amol; ane5, 9.6 amol; ane6, 0.96 amol;lane 7, 9.6 x 10-20 mol; lane 8, 9.6 x B10-21 mol;and lane 9, 9.6 x 10-22 mol. 1.8__Each lane contained 5.8 x 1010, 5.8 x 1.6109, 5.8 x 108, 5.8 x 107, 5.8 x 106, 5.8 lX 105, 5.8 x 104, 5.8 x 103, and 5.8 x f 1.4102 molecules, respectively(12). Lanes a1.210 through12, control TBSused without .0BSA nthe initial mmobilizationtep); M, 1.0123-bp ladder as in Fig.1A. (B) Quanti- 6 E 0.8tationof the 260-bp PCRproductshown Q 0.6in(A).Theprocedureswere the same as 0.4in Fig. 1B. The PCRamplificationwassaturatedat around9.6 fmol(5.8 x 109 z 0.2 -molecules)(12)of immobilizedBSA. 0 If .0 102 104 106 108 1010Molecules f antigenSCIENCE * VOL. 258 * 2 OCTOBER 1992 121

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    PCR products. The sensitivity and versa-tility could be enhanced considerably withthe use of better detection methods forPCR products. For example, direct incor-poration of a label, such as radioisotopes,fluorochromes, and enzymes, into PCRproducts with the use of label-conjugatedprimers or nucleotides allows simple ana-lytical formats. Alternatively, gel electro-phoresis could be used to detect manydifferent antigen molecules simultaneous-ly, each of which is labeled with a differentsize marker DNA.The amount of the 260-bp fragmentdecreased with decreasing amounts of im-mobilized antigen from lanes 6 to 9 (Fig.1A), which demonstrates that the PCRamplification was not saturated below 0.96amol of BSA. For wells that containedmore antigen (lanes 1 through 5), thePCR amplification was saturated. In prin-ciple, quantitation of PCR products belowsaturation should provide an estimate ofthe number of antigens (epitopes) afterappropriate calibration with known num-bers of antigen molecules. When moredilute chimera-pUC19 conjugates wereused, saturation of PCR amplification oc-curred with larger amounts of the immo-bilized antigen (Fig. 3). Thus, one cancontrol the sensitivity of the system byvarying the concentration of the conju-gate. Other key factors, such as the con-centration of antibody, the number ofPCR amplification cycles, and the detec-tion method for PCR products, can also beused to control the overall sensitivity ofthe system.In principle, the extremely high sensi-tivity of immuno-PCR should enable thistechnology to be applied to the detection ofsingle antigen molecules; no method iscurrentlyavailable for this. The sensitivityof current antigen detection systems can beenhanced by at least a few orders of magni-tude simply by the introduction of PCR.The controllable sensitivity and the simpleprocedure of immuno-PCR should allowthe development of fully automated assaysystems without loss in sensitivity, with agreat potential promise for applications inclinical diagnostics.

    REFERENCESAND NOTES1. S. L. Morrison et al., Clin. Chem. 34, 1668 (1988);S. L. Morrison and V. T. Oi, Adv. Immunol.44, 65(1989); J. D. Rodwell, Nature 342, 99 (1989); A.Pluckthun, ibid. 347, 497 (1990); G. Winter and C.Milstein, ibid. 349, 293 (1991); A. Pluckthun, Bio!Technology9, 545 (1991); R. Wetzel, Protein Eng.4, 371 (1991); M. J. Geisow, Trends Biotechnol.10, 75 (1992); D. J. Chiswell and J. McCaffery,ibid., p. 85.2. R. A. Lerner and A. Tramanto, Trends Biochem.Sci. 12, 427 (1987); K. M. Shokat and P. G.Schultz, Annu. Rev. Immunol. 8, 335 (1990); P.G. Schultz, Science 240, 426 (1988); S. J. Ben-kovic, J. A. Adams, C. L. Borders, Jr., K. D.

    Janda, R. A. Lerner, ibid. 250,1135 (1990); R. A.Lerner, S. J. Benkovic, P. G. Schultz, ibid. 252,659 (1991).3. 0. Nolan and R. O'Kennedy, Biochim. Biophys.Acta 1040, 1 (1990); M. F. Wagner and P. M.Guyre, Trends Biotechnol. 9, 375 (1991); R. L. H.Bolhuis, E. Stuhn, J. W. Gratama, E. Braakman, J.Cell. Biochem. 47, 306 (1991).4. R. K. Saiki et al., Science 230, 1350 (1985).5. T. J. White, N. Arnheim, H. A. Erlich, TrendsGenet. 5, 185 (1989); R. A. Gibbs, Anal. Chem.62,1202 (1990); W. Bloch, Biochemistry 30, 2735(1991); R. A. Gibbs, Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 2, 69(1991); H. A. Erlich, D. Gelfand, J. J. Sninsky,Science 252, 1643 (1991).6. T. Sano and C. R. Cantor, Bio/Technology9, 1378(1991).7. Various amounts (6.4 ng to 6.4 ag; 9.6 x 10-14 to9.6 x 10-22 mol) of BSA in45 pl of 150 mM NaCI,20 mM tris-CI (pH 9.5), and 0.02% NaN3, pre-pared by tenfold serial dilutions, were placed inwells of a microtiter plate (Falcon 3911; BectonDickinson). The microtiterplate was incubated at4?C overnight (-15 hours) to immobilize BSAmolecules on the surface of the wells. The samesolution without BSA was used as the control. Thewells were washed three times, each for 5 minwith 250 p.l of tris-buffered saline [TBS; 150 mMNaCI, 20 mM tris-CI (pH 7.5), and 0.02% NaN3].Then, 200 p1lof ETBS (TBS plus 0.1 mM EDTA)that contained 4.5% nonfat dried milk and dena-tured salmon sperm DNA (1 mg/ml) was added toeach well. The microtiter plate was incubated at370C for 80 min to block reactable sites on thesurface of the wells to avoid nonspecific bindingin subsequent steps, and then the wells werewashed seven times, each with 150 p1l f TETBS(TBS plus 0.1 mM EDTAand 0.1% Tween 20) for5 min. To each well, 50 p.l of TETBS containing0.45% nonfat dried milk,denatured salmon spermDNA (0.1 mg/ml), and diluted (8000-fold) mono-clonal antibody against BSA (mouse ascites fluid,IgG2a, clone BSA-33; Sigma) was added. Themicrotiter plate was incubated at room tempera-ture for 45 min to allow the antibody to bind toimmobilized BSA molecules. The wells werewashed 15 times, each with 250 pl of TETBS for10 min, to remove unbound antibody molecules,and 50 p.lof TETBScontaining 0.45% nonfat driedmilk, denatured salmon sperm DNA (0.1 mg/ml),and 1.4 x 10-16 mol of biotinylated pUC19 con-jugated to the streptavidin-protein A chimera(8-10) was added to each well. The microtiterplate was incubated at room temperature for 50min to allow the chimera-pUC19 conjugates tobind to the antigen-antibody complexes, and thenthe wells were washed 15 times, each with 250 p.lof TETBS for 10 min, to remove unbound conju-gates. The wells were washed three times withTBS without NaN3, and the microtiter plate wassubjected to PCR (11). After the PCR amplifica-tion, each reaction mixture was analyzed by aga-rose gel electrophoresis.8. The biotinylated pUC19 used was a linear 2.67-kbHind 111-AccI fragment, in which one biotin mol-ecule had been incorporated at its Hind IlIlermi-nus by a filling-inreaction with Sequenase version2.0 (U.S. Biochemical) in the presence of a bioti-nylated nucleotide (biotin-14-deoxyadenosine tri-phosphate; BRL). By gel retardation, dependenton streptavidin binding, almost 100% of the 2.67-kb fragment contained biotin.9. A streptavidin-protein A chimera was expressedin Escherichia coli by means of the expressionvector pTSAPA-2 and purified to homogeneity(6). The purified chimera was stored frozen at-70?C in 150 mM NaCI, 20 mM tris-CI (pH 7.5),0.02% NaN3, and 6% sucrose. No appreciablechanges in the biotin- and the IgG-binding abilitywere observed upon frozen storage.10. We prepared the chimera-pUC19 conjugate bymixing he purified himera(9) and the biotiny-latedpUC19 (8) at a molar atioof biotin o biotinbinding ite of 1. The resultingonjugatescontainfourbiotinylated UC19 per chimera,whichpos-sesses fourbiotinbindingsites (6).

    11. PCR was carried out under the following condi-tions: 50 mM KCI, 10 mMtris-CI (pH 8.3 at 20?C),1.5 mM MgCI2, gelatin (10 pg/ml), 0.8 mM de-oxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) (0.2mM each), 2 pM primers (bla-1 and bla-2, 1 I1Meach), and Taq DNA polymerase (50 unit/ml)(Boehringer Mannheim). Pre-PCR mixtures ster-ilized by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 254 nm [G.Sarkar and S. S. Sommer, Nature 343, 27 (1990);G. D. Cimino, K. Metchette, S. T. Isaacs, Y. S.Zhu, ibid. 345, 773 (1990)] were added to thewells of a microtiter plate (40 pl per well), andmineral oil sterilized by UV irradiation was lay-ered (20 pl per well) on the reaction mixture.PCR was performed with an automated thermalcycler (PTC-100-96 Thermal Cycler, MJ Re-search, Inc.), with the use of the following tem-perature profile: initial denaturation, 94?C, 5 min;30 cycles of denaturation (94?C, 1 min), anneal-ing (58?C, 1 min), and extension (72?C, 1 min);and final extension, 72?C, 5 min. The 30-merprimers, bla-1 and bla-2, hybridize to a segmentof the bla gene and should generate a 261 -bpfragment upon PCR amplification.

    12. These numbers indicate the amounts of antigenadded to each well. However, it is unlikelythat allthe added antigen molecules were immobilizedon the wells. Furthermore, some molecules thatwere initially immobilized may have been re-leased in subsequent steps. Therefore, the actualnumber of antigens in each well is very likely to belower than indicated.13. H. Van Vunakis, Methods Enzymol. 70, 201(1980); C. N. Hales and J. S. Woodhead, ibid., p.334; J. P. Feber, Adv. Clin. Chem. 20,129 (1978);Editorial,Lancet ii, 406 (1976).

    14. Various amounts of BSA (640 pg to 64 fg; 9.6 x10-9 to 9.6 x 10-19 mol) in 50 pi of 150 mMNaCI,20 mM tris-CI (pH 9.5), and 0.02% NaN3, pre-pared by tenfold serial dilutions, were placed inwells of a microtiter plate. The plate was incubat-ed at 4?C overnight (-15 hours) to immobilizeBSA molecules on the surface of the wells. Thesame solution without BSA was used as thecontrol. The wells were washed three times, eachwith 100 p1lof TBS for 5 min, and then 200 pi ofETBScontaining 4.5% nonfat dried milk was add-ed to each well. The microtiter plate was incubat-ed at room temperature (-22?C) for 60 min toblock reactable sites on the surface of the wells,and the wells were washed three times, each with200 p1lof TETBS (TBS plus 0.1 mM EDTA and0.04% Tween 20) for 5 min. To each well, 75 pl ofTETBS containing 0.45% nonfat dried milk anddiluted (500-fold) monoclonal antibody againstBSA (7) was added. The microtiter plate wasincubated at room temperature for 60 min toallow the antibody to bind to immobilized BSAmolecules. The wells were washed six times,each with 200 pl of TETBS for 5 to 10 min, toremove unbound antibody, and 70 pi of TETBScontaining 0.45% nonfat dried milkand 6 pmol ofbiotinylated alkaline phosphatase (BoehringerMannheim) conjugated to the streptavidin-pro-tein A chimera (9) was added to each well. Themicrotiter plate was incubated at room temper-ature for 60 min to allow the chimera-alkalinephosphatase conjugate to bind to the antigen-antibody complexes, and then the wells werewashed six times, each with 200 ,u of TETBS for5 to 10 min. The wells were washed once with200 pl of TBS without NaN3 and then with 200 plof 1 M diethanolamine (pH 9.8) and 0.5 mMMgCI2. To each well, 200 p1lof 1 M diethanol-amine (pH 9.8) and 0.5 mM MgCI2 containing 10mM p-nitrophenyl phosphate was added, and acolor development reaction was performed at37CC for 60 min.

    15. We thank G. R. Reyes, R. S. Chuck, J. Ant6n-Botella, and D. Grothues for valuable suggestionsand discussions. We also thank MJ Research,Inc. for providing a PTC-100-96 Thermal Cycler.Supported by grant CA39782from the NationalCancer Institute,NIH.22 May1992; accepted 26 August 1992

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