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Page 1: IMC Plan Fox Sports West
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Page 3: IMC Plan Fox Sports West

Executive Summary

Our client, FOX Sports West, has tasked us with creating a comprehensive, 360 marketing campaign to drive viewership and ratings for hockey programming

featuring the Anaheim Ducks on Prime Ticket and the LA Kings on FOX Sports West. Included in this executive summary are key research findings that led us to our integrated marketing

communications strategy outline below.

Hockey faces various challenges in Southern California that have resulted in low television viewership, including: the lack of hockey culture due to geography/weather and a cluttered professional sports market. Based on our research, we found the markets most likely to attend

hockey games are white, well-educated, and wealthy, due to the fact that hockey has the highest Fan Cost Index (cost of four adult average price tickets, two small draft beers, four small soft drinks, four regular hot dogs, parking for one car, two game programs, and two adult-size caps) relative to other sports. Thus, our four target market segments - “High Hopes,” “Solo Acts,” “Upscale Avenues,” and “High Society,” fit into two broader categories: mid-older aged wealthy

and educated families, and young, educated, “up & coming” families. By targeting these groups, we will grow Southern California hockey viewership and, more specifically, fuel the rivalry between the LA Kings and the Anaheim Ducks to include these untapped potential fans.

Our communication objectives for this campaign are to increase the percentage of our target market who: perceive hockey as an engaging, exciting sport that is desirable to follow, choose to

watch/follow hockey games in Southern California, and have attended at least one NHL hockey game within the last season. To do this, we are positioning hockey as follows: “Hockey is the only action-packed, competitive team sport that provides the most fast-paced and uninterrupted

game play to well-educated, financially-secure residents of Southern California.” We hope to move hockey’s current position from a sport that is perceived as a less engaging and slower

paced sport than football and basketball to a sport that is considered the most engaging and fast-paced of all.

To achieve our communication objectives, we have centered our campaign’s big idea on the theme “No Backing Out”. While determining our positioning, we found a key difference between

hockey and other competitive team sports to be that hockey has no technical “out of bounds,” which results in non-stop action with very little interruption or stoppage of play. Because of the enclosed playing space, hockey players literally cannot “back out.” They are 100% committed to the game for the duration of the 60 minutes of playing time, which is a testament to the players’

athleticism, passion, stamina, and skill. Beyond the literal meaning behind “no backing out,” in this campaign, we are also challenging our target market to “not back out” in the figurative sense. The key messages we want to communicate to our audience are that hockey is more engaging, exciting, and fast-paced than other sports because players can’t “back out”, thus creating a passionate, electric atmosphere that is fun to be a part of as a spectator. We want our target

market to identify with this “no quitting” mentality and become just as passionate about cheering their team at games and at home.

Although our media strategy is a comprehensive, integrated plan, our efforts focus predominantly on traditional media and digital/social media because of our selected target market. The “High

Society” segment, affluent and educated professionals who participate in sports and travel, are best reached by Internet or radio. Similarly, the “High Hopes” and “Solo Acts,” who are also well educated professionals but are younger and more diverse than their “High Society” and “Upscale Avenue” counterparts, listen to urban stations and basketball games on the radio, read two or more daily newspapers, and subscribe to magazines (“Tapestry Segmentation Reference

Guide”). Because of these findings, we have chosen to focus our advertising efforts on


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Executive Summary

television, print, and digital, although we do have additional tactics for support media and radio to supplement our main advertising avenues. We have decided to

base our media strategy on frequency rather than reach. Our target market reads newspapers and magazines, unlike less educated and wealthy individuals. And because our geographic coverage

is limited to Southern California, we have chosen local media outlets as opposed to national ones. Our campaign is short—only 5 months—so our scheduling will be continuous for the duration of our campaign, from August 2014 to June 2015.

Our media objectives are to create preference in the target market through distributing creative

ads that showcase hockey’s points of differentiation from other popular professional sports games. In addition, we will encourage trial in the target market by creating contests and promotions through social media. Our specific tactics are broken up into broadcast, print, and radio, in addition to non-traditional media and online promotions/social media.

Both of our commercials utilize different appeals to correctly target our audience. Our “Gladiator” commercial elicits an emotional appeal in raising the viewer’s excitement through invigorating music and strong imagery between gladiators and Ducks/Kings players. It invites the viewer to join in a feeling of power and team spirit as the players in the commercial cheer in

victory. Our second commercial, “No Out of Bounds,” uses a competitive advantage appeal as it makes a direct comparison to other sports as comparative advertising. The commercials

uncommonly synthesize gladiators with hockey players, and their artistic value is evident. Because of these strengths, our communication objectives of “preference” and “trial” will succeed effectively as both commercials prefer hockey over other sports and spark an interest in

viewing hockey players as not players, but gladiators for all to witness in their arena.

Our print ads complement our broadcast commercials and echo the big idea outlined in each. Some of our advertisements feature gladiators who are shooting a puck to convey the similarities between Roman gladiators and the modern hockey player. In addition, many of our

advertisements feature hockey players in mid-action, with ice shattering and spraying to show the action-packed nature of hockey. In our advertisements, we wished to convey our key points of

differentiation (on ice, no out of bounds leading to more excitement and action) between hockey and other sports to help achieve our ideal positioning. Many of our ads also feature headings and subheadings that encourage a friendly rivalry between the LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks.

We also plan on utilizing a variety of support media, including: billboards, special events, contests, and social media platforms. All of these media will be aligned with the “No Backing Out” theme and will encourage audiences to engage with their respective team and participate in the friendly rivalry that we cultivate.

With a budget of one million dollars, we have relegated 31% for outdoor advertising, 15% for television, 20% for magazines, 8% for newspapers, 25% for radio, and the remaining 3% for support media.

Ultimately, the goal of this campaign is to drive viewership and ratings for hockey programming

on FOX Sports West. Through our integrated communications plan, we hope to increase interest and trial in attending hockey games, which in turn will lead to increased TV viewership of games, which is key for gaining more fans of the sport. Our team will closely monitor all placed advertisements to determine reach and ROI as the campaign unfolds.


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•  Hockey"season"takes"place"from"October"to"June,"predominantly"coinciding"with"football"and"basketball"season."

•  The"four"largest"market"shares"in"the"sports"industry"are"the"NFL,"MLB,"NBA,"and"NHL,"with"football"(the"NFL)"holding"38.8%."

•  Although"the"NHL"is"part"of"the"four"largest"associaIons"in"the"sports"industry,"it"does"not"hold"the"same"popularity"as"the"NFL"or"NBA"in"America."


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•  Anaheim"Ducks"are"newer"–"only"20"years"old;"whereas"the"L.A."Kings"have"been"around"for"46"years."

•  Both"teams"have"won"the"Stanley"Cup"within"the"last"decade"•  Social"media"and"adverIsing"have"both"been"found"to"play"a"vital"role"in"creaIng"

team"loyalty"and"fan"engagement."•  Anaheim"Ducks"have"123,000"followers"on"TwiUer"•  L.A."Kings"have"275,000"followers"on"TwiUer"


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•  In"a"survey"we"conducted"with"33"individuals,"it"was"found"that"hockey"is"perceived"as"significantly"less"engaging"and"entertaining"than"football"and"basketball"in"parIcular."

•  Only"4"out"of"those"33"surveyed"had"actually"been"to"a"professional"NHL"game"within"the"past"two"years."

•  This"proves"that"there"is"extra"“cluUer”"that"hockey"teams"have"to"compete"with"in"order"to"gain"fan"loyalty"or"air"Ime."

"•  Not"only"does"hockey"compete"with"other"sports"on"its"image"but"also"its"prices."

•  Hockey"has"one"of"the"highest"Fan"Cost"Index’s"^"$326.45."•  In"our"survey,"83%"of"the"people"are"not"willing"to"spend"more"than"even"

$200"on"a"sporIng"event."•  The"fact"that"football"holds"the"highest"FCI"but"also"popularity"shows"that"if"



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•  Most"likely"aUendees"and"TV"viewers"of"hockey"games"reside"mostly"on"the"East"Coast"most"likely"because:"

•  It"is"where"more"NHL"teams"are"located."•  The"East"Coast"has"colder"weather,"providing"opImal"condiIons"for"the"icy"


•  The"current"fan"base"of"hockey"comprises"of:"•  64%"males"•  88.8%"over"25"years"old"•  58%"that"make"over"$75,000"for"their"household"income"


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•  High%Society%–"These"folks"represent"12%"of"all"US"households"and"generate"nearly"one^quarter"of"the"total"US"income."They"are"at"the"peak"of"their"employment"in"high^paying"posiIons."They"are"married"couple"families"with"older"children"and"is"one"of"the"fastest"growing"segments.""

"•  Upscale%Avenues%–"Also"above"average"earnings,"these"families"are"scaUered"in"


"•  Solo%Acts%–"These"are"mostly"singles"who"prefer"city"life."Many"are"young"and"early"


"•  High%Hopes%–"This"is"a"mix"of"married"couples"with"children"and"single"parents."



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*Benchmark"percentages"chosen"based"on"our"survey"results."""•  For"objecIve"#1,"75%"of"parIcipants"viewed"football"as"engaging,"48%"of"


"•  For"objecIve"#2,"61%"of"parIcipants"watched"or"followed"football,"22%"of"


"•  For"objecIve"#3,"we"would"like"a"third"of"our"target"market"to"have"aUended"a"



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•  Drew"inspiraIon"from"ancient"Roman"gladiators"!"hockey"mirrors"and"closely"resembles"the"historic"sport:""

•  Both"have"physical"barriers"that"prevent"players"from"exiIng."•  Both"are"surrounded"on"all"sides"by"spectators.""•  Both"the"baUle"between"gladiators"and"hockey"players"are"intense,"

passionate,"and"extremely"engaging"to"watch"as"an"audience"member.""•  In"ancient"Imes,"gladiator"fights"were"the"ulImate"form"of"entertainment."


"•  One"of"the"key"differences"between"hockey"and"other"compeIIve"team"sports"is"


•  Because"of"the"enclosed"playing"space,"hockey"players"can"literally"not"“back"out.”"They"are"100%"commiUed"to"the"game"for"the"duraIon"of"the"60"minutes"of"playing"Ime,"which"is"a"testament"to"the"players’"athleIcism,"passion,"stamina,"and"skill.""

•  Want"to"use"the"“no"quilng”"mentality"to"create"a"passionate,"electric"atmosphere"

•  Want"audiences"to"see"hockey"as"more"engaging,"exciIng,"and"fast^paced"than"other"sports"


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•  Two"commercials"will"be"broadcasted"on"the"Fox"Sports"TV"Channel"–"a"“Gladiator”"(0:30)"and"a"“No"Out"of"Bounds”"(0:15)"commercial."

•  These"TV"commercials"will"be"aired"a"total"of"two"Imes"a"day"–"one"in"the"morning"during"news"hour"(5am^10am)"and"one"during"PrimeIme"(7^11pm)."This"will"occur"from"Monday"to"Friday"for"the"enIre"duraIon"of"our"campaign"(August"to"December)."

•  The"“Gladiator”"commercial"elicits"an"emoIonal"appeal"in"raising"the"viewer’s"excitement"through"invigoraIng"music"and"strong"imagery"between"gladiators"and"ducks/kings"players."It"invites"the"viewer"to"join"in"a"feeling"of"power"and"team"spirit"as"the"players"in"the"commercial"cheer"in"victory."Also,"the"use"of"first"person"plural"pronouns"–"“We"Are"Kings”,"“These"Are"Our"Waters”,"“We"Remain"Warriors”"–"is"inclusive"as"it"includes"the"viewer.""

•  The"“No"Out"of"Bounds”"uses"a"compeIIve"advantage"appeal"as"it"makes"a"direct"comparison"to"other"sports"as"comparaIve"adverIsing."Though"hockey"is"not"a"‘new"brand’,"it"is"relaIvely"new"in"Southern"California"sports"considering"its"history"originates"in"the"Midwest/East"Coast."

•  One"0:30"radio"spot"has"been"created"which"will"be"aired"on"three"different"radio"staIons"(AM"610,"FM"101.1,"and"AM"870)"during"the"morning"commute"(M^F"6am^10am):"

•  For"the"months"of"August"and"November,"the"radio"spot"will"be"aired"three"Imes"a"week"for"all"four"weeks."

•  For"the"months"of"September"and"October,"the"radio"spot"will"be"aired""


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•  We"will"have"a"full^page,"color"bleed"ad"in"Sports"Illustrated"for"three"months"(August,"September,"and"November)."

•  These"ads"will"be"the"ones"that"display"the"rivalry"between"the"Ducks"and"the"Kings."

•  The"L.A."Times"will"also"feature"a"full^page,"color"version"of"our"designed"ads"for"three"months"(September,"October,"and"November).""

•  The"ad"will"be"featured"in"the"L.A."Times"two"Imes"a"month"–"the"second"and"the"fourth"Sunday"of"every"month."

•  It"will"alternate"between"a"Ducks"ad"and"a"Kings"ad."""


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1.  Los"Angeles"2.  El"Centro"3.  Bakersfield"4.  Palm"Springs"5.  Santa"Barbara""



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•  Encourage"a"friendly"rivalry"between"the"LA"Kings"and"Anaheim"Ducks"•  Keep"fans"up"to"date"with"perInent"informaIon"regarding"contests,"team"

updates,"and"more"•  Have"interacIve"acIviIes"such"as"a"map"denoIng""What"is"king"



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1.  We"plan"on"having"a"giant"ice"puck"modeled"aser"the"California"Science"Center’s"Ice"Wall"to"be"placed"at"LA"Live"where"passersby"will"be"challenged"to"see"who"can"keep"their"hands"on"it"longest"by"“not"backing"out”."RepresentaIves"at"L.A."Live"will"also"be"handing"out"promoIonal"merchandise"(coupons"for"food/apparel)"to"educate"people"about"the"campaign"and"about"the"Kings"in"general."There"will"also"be"a"professional"photographer"taking"pictures"of"parIcipants;"the"photos"will"be"uploaded"to"the"social"media"sites"where"people"will"be"able"to"tag"themselves.""

"2.  We"also"plan"on"conducIng"various"contests"and"co^promoIons"in"which"we"



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Main"Points:"•  Predominantly"focus"on"tradiIonal"media"and"digital/social"media"because"of"our"

selected"target"market"and"limited"budget."•  Most"of"them"are"best"reached"by"Internet"or"radio.""•  They"also"read"two"or"more"daily"newspapers"and"subscribe"to"magazines."•  Will"sIll"have"addiIonal"tacIcs"for"support"media"to"supplement"our"main"

adverIsing"avenues."•  A"large"proporIon"of"our"budget"will"be"allocated"towards"the"first"four"months"of"




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•  The"largest"porIon"of"our"budget"will"be"allocated"towards"outdoor"adverIsing"since"it"is"the"most"cost^effecIve"method"to"reach"the"desired"geographic"regions."BulleIns"afford"heightened"visibility"from"its"size"and"also"allows"for"more"creaIve"“customizing”.""

•  The"second"largest"porIon"of"our"budget"was"directed"towards"radio."Due"to"our"objecIve"to"maximize"frequency,"we"chose"three"radio"staIons"for"our"radio"spot"to"be"aired."This"will"allow"for"a"consistent"exposure"to"consumers"throughout"the"campaign."


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Creative Brief

Client / Client contact information:Fox Sports West

Christina [email protected]

Project: New campaign for Fox Sports West to drive viewership and ratings for hockey programming featuring the Anaheim Ducks on Prime Ticket and the LA Kings on Fox Sports West.

Prepared by:Eric Anwar Olivia Chen(909) 831-9286 (714) [email protected] [email protected]

Alissa Gwynn Clare O’Flynn Lily Tiao(510) 585-8518 (760) 449-6486 (626) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Background / Overview:This is a campaign to drive viewership and ratings for NHL teams the LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks, which currently suffer from low ratings relative to competitors in other professional sports leagues and teams in Southern California. We want our target market to watch more hockey programming on Fox Sports West, but in order to do that, we must show and persuade them that hockey is the only action-packed, competitive team sport that provides the most fast-paced and uninterrupted game play.

Objectives1. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and

wealthy residents of Southern California who perceive hockey as an engaging sport that

is desirable to follow in Southern California from its current level at 27%* to 50%.

2. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and wealthy residents who choose to watch/follow hockey games in Southern California from its current level at 10%* to 20%.

3. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and wealthy residents who have attended at least one NHL hockey game in Southern

California in the last season from its current level at 8%* to 33%.*Percentages based off of survey found in Appendix

Target audienceThis campaign will be aimed exclusively at Southern California residents in four LifeMode groups: “Upscale Avenue,” “High Hopes,” “Solo Acts,” and “High Society,” as defined by ESRI, an international supplier of geographic Information System software.

High Society: Men and women; median household income: $100,216; employment in high paying positions; most households married couples in affluent neighborhoods; least ethnically


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Creative Brief

diverse groups in US, but fastest growing; affluent and active financially, civically, and physically; participate in wide variety of public activities and sports and travel


Upscale Avenues: Men and women; median household income: $65,912; well educated; prosperous domesticity; invest in homes and work on landscaping and remodeling projects

Solo Acts: Men and women; median household income range: $39,234 - $84,612; singles who have no home ownership or child-rearing responsibilities; well-educated, working professionals with college degree; home ownership at 28%; moving into major cities; urban lifestyle, including dining out, attending plays and concerts, and visiting museums

High Hopes: Men and women; median household income: $40,928; mix of married couples, single parents, and singles who seek “American Dream” of home ownership and rewarding job; live in single-family houses or multiunit buildings; approximately half own their homes; would move to new location for better opportunities; young, mobile, and college educated; one-third younger than 35 The median household income is $40,928”

Key InsightBecause hockey is the only action-packed, competitive team sport that provides the most fast-paced and uninterrupted game play, you will find hockey to be far more exciting, entertaining, and fun to watch than other sports games. In hockey, there are no out of bounds, no excessive timeouts, no backing out. In hockey, once you’re in the game, you’re all in.

Reasons to Believe1. No out of bounds equates to non-stop action; no lulls in the game2. Fun, passionate atmosphere that is more fast paced than other sports3. Once you’re in the game, you’re all in. There’s no backing out. 4. In ancient times during gladiator fights, men played for glory. Like the Colosseum, a

hockey arena has no out of bounds—just unbridled action, pride, and passion.

Creative Development/Big IdeaBig Idea: “No Backing Out”

• “No Backing Out” draws inspiration from hockey’s points of differentiation; it is only competitive team sport in which there are no out-of-bounds, stoppages of play, etc.

• Because of exciting action, hockey players have to be 100% committed to the game because they physically cannot “back out”

• We are also challenging target market to be committed, passionate, and courageous and “not back down” from any situations

Copy:• No Backing Out• We Remain Warriors• No foul balls. No flags on the play. No Backing Out.

7) Schedule: What do we need from the creative team? When do we need it?


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Creative Brief

Provide all details on media, size and color - for both the initial concepts and finished art. Example:

1) Date 1/1/14 initial creative review of rough pencil sketch ideas. 2) Date 1/15/14 review revised creative. Half size, with color, hand or computer created. 3) Date 2/1/14 final internal creative presentation. Same finish as previous round.4) Date 2/15/14 client creative & media presentation. Full size, full color. Hand or computer created.5) Date 3/1/14 print ads delivered to publication.*Having materials completed by March 2014 will allow for ample placement in magazines and revisions if necessary

[x] Do we have sufficient reference sources: previous ads, brochures, competitor ads, books, videos or Web sites? [x] Do we have contact info / links to people, research or resources that can help the creative team?[x] Do we need a supplemental brief / info for a long format, social media, direct response, or new business pitch project?[x] Is it clear from the client what must be in the communication, and what might be in the communication? What are the client requirements versus client preferences?[x] Do we represent the client's issues, concerns, wishes?


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Media Brief

A media brief outlines your advertising media objectives, target audience(s), budget and other criteria for selecting a media mix and plan.

Advertising Media Brief

Client name FOX Sports West

Contact information


Christina Appleton, Marketing Manager of FOX Strategic Partnerships(310) 369-0929

Company name ONE ACELO

Name of product/service being advertised

L.A. Kings & Anaheim Ducks

Description To create a comprehensive, 360 marketing campaign to drive viewership and ratings for hockey programming featuring Anaheim Ducks on Prime Ticket and LA Kings on FOX Sports West.

What are the advertising objective(s)?

Objective 1 To elicit our target market of affluent, wealthy, educated people in Southern California to attend at least one hockey game

Objective 2 To increase top-of-mind awareness and preference of hockey when sports viewers decide which program to watch

To increase the percentage of our target market who perceive hockey as an engaging, exciting sport that is desirable to follow

Is this direct response advertising?

No, our plan focuses on franchise building/brand image

When is advertising planned to launch? end?

Start DateIs this linked to a product or

company launch?Does PR need to “go first”?

August (2014)

Our advertising will be continuous for the duration of our campaign, ensuring that people become aware of our campaign during preseason and eventually familiar with our key messages for the duration of the hockey season.

End Date December


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Media Brief

Who is the target audience(s) you want to reach?

Demographic information The options are the selection criteria available in third party research that media buyers use to select media

Location (s)Define major metros or more narrowly by zip code

DMA’s: Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Palm Springs, Bakersfield, and El Centro

Gendermales? females? or both?


Household incomeSingle or household income?Income of:< $50,000$50,000 - $100,000$101,000 - $200,000>$201,000

Median Household income: $70,000

Marital Status

• single or married?

• or doesn’t matter?

Married & Single (Does not matter)

EducationLess than high school diploma High school diploma College degree Graduate or postgraduate degree

College degree

ChildrenNo children living in the homeChildren >18 living at homeChildren 5-18 living at homeChildren <5 living at home

¾ th of our target market have children that live at home

Role in purchase process – who is being targeted?

• Decision-maker

• Involved in purchase

• Influencer

• Use the product/service

Decision-maker & Use the product/service

Other demographics? High Society – These folks represent 12% of all US households and generate nearly one-quarter of the total US income. They are at the peak of their employment in high-paying positions. They are married couple families with older children and is one of the fastest growing segments.


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Media Brief

Upscale Avenues – Also above average earnings, these families are scattered in terms of living in suburbs and city landscapes. Some families have been established for years while others are on the rise. From years of hard work, they are in transitional periods of moving up in their career and either remain single, or settle down to have children. Solo Acts – These are mostly singles who prefer city life. Many are young and early in their career. With no child-rearing responsibilities, they have disposable income and indulge in city life eating out and splurging on entertainment. High Hopes – This is a mix of married couples with children and single parents. Both with the mindset of obtaining the “American Dream”, they work hard to move up the career ladder and are on the rise to improving their socioeconomic situation.

Other information to help in media selection

psychographic or attitudinal insightspsychological attributes like values, interests, hobbies, lifestyles and personality

Most of our target market participates in sports and travel.

behavioral informationdata on what people do with their time or money. Or what their past purchase behavior has been.

Some like to invest money in their homes and work on remodeling projects. For the younger generation of our target market, they love city life of eating out, going to concerts and traveling abroad.

use of technology

• internet use at home/work?

• high speed internet at home?

• cell phone use?

• texting?

• use of social media?

• comfort level with the internet?

• other

Our target market predominantly includes the affluent and educated middle-aged generation, which means most are familiar and comfortable with the Internet. Not only may some of them use it at work, a good proportion of the market engages in social media on a daily basis.

Reach and frequency goals


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Media Brief

Minimum plan 500-700 GRPs (gross rating points)

Better plan 900-1300 GRPs

Best plan 1500-2000 GRPs

Advertising success metrics

Ad metrics? Measure online and through data from demographics of those who read the paper, drive past billboards, participate in promotions and read magazines

Timeframe to advertising

Weeks/months 5 months

Best times of day Morning commute time (5am-10am)

Best days of week M-F

Minimum media budget

Per month A large proportion of our budget will be allocated towards the first four months of hockey season in order to elicit top of mind awareness from consumers – using an average of $155,000 a month. (*Not including production costs)

Total for campaign $1,000,040


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Media Brief

Media preferences and restrictionsTypes of advertising preferred? Media not to be included in this plan?

Any particular placements that are not brand appropriate?

TV Will take advantage of broadcasting our 0:15 and 0:30 spot on the Fox network during the Morning News and Primetime (7-11pm). In order to increase top-of-mind awareness from our audiences, we will be going for frequency which means our TV commercials will be aired two times a day for 5 times a week (on the weekdays).

Radio 95% of persons 35-49, our target market, listen to the radio – especially during the hours of morning commute (5am-10am). Local radio stations that are known to include the demographics that fit our target market such as KAVL-AM Fox Sports 610, KRTH-FM 101.1 and KRLA-AM 870 will be used to broadcast our 0:30 radio spot.

Local newspapers Will be using the L.A. Times because our target market still reads newspapers. This traditional print medium will complement our broadcast commercials and echo the big idea outlined in each.

National newspapers Since our geographic coverage is limited to Southern California, we have chosen local media outlets as opposed to national ones.

Magazines Magazines have a large reach as it is often passed on to other readers beyond the paid subscribers. We will only be using the California edition of Sports Illustrated to reach our target market since not only magazine aligns with our topic of sports but also reaches the age and income of our target market.

Online ads Will not be engaging in online ads but rather social media since it is known that our target market actively engages in social media.

Outdoor billboards Will be endorsing two billboards and five 30-sheet posters in each of the 5 major counties in Southern California as that was the most cost-effective method to reach the desired geographic regions. Bulletins afford heightened visibility from its size and also allows for more creative “customizing”. Two building wraps will also be included – one in L.A. Live and the other in Orange County, in order to reach the people in these high traffic areas through a less expensive method.

Mobile ads Due to our limited budget, we have decided to focus on more traditional forms of media since those are mediums that we know our target market are exposed to on a more consistent basis.

Search ads Due to our limited budget, we have decided to focus on more traditional forms of media since those are mediums


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Media Brief

that we know our target market are exposed to on a more consistent basis.

Other In order to emphasize and make more memorable the key messages in our campaign, we will be utilizing a few non-traditional vehicles such as special events, contests, and a giant ice puck modeled after California Science Center’s Ice Wall, at L.A. Live.

Other information


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Our client, FOX Sports West, has tasked us with creating a comprehensive, 360 marketing campaign to drive viewership and ratings for hockey programming featuring the Anaheim Ducks on Prime Ticket and LA Kings on FOX Sports West. Our research, strategy, and campaign overview is summarized below.

Situation AnalysisEnvironmental Analysis: Hockey season takes place from October to June, which means it predominantly coincides with basketball and football season. According to a survey generated by PEW Research Center seen in Figure 1, both the NFL and NBA are more popular sports with American adults. IBIS reports show that the NFL holds the largest market share of the sports industry with 38.8% while the NHL comes in fourth with 14.3% (see Figure 2). Nevertheless, they are both part of the four largest sports associations in the industry. However, there seems to be potential for hockey to grow; another survey shows that the number of people in the U.S. that believe hockey is their favorite sport has increased 3% from 2000 to 2012 (Corso).

Consumer/Market Analysis:From a map of the United States taken from ESRI, it can be seen that most likely attendees and TV viewers of hockey games reside mostly on the East coast where more NHL teams are located. (See Figure 3 and 4.) 57.5% of hockey fans are males; 88.8% are above 25 years old. 53.1% earn over 75K. (Scarborough Research). Southern California’s hockey fan base is not as developed as that of the East Coast - which is most likely due to the fact that the LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks have only been around 46 and 20 years, respectively, while some of the teams on the East Coast have been around for more than 80 years. Another reason that contributes to the lack of hockey culture in Southern California is the weather. In places like Michigan and the East Coast, the weather reaches freezing temperatures, providing an optimal place for icy sports such as hockey.

Company Analysis: The Los Angeles Kings were founded in 1966 when Jack Kent Cooke was granted franchise rights to the expansion of the NHL to Los Angeles. The team won the Western Conference twice, as well as competed twice for the Stanley Cup, including one win of the cup in 2012. Less than sixty miles away resides the Los Angeles King’s rival, the Anaheim Ducks. The Walt Disney Company founded the Anaheim ducks in 1993 as the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, based on the renowned Mighty Ducks film of 1992. Since the team’s formation, they have made the playoffs eight times, winning two Pacific Division titles, two Western Conference Championships, and one Stanley Cup Championship in 2007. These players baring their black, orange, and gold jerseys have poised an incredible threat to the Los Angeles Kings as well as many other teams in the league.

Social Media and advertising have become a vital role in creating team loyalty, fan engagement, and creating a following for both the Kings and the Ducks. The Los Angeles Kings have established a twitter following of 275,000 through consistently poking fun at opposing team’s fans, hometowns, etc., indicating its confident brand personality. Similarly to the Kings, the Ducks engage their 123,000 followers by retweeting posts and tweeting updates of major plays.

Competitive Analysis:The LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks’ competitors are not necessarily other hockey teams, but rather other professional sports teams and leagues like The San Diego Chargers, Anaheim


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Angels, Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Lakers. We conducted a survey of 31 individuals in our target market (see Figure 7) and that found that compared to

football and basketball in particular, hockey is perceived as significantly less engaging and entertaining. In fact, out of all participants, 28 had not been to a professional NHL hockey game in the last two years. This indicates that there is extra “clutter” that hockey teams in other teams might not face due to the number of teams in the area competing for fan loyalty/air time (D. Carter, personal communication, Oct. 2, 2013). In addition, 81% of our survey participants responded that they would spend less than $200 on a sporting game. However, hockey has one of the highest FCI’s of any sport at $326.45, with the NBA trailing with a FCI of $287.85 and the MLB with a FCI of $194.98. Football is the only major professional sports league with a higher FCI at $420.54, which suggests that if fans are loyal, they are willing to pay a premium price (“Fact Book”).

Marketplace SWOT Analysis:

Strengths Hockey=strong community involvement, fast paced & Least interrupted game play. Approachable & down to earth players

Weaknesses Hockey culture not associated with Southern CaliforniaLack of player recognition Expensive fan cost index

OpportunitiesGrowing youth hockey in Southern CaliforniaStrong sports culture in Southern California There has already been an established rivalry between Los Angeles and Anaheim (Dodgers & Angels)

Threats Struggling EconomyStrong Competition from other popular professional sports teams Risk of no post season success could hinder fan base growth

StrategyTarget Market:Based on population density, tapestry segmentation (social & economic lifestyles), current fan base and the FCI of hockey, we have broken our target market into 4 segments: “High Hopes,” “Solo Acts,” “Upscale Avenues,” and “High Society” market segments as defined by Esri ( These four segments include the affluent, well-educated, middle aged-older families, and the up and coming, well-educated young populace. These segments are the most highly represented in Southern California (see Figures 5 & 6) whose average yearly income complements the average expenses of attending an NHL game, according to the Fan Cost Indexes (FCI) of both the LA Kings ($304.66) and the Anaheim Ducks ($309.72) ( Apart from economics and population representation, these four segments also align with fan demographics, as almost 60% of fans are aged 35 and older ( Another 18% of hockey fans are aged 25 - 34 which bleeds into our 4 market segments as well. However, in Los Angeles County, only 8% of consumers watch hockey on TV, as opposed to 22% who watch baseball, 19% who watch basketball, and 25% who watch football ( In essence, we will combine our 4 segments to make two: the mid-older aged wealthy & educated families and the young ‘up & coming’ families. By doing so, we will grow Southern California hockey viewership and, more specifically, fuel the rivalry between the LA Kings and the Anaheim Ducks to include these untapped potential fans.


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Communication Objectives: (Effects targeted: preference, trial)

1. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and wealthy residents of Southern California who perceive hockey as an engaging sport that is desirable to follow in Southern California from its current level at 27%* to 50%.

2. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and wealthy residents who choose to watch/follow hockey games in Southern California from its current level at 10%* to 20%.

3. By the end of the 5 month campaign period, increase the percentage of well-educated and wealthy residents who have attended at least one NHL hockey game in Southern California in the last season from its current level at 8%* to 33%.*Percentages based off of survey found in Appendix

We chose the benchmark percentages based on our survey results. For objective #1, 75% of participants viewed football as engaging, 48% of participants viewed basketball as engaging, and 36% of participants viewed baseball as engaging. We thought 50% would be a realistic benchmark for hockey to be perceived as engaging by our target market. For objective #2, 61% of participants watched or followed football, 22% of participants watched or followed basketball, and 39% of participants watched or followed baseball. For objective #3, we would like a third of our target market to have attended a game to encourage loyalty in our fans. As previously mentioned, the key to gaining hockey fans is attendance of at least one game, according to David Carter.

Positioning Statement:

Points of Parity(to establish category membership)

Points of Differences (to create strong, favorable, unique brand associations)

• Team sport• Competitive• Athletic

• Ice• Fast-paced• Uninterrupted play (except for two timeouts)• Down to earth and approachable players

Hockey is the only action-packed, competitive team sport that provides the most fast-paced and uninterrupted game play to well-educated, financially-secure residents of Southern California.


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Big Idea:Our big idea is centered on the theme of “no backing out.” While determining our positioning, we found a key difference between hockey and other competitive team sports to be that hockey has no technical “out of bounds,” which results in non-stop action with very little interruption or stoppage of play. Because of the enclosed playing space, hockey players can literally not “back out.” They are 100% committed to the game for the duration of the 60 minutes of playing time, which is a testament to the players’ athleticism, passion, stamina, and skill.

Beyond the literal meaning behind “no backing out,” in this campaign, we are also challenging our target market to “not back out” in the figurative sense. The key messages we want to communicate to our audience are that hockey is more engaging, exciting, and fast-paced than other sports because players can’t “back out”, thus creating a passionate, electric atmosphere. We want our target market to identify with this “no quitting” mentality and become just as passionate about cheering their team on.

We drew inspiration from ancient Roman gladiators because we feel that hockey mirrors and closely resembles the historic sport: both have “no out of bounds,” emphasizing the idea that once a player is in the game, there is no backing down or quitting, and are surrounded on all sides by spectators. The battles of gladiators and hockey players are intense, passionate, and extremely engaging to watch as an audience member. In ancient times, gladiator fights were the ultimate form of entertainment. By fighting well, men could win glory and popularity. Likewise, we want LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks players to win the same admiration and popularity through their similarly suspenseful and action-packed games.

Media Objectives, Media Mix, and CalendarAlthough our media strategy is a comprehensive, integrated plan, our efforts focus predominantly on traditional media and digital/social media because of our selected target market. The “high society” segment, affluent and educated professionals who participate in sports and travel, are best reached by Internet or radio. Similarly, the “high hopes” and “solo acts,” who are also well educated professionals but are younger and more diverse than their “high society” and “upscale avenue” counterparts, listen to urban stations and basketball games on the radio, read two or more daily newspapers, and subscribe to magazines (“Tapestry Segmentation Reference Guide”). Because of these findings, we have chosen to focus our advertising efforts on


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

television, print (newspapers and magazines), and digital (Facebook and Twitter), although we do have additional tactics for support media and radio to supplement

our main advertising avenues.

Our four market segments are all affluent, wealthy, and educated, so we have decided to base our media strategy on frequency rather than reach. Our target market reads newspapers and magazines, unlike less educated and wealthy individuals. And because our geographic coverage is limited to Southern California, we have chosen local media outlets as opposed to national ones. Our campaign is short—only 5 months—so our scheduling will be continuous for the duration of our campaign, from August 2014 to June 2015. This will ensure that people are aware of our campaign during preseason, and hopefully familiar with our key messages for the duration of the hockey season.

Our media objectives are as follows:

• Create preference in the target market through the following:o Create a positive brand image through creative ads showcasing hockey’s points of

differentiation from other popular professional sports gameso Use broadcast media to communicate our key messages that hockey is fast-paced,

action packed, and exciting to watch as viewero Use social media to encourage target market to participate in friendly rivalry

between the LA Kings and Anaheim ducks, thus encouraging further user engagement

• Create trial in the target market through the following:o Create contests and promotions with desirable prizes that include tickets to a

Kings or Ducks gameo Use social media to engage target market and provide incentives through co-

promotions to attend a LA Kings or Anaheim Ducks game


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Tactics (See Appendix pgs. 5-15)

Traditional Broadcast:

2 commercialsBoth of our commercials utilize different appeals to correctly target our audience. Our “Gladiator” commercial elicits an emotional appeal in raising the viewer’s excitement through invigorating music and strong imagery between gladiators and Ducks/Kings players. It invites the viewer to join in a feeling of power and team spirit as the players in the commercial cheer in victory. Also, the use of first person plural pronouns – “We Are Kings”, “These Are Our Waters”, “We Remain Warriors” – is inclusive as it includes the viewer.

Our second commercial “No Out of Bounds” uses a competitive advantage appeal as it makes a direct comparison to other sports as comparative advertising. Though hockey is not a ‘new brand’, it is relatively new in Southern California sports, considering its history originates in the Midwest/East Coast. Both of these commercials exceed the 5 factors of divergence. Our ads are original in their use of gladiators as analogous to hockey players. They are flexible in using different appeals with perspectives of why hockey is preferable. They are both elaborate in their direct comparison to gladiators and unexpected superiority to other sports. The commercials uncommonly synthesize gladiators with hockey players, and their artistic value is evident in the previous four factors. Because of these strengths, our communication objectives of “preference” and “trial” will succeed effectively as both commercials prefer hockey over other sports and spark an interest in viewing hockey players as not players, but gladiators for all to witness in their arena.



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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West


Considering that 93% of Americans (age > 10) still use the radio, it would be an effective medium through which our target market may be reached. Using radio is cost effective and has wide reach, especially our market segments listen to a variety of genres, including: classical, jazz, sports all-talk, news, alternative, and soft contemporary. Because of the wide range of taste in genre, we have selected the following radio stations to advertise on:


Our print ads complement our broadcast commercials and echo the big idea outlined in each. Some of our advertisements feature gladiators who are shooting a puck to convey the similarities between Roman gladiators and the modern hockey player. In addition, many of our advertisements feature hockey players mid-action, with ice shattering and spraying to show the action-packed nature of hockey. In our advertisements, we wished to convey our key points of differentiation (on ice, no out of bounds leading to more excitement and action) between hockey and other sports to help achieve our ideal positioning. Many of our ads also feature headings and subheadings that encourage a friendly rivalry between the LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks.

Non-Traditional advertising tactics:Support media:

We will place a number of billboards throughout Southern California, designs of which will mimic our print ads. With outdoor advertising, our target market can be reached in the desired geographic regions. It will allow people to encounter repeated exposures and it is usually one of the easily noticed mediums. We also plan on placing window decals (See Figure 9) on the windows of storefronts and businesses to create the illusion of the glass/ice shattering. This is meant to engage audiences and exhibit hockey’s exciting, non-stop, and action-packed nature.

In addition, we plan on having a giant ice puck (modeled after the California Science Center’s Ice Wall) at LA Live in which passersby will be challenged to see who can keep their hands on it longest by “not backing out.” We will have representatives at LA Live who will be handing out promotions (coupons for food and apparel at the games) to educate people about the campaign and about the Kings in general. There will also be a professional photographer taking pictures of participants, and photos will be uploaded to social media sites where people can tag themselves.

Finally, we plan on conducting various contests and co-promotions in which we encourage our target market to come to a game (thus achieving our objective of trial). We will host a “no backing out” photo contest online in which people send in photos of themselves “not backing out,” however they made interpret that to mean, and the winner will receive a “VIP Night” with three friends, including: VIP seats at a Kings/Ducks game, dinner and drinks at Yardhouse (LA Live) or The Ranch (Anaheim), and complimentary Kings/Ducks promotional merchandise. This prize will provide enough incentive for even non-hockey fans to want to win a fun night out with their friends and hopefully become “hooked” on hockey. For non-LA residents, the prize will also include a night at the JW Mariott. After all, David Carter specifically noted that hockey is the kind of sport where attending one game is the way to turn someone into a fan (personal communication,Oct. 2).

Online promotions, social media:Facebook/Twitter:


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IMC Overview: FOX Sports West

Because the “high hopes” and “solo acts” are Millenials who are best reached via Internet, we are using existing social media platforms, including Fox Sports West,

LA Kings, and Anaheim Ducks’s Facebook/Twitter pages as vehicles for our campaign to reach its audience. Our Facebook posts will encourage a friendly rivalry between the LA Kings and Anaheim Ducks, which is consistent with other elements of our IMC campaign, and will keep fans up to date with pertinent information regarding contests, team updates, and more. We will also have interactive activities like a map denoting "What is King country"/"what is Duck country" (see Figure 8) based off of online votes.


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Figure 1, PEW Research

Figure 2, IBIS


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Figure 3, ESRI

Figure 4, ESRI

Figure 5

Figure 6, ESRI

Figure 7

Survey Question Set:

1. Agea. 18-24b. 25-35c. 36-49d. >49

2. What county do you live in?a. Los Angeles County

b. San Bernadino Countyc. Riverside Countyd. Orange Countye. Other

3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

a. Less than high schoolb. High Schoo/GEDc. Some Colleged. 2-year College Degreee. 4-year College Degree


Page 43: IMC Plan Fox Sports West

Appendixf. Master’s

Degreeg. Doctoral Degreeh. Professional Degree (MD,

JD)4. What is your yearly income?

a. $45-$70,000b. $70,000-$100,000c. >$100,000

5. Do you play a sport?a. Yesb. No

6. What sport(s) do you play?a. Basketballb. Baseballc. Footballd. Golfe. Hockeyf. Soccerg. Tennish. Volleyball

i. Other7. What professional sports do you

watch or attend?a. Football b. Basketballc. Hockeyd. Baseball

e. Golff. Soccerg. Otherh. None

8. Have you attended a NHL hockey game in the last two years?

a. Yes b. No

9. How much would you be willing to spend to attend a sporting event? (include cost of tickets, fan gear, concessions, etc.)

a. Noneb. $50-$100c. $100-200d. $200-250e. >$250

10. Please rate on a scale of 1-100 (with 100 being your favorite) how much you like each of these sports:

a. Baseballb. Basketballc. Footballd. Hockey

11. How strongly do you associate these attributes with hockey/ basketball/baseball/football?

a. Engaging b. Entertainingc. Excitingd. Fast pacede. Boring f. Confusing

Figure 8


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Print Advertisements

Anaheim Ducks print advertisement

Window decal for glass storefront window and businesses

Anaheim Ducks print advertisement


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LA Kings Billboard


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We Remain Warriors Magazine Print Ad

No Foul Balls, No Flags on the Play Magazine Print Ad


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This is our Kingdom Pr


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Support Media

Frozen Hockey Puck


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Broadcast Advertisements

Commercial One Storyboard

Commercial 1 Script

Client: FOX SPORTSProduct: #Nobackingout Campaign Title: Gladiators Commerical Length: 30 seconds


1500 BC – Collisseum 2013 – Ice Rink

Gladiator puts on helmetDuck player puts on helmet

Gladiator draws his swordKings player does something with his stick

Gladiator steps into the coliseum – crowd goes wild Both players skate onto the ice – crowd is cheering/banging on the glass

Gladiator faces a herd of tigersPlayers face each other on the ice

SLOMO – The cage is opened SLOMO – The puck is dropped


A stream of power plays, slamming on the glass, shots on goal. Final shot of an amazing goal as the buzzer goes

Gladiator lifts his bloody sword in celebration

Pump up Music

Continue music

Continue music

Cheering and Fast Music

Epic Music

Epic Music

Hockey Buzzer, Fast music


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AppendixPlayers throw up their sticks in celebration

“We remain warriors” “We are Kings” Kings Logo #NoBackingOut

Fast music

Commercial Two Storyboard

Client: FOX SPORTSProduct: #Nobackingout Campaign Title: NO OUT OF BOUNDSLength: 30 seconds


Multiple slow aerial shots of full stadiums of fans, cheering

QUICK CUTS of the beginning of games: Basketball court - ball is thrown up

Football field - men ready for kick off **whistle, Baseball field - player on the plate **organ(?)

QUICK CUTS: A few dribbles, A few yards run, one jaunt to first base. CHEERING, FAST MUSIC

QUICK CUTS: MUSIC & CHEERING STOP, **Bball horn, Football whistle, Baseball organ all blown as quick cuts of stopped game

Pump up Music


Whistle and Organ

Cheering and Fast Music

Horn, Whistle, Organ


Page 53: IMC Plan Fox Sports West

Appendixplay – ball gets knocked out of bounds, flag on

the play, foul ball….multiple ‘boring’ shots of players waiting on the field, on the base, messing around on the court.

FAST PACED SHOTS OF PLAYS ON THE ICE – DUCKS//KINGS PLAYINGplayers slammed against the glass, shots on goal, players skating behind the goal net


Over black: No foul balls. No flags on the play. No backing out. (last one bigger, more centered)

ANNCR: “Ball is out of bounds” “Foul ball” “player down” “flag on the play”

Hockey Buzzer, Fast music

“Power Play!” “He’s handing out checks like it’s the first of the month!” “Unbelievable”

The Ducks win the Stanley Cup

Client: FOX SPORTSProduct: #Nobackingout Campaign Radio SpotTitle: NO OUT OF BOUNDSLength: 30 seconds


ACR 1 [Male, Deep, clear voice] NAT SOUND: Basketball plays in the background


CROWD (Audience)NAT SOUND: Stadium full of fans

ACR 2 [ Football Announcer] NAT SOUND: Coliseum full of fans

ACR 3 [Baseball Announcer]NAT SOUND: Baseball organ with slight sound from fans


Now we have Bryant going for the 3 pointer


And the buzzer has sounded [DISAPPOINTING TONE]


And he goes for the touchdown. Oh and its out of




And yet another fowl ball [IN A DISAPPOINTING



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AppendixHockey Fans

Hockey Announcer

Hockey spokesmanSFX: Dramatic Music

Cheering by fans [LOUD, EXCITED, PASSIONATE]

Number 10 is going, he’s whipping through the ice, and

another power play! He makes yet another shot! The

Ducks have the puck now, the action doesn’t stop!


No foul balls.

No flags on the play.

No out of bounds

No backing out.




Online/Social Media Sample Posts


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