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  • National Health and Social LifeSurvey, 1992: [United States]

    ICPSR 6647

    Edward O. LaumannUniversity of Chicago

    John H. GagnonState University of New York-Stony Brook

    Robert T. MichaelUniversity of Chicago

    Stuart MichaelsUniversity of Chicago


    Inter-university Consortium forPolitical and Social ResearchP.O. Box 1248Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • Terms of UseThe terms of use for this study can be found at:

  • ICPSR Processing Note 1. ICPSR has compiled this codebook from materials provided by the principal investigators and from materials prepared by ICPSR. The codebook comprises seven parts. The first part contains errata and additional notes provided by the principal investigators. The second part is a data map, generated by ICPSR, which gives the column locations of variables in the data file. The third part contains the "Variable Name/Questionnaire Item Cross-Reference List," provided by the principal investigators. The fourth part is a listing, generated by ICPSR, of the coding schemes for the variables in the data file. The fifth part is the questionnaire, which was provided by the principal investigators. The sixth part comprises the study credits, provided by the principal investigators. The seventh part contains a list of industry and occupation codes, which was extracted by ICPSR from the following codebook: Davis, James Allen and Tom W. Smith. "General Social Surveys, 1972-1994: Cumulative Codebook". Chicago, IL: National Opinion Center, University of Chicago (1994). 2. The questionnaire is comprised of 11 interviewer sections, plus four respondent self-administered questionnaires, and interviewer instructions. The order of these sections within this codebook is as follows: Section 1 -- Demography Self-Administered Questionnaire 1 -- Income Self-Administered Questionnaire 2 -- Aids Vulnerability Section 2 -- Marital and Cohab Section 3 -- Fertility Section 4 -- Partner Identification and 1 Year Sexual Activity Section 5 -- Last Event Section 6 -- Lifetime Sexual Activity Section 7 -- Fantasy Self-Administered Questionnaire 3 -- Masturbation Section 8 -- Childhood, Adolescence, and Sexual Victimization Section 9 -- Physical Health Section 10 -- Attitudes Self-Administered Questionnaire 4F -- Sexual Activity: Female respondents Self-Administered Questionnaire 4M -- Sexual Activity: Male respondents Section 11 -- Interviewer Comments Interviewer Instructions 3. The seventh part of this codebook contains the coding schemes for following variables: OCC, PAOCC, SPOCC1-SPOCC4, IND, PAIND, SPIND1-SPIND4

  • Part One

  • E R R A T A This version of the National Health and Social Life Survey (1992) is not identical to a previously released version. A few variables have been added, minor formatting changes have been made, the wording of the variable and value labels differ in style, and minor changes have been made to the data to reflect a small number of coding errors that have come to the researchers' attention. All but two of the previously unreleased variables correspond to items in section 11 ("Interviewer Comments") of the questionnaire. These two variables are LEDATE (the date at which the respondent last had sex) and INCCATZ (an alternate measure of family income, discussed below). A few of the items in the questionnaire are not available for public release for reasons of confidentiality. Most of these variables are included in some aggregated form. For example, items that were originally recorded using specific (month, day, and year) dates have been converted to "century months", where a century month is calculated as the number of months since January 1900. City and state variables have been recoded to the census region level. In addition, this dataset contains variables which are not taken directly from the questionnaire. They have been constructed from various sources, including the interview screener, sampling information, and rosters discussed in sections 2 and 4 of the questionnaire. The NHSLS sample is comprised of two components: a cross-section sample of 3159 cases (designed to give each household an equal probability of inclusion) and a supplementary sample of 273 cases drawn to increase the number of Blacks and Hispanics available for analysis. The sample components can be distinguished by using the variable: SAMPLE Coded 1=Over-sample, 2=Cross-section For household level measures, the cross-section sample is self-weighting. For individual level measures, the following item can be used to construct a weight to adjust for individual level differences in selection probability: HHSIZE Number of eligible adults (ages 18-59) in the household. This is done by weighting each case proportionately to the number of eligible adults in the household. This is usually done in such a way that the constructed weights sum to the number of cases. We also provide a weight (constructed by Martin Frankel, NORC's chief sampling statistician) that allows for combining the

  • oversample and cross-section cases while simultaneously adjusting for household size and for nonresponse (post-stratification adjustment): RWEIGHT SAMPLE WEIGHT FOR RESPONDENTS This weight is scaled to sum to the total combined sample size of 3432. For further discussion of the NHSLS sample and the measures contained in this dataset, please see: Laumann, E.O., Gagnon, J.H., Michael, R.T., and Michaels, S. (1994) THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF SEXUALITY: SEXUAL PRACTICES IN THE UNITED STATES. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  • S E X U A L P A R T N E R S The following measures are based upon information provided by the respondent in the "Spouse/Cohab" (section 2) and/or "Partner Last Year" (section 4) rosters, as well as the section on their most recent sex partner. PNAME1 This set of items corresponds to questions 2.2 and 4.2 to in the questionnaire. PNAME1-PNAME4 are reserved for PNAME28 the respondent's two most recent sexual partners, the respondent's first spouse/cohab partner, and most recent spouse/cohab partner as applicable. PNAME5 through PNAME28 have been allocated to hold information on any other sexual partners. The actual names of each partner have been replaced by a three digit partner identification number. These identification numbers will be used to match other measures (e.g. LNAME) to specific partners. SPTYPE1 This set of items indicate whether the corresponding to partner is a spouse/cohab, a recent sexual partner SPTYPE28 (within the past year), or both. Therefore, this item can be used to determine whether or not section 2 ("Marriage and Cohab") and/or section 4 ("Partner Identification and 1 Year Sexual Activity") contain additional information on this particular sexual partner. SPSCFR1 This set of items indicate whether or not the corresponding to partner is a spouse/cohab and if so, if this partner is the SPSCFR28 respondent's first spouse/cohab, last spouse/cohab, or neither. SP2PLY1 This set of items indicate whether the corresponding partner to was identified as the respondent's primary sexual partner SPS2PLY28 during the last year (see items 4.12-4.13), secondary partner (items 4.54-4.55), or neither. LNAME This item (question #5.1) is a three digit code linking partner identification number to the respondent's most recent sexual event. All items in section 5 ("Last Event") of the questionnaire correspond to the sexual partner who has been assigned this three digit code. MARST Marital Status COHAB Cohab Status SCOMIT Indicates omission of Section 2 "Spouse/Cohab". PLYOMIT Indicates omission of Section 4, "Partner Last Year". OMITPRIM Indicates omission of "Primary Partner Choice". OMITSEC Indicates omission of "Secondary Partner Choice". LEOMIT Indicates omission of "Last Sex Event".

  • C O L L A P S E D M E A S U R E S Responses to the following items have been collapsed as indicated by their assigned value labels. RES14 Question 1.7 -- Type of place respondent was living when R was 14 years old. FAMILY14 Question 1.8 -- With whom R was living at age 14. FAMWHY Question 1.8a -- Why R was not living with own mother or father NUMBRO Question 1.14 -- How many brothers did R have. & NUMSIS 1.14a -- How many sisters did R have. LEFTHOME Question 1.19 -- Age at which R first left home. FIRSTJOB Question 1.22 -- Age at which R got his/her first job? WORKLAST Question 1.25a -- Number of hours R worked for pay last. WORKTYPI 1.26a -- Number of hours R would typically work. & WORKHRS 1.30 -- Hours R works in a normal week. SPRES1 Questions 2.10 and 2.12 combined for each of 28 possible thru sexual cohabitation partners -- Did cohabitation period SPRES28 end? NUMPREG Questions 3.1 and 3.2 combined -- Number of pregnancies (women) R or (men) R's partners had by R in the past. BIRTHS Question 3.3 -- Number of children ever had (live births). EDLEVEL1 Highest grade/year of schooling completed (DEGREE, collapsed). MILSTCAT These measures are the collapsed (categorical) MILEDCAT alternatives to items #1.20A, 1.20B, and 1.21B as JAILACAT indicated by their value labels. They represent the start and end dates of the respondent's military experience (if any) and the age at which the respondent was first confined, if ever. INCCATT Information on household income (section SAQ No. 1) INCCATZ has been collapsed into income level categories as INCCAT1A indicated by their value labels. INCCATT and INCCATZ to correspond to total household income, where INCCATT INCCAT6A is non-missing only if _every_ subcategory of income (INCCAT1A-INCCAT6A) contains a valid response and INCCATZ is non-missing if _any_ subcategory of income is valid.

  • A D D I T I O N A L V A R I A B L E S CASEID Unique case identifier GENDER This measure was recorded by the interviewer and was not asked of the respondent in this survey. FAMTOT Number of family members in household. FAMKIDS Number of related kids (under 18) in the household. SIZE These measures are based upon the respondent's address REGION as recorded in item 1.6 of the questionnaire. They SRCBELT were constructed using the procedure used in NORC's XNORCSIZ General Social Survey (GSS). AGE Age in years was derived from the interview date and the respondent's date of birth. PRESTIGE These measures are calculated from the respondent's PAPRES14 occupation and father's occupation responses. They are based upon procedures used in NORC's General Social Survey (GSS). CURRELIG These measures represent the respondent's current religion REL14 (composite of RELIG and DENOM) and religion at age 14 (based on RELIG14 and DENOM14). The Protestant category is broken down into two subcategories, "Protestant Type I" and "Protestant Type II", with Type I Protestants constituting more mainstream denominations and Type II Protestants representing more conservative/fundamentalists groups. A discussion of this breakdown can be found in Appendix 3.1a of THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF SEXUALITY (Laumann, et. al., 1994). PART12 These measures are based upon the items in SAQ No. 2 P18 and sections 2 and 4 of the questionnaire. Construction P18S of these measures is discussed in Appendix 5.1A of PRT18S THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF SEXUALITY (Laumann, et. al., 1994). P18S (discrete) and PRT18S (categorical) are constructed from question 1 of SAQ No. 2 and represent the number of sex partners since age 18. P18 is an additional discrete measure which was constructed from both the responses in SAQ No. 2 and section 2 of the face-to-face questionnaire ("Marriage and Cohab"). POOR These measures are based on the 1992 census defined poverty RICH line, as calculated from both their income and household POVINDEX composition information. ETHNIC This is a measure which combines the respondent's race and ethnicity information into one measure.

  • Part Two

  • Data Map for the LRECL Data (Part 1) Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ CASEID 1 7 Num RECTIME1 8 11 Num AMPM1 12 12 Num BORN 13 13 Num MIGRATYR 14 15 Num DEGREE 16 17 Num HISPANIC 18 18 Num HISPNTL1 19 19 Num RES14 20 20 Num PADEG 21 22 Num PAWORK 23 23 Num MADEG 24 25 Num MAWORK 26 26 Num NUMBRO 27 28 Num NUMSIS 29 30 Num SIBORDER 31 31 Num RELIG14 32 33 Num DENOM14 34 35 Num SWITCHED 36 36 Num RELIG 37 38 Num DENOM 39 40 Num REBORN 41 41 Num REBRNAGE 42 43 Num ATTEND 44 44 Num LEFTHOME 45 46 Num MILSERVE 47 47 Num JAIL 48 48 Num FIRSTJOB 49 50 Num STUDENT 51 51 Num WORKHRS 52 53 Num WORKNITE 54 55 Num WKALONE 56 56 Num WKTOUCH 57 57 Num WKDISCSS 58 58 Num INCHANGE 59 59 Num NUMCOHAB 60 61 Num BIRTHS 62 63 Num KIDGEN1 64 64 Num KIDRES1 65 66 Num KIDGEN2 67 67 Num KIDRES2 68 69 Num KIDGEN3 70 70 Num KIDRES3 71 72 Num KIDGEN4 73 73 Num KIDRES4 74 75 Num KIDGEN5 76 76 Num KIDRES5 77 78 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ KIDGEN6 79 79 Num KIDRES6 80 81 Num KIDGEN7 82 82 Num KIDRES7 83 84 Num KIDGEN8 85 85 Num KIDRES8 86 87 Num KIDGEN9 88 88 Num KIDRES9 89 90 Num KIDGEN10 91 91 Num KIDRES10 92 93 Num KIDGEN11 94 94 Num KIDRES11 95 96 Num KIDGEN12 97 97 Num KIDRES12 98 99 Num MISCARRY 100 100 Num MISCNUM 101 102 Num STLBIRTH 103 103 Num STLBNUM 104 105 Num ABORT 106 106 Num ABORTNUM 107 108 Num LETIME 109 109 Num LEPORAL 110 110 Num LERORAL 111 111 Num LEPORG 112 112 Num LEWHYSX1 113 113 Num LEWHYSX2 114 114 Num LEWHYSX3 115 115 Num LEWHYSX4 116 116 Num LEWHYSX5 117 117 Num LEWHYSX6 118 118 Num B1NUMB 119 121 Num B1TIMES1 122 124 Num B1TIMES2 125 127 Num B1TIMES3 128 130 Num B1MULT 131 131 Num D1NUMB 132 134 Num D1TIMES1 135 137 Num D1TIMES2 138 140 Num D1TIMES3 141 143 Num D1CONT 144 144 Num B2NUMB 145 147 Num B2TIMES1 148 150 Num B2TIMES2 151 153 Num B2TIMES3 154 156 Num B2MULT 157 157 Num B2CONT 158 158 Num D2NUMB 159 161 Num D2TIMES1 162 164 Num D2TIMES2 165 167 Num D2TIMES3 168 170 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ D2CONT 171 171 Num A2NUMB 172 174 Num A2TIMES1 175 177 Num A2TIMES2 178 180 Num A2TIMES3 181 183 Num A2MULT 184 184 Num A2CONT 185 185 Num MJNUMB 186 188 Num MJTIMES1 189 191 Num MJTIMES2 192 194 Num MJTIMES3 195 197 Num MJMULT 198 198 Num ALNUMB 199 201 Num ALTIMES1 202 204 Num ALTIMES2 205 207 Num ALTIMES3 208 210 Num ALMULT 211 211 Num ALCONT 212 212 Num APPEAL1 213 213 Num APPEAL2 214 214 Num APPEAL3 215 215 Num APPEAL4 216 216 Num APPEAL5 217 217 Num APPEAL6 218 218 Num APPEAL7 219 219 Num APPEAL8 220 220 Num APPEAL9 221 221 Num APPEAL10 222 222 Num APPEAL11 223 223 Num APPEAL12 224 224 Num APPEAL13 225 225 Num APPEAL14 226 226 Num APPEAL15 227 227 Num REDLGHT1 228 228 Num REDLGHT2 229 229 Num REDLGHT3 230 230 Num REDLGHT4 231 231 Num REDLGHT5 232 232 Num REDLGHT6 233 235 Num PUBERTY 236 237 Num SXEDUC1 238 239 Num SXEDUC2 240 241 Num SXEDUC3 242 243 Num SXEDUC4 244 245 Num SXEDUC5 246 247 Num SXEDUC6 248 249 Num SXEDUC7 250 251 Num SXEDUC8 252 253 Num SXEDUC9 254 255 Num SXEDUC10 256 257 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SXEDUC11 258 259 Num SXEDUC12 260 261 Num SXEDUC13 262 263 Num SXEDUC14 264 265 Num SXEDMO1 266 267 Num SXEDMO2 268 269 Num SXEDMO3 270 271 Num SXEDMO4 272 273 Num SXEDMO5 274 275 Num SXEDMO6 276 277 Num SXEDMO7 278 279 Num SXEDMO8 280 281 Num SXEDMO9 282 283 Num SXEDMO10 284 285 Num SXEDMO11 286 287 Num SXEDMO12 288 289 Num SXEDMO13 290 291 Num SXEDMO14 292 293 Num SXEDMO15 294 295 Num FVWHY 296 296 Num FVBC 297 297 Num FVFREQ 298 298 Num V18FRQS1 299 301 Num V18FRQS2 302 304 Num V18FRQS3 305 307 Num V18RELS1 308 310 Num V18RELS2 311 313 Num V18RELS3 314 316 Num V18RELS4 317 319 Num V18RELS5 320 322 Num V18RELS6 323 325 Num V18RELS7 326 328 Num V18RELS8 329 331 Num V18RELS9 332 334 Num SS18NUM 335 336 Num SS18FRQ1 337 338 Num SS18FRQ2 339 340 Num SS18FRQ3 341 342 Num SS18RLS1 343 344 Num SS18RLS2 345 346 Num SS18RLS3 347 348 Num SS18RLS4 349 350 Num SS18RLS5 351 352 Num SS18RLS6 353 354 Num SS18RLS7 355 356 Num SS18RLS8 357 358 Num SS18RLS9 359 360 Num HEALTH 361 361 Num CIRCUM 362 362 Num BLDTRANS 363 363 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ HAPPY 364 364 Num DRINK 365 365 Num DRUNK 366 367 Num EMOPROB 368 368 Num STRESS 369 369 Num SEXGRAT1 370 370 Num SEXGRAT2 371 371 Num SEXGRAT3 372 372 Num SEXGRAT4 373 373 Num SEXGRAT5 374 374 Num SEXGRAT6 375 375 Num SEXGRAT7 376 376 Num SEXGRAT8 377 377 Num AVOIDSEX 378 378 Num SEXHELP1 379 379 Num SEXHELP2 380 380 Num SEXHELP3 381 381 Num SEXHELP4 382 382 Num SEXHELP5 383 383 Num SEXHELP6 384 384 Num SEXHELP7 385 385 Num STDDOUBT 386 386 Num CLINRE1 387 387 Num CLINRE2 388 388 Num CLINRE3 389 389 Num CLINRE4 390 390 Num CLINRE5 391 391 Num CLINRE6 392 392 Num SYMPTOM1 393 393 Num SYMPTOM2 394 394 Num SYMPTOM3 395 395 Num SYMPTOM4 396 396 Num SYMPTOM5 397 397 Num STPAIDS1 398 398 Num STPAIDS2 399 399 Num STPAIDS3 400 400 Num STPAIDS4 401 401 Num STPAIDS5 402 402 Num STPAIDS6 403 403 Num AIDSKNOW 404 406 Num AIDSWHO1 407 408 Num AIDSDED1 409 409 Num AIDSGEN1 410 410 Num AIDSAGE1 411 411 Num AIDSRAC1 412 412 Num AIDSWHO2 413 414 Num AIDSDED2 415 415 Num AIDSGEN2 416 416 Num AIDSAGE2 417 417 Num AIDSRAC2 418 418 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ AIDSWHO3 419 420 Num AIDSDED3 421 421 Num AIDSGEN3 422 422 Num AIDSAGE3 423 423 Num AIDSRAC3 424 424 Num PREMARSX 425 425 Num TEENSEX 426 426 Num EXMARSEX 427 427 Num HOMOSEX 428 428 Num PREGTIMG 429 429 Num MENGNEED 430 430 Num CONSENT 431 431 Num PORNLAW 432 432 Num DNKLOVER 433 433 Num THNKOTHR 434 434 Num SEXLOVE 435 435 Num RELIGSEX 436 436 Num ORGSEX 437 437 Num ABRAPE 438 438 Num ABANY 439 439 Num ENJOYSEX 440 440 Num RECTIME2 441 444 Num AMPM2 445 445 Num COMPREND 446 446 Num COOP 447 447 Num FRANK 448 448 Num INTFEEL 449 449 Num SAMPLE 450 450 Num IND 451 453 Num OCC 454 456 Num PAIND 457 459 Num PAOCC 460 462 Num LERORG 463 464 Num SIZE 465 468 Num REGION 469 469 Num SRCBELT 470 470 Num XNORCSIZ 471 472 Num PRESTIGE 473 475 Num PAPRES14 476 478 Num STERILE1 479 479 Num STERILE2 480 480 Num STERILE3 481 481 Num STERILE4 482 482 Num STERILE5 483 483 Num STERILE6 484 484 Num STERILE7 485 485 Num STERILE8 486 486 Num FVFORCE4 487 487 Num FVFORCE3 488 488 Num FVFORCE2 489 489 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ FVACT1 490 490 Num FVACT2 491 491 Num FVACT3 492 492 Num FVACT4 493 493 Num FVACT5 494 494 Num FVACT6 495 495 Num USACT1 496 496 Num USACT2 497 497 Num USACT3 498 498 Num USACT4 499 499 Num USACT5 500 500 Num USACT6 501 501 Num FSSFORC2 502 502 Num FSSFORC3 503 503 Num FSSFORC4 504 504 Num FSSACT5 505 505 Num FSSACT6 506 506 Num FSSACT4 507 507 Num FSSACT3 508 508 Num FSSACT1 509 509 Num FSSACT2 510 510 Num FSSACT7 511 511 Num USSACT1 512 512 Num USSACT2 513 513 Num USSACT3 514 514 Num USSACT4 515 515 Num USSACT5 516 516 Num USSACT6 517 517 Num CLINIC 518 521 Num REG14 522 523 Num AIDSREG1 524 525 Num AIDSREG2 526 527 Num AIDSREG3 528 529 Num AGE 530 531 Num P18S 532 535 Num EDLEVEL1 536 536 Num ETHNIC 537 537 Num RWEIGHT 538 542 Num HHSIZE 543 544 Num GENDER 545 545 Num RACE 546 546 Num FAMILY14 547 548 Num FAMWHY 549 550 Num CURRELIG 551 552 Num JAILDAYS 553 557 Num CHORES 558 559 Num WORKLAST 560 561 Num WORKTYPI 562 563 Num WORKSTAT 564 564 Num PARTYID 565 566 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ NPSLSTYR 567 569 Num SPPRES1 570 572 Num SPPRES2 573 575 Num SPPRES3 576 578 Num SPPRES4 579 581 Num SPWORK1 582 583 Num SPWORK2 584 585 Num SPWORK3 586 587 Num SPWORK4 588 589 Num SPOCC1 590 592 Num SPOCC2 593 595 Num SPOCC3 596 598 Num SPOCC4 599 601 Num SPIND1 602 604 Num SPIND2 605 607 Num SPIND3 608 610 Num SPIND4 611 613 Num SPREL1 614 615 Num SPREL2 616 617 Num SPREL3 618 619 Num SPREL4 620 621 Num SPDEN1 622 623 Num SPDEN2 624 625 Num SPDEN3 626 627 Num SPDEN4 628 629 Num SPATT1 630 631 Num SPATT2 632 633 Num SPATT3 634 635 Num SPATT4 636 637 Num SPENJA1 638 638 Num SPENJA2 639 639 Num SPENJB1 640 640 Num SPENJB2 641 641 Num SPENJC1 642 642 Num SPENJC2 643 643 Num SPENJD1 644 644 Num SPENJD2 645 645 Num SPWED1 646 646 Num SPWED2 647 647 Num SPWED3 648 648 Num SPWED4 649 649 Num SPWED5 650 650 Num SPWED6 651 651 Num SPWED7 652 652 Num SPWED8 653 653 Num SPWED9 654 654 Num SPWED10 655 655 Num SPWED11 656 656 Num SPWED12 657 657 Num SPWED13 658 658 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPWED14 659 659 Num SPWED15 660 660 Num SPWED16 661 661 Num SPWED17 662 662 Num SPWED18 663 663 Num SPWED19 664 664 Num SPWED20 665 665 Num SPWED21 666 666 Num SPWED22 667 667 Num SPWED23 668 668 Num SPWED24 669 669 Num SPWED25 670 670 Num SPWED26 671 671 Num SPWED27 672 672 Num SPWED28 673 673 Num SPSEP1 674 674 Num SPSEP2 675 675 Num SPSEP3 676 676 Num SPSEP4 677 677 Num SPSEP5 678 678 Num SPSEP6 679 679 Num SPSEP7 680 680 Num SPSEP8 681 681 Num SPSEP9 682 682 Num SPSEP10 683 683 Num SPSEP11 684 684 Num SPSEP12 685 685 Num SPSEP13 686 686 Num SPSEP14 687 687 Num SPSEP15 688 688 Num SPSEP16 689 689 Num SPSEP17 690 690 Num SPSEP18 691 691 Num SPSEP19 692 692 Num SPSEP20 693 693 Num SPSEP21 694 694 Num SPSEP22 695 695 Num SPSEP23 696 696 Num SPSEP24 697 697 Num SPSEP25 698 698 Num SPSEP26 699 699 Num SPSEP27 700 700 Num SPSEP28 701 701 Num SPRES1 702 702 Num SPRES2 703 703 Num SPRES3 704 704 Num SPRES4 705 705 Num SPRES5 706 706 Num SPRES6 707 707 Num SPRES7 708 708 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPRES8 709 709 Num SPRES9 710 710 Num SPRES10 711 711 Num SPRES11 712 712 Num SPRES12 713 713 Num SPRES13 714 714 Num SPRES14 715 715 Num SPRES15 716 716 Num SPRES16 717 717 Num SPRES17 718 718 Num SPRES18 719 719 Num SPRES19 720 720 Num SPRES20 721 721 Num SPRES21 722 722 Num SPRES22 723 723 Num SPRES23 724 724 Num SPRES24 725 725 Num SPRES25 726 726 Num SPRES26 727 727 Num SPRES27 728 728 Num SPRES28 729 729 Num SPGNDR1 730 730 Num SPGNDR2 731 731 Num SPGNDR3 732 732 Num SPGNDR4 733 733 Num SPGNDR5 734 734 Num SPGNDR6 735 735 Num SPGNDR7 736 736 Num SPGNDR8 737 737 Num SPGNDR9 738 738 Num SPGNDR10 739 739 Num SPGNDR11 740 740 Num SPGNDR12 741 741 Num SPGNDR13 742 742 Num SPGNDR14 743 743 Num SPGNDR15 744 744 Num SPGNDR16 745 745 Num SPGNDR17 746 746 Num SPGNDR18 747 747 Num SPGNDR19 748 748 Num SPGNDR20 749 749 Num SPGNDR21 750 750 Num SPGNDR22 751 751 Num SPGNDR23 752 752 Num SPGNDR24 753 753 Num SPGNDR25 754 754 Num SPGNDR26 755 755 Num SPGNDR27 756 756 Num SPGNDR28 757 757 Num SPRACE1 758 758 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPRACE2 759 759 Num SPRACE3 760 760 Num SPRACE4 761 761 Num SPRACE5 762 762 Num SPRACE6 763 763 Num SPRACE7 764 764 Num SPRACE8 765 765 Num SPRACE9 766 766 Num SPRACE10 767 767 Num SPRACE11 768 768 Num SPRACE12 769 769 Num SPRACE13 770 770 Num SPRACE14 771 771 Num SPRACE15 772 772 Num SPRACE16 773 773 Num SPRACE17 774 774 Num SPRACE18 775 775 Num SPRACE19 776 776 Num SPRACE20 777 777 Num SPRACE21 778 778 Num SPRACE22 779 779 Num SPRACE23 780 780 Num SPRACE24 781 781 Num SPRACE25 782 782 Num SPRACE26 783 783 Num SPRACE27 784 784 Num SPRACE28 785 785 Num SPDEG1 786 787 Num SPDEG2 788 789 Num SPDEG3 790 791 Num SPDEG4 792 793 Num SPDEG5 794 795 Num SPDEG6 796 797 Num SPDEG7 798 799 Num SPDEG8 800 801 Num SPDEG9 802 803 Num SPDEG10 804 805 Num SPDEG11 806 807 Num SPDEG12 808 809 Num SPDEG13 810 811 Num SPDEG14 812 813 Num SPDEG15 814 815 Num SPDEG16 816 817 Num SPDEG17 818 819 Num SPDEG18 820 821 Num SPDEG19 822 823 Num SPDEG20 824 825 Num SPDEG21 826 827 Num SPDEG22 828 829 Num SPDEG23 830 831 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPDEG24 832 833 Num SPDEG25 834 835 Num SPDEG26 836 837 Num SPDEG27 838 839 Num SPDEG28 840 841 Num SPFREQ1 842 842 Num SPFREQ2 843 843 Num SPFREQ3 844 844 Num SPFREQ4 845 845 Num SPFREQ5 846 846 Num SPFREQ6 847 847 Num SPFREQ7 848 848 Num SPFREQ8 849 849 Num SPFREQ9 850 850 Num SPFREQ10 851 851 Num SPFREQ11 852 852 Num SPFREQ12 853 853 Num SPFREQ13 854 854 Num SPFREQ14 855 855 Num SPFREQ15 856 856 Num SPFREQ16 857 857 Num SPFREQ17 858 858 Num SPFREQ18 859 859 Num SPFREQ19 860 860 Num SPFREQ20 861 861 Num SPFREQ21 862 862 Num SPFREQ22 863 863 Num SPFREQ23 864 864 Num SPFREQ24 865 865 Num SPFREQ25 866 866 Num SPFREQ26 867 867 Num SPFREQ27 868 868 Num SPFREQ28 869 869 Num SPAGEY1 870 871 Num SPAGEY2 872 873 Num SPAGEY3 874 875 Num SPAGEY4 876 877 Num SPAGEY5 878 879 Num SPAGEY6 880 881 Num SPAGEY7 882 883 Num SPAGEY8 884 885 Num SPAGEY9 886 887 Num SPAGEY10 888 889 Num SPAGEY11 890 891 Num SPAGEY12 892 893 Num SPAGEY13 894 895 Num SPAGEY14 896 897 Num SPAGEY15 898 899 Num SPAGEY16 900 901 Num SPAGEY17 902 903 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPAGEY18 904 905 Num SPAGEY19 906 907 Num SPAGEY20 908 909 Num SPAGEY21 910 911 Num SPAGEY22 912 913 Num SPAGEY23 914 915 Num SPAGEY24 916 917 Num SPAGEY25 918 919 Num SPAGEY26 920 921 Num SPAGEY27 922 923 Num SPAGEY28 924 925 Num SPAGEO1 926 927 Num SPAGEO2 928 929 Num SPAGEO3 930 931 Num SPAGEO4 932 933 Num SPAGEO5 934 935 Num SPAGEO6 936 937 Num SPAGEO7 938 939 Num SPAGEO8 940 941 Num SPAGEO9 942 943 Num SPAGEO10 944 945 Num SPAGEO11 946 947 Num SPAGEO12 948 949 Num SPAGEO13 950 951 Num SPAGEO14 952 953 Num SPAGEO15 954 955 Num SPAGEO16 956 957 Num SPAGEO17 958 959 Num SPAGEO18 960 961 Num SPAGEO19 962 963 Num SPAGEO20 964 965 Num SPAGEO21 966 967 Num SPAGEO22 968 969 Num SPAGEO23 970 971 Num SPAGEO24 972 973 Num SPAGEO25 974 975 Num SPAGEO26 976 977 Num SPAGEO27 978 979 Num SPAGEO28 980 981 Num SPBRS1 982 985 Num SPBRS2 986 989 Num SPBRS3 990 993 Num SPBRS4 994 997 Num SPBRS5 998 1001 Num SPBRS6 1002 1005 Num SPBRS7 1006 1009 Num SPBRS8 1010 1013 Num SPBRS9 1014 1017 Num SPBRS10 1018 1021 Num SPBRS11 1022 1025 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format -------- ------ ------ ------ SPBRS12 1026 1029 Num SPBRS13 1030 1033 Num SPBRS14 1034 1037 Num SPBRS15 1038 1041 Num SPBRS16 1042 1045 Num SPBRS17 1046 1049 Num SPBRS18 1050 1053 Num SPBRS19 1054 1057 Num SPBRS20 1058 1061 Num SPBRS21 1062 1065 Num SPBRS22 1066 1069 Num SPBRS23 1070 1073 Num SPBRS24 1074 1077 Num SPBRS25 1078 1081 Num SPBRS26 1082 1085 Num SPBRS27 1086 1089 Num SPBRS28 1090 1093 Num SPEND1 1094 1097 Num SPEND2 1098 1101 Num SPEND3 1102 1105 Num SPEND4 1106 1109 Num SPEND5 1110 1113 Num SPEND6 1114 1117 Num SPEND7 1118 1121 Num SPEND8 1122 1125 Num SPEND9 1126 1129 Num SPEND10 1130 1133 Num SPEND11 1134 1137 Num SPEND12 1138 1141 Num SPEND13 1142 1145 Num SPEND14 1146 1149 Num SPEND15 1150 1153 Num SPEND16 1154 1157 Num SPEND17 1158 1161 Num SPEND18 1162 1165 Num SPEND19 1166 1169 Num SPEND20 1170 1173 Num SPEND21 1174 1177 Num SPEND22 1178 1181 Num SPEND23 1182 1185 Num SPEND24 1186 1189 Num SPEND25 1190 1193 Num SPEND26 1194 1197 Num SPEND27 1198 1201 Num SPEND28 1202 1205 Num SPMAR1 1206 1209 Num SPMAR2 1210 1213 Num SPMAR3 1214 1217 Num SPMAR4 1218 1221 Num SPMAR5 1222 1225 Num

  • Variable Column Column Name Start End Format

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