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Page 1: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

^ , 1 — .Id ih o , 19MI(1*»»o. j o s s ---------------MBfic valley. 1 9 18 -71

I ^ « J MMlC valley. 1859 - 30 N in e I rr ig a ltd Idaho Counllcs

F IN A L " ■— —



T o i n i i N O . 121 TWIN F A L L S, IDAHO, FRIDAY, A U G U ST M , 1959PRICE 5 CENTS.._..;

H o r s e S h o w I s F e a t u r e d

A s G o o d i n g C o u n t y F a i r

D r a w s C r o w d s t o E v e n t sGOODING. A u r. M — L arge crowds w ere reportcH for the Goodinfr co u n tj’ fa ir Fri-

11- 'ifl the th rcc -d f iy e v c n t opeticii its second d ay . A free horse show Hponsored hy (he ^VnK Riding club sh ited for 2 p.m. loday . w as e.vpccled to be a h ifrh lig h t o f l''ri-

iv'^ events. 0 . R. (H ap ) Gates is p residen t o f the group iitid K ent C lo v e r, Goodin;:, iT nnnouncer. A tten d an ce a t tlie opening n ig h t of the rodeo being pro'duced by tlie- Prunty bro thers, Elko, N ev., was roiwrted a t 1,500. The sccond rodeo perfo rm an ce i.s «iated fiir 8 p.m. today w ith ttie final .show S a tu rd a y ■ night. A large crow d lined the ilriTts of Gooding T h u rsd ay afternoon io w atch the i)ariule led by G ooding count Sheriff K eith A nderson on

.. T h e p a rad e began’ •;10 p.m.

"cMduiJ S«ca compiiny took lif.n r 'lrf in Uie commercial division of L puadc. PlflclnB «Cond nna ^j-d wpfcllvely. *ere tlie Oood- , - t Lwdrr and Cady Auto com- mny. InlemiounUln Gn« company ftttired honoriiJJle mention.

In the orcanlrailonal dlvl«lon, ; Nariheut club look llrji.

,,t>! the Ooodlos Cham ber oi cinimtrce Kcond. And Uie Wen- dtli Clumber or Commerce third. Honortble mention In Hits cnle- corr »ent lo the Gooding Jnycee in'd J»y-C-Etle float.

Thomwin chape) took the only •( oUetrd la the hijlorJcnl dlvJ.

nodw qi ntbJcK *


Measorfes Ai-e Tightened on . Chile Meeting

aANTWCO. Chile. AUR. H «V- Securlty meiuure.i were ilKhtened loday a t 'tl ie Intcr-Amcrlcan Io flKn mlnliicr.i conlercnce atter hot exchanfie between dcJeniiles or ihe Dominican Republic nnd Cubn.

Chilean jwllce »ml security ol- llcrrs ot the OrRnnlzntlon of Anicrlcan States checked nil cre- dcnllnli carefully. No one wo.i nd- DliieiJ wJtiioui bf/lcMJ doeumenu. OAS oKiclivIs explained tlie tiRlit !.ecurity »n.i aimed n t promoting

led by the relsn lns dccoruni. But it .'ccined iUnd.1 Nielson. Otiier.% par-

iiclsillnir were Ooodins VFW poi 3078 tlie OoodinR high «ho o Sfwitors' band: the Gooding nid jil club; members o f the 4*1 Eis«lolne club on horsebnck. nm Uu OoodlnR Horielcsi.1 CiiiTlani luS In their old model car.i.0( parllcular Interest to th e piV' lit crowd was n ISOa hearse be nsUiE 10 the niomp-ion chnpel Mnibers of the IlCm divl^ilon

unll 1. naUonal euard. m nrchcd li ;he parade.

Juilte for tlie rotleo.ln Boh Cralc Stwniain Home, nnd M nrjorl Pn;nly. Elko, nnd Mary Godl)5 OoMlns.- are timers. DU! Drum tr.fll. Emmett. In announcer, nn plctup men «r« Frank prun ty on M(1 Kelly, prolrlc City. Ore.

Oolr tiro of 11 coDteslanta Qual IIW In the bareback rldlnu even niuraday nlnht. Mock G riffith Ailtejton. Ore.. and Harold Tcwj Cildrelt. '

tfWr rodeo rtiu lta Inc3ude( Bnhaa bull riding—T im Bnuacal liuper. Ore.. first; 'j lm Selbcl

Addl# Drone—K enneth • Hollo . Sko, r ir it; M ack a r tf l t lh

BTld.Balldwjlnfr — Carl Cronqueal,

DUckroflt..l3 seconds; G arth ZllJ. i£ti. BUcMoot, U S.

Cil( roping — Bud- inRrnham lUiper, Ore., h igh wlUi K J sdj.

riiree Nabbed i'or Speeding By Radar Net

'City pol!ce“ usln ii'rf tdar equlp- •r.t died Uiree speeders T hur*- ; nlcht on Shoshone Blrect

lorlh. —It c u the first time* th is week

had reported cltAtlons inmsh uie of radar. Lost week, 1 :p«der» were cited In four cve- 1.1K alonR come of the c lty 'i :«la thorouRhfare*. Cited T hurs- 'irtiisht In the aa-m ile-nn-hour

r. 3S, and W ayne A. Met'Villa pleaded s ...... ~ - ‘"-

pmlng before P o lice _______TWphrey and was fined $13 and

and given 25 demerlla,!J»rtln j . Fjeldalh. rout* .. «flh PoeaKllo, pleaded BUllty of Jiltaj 10 yield r lsh l o f way In an client Wednesday on th e HOO •*1: of Main avenue north . Police

J. 0 . pumplirey fined him 3 *nd coiLv0«»ld E. Root. IB. 1603 EldrcdBc

-'"I. Jined »3S and costa nnd ■’W 30 drmerltfl Thursday nfter- ■*= by TM’ln FalU Police Judge

0. t\iniplirey for speedlhc. He f died by Tti-ln Pnlla city police

tpeedlnc 00 miles per on ifeybum avenue west.

L. RasmuMcn, 17, I l ' . „ >. Cotama J>


V’ldcntpromiHed by '111

day niRht'a tumultuouii &esslon.Delore tliat, alm ost anyone

could RO In aiid out o r tlie con­ference room ju s t by flashing an olllclnl biidRe.

l l ie Lalln-Amerlcan mlnlsifrs turned their n ttcntlop to a pro- Krani U5. Secretary or State ChrLsllan A. H erter huSEMlea lor deahnR with tension In iho Carilj- bean.

Oroup.1 of ministers becan dis- cuulHR a temporary Jire-jireve.i- tion committee proposed by Ilwter. At jiresent. the OrRnnlzntlon of American Si.atcx Intervene.i only at the requesLiof a m e m W Involved In a dl.<pute. Herter'3 p lm Muld eatabllsli a reRUlnr v,atc;i-dti conuiiltiee. Herter believes thi coftimittee. thouRh lack ln j pcMee powers, would have a cnlmlnit ef­fect.

Both Cuba ond Venezuela h.ive lown eome opposition l< ea. Tiiere were prospeels

plan, howevei

P o t a t o F o r e c a s t

F o r F a l l I s L e s s

T h a n ’5 8 C r o p s, BOISE, A iig.’ d (■'T^TdaJio’s crop of fa ll po ta to es was fol' loday a l 39,780,0(TO harid rC dw cigh t.-ncariy two million hund red w e ig h t Its.-i than last y e a r ’-^-rccord produc' tion. The U. S. <jepartment of agric tiU ure said th e reduc. tion is th e re.sult o f cool w eather a t p lan tin g tim c^v’hicli rolarded .Hproiiting and growth. "The c rop a.s a w hole will average' abou t tw o weeks laic," th e d c p a r tn ic n t aai<l. n f Jo ly 7-9, particularly in th e U p p er S nake river -alley, d id v a ry in g damage.

Boy Saved-From E)itch“

Fail’ Quarter Horse Event

HfsHSchedtdetlAn approved quarte r horse show,

both In the Ixilter ond working ■.lasses, will bo held each ofter- loon of the threc-dny Twin Palls county fair Sept. 3, -4 and 6, spon. sored by the Filer fa ir board. re> jorui Mrs. A, E. W hite. T»'ln Fallj, lecretary of th e board. ^

The Dhow will be held as alter- )oon prandstnnd entertainment viih nine classca cjicIi-dBy.-En- rie* for the event cicoe a t 1 pm

Wednesday. Sept. 2. En try forms may be obUined n t th e Filer fair ifnee. Frontier lUdinit '

highlights inTodoy’s T im o j- N o w i ,N n I _ oavem or Faubu-i

^ n e i l ur,e troops if necea- ^ f t Arkansftj integration

ia.1110 potato forecast be- “* year, President Etoen- -^'r» labor bill kcLs house a p -

Bank employes to o.islat j^« !e rcade tickets. Qoodlns

^ Ir has Bood crowds a t

v ^ „ ’-W opl. leader crlticbes Burenu,

^ «--EditorIal: “Test o f f- «>nner!i"; Views Of O thers. ^ Drivers and SaXety." .

■’ - Church says Idaho j^oore federal funds tUan U

^ ^ C h u rch services.5 ' *»~Chcrry pie bok ln j

I’-O urley team beat* in *une softball tonr-

Equlpment company and from >lrs. White, who lives in tlie sec* ond hoate east of K U X on FJlza. beth boulevard.

Thursday events include open elass Jumpers, w estern horseman- ihlp. parade o t « brecd-v Junloi quarterhorse reining, jwny class quarter mile race, matched pairs rexas barrel and w estern stock ' or«e cow cutting.

Classes for Friday'* show .... Jmpera. western horsemanahip

rade of breeds, senior regulation quarter horse reining, western pleasure, pony race, family west- m . working cow horse

Uona] cutting horse.Concluding the three-day show

Saturday are Jumpers obsuicle children's champion horsemanship pamde of b reed \ costume class, western ptea.<mre, dinner bell derby, western pleasure ‘ • • .

Baseball TodayAMEniCAN LEAGUE

Clilcago a t K ansas City, Cleve­land a t Detroit. Boston a t New York, and W ashington a t Daitl-

, all night, games.

NATIONAL LEAGUESan Francisco ____________Chicago,

_____0-0.................................................0 -0

.8. Jones and LundrlUi. Hobble and S. Taylor,.

Milwaukee' a t P ltU burgh. Los Angeles at 8t, Loulj. bo th night games, and C incinnati n t Phila­delphia. two tw l-nlght eiimes.

Billy Curtis. 4. Is lifted from tlx-foot water ditch th a t eared In on h in a t Des Moines. Io. Fire LleuL Donald Cook, right, holds tb« boy as Firem an W illiam Devine; left, prepares to step out of the ditch. The boy’s fa th e r, a rrlred borne Just In time t« help dig him ouU bIk s neighbor boy trapped with DUIy. (AP wirephoto)

F i s h S t u d y P l a n n e SBOISE, A u g . 14 (/P>— Idaho Power com pany said ye.ster-

day it is jo in in g w ith Pacific N orthw est fish e rie s agcncies in ii s tudy o f co n d itio n s a ffecting dow nstream m igration of salmon in th e H ells canyon s tre tch o f th o Snake river. Idaho P ow er is b u ild ing th ree dnms in tlie a re a and has onor-£rmmlce.-CQmplc tc and in use fo r pow er generation. K jo in t an n o u n cem en t cl' th e stuay wa.s m atle by l ‘. E. Roach, p re s id e n t o f Idaho Power, and L. E d w ard Perry,

coord inator of th o m i d d l e Snake fo r th e s ta te fisheries bureaus o f th e f ish and wild­life service.

•’Included In the program," thi ■....... c n l said, "will be stud-

of production fo r w heat, corn, rj'e. sugar beets, hopa. jiran cs and eoui cherries, as com pared w ith esti­mates a m o n th earlier. Declines

reported In estim ates for

Sheep Raisers Told Foreign Imports Hurt

Defense Rests In Odor Case; Recess Called

The defense rested 11* Tliursday aftem oon a fte r almost three days of tcstlm on:' in the nuliance su it agS lnsl the Idaho Hide and Tallow company. Inc, before D istrict JudRO TJieron W. Ward.

Attorneys for th e .group bring­ing suit against th e tallow com­pany. Raybom and Rayborn. have 10 days to file th e ir brief. Attor­neys for the Idaho Hide and Tal­low company. Benoit and Benoit, have 15 dnys a fte r th n i to file oi answer. Then th e group brlng- InR suit has five m ore days to file

rebutUI brief. Following filing alt briefs, th e c o u rt wlU rccon-

ne for oral argm nenta In the

The court was In session T hun - ' .flemoon for “/illghtly more, an hour. Pau l Sachter

llnued the testim ony h e was giving earlier, in Uie day. A fter his marks, the defense introduced s evidence. T hen the court recessed u n til briefs

day, I

les of the tem perature and flow pattcnis In the reservoir in the vicinity, of the _experjmental net barrier designed to keep fish from going through tha turbines of the powerhouse, powerhouse operation tests lo f ind m eans of reducing mortality when th e lingerllngs ore not slopped .by th e net. and the location of the fish in relation ' temperature patterns."

Normally the m igrating salmon . :e caught In trap s above Brown­lee dam and hauled In tank trucks past Brownlee and Oxbow domi. then returned to the river. The announcement sa id some flnger- llngs are being found In sampling traps below Brownlee "and mor­tality rates IndicaK the majority of these have passed through the high pressure conditions usually related w ith turbines."

These flngerllngs may be

Aide Nam edBOISE. Aug. 14 IfV—Gov. Robert

E. Sinylle announced Tliursday Uie appointment nf H enry Scheldcman of Boise as h it specia l assistant.

Scheldcman previously s e rv .e d VO years as a jislstnnt Hifcty dl- :ctor In the departm ent of law

He hna beertng In Uie governor's office on a >art-llme basis since early spring.Spylle said Scheldcm an will han-

l6 ajipolntments a n d extradition matters, nnd will serve os deputy aislJtant lo Ro'berc Hodge, who ' the governor's asslstAnt.

Bank Employes to Assist With Tickets at Holiday WatercadeTlie Civic A uditorium assod&Uon. sponsoring th e H oliday W ater-

u d e a t Jayeee park th e nights of Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, will be asslst«d by bank employes who will handle tickets.

Employes of the Fidelity NaUonal bank will Uke Uckets a t the four ihows. Workers are Sharon MUler, Jonlce Sherwood, M rs. Leo Radke and Mrs. Arthur Cannon.- Twin Falls Bank and lYusl-oompany employes w UI.aell.Ucktld at

me gate all four n ights. Members of Uie AlUusa club will serve as ushers.

•Vcmon Iledner, who Is in charge of ticket sales ouLalde of Twin Falls, reports arrangem ents have b«n made lo sell Uckets In Buhl at Uie Chamber of Corflmerre olllce a n i a t Uio B uhl Laundry and Dry Cleaners.~ ^ l 'l . i^ u mm win-twy-iwad-at the Flier H ardware s to re In Filer, Ja iper^’serrlcff-ataUotHn-Ourrr;— — " '

ming underaeaUj the net. which extends 120 feet down from Uie water'BurfacB of Brownlee reser* voir, the announcem ent said

Huddle Held To Head Off Labor Strife

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 H I— secretary o t U b o r Jam es P. Mit­chell has been holding n aeries of prlvaU) huddles w ith railroad op-

raUng union leaders in an appar-: nt effort to try to head off a poj-

sible rail strike la t«r th is year.The labor departm ent confirm,

ed Uiat Miiohell m et wlU) four tmlon chiefs yesterday in Cleveland. There have been earlier seaeions and the secretary pruum ably alto has been in contact with rail In' d i ^ leaders.

Present rail contracts expire Nov.Tlie industiy has demanded

work rule changes to eliminate al­leged costly “feaUierbeddlng" prac* Uces, The unions have announced intent u> get 13 Ui IS per cent wage boosts.

tj i c c _ t hp_ la.s t_ t h,re<:w eeks o f t h o m o n th fo rc e d ra p id g r o w t h b u t c a u s e d con ­siderable srcond Rrowtli mid rough tubers on the enrher portion oi the crop.

"Polato beetle inffstnlloii has been very hc.ivy bu t well conlroll. td by sprajlnR and dusting. Dh e.i.w to dale hns no t been heavy nl thoURli there a re inslance.i of early dying nppcaring c.irllei ual."

The depnrU iient w ld fall pota. toes iverc p b titcd on 204.000 acrc:

Jdaho this year compared niui -.J.OOO Inst y ear..B u t th e nvrrasi yield is forecnst n t iDfi hundred' weight per ncre compared \vll)i bumper aio liundredwclgnt la; year.

I l i f agency made no ctinii:;r i Its predicted production ol h i summer potatoes, now belrg h.M vested. T hey nre expectrd lo tut; 1J20.KK) hundredwelKht. 15 per ccnt le.u than th e 105D crop but sllghUy lam er than t l i ; nvcraRS production in the .p reccdm g nine years.

The fail crop e.itlmale nt 39.780.' 000 compare.^ w ith a revls^il lliSH production e.Ulmale of ll.iflOOM and a nine-year average of 27. 323,000.

Production of onions was csti mated- n t 7: 0,000 hundrrdwetRht. an Increase of nine per cen t uv Uie"I(l58 crop bu l.30 per ceut I’ than the average of th e priixdlng nine years. "

Production of sweet com for procesilng was cstlmnted a t 70.000 tons, a ga in of ID per cen t from IBM.

w ere made In foreeasls

JA lL E aA M C lS C O ^ U JU -Porelgn lam b a n d m u tton Imports threaten d isaste r to tho U. S. sheep Industry, the California Wool Growers association 'presi' dent told th e orffonlzatlon's SDth convenUon to4ay.

W. P. R ickard . M anchester, said the dressed Iam b m arket d ip p e d t l when frozen m eat from 8,000 New Zealand lam bs reached San Francslco th e p a s t week.

■The A m erican aheep producer cannot raise Itls p roduct'and cc pet« vlUi these foreign hunbs

price basis," h e said.■The tJ. 8 . ^ e f p industry glands 1 the brink of <Usasler unless we 1 sheepmen cao,. pu t forward a

united fron t to ^ r d off th rea ts of foreign Iam b a n d m utton taking

rer our domesUc m arket.”PJckard aaid frozen I a m b __

be imported m ore cheaply than It can be produced here. KJlllng costa have soared 60 pe r cent In 10 years ^nd many packers have gone out ' r the lamb slaughlerlog business, e declared.Harold Josendal o f Caaper, Wyo.

said "the outlook for th e sheep lO' dustry Is a m a tte r of aurvlvaJ."

Josehdal's speech yesterday was .relim lnary to a full p a n e l’dlscus- ilon today on th e effects o f heavy sheep Im porti'T rom Australia.

Some Of tne'SSO Belegutcs to the California association’s 90th nual meeUng expressed alarm the anival of 23.600 live lambs from A ustralia In San DKgo last month, a n d th e prospect of shipment*.

Josendal called for Imports to be cut or p u t on a quota basis.

M. R. C larkson, deputy admin. Istralor o f th e agricultural re. starch service, said quarantine of the animals h as failed to tu rn up disease.

Astronomer Sees T.F. Observatory

ExhibitThe pub^c Is Invited to swim,

mlng and diving tfemonstraUons ,to b« given by two stars of Uie Holiday W ate rc ad e 'a t Harmon pnrk pool a t 1 p.m. Saturday.

Tlie pool will be closed to public, swimming fnMi 1 to 2

Calif- paid a aurprlse visit to Her. rtti 'a observatory and planetarium Thunday n igh t.' He has w orked with astronony

for aWut 60 years. His work wlU the' ;pfetogrnph has fo rm ed thi basLf for astronom ers a ll over thi world to m easure the distance 0. sU rs,and galaxies,-according to Narnan H erw tt.

He has determ ined the dlstahces tempiraturea, In tcm lU ei and dl- recUai of trave l fo r more than S.<

the Ittol observatory.

yniV EN FROM HOME TAI.»n. Form osa, Aug. 14 to—

The givernor o f Formosa aaid to-' day U ft U7J0S o f Uie 2«8.184 pcr- Mns tkven from Uielr homes In last «fck-end's flood d isaster have returad to th e dam aged dweUlags.

I k e ’s L a b o r B i l l G e t s H o u s e O k a y

B y 3 0 3 - 1 2 5 V o t eW A SHINGTON. Aug. U (/!’>—The house passed anfl went t o th e .‘icnate by iin over-

wlu'taiinjr vo te today a wide rantriiiK labor a iiliracketcerinK bill backed l>y Prc.^ident b i- aonhnwer an d ' oppnscfi by labor Iciuler.s. The action, by Ji vote, handedUibJ’re.sident his victory of thiR .session of conKress. I t a ls» ciipiiud weeks of lo b l^ u ir p re ssu re from all sides in th e b il le r d ispu te over th e s h a p e of lii >or controls.

' -------------------------------------------------- ---------------^iThe vo te on final passaROf o u n d lofi Democrats and

F a t i b i i s S a y s H e W i l l

U s e F o r e e i f N e e d e dL i r i ’L E HOCK. Ark,, Au;:. U (/P)— Gov. Orval E . Fau-

buH said today he is ready to cull on th e s ta te police and A rkansas na tiona l K'»ard in the school inteK rution situa­tion if nece.Hsarv. Faubiis' announcem ent cam e a s th ree Ncjrro studont.s entered Hall hifjh school peacefully for Ihu th ird d ay of token intcKration in two o f L ittle Rock’s four public I'uKh school.^. Faubus, a t a hastily called, newrt conference, d id not say under w h a l circumstancfa^^Jie H’odlcl can ofi th e police'and i i i i t i o n a l guard. The Ihree N e g r o girls, Effie Jones. E.stella Thomp.son and ELile iloblnson. were liardly no­ticed when they walked Into Hall. Only nbout 10 policemen were on hand and a few newsmen. No spec­tators were nround Ihe school.

Faubus said I t was the gover­nor's duty to Uike control of nny, situation which local authorities could not handle.

Some :oo scgregalionlsts clashed with police nenr Central lilghi reboot Wcdnesdhy. Police quelled i the disturbance wlUi ^ubs and! later with help o t lire hoses. Since! Uien there have been .inly minorj Incldcnl.i, mostly Involving Juvc- nlle.v

Fuubus said he had been prC' pared lo take over Wednesday had the situation been loo mucli for cal authorities. Faubus added he had always been prepared to take over In an emergency and ”l i ~ now and will be In the future.'

Mrs. L. C. Bates, president of Ihe Aricantas chap te r of the Na­tional AEsocUktlon for Uie Advance-

o!f Colored People, sent El-i r ^ It VMH-nlav

She said h e r pleas for aid from local authorities were futOe,

aeUj-sburg, p».. Uie taiy..W hlte Housaj-wlUihffM com­ment on the telegram. Acting Press Secretary W ayne Hawks said it had no t been seen by (he Presi­dent. H aw U #ald the Ulegram was addresictt to - th e WhiUs House in Washington wheVe It was not re­ceived unUl th is morning.

If the tisual procedure is fol' telegramlowed," Hawks sjOTT

will be referred to Alty. Gen. WU- Uams P . Rogers.

8 Planes Will Make Attempt For RecoveryVANDENBEHG A IH F O R C E

Ba s e , c a l l f , Aug. n (U Pl)-E ight giant ale force cargo planes took off for nn a ttem p t a t the world first recovery of a satellite pack­age from space.

The a ir force bntlUtle missile division announced Uie first flight captured.

four planes took off a t 11:30 —.V (PDT) to get into posiUon for scheduled ejecUon of the capsule between 2:30 and 3 p m . (PDT) (5:30 and 6 p jn . EDT).

However, th e a ir force added Uiat probability o f aerial recover? attem pt "sUll Is uncertain" since the first phase of the operaUon— suece&sful eJecUon of the capsule from Discoverer V — must be achieved a t the righ t Ume. Ttili is planned on th e satelllte'i ITth pass around th e Earth.

Eight C -liaa boxcar planes cir­cling a pre-determined area In the Pacific ocean eouthwest of Hawaii will have nbout 10* minutes to mov< In and anatch tho parachuting a p . n l s w ith "aky hooks." Falling that, ships will try to recover Uie ladlo- slgnalllng capsule from the ocein

Despite favorable foreQosLi, the air force was working against great difflculUes wlilch Included trying to place the capsule In its sereral-hundred-mile recovery area from a distance halfway around Uio world.

The 37>by S3-lnch capsule — forerunner of the one planned I take man Into qw ce and bring him back alive—was blasted alort at noon yesterday aboard a Thor- boosted discovered rocket.

Children Asked To M eet a t Lot Before Parade

Children who desire to partlc- Ipato In the back lo school pa­rade arc asked to be a t Sears parking lot a t 6:30 a.m. Sat­urday ns.U ie parade will start down M nhjW pnue a t 3 a jn .

T he paraOfc wilt tr.ivrt down Main avenue to Tlilrd street east, turning on T hird street e ast and continuing' lo Filth avenue east and W Uie city park.

Mrs. John Detwellcr, who Is In charge of the Judging, rcporU prizes' for the six winners In each of the: eight divisions will be destrlbutkd a t Uic eloee of the p a ra d e ,a t the park. The y o u n p te rs will receive Uckels lo either of the two theaters.

T h e parade is tpotuiortd an ­nually by Ttt’ln Falls merchanis cooperating with the city ;^ k . i and recreaUon depnrtm enl. The event la tupe rvU e l'by Ernest

p o itm ent tlafX.

Cubans Claim Plane Used by Batista Taken-HAVANA7-*nffr--l<--tn'-i-<?ubBi

army headquarlisra t o d a y ah nounced th e capture of an arms laden plane flown by the pilot who ferried ex-presdent Pulgencio Ba­tista ta to exile.

T he arm y said the plane was captured fn a batUe In which four persons were killed.

T he announcement u ld ~ 'lh e plane, carrying 10 persons and a cargo of arms for anU -C astro countcnoyolullonarlt5._.wfts..,pm: bushed as I t landed from Uie Do- minican Republic a t Trinidad, s town on Cuba's south coast.

Two occupants of the plane and two soldiers of prim e Minister F i­del Castro's army were killed in tho batUe, the announcement said, and other occupants of the plasg

T he arm y communique was the first official announcement of Uie landing of any Invasion foree In Cuba since, Uie government re­ported a n anU-Castro conspiracy

week ago.Unconfrmed reports had been

current In H avana'-'earlier tha t anU-Caslro forces had'seized Trin­idad and Its airfield. The town had been Isolated for four days'

eommunlcaUon blackout.T he arm y said the captured

plane was piloted by Leut. Col. An­tonio Soto, who flew Batista (0 the D o m in ic Republic last New Year’s day.

T he announcement ended with Uie s u tc m e n t th a t C asbo would tell th e nation about the conspir­acy against his govemmenf by radio and televLilon tonight. I t did not give the Ume.

Castro -Kiui believed In the Trin' Idad area, where earlier reports had said, groups of counterrevolu­tionary holdouts had taken to the hills nfter clashing w ith govers- ment forces Sunday.


8en .H ubert M. Humphrey. Minne­sota, sold today he plans to enter Uie Wisconsin DcmocraUc presi­dential primary next April 5.

NEWS BULLETINSTOKYO, Aug. 14 (UPD—The secon(&phoon In a week lashed Japan

UKiay wiUi torrential rains ond w lnds^p to 135 miles per hour, leav- Ing 132 persons dead. Injured or m,lsslng and driving 00.000 families from their homes. ' . .

WASHINGTON. Aug. 14 (W PD-Tbe tn tm U t e commerec eoam ls- Sion loday act a pnbUe hearing Sept. I a t Roseburg.'Ore., to detennlae the canse of Jait wetk’i dynamlU exploalon which killed 12 Dcnoni and iBjored abont 50 oUien a t lUwebnrg, penon*

VANDENDEnG'AIR FORCE JjABE; C a lif . Aug. 14 (D P I)-A Thor ntermedlate ballUUo a lnO e was fired over th e PacuTm U tile

range here loday In t ^ foarth nceessfn] tra in ing U oneh b r a BriUsh R o y a le r force crew. The gleaming white, m l r t e * ^west ^ lU pad overlooking t ^ o c e a n he re ” t

147 Republiciins voting fo r . th e adm inislra tion - backed proposnl. Voting aKulnsi it were only 125 Democrats and three Re- publicnti.v

T lie top-heaiy mnjnrily w as,in Rhorp lo Uu- c<);iiin>rallvc- ly tig h t 220-201 vote Tlairwlay

•hen the bill wtalherrd lU major . » t o i ' a flubslllutc lor n more m oderate measure backed by Dcm-

:r iit lc leaders.T lie provisions of the hou.'.c vers­

ion. however, etlll face opptutllon from ndvociiic.1 of softer treatm ent w hen sennie nnd hoiue conferees a lt dow n later to compromise their dlfferencea.

. linniedlayclySffter pa.wlng the bm th e hoUM asked a conference w ith the scnnle to work out on ngrccm cnt. Tlie senate is In re-

:fj« unlll'W onday.T lic hOusc-paucd bill now goes

back lo the senate for compromise w ith the differing version passed th e re la s t April.

J u s t before final pisiage todny, Uie iiouie defeated 270-M0 a move to bend Uie bill back to the. house labor committee. Tills action clear­ed th e way for a vote on pass.ige.

y iie motion to send Uie bill back I committee a parllanientAry

m aneuver, designed lo block lo ft- ' d itch Democratic efforts to revive a bUl backed by Deffloc.*atic lead-

Youth Sought For Stabbing .liL.Ai’ea Cafe_K u p a r i ; ■A’a;." i* ^ jm u a o i t t ' ■

county offidala were searching to­day to e a ymmg Mexican who statH bed a i e n Morrison, 'Paul. Tburs-'. day n ig h t In a Heybum 'cafe, i Morrlifbn received a chest w ound. about la inches In length which re ­quired about M sUfchu to close.' He w as taken lo a -Rupert phy-- slclon'a office for treatment.

According lo Deputy Sheriff H oward Platt, several men In tho

had been exchanged a'hen a small M exican youUi stepped Into tho group, stabbing Mortlsoa

O fficers said they wanted to find the M exican before'abrasions heal-

h is face.

Subpoena for McClellan Is~— Given Union

WABHINGTOK. Aug.14 UtV-De- tro it T eam sien union official WU- 'Ham Bufallno had a subpoena served today on Sen. John L. Mc­Clellan. D., Ark., chairman of the senate rackets probes.

B ufallno has had scms heated clashes with the committee In Ita InvesUgaUons of the Teasutera.

U eC leltan told a reporter he had been aerved with the subpoena thla m orning. I t calls him to tesUfy a t a p re - tr ia l hearing Sept. 15 In a th ree a n d one-half million dollar e dem l court suit Bufallno and a

group of retaUvea have filed here igalnst Time, I n t . pubUshers of

T im e magazine.McClellan tald the subpoena

caUed for him to produce “W .un - prlvUeged books, records, docu- m enta. da ta and other tanglbla m a tte r" reUUng to Issues In the- case.

'I don 't have any unprivileged docum ents th a t I know of," Mc­Clellan said, but added th a t h e ' would respond to Uie slibpoena.

H e aaid he assumed th a t ‘‘u n - - privileged" m eant documents a n d . o ther tangible m atter no t su r- rouilded w ith ■ congressional Im­m un ity from being subpoenaid u n - icjs th e senate consents.

T. F. Man Passes AccountantTest

B O IS E , Aug. 14 ( tn > n -T c n Ida:-. hoana passed the examination for Id ah o certified public aecouniant eerUflcatea, the bureau :of occu­p a tio n a l licensing reported today.

T h e y a re Thomas P. Ham m er. . B oise: Robert William Clark ;and . - J o h n M . McMlnn, Moscow; Jam es ,W. D odds. Tn'ln Falls; Donald Hess, W anace: Jffhn Boyd S o n , F i r th : Jo h n W. McHugh. O ieur r d’A lene; Jam es D. MWdlekauIf. Lew tston, and Charles E. Obendorf. ' Caldwell.

E xam lnation i were ..held Im« M ay. All 10 must sUU fu inn ex - : perlence requirements befor»,thetr- i-> certif ica te s are Issued. - ‘ .

I t i e bureau tald e een tly were ti--------

Page 2: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay



TbreeNaJjbed FoJr Speeding By Radar Net

trm s Pkt* Oil)B uchaiun lU eet, » u cit'd r*IIiiro W-Tleld ihe rlgbt-or. woy •r(« r an •ecidenl « t 1:18 pjn. •nsiasiJay two roUes west or South Park. wlUi ft c*r driven by DdtUo nod rlfuet. 17. b o i 311. T »m W U . w ho 'u -u dt«d for hAvlng no {txir- e n JlcenM.

D u iuges of (SO to Uie'IeK reu fender of (he Rum iUM n car nnd M to the Rodrlsuez car «e:'< re­ported. Twin F aIU county flhcrJff Jnmes H. Beahftin and Deputy aherlff W»ynj Hankliu Jnve»u- gated.

O'NelJ D. Taytom , 17. 4U Van ■ Buren stfeet, n-ita fined and cojtj and h it llcerue wsa suspend' ed for 00 days by Twin FalU Jus­tice of Ihe Peoec Oeorsc E- 8cott for speeding. lie was d ied by itatc poUcq after an acctdcnt early Thursday momlntf a t ihe Inlcrjcc- tlon of Wjhft'nys M and 74.'

Weather, Temperatures

House OK’s

W VZ'DAY FXDHECAST. BATORDAY THROCOH WEDNESDAY— Tem perattues averafUig near normal w ith alovlj rUlos trend through Wednesday. Little or oo preclpltaUon. . i

MAOIC VAtLEY—Falr * llh rUJng (emperaluie* throDgh BatonJay. lilch today 75 to 8i, and abcot fl»e degree* tu m t r buCorday. Low toQlgbt 47 to S7. Law U il night, 36; U a t 8 a a . ; 7( a t noon. ^ >•

NORTHEHN IDAHO-«osUy lunny today, partly cloudy tonleht and early Salurdoy. beeomlnft fair Saturday afKnioon, fn Panhanaie. pan iy cloudy lonlslit and SBlurday. A Utllc »»micr uW i lilgh both days 7B to e8, low tonight 45 to S3.

..................... i

........VODm Mdn»r.".;;" ' T . I I ' »>Vrtrolt ...............••• ••. »*»ort Woilh ________

............ .........liltnt _________— 71lonaluiu ...................... »JffcHtnifwK# .... ...... - »>

OVUhoni. Clijr ^ ____1h

I'urll.n.l, Orfc .'I____JUrlJ Clir ...................tlkhmonil ......... .........

(FnB Pw> Ob<>to committee, th e re would hare been no labor conUol legislation beforQ the house.

T he houM on a surprtalng 2tO' 301 roll call ro lo had given alt but the ftnkl approval to the m euure Thursday.

I t gave President ElKnhower .. smashing trium ph In the bitter months-long struggle orer the ex­te n t of curbs on racketeerlrfg and abuses of power In the labor* management field.

From Ills Tocitlon taeadquarten a t OeUysburg, Po., Elsenhower hailed the house ttctlon u giving cause for “real hope th a t the

-^congress vlll ultim ately p u a a good labor reform bill."

B u t ATL-Cto President Oeorge Meany tald In it aUtement. " It wa«' n o t a to i« on the luue of corruption. I t w u a vote to.punUh honest labor.-

T he admlnUtraUon-backed bill, sponsored by Representatives Phil M. Landrum. D.. Oan and Robert P. O rtifin , M Jch, meeU most o{ th e objectives set forth by Elsenhower In a nationwide radio-

uTV appeal la s t week for "lough" nform a.

Amon» other things. U provides ■weeping bans on secondary boy- cotta and "ho t cargo" agreements, prohibit* *T>!«ctonaH" picketing u> force employes in to labor unions, requires unions to report the ir fin­ance*, to the aecretaty of labor, prescribes ftaw claZ accountabllKy lo r imtons. and acts up new rules fo r handling **no man's land" labor disputes.

Seoandaiy boycotts and “hot cargo- clausea a re sometlmw used to apply Indirect pressure to

(Urvctly Involved In pute.

'N o man's land" c au s are iniall local disputes,- usually without in- te rs tito tapUeatlons, which the national labor relations board de­clines to handle for pratUcal reas­ons and which th e sta tes are pro­hibited by law from handling.

T o give parUclpants In thcM iso. la ted local disputes a place to

______ W n g their grievances, the U n -J. a ram =qriffln lrtlt-w w iid-allow ~tt I I ' s ta tes or their agenclw to Uke ov< l| I > «h e r« the NLBB declines Co act.

RUPERT - Rosary will bo . . cited for Vincent Paul Blehl a t B pm . Sunday at the Walk mor­tuary. Requiem M au will be cel­ebrated a t , 10 a,m. Monday a t St. Nicholas Catholic church by tlie Rev, Mnlachy McNeill. Concluding rites will be held a t tlie Rupert cemetery;

TWIN FALLS — Funeral serv­ices for Edward L. Hotlman will be held nt 3:30 pm . Monday a l the Immanuel Lutheran church with the Rev. O- A. Rathjen officiating. Final rltca will be held a t Sunset Memorial park. Friends may call a t Uie- W hite mortuary Sunday and until ^ pm . Monday.

TWIN FALLS—Funeral services for OJfford E, XJurk wlU b« held a t 10 a m . Saturday a t the Rey­nolds chapel on Aildlson avenue east with th e Rev. John B. SlRu of the Kimberly Methodist church of­ficiating. Final rites »1I1 be held o t Sunset Memorial park with mili­tary rites a t gravejlde. Friends

call Friday evening and S a t- ly unJUl lime of services.

M' i| »■

Mafffc Valley Memorial'v isiting hours are from 3 to 4

and 7 to a pjn . In the maternity ward; In a ll ethers, from 11 a m . ■ > 8 pm . ‘

ADMITTED Mrs. Dale .iStcenun, M n . o tto

Olson and Mta. Clarence P. H or-

Larry D utltr. Gregory A. Rills and Dennis L. Hills, all Jenm e: Mrs, lenry Schaellcr and M n. W aller

B Ehlera, both Eden; Mrs. Olcn Brock, Ooodlng: Donald P. Dritz, lansen. and Mrs. Edgar Oben*

chlan, Pino.DISMISSED

XtVa. Carl McCarty, Norman Pohl, KenenUi Duncan. Addle Jane phllllps and Mra, Orlo Wil­liams. a ll TA'ln Falls; Iris Ledbet.



DeathTakes Mrs. Butler

OOODINO, Aug, I t - M rs . Net­tle We4?b Butler, 73. died a t the Ooodlng Memorial hoapiial-Tliurs- day afternoon a fte r a long Illness.

She was bom In Illinois, July 30, 3887. and vna mnrrted to Hen­ry Webb. July o. 1B03. They moved t a OasUeford in 1919. died in 1028.

S he was m arried to Mont E. S u t­le r June 13, 1831. They came to O oodlng from Castleford In 1037 Mid have farm ed n o r th v u t of O oodlng to r th e past 22 year*. M rs. BuUer was a lifelong member o f th e BaptUi church and belODg-

- ed to the Ooodlng Grange.Surrlrora Include h e r husband,

two sons, Ja ck Webb, air force academy. Colorado, and Oral But­le r. Bell, C am ,: two brothers, L u th e r Rouse, Buhl, and Ciyda Rouse, Portland; four crandehll- d rcn and one great-grandchlld.s

Bervlees wUl be held a t 11 a n lifonday a t thew ith the Rev. Elmer Nelf officU a tln s . Last rltea wlU be held In the BuhlycemeUry a t 1 p m . Monday, m e n d s may call a t the chape? Sat-

- u rday afternoon and unUl tln o of service.

V eteran of Civil W arN ear Death

HODSTON. T ex , Aug. 14 T h o only surviving veteran ot tlie Civil war’s fighting. 116-year-old ■Walter WJUloms, hovered near d e a th today.

W illiams refused food yesterday ta U o g only a few drops o{ gclaUn a n d ffiiUc th e n ight before.

H b condition was described »a very poor a fte r a bout with pneu-

K e c p tb e W h llo F lag o f S i i to ty F ly in g

, f / o u > f i v ' e d a v i w t t M ^ t atraHio W pur ^agio

School’s Start ScheduleTold ForMurtaugliMURTAUOH, Aug. 14 — Mur-

laush schools will open Aug. 24 with regtstratloQ ot all grades to be eomplcud by noon.- Regular schedules will start Tuesday, Aug, 25. ,

All buses will run on regular schedule the morning of Aug. 24 and 'Will return students « t ooon the same day. Hot lunches will begin Aug. 2S.

Registration fee for high scUmI and junior high school will be V M which Includes student ac­tivity llckeU There will be no book lee rental for any student and no regbtratlon .Kc for students under the seventh grade.

The faculty Includes pruiclpsi Devan Anderson, guidance, ingllsh and basketball coach; Tom Toliver, commerce, science and footbsll coach; Quentin Markwell, voca­tional agriculture; Ljiweena LUUe. vocational homemaklng; Dave Wlnborg, social science, history; Tom Whitaker, band, voca] music,

WENDELL — Private graveside services for Caro] U iren Ambrose Infant daughter o f 'M r. and Mrs. Neal Ambrose, will be held a t 10

1. Saturday In the Wendell ctm tlery with the Rev, ClMd Bo- Uek officiating.

TW IN .PA LLS-Funeral aervlcrs for William Arthur w b lto wilt be held a t 3:30 pm . Saturday a t the White mortuary chapel with the Rev. Paul Kenny officiating. Final riles will be held Tuesday st Greenwood cemetery. Lexington, Nebr. Tlie family suggests m e­morials to Uie American H eart fund.

OOODINO—Funeral services for Mrs. K ettls Webb B utler will be held a t 11 a. m. Monday in the Thompson funeral chapel w ith the Rev. Elmer Neff, Ooodlng Bnpt: m inister, officiating. F riends may call a t the chapel from Saturday

tlcj, irlgometry, physics, chemls- tO ': Paul Slater.

Paul Slater. Junior high school .utlnclDal-. .and _ ioac!i:_M *rsn jc i •ndd, sixth grofle; Mrs. Tom W hli- akcr, flfUi grade; Sam Lemon.' ac- ccleraled classes (or fourUi, flfUi and sixth grades; Mrs, O. E. Wrlglit, lourth grade; Mrs. John Anderson, third grade; Mrs. Oer- Inido Drj’er, second grade; M n, Joseph EnBels, remedial first, sec­ond and third grades and Xlis. Al­ton Lltlle, jlrs t grade.

Supt. Tom Utlerback ennounee<! a facuUy meeting will be held Ir the high school vocational home making room Saturday, Aug. 33.

Entiy Fee to Be Levied on Aiiimal Sales

An entry le e o l |Z witl be levied against each 4-H and FFA mem­ber seUIng a beef animal If a rec-

of the executive

Twin Falls News in BriefTtie sister surrlvlng O lfford Z.

Durk Is Mr*. Carrie fittmson. Twin P i lb , insuad of Mrs, M ary eUm« — lU nseq^aS previously listed,

LDS M « l rUnned A sUke preparation meeting for

a ll primary, word officers and icochera will be held a t 8 p r m Monday a t the LDS tabernacle.

Reerolt Graduated David W. Butterfield, son of l i i

and Mrs. Delwln Butterfleld. Twln Falls, was graduated from recruit training Friday Bt U»e naval train ' Ing center, San Diego. .

Permit. A»Ved _ , ,Wesley Sonlus. T a in Falls, ap'

piled-fVlday a t the city cJcrk’s oN flee for permission to buUd a new slnKle family wood frame dwelling, EsUrnated cost ls,»S.000.

Appears In Court Clinton Uase, 430 Oak atreet,

pleaded guilty of being drunk In a public place and was fined (23 and costs by Police Judge J . O. pumphrey. Friday morning.

V lsllon ReportedMr. and Mrs. Den OpsaJil, Loi

B eficIiT ^e n 'K lU n irn t^ h c V r- Price residence. The Op»*>aIs are on tltelr way to their f a r m in Ypallanll. N. D. Price, a former resident of Long Beach, owned business there.

Vlslton Noted Ur. and Mrs. Oeorge J . Hailey,

Hartford. Cona, are rU ltla j h li parenu, Dr. and Mr*. O eorje C. Hailey.

DAV Bfectfog Ftaafied i t je third dUUlct meeting of

Disabled American Veterans wUl be heM i f S pm . Monday In-tbe DAV building a l the com er of Har­rison street and shoup avenu^.

Called by Board Theodore Edvard Dlngman, Den­

nis Jarvis Doden and Earl Norman Wagner have been called for in- ducUoo on Aug. 23 a t Boise by the Twin Falls selective serrlce board, •eports Mn. Pearle Aldrtch. clerk.

Retors* to States Dalbert E. Rahd. signalman sea­

man, aon of Mr. and Mra. Ervin E, Hand, route 2, Tv,-ln Falls, haa re- turned ta San Diego aboard the destroyer tender USS Dixie alter a seven-monlh tour of duty with tho *D. 8. seventh fleet In the Western Pacific.

Trade Name LUUd A certificate of trado nam e wa«

filed in the eounly clerk's office Thursday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs, Jnck M. Slanger. route 1, Twin- Palis,-who-wlll-dt^bualness under (he name of Bus Ccn-ham't Healing and Air CondlUonlns <Ice.

afternoon until time of services. Last rites will be held In the Bulil cemetery a t l p. m.

Magic Valley HospitalsS t. Benedict’s, Je ro m eVlaiUng hours a t S t. Benedict's

hospital are from 3 to 4 and from 7 to B pm .

ADMITTEDHerman Scheld, Mra. S tacy Oeb-

barda, Barbara Oebbords t in d Jam ef ilta r ls , .all Jerom e; Mrs. Raymond McHargue, W endell; Dennis Baughman and Mrs. co le- man W atkins, both Tw in Palts;m n i r a n j a n a i '" T n n r ' ' ■Dutton, both' Murtaugh.

D ISm SSED ,Mra. Robert Fallon ivcfl daugh­

ter. Jrrcwif; Mrs. Elm er A ufer- helde and son, Wendell; Mrs. F . C. Wentworth. EphmtA, W aali, and Mrs. Dale Bailey. Shoehon;.

'B j r t h s —Daughters were bom to Mr. and

Mrs. Coleman Watkins, Tw in Paiu, w d to Mr. and Mrs. SUcy Oeb-

E. Kunkle, all Kimberly: Janet McCormick, Olenni Ferry; Mrs. Ray Clifton, Filer; William J . Mltcliell. Rupert: • the Rev. Leo Harris, B uhl; Michael A. Q m ff. M urtaugh; Sylvia W.Brown, Hag- erman, a n d Norman Johnson, J e ­rome.

BIRTHS_____ was bom Friday lo Mr.

and Mrs. Oemld Romans. Burley, and a dnughtcr was bom to Mr. and Mra. Otto Olson, Tw in 'Falla. T hursday births Included Mr. and Mrs. Sonnlch

Cottage, BurleyVlslUne hours a t Cottage hospl- »1 are from 2:30 lo 4 and from

1 to S p. m.AD&nTTED

H enry TUley, Mrs, RaUlno Eck' lund, R«ndy Amen. Daniel Amen. Charles Power#, all Burley, and Dennis Schrenk, Deelo.

DISMISSED E arl Carlson. Kay Badger, D ar­

lene Xitrson, Kathry Larson, Mrs. Elaine Bum ham , Mn, Sarah K en­ney, all Durle}-; Mn, Virginia Be- centl. Foul, and Mrs. Charlotte Elljon, Oakley.

n n t x n s ' "A son WM bom lo Mr. and Mrs,

Leonard Ecklund and a daughter w as.born to Mr. and Mra.,Wa>-De Stew art, ixilh Burley.

Horse Event IsFeatiu-edat Gooding Fail-

solos by Diana prlth, Judy Evett and Sandra Durfer, all Wendell, and a duet by Cherrlll and Marvis' T ate. Joan JoUry vas moderalor.

Donna Patterson. Ooodln;. piav- ed an accordion solo and Carol! Robertaoo presented a pUno nolo,: A pantomime was jlv tn by JJjirl- b*n Nielson, Ooodlti;,

Mrs. LonnIe U svtll was f ip rn n - ' tendent oj the »t;lt reviie h^l-l nt th e ooodlng grsde ^choo/. OtJirr, committee memben includta .m i .i I Rex McAnulty, lIHKemisn; Mrs.: J e t t QuiKle. Ooodins; Nleffenrgjr.-. tjo.mAiPatterson and Mn. Edward Kors- ter, bo th Ooodln;.

comtnJltee o t the dJstrtct 4-H and FFA fa t stock sale Is approved at the general committee meeting Aug, 24, ita tes Donald Youtz, ai s liw it couaty extension agent.

The executive committee met 1 Ttiur.iday evening a t the county

agent's meeting room. Tho money ttould be used to pay expcnsea for ■ dckcr-buyer Judges from outside

tflgc Valiej-.At Uie Aug. 24 meeting new com-

'mJKec.1 and officer* wllJ be elected and plans made to promote and conduct the sale. The sale Is sched­uled, for Sept. 28 a t the Twin FalLi Llveslock CommlasJon company. Fat beef, aheep and 'swine pro­duced by MagiB valley 4-H and FFA membera win be sold, Encli member can sell only one animal in each division, beef, aheep and swine..

Executvo comm.lttea members

Bc^rrand*jay'-C6fel), both Filer, nnd Claude WlIlilU. Ivan Skinner. Tiom as R. Hovendon, C. W. Dalgh and Youti, a ll Twm FalLt.

Another Cow Is Killed on Road

Gooding M emorialvisiting hours a t Ooodlng Me-

moriaJ are from 8:30 a m . to 8:3C pm .

ADMITTEDMrs. Earle Ruby, Wendell; Mrs.

A rthur Hobdey, Mrs. R o d n e y Leeper and Tim Nefr. a ll Ooodlng,

DISMISSKUThe Rev, L a u r e n McRcynolda,

Mrs. Lauren McReynold.^ and son and M rs.-J.-c. Nordby and son, all Ooodlng,

BIRTHS .. —.. was bom to Mr. and Mr*.

Earle Ruby. Wendell. A dniiBhter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Rodnej- Leepcr, Ooodlng.

Minidoka CountyADMITTED

Roy Cunningham. Mrs. Robert Hlrach. Mra. Gerald D raper and Mrs. Theodore Fujikl. all Rupert; Mra. Steven Penn. Sparks, Nev.

DISMISSEI)Mrs. Alvin Hawkins and son. Mrs.

David Curtis, baby Morrlfon, ali Rupert, and Myr! Scott, Paul.

BJiJTll.SSons were bom lo iJ r . and Mrs,

Floyd Williams. Mr. nnd Mm. Ger­ald Draper, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hlrsch, Mr. and . Mm. Titeexlorc Fujikl, all Rupert, and AJr. and Mrs. Steven Penn, Sparks. Nev.

I S t tv u LBimC. AUK, 14-M rs. Clnrrnce

Shearer and her two children, PhoenU, A rlt, are visiting her Bioilirr, .Mrs. llenrj' \VJlk««rt and her sl.Mer, Mrs. Norma jr iM n and otlirr relatives In Buhl aiiil Twin Foils.

One fellew who ean get by illh putting OD airs Is a disk


Service Held ,RUPERT. AUK, u - Oraveslrlel

ser^lcM for Sterai.Bonncl Curtls.' dw -ol, wn or Mr, »nd .Mrs. David; L Curtl^V were held F'rldoy moru-l .S '' cemetery wlthl

Minidoka eouniy hos-

A modern. Comfortable ' funeral home equipped

to accommodste Isrge end tmall gslheringi. Comforfably appoinl#^ family room.

TWIN FALLS MORTUABr EE 3-lJtlo Oaj or Night


V lallon Reported Mr, and Mra. Mltcliell Hoffman.

Cowglll, Mo., are vlslUng Mr. and Mrs. Veme -Melton and will be in Twin Falls over tlie week-end. The Uottmana operated the toll gale on the road lo Blue lakes more than 2S years ago,

EogJneer VltlU T. F.Norman Crossley, form er Twin

Falls city engineer now with the Idaho highway department, la In Twin Falls ,to review the agree­m ent between the city and the fttate on the construction ot Kim­berly road.

Man B rtoki A mFred Aste, an employe of Young

Eleeltie aign company, Iraetttred an arm and Incurred possible other ln]urle.Y about 1;4S p. m . Friday wiien he fell while painting the large efectrfo sign on top of the Okay Food stores.

Attending Ruasell C, lAHen. chairm an of

the Twin Falls county commission, Li In Salt liike City attending the northwest conference on public lands. One of the Items on the agenda regards pa}'ment o f funds In lieu ot loses on federally-own- ed lands.

C an Collide A lOM Dodge driven by Iris C.

Oood. S3, route 3, TB'Jn Falls, ea‘ Uded with a ISM) Studebaker drl' en by Zona M. B arr, Eden, a t 4:30


Fender' Ecraped Oeorge Thorpe, 34. 1529 Ninth

avenue east, lold city police that IfiSS Inlematlonal truck driven him scraped the fender of an­

other car In the alley behind

8 Members of Press Group Board Named

SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 14 Cft- Electlon of eight m em bers of lu board of dlrecton waa announced today by the Associated Press Uaoaglng Editors association, 'T h e - a i r e c to o ,- a l l clected to three-year Urms, ore Howard Cleavlnger, S p o k a n e (Wash.) Chronicle; WUllam B.~ Dickinson. Philadelphia BulleUn; R o b e r t Nolson. Portland O regonian; John Paulson, Fargo <ND.) Forum; Kenneth Simms, San Diego Trib­une; Roderick J . W atU , Houston Chronicle; David Schut«, Redwood City (Calif.) Tribune to represent cltle* of less than 60.000 populo- lion and Vemoti Croop, Rochesitr (N.Y.) Tlmes-Unlon.

Tlie association b composed ol managing editors of newspaper members of The.Aasoclated Press worldwide cooperative news-gatn' erlng organization.

No ExceptionLTTPLE ROCrK, Ark.. Aug. 14 LR

—School Board P residen t Everett Tufter, Jr.. didn't ge t to vliJl Jlall high Khpol yesterday.

He left.hU Identification cnrda t hom e-and-polloo-»< i.............Wm through.

Tucker said officers told him there were -fto' exceptions to the no-card, no-adm lttance rule.


Z. Thoytr hn j retu rned irom a tworweek stay w ith h e r mother, Mrr. Pearl Averal. Lions, Ore. Her mother underwent m ajor surgery while she was there.


SeeivTo^Tom BiUantj-nr. Lot,

Btad Humphrey,mon park for bua to ,!vVto Colorado Spflnw.unnu T 'J " -Staring as no-jj, r - Shirley DanJel and c<iplug for collVge cloihwoge boy Jcerlnc a l ciii— he u-lns -daK - on . . . Comment^ on ri-ii‘- . approaclilng mu . .air-conditioned officr ~sw ea^n . . . Voun? mnn

t for pu.Mi . ; , Mol'i... to let four chllrtrci

lend movie . . . sn,(!, Northweilem 'mlvcr;,;iv' kevp cust^rly Firtjl.y . ,/I lo sc r .\l;ir;li dclivcrt— jV,''- uiini, t o p i . - . . caiir, with air conditioner n"’ ici.r window , . . And nvrri'r,.'ri Kin likes loj:o to liny le.-j If. her .. ......

Less Is Spent on America

WASHINGTON. Aug, H lUPl -T h e forelsn ogrlcultural iild loday the nvtrnKe cii


i/iendj Ifij timii <inc./ouri)i y hlj Weekly paycheck for lood

In Europe, food bllii raiise ( ta 27 per cent of Income In DcnirA-k to to percent in It.iJy. *•Tlie FAS said Canad:i, aherta >er Cent of tlie iivcr;iKi' wy R0C3 for food, and the Unli'n

o(a(es. w/ierc food tnkw :t cent, rank tlie lowr.'.i of 30 coj-' tries supplying stnll.Mlcal inforsi tion.

owned l>y the Empire ................pany. 141 Bracken street south,' v u destroyed by fire which apread from burning weeds. The T*'ln Palls fire department answered tiie :all a t l:SO pm . Thursday,

Debt Pay Asked SUtewlde Adjustment Bureau,

Inc, filed suit In Twin Falls pi^ . bate court .Thursday., afternoon against Conrad Schick for pay­ment of dd)ts.-Th6 action seeks »J0 and sb: per cent interest from Dee. 3a, IDM, for Leonard Posplsll and the bureau asks $3B a n d eight per cent Interest from April IB plus |1» attorney fees. All coeta of the suit a n requeated. Attorney Law­rence B, Quinn, Twin FaUs, repre­sents the bureau.

-A U G U ST SPECIAL-• W o ih a n d D clu x a

M a ch in tf PoUthJob• L u b r ic a tio n• O il C h a n g e

(any brandl


GAS FOR LESS2 4 0 A d d i io n .W cll — N ex t to RIcc Bowl



^ A f tE R T S O M 'T W W - F A tU — - . —

waa killed instantly Tliursday night when struck by a car'on’ highway 303 18 mllcB east of here. I t waa the second animal oa-ned by Lee Dewey. Deck) rancher, to be killed by cars In two days. '

Sheriff LePage Layton, made Uio Investigation a t Pronk Motor company here, esHmdted damage a t (300 to a IBM Chevrolet driven by L . O. Carter, e i. ParkValley,-Utah.— .......................

Carter ta ld several animals were .n Ihe hlffhway and the heifer ran Into iho path of his car which was traveling about SS miles per hour.

OPE*rMEET HAOERMAN, Aug. l ^ T h e llag-

erman Qranga has planned an open meeting for Monday evening with all 4-U members, their lead-

rs (knd parents u jpeclal guests. Tlie meeting will sta rt a t 6 pm .

and all Orangens ore asked to bring either sandwiches or cookies..

M T T L E C l*


biriNDAiti ri

T O P S E L L E R ! i K € tL r TRUC

niA C D aK veryTtUCKTIll

Alt fa p u U r il f i l i TOSIIUS (AVON r'ru ii.iv ri aavoM i VUII.TVPI NVION

A u g u st 16th and

12 BIG PRIZES■A- 4 fo r t h e Boyt

~ i( 4 fo r t h e g ir l iT|r 4 fo r t h e . G roup

Albertson's l^ welcoming back lo Ta’In Falls, BILL M A im N , an Excellent Child Photographer, with the latest in portrait equipment. The Photographer will be In our store from 11 a.m. to 0 pJn., Aug. IGth and 17th to ta lc children's porlraiu from one month to 13 years of oge. Present Uils advertljc- ment and you will receive one bcaullful Jx1 Ma.iler Craft Portrait and an c n ti? In the Baby Parade for only Jl.OO per child In g^pupa—nil over three Included free, no age limit. E ntrants will be Judged on pertonallly and expression, not

, lust good looks. No appointment ntcessao'- Generous selec­tion of proofs, ao—

Doll 'E m U p and Bring 'Em In to

Albertson's Food Center


G ate City PortraitA n Id o h o — BONDED STUDIO— P oco tc llo

Phono C.E, 2 - 3 4 7 5 3 3 4 W . C e n te r

Plon to T o k o A dvon togo o f T h ii O p p o rtu n ity • R e o to n o b le R o te t on All Y our Photo N c c d i

Fom JIy Group* Made, T ee

UNITED OIL CO.Kimberly Road W est 5-Points

Page 3: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


farm BureauCriticized by Wool Leader

etH t r a n c i s c o . au«. 14 m - Orowen m o -

prt^l-lent y e ^ r d a y mU«1 W .tlsbf.w bat h td c -

r u m Du-ttw edertU on drive to wipe - ■

• ' I ' S j S S ' . nailw .al prejl-, the CiilUomlA wool

“^ ,„* jsoc l4 iU on coa«ntlon the

5?S[ of the wool promoUon and prosram Jn a etplem-

w r e ^ n d u n j called by AgrlniU f r - BecrtUiO’ Benaon.

A- iKKwnl. Civlllomltt Pann nvrtau Federation prealdcnt, iJe»

in a slfttement tlial the r ^ c t -rlolalcs th e basic prlncl- ^ o l f r « d o m o r c h o lc c .“

y i ’Ostivtn cannot endorse the ClmDUlsory check-off bccaiue (t to

» J w l l b l e in principle m com- rul»:7 unionism. Xrderal control

labor, and federal domlna- u‘ of wilcr r ljh ta .- Rononl said.

tindff tlie proenim growtM pay Mf ccnl a pound on wool and fire rtnU • hundred pound* on un.

-2roro-leml»4Bto-A.-JuitHimil om^noiton and advertlalnir fund. The Sdcfal depnrunent of aBrlcullure ^dlcsfuncJ collections. '

In Ilia Jlatement Joscndal siJd «o l Brower victory In tho rtfer- ,ndum -«ouM perm it the contlnu- •lion of scS-hclp proRram ot

- the »heep producers ot thla " ■

^'ostndal ursed nn "all out Mijn to flslu off th is ntlCTipt by iu r j e stneral ftirm orRttnUallon (Uie Wnn Bureau) to bent down one commodUy group of producer* »ha have a successful self*lielp

Ci m Wuc of hl([h Interest on tin Cillfomla eonvenUon proRrani waj

yiijir much the domestic ahefp In- Tdujur Is threatened by fcreljn linports.

Tmde experts from New Zealand uid Australia were Invited to dlS' euu foreign m eat Imports tomor- to». ■’

Not Much Left After Blaze

Tivo New Aides -Take Over PostsTwo new officers were lnstalle<l

I t the annual potluclc picnic of llie Union Pacific O ld Timers club Ho. 31 &nd nuxllary Sunday at Uffildoka dam,

W. F. Bron-n v>iis Installed Tice president fo r the remainder oI Ihe year bccause of tlic reslsna- tion of A. L'. W chardson. Clifford Tunier was Installed as secretary* Uetjurer. replaclns Brovrn.

Conlmliteo In chorne of ansnse* RKnIs WAS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen uid D. Stevenson. Entertainment, LncludlnR boat rides on Ijvke Wal> n it, baseball. Ratncs and races, m arranRcd by M r. qnd Mrs. Leo Po'jlton. Mr. and M rs. John Bum* iM«. Mr. nnd MnM D an Danlu u i Mr. and Mrs. L. E . Me}-er. Cindy bnr prUes were furnished

►..4 Burley-Rup- k area presented n gift to Bum-

Cdei who retired recently.•About 60 members and railroad

employes and th e ir famlllei at* tended.

Honeymoon Cottage, Mate Ai-e Planned for Misf; Baker

PKN3AC0LA, Fla.. AUf. 14 he navy planning to set a hus­

band for Miaa Baker, the half- poiimrnTo'nkey which made history »J one of the countr^-'a first space iravfitrs,

■Anj a b rand neiv nome II W inc bum. litre tor the prospfrilve eouplf—a home th a t is swailk enouch for a honeymoon coitaEe. thoutli no t much larger tljan a coujile of telephone bootlu,

4 Drivers- Fined By Wendell JudgeWKVDELL. AUR. 14 — I'our

driven were fined thta week by Juitift of tltf Peace J. C. Mlllrr for Molatlons of the motor vehicle

:t.Jiick R . Wright. Wendell, and

Cim)LAna.Cort«.iloUe..u;croJm«d W and eoat-i ead i for drlvlns with-

Jt a drivers license. .Hucben Cortez. Boise, father of

Ml» cort«z. was fined t i and costs for RllowlnR an unauthorlied per­son ti) drive his she vn.i cited by SUte Pftlrolmon W. J, Klrtley

B ut the nan'.\v<upld-playlnj role 1% l-irKcly sclnulllc rallitr than romaiiiic.

T lir •n m rr la s f ' wan disclosed ycjtm lny to n reiK-rter chcci:lnR — the sta tus nnrt lii'.iire proiDCCta of the tiny, Konrlr-eyed jqulrrel m onkey fh .it .luriiird a J.TOO./ntJe. Ions. 300-mile.hish. iD.OOD-mile-

i-h<nir n d e thtuunh apace May

T he iinvy U Inirrrsled In . Kiiniice for MIm li.iker beciiuie

sclentLvu n t the ii.ival achool ot .■wliitioii mrdlcmr hrre » a rt to find u.i: If the niiinliey'j apace fllRht c-uultl result In -any abnor' imOltltA In rrpruducllon" due l< pavilblf r.idi.itlou Oipojure,

T lie room brlnt prepared for li.ikcr and her brldfjrooml Li seven feet wide. five.Jeet deepl and ^cvrn .nnd one-lialf Jcn hlgh.l The walh an d crilLnE.are.coYcrtdj ■miJi Toniiicu : ilitie ii < ule lloor;

ere will be apcclal lighting and nir coiidlllonlnR,

I t loo ti like a younj brtde'i drenin.

Idaho Falls Pa ir Guests in Vailey

EDEN. Auk. M-M". niKl Mrs. Dlcfc Llndstrom and amlly. Idiiho FaiLi. were guests of >!r. and Mrs. T, J . Scliwnrt.

Mr. and Mrs. LAwtnce Schullr find fajnlly. Ilastlns.’, Nt'br., have been vljlllng tif P iM » lth hla brother •ndflsU r.jn Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern Schuite, left

■I'uexliiy for Nampa whers they will v i j i f iinother brttller. tconard Schulte, and family before r»turn-

iR to their home, ll ie Leonards re foniier resldenis of Eden. Alfred Schulte and family left

tor Ills home a t Guide RMk. Nebr. Woinr-vlny after vUltlnB hU br^tti-

-. Verii Kchulte. and family snd -ih c r relatives here and.hli aljter. Mt?. Delbert Wallis,"and family. Twln-Fnll.1.

Mildred Meyer has returned here

from her position a t Mary’s collejo or Beauty. D anish Pork. U tah , and is employed by a Twin Falls beauty shop. She is a daughter of Mr. and J^ra. Gerhard Meyer.

Jlaedlne Meyerhof la visiting h e r parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mcyer- hoff and AUwr reUUvn h t r e ^ S b a - Is employed a t the Lutheran school. Sunnyvale, Calif., during the K hool term .

An Interns censumei I! frame dwelllDfi In tb e weatem addition a m In Kan Franclaeo as ahootlng flames and e tn b en fo bundredi of feet fnto the air, depoaltlng a pall of amoke ever the entire downtown area. Thirty pleeei of equipment a n d 280 firemen were nied io quell thla five-alarm blaie. believed to ha»e been alarUd by a 10-year-old boy. Firemen were ham pered eonalderably by a crowd of 8.000 person*. (NEA (elepholo) .

D ad HelpsW ASm N O TO N , AUR. M W -

W hot m akes you n safe driver? Oeorge L. B a rrie r III nos asked last nJghl a f te r wlnnlog sec­ond place in th e teen-age safe driving Rond-eo.

••My dnd." Uie 18-year-i. . K annapolis. N.C.. youth prompt­ly replied w ith a grin.'

W INDOW S BLOWN KIN O H ILL. Aug. 14—Word has

been received from Mr. and )L(ra. Ernest O llbcrt a t Raieburg, Ore., Umt th e ree cn t blast blew all the windows a n d doors ou t ot Uie Ihelr house.

Meet PlannedPAUL. Aug. U —pinns were miidc

tor the fifth dLitrict convention, to be held here in September, a t a Joint meetlnR of Uie Arocrlcan Le­gion and auxiliary Tuesday eve­ning, reports M an’ln Looalle, post eommander.

PAIITICIPATES IN -PARADF.- FILER, Aug. 14-M ldn. 3/cl. Jay

N. DftvLi. son o t Mr. and Mrs, Dun W. Davis, route 3. Filer, aboard th? destroyer USS Edson, participated In the West Coaafa annual Sea J'nlr parjide Aur, 0 In which ships of the UB. f irst fleet entered Elliott b.iy n t Seattle.

B efore school s ta r ts , h u r ry t o th e

BLUE LAKES BEAUTY SHOP- f o r y o u r " C a su a l-D o " P e r m a n e n t

Care to r It a t home — Ju s t shampoo a n d brush

CO M E MEET M IL L IE M E Y E R Sthe operator who KNOWS halratyllng

- Yw'll -bfrBLUE LAKES BEAUTY SHOP3 2 7 S o o n l h S t. E o it P h o n o RE 3 -4 4 6 7

O N ’ Sc . c .

"M agic Valley's largest and finest departm ent s tore"

...has openings for experienced SALESWOMEN!

If you have experience In tales In the following types of merchandise, a n d particu­larly It you have had buying experience, we are very much Interested In talking toyou—

1. W O M E N 'S ACCESSORIES. A w om an e x p e r ie n c e d in s a l e s o f o i l w o m e n 's 'o c ce sso ric s . (B uying ex p erien c e is p r e f e r r e d . ) To o s s u m e buyer d u tie s o f A cc esso ry D epo rtm en ts ,

2 . W O M E N 'S FASHIONS. A w o m en c x p re n ien c ed in s o l e s of w o m e n 's fine R eady -fo -W eor w ho is in te re s te d in a f u t u r e in b u y in g .

3 . W O M E N 'S SPORTSW EAR. A w om an e x p er ien c ed in s o le s , e n d, ‘ ■ ‘ I n te r e s te d in 0 fu tu re of b u y in g , ' .

4 . H OUSEW ARES, D O M ESTICS A N D LIN EN S, A N D PIECE- G O O D S: An e x p erien c ed w o m e n in te rested in r e g u la r p a r t - t im e w o rk u p to 150 h o u rs p e r m o n th .

5 . REG U LAR EXTRA. W ith e x p er ien c e In g e n e ra l so le s .

T o th e w om en w ho q u a lify fo r th o abovo p o i i t io n j w e o f f e r —1. A 5-day, 40'hour week with top pay.2. Paid vacations annually, and all legal holidays wltli tull pay.3. HospltAhzatton Oroup Plan.i Many other company benefits wlilch shall be explained on acceptance of tho


WHY?SIMPLE! -W c find It necessary to provide more and be tter « rv lc e to our


H O W DOES T H IS PROVIDE BETTER CU STO M ER SE R V IC E ?I. Good customer service U the result of a good, welt trained, buying, selling, and

Bales aupportlng group ot people . . . People who have a desire to do a good Job, because they like their Job. and are happy with their surroundlnga, working conditions and eompensatlon.

2; T6doy the 5 day work week U an accepted practice, and h u m any benefits, both- to ou r employeei and to our custom en and the tenlces onered them.77>e 9 day,’ 40-2!our week, enables us to buUd an addlUooal /orce o f h lg h l; qualified people, bccause C. C. Andenons Is a sood place to Tork.

4, The 6 day work week.provldes openlnw for a number of regular o ttn i people on the baaU of 30 to S9 hours per week. ThoM regultr e j t m , plus the new potential ■ buyera aiid full time personnel, will work the same approxlm au h o u rs every week. They wUl be compensated a t above average rtvte. T hU will enable us to m ain ta in a stesdy group of the very best regular and extra e o lu people to give o u ta t^ d l i^ customer service.

.Our employees hare full knowledge of thla program, and no one Is bcln* replaced by new applicants. Please noU th a t only cales women with caperlence and quoUnca* Uons wlU b« considered a t this time. ) .

Now the makers of America’s largest- selling wines bring you another first in great wines. . . thunderbird ! A new kind of wine with a new kind of taste. . . iced Thunder­bird makes a cool clear’drink as light, as bright, as exciting as its name. Look for the Thunderbird on the label. It’s the sign of America’s great new drinic 1

■ Y o u d r in k i t these 3 ways:1 . T a l l a n d c o o l : Load a tall glass with ice. Fill with %. Thunderbird, 3* soda. Add

lime or lemon. . . and you’ve just made youf« self a great drink!2 . O v e r i c e : Just Thunderbird by itself,with a quarter of line. Easy to serve, e a ^ to Hke,3. Before dinner: Serve Thunderbird cihill- ed, with a tWist of lime. Goes fine with hors d’oeayres. Makes a ^and beginner to a good dinner.• Any way, any time you please. . . for a . lighter, brighter wine with a new kind o f , taste. . . say the word. . .ThunderbirdI


Aperitif Win# t . & J . G flllo W inery, M o d esto , C o llfo m lq . .’- sj

Page 4: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


li •( Ste l a w CtmIM T laa till NoiWUUMMi in ' -

. . .}0 S«c«a4 Strm WmU ^ „ j4 Timtr-Hrwp J>iMUhln( Coapanr.

b u n d u MKBd fUM <Ull s» t» ' April I. 1*11. >l lb< •Hk« la Twia r»lU. KtW. «ailcf tb« a«t af Maub I. II


T U C K E R 'S N /.T IO N A L


U BOtkat d br u> cr »)tr pvraWBl «Mmj*boCa<..

■NATIONAL H»;i-llMK.STATI_VEa f» VaYut Ca»6


T EST OF OUR M ANNERS The m ld-Scplcmbcr visit, of Soviet P rem ier

K hruchchcv to this country posca lo r all Am ericans an im portant and q u ite dcJlcutc problem In behavior.

B oth PrcsfdentAlsenhoB'erond Vice P fcsl- ,, den t Nixon gave prom inent recognition to

:[1 f| th is m a tte r when they stressed a n appeal to — evciyone-to-treftt-Khru4hdicv-wlth.LJje.iamc

couricsy Soviet leaders and citizens extended to Nixon during his rcccnt R ussian tour.

Indlg:naUon against K hruahchcv is wholly: understandable and Justffled. I t Is he who engineered the bloody suppression of H un­gary 's revolt, he who has kept th e world on a dJet o l crlscs. he who socks to transm l: th e frau d th a t Soviet communism is a sys­tem designed for the good of hum an ity .

Heaven knows, there is little enoiigh p ro ­per Indignation in th is world today, and no one sensitive, to th e need fo r Its m oral f o n e would wish' to-dam pcn i t . '

N ercrtheless, there Is no com peting neces­s ity to exh ib it this Indignation on th e occa­sion of Khrushchev's forthcom ing visit. At th a t tim e he will be th e official guest o f no less th a n the President himself. On top of th a t ho is, Inescapably, the guest of a ll of

A nyone who Imagines ^ a t h is own o r his group’s in tegrity demanos th a t he dem on­s tra te hostility to Khrushchev, e ith e r ac- tJveJy o r by ircezlng Into cold slJence, will be m aking a mistake. We canno t reserve

. good m anners only fo r our friends.T his does not m ean we m u st wclcome

K hrushchev with tiie w arm th w e g ra n t to those we know and tru s t In the free world. Such w arm th is trad itional w ith us, a n d It Is h a rd Co hold a line against It once we have chosen not to be hostile o r Icy. Y et we m u st re s is t th a t Impulse.

We can be courteous, gracious, cooly friendly , all within th e bounds of correct m anners, w ithout le tting the Soviet leader th in k for a mSment we have fo rg o tten ith e

• ugly role he has selected fo r h im self In n is . tory.

T here a re many reasons for K hrushchev ’s visit. N ot the least of them la Mr. E lsen-

WASHIHOTOK—AJthougb h e jujbum -JohM on determ lntllon lo ^ n ic l a oU ItjUUUtre proerun, especUliy 'on elsll rlgbt*. ra»y keep ih# SouUi'lnie to -the Democrttlc pm idenU a Ueket n » t y » r . tU Dlxie j u i t t n ivft-m m e p rtpa »uoni ror i pouucai wnlkoui, U Uia c»ndld»t« u d lU pnnclplu

uniAtbrACtoi .T h tlr Itgl *iurt* »nd politic*)

crsanUaUon have Ufeed upon


plan» en»bl :g C/ie pce*i<SenUtlheir «u it4 lo c u t without r e s ^

if Uie icliud nber po}Ung. V i t j MUihem and bolder .ke U>« Mfflt ACilon

U*j Ti'kat


I’ T ~“ how oT iiiH w U h^btt( really Is, irtrong, ]

' vaIva i n efnv /rAit

n » .


j , prosperous, un ited In re ­solve to s tay free, having its sh o re of do-

jn e s tlc problems but confident everywhere of Its ab ility to m aster them.

T h a t purpose can hardly b e 's e rv e d if snarling , catcalling, dem onstrating: cltJrehs greet K hrushchev anywhere along h is route. Such behavior would tend sim ply to confirm h is no tion th a t we are hostile, w ar-m inded , ben t on th e destruction of the Soviet Union.

— - I f 'f r e e d o n r i s - th e - g rc a t -b o o n - W B -s n y - l t is : I f we a rc a s well off a s we claim. If we ne ith e r fea r o thers no r desire w hat they have, then le t h im see all that.

Ho h as m ore to fear from us. If a s a s trong , f ree people we aJioujd ever be aroused, than , we h ave to fear from his controlled m inions. L et h im leorn why. In th e Judgm ent o f o h t leaders, th a t's the purpose of h is visit.


OUR PULSING GLOBE■There Is a tide In the affairs of m en . . . ___ _____ _____ ______ ______ ___________

-W h « n the-B ard penned those 2tn c s r-h c |T « « « « ^ m w io t^ r **-w»uspoke more literally th a n he could h a v e ..........................know n. For Just as there arc tides In the seas caused by the actions of the su n and moon, we are now told th a t there a re dally e a r th tides, too.

T h is is no news to scientists, o f course, who s tud ied the rippling and sh if tin g o f the e a r th 's cru st as p a r t of the In te rn a tio n a l geophysical year. Some of th e in forrnatlon g leaned Is iasdna tlng .

F o r Instance, Moscow, a Russian sc ien tis t reports, rises up and down by moro th a n a foo t a n d a half, two times a day.

L est w e draw any hasty conclusions from th a t , le t I t be n trted-4hat th e sam e th in g h appens In more or less degree a ll over th e

; globe. ..................................W e knew th a t th e .world of, m en w as a

p re tty unstab le thing, b u t th o u g h t t h a t th e . e a r th Itself was relatively solid a n d tru s t­

w orthy—in terms of our b rie f lifetim es, anyw ay. Now we’re beginning to w onder.

; SPUDTACULAR N EW SF o r the comrade housewife w ho h as

everything. Soviet technology h as com e up w ith a new invention th a t p u ts A m erican know -how to shame.

According to Radio Moscow, a new gadget . is available that's a com bination po tato

pee le r a nd cocktail mixer, i t can peel th rce - ■; q u a rte rs of a pound of spuds In th re e oi - fo u r m inutes, make a container of cock- ■ ta ils In 80 seconds, they proudly claim

(W h a t connection the separate Ingred ien ts• h av e Is n o t made clear.)> W e, of course, have no th ing to com parc* w ith th is — although there h as been a : jn a n u a l model available for m any years

O v er h ero It's called a husband.

electors of Ihelr bftlloU th e Identltr In Ihc Hov hope U)ikC al suites vUt ' ftt 1030

1/ they do] Jt fouJd m » n th i t more th&n loO electoral billou would be entrely free u id lode-

____ pendent, rcjofdlcis ol the popular-injDfUy. “n ie fouM be coil Ifr "Joe Do»k" under the »omewhiv looie provUloas t t the comUIuUco ou Uils question.

IT HAPPENED HEHE IN 1124-in short, jhoulfl a ll the MuU;ern nnd border states ndopt the Mine stra leey, they might be able to throw the elecUon— Use ultimate choice—Into the house or represenu- Uvc;..

T h a t happentd liuit In 1M4. fchen neither Andrew Jackson nor John Quincy Aduns had an electoral majority. Henry Clay, a loalnf'candidate, threw hl» BUppori lo Adams, and was res,arded wUh Ule po* fllUon“ or»cc7et»r/ o f m t e {I^Tha^the-J«<^w<JnJ«n« ftAsaUed os a '•corrupt barRiUn.’' i t led to a bloodlca {luel between Clay nnd John Randolph, Virginia.

In ft house election, th e South believes tha t It would cnioy uiwsuaj bsrgalalng power »'hh rapeet to cotnmllCee ehalrmanahlpt. legisIaUon and the re- BuUlnc admlnlttratlon'a poUclta on questions which nriect Ita social, racial and economic InlerestJ.

DEFENSIVE 8TKATEGV—This delenslve slrateiy, especlftlly U all southern M d border statea resort » It before the 19S0 convenUon. could and probably ivAuId go a long way toward determlnlns the type■ ' -----the party will nominate.

ne UihiK. It would detlnltely knock cut Sen. H ubert Horatio H umphrey. MlonesoU. J t »-aa hL- stfonR civil rlshta plank which led to several south- e m slfttes' walkout « t the 1S48 oonventlon. i t result­ed In the Independent candidacy 0 / sen. Strtijn TTiur- mond. sou th Carolina, who cabled four italea and collected 39 electoral ballou.

Senator Humphrey, In an adlre.u before the Na­tional Association -ot colored Ptople's convenUon In Yankee stadium, told the th rllM audience tha t, he

'th e ir man.'*... a close conleat. 39 cfectomi votes could be de-

cialve. B ut If the South Renerally deserted the Demo- crata In » houie showdown. It tould invalidate that party'a triumph a t the polls.

JOHNSON COULD BE WELCOMED BY DIXIE CONSEUVATIVES—Another cuualty would prob- obly be Adlal E. Stevenson became of his liberal view, point on racial sn d labor Issuts. Ue l u t southern states to president Elsenhower In 1053 and JSS8, He nia no t made himself more acceplAble In Uie mean­time. especially as the Hum plrey backers actually p « /c f the ts'o-U/ne Jo»er.

The bcnellclarles of such an all-South ilratesy would probaW rbe 6ena. Jo h n . p. Kennedy, Ma.isa- chusctLs. S tuart Sym ington, Missouri, and LVndon Balnea Johnson, Texas.

Senators Kennedy and symln(jton are liberals raclai nnd labor queatlons. but they have ro t made V •’political act" o f their nitltude. The senate ma- orlty iMder. aJlhough h e rfcenUy classified him­

self aa n westerner ra the r than a southerner, would >e more than acceptable to Dixie's conservative poll- Jclans and voters.

nilm xl kr McClur* BrfldktKl


Occftalonal disclosures o f waste tind ir» tt In U. 8. foreign old programs—» recent instance belnc In iha tiny country of Laos—have sUffened congres- tiottal aemuida lo r fuil and open reportUv of all such oveneas expenditures. President Elsenhower has sec his Jaw airainal <tny diminution of the execu. live privilege. B u t It Is congress tha t makes Uie appropriatlona.

Poputur support to r th e mutua) accurlty program, which Is not high n t Beat, is being iurtfier weaken­ed by this controversy. Repo, Porter Hardy, j r , D, Vo., ond Oeorgfl Afeader, B„ MJch., leaden ol « bl- portlson drlvB to force th# IntemaUonal coopera- lon administration to end aecrecy In foreiin aid

ipendlns. are demanding th a t funds be wiUiheW unless ICA comes (hroueft with all Jnlonnation guested.

T ltia ' newspaper has bumped Into the wall secrecy In attem pts U uw wh the years lo obUiln breakdowns In U. 8. spending !o help alJJu In the North AUantlo treaty alliance. Rtnistance there seemed lo center on th e apprehension that publl- cation of spending for one country, would aeate

>reedlng lU wiu among the allies. Tills Is k feeble excuM and not worthy of official use.

T h i President Is wron* In being adamant on the JubfMfesConfrcsa cannot be expected to fullllt Its obligations to the tAxpa>-era if U U denied a full accounting of how the execuUve branch spends the money. <The policy of secrecy and evasion encourages' m isuse of foielgn aid funds and p u u ICA and our m lh tw y mls.ilons abrood Into na unholy alliance with. .the. well-oiled gm ft machines which flourish In the. governments of some countrltv If congrtia Is tough. It will get the Inlormatlon.—Portland Ore­gonian.

YOUNG DRIVERS AND SAFETY'HieM thouBl>ta are directed prlnclally a t sulo-

mobllo drivers under 25 j-cors of age. Thers U-somt- th lnc In their mental nnd physical makeup which causcs them lo be Involved In far more accidents than follows under the law of averages.

L ast year drivers 3« year* old and younger acre Involved in, ir no t actually retiponalble for. 31 per cent of tiie fatal nccldenLi and 30 per'cent ol the non-futal mishaps. This Is the record ol a group which constitutes a t best only 14 per cent of all li. censed driven.

W ljnt cau.'« young drivers as a group to be nu>fe carelRU Uian ilicir elders? l-’rnnklj-. we don’t knoM,- and we don't believe anyone else does. Perhaps it’s' a combination of reuo tis .inch ns lack o! experience and maturity nnd a compulsion lo show off. attract a ttention and take rlOui.

W hatever ih« reason.^, statisllcj, p lr tje i. slogow. plena and editorlnls don 't i-ecm lo do much good’ And with Uie proepect o t OM.OOO young men and women cotiilng of dnviiis use Uiw year, there’t seem to (>e hope of n rc<Juctlon m-aee:denu-tm-o1v-; Inc drivers of tender yews and dnnArous ten-' dencir.r

Young folks like to show up ihelr eldeta. Well.' nera'.i thclr opporcunlly. We iud:e.\t they can show them up b u t by being better driver4.-iloanBke, Va . TUnr.%.

LE8SEK EVIL?Dear Oent; .

My husband doesn 't drink or smoke and h e keeps telling how much money he saves by fr«lnlng from those two evils.

Furthermore, he doesn't squan­der money on cord samcs. playing slot machines south of the border

any of th e other common ways toss It away. H e won’t even

put a nickel In a candy machine.Sound like a a Ideal epoiaef

Welt, not quite. No, -he doesn't beat me, b u t he’s a fisherman. And you know whot he does with all th a t m oney.he..*av«» b? -no smoking, drinking, etc.? -n ia t’ exactly right. I'll bet we have mort fishing gear around th e house thar some of the sporting goods stor

And It's n o t enough to have . normal variety. We have to have a certain type rod for each reser voir, lake an d /o r stream l

Sometimes r »l*h he did smoke drink and beat roe, well. Just little, anyway.

N. O. Fisherman------------tT » la A U j ?__

PUPS FO R K IDS DEPT.A beautiful collle-shepherd fe­

male pup, ju s t over 3 monUis old needs a new home and loves kids You can phono QArfleld J-M34.

Six port-spanlel pups S weeks:d -ore ready Jot- adoption. Tlieyl

be small dogs. You can phont REdwood 3-1648, T w in PalU. oi pickup the pups a t th e Qualls placi two miles east and one and three- fourths miles no rth of Washing­ton school.

This darJc reddish-brown bird- dog 8 m onths old w ill,be ready for hunting th is /a ll. He hss good blood lines and h a s had all his shoU. He's bob-tAlled. You can pick him up foiu' miles south of Curry, tu rn east and stop a t the first house on. the south side ol the road. O r phone REdwood 3-<nS9.


Hip. h(p hooray fo r Dear Orana- mal She surely dcseh^es Uie besi going now.

I have watched for the newi and saved every clipping of her grand Journey.

More power tQ your grand trip Orondma. and to y o u r good health,

Ben Watching (Pller)

KtTTENS FO R K IDS D E r t .Pots:

We have four nice kittens 3 months old to give to someone who will give them a good home. They are heusebroken. especially clean and cute. Call after 9 - “ a t

We have a lli-yeaf-o ld . long­haired. spayed female ta t. She'# housebroken. O ur phoheTsXAst 30T7, Jerome. We live a mUe north of the Jerom e golf course and two and.oae-h&U miles west.

Bbt'$ Fne


Recently I ’ve stum&led lertas t>rm In th f T -N tli&t I don't think Is poulble. le t alone being right.

The m ost recent use of the tenn talked about "tfuest* p ruen t" tor a club meeting. Pols, maybe I'm lu s t being silly to let a little old two words throw me for a loss. But the way I look a t ]l. if they're guests, they 're.present.--Looking a t i t from aQOther angle. If they a re n 't present, they a re r" guest}.

Told Yaoff(Ttt'ln Falls)

-PAM OUS-W KT-UNE , NoUce tb e little nip In the

a ir in tbe early raomlnxT"GENTLEMAN IN THE



P E G L E R ’S A N G L ECO PEN H A O EN -TtJaRusslansi M cClellan had dlstrlbuW soJMisy paTdonaWy rrjard the Aroerl- mstronomlc number of illustratedm ay p v d o n tb ly rrgard

can exhibition Id Moscow u a ( r v td official tributa to a postur­ing old-thowmaa. w ith a bang llkt;Adolf H i t l e r ' s , only white, and a self - appreclaUon which makes Bar-i ney Baruch look like a b a s h f u l sophomore on his first date. When Uie American Hag w ent up the pole a t th e o f f l c U l '. ” ?>. opening a t Sokol- -si _ . . Blkl park, t h e re p****'

c a r l Sandburg In the front on the plaUorm. and there;

a fter, wherever i turned, this old goatherd and doggereJ rw ltati« j- 1st was accepting imagtnsry tr i­b u t e which he seemed to think he richly deserved.

Now Sandburg may'be an m orta l os the Demoaatlc New Y ork Times decreed the d»y after the Democratic majority In the a t« n c « ol moat RepuWJtanj pu t him up before a Joint session of congress, on the last birthday of the f irs t Republican. Abe Lincoln.

tOBc'ther anirpaia 'Ionjrthir-U .-S: goverrunent. ihe big three of the m otor industry, w ait Disney and o the rs os homage lo SandburR a n d /o r Edward Btelchen. whose “little suter" married Sandburg long ORO.

Stelchen has now Jonlcd him In a brother-Bct all over the lot. Afid I t Is no t too soon to Uke note Uiat jo e McCarthy was a .famous American with -a great following who fought to the deaOi enemies and Ideas -that Sandbunt Indorses and th a t Joe has been Ignored m though he never existed.

T h e w-rlUnga of John T. Fl>iin, H arry Elmer Barnes and all other brave enemies of the great trea­son ore absehC from the cltiracter- Utlc lore of the USA.

T h e Reader's Digest Is there, w ith a vulgar bellyband proclaim­ing 1 , butihMC la ho ink lln rof the R«vlew which fights communism toe-to-toe.

SAndburff rccenUy said he felt 'h igh respect for ttie minds tlm t a re operating the Soviet union," Including, of course, KhnuhcheVs. T h o t may make him a good Rus­sian or o t best an Impudent boor b u t It certainly Impugns his spect for oift- constitution.

A woman who had mucli to do w ith the choice of numerous dU- gustlng obJecU to typify American a r t used a lllthy word the other day In Moscow lo - ' opinion of conventlo . , cen t, painting and sculpture.. of th e selected horrible examples have evoked expressions of loath- Ing from klver-to-klverSovJet red.? who cannot understand why we do no t. In a w rd . shoot-^ermln who th u s dcgiyde American culture ond our nation.

j h e r e Ig a revolting caricature ofTEe'fem', close by ,a vaguely phalllc m ess, which, taken together, sug­gest ft national tendency to de­pravity.

Congressman Francis E. Waltar, th e -c h a ln n a n of the house ,un ; A merican activities committee, le- cently addressed himself to all tills mocking Indecency, Belatedly, as alwoys. congress will conllrm the w orst and file the findings o ld -1

I n a crowded o-'flce In cne of the Jumble of fair buildings. H. C. Mc­Clellan, the general manager, * miinufBclurer *ho has got Jt mi

and dabbles In good w orks. - exuberant over the Russian

reaction U) two exhibits. Thay

folders dcplcUng ‘these there’ had been commotions near u n to . J lo t» .-C aU . had planned to give a w a y a o o ^ of lipstick and had Invested flW.000 toward tha t end. but th e Kremlin had said ••nyet" a t th e last moment, ao Coty hod to sc rap aU this. Pepsl-Cola was th e on ly exhibitor allowed to give sainplea. but of a product which could so t be treawr«d and show n a round aa an example of

ur abu n d an t tile.T h e RuosUns have a social —

tom w hich forbids acceptance ot a “aouvenlr" unless the recipient Is irj a posJUon to reUm) the fa­vor. T h is applies only to the in­dividual, we. found out when we gave the government lend-lease-to -lhe extent of i i bil­lion dollars and got In return only a series o f compound, multiple hangovers from a Russian Invest­m ent of perhaps tlpO, net. In vodka and Crimean'Jumpsteady served a t cereraonlal debauchts **•*Kremlin a n d In Yalta.

I save ft pleasant youth two Uckets to the fair, a ball-point pen stnd a n enamel souvenir but­ton of the Soviet fair In New York. T ati days later, obviously a t serl- Oltt-BOCt/fJco of manej’, he solemn­ly handed riie rnuM r4tlT»nTnade of p lastic which writes with Ink. a ltogether much better thon the m adilenlng Iravd which 1 had given him.

C ongressii^n Walter and the committee staff had made a search of th e records of the QUaek artlst« whose a tu ff was picked to express American culture In affronu ao nasty th a t McClellan could only disown them and explain th a t a rt was not h is line. I t U too late Again, as I t has been ao ofKn be­fore, bu t a reoctlon has begun lo r Nixon go t his real polllleal aU rt hounding rodenta out o f the bu» reoucracy. He has come through many scraps In which the Roose-, velt-Trum an regime tried to get him.' In 195S. Harold Stassen had the gall to t ry to dump Nixon off the ticket a fte r nomination and Rce showed none o l the courage th a t his m llltnry rank bespoke. Sincc then , Nixon and his wife have tak­en dangerous penanal chances In­cluding Lalln-Ajn(TJu>n rlota which culled for bravery and poise.

In one of these episodes riot­ers sp a t in Mr«. Nixon's face. Sb.

.w hen Sandburg said In New YorK for the Moscow radio th a t he had high respect for the minds which were operating the Soviet Union, he did n o t necessarily put himself w ithin Nixon’s approval even though h e has been modestly bnck- ins Into the limelight a t frequent opportunities in Moscow.

F ile r Nurse Is Teaching Class

PILER. Aug. U—Connie Cole, daughter of Mrs. Barbara Cole, F iler, Is teaching fundamentals of nursing a t lUtlJS collegr. Rexburg,

thl.i spring In the first graduatlnc cLiss fo r the a.uoclate degree pro- grom In nursing a t the college.

She Also Is acting head nurse of obstctrlcs a t the LDS hosoital in Idaho ra ils . She recently re-;elv- ed n i}core of GOO In the sta te bo.irti nurses examination In which poMlng score U 350.

W hile attending Ricks collene she «-na appointed to the health

nursing. T lie stuff wa.i coinpo^'pJ of doctors, nurse.i, college execu­tives, a n d Rexburg cJly and Mnho Falls L D a hospital represcnt.itlves.

Tourigl Crowds in Italy GetEven Birds Mad, Says Hanit- «tK-iLjDV lUiif r\tnnc.* n,.« ^B / IICNBY MeLEMORE

VENICE — The moet photo- prsphed i>igeoBS lo the • worJd. Ihcce of SU Mark's square, good and mad.- To prove -It. tliey'r* -swooping

dOKD frcTO the Doge'a palace and pecking people. They're mad, these usually friendly pigeons, because there U n i room for them to light and be fed. The tourisi« have taken up all the room.

Everybody and his second In, It seems, are In Venice a t . the moment. We came w ithout any hotel reservation-.* rcc ile u ges­tu re even In Patagonia a t this time of year — and wound up spending last t\l«hl In a leaky (ondoJa.

A gondola Is a handsome b it of marine life, and for gliding about In the moonlight with your sweet­heart, « a n hsraiy be surpaasetl. Correction: Make Uiat can’t ’ be surpassed.

Jerdrae 1949 Class Event Gets Crowd

—jEBOME,-Aug_44-OaEjmn(lrc(l and thirteen persons attended the 10-year reunion of the 1040 Jerome high achool class Saturday night a t the Legion hoH here.

OuesU included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Worthington and M «. Fay Peters, Mrs. Helen Epperson and Mrs. Barbara Oardner, formei Uachors.

Veloy Eaton w u reunion presi­den t and f ta n k Posey, Jeromr, gave the Invocation. Worthington, former science teacher, wcs mn.^ter of ceremonies. Welcome .was given by Larry Giles, senior class presi­dent.

The i m class was the Jargest _,-er to be graduated from the Jereroe high school. B liy-n lnc of tiie I3S graduates attended and

Jt one were located.A brief memorial was held for

Ocorge Overflcld and Dob B rad­shaw, w’ho were killed in the Korc-

i fighting.After the banquet. LaVem

Thomason, former army pholog- rapher. showed slides taken of the Brussels worlds fair,

Awards were presented to Row- ..•ia,(Hurd) Weinberg for coming the farthest distance—Springfield, Mass., and to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Moore (Pauline Bragg), 077 miles from PItUburg, Calif.

Other awards Went to Patrjcls (Tortel) Thamason, most children; Joan (Andres) Larsen, longe.'t married: Dolores (York) Crow. younfTMt child; Posey, baldest, nnd Charlotte (Box) Kllmes. grayest hair.

Bonnie (Brackenbury) Sweet named chairman of the next

reunion to be held In five years. .

But for ludglni; in n.ime an even

lers more c(«n/o.-t.i!j!chowdah, a, » 'a free balloon b a - ifkel nhelf. a-b«fU aillOia rumble scat a r.j i •cottcfttcher.

W e t r l f d a l l i h c l w c l s .w . ,incs we couldn’t «::u;a b rcnuif c>f the prjcr<,

couldn’t afford to lU) ii of the opi>eiininci;i. »im Ing bu t looks of a-iiiT,. the clerks.

They couldn't brlicvr clers In Ihelr rirlu ^ . . come to Venice In Amru-. t i , . ; ' rcserv.Mloiis, Anri v"-< . • baby girl, to boot.

Nothing finprev,ed ti; not even my Keniuckj Cal-;. fflfmhcr.^hJp card. /, cjhJv If you ehud always workid -Ja-ilt.r" Mexico. I f!a.\hcij my Bsl,hrv W riters' card, nnd tijf ^ for cntchlngU ie unallcsi i n ^ . , 1055, b u t they KOI rnc tio-AhtT;"'

Americans, G e n n a n.CV*:,, ■ OrJfon.1. Ca/)nJJnfi,! xr.c I had all- the beds and all iiit I

de.'erted nlde fT- I awny from the liusilf » li-juv,, I

....... . -• fcur.a

1 Iikf I

c rppfi;.

looking for all the « coffin with a c.mopy.

It- was nn approprl.i'e ftnce, for nl! Uircc ot vI vii.t ready for a coffin. Hours nl t-L-" plhiR with two of the litjr.M. most unwleiaiy nrliclcs urn'-- world—1> sultc;ise ajio n :jby_Vv.

s fraKlcd.Megan, took- half iht cus.>-'-

Mapy took the other ftair tv papa, with a martyrs Mjh, ijJ down to rest on what ic; ' fantnll on a Koiicloia, lui c crndled l/i the oarJock.

Tivlk about blluful tlrtp! w c th a t’s whixt we did all (ii5iii-ii.-c about Jt. I recalled the cwiImuJ had enjoyed in SoHiii f’.icific loi hole.1. and Mary rtnirini;tied relish the nlght-n she had ’sptnt a the ground with Uie C.-unp a-, RlrJj.

Only Megan took tlilna " stride. She had her wui;dcsi iim In weeks and awakenea tcii]; see Uie slghtif,

I w n perfectly willing to k, them—provided she hitches up iklrt.1 and earrle.i me.

(D1»I7)1.uikI br ilf.V.uffcl Sfrilct:,)

T he pelican gets its name Ire* the Greek. Its huge beak Is sh>M like the O rtek pelekus, a;




We now have a com plete line of

“ YetMarylSBplw ^For all k inds of


SecuriffSeed &5upplyAcross from Young 's D airy (T ruck Lane)

the a of Cluysler. Oen'e ra l Motors and Ford, all glorious iplendors of capitalism by con- .ra s t with Ihe mean and still un-

■ Ides Qf the p .m lnr

w’orkm an'i ‘•otUge where Vice President Nixon hart Ws noisy w ith Khrushchev.

SEND 'EM ALL UP T b o k ids of th e w r ld w ere a il fo r th e

sp&ce.aBC, even before this la te s t dcvelop- V m e n t. We fncan th e plan to scfid tu rttip and - sp inach -seeds .up Into space . i ■ T h e y arc to be a navy hoUoon 7. so m e 20 inlles above th e earth w here they 'll “ b e bom barded by cosmic rays. After th e S lo o n descends, th e seeds will be p lan tpd n»d | 5 w a tch ed for chtmges oi: abnorTOalUics m

i opinion of th e k ids we know , itS' c a n ’t 'h e lp b u t Improve sp inach w id turnips.

VKp, TV in:.At‘ HAD MKuictsr. KOR tv rn : Wo'vr been icllins our re.iUers for a long time

about the fU h of television. The final proof comes In a column ' Short Takes- winch appfors in the .'HoufiMiti J{(iaie .Vews. The following exccrpi pretty hi!., “ ' f houjijaife wholutcned io.t lon^ to the TV commerclnLv

Cor.\lder v.hat Ls lii her ii)md. Alrciidy ilie la ’‘ o^Jfd tie r Jfred bJixxl and lai.icive habitand Lfniute brra th. and lourr b « k imIm . and clog- Sfil iind rough red hand'

j ; i l f r u flull. her p o m w c l«rKe. her skin U valve keeps JeUJng out more

!lmn 'BV nnrt hei-moniach add kefps burning ' m her handkerchief. She’s never felt really

ahe. feels only half

,"\Vo^^t of Ml. It ti U 'ing bra; lor .ome



T H IN K A H rA D f



Save o n la b o r costs, do it yourscU'. B uy ol) th e m oJcr- io l y o u n e ed here . Wo will s u p p ly you w ith building p f c n s to fit yaur accds. Eosy te rm s . P h o n e us todoy.


12*C o rru g o re d i t e e l ' i h e e t i . S m o o th z in c g a lv a n iz in g . 2 6 " w id e . P e r TOO tq u o re f o o t.......


Jerome Twin Falls



Invite You To See The M ost Modern

Grade A M iking Barna t .’their farm .

located 3 m iles .north and 1V2 m iles west of



R O N , G L E N a n d P H I L H A W K E S


M aterials,C laystalls

Brown Dairy RefrTgr€o.


T ank

Chore-Boy M ilking Equip-

Pipeline * M ilk er'

Page 5: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


-C o u p le ’s T r y F o rS (^ c lu s io n

Is Said “Lost”- < r ’'& svss& -'& '

■ ■■ j.„ci: laii Suiiduy, the«u'ti A»ne ‘

V ) , f citiT.U', lurnc-J up lii llie " of LllltlinnmKT. 110 nillra

o' OjIo. »»'*

ujfly ciiierRCil oiif by one » r ''t lead, f tlif icr .-r CJttrd r.u. Slcven c.MUt l*ul

t l i o'jvloiislv disiurbcd »nd r.'d Rolln'iK tl'f Ciir

„ r need away io«nrt

— ‘ •ilipTaiVor NPU-'Yor* ,OOT.-Ncl'A Ut-cU.'ellcr and 5Ua bride

r , uc ii.d nii'i' 'Bcd 111 .elude uews- -LUffli'CI' ll'l’ “>■. ,nn-h f i t tUEScd lulls o f cciiir'I

(>) rV.iiii IHC[■jui o': fo-r.r. Mlirrc Itir ucddltie

' r . r v u'.-?c diir b,.ck U SK^ne. u'a-.KIc Kr.5il.itvMiiid. bN tlie

itc i - n id or Monday nl tlic lau st

Flane Sldds


To Safety at Eastern Port

ATLANTIC c r r v , N. J..(P._A four-eni!lnc En.iter» ftlrllnfs jilmic ulin otw lnndlnR senr iiol Urklns iltlddfd to »afcty here ,esierday aflcr three hftrro»lne j,ou:s 111 the »lr.

Four crewmen were abonnl the n-jne. * DCriB. None was injured.

rne pl»nc had left Newark alr- nor: at 10 a.m. on a rotillne tram - inc fllshl that was lo hnve Iskrn l»ohDUr4.'Capt. Arthur V. /ppe l- cel of Cranbury waa checlclnff out t»o oUitr pilot* in ft proficiency

*” vhen the left landing sear Ijlltd to lower, the plane circled for t»o hours to use up most of lu I/.00 sallons of fuel before lr> * juK for an emeritency landing.

Offielalj fee«nc there wn* loo mud) cotiKeallon ftt the New York ilrnoru for • aafe forced Inndlnc. diverted the craft lo the nallonnl aviation facilities experimental center here. I t remained aloft until■II but 400 sallona of fuel ------used up, ^ 1. j

AS the plane appeared overhead, four trucks laid down * blanket of foamlle on the niuway to pre­vent spArks.

AS ncawien and o ther# held their breath the belly of th « plane njulihed neatly onto the mnway »lth hartly a bump.

Visit SisterKINO i n i ^ Au». U — necent

pieitj of Mr. and Mi*. Ervin Hoag- Und were Mr. and Mrs. Noel

■ S s f ' t ? : ; ; : , . ; .

rMr. « id Mr*. Dalla* Rowe, San

iFemando, Calif., are vlaltlnR Mr. 'and Mr*. Martin Woodwftrd. Rowe Is Mn. 'Woodn-ard's brother.


C., apprentice chief petty clflctr. aon of Mr. and Mm. Tom Pinkston, alar route, CosUeford,

O P E N H O U S E a n d D E D I C A T I O N S E R V I C E

S A T U R D A Y a n d S U N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 5 t h a n d 1 6 t h

D e d i c a t i o n S e r v i c e s


, • Foilowing With


-U nti h S 'f rM rS a t ufclay“

O ur New Chppel is ready . . . and we extend to each

an d every one, a specal invitation, to come, and see

our m odern New C hapel and Facilities.

W e’re proud of this beautiful new Chapel. .'. the culmination of years of dream s and plans, and the direct resu lt of the wonderful confidence the fine people of this a rea have' shown in us through the many years p a s t



TO SERVE YOU A N D YOUR FAMILY BETTERThis new Chapel is designed fo r the complete comfort of the fam ily and those a t-

■ tending the services. Facilities include the newest in modem architecturerfuraish- iiga^d-equipmentras-well-as-a-spacious'and'xromforting-chapelrwith-Beating-ca^ pacity o f over 300. Included is a^large, convenient parking area providing ample space fo r more than 100 automobiles.

In tak in g this step forw ard in building this modem chapel, we feel this is our best way of saying-'thank you, to those families we have served in the past. W e pledge the continuance of our best effo rts to further serve our community in the future.

m a J w«. a m e & C . R e ^ l \

f**t*r (han «ny awlramer *»er and inoUier youor

man nimed nobby Jonea waa ^nn^rt( moil ot lh» lo u rsa .

But the record of tliat hung up by a man

- affecUonalely called 'Tlie Bambino" or the "Sultan fll-Gn-ni,- The most-drftmftuc crowa.nicascr in Uie history ot the diamond. Babe RuUj was chullensing hLi owri record ‘ iJ home runs last ^ear.

" a . well behind h it beat miHt of the aumtner. Then

“ We September. The Dab* la 6iop (hem o rer lha

tncet »in,oil every day. HU will niBBDted. The iportawtll- en Ml up a Ume-Uble. 1( •nmeil Impoulble . . . b a l Rnth *ound Up Ihe K u e n by break<

RemcmbtrJA* year? '

1 Mpected ■ car to k « P toing ft long time tn thCM d m • • . and one e l th« mo»t to - f“^ n t ihihtta to him w o food

. . . ftt a fftlr and hooeat

R E Y N O L D S F U N E R A L C H A P E LI Three-tenths of a Mile E ast of Twin Falls

I C U , City Limits

I 1S37.yenr«

w ftiy , u k e , b ftn r / — ‘0 our expert faelcry f r t la - .'nerhjinlM far depeJuUMa

. . . for the right parU aceeawrlea Uial mean

S ' y f t t n of trtobto-frw See yeor r a l U k U

rinnsBih. 8w«lUb Vol.

« kese m o t o r .CO. Second SouUi

P'»l nEdwoodJUtKa------

City Limits, on Addison Avenue East.

THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERSare happy to have had a p a r t in the construction of this beautiful, modern F uneral Chapel

and e.\tend o ur sincere congratulations to M r. and Mrs. Reynolds. ^

BOISE-PAYETTE LUMBER CO.B uild ing M a te r ia ls




HOME PLUMBING CO. 'P lu m b in g ,.h e a tin g . A i r C o n d i tio n in g

IDAHO ELECTRIC CO., JeromeElectrical W ir in g

BENNETT'S TWIN FALLS GLASS & PAINT CO.G lo « doo rs a n d W in d o w s


M A T PAVING & EXCAVATINGA s p h a l t P av ing


DAN DANIELS ROOFING CO.R o o fin g e n d R oof E dg ing

WHITE'S MUSIC CENTERH om fT w nd C h u rc h M o d e l O rg a n

Page 6: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

T I M E S = N E W S r , T W I N F A L L S , ; I D A H O


—Eor-JSC-Said- Legally Okay

POCATELLO. Aug. M W1 - No Irpil otMiaele.i bur the v iy (or » propwed rM rgdlflutlon of Idaho SUM coUffc, Uie ulioa! h u re parUi.

The plan would Involve orRanlr' Inc • n tv collece of applied arU

•*nd *clenc(s out of*«-o dlvWow, prciently In Uie collcte or Ilb«»l ftrti,

Opinion DI»cIo»ed-ISC dlAcloaed a Ice&l opinion civ*

cn the s la te board of education by the Id iho ntlorney KenwttU of- /J« . H had been rrijuealtd after ISO frM ldent Cftrl w . Mclnioeih| proposed the reorKonlrJillon.

----- TBnnrtnlon-N <l(^«ie-lM J-lawfounding JSC would not prevent fom atlon of tlie new collece.

Under the plan, Hie new coJIece of applied art^ and »clrncM would li»ve elshl deDartment.i: nrchliec- lure. buMncM, home econnmle*. jnumalbin. nurAins, enclneerlnit, forestry and mlllUry Klence.

C hante MadeMIliiAry »clencM la ciirrcnily m

* dIvlAlon by lUelf In Ihe llheri«t «ri« and K lcners division of that eollesf.

nmajDJnff Jn Ihf rnlleie of lib- _AT») ■«rLi «QUlri bt dlVlMon< I-

blolOBleal wlcnee. ilcal Klence nnd wx:IaI Klence.

Otlier d«p«ftmenta formerly It the liberal a rta collese were In corpomCcd J u t year In « n e v coh I»e of education.

If organlred. the new colleie of applied aria nnd iclcnce« would contain more than half of the en- roltment now In.the collese of lib­eral a i ^ under pretenl conditions, official! lald.

Other m ajor dlvlslonn a t ISC, In addition to the liberal nrU and education eolleuea. Include a —’ :nte o f plinrmacy. dIvLilon . gradual* itudlea and ichool of indtf u id Jndiutrlal educAtlon.

. FRID A Y . AUGUST 14, j


Mishap ProneBOISE. Aug, H M’ — One-

third of all drivers Involved In traffic aecldenU In Idaho dur­ing July were less than 35 yrari o{ age. a report from Law En­forcement CommlMfoner E. R. Hopper ahowed yeaUrtlay.

Altogether, 3,<02 drivers were Involved lt> the 1,470 accldenta lUted. O f Uie total. 830 were under 25. T he report ahowed five driver* under H Involved In accldenta. 78 In the age bracket of M to 18, a n from 19 to 16 and 810 from 18 to 24.

The 1,«0 Mcldents killed 21 penoaa and injured 403.

Scare With Auto Kills Boy; Death

Penalty PossibleW nrT E PLAINS. N. Y.. Auc. M

( fl-T h e 20-year-old son of a Wall street broker has been Indicted

H offa Schedules M eeting in SecretWASHINOTON. AU(T. U (UPI)

—TeamaUm’ Preildent Jw nt.i H lloffa will m eet with more than 100 of hU union's attorneys In »e- cret sefslon I ^ d a y n t a plush re

o o o tth o te l ln/w <Jt Virginia.

Flying Farm ers End Convention

PO RT COLLINS. Colo.. Au(j. H W -M orc tlion 1J50 members of the National Flylnn Fanners a a» - elation ended ti lour-diiy conven­tion last nitiht by crownlntc n young mother of two os tlieir queen for IMO.

I' UUUI»—«■> w*«Of Attorney! who represent locaLi or cHy*wJd6 council! of hU 1,500,-

I 000-member union.( The Teamater*’ lop legnl tnlenl

■ 1... will be gall^edJiLCOiulilUUlQaS- ■'— b ltfw w a 'to blunt the impact

; labor reform legWallon on 1 r Bcuidal-Mivrred union.

lU porUrs will b« baned from |l'» - the three-day eesaions a t tlie '• • Ottenbrier hoU l In While Sulphur

H t 'Bpnng#, W. V a, a Teanulers- | | / ipokum ut aald (odny.

' ' Car H its BicycleShannon L. D arrah, 20,270 MaU'

rica jlree t, lold police Tljursday afl«moon th a t hl» car h it Gary lU rrey. IJ. 1515 Kimberly road.

---------T ho -w ia ’ Tiainff-i-blcycle, some-lime Wednesday a t Third avenue east and Locust street.

Darrah. driving a IMO Plymouth, oald In hl9 report th a t he had stopped a t the Intersection nnd did not see anyone. Tlie Harvey boy

|i j was no t Injured.0A1LS ABOARD CAIiniER RUPERT. Aug. 14-\Vftlter

Coleman, hospital corr»niMi third c lus. oon of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E, Coleman, route 4. Rupert, de­parted from Atomeda, cmif.. Aui, 1 aboard the atU ck currier U8S Hancock for a five-month lour of duly with the U 3. oeventlk fleel In the W estern PaclJle.

........ first degree murder chargefor killing a boy bicyclist with imnll truck while trying to ico him.

Conviction could mean death In the electrle chair for Jonathan Mclaln Young, Bedford Village. N. Y , a son of John Young.

Youni? told poUtx he woa drtr* Inic hH pickup inick July 1 when lie saw two boys on bicycles ahead of him. He said he .headed hU truck a t Uiem "Just to scare them aad no t to hurt them, bu t I mis­judged the distance.'

Tlie t«-o boys were on a enmp- Inff trip . They were 13-ycar-old Richard Sullivan and 15-year-old Michael Dill, both Mount Vern­on, N. y . DJJI J)nd a broJn coneuj- alon and has recovered. Young Sullivan died on the w :^ to a hos­pital.

as M a«r»le* »o reader* of the Tlmt*-New». LisUnn a re (am U hed by Iba lUUoo. Any erron or ebaofea afaosld b< reported to t h t lUUoa IImU bi^(| not lb* Tlmn-Newa.^ * * * • * * * *

T e l e v i s i o n L o g


rmuAtliSO C u tj Jsen(leo JubllM V.s-K• iJO KL‘ru » . N«.», «P«fU. 1:00 Kriili} NilU tlibu

«:30 Ad<cBlur* In C>«iiiitn| lOlOO lA tt et Otmir IO:SO (ItU Uk< Wniillsf II iM KUX ll«/tlIsM

. Cow KilledBURLEY. Aug. 14-A whltafnced w Talued a t «50 was kUlKj a t

8:30 p. m. WednejidAy when struckby.ftlffM CnevroierartveiTbTlM n-nls Werner, 20. Declo. approxi­mately 18 mJJftj t u t o t iiere on hlRhway 303,

Damago to the car wm eaUm'ated a t tSOO. hccordlhtf lo Sheriff Le- Pnge Layton who Investigated. He said the cow, owned by Lee Dewey, waa standing In the middle of the highway and wm blinded by the oncoming llgliu. W erner w a s traveling about 50 m llfi per hour, U16 sheriff reported.


Adm. Edward G . Ewen, tJ^ .'rav y ; retired. C2, died yesterday of can­cer. Ewcn. who aen'ed In the navy from 1921 until his retirement In 1D57. was bom in Portsmouth.'N.H.


T w in FoH i RE 3 - 2 2 6 0 F iler D A 6 -4 3 0 0


More WoolWASHINGTON, A ug. H

(U PD —The upward Uend In world wool production ha« been reAumed, the ft«rlcuUure de­p artm ent has reported.

Production* of 2,003.000,000 pounds, d e a n bnsLs, (or 1058- 50 was four p rr cent hljjher Ulan Uie prerlous aeason. and 20 per-cen t ibove Uie 1951-55 average.

U.8 . producllon about the name In 1058-59 as the previous aeason.'*

Truck Demolished•JSROUE, At/g. U - A m » a te v -

Chitig.-H, was demolished In car accident Wednesday morning tn-o miles north and live miles east of hore-on a county road,

■The Tehlclf. owned by, Craig WaltCT8.-W , J OTtBt r a i d e T T s o feet, then“ ro ll»d 'H 3 - feet after leaving ihe hlAhway, according to SherUf J a m u Sums. tnvcsUgaUng officer. Rcaaoa for the youth los- Int; control of the truck wa! not knon,ti.


10 Kanoon KintlTsl iQ i l l Jtckion a W«ltni Tb~t»r 0 UltMr V

ADC• :Ut CuBimnk* CKS■ ::q i[» t nun. win Tnr«i«:00 Too Yvuni T« Co 8U«d> 10:C» Winlrf D«4 or AUr*

Animals BannedMOSCOW, Aug. 14 Cfl — c i t y

dwellen In most pa rts of the Soviet Unlorf were told today they can no longer own cows, horses p ip and goaU. T h e order Is 'in­tended 10 save Brain,

The decision Was made by Pre­mier Nikita K hrushchcv a t a Com­munist parly cen tral committee meeting last June.


Cornelius Packard Rhoads, 61, di­rector of the S loan-K ettfrtng in ­stitute for Cancer Research In New York since 1M5. died yesterday of a heart attack a t his summer home In Stonlngton, Conn.

Heirlooms to Be Shown at rJe jF o n jeT F a ir

JEROME, Aur- I t-M em bers of Uie Jerome Counyr HUtorteal so­ciety will p re« iir *n exhibit a t the fair Aug. 30-23.

T he Voleo Bulldljjff ctaapany u helping to display hlstorleal ,ob- Jecu of public Interest', a y s Mrs. Guy Simons.

Old glass will be featured this year, poj^culorly well known pat- lem s which can be easUy IdenW- fed. such as sandwich and Cape cod.

Any oUier Item of historic value will be appreciated. The arUelcs wHl be checkedJrf Wednesday a ft­ernoon.

VaHous grt)up» will as.<il« as ho»te««. including the Jerome

■Clvrr-elUUrThnrsday afternoon and Siturday mornlngj W a r Mothers, all day Friday: men of Uie HUUjrJcal 6“ f“ rdayafternoon and evening.

If members have any questions Mrs Ouy S i m o n s announced they esn call her o r the cha/r-

Edith Nancolas. Mra, Sl-......... reminded members ol. the

community to remember the slo­gan. -Any clvllUatlon Is M per cent heirlooms, lessons and memo­ries—w e t ^ d Ihe past." _____ •


conditions Indicate forest fire fighters may get a rest this week­end In Uils area. The heavily Um­bered slopes will be dry, forest service officials said, bu t no light­ning Is indlcftWd.


FRI. - SAT. Bonus Nifes!

1 - - 8 ;1 5

E lK l l jU I R D puuieNO. 3 — BONUS FEATURE — 11:30


T O B SELECTED .TOICYO, Aug. 14 IJwJaljaneie

to u n u report Dr. TJikashl Kobay- aslii. SO. prolcssur of obstetrics nt Tokyo university, will officiate at Uie.blrth of CrowTi Princess Nlch- HCD'!“ 1tr*t'


senate haa epprorett <:.«s , t a - s e t . u p . i _ y « « . „ ^ corps. II Is not ukt\y la r , , , .- : -hoU4C-Uili..>*ir...Ti,*be like the o:a civilian c c r . ^ 'tlon corps.


Civic Auditorium!be sure to attend '

the benefit showing of



• p rotfecds to go to th e

Civic .A ud ilo rium F u n d #

SEE 6 STARSin our storeSATURDAY f rom! to 3 p.m.

6 B e au tifu l A quo-L ovc lie s F rom 'T h is

F a b u lo u s E x trav a g o n za W ill Be In


1 P.M , T I L 3 P .M .

C om e in . . . V isit w ith th e m

a t th e t ic k c t b o o th .

remember you can charge your tickets to

your C. C. Anderson account

F R I ^ A T .RobL Tnytor - Tina LouisaTHE HANGMAN

•PLUS Ferlln Hwky In

C o u n try M uiie Hoffcfay

EN DS TO NIG H TVfncent Price ■ Cowl Olimart

" H o u to O n Hounto<l H ill"

SA T . ONLYRnndolph Scoii In .SANTA FE

PLUS 'Dean Jonw - Jowi O'Brlrn


P(us T im ely Co-Hif I"H ere Come

■ - / / - il i i i I t

A dults _ ...4 J .n OT he Jets

Today's Nten In Tomorrows \^tudcnt.<i...... T.ijc

K i n n t P Q r r n - 'p

^ J£ABOl

Page 7: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

• fBIDAY. a u g u s t H . 1953 TIIIES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDA'ho

W om an’sC a^ll WuiHS PJjuie

'gives' ^ * f ‘S l l n o otnce In Le*!f“ n

L ri- and sfiid •'there wlU be jea-^ro*> one cf j-our next

ofllelab Mid l « t

‘ wcA'j Tice president In charse , £.™tlori4. S. R. Sevcrlaon. roild

& k “ ; m L ‘s “s

tJiS rer.uurd „ » ^iKht del»y in i fo «l>edulM,

‘ fllght.from SpokunMo Lev.'-

the niKhl It.

, l fL e : tw n «Ud the 'lT I fllKlit, No. ■ (ftt , « only * veo- fev ' minutes

in iia scheduled 8:20 p. m,?.«iriure time from Lewlslon, ItS ' i " a u . ■« B » » '" ■> ■•^=5

Hailey Woman to -^Attend-Training• haILEV. auk. H -D dro lhy Ann

Ouiti lenvcs lodny lo t Tobyhiinnii.

^Four of her friends, nil physical ^uMilon teacliers from Si'Mlle., i r . OP b>- "ff*!rd he cr^up motor to ihclr 5^iln.llon. W ey »Hi oKcnd n ,„v .lonc iralnlnR cour.^e In field hockey for coaches and club and

n « «" i brlnB back to the B„ule Field Hockey of 'which they (ire members, uie newest Ideas In the Rame.

Mlu O u ta wUl again Irutrucl In ki'hrileal education In Che new Wffh l&ofli completed this wmuner a t IJellwie, Waah.

Part of Hearing On Rates Ended

MOSCOW. Aug. W CfW-Tlie first Phase of a hearlnB before the Ida­ho public utlllllea comml.vilon on ft rcQuested rate Increwe by Wa.i!i- incton Water Power company end­ed yesterday wlUi commI.Mlon member? cross examlnlnB company rreresentatlves.

■nie commlMlon didn’t set a *pe- cUie tlmo a t wlilch opponent* of lh( proposed Increase u-lll be heard but indicated Uie »ccond» phase would be heW wiChtn four to six weeks-

A. I t WeCTter, vice president <n charge cf the rate and contract department, testified the maximum IncTfSM would be »1.<« monthly Jor' customerr rcsldlns Inside a cOTporatekltyi (1.13 lor customers Utlnj oulJlde a corporate city.

Wfpier said rural resldenUal n !a vou ll be eliminated and tlie rtpoMd. re.-UdenUal rate», would J^fTMJin''WrtBBeiiu tLUuiiiuih 3 corporate and unbicorporated Uea, vUtikRutiRd suburbs.

Masses Make Plea tb Governor Faubus

' l iillrd I’tfM Itiltrn»(lonalSuiUaiilicil Itoin (Inyi »l .

sttlin im iin iK)ul aLil niili ilie ucilk i)r.iic.iN, un (••’.liiinltil 163.000 Idnlio vi'iih fstfr' Mil irvop Uick to ih r l.iml of b:,ir)cbosf(ij and

IIS in It-:.' ih.iTi iiirrr weeks.

S ec re ta tfnn ld s eharce up slate rapttol ite ]» a t Little nock. Ark.. Gciv, Or^'al i:. Kaubui to come out and ipeak. T be erowd wai dottrd Kaubu* tave our Christian America.” The joT cm or came out a lev » tln ia(e tl 1.000 penioni. (AP wlrepholo) _________

oil a iirn in t day of »chool to j( l irllli poiterw readinc "GflTcrnor

’ mfnulca la tr r and ipokt lo Ibe

163,000 Idaho Youngsters— ^ G o in s - B a c k 4 o ^ c l io o l^ o 6 i i

T lu in;;jlris


li'il i.uoo owr Ihr iirrvlouj III*" ill be new-rrcdrd—a K’nmi noi to (he

. imUllc school].LiiM \i-.ii, .H'corilii:,: lo a furvry jMsl cniii;ilcii-cl by li c dfiurimenl of rUui-.uion. 1M.M3 urre in i. ' lie schuo!',. In 1M1-M ;he lolal 154,n i .

Moiiil.iy, Am;. 31. .'crm* lo be tl:e fiU'orlt.' Il.iv [nr Iiuli::,' sellout a ll IdiitM iiujdr ril;i Tl'r c rldor.s \m :i hr tiill o!UoHr. N:i;nps. Tuln r^lL i iiiul I.i-,iLslon on Ulit da;

PiK'nlri;.! I.', llie loiif holdiul. Iiul walL-v only i'*o d;ij.' un’.ll .

T lir tli'iiiirlmciil s.nj Ili:il lls own clK-c-j; i.liiwecl thill •iracik.illy »11 r>clii>iils will be In ituin

Senl. 7. except collcirs ourt vcrMlle-v About fl.lM racUi'i^ euiployed-200 mop th;m la itye;ir—lo handle the had.

Some public Kliool. atari eiirly. D l;ukfool opens clauw An.:. as do Ilexburc and Abcrii'cn. Ar.- llMny «tiool* start Ais. : i . while n iip c rt uchdbls wait u i;il {^r;)'- 1.

Practically every d^irlcl in ihe !.L;»ir Is ejpccllns lilt iisuiil cnjsh of students.

•m e colleae campb.., loiifc; 10 wall before they fill up

Tile university of Haho—Antlcl- pa lint; an enrollment of 4.000 th u year—ha. set rrKlstrKlon for 6ei)l.l 17 mid IB wllh cli.%se» ^tftrnn^^! Sci)t. 'Jl. Idaho SlaleeolleKc Is rx-l pvctiiiK lo h li'lh e 3.;do rnark aw l' will have several bulKliij linpiove- m nit.i awaiilnK stiiien l' « h rn tti ry arrive for reglilratlon Seiit. lO -i:.

Udisc Junior colleRi i.lari.s reKls- traiion Sept. 15 and uiU continue IhrouRli Sept. 16. like Hie unt- vei-.sliy. cla.w s start Sept. 'H.

•I'o cap ihe whole :liinK pH. de­

partm ent of education »tatlstlrlans are predlctlns one o t the crushes of students on record In )QC3 aa tlia lesullof a bumper Baby ■crojT-Jn-ton:--------


Mr.i. Raymond IlcmlnKlon and fmiiily lell Monday for Iheir home In Scranton. Kans.. afler vUltinR her brother and sUter-ln-'law. .Mr.

;and Mra. Harvey MontRomery. They alv> vwited her brotlurs. Pcrcy MontRomrry, Ra-4 Moiit- Konirry and t'Ted MontRomery. all Tivlii PiiJlj.

MAKF. DOATYABD BAOIIDAD. ■ Auif, 14 (fl—Ira iJ aa ft new iwreement with ft Soylet

wnsl>' ne. . y ^ r i , m onopo^_ia out a boalyaru to make river cr*T t for UM on the Tlcrls. Euphrftte* and Shntt-af-Arnb. I t’s p a rt o f t/io Iruql-Bovlet economic pact miwJo lii;.i March in Mo.\cow. .



2J1 Main Ate. East

S O U T H E R N I D A H O !S C H O O L O F p

HAIR STYLING |4 4 4 N orth M o in Poco tc llo , Id o h o

MoreJ^ederal Aid-Receivedjn-j Idaho Than Giveuj Says SolonWASHINGTON. Aug. 14 <Spe- 3S million dollars more each year

-N o tife lr- . JAClCSON. Mlu., Auif. 14 tXV- The HlMlislppl public service commUBlon haa lumed down a railroad. renuest to clone the Italian where Casey Jones craslitd Into Immortality BO ffira BRO. ••

The commission ruled nRalnst Uit llllnoia Cenlral‘» petition to dlKonUnuo service a t Vnushn on the grounds th a t the’atatlon t u iostni; money.

Tlie commLulon held tho Knlce lo M tract industry.

Cw y Joiifi made the Y ar/» county lown famous «hen he Ttecxed his tra in 'in 'ir j-inu to ' trUe up Lime on the run from Memphis, Tenn.. lo Jackaon..yijj.

cliil) — Idaho Uixpayers receive nearly four-lo-one for every dollar thi-y contribute lo federal Rrants- in-iild proKrams. Sen. P r a r ' Church, D.. Ida., said yesterday.

C hurch d ie d treasury ilcpan- n icn t flRurc.i for the fiscal year 1058, ft.1 published on tlic Consres- .iloniil Q uajlerly , shoninn IdaJio Uixpiiycra paid ihe Rovernment 12’.; million dollurs for federal aid pro> Rrains. bu t th a t tlie sUl« received 47'.j million dollars In reuim .

Tho fedenil aid proerama Include hlRtiway con.strucllon. old ago a«- lU innce. veterans benefits, unem- plopnenl. compcnialion. nurlcul- lurftl conscrviitlon, air force na­tional RUard. nrmy national guard, a ld 'to dcpendcnt.childrcii and soli bank pajmcnl.'t.

Cljurch pointed out tha t the la rger sha re of federal funds come

Idaho due to Uie state's size, Its span« population, and relatively loi*- per cap ita Income.

"WlUi A populatloi* density in Idalio of few er Hum 10 persona

buUd lilRhwftys If federal malchlnR money. mo.'.t of which la collected from th e rlciier. d«n.*;ely populated induslrliU sta tes, were no t avail­able to he lp us," Churcli said. 'O ver CO p er cent of the cost of buildlnic ou r primary roads, and over 00 per cen t of ih# cost of the new Intrft-fitato hlnhway system, Is pa id fo r \ti lh federal money."

Church contrasted Idaho with New York, whoso tnxpayer* pay nearly 20 p e r cent or 'a ll federat

Uian they are now paylnu.Church adid total federal taxes'

collected In Idaho In 105B amount-■ cd 10 {134.820,000. Since OJ per cent of tills goes for Uie Krants-lii- aid programs, Idaho's contribution wa* »I2J39,000. In this same year Idaho received M7.Sa8.000 In fed' era! g ranls-ln-flld money, he ex­plained.

"Tlius, for. every federal tax dol­lar ollocablo to Miese prosroms paid by Idaho tAXpayers, »3£(J wa;- actually ispent In this atal« for (ed< oral CTanta-ln-ftld." he said. "Put ttnR It ano ther way. Idalio citizens contributed (10 per capita, and received >73 per capltA. In llacol 1C58.

"To m a in ta in Bcrvlcea provided by th e icranW-ln-ald programs, at pre.ient levels In Idaho, would cost Idaho taxpayers an additional $S3 a year—n o t per family, but per per.son—if the programs were fi­nanced entirely by local and atate revenues, and no federal Uixcs

collect«l lo r It.”

Dietrich Schools To Open Aug. 31;

DIETRICH. Aug. l i — Uletrlch p scliDOls will open Aug. 31 wlih Uie school lunchroom to open Sept. 1.

The faculty l.< complete except P for the tiitrd and fourth grades 1 lencher, report* Bupt. Oe<

_SoundsJN Jitty_:-p R T KENT, Me.. M W

—U d id n 't lake much sleutliiiitt skill fo r- tU le police to tolve a tjrrak-ln a t an EttRle lake rcat.iuronl.

ft resu lt Ronald Momeault, 18, Alfred Dube. :o, Eniest Roy. 16. and Donald St. Dermftlne, ::0, pleaded suilty today to bri-aHlni?. enlcriiiB and larceny and w ere held for superior court action.

Police explained the youtlw sloU- clRlit poujids of plsiadilo nul^ a n d ate them on the w.iy home. T lie aheili led lo Morn- enUli'B (tnveway.


—B ciw ficn -ogos-o f-21 -30 ,- m‘o r f i e d ; - H ig h '5choo l-educo—

t io n . Safe d riving rccord a m u s t ! -G ro u p in su ran ce ,

p e n s io n p lon w ith no tio n a l c o n c c rn . C ontoct Jo h n

' E v o n s , 5 4 8 W ashing ton .



2 A L im ited N u m b e r o f Sclio lo rsliip s- ?, A voilohlp.

Leorn The Beauty ProfessionS c h o o l-p rcp o rcs y o u fo r s to le c x am jn o tio n s



4 4 4 N orth M oin ' PocatcJIo, f d a l

Hold Field DayHAILEY, Aug. U -T lilr ty <-H

glrU held a field day a t Ihe ranch home of Mr. and Mn. U .«er Broadlc near picabo Wednesday. Tliey m e t Sharon Shuldberg. new home demonstration ngent a l large, whose work area includes Blaine, Lincoln. Camas, Elmore and Ad-

ms countlf-1. .M 1.1S shuldberg assLiled the girls

w ith modeling for tlie alyle show to be held Aug. 20 and v lth Jud{ilng foods iind cloUiIng'projects.


0 0 or MORE

Crash ReportedA IWl Pard plekup truck, driven

by sunley L. Burgman. 28, route 1. Kimberly, and a 1058 Dodge dflrtn by Anthony J. Mnntalica, 40, Oiklind. Cnllf., collided a t 7:55 »Jn. Tlmrsday in tlic 200 block of

I roanh avenue eoulh. r City police tsUmaled damage ol *50 to Ihe right front fender of the Bunm»n car rind »50 to the left front fender of the Manlalica No dlatlons uero Issued.


SUnfleld. former Hailey rtaldenl -V Oakland. Calif, is visit-

- ...•r ilsler. Mrs. Winfred

per cen t o f th e ledcmi money aw located to grnnt^-in-ald.

‘NoverUielcM." Church said, "the aid proffram s linve been generously

grcssmen from wealthy states, w hoso-conliliients-eW dcntly le d th a t good highways, o£slslance to tho aged a n d dependent children, a strong n a tional guard, and other hencfils provided, arc an asset to the whole nation."

T h e Bonntor eald tha t if Maha had to foot the enUre bill for the aid program w ithin Uie atate. Ida­ho taxpayera would have to put up

Police Citations Get Extra Page

BOISE. Atjp.-H (UPI>—A supply of 100,000 atnte police Irallic cl-, ta tlon blanlis w ith an extra page for IcccplnK track of demerits waa received At Idaho state police headquarters here today.

ll*mfl, Cambridge, commercial; an4 Don Williams, Corey. Engllsli.

Qmdo ochool tea'chem are J _ - laV lnna O'Dormell, first and sec-

Youth FinedGOODINO. Aug. H — William

Gayer, IB. Kunsaa, was lined MO and costs Tuesday n ight by Police Judge Joe Baum gartner for pu r cha.^lng beer under false Idcntlfi' cation.-.

He was nrrested Saturday eve­ning by Police Chief Joe Brooks after purchasing Uie beer a t the Urla Dependable Pood store. He used n drlvcr'a license Issued ‘to h im .In .ano ther ln> correct age. the judge aald.

>»illbo a t BUHL HOTEL

BUHL Saturday. Aug. 15


GOODING • T ues. - Wed.. Aug. 1B-I9

t o ex am fn g eyes a n d f i t g la s ie t.

I f y o u r eye.1 or glnsse* need a tte n t io n make It a point “

-h im .......... ....... . '

week. Supt. A. E. Perkins said. The , supply will Inst about two year*.

Perk ins aald th a t Uie extra page would be lo r keeping track of violations and .Uio demerits Issued by tnagislrfttes.

U nder a new Idaho law, a point 9}'stcm Is M l up in wlilch a driver may lose hLi, license If he exceeds U;e...demerH, limit.

T V SERVICED a y P h o n « RE 3 -7 1 1 1

N ig h t P h a n s RE 3-11)37

i C A IN 'S


L ook ing F o r A L ong T e rm R eal E s ta te L o o n ?

W h y N o t S lop Y o u r B ra n d O n O u r M o r tg a g e ?

(ConvenUonal and PJHA. L am a)


L agon S ln ca 1 8 9 2 U ta h Twin Falls Branch Office '

(^om e, ^ i e on a i^il} a n d


choose From The Largest Stock In Magic Valley!


1L95Completely installed over foani,

_ jn 6 i ! e x _ E S 4

.........."FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY n i g h t

SEAFOOD BUFFETS e o fo o o d coifles Into Its^o w n a t C o c tu $

P e te 's . T h e f in es \ o f f re sh M a fo o d s sk ill­

fu lly c o o k e d to p e c fe c tio n /a n d s u r r o u n d

ed w i th v a rio u s to s ta^ tem p tln g s a la d s ,

ro lls, c o f f e e . A ll you c a n ^ fo r J u s t . . .

P rim e , c h o ic e m e a t s b r o u g h t to 'th f t p s o k o f sQ vory g o o d n e s s . . . d o z e n s o f a p p e t i z ­e rs , s o la d s a n d d e s s h r t s . . . c o f f e e , h o t ro lls a n d lo ts o f b u t te r . T h e f i n e s t b u f ­f e t s u p p e r in s o u th e r n Id o h o . A l! y o u c o n e a t , J u s t . . *

$2.00 $2 .00


Page 8: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

' p a g e e i g h tT I M E S - } I E W S , , T W I N F A L L S , p A H O

!l» I'

'TiaflwayjQ-ew Is Lauded for Saving HamletFRIESLAND. Wl»„ ' Aug. 14

(UPI)-Pollce »nd firemrn tod»y praijfd thf cool eflieicjiey ef ■ nllroad crew »Uo treed iHe m eiy v»lv* on ft deralltd w iil: car Jl lcd miHi enoujh propane gaa lo blow ui> this liny h»mlei of 450.

The IJ-mnn cre»- calmly tilled Itie Uiik c u from ih r ureckate et k buUdlt.B and opened tlic valve to pump 'he explosive si's to the u fe ty o t nrarl>)’ «lor»Re la n u . fndm j a 20-hour ordeal early l»il nicht.

One a llp -lU f illslilcat tpark;- eould have touched otr Uie lonlC tar. Ifftkliis the propane sas from tevff»l rupiiirfs In 113 aenm.v

Tlie lank car. upilde down la Ihe vireckage of ihe bulldlni:. «i lurrounded by U iiiu conUlntnir loim ot 3»,000 gallons of propane inil-gftsolliie.

Tlie car, filled wllli lOiOO sal- loiw of propatte eiu, foIJed o il the Cnlcaso and N orlh WeMcrn r rl t ' lo id track! fttx>ul 0 o'flocic Wrd' neidiy n ljhl.

A i {{It iM klne Ra.’ ilo» Jy .i)>read ever Ihla community 3S miles

_iioritiw fSl of Madison. Wl«.. a slate of mnrtIannV Tra.rOtclarcd, About 40 famlllea. ha lf of.Fries- land's poiiulfttlon, were evacuated from a lour^bloflc area near (tie tracts.

When 111* dajiBcr waa over rilUfera ixff»n motJni: back tn m neighboring’fartns. Tlie dwiRcrous la s had all drifted away today.

President CfiSs Witli Members of Hepresentatives “82iid Qub”


’ State Agency ; Awaits Coui’t

Tax DecisionBOJBC, Altg. U UFt—The fU k

> (ax commlislon decided ye.iterday■ (0 na il for a courl decision before

making x I95& assessment on Ida-■ ho RinU eltclrlc cooperatives.I T h t decision u penoinK In dls'. txlel court for -Onssla county ot ' ft 1M9 law provldlnf th n i coopera- ' U rn be taxed 3 S per cen t of their ' sroas receipts. Instead of

wlu# of Uielr property.' The lawsuit was filed to test the

m e«a of dlstrlbutlnc tax money• under tfio new ayatem ta the ran - ; oui taxing dU trleu affected. The « commlaalon asked the court to de>> clan th« law uncoiuUtutlonal If ;. BO dew lalfrpretalion eouJd be >■ made.

naroM Johnson, executive sec-• nlATy. aald Uio commlaalon "must ' presume th a t th e p resen t bill U . In rood aunding unlU It'a nulll-• tied." .

Co-op (pokeamen agreed Uiat If the bill b declared void, the 1059 property aaaeaament will be In­cluded in the lOCO assessment, Johnson said.

The Caasla c o u ^s -^ rrre iR r

r .!!H - -

-'I y.

Ih# Tlaft lUver Hurnl Eleclrtc pany. Other «o-opa apokeamtn to m eet wlUi mluJon vere N ortiiem UgtiU at S indpointrSahnon R lre r Electncr Lost Rlfer Electric, Clefliwater !Pow e?T^pftny: fUltTUrer-RaroJ ElMtrlo Koolenal REAof Ooeur d'Alene, Idaho County Light and row er of aranBerllle, and Ruft lUver Rural Electric,

“n ie comml»ion, meeting a-i ihi itatfl board of aqualtzatlon, con cludsd Itj hearings on u n u u re ty assigned asaeued vcUuaUons.

'yi\ \

l i I ' I

Final 2 Victims Of B lastEound

n o s i s u n o , o re.. Aug., 13 « t - The llnal two victims of the ex­plosion tha t ripped th e heart of noieburg last Friday causing 12 dettfw and dam asc ft^tlmated nt more Uian 10 million dollars were IdenUfled yesterday.

The two. previously tWcd a.i mli»ln» and presumed dead, were M ajtln Lust. 40. and Wa>-neT<isn. •end. 3S, both Roseburs,

Coroner C. H . B abbitt of Doug­las county said the two were Idcn* {fffed by the scnce crfme faboratory a t Portland from body samples, which allowed for a determination of the blood type, and from teelh.

City M h e r s Will Take Book to Ike

BONN, Oermany. Aug. 1* Bonn's elty fathers am so glad President Elsenhower Is. coming to town UiA they a r f not.aikljis

■ him to w m a 'to city hall to sign their Golden book. T hey will Uke the book to him .

Only onc6 before h a s the QoWen book fion# caiHng. T h a t w u In loss when S ir W inston ChurchUl was In 10*71.

The Qol'den book la an Impor- tani document )n Oermany. Each city has Its own and Uiere Is heavy compeUUon to obtain many big nam es as possible.


•lii I



C o s f o m - D e s i g n e d

' f o r Y o u r C o r

Airlines Company Seeks Two R outes

F B ID A Y , AUGUST 11, (jj,

Pass T est?WASmNOTON, Aug. H —

W est Coast airlines applied, for two rouifs Into U s Vcgis, N ev. yeslerday. one ffom'Botse, I ' " • other from Ball Lake •City.'

W est Coasl propo.»ed lo the civil acronautlca board that II ooerp

IIAILEY. Aug, U -B lllj k-,_ icoutmastcr of tro ,,

nouncfs th i i tour »., pawed their life sm n t B:\ld Mcuniain pluii-c

theiTuesddy.' • •— : — .• n ie y a rf Lirry »,;ij j ,.„ ,

rrJ . Dllly L>nn Ki;oicn iMt Diehl. Tilt

• ay of Provo, Utah, and Ely. b l 'IIL i*.vm

BUIU,. Auc 14-Jrrrv k C' .-jppientite pd;y v.Uc^r jcn ot Mi-. niiU Mi,\.

Dull!, *t;tl ftvii.-ii] U, {. . - “-e

I'CiWJii |jni Wes* 5Coiiflt's annual 8t* F^lr pnradP 'D 'vrn. route Bum >Aug. 8 In tthlch ships of the U. S.lunlcd loJ:iy {ro;n ircr first fleet entered Ellloti bay. a i.n t the'n«v:\l irnlnlr.t Beattie in formallon. -Olc^o.

VISITS SEATTLE BliHL, AUf, 14 - Robert

SlamM . englneiiiiin third clfti-v! son of Mr. and Mu. L. W, Stnriies.l route 3, Buhl, senrlni! aboard the . troop.carr>-lng submarine ueol'P P '-en tlc# pr:ty Perch, participated l i \ the W es: son ct Mr_ni;-i m,

PreddtDt EUenhower ebaU a t th t While ifonie with four member* of CapKot nRI‘« Cud elnb, RepnbUcan hoBae mcmbera elected In 19SD and aerrlng tfaelr f ln t term s In (be S2nd conireaa. T be photo was laken fallowing a roundtable dlacuaalon of c«m- oilllee work on le(iaUUTa malUra. From left a re R«p*. Page Beleber, Oklabom*. aod

•and nep*. WJJUaw 0 . Bray, also......... ............. .............. _ Jre Bodge, a member of Ihe Kepub-

ilttee and alas of tbd powerful house rulea committee. U a frequent

B««f E. Adair, la d U s a ; P m ld u l . . . . Indiana, and Ham er H. D ndft. Idaho. IltpretenUUre Bodge, llcan policy .........................................lolfUsg cotapaalon e t Ihc President. IBtalf cagraTlDg)

Gooding Fair ResultsM l ClollillX I iK(i

Donna TiiUfr. tjroiiac; I 'tn y Ho«u(, Uri W; UUlrr. broal^L aura IIH .'a. r. broiiM: Kar«ii Aun 5inner;,.l?L‘’j

: □rculienJacotMOn,

. . . _____BBaniH Dtown., _____JJm. bron**; VicU Jo oKolU: Joaaott* racr. broau;

iiti; KfiillrfT. allvcr; JUtlilrtQ Dell, Id: Jaiirt Van IIOUUD, Koldi JoanUU. ROlO: Cnrlillns Lanocaaut. *11>

Atia Dfancli. <ai\rf; Virginia Orac«. nut>r. Iitoiik; Unoa Uuil, gold: Mai-

• PliUllpa, »llv«r; re«gy Ann___ _ klKer: Tcrn» Madtlrna.,U trj J3ltal<ctli Uwor<, allvrr.—

Clotliing IIMlfawiT Mlich»u. goio; Ann -----

tidorf. Mlver: I>oroUiy Qlrn lUugli- -un, gold: BlcabtUi l/cacn. broute: ^ I n i toulM Loueu. aUter: Aodra

. »11v« Louiuthlroia’;' Vonnip" fiirvunr"»irv«;'**lSiair T;»n«c/*ou, Judy Mlex. fold;I)onnl« HOBklna, bruiiae; MarUia tomif, lOldi ahltljy Ann Mlllw. loldj

aalr« Elatne Wataon. i;ol<l: Margaret Iralxer. told; JtaneUa 1‘a w —

*» IWwmaD, altlothlag I

Bndall Sraiicti, sliver;’ uaranct OhtrMy. ailvBf: Diano Nellwn. gold; Plan«-fathi-al>wi-.ilanl> Ualit, HI. W O lO r ta -MatOr. sold;—MarllyoBchdber. coUt: Janice Maiide. ....... ." — • — , •llvft: carol nolKtlaon.

no"i, gold; ChWTlll Tat»,' ClotTi'lns’ IV ■ *l1v«; Joanne; Marian l-o»«ll. gold; I'siila Ea.

Tartn tlKtrldutlDi.Oli-taloa I—<r«&n a im t. A; W k i

lUlt, A; John HoOmao. 0; Dot>Dy tlall. D; WaiiK Chener. II. U rrr Oi««a. A; divuion I t—Allan lUtrnKroft, *' Alvin Vffnon. A; Oair W. Jiall. Jirry Jolicy. a.

lUlph J. CaWaall. D; l.uth#r T>lom. I, S; mu Hulling. D; Itobcrt t»clil(>

.in . a ; m n U ln Ilutnni, 11; . Jerry Aodrm. 1); Itobbla Turner, A; Jimmy Trounion, A.

Dtru:oa : ii—OonJon Wfbb. A; Jtrrr Niolaon, A: Larry Hutuin, A; Stanley ■toan, A.

WfrdaFaya Talemen, A. ^

JUNinn LEAUtn —» , CIa» IDerdcll lirancn, bronu: C a t. .___

.ruoii. iWd: I'aul* EnUin, illver: OUn- 1<T llanauii, fOia; Jn n Tucktr. all- >«rT IXa&a nicli, in x r ; Jam* Ualtz. Hlva»; Ltrry O ravtti.-"lIf«r:~Jin« Maudr, cola; Marilyn NIclaan, gold; Wartn Oiiianl. gold; Olorla Ualtlx. told; Nancy Nclfcnt^cr. lOld; Marilyn

- gold; Ciijl)rn K, lurena- ________ ; Frank OrUi. Ir.Er.i'siffiss;,Aurdtirteid^ ......

Joofl^ tUrfr; shlrler n e h ^ n tk toiii:’ Mary Brrm. iiivtr; Donna Baine Pat- leraon. gold. . . ^

* rOnESTRY DliUlon I

OftWhfn Brl»l)rr. a : Ikibby {Kfireiik. A; Rodacy l in t . A: Duana r»um«n. D: Man fl<-vere, 0 ; Barbara Duller.

^ w 5on?S)3m 5i5T srurB rT lC X 7

IUe», .I; Oaydrn

C i ^ ' Jlobartaoa.■CloiningV

HJ Jone«, gaw; Naticy Klc/Zcflfrtef. ...J ; Jran Tuckcr. gold; Marlljin t<ial> ion. allxr.

Clothing Vllt N»ailii> cn»uey. »ilvpr; alylUh «M>ar. M, DODna~ aclimekpapfr, lUvar: %n^l«Ua Mllcliril, gold; Marilyn lynn. gold; raniNa M«»pr. ulvtr: udj SttU. allvrr; (all naitfry. Caral

tlob«rt*oa. brons*; Martlyn Eicii«ll»f», lold; Donna Paturaon. gold: lUrhara Oehmfckprppfr. bronx/-: *>ar;ort» MH. •ff. gold; LoulJi«‘ lUal. cold,

iinMUiAKiNn utiSioNnTnATios Hllavmy Mllcnm, mlver; (jviaan luc<-.

.ll\rr; Cainl Ilobrrtaon. aMvrr; t^iir* t.cmmon. illvrr; Satidra luilikf. all- m ; Paula f.M g iion, *oId; Cnry»lell« UlWhdl. gold: Carol Joan noberuoo.

DIdilon Z naby-SIUlng . . . .I Uf»on. »old; Carol DUon.

jcid; Qtaiia Frith, cold; Diane NIrl. m;i, gold; Paula Kalon. gold; hnmr improrunont. Jana Uaule, «l»ir; Don. na ralwnon. gold; MarMyn SKlaon. •Ilvff; horn* groundji b»«utlllcaUoii. Darlrna uink, D.

Tnelor Malnlrnanc*.. . . , A -Joe MeKlniify. n; Mllif

n»»<l, A. lUndy Ntlaon. A; l.ynn UcCord, II: Lr« UcCom. D; L v n Hul* ion. A; Don Taylor, n ; U rry Om'. C; Jack Vtrln. A; J m l.M'Ptr, n. Unit n—

: Marilyn

gua OuCler. A; Oortloa Jtavenacroft, . DiTUIon III — Alltn lUTinaaoft. Oary Itall. A; dlviilon lV-4luaa< Adami, B.

DIvUlon Vl-Carolyn navenicrett, j divuion VII— Marilyn ltoven*cro(l. .

>;nloRio1otr Divlilon I—nil* Qoul». a ; nnrin,

noat. a : Ulke PowelL A

Bunloy llanttfii. .1; OuSMMIer. U; Qa Cneiity. C; Itogrr

DorU- -------T oooa -niilh Marouaroi, <11

Oravra, (old; Bu»«j OrtJi____ _____<lra K. Wlneear, gold; Randllpti HIM- Irnliar. gold; atrctiin Tuckn, gold; 'Jiida Jon«a, bronr.r; KiUilrrn Mai-k ilaniu.’ broiiu; Unila Bllvii, gold; alia Hug Soarm. hmntr; VlrkK J r in tiav. cnid; Blllle tXlittDk. gold; lUg- 'carol''“l->n5i!''’iol<S; Bhirry Conner.

..^d; Siiaan Coopar. lofd; naroara UcComba. «ll»pr; iu»«mary Wrilrn- iJorr. gold; Uiura licllw, •llvrr; Haney Ulllcr. allver; lUiifo Otair«, toM; Ito- mona tiratr*, allvrr; Kail> Oayrr lb>b«rt*oii, bronu; lllru ClirnrT. gold; Jo F.llMi Cherry , ailvft; Pam BUuiid, ■llv«r; Calhy PMraon. gold; Aharao Qunnlng, gold. ■ ,

' e Umltli, altvrr; Siuan ruialanda, - r>orotny tltirnnan, tlltrr; IjtVon*Vaiilfi», Mllrrr; Irn n t ne»tnm>tilt. gold; Marvla Talr, cold; Cnmil TkU,- '1; M»rr /n o Eii»p.j|lr»r; Siuan

ly, tllvpr; llairn uolun, void; >ra Myrra. brenr«: Cnar>i Wlill- il^ btoiirr; Judy Hobfrwnn. bionrr;

Sharon Mooca. broM; Knatt Utyer, -old. Carol Asa Ktahn. gold.

Ilonnia llcakeoa. bronM; Raadaan LmcIi. allver; Dlile Wantaar. btonu;...........................- PayllU Je«. gold;

d; Dolora Itdbln- lon; goKi; icrre Lanan. gold; Vera CliriauiphPtaoa, bronu; Pagn llogut,

Ivrr; Itrljn Woody, told; OBaron icowa, allvcr; KaUiy UrMRi. gold; une IJcCoonall. aJHw; PaKy WrtgBI.

foodJ IIOharlaa Ptraon. gold; KauilHn

Jolinaon, aiirar; Val«ri» Koottr.- :a Ueyer, tom; j ia t t Vaa

gold; Oatl> Kllnilar. gold; XaUi- .lltll, gold; LMI Oa« OUaa gold;

Marglt Aiiii Itcay, goldj Kartni nrbD-man, gold; MartBa nogui, t ........fnyllla Jr<u. aUTcr; Dlala W il.. ..

• • •• ■ Jm, aiim : m u mgold; Oratclitn BalUar. gold;

_____ kun UminoD. gold: Unda Dun­ham. gold; Dlllla Lacmaon. gold; Dlslt

broniai Maralyn Bbmnaa. —.........-Jia WJtiatrom. Dfpou: BandralUthkc. ailter; Andt* BuUat. rolo; 8u-ta iub im UacB, gold; Ketry Dal# Me- ComlM, gold; Evelyn Ooyir. broBu: 4#cKl?_JV>d«nho^. Bid.

Qnlly L««b, goia; lt«iT7 Dat» Me-?°'k f"’nS'''i>ofw* W d ^ ^ iiy ^ u * !uver* Jopl'"ciadwall?'gold;,und. allvcr; Clalra Walaon. gold; Dar- t«n« cnenrr. tllrtr: UtrJortf n n ilp t. gold; Erel»n Jaeobi ailrer; PayllU Uauck. gold; Dan Clair b ton . gold: llonnla Hoaklna. broaa«;_aBlrlay

Kian“ ”aTitM.'’gil^ 'SauSaTOKJ; Suaan Hale, allm: Taraaa Ua<U-

Matui. gold; Uur- my.Mull, jo id .^ n d a -s ra t t r^ rO a f - la WlrUon, bronaa: Toby Walnbarg. gold; nrem Mult, gold: iwanoary Day.

Laura LouUa Ltmit. allrar; Donna OeAmMKs>»]>ar, gold; Trudy Kana«raon. bronaa; Barbara Ana DuUtr, alKer; SKky Sut • Dullrr. bronu; Suaan Frwman. ■ tUitt; Jn rr ItlHaoo. goid: J.nlwp Behwl. gold; Joan Malty, gold; UlUunr MlUJJal. r»d; WUma Dlion. branca; Sutaona Fink, •llrar: U rk Clarkaen. broota; Ctiruatalle UUcBell, gold; Linda Qravct, •llm ; Janlri Uaudr, alUar; KaUilun Oratt*. all- Terr aaiidik Btaar, (iivfri Lois Janei Orleia. allm ; Oarbat« 0c(im*«lcp«p . gold: Devnly Jlanilan, gold; Uanlyo QraTta. allttr.

roo«« IV

janal Uaudt. allttr: Marilyn Hlalaon. a^T•^^,Nadln^ CBio«r. gold,

rran la i I



I>aun Lonmon, &ranu| . Dtllli Lam- moa, brooM.

T rtttln i II Uartlyn Nielada. aUitr; J*iul< Ea­

ton, allvar, m anirlay l^channao.'Kil'l.

rrcailog IV anirlay •DmBannfn, gold,

Caanlai I Uurm Latnmoa. ill»*t; tralyn D»an.

broDu; Gloria MatUt. gold: Oltlle LemRion. allvtr,

CaaBlng II U ullya NaUaoB, aUr»; Jean Tuek-

Uarllyn Nlalaon" am«t; KanCT Nelf- faugger, goW,

DItltloa V' Jaiial Maud/, gold.

«-H FoultfT, IU»blli Da»ld Brm«». told; Mint Uanjuardfc

sold; O a m jiraga, gold; Maty Mar- auardc, gold; Paula I t* Baton, gold; Jackla Jooee. p>ld; Id Dolton, gold; Anna Sbort. gold;'Juice Itunyan. *°na’bbH»—Anna Bhog flmt; P»ula

J.f« talon, aetond: Janlee Ilunyon,!

AORICULTL'tte Suing Beanj. Op^n C7a^-Olrlalen

J. JUJpn flmll}). rirtt; Wd Dyrujn. Uilrd.cucumbtri — Ullclnj. Dav# llulltr.j

•Kond; cuciimb«ra — Pickling, Italptp Smllli, Mcond.

ntld corn. Vtllow OfDt~Ilrn ( lord, Iln l; Vtrft- Canon, aocond.

Onlom — HwMt Sptnlifi — MarUn Slaor. fMond.

Ilrit; Wilbur niloit. i rcf—Uartln Blane. firti blblt~Mary llayn. tllit.

C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

^ RADIOl NoiOi

' K M I . O oU B litt* S > " P

CHOPS m f / I the m e m40 ton per hour (opacity wUh ihe

NEW M cC orm ick^

No.15FIELD HARVESTERYou Ret up to 60^0 more chopping ca­pacity w ith a N o . 15, y « t th e c o l t is c o m p arab le to th e lo w e it-p rle e d , Ih rc e -u n lt m achlneg. C apaeity Hk* IhU can c u t 'f id d time In half. Power itqu lrcm enls a rc low, too -a 2-3 plow Iractor does the job. Stronf, v,-eldeii- *lecl frames, precUlon cul gear* . . . roller chain drive . . . and generous

' Utc o( sealed 'bearines will keep .No. 15 opcratlnfT efficienlly Ion* after ipmp competitive field h a rv titers have

. *ren the ir day. A sk for a free demon­stration on you r fam .


McVey's Valley Implemenf=^=HAZEtrON---------



Pranlc JeJfrlea ana Inmlly, Mrg.' C hnrlu Gates and family anu! Be»y RabJoMn lelt We^neitSny. tor £asley Hot Springs Icr a vacn- tion,'

Asphalt Paviiig-Itrigalion Pipelines

ExcovsHon & Blosfing Top Soil or Fill Dirt


2 Blockt Soufh of W o if 5 Poinfg

Tilcph'onB RE 3 '8 6 1 1

B E S T ’5 9



All '5 9 C h ev ro le ts must sold to m ak e room for

th e I 9 6 0 M odels!ImPala S port Sedons ImPala 4-Door Sedans ImPala S port Coupes Bel Air 4-Door Sedans Biscayne 4-Dodr Sedans Biscayne 2-Door Sedans

. Station W agons Vi-Ton P ickups '

STILL A GOOD SELECTIONHurry! They W on't Last Long!-

iy ^ y tin g M ust Be Sold!Jim Clork RE 3-5601

i r d - A r r i n a t o n - ^ t 3 « 2 a f l 4 _

Bill S tond ley . ' RE 3-1842

^ G M A t - T e c r a s _ : : _ f i M 3 L


■ Chevrolet


LAST CHANCET O .S E E T H E ,- - ......

WESTERN CAPERST h a y 'ro lani o f their w tih rn tinging and com edy!

Y ou'JI ^ n io y e v ery m in u te


Sons of the Purple SageY ou 'll O l .o , . h o ,o m iro (u n , t n j . x tl io l ic ip l to l lh ' « « J I h , f« o J « ( , h , H O R S E -S H U CIUB.


8 to 9 «ach evening



Every Sundoy


It S PoIdU 8«rrlce »*efl

levenln* a t T PJJ- (Bwdiy* 1-

'A L aad 7 PJHO I fS

Page 9: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


A t . T h e C h u r c ^'Events Noted by

- King'Hill Areas1 KINO m ix . Aug, U -M r. ai;d Mrs. John Ktlley »rr on ■ v ju - tlon trip to Yellowiwiic park.

Mrs Eftl*TrDVibrllf'p. IteiJti'iK.''. :*nt.. vlslicd Mrs Addle

..-.■Ihfii I tli for Bolic H* vUlt M: ■ III! M n, H. P- Ofccr. Mn. Urcer'

" " .u Mrs. Tro«brldKe» daughip:. iihl Mr, tn d Mr«. W. C. Unltfr. a;iti-

lysidf, W0.O1.. Biirt Mr . Mac I I’adtKord. Miibloli, Wivjli. Irlt

r,', monilnj nfirr viMiine,Ir. nnd Mn. Arilnir Orn-r ,im1 :n;cM Baker, T ltt 'I '/ 'c Jrf!:o»slone pail:, W. CT Bakrr

UriiMt luo'.licr. p.i:i1irailclford Uls ntrcf,

Mr, Blid Mrs. P.'Ul S^oti:)!!!!. br- inlllr, liuvc iiiovfd omo liir iti;s-

cll McMllUn plncf bv ilip n .fr, . 'ilM ia. £ v. uIk)c!i» 1» H'c f'HiiKT M in-

ric Cllbcft.Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M- iH.rt

Ir, liml MrJ. Mflvlli iirlwiiti air l;lll!il! [Sir. atui Mr.' Cfin- Mu; -

..,!ii.'.o» niid Joii. rntlrrroii.. ;,!r«. .larrtson K » <laiiKmrr (.f Mt,.

'■I! riid yr:., Tlmbtrj.I A linuw KiifM Pf Mr. Kiul Mi,v

r nus.i!ll McMlUnli l:. Mif. lirn l.eiitz, Nfw Pori, Ore, M::.. Lem: la .McMlllftn'4 couilii.

Mamie Visits With Mother 111 Colorado

! bKNVEn. • Cola—A U |.-» - t . r —. ,I .V i.;uc ^;L^eIli^o»e returned to her liiNt.p.iov^ii yesierday ior »noihfr

»iiii her Bilms mother. Mxa. Doud, 81.

Nil iiiiiifyiiccmetit of the trip by .II'.- I 'rrj;denfa wife made un- ti; ..JIIIII m e tlm r she atepped nfl

Jic.-e. S lie »fJJt >'>f IJ:. .v:i IMliice licitel uliete »Ue «s.s J. .;.nl bv licr Jl.Mer, Mr», Oorriot.M ':r. W .ijliUijton. arid the If. .'lUuKiiisr, Miimlf. 17.

, I i;er nil (hrre went lo’ the Doudrt .;icnce to vLMl Mrs, Doud. *hn

,li. . l.:eii In poor health for about

l;:- IViivpr l* quoted Mr*, physician n* Rnylnj Mie

h.<.i ;i MiRlit ceicbial hemorrhagei.'rifi:>l v.-ec;:.i n jo . No pir«lr»Li n

(h r doctor »nld,' ’Difte wn.i no iiidieAllon in i

lone Mrs. Elsenhow'er mlshi rr;;;.iiti here.

B o i s e P a y e t i e

- i s i ■

j3 I S =

i S l l i i F '

" “" S s


- " 2 r

Dietrich Vicinity Reports Activity

DIFrmiCK, Au.t. U — Mr. and IMI;,: BriJcrOoiic; Bpoinnc.-Tlalted- ■ ■ Mr nt)d Mr«. t'loyd Oage here.

M.irJorle Helken lin* returned to Krnnctoco n fier TUltlng her

lp;irciiu. ’Mr. and Mre. Virgil Hel- fcffi, and-fafflJJy.






W o 'll e x p la in a l l ih o n o w p r o d u c ts . . . g iv t y o u lip s o n h o w to a p p ly o r i n s t a l l th e m '

__ ._ - ^ f u rn i » h - y o u - w i th J d t m i .o n jM h a t J f l - ._ ^ ___a r r a n g e c o n v e n ic n l B o s tw a y le rm s -4 o h # lp y o u p a y f o r m a te r i a l s on a m o n th l y b u d g o t p lo n .



COOL SUMMER LIVINGG ot T h » . H l l i From





CEILINGTILEln%"xpVl.l!re“” 2xl2-

2 »Each Easy to Apply!

K T FI — 1270 KC 8:30 a.m., Sunday K T F I

1 2 7 0 o n y o u r d ia l

your new silhouetre

T h i i i p u f c d n g t h t f u t u r e >

d c n c c a n d w iih y o u r s a f e , L L o a n . . - ih e lo w e r a


TEST YOUR OWNm i v i s i o H a HAD





' / 4 - I n . R A N D O M G R O O V E


Al«r. 1!M 0. 24 MO. 3 6 MC),

S 100 $ I.7I - -

S SOO <].!( S 22.95 S IS.97

■JIOOO 11.11 , 4S.S9 31.91

3W .II 159.72 110.93

G r t r t . '



N.w c ,„ . . . n .n . J™bi. ____ nccnr.ATi0N . 0 011 .»

S'Zfr-,r- n ■

B o i s e P a y e t t e



■ i j r

Page 10: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

I -

ll II

Nixon Warns Nation Not to Lower Guard

SPIUNO LAKE. N,-J,-AUC. t f i - V lc c P rtilden l lUclittrtl, M. Nlxan m«d« a e a w n tn l oS cauUoti ycatcrduy In conneeUon ^ - h - the forthconilns exctiingc of M JU be­tween Prfildcnt El4enho>rer wwl Soviet Premier NlWUi K hrtuhctier.

••Under no c lm jim unet* should I h li exch»nso ot vl»lU and the word* liiat-nre spoken be used aa #ny reason for us rclRxlng our 08- rcnae*.” NJxon tola n e ^ tm tn u he

. trr lv ed lo U tend a U. B. s a v ln p bond rally here,

"If wc are to have s po«lblUty of acreemcni n l » summit confer­ence.- he w id. "the Presfdent m ust be nble to tolk Irom « posi­tion of slrenfith.”

Nlxoo said this wm the sLit of whoc he ««uld WJ ebme 300 busi­ness lenders In m oir-lhe-record addresi l u l n lcht a t tlie Sprtng Luke Oolf club.

The Vice president, who arrived by automobile from Newark lUr* port, told newsmen he considers I t Im porunt tha t Khrtishehev see -th e D-plcal America- durW j hU visic.______________

Pocatello Couple . Visits King Hill

K IN o V lL L . Auft. H — Rccent visitors o l Mr. aod Mrs. L. C. King were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kleffncr and dnuRhler, .Pocatello. K leffner is Mrs. King's brolhrr.

Mrs. Walter Hoditlnnd has tu rned to her home In La Oronde. Ore.. flfier vUIUng Mr, and M «-

• E rvin Iloaitland. Mrs. HoaBland Ifl Ervln'A mother.

Mrs. Frank Btlneyer and daugh- te r. Denver, were gueitfl of Wr. and Mrs. WHIfam fCnot. Mrt. A . L. H eine. Bclse, accompanied them to tho Knox home. Mrs. Heine Is K no»‘« mother.

A house guest the past week of M r. and Mra. William Knox waa Mr#- Martha Braun. Caldwell. She was en route to Moscow where she will be the resident hostess a t r rc n c h 2iause.

Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Brovoilna a n d family have left for their hom e In MontRomery. Air -* • " visiting Mrs. Brownlns's M r. and Mrs. C. E, Spence.

Charles Dreckenridge. Paaadeniv. Oallf., spent a week In Dolae w ith ; M r. wid Mrs. Aijibrose Adama tiien relum ed lo the home of Mr. a n d M n. WlUlam Knox. Mrs. K nox l» Breckenrldae's aunt.

10 Motorists A re Fined by Judge

K m o JilLIv Aug. I t—T en mo- torlats were /Ined Uil» week by Jua- tlco of the Peace Lynn Sherm an

' Jor vlolallona ot the motor Tehlcle act.

Pined for OTerweight chnrgcs were Hebert Bchamp. S'tmx PUIls.

IB; Aibert Plumby. Island


Darlene Doa{berty, left. Ifl. Filer, non the Twin Falli county cherry ple>baklnr canleit Thnnuiay. works w/(ft o r te r eonte*i«at», Dean* Aibla, 18, Filer, s a i Kay ile tle tler. l i . B u H T h e fIrJi had

lo mix, (111 and bake the ir pies before judges. T he Jadges were M n.'Agnea H orst, home demonxtra-

l - r


II ■'

! U i

aoo. Jerome. »10; Catl R . -----lund. Dillon. Mont.. I3I.B0, imd N orm an Poulton. Oakley. $13.

O thers Included Ela'ood Hiatt; Vale. Ore,' *15, ovcTfrldth' l o a d : M erritt M. OreeUn?, Twin Polls. (10. no mud guards; Horace Han* num . Port Wa>-ne, Ind., »5. inade­quate mud guards; Jay n a e . Ana* cortea,-W »h, *10. expired license

‘'•-p fa« .-A nW ^3«yJV :ierM nJE V aJi. . .m .b o o t trailer license.

Spokane Woman Visits in Hansei

HAN8EN. Aug. 14-M rs. Nellie E-vabl has’returned to her home At Spokane, Wash., after visiting h e r ,alst«r, Mrs. Robert Stangcr, *nd 'family.

George Monte*. Harrison, and h la brother, O ra MonUe. Osborne, Tlaltcd their cousin. Ora Simpson, a n d family, and aunt, Mrs. O. D. eimpoon. sr. They were cn route hom e from a trip to California. I t la the first time In 37 years the , cousins had « e n each other.

Mra. E. O. Phelps. Onk Park. HU Sfi tlslUng her sUter-ln-law. Mr*. Jam ea L. I^omes. Mrs. Phelps' cls- te r , M t*.'Edith euTcns. Phoenix. Arlz.. also la visiting the Barnes.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Neu are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A ustin Moore. Mrs. Neu taugh t la st year a t Alexandria. Vn. while Neu waa stationed near W ashlnglon. D. O. They both will t£«cli_nt R en­ton. W ash, thla year.

Attend WorkshopPAVh. Aae. H -A r th u r DhrJch.

LeRoy Lebsack and Marvin Looslle . nltended the fifth district Ameri­

can Legion workshop a t Eden W cd- ne-vlny evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Radleff nnd fninlly, Corpus Clirlill, Tex., are TWilns Mrs. Rndleffa mother. Mrs. Katherine Hlenie.

VISIT HAGEtlMAN ■ HA0K.^MAN. Aug. U — Visiting a t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harmon ihts v,erk are her slater. M n. Kenneth Oraham and daugh- tc n . Moses U ke. W ash...and her mother. M n, J . j . RJehardwn. BoUe. ALw TUltlnR Monday were >Sr. and Mrs. O lfnn Jlootl. DoJ.w, They were en route to Jackson hole.

Darlcae Dongherty. 18, FUer, holdi the pie th a t won her the righ t to represent Twin FalU eoanty at the district cherry pie baking contest Sept. 12 a t Jerom e. (SUTf pboto.cngraTinf)

It 3 ^

Filer 4-H Gii-l Wins County Cherry Pie Baldng Contest

Darlene DoujJierty, Ifl, Pller, won the T*-ln Falls county cherry pie baking contest held n t tlte Idaho Power auditorium T hura- dayj She will represent the county In the d is trle fcO n t« rS epc--M -a t Jerome.

Runners-up In the contest were D onna-A lbln,-l9rTHer. a n ii - Kny Hostetler, 14. BuJil,

The three partlelpants were qulred to mix. fill and bake Uielr plea before ludgrs. Judges Includ­ed Mrs. Agnes U urst. home dem ­onstration agent for Jerom e cou ty; Mary Lou Graves, assistant Mrs. Hurst, and Mrs. c . W. Dalgh, home economist from Tw in Falls.

To be eJfglWe Jo ent<r th e con­test. which Is sponsored by the National Cherry liuU lute, a girl, or boy. must be In the f if th year foods program of 4-H. E ach con. ifcstant provides h e r own u tensils and Ingredients.

Ple.1 are Judged on th e method of preparation, jjuallty of th e pie Including' crust and filling ' and personal qualifications o t th e b a ­ker.

120 Fine ACRESTh{t ff o n e o f th e o u ts fo n d tn g f a r m i on th e K o rth Side. O nly 5 n ic e , la rg e fie ld s , f re e of " b lo w o u t i ," d e e p to il , d o t e to to w n . V ery good 2 bodr«wm m o d ­e rn Rom o, w ith fu l l b o ie m e n t , m o th ln e ih e d , b o r n , co rra ls , e tc .

- p R I C E D - T 0 - S E L L - A T - $ 5 0 . '0 0 0 .0 0 r ^ T E R M S ___-O nr Bualnett U Good"


4 2 8 M a in N o . RE 3 - 3 5 5 3 ~ C ouberly R e s id e n t P h o n e R E 3 - 5 1 1 6 — K te a s R e t . Phone RE 3 -5 5 1 .9

Not aeiD ber o f mtilUple lU tinf ^ i c e .

OUMt Bl Ihc cDunly wnlr.vt Mrs. Sally . ’niompr.oii Orimsl.iff, Suhl, who was Idaho's ilclesatr to Uie national chrrrj’ pie baking coulcst,ln,C lilcnsoJn_ I»5a.__

MINISTER RETUIINS ~ B tlR LBV rA urrH =Thr-R tr rn n rt Mrs. KenneU) Drall and /anilJy rtlum ed Tue.idny night from ti v» cnllon in Washington and OrcKon where Uiey vl.ilted relatives ami friend*. Tliey took a tour up tlif Oregon coMt w »h 6nn Fraiici«o friends, Dr. nnd Mrs. John Had' sell.

Minidoka Slates Vote for A irport

this week they would call for vote on Uie proposed ulrpori bond ' .sue KOinetUne In November,

A two mill levy v,’lll be asked for lo conhtruct ftn airport near Hey- burn which will serve both Cassia

•MJnliJokn fountlr^. Cn-'-sln county will furnish a almllar amount, ,w lth additional funds Irom the federal government.

Approval of the Continental Dank and T rust company. Salt Lake City, to t»cl as bonding aKcnti

n s^ in o u n ce d by th e group with ppravnl by the Caasla cominis* o n irs assured, a lthough thoyl sve taken no official vote. W illard Hayward. M l n l d o k a l

county clerk, explained th a t under j con tract with tlJO 'U tah ilrm ,

... charges will be made In tfrc, event the Luue falls to pass.

Rustlers UseDrugs to Get West’s Cattle

WASHINOTON. Aug. U 't f l _ Raneher» uMd lo holler..for the marshal when their cowa bad been su>}en.

Now they call for the food anc drug administration. Uie depart, roent of Justice and congress.

Srn. James E. Murray. D.. Mont. Wid today the food and drug ad> mlnLitrallon had agreed lo Bend i slfulh to Montana.

Murray • h u isked 0*m en t< probe complaints that rubber-tlrec ruiilers are using tranqulllier guns to keep cattle fr«m bawling anc tnoolng while tliey're being loaded Into trucks.

T he senalor toiJk -icUon after getting tills letter from Art WaU%on of G reat Falls, president of the Montana Cattlemen's as.ioclatlon:

•Tlte gunj-r!flcs and pistols— shoot, with scarcely any noise, n pellet which contains any irantiull. Izer or othtr drus desired to be Jnjrcted Into an animal . , .

•The gun Is a boon lo Uie cattle Industry ,wli«n legitimately us^d, However, it »Uo U a boon to ru il- lers and. since It can shoot any drug, mlcht 6e tised by crl/nlTjaJi Inwiincs'd lhirinairTU StllnB-llvc' slock. *

”We believe the gun.^ already have been used by nistlers Jn Montnna."

New Pastor Will Come to Jerom e

JEROME, Aug. 14-The Rev. J, Ted Vallcmbol*. Anderson, Ind,, will arrive In Jerome Sept. 3 with his wife and two children to as­sume the pastorate ot the Jerome Church of God.

T he Rev. Mr. Vallcmbola la gmdunle of Warner Pacific Bible college, PorUaDd, and of Anderson lOllegc and theological ssmlnary.

TJie Rev, Minnie Reddick, who iM been psilor for Jha past seven /•can, submUted her (resignation ast week. Mrs, Reddick, who has served almou 30 years Irl the min­istry. plans lo retire In Jerome.

Parldng FinesOvcrNme parking bonds were

po.^led Thursday by Jnmes L. O’­Conner. Sandra Schow. Mrs. J . W. Anderson. Mrs. A. Stron? (two), □ordy D)om, Roger Staiford. Marylln Douglass, Carlo. Noh, John O- Tliompson, Nellie Ourakl. Lorraine Cull and Don Oberbllllg, Jr. (four).

I tlg n itedTOKYO. Aug. U Lf'—A barber

and assistant wondered about the alcoholic potency of a new

.scalp tonic. -Will It.lgnlte?; one asked. strllLlng a m atch . They re under treatment fo r face and '^and b u m u

Full Schedule Is Being Set at Bdil CanneryBUHL, Aug. H -T h e Buhl Greei

O lan t Canning company will »oar. go Into full scale production. an> nounces Oran C, Scholl, manager,

(rial ran was held Monday two short shifts being run on

Tliursday. Scholl points out the com la not yet ready for har^-est- Ing and believes th e company will swing Into full production by the first Of n « t week.

Scholl announces the company has Included an addition to the production plant which provldw space for Jour new hus*ers and four cutting machines. A new con­tinuous cooker also has been I.-.- sU lled and Uie old continuous cooker has been moved Into the


sonal canning p lan t will li prc»duellon by an estimated 30 per cent, nnd will Increase employment by 50 persons during Uie seasonal pack.

Total personnel now employed approximately 300. which Includes oround 200 women and 100 men.

Because of the new equipment being Installed, tho com acreage has been Increased w tih 4,<00 a.-rei Dt com lo be harvested. Scholl taid :h)s la on Jncrease of 1.200 wt'cr previous years.

Tlio plant m aintains only . sonal operoUons nnd cans only corn. Schell points ou t during full- scale operations, tn'O 13*hour shifts are operated w ith 29,000 cases of com being turned out per day. _____________

Visit BrotherEDEN. A ug.'14—Hershel John-

and Jils brothers, Doyle and Don. left Wednesday for Wllllts, Calif,, lo visit ano ther brother, Randall Johnson, who waa Injured Bcrlously In an auto accident tliere

jme time ago. Ifc Is a lo m d t/ t s l- ent of Eden. . «Haskell Shirley la accompanying

the Rev. Owen Hogglebee, Tran­quility, Calif., here to visit his mother and brothers. Seldon and Ancel Shirley, and the ir families, and their sister, Mra. Omer Carter, nnd family.

H agerm an JNotes Uses for L ibraryHAGERMAN, Aug,' !4 -E ig h ty -

tn o book* were cUccketi ou t the. past m onth from the village 11* brary, Mrs. Nettle Uoyea. llhrarl- an. reported n t the nic(iting ot the llbm ry board held iii the Home of Mrs. £ rnest Billiard Tuesday nlng,"b llO liUu&LnLeU’the-tXV>Ve finjPfilL: from tlie sta le llbmry were being relum ed. TJie board voted [o ob­tain n new group as soon na po.ul- ble. T hey will request 50 books, ha lf fo r adults and half Juvenile.

Lawyer Declares Board Is ImmuneCOEUH D'ALENE. Aug. } i M»—

The r.liilE highway board as a civil, admrnl.Umllve .agency o t Idaho Is Immune to suits for damagea as filed In dUtrlcl court here last week, board Attorney W illiam R. PedKctt .<nld here today.

He made the statem ent In eup- |)ort o t the boiird's motion for dls- of nil 5SO.OOO damage suit brought by Mr. and Mrs, Jo h n 6 t, John. Coeur d'AIf/ie.

A hearing on the bonrd'a motion n.H n.ikert for next Wednesday.- 7?ic Si. Joltnt n.'.k dam agcj In

coiinccUon wiih nlleKed wrongful taking of tJielr motel property cMt o t herfi Involved In construc* Uon of Interstate highway 00.

Revival Set—TOEN. AUR,-H—T)iere-i»m-be .. series ol JO Kospel niccUncs a t Ihe Eden Church of Christ beginning Monday.

Owen HoKRlbec, Tranquility. Cnllf.. will be the Kuest speaker. The public Is Invited,



100 Year Record of/ •


ROOFING and SIDINGB rings to you onlv TOP Q U A LITY . , . LO N G ER W EA R IN G . . . liKTJ-ER LOOKING )-oofin;r fljid s id inp ninteriiilH. All Jolitis-M unvillc m ateria ls a rc

a nccuratcHy testeil before beiiik' b u ilt inln any product-' ^ • b earing th e ir name . . . liow 'b r in p you '




B E G IN S S E P T . 1


T yping— B eg inn ing a n d A d v o n ce d S h o r th a n d —

B eginning ond A d v a n c e d B ookkeeping a n d A c­

c ou n tin g — Business E nglish— B usiness P r in c ip le s—

__ B usiness A ri th m e tic -7 - S o lesm o n sh ip — O ffice

Proc ticc Spelling a n d V o co b u la ry b u ild in g —

M a ch in e — Etc. In b o th D oy e n d N ig h t G losses.



Twin Falls B usiness CollegeO U fi PL A C E M E N T SE R V IC E........


Church Says Youth Corps Is Beneficial

BOISE. Aug. 14 (/T1 — EsUbllih- ment of ■ new youth conservation corps described y e U c rd iy -u An Bid In solving th e proUlem ' Juvenile deisnquenpy.

S e a Fmnl: Church. n „ Idn., said he mule the clitlm In debating (he bill vhlch would u U b lls h such corps.

In a measase from W tslilnclon. Church »»ld he to ld the »ermle, young people "a-lll Xlnd the » w the tttorel and th e m rooj-e eJuO' lenplne, and. In th e end. m o re u t- Wylng outlet* for th e ir enercles" tt]Kn iheCriinlnal pursu its ol Ju­venile dellnqueney.

H e 'fs ld the e lvlllan conM na- Uon coo» left physlcAl and a £plrllu*l m ark” In Idaho In the period It operaled.

•n ie moat appftlHnj waste In Ihla country,~ he M id. "U the waite of our youth. TIU5 YCC projram Is aimed U> rtducln it th a t nasie. I can Ittll^y llifli n o nctlon 0/ thU eontre^a «U1 be b e tte r received In my itale,-


• r<»aru hr llarMa ;Mla(l(>l Kanrr ■!«

.Smilon DIxh. or CJiCl*oti U U ...

iltlK .... —..... - IO,SO«Khtii.j ______ t.'JeoIll.cVtoel .....— S.510An >'•»• I'M —Uichiud rump _ MUnin _______ lo.aooI^k. Wd~lt _ »I.230(illn K S Can*t- I.4A0 - »' .pao «;:jo I.S10Idlintf a B C*nU U ilsrrlo- UtU ".oodliii PreJicU •• - la TKioJInf.

Ul«»l _T NSCankl 2.K40)

' «,:»2 J,8:J ( la

pr If,-i Aer»-f««(! oth»r’

on<l*(m.H. C. EACl.r.Tjirhrrr In Chtrgt. ItWH-S

Hl»»r V SUU of Idaho


Vote Recorded on House Labor BillWASHINd-DDN-.

Here Ij hoa- 'horthwcat conrrc;;-.r7',r., corded on the voir b' , houje yesterdnv control bill backcd bv i t liower Bi-nlnliLratJoa ai / by llie Democrulic n *:jij iiJb jm to a ifinal p ivnce: ‘

Republlc.iiu lor: Bu,.., . Dixon. Utah, Hor.m, Wa'^ ' J ‘*' Wiwh.. Norbltd. o rr.. I 'ft‘ •mornas. Wyo.. WcMhw''

Democrnl.i nKiiiiuM- Mont., Darlnc, Nev., 'c rt~ '/'■ Kins, -Ulnh. u"'-PlOii. Idaho, porirr. o’> ^ man. Ore,

Church to Build Powerful Sfatioi

VATICAN CITY. Au . u , m A Powerful radio stntioT , built at Monllii Mjon lo vi'fii',;* Romnn Catholic chiirchi , throug/iout £he /'n r K u i-d ,- ’ larly^io Com m uiibi ciiina^

Vatican .Rources saia yt-'fi,, Ians for the station \Zi npprm-cd by the VniJfjni gfccntlon .lQr.,the.-pcopa;;.i)^UI Hie fBllh, which hft.1 ciutjc oM'1 cliiirch'ii worldwide mtii'--.', activity.

Candidate Passes Crocodiles CheclIPOH, Malnyn, Aus, u

Iluv.«ln Din Noordin im vjiic, ly passed Uie crocodile tu t b b candidacy for pnrlltimfni ir j . pretty m e of the <11 Ki=a- vlllOKfi votes,

A 200-year-old custom th trt». qulrw each new visitor to m - i river tha t is alJve with wipji. crocodiles. TJio Rood ro uiiluisf' the bad are snapped, Huuc:Ihe Alliance party , crot:*j c Iwrmed.

AIRMAN VI.S1T.S HAILEY, Aug. . H—Mr, .v,d i!.i

OeorRe Pftdltt nnd non, Rlvm!. Calls, and A i /c l and .Mrs. Hcttr. Pedenon imd children. raW;:'.; alrbase, Spoknne. are EUaia and Mrs. Chris Pederson.

CLOSE OUT!3 ONLY Frigidaite


Suitable fo r Office, Home or T railer

CLUB93CAFE W H E E L o f F O R T U N EEnjoy O ur


J A C K P O T ,

N E V A D ASATURDAY - SUNDAY Win Every Few M inutes


F R E E D I N N E R S U N D A Y 2 p . , ^ ,

Clip this Coupon and Present a t CLUB 93


on your


Nothing to B u y !

____ to music b y __

Mustie Broun■■ H A M M O N D O RG A N

V O C A L ■■

Finest in the Counim

\ f ni l -

Page 11: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


Act Is Played

Major Surg« 7

F o r U .s . s m p - g•rTON . W *4h, Aug. n

Uie coMl erf WiihlnK- . iod*y •low-morlnj w e p u y ln s “ >»

J * “ »Urt«d 38

10 ihf tui»’ “ "I"*Uie cnce roV hV USS

« K r« n of P e v l lU r- b o tt of PMllle baltlM

iO O -lo n iMtUFWMon i t Newport N«»».

^ JJ30, *nd «omml»ion«i cost a million <iol-

W. She w»i m W recemly

^ 'w o rld w*r n . more Uiar ,r 3,000-m*p crew dlfd and

^ n 100 were (nlured In n»K I w i i lw - includlns ihe 8ur.

t enBosfm^nc with the ,wvy. O ct. M, m 4 ,

,n tliU famed battle Itinl I s, n!i*T sol Ji« Jonjj wujlU \ for the i<nMik Penrl lU r-

ThP MnryUnd «a* dami»S«l. «nd four mtn

1 MillMt'lP-''. Calltoniln, Tcn- ppnnaylvniilR nnd Wwt *pre n l Pei'i'l HnHwr D «. rIso, TJiwe «ime *tilp«

ivnl hlitno ''* choice fcuiciivew t/w t dar In lff«.1 bsitle wAfiorui. utjdsr Ad-

iprt D. Oldcndorf, "ero'-wd unleashing »!l H>e fir?*

f end; of ihclr elRht 10. ...j5 on Ihe irnpped JnjxinMC Lltnm lnc "up the b « e of the iS u rU n o e tm ll. Tv.’0 Japiin- LlUcxlilps were sunk In that Be PhlUpplnt* enRngemtnt. fc i fled,

r to th a t battle, the M«r}-- «x enRnged nt New Jlcorsliv. bw a. K>mjtileln. ^Bftlpnn. jihe wttfl torpedoed mid lost

„cn; (It Pefelfeu «ntf Ley<e. it pijillpplnei t>rt Ue, she var <1 »nd 30 0/ the crew perish-

—.other 30 were Injured,■ the M(ir>-lnrd-9 final battle, Bnawft. ti kwnlltM.e blared Intf V fc ’. W'lJJxr 1®- 37.k eelebrBted record to nil Umt tm aln of Uie Morylimd and

Jjter&ljlps. They were decom- Into mothbfills n e

1 Sound novBl ahlpyurd here t belns sold for Junk, 10 W(W sold for Krap

.ek. n i e W est Vlnrinla is lo d Auir. n . when bids will be d nl Drooklyn. N. V.

IW atK etchum IPIans for- Meet

rCffUftf. Auir. 1<—PJans tor IK the d istric t meetlnR of Ida-

tflner.' a n d Profe.Mlonal .1 clutxi were cll.'tciiiuect nt gulnr meetlnff of ihe. Sun

\ elub hfJd a t the bojne of b a n K n ich t Monday evenlns.

X p lcn lc m eeting wm held on ■ n leh t Inwn. Luclle Prledmfln,

■ Ookland. Calif., w u a guest, ^ September njeetlhg'wUl be

in Hailey, tlie October raett- |i Bellevue and the Novembtr

feature “bossfa'

BRIDGE CLOSED b i s . Auk. H —T h e ' cenlurj'-1 k lftr ln o bridge spanhlnR the 115 closed to nutomobUe tr&f>

le IjridRC will be pulltd do»-n her built, AuUiorltles said c Iron bridge waa beyond


, DCAl.EIUI Unl.rnltr of Mthe Collrct fl *'• rt will punk(i> th* fflllavlnil

Last Honor Paid To Clavin Storey

HAILEY. Auk. H — Funeral ^ r^■lces were held for Calvin ' (TedJ Slerer «t 2 p.m. PVJday the McOoldricic luneml chapel with Uie nev. w . D. Ellwny. pas­tor of Emanuel Episcopal church, offlclatlnR.

Mrs. C, W, Onrdner and Mrs. Dmter DridKcs were In chnrRC of floral arranKcmenls. Mr/i. Harold Euhter and Mrs. Arthur Hitit siinR two duets.

Active pallbearers were Oeorge Allen. Jnmr* Cook, rre d Vancll. Leon Friedman. A. W. Lcwi.n nnd Floyd WlUon. Uonornry pMlbeor- ers were Robert Home. Anthony Bonin, Ollbert FlemlnK. L. E. O utu. Oeorge Walker and Frank Venable,

American Legion post No.« Jn charge of Ilnnl rites nt the

Hailey cemetery.

Declo Residents; A ttend Reunion

DECLO. Aug. 14—Mr. nnd Mr*. Jawph Gillette and family and Mrs, Lloyd Blnke and three dnush- tera linve . returned home from Tooele. Utah, where they attended the Olllette-reunion.

Afr.'ond Mr*. J a v a BrowTi h « w relumed to the ir home Jn Qlen* good. Calif,, nfter visiting Mr. and Mrs, E, D. Br«5i,-n,

Mr, nnd Mrs, Gordon Wooly, Ida- 0 Falls, vtolted her parent^ Mr.

and Mrs. E, D. Brown.

Kiixrlmrnl KUtlon.

4-H Club Works On Record Booiis

-P in a .an d .P aa a .4 -H cluh_mem- bera worked on slorlea for Uielr

“J record books a i their meeting

King Hill NewsKINO HILL. Aug. H — Elmer

Fairbanks. Yaklmn, Wash,, arrived Tuesday a t the home of Mr. and Mra, Wesley Link. Fairbanks Is her broiher-ln-lftw.

Mr. and Mra. Hoy Grimes. Mar- shaltOttTj. la ., are vlsltlnt: Mrs, Nellie 6udduth. Mrs. Grimes Is the ilster of Olen Mlll.v

Richfield Areas R eport Journeys

RICHFIELD. Aug. Mr. nnd Mra. W alter Chatfleld and family visited hlA parents, Mr. nnd M n, C. O. Clifttfleld, and other rela- tires.

Mr*. M ont Johnson Jms 7¥ti;med> Boise to be with her alsttr, Mra.

T. H. Ilynn.Oher^’l ew eat nndJJonna Luff.

Oakley .Residents Report Journeys

ed from Yellowitone park.Paul Rej’noldi, Salt Lake City,

visited Mr, a n ! Mrs. Ousta Wahl- strom..

Mrs., Lloyd D. Smith and chil­d ren arc vlnltlnR her parents. Mr. nnd Mr. , c : u, Payton, -Jofjse Bedke, wlio.haa been to Japan and China, aecompnnicd them here.

Sheryl Hardy, dauRhler of Mr. and Mra. Ariel Hardy. Is Visiting Mr. and Mra. Larry Osborn. Boise, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark South- worth, Caldwell

Star Andy Willianfs Doesn’t Want to Get too Quickly

By ll.^L HOVLE NEW YOUK, Alin. M i.?V_Andy

W llhann hn.\ Utrn .-.tich n stand* out m the d p .'d of summer tele^ vision that .uime proplc


y MirtHollywood lu i t been knocklnc nu tiL-i dO(/r ffiid CO*Ing. ••Oiini 111 llifi nam e of opjwrlu- n lU '." "

•Bni Ihf ii1rx<- an t vnlcril, fin- g e r - s n n p p l i i K y o u n g barllonr l.Mj't a man lo be rushed o!f lil» feel by I'lVf or money.

•■you rnn't nllord many m in .ik rc he wild, '•Dut I ih lnk (>i)i)(tiniiiiiy kimck*Ihnn oiiic. Voii jiiM Invc to have,

1 ear for llir riuhl Wnock.Andy, nt 2S, nlrrndy hi<s had

Cong rfrte nn (lip rolJi-r.oonater of "how buiiliip.". Hr siitiled Mnclnc At 6. In l(l. 3, hi* was making only j n 5 a week r t a nlithl club here. Now jit ' inrnitir n In ihe six- figure hm rkft. Eight of hU 10 reford.' have brrn nma^li hit/'.

He Is con-'IrtiTlag two bid.i for

>1 lUrit

5 m ake too

a bid from B road­way.

:I'd like to try n Broadway lloa•,’■ he admllted. “Dut for me

U'» a completely d lllrren t field.You have to ilng blgRfr. You can 't croon nnd gel by on UroAdwny."

Andy, who hnlls fropi Wnll Lake la looks and a ru like jiu l what he l» -a boy fr nu Uie Mid- R-«j nho «i»de s:r>oa In Ihp big city, and illll f«l.» a t home In eiihrr place.

•'riie biggest fear of anyone In oliow VuJlneM lodny Is not to wear oul h J welcome In a coiiplc of yr»M ■ tie Mild.

■•It's better not to cet too big all of a sudden. I think It's lirller lo build gradually~a:id hope to laat lonjer."'

His ^a.^y•^olng nir 1i the fn ilt of rndleM palrutakliig. He re- hearsM hours lor a on r-hour ^how.

Andy llvrs alone In n small <-n.M side to rnllecl I ^ c a rmoarrn «rt. and pitiy gott. H e b I! ^ L U A i / J W RIn no hurry to give up hla bache- | lor'freedom. i

Visits CousinHANSES’, Aug, M—Mr. o n d Mrs.

Gordon Hrnry. Southgate. Calif, 'iL'd.iirr.coy.ilikX.aii-IclCUf. and

Mr*. Trfdle. Ths coualn* h a d not ■<n each other for 34 yenra..Mr. and Mr*. Vemon V ahsholii,

Canias, Wuli., vlilted h e r pa rcnu . Mr. and Mrs, W, C. K lu ttx . and family. Mr*. ValiaholtJ. th e for­mer Barbsra Kluttt. nnd h e r hus­band. Just recemly m arried , stop­ped after Ihelr wedding tr ip to Olacler Ndtlonal park.

Bear) are near-sighted, bu t Uielr keen tea ta of h e v ln g and smeU make up for tM* deficiency.

D o n 't N tq l e c f S l l p p l p q ,

FALSE TEETHbTiueir liaallcipt rABTXmi. u •Ikalln*

UM as m any machlnw.ot on* tlfli*-*)

V ' dt you n t ^ to j . ,.<teall y o o r‘ \

269K3 AbDiSON I W E S T I


AVomen Pass Swim Course

HAILEY, Auz. H -A RTOUp of 13 Jociil K-omen afmpleted a i*o -w eci course In swimming Tuewlay,

Tlie ler-wai were given by Doro­thy Ann Out:.', water (wfety ' Siructor. Bellevue. Wash.

T he women were able to Improve the ir stroke* so they m igh t help ihe lr chllriren. Tliey ftlw InURht safety sklll.v

'niose'W ho took-the course were Mrs. Rnyiuoiicf ,Velwn. M;-*. EuRpne Drviasel. Mrs. Harold Dru.wel. Mrs.. A. D . Granrten, Mr*. Jameji H urst. Mrs, O rani Ilawke.i. Mrn. Fred Tomlinson. Mrs. Fred Board, Mr*. John Brown.

Mrs, Otfci Dl^benne», Jr.. Z>orothj- McCrea, Ulene Price and Joan Myers.

Mrs. Norman WaLwn. who nlao took Instruction, pa.«ed the (juJrements lor a senior life sa

Dates L istedGOODING. Auk. H — Ooodlng

hlffh.achool aludcnta who_v.'l3h_t chanRe Uielr schedules because < conflict* may do w Aug, 24 .and 25.

StudcnU iire lo pay fees on Aug. 28. from S to 10 n jn . for seniors;

m, to noon for Juniors; 1 to for sophomores and 3 to

p.m. for freshmen.







.Very, economical. UUs, tested and accepted des^n la eaally nialnUlned, Standard bearlnga, ahnfta and chain tlirounhout. T lie hopper la n-plvot iwlnt for th e boom, therefors It itaya under the truck wlierevrr Ibe boom Is. MecJjanlenl swing i^d.Jlft. No troublesome /lydraulles. The boom «wJom 14' right or lell and will raU e 14'.- Available In any length desired, Polatou-tamie In on tpecially itrucled rubber strip ro llers which eliminate Dor» of th e clods 3 4 " and smaller. Only' one needed in the cellar d u r ln s operation. Will unload a bullc truck In 8 lo 10 minute*, pile 3 to 13 feet deep. Guide by the fro n t wheel. Padded hopper and rvbbeif rollers are tUndard oa ftU Baldwin machtnfs.

P O T A T O E Q U I P M E N T C O .409 2nd A vo. So. — : RE 3 -W 5 4 S u n d a y i ond E venlng i R E 3 - 5 0 7 9


reMtlves. - . ‘ ^M r. and.M rs. Ted Martin, Chula

Vlata, C alif, visited-Tuesday with Mr. and Mra. n iom aa Vaughn while enroute to Calgary, Canada. Vaughn and Martin were war bud­dies,w ith t i e first special serviceIn Italy.- _________

T>tr, ana M rsrTed Brush. Seattle.' and his mother. Mrs, Theo Bnish. nnd family, vlalted n t Clear lakes Tuesday w ith Brush's grandmoth­er, MjTL O eorila L. Brush, and the G arth Brush family. ^ route hom« they vtolted other relatives, W. G. eiscmore, Mrs, Myrtle Laujhlln , and Mr. and hJrs. W. O. Blsemore. Jr.. lUl Gooding.

R I N G B I N D E RMott Pwlar Stxniti* Cat'tt’

Complete Liquidation ECKERT MOTOR and

IMPLEMENT CO: buhl, idahoThe following a r tic le s w ill be aoltl a t Public A u c tio n , located n t 220 N o r th B ro ad ­way in B u h t Id a h o : . • •




2 Soles MON., A U gT IT tliTS ren in j S a le 7 :3 0 P .M .

_41.79 and S2.49

Aflcrnoon Sale 1 :00 P . M . - —Afttinoon ‘AlB lf* f t wimp Vivilt t>«rtii yv»plny n]i» » n i.p rtp .

of Farm Macltlnery, Office Equipment, Furniture a n d Futures. Srerrthlnc-wlll b« m U .


Etnd In the kJds-w eU trea t ’em rljh t a t

THE H ILLS O F IDAHODsder Uie Baok « T o u t B tdf. RE I.45S3


aogo ooooocooocio

SPECIAISAtECut Yardage and Remnants

DRAPERY FABRICSOneGroup A ssorted Drapery M aterial in

One to 14 Y ard Lengths__r:L_Var|pus_____

K I N D S - C O L O R S - P A T

S Turn buckles. Porter FerRuson Porta'P ofeer ^ V-8 V «he Puller: 6oladle Support Bender, (complete? fl" »'/ce. U -Jo ln t Pin Prea with «?m plet« with J^ci; fltudlireDt T o n la a Hydraulic Jack; Sioux V alre Refacer. No, 6SS W ren ch ;Marquette charger. No, 211; Sun Motor Test­er; Compression T ester; Vocuum Guage; Bun Volt Amp. Tester, No. C-D; Sun Battery Start­er Tester;

Cam Bead Breaker; H ot Pa tch Clamp; Misc. — Pateliea-nnd-Boots;-! 5-Quart oil-mfasure:-S--

Wheel Bearing Packers (complete); Huttaker Flex Funnel; 3 U -I t. Air Hoae; 1 Alemlte Oil Drain Can; 3 Misc. W heel N ut Wrenches;

10 Jack SUnds; 3 I S - to n W alker Floor Jacks; Champion spa rk Plug T ester; Sioux Valve Re- setter; Sloux No. 300S Bench Grinder; Acme MUIng Unit and Misc. P n ln t Mixing Colors; Brake RlveUng M achine; B ear Wheel Balanc­er; 0 Valve Lifter; eu n n cn Tension Wrench;

Marquette Arc Welder, model No, 3S00; 60-ft. Extension Welding Cable; Undercoat Gun; 8is Marquette Act. G enerator; 14 H. D. Drill Motor: Smith w elding T orch Set (complete); Purex Welding T orch Bet (complete); Gener­ator Cart; Misc. Banding Discs; fr-lbt. Weldln; nod: 9-lb. Arc W eld ln j Hod;

I 8-lb. Double Jack; Fender W ell; i 0-aam ps; Sterling Bander. No. 1000; NaUoaal Air Saar der; Bucllon G un; Sloux Bectrlo Buffer. No. 3S8A: Sloux Sander. No. 3(9; Sloux Sander, HD. 9-lnch; Body R am s Head Hatnmer {com­plete); 5 Rolls W indow-stripping;

'E R N S

Regular Priced » 2 t o » 6 Yard

CHOICE w h ile t h o y l a t U . .

Phillipine M ahogany Lottice Wood

D O O R S s T ^ ^ ' ^

____ _____________ M wei iw ; ucBu, Salisbury (a ir ) : Lincoln Chastli

Lubricator: Barrell Pum p: Radiator Purser; Radiator Back Fltisher; Inland Vulcanlsor; >4.lon Floor Jack; crnujic case Suction Gun; Engine V*8 Supporter; W heel Balancer; Tow B*r; Presto WeJd H o t P o t (3 Ups); Water Valet Body Air H am m er; Twin post Lube Holst;

2 M-ft, Drop LlghU (upstA ln): l-Um Chain HoQu: 3 4*ln. Vises; Jum per Cables; Buantn Bod Aligner; Storm Vulco Boring Bar; Echlln Bfctrlc Es'e Condenser T ester: Allen Grewler;

_Bmall Amco Hone; B olt Cutter; Allen Lath# >«fm«ti~irfV;~ThinmQre~~rTndfrCTttter; -gari-Ptn- Vlse: Sunnen Hone (LBA); -

IT Suanen MandreU; S te rre tt Ta_per Ouage; Set a Micrometer I" to 4” : H j5. DrlU Molar; Fed-Mogul Bearing D e t« to r: 4H" Sunnen Cylinder Hone; H asting H one; All Power Rldg# Reamer; Hastings RJds» Ream er; 3 AU Power

u n a i t isearmg ruuer ana xvpimcer: «h H am m er Puller; Blue Point 'Wheel Puller;

Tool lDst4Ulng Spring spacers; Maabe« W heel A U gser (complete); Bean Wheel sp inner; ton C ha in Holst; HoUtRaeki-4-UBO De*ilblss- I^iliJt O uni; DevUblss Air Regulator: 1 3S-fL A ir H ose; 1 75-ft. Paint Komi: U Ik . W et and D ry P a p e r; Paint Room Vent Pan ; 6-It. st«p L adder;

3 P uah Brooms: I Ploor Squeeje; Snew Shovel; A ir H ose; Service Signal; 3 W ater O ani; l> G alJdn White Wall Cleaner; 1 Gallon Shu r- W aah; 3 Wash MllU; I Wringer: 1 B attery K it; 4 Dll Cans; a Ortase Ouna; T ruum lsslon W rench ; Cresent Wreath. 13-ln.; 4 T ire Tools;

' 1 L u « W rench: 1 ‘Itre Hammer; l D rop Cord;1 A ir W rench, «-GaI OU C an; 3 Steel B rushes: 1 Tire Jack; 9 M*Oal. Lub T an lcs:, 3 s o -o o l. Lub Tanks; 1 12S-Oal. BolTent T as k ;

•3 one q u a rt olf cans;6 ‘i - R o u n d Body piles. 14’ : 34 Shaipeoetf K a t

Body Piles. 14": 13 New Flat Body PUe«. 14";1 New Atlas Bsttery Service W ater CootjJiQer,

com plete: Eklln Coll Meter; EliUn M otor Tua>■ * m e tw ; Rotochrenj# Ugbt (color),

OFFICE EQUIPMENTT ypew riter, Remington; Hand Addin® J l a c h l ^ ,-Drop-Ltaht;-poj-la-Viuriii^_M^el 300^Bjad__Tnil^~CaMne^ ^ ' ^

nee Deslc (M. Eckert) steel; E secu tlre <-------.3 P o s tu re chain; 4 Side Ohotrs, P illn s Cab> Inet. 4 drawer, steel; Typewriter S tand :

4 T ra n s fe r Files; Large Wooden Desk; 3 01*- a re t t TJms; Settee; WU Ticket M achine; 3 e lec tric PJoor Heater; 4 Sets W e O n ld » ; a S ets Followup Syttem FUea (com plete): a

' W aste BaskeU; Dltplsy Table Deak; i Stool; M lsceUaneoui Fonai, BlaUoaery. Binder*, e tc.

M IS C E L U N E O U S 'IQ U IP M E N TO o ld 'D rln k Machine, ideal Mode) 70: o a

H an d . 13 cases, leas 4 efflp tr 'case t; a “ c u p Dl»pen80».<l4-FUleTs for-i*m e> t 8-P » p « .

T o v c t DUpensers; l Mt>desi Oli^cxiM r. t n d . PUlerv; 3 Toilet Paper Dlspensera;

Glass S he lf; Mirror; Hand Lotton DlfpaoMT;3 S o a p Dlspensen; Light O lo te t. f lo r tn v a t smd others; Neon Signs a n d .O u tsld * S lga; Show Room Advertlslnt { « IMS.



I94S Ford «N T ractor on eood rubber.9 polot bitch Hit bocon. New Holland 77 Baler,

USCD CA RS1M« 'e tu d e b ak e r % T m Pickup



TOWING TRUCK_1W Dodje Ton T r u ^ with ho tst and boom. A llla t o p ’ ahape. d f not sold b tf o n day <rf_Mle).

^ T E R f« : CASH D a y o f Sol«

217 2nd Ave. So. ECKERT M otor & Im p . Co.i tT m n M in :< D o . c. ‘ ^AUCTIONEERS: K U gg & E laas

I — T - T -

Page 12: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


p a g e t w e l v eTIM ES-NEW S, TW IN FA LLS, IDAHO ' F K IW y .A K U S T

M rt. n«b*rt M f W rtih l, J* jr-C -E tU su ta prejldent, made her ofncUl rlilt her# W ednetdaT n tth l mt > W ot dinner neeU ar U»e Twin Falli and Duhl unH«. AfUr her m eiufe to th e women i l th e Amerlean L*H«a hill, M r t M eyer. w»i pre«nU d a *ift frwn ibe clubi bjr Mr,. A rth n r Dnntan. Twin Falli Jay-C-EUe prealdent. Mr». P a t lUmllton. Ie« , l» the Huhl preildenl. Mra. A rre l Rudolph. Burley, fourth dUWel »lc« pre ilden l. alio wm pre.ent. Olher jue .U Ineludtil Mfa. Edward Rudolph. Burley, and Mrt. Eddie Alllaon. Mr*. Itobeft n ichard t, M n. Gene Kotaj, Mn. »-Y» Berry and Mra. Ren Mottern. all Twin F a lli : A prorratn wai preiented by ‘-The tasuali. Judy lie laon. plana; J u n e t Klneheloe, b«n|o«. and D arry l Amlck, Paul McDonald and Ilonle WUU*. » ln |. era. (S U fr pholo-encra»ln|) _______ __ ___________________________________________

ID S JRltes_Wed- MarV Lou Shupe A n d A. Reddish

JEROME.'AUR. 14 — &lary Lou Shupe. d iiushU r ol Mr. and Mri. C. J. Shupe. became lh<; bride of Arnold E duard Reddlili, son of .Mrs. R csc Reddbli, roc4l:llo, Auj. 6 s i th e Idaho Falls LUS temple.

A reception v.;u licid Ihat eve- niiJi: in th e locul LDa ch tpei It u u dccojuled ^ilUi buke;4 ol laV' eiidcr RlndloU.

T lie bride {reeled kucMs a l Ihe reception la a D ftn « » iiiyle »hlte u t t i i {!o<.r>Ienil}i soah. l l u u sp* pllqued w ith lace and featured a Eabrlna necldlne and Ions lapcred slecvcr,, Jie r ihouIder-lcMRih »ell r[ cuJle {riminetJ «;ch nj'lan li.ce n iid cnuKhl with a »j'cd pcnrl Ultra, t i e r coionUl bouijuei of or* chlUs w iili white c;irnnUwis *nd while Mi'camera was ki;oll«d wllh cariiiitlona.

M>rn L llllr. Eiuiiictt. was tnnld of honr'r. She wu.-, Irockcd in a 1»»-

brogartfd tuli-f.klntd gown ffcr bouquet »n.i of white earna-i

drest w iih \UiJiia^mcU .'.o.plccc Bllprnoon

tth l tf occe.<»orlei. Both wor uiKes Of uh lte carnnlloni.

Joiui T erry attended the book- T h e sHl l*>5>® was pfe.ilded over by Mr.i. Lr^ Knleontuij, Mrs Leslie Roberjon and Ahn DyUjira

T he bridal>le was covered u ltii K crocheted eloth over ii iSer. T J i t tiiTce-Utred Mkc topped w ith white xalln bells and llly-of-the-valley a n d trimmed wllh lavender flower*. Mrs. DIU Dlock And Mr.v Golden D.itlow, ]r.. ser\cd cjike. Mrs. S ian Sliupe and Mra. E raal Siiupe, both Qoodlns. poured.

A b lue iheath wlU) nhlie trim n»d w h ite acceuorlM wns selected by ihe b ride for a Ulp to Sun Val­ley.

_ W e d J n Jd a h o -E a U sJ e m p i

J a n e t Glavey Is C laim ed a s Wife By W. Kennison

J E R O M E . AUR. 14 — J a n e t O lavey. dnughter o r Mr. and Mr*. C harles CJinvey, bccame the br/da of W Ullnm Kennison. non of Mr. • n d M rs. U te liard Kennlaon, at 3 p jn . eunday a t Uic Aiiehibly of O od church, T h e Rev. Clayton N elson offldaled. T he church m s d eco ra ted with boskeW of red and w hite Rladtoll.

M argie and D iane Nelson la n i ••Alwoya." M n. Raymond Xennl- #on, Aberdeen, wing "Because." T hey ' were accompanied by Mrs,

Reception Held For Newlyweds

ircy n u n N . Aug. l«—More than 60 perMiu attended the open house and reception for Mr. and Mrs no)-ce DatJy a t th e home of Mr and Mrs. Jake BaUy l u t week.

The couple was married July 18 at Elko, Nev. Mrs. Baliy Is the for-

Mn, Lola Baker, Heybum . and I r Tin Robinson, Ogden, Utah.

Mrs. Calvin Je iu en arransed the RlfU and refreahmenta of wedding cake and punch were served.

T h e bride, given in marriage by h e r la th e r , vore a street-length

Ito lace over blue tiilfeta gown ...Jh a lull Jklrt and (eaturlng.a

bolero wllh ihrce-quarler IcngUj eaaorlej.

H er colonial bouquet waa ptnk and w h ile c»ma«on* wRh rhlte •tream era .

M rs. Cvrcnnt Sm ith, the bride's alster, was mairon of honor. She

'c hose ft blue floral on t’hlle atreet- leng th dress « iih a full aklrt and I ltte d bodice.

C olleen Drain, wearing a pink flow ered full skirted gown, was flow er glrL Scotty Drain was ring bearer.

J a m e s Johnson- was best

_M arian M artin Pattern

MARKS n m riif jA V KINO HILL. Aug, l-M r*, nob- •t riobcrUon was hojltAj Tues­

day for a dinner In hone: of her son. Edward, on hla n th birth* day annlveraary. Mrs. Iiobert Burr. Boise, and Mr. and Mrs, Richard Robertson and family, Qlenns Fer-

,cre sucBtA .

r Dot! r ol

H ay n v o ild K ennison. Abe

usher.The bridegroom's mother _____

black and w hite nylon afternoon dress with pink accessories. Tlie bride's mother chose a lavendnr

aU U .accfs.Borlei. Both wore redbud coranges.

The reception was held oi laai) of the church after the mony. The four-tiered cake, deco­rated with pnle blue roses and llly-of-the-volley nnd topped wllh

miniature bride and groom, was 1 a white linen covered table,

Mr*. RayrooDd' Kennison served, Mrs, Hinkle COx and Mrs. Jack Bussell poured,

Carol- l> i Whlsmore was In charge of the gucat book.

Mrs, Vernon BUke and her daughter, Janice, presided a t the glfl Ubio. Mra, Mondy Pm yer and Mra, Clayton Nelson assisted the reception.

*nie bride wore a light blue d reu 1th a pleated a k lrt and white ac-

eessorle* for he r going-away en­semble, The couple will make their home In Jerom e. Both attended Jerome echools.

Ont-of-town gUesU were from Twin Paltfl, Aberdeea and eho- ahone.

T lie bride was graduated from Jerom e high school In lOiS and is mtijorlnK In education at Idaho S tale coIlcge. Pocntello, The bride­groom wo.f grnduated from Poca> tcllo h ig h sciuwL He U a pharmacy senior a t ISC,

O u t-o f> lo w n guu t.1 Included Mrs, R ose Reddlsli and inns. Po- cnlello; Mr. and Mrs. Owrn Shupe. Blnckfoot; P. O. Shupe, Mr, and Mm. Q corge Lucas. M n, Merrill Shupe and La Monte Shupe. all Ogden; Lloyd Cox, Montana, and Mr. a n d Mra. R . D. Ludls. Bt. Paul. Minn.

C leric Conducts L eague ProgramEDEN. Aug, M - TJie Lulher.m

Womcn'a M lulonary Icflgue mci nl the home of Uie Rev, and Mrs. Raym ond E rnsl lhL\ week wllh the Rev. Mr, E rw t giving the de­votions and topic.

Mrs. H erm an Martens, president, AS in charge of Ihe buiine:s ses-

sien a n d appointed arransement com m ittees tor Mission /ajtlvsl, to be held Sunday a t the church and grove south of (own. There will be a poiluck dinner a t noon and a ll are Invlled, Befvlces will be held a t 11 ajn, and 3:30 p jn . with' a guest speaker.

P lana aLio were made to clean the parochial school so ll will be ready b y Aug. 31 /or opeuJng day of school.

John Juhnke gave a talk to the group o n educalion.

T he nex t meeting will be held a t

Social C alendar

Ann-K.-King J s— Wed to M artinez

In Paul R itualsPAUL, Aug. 11-Ann KoUileen

King, daughter of Mr, aniL Mr3. Kenneth King, and J im m y ^ a r - imez, Cokcvllle. Wyo., were m ar­ried m a double rlns ceremony a t 10 a.m. Sunday, *nie altnr wus banked wllh baskeis of pink and whiio gladioli for ihe rilca p rr- foim ril by iiif Rev. Edttnrd lla r - grrnves o l Uie Methodist church.

T he bride, slven In marriage by her fr.thcr. was gowned In nylon

over satin fOAhloned with a __ ballerina skirt and a I&ce bo­lero Jacket with llly.poinl sleeves. Jler lace-edKCd elbow.lengUi veil

as ciUKhl In n luce band. She irrleil n bouquet ol pink rosestd w ith .n e t .- .___ . . .Kristine King, /.Istfr of the

bride, was mnld of honor. She were an aqt^a rayun ta tfcta Eown and carried a iios'sny of [link

Rny Martin. Snli Liike City,' served as best man, Les Buriw, S alt Lake Ciiy. ww U-Jifr,

Krlsllne Kine and Ltiidn Iii.s- lee, nccompniilcd by Mrs, Dlllv K nirht. Mng " 0 Prombe Me" and 'T rue Love." Mrs, Knight a1;.o played the wedrtlni: niarctie.i and background music.

For her daughler's wrifdlng,


HAILEY — Whoop and Holler Square Dance cluh hn* canceled JU dance scheduled for Sniurdiiy. The next dance will be held Sept. 5,

* * *

Bible Study Led A t League M eet

OOODINO. Aujf. 14—Bible study was led by Mrs, John B rand t a t the recular meeting of th e Luth' eran Women's Mlislonnry lengue last Monday.

Rend and dlsciwed were Bible posjaRts that point up th e need for ml&slon work and Ute call to all Christians to do th a t work..

Tlie program {or Septem ber will be on "Christian Education" and

urtnt dfcM. The mother o! Hie brldrgroom, Mrs. Alex Sanchez, Denver. Colo., wore s pink sheer d rciv ‘m e lr corsnces were of ptnk carnations.

After the cerrniony the bride­groom's father. Joe Martlncr, Du- range, Colo., "was h ^ t a t o buffel dinner for the wedding party andfUMtJ,

For I trip lo Yellowstone park le new Mr,i, Marlines woi

summer white dres. snd a sage of baby roseV Ttiey will mnlte their home In Salt Lake Cliy where he Is a sophomore a t West- mliuter college.

Mrs. Jim S r t will be Septerober hostess.

I t was announced that the Rev, If. H- Spaude celebrated his 30lh anniversary In the mlnlairy.

Following closing devotions led by Mrs. Richard Rafiland, refresh- ments were served by the hoste.«, Mrs. Ervin Braun:

Guests were Mrs. Doyle Ben­ne tt and Mrs. Fred Peterson, both Shoshone. i


l l e n e E g b e r t t o

M a r r y G i lm o i ;. Wil:

njfjjl ajjdof Ihtlr diiUKlilcr, Ilrnr,P- Ollmore. » n or more, Spriii:; Vulli x, N Y

Tlie couple i» tjf [.j, at 1 p.m. Sqil, H lU Uie LDs church.

The brldc-fleci I-. a Kriifitrj Brigham Young umict.Miy ,,, emyioycc/ «! Clic l/iiivcrLV Utah. Salt Uke Ciiy, ciimK,', graduated iroin Sleicia i:j-. of Technoloty. Hoboken. vT the Unlverniy of ui.ui liyi-'. cIms of 1019, lie U nnpicrr:' the Sperry EJiKlnecring lion. Salt Like Cily.

Girls List Tourl^Jembe^s of Ta-Wo'-Co-U Ci

Fite group toured the Indrpci Meat company

Aflerwardi they dlstribuirtt- Idaho green pasters In Oit 7, Falls buslncu dl.strlct and tj: terlsts from other st.itcj.

A splash parly w ill be ht r their next meciinj.

C a r e o f Y o u r C h i l d r e nBy AN GELO P A T R l

W hen a physician prescribes ediclne fa r « child he must gel

It exactly, on time, for the period prescribedT Tl'® doctor's ordera

Is depen^Jtng on Uie nurse for this •• ' any failure on her part lessens

. . . . efficiency of the treatment. This Is generally understood ond followed.—WJiflt-Js-not-aJways-loUaa-. understood. Is iho fact that the pa tien t Is recovered there Is no fu rther need for Ute medicine nnd i t shou ld .no t be held 'Just In case." None of u.< a J « a drug once pre.«rlbed by the pliyslclan for an Illness thal cannot diagnose, bu t only gu«s . . "He h a d a lever like this before.*, Maybe he did. but only the phj-sie- Inti knows why he has fever this time and only he sliould prescribe Uie treatm ent. Once an lllne.« is past do away with the druits.

The present day drliRS are power­ful things. Some-of them lf-used unwisely can do damage, fiome pa­tients cannot take Uiem without 111 results and only the experienced phj-aieian has the knowledje nec­essary lo r their aale use. Leave them lo him.

Some parents have s medicine clt»et well stocked. If » child much as sneezes they go for the favorite remedy. Often a sneeu Is no more than an Indication of

change In the temperature caused by a ch ild 's entering a warm or a cool room after being outdoors. Left to ' attend to itself, the body xiiAllv dor:'ao.-W alt and

fore r e n c S i ^ for ISe", meaicine bollle.-

T h e medicine cIcLut should have few sim ple remedies on Its shelves. Carbonate of soda. Iodine, a aalve

flcid: Burrow ’s solution and dngen. A. few such simple things are needed In any family where tliere a re children. But the pre- scrlpllon-drugs seldom should be there.

I f pa ren ts of younger children would only have them given the accepted InoecuistJons » g a l n s t sm all pox. diphtheria, polio,-the Inocculatlons the family phj'siclan approvc.1 — Uiere would be little need fo r other ireotmenls. Fresh air. cleanllne.'ss of body Inside and out...,clcnn,_(houshU. good_lood, loving care and litlle pampering, make th e medicine cabinet's con­ten ts ji m atter of Jittle service. Leave' drtie-i to Uie physician. He knows how and when to um them.

Anc»lo r>lri efhn m -lin I««2lil< an .. ««rlctr of •ubjKii <wBc«rtiinf t " " ImlnlnE. It r<'u «oul4 llk« Ii>IrafM r-s, "Sr( InilnicUon," Mnil rrnu Ir. c ln u> Mn, </«

A Q U A M A I D S T O M O D E L A T I. D

inj-1ir<wWliri83fc—IlALF-StZE 8VCCESS

T h e sundress — perfect for j-our busy fall life <ind Ideal for your sh o r te r , fuller figure. A smart, new’

.no te— tlie Jlsttering peUled-effetl c o lla r . Tomorrow's psttem: Childs' Jaelcct. I

tntrt-hittrnTTH O Tl-niiinEesi, JO’;. IB.':, :OVj. 33‘i, 24‘,

-.Sl*e.l81».rcsiulres.4 yards a#-liich- la b ric .

P rin ted directions on each p it. te rn . part. E iiier. oceuiiSie.

S e n d iO ccn u (coins) for this .. .p a U c m -a d d JO ccnis tor each

p a t te r n for fim -ehus malllns " - “ •I to Marian Martin. Ttmej., — j Patlern-Depl,. 135‘W eiflBUr B U New York l l . N,Y. Pruit plain-

' ly nam e, addre.^s wllh «»ne. .^ o d ityU humbcr.

C om e See The Girls Of The "WATERCADE"

Modeling Foir s Newest Foshions■ Starting A t 2:00 P.M. Saturday Aug. 15 ■

In lo n n al m o d e l in g th roughout the store by glrli sta rring In the “HoUday. W atercadt- whleh will sliow a t Jay-

-------0*e-Parls-AuBU*t~l6;-17rIB, 10.

l/ . u• r - 'f( - r ' l

Page 13: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


C o l l e g e A l l - S t a r s C a r r y

U n d e r d o g T a g I n t o S e a s o n

O p e n e r A g a i f t s t B a l t i m o r eCH IC A G O , A u jj. 1-1 T ile C'ciilcKo A !l-S lur.< . u n d e rd o g s a s u su ii l , k ic k o ff th e

1959 foo tbu ll.aeH son F r id a y niR lit aj:ain.M t h e B a ltim o re C o lts . T h e C o l ts a r e f av o red bv 16 p o in ts in t h e a n n u a l Kanie d e s i) ite t h e f a c t th e 1958 A ll- S t a r s s u r p r i s e d by h e a l- iiiir th e D e t ro i t L io n s 35-19. O f c o u rse , i h e l ‘J5 8 n u K re g a tio n h a s n o w j;o n c in to p ro -

r a n k s . ,^ n d a ll th a t r fm a iii s is C o a ch O tto G ra h a m — b u t f lom e th in k he m a y ■-------------------- - (pu ll a n o th e r s h o c k e r . H e h as

C u b s T o p G i a n t s 2 0 - 9

I n W i l d M a r a t h o n, The AiMcUted rrc*<

In a 3 h o u r 50 m in u te lo n g e s t ninc-iiiniii>r a f f a i r K in N ationiil le a s u e -h is to ry , th e C h ica n n (,’u b s T h u r s d a y

hummered a 20-9 v ic to r y ove r th e S a n K ra iic lsc o G ia n ts . The p rev io u s lo n g e s t c o n te s t w as iti t h e C u b s 23-KJ trium ph o v e r t h e S t . L o u is C a rd in a ls on A p r i l 17, 1951. The m a jo r le a g u e re c o rd fo r , * * * *n i n e in n in g s is a :51i in Bo.-;. ^

ginMav2ri95r ' W illnurwlny.’ wild Kiimc.-lHTitniciTr

r m »»cUcrUiK Wnglcy liclil i'J j JiooUHB and hollerlm:, ti»d (iMj-mins - t e m p e r tlu fifction of ino pinyera nntl a ucr bacMlrlnB »tntiriry. ifsb elKhi h o m m and oUn wricd aiuici.

n was plnyed under proKst from ihe fUlli innlnn oi.,

BI.T niBney. mMWRcr of tlic Icidmi: Gltinta, lodged it, 5le chfifKtd interference i> r te r the CukJ Tony Taylor. reachUiK third b.uf.'cn!mJy stepped from th e bat;10 fitid n foul crounder h ll by tfimmatc Enile Banks.

Tlie rirtC InnlfJff act »>f ii Jiarir fn,o9. jflfk S-inford, f irri of kv- n Oloiil pllcliers, bcRnn KliuinK;,j.I pUtc umpire Hftl D l« n overJ}|cri,pipd for four homehms In sup- alW ‘>•''1'; J ' " of Knrly W ynn’s three-lilt

Speitccr ndilcd nis two cenu Mor n, ,,fat Detroit T l'Rignry riiced to the mound ' - -

As ICniebi’cw Snaps

lly The Auocialcd PressHiits Kenvm'erer won hl.i first

Riime *lnce June 2fl Tliiirsdny as ilarmon KlUvbrew In] WiislilnRlon 10 ft 5-2 victory over the New Vnrk yunktCA.

Klllebrcu'. v,tio hns been sinjR' KllnK In u slump, drove In lui ruiu wUli ft pair of doul)lca in the first imd third off lojcr Dob Tur* ley. He slnBlcd nnd scored In Uie ' flh »hen WtishlnRton opened up

5-1 lend,I TJic C/t/c.i(ro Wiiit« 6o«r. noramt-

bnnd of crc.ini-puff htilcr.i,

b u i l t u p h ig h m o ra le , lie w ise in t h e w a y s o f h i s ^ m fe s s io n a i opponen t.-j . he lias lonie fine' p iu 'receH Trr^-iind 'n t; hn i five Kimrkllni IjUBrterbiicts who cnn tlirow.

Tliey arc Lee O ro w u p of Utah, Buddy Humphrey of Buylor, Dob Newmnn of W ashlnston Jjiatc, Dot) Ptncfk o( MlchlRnn. and UicH Pelltban of Tulsne.

U nfortunately., the rest of Mie A lt-Star squad doesn't seem to be quite up 10 th e 1858 level. As suit, G raham has decided he substitute till* year by indivldusli ind no t by un ltj .

The forecast Is warm nnd cloudy for -the sam e tJmt should druv ............. ||„

Beats Throw foi’ Tying Run

F a t ’ s R i c h f i e l d D o w n s

A i r b a s e N i n e 8 t o 1 i n

B u r l e y S o f t b a l l T o u r n e yB 'U K L tV , A u K n 'I '^ n ^ i i l ’- ^ ic l i r ie ld r B i i r tc jT 'i o w n c d - t h o - M n u T i tn in - H b m o - i i i r - f o r c e -

b u sc n in e b y a sco re of 8 to 1 T h u r s d a y in t h e second n i i ;h t o f t h e i n t e r n n t io n S o f tb a l l conK re .ss to u r n a m e n t b e i i i^ 'h o ld 'h e r e . T h e T e x a c o te am f ro m M o u n t a i n H o m o h a d c a r tr o u b le a n d d id n 't f irriv e lo p la y t h e g a m e-sc h ed iilcd w ith A r c t ic C irc le . J e ro m e . F a t ’a I t ic h f ie h J s c o rc d fo u r r u n s in th e f i r s t in n in jr. D ave L ee a n d R o g e r W ilso n s in g le d a n i l f o u r b u t t e r s w alked .. One of

tuatlon, Dixon Wftvcd i Bpeiiccr nnd then Sanford,

fn tfic iilppffr BoIjSchfHini; of the Cubs was Rlvcii tlie ht.ive by Umpire Vlnny Smitli for pfoteitlnB a play a l first bw^

In the fourtJt Inning .'.erne strat' fsy by nigney went asunder nnd Ihe Cub scored foui

•nirtc times R lsn ty ordered In- Itntlonal passea. fllllnB the b w J on ficli. Tv.0 recelvinR the kHIs. Banlu ond irv Noren. tcored on Art Schulf! pinch tingle. Two more runs counlcd on unassljled flrtt ba.<ie outa tlm t were sand- slclitd Iselween Uie free la lk s .

To top off the ftliennnlnuna. tat Giant pitchers. A) Worlhlngloii ind Mike McCormick, found them- M ltu^n the mound n t the same Urns In .the sixth Innlnn before II

/Ifclded the fonncr really the relief hurler.

Brooka Lawrence forced Eddie

londed and tivo out in the ^ i h and preserved a D-& victory kr the ClnclnnnU Red* over the

I Mllsiukee Braves. T ho Breves had tcortd thrco tim es In Uie ftnal ln-

■nins;rmnk Robinson h i t Uie first

snnd tiam homerun of his major iMpie career, and batted In five niiu a* the Reds built nn 8-0 lead In the first four In n ln u off Bob Buhl and Cnrleton Willey.

Tlie L<B Anneles Dodgers M»cd n five-run St. Louis Cardinal Till/ In tlie lost of the n in th to it!t»t the Redblrds 7-0 Tliursday

•Hie Cardinal outburst Included » buts-lontlcU liomerun by plnch- hlUfr-Oeontc-Orow«-ftnd-a sole heme: by rookie Gene Oliver, How. t»er. Oliver la ter struck out wllli (»o mnncrs on base to end tlistally.

Tile erofty rlcht-honder picked up his ICth victory ~ hleh in Uie American league. 2t was h l i rusiJj trlumpli In a major Jensue career diilinK back to 1039, Tlie slmloul w.ri Wynn's fllih Of Ute wason ana 42nd of hU ccireer,

U aho- was Wynn’* tecond r.ttaiRht shutout. l ie nbo .ihut out Wa.ihlt]i;ton on three hits iiMt Sun. liny.

Homers by Jim L andb and Bub. ba phllllps gave Uie league-lead- era a 4-0 bulge In the f irst In­ning. UtndLi belted liLt fifth Into the ccntcrfleld seaU for three runs before TlEer Loser Don Mossl could ' retire a batter.

Earl TorBtson lined a fourth- Innliiif homer and Shcnn Lollar h it hLi ISUi In the eighth .

Lusty h tlttnc by Woody Held and Jim Baxes gave the Cleveland In ­diana a 1-5 come-from-behlnd vie-

Uie Kansna City AUiIet-

............ r a tn m e srun>^orln{ doubles In ii four-run eighth InnlnR th a t kayoed young Jim ' Tsltourls, A"s rookie rlght- ‘mnder.

Aside from the elithth. a ll runs ■t7y~liuiun uiiii.Held"

.. tliree-run alsot in tlie second Inning but Bob Cerv nnd Zeke Bella delivered tw o ru n circuit •■;hrt.< for the A th le tla to give them ' 4-1 lead going Into the eighth.

j.puiisor.-anp of tlie Chlc.iKo 'in-i: , ., uiie charltlcs. I t will be telecait — nnd broatfeast by ABC alarJIiig oli ■8:30 p,m.. EST. '

The Baltimore ColU. « players .•■trons. flew In TUursdny (W ou' (lhake-doan workout, Tlie «-pU y er All SUir equad look It eiL-.y Eveo-onc 13 In iliape excrpt for Ron Luciano. Syracuse tjicklo. who has an Injured /ihaulder. and El­bert Dubenlon. Blulfton. Ohio Col­lege. bothered by n bad knee.

Of O raham ’s five quarterbacks, Petltbon *eems sure to see mOBt action on defense, nnd Orahnm ndmlts ho h as no t yet decided which one o f the other four " s ta r t or « e the m ast ncUon.

Dick Haley of P l lt nnd Don Drown of. Houston probably will do most of th e work n t the half­back pof,ts of the All-Stars, will: Larry Hickman of Baylor and Nick Pletros.-vnte of Notre Dnnie niter- natlng a t fuMback.

t place posUlon In the N'atlonal leaiue. lAI’ »lrephn|n)

th o s e ru n .'! w a s sco rc tl on a : j - i f ic e f ly hy W ade A n-

(le rso ti.Hi Uic f if th inmiig. Fat’s scored lur m ore ru ru . Wajmr Ilendrr- >n Rinclcd to >t,irt th r hiiilng. oKcr Wll:.on lolln-.ied with a walk.

G iirth W ibon . much hiuhiK lor


Frisco Giants’ Seat Capacity Is IJneertain

SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 14 L41- -lie G iants are In first place In the N ational league, but don’t ask about world series-(cats In the ir unfinished Candlutlck s ta­dium,

A llhoujh th ey hope to piny the world aeries there. It's anybody’’ gue.-u as to seating capacity.

Charley H arney, the builder, promises:

34.:00 scBtn.Taulbly 4J00 more.

G e m H i g h S c h o o l i ^ r i d

S e a s o n O p e n i n g N e a rB O ISE , A u g . M (;P)— B u g in n m g .o f p r a c t ic e f o r ( h e 1959

Idaho h ig h s c h o o l fo o tb a l l .season is j u s t o n e w eek a w a y , w iih in d ic a t io n s p o in t in g to a t u r n o u t o f a b o u t 5,500 g ritl lio|tt;fuia. A s u s u a l , c o n fe re n c e c b a m p io n sh ip .s— b u t no s ta te ti t le — w il l ’ b e t h e g o a l. Id a h o d o e s n o t d e te rm in e prop B tato f o o tb a l l cham -

- to put’em up, emerffenoy bleach#r» " ■ up to 15.000.

■ potential total of 65.000 U

Stan Musial Is- Benched by Cards. ST. L duiS . Aug. 14 tn-ARing 61. Louis Cardinal sta r Stan Mu-

»(i( be benched for much-of he reit of the sca-wn in favor of

Tounjcr players. Uie Cardlnal.-i. an- Myncfd Thursday n ight Just be- lore the s u r t of a game ngalmt Ihe Los Angeles Dodgers,

ITie 38-ycar-oId Maslal wncliM for -niursday night’s game w fivnr o f young Oene Oliver who ‘PPtared In Muslnl’s placetU'C,

a ha.Mlly colled prc.w confer- Grnernl M anager Bing Dc-

•tae _Mid._::,in_nn .c fforL .lo_w e. ’'•'Jrt or nur younger players. Mu- ■-** vm not sec much action for

rtiiialnder of the sctiso tlui, .viid Devine. Muslal

next aearoti.Bevliie f-iid MusIal Tiad agreed

’ iht new program after '»nce between tlie two.

Gridders CalledJlA^ELTON. Aug. » - A i l pros-

grldders a t Valley high ^•Ml are luiked to m eet nt a p m

nt-the sehoolr-Blll-Emtr- ^ M'H-li. said Thursday night.

No Racketeer Deal Found in Boxing Probe'

Ne w . YORK. A u (j ,n in — o u t ,Atty, Prank HBftfiff said T hurs­day a monUi-old Investigation of the Ingemar Johaa-Bon-Floyd P at- tcnon heavTwelght Utle fight had failed to tun i up any definite In­fluence by the underw-orld.

A^ked If underworld Influences were' involved in Uie promoUon, Hogan said ”no,"

ilogan said Dill Rastnsohn, the promoter, would retu rn tor que.Mlonlng Aug, 28.

”ife (Rosensohn) gave ur- . . . lain Information which Includes the names of persons whom we quc4tl'Dncd since w’e last talked to him," said Hogan. "There are certain matters w ith which the*e «'»nc«es do not agree. We wllf tr ' to talk to him again to try to citabllsh Uie facts.”

Ous D’Amato, manager of Pat- leraon, the former champion who lost his title to JohanMon, testified TliUraday before the g rand Jury Investigating boxing. No deUxIIs of his testimony vcee available.

D’Amato left Uie building Just » Irving Kahn, president of Tele-

Prompter went Into the offices of Dlst, Atty, Frank Hogan.

Kahn heads Uic closed circuit television company Uiat handled theater TV. movies ond other TlghLs o! Ihe. IlfM . ^ •

Buddy Kerr, former shortslop, for the New York Giants. U man­aging, the Michigan City, Ind.. -Whlte.Cnps in Ui8_'CInai D Mid- we.1t'League. ' -----

eIai3-iind-«rc>ilUMt—J< says he's no t about t< ' oddlllonal bleachers, .

Harney reiterated today what he Insisted Tuesday:

T he stadium , though not fin­ished. will be avaUtible lor the world series. T he classic opens Sept, 30 In the American league city for two games, u the Olonts win the NL' bunting, San Fran* cisco n-ould host the series gosiej of Oct. 3 and 3 If needed Oct. i .

Only Uiree of.four_ramp»-l«ul- Ihit 'ln to the pear-shaped *ladlum will be finished and tho upper deck in left Held won’t be In.

B ut the playing Held H In good condlUon,

H urricane Jackson To F ig h t in Boise

BOISE. Aug. 14 on — Tommy ’Hurricane" J a c k s o n n’lli be

brought here to m eet undefeated heavyweight prospect Geofso Lo­gan.

Jackson will m atch blows with the Boise figh ter outdoors here Sept. 3, The matcli ■tt-as announced by promoter A1 Berro. t

l a Ills last ouUng, Logan knock- 1 ou t fonncr heavyweight Ezsard

ChftriM. Lognn Has a draw but Bt losses In 14 bouts.

Jackson, of Far Rockaway. L. T. has been outpointed once nnc’ knocked ou t once by Floyd Pat­terson, the m ost recent k ln i of Uie a irlilon .--------------------------------------

I-’. Grider, executive . . . j f Uie Idaho Interschola.Mlc

Aciivities n-ssoelntlon.. c.illmiitc(' tlie SiOO turnout. I t was based oi repnris of la st year's nctlvlllr; »liic)i showed th a t 121 Msh Khcols-'all bu t 13 In the s ta tc - pUKd football. One hundred schooU fielded rcm ilatlon II- leam;; nnd 21 played eight football,

A^wlatlon regulations fix Aug. 1 as Uie first day for any orgi

Izecl practice. T h a t Is before the beginning of cloMwork for mast tchools nnd some conches arraiiKC

*o-a-day practlcc se.vilons.Games can be scheduled nn «

er than Sept. 4. Q rlder said. Biggm schools 111 the state play

generally In two l e a Soulhem Idaho conference in the r.ouih nnd th e Inland Empire Jc.itruc In th e north. 7^ •o oilir: major conference.-! are In opcrn tion In the sou thern portion of the stftie, Uie Snake R iver loop In the southwest nnd th e Crc«.s Slate league, which embraces schools In both the south c cn tral and south-

m p fli'tf-A number of o th e r IcMntc*>Mfl.'fn

operation In some areas compi ' linn is by dlstrlc ls, as It' Is crally In other sports.

clilUwt—Jobn-BoUct, -A_i_________ TT -I _____;Sr.“ Slonz JolmsDn AndMiteff to Fight Tonight

NEW YORK, Aug. 14 tn -A lon£ J'ohnson, an am bitious hearywelght who has . s tn lgh t. takes on b lg.A lrx.M llclI of'A rgentina to n le h l In Ihe last boxing show of th e sum m er season a t Madison Bquare Garden.

Johnson was largely unknown ouUlde ot P lttsb u rsh nnd Shad­dock. Pa„ imUl Uils year when he crashed the top 10 rankings by whipping Nino ViUdes nnd Winie Pastmno.'Now they arc comparing him to Ezaifd C harles o t the stage.

The only fig h t Johnson has lost while compiling a 17-1 pro rccord was * six-round prelim inary with Corte* Stewart In 1057.

Mlteff aLso broke away to a sen- satlonal sU rt as iv pro after w in­ning the Pan-A m cncon games heavyweight U tle os an amatei la IBM. He won 12 In a row as p; before Mike D ejohn knocked h i oul la one round. 77:c Arsentlne ran Into some heavy going In Uie last year when b e was held to » draw by George C huralo In T or­onto, stopped in one round by W ll- lla Besmanoff in - S n t t le and lost-a dwlsion to h igh ly ranked Zora Fol^y In Denver.

Mfteff snapped o u t o t his slump y knocking ou t Harold Carter In

April. In his la st ouUng, May 33. he won a close b u t unanimous de­cision over Wftyne Betliea. Ills ca- re«r record Is 18-3-1. He will have about IB pounds on Johnson, ap-

y 203 to IBS pounds.

Tourney SlatedLEWISTON, Aug. 14 Ml — "nio

Idaho sta te American Legion Jun­ior baseball tournam ent geu un­derway here Friday n igh t w’lm Po- cat«Ilo a decided favorite.

Pocatello has defeated two of the other three tirullsla, Boise and

Moore Offers Million Dollars To Johansson

MON-niEAL. Auk. M (UPl) - U g h t - h(.-av>-wclght c h a m p io n Archie Moore—"old man dynamite" who cRiiln l:iioc>:cd out diallengi-r ■yvon Durcllc—today planned a "quick-mom-y" S o u t h American tour next m onth ulille negotiating! to r. a ."llircc-mlillon-dollar’’ fight

•lUi heavywelRht champion Inge- in r JohaiLvon.Tlie ring's all-time knockout king

nnd record-equalling Ilght-hea\'j'- weight defender wll! receive i. guaranteed St75,000 for belting out Canadian Durelle lar.t night nt 2:52 of the Uilrd round, and he wants to pick up "a couple hundred Uioasand" In September and Octo­ber lights In Argentina and Brasil.

Manager Jack Kearns has relay­ed to hea\7 wclght ruler Johan.vion Uie offer of a million, gunrftiilce to defend ftRatnst ]<3 year old Moore.

Ootebdrg. Swedcp, he sold the mil­lion Kuaranlcc would be m a bank when. Ihgem ar signs for the de­fense;

K cam s declined to Identify for Ui*—otcis—U i£_;‘vfrv Important Canadian nnd.Amerlcan Interests’’ h e says wlil pu t up the fusrantee bu t predicted a Moore-johansson Ilgh^w ould draw a »3,000,000 gate.

'C ertainly I ’d like to fight Johansson,” Moore said, "but right now I w ant to get busy with South American flght-s. Yes. I may make

defense down tljere.Another successful defense would

brcak-U je-iecord-he equaUed.last n ight before 11.S9S a t the MonU-eni forum, where his eighth defense Ued the 17S pound division's mark set by Mnxie Rosenbloom. Maxle lost the title when he risked It the n in th time agaln jt Bob Olln In 1034.

Archie s trc ld ied Ills oll-Ume. all-dlvlslon knockout record to 128 lost night when he floored 20-year- oM Durelle lour times hi the third round for a kayo th a t was count­ed out by referee Jack Sharkey— w ith heikrtbroken Dureils flat Ills back.

MONTREAL, Aug. M Ifl — Yvon Durelle shot dice with

In his dressing /com be/ore hJs /Irst lUle fight w ith ligh t heavy chomp Archie Moore on Dec. 10.

Thursday night an hour be­fore Yvon’s defeat In the return

-Hght A reporter Mked-h(m-l(-he- wonted "to roll Uie bones again."

"I c an 't tonJffhl," y rcn s a J i -1 have no money."

. <il.n»lK-a a-tiamnt n o ~r-gnnr ic> ruii.s, Anderson got on by cr- ir nniJ Abrj)«is wijxicd him home. M ounta in Hunii- scorcil In thi-

flfih InnlriB whrii llor)’na Parted with a nlnttle. TVo bases on balls and o g round out gave .Uiem Uiclr single ta lly .

Mnrv A bram* wa.s Uie winning pitcher, r.trlklng o u t 'l l and walk­ing th ree . T lie losing pitcher woj Zurcher. w ho 'struck out one one

alked e igh t.G am es scheduled for Friday are I B p ju . Mountain Home Air o r c e Duse vs. Arctic Circle.

Jerome, nnd n t D:JO pm . Fat's iflcld. Burley Texaco team.

Mountain Home,Tlie line

F;its Richfield, Briy 4 0 0 0 4 0-B Mount.iln llomeAFDO 0 00 0 1-1

S o x ’ B u l l p e n B r i g a d e

G e t s C r e d i t i n D r i v eD E T R O I, A u g , M (/P)— T h e k e y s to n e f i r m o f N e l l ie

I-*orTm t>~ lnii<r:?tparicitn::T itythc~ginnt*.s~:i}iTn 'L' u f th e iir a ia e :— ^ f o r t h e C h ica g o W h ite S ox ' s u r g e t o w a r d th e i r p o » .iib le \ ' f i r s t p e n n a n t in J O y e a r s . T h e s e c o n d b a s tm a n a n d s h o r t - u>

I '.

s to p s u p p ly th o S o x w ith d a re a n d .speed n n d def.en.«;e. B u t M a n a g e r A l L opez , a n old c a t c h e r , fiiiig lcs o u t ’h is bull p e n b r ig a d e f o r e n u a l c re d it.

HIj» s ta r relievers are two Jour­neym en who have kicked around in th e mojors for many years.One. O crry SUley. will be 3D Aug,21. T lic other Turk Lown. la 35,

•T hey ’ve been life luivers for I." oftld Loper, -n iey ’vo b:en

I Ilgured be-

D eadline NearsBO ISE, Aug. 14 t^^-ApplIca-

tloiis fo r pennlta to hunt t lt tr and rik In controlled hunts this full m ust be postmarked by mid­n ight today . Uie Idoho flsli ond g a m e departm ent reminded sportsm en.

D raw ings to detenhlne tho w inners w ll! be held Aug. 34,

T fie departm ent said only two controlled deer, hunts nre plan­ned, b o th In the Pocatello game refuge,

E igh t conlrolletS elk hunts are scheduled, a ll In souUiem ond en.stem Idaho . Permits avail­able will totol nbout 2,400.

T7jc Ilr.1t Iw n u will be Ocl. 3 to 11 In Prem oiit, ciiirk. Caribou and B e a r Loke eousUes. Other h un ts a re scheduled Oct, 17 to Oct. 21 In Owyhee county, Oct. 17 to Nov. 15 In Uie Wood River country and .O c t. 24 to Nov. 15

S old ier mountain. . .

cause Billy Pierce and Dick Don­ovan h av en ’t good yenr.i.

'■Good relief pitching Is especi­ally v ita l with Dur type of club. We don’t make many runs so we alwoys need somebody to pu t out the fire nnd protect a lead.’’

T lie 6ox have won 27 one-nir gnmcs nnd lost only six.

S taley , a tough sinker ball pitch­er, /uts K'on /l«'0 esmes Uils sea­son, one more than his output last year. H e has saved six additional victories for oUier w hite Sox hurl- ers. Lown has eight victories and e ight saves.

T h e relieving roommslcs have been undefeated in six decisions since th e /Irst All-Star game July 7. I t-w as about Uien the White Sox made Lheir push to tho front,

•T liese guys have plenty of perlence and get the ball o '.... said Lopez. ‘T h s t's what counts. My tw o gnve us about tho be*t bull pen In the league,"

StandingsAMEniCAN M

ix-Ghampions Hit ‘Western’

NATIONAL LEAGUEI rrnnrlKO ■ |) II ,i'„

Quai-terfinalsPORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 14 Ifl —

Tliree lo rm eio champions moved i Into th e quarterflniils of the WesU i em A m ateur golf tournament * T hursday. B u t tournament medal­ist A rt B u tle r of Psssdemi, Calif., -as e llm laated.B ob- P ro t t .- Houston- unlrerslty

player fro m B elieve. Wash., oust­ed B u tler S and 3, as Butler climbed nbove par for Uie Hrsl time In t h e tournament.

D efendlnjr chiunplon J a m e i (Billy) K ey . Columbus, Go., finally defeated PorUander Bob AUOnson On th e 3Cth hole. Atkinson, former Oregon im a te u r champion, gained a five-hole lead on the first seven holes a n d Key- spent the rest of the day w h ittling down the margin.

Tn-o fo n n cr cliamplons who also »on were D r. Ed llpdegnif/, Tuc­son, Ariz.. w ho defeated Tom Shaw.

1 MUwoukle. O re , 4 and 3. and Lieut.J. G . B ruce Cudd, PorUand, who bent D on Krleger. also Portland.5 and 4.

Pete D}-c of IndlKiapolls, Ind . won a n o th e r close matdi. Ho ond D ie t Y os t o t Portland trsded hofe* until th e 20Ui where Dye sank short b ird ie pu tt to -give him one-up lend. He never lost tha t m argin nfthough thp m ilcti .vent th e tu n distance.'

A l^ w inning were Chuck Hunt- ;, J r . Tftcomo, Wosh.. who defeot-

ed Hftrold Jacobson, LoBgvlew, W ash.. 3 nnd 3; Bob Snelllng. Richm ond. Cnllf.. who beat Bob

n>rW>7'« Rmalu 'UUtouU )0. OUllast Icr»it-r»iu-Trr«2tiiio‘«------------I4«l» F.11. I. Uol,. 0

rA o m c COAar lbacub

Contract for Paul Richards Is Extended

BALTIMORE. Aug. » LW—Tho contract of Paul Rlcliards to m ati- nge th e Baltimore Orioles of the Am rrlcnn lengue extended Tliursdny for two years, ■

Tho announcement o t ft news conference In Memorial stadium p u l to rest speculation th a t the 60- year-old Richards might be Itching to move. He came to Baltimore In 1055 a fte r four years of managing; the Chicago W hlt* So*. .

R ichards served as'boUi general m onoger and Held monoRer (o r Baltim ore until th is season. Lee M ocPhall. formerly director o f player, personnel (or the New York Yonkees, took over Uie admlnU- traUTo duties of general m anager,

R ichards orlglniilly was signed . th ree-year contract by the O ri­

oles. A fter two years. It was ex­tended. through this season.

His salary was reported to be tii the $40,000 bracket.

R ichards reploced-Jlm my Dykes . I n janajfcr o t BaJUmore which replaced Uio Bt. Louis Browns In Uie American league In 1054. Dykes

Is manRBlng Detroit.

Indians Try fo r

BROOKLINE, Mass.. Aug, 14 —Two young Indians from h a ir- way across tho world will try tor a tenn is miracle today—a victory over th e heavily favored A ustra-

I Hans In t he InlerjMDe DavU Cupi] nuns:---------------------------- -—— “I fa ft big order bu t we m ay sur­

prise," said R u u u u t h u i K rlsh- nan, th e No. 1 s tar, actlns oaptalo nnd liaison m as of the underm an­ned eastern zone champions.

K rlshnan plays AustimUft’s Rod la v e r in theopenlng slnglesm stch a t I p jn . EST a t the Loiiswood Cricket cJub. The second mfttch sends- P re m jlt L all.-a -lO -y ear^ ltl— OalcuttA student, against tougb Neale F raser.


— -v u e A n o N Smibm. N»


Friday night, Buhi plsys Poca­tello nnd Lew bton faces Boise. The double ellminaUon tourney will concltjde-fitmdayi

Philadelphia Eagles Coach Won’t -Tolera1«-'‘StupidMistakes” of 1958

lIElUiliEY. Pn„ Aug. 14 W! - •Tons; running, excellent passmg

«»rovrd defense. Inexperienced line ij uie early training > the 1S50 Philadelphia

Birds nwnlt Uifi openlng^of '‘ .whibltlon season Is Uiat th ln ji

(."1 w worse than they were dur- t f , I h e - 1058 N ational Football

canipalpn..-.iiys he won't tolerate "the

iiiiMakc-i. blackouts In cm- »‘IUniion.t" Uwit m»de the 1D58

the most disappointing in »-yervr coaching career.

krpp one Mam eomlni.EJmg—a h d - o n e ^ i m

It necessary.” h s io*d -tli# of .\^i«rans and rookie*

Uity opened camp three

weeks ago. /Show isn't deluding himself wlU>

Uie Uiought of winning any chim- ploathip, bu t be expects the Eagles to play .500 bAlL The club won 2, lost g and Ued 1 la st year.

Shnw hstsJi1fjSElllLproblemi.lLS TiiexpeHcnce oii the offet^slve line and defensive u n u r y and the lack f 0 breakaway rtmner.The line problem was created by'

Uie reslgnaUon of three of last: year* su r te rs -H aro ld Bradley, Ken Huxlioid, and Lum Snyder. Len Biaforju resigned, ond Galen: Laack was kUled In on.ftutomoblh accident,

Line .Coach Nick a o r lc h ciir- rently 1* working w ith Pro\'erb Ja- co^I5.-^55^pound^econa-yetlr man: Don Owen*,' a defenalre stalw art last season; J. D. Smith. No. 3 draft ct)olce from Rice, u d John

• ' ' ! ' / ■

Burroughs. ro<^le from Iowa, at the tackles.

JDarrell Aschbocher, rookie; Al Beneclck. Syracuse draftee: Ed K hayat, veteran from Tulane, ond John McMullen, a cc n t._or«_opfrt‘t?ng_'n t_ guards. Chuck Bednortk. U -year veteran, holds down offensive center bocked up by Mike Hudock, b 240-pounder picked up OS ft free ngent.

T he offensive .backfleld U looded. Quarterback N orm .V on Bfocklln. one of the league aa-tLme great passers, Is bock for his l l l h year of acUon.

T he defense 1* headed by such reterons as Je rry Norton and Lee Rlley a t safety spots. Bob Pelle- g rln l-and Ohuck 'W eber-llneboek-r e n . a n d Tom Brookshler, recorered from ft series o f crippling 1D5S In­juries.

r«‘ r ,:z

«^Ccrmkt Tl .•■<1 Kchmirf

Page 14: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay
Page 15: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


m a r k e t s a n d f i n a n c e* ■ * * *

jT.FrConij[janj Reports Good Klin of Cattle

Tulii Falls LlvrMoek Con'­ll; cfimporiy rfportfd b

callle on theinnrkfl.

Jicirt tlrm ^ llh cowj-mIN m IcnU 50 criils lilKlnr. i-{fil Mwrs and lieUtra were In rrUiiic but kooiI clrmafid riwrifd Iflr strictly In i Itmilw fxlrfnie lop ot J20i 0.I «lffr» coiislRHcd by Amnl- ifd'SuRar eompatiy Mid fur

- j lur U a . (ind Tnxnt Orlli.'VcMlcll. j-:c.50 tor 1,1C5. Fed

'Irt by John BrpckciirldKP.irSJS . o n pouniJ.v

Jlecrsftold by A. E. K unkrl inupcrin i.i'on. b r o u K lU »r?.00. 5'.’a,

jn n c i mid Sommcr.i. K liii-lof ihi- ly, s:C05. COB, tzaso. cai: Mnll-(comtn« ' liiicrry. Castlclord, »2C-10, "Jlfl; I Dfclu iic i, Caiponulon. Ca.'tle(oi<l. c^^d^^ :n. 173, $:S-JO. 835. and JohnlA rilx r fUa « iC P , Pia. Fccdrr Jiclfrra'coln t!i 'Jiriifd by M. Oucrry. CnsUr*' il f.jlil ror »2flJ0. C37; Dick lx>»K.

Klnil)ctly. 5rr; Mullirw■>;i.«ron, Derlh, Nev., I25.00. 013.

iifl John DrecltcnrltlKc. J25JO. 810.Ciiiod to low ctiolcc Meem.

coOTjnerclnl to low Kood. »:;.rio-:5.oo; iiiiiiiy stecni. iia.oo- t-I.OO;.{ed IlolMcin steers, ( 20.00-

to cholcp h e i rw .■ " ...............’-’“ to loxnici

F lip p an t'v,-hlle I 1 the

Mrs. Mlrimn SIrrn , Mill Hall. r*n , did « jrJtrrc^ny In n. IM- yard 'p rin t Unit w (» lirr the .'pfclAl piL-p f t n sold skillet III ihr lir-M nniuial I’eiinsyl- Vitiil. i'jK>uio dayV-Ucte,—i—^

Tcaclicrs for Cassia County Schools Noted

l.KY, AllK, H -E j.m Moore, tiiiilrnt of C.iM lti county . rc'IiM.v'd till' imme.i cif

M'hiiol pcri.diincl foi term,

I liijili scli'vii fncult; lli-iiiilr Cliiiibiiri:. Kl

iTurnrr, .n. Wetiicl, Km Clyde Wiiril lure.

Onklfy Adniiu., Kill liotnp


ilsh KllOCil — M: Cnrol Oil

briiry: Prliirl|i!v:

iitllltyl,S;’3 50.»:ii0;Icond heirers. |51.00-$ai0:

. $17J 0-»21.00; commercii $17.M-I18J0; utility co»

I1500-J17-00; cannerg and cuitet J1300.$lflJS; commercial b u l l»2i,oo.»i2.oo: utility bulb. tio.oo « 1.00. licllt bulls. $lj.00-»l0.00 ■ ‘avy feeder atcers. IM.50-KC.00

Jill feeder uteers. »2SOO-»2a.5Q iiiiiiion quality steers, *22.00

J2< JO; Hobteln steers. »19.00- er Krndc steers. $16 00-

113.00; lienvy feeder liclfer.'!, *23.00.IlKht feeder heflers, S2i.OO-

IG.oo; common llelfers, $21.00. !3.00; »teer calves, S31.00-$34.00: o m m o n gunllt'

$27 00-I30.00; heifer cnlves. $25.00- $28.50; venlers. S27i)0-$2DXI0, ifCNlrr cows, »».&0.|15.50.

lid lliirdin nnthe-

Wall Street Chatter

m w YORK. Aub. H (U P D - lon't expect too much ot the mnr- ct between now and Lnbor dny,

acconlltiB to the brolti.L. p. Hooper, nniilyjst for W. E,

Iluiion and conipnpy. saya t l r....... id halt ot AUKiisl often hrbeen R wiiltlnK period for Inve.itor* ind he cnutlotu nRnlnst. hoplnR or too much In Uii - -

■nils year, he add.?, the market iccm.» to be wnltlnR not only f< ;he vacationers to come back but »lw fo:.

, —An uppraLwl of the effort lo jbreiik Uio deadlock In Uie cold

—SctUement of the steel Rtrlki —A better Idea e t the''

jonscqueiWliihu UjIIUIiUmn slocks: . . . . .

—The cor.'.e'quencea fo crently reduced' Inflationary pres lurts In federal llnnnce;'

—Tlie way In which the publl accepts 1000 model nutomobllM:

—More convlnclHR evidence of i .major revival In the boom li rapltal ROOds spending.

. Eldon A. Orlmm, analyst fo Wnlston and company, nays unU. |Xflbor day there probably will t>econsiderable .............down In Uie more volatltc^tocks.

Ho SAld the recen ijeactlon hos been heallhy.and notea an nutumn

is pawlblo dcjplle several factoM, Buch ns “ tlRht

money," the ••pence' scorc." mushrooming eompetltion i i oversells nien^hflndlae.

Orlmm sayn. however, tha t such fall upturn will h(tve to be led by groups o t stocka

I limi WtH I t s bolUiamfjiicaK exchanke


mil IIH Wll TM n J, S JJ

|Fatality Is Not,, Added to Traffic

J ItolSE, Aus, J4 (UPI)-IdOhO'S H ltU ty roii wllj not fncludc

■ ntune of Mrs. «onle Uibnim, IM - fiolse, who died Wednetday H n

hospital,I AlUioueh Mrt. U bnim died fol'

injurlta reeelred la » tn if ' ^ M ddent «C DoUe on Aug, 8. * county Coroner ^ # r Paris' “ an auiopj/ atiawcd UiM the

dld-tiot ai8-from -lht.-la- " « • He uid-death was caused

t S , *'0'n*n‘8 jener»l physical “ ^ ' ’ tro m ' eompllcatlons|

l^>irum**was liiju rrt when « In »IU:h ahe was t passc'nsei

|15^ayCam pSet , ^By Guard Group

' “ '■ E,-A ug..U -m «M ort-tinn.^ i J m i t n and.offleert irtll a r-

' here this week-end for thfl cf »nBu»l 0eld training

W camp wUlfor u»e Of 788-L ie t

Tha ijo th .fljh ttr-ln ter- Nx^dron It relumlite to u u i

l)-pe after four y e m of S . ^ 9 * 'B lA rnrt*' ta d P-BS

‘1- Kenneth B, WordJlns, Bolae, ot the aquodron, aald

P-M-L ia t rnora powXQl

SALT LAKE CITy. Aujr. 1« ITU M ountain Fuel Supply companj reported IH n e t Income fo r the fln it Alx month.1 ot 1S59 waa 13,- 73<,04S, more than t400,000 above e a m in js for the awno period last year.

B u t President W. T , NlshUnaali a m ed stockholder* th e aleel anc.

copper strikes might h u r t eamlnBa lo r th e /nil year.■ T h e utllty reported compJetlon

of seven new wells In Ita explora­tion program. Ineludlng a well pm- dudtiK 22X00,000 cubic fee t of gas p e r day.

Nightingale t o l d Atoekholdera th a t the federal power comml: alon hoa approved ptann to cor ncct ita Trail unit field to the eonipnny»y*tfmrahd'toT)uIW 24:4 miles of 20.1nch pipeline east from Coalville, Utah.

Carver Named to Represent S ta te

WA8HIKQTON, Aug.. U (CPU —Id ah o vllt be repreaented on • national'committee to develop lm<

, proved planning of m ental bealth IfacillU ti. '

Id ah o iUt« heallh adm lnlstra- -to r.X -£L C an tcJel5 fcji-fla jua i?n t 10 #U te health offlclala a n d twc

of the h e a lth aerv-lee named to the committee ^ea> terday by Dr. Lo Roy E; 'Bum ey, aurgeon general of the public h e a lth lerrlce.


O ne of a bond of Arabs wa« killed In a claah tu t night ir lth an la*

[m el border patrol near th e Jor- dan>liirael a rm l t t lc e 'l in e s m thel cen tral a«tor, an Is ra e l army spokesman u ld todajr.

m tlpK id.m .I er W u r vr*<l«

Russian F la g to Fly a t C apita l

WAStfWOTON. Aug. U Ifl - I RU M laa-ham raer-and-ilcklo-flft, will b« flying all.over W aahlngtoi next month during P rem ie r N ikita I KhruihcheVa visit, if n o rm al pro-i cedure la followed. '

A staur departm ent source said It U customary to dU play hun-, dred* of flag* of th e c o u a lry ol

official su te -v la ltar . T h e flog* feitooned along p a ra d e routes.

to VfiOO for flags.

itMl, oil, paper o r rail *liQre.s.Joseph B, Oranvllle, analyst for

E. p . Hutton and eo;npanyi ob- |ser\'es,that a quick return to tlie all-time hlRh In the Dow-Jone* Industrial average, set on Aug. 3, U not likely.

He aays the correction la only temporary but the market p rob­ably will %'Itness'more dotmsldr tcAts before the montli la out.

A ittudy ot the paper Industry by Rej-nolda and company concludi ' Hint all elRiia point to a substantli.. Increase In profits over the b a l­ance of 1850.

Clatk, DodRc and company, com' m tn ilnron 'thcbond-m arfcetrsny! preliminary Indications point t< extremely heavy new Ixmd offer' Inss In the fourth quarter of the year. I t says tlie Rcnera) feeling Is that bond prices will be lower and Interest rate s hlRher In D e­cember than they are a t prc.icnt,

Bhtnrson. Hammlll and com ­pany says Invcstoni rtiould lnve.i- tlRote "special altuotlon" fltqck-i li vfew of today's hlBli stock Vrtccj I t lists four attroctlve -special’alt' nations": Alleghany corporation Interstate eagUscerlng. Vanadium' Alloya steel and W eitem Union

Firemen Climbup; Boy-ClimbsJOoKn

I COLDWATER. Mich, Aug. " W—Pollee and firemen niahed a tall alio here. A boy,, about 10,1 was on top. I

fimployea aald th e ' youngaUrl had climbed up. apparently be­came panJc-strlckfn and.coutdn 't get down.

Officers climbed up. The boy was gone. He'd climbed down the o th e aide.

Bchcxil—nec( anrlcuilure: Wll- . Amcrlci ; Ben Btooks.

:nl education;

n n f l Rlvrr lilKli Allred, vofiitliwal Uam Ontr.i. musli crnmeiit. ulr.cbrn couch. HKTcli. phyi Principal E. 6 , M llli . .. physlc-1, iji'nrral EiiRJl.ili .Gladys Nrddn, home ccouomlc •'br.vy. lypiiiRi R euben Ward. Oe:

inn. bloli>Ky. EnglW i. liLitoo'. Elemciitar)' .\cliool personnel w1 icJude, Altjion — T lw n Andru

urndcii one throuKli three ; Demice Brewerlon, four Uu'oukIi

A lm o-E tta V. Tnylor. Rnvdri vo to elRlit. Elba—Oraee Durfi

RTndes one to B.Decio dienicntnry—Iona D. Ball­

sy, first Krivde; Claire Pelcrsci lecond; Anno Lewis, th ird ; Wflnd

iMeidnini. fourth; M arilyn Noyea, fifth; Kntlierlne Bryan, sixth; Kaye CurtLi, neventh; Principal Alvin Tlionins. elRhtli.

•Icmcntury—Eula OtUey, first; Hiucl Beecher, second: Irem Udy, third; Iner. Barlow, fourth;

lE.ite)Ja JInll, l l f th ; Xdrls Scars, slxUi: Principal Floyd Bell, eldhth.

Oakley elementary—MarRuerlti BedkK first: Elal P , W hittle , sec

Erlckaon, Uilrd; MarUia iMartln. fourUi; Fonne Hali

. Althera H ardy. -alxUi: Boyd Hunter, seventh ; Prlnclp.\l Merrill B. Hobln.ion, eighth.

'SprlnRdale school—M artiia Mi rlll, first; Maye A nita Johnson,

lond; 'Oraec Thom as, th ird ; and |R « u Larson, fourth .

Central office personnel Is U. D. iB ohart, buslnes.1 m anager; Faye Strom, M cretary; Ju lia Johnson, ho t lunch supervisor; Ramoni Splllett, hot lunch secretar}’; Sid' iney i,vw ;n, bulldintf supervLsorr

ind Glffi TlHey, tran^portntlon

Niiajft ot tcnclicrs for Burley schools' will be I b t td la ter , Moon sivld.

William A. White Dies a t A ge ofWilliam A rthur W hlt«, 80. died

n t Mngle^ Valiev

RussiaiiSIiips^ Alinost Strike Loaded Ferry

COPENHAOEN. Dcnmarlc. Aug, H (UPI>—Tliree .Soviet unrMilpi

HR headlonR from the Keiic rnlllslon with n finiill Or."- VoiuJiil VKsr; yciterdnT-nl- JiJl A Joadc?! (r.i.'jenKrr Itrry. S diKlo.Icd tixliiy.

...* three Soviet wnrshlju, n I'iMvy crul.ier o t the 'Svcrdlovjlt 'ii.w and two dcMroycrs of tli« lllln cla.'.s. Bpecl'Uito the Nurtli '.1 a fte r one of lljr dfcitroyfra Jill lid dmnn^ed the 259*1011 cuii.v.a! -.viel Clirl.itel.l l ie route o t l lir fleelns Sovlrl ■ Mels which had been cavesdroii-

ping on NATO inva l ' exercbt "fifshwiiter" took ilieni n t hijih flieed through tlic "Krcat b e lf di­viding the Dnnl.ih islands of ire- l.Aiid nnd LanRclaiui.

Tlie paascngor lerr)- Mj»li'er \vn; futllng a c ra« the c re a t bell fr<m Ko:oer lo Lolial.'i when the cap' lain looked up oiid m w - the thiei Ilu.vlnn warships R]>ccdliiK to'.vard

LPocatello’s War - On Gas Expecfcd' To E nd Shortly!

245 Pei*son8

Hit by Polio For IncreasePOCATELLO, AViR. U W - A

s/iort life o f Che Current ga.viHnc price war was prediclcd here by I >two otfleiol.1 of th e petroleum Re- WASnitOTTON,- Aug. U (UPI) • ta lifrs ot G reater Idalio. —'n ie pfflSifc fieaich service report-

Tim Brcimnn, rrRional rxecm ivpi'^ ‘h a t 2ib persons wer« ,»ccreiar>', »nJd I t probflWy w on'tj^lf'cken w ith pAralytlc polio i u t .;la^t moti- than a n o th tr 'W ee k 'b r .i" " " '' ----------------------- “

:ii In V forItuMlan ships Rlgnaled Uie MJolnei to get out of Uie wuy.

Copenhagen reporw quot' ril the ferry captain as s.iylnn hi the right ot ilip way but de< cided not ta arg^ie t^ie point, ufidci tlie circumstance.'. He slowed dowr nu(l-U;«-Ruuiuiis passi of him nt 20 knoi.v

There were many reporL'i fi D.inlsh IMlntjt t i n t Ihe speeding' liu^ilan war.ihlps caused high waves which threiitenrd

moored alojjg Uie ahore and, pounded .iliore Installations, No aC' tUBl damage was reported, hoW'

Naval sources here and In olhei coimtrlr.f dlsmlfi.ied the app.iren Savlet- npylng ns nothing unusual and aald NATO vessels often sha­dowed the shndowera

Clothes Bundled By Burley Group

HURLEY, Aug,' 14—Members ' llie Burley F irs t P r e s b y t e r l n clmrdi bundled up a ha lf ton elcthlHR Tliursday afternoon to sent lo the Church World Servli

TliD clolhlng w-aa shipped grotlsl lo Mode.ito, Calif,, by the Coiisoll- dated FrelKhtllnea ns It* contrlbU' tlon. The bulk of Lhe clothlnR wll be sent to Korea nnd Hong Kong, where the need 1. the greatest,

•Tlie clothes have been Rathered over a period of time by Uie Declo and Durley congresaUons," accord' Ing to the Rev. KenneUi Beall.

Conjmander Says NewSublsFaster]PORTLAND, England. Ai

IWv-The commander of the _ Jick said today this newest IT. S,| nucleor submarine "went fa.ilei than any o ther submarine hai

IgonB submerged niid w ent dtrpti ' " lan any o ther sub" n t one atage of |

tr recent trans-AUanllc crosjJng, Crjidr. W, W ,'B rlirnns, 37. .dc-

iprrators a re n 't rret s from companies bj ;n caeller Irncnx.11.1 Joined by Arthur Mrlct presliient. The

it rrRUlar Raa T hursday wns

did IIthey

57.D f 28i) Iibout four cents bclo\v,n

Aid A broad H urt M etals Industry]

BOISE. AliR. 14 l.n-Ex|>nl;^lpn r ovrf.-.ens finance by Ihe U, ,S, ivcrnmeiit has hu rt the inelal ii1tntr>' In tliW country, U. S. Sfi\. piiO' Dworshak says,Divorshnk satd he IioprtI Tr/ii:

Mueller, newly lustalled secretary of commerce, would work more clo.'ely w ith conRrcM "In shaping land guiding m lncnils policies and progroms,’’

Howard Mills, 65, -Claim ed-byJleath

WENDELL, AUK. 14 — Hi Willard Mills, 65. route 1. Wendell, died T liursday iiftcnioon a t fit. Benedict's hospltnl, Jefome,

l» m Nov, 10. 1D03. In Cedar Sprlnga, Mo. He had farmed all hLs life, coming to Idaho' 1 1010 from C edar SprlnRS. Hr farm ed the J . A. Crom ranch In lli Knull district for IB years, moving to WendfU m 1042,

Mr. Mills was a member of the| Christian church. 8ur\-lvors Include

•(dow, two sons, Carl R(. Mdls, Gordon II. Mills, a daughter, Alice Carolyn. MlHs, a ll one brother, Rolh land.

Bervlcea will be conducted by the ev. Donald H offm an a t 2:30.pjn,

Monday a t th e Reynold.^ mortuary on Addison avenue cast, rilfc? wilt be' held a t th<


The upsurge In paralyUfl poUo f J f iver the prevloiis week—which had m 1 total of 183 -repn 'sen ts a general \ ncreuse In a' num ber of caiea ftihcr Uian outbreaks o t new m»- r, ur epldemlc.s, the service said. 'uOf 21 para ly tic coses reported'In

.N'ofl}} CaroJJua, 15 were delayed report*. TJiere also were delayed y rfpo ru from other nrcas. '■

So far til ls year 2.482 cases have V rrii reported, ],50l of Uiem para- B •lie. DurlnK the name period lU t par there were 1J6S cas^s, 668 sralytic.■nie fcrvlce nJjo noled ‘Jaat In

1055, the year Salk vaccine »•»IllrM put on the m arket, over 3,045 Lises of crippling polio had been reported by this tim e of year.

Since 1053. Uie service aald, ths peak week for to ta l casea h u ranged from the 34th to the Seth. week nnd for paralytic cx''es It has nm timiJ th e :i:trd 10 llie 3Dlh.Tlie (3:irtl week Is Ki-ncr;illy the -ircond 1

ihirS itlh -tlis— r-

, Frult-I

In terest R ates Will Be Raised

V?ASHINOTON. AUR. 14 (UPI), —Interest ratea on certain farmj home adm inistration will' Jump from ' four and one-half to *'vc per cen t on Sept. 1.

The ttRrlculturc depori the higher r a te would apply to 'arm owncrahlp loans and soil and <ater conaen’a tlo n loans W Indl- 'Iduals.

The dep artm en t he new ra te w oi Ins with In tere st on farm mort­

gage credit from other Bources.

3t wcvk of September.A large number of iion-paralytlo

:horltles are pla vcstlRatlon' there.

Ot six paralytic clylVH ' • persi

11 Penn-s who

lived the recommended llirce doses of Snik v.icclne.

Mnrylnnd reported l u flrat case of the year. Five Btates reported one death each from the dlse&R.

T lie ser>-lce said 2.9B1.117 shots Of vaccine were released during Ihe w ifk ending Aug. S. Manutac- turcr.i reported ahlpm ent o f 654,- 020 doses throughout the nation nst week and 30.7C6 doses sent abroad. Unshipped vaccine toUled 2J171.820 ahoLs. bu t much Of IhU will be used to fill orders already

seelved.Scattered epidemics this year

have created an Increased demand for the vaccine and shorUge* hare developed in aoma aecUons. 8ur- Reon O eneral LeRoy B. Burney has asked producers to curtail ship­m ents abroad unUI supplies are re­plenished, and a rta a hard b it by the disease are being given prior­ity on domesUo supplies.

rUV7. ...........................- ............... le lo Id ah o In 1042 fromOshkoih, Ncbr.. nnd lived a t Kim­berly, Hansen and Tw in Falls. He was a member of th e Methodist church m O shkosh. O n Oct. 2S, 1003. he was m arried In Lexington, Ncbr„ tuid his w ife died July 30, 104S,

Survivors include th ree daugh- Iters,"^ira, C lara Irene O rr. Kim­berly: Mm. Q lenrose Wetherby, Pocatello, and M rs. G eraldine Mc­Cormick, Oshkosh. Nebr.; twc sons, Harold W illiam White, K it Ctirson, Colo., a n d Arlle 8 . W hltf, PocatelJo; a b ro ther. John White, Arcadia. Nebr.: a slater, Mra. Edith O'Donnell. D ayton, o , . and 16 Rmndchlldren a n d nine great­grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held a t 2:30 p jn . S a turday a t Uie White mortuary chapel w ith the Rev. Paul Kenny officiating. Conclud-

,lnR rites will bo held n t the ' Greenwood cem etery, Lexington,

I Nebr., a fter *ervlces • there. Tlie family suRgestfi m em orials to the

lAmerlcan H eart fund.

2 A rea Persons E nlist in Navy

Two Magic Valley residents listed In the navy th is week, re- p o ru James E. F lynn , petty officer In charge o f 'th e Tw in Falls, re- crulUng branch statldn.'

Mary Virginia Oobel. daughter of Mru. Lulu Clark. 085 Third avenue west. Twin Falls, enlisted In thi WAVES for th ree years. She wll receive nine weeks of re m iit train-

18 a t Balnbrldge. i t d .Charles Ray A nderson, non 0:

. t r . . a n d ’ U ra. E lm er Anderson, Gooding, reenllsted for another 1 [our yetkrs.M a den ta l t«e^^lclaa! ■le will report to S an FVancLwol rhere he h as a choice of fi'

schools for den ta l technicians.

Twin Falls Markets

(Om 4«Ur ««M )


a n d A lt


1 /2 OFF

Running 's

F O R 'T H e C O N T R O L O F

Potato SproutingIN S T O R A G E

Apply To Vines NowlBETTER C O LO R . . . FLAVOR. . ;


MH30 is aprftyed on th e green v in e s 'in th e field. The M H fs ab so rbed by th e ffrccn po tato foliage and c a rried dow n in to th e tubers th ro u g h th e s te in s . The em ail am ount of chemical in th e tube'rs will r e ta rd th e dev e lo p m en t of sp ro u ts a f te r th e potatoes a re d u g a n d stored .

M H (M alecH ydrazide) th e ac tiv e In ffrcd icn t in IffiSO h a s b e e n f ie ld tM te d fo r 0-ycarfl-On .potatooa th ro u g h o u t th e U nited 'S ta te s . W lA conalaten^ re su lts o f show ing th a t apuds c a n be hcVd in ord inary s to ra g e a t”ev en tem - p e ra tu re s o f 55 to 65 degrees fo r S IX MONTHS L O N G E R T H A N U N -

■ T R E A T E D POTATOES and show ed less-loss o f w e ig h t - '

_ Stop In Now And Let Os Help You Make A G rea ter Profit From Your Spud Crop This Y e a r . . . . By Applying M H30 Kow!

IMPLOT llOILBUiLDERlB urJey-R upert-Jerom e-T w in j^Fqllt;

Page 16: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay

n u u roTATO d o ;

rofA To n u M ..iCo-D cnrffO

Page 17: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


Page 18: Ike’s L abor B ill Gets H ouse O kay


C ^w ic^:^a<litonum . ^ d io c id tio n . S s f^ r o u d to f ^ r e ie n t . . .

The Greatest Show Ever to Appear in Magic Valleyl E N N LADEN S

H O L I l > A Y '

C o m p a n y o f o v e r 3 0

T o p - N o t c h W a t e r a n d

S t a g e S p e c t a c u l a r

S tar-S tudded

Broadw ay

a n d



T h e V / o i ' l d 's L a r g e s t an(

M o s t B e a u t i f u l P o r t a b l e

P o o l s a n d S t a g e

B eautifu l,Thrilling

an dH ilarious



JO H N N Y E D W A R D S * 'A qim zanle S ensa tion**


S U N .-M O N .-T U E S .-W E D .A U G 0 S T ^ 6 d 7 ^ 1 8 ^ 1 9 ^ ^ : 0 0 h M v

Ja y c e e B all P a r kReserved S eats

V $ 2 . 0 0


General Admission $■1.50

D o n 't M i s s A m e r i c a 's L e a d in g N e w R o a d A t t r a c t i o n

L o a d s o f F u n f o r t h e E n t i r e F a m i l y



C hildren75c

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