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Page 1: III C- ASEAN - Profile/MOA/CAO/IIIC...Table – I: Imports of Sesame Seeds from 2003 – 2007 in USD '000 Exporters Imported value in 2002 Imported



1. Market Trends and Opportunities

Items 2002 2006 Change in % Major Markets in %

Value US 000

Qty Tons

Value US 000

Qty Tons

Value Qty

Grapes 18,640




134% 62% USA(30%), Australia (25%) & China (18%)

Mango 193




306% 289% Thailand (59%), Peru (17%), South Africa (8%)

Onions 12,754




193% 117% Thailand (44%), Philippines (17%) and Vietnam (12%)

Chilli 24




475% 480% Australia (50%), Singapore(21%) and Taiwan (10%)

Tomato 552




-66% -87% Australia (58%), Singapore(33%) and Malaysia (8%)

The consumption pattern shows positively increasing trends for most of the fresh fruits and vegetables in Indonesian market. Imports of major fruits and vegetables except tomatoes increased drastically. The major partner countries are Australia, Singapore, USA, China, and Thailand. 2. Import Analysis Grapes: Indonesia imported US$ 43.6 million worth of grapes in 2006 .The major exporters of grapes to Indonesia are United States of America and Australia. United States share in Indonesia import of grapes is 29.6%. Total Quantity exported by USA is 12,919 tons valued at US $ 1758 per tons. Australia and China shared market in Indonesia by 25% and 17.8 % respectively. The average per unit price of grapes was US $ 1,655 per ton in 2006. The imports of grapes in the five years grew by 25% in value and by 17% in quantity. Mango: Indonesia imported 1103 tons of mangoes valued at US$ 785 thousands in 2006. The major exporters of mangoes to Indonesia are Thailand (59% of total import value), Peru (17%), and S.Africa (8%). Total Quantity exported by Thailand is 620 tons valued at US $737 per tons. The average price per ton is US $ 712 for imports in Indonesia. The annual growth in the last five years in terms of value was 35% and in quantity 32%. Onions: Indonesia imported 45,800 tons of onions valued at US$ 37. 5 million in 2006 .The major exporter of Onions to Indonesia are Thailand (44% of total import value), Philippines (17%) and Vietnam (12%). Total Quantity imported by Indonesia in the year 2006 was 99,690 tons. Average import unit price was US $ 376 per tons. The annual average import growth in the value and quantity in the last five were 28% and 21% respectively. Thailand which is the major exporter of onions to Indonesia has increased its export in the five years by 67%. Chilli: Indonesia imported 145 tons of chillies valued at US$ 138 thousands in 2006 .The major exporter of pepper or Chilli to Indonesia is Australia, representing 49% in total

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import value. Total quantity exported by Australia is 68 tons. Unit export value of Australia was US $ 1659 per tons while the average price of total import volume was US $ 952 per ton. Singapore and Taiwan took 21% and 9.4% of market share respectively. Australia’s export increased from 22 tons in 2002 to 68 tons in 2006. Annual average import growth rates between 2002 – 2006 were 68% in value and 76% in quantity. Tomatoes: Indonesia imported 227 tons of tomatoes valued at US$ 200 thousands in 2006. The leading exporter of tomatoes to Indonesia is Australia representing 58% in total import of Indonesia. Total quantity exported by Australia is 71 tons valued at US $ 1634 per ton. After Australia, Singapore and Malaysia took the market share of 33% and 8 % respectively. The import growth in the last five years is negative: -23% in terms of value and -40% in terms of volume.

Page 3: III C- ASEAN - Profile/MOA/CAO/IIIC...Table – I: Imports of Sesame Seeds from 2003 – 2007 in USD '000 Exporters Imported value in 2002 Imported


a. Grapes

Table – I: Imports of Grapes from 2002 – 2006 in Value in USD '000

Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 18,640 18,090 25,642 30,812 43,638

'United States of America 10,072 8,475 11,401 17,777 12,919

'Australia 6,813 5,305 7,985 6,039 10,931

'China 510 797 1,020 1,477 7,748

'Chile 264 1,325 1,939 1,514 6,727

'South Africa 279 1,067 1,733 971 2,120

'Peru 0 1 199 313 1,146

'Argentina 67 186 324 570 1,082

'Singapore 47 24 103 1,101 352

'Hong Kong (SARC) 32 33 87 131 215

'Egypt 10 17 16 64 125

Table – II: Imports of Grapes from 2003 – 2007 in Quantity in Tons

‘World 16,218 14,469 28,715 25,330 26,366

'United States of America 7,241 6,959 11,605 11,011 7,350

'Australia 7,338 4,060 10,547 7,164 6,387

'China 420 802 1,446 1,269 4,720

'Chile 274 967 2,169 1,835 4,322

'South Africa 280 782 1,474 881 1,292

'Argentina 75 142 265 578 717

'Peru 0 1 238 360 702

'Singapore 52 34 126 1,268 448

'Hong Kong (SARC) 27 27 83 141 124

'New Zealand 27 3 0 18 103

'Egypt 7 12 14 61 60

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b. Mangoes Table - I: Imports of Mangoes from 2002 – 2006 in USD '000

Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 193 525 689 625 785

'Thailand 141 285 386 419 457

'Peru 0 0 0 0 128

'South Africa 0 0 21 53 62

'Taiwan, Province of China 0 31 20 0 45

'Singapore 1 0 8 101 36

'China 5 160 173 0 33

'Malaysia 0 7 11 13 7

'India 0 0 0 0 3

'United States of America 1 4 20 28 3

'Australia 8 16 9 3 2

Table – II: Imports of Mangoes from 2002 – 2006 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 283 1,001 1,442 1,059 1,103

'Thailand 215 332 606 726 620

'Peru 0 0 0 0 214

'South Africa 0 0 71 149 66

'China 19 550 547 1 58

'Singapore 1 0 13 131 49

'Malaysia 0 22 32 37 38

'Taiwan, Province of China 0 25 22 0 29

'India 0 0 0 0 7

'United States of America 1 16 81 2 5

'Australia 7 23 8 2 2

'Pakistan 39 10 43 0 1

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c. Onions Table - I: Imports of Onions from 2002 – 2006 in USD '000 Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 12,754 16,065 19,298 22,163 37,468

'Thailand 1,863 728 1,815 2,703 16,327

'Philippines 3,917 8,390 8,503 5,881 6,203

'Viet Nam 742 2,064 2,583 4,631 4,631

'Netherlands 1,541 1,935 2,288 3,273 3,609

'Malaysia 714 455 823 917 1,849

'New Zealand 1,349 1,058 2,173 1,634 1,561

'India 77 262 69 116 1,361

'Myanmar 1,535 88 0 1,002 653

'China 290 343 592 1,211 608

'Australia 453 715 311 579 430

Table –II: Imports of Onions from 2002 – 2006 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 45,842 54,351 66,312 75,205 99,690

'Thailand 6,489 2,341 6,213 9,893 41,134

'Philippines 14,044 27,832 28,959 20,235 15,900

'Viet Nam 2,630 7,181 9,057 15,937 11,716

'Netherlands 5,554 6,899 7,966 9,938 10,079

'Malaysia 2,894 1,764 2,950 2,814 5,492

'New Zealand 4,885 3,488 7,687 6,354 5,419

'India 293 883 249 415 5,165

'China 1,066 1,643 2,131 4,167 1,746

'Myanmar 5,797 488 0 3,401 1,685

'Australia 1,224 1,734 600 1,647 815

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d. Chillies Table – I: Imports of Chillies from 2002 – 2006, in USD '000

Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 24 39 54 211 138

'Australia 22 39 32 63 68

'Singapore 0 0 9 24 29

'Taiwan, Province of China 0 0 12 0 13

'Japan 0 0 0 0 10

'Republic of Korea 0 0 0 0 9

'China 0 0 1 90 5

'Malaysia 1 0 0 6 4

Table – II: Imports of Chillies from 2002 – 2006 in Quantity in Tons

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Exporters Imported quantity, Tons

Imported quantity, Tons

Imported quantity, Tons

Imported quantity, Tons

Imported quantity, Tons

'World 25 34 112 291 145

'Singapore 0 0 30 46 49

'Australia 25 34 20 41 41

'Republic of Korea 0 0 0 0 18 'Taiwan, Province of China 0 0 58 0 15

'Malaysia 0 0 0 19 11

'China 0 0 1 137 7

'Japan 0 0 0 0 4

'India 0 0 0 37 0

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e. Tomatoes Table -I: Imports of Tomato from 2002 – 2006 Value in USD '000

Exporters Imported value in 2002

Imported value in 2003

Imported value in 2004

Imported value in 2005

Imported value in 2006

'World 552 255 98 142 200

'Australia 239 105 88 108 116

'Singapore 1 0 6 26 66

'Malaysia 0 0 2 1 16

'China 221 15 3 8 2

Table –II: Imports of Tomato from 2002 – 2006 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 1,711 380 120 125 227

'Singapore 1 0 11 36 107

'Australia 398 98 94 71 71

'Malaysia 0 0 10 1 42

'China 978 62 5 17 7

'Myanmar 76 115 0 0 0

'Republic of Korea 105 0 0 0 0

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1. Market Trends and Opportunities

Items 2002 2006 Change in % Major Markets in %

Value US '000

Qty Tons

Value US'000

Qty Tons



Turmeric 15 17 20 1 33 -95 India, UK, Hong Kong

Annual Average Growth 2002- 2006

9 -46

The import of Turmeric has gone down by 95% in terms of quantity in the five years period. However, the data indicated that import value increased by 33%. The major partner countries for import of Turmeric powder in Indonesia are India, UK & Hong Kong. 2. Import Analysis Indonesia imported US$ 20 thousands worth of turmeric in 2006. The major exporter of turmeric to Indonesia is India. Total Quantity exported by India is 1 tons. The export value was in US $16,000 per tons. Shares of Myanmar and china in imports of turmeric into Indonesia are minimums. India's export increased from 2750 tons in 2002 to 3258 tons in 2006 representing a growth of 87% in the five years time. Table – I : Imports of Turmeric Powder from 2002– 2006 in USD '000 Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 15 13 7 18 20

'India 1 0 0 2 16

'United Kingdom 2 1 4 9 3

'Malaysia 2 1 0 0 0

'United States of America 0 1 0 1 0

Table – II : Imports of Turmeric Powder from 2002– 2006 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 17 5 1 3 1

'India 2 0 0 2 1

'Malaysia 14 4 0 0 0

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1 Market Trends and Opportunities

Items 2002 2006 Change in % Major Markets in %

Value (US ' 000)

Quantity (Tons)

Value (US ' 000)

Quantity (Tons)

Value (US ' 000)

Quantity (Tons)

Sesamum Seeds





-25% -27% India(93%)

Imports of sesamum seeds into Indonesia are decreased both in terms of values and in the quantities. The major partner country in importing of Sesamum seeds is India with the market share of 93% 2. Import Analysis According to a recent available data, Indonesia imported 3413 tons of Sesamum seeds valued at US $ 1.5 million 2006. The major exporter of Sesames seeds to Indonesia is India. Total Quantity exported by India was 3,258 tons in 2006representing 92.2% in total import. Export was followed by Malaysia and United States of America, whose shares were 2.5 % and 1.8 % respectively. India's export increased from 2,750 tons in 2002 to 3,258 tons in 2006.

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Table – I: Imports of Sesame Seeds from 2003 – 2007 in USD '000

Exporters Imported value in 2002

Imported value in 2003

Imported value in 2004

Imported value in 2005

Imported value in 2006

'World 2,004 1,119 865 1,189 1,535

'India 1,254 924 769 1,085 1,415

'Malaysia 10 1 20 36 39

'United States of America 15 0 36 26 28

'China 261 176 12 2 27

'Singapore 0 7 3 0 18

'Thailand 2 11 0 0 4

'Mexico 0 0 15 29 3

'Australia 4 1 4 3 1

'Viet Nam 459 0 5 3 0

'Germany 0 0 0 4 0

Table – II: Imports of Sesame Seeds from 2003 – 2007 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 4,669 2,994 2,114 2,804 3,413

'India 2,750 2,396 2,013 2,676 3,258

'Malaysia 27 2 25 81 66

'China 706 536 31 5 55

'USA 8 0 25 19 20

'Thailand 6 20 0 0 6

'Singapore 0 39 2 0 5

'Viet Nam 1,172 0 8 9 0

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1 Market Trends and Opportunities Items 2002 2006 Change in

% Major Markets in %

Value US Million

Quantity 000Tons

Value US Million

Quantity 000Tons



Soya-bean Oil-cake



493 2,116

77% 60% Argentina 44, India 32 & Brazil 20

Annual Growth between 2002-2006

15% 12%

The consumption and imports of Soya-bean cake have increased in Indonesia in the recent past. The major partner countries for import are Argentina, India and Brazil. The change in percentage of the value of Soya meal is 77% in the five years, similarly the import quantity increased by 60%. 2. Import Analysis Indonesia imported US$ 493 million worth of Soya-bean cake in 2006 .The leading exporter to Indonesia is Argentina. Total Quantity exported by Argentina is 925 thousand tons valued at $ 215 million, representing 43% in total import. After Argentina there is India and Brazil, whose shares in import into Indonesia are 31.5% and 19.8 % respectively. India's export increased from 483,323 tons in 2002 to 691,246 tons in 2006. The average price per ton was US $ 233 in 2006, where as price paid to Indian origin recorded at $ 225 per ton. Table – I: Imports of Soya meals from 2002 – 2006 in Value in USD '000

Exporters Imported value in 2002

Imported value in 2003

Imported value in 2004

Imported value in 2005

Imported value in 2006

'World 278,405 362,161 532,000 474,166 493,327

'Argentina 25,733 46,486 154,725 200,962 215,442

'India 96,653 53,306 195,572 107,234 155,215

'Brazil 87,139 139,713 136,116 115,730 97,456

'United States of America 62,709 120,505 30,990 41,912 13,494

'United Arab Emirates 0 0 13,121 7,078 9,485

'Singapore 22 570 656 843 1,455

'Malaysia 741 287 81 59 268

'Indonesia 0 0 0 0 197

'China 5,211 530 35 174 154

'Bulgaria 0 0 0 42 83

'Netherlands 75 15 8 75 60

'Denmark 0 8 19 9 16

'Taiwan, Province of China 42 483 172 0 3

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Table – II : Imports of Soya Meals from 2003 – 2007 in Quantity in Tons

Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 1,325,833 1,558,558 1,730,015 1,852,702 2,116,058

'Argentina 115,945 210,356 456,269 776,087 925,406

'India 483,323 228,260 710,150 443,140 691,246

'Brazil 407,217 601,944 409,074 432,785 399,695

'United States of America 291,850 509,688 105,268 169,271 52,308

'United Arab Emirates 0 0 44,804 26,739 37,990

'Singapore 5 2,500 2,224 3,544 6,365

'Malaysia 2,891 1,143 216 219 1,293

'Indonesia 0 0 0 0 923

'Bulgaria 0 0 0 170 384

'China 24,035 2,043 57 437 320

'Netherlands 125 25 13 133 100

'Denmark 0 14 28 14 24

'Taiwan, Province of China 116 1,750 372 0 4

'British Virgin Islands 0 0 525 0 0

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1. Market Trends and Opportunities

Items 2002 2006 Change in % Major Markets in %

Value US 'Million

Qty 000 Tons

Value US 'Million

Qty ’000 Tons

Value Qty

Cotton, not carded and not combed





-13% -25% USA (35%), Australia (21%), India (8%)

Use of imported cotton in Indonesian textile industry is declining in the recent past. In the last five years the import value of Cotton decrease by 13% from 2002 to 2006 and import in quantity also decrease by 25%. This also shows that Indonesia is becoming strong itself in cotton production or cotton textile mills are reducing their capacities. The major market leaders in export to Indonesia are USA, Australia and India. 2. Import Analysis According to a recent available data Indonesia imported 463 thousand tons of cotton valued at US$ 620 million in 2006 .The major leading of Cotton to Indonesia is United States of America. United States share in Indonesia's import of cotton is 35.8%. Total Quantity exported by USA is 159,301 tons. The export value was in US $ 1,393 per tons. Australia and India other major exporters, whose shares in export of cotton to Indonesia are 21.6 % and 8.4 % respectively. Between 2002- 2006 in India’s export of cotton to Indonesia grew by 278% in terms of value. India's export in volume increased from 204 tons in 2002 to 52, 051 tons in 2006. The reason behind the increase in India's export is comparatively lower price than other countries. The unit price in the year 2006 is US $1,222 per ton. Indonesia is also the major destination of India for the Cotton export. Indonesia comes under top 5 places for the export of cotton. Indonesia share is 5.1 % of India total cotton export. The growth in India export to Indonesia is 238 % in Value and 210 % in Quantity.

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Table -I: Cotton, not carded and not combed imported from 2002 – 2006 in USD '000 Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 704,792 644,483 679,914 576,004 619,895

'United States of America 222,357 226,315 224,150 224,802 221,840

'Australia 285,827 218,093 144,109 121,651 133,928

'India 204 1,006 19,508 9,163 52,051

'Brazil 11,980 10,876 54,347 50,537 46,318

'South Africa 13,558 10,249 35,688 13,987 20,341

'Burkina Faso 4,339 3,807 10,861 8,418 12,055

'Côte d'Ivoire 24,623 15,225 13,655 9,639 9,747

'Uzbekistan 1,953 2,928 2,705 10,257 9,287

'Mali 3,890 4,470 8,024 6,874 9,182

'United Republic of Tanzania 5,922 10,939 10,745 8,215 8,079

Table – II: Cotton, not carded and not combed imported from 2002 – 2006 in Quantity in Tons Exporters 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

'World 625,153 523,124 448,690 455,384 463,205

'United States of America 197,803 182,890 143,543 180,605 159,301

'Australia 240,139 168,038 89,736 84,495 92,326

'India 356 768 12,456 8,030 42,596

'Brazil 10,614 8,957 40,022 40,378 36,626

'South Africa 12,130 8,790 24,095 10,402 15,522

'Burkina Faso 4,026 3,531 7,018 7,291 9,720

'Côte d'Ivoire 22,640 13,056 10,187 8,056 7,634

'Mali 3,992 3,997 5,887 6,218 7,438

'United Republic of Tanzania 5,158 9,372 8,032 6,824 7,314

'Uzbekistan 2,100 2,622 2,061 8,908 7,237

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